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这段英语翻译成汉语啥意思,求助大家:In life, everyone hopes to have good luck?

2023-07-14 15:17:38



这句话应该翻译成:生活中人人希望有好运。其中的hope to do sth是希望做某事



swallow[英]["swu0252lu0259u028a] [美][u02c8swɑlo] 生词本 简明释义 vt.& vi.吞,咽;忍耐,忍受 vt.不流露;忍受,轻信 n.[鸟]燕子;胃管,食道;一次吞咽的量;(滑车等的)通索孔 复数:swallows第三人称单数:swallows过去式:swallowed过去分词:swallowed现在分词:swallowing 易混淆的单词:Swallow 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 短语词组 同反义词 1.VERB吞下;咽下If you swallow something,you cause it to go from your mouth down into your stomach. You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B... 你要服一粒维生素 B 胶囊. Polly took a bite of the apple,chewed and swallowed. 波利咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去.
2023-07-14 08:12:051


2023-07-14 08:12:141


2023-07-14 08:12:314


Swallow的意思是吞。Swallow是一个英语词语,做动词时的意思是吞,咽下,吞没,忍受,淹没,做吞咽动作,轻信,抑制,耗尽。做名词时的意思是吞,咽,燕子,一次吞咽的量。Swallow的复数形式是swallows,第三人称单数形式是swallows,现在分词形式是swallowing,过去式形式是swallowed,过去分词形式是swallowed。带有Swallow的句子1、He said he"d like just a swallow of pie.2、Dolphins and whales can"t help taking in the odd gulp of brine as they swallow a fish.3、The product does not carry the swallow symbol.4、He downed his drink in one swallow.5、He seemed ready to swallow any insult.6、One prisoner tried to swallow his stash.7、Owis usually swallow their prey whole.
2023-07-14 08:12:491


2023-07-14 08:13:071

燕子的英语怎么缩写啊 ?

燕子 [yànzi]燕子的英文翻译基本释义swallowmartin参考释义燕子[yànzi]-swallow以上内容来源于:《新汉英大辞典》燕子的用法和样例:例句用法燕子在空中掠过。燕子以虫为食。swallowsareinsectivorous.英国来的燕子飞到南非那样远的地方。燕子在屋檐下筑巢。燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。theswallowhasmadeanestunderoureaves.天空中有许多燕子。
2023-07-14 08:13:261


一、详细释义: , n. , 燕子 [C] , 例句: ,The swallow has made a nest under our eaves.,燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。, 吞,咽,一口 [C] , 例句: ,One long swallow of the cold beverage cooled my sweating body.,我咕噜噜长长地吞下一口冰凉的可乐,冒汗的身体顿觉清爽无比。, v. , 吞下,咽下 [I,T] , 例句: ,He contracted his brows and swallowed medicine down.,他皱了皱眉头,然后一口把药水喝了下去。, 例句: ,You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B.,你要服一粒维生素 B 胶囊。, 例句: ,What did the old lady swallow?,老奶奶吞下了什么?, 淹没,吞没;吞并 [T] , 例句: ,Let not the waterflood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up.,求你不要让波涛淹没我,也不要让深水吞灭我。, 例句: ,The storm never let up, continuing to swallow everything with *** othering force.,而风势仍不减弱,以铺天盖地之势席卷、吞没着一切。, 耗尽,用尽(常与up连用) [T] , 例句: ,She has swallowed up her earnings.,她已耗尽了挣来的钱。, 例句: ,The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.,旅行费用的增加超出了我们的工资增长。, 【口】轻信;轻易接受 [T] , 例句: ,Do you think I"m going to swallow that story?,你以为我会轻信那项报道吗?, 例句: ,I found this story a little hard to swallow.,我觉得这件事有点难以置信。, 默默忍受(侮辱、批评等)[T] , 例句: ,He had to swallow the insult.,他不得不忍受侮辱。, 例句: ,She quietly swallows the bully you brought to her.,她默默地忍受着你对她的欺侮。, 压制,抑制(感情) [T] , 例句: ,He flashed me a quick grin but rapidly swallowed it when he saw my expression.,他先是冲我咧嘴一笑,不过看到我的表情后又赶紧收起笑脸。, 例句: ,Gordon has swallowed the anger he felt.,戈登忍住了内心的愤怒。, 取消 [T] , 例句: ,He had to swallow his words.,他不得不取消前言。, 例句: ,You can"t swallow the promise of financial allocation that you made yesterday.,你不能取消你昨天作出的财政拨款的允诺。, 二、词义辨析: , eat,dine,have,consume,devour,ge,swallow ,这些动词均可表示“吃”之意。eat普通用词,使用广泛。既可用于人,也可用于动物。dine正式用词,既可指一日三餐中的任何一餐,也可以指特殊的用餐。have可与eat换用,但强调一次性的动作。consume侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。devour指狼吞虎咽地吃,强调吃得既快又彻底。ge侧重指拼命地吃或塞,强调吃饱或吃得过量。swallow主要指吃的整个过程的第二部分“咽”,并常指咀嚼得匆匆忙忙地吃。, 三、相关短语: ,swallow up,v.淹没,耗尽swallow up a date in one gulp; gulp down without thought 囫囵吞枣,swallow hole,石灰坑,swallow dive,向前跳水(直体),swallow-tailed coat,n. 燕尾服, 四、参考例句: ,Swallow that frog.,吃掉那只青蛙。,What did the old lady swallow?,老奶奶吞下了什么?,Swallow can help peasants kill pests.,燕子能帮助农民消灭害虫。,A swallow flew west skimming the lake.,一只燕子掠过湖面往西飞。,One swallow does not make a summer.,一燕不成夏。,He had to swallow the insult.,他不得不忍受侮辱。,He had to swallow his words.,他不得不取消前言。,One swallow doesn"t make a summer.,一燕不成夏。,A swallow is a *** all bird.,燕子是一种小鸟。,Do you think I"m going to swallow that story?,你以为我会轻信那项报道吗?
2023-07-14 08:13:331


chun tian de yan zi!
2023-07-14 08:13:427

Michael Jones的《Swallows》 歌词

歌曲名:Swallows歌手:Michael Jones专辑:Pianoscapes - The Deluxe Edition指折り数えた さよならの季节は/扳着手指细数着 离别的季节まだ暖かい 右手のよう/如那只依然温热的右手言叶の无いそこへ诱う君は谁?/向没有言语的那头 把我邀请的你是谁爱しくても伝えられず/虽然深爱 却无法传达飞び出す月よ照らして/忽然出现的月亮啊 照耀着冻えそうな今宵を/仿佛冰封的今夜たどり着いた未来は/挣扎着到达的未来是踏み场も无い时代だ/歇脚处都没有的时代つなぎ止めた心で 何を知る/用这颗勉强留住的心 知晓何物何を考える 何を感じ取る/思考何物 感受何物暗闇のさ中でわらう君は谁?/在黑暗的正中间 绽放笑脸的你是谁?爱しくても伝えきれず/虽然深爱 却无法一吐而尽指折り数えるの 始まりの季节を/扳指细数 开始的季节体温の无い左の手で/用那只没有体温的左手たどり着けない未来は踏み场なのさ 仆らの/摸索前进也无法到达的未来是落脚的地方吗 是我们冻えそうな今宵の一つだけの希望さ/冰冷的今夜 唯一一线的希望吗つなぎあわす心で 何を思えば/用连结在一起的心 来思考什么何を知ればいい 何を望めばいい/来感知什么 来期望什么 才好意识が巡り合わせる/意识将会交汇重合その度に仆は何をしていたっけ/那个时候 我在做些什么扉が开いたままの槛の中 独り/大门敞开 牢笼的中央 独自一人そしてもう一度/那么就请 再重复一遍吧触れたら终りだ/若触碰到 便是终点仆たちは萎れてしまう/我们将以凋零结束元々仆らは居ないんだ こんな所に/最初我们并不存在 在那个地方それは仆らが 决めた事なんだ/因为这是由我们 所决定的事情意识の巡り合わせのその先で仆は/意识交汇的前方何をしているのか/我在做些什么呢爱しい君の名前を呼んでまた気づく/呼唤着深爱着的你的名字 才意识到それは仆 仆の名前/那是我 我的名字SwallowS作词:ゆにP作曲:ゆにP呗:初音ミク
2023-07-14 08:13:571


swallow: a small graceful songbird with long pointed wings, a notched or forked tail and rapid flight that migrates annually.
2023-07-14 08:14:072


2023-07-14 08:14:151


2023-07-14 08:14:241

swallows all the waste available.是什么意思

swallows all the waste available吞噬所有的废物swallows all the waste available吞噬所有的废物
2023-07-14 08:14:322


2023-07-14 08:14:4110

swallows are seen flying south to warmer lands,( ) they will find plenty of the small insects on

整句话翻译:燕子被看到正在南飞到温暖的地方,在那里他们会找到大量的他们作为食料的小昆虫。因为逗号后面的非限制性定语从句修饰的是地点状语,所以答案是A where ;on which they feed 其实就是they feed on the small insects的意思,定语从句修饰前面的the small insects,意思是:他们作为食料的仅供参考,满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-14 08:15:141


威士忌 威士忌是洋酒中的第二大类,属蒸馏酒,其酒精成份大约在40-60%之间。出产威士忌的国家很多,在英语拼音上亦有小小的区别;在苏格兰,威士忌被拼为WHISKY;在美国则被拼为WHISKEY。有趣的是,在加拿大,其拼音是追随苏格兰的,而爱尔兰的拼音则与美国的相同。各地出产的威士忌,各有各的特色,各有各的口味。总的来说,威士忌是用各种谷类发酵,并加入一定比例的麦芽。发酵成的液体蒸馏两次后装入橡木桶储藏。若干年后即可装瓶出售。威士忌(Whisky) 世界上许多国家和地区都有生产威士忌的酒厂。但最著名最且代表性的威士忌分别是苏格兰威士忌、爱尔兰威士忌、美国威士忌和加拿大威士忌四大类。 威士忌酒是用大麦、黑麦、玉米等谷物为原料,经发酵、蒸馏后放入旧的木桶中进行酵化而酵化而酿成的。 *苏格兰威士忌(scotch whisky)原产苏格兰,用经过干燥,泥炭熏焙产生独特香味的大麦芽作酵造原料制成。其酿制经六道工序,即:将大麦浸水发芽、烘干、粉碎麦芽、入槽加水糖化、入桶加入酵母发酵、蒸馏两次、陈酿、混合。 起码要贮存8年以上,15年~20年为最优质的成品酒,超过20年的质量会下降风格,色泽棕黄带红,清澈透亮,气味焦香,带有浓烈的烟味。 *美国威士忌:以玉米和其它谷物为原料,原产美国南部,用加入了麦类的玉米作酿造原料,经发酵,蒸馏后放入内侧熏焦的橡木酒桶中酿制4~8年。装瓶时加入一定数量蒸馏水加发稀释,美国威士忌没有苏格兰威士忌那样浓烈煌烟味,但具有独特的橡树芳香。 *爱尔兰威士忌:特点、柔和,好象在口中燃烧。原产爱尔兰,用小麦、大麦、黑麦等的麦芽作原料酿造而成。经过三次蒸馏。然后入桶陈酿,一般需8-15年。装瓶时还要混和掺水稀释。因原料不用泥炭熏焙,所以没有焦香味,口味比较绵柔长润,适用于制作混合酒与其它饮料共饮。 *加拿大威士忌:主要由黑麦、玉米和大麦混合酿制,采用二次蒸馏,在木桶中贮存4年、6年、7年、10年不等。出售前要进行勾兑掺和。加拿大威士忌气味清爽,口感轻快、爽适、不少北美人士都喜爱这种酒. 主要产品:苏格兰有格兰菲迪(Glenfiddich)、拜伦庭(Balantine)、金铃(Bell\"s)、芝华士(Chivas Regal)、顺风(Cutty Sark)、约翰.涅克(Johnnie Walker)分黑牌和红牌两种。 爱尔兰有三燕牌(Three Swallows)、约翰·詹姆森(John·Jamson)、老什米尔(Old Bushmills)等。 美国有四玫瑰(Four Roses)、吉姆·比姆(Jim Beam)、西格兰姆7(Seagram\"s7)、杰克·丹尼尔斯(Jack Daniel\"s)等。 加拿大有加拿大俱乐部(Canadian Club)简称"CC"、古董牌(Aneique)、阿尔伯塔(Alberta)等。威士忌是一种用谷类制成的酒,在原料方面不如白兰地那么严格,因此,当今世界上威士忌的品种泛多,牌子更烦。我们要认识威士忌,必须删除各种杂类,大致上可分为如下几类:苏格兰威士忌;爱尔兰威士忌;美国威士忌;以及黑麦威士忌;威士忌的蒸馏技术从何时开始,并不十分清楚,但是威士忌发源于爱尔兰的说法是可以肯定的。炼金术于四世纪左右,在埃及一带整合为一系统,向西方扩展到非洲北部,并于中世纪初传到西班牙,在这漫长的流传过程中,偶然发现在炼金术的锅炉中放入某种发酵液体会产生酒精度数强烈的液体,这就是人类初次获得蒸馏酒的经验。炼金术士把这种酒以拉丁语命名为生命之水 (Aqua Vitae),且视为长生不老的秘方至宝。这种蒸馏制酒的方式,传到了北爱尔兰,他们把当地的麦酒蒸馏后,产生了强烈的酒,他们把这种酒,用当地的语言直译为 UlSGE-BEATHA 这就是威士忌的起源。现今世界各地都生产威士忌,只要知道取得谷物的方法,有蒸馏、成熟的设备和生产的技术大家都可以制造出威士忌,但是要制造出优良威士忌,则须从酿造到成熟的生产过程中对于适合的气候土壤、高科技的酿造技术,酿造者的敏锐感觉都有严格的要求。具备这些优良威士忌有五个地方。苏格兰 (英国不列颠岛北部)生产的是苏格兰威士忌 (Scotch Whisky) 爱尔兰 (包括由政治上属英领的北爱尔兰自治州和爱尔兰共和国) 不管那个领土上所生产的,都称爱尔兰威士忌 (lrish Whiskey)。 美国根据原料、酿造方法不同而生产的各种威士忌,其中以波本威士忌 (Bourbon Whisky) 最具代表性。 加拿大的威士忌独树一格,清香柔顺,口感平实。 日本的威士忌比较偏向苏格兰的调和威士忌风味
2023-07-14 08:15:351

英文翻译 好的加悬赏

2023-07-14 08:15:444


Powerless are flowers that must wither and fall, vaguely I seem to know the swallows come again
2023-07-14 08:15:543


2023-07-14 08:16:012


good morning,swallows。
2023-07-14 08:16:081


2023-07-14 08:16:182


Yan Shark Museum
2023-07-14 08:16:276


2023-07-14 08:16:413


  关于鸟的英语俗语有不少,大家平时都有阅读过哪些呢?以下是我为大家整理的有关鸟的英语俗语,供大家参考,希望能帮到您,欢迎大家查阅。    有关鸟的英语俗语   1、喜鹊乱叫,阴雨天到。   Magpies scream, rainy days come.   2、红嘴鸹,飞着叫,大风大雨就来到。   Red-billed pomfret, flying and shouting, the wind and rain will come.   3、小燕梁上吱喳,明日有雨滴答。   Xiaoyan Liang creaks, there will be raindrops tomorrow.   4、谷雨到,布谷叫,前三天叫干,后三天叫淹。   Guyu arrives, Bugu calls, the first three days call dry, the last three days call flooded.   5、燕子来得清去得白。   Swallows come clean and go white.   6、雁过天气晴朗朗。   Goose weather is clear.   7、鸟在高处鸣,雨止天放晴。   Birds are singing at high altitudes. Rain stops and it clears up.   8、麻雀洗,天将雨。   Sparrows wash, it will rain.   9、阳雀叫过六月六,狗子不吃糯米粥。   When the sparrow barked on June 6, the dog did not eat glutinous rice porridge.   10、鸦浴风,鹊浴雨,八哥洗澡断风雨。   Raven bathing wind, magpie bathing rain, myna bathing wind and rain.   11、鹊巢低,雨水多;鹊巢高,晴天多。   The magpie nest is low and rainy; the magpie nest is high and sunny.   12、燕子乱飞雨不远,打蛇见血要变天。   Swallows are not far away from the rain, snakes will change the sky when they see blood.   13、夜有夜哇叫,白天好日照。   Whoa at night and sunshine during the day.   14、鹭鸶高飞叫一声,乌云不雨自然晴。   The Heron flies high and cries, the clouds are clear without rain.   15、白鹤拦水坝,大雨就要下。   White crane dam, heavy rain is about to fall.   16、燕子低飞碰着水,眨眼屋檐有水流。   The swallow flies low against the water, blinking at the water on the eaves.   17、老鸦叫晴,班鸠叫雨。   The crow calls for sunshine, the banju calls for rain.   18、八哥聚群,必月大雪临。   Eight elder brothers gather together and snow will come in every month.   19、麻雀成群,三日雨淋。   Sparrows in flocks, three days of rain.   20、落雨鹧鸪叫,天气转晴好。   Rainy partridges bark and the weather clears up.   21、燕子来,快插秧;燕子去,稻花香。   Swallows come, transplant seedlings quickly; swallows go, rice flowers fragrant.   22、喜鹊来得早,阳雀来得迟,黄架郎子来得正当时。   Magpies come early, birds come late, and Huang Jialang comes at the right time.   23、燕子扑水久久晴。   Swallows pound water for a long time.   24、八月过雁,九月打霜。   Goose in August, frost in September.   25、夜哇叫早晨,有雨下连阴。   Wow at night and it"s rainy in the morning.   26、麻雀地上连打滚,明天最好莫出门。   Sparrows are rolling on the ground, so it"s better not to go out tomorrow.   27、蝙蝠飞得低,明日披蓑衣。   Bats fly low and will wear their castor clothes tomorrow.   28、啄木鸟叫一声,大雨要倾盆。   The woodpecker gave a cry and it was raining cats and dogs.   29、黄雀叫到七月半,放牛娃子吃饱饭。   The yellow sparrow calls until July and a half, and feeds the cattle.   30、雀儿急奔,大雨随跟;雀儿急藏,大雨赶上。   The sparrow rushes, the heavy rain follows; the sparrow hides, the heavy rain catches up.   31、老鸹成群叫,必有大风到。   When the old birds crow, there will be a strong wind.   32、日鸹阴,夜鸹晴,早晨鸹了雨淋淋。   The sun is cloudy, the night is sunny, and the morning is rainy.   33、麻雀屯食要落雪。   Sparrows feed on snow.   34、燕子成群,大雨淋淋。   Swallows swallow in groups, heavy rain.   35、老鸦喳,有雪下。   Old crow, it snows.   36、鸦叫有风,鹊叫有雨。   The crow calls for wind and the magpie calls for rain.   37、雁鸭过,赶快播。   Goose duck, catch up.   38、阳雀喊在五月中,陈谷烂米无人舂。   The Yanglao cried out in mid-May, and no one drew the stale rice from Chen Gu.   39、雁不过南不寒,雁不过北不热。   The wild goose is not cold in the south, but not hot in the north.   40、燕子洗澡,阴雨预兆。   Swallows bathe, rainy omen.   41、八月十五雁门开,雁的头上带霜来。   On August fifteenth, the wild goose door opened and frost came on its head.   42、水婆叫,气象报,远叫晴,近叫雨。   Waterwoman calls, weather report, far call sunshine, near call rain.   43、乌鸦都叫,寒潮快到。   Crows are crying, the cold wave is coming.   44、麻雀子吵架阴转晴,麻雀子散群晴变阴。   Sparrows quarrel cloudy, sparrows scattered cloudy.   45、久雨乌鸦叫,天气要晴好。   It"s rainy and crows are crying. It"s sunny.   46、鸟早飞,天要晴。   Birds fly early and it"s sunny.   47、斑鸠对唱无雨。   The turtledove sang to each other without rain.   48、白鹤往上飞,必定涨大水。   When the white crane flies up, the water will surely rise.   49、火斑鸠叫天要晴。   The turtledove calls for sunshine.   50、鹁鸪叫声声,雨落不肯晴。
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Swallows fly to the south before winter__.

2023-07-14 08:17:282

the Bird Banding Centre of China

Do you remember the song "little swallow (燕子), wears bright clothes, and comes here every spring"? Have you ever wondered where all the swallows go during winter? They fly south in autumn to stay warm and fly back north next spring. This type of travel is called migration (迁徙).Not all birds migrate. Some who don"t need to worry about food live in the same place all year round. Robins (知更鸟), for example, can turn to fruit if they can"t find worms or insects.For birds like swallows, who can"t find much food, winter is a hard time. Plants die and insects hide. The swallows have to move to warmer places.There are over 1,300 kinds of birds in China. More than half of them, about 700 kinds, migrate, says Hou Yunqiu, an expert at the Bird Banding Centre of China. This includes swallows, wild ducks, swans and wild geese.To study migration, scientists band many birds every year. Some are caught again, or found after they die. By checking the band number with the Bird Banding Centre, scientists learn where the bird was first banded and how far it travelled."China started banding birds only about 20 years ago," said Hou Yunqiu. "There"s still a lot to be discovered."31. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?A. Different types of swallows. B. The definition (定义) of migration.C. The living habits of swallows. D. Seasonal changes in some places.32. We can tell from the story that _____ is the main reason for birds to migrate.A. housing B. scenery C. food D. water33. The underlined word "band" probably means "_____".A. put a thin, flat hoop around B. a group of people playing musicC. keep a record of the route D. stop people from catching34. Which of the following birds do not migrate?A. Swallows. B. Robins. C. Wild ducks. D. Swans.35. The last paragraph implies that _____.A. China has a long history of banding birds.B. China isn"t very interested in studying birds.C. China has a large number of migrant birds.D. China hasn"t done enough research on birds.初中英语的一篇阅读理解。the Bird Banding Centre of China 应该是中国境内的负责给鸟腿上套上标记环的一个机构,研究鸟类的迁徙行为。
2023-07-14 08:17:381

求一篇描写燕子的英文文章 尽量口语化

A shiny black feathers,a pair of handsome wing of light,together with the scissors-like tail,to make up the lively and alert the Flying Swallow. Only a few patches under the misty rain.A gentle breeze blowing 10,000,000 to start with the yellow leaves of Liu Si.Green grass,green leaves,brightly colored flowers,like the fair-like comes up,forming a dazzling spring.The Flying Swallow came from the South,for the spring to add a lot of vitality. In the breeze,the sun,swallows up diagonally in the sky over,chirp and cried,and some from the rice fields here,I suddenly flew over the trees below; some cross over the lake,Afterpeak occasionally get a little water,see the ripple on the waves lap to lap away. Several of the swallows fly tired,fell on the wire.The blue sky between pole attached string a few marks,like how music ah,became parked Swallow note,a spectrum from being performed in the spring of the Song of Praise.
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the swans flew to the north.
2023-07-14 08:17:583


What"s your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?
2023-07-14 08:18:153


Fuwa her 29th Beijing 2008 Olympic Games mascot, colors and inspiration from the Olympic Circle. China"s vast land from the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas and the image of people"s favorite animals. Fu and her children all over the world to convey friendship, peace and a positive spirit and the aspirations of man and nature live in harmony. Fu and her five lovely little intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of fish, panda, Tibetan antelopes. Swallows, and the image of the Olympic torch. Each doll has a name frequently mentioned : "Beibei," "Jingjing," "Huanhuan" "Ying-ying" and "Nini", in China, syllable name is a traditional way for the children to express love. When put together the names of the five children, you will read out the kind invitation of the world, "Beijing welcomes you." Fujian her dreams, and represents the Chinese people"s desire. They contain the prototype and ornaments with oceans, forests, fire, earth and air links image design in the application of the traditional Chinese art performance, demonstrated the splendid culture of China. Blessings will be taken to every corner of the world a long time, China had adopted the traditional symbols convey blessings. Each of the Beijing Olympic mascot dolls represent a good wishes : prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck. Dolls, the kind they carry will be taken to bless every corner of the world, inviting people gathered. celebrations marking the 2008 Olympics. 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,其色彩与灵感来源于奥林匹克五环、来源于中国辽阔的山川大地、江河湖海和人们喜爱的动物形象。福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美好愿望。 福娃是五个可爱的亲密小伙伴,他们的造型融入了鱼、大熊猫、藏羚羊、燕子以及奥林匹克圣火的形象。 每个娃娃都有一个琅琅上口的名字:“贝贝”、“晶晶”、“欢欢”、“迎迎”和“妮妮”,在中国,叠音名字是对孩子表达喜爱的一种传统方式。当把五个娃娃的名字连在一起,你会读出北京对世界的盛情邀请“北京欢迎您”。 福娃代表了梦想以及中国人民的渴望。他们的原型和头饰蕴含着其与海洋、森林、火、大地和天空的联系,其形象设计应用了中国传统艺术的表现方式,展现了中国的灿烂文化。 将祝福带往世界各个角落 很久以来,中国就有通过符号传递祝福的传统。北京奥运会吉祥物的每个娃娃都代表着一个美好的祝愿:繁荣、欢乐、激情、健康与好运。娃娃们带着北京的盛情,将祝福带往世界各个角落,邀请各国人民共聚北京,欢庆2008奥运盛典。 Beibei convey the blessings of prosperity. In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, "fish" and "water" in the pictorial symbols of prosperity and harvest. People use "Carp Leaping into the Dragon"s Gate" implied meaning of life and the realization of dreams, "fish" There are more than auspicious. The annual surplus came. Beibei use of the head of the Chinese neolithic Fish sculptural designs. Beibei gentle purity, water sports experts, and the Olympic flag showed the Blue Central reflect each other. 贝贝传递的祝福是繁荣。在中国传统文化艺术中, “鱼” 和 “水” 的图案是繁荣与收获的象征,人们用“鲤鱼跳龙门”寓意事业有成和梦想的实现,“鱼”还有吉庆有余、年年有余的蕴涵。 贝贝的头部纹饰使用了中国新石器时代的鱼纹图案。贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,和奥林匹克五环中的蓝环相互辉映。 Jingjing the panda is a slow, people bring happiness wherever they go. As David, and owe the people of the world love giant pandas. Jingjing from the broad expanse of forest, a symbol of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. His head Lu decorations from the petal shape using the aquamarine. Jingjing straight optimistic and full of strength, which represents the Olympic flag showed a black ring. 晶晶是一只憨态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。作为中国国宝,大熊猫深得世界人民的喜爱。 晶晶来自广袤的森林,象征着人与自然的和谐共存。他的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。晶晶憨厚乐观,充满力量,代表奥林匹克五环中黑色的一环。 Fuwa is the arrival of her big brother. He was a fire dolls, symbolizing the Olympic flame. Movement is the embodiment of the arrival of passion, the passion he will spread the world to spread faster, higher and stronger in the Olympic spirit. Huanhuan Wherever he went, he was filled with enthusiasm for the 2008 Beijing to the world. Dunhuang mural decorations from the arrival of the head of the flame patterns. He extroverted lively, familiar with all the ball games, the Olympic flag showed red represents a link. 欢欢是福娃中的大哥哥。他是一个火娃娃,象征奥林匹克圣火。欢欢是运动激情的化身,他将激情散播世界,传递 更快、更高、更强的奥林匹克精神。欢欢所到之处,洋溢着北京2008对世界的热情。 欢欢的头部纹饰源自敦煌壁画中火焰的纹样。他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克五环中红色的一环。 Ying-Ying is one of agility and flexibility along to fly around the Tibetan antelope, from China"s vast western land, Chuan health to the world"s best wishes. Ying-Ying is the Tibetan antelope, a protected species unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is the display of Green Olympics. Ying-Ying decorations into the head of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the western region of Xinjiang, and other decorative style. He displayed agile, athletic players, representing the Olympic yellow flag showed a link. 迎迎是一只机敏灵活、驰骋如飞的藏羚羊,他来自中国辽阔的西部大地,将健康的美好祝福传向世界。迎迎是青藏高原特有的保护动物藏羚羊,是绿色奥运的展现。 迎迎的头部纹饰融入了青藏高原和新疆等西部地区的装饰风格。他身手敏捷,是田径好手,代表奥林匹克五环中黄色的一环。 Nini from the sky, it is going to fly, the Swallows, the traditional form of creative sand martins flying from Beijing. "Yan" on behalf of Yanjing (Beijing"s ancient name). Nini spring and put people to bring joy to fly went spread, "I wish you good luck," the best wishes. The innocent, joyful Nini action to the glittering stage in gymnastics competitions, She represents a link in the Olympic Green Circle. 妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。“燕”还代表燕京(古代北京的称谓)。妮妮把春天和喜悦带给人们,飞过之处播撒“祝您好运”的美好祝福。 天真无邪、欢快矫捷的妮妮将在体操比赛中闪亮登场,她代表奥林匹克五环中绿色的一环。
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中文: 1、回忆就是这样的,即使是那些充满深情厚爱的回忆也概莫能外,好像脑子里有一种无意识的愈合过程,尽管我们曾痛下决心永勿忘,但它依然能使创伤愈合。 2、有一个传说,说的是有那么一只鸟儿,它一生只唱一次,那歌声比世上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听。从离开巢窝的那一刻起,它就在寻找着荆棘树,直到如愿以偿,才歇息下来。然后,它把自己的身体扎进最长,最尖的荆棘上,便在那荒蛮的枝条之间放开了歌喉。在奄奄一息的时刻,它超脱了自身的痛苦,而那歌声竟然使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色。这是一曲无比美好的歌,曲终而命竭。然而,整个世界都在静静地谛听着,上帝也在苍穹中微笑。因为最美好的东西只能用最深痛的巨创来换取……这就是荆棘鸟的传说。 3、我们各自心中都有某些不愿意摒弃的东西,即使这个东西使我们痛苦得要死。我们就是这样,就像古老的凯尔特传说中的荆棘鸟,泣血而啼,呕出了血淋淋的心而死。咱们自己制造了自己的荆棘,而且从来不计算其代价,我们所做的一切就是忍受痛苦的煎熬,并且告诉自己这非常值得。 4、满足是快乐,不满是期待。恰当的满足感才能提供幸福的可能性。 5、鸟儿胸前带着棘刺,它遵循着一个不可改变的法则。她被不知其名的东西刺穿身体,被驱赶着,歌唱着死去。在那荆棘刺进的一瞬间,她没有意识到死之将临。她只是唱着、唱着,直到生命耗尽,再也厂不出一个音符。但是,当我们把棘刺扎进胸膛时,我们是知道的。我们是明明白白的。然而,我们却依然要这样做。我们依然把棘刺扎进胸膛。 6、有些事明知道行不通,可是咱们还是要做。但是,有自知之明并不能影响或改变事情的结局,对吗?咱们制造了自己的荆棘丛,而且从不停下来计算其代价。我们所做的一切就是忍受痛苦的煎熬,并且告诉自己,这是非常值得的。 7、维图里奥的眼睛像镜子,它们将看到的东西反射回来,丝毫也看不到他们背后的东西。梅吉的眼睛恰好相反,它们可以直通深处,一直通到她的灵魂。 8、原来燕子是在垒窝。它们飞到水坑边,嘴里叼着一些泥,又飞回屋檐下。只见燕子站在刚刚打底的窝前,小心翼翼地把泥放在垒过的缺口上,仔细一看,吱吱德叫几声,又飞走了。就这样,两只燕子穿梭似的一会儿飞来,一会儿飞去。看着看着,我的眼睛疲倦了,但是燕子毫无倦意,仍然干个不停。 9、巨鹰归巢了,它从天而降,站立大巢的崖边上,傲慢地仰望蓝天,俯视大地,然后,那铁一般的大爪张开,引颈振翅,发出一声震动山谷的呼哨。群山响应,树林的叶片雨点一样纷纷飘落,聚在山谷中未散的雾,被压迫着退到森林的深处。 10、黑色的羽毛中含有乳白色的羽毛,嘴角和爪子呈通红色,尾巴像剪刀一样,如出鞘的利剑一样,把空气切开一个缝隙在天空飞扬。 英文: 1. Memories are like this, even those full of affection and love. It seems that there is an unconscious healing process in the brain. Although we have determined to never forget, it can still heal wounds. 2. There is a legend that there is a bird that sings only once in its life, and that song is more beautiful and beautiful than the singing of all creatures in the world. From the moment it left the nest, it was looking for the thorn tree, and it did not rest until it got its wish. Then, it plunged its body into the longest and sharpest thorn, and let go of its singing among the wild branches. In the dying moments, it transcended its own pain, and the song eclipsed both the lark and the nightingale. This is a very beautiful song, the song is dead. Yet the whole world is listening silently, and God is smiling in the sky. Because the most beautiful things can only be exchanged for the most painful giant... This is the legend of the thorn bird. 3. There is something in each of us that we don"t want to let go, even if it makes us miserable to death. That"s what we are, like the thorn bird of old Celtic legend, weeping blood and crying, vomiting bloody hearts and dying. We make our own thorns and never count the cost, all we do is endure the pain and tell ourselves it"s worth it. 4. Satisfaction is happiness, dissatisfaction is expectation. The right amount of satisfaction provides the possibility of happiness. 5. A bird has thorns on its chest, and it follows an immutable law. She was pierced by something unknown, driven, and died singing. At the moment when the thorns pierced, she did not realize that death was coming. She just sang and sang until her life ran out and she couldn"t make a single note. But we know it when we stick the thorn in our chest. We are clear. However, we still have to do it. We still have thorns in our chests. 6. We know that some things will not work, but we still have to do them. But having self-knowledge doesn"t affect or change the outcome of things, right? We make our own bushes of thorns and never stop to calculate the cost. All we do is endure the pain and tell ourselves that it is worth it. 7. Vittorio"s eyes are like mirrors, they reflect back what they see, and they can"t see what"s behind them at all. Meggie"s eyes are just the opposite, and they go deep, all the way to her soul. 8. It turns out that the swallows are in the nest. They flew to the edge of the puddle with some mud in their mouths and flew back under the eaves. I saw the swallow standing in front of the nest that had just been made, carefully placing the mud on the gap that had been built, and after a closer look, Zhizhide called out a few times and flew away again. In this way, the two swallows flew in and out like a shuttle. Looking at it, my eyes are tired, but the Swallow is not tired and keeps working. 9. The giant eagle has returned to its nest. It descended from the sky, stood on the edge of the cliff of the big nest, arrogantly looked up at the blue sky, and looked down at the earth. Then, the big iron claws opened, raised its neck and fluttered its wings, and issued a whistle that shook the valley. The mountains responded, and the leaves of the woods fell like raindrops, and the undispersed fog gathered in the valley was forced to retreat to the depths of the forest. 10. The black feathers contain milky white feathers, the corners of the mouth and the claws are bright red, and the tail is like scissors, like an unsheathed sword, cutting the air through a gap and flying in the sky.
2023-07-14 08:18:441


A shiny black feathers, a pair of handsome wing of light, together with the scissors-like tail, to make up the lively and alert the Flying Swallow. Only a few patches under the misty rain. A gentle breeze blowing 10,000,000 to start with the yellow leaves of Liu Si. Green grass, green leaves, brightly colored flowers, like the fair-like comes up, forming a dazzling spring. The Flying Swallow came from the South, for the spring to add a lot of vitality. In the breeze, the sun, swallows up diagonally in the sky over, chirp and cried, and some from the rice fields here, I suddenly flew over the trees below; some cross over the lake, Afterpeak occasionally get a little water, see the ripple on the waves lap to lap away. Several of the swallows fly tired, fell on the wire. The blue sky between pole attached string a few marks, like how music ah, became parked Swallow note, a spectrum from being performed in the spring of the Song of Praise.闪亮黑色羽毛,一对漂亮的机翼轻,加上剪刀状尾巴,以弥补活跃,并警告小燕子。 只有少数几个补丁的烟雨。阿吹微风10000000开始的黄色叶刘耜。绿草如茵,绿树叶,鲜艳的花朵,像公平一样出现,形成了一个耀眼的春天。小燕子来自南方,春季增加了很多活力。 在微风中,阳光,耗尽角的上空,啁啾哭,有的从稻田在这里,我突然飞越以下的树木,有的越过湖面,尾尖偶尔会有点水,见涟漪的波圈,以圈消失。 几个燕子飞累了,落在电线。蓝天之间极重视字符串几个标志,喜欢音乐啊,成为停泊的燕子注意到,一个频谱被表现在春天的赞美之歌。
2023-07-14 08:18:541

Swallows fly to the south before winter comes .中文,为什么用comes而不用will come ,或is coming,

2023-07-14 08:19:032


燕子 [词典] swallow; [例句]一只燕子飞过去了。A swallow flew past.swallow 英[u02c8swu0252lu0259u028a] 美[u02c8swɑ:lou028a] vt. 吞,咽; 忍耐,忍受; vt. 不流露; <口>忍受,轻信; n. [鸟] 燕子; 胃管,食道; 一次吞咽的量; (滑车等的) 通索孔; [例句]You are asked to swallow a capsule containing vitamin B[其他] 第三人称单数:swallows 复数:swallows 现在分词:swallowing过去式:swallowed 过去分词:swallowed
2023-07-14 08:19:211


2023-07-14 08:19:306


  swallow  英 [u02c8swu0252lu0259u028a]  美 [u02c8swɑ:lou028a]  汉语:思窝楼  燕子(Swallow)是雀形目燕科74种鸟类的统称。形小,翅尖窄,凹尾短喙,足弱小,羽毛不算太多。羽衣单色,或有带金属光泽的蓝或绿色;大多数种类两性都很相似。燕子消耗大量时间在空中捕捉害虫,是最灵活的雀形类之一,主要以蚊、蝇等昆虫为主食,是众所周知的益鸟。在树洞或缝中营巢,或在沙岸上钻穴,或在城乡把泥黏在楼道、房顶、屋檐等的墙上或突出部上为巢。每产3u223c7卵。
2023-07-14 08:20:242


2023-07-14 08:20:439


swallowing的读音:英 [s"wu0252lu0259u028au026au014b];美 [s"wu0252lou028au026au014b],释义:吞咽,下咽运动短语:swallow up淹没;吞下去;耗尽相关例句:1.Always chew food well before swallowing it.什么食物都要先嚼碎再吞咽。2.It"s also used to show swallowing or gulping.它也用来展示吞咽或者抑制。扩展:swallow英 [u02c8swu0252lu0259u028a];美 [u02c8swɑlou028a]释义:vt.& vi.吞,咽;忍耐,忍受;vt.不流露;忍受,轻信;n.[鸟]燕子;胃管,食道;一次吞咽的量;(滑车等的)通索孔变形:复数:swallows过去式:swallowed过去分词:swallowed现在分词:swallowing第三人称单数:swallows
2023-07-14 08:21:081


燕窝 用英文怎么说呢? bird"s nest n. , 燕窝 食用燕窝用英语怎么说 edible nest of cliff swallows美食英语:“燕窝”英语怎么说 “燕窝”就是可食用的鸟巢,英语译作 edible birds" nest 或 edible Collocalia"s nest,也可以用 cubilose 。 燕窝英文怎么翻译? bird"s nest是指燕子的窝 cubilose指吃的燕窝 燕窝 用英文怎么说 edible nest of cliff swallows 燕窝英语怎么说? 统称bird"s nest 例如 冰糖银耳燕窝 Braised Bird"s Nest wit丁 Fungus and Crystal Sugar 福寿炖燕窝 Braised Bird"s Nest 燕窝汤 a bird"s nest soup 鱼籽蟹肉烩燕窝 Braised Bird"s Nest with Crab Meat and Fish Roe 而血燕则不同,它是最顶级的,可以称为Red Bird"s Nest 例如 冰花炖血燕 Stewed Red Bird"s Nest with Rock Candy 或者Double-Boiled Superior Bird"s Nest with Rock Sugar 红烧鹿茸血燕 Braised Bird"s Nest with Deer Antler 红烧血燕 Braised Red Bird"s Nest 请参考google/...N&aq=f 或者 china/...62 燕窝。 翻译英文,。 edible bird"s nest 燕窝 edible 可食用的 bird"s nest 鸟窝 一般文学作品互直接说bird"s nest 如果你是打广告,或是在食品上标注,还是要写全称。 “燕窝”,“鱼翅”和“鱼胶”的英文怎么说 燕窝 [词典] bird"s-nest; cubilose; edible bird"s nest; bird"s nest; 鱼翅 [词典] fin; shark"s fin; fim; shark fin; 鱼胶 [词典] isinglass; ichthyocolla; [材] fish gelatin; fish glue; [方] the air bladder;
2023-07-14 08:21:371

天净沙 春思, 求英文翻译

2023-07-14 08:21:441


Xie Fei swallows fly low take mud pond; swallows
2023-07-14 08:21:522

刘禹锡《乌衣巷》英文翻译 在线等!。。。

By the Red Sparrow Bridge the wild flowers are spreading, At the very ends of the Black Robe Alley the sun is setting. Swallows used to nestle before the Wang and Xie"s manors, But they are now flying in and out of the houses of commoners.
2023-07-14 08:22:024


Swallows may fly to the south in the autumn.
2023-07-14 08:22:103

描写燕子的英语句子 四年级

1. Swallows migrate south in winter.燕子在冬天迁徙到南方。2. The swallows are building a nest under the roof of our house.燕子正在我们的屋檐下筑巢.3. Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring.春天来临时燕子成群飞来.5. Swallows carry bits of earth in their bills to build nests.燕子衔泥筑窠.8. The swallow shaved the top of a tree.燕子擦着树梢飞过.10. Swallows fly about, carefree and at liberty.燕子自由自在地飞翔.
2023-07-14 08:22:191


Story about swallow The swalow is a kind of migratory bird.It lives in a place where it is warm,as well as there are a lot of foods,water,grass,trees,and so on .The swallows catch worms ,insects,such as the mosquitoes,flies, moths, corn borer,rice borer..In spring and summer,they live here,where it is in ideal conditions.They make their nests under the eaves of the farmer"s houses, bore their offspring,and raise them carefully,patiently and lovingly.When autumn approaches,the swallows migrant to the southern area ,where it is in good conditions.The next spring,they return the original homes. The swallow is not only a hard-working animal,but also a beneficial bird.
2023-07-14 08:22:271

scotch whisky 苏格兰威士忌是指什么东西?

2023-07-14 08:22:373


返回燕子的是一个摄影项目,涉及到一个年轻女孩,她出生在中国并通过家庭在海湾地区。 在2006年,诺玛金,一名摄影师和教育家工作在传统的社会纪录片,被邀请参加一组家庭的一个特殊为期两周的文化交流访问中国举办的王子和平基金会和湾区通过服务。访问期间,她进行了专业摄影讲习班的女孩,帮助他们捕捉的经验,返回家园和促进其自我探索,身份,和社区。为了纪念这一经验,并承认女孩人才,金塔纳和馆长安卡已举办了展览,其中包括32所拍摄的学生访问这些网站作为长城。故宫,胡同的北京,城市成都,以及场馆向公众开放(人民大会堂,在钓鱼台国宾馆和一些孤儿院。 )还包括四个人像燕子回归学生的诺玛金的基础上她的“忘掉我不”系列,以及他们的地图中国的发祥地与他们并列通过海湾地区的家园。我们希望这次展览旅游在全国各地,最终使北京,中国
2023-07-14 08:22:523


英语量词如下:1、描述一群量词+群+of+名词。一群人a/an crowd/group/army/team/of people。一群牛、象、马、天鹅a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans。一群鸟、鹅、母鸡、羊、燕子a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows。一群猎狗、狼a pack of hounds/wolves。2、描述一丝/点/层一丝怀疑a shadow of doubt。一线未来之光a glimpse of future。一缕月光a streak of moonlight。一层霜/雪/糖霜a layer of frost/snow/cream。3. piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music。4、英译“一阵”一阵哭泣/喝彩/炮击/雷声。a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder。一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈。a flood of tears/rain/boasts。5、A pair of在英语需要成双成对的表达a pair of glasses(一副眼镜)。a pair of scissors(一把剪刀)。a pair of spectacles(一副眼镜)。a pair of trousers(一条裤子)。a pair of pants(一条裤子)。
2023-07-14 08:23:171


  有很多,大家平时都有阅读过哪些呢?下面是我为大家收集的,供大家参考,希望可以帮助到大家,欢迎大家一起来阅读!      1、久雨听莺声,不久天放晴。   Long rain listens to Ying, and soon it clears up.   2、喜鹊早晚叫,天气晴得好。   Magpies cry in the morning and evening. It"s sunny.   3、鹰飞高空,无雨即风。   Eagles fly high, rain or wind.   4、阳雀喊在五月中,陈谷烂米无人舂。   The Yanglao cried out in mid-May, and no one drew the stale rice from Chen Gu.   5、久雨闻鸟声,不久要转晴。   It will soon clear up after a long rain has heard the sound of birds.   6、斑鸠咕咕叫,准备汗帕和草帽。   The turtledove cooed, ready for the Khapa and straw hat.   7、鸽子飞得高,预报天气好。   Pigeons fly high and forecast good weather.   8、鸟在高处鸣,雨止天放晴。   Birds are singing at high altitudes. Rain stops and it clears up.   9、燕衔泥,秧出齐。   Yan Bian mud, seedling out Qi.   10、久雨听莺声,不久天放晴。   Long rain listens to Ying, and soon it clears up.   11、麻雀屯食要落雪。   Sparrows feed on snow.   12、燕子低飞,细雨微微。   Swallows fly low and drizzle slightly.   13、寒冬麻雀喳喳叫,不久将有雪花飘。   Sparrows chirp in winter, and snow will soon fall.   14、老鸹成群叫,必有大风到。   When the old birds crow, there will be a strong wind.   15、清早雀子闹,蓑衣斗笠都不要。   Early in the morning, the sparrows are noisy, and the cock *** s and hats are not needed.   16、麻雀子吵架阴转晴,麻雀子散群晴变阴。   Sparrows quarrel cloudy, sparrows scattered cloudy.   17、乌鸦窝做得高,当年大雨滔滔。   The crow"s nest was high and the rain was torrential.   18、白鹤下乡,河水满江。   The white crane goes to the countryside and the river is full of water.   19、鹁鸪叫声声,雨落不肯晴。   When the rain falls, it will not clear up.   20、麻雀洗,天将雨。   Sparrows wash, it will rain.   21、白鹤往上飞,必定涨大水。   When the white crane flies up, the water will surely rise.   22、八月不来雁,今冬是天旱。   Goose will not e in August, but this winter will be drought.   23、阳雀叫过六月六,狗子不吃糯米粥。   When the sparrow barked on June 6, the dog did not eat glutinous rice porridge.   24、乌鸦都叫,寒潮快到。   Crows are crying, the cold wave is ing.   25、小燕梁上吱喳,明日有雨滴答。   Xiaoyan Liang creaks, there will be raindrops tomorrow.   26、燕子来,快插秧;燕子去,稻花香。   Swallows e, transplant seedlings quickly; swallows go, rice flowers fragrant.   27、喜鹊洗澡翅沾沾,三日之内会变天。   Magpie bathes with its wings, which will change in three days.   28、喜鹊来得早,阳雀来得迟,黄架郎子来得正当时。   Magpies e early, birds e late, and Huang Jialang es at the right time.   29、燕子来得清去得白。   Swallows e clean and go white.   30、雁鸭过,赶快播。   Goose duck, catch up.   31、猫头鹰白天叫,雨水不久就来到。   Owls call during the day, and the rain will e soon.   32、麻雀地上连打滚,明天最好莫出门。   Sparrows are rolling on the ground, so it"s better not to go out tomorrow.   33、黄雀高飞晴天到,黄雀低飞雨天到。   The yellow sparrow flies high in sunny days, and the Yellow sparrow flies low in rainy days.   34、阳雀叫过伏,细娃饿得哭。   The sparrow cried too much and the baby cried with hunger.   35、老鹰高飞大声叫,大风大雨就来到。   The Eagle flew high and shouted, and the storm came.   36、白鹤进山,洪水泡天。   The white crane enters the mountain and the flood soaks into the sky.   37、白鹭成行,水满池塘。   Egrets travel and water fills the pond.   38、鸟儿做窝,必定雨水多。   Birds make nests, and it must rain a lot.   39、老鸦飞得低,一定要下雨。   If the crow flies low, it must rain.   40、鸟早飞,天要晴。   Birds fly early and it"s sunny.   41、喜鹊乱叫,阴雨天到。   Magpies scream, rainy days e.   42、雀儿急奔,大雨随跟;雀儿急藏,大雨赶上。   The sparrow rushes, the heavy rain follows; the sparrow hides, the heavy rain catches up.   43、阳雀愁,雨淋头。   The sun finches sorrow, the rain showers.   44、白号子筑堤,大水淹屋脊。   White trumpets built dikes and flooded roofs.   45、老鸦喳,有雪下。   Old crow, it snows.   46、黄雀子喊进伏,黄豆贵如油。   Yellow sparrows shout in, soybeans are as expensive as oil.   47、白鹤下乡,河水满江。   The white crane goes to the countryside and the river is full of water.   48、乌鸦窝做得高,当年大雨滔滔。   The crow"s nest was high and the rain was torrential.   49、燕子掠水麻雀闹,老牛大叫雨就到。   Swallows grab water, sparrows make noise, and cows shout rain.   50、老鹰高飞大声叫,大风大雨就来到。   The Eagle flew high and shouted, and the storm came.
2023-07-14 08:23:381

Rick Springfield的《Souls》 歌词

歌曲名:Souls歌手:Rick Springfield专辑:Platinum & Gold CollectionSouls feat. Jamie Blakethe HIATUSBy:堆雪球的扫把哥There"s an echo in my headVoices loud with what we saidHere in my mindReach for youThe beds still warmLonely rooms and empty drawers taking my timeYou left my heartYour beat My breathYour voice My sweatYour liesMy mouth Your touchMy dreams Your eyesOur loss Our lovers Our livesTo think the things I thought beforeFind the laugh you loved and more here by my sideAnd every time you look behindAnd feel the memoryOh it swells in you it swallows meAnd takes our souls to seeAnd every time you look behindAnd feel what used to beOh it swells in you it swallows meAnd takes your soul to meMaybe nothing"s wrong with giving this awayPlease make up your mindSing all dayCry all nightI drive all dayCan"t sleep all nightAnd your feet not on the floor nowSing all dayCry all nightDon"t drive awayBe here tonightBut your key"s not in the door tonight(Not in the door tonight)And every time you look behindAnd feel the memoryIt swells in you it swallows meAnd takes our souls to seeAnd every time you look behindAnd feel what used to beIt swells in you it swallows meAnd takes your soul to meTakes your soul to meTakes your soul to me...
2023-07-14 08:23:451