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2023-07-14 14:49:40
TAG: 电影 美国

  以下是我整理的电影介绍:美国20世纪百部经典影片, 希望对你有所感触。

  1. Citizen Kaneu20271941 大国民:公民凯恩

  2. Casablancau20271943 北非谍影:卡萨桑布兰卡

  3. The Godfatheru20271972 教父第一集

  4. Gone with the Windu20271939 乱世佳人;飘

  5. Lawrence of Arabiau20271962 阿拉伯的劳伦斯:沙漠枭雄

  6. The wizard of Ozu20271939 绿野仙踪

  7. The Graduateu20271967 毕业生

  8. On the waterfrontu20271954 岸上风云;码头风云

  9. Schindleru2019s Listu20271993 辛德勒的名单;辛德勒名单

  10. Singing in the Rainu20271952 万花嬉春;雨中曲

  11. Itu2019s a wonderful lifeu20271946 风云人物

  12. Sunset Bouevardu20271950 日落大道

  13. The Bridge on the river Kwaiu20271957 桂河大桥;桂河桥

  14. Some Like It Hotu20271959 热情如火

  15. Star Warsu20271977 星际大战;星球大战

  16. All About Eveu20271950 彗星美人

  17. The African Queenu20271951 非洲皇后

  18. Psychou20271960 惊魂记

  19. Chinatownu20271974 唐人街; 中国城

  20. One Flew Over the Cuckoou2019s Nestu20271975 飞跃杜鹃窝;飞越疯人院

  21. The Grapes of Wrathu20271940 怒火之花

  22. 2001: A Space Odyssayu20271968 2001太空漫游

  23. The Maltese Falconu20271941 枭巢喋血战

  24. Raging Bullu20271980 蛮牛

  25. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrialu20271982 外星人

  26. Dr. Strangeloveu20271964 奇爱博士;密码114

  27. Bonne and Clydeu20271967 我俩没有明天;雌雄大盗

  28. Apocalypse Nowu20271979 现代启示录

  29. Mr. Smith Goes to Washingtonu20271939 史密斯先生上美京

  30. The Treasure of the Sierra Madreu20271948 碧血金沙

  31. Annie Hallu20271977 安尼u2027霍尔;安尼荷尔

  32. The Godfather Part IIu20271974 教父第二集

  33. High Noonu20271952 日正当中;龙城歼霸战

  34. To Kill a Mockingbirdu20271962 梅岗城故事

  35. It happened One Nightu20271934 一夜风流

  36. Midnight Cowboyu20271969 午夜牛郎

  37. The Best Years of Our Livesu20271946 黄金时代

  38. Double Indemnityu20271944 双重保险

  39. Doctor Zhivagou20271965 日瓦格医生

  40. North by Northwestu20271959 北西北

  41. West Side Storyu20271961 西城故事;西区故事;梦断城西

  42. Rear Windowu20271954 后窗

  43. King Kongu20271933 大金刚

  44. the Birth of a Nationu20271915 国家的诞生

  45. A Streetcar Named Desireu20271951 欲望街车;欲望号街车

  46. A Clockwork Orangeu20271971 发条橘子

  47. Taxi Driveru20271976 出租车司机;的士司机

  48. Jawsu20271975 大白鲨

  49. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsu20271937 白雪公主

  50. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kidu20271969 虎豹小霸王;神枪手与智多星

  51. The Philadelphia Storyu20271940 费城故事

  52. From Here to Eternityu20271953 红粉忠魂未了情(显然《世界日报》把From Here to Eternity 译成“魂断蓝桥”是误会了。“魂断蓝桥”的英文片名应当是:Waterloo Bridge)

  53. Amadeusu20271984 阿玛迪斯; 莫扎特

  54. All Quiet on the Westernfrontu20271930 西线无战事

  55. The Sound of Musicu20271965 真善美; 音乐之声; 仙乐飘飘处处闻

  56. M*A*S*Hu20271970 外科医生;风流医生(军医?)俏护士

  57. The Third Manu20271949 黑狱亡魂;第三者

  58. Fantasiau20271940 幻想曲

  59. Rebel Without a Causeu20271955 善子不教谁之过;阿飞正传

  60. Raiders of the Lost Arku20271981 法柜奇兵

  61. Vertigou20271958 迷魂记

  62. Tootsieu20271982 窈窕淑男(宝贝)

  63. Stagecoachu20271939 驿马车

  64. Close Encounters of the Third Kindu20271977 第三类接触

  65. The Silence of the Lambsu20271991 沉默的羔羊

  66. Networku20271976 荧光屏后

  67. The Manchurian Candidateu20271962 谍网迷魂

  68. An American in Parisu20271951 花都舞影(一个美国人在巴黎)

  69. Shaneu20271953 原野奇侠

  70. The French Connectionu20271971 霹雳神探(法国贩毒网)

  71. Forrest Gumpu20271994 阿甘正传

  72. Ben-Huru20271959 宾汉(宾虚)

  73. Wuthering Heightsu20271939 咆哮山庄;呼啸山庄

  74. the gold rushu20271925 淘金记

  75. Dances with wolvesu20271990 与狼共舞

  76. City Lightsu20271931 城市之光

  77. American Graffitiu20271973 美国风情画(美国往事)

  78. Rockyu20271976 洛基第一集

  79. The Deer Hunteru20271978 越战猎鹿人

  80. The wild Bunchu20271969 日落黄沙

  81. Modern Timesu20271936 摩登时代

  82. Giantu20271956 巨人

  83. Platoonu20271986 前进高棉;野战排

  84. Fargou20271996 冰血暴风;雪花高城

  85. Duck soupu20271933 鸭羹

  86. Mutiny on the Bountyu20271935 叛舰喋血记

  87. Frankensteinu20271931 科学怪人

  88. Easy Rideru20271969 逍遥骑士;迷幻车手

  89. Pattonu20271970 巴顿将军

  90. The Jazz singeru20271927 爵士歌手

  91. My Fair Ladyu20271964 窈窕淑女

  92. A Place in the sunu20271951 郎心如铁

  93. the Apartmentu20271960 公寓春光;桃色公寓

  94. good fellasu20271990 四海好家伙

  95. Pulp Fictionu2027994 黑色追缉令(庸俗小说)

  96. the Searchersu20271956 搜索者

  97. Bringing up Babyu20271938 育婴奇谭

  98. Unforgivenu20271992 杀无赦

  99. Guess Whou2019s Coming to Dinneru20271967 谁来晚餐;谁来付宴君且猜

  100. Yankee doodle Dandyu20271942 胜利之歌


2023-07-14 07:02:134

i am singing in the rain 是哪的歌词

Singingintherain(雨中曲)  I"msingingintherain  Justsingingintherain  Whatagloriousfeeling  I"mhappyagain.  I"mlaughingatclouds  Sodarkupabove  Thesunisinmyheart  AndIamreadyforlove.  《雨中曲》又名《万花嬉春》,它不但是音乐歌舞电影的杰作,也是一部介绍好莱坞影坛从默片时代转变为有声片时代的许多片厂趣闻的佳作。20年代末期好莱坞开始了有声电影,很多无声电影明星遭遇到声音考验,也产生了淘汰与幕后的掩饰工作。本片故事背景就放在这个年代,对好莱坞这种工作场所造成的弊病提出批评及抗议。主角是性感的珍·哈根、有才气却只能在幕后配音的黛比·雷诺以及由金·凯利饰演的投机的功利主义者。  尽管是用批评的态度反映昔日好莱坞的面目,《雨中曲》一片用轻松愉快的歌舞方式表达减低了尖锐性。伴随着主题曲“SingingintheRain”,金·凯利独自表演的那场戏巳成为经典画面。他与史丹利·杜宁合作编舞与表演,安排人物心境与舞蹈配合妥切,让观众欣赏到动听歌曲、优美舞蹈融合于一的电影大宴。  《雨中曲》被誉为美国的“国宝级”影片之一、影史上最精彩的歌舞片之一。男主角吉恩·凯利在片中表演的多场舞蹈,从设计到演出都只能用“叹为观止”四字来形容。除此之外,剧情本身也相当精彩,导演斯坦利·多南以流畅而有趣的手法介绍好莱坞从默片时代转变为有声片时代的片厂趣闻,使观众从娱乐之中了解电影发展史的这个重要阶段。
2023-07-14 07:02:441

Singing In The Rain 歌词

Singing In The Rain演唱:张靓颖I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelin"I"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for love for loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainJust singin",Singin" in the rainI"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainJust singing, singing in the rainI"m singingI"m singing singing
2023-07-14 07:02:511

雨中曲 的歌词

I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.La...I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, singing in the rainIn the rainIn the rain
2023-07-14 07:02:582


名字忘了 你去搜下歌词就知道
2023-07-14 07:03:053

Singing in the Rain 的中文

电影 Singing in the Rain 中文【雨中曲】又名「万花嬉春」。1952年3月27日于纽约上映。 「万花嬉春」不仅是一部不朽的音乐歌舞片杰作,同时也是一部展现好莱坞影坛从无声时代过渡到有声王朝的电影史喜剧。虽然此片在当年的奥斯卡中仅获得两项提名,但丝毫不减它在影坛与影迷中的地位。 「万花嬉春」是一部以好莱坞为背景的电影,描写声音不堪入耳的默片演员如何靠著智慧和舞技,顺利跨进有声片的传奇故事。1952年公映,由著名演员金凯利、黛比雷诺担纲演出,金凯利是知名的美国歌舞电影天王,他在电影中又跳又唱的绝妙演出,使得该片成为影史上最知名的歌舞电影。 「万花嬉春」中最令人难忘的情景是,刚刚坠入爱河的当金凯利,在一个下雨的晚上和女友吻别后,禁不住手舞足蹈,开怀高歌,他唱的曲子就是大家耳熟能详的名曲-雨中欢唱(Singing In The Rain),音乐响起时,大雨当头而下,手中的雨伞随风摇摆,水花四贱,金凯利脚跳着踢踏舞,雨水和水花相互应和,创造出一个令人难以忘怀的动人场面,写下电影中最欢乐的乐章。 除了 Over the rainbow 之外 Singing in the rain 可说是美国人心目中的经典中的经典 至今不但外国广告或电影仍会从那幕雨中起舞偷桥 港产作品一样是如此 最期例子是 "家有喜事2009".
2023-07-14 07:03:131

Sing in the rain的歌词

歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain歌手: Jamie Cullum 专辑:Twenty Something I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.I"M HAPPY AGAIN I"m Singin" and Dancin" in the Rain La...
2023-07-14 07:03:201

singing in the rain 什么意思

2023-07-14 07:03:271

singing in the rain属于哪部电影

歌舞片 Gene Kelly的 《起锚》也很有意思哦
2023-07-14 07:03:343

Singing In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Singing In The Rain歌手:Andre Rieu专辑:And The Waltz Goes OnI Saw You Walking In The Rainby:邦邦制造I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Tossing and turninganother sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window pane.Jumpde into my carand drive too farthat moment I knew I would never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryMore than love you and I always willbut darlingright now I"ve got to say good-bye.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the Hi baby what"s your day today?GG: I love you,I want you, you miss me? Well , I missed you tooGG: hey, come on babymm: I missed you so much that I followed you todayGG: what? you followed me?mm: Yeah, that"s right. I saw you with that girl.GG: what girl?mm: Walking on the street,kissing her,holding her hand and now you come back to me ?No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,and I can"t see you no more.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.and I"ll never be the same......I saw you (and her)walking in the rain
2023-07-14 07:03:521

关于 singing in the rain 的英语作文 急需!!

2023-07-14 07:04:072


  你说的画面是  《雨中曲》又名《万花嬉春》,由舞王吉恩.凯利自导自演,被公认为影史上最佳歌舞片。这部片子虽然没有在奥斯卡角逐中赢得任何奖项,但并不影响它在影迷心目中的崇高地位。尤其是吉恩.凯利一个人在雨中边舞边唱的“雨中曲”(singing in the rain),更是歌舞片中的经典,呈现出好莱坞影片在歌舞片类型中所能有的最高水准。可以说影片在词曲与影物的水乳交溶、歌曲气氛与舞蹈技艺的相互辉映方面,已臻化境。  男主角在向女主角求爱成功后,兴奋地走在回家的路上。天下起了雨,按捺不住心中喜悦的男主角扔下雨伞,在雨中边唱边跳。那一首歌便叫做《雨中曲》。那个在雨中疯子一样跳舞的人给我留下了深深的印象,我便从此着迷的幻想着有一天我能象他那样的在雨中欢舞,学着吉恩.凯利踏上几步,然后再深吸一口气———生活真的是很美好啊!于是每每下雨的时候我都抑制不住扑进去的冲动,那种酣畅离离的梦想总是能收紧我的心。  地址给你,自己可以打开看看或者试听的  歌词是这样的:  i"m singing in the rain  Just singing in the rain  What a glorious feelin"  I"m happy again  I"m laughing at clouds  So dark up above  The sun"s in my heart  And I"m ready for love  Let the stormy clouds chase  Everyone from the place  Come on with the rain  I"ve a smile on my face  I walk down the lane  With a happy refrain  Just singin",  Singin" in the rain
2023-07-14 07:04:151

Im sing in the rain 究竟出自哪里 ??是不是哪部电影??

吉恩·凯利(Gene Kelly)1952年拍的Singing in the Rain(《雨中曲》)I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.I"M HAPPY AGAIN I"m Singin" and Dancin" in the Rain La... 望采纳!
2023-07-14 07:04:311


2023-07-14 07:04:395


2023-07-14 07:04:543


2023-07-14 07:05:093


雨中曲歌词singin" in the rain I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I"m happy again I"m laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun"s in my heart And I"m ready for love For love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I"ve a smile on my face I"ll walk down the lane With a happy refrain Singing, singing in the rain In the rain. La... I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I"m happy again I walk down the lane With a happy refrain I"m singing, singing in the rain In the rain In the rain
2023-07-14 07:05:271


雨中曲 Singin" in the Rain (1952) 导演: 斯坦利·多南 / 吉恩·凯利编剧: Adolph Green / 贝蒂·康登主演: 吉恩·凯利 / 唐纳德·奥康纳 / 黛比·雷诺斯 / 赛德·查里斯 / 简·哈根类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 歌舞制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1952-04-11(美国)片长: 103 分钟又名: 雨中情
2023-07-14 07:05:352


尽管如此世界依然美丽祈雨歌歌词アメフラシの歌 ~Beautiful Rain~TV动画《それでも世界は美しい》IN作词:渡辺なつみ作曲&编曲:坂本裕介歌:ニケ·ルメルシエ(CV.前田玲奈)今日生まれた 悲しみが 空へ舞い上がる今日萌发的悲伤 往天空飞舞而上空は目覚め 风を呼び この胸は震える天空都觉醒了 风在呼啸 心在颤抖着あなたを守りたい 运命に触りたい想要守护你 想要触摸命运こぼれた涙 胸のくぼみを 喜びで満たしたいの溢出的眼泪 崩塌的心 想要用喜悦来填满It"s a tender rainあなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますように希望这首歌能传达到你的身边どんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わること无论分离多远 一直相信能传达得到Singing in the rain雨のしずくが 美しく 辉いてゆく在雨中歌唱着 雨滴是这么的美 闪耀着光辉悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すの悲伤全部都消逝的时候 世界再次运转起来Please come the tender rainこの景色が いつの日か 枯れてしまっても这样的景色 即使会在什么时候干涸而尽その瞳に あふれる想い 注き続ける在我的目光里 也会继续注入盈满这样的心情心をつなげたい 痛みに触れていたい想要心系心 想要触摸伤痛目覚めた朝の  濡れた大地に  蕾はきっと…咲いてる清醒过来的早晨 在湿润的大地上 一定会 开满鲜花It"s a tender rain耳を澄まして 柔らかな 空気に溶けて聆听着 柔软地 融化在空气中静かに静かに 舞い降りてゆく いつだって そばにいるよ静静地 飞舞而下 无论何时 都会在你的身边Singing in the rain私は歌う 雨音に  想いを乗せて我的歌声 在雨声中 传递心情何処までも続く 时の彼方に 眩しい爱があるの无论在何处都会继续 会有耀眼的爱 一定会传达到你的那边Here come the tender rainどんな运命も 结び合う心は夺えない无论什么样的命运 不会夺去相连着的心どんな悲しみも 微笑んで 空へと还る无论什么样的悲伤 微笑着 归还给天空It"s a tender rainあなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますように希望这首歌能传达到你的身边どんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わること无论分离多远 一直相信能传达得到Singing in the rain雨のしずくが 美しく辉いてゆく雨滴是这么的美 闪耀着光辉悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すの悲伤全部都消逝的时候 世界再次运转起来Please come the tender rainCome! tender rain~FIN~
2023-07-14 07:05:421

我想知道动漫《尽管如此世界依然如此美丽》中的插曲beautiful rain的演唱者歌词大意

アメフラシの歌 Beautiful Rain 作词 - 渡辺なつみ作曲 编曲 - 坂本裕介歌 - ニケ ルメルシエ(前田玲奈)今日生まれた 悲しみが 空へ舞い上がる空は目覚め 风を呼び この胸は震えるあなたを守りたい 运命に触(さわ)りたいこぼれた涙 胸のくぼみを 喜びで満たしたいのIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることSinging in the rain 雨のしずくが 美しく 辉いてゆく悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのPlease come the tender rainこの景色が いつの日か 枯れてしまってもその瞳に 溢れる想い 注き続ける心をつなげたい 痛みに触れていたい目覚めた朝の  濡れた大地に  蕾はきっと…咲いてるIt"s a tender rain 耳を澄まして 柔らかな 空気に溶けて静かに静かに 舞い降りてゆく いつだって そばにいるよSinging in the rain 私は歌う 雨音(あまおと)に  想いを乗せて何処までも続く 时の彼方に 眩しい爱があるのHere come the tender rainどんな运命も 结(むす)び合う心は夺えないどんな悲しみも 微笑んで 空へと还るIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることSinging in the rain 雨の雫が 美しく辉いてゆく悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのPlease come the tender rain Come! tender rain
2023-07-14 07:05:491


今日生まれた 悲しみが 空へ舞い上がるkyou umareta kanashimi ga sora he maiagaru空は目覚め 风を呼び この胸は震えるsora wa mezame kaze wo yobi kono mune wa furueruあなたを守りたい 运命に触りたいanata wo mamoritai unmei ni sawaritaiこぼれた涙 胸のくぼみを 喜びで満たしたいのkoboreta namida mune no kubomi wo yorokobide mitashitai noIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにIt"s a tender rain anata no moto he kono uta ga todokimasu youniどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることdonnnani tooku ni hanareteitemo shinjiteru tutawaru kotoSinging in the rain 雨のしずくが 美しく 辉いてゆくSinging in the rain ame no shizuku ga utsukushiku kagayaiteyuku悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのkanashimi zenbu ga kieru sonotoki sekai wa ugokidasu noPlease come the tender rainこの景色が いつの日か 枯れてしまってもkono keshiki ga itsu no hi ka karete shimattemoその瞳に あふれる想い 注き続けるsono hitomi ni afureru omoi sosogituzukeru心をつなげたい 痛みに触れていたいkokoro wo tunagetai itami ni fureteitai目覚めた朝の 濡れた大地に 蕾はきっと…咲いてるmezameta asa no nureta daichi ni tubomi wa kitto...saiteruIt"s a tender rain 耳を澄まして 柔らかな 空気に溶けてIt"s a tender rain  mimi wo sumashite yawarakana kouki ni tokete静かに静かに 舞い降りてゆく いつだって そばにいるよshizukani shizukani maiorite yuku itsudatte sobani iru yoSinging in the rain 私は歌う 雨音に 想いを乗せてSinging in the rain watashi wa utau omaoto ni omoi wo nosete何処までも続く 时の彼方に 眩しい爱があるのdokomademo tuzuku toki no kanata ni mabushii ai ga aru noHere come the tender rainどんな运命も 结び合う心は夺えないdonnna unmei mo musubiau kokoro wa ubaenaiどんな悲しみも 微笑んで 空へと还るdonnna kanashimi mo hohoende sorahe kaeruIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにIt"s a tender rain anata no moto he kono uta ga todokimasu youniどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることdonnnani tooku ni hanareteitemo shinjiteru tutawaru kotoSinging in the rain 雨のしずくが 美しく辉いてゆくSinging in the rain ame no shizuku ga utsukushiku kagayaiteyuku悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのkanashimi zenbu ga kieru sonotoki sekai wa ugokidasu noPlease come the tender rain Come! tender rain
2023-07-14 07:05:562


2023-07-14 07:06:058

求《アメフラシの歌~beautiful rain~》前田玲奈 罗马音歌词!

Kyou umareta kanashimi gaSora e maiagaruSora wa mezame kaze wo yobiKono mune wa furueruAnata wo mamoritai unmei ni sawaritaiKoboreta namida mune no kubomi woYorokobi de mitashitai noIt"s a tender rainAnata no moto e kono uta gaTodokimasu you niDonna ni tooku ni hanareteitemoShinjiteru tsutawaru kotoSinging in the rainAme no shizuku ga utsukushikuKagayaiteyukuKanashimi zenbu ga kieru sono tokiSekai wa ugokidasu noPlease come the tender rainKono keshiki ga itsu no hi kaKareteshimattemoSono hitomi ni afureru omoiSosogitsuzukeruKokoro wo tsunagetaiItami ni fureteitaiMezameta asa no nureta daichi niTsubomi wa kitto saiteruIt"s a tender rain mimi wo sumashiteYawaraka na kuuki ni toketeShizukani shizukani maioriteyukuItsudatte soba ni iru yoSinging in the rain watashi wa utauAmaoto ni omoi wo noseteDoko made mo tsuzuku toki no kanata niMabushii ai ga aru noHere come the tender rainDonna unmei moMusubiau kokoro wa ubaenaiDonna kanashimi mo hohoendeSora e to kaeruIt"s a tender rainAnata no moto e kono uta gaTodokimasu you niDonna ni tooku ni hanareteitemoShinjiteru tsutawaru kotoSinging in the rainAme no shizuku ga utsukushikuKagayaiteyukuKanashimi zenbu ga kieru sono tokiSekai wa ugokidasu noPlease come the tender rainCome! Tender rain
2023-07-14 07:06:191


歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain歌手: Jamie Cullum 专辑:Twenty SomethingI"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveLet the stormy clouds chaseFor loveEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.La...I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ll walk down the laneI"ve a smile on my faceWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rain
2023-07-14 07:06:391

电影雨中曲中的主题曲《Singing in the Rain》属于那种音乐?爵士?

2023-07-14 07:07:083


singing in the rain,take my breathe away,the sound of silence,斯卡布罗集市,
2023-07-14 07:07:164

尽管如此世界依然美丽歌词 尽管如此世界依然美丽歌词谐音

1、歌词如下。 今日生まれた 悲しみが 空へ舞い上がる 洒向天空 空は目覚め 风を呼び 天空清醒 呼喊风 この胸は震える 心在波动 あなたを守りたい 想要守护你 运命に触りたい [01:03.68 こぼれた涙 胸のくぼみを 满溢的泪水 在心中的低洼处 喜びで満たしたいの 想要充满喜悦 Its a tender rain 这是雷阵雨 あなたのもとへ 朝向你 この歌が届きますように 为了把这首歌传递给你 どんなに远くに 离れていても 无论离得多么遥远 信じてる 伝わること 都相信 想要传达的事情 Singing in the rain 在雨里唱歌 雨のしずくが 美しく 辉いてゆく 雨滴美丽的闪耀光芒 悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 悲伤全部消失的时候 世界は动き出すの 世界出动 Please come the tender rain 2、《尽管如此世界依然美丽》是根据日本漫画家椎名橙创作的幻想浪漫题材作品的同名漫画改编的电视动画,在2014年1月20日发售的《花与梦》2014年3月号上宣布动画化。动画由Studio Pierrot制作,于2014年4月5日在日本电视台开始播放,全12话。另外。妮可的角色配音前田玲奈除了演唱片尾曲外,还将以妮可的身份带来作品插曲《Aplysiomorpha之歌~Beautiful Rain~》。由于角色本身能够通过歌声求雨,因此前田玲奈也将在配音演技以及歌声两个方面来诠释这个人物。
2023-07-14 07:07:231

我可能不会爱你 第四集里 NIC又青在台中 nic 扔掉雨伞 哼的那几句 什么 in the rain 歌名是什么?

《singing in the rain》(同名歌舞剧《雨中曲》中的歌曲)中文名: 雨中曲 外文名: Singin" in the Rain 其它译名: 万花嬉春 出品时间: 1951年 出品公司: 米高梅 制片地区: 美国 类型: 爱情,歌舞,喜剧 片长: 103分钟 上映时间: 1952年 雨中曲歌词  singin" in the rain I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain  What a glorious feeling  I"m happy again  I"m laughing at clouds  So dark up above The sun"s in my heart And I"m ready for love For love  Let the stormy clouds chase  Everyone from the place  Come on with the rain   I"ve a smile on my face I"ll walk down the lane  With a happy refrain  Just singing, singing in the rain  Dance in the rain   La...  I"m happy again  I"m singing and dancing in the rain  I"m singing in the rain   Just singing in the rain  What a glorious feeling  I walk down the lane  With a happy refrain   I"m dancing and singing in the rain  In the rain  In the rain
2023-07-14 07:07:361


那是 雨中曲 吧
2023-07-14 07:07:433

求アメフラシの歌 beautiful rain 的罗马音歌词

《アメフラシの歌~beautiful rain~》前田玲奈今日生まれた 悲しみが 空へ舞い上がるkyouumareta kanasimiga sorahemaiagaru空は目覚め 风を呼び この胸は震えるsorahamezame kazewoyobi konomunehahurueruあなたを守りたい 运命に触りたいanatawomamoritai unmeinisawaritaiこぼれた涙 胸のくぼみを 喜びで満たしたいのkoboretanamida munenokubomiwo yorokobidemitasitainoIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにit s a tender rain anatanomotohe konoutaga todokimasuyouniどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることdonnanitookuni hanareteitemo sinziteru tutawarykotoSinging in the rain 雨のしずくが 美しく 辉いてゆくsinging in the rain amenosizukuga utukusiku kagayaiteyuku悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのkanasimizenbuga kierusonotoki sekaihaugokidasunoPlease come the tender rainplease come the tender rainこの景色が いつの日か 枯れてしまってもkonokesikiga itunohika garetesimattemoその瞳に あふれる想い 注き続けるsonohitomini ahureruomoi sosokitudukeru心をつなげたい 痛みに触れていたいkokorowotunagetai itaminihureteitai目覚めた朝の 濡れた大地に 蕾はきっと…咲いてるmezametaasano nuretadaitini tubomihakitto saiteruIt"s a tender rain 耳を澄まして 柔らかな 空気に溶けてit s a tender rain mimiwosumasite yawarakana kuukinitokete静かに静かに 舞い降りてゆく いつだって そばにいるよsizukanisizukani maioriteyuku itudatte sobaniiruyoSinging in the rain 私は歌う 雨音に 想いを乗せてsinging in the rain watasihautau amaotoni omoiwonosete何処までも続く 时の彼方に 眩しい爱があるのdokomademotuduku tokinokanatani mabusiiaigaarunoHere come the tender rainhere come the tender rainどんな运命も 结び合う心は夺えないdonnaunmeimo musubiaukokorohaubaenaiどんな悲しみも 微笑んで 空へと还るdonnakanasimimo hohoende soraherokaeruIt"s a tender rain あなたのもとへ この歌が 届きますようにit s a tender rain anatanomotohe konoutaga todokimasuyouniどんなに远くに 离れていても 信じてる 伝わることdonnanitookuni hanareteitemo sinziteru tutawarykotoSinging in the rain 雨のしずくが 美しく辉いてゆくsinging in the rain amenosizukuga utukusiku kagayaiteyuku悲しみ全部が 消えるそのとき 世界は动き出すのkanasimizenbuga kierusonotoki sekaihaugokidasunoPlease come the tender rain Come! tender rainplease come the tender rain come tender rain
2023-07-14 07:07:512

求歌曲Home Again的歌词啊 最好有中文翻译... 谢谢

Back Home Again
2023-07-14 07:07:582


我也找过 所以我知道Singing in the rain是美国电影<<雨中曲>>的主题曲歌词是I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.I"M HAPPY AGAIN I"m Singin" and Dancin" in the Rain La... 就是吉恩·凯利(Gene Kelly)1952年拍的Singing in the Rain(《雨中曲》)里的歌曲
2023-07-14 07:08:051

求一经典英文歌 ,中文名好像是雨中漫步。

rhythm of the rain
2023-07-14 07:08:242

singing in the rain的英文和中文歌词!!

I"m singing in the rain我在雨中唱歌Just singing in the rain就这么唱着What a glorious feeling这是多么骄傲的感觉I"m happy again我再次快乐起来I"m laughing at clouds我嘲笑乌云So dark up above它黑沉沉地压在头顶上The sun"s in my heart太阳却在我的心里And I"m ready for love我准备好迎接爱情了For love迎接爱情Let the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rain让狂暴的乌云追赶每个从那来的人吧和雨一起(跳舞)I"ve a smile on my face我脸上带着笑容I"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.我要唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, singing in the rainIn the rainIn the rain我在雨中唱歌就这么唱着这是多么骄傲的感觉我再次快乐起来我唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中我在雨中唱歌,唱歌在雨中在雨中
2023-07-14 07:08:471

Singing in the rain 歌词

歌曲名:Singing in the rain歌手:Franck Pourcel专辑:Platinum collectionI"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.La...I"m singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rain
2023-07-14 07:08:531

Singing In The Rain中文歌词

I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.La...I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, singing in the rainIn the rainIn the rain中文歌词我在雨中唱歌就这么唱着这是多么骄傲的感觉我再次快乐起来我嘲笑乌云它黑沉沉地压在头顶上太阳却在我的心里我准备好迎接爱情了迎接爱情让狂暴的乌云追赶每个从那来的人吧和雨一起(跳舞)我脸上带着笑容我要唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中la...我在雨中唱歌就这么唱着这是多么骄傲的感觉我再次快乐起来我唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中我在雨中唱歌,唱歌在雨中在雨中
2023-07-14 07:09:001

Singin In The Rain 歌词

歌曲名:Singin In The Rain歌手:The Ruppes专辑:Born To ServeSinging in the RainDebbie ReynoldsI"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingAnd I"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, Just singing in the rainI"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingAnd I"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, Just singing in the rain
2023-07-14 07:09:071

i am singing in the rain 是哪的歌词

I am in love
2023-07-14 07:09:154

急需关于《雨中曲》中的配乐singing in the rain 的评价(与影片相结合的前提下)

  《雨中曲》被公认为影史上最佳歌舞片。本片虽然没有在奥斯卡角逐中赢得任何奖项,但并不影响它在影迷心目中的崇高地位。尤其是吉恩.凯利一个人在雨中边舞边唱的“雨中曲”(singing in the rain),更是歌舞片中的经典,呈现出好莱坞影片在歌舞片类型中所能有的最高水准。可以说影片在词曲与影物的水乳交溶、歌曲气氛与舞蹈技艺的相互辉映方面,已臻化境。  本片是音乐歌舞电影的杰作,也是一部关于好莱坞影坛秘密与艰辛的佳作。20年代末期开始了有声电影,很多无声电影明星遭遇到声音考验,也产生了淘汰与幕后的掩饰工作。本片故事背景就放在这个年代,对好莱坞这种工作场所造成的弊病提出批评及抗议。  《雨中曲》这部电影的好,是用言语无法表达的。看了这么多年电影,心里的最爱一直是它,每当阴雨连绵时,也总是提了一把黑伞,学着吉恩. 凯利踏上几步,然后再深吸一口气———生活真的是很美好啊!  《雨中曲》是影史上最精彩的歌舞片之一。男主角吉恩.凯利在片中表演的多场舞蹈,从设计到演出都只能用“叹为观止”四字来形容。除此之外,剧情本身也相当精彩,以流畅而有趣的手法介绍好莱坞从默片时代转变为有声片时代的片厂趣闻,使观众从娱乐之中了解电影 发展史的这个重要阶段。
2023-07-14 07:09:221

《Singing in the Rain》

2023-07-14 07:09:303

彩虹乐队 singing in the rain歌词

歌曲:Singin" in the Rain歌手: L"Arcu301cenu301cCiel(彩虹乐队)所属专辑:《Heart》歌词:I Saw You Walking In The Rain(慢嗨)I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Tossing and turninganother sleepless nightthe rain crashes against my window pane.Jumpde into my carand drive too farthat moment I knew I would never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.Now here you are begging to meto give our love another tryMore than love you and I always willbut darlingright now I"ve got to say good-bye.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the Hi baby what"s your day today?GG: I love you,I want you, you miss me? Well , I missed you tooGG: hey, come on babymm: I missed you so much that I followed you todayGG: what? you followed me?mm: Yeah, that"s right. I saw you with that girl.GG: what girl?mm: Walking on the street,kissing her,holding her hand and now you come back to me ?No ,baby, forget you but I love you ,and I can"t see you no more.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.I saw you (and her)walking in the rainyou were holding handsyou were holding handsand I"ll never be the same.and I"ll never be the same......I saw you (and her)
2023-07-14 07:09:373

求日本OCEANLANE乐队Singing in the rain again的歌词

[ti:singing in the rain][ar:frank sinatra][al:singing in the rain][by:coldon(豆瓣)]i′m singing in the rainjust singing in the rain,what a glorious feeling,and i′m happy again.i′m laughing at cloudsso dark, up above,the sun′s in my heartand i′m ready for love.let the stormy clouds chase.everyone from the place,come on with the raini have a smile on my face.i′ll walk down the lanewith a happy refrainjust singing, singing in the rain.dancing in the rain.i"m happy again.i"m singing and dancing in the rain.i"m dancing and singing in the rain
2023-07-14 07:10:031


分类: 文化/艺术 >> 舞蹈 解析: 你说的画面是 《雨中曲》又名《万花嬉春》,由舞王吉恩.凯利自导自演,被公认为影史上最佳歌舞片。这部片子虽然没有在奥斯卡角逐中赢得任何奖项,但并不影响它在影迷心目中的崇高地位。尤其是吉恩.凯利一个人在雨中边舞边唱的“雨中曲”(singing in the rain),更是歌舞片中的经典,呈现出好莱坞影片在歌舞片类型中所能有的最高水准。可以说影片在词曲与影物的水 *** 溶、歌曲气氛与舞蹈技艺的相互辉映方面,已臻化境。 男主角在向女主角求爱成功后,兴奋地走在回家的路上。天下起了雨,按捺不住心中喜悦的男主角扔下雨伞,在雨中边唱边跳。那一首歌便叫做《雨中曲》。那个在雨中疯子一样跳舞的人给我留下了深深的印象,我便从此着迷的幻想着有一天我能象他那样的在雨中欢舞,学着吉恩.凯利踏上几步,然后再深吸一口气———生活真的是很美好啊!于是每每下雨的时候我都抑制不住扑进去的冲动,那种酣畅离离的梦想总是能收紧我的心。 地址给你,自己可以打开看看或者试听的歌词是这样的: i"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feelin" I"m happy again I"m laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun"s in my heart And I"m ready for love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I"ve a *** ile on my face I walk down the lane With a happy refrain Just singin", Singin" in the rain
2023-07-14 07:10:101

sining in the rain电影插曲

我在雨中唱歌 就这么唱着 这是多么骄傲的感觉 我再次快乐起来 我嘲笑乌云 它黑沉沉地压在头顶上 太阳却在我的心里 我准备好迎接爱情了 迎接爱情 让狂暴的乌云追赶每个从那来的人吧 和雨一起(跳舞) 我脸上带着笑容 我要唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中 la 我在雨中唱歌 就这么唱着 这是多么骄傲的感觉 我再次快乐起来 我唱着欢快的歌走在小巷中 我在雨中唱歌,唱歌 在雨中 在雨中
2023-07-14 07:10:171


雨中曲歌词singin" in the rain I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI"m laughing at cloudsSo dark up aboveThe sun"s in my heartAnd I"m ready for loveFor loveLet the stormy clouds chaseEveryone from the placeCome on with the rainI"ve a smile on my faceI"ll walk down the laneWith a happy refrainSinging, singing in the rainIn the rain.La...I"m singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI"m happy againI walk down the laneWith a happy refrainI"m singing, singing in the rainIn the rainIn the rain
2023-07-14 07:10:312

音乐剧《singing in the rain》边伯贤一共主演了多少场?

7月16,21,22,23, 29和8月1的收尾场,一共六场望采纳
2023-07-14 07:10:381


雨中曲歌词 singin" in the rain I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I"m happy again I"m laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun"s in my heart And I"m ready for love For love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I"ve a smile on my face I"ll walk down the lane With a happy refrain Singing, singing in the rain In the rain. La... I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I"m happy again I walk down the lane With a happy refrain I"m singing, singing in the rain In the rain In the rain
2023-07-14 07:11:101


歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain 歌手: Jamie Cullum 专辑:Twenty Something I"m singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I"m happy again I"m laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun"s in my heart And I"m ready for love For love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I"ve a smile on my face I"ll walk down the lane With a happy refrain Singing, singing in the rain In the rain. I"M HAPPY AGAIN I"m Singin" and Dancin" in the Rain La...
2023-07-14 07:11:171

高分求:李珉宇的一首歌,歌词里面有“kiss (in) the rain…”,歌名什么来着?

你说的歌曲我不知道哦但是我可以推荐几个女声的歌曲jay delano - close to youthe boy i used to know Marie Serneholt严正花-都走吧(复制这个在百度在选MP3里面找)我不太关注韩国的男明星出的歌
2023-07-14 07:11:255

beautiful rain的歌词中文翻译

今天出生的悲伤在天空飞舞天空在觉醒的这胸中颤抖想要守护你的命运你的命运将泪水的凹痕充满了喜悦It " s a tender rain为了能让这首歌传递到你的身旁不管有多么的远处,我也会相信Singing in the rain雨的水滴美丽地在地上悲伤的全部消失的时候世界将要发生请rain the tender生效这景色总有一天即使枯萎在那瞳孔中溢出溢出的思念想触摸心中的疼痛在觉醒的清晨的大地上蓓蕾一定…在开着It " s a tender rain静下耳朵溶化在柔和的空气中静静地静静地飘落在一起的时候Singing in the rain我在唱的雨声乘上了思念在何处持续的的那一爱Here生效the tender rain什么运生命也结(妇罗)再次结合的心是不夺无论什么样的悲伤都会微笑著的天空It " s a tender rain为了能让这首歌传递到你的身旁不管有多么的远处,我也会相信Singing in the rain雨的水滴美丽地在那悲伤的全部消失的时候世界将要发生请rain the tender生效Come tender rain!(希望能帮到你*-*)
2023-07-14 07:11:521