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a large scale of与a wide range of的区别

2023-07-14 13:53:15




large-scale 英[lɑ:du0292 skeu026al] 美[u02c8lɑrdu0292u02c8skel] adj. 大规模的,大范围的; 大比例尺的; 巨型的; 声势浩大; [例句]The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens美国正在为运送1,200名美国公民的大规模空运做准备。
2023-07-14 04:53:071


On a large scalelarge-scale
2023-07-14 04:53:342


2023-07-14 04:53:445


2023-07-14 04:54:005

英语At large scale construction sites怎么翻译?

2023-07-14 04:54:1513

lager scale用什么介词

2023-07-14 04:55:033

on a larger scale是什么意思

2023-07-14 04:55:223


2023-07-14 04:55:391

matlab 非线性规划

2023-07-14 04:55:493


。。 不懂哦
2023-07-14 04:56:042


2023-07-14 04:56:153


用MATLAB优化工具箱解线性规划 命令:x=linprog(c,A,b) 命令:x=linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq)注意:若没有不等式: 存在,则令A=[ ],b=[ ]. 若没有等式约束, 则令Aeq=[ ], beq=[ ].命令:[1] x=linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq, VLB,VUB) [2] x=linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq, VLB,VUB, X0) 注意:[1] 若没有等式约束, 则令Aeq=[ ], beq=[ ]. [2]其中X0表示初始点 4、命令:[x,fval]=linprog(…)返回最优解x及x处的目标函数值fval.例1 解 编写M文件小xxgh1.m如下:c=[-0.4 -0.28 -0.32 -0.72 -0.64 -0.6]; A=[0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03;0.02 0 0 0.05 0 0;0 0.02 0 0 0.05 0;0 0 0.03 0 0 0.08]; b=[850;700;100;900]; Aeq=[]; beq=[]; vlb=[0;0;0;0;0;0]; vub=[];[x,fval]=linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,vlb,vub)例2 解: 编写M文件xxgh2.m如下: c=[6 3 4]; A=[0 1 0]; b=[50]; Aeq=[1 1 1]; beq=[120]; vlb=[30,0,20]; vub=[]; [x,fval]=linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,vlb,vub例3 (任务分配问题)某车间有甲、乙两台机床,可用于加工三种工件。假定这两台车床的可用台时数分别为800和900,三种工件的数量分别为400、600和500,且已知用三种不同车床加工单位数量不同工件所需的台时数和加工费用如下表。问怎样分配车床的加工任务,才能既满足加工工件的要求,又使加工费用最低解 设在甲车床上加工工件1、2、3的数量分别为x1、x2、x3,在乙车床上加工工件1、2、3的数量分别为x4、x5、x6。可建立以下线性规划模型:编写M文件xxgh3.m如下:f = [13 9 10 11 12 8];A = [0.4 1.1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 1.2 1.3];b = [800; 900];Aeq=[1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1];beq=[400 600 500];vlb = zeros(6,1);vub=[];[x,fval] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,vlb,vub)例4.某厂每日8小时的产量不低于1800件。为了进行质量控制,计划聘请两种不同水平的检验员。一级检验员的标准为:速度25件/小时,正确率98%,计时工资4元/小时;二级检验员的标准为:速度15小时/件,正确率95%,计时工资3元/小时。检验员每错检一次,工厂要损失2元。为使总检验费用最省,该工厂应聘一级、二级检验员各几名?解 设需要一级和二级检验员的人数分别为x1、x2人,编写M文件xxgh4.m如下:c = [40;36];A=[-5 -3];b=[-45];Aeq=[];beq=[];vlb = zeros(2,1);vub=[9;15]; %调用linprog函数:[x,fval] = linprog(c,A,b,Aeq,beq,vlb,vub)结果为:x = 9.0000 0.0000fval =360即只需聘用9个一级检验员。4.控制参数options的设置Options中常用的几个参数的名称、含义、取值如下:(1) Display: 显示水平.取值为"off"时,不显示输出; 取值为"iter"时,显示每次迭代的信息;取值为"final"时,显示最终结果.默认值为"final".(2) MaxFunEvals: 允许进行函数评价的最大次数,取值为正整数.(3) MaxIter: 允许进行迭代的最大次数,取值为正整数控制参数options可以通过函数optimset创建或修改。命令的格式如下:(1) options=optimset(‘optimfun") 创建一个含有所有参数名,并与优化函数optimfun相关的默认值的选项结构options.(2)options=optimset(‘param1",value1,"param2",value2,...) 创建一个名称为options的优化选项参数,其中指定的参数具有指定值,所有未指定的参数取默认值.(3)options=optimset(oldops,‘param1",value1,"param2", value2,...) 创建名称为oldops的参数的拷贝,用指定的参数值修改oldops中相应的参数.例:opts=optimset(‘Display","iter","TolFun",1e-8) 该语句创建一个称为opts的优化选项结构,其中显示参数设为"iter", TolFun参数设为1e-8.用Matlab解无约束优化问题 一元函数无约束优化问题 常用格式如下:(1)x= fminbnd (fun,x1,x2)(2)x= fminbnd (fun,x1,x2 ,options)(3)[x,fval]= fminbnd(...)(4)[x,fval,exitflag]= fminbnd(...)(5)[x,fval,exitflag,output]= fminbnd(...)其中(3)、(4)、(5)的等式右边可选用(1)或(2)的等式右边。 函数fminbnd的算法基于黄金分割法和二次插值法,它要求目标函数必须是连续函数,并可能只给出局部最优解。例1 求 在0<x<8中的最小值与最大值主程序为wliti1.m: f="2*exp(-x).*sin(x)"; fplot(f,[0,8]); %作图语句 [xmin,ymin]=fminbnd (f, 0,8) f1="-2*exp(-x).*sin(x)"; [xmax,ymax]=fminbnd (f1, 0,8)运行结果: xmin = 3.9270 ymin = -0.0279 xmax = 0.7854 ymax = 0.6448例2 对边长为3米的正方形铁板,在四个角剪去相等的正方形以制成方形无盖水槽,问如何剪法使水槽的容积最大? 先编写M文件fun0.m如下: function f=fun0(x) f=-(3-2*x).^2*x;主程序为wliti2.m: [x,fval]=fminbnd("fun0",0,1.5); xmax=x fmax=-fval运算结果为: xmax = 0.5000,fmax =2.0000.即剪掉的正方形的边长为0.5米时水槽的容积最大,最大容积为2立方米.2、多元函数无约束优化问题标准型为:min F(X)命令格式为:(1)x= fminunc(fun,X0 );或x=fminsearch(fun,X0 )(2)x= fminunc(fun,X0 ,options); 或x=fminsearch(fun,X0 ,options)(3)[x,fval]= fminunc(...); 或[x,fval]= fminsearch(...)(4)[x,fval,exitflag]= fminunc(...); 或[x,fval,exitflag]= fminsearch(5)[x,fval,exitflag,output]= fminunc(...); 或[x,fval,exitflag,output]= fminsearch(...)说明:u2022 fminsearch是用单纯形法寻优. fminunc的算法见以下几点说明:[1] fminunc为无约束优化提供了大型优化和中型优化算法。由options中的参数LargeScale控制:LargeScale="on"(默认值),使用大型算法LargeScale="off"(默认值),使用中型算法[2] fminunc为中型优化算法的搜索方向提供了4种算法,由 options中的参数HessUpdate控制:HessUpdate="bfgs"(默认值),拟牛顿法的BFGS公式;HessUpdate="dfp",拟牛顿法的DFP公式;HessUpdate="steepdesc",最速下降法[3] fminunc为中型优化算法的步长一维搜索提供了两种算法, 由options中参数LineSearchType控制:LineSearchType="quadcubic"(缺省值),混合的二次和三 次多项式插值;LineSearchType="cubicpoly",三次多项式插u2022 使用fminunc和 fminsearch可能会得到局部最优解.例3 min f(x)=(4x12+2x22+4x1x2+2x2+1)*exp(x1)1、编写M-文件 fun1.m: function f = fun1 (x) f = exp(x(1))*(4*x(1)^2+2*x(2)^2+4*x(1)*x(2)+2*x(2)+1); 2、输入M文件wliti3.m如下: x0 = [-1, 1]; x=fminunc(‘fun1",x0); y=fun1(x)3、运行结果: x= 0.5000 -1.0000 y = 1.3029e-10例4 Rosenbrock 函数 f(x1,x2)=100(x2-x12)2+(1-x1)2 的最优解(极小)为x*=(1,1),极小值为f*=0.试用 不同算法(搜索方向和步长搜索)求数值最优解. 初值选为x0=(-1.2 , 2).1. 为获得直观认识,先画出Rosenbrock 函数的三维图形, 输入以下命令: [x,y]=meshgrid(-2:0.1:2,-1:0.1:3); z=100*(y-x.^2).^2+(1-x).^2; mesh(x,y,z)2. 画出Rosenbrock 函数的等高线图,输入命令: contour(x,y,z,20) hold on plot(-1.2,2," o "); text(-1.2,2,"start point") plot(1,1,"o") text(1,1,"solution")3.用fminsearch函数求解输入命令: f="100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2+(1-x(1))^2"; [x,fval,exitflag,output]=fminsearch(f, [-1.2 2])运行结果: x =1.0000 1.0000fval =1.9151e-010exitflag = 1output = iterations: 108 funcCount: 202 algorithm: "Nelder-Mead simplex direct search"4. 用fminunc 函数(1)建立M-文件fun2.m function f=fun2(x) f=100*(x(2)-x(1)^2)^2+(1-x(1))^2(2)主程序wliti44.mRosenbrock函数不同算法的计算结果可以看出,最速下降法的结果最差.因为最速下降法特别不适合于从一狭长通道到达最优解的情况.例5 产销量的最佳安排 某厂生产一种产品有甲、乙两个牌号,讨论在产销平衡的情况下如何确定各自的产量,使总利润最大. 所谓产销平衡指工厂的产量等于市场上的销量. 符号说明z(x1,x2)表示总利润;p1,q1,x1分别表示甲的价格、成本、销量; p2,q2,x2分别表示乙的价格、成本、销量; aij,bi,λi,ci(i,j =1,2)是待定系数.基本假设1.价格与销量成线性关系利润既取决于销量和价格,也依赖于产量和成本。按照市场规律,甲的价格p1会随其销量x1的增长而降低,同时乙的销量x2的增长也会使甲的价格有稍微的下降,可以简单地假设价格与销量成线性关系,即: p1 = b1 - a11 x1 - a12 x2 ,b1,a11,a12 > 0,且a11 > a12;同理, p2 = b2 - a21 x1- a22 x2 ,b2,a21,a22 > 02.成本与产量成负指数关系甲的成本随其产量的增长而降低,且有一个渐进值,可以假设为负指数关系, 总利润为: z(x1,x2)=(p1-q1)x1+(p2-q2)x2若根据大量的统计数据,求出系数b1=100,a11=1,a12=0.1,b2=280,a21=0.2,a22=2,r1=30,λ1=0.015,c1=20, r2=100,λ2=0.02,c2=30,则问题转化为无约束优化问题:求甲,乙两个牌号的产量x1,x2,使总利润z最大.为简化模型,先忽略成本,并令a12=0,a21=0,问题转化为求: z1 = ( b1 - a11x1 ) x1 + ( b2 - a22x2 ) x2 的极值. 显然其解为x1 = b1/2a11 = 50, x2 = b2/2a22 = 70,我们把它作为原问题的初始值.模型求解1.建立M-文件fun.m: function f = fun(x) y1=((100-x(1)- 0.1*x(2))-(30*exp(-0.015*x(1))+20))*x(1); y2=((280-0.2*x(1)- 2*x(2))-(100*exp(-0.02*x(2))+30))*x(2); f=-y1-y2;2.输入命令: x0=[50,70]; x=fminunc(‘fun",x0), z=fun(x)3.计算结果: x=23.9025, 62.4977, z=6.4135e+003 即甲的产量为23.9025,乙的产量为62.4977,最大利润为6413.5.
2023-07-14 04:56:301


input得到 字符型 所以不可以 运行dk=input("请输入等号约束式的个数")for i=1:dkceq(i)=input("请输入各个等号约束式","s");enddh=input("请输入不等式约束式的个数");for j=1:dhc(i)=input("请输入各个不等式约束式","s")end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%这样就好了
2023-07-14 04:56:371


LSI——即:Large Scale Integrated Circuit希望能帮助你还请及时采纳
2023-07-14 04:56:472


X = LINPROG(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,LB,UB,X0,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization parameters replaced by values in the structure , an argument created with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. Options are Display, Diagnostics, TolFun, LargeScale, MaxIter. Currently, only "final" and "off" are valid values for the parameter Display when LargeScale is "off" ("iter" is valid when LargeScale is "on").OPTIONS里面有精度的设置!
2023-07-14 04:57:071

matlab optimset函数

都是用于决定优化函数背后算法的参数。Jacobian 决定在计算目标函数时,是否使用用户自定义的Jacobi矩阵,默认为"off",此时会使用有限差分法估算;Largescale 决定是否使用大规模算法,具体算法和优化函数有关。
2023-07-14 04:57:141

as is announced

正确答案是B, 解法一:排除法: A:what ,是不正确的,因为what 引导的从句是做主语或是宾语的,而这道题目中,根本没有这样的迹象,所以A错 C:Which,也是不对了,Which引导的宾语从句,是来修饰宾语的,比如You get the book which I really want .(这本是我很想要的书) D:That,一般和Which 的用法是差不多的,但是That的用法还是比which多一点. 解法二:直接选择 As is announced in the paper :正如纸上宣布的那样. 这样的结构和 as you can see [正如你看到的那样] 有些类似
2023-07-14 04:57:221


2023-07-14 04:57:323


2023-07-14 04:57:413

a large scale of修饰可数还是不可数

A 本题考查“许多;大量的”表达方式。句意:儿子,你有足够的时间去做,所以我建议你把它做好。plenty of(足够的)可修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词,但一般不用于否定,疑问句中;a large number of修饰复数可数名词;many a修饰单数可数名词。
2023-07-14 04:58:071


2023-07-14 04:58:174

matlab 优化 fmincon函数 at least four input arguments. 请知道的同学帮帮忙。

有些语法上的小地方修改下,如下:(可以运行下)————————————————————————%zy2-3fun.mfunction f=zy2_3fun(x)f=x(1)^2*x(2);%zy12-3con.mfunction [c,ceq]=zy12_3con(x)c(1)=10*x2-x(1)^3;c(2)=6.25-x(1)^3;c(3)=0.34*x(2)^3-x(1)^4;ceq=[];然后command window:A=[];b=[];Aeq=[];beq=[];lb=[1.7,5];ub=[10,1];x0=[3.684,5.0];options=optimset("Display","iter","LargeScale","off");[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambad]=fmincon(@(x) zy2_3fun(x),x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,@(x) zy12_3con(x),options)运行结果如下:Exiting due to infeasibility: 1 lower bound exceeds the corresponding upper bound.x = 3.6840 5.0000fval = []exitflag = -2output = algorithm: "medium-scale: SQP, Quasi-Newton, line-search" iterations: 0 funcCount: 0 stepsize: [] lssteplength: [] constrviolation: [] firstorderopt: [] message: "Exiting due to infeasibility: 1 lower bound exceeds the corresponding upper bound."lambad = []————————————————————————exitflag=-2 指明程序退出的原因是在约束条件下,没有可行点,所以这题无解
2023-07-14 04:59:011

Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition翻译[上]

Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition翻译 下 code Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 用于大规模图像识别的非常深的卷积网络 论文: ABSTRACT 摘要 ) convolution ufb01lters, which shows that a signiufb01cant improvement on the prior-art conufb01gurations can be achieved by pushing the depth to 16–19 weight layers. These ufb01ndings were the basis of our ImageNet Challenge 2014 submission, where our team secured the ufb01rst and the second places in the localisation and classiufb01cation tracks respectively. We also show that our representations generalise well to other datasets, where they achieve state-of-the-art results. We have made our two best-performing ConvNet models publicly available to facilitate further research on the use of deep visual representations in computer vision. )卷积滤波器的体系结构对深度网络进行深入评估,这表明通过将深度推到16-19个重量层可以实现对现有技术配置的显着改进。这些发现是我们ImageNet Challenge 2014提交的基础,我们的团队分别获得了本地化和分类轨道的第一和第二名。我们还表明,我们的表示很好地适用于其他数据集,他们在那里获得最新的结果。我们已经公开发布了两款性能最佳的ConvNet模型,以便于进一步研究在计算机视觉中使用深度视觉表示。 1 INTRODUCTION 1引言 Convolutional networks (ConvNets) have recently enjoyed a great success in large-scale image and video recognition (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Zeiler & Fergus, 2013; Sermanet et al., 2014; Simonyan & Zisserman, 2014) which has become possible due to the large public image repositories, such as ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009), and high-performance computing systems, such as GPUs or large-scale distributed clusters (Dean et al., 2012). In particular, an important role in the advance of deep visual recognition architectures has been played by the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) (Russakovsky et al., 2014), which has served as a testbed for a few generations of large-scale image classiufb01cation systems, from high-dimensional shallow feature encodings (Perronnin et al., 2010) (the winner of ILSVRC-2011) to deep ConvNets (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) (the winner of ILSVRC-2012). 卷积网络(ConvNets)最近在大规模图像和视频识别(Krizhevsky等,2012; Zeiler&Fergus,2013; Sermanet等,2014; Simonyan&Zisserman,2014)方面取得了巨大的成功,这已经成为可能由于大型公共图像库(如ImageNet(Deng等,2009))和高性能计算系统(如GPU或大规模分布式群集)(Dean等,2012)。特别是,ImageNet大规模视觉识别挑战(ILSVRC)(Russakovsky et al。,2014)对深度视觉识别架构的发展起到了重要作用,它已经成为几代大型(Perronnin et al。,2010)(ILSVRC-2011的获胜者)到深层ConvNets(Krizhevsky等,2012)(ILSVRC-2012的获胜者)的高分辨率图像分类系统。 ) convolution ufb01lters in all layers. )卷积滤波器,这是可行的。 As a result, we come up with signiufb01cantly more accurate ConvNet architectures, which not only achieve the state-of-the-art accuracy on ILSVRC classiufb01cation and localisation tasks, but are also applicable to other image recognition datasets, where they achieve excellent performance even when used as a part of a relatively simple pipelines (e.g. deep features classiufb01ed by a linear SVM without ufb01ne-tuning). We have released our two best-performing models1 to facilitate further research. 因此,我们提出了更加精确的ConvNet架构,它不仅实现了ILSVRC分类和本地化任务的最新准确度,而且还适用于其他图像识别数据集,甚至可以实现卓越的性能当用作相对简单的管道的一部分时(例如,不需要微调的线性SVM对深度特征进行分类)。我们发布了两款性能最好的模型1,以便于进一步研究。 The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Sect. 2, we describe our ConvNet conufb01gurations. The details of the image classiufb01cation training and evaluation are then presented in Sect. 3, and the u2217current afufb01liation: Google DeepMind +current afufb01liation: University of Oxford and Google DeepMind 1 u02dcvgg/research/very_deep/ conufb01gurations are compared on the ILSVRC classiufb01cation task in Sect. 4. Sect. 5 concludes the paper. For completeness, we also describe and assess our ILSVRC-2014 object localisation system in Appendix A, and discuss the generalisation of very deep features to other datasets in Appendix B. Finally, Appendix C contains the list of major paper revisions. 本文的其余部分安排如下。在Sect。 2,我们描述了我们的ConvNet配置。图像分类培训和评估的细节将在第二部分中介绍。 3和*当前补充:Google DeepMind +当前补充:牛津大学和Google DeepMind 1http: // 配置在ILSVRC分类任务中进行比较教派。 4. Sect。 5结束了论文。为了完整起见,我们还在附录A中描述和评估了ILSVRC-2014对象定位系统,并讨论了附录B中对其他数据集的深入特征的概括。最后,附录C包含主要论文修订版的列表。 2 CONVNET CONFIGURATIONS 2 CONVNET配置 To measure the improvement brought by the increased ConvNet depth in a fair setting, all our ConvNet layer conufb01gurations are designed using the same principles, inspired by Ciresan et al. (2011); Krizhevsky et al. (2012). In this section, we ufb01rst describe a generic layout of our ConvNet conufb01gurations (Sect. 2.1) and then detail the speciufb01c conufb01gurations used in the evaluation (Sect. 2.2). Our design choices are then discussed and compared to the prior art in Sect. 2.3. 为了衡量公平环境下ConvNet深度增加所带来的改进,我们所有的ConvNet层配置都采用了Ciresan等人的相同原则设计。 (2011); Krizhevsky等人。 (2012年)。在本节中,我们首先描述ConvNet配置的一般布局(第2.1节),然后详细介绍评估中使用的特定配置(第2.2节)。然后讨论我们的设计选择,并与Sect中的现有技术进行比较。 2.3。 2.1 ARCHITECTURE 2.1体系结构 A stack of convolutional layers (which has a different depth in different architectures) is followed by three Fully-Connected (FC) layers: the ufb01rst two have 4096 channels each, the third performs 1000way ILSVRC classiufb01cation and thus contains 1000 channels (one for each class). The ufb01nal layer is the soft-max layer. The conufb01guration of the fully connected layers is the same in all networks. 一堆卷积层(在不同的体系结构中具有不同的深度)之后是三个全连接(FC)层:前两个层各有4096个通道,第三层执行1000way ILSVRC分类,因此包含1000个通道(每个类)。最后一层是软 - 最大层。全连接层的配置在所有网络中都是相同的。 All hidden layers are equipped with the rectiufb01cation (ReLU (Krizhevsky et al., 2012)) non-linearity. We note that none of our networks (except for one) contain Local Response Normalisation (LRN) normalisation (Krizhevsky et al., 2012): as will be shown in Sect. 4, such normalisation does not improve the performance on the ILSVRC dataset, but leads to increased memory consumption and computation time. Where applicable, the parameters for the LRN layer are those of (Krizhevsky et al., 2012). 所有隐藏层都配备了整合(ReLU(Krizhevsky et al。,2012))非线性。我们注意到我们的网络(除了一个网络)都没有包含本地响应规范化(LRN)规范化(Krizhevsky et al。,2012)。如图4所示,这种归一化不会提高ILSVRC数据集的性能,但会导致内存消耗和计算时间增加。在适用的情况下,LRN层的参数是(Krizhevsky et al。,2012)的参数。 2.2 CONFIGURATIONS 2.2配置 The ConvNet conufb01gurations, evaluated in this paper, are outlined in Table 1, one per column. In the following we will refer to the nets by their names (A–E). All conufb01gurations follow the generic design presented in Sect. 2.1, and differ only in the depth: from 11 weight layers in the network A (8 conv. and 3 FC layers) to 19 weight layers in the network E (16 conv. and 3 FC layers). The width of conv. layers (the number of channels) is rather small, starting from 64 in the ufb01rst layer and then increasing by a factor of 2 after each max-pooling layer, until it reaches 512. 本文中评估的ConvNet配置在表1中列出,每列一列。下面我们将以他们的名字(A-E)来提及网。所有的配置都遵循Sect中的通用设计。 2.1,并且仅在深度上有所不同:从网络A中的11个权重层(8个转发层和3个FC层)到网络E中的19个权重层(16个转发层和3个FC层)。conv的宽度。层数(通道数量)相当小,从第一层64层开始,然后在每个最大池层后增加2倍,直到达到512。 In Table 2 we report the number of parameters for each conufb01guration. In spite of a large depth, the number of weights in our nets is not greater than the number of weights in a more shallow net with larger conv. layer widths and receptive ufb01elds (144M weights in (Sermanet et al., 2014)). 在表2中,我们报告了每个配置的参数数量。尽管深度很大,但我们的网中的重量数量不会超过更大的转化次数的更浅网中的重量数量。图层宽度和接受域(Sermanet et al。,2014)中的144M权重)。 2.3 DISCUSSION 2.3讨论 3 CLASSIFICATION FRAMEWORK 3分类框架 In the previous section we presented the details of our network conufb01gurations. In this section, we describe the details of classiufb01cation ConvNet training and evaluation. 在上一节中,我们介绍了我们网络配置的细节。在本节中,我们将描述分类ConvNet培训和评估的细节。 3.1 TRAINING 3.1培训
2023-07-14 04:59:191

All of the plants now farmed on a large scale wer

2023-07-14 04:59:291


超大规模集成电路,Very Large Scale Integration,英文缩写VLSI
2023-07-14 04:59:362


This specialized raise grasps the elementary knowledge, the elementarytheory and the basic experimental skill which microelectronicsspecialized must, can is engaged in work the and so on scientificresearch, teaching, technical development, project technology,production management and administration in microelectronics and thecorrelation domain high-level special talented person. This specialty main study microelectronics elementary theory and theelementary knowledge, receive the scientific experiment and thescientific thought basic training, has the good scientificaccomplishment, grasps elementary theory and method which the largescale integrated circuit and the new semiconductor device design, themanufacture and the test must, has the circuit analysis, the craftanalysis, the component performance analysis and the domain design andso on the basic capability.
2023-07-14 05:00:248


1. fsolve求解非线性方程组方程:F(x)=0x是一个向量,F(x)是该向量的函数向量,返回向量值2. 语法x = fsolve(fun,x0)x = fsolve(fun,x0,options)[x,fval] = fsolve(fun,x0)[x,fval,exitflag] = fsolve(...)[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(...)[x,fval,exitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...)3. 描述fsolve用于寻找非线性系统方程组的零点。x = fsolve(fun,x0)以x0为初始值,努力寻找在fun中描述的方程组。x = fsolve(fun,x0,options) 以x0为初始值,按照指定的优化设置“options”努力寻找在fun中描述的方程组。使用optimset设置这些选项。[x,fval] = fsolve(fun,x0)返回在解x处的目标函数fun的值[x,fval,exitflag] = fsolve(...)返回exitflag表示退出条件。[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(...)返回output结构,该结构包含了优化信息。[x,fval,exitflag,output,jacobian] = fsolve(...)返回在解x处的Jacobian函数。4. 输入参数4.1. fun非线性系统方程。它是一个函数,以x作为输入,返回向量F。函数fun可以被指定为一个M文件函数的函数句柄。x = fsolve(@myfun,x0)这里的myfun是一个matlab函数,形如:function F = myfun(x)F = ... % Compute function values at xfun也可以是一个异步函数的函数句柄:x = fsolve(@(x)sin(x.*x),x0);若用户定义的值为矩阵,则会被自动转换为向量。若Jacobian能被计算出来且通过options = optimset("Jacobian","on")设置Jacobian选项为”on”,则函数fun必须在第2个输出参数中返回x处的Jacobian值J(它是一个矩阵)。注意:通过检查nargout的值,当fun被只带一个输出参数调用的情况下,该函数可避免计算J,仅只有一个输出参数。(这种情况下,优化算法仅需要知道F而不需J)。function [F,J] = myfun(x)F = ... % objective function values at xif nargout > 1 % two output arguments J = ... % Jacobian of the function evaluated at xend4.2. options提供该函数有关的特定信息。5. 输出参数5.1. exitflag一个用来表示算法终止原因的整数。1:函数收敛到x2:x的变化已经处在容许范围内3:残差变化已经处在容许范围内4:搜索方向飞幅度比指定的误差小5:迭代次数超过options.MaxIter或函数估值的次数超过options.FunEvals-1:算法被输出函数终止-2:算法似乎收敛到一个非根点。-3:可信半径变得太小-4:沿当前方向的线性搜索不能足够地减小残差5.2. output包含关于优化信息的一个结构,其具有如下字段:iterations:已经迭代的次数funcCount:函数估值的次数algorithm:所使用的算法cgiterations:PCG迭代次数(仅适用于大规模算法)stepsize:最终采取的步长(仅适用于中等规模算法)firstorderopt:第1阶优化的观测值 。5.3. options优化设置。一些选项设置用于所有算法,部分与大规模算法(large-scale algrithm)。相关,部分与中等规模算法相关。可以使用optimset改变其中的设置。LargeScale选项指定使用哪种算法。设为‘on"使用大规模算法,设为‘off"使用中等规模算法。5.3.1. Medium-Scale and Large-Scale Algorithms如下选项用于大规模和中等规模算法:DerivativeCheck:将用户提供导数与有限差分导数相比较Diagnostics:显示被解函数的诊断信息DiffMaxChange:有限差分变量中的最大变化DiffMinChange:有限差分变量中的最小变化Display:显示的级别,‘off‘不显示输出,"iter‘显示每一步迭代的输出,"final‘显示最终的输出(默认)FunValCheck:检查目标函数值是否有效。设为‘on",当函数返回值为复数、inf或NaN将返回一个错误,设为‘off"将不显示错误。Jacobian:设为‘ON",fsolve将使用用户定义的Jacobian或Jacobian信息来估值目标函数,若设为‘off",则使用有限差分逼近Jacobian。MaxFunEvals:最大允许估值次数MaxIter:最大迭代次数OutputFcn:指定一个或多个输出函数,优化函数在每一个迭代过程中将调用这些函数。PlotFcns:算法执行时显示进度条。从预定义中选择或自定义进度条。指定@optimplotx显示当前的点,@optimplotfunccount打印出函数的计数,@optimplotfval打印出函数值,@optimplotresnorm打印出残差范数,@optimplotstepsize打印出步长,@optimplotfirstorderopt打印优化参数的第1阶。TolFun:函数值的终止误差。TolX:x的终止误差5.3.2. 仅适用于Large-Scale AlgorithmJacobMult:Jacobian乘法函数的函数句柄JacobPatternMaxPCGIterPrecondBandWidthTolPCG5.3.3. 仅适用于Medium-Scale AlgorithmNonlEqnAlgorithm:"dogleg" — Trust-region dogleg algorithm(default)"lm" — Levenberg-Marquardt"gn" — Gauss-NewtonLineSearchType:"lm" (Levenberg-Marquardt)"gn" (Gauss-Netwton) algorithms.6. 使用优化工具箱完成以上函数操作命令:optimtool
2023-07-14 05:00:401


计算机词汇:大规模集成电路(Large Scale Integrated circuit)
2023-07-14 05:00:494


fmincon调用格式不对,改成:[x,fval,exitflag,output]=fmincon(@myfun1,x0,[],[],[],[],[],[],@myobj1,options)注意该函数的调用格式为:[x,fval,exitflag] = fmincon(fun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options)
2023-07-14 05:01:071


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2023-07-14 05:01:491

at a large scale是什么意思

2023-07-14 05:01:593

in large scale词组意思

2023-07-14 05:02:062

on a larger scale是什么意思

2023-07-14 05:02:151

英语on a large scale怎么翻译?

英语on a large scale的翻译为大规模的
2023-07-14 05:02:331


large中文翻译: 英 [lɑd] 美 [lɑrd] adj。 大的;多数的;广博的 adv。 大大地;夸大地 n。 大 n。 (Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热 短语: Large myotis 中华鼠耳蝠 large quantity 大数量 ; 大量 ; 产品数量 ; 年夜数量 large assortment 各式俱全 ; 百般俱全 ; 花色齐备 large prawn 大对虾 large scale 大规模的 ; 小规模地 ; 大型的 ; 大比例尺 large 英语反义词参考: small 的反义词是 large small: 小的 large: 大的∕big large—grained 的反义词是 fine fine: adj。好的" adv。很好,妙 large—headed 的反义词是 headless headless: a。 无头的,无领导者的,无知的 bantam 的反义词是 large bantam: n type of small domestic fowl 矮脚鸡: [attrib 作定语] bantam cocks 矮脚公鸡。 large: adj。大的;巨大的 bittie 的反义词是 large large: adj。大的;巨大的
2023-07-14 05:02:481

the mining industry is of large scale为什么可以放在一起 is of

形式上连在一起,但表意上是分开的应该是(the mining industry )is (of large scale),后面是固定词组
2023-07-14 05:02:561


2023-07-14 05:03:031


2023-07-14 05:03:102

为什么有时候在形容词和名词之间加一个of,比如such large-scale of urbanization

2023-07-14 05:03:172

_______ is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large-scale move说明原因

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2023-07-14 05:03:593


第一阶段:电子管计算机第二阶段:晶体管计算机从1960年到1964年,在计算机中采用了比电子管更先进的晶体管,晶体管比电子管小得多,不需要暖机时间,消耗能量较少,处理更迅速、更可靠。第二代计算机的程序语言从机器语言发展到汇编语言。接着,高级语言FORTRAN语言和cOBOL语言相继开发出来并被广泛使用。这时,开始使用磁盘和磁带作为辅助存储器。第二代计算机的体积和价格都下降了,使用的人也多起来了,计算机工业迅速发展。第二代计算机主要用于商业、大学教学和政府机关。第三阶段:中小规模集成电路计算机从1965年到1970年,集成电路被应用到计算机中来。集成电路(Integrated Circuit,简称r)是做在晶片上的一个完整的电子电路,这个晶片比手指甲还小,却包含了几千个晶体管元件。第三代计算机的特点是体积更小、价格更低、可靠性更高、计算速度更快。第三代计算机的代表是IBM公司花了50亿美元开发的IBM 360系列。第四阶段:大规模集成电路计算机从1971年到现在。第四代计算机使用的元件依然是集成电路,不过,这种集成电路已经大大改善,它包含着几十万到上百万个晶体管,人们称之为大规模集成电路(LargeScale lntegrated Circuit,简称LSI)和超大规模集成电路(Very Large Scale lntegrated Circuit,简称VLSI)。
2023-07-14 05:04:151


Urbanization, the process of people moving into cities and the development of urban areas, has become a global trend in recent years. While it brings about various benefits, it also has some negative effects.On the one hand, urbanization leads to the development of better infrastructure and public services, such as roads, hospitals, and schools. It creates job opportunities, attracts diverse populations, and fosters cultural exchange and innovation. Furthermore, it promotes economic growth and improves living standards with increased access to social and economic resources.On the other hand, the rapid speed of urbanization may also lead to certain problems. Firstly, it may result in environmental degradation, such as air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, and increased carbon emissions. Secondly, urbanization may cause social issues, such as congestion, crime, and inequality. Thirdly, the population density in cities increases, leading to a higher chance of disease outbreak and spread.To address the disadvantages of urbanization, governments need to make sure that the development of cities is sustainable and inclusive. Sustainable urban development means to promote urbanization that is balanced with economic, social, and environmental policies. Governments are responsible for ensuring a balance between economic growth and environmental protection by developing infrastructure improvements that are resilient and sustainable. They also need to prioritize social equity, inclusiveness, and diversity, by ensuring that public facilities and services are accessible to all city dwellers without any discrimination.In conclusion, urbanization has brought about numerous benefits, but it also has some negative impacts. Wise urban planning and management are necessary to address these issues, which will maximize the advantages of urban life and minimize the negative effects on the environment and society.
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