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2023-07-14 13:50:21
TAG: 电影 名字

勇敢者的游戏   《勇敢者的游戏》(Jumanji)


  类型:喜剧 / 剧情 / 家庭 / 冒险 / 动作 / 幻想



  编剧:强纳森·汉斯林 / Greg Taylor / 更多...

  其他中文片名:逃出侏曼纪 / 逃出魔幻纪



  克丝汀·邓斯特 .... Judy Shepherd

  罗宾·威廉斯 .... Alan Parrish

  大卫·阿兰·格丽尔 .... Carl Bentley

  帕特丽霞·克拉森 .... Carol Anne Parrish

  邦尼·亨特 .... Sarah Whittle

  摄影 Cinematography:Thomas E. Ackerman




  级别:Spain:7 / Sweden:11 / UK:PG / USA:PG / Canada:PG / Iceland:10 / Iceland:12 / Singapore:PG / Argentina:Atp / Australia:PG / Chile:TE / Finland:K-10 / France:U / Germany:12 / Portugal:M/6

  宣传语:Roll the dice and unleash the excitement!

  MPAA评级:Rated PG for menacing fantasy action and some mild language.

  上映/发行日期:美国 1995-12-15

  韩国 1996-01-20

  西班牙 1996-02-12

  法国 1996-02-14

  比利时 1996-02-14

  英国 1996-02-16

  瑞士 1996-02-16

  德国 1996-02-22

  荷兰 1996-02-29

  葡萄牙 1996-03-01

  丹麦 1996-03-01

  爱沙尼亚 1996-03-08

  日本 1996-03-20

  匈牙利 1996-03-21

  澳大利亚 1996-03-21

  香港 1996-03-28

  瑞典 1996-03-29

  新加坡 1996-04-04

  阿根廷 1996-07-11

  以色列 1996-07-12








  假设你能幸存下来,虫洞也是不对称的,你会发现自己就在另一个宇宙的另一边。还没等你看清楚,这个虫洞也许就把你吸回到所出发的宇宙入口了。 [编辑本段]精彩对白  SarahWhittle:Don"tevercallmecrazy,Alan!Ever!"CauseeveryoneinthistownhascalledmecrazyeversinceItoldthecopsthatyouweresuckedintoaboardgame!



















  莎拉:他们长得比竹子还要快。小心哦要不然他们会追上你的。 [编辑本段]幕后制作  本片的英文名叫“朱曼吉”,是指一种儿童棋盘游戏。玩游戏的人按照骰子上的数字往前走,走到哪一格就做那一格规定的事。影片的特效镜头数量多、难度大,但其逼真程度远不如稍早一点的恐龙。


roll the dice是什么意思

roll the dice生词本掷骰子(引申为孤注一掷)网 络掷骰子;扔骰子;摇色子;骰报 错双语例句1. I wanted to roll the dice at the craps table. 我想在骰桌旁掷骰子.2. Jack decided to roll the dice and put all his money in high - risk investments. 杰克打算冒险一搏,拿他所有的钱去进行高风险的投资.
2023-07-14 04:51:241

roll the dice 是什么意思,一般比喻什么呢?

viva la vida ?
2023-07-14 04:51:334


高姗 ,Roll The Dice
2023-07-14 04:51:472

roll the dice 高姗歌词翻译

2023-07-14 04:51:596

Roll the Dice这首歌的中文意思

Roll the Dice(掷骰子)Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a lifetime game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光(重复)Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a lifetime game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光1,2,3,4,5,6
2023-07-14 04:52:301

Roll the Dice的中文歌词

Roll the Dice(掷骰子)有时候你会期望如果重新来过会怎么样有时候去发现其实不完美才是完美的真相有时候难免要受伤却收获了感悟的力量有时候你也厌倦了生活本来的模样要一直好奇啊要不断冒险啊要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,人生的骰子不停地转啊谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6人生的骰子不停地转啊迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上我们总会发现彼岸之光有时候你会期望如果重新来过会怎么样有时候去发现其实不完美才是完美的真相有时候难免要受伤却收获了感悟的力量有时候你也厌倦了生活本来的模样要一直好奇啊要不断冒险啊要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,人生的骰子不停地转啊谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6人生的骰子不停地转啊迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上我们总会发现彼岸之光
2023-07-14 04:52:371

roll the dice中文谐音

2023-07-14 04:52:566

Life is like a board game. Roll the dice. Move forward. Act on chances that come your way. Roll aga

  “我想要恋爱,只要我减掉十磅肉,我就去约会。” “我想要追求自己的梦想,只要我在银行里有了足够的存款。”……如果没有行动,梦想永远只是幻想,你永远不能成为生活的赢家。    "I want to move, but I need to have a job in the new city first." "I want a relationship, and I"ll get one as soon as I lose ten pounds." "I"ll pursue my passion, as soon as I have enough money in the bank."  “我想要搬家,不过首先我必须在新城市里找到一份工作。” “我想要恋爱,只要我减掉十磅肉,我就去约会。” “我想要追求自己的爱好,只要我在银行里有了足够的存款。”  Again and again I hear my clients stifle their dreams before the dreams are even fully imagined. Seemingly insurmountable road blocks and obstacles extinguish all hope until what is desired becomes a meaningless and feeble wish. They have lost before they have even begun to play the game.  曾经有无数次,我听到我的客户在充分描绘自己的梦想之前,就把追求梦想的行为推后了。那些看起来不可跨越的障碍和绊脚石让他们的梦想逐渐泯灭,以至于希望变成了毫无意义、若有似无的幻想。在他们开始成为生活的真正玩家之前,他们就已经在这场游戏中输掉了。  Dreams are just wishes if you do not take action. Receiving your dream life starts with movement. Big or small doesn"t matter, as long as it is movement.  如果你不诉诸行动,梦想就永远只是幻想。梦想无论大小,只要你展开行动,它就有实现的可能。  Life is like a board game. Roll the dice. Move forward. Act on chances that come your way. Roll again. Move a few steps forward. Move a few steps back. Not everything needs to be in place before you get started. You don"t need to have a fully baked plan before taking action. You only need to know which way you are headed, not the whole picture, to begin moving.  人生如棋。投出骰子,向前走。当机遇降临时,勇敢地迈出你的步子,然后再骰一次,接着向前走几步。或许会有几步挫折。没有什么人说过,在你起步的时候,一切都会安排得井井有条。  When my husband and I moved to Mexico last year, everyone thought we had taken one big leap at one point in time.  去年我和丈夫迁居到了墨西哥。当时,所有人都认为我们这是一次说搬就搬的大举动。  My husband was very rooted back in Illinois. The thought of leaving was not easy for him. Then he was courted for a job in another city. He did not take the offer, but in exploring it as an option showed us that we were both ready to make a change.  我丈夫在伊利诺伊州住了很多年,想要迁居绝非易事。之后又有人企图利诱他接受另一个城市的工作机会,他没有接受。不过我们将其作为一种备选方案进行了尝试,这次尝试让我们知道,我们已经准备好改变了。  Step by step we moved toward our dream, toward the life we want to experience. We moved forward even when we didn"t know what the outcome would be. We took large and small risks to continue our forward movement. We said yes to our first trip to Cabo. We said yes to exploring the job in another city. Saying no to either would have delayed or blocked our dream. We supported each other through the unknown and celebrated the unexpected opportunities which came our way.  我们开始按部就班地走向我们的梦想、走向我们心仪的生活。虽然不知道结果为何,我们还是向前方走去。为了能不断前进,我们经历了大大小小的冒险。我们对前往卡波的首次旅行敞开怀抱,我们对另一个城市的求职机会敞开怀抱,拒绝任何一个机会都会拖延或者阻碍我们的梦想。我们在面对未知的时候相互扶持,获得意外的机会时相互庆祝。  What is your dream? What is the life you want to experience? What is the one little babystep you can take today to start you down your path?  你的梦想是什么?你想过什么样的生活?为了开启你的梦想之路,今天你能迈出怎样的小小一步?
2023-07-14 04:53:101


2023-07-14 04:53:171


应该是 by turn.
2023-07-14 04:53:274

酷玩乐队 《声明万岁》歌词(中英文)

Viva La Vida 生命万岁I used to rule the world 大千世界曾由我主宰Seas would rise when I gave the word 巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃Now in the morning I sleep alone 而今我却在黎明独自入眠Sweep the streets I used to own 在曾属于我的大道落寞徘徊I used to roll the dice 凡人生死曾由我主宰Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes 尽情品味惊恐在死敌瞳孔绽开Listen as the crowd would sing: 欣然倾听百姓高歌喝彩:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" “先王亡矣!新王万代!”One minute I held the key 此刻我手握权位经脉Next the walls were closed on me 转瞬才知宫墙深似海And I discovered that my castles stand 恍然发现我的城池Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 基底散如盐沙乱似尘埃I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing 听那耶路撒冷钟声传来Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马骑兵歌声震彻山海Be my mirror my sword and shield 担当我的明镜,利剑和盾牌My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士屹立边疆之外For some reason I can"t explain 只因一些缘由我无法释怀Once you go there was never,一旦你离开这里便不再never an honest word 不再有逆耳忠言存在 That was when I ruled the world 而这便是我统治的时代It was the wicked and wild wind 凛冽邪风呼啸袭来Blew down the doors to let me in 吹散重门使我深陷阴霾Shattered windows and the sound of drums 断壁残垣礼崩乐坏People couldn"t believe what I"d become 世人不敢相信我已当年不再Revolutionaries wait 起义大军翘首期待For my head on a silver plate 有朝一日我站上断头台Just a puppet on a lonely string 恰如傀儡随吊线寂寞摇摆Oh who would ever want to be king? 悲哉,谁又曾渴望万人膜拜?
2023-07-14 04:53:411

roll the dice这首歌词的中文意思是什么

是你,点亮我头顶上空的天际 %D%A是你,如此的明亮,让我目光迷离 %D%A不要闭上你的眼睛 %D%A不要消逝,不要消逝 %D%A是的,你和我,我们可以驾御星尘在宇宙狂奔 %D%A我们可以共享整个宇宙,如果有你和我同行 %D%A是的, 你和我,我们还可以点亮整个天际 %D%A我们可以共享整个宇宙,如果有你在我身旁 %D%A如果支撑倒塌了,我会给你安慰 %D%A如果天使哭泣了,我会在你身旁 %D%A你曾经是我灵魂的救赎 %D%A不要离开我,不要如此放弃 %D%A所有的星星都在今晚出现了 %D%A他们正在点亮整个宇宙 %D%A为你,只为你 %D%A所有的星星都在今晚出现了 %D%A他们正在点亮整个宇宙 %D%A为你,只为你
2023-07-14 04:53:481


《Viva La Vida》(西班牙语:生命万岁)是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由克里斯·马汀、强尼·巴克兰、盖·贝瑞曼和威尔·查平填词谱曲,收录在酷玩乐队第四张录音室专辑《Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends》中,于2008年5月25日通过Parlophone唱片和Capitol唱片发布 。歌词:英文I used to rule the worldSeas would rise when I gave the wordNow in the morning I sleep aloneSweep the streets I used to ownI used to roll the diceFeel the fear in my enemy"s eyesListen as the crowd would sing:"Now the old king is deadLong live the king "One minute I held the keyNext the walls were closed on meAnd I discovered that my castles standUpon pillars of salt" pillars of sandI hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainOnce you know there was never"Never an honest wordThat was when I ruled the worldIt was the wicked and wild windBlew down the doors to let me inShattered windows and the sound of drumsPeople couldn"t believe what I"d becomeRevolutionaries waitFor my head on a silver plateJust a puppet on a lonely stringOh who would ever wanna be kingI hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainI know Saint Peter won"t call my nameNever an honest wordBut that was when I ruled the world(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)Hear Jerusalem bells a ringingRoman Cavalry choirs are singingBe my mirror my sword and shieldMy missionaries in a foreign fieldFor some reason I can"t explainI know Saint Peter won"t call my nameNever an honest wordBut that was when I ruled the world[7] 中文我曾是这世界的王海浪升起,只因我的旨意如今,我在清晨独自入眠清扫那曾属于我的康庄大道我曾掷骰裁决那人世的生生死死洞察死敌眼神里隐藏的恐惧听那人群高呼:“先王已逝,吾王万岁!”曾几何时,我权柄在握转瞬却身陷囹圄最终发现我那盖世的宏图伟业只是一座虚无缥缈的空中楼阁我听见耶路撒冷传来洪亮的钟声罗马骑兵的唱诗班正在吟诵作为我的明镜, 我的剑和盾我的布道者们远涉异邦他们的使命我无法言明自从你离开之后,就从未有过从未有过一丝真言那就是我统治这世界的年月是那邪恶而狂野的风掀翻那阻挡我进去的重重的门窗棂破碎,鼓声喧天我的下场无人能料革命者在等待银盘里乘着我的头颅我只是那命悬一线的傀儡唉,早知如此,何必为王?我听见耶路撒冷传来洪亮的钟声罗马骑兵的唱诗班正在吟诵作为我的明镜, 我的剑和盾我的布道者们远涉异邦他们的使命我无法言明我深知圣彼得不会再认我从未有过一丝真言但那正是我统治这世界的年月
2023-07-14 04:53:553

eenie meenie 歌词 翻译 高手进。。 要原创 。、、

[ar:justin bieber][ti:eenie meenie][00:01.66]Catch a bad chick by her toe 抓住那个坏妞的脚[00:03.59]If she holla (if if if she holla) let her go 如果她向你求饶就放她走[00:08.03]She"s indecisive 她很优柔寡断[00:08.96]She cant decide 她不能做出决定[00:11.53]She keeps on lookin 她一直在[00:13.52]From left to right 从左到右的观察[00:15.58]Girl cmon get closer 女孩儿,过来离我近一些[00:17.14]Look in my eyes 看着我的眼睛[00:20.07]Searchin is so wrong 你这样到处找是不好的[00:21.39]Im Mr Right 我就是你的如意郎君[00:22.57]You seem like the type 你看起来就像那种女孩儿[00:23.93]To love em and leave em 在爱过他们后就离开他们[00:26.43]And disappear right after this song 在这首歌之后就消失不见[00:29.00]So give me the night 那么就请给我一晚上[00:31.55]To show you hold you 告诉你,抱紧你[00:34.48]Dont leave me out here dancin alone 不要丢下我一个人在这里孤单的跳舞[00:36.85]You cant make up your mind mind mind mind mind 你不能理清自己的思路[00:40.84]Please dont waste my time time time time time 但是请不要浪费我的时间[00:46.22]Im not tryin to rewind wind wind wind wind 我没有试着让你回心转意[00:49.45]I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能合二为一[00:54.51]Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 因为美女你是我的小恋人[00:57.12]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[01:01.19]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[01:05.18]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[01:10.24](Justin)[01:11.10]Let me show you what your missin 让我来告诉你你缺少了什么[01:13.60]Paradise 你缺少的是天堂[01:14.10]With me youre winning girl 和我在一起,你总会赢[01:16.54]You dont have to roll the dice 你没有必要去摇色子[01:19.04]Tell me what youre really here for 告诉我你到这里到底为了什么[01:21.46]Them other guys 为了那些其他的男孩吗?[01:22.46]I can see right through ya 我能看透你的心[01:24.65]You seem like the type 你看起来就像那种女孩儿[01:27.09]To love em and leave em 在爱过之后就离开他们[01:31.09]And disappear right after the song 在这首歌之后就消失不见[01:33.96]So give me the night 所以请给我一晚上的时间[01:35.95]To show you hold you 让我告诉你,让我抱着你[01:38.13]Dont leave me out here dancin alone 不要留我一人在这里孤独的跳舞[01:40.88]Cant make up your mind 你不能理清自己的思路[01:43.62]Please dont waste my time 但请你不要浪费我的时间[01:49.55]Not tryin to rewind 我没有试着让你回心转意[01:51.35]I wish our hearts could come together as one 我希望我们的心能合二为一[01:57.85]Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 因为美女你是我的小恋人[02:01.40]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:04.21]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:09.20]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:12.76](Sean)[02:13.82]Eenie meenie miney moe [02:15.95]Catch a bad chick by her toe 抓住一个坏妞的脚[02:18.13]If she holla (if if if she holla) let her go 如果她向你求饶就放他走[02:21.75]Eenie meenie miney moe [02:24.25]Catch a bad chick by her toe 抓住一个坏妞的脚[02:26.48]If she holla (if if if she holla) let her go 如果她向你求饶就放他走[02:31.23]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:33.23]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:37.29]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:40.08]Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova 美女你是我的小恋人[02:44.72]Cant make up your mind 你没法理清自己的思路[02:49.14]Please dont waste my time 但请你不要浪费我的时间[02:53.07]Not tryin to rewind 我没有试着让你回心转意[02:55.01]I wish our hearts could come together as one 我只是想让我们的心合二为一[03:02.36](repeat) ===========================================================================纯人工翻译,纯原创望采纳谢谢~~
2023-07-14 04:54:033


2023-07-14 04:54:117


2023-07-14 04:55:012

施瓦辛格电影歌词里有bad boys的歌曲

阿诺·施瓦辛格经典电影《过关斩将》片尾曲是《Restless Heart》。歌曲:Restless Heart专辑:Letter To America歌手:John Parr词曲:Faltermeyer歌词:This is no game, standing in the dark, I swear I heard you calling my nameAnd I knew things had changedNo pain no gainSomething in your eyes just told me that this nightmare would endAnd I had found a friendShout it from the highest steeple, let it out to all the peoplePlay it on the loudest speaker, burnin like the highest feverYou hit the right spotNo more lonely nights, with a restless heartRoll the dice, make a brand new startWhen the world you knew got shattered, you and me were all that matteredJust one way Im gonna lose this restless heart, running away with youHuman again, I take you in my arms and hold you till the fear is all goneAnd now the race is wonShout it from the highest steeple, let it out to all the peopleScream it on the loudest speaker, burnin like the highest feverYou hit the right spotNo more lonely nights, with a restless heartRoll the dice, make a brand new startWhen the world you knew got shattered, you and me were all that matteredJust one way Im gonna lose this restless heart, running away with youTheres a new horizon that were both heading toIts out there in the distance, and its playin our tune, runnin away
2023-07-14 04:55:081

Eenie Meenie的中文歌词

2023-07-14 04:55:173


鲜艳人生?应该是玩酷人生吧,LZ说的是Viva La Vida么? 专辑的名字来自一位墨西哥艺术家Frida Kahlo给自己的一幅画的命名。 在这张专辑制作的早期,三名乐队成员各自把对新专辑的想法都写在一张白板上,每一个人的想法都很激进前卫,最后,Chris Martin收回了他的看法。他希望以后有机会再游说他们。"我听到波诺曾经说过一句话,"乐队不应该为钱而分裂,他们应该只为了歌曲名单而分裂,"”他说,在这一点上,没有什么比这更有针对性了。” 这张专辑唱片是Coldplay第一次同著名英国音乐制作布莱恩.伊诺(Brian Eno)合作,从而使专辑的风格同前三张有明显的不同,在保留Coldplay原有的舒缓、激情又略带伤感风格的同时,又增加了音乐的气势,更加粗犷和鲜明,并揉入了拉丁乐风格大多数听起来令人耳目一新, 完全不同于他们以往的热门歌曲“Clocks”和“Speed Of Sound”。主唱Chris Martin说,这是受了他们在拉美巡演的影响。 好几首歌相当粗糙靠近边缘,伴随着扭曲的吉他和更加突出的敲击。歌词是暗色调的,反复出现了死亡和孤独的主题。其中有几首歌,Martin延长他的声带调色板,其表现大大超出了人们对他以往运用假声的理解,其音色低沉,性感,给人的感觉更个人,更真实。"不管这样好还是不好,我们已经开始在音乐里融入更多的色彩。”Martin说。 "取悦每一个人是不可能做到的,我们经历了这么长时间才体会到这一点。这样说让人觉得自由——可能没有一个人喜欢我们做的这些东西,但我们此时此刻就是想这样做,而且要把它做完为止。” 在新专辑里,乐队探索了各种声波的方向,其中一些来自制作人呢Brain Eno的启发和鼓励。"他不主观臆断,做出来的东西令人耳目一新。”Matin说。Buckland补充说, "他不仅仅是带来声音或其他东西,他带来了对一切事情的想法,甚至具体到,怎样构筑我们渡过的这一天。他的建议让我们停下来,仔细考虑很多问题。” 英国最大的唱片连锁店HMV说,在Viva La Vida唱片发行前,他们收到了大量网上唱片预订单,数量之多创下了预订纪录。唱片商店HMV还预测,这张唱片将可能成为英国今年的最畅销专辑唱片。Viva La Vida的发行,似乎给英国低迷的唱片界注入了一针强心剂。 Viva La Vida这首歌的歌词里歌颂的生命万岁是指自由的意思,生命不是单纯活着,而是自由的有意义的活着。歌名是西班牙语,也是一句名句。 以下是这首歌的歌词翻译 viva la vida(西班牙语) 生命无上 coldplay(酷玩乐队) 来自专辑《viva la vida》 Viva La Vida 生命无上 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own 我曾经主宰世界。 大海也愿为我咆哮。 如今我清晨独眠, 在我曾拥有的井巷中彷徨。 I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" 策马扬鞭,冲锋陷阵, 享受我敌人眼底的恐惧, 我也曾倾听愚民们高颂: “先王已逝!我王永生!” (此语出自欧洲谚语) One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand 大权刚刚在手, 城墙却立刻将我囚禁。 我这才发现我城堡的基石 竟如散沙盐粒般脆弱无力。 I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain Once you"d gone there was never, never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 耶路撒冷鸣钟响起。 罗马骑兵军歌嘹亮。 我异疆的传教士啊, 我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当! 其中缘由我不能讲明, 自你走后,我从未, 从未听过只字真言。 那是在我主宰世界的年月里。 It was a wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in. Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d become 狂风怒吼 一路袭来, 冲破重重大门将我席卷, 狼藉一片,鼓声四起。 我的结局无人能料。 Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king? 英雄义士在等待着 将我的头颅摆上银盘。 我不过是一个孤家傀儡, 唉,谁愿做王? I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world 耶路撒冷鸣钟响起。 罗马骑兵军歌嘹亮。 我异疆的传教士啊, 我的明镜,宝剑与盾牌由你们担当! 其中缘由我不能讲明, 我深知圣彼得不会唤我姓名。 从未听过只字真言。 但那是在我主宰世界的年月里。 来源:百度百科 追问: 非常感谢,能不能再给我介绍一下该专辑中的《Life In Technicolor(鲜艳人生)》?
2023-07-14 04:55:251

sarah west 的《surrender》歌词?

Surrender文本歌词 If that‘s the way you want itWell there you goBaby you can have it allNow that you just let me goYeah Yeah,Yeah YeahI‘ve waited here for so longThinking that you‘d seeBut you just kept on running awayYou made your misery my companyOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you only get one lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderAll the pain in your heartAll the tears in your empty soulAnd when you‘re spinning round and aroundIm the psycho going outta controlOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know you‘re only wasting timeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you have to do is just surrenderJust surrenderYou know it doesn‘t matter what you doDon‘t you know I‘m so over youOpen up your eyesDon‘t you know that it‘s your lifeOh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you‘ve gotta do...Oh,you drive me crazyOh,you just bring me downLook out your windowMy sunshine‘s all aroundAll you gotta do is just surrenderJust surrenderJust surrenderIf that‘s the way you want itWell there you go
2023-07-14 04:55:321


yesterday once more ,burning,my heart will go on...
2023-07-14 04:55:416

This Is Halloween 歌词

歌曲名:This Is Halloween歌手:The Party Cats专辑:Kids Dance Party: Halloween JamsBoys and girls of every ageWouldn"t you like to see something strange?Come with us and you will seeThis, our town of HalloweenThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenPumpkins scream in the dead of nightThis is Halloween, everybody make a sceneTrick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of frightIt"s our town, everybody screamIn this town of HalloweenI am the one hiding under your bedTeeth ground sharp and eyes glowing redI am the one hiding under yours stairsFingers like snakes and spiders in my hairThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songIn this town, don"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriseRound that corner, man hiding in the trash canSomething"s waiting no to pounce, and how you"ll.Scream! This is HalloweenRed "n" black, slimy greenAren"t you scared?Well, that"s just fineSay it once, say it twiceTake a chance and roll the diceRide with the moon in the dead of nightEverybody scream, everybody screamIn our town of Halloween!I am the clown with the tear-away faceHere in a flash and gone without a traceI am the "who" when you call, "Who"s there?"I am the wind blowing through your hairI am the shadow on the moon at nightFilling your dreams to the brim with frightThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!Halloween! Halloween!Tender lumplings everywhereLife"s no fun without a good scareThat"s our job, but we"re not meanIn our town of HalloweenIn this townDon"t we love it now?Everybody"s waiting for the next surpriceSkeleton Jack might catch you in the backAnd scream like a bansheeMake you jump out of your skinThis is Halloween, everyone screamWont" ya please make way for a very special guyOur man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patchEveryone hail to the Pumpkin KingThis is Halloween, this is HalloweenHalloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!In this town we call homeEveryone hail to the pumpkin songLa la-la la, Halloween! Halloween!
2023-07-14 04:56:081

求问一首歌的名字 开头是女生快速哼唱dengdengdengdengdeng 像是个舞曲

粒粒皆辛苦。。 野火烧不尽。。
2023-07-14 04:56:196

Don Ross的《Blue Bear》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Bear歌手:Don Ross专辑:Passion SessionBand Of Horses - Blue BeardI used to see the night so anxious, but now I knowThe only thing it ever taught me was a grand illusionThat comes and goes, the city blanketed of snowWhat if we die, no end and no conclusionHow could you smile, just walk awayWell I don"t know, I don"t knowI met you at the railroad station, now years agoAnd something happened on the night I last drank with you in the neon glowNow I don"t see you anymoreThe Midwestern sky is gray and coldThe sun never shines, but that"s alrightAnd I couldn"t find the letters that you wrote meWhat did you write, where"d you go, well I don"t know, noTake a little time, gonna roll the diceTaken for a ride, any normal life will do, tooFind another way, try to break the iceEvery day and night, the banana peels were true, true
2023-07-14 04:56:391

求Viva la vida 这首歌中用到英文中的修辞手法的歌词 最好是三个不同的修辞手法

2023-07-14 04:56:482

Justin Bieber的歌词翻译

我能给LZ 手动翻译,留邮箱,另,分是不是该加一点啊。。。注意,是手动的哦。。!
2023-07-14 04:56:573

谁能告诉我WWE RAW的主题曲《The Night is the night》的歌词?

似乎Listen up, turn it up and rock it outparty on, I wanna hear you scream and shoutthis is real, as real as it getsI came to get down to get some fuckingrespecttaking it back to hardcore levelyou better be ready, put your pedal to themetaltaking it back to hardcore levelyou better be ready, put your pedal to themetal.Go!Whoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedI want dominationI want your submissionI see you"re not resistingTo this temptationI"ve got one confessionA love deprivationI"ve got a jet black heartIt"s all fucked up and it"s falling apartWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedI"ve got another confessionI fell to temptationAnd there is no questionThere was some connectionI"ve got to follow my heartNo matter how farI"ve gotta roll the diceNever look back and never think twiceWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedTake your past and burn it up and let it goCarry on; I"m stronger than you"ll everknowThat"s the deal; you get no respectYou"re gonna get yoursYou better watch your fucking neckTake your past and burn it up and let it goCarry on; I"m stronger than you"ll everknowThat"s the deal; you get no respectYou"re gonna get yoursYou better watch your fucking neckWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be lovedWhoa I"ll never give inWhoa I"ll never give upWhoa I"ll never give inAnd I just wanna be, wanna be loved
2023-07-14 04:57:041

《roll the dice》的歌词全部翻译成中文是什么?

  Roll the Dice(掷骰子)  Sometimes you wonder  有时候你会期望  what if you could rewrite the moment  如果重新来过会怎么样  Sometimes you figure out  有时候去发现其实  there"s another luck in imperfection  不完美才是完美的真相  Sometimes you"ve been hurt  有时候难免要受伤  then you learn to think about and feel more  却收获了感悟的力量  Sometimes you"ve been bored  有时候你也厌倦了  with the life you hate  生活本来的模样  always beamazed  要一直好奇啊  always takearisk  要不断冒险啊  always keep the pace in a life time game  要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮  1,2,3,4,5,6,  life is rolling the dice,babe  人生的骰子不停地转啊  you can not imaginewhat would happen in a second  谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上  1,2,3,4,5,6  life is rolling the dice,babe  人生的骰子不停地转啊  while you"re lostin the dark,close your eyes,  迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上  you"ll find the lights shinein the other side  我们总会发现彼岸之光  (重复)  Sometimes you wonder  有时候你会期望  what if you could rewrite the moment  如果重新来过会怎么样  Sometimes you figure out  有时候去发现其实  there"s another luck in imperfection  不完美才是完美的真相  Sometimes you"ve been hurt  有时候难免要受伤  then you learn to think about and feel more  却收获了感悟的力量  Sometimes you"ve been bored  有时候你也厌倦了  with the life you hate  生活本来的模样  always beamazed  要一直好奇啊  always takearisk  要不断冒险啊  always keep the pace in a life time game  要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮  1,2,3,4,5,6,  life is rolling the dice,babe  人生的骰子不停地转啊  you can not imaginewhat would happen in a second  谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上  1,2,3,4,5,6  life is rolling the dice,babe  人生的骰子不停地转啊  while you"re lostin the dark,close your eyes,  迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上  you"ll find the lights shinein the other side  我们总会发现彼岸之光
2023-07-14 04:57:221

RoII The Dice这首歌的音译歌词跪求

2023-07-14 04:57:303

roll the dice 歌词

歌曲名:roll the dice歌手:Beth Orton专辑:superpinkymandyShe said I put a spell on youHe said there"s nothin" I could doAnd I wouldn"t love the way I do if I didn"t know that it was trueAnd I"d never love the way I do since I began losing youAnd nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together foreverShe said I only want to possess you, it"s dangerousHe said I only try to impress you, it"s strangenessAnd I wouldn"t love the way I do if I didn"t know that it was trueAnd I"d never love the way I do since I began losing youNothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together foreverAnd nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together forever
2023-07-14 04:57:392

roll the dice这首歌词的中文意思是什么

2023-07-14 04:57:462

RoII The Dice高珊这首歌的音译歌词跪求

Roll the Dice(掷骰子)Some times you wonder有时你不知道what if you could rewrite the moment如果你可以重写那时刻Sometimes you figure out有时候你断定there"s another luck inimperfection还有另一种运气存在缺陷Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候你被伤害then you learn to think about and feel more然后你学会去思考和感觉更多。Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你已经厌倦with the life you hate厌倦你讨厌的生活always be amazed总是惊讶always take a risk总是去冒险always keep the pace in a lifetime game总是在生存的游戏中保持不变的步伐1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,babe生命的骰子在不断转动,孩儿you can not imagine what would happen in a second你无法想象下一次会发生什么1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,babe生命的骰子在不断转动,孩儿while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,当你在黑暗中迷路了,闭上你的眼睛you"ll find the lights shine in the other side你会发现灯在另一侧闪耀
2023-07-14 04:57:531

歌曲《roll the dice 》

Roll the Dice(掷骰子)高珊演唱Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a lifetime game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光(重复)Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a lifetime game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,baby人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光1,2,3,4,5,6
2023-07-14 04:58:001

roll the dice总中文谐音歌词怎么翻译

2023-07-14 04:58:081

roll the dice总中文谐音歌词怎么翻译

2023-07-14 04:58:161

roll the dice高珊中文歌词

Roll the Dice(掷骰子)Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a lifetime game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光(重复)Sometimes you wonder有时候你会期望what if you could rewrite the moment如果重新来过会怎么样Sometimes you figure out有时候去发现其实there"s another luck in imperfection不完美才是完美的真相Sometimes you"ve been hurt有时候难免要受伤then you learn to think about and feel more却收获了感悟的力量Sometimes you"ve been bored有时候你也厌倦了with the life you hate生活本来的模样always be amazed要一直好奇啊always take a risk要不断冒险啊always keep the pace in a life time game要在生活这场游戏里前进的自如漂亮1,2,3,4,5,6,life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊you can not imagine what would happen in a second谁能猜得透下一秒是哪一面朝上1,2,3,4,5,6life is rolling the dice,babe人生的骰子不停地转啊while you"re lost in the dark,close your eyes,迷失在黑暗里就把眼睛闭上you"ll find the lights shine in the other side我们总会发现彼岸之光百度百科里有的我这是从百度百科里复制的
2023-07-14 04:58:351

《Roll the dice》歌词加中文翻译

《Roll the dice》歌词加中文翻译英文:She said I put a spell on youHe said there"s nothin" I could doAnd I wouldn"t love the way I do if I didn"t know that it was trueAnd I"d never love the way I do since I began losing youAnd nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together foreverShe said I only want to possess you, it"s dangerousHe said I only try to impress you, it"s strangenessAnd I wouldn"t love the way I do if I didn"t know that it was trueAnd I"d never love the way I do since I began losing youNothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together foreverAnd nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and you swear your loves for meAnd she don"t know if she can keep it together forever中文:有时你不知道如果你可以重写的时刻有时你的人物了在另一个缺陷有运气的有时你曾经受过伤害然后你学会思考和感觉更有时你已经厌烦你恨生活总是惊讶总是冒风险总是保持步伐,一辈子游戏1 2 3 4 5 6,生活是掷骰子,宝贝你无法想象在一秒会发生什么1 2 3 4 5 6生活是掷骰子,宝贝当你在黑暗中迷失,闭上你的眼睛,你会发现灯光照耀在另一边
2023-07-14 04:58:432

roll the dice歌词谐音(中文)

2023-07-14 04:58:503


求这首英文歌的歌曲名字 Surisan - Where Have You Gone :v.youku./v_show/id_XMjQ1MzkwMjA0. 从30秒开始 求这首英文歌曲名字 I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sweep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy"s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing Now the old king is dead Long live the king One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain Once you go there was never never an honest word That was when I ruled the world It was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the doors to let me in Shattered windows and the sound of drums People couldn"t believe what I"d bee Revolutionaries wait For my head on a silver plate Just a puppet on a lonely string Oh who would ever want to be king I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world Ooooo ooooo ooooo oooooo ooooo (repeat with chorus) I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can"t explain I know Saint Peter won"t call my name Never an honest word But that was when I ruled the world ice-can"t get over you :songtaste./song/506310/ ..试听地址 歌词,百度down的.. [ti:Can"t Get Over You] [ar:Ice] [al:] [by:MiG] [00:00.00]Can"t get over you--Ice [00:04.09]Can"t get over youtata tee tata tee.... [00:26.41] [00:33.87]As I watched you leave [00:35.87]I felt deceived, but decided not to cry [00:41.43]I wonder why you said "Goodbye" [00:45.65]I keep the pain inside [00:48.68]I can"t believe you turned and walked away [00:48.69]BRIDGE: [00:52.58]Left me all alone out in the rain [00:56.27]Every night I lie awake and pray [01:00.03]That you will e back to me someday [01:03.84]Can"t get over you... [01:05.19]tata tee tata tee.... [01:11.27]Can"t get over you [01:12.63]tata tee tata tee.... [01:18.67]Can"t get over you [01:26.49]Can"t get over you [01:29.00]Though I want to [01:31.01]Get you off my mind [01:34.05]You needed change [01:35.91]And had to go [01:38.14]It"s hard to carry on [01:41.06]I can"t believe you turned and walked away [01:45.01]Left me all alone out in the rain [01:48.51]Every night I lie awake and pray [01:52.28]That you will e back to me someday [01:58.16]Can"t get over youtata tee tata tee.... [02:44.89]I just can"t get over you 刚才网速有点慢提交也慢..Thx.. La Vita E 歌手:Nek 所属专辑:《Euro Dance》 求这首英文歌的歌曲名~~~~ Sarah Connor 的 Wait till you hear from me Compass 采纳 不谢 跪求这首英文歌曲名字! 是Bear Scout的"Animals" 请求这首英文歌曲名字 这首是改过的.. 原版是Flo Rida的Good Feeling 求这首英文歌曲的歌曲名 everyday - Sausalito Foxtrot 试听::songtaste./song/1783811/user/3101997/ 下载
2023-07-14 04:58:571

Justin Bieber 《Enie Memie》歌词。

是Eenie Meenie吧。。。。(Sean)Eenie meenie miney moCatch a bad chick by her toeIf she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her goShes indecisiveShe cant decideShe keeps on lookinFrom left to rightGirl, cmon get closerLook in my eyesSearchin is so wrongIm Mr. RightYou seem like the typeTo love em and leave emAnd disappear right after this song.So give me the nightTo show you, hold youDont leave me out here dancin aloneYou cant make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mindPlease dont waste my time, time, time, time, timeIm not tryin to rewind, wind, wind, wind, windI wish our hearts could come together as oneCause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova(Justin)Let me show you what your missinParadiseWith me youre winning girlYou dont have to roll the diceJustin Bieber Eenie Meenie lyrics found on Tell me what youre really here forThem other guys?I can see right through yaYou seem like the typeTo love em and leave emAnd disappear right after the song.So give me the nightTo show you, hold youDont leave me out here dancin aloneCant make up your mindPlease dont waste my timeNot tryin to rewindI wish our hearts could come together as oneCause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova(Sean)Eenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toeIf she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her goEenie meenie miney moeCatch a bad chick by her toeIf she holla (if, if, if she holla) let her goShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaShorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lovaCant make up your mindPlease dont waste my timeNot tryin to rewindI wish our hearts could come together as one(repeat)
2023-07-14 04:59:042

女生唱的英文歌。歌词第一句是roll a dice。第二句好像是命运什么的。还提到了一个月份。很

大概是这个~~End Of MayEND OF MAY 五月之末Keren Ann (S) Yarak (T)Close your eyes and roll a dice闭上你的双眼掷一颗命运之骰Under the board there"s a compromise暗地里有一些妥协和悲哀If after all we only live twice如果我们终究可以将生命重来Which life the wrong road to paradise哪一生才是通往天堂的错误之路Don"t say a word请沉默不语Here comes the break of the day看黎明到来In white clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May一片白色的沙云弥漫 在五月之末的风中散开Close your eyes and make a bet闭上你的双眼和命运对赌Face to the glare of the sunset面对着日落前最后的光彩This is about as far as we get这是我们所能到达的最远的天外You haven"t seen me disguised yet你还没看见我已将自己掩盖Don"t say a word请沉默不语Here comes the break of the day看黎明到来In white clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May一片白色的沙云弥漫 在五月之末的风中散开Close your eyes and make a wish闭上你的双眼再许下心愿Under the stone there"s a stonefish坐在石头下安静等待Hold your breath, then roll the dice屏住呼吸等命运安排It might be the wrong road to paradise也许这是条错误的通往天堂的路Don"t say a word请沉默不语Here comes the break of the day看黎明到来In white clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end一片白色的沙云弥漫 最后在风中散开Don"t say a word请沉默不语Here comes the break of the day看黎明到来In white clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of May一片白色的沙云弥漫 在五月之末的风中散开
2023-07-14 04:59:111

英文歌曲吹口哨然后one twothree

roll the dice ---高姗
2023-07-14 04:59:194

上帝掷骰子吗? 翻译成英文 最好不是直翻

Do you think God will roll the dice?
2023-07-14 04:59:461

eenie meeine 歌词中文音译

If she holla" (if, if, if she holla) let her go 如果她大喊大叫,就让她走吧Shes indecisive她踌躇不定的She can"t decide无法作下决定She keeps on lookin"From left to right她还在继续左顾右盼Girl, c"mon get closer女孩,过来靠近点Look in my eyes看着我的眼睛Searchin" is so wrong不要再继续寻找I"m Mr. Right我就是你的no.1You seem like the type,To love em" and leave em"你很像是那种爱上他们,又随便离开他们的人And disappear right after this song.就像当这首歌一结束,你又会消失的无影无踪So give me the night所以请你给我这个晚上To show you, hold you来展现你,抱住你Don"t leave me out here dancin" alone不要离开我让我一个人独自舞蹈You can"t make up your mind, mind, mind, mind, mind你不能控制你的意志,意志Please don"t waste my time, time, time, time, time请不要浪费我的时间,时间I"m not tryin" to rewind, wind, wind, wind, wind我不想试着回想这一切I wish our hearts could come together as one我希望我们的心能融为一体Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"来猜猜我的爱Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Let me show you what your missin"让我告诉你你在想什么Paradise是伊圃园吗With me you"re winning girl和我一起,你是我赢来的女孩You don"t have to roll the dice你不需要下赌注Tell me what you"re really here for告诉我,你在这里是为了什么Them other guys?是因为其他人吗I can see right through ya"我可以看穿哦You seem like the type你看上去很像那种To love em" and leave em"爱上别人又随便离开他们的人And disappear right after the song.就像当这首歌结束之后,你又消失的无影无踪So give me the night所以请让我用这个晚上To show you, hold you来展现你,抱住你Don"t leave me out here dancin" alone别让我一个人舞蹈Can"t make up your mind你不能控制你的意志Please don"t waste my time请不要浪费我的时间Not tryin" to rewind我不想试着去回忆I wish our hearts could come together as one我希望我们的心能融为一体Cause shawty(美女) is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"来猜猜我的爱Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova"Shawty is a eenie meenie miney mo
2023-07-14 04:59:541

Nicola Roberts的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:Nicola Roberts专辑:Cinderella"S EyesGladiatorNicola RobertsDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongFalling down to London townDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongPast the rooftops and the crownThe rules are easy if you like to break them and offendA role reversal that"s the password so come make a friendIt"s topsy-turvy to give mercy to the guilty menWe love you faking cause you made the effort to pretendLike a gladiator craves the blood of his spectatorsI"m in the middle of a man I"ll have to call you laterAnd just before I pull out I swear to use indicatorsSo you can see my show, you can, you can see my showShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name nowI roll the dice you play like mice send you round the bendSugar and spice screaming is nice the fun it never endsI miss mischievous innocent to the bitter endMake up is make believe so slap it on be my best friendI had to call a fire man my hair was burning bridgesI"m shooting bullets from my chest I"m super woman bitchesAnd if my balls of steel have stuck half way down your pipeI got some KY, time to open open open wideShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name nowThose days, I"d stumble in the dark,angels give me back my spark.The wrong girl trapped in the right placeI"ve had enough I"ve dusted offAnd wiped my blood on you!Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongFalling down to London townDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongPast the rooftops and the crownShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name now
2023-07-14 05:00:021


Come On Over Baby
2023-07-14 05:00:103

Roll The Dice的歌词谐音

把单词都会读了 跟唱一遍就会了 我也喜欢这首歌曲 我练会了
2023-07-14 05:00:251


它是 nigga 性交其余者的 azn对纽约 jigga 的达拉斯, 我们最好到蒙古人的到日本的越南到高棉的到台湾的菲律宾共和国韩国, 啊啊, 家乡中国谁你得到, 哼!? 你得到了粪 nigga, 感觉大小它是 A-Z-N 更好认识拿饭,母狗? 拿饭? 拿食物, 拿了汤, 得到药料? 得到智力像我们? 争取技术像我们? 得到汽车? 得到衣服? 争取女孩像我们? wassup 我们粪和我们杀 ya"ll 愚人我们在来自我们的家庭珠宝的银行中拿钱如果我们突袭而且使学校腐烂,我们能帮助它吗? 它不有关系性交我们违反规则的法律粪我们抬起汽车、取出游戏, yo 我们得到工具向上加箍于它, 把它打破下来然后我们射击一些池,你和我性交,你以所有的母狗性交, 不认为它很凉爽一在一之上性交它在一次没有决斗上是三拿饭母狗? 拿饭? 你能表示那很好的任何事? 拿现金,得到了动作, 得到像我们一样的想法? 没有性交, 地狱你白色的你永远不会像我们当你进入的时候,脱掉你的鞋子请或以你的性交的膝在地板上的附近爬行不要留意味道你将会习惯于它蠹球,油炸了乌贼, 而且 buddha 拉屎什么是你认为 i 没见到在房子中的没有叉子筷子唯一的有一个味道不被惊吓尝试柠檬的茶你不想要那好的尝试以 hong li 性交拿饭母狗,拿饭? 随时得到运气你卷骰子? 你的运气很坏除非你跑高度,我们是生活宝贝,亚洲自傲的宗教性暗杀团员的 cuz。。。
2023-07-14 05:00:321


tell me why 一个外国孩子唱的。
2023-07-14 05:00:403

怎么唱eenie meenie

你是唱完全的,还是Justin Bieber唱的? 无论是唱哪,首先歌词是要知道的;其次就是多听,这样可以记住它的旋律;听几遍就跟唱,多了就听旋律自己唱。 我就是这样的。
2023-07-14 05:00:583