barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-14 11:55:01
TAG: 电影



  1、That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love? Well,it works both ways.


  2、Between those huge,sweating tits that hung enormous the way you"d think of god"s as big.


  3、Echo:I could"t sleep. I could"t sleep. Everyting"s far way. With insomnia, nothing"s real. Everyting"s a copy of a copy of a copy.


  4、We used to read pornography. Now it was the horchow collection.


  5、Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.


  6、I wasn"t really dying. I wasn"t host to cancer or parasites. I was the warm little center. That the life of this world crowded around.


  7、Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again. Resurrected.


  8、When you have insomnia, you"re never really asleep and you"re never really awake.


  9、If I did have a tumoru2026I"d name it Marla. Marlau2026the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you can"t.


  10、Marla"s philosophy of life was that she might die at any moment. The tragedy, she said, was that she didn"t.


  11、This is your life, and it"s ending one minute at a time.


  12、If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?


  13、Why do guys like you and I know what a duvet is? Is this essential to our survival in the hunter-gatherer sense of the world? No. What are we, then? We"re consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, povertyu2026these things don"t concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guy"s name on my underwear. Rogaine, viagra, olestra.


  14、Fuck Martha Stewart. Martha"s polishing the brass on the Titanic. It"s all going down, man. So fuck off with your sofa units and strinne green stripe patterns. I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, let"s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.


  15、The things you own end up owning you.


  16、I should"ve been looking for a new condo. I should"ve been haggling with my insurance company. I should"ve been upset about my nice, neat flaming little shit. But I wasn"t.


  17、It was right in everyone"s face. Tyler and I just made it visible. It was on the tip of everyone"s tongue. Tyler and I just gave it a name.


  18、You weren"t alive anywhere like you were there. But fight club only exists in the hours between when fight club starts and when fight club ends. Even if I could tell someone they had a good fight, I wouldn"t be talking to the same man. Who you were in fight club, is not who you were in the rest of the world. The guy who came to fight club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.


  19、Self-improvement is masturbation. And self-destruction.


  20、Sticking feathers up your butt does make you a chicken.


  21、Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.


  22、You have to consider the possibility that god does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you. This is not the worst thing that can happen. We don"t need him. Fuck damnation,man. Fuck redemption. We are god"s unwanted children? So be it!


  23、First you have to give up. First you have to know, not fear, know that someday you"re gonna die. It"s only after we"ve lost everyting that we"re free to do anyting.


  24、Advertising has its taste in cars and clothes. Working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don"t need. We"re the middle children of history. No purpose or place. We have no great war, no great depression. Our great war"s a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives. We"ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we"d all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars. But we won"t. We"re slowly learning that fact. And we"re very, very pissed off.


  25、No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.


  26、You"re not your job. You"re not how much money you have in the bank. You"re not the car you drive. You"re not the contents of your wallet. You"re not your fucking khakis. You"re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.


  27、You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. We are all part of the same compost heap.


  28、You need to forget about what you know. That"s your problem. Forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me.


  29、Hitting bottom isn"t a weekend retreat. It"s not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go.


  30、In your world I see, you"re stalking elk through the damp canyon forest, around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You"ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You"ll climb the vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you"ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty carpool lane of some abandoned superhighway.











以nation为后缀的单词有: damnation n. 非难,被罚下地狱,诅咒; declination n. 倾斜,衰微; denomination n. 命名,(长度,币值的)单位; designation n. 指定,名称,称呼; destination n.目的地,终点;目标; detemination n. 决定 扩展资料   May he burn in the fires of eternal damnation.   他将在烈焰中受到永恒的诅咒。   The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.   坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。   God is willing to snatch your soul from eternal damnation.   上帝是愿意把你的灵魂从永恒的地狱中打救出来的。   The variations of La Damnation de Faust in the transformation from literature to music   《浮士德的沉沦》从文学到音乐转换的.变异   They believe he will suffer damnation for his sins.   他们相信他会因他的罪孽而遭厄运的。
2023-07-14 00:08:521


2023-07-14 00:09:223


第一话 魔法使在桶中『世界脱节了,这是怎样一个被诅咒的因果啊,竟是因为纠正它而生!』(The time isout of joint. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!)《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》第二话 少年说“她很漂亮” 『就算有好几千万的哥哥,把他们全部的爱聚集到一起,也抵不上我一个人的这份爱。』(Fortythousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love,make up my sum.) 泷川吉野 《哈姆雷特(第五幕第一场)》第四话 一切归无『天地之大,赫瑞修,比你能够梦想到的多出更多。』(There aremore things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in yourphilosophy.) 不破爱花 《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》第七话 哥哥说“我一概不顾”『我要向永劫挑战。我的立场已经坚决:今生怎样,来生怎样,我一概不顾,只要痛痛快快地为我的血亲复仇。』(I dare damnation. Tothis point I stand, that both the worlds I give to negligence, let come whatcomes: only I"ll be reveng"d most throughly for my father. 不破真广《哈姆雷特(第四幕第五场)》第十一话 制作时光机的方法 『你们这辈愚人!我和我的同伴们,都是命运的使者。』(You fools! Iand my fellows are ministers of fate)《暴风雨(第三幕第三场)》第十二话 时间之声『这真让人像堕入五里雾中一样!这种事情一定有一个超自然的势力在那指挥着。』(This is asstrange a maze as e"er men trod; and there is in this business more than natureWas ever conduct of.)《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》第十四话【大漩涡底余生记】『让我们不要把过去的不幸重压在我们的记忆上。』(Let us notburden our remembrances with a heaviness that"s gone.) 不破爱花 《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》『我们都是些十足的坏人,一个也不要相信我们。』(We are arrantknaves, all: believe none of us.) 不破爱花 《哈姆雷特(第三幕第一场)》第十六话 距离上天的祝福暂时非常遥远…… 『要抓住什么,将失去什么,问一问你们吧。』(To be, or notto be)《哈姆雷特(第三幕第一场)》第二十三话 真正的魔法使『我爱奥菲莉娅,即使她有好几千万的哥哥,把他们全部的爱聚集到一起,也抵不上我一个人的这份爱。』(I lov"dOphelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love,make up my sum.) 泷川吉野 《哈姆雷特(第五幕第一场)》第三十七话 How doneit『霍拉旭,天地之间有许多事情,是人类的哲学里所没有梦想到的呢。』(There aremore things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in yourphilosophy.) 不破爱花《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》『不久我们有了空暇,我便可以向您解答这种种奇迹,是你理解这一切的发生未尝不是可能的事。现在请高兴起来,把什么事都往好的方面想吧。』(At pick"dleisure, Which shall be shortly, single I"ll resolve you, Which to you shallseem probable, of every These happen"d accidents; till when, be cheerful Andthink of each thing well.) 不破爱花《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》第三十八话 然后回到起点 『啊啊,这是怎样一个被诅咒的因果。』(O cursedspite)《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》
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Rock N Roll Damnation 歌词

歌曲名:Rock N Roll Damnation歌手:Ac/Dc专辑:钢铁侠2Rock "N" Roll DamnationArtist: AC/DCAlbum: PowerageThey say that you play too loud,Well, baby, that"s tough!They say that you got to much,Can"t get enough!They tell you that you look the fool,And, baby, I"m a fool for you!They say that your mind"s diseased,Shake your stuff!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!You say that you want respect,Honey, for what?For everything that you"ve done for me,Thanks a lot!Get up off your bended knees,You could set your mind at ease!My temperature"s runnin" hot,And I"ve been waitin" all night for a bite o" what you got!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!(Damnation!) They"re puttin" you down,(Damnation!) All over town!(Damnation!) "Cause you"re way outta reach,Livin" on the streets, you gotta practice what you preach!And it"s a rock "n" roll damnation!Ma"s own whippin" boy!Rock "n" roll damnation!Take a chance while you still got the choice!(Damnation!) Left a happy home,(Damnation!) Just to live on your own!(Damnation!) You wanna live in sin,(Damnation!) It"s a rock "n" roll -Damnation! Just a bundle of joy,(Damnation!) You"re a toy for a boy!(Damnation!) You got dollars in your eye,(Damnation!) Chasin" that pie in the sky!(Damnation!) Rock "n" roll -Damnation!
2023-07-14 00:09:481


《行尸走肉》经典台词语录中英文赏析 1、 "If it feels easy, don"t do it. Don"t let the bie is not perish the human,because it can make human extinction only their oe?forth;they?that?have? done?good,unto?the?resurrection?of? life;and?they?that?have?done?evil, unto?the?resurrection?of?damnation.? 行善者复活得生,作恶者复活定罪。 《行尸走肉》 27、 我原来为生在这个世界的孩子感到悲哀,但现在我觉得我错了。成长就是为了适应这个世界。 《行尸走肉》 28、 我不会再把你当小孩,我希望你能拥有像我一样的童年,但这不可能。人都会死的,我会死,妈妈也是。你永远无法心情平静的面对死亡,我试着那样去做,但我做不到。我们现在能做的,就是尽量不去想,活在当下! 《行尸走肉》 29、 "The?good?people?,?they?alething to beanother thing ... ... 世界上总有一样东西要被另一样东西吃掉… 《行尸走肉》 31、 如果我真的把胎儿打掉,良心受谴责的就是我,而不是你。 《行尸走肉》 32、 在末世之中生存下去固然重要但如果放弃了某些东西 那即使你活着又与行尸走肉有什么区别 不管什么环境 人才是最恐怖的! 《行尸走肉》 33、 越是害怕,越是愚蠢。这是人的本性。 《行尸走肉》 34、 "All this time,running from ent. 《行尸走肉》 闻香识女人经典台词语录中英文对照摘抄 闻香识女人是1992年公映的美国电影。由阿尔帕西诺、克里斯奥唐纳等主演。电影讲述了一名预备学校的学生,为一位脾气暴躁的眼盲退休军官担任助手期间发生的故事。 1、No mistakes in the Tango, not like life. Its simple, thats e indication of a brain. too much football bothering you. 17、no mistakes in the tango, not like life. 兮:舞跳错了可以继续,生活呢? 18、all my life i stood up to everyone and everything because if made me feel important. you do it cause you mean it. 兮:有目的的生活有时候也会是一种悲哀。差距总是让人失落。 19、youre not bad, youre just in pain. 兮:如果一个人是坏人,并不是因为他本性有多恶,只是因为他的生命中积累了太多的的坏。是的,世界上没有坏人,只有在痛苦中的人。 20、ise you. Hows that for cornball? 我还说完呢,我刚一进到这里,就听到那些话:未来领袖的摇篮如果架子断了,摇篮也就掉了,它已经掉了,它坠落了,造就青年,培养未来的领袖,看吧!要小心了,你们在培养什么样的领袖,我不知道!今天查理保持沉默是对还是错,我虽然不是法官但我可以告诉你,他不会为了自己的前途而出卖任何人。朋友们!这就是人们常说的正直,这就是勇气,这才是未来领袖所具有的品质。现在我到了一个人生的十字路口,我一向知道哪条路是正确的,这毋庸置疑。我知道,可我没走,为什么?因为做到这一点他太坚难了。轮到查理了,他也在一个人生的十字路口,他必须选择一条路,一条正确的路,一条有原则的路,一条成全他人格的路,让他沿着这条是继续前行,这孩子的前途掌握在你们的手里委员们,他会前途无量的,相信我,别毁了他!保护他!支持他!我保证会有一天你们会为此而感到骄傲。 谍影重重5中英文经典台词语录 谍影重重5中英文经典台词语录 1、It"s not what happened to your parents、I killed them、I killed them、It was my job、It was my first time、Your father was supposed to be alone、But then your mother came out of in nowhere,and I had to change my plan、It changes things,that knowledge、Doesn"t it?When what you love gets taken from you,you wanna know the truth、I"m sorry、 你的父母并不是那么死的,是我杀死他们的,是我杀的,因为那是我的工作,是我的第一个任务,本该是你父亲一个人死的,但是你的母亲突然出现,我只好改变计划,事情因此改变,变成你所知道的那样,对吧?当你所爱的人从你身边被夺走时,你就像知道真相。对不起! 2、It was a mistake、It supposed to be you、There were files linking me to the Neski murder、If the files disappeared and they suspected you,they"d be chasing a ghost for 10 years、 那是个失误,应该杀你的,有一些文件会把我和奈斯基的谋杀案联系到一起。如果那些文件不见了,他们会怀疑你,那么他们将永远查不出真相。 3、I can see their faces、Everyone I ever killed、I just don"t know their names、Marie used to try to help me remember the names、I"ve tried to apologize for…for what I"ve done、For what I am、None of it makes it any better、 我杀的每一个人,我能看清他们的脸,只是不知道他们的名字。玛丽过去常常帮助我记住他们的名字。我试过为我所做的一切道歉,为我是个杀手道歉,但是一点用都没有。 4、This is where it started for me、This is where it ends、 对我来说,这里是一切开始的地方,也是该结束的地方 5、Daniels said the training was experimental、Behavior modification、They had to break down the agents before they became operational、He said you were the first one、 丹尼尔斯说,对你的训练是试验性的,行为修正,必须先让特工瓦解,然后他们才能听命,他说过你是第一个。 6、Do you even kown why you"re supposed to kill me? 你知道为什么要杀我吗? 7、We kill when what you love gets taken from you,I"m sorry、 是我杀的,你爱的人被夺走了,我很抱歉。 8、You killed Marie the minute you climed into her car、The minute you entered her life,she was dead、 从你进入玛丽的车的那一刻起,玛丽就已经死了。从你进入她的生活的那一刻起,她就死了。 9、It told you people to leave us alone、I fell off the grid、I was halfway around the world、 我说过让你们不要惹我,我洗手不干了,躲到了半个地球以外。 10、There"s no place it won"t catch up to you、It"s how every story ends、 It"s what you are,Jason…a killer、You always will be、 对你来说没有任何地方是藏身之处,每个故事的结局都是这样。杰森,你注定是一个杀手,永远都是。 电影《萨利机长》经典台词语录中英文翻译 电影《萨利机长》经典台词语录中英文翻译 1、我凭着我的经验和我的态度,还有我过去的四十年里我开过的数以千计的飞机所得的经验 2、乘客们手里拽着的就是最好的机会,我用我的生命去保证,事实上,我真的尝试过了,我还会再尝试一遍 3、工程师不是飞行师,他们说的不一定对,并且她们当时不在场 4、机长应该在第一时间做出判断 5、不要因为别人说什么而烦恼 6、一个对的人在对的时间做了一件对的事 7、你会犯错,每个人都一样,不要忘记了,不管发生什么,尽管去飞 8、要是他遵守该死的规则,我们都得死,可能这就是你不喜欢的地方,但是你已经得到了答案 9、我们不是无用的人,我们正在为人类飞行 10、无论怎样都要记住这似乎不是正确的事 11、是因为不是对的,尽力就已经足够了 12、我只是焦虑,孤独不能休息好 13、如果路人会对我造成危险 14、萨利,你是英雄,所有人都会习惯的 15、我绝不会对话多的人产生厌恶 16、我们做了本职工作而已
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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 意思要取切,急用,帮忙下 解析: 失落: 1. lose 2. loss Examples: 1. 她放弃职业结婚以后有一种失落感。 She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married. 2. 花朵向星辰落尽了的曙天叫道:"我的露点全失落了。" "I have lost my dewdrop, " cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars. 3. 毁灭灵魂的失落;永久的罚入地狱 Loss of the soul; eternal damnation. 失落的马鞭总有金柄。 The whip that"s lose always have a gold handle. 空虚感空虚、孤独或失落的感觉 A feeling or state of emptiness,loneliness,or loss. 失落的文件在一个文件夹里找到了。 The missing document turned up in a file. 毁灭灵魂的失落;永久的罚入地狱 Loss of the soul;eternal damnation. 失落的包在河里找到,可里面已空空如也。 The missing bag turned up,pletely empty,in the river. 我的钥匙失落在汽车与房子之间的什么地方了。 I lose my key somewhere beeen the car and the house. 每次我买了新钢笔,几天内就失落了。 Every time I buy a new pen,it goes astray within a couple of days. 散开搜寻使(猎狗)散开并且去搜寻一种失落的气味 To cause(hunting hounds)to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent. 花朵向星辰落尽了的曙天叫道:“我的露点全失落了。” "I have lost my dewdrop,"cries the flower to the morning sky that has lost all its stars. 怀着寻找真爱的希冀,我离开了家,来到了巴黎,但城市的生活给我留下的仅有幻灭与失落。 I left home and went to Paris hoping to find true love,but life in the city offered me only Dead Sea fruit.
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《毛骨悚然之红衣男孩》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:td1f《毛骨悚然之红衣男孩》导演: 孙杰编剧: 方岚主演: 孙丹丹、陈奕鸣、孙家文、许喵喵类型: 悬疑、惊悚制片国家、地区: 中国大陆语言: 汉语普通话上映日期: 2018-06-01(中国大陆)片长: 86分钟又名: Damnation一场聚会上,众人兴致勃勃地讨论了红衣男孩的事件。而就在当天晚上辛雅的儿子竟然遭受了“红衣男孩”的诅咒——七日之内必会死亡。辛雅踏上了艰难的解救孩子之路,然而在寻找解救方法的路上关联人一个接一个死去,事情被笼罩上了诡异的阴影。辛雅似乎在一步步接近真相,但更大的危机却降临在她身上。最终,她能破除红衣男孩的诅咒吗?
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《风雨哈佛路》(Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story),是美国一部催人警醒的电影,通过一位生长在纽约的女孩莉斯,经历人生的艰辛和辛酸,凭借自己的努力,最终走进了最高学府的经历,表达了一个贫穷苦难的女孩可以用执著信念和顽强的毅力改变了自己、改变人生的主题。风雨哈佛路也被评选为最励志的电影。在这部影评中出现了很多经典的台词语录下面让我们重温下这部电影中的一些经典台词。 风雨哈佛路英文经典语录: 1、如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。 Id give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back. 2、如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。 I eone elses needs, someone elses plate is going to be stronger than yours is. 6、生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。 Keep their eyes shut to the and dad, I got chance to see hoe of the time. but I etimes I feel like there is skin upon the e anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless. 风雨哈佛路 1、如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。 I"d give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back. 2、如果我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样? 我必须做到,我别无选择。 I eone else"s needs, someone else"s plate is going to be stronger than yours is. 6、生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉浸在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因素累积在一起造成了这种局面。 Keep their eyes shut to the and dad, I got chance to see hoe of the time. but I etimes I feel like there is skin upon the e anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homeless. 16、终于我明白了,我妈妈在哪里,我的家就在哪里。 17、世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。她活在我心中,可我无处立足,在这世上我孤独无助。 18、一个十六岁的人只有八年级的水平,你会顺着一个下降的螺旋到一个更糟的地方。你断了每一条路,拒绝了每次机会,你令所有曾经信任你的人都失望了。 19、我很聪明,我可以改变我现在的生活,改变我的一生。我需要的只是这个机会。 20、我必须做到,我别无选择。 21、每天起床,我看见的世界上的每个人,都好像都披着一层膜,无法穿透。这种感觉很奇怪,有点悲哀,可是没有办法改变。这些人的动作举止,为什么这么不一样?是不是因为,他们来的世界就是这么不一样?若是这样,那我要更努力、更努力,把我自己推到那个世界去。 22、我知道外面有一个更好更丰富的生活,而我想在那样的世界里生活。 23、为什么不能是我这种人,他们有什么特别之处,是因为他们的出生?我尽力拼搏,不让自己沦落到社会底层,如果、如果我更加努力呢?我现在离那层膜很近,触手可及。 24、你们努力了吗? 你们真的努力了吗?我看过很多人在努力,可在我看来,他们只是在尽力,不要尽力而为。要拼命!而且,要找到方向。 25、当然成功不会青睐于任何想不劳而获的人,只有不断努力的人才能获得它。 26、没有人可以和生活讨价还价,所以只要活着,就一定要努力。 27、这个世界很公平,或者世界上根本没有公平。要和别人平起并坐,需要自己的努力。 28、我一直都爱着我的妈妈,无论何时何地,我一直都爱着她,尽管有的时候连她自己都忘记了,但是我一直都爱着她,自始至终,对,自始至终。 29、我爱我的妈妈,自始至终,自始至终,尽管她吸毒尽管她没有照顾女儿,而一直是我在照顾她,好像她变成了我的孩子。 30、就算你是世界上最差劲的妈妈,就算在世人的眼里你是人见人怕的瘾君子,妈妈,我依然那么地爱你。 31、有妈妈的地方就是家。 32、历史是什么? 历史是别人对你的看法。 33、人会死,花会谢,看似有价值的东西实际上毫无意义。最终留下的是一个影像,模糊的影像,供我们回忆。 34、人们死去,放到坑里,所有的东西都是那么真实,那么没有意义,留下的就是一些行为的碎片,碎片和空气,那就是我们记得的东西。我记得和我妈妈一块儿从斜坡上滑下来,她的肩膀温暖的怀抱着我,当时我还很小,她还很好。那是很久以前,可能只是那么一次,可能她背叛了我无数次,但没有关系,次数不表示问题,我们记得我们的选择。 35、利兹,象我们这样的人,是不可能成功的,更不可能进哈佛。我会的。 36、我一直都爱着我的妈妈,无论何时何地,我一直都爱着她,尽管有的时候连她自己都忘记了,但是我一直都爱着她,自始至终,对自始至终。她活在我心中,可我无处立足,我孤独无助。 37、为什么不能是我这种人,他们有什么特别之处,是因为他们的出生?我尽力拼搏,不让自己沦落到社会底层,如果、如果我更加努力呢?我现在离那层膜很近,触手可及。 38、我爱我的妈妈,自始至终,自始至终,尽管她吸毒尽管她没有照顾女儿,而一直是我在照顾她,好像她变成了我的孩子。 39、世界不是真实的,我们活在彼此的心中。 40、就在那一刻,我明白了,我得作出选择。我可以为自己寻找各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己创造更好的生活! 41、就算你是世界上最差劲的妈妈,就算在世人的眼里你是人见人怕的瘾君子,妈妈,我依然那么地爱你。如果可能,我愿意放弃我所有的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。她住在我心里,可是我却没有容身之地! 42、我真的很聪明,我会成功的,我只是需要机会而已,是的,是这样的,我需要机会脱离我出生的环境,我认识的人全都充满了怨气,他们活着只是为了生存,但是我相信有比那更好的地方,那里更发达,我要活在那种地方,就是这样。 43、修10门课,用2年读完,这不太可能,太辛苦了。没关系,我可以。 44、没有人可以和生活讨价还价 所以只要活着 就一定要努力 45、我很聪明,我可以改变我现在的生活,改变我的一生。我需要的只是这个机会。 46、我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何情况下都必须往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。我为什么不能做到? 47、世界在转动,而你只是一粒尘埃,就算你消失了,世界仍然在转动。 48、我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何情况下都必须往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。我为什么不能做到? 49、不要以为世界会随你的意志而改变,因为别人的意志比你强大得多。 50、人会死,花会谢,看似有价值的东西实际上毫无意义。最终留下的是一个影像,模糊的影像,供我们回忆。 51、这些人的动作举止,为什么这么不一样?是不是因为,他们来的世界就是这么不一样?若是这样,那我要更努力、更努力,把我自己推到那个世界去。 52、世界不随你的意志而改变,因为别人的意志永远比你强。 53、我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦灰心丧气,因此把时间都浪费在灰心丧气里,还把这称之为愤怒,拒绝用全面的眼光去看到这种困境。 54、放下负担,让它过去,这样才能继续前进。 55、我知道外面有一个更好更丰富的生活,而我想在那样的世界里生活。 56、就算你是世界上最差劲的妈妈,就算在世人的眼里你是人见人怕的瘾君子,妈妈,我依然那么地爱你。 57、我知道外面有一个更好更丰富的生活,而我想在那样的世界里生活。 58、要是我更加努力呢?那需要努力,但并非不可能。 59、我必须做到,我别无选择。 满城风雨经典台词语录 “顺顺,我让你不要跟吴晓光结婚,你听见了没有?你不要和他结婚……” “顺顺,这辈子我从来没求过人,这次算我求你,你给我一年时间,你别跟他结婚,只要一年,一年后我们在一起,去哪都行,你别和他结婚。” “林顺,要么我们一起死也好,死了,也在一起……” 她忽然放弃挣扎,幽幽的说:“敬南,我怀孕了……” 他僵住了,脸上是死一般的茫然。 回望灯如花,未语人先羞,心事勤梳拢,浅握双手,任发丝缠绕双眸,那一个人却只存在梦境里,他终于再也触不到她,那一滴温暖一点一滴从胸口冷下去,最后一丝温度仿佛都从身体流走,整个人结成一块冰,心好似生生被宛去一块,空荡荡的,风来风去,这一生,这一生再不能圆满,顺顺--- 鸳梦,往日,星光满天,倾国倾城相守着永远,永远竟如此这般短暂,用尽全身力气,却换来半生回忆。该用什么样的面目来怨恨彼此,该用什么样的力气来铭记那些柔情,何以自处 敬南,我从来没有这么恨一个人… 她忽然笑了,说:“扬凡哥哥,你能不能再抱我一下?”说完仿佛害怕听见扬凡拒绝不等他开口她上前一把抱住扬凡的腰,头在他胸口深深的埋一下,头在他胸前埋一下,然后飞快的放开生怕自己舍不得放手似的,她对他说:“扬凡,再见!”没有叫他扬凡哥哥。在她放开他的那一瞬,他的身躯轻轻的震动了一下,他几乎克制不住去回抱她,如果她再慢一步抽手的话。再也不管其他的,所谓的禁忌所谓的道德所谓的挣扎,他只想要这个人的笑脸,这个人的幸福,只想要这个人,要狠狠的抱紧她告诉她,他从来没有爱过陈茜楠,告诉她看她难受的样子,他有多么痛,告诉她他从来没有想过有一天要把她推给别人,从来没有,从来没有…… 他想告诉她,这么多年来他心里魂牵梦萦的,也只有她一个而已! 他不想再一个人承担,不想看着她这么痛苦,同样不想再在夜深人静的时候想她想到心口刀搅般的疼,不想一个人面对漫漫长夜期待永远不会到来的光明…… 可是他什么都没有做,心潮翻滚的看着她对他笑,她对他说再见。 黄岩见过程敬南最冷酷的一面,那就是当她以为他也爱上她的时候,他却隔得远远的,生生的看着她哀哀痛哭,看她挣扎仿佛在看一场表演,仿佛他就是看电视 的人,人人都知道剧情的发展,只有她这个剧中人还不知情,傻傻地将剧情继续下去。如果可以,她当然宁愿自己还是那个对着他哀哀痛哭的乞爱的人,而不要象现在这样,可是她也深深明白,如果她不将自己送到这样的高度,那么他又怎会允许她同他比肩? 永远只有利益,永远只有利用,永远只有目标,永远只有算计,永远清醒过人、满腹城府、处变不惊的程敬南,想不到也会有喝醉的一天,想不到也会有这样想爱不敢爱的一天吧。 许只有在醉成那样的时候,也许只有在意志最薄弱的时候,他才敢面对自己,那个女人,他是想要得到的。但是清醒的时候永远是郎心如铁的程敬南,这个女人需要你同等的付出,这样你该怎么去得到?哪管你多么的有钱?有城府?有算计?……文章阁 《行尸走肉》经典台词语录中英文赏析 《行尸走肉》经典台词语录中英文赏析 1、 "If it feels easy, don"t do it. Don"t let the bie is not perish the human,because it can make human extinction only their oe?forth;they?that?have? done?good,unto?the?resurrection?of? life;and?they?that?have?done?evil, unto?the?resurrection?of?damnation.? 行善者复活得生,作恶者复活定罪。 《行尸走肉》 27、 我原来为生在这个世界的孩子感到悲哀,但现在我觉得我错了。成长就是为了适应这个世界。 《行尸走肉》 28、 我不会再把你当小孩,我希望你能拥有像我一样的童年,但这不可能。人都会死的,我会死,妈妈也是。你永远无法心情平静的面对死亡,我试着那样去做,但我做不到。我们现在能做的,就是尽量不去想,活在当下! 《行尸走肉》 29、 "The?good?people?,?they?alething to beanother thing ... ... 世界上总有一样东西要被另一样东西吃掉… 《行尸走肉》 31、 如果我真的把胎儿打掉,良心受谴责的就是我,而不是你。 《行尸走肉》 32、 在末世之中生存下去固然重要但如果放弃了某些东西 那即使你活着又与行尸走肉有什么区别 不管什么环境 人才是最恐怖的! 《行尸走肉》 33、 越是害怕,越是愚蠢。这是人的本性。 《行尸走肉》 34、 "All this time,running from ent. 《行尸走肉》
2023-07-14 00:10:331

有人了解Damnation Angels主唱吗,到底是英国的还是挪威的

是英国的 。
2023-07-14 00:10:522

CS GO里面一局结束以后说的 什么 true true damnation ? 还是 什么dam

mvp音乐盒 可以购买说的是true ture domination(绝对统治力)
2023-07-14 00:11:013

动画《BECK》的主题歌《HIT IN THE USA》是谁唱的,等高人具体介绍。

HIT IN THE USA原 唱:BEAT CRUSADERSGirl Friday Damnation Follow Me 等 i"ve never dreamed beforei"m gonn knock the doorinto the world of perfect free(you ain"t no lonely!)you"re gonna say i"m lyingi"m gonna get the chancei thought a chance is far from mei was made to hit in america i"ve never dreamed beforei"m gonna knock the doorinto the world of perfect free(you ain"t no longly!)you"re gonna i"m foolbut now imade it true how many time i try to be(you ani"t no lonely!)i was made to hit in americayou are the sunyou are the star(to me.forever)
2023-07-14 00:11:081


2023-07-14 00:11:291

Dana Key的《The Outlaw》 歌词

歌曲名:The Outlaw歌手:Dana Key专辑:The Journey标题:The Outlaw艺术家:HammerFallIt started with the holy water rising to a boilThe crops went bad, no life coul breed,beneath the rotten soilImprisoned for his make beliefs,impending dire viewsBecame accountable for every flaw,spread the newsDisturbing dreams of the future - reverieSeven flights of imaginationThese taunting dreams no one could reador even understandDesilutions of insanity, banned from his fatherlandJust leave the ship and swim ashore life"s hanging by a threadDays of mass destruction, hamrageddon, lies aheadDisrurbing dreams of the future -reverieSeven flights of imaginationBring out the Outlaw, how do you pleadTo the allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationSo, seven years of devastation followed in the landOne for every prophecy, served by tha almighty handThe outlaw was imprisoned for scattering his dreamsNone stood up to hold his ground, spineless so it seemsDisturbing dreams of the future - reverieSeven flights of imaginationBring out the Outlaw, could you forseeThe allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationA life could be saved, if someone stood up for his rightsNow cursed and condemned, mistreated on his last nocturnal flightBring out the Outlaw, how do you pleadTo the allegationBring out the Outlaw, charge him, decreeEternal damnationCall for the Outlaw, help us forseeGod"s allegationCall for the Outlaw, charge us, decreeEternal damnation金属梦:66032164
2023-07-14 00:12:481

eternal damnation是什么意思

eternal damnation 永恒的诅咒;永远的惩罚;南木中的永罚双语例句1. The Titans were hurled down there by Zeus to suffer eternal damnation.提坦诸神就被宙斯拉到这儿承受永久的磨难.2. God is willing to snatch your soul from eternal damnation.上帝是愿意把你的灵魂从永恒的地狱中打救出来的.3. The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚.*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************
2023-07-14 00:13:241


闻香识女人是1992年公映的美国电影。由阿尔帕西诺、克里斯奥唐纳等主演。电影讲述了一名预备学校的学生,为一位脾气暴躁的眼盲退休军官担任助手期间发生的故事。 1、No mistakes in the Tango, not like life. Its simple, thats e indication of a brain. too much football bothering you. 17、no mistakes in the tango, not like life. 兮:舞跳错了可以继续,生活呢? 18、all my life i stood up to everyone and everything because if made me feel important. you do it cause you mean it. 兮:有目的的生活有时候也会是一种悲哀。差距总是让人失落。 19、youre not bad, youre just in pain. 兮:如果一个人是坏人,并不是因为他本性有多恶,只是因为他的生命中积累了太多的的坏。是的,世界上没有坏人,只有在痛苦中的人。 20、ise you. Hows that for cornball? 我还说完呢,我刚一进到这里,就听到那些话:未来领袖的摇篮如果架子断了,摇篮也就掉了,它已经掉了,它坠落了,造就青年,培养未来的领袖,看吧!要小心了,你们在培养什么样的领袖,我不知道!今天查理保持沉默是对还是错,我虽然不是法官但我可以告诉你,他不会为了自己的前途而出卖任何人。朋友们!这就是人们常说的正直,这就是勇气,这才是未来领袖所具有的品质。现在我到了一个人生的十字路口,我一向知道哪条路是正确的,这毋庸置疑。我知道,可我没走,为什么?因为做到这一点他太坚难了。轮到查理了,他也在一个人生的十字路口,他必须选择一条路,一条正确的路,一条有原则的路,一条成全他人格的路,让他沿着这条是继续前行,这孩子的前途掌握在你们的手里委员们,他会前途无量的,相信我,别毁了他!保护他!支持他!我保证会有一天你们会为此而感到骄傲。 《唐顿庄园》经典台词语录摘抄中英文 《唐顿庄园》经典台词语录摘抄中英文 1、There can be too much truth in any relationships. 人与人之间,实话说得太多也会物极必反。 《唐顿庄园》 2、"You are no different to the rest of us, remember that. 记住这点:你和别人没有任何不同。 《唐顿庄园》" 3、我们都有伤疤,外在的或内在的,无论因为什么原因伤在哪个部位,都不会让你和任何人有什么不同。除非你不敢面对,藏起伤口,让那伤在暗地里发脓溃烂,那会让你成为一个病人,而且无论如何假装,都永远正常不了。 《唐顿庄园》 4、ething bad happens, there"s no point in pletely. 有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。 《唐顿庄园》" 11、"eone climbs it. Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks. 没有翻不了的山,也没有沉不了的船。 《唐顿庄园》 15、It just happens. And we should live with it. 世事无常,我们要随遇而安。 《唐顿庄园》 16、If you were the only girl in the world And I were the only boy Nothing else would matter in the world today e inside to tell her that her favorite rose is in bloom.And then, suddenly 《唐顿庄园》" 27、That I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walked the earth. 只要你还活着,我和别人就不会幸福。 《唐顿庄园》 《行尸走肉》经典台词语录中英文赏析 《行尸走肉》经典台词语录中英文赏析 1、 "If it feels easy, don"t do it. Don"t let the bie is not perish the human,because it can make human extinction only their oe?forth;they?that?have? done?good,unto?the?resurrection?of? life;and?they?that?have?done?evil, unto?the?resurrection?of?damnation.? 行善者复活得生,作恶者复活定罪。 《行尸走肉》 27、 我原来为生在这个世界的孩子感到悲哀,但现在我觉得我错了。成长就是为了适应这个世界。 《行尸走肉》 28、 我不会再把你当小孩,我希望你能拥有像我一样的童年,但这不可能。人都会死的,我会死,妈妈也是。你永远无法心情平静的面对死亡,我试着那样去做,但我做不到。我们现在能做的,就是尽量不去想,活在当下! 《行尸走肉》 29、 "The?good?people?,?they?alething to beanother thing ... ... 世界上总有一样东西要被另一样东西吃掉… 《行尸走肉》 31、 如果我真的把胎儿打掉,良心受谴责的就是我,而不是你。 《行尸走肉》 32、 在末世之中生存下去固然重要但如果放弃了某些东西 那即使你活着又与行尸走肉有什么区别 不管什么环境 人才是最恐怖的! 《行尸走肉》 33、 越是害怕,越是愚蠢。这是人的本性。 《行尸走肉》 34、 "All this time,running from ent. 《行尸走肉》 《神偷奶爸3》经典台词中英文对照 1、I was thinking you two could get some grub。我觉得你们俩可以出去吃个饭。 2、Are you out of your gourd?你疯了吗? 3、Well, it seems that because of your checkered past, everyone else refused to work with you。好像是由于你背景复杂,所以没人愿你和你共事。 4、Does it matter? 有什么关系吗? 5、Yeah, well, she is a nut job, and I‘m not going on any date。是的,不过她的脑袋有点不正常,而且我才不会去相亲。 6、Go about your business。回去干活吧。 7、who are you texting? 你在给谁发短信? 8、You never know what kind of booby traps this guy could have set。你永远猜不到这家伙可能会设下什么样的陷阱。 9、The kid gives me the creeps!那孩子让我毛骨悚然! 10、No one! Just my friend Avery。 没谁!只是一个叫Avery的朋友。 11、Wow, looks like your date"s out for the count。哇,你的约会对象好像不省人事了呢。 12、I just need to get some things off my plate before we start taking over the world, that‘s all。只不过在我们开始征服世界前,我得先把一些事情处理完。 13、But not me。 I stepped up。但我愿意,我毛遂自荐的。 14、I don"t。 I‘d do it again in a heartbeat。我可没有,我真想马上再来一次。
2023-07-14 00:13:301


2023-07-14 00:13:406

帮忙人工翻译下歌词Satyricon-Fuel for Hatred

Satyricon-Fuel for HatredSatyricon-仇恨的源头Scornful, relentless memory充满了鄙视,无休止的记忆Ripped of all but drive剥夺了除动力之外的东西Undressed by betrayal被背叛扒下了华丽的外衣Zero tolerance for the souldead对灵魂早已死亡的人没有一丝耐性Wish I was the violence,情愿我是那inflicted upon you加诸于你身上的暴/力Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。Little you,渺小的你still like a claw in my eye像是扎在我眼中的一根刺Pulsating organic rage激动的原/始/愤/怒I should have let you off of the hook我应该放你离开的Mind drifts神游天外into dynamic pain到了不断扩大的伤痛中Universal onslaught对世界的冲击I"m on my own (One soul, one hate)我只有自己(一个灵魂,一种仇恨)Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。Damnation, holocaust诅/咒,毁/灭Devil horns for you to ride魔角仍你使用Time for the angel是时候让天使to spread his wings and fly张开他的翅膀飞翔World opponent,世界的对手wishmaster of gruesome pain恐/怖伤痛的愿望之神Stormtroops" frantic fury,暴雨军/团的狂乱怒火demoniac spitfire!恶魔的烈焰Abortion of religious life, distinguish the rot宗教生活的夭折,看清腐败I hate you我恨你to a level of intoxication恨到让我中了毒Don"t feel alone,不要感到孤单I"ve got enough我受够了I wish you slow death,我希望你慢慢的死去slow death by grinding慢慢的被磨碎Fuel for Hatred, air raid siren. Fuel for Hatred, to mankind 仇恨的源头,空/袭/警/报。对于人类的,仇恨的源头。希望对你有帮助~天上~注:fuel是燃料的意思,但是在这里翻译为源头更贴切。另,歌词为意译。
2023-07-14 00:14:031

primal fear的《Fear》 歌词

歌曲名:Fear歌手:primal fear专辑:Metal Is Forever: The Very Best Of Primal Fear CD1标题:fear艺术家:Primal fearCenturiesOf blood and warThe world is on its kneesEmpty heart,Fanatic brainIncurable diseaseUnfoundedAnd senseless hateIs poisoning your nationYou live in sin,You"re spilling bloodYour soiling god"s creationDon"t be mad,Don"t be insaneNo one of you will remainLiving in a battleDogs of warLiving in a battleYou have to fightNo moreLiving in a battleHave you heardLiving in a battleFear is aFour-letter wordFighting for shady idealsYour god commands to killYou"re cheeringIn self-confidenceBut you willPay the billYou"re terrorizingPeaceful menTherefore you"ll find damnationThe only thing you have to doIs to await your annihilationDon"t be mad,Don"t be insaneNo one of you will remainLiving in a battleDogs of warLiving in a battleYou have to fightNo moreLiving in a battleHave you heardLiving in a battleFear is aFour-letter wordDon"t be mad,Don"t be insaneNo one of you will remainLiving in a battleDogs of warLiving in a battleYou have to fightNo moreLiving in a battleHave you heardLiving in a battleFear is aFour-letter wordLiving in a battleDogs of warLiving in a battleYou have to fightNo moreLiving in a battleHave you heardLiving in a battleFear is aFour-letter word金属梦:66032164
2023-07-14 00:14:171

Radiohead的《Untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled歌手:Radiohead专辑:Kid ANas - UntitledNo revolutionary gets oldOr so I"m toldYou"re left full of bullet-holesWhen you tell the people go freeOh, it"s a matter of days before they try to take meI heard gunshots rangHis bullet got my nameI ain"t see him take aimI dreamt this day came"Cause I stood in the face of damnationSatan, spat at him, flat out disgraced himHe want my blood; why me?Why not the fake ones who deserve death, manCan stop me but can"t stop a whole nationOf millions who feel you deceived themThey believing reparation makes it evenSo I"m deadly now because of one reasonThey listeningIn Budapest, Japan, China, and SwitzerlandWe getting it in, sonAnother bullet passed by--missed meWondering who plotting to get meAlphabet boys still plotting against meTo hush me up and stuff me in the pockets of historyYou won"t remember why they came to clip meWhen time go by, you"ll soon forget meThey say he was the king of bling, jewels, and Bentley"sThen they use one of my lines just to prove I"m guiltyDon"t let them kill meSome revolutionaries do live longAm I one of them? Guess we"ll know in due timeEverybody has rights, can I use mine?Can I rock shine? Can I have a girl that"s too fine?Got a swell life, tell me, will I lose mine?Every time I turn around somebody new dyingLet"s start livingAla carte escargot, Escobar, invest my millionsMansion for the wife, the rest for the childrenKnowing that they coming any time, but until thenI"m at large until they shoot meMillion dollar stones and my camouflage GucciGiving you this crack like PookieTo question the systemBe the resistanceNo matter what color you areEverybody nigga"sYou can stand by and watchOr you can march on with us
2023-07-14 00:14:231


So fell autumn rain 秋雨滂沱 Leaving with twilight though I was chosen 与黎明携手消逝,而我不得不 To wander the way in the darkest of nights 徘徊在最黑暗的夜幕中 Oh, in the summer sun how soon I came to stray 噢,在夏日的阳光下我要迷失多久 A true damnation, when I turned away 犹如诅咒,当我转身离开时 So fell autumn rain, washed away all my pain 秋雨滂沱,冲走我所有伤痛 I feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once again 我终于再一次自由地呼吸,让我感到些许明快,些许轻松 So fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows away 秋雨滂沱,冲走我所有忧伤 With the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to stay 日落尚早,旧梦仍在So fell autumn rain 秋雨滂沱Blinded by dawning so you would take me 黎明时盲目的我,被你带到Further away, away from the fall 很远的地方,远离坠落的疼痛Oh, you told me I must never dream again 噢,你告诉我永远不要再做梦了A true damnation, you left me the pain 犹如诅咒,你给我留下永久地伤痛So fell autumn rain, but all things must pass 秋雨滂沱,一切都将归去So fell autumn rain, washed away all my pain 秋雨滂沱,冲走我所有伤痛 I feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once again 我终于再一次自由地呼吸,让我感到些许明快,些许轻松 So fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows away 秋雨滂沱,冲走我所有忧伤With the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to stay 日落尚早,旧梦仍在 So fell winter 寒冬将至
2023-07-14 00:14:422

So fell autumn rain 的歌词谁能帮翻译下?

作词:kyo 作曲:UZA 编曲:藤田宜久 歌:不二周助(甲斐田ゆき) Don"t Stop The Rain 黒い雨の中 静かな微笑みを Don"t Heal My Pain まだ谁も知らない仆を见せるよ なくすモノを恐れないで挑んでくる でもこの一线は超えさせはしない 望むモノはただ仅かの翳りも无く 时に罪深くも完璧な强さ Don"t Stop The Rain この胸の中の野性が目を覚ます Don"t Heal My Pain 络み出す运命の悪戯が见たい Don"t Stop The Rain 渇いた心が 求める楽?/td>
2023-07-14 00:14:502


So Fell Autumn Rain 秋雨Leaving with twilight though I was chosenTo wander the way in the darkest of nightsOh, in the summer sun how soon I came to strayA true damnation, when I turned away随着曙光一起离开,命运安排我在无尽的黑夜里徘徊夏日炎炎,很快我就迷失了方向在我转身时,命运出现转机So fell autumn rain, washed away all my painI feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once againSo fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows awayWith the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to staySo fell autumn rain秋雨绵绵,洗去我的痛苦莫名的,我快乐起来、轻松起来,迎接新生活秋雨漫漫,冲走我的悲伤太阳在我身后落下,我竟发现心中仍存有梦想秋雨下……Blinded by dawning so you would take meFurther away, away from the fallOh, you told me I must never dream againA true damnation, you left me the pain黎明朦胧了我的双眼你把我带走,远离沉落你说我不该在做梦了可恨的是,你带给我无限忧伤So fell autumn rain, but all things must pass秋雨下,一切终将流逝So fell autumn rain, washed away all my painI feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once againSo fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows awayWith the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to staySo fell winter秋雨绵绵,洗去我的痛苦莫名的,我快乐起来、轻松起来,迎接新生活秋雨漫漫,冲走我的悲伤太阳在我身后落下,我竟发现心中仍存有梦想冬天就要降临……2。Hold On Tight 抓紧When I close my eyes tonightDown my dreams the velvet raven fliesSo I hold on今夜我合上双眼黑绒乌鸦顺着我的梦飞下我紧紧抓住Whither goes the way I rideIn the moonlit raven"s eyeStaring past the purple sky tonight我将驶向何处月光下乌鸦的眼睛凝视紫色天空I"m holding on and IFind out the only way goes downAnd the weary drowns我紧紧抓住找到唯一的出路筋疲力尽的人被淹没Better hold on tight最好紧紧抓住Where leads the way I goVelvet one I only knowEvery raven craves a crimson stone前路通向何处我只感觉到柔软光滑每只乌鸦都渴望得到一块血石I"m holding on and IFind out the only way goes downAnd the weary drowns我紧紧抓住找到唯一的出路筋疲力尽的人被淹没Better hold on tight最好紧紧抓住3。Forever Autumn 秋日永恒So, the season of the fall beginsDown the crossroads in a sleepy little innBy the fire when the sun goes down秋季来到来到十字路口尽头的疲倦的小酒馆来到太阳落山后的火堆旁 But the night becomes youAnd the secrets of the rain黑夜成了你雨的秘密Forever autumn永恒的秋日And the season of the fall beginsOut the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets inThe secrets clear in the cloudy night秋季来到来到雷鸣电闪的夜空间乌云密布的夜晚,秘密开始初见端倪But the night becomes youAnd the secrets of the rain, they will stay the sameAnd the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again然而黑夜成了你雨的秘密,永远还是秘密暴雨就要来了Coming closer every day, forever autumn永恒的秋日,一天天靠近And the season of the fall beginsPast the passingbell, past willow"s weepingA ripple forms on the brinks of time秋季来到目睹丧钟之鸣,寡妇之泣时间的边缘泛起波澜But the night becomes youAnd the secrets of the rain, they will stay the sameAnd the time will come soon With the secrets of the rain, and the storm again然而黑夜成了你雨的秘密,永远还是秘密暴雨就要来了Coming closer every day, forever autumn永恒的秋日,一天天靠近4。Pagan Wish纯真的愿望Wish I could split the night in twoWish I could, what I would do to you多么希望我能够把黑夜撕成两半多么希望我能够,我能为你做些什么?Wish I could hold the nights apartOh, to you I give the sun, my heart多么希望我能阻止黑夜的到来给你阳光,和我衷心的希望I"ll be the cyclone how it straysI"ll be the moon escaping thereI"ll be your cancer now, the sun that eats away我要成为旋风我要成为逃离的月亮我要成为你被太阳吞噬的病痛Wish I could be the waking sunJust for once I"d be the brightest one多么希望我能够成为初醒的太阳哪怕就一次,我也要发出最明亮的光芒Wish I could find you where you hideLike the sun I"d be the tide that swallows tide多么希望我能够找到你我将成为潮水中的一波I"ll be the cyclone how it straysI"ll be the moon escaping thereI"ll be your cancer now, the sun that eats away我要成为旋风我要成为逃离的月亮我要成为你被太阳吞噬的病痛We used to climb the highest peaksUsed to lay there in the breezeThen you turned around to runSo now I"m gone我们曾经爬上最高的山坡曾经躺在那里享受微风抚面现在我离开了5。Otherwheres [Instrumental]他处[纯器乐]6。The Homecoming 归家It"s the way of the cosmic sailor, in boat in the nightBut the wolves are not scaring him, he"s alrightJust the day, just the day away, I can feel it sometimes夜晚,海员在船上狼群没有吓倒他,他平安无事就在那一天,就在那一天,我仍时常回味Then with the morning comesThe sun that finds them all, so divides the night and they dieAnd with the morning sunA lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and I die清晨的阳光划破了黑暗,他们消逝了清晨的阳光洒在我脸庞,孤独的泪滴落下,我绝望了But where did the cosmic sailors come fromFar away from across the seaAnd where have all the cosmic sailors now goneAnd the night that showed them all to me海员从哪里来从遥远的海的那一边海员又将去向何处黑夜告诉了我这一切:On the waves of this silver ocean, for a while there he smilesAs he sails with the other ones, the wind diesSo a cry, a cry is calling, all the wolves among the nightAs I sail with the other ones, I find them alright银色海水起波浪,他笑了他和同伴们一起旅行,风停了一声嗥叫,狼群在夜晚嗥叫我发现海员们都平安无事Then with the morning comesThe sun that finds them all, so divides the night and they dieAnd with the morning sunA lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and I die清晨的阳光划破了黑暗,他们消逝了清晨的阳光洒在我脸庞,孤独的泪滴落下,我死心了7。Come Night I Reign 我掌管黑夜Come night comes shadows to your sideCome night comes every tear you"ve criedCome night so comes your time to see黑夜来临投下你的身影黑夜来临洒下你的泪滴黑夜来临,你该明白了……Come night comes hatred to my heartCome night comes healing of my scarsCome night so comes my time to see黑夜来临带来我的恨意黑夜来临抚平我的创伤黑夜来临,我该明白了……Come night I"m there againCome night, come night I reign黑夜来临,我如约而至黑夜来临,我掌管黑夜Beware, for
2023-07-14 00:14:571


2023-07-14 00:15:054

King Biscuit Time的《Untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled歌手:King Biscuit Time专辑:No StyleNas - UntitledNo revolutionary gets oldOr so I"m toldYou"re left full of bullet-holesWhen you tell the people go freeOh, it"s a matter of days before they try to take meI heard gunshots rangHis bullet got my nameI ain"t see him take aimI dreamt this day came"Cause I stood in the face of damnationSatan, spat at him, flat out disgraced himHe want my blood; why me?Why not the fake ones who deserve death, manCan stop me but can"t stop a whole nationOf millions who feel you deceived themThey believing reparation makes it evenSo I"m deadly now because of one reasonThey listeningIn Budapest, Japan, China, and SwitzerlandWe getting it in, sonAnother bullet passed by--missed meWondering who plotting to get meAlphabet boys still plotting against meTo hush me up and stuff me in the pockets of historyYou won"t remember why they came to clip meWhen time go by, you"ll soon forget meThey say he was the king of bling, jewels, and Bentley"sThen they use one of my lines just to prove I"m guiltyDon"t let them kill meSome revolutionaries do live longAm I one of them? Guess we"ll know in due timeEverybody has rights, can I use mine?Can I rock shine? Can I have a girl that"s too fine?Got a swell life, tell me, will I lose mine?Every time I turn around somebody new dyingLet"s start livingAla carte escargot, Escobar, invest my millionsMansion for the wife, the rest for the childrenKnowing that they coming any time, but until thenI"m at large until they shoot meMillion dollar stones and my camouflage GucciGiving you this crack like PookieTo question the systemBe the resistanceNo matter what color you areEverybody nigga"sYou can stand by and watchOr you can march on with us
2023-07-14 00:15:111


十八层地狱: at the bottom of the hell
2023-07-14 00:15:213

电影科学家制造超大僵尸的片名叫什么 还有个人能操控爬行怪兽

如果你说的是动画的话,那应该是:生化危机:诅咒《生化危机:诅咒》(英文:Resident Evil:Damnation。日语:バイオハザード ダムネーション),是CAPCOM公司为“生化危机”系列游戏制作的CG电影第二部,影片主角依然是“里昂”(Leon S Kennedy)此外跟里昂搭档多次的“艾达·王”(Ada Wong)将在电影登场,由日本导演神谷诚执导电影。该影片将在9月24日发行DVD与蓝光。该电影是由日本CAPCOM旗下著名动作冒险类游戏《生化危机》系列改编的全CG电影。和真人版的《生化危机》电影不同,该片完全采用CG技术制作(就像《最终幻想:降临之子》的CG电影一样)。《生化危机:诅咒》电影剧情时间设置是在第一部之后,里昂独自一人与东斯拉夫反叛军追查真相.评分:7.5信息:CAPCOM(官方认证中文翻译为:嘉富康).日本>>>导演:神谷诚主演:里昂 / 艾达·王类型:动作 / 科幻 / 动画 / 恐怖
2023-07-14 00:15:281


Sense of loss disappointmentdepression
2023-07-14 00:16:074


《哈姆雷特》1:To be, or not to be- that is the question:生存还是毁灭?这是个问题。2:Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. 究竟哪样更高贵,去忍受那狂暴的命运无情的摧残 还是挺身去反抗那无边的烦恼,把它扫一个干净。:3:To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end去死,去睡就结束了,如果睡眠能结束我们心灵的创伤和肉体所承受的千百种痛苦,那真是生存求之不得的天大的好事。去死,去睡, 去睡,也许会做梦!《暴风雨》1.上天赋与你一种坚忍,当我把热泪向大海挥洒、因心头的怨苦而呻吟的时候,你却向我微笑;为了这我才生出忍耐的力量,准备抵御一切接踵而来的祸患。 2.求你们解脱了我灵魂上的系锁,赖着你们善意殷勤的鼓掌相助;再烦你们为我吹嘘出一口和风,好让我们的船只一齐鼓满帆篷。 3.他简直成为一株常春藤,掩蔽了我参天的巨干,而吸收去我的精华。 4.我给与他的无限大的信托,正像善良的父母产出刁顽的儿女来一样,得到的酬报只是他的同样无限大的欺诈。 5.说谎的人自己相信自己的欺骗。
2023-07-14 00:16:152

Untitled In D 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled In D歌手:Not Waving But Drowning专辑:If It S Too Cute Set It On FireNas - UntitledNo revolutionary gets oldOr so I"m toldYou"re left full of bullet-holesWhen you tell the people go freeOh, it"s a matter of days before they try to take meI heard gunshots rangHis bullet got my nameI ain"t see him take aimI dreamt this day came"Cause I stood in the face of damnationSatan, spat at him, flat out disgraced himHe want my blood; why me?Why not the fake ones who deserve death, manCan stop me but can"t stop a whole nationOf millions who feel you deceived themThey believing reparation makes it evenSo I"m deadly now because of one reasonThey listeningIn Budapest, Japan, China, and SwitzerlandWe getting it in, sonAnother bullet passed by--missed meWondering who plotting to get meAlphabet boys still plotting against meTo hush me up and stuff me in the pockets of historyYou won"t remember why they came to clip meWhen time go by, you"ll soon forget meThey say he was the king of bling, jewels, and Bentley"sThen they use one of my lines just to prove I"m guiltyDon"t let them kill meSome revolutionaries do live longAm I one of them? Guess we"ll know in due timeEverybody has rights, can I use mine?Can I rock shine? Can I have a girl that"s too fine?Got a swell life, tell me, will I lose mine?Every time I turn around somebody new dyingLet"s start livingAla carte escargot, Escobar, invest my millionsMansion for the wife, the rest for the childrenKnowing that they coming any time, but until thenI"m at large until they shoot meMillion dollar stones and my camouflage GucciGiving you this crack like PookieTo question the systemBe the resistanceNo matter what color you areEverybody nigga"sYou can stand by and watchOr you can march on with us
2023-07-14 00:16:221


2023-07-14 00:16:324


问题一:“它已经坏掉了”用英语怎么说 它已经坏掉了:It has broken down 问题二:我的电脑坏了用英语怎么说的4种翻译 My puter doesn"t work。 My puter stop working。 My puter has broken down。 My puter was broken。 问题三:不管是好是坏? 用英文怎么翻译?。。。 No matter good or bad It doesn"t matter whether it"s good or bad 英语是 我的第一语言~ :D 问题四:坏运气用英语怎么说 bad luck hard cheeserough luck 以上均可表示坏运气、倒霉 问题五:“有好也有坏”用英语怎么说 there is something good and something bad 希望对你有帮助,如果满意请采纳吧,谢谢 问题六:我的自行车坏了,用英语怎么说 my bicycle is broken something wrong with my bike my bike doesn"t work
2023-07-14 00:16:571

泪湖的专辑《forever autumn》所有曲目的LRC歌词

01 So Fell Autumn Rain 泪湖 leaving with twilight though i was chosento wander the way in the dakest of nightsoh, in the summer sun how soon i came to straya true damnation, when i turned awayso fell autumn rain, washed away all my paini feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once againso fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows awaywith the sunset behind somehow i find the dreams are to stayso fell autumn rainblinded by dawning so you would take mefurther away, away from the falloh, you told me i must never dream againa true damnation, you left me the painso fell autumn rain, but all things must passso fell autumn rain, washed away all my paini feel brighter somehow, lighter somehow to breathe once againso fell autumn rain, washed my sorrows awaywith the sunset behind somehow i find the dreams are to stayso fell winter02 Hold on Tight 泪湖 Hold on tight to your dream,Hold on tight to your dream,When you see your ship go sailing,When you feel your heart is breaking,Hold on tight to your dream,It"s a long time to be gone,Electric Light OrchestraTime just rolls on and on,When you need a shoulder to cry on,When you get so sick of trying,Just hold on tight to your dream.ChorusWhen you get so down that you can"t get up,And you want so much but you"re all out of luck,When you"re so downhearted and misunderstood,Just over and over and over you could.Accroches-toi a ton reve,Accroches-toi a ton reve,Quand tu vois ton bateau partir,Quand tu sents-ton coeur se briser,Accroches-toi a ton reve.ChorusHold on tight to your dream,Hold on tight to your dream,When you see the shadows falling,When you hear that cold wind calling,Hold on tight to your dream. 03 Forever Autumn 泪湖 the summer sun is fadingand darker days are drawing near...the winter winds will be much coldernow you"re not here.i watch the birds fly southand one by one they disappear.i wish that i was flying with themnow you"re not herelike a song through the treeslike a leaf on a breezethrough autumn"s golden gownyou always loved this time of year.those fallen leaves lie undisturbed now"cause you"re not here"cause you"re not here"cause you"re not herelike a song throught the treeslike a leaf on a breezea gentle rain falls softlyas if to hide a lonely life will be forever autumn"cause you"re not here!"cause you"re not here!"cause you"re not here!"cause you"re not here!"cause you"re not here!as the year grows oldacross the autumn skyyou came to love meyou blew away...we used to kick our wayyou came to love meyou blew away...on my weary eyes 04 Pagan Wish 泪湖 ake of tears - pagan wishwish i could split the night in twoi wish i could what i would do to youwish i could hold the nights apartoh, to you i"d give the sun, my heartwish i could be the waking sunjust for once i"d be the brightest onewish i could find you where you hidelike the sun i"d the tide that swallows tidei"ll be the cyclone how it straysi"ll be the moon escaping therei"ll be your cancer now, the sun that eats awaywe used to climb the highest peaksused to lay there in the breezethen you turned around to runso now i"m gonei"ll be the moon escaping therei"ll be your cancer now the sun that eats away 05 Otherwheres 泪湖 ne day , i found a paper in my desk , on it was the followingwords :Smart man + smart woman = romanceSmart man + dumb woman= pregnancyDumb man + smart woman = affairDumb man + dumb woman= marriageSmart boss + smart employee = profitSmart boss + dumb employee= roductionDumb boss + smart employee = promotionDumb boss +dumb employee = overtimeA man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.A woman will pay$1 for a $2 item she doesn‘t needA woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.Aman never worries about the future until he gets a wife.A successful man is one who makes more money than his wifecan spend.A successful woman is one who can find such a man.To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understandher at all.A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but hedoesn ‘t.A man marries a woman expecting that she won"t change,and she does. 06 The Homecoming 泪湖 it"s the way of a cosmic sailor, in a boat in the nightbut the wolves are not seating him he is alrightjust the day just the day away i can feel it sometimesbut the wolves are not scaring me i long for twilightthen with the morning comesthe sun that finds them all so divides the night and they dieand with the morning suna lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and i diebut where did all the cosmic sailors come fromfar away from across the seaand where have all the cosmic sailors now goneand the night that showed them all to meon the waves of this silver ocean for a while there he smilesas he sails with the other ones the wind diesso a cry so a cry is calling all the wolves among the nightas i sail with the other ories i find them alrightthen with the morning comesthe sun that finds them all so divides the night and they dieand ith the morning sun a lonely teardrop falls down from my eye and i dieand i die 07 Come Night I Reign 泪湖 Intro: Uhh, Yo, get off meGet off me[Chorus 1]I cant stop, da da da da da da daI cant stop, da da da da da da da I cant stop, da da da da da da da [Verse 1]Get your hands off meStop tryin to hold me downLet me just move aroundGirl somethin" done happened to meSwear to GodSomethin" done snapped in meI need the whole floor for usI"m "bout to bust, mamiAnd its gloriousI cant seem to stop my feetYou hear my heart beat, digga digga digga digga digga diggaOh lord, I"ma "bout to pass outBut when the night is over I"ma be the last outSweat pumpin" in my eyesVision a blurBut even though my eyes is closed I see visions of herUn besito mama en be bocaEstoy bien livin" la vida locaHeart jumpin and pumpin its about to popbut don"t tell me nothin" back up[Chorus 2]I cant stop, da da da da da da daI cant stop, da da da da da da da I cant stop, da da da da da da daSmith Will[Verse 2]The way you press against meYou messin" with meThe way that dress is fittin"It"s got to be forbiddenNo reason for security, maFeelin" secureYou gaurdin my body, babyCome on and gimme some moreIf all these people wasn"t in here, flockin aroundAnd how you in the middle of the floor, baby knockin you downThe dude who be talkin" bout When I walk in the house cameras like click click click, gizz gizz gizzA damn shameHow you do the damn thangGirl you off the damn chainBut you "bout to be tamed Look at youLaughin" and grinnin" and dancin" and spinnin"It wasn"t my intentionBut you got me cringin" my linen, come onCall me a doctorGive me a respiratorLook into my eyesMama, pressure is rapidly risingAll around my naked leg, all around my thighFeels like Ecs. when you next to me getting me highGirl you dancin" honey, that"s how I like to playI be Patrick Swaze, you be Jennifer GrayHigh heels stilettoSexy straight out the ghettoShe fireIts like I"m dancin with the devilUn besito mama en be bocaEstoy bien livin" la vida locaHeart jumpin and pumpin its about to popbut don"t tell me nothin" back up[Chorus 3](baby don"t hold me back, cant stop, won"t stop) I cant stop, da da da da da da da(baby don"t hold me back, cant stop, don"t stop)I cant stop, da da da da da da da(baby don"t hold me back, wont stop, don"t stop)I cant stop[Verse 4]Its like a dream or a TV show or a cinema sceneBrother only dancin" lambada People treating me meanWhy they be flippin" and trippin" on meChasin" me downGrippin" on me Racin" aroundDisgracin" the soundGot me on the runRunnin" for havin fun They way they come and attack they act like I had a gunCops gimme roomStop tryin" to gimme doomThey got me like roooooooooomI don"t care who it isI aint stoppin" for no helicopterI aint no fugitiveBonnie and Clyde aliveIts me and my shortieGet from in front of meI don"t want to hurt nobodyUn besito mama en be bocaEstoy bien livin" la vida locaHeart pumpin" and jumpin its about to popsuckers don"t come no closer, back up[Chorus 4]I cant stop, da da da da da da da(baby don"t hold me back, cant stop, won"t stop) I cant stop, da da da da da da da(baby don"t hold me back, cant stop, don"t stop)I cant stop, da da da da da da da(baby don"t hold me back, wont stop, don"t stop) (X3)08 Demon You-Lily Anne 泪湖 I met the demon on a summer s dayHer name was Lily Anne was what she sideShe was standing there alone waiting for the fallSo I asked her would she wa t with meFor the night to take this day awayBut with the night she ran away the demon clad in greyI summon the demon youSo I learned the ways the demon playsFrom this beauty clad is ashen greyHow she left me with the fall left me all aloneOnly sorcerers of death remainsOnly shadowed ones as some would seeAnd the night that sings to me of Lily Anne the greyI summon the demon you Lily Anne 09 To Blossom Blue 泪湖 to blossom blueby victoryi"m bleeding yableeding in ways of the fire burned i"m crying yacrying in ways of the nightbird no more is there one to lay by my side i"m straying yastraying in nightmares all the time a little something i know a little somewhere i goreminds me of you to blossom blue,is to blossom without you to blossom blue,i"m breaking breaking but i cannot bear to i"m staring staring but i cannot see you for no more are you to lay by my side i"m weeping no more then this second time a little something i know a little somewhere i go where the sweet waters flow, reminds me of you a little something i know a little somewhere i go where the sweet waters flow where the mistletoes grow,reminds me of you to blossom blue,is to blossom without you真心回答,谢谢采纳!!!
2023-07-14 00:17:051


搏击俱乐部这部黑色喜剧,以死亡为主题的黑色喜剧,映像狂放,手法天马行空,里面无处不在的怪诞方式,下面就为大家收集了一些搏击俱乐部里的 经典台词 。 1.Oxygen gets you high.In a catastrophic emergency,you take giant panic breaths.Sunddenly you become euphoric,docile.You accept your fate. 氧气让人兴奋,紧急情况时,人会大口呼吸。吸了氧气会有安定感,就会面对现实。 2.That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love? Well,it works both ways. 俗话说,人们总会伤害他所爱的人。其实人们也会爱上他所伤害的人。 3.You need to forget about what you know.Thatu2019s your problem. Forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me. 忘了你知道的一切吧,那是你的问题所在。忘了你所谓的生活,友谊,尤其是你和我的事。 4.Hitting bottom isnu2019t a weekend retreat. Itu2019s not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go. 躲到安抚团体不能解决一切,别再控制一切,应抛弃一切。 5.I couldu2019t sleep. I couldu2019t sleep. Everytingu2019s far way. With insomnia, nothingu2019s real. Everytingu2019s a copy of a copy of a copy. 失眠症让我感受不到真实,一切都很虚幻,事情都成了相同的拷贝。 6.是要当一辈子的懦夫,还是要当英雄,哪怕只有几分钟,你需要的不仅仅是勇气,来自心底的革命呐喊,只为惊醒少数人。 7.You need to forget about what you know.Thatu2019s your problem. Forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me. 忘了你知道的一切吧,那是你的问题所在。忘了你所谓的生活,友谊,尤其是你和我的事。 8.Hitting bottom isn"t a weekend retreat. It"s not a goddamn seminar. Stoptrying to control everything and just let go. 躲到安抚团体不能解决-切,别再控制一切,应抛弃一切。 9.If I did have a tumoru2026Iu2019d name it Marla. Marlau2026the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you canu2019t. 玛拉犹如我的癌症,就像长在嘴边的肿瘤一般。不去舔就不会恶化,但没有办法不去舔。 10.Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete. I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. 不顾一切,感到黑暗,沉默和完整。我找到了自由,抛开所有希望就是自由。 11.We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. We are all part of the same compost heap. 我们只是来这世界走一遭罢了,跟其他生物没什么两样。 11.I wasnu2019t really dying. I wasnu2019t host to cancer or parasites. I was the warm little center. That the life of this world crowded around. 我没有绝症,也没有癌症或是寄生菌。我只是一个小小的中心,周围拥挤的生命的中心。 12.Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again. Resurrected. 我每晚都会死一次,可是又重生一次。复活过来。 13.When you have insomnia, youu2019re never really asleep and youu2019re never really awake. 得失眠症的人无法真正入睡,也没有清醒的时刻。 14.Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete.I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom. 不顾一切,感到黑暗,沉默和完整。我找到了自由,抛开所有希望就是自由。 15.Marlau2019s philosophy of life was that she might die at any moment. The tragedy, she said, was that she didnu2019t. 玛拉的哲学是,她随时都会死。悲剧的是,她一直都没死。 16.Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again.Resurrected. 我每晚都会死一次,可是又重生一次。复活过来。 17.This is your life, and itu2019s ending one minute at a time. 你的生命一分一分的消逝。 18.If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? 若在不同时间于不同地点醒来,你会变成不同的人吗? 19.Our great war is a spiritual war.Our great depression is our lives. 我们大战的是我们的心灵。我们大萧条的只是我们的生活。 20.I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, letu2019s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may. 不要让自己什么都有,不要做完美的人,我们要进化,水来土掩。 21.The things you own end up owning you. 你已经被物质奴役了。 22.I shouldu2019ve been looking for a new condo. I shouldu2019ve been haggling with my insurance company. I shouldu2019ve been upset about my nice, neat flaming little shit. But I wasnu2019t. 我早该另觅公寓,找保险公司办理赔的,我应该要替我的失去感到难过,可是我没有。 23.If you are reading this then this warning is for you.Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off you life. 如果你正在阅读这段文字。那么这次警告正是为你而准备的。你所读到本文中的每个词,都是在浪费你生命中的每一秒。 24.It was right in everyoneu2019s face. Tyler and I just made it visible. It was on the tip of everyoneu2019s tongue. Tyler and I just gave it a name. 每个人脸上都有这种表情,泰勒和我只是表现出来。大家都这么想,泰勒和我则直言不讳。 25.Weu2019re slowly learning that fact.And weu2019re very, very pissed off. 那是我们逐渐面对着的现实,所以我们非常愤怒 26.Sticking feathers up your butt does make you a chicken. 插上羽毛,不等于你就是老鹰。 27.If you do not claim your humanity you will become a statistic.You have been warned...... 如果你不主张你人性的生命。你将只是一个统计值。你已经听过警告了u2026 28.Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing. 没有痛苦和牺牲,就没有收获。 29.You have to consider the possibility that god does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you.This is not the worst thing that can happen. We donu2019t need him. Fu*k damnation,man. We are godu2019s unwanted children? So be it! 你要假设上帝不爱你,他一直都不想要你,或许还很讨厌你。你的痛不是最悲惨的事。我们不需要他我们都是被上帝遗弃的子民。 30.First you have to give up. First you have to know, not fear, know that someday youu2019re gonna die. Itu2019s only after weu2019ve lost everyting that weu2019re free to do anyting. 你得先放弃一切,你必须没有恐惧,面对你总有一天会死的事实。只有抛弃一切,才能获得自由。 31.Losing all hope was freedom. 彻底绝望意味着自由。 32.The things you own end up owning you. 你占有的东西最终会占有你。 33.The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide. 有一种能力看透并抛弃,不在乎失去一切。 34.Youu2019re not your job.Youu2019re not how much money you have in the bank.Youu2019re not the car you drive.Youu2019re not the contents of your wallet.Youu2019re not your fu*king khakis.Youu2019re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. 工作不能代表你,银行存款并不能代表你,你开的车也不能代表你,皮夹里的东西不能代表你,衣服也不能代表你,你只是平凡众生中的其中一个. 35.You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. 你不是什么特别的人物,你不是美丽的、独一无二的雪花,你跟其他生物是同样的有机物。 以上就是今天搜集的有关搏击俱乐部 经典台词 ,希望大家喜欢。
2023-07-14 00:17:121


【绝园的暴风雨】第一话 魔法使在桶中『世界脱节了,这是怎样一个被诅咒的因果啊,竟是因为纠正它而生!』(The time is out of joint. O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!)《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》第二话 少年说“她很漂亮” 『就算有好几千万的哥哥,把他们全部的爱聚集到一起,也抵不上我一个人的这份爱。』(Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love,make up my sum.) 泷川吉野 《哈姆雷特(第五幕第一场)》第四话 一切归无『天地之大,赫瑞修,比你能够梦想到的多出更多。』(There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.) 不破爱花 《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》第七话 哥哥说“我一概不顾”『我要向永劫挑战。我的立场已经坚决:今生怎样,来生怎样,我一概不顾,只要痛痛快快地为我的血亲复仇。』(I dare damnation. To this point I stand, that both the worlds I give to negligence, let come what comes: only I"ll be reveng"d most throughly for my father. 不破真广《哈姆雷特(第四幕第五场)》第十一话 制作时光机的方法 『你们这辈愚人!我和我的同伴们,都是命运的使者。』(You fools! I and my fellows are ministers of fate)《暴风雨(第三幕第三场)》第十二话 时间之声『这真让人像堕入五里雾中一样!这种事情一定有一个超自然的势力在那指挥着。』(This is as strange a maze as e"er men trod; and there is in this business more than nature Was ever conduct of.)《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》第十四话【大漩涡底余生记】『让我们不要把过去的不幸重压在我们的记忆上。』(Let us not burden our remembrances with a heaviness that"s gone.) 不破爱花 《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》『我们都是些十足的坏人,一个也不要相信我们。』(We are arrant knaves, all: believe none of us.) 不破爱花 《哈姆雷特(第三幕第一场)》第十六话 距离上天的祝福暂时非常遥远…… 『要抓住什么,将失去什么,问一问你们吧。』(To be, or not to be)《哈姆雷特(第三幕第一场)》第二十三话 真正的魔法使『我爱奥菲莉娅,即使她有好几千万的哥哥,把他们全部的爱聚集到一起,也抵不上我一个人的这份爱。』(I lov"d Ophelia: forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum.) 泷川吉野 《哈姆雷特(第五幕第一场)》第三十七话 How done it『霍拉旭,天地之间有许多事情,是人类的哲学里所没有梦想到的呢。』(There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.) 不破爱花《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》『不久我们有了空暇,我便可以向您解答这种种奇迹,是你理解这一切的发生未尝不是可能的事。现在请高兴起来,把什么事都往好的方面想吧。』(At pick"d leisure, Which shall be shortly, single I"ll resolve you, Which to you shall seem probable, of every These happen"d accidents; till when, be cheerful And think of each thing well.) 不破爱花《暴风雨(第五幕第一场)》第三十八话 然后回到起点 『啊啊,这是怎样一个被诅咒的因果。』(O cursed spite)《哈姆雷特(第一幕第五场)》
2023-07-14 00:17:191

永远(名词 汉——英)

2023-07-14 00:17:2810

Solitary One 歌词

歌曲名:Solitary One歌手:Paradise Lost专辑:Tragic Idol群66032164:木偶Love fails to dieLove fails to dieRemain surviveIt feeds off lifeWeary frustration it"s not enoughI"m pleading with the solitary oneIn this temptation we"re without bloodI"m weakened by a solitary oneRedemption liesIn blood-filled eyesWeary frustration it"s not enoughI"m pleading with the solitary oneIn this damnation we"re without bloodI"m weakened by a solitary one珞珈山梦境联盟
2023-07-14 00:18:161

Shades Of Grey 歌词

歌曲名:Shades Of Grey歌手:Jimmy Bruno专辑:Midnight Blue《Shades Of Grey》MercenaryLost in the frustrationsPale faces pass me byEyes too blind to see themSee no future, all is left behindI will failCut the life out from me, I"Cause I can"t take itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameLust of your damnationWaiting for the final highPray for your salvationWaiting as your life will pass you byYou will failCut the life out from you nowYou can"t fake itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameLife never let me goI want to see it allForget your past mistakesAnd let yourself awakeFrom the beauty of a single roseTo the night"s clear skyDon"t let is pass you byTake it all inside仇十七 编辑
2023-07-14 00:18:241

歌词 “oh my god she is so damn hot”

2023-07-14 00:18:323


人类(Human)收起人类(Human)猎人(Hunter)种子守护者(Seedkeeper)炮手(Cannoneer)灵魂商贩(Soulmonger)人类(Human)普通单位:枪兵(Pikeman)1.民兵训练(Militia) 在己方建筑附近时攻击力提升至原来的3倍2.黄金铠甲(Golden Armour) 受到远程攻击伤害减半3.长枪强化(Reinforced Pikes) 对骑兵盔甲单位攻击提升70剑士(SWordsman)1.体力强化(Stamina) 移动速度与攻击速度提高40%长弓手(Longbowman)1.百步穿杨(Precision) 攻击提升52.爆裂之箭(EXPlosive Arrows) 对建筑额外造成1到23点伤害3.复合长弓(Composite Longbow) 射程翻倍圣武士(Paladin)1.出身高贵(Nobility) 附近每增加一个己方轻型盔甲单位攻击提升2点2.致命一击(Death Blow) 对生命少于最大生命值30%的兵种一击必杀3.领导才能(Leadership) 每杀死一个敌人,附近己方单位攻击增加50%近卫军(Squire)1.隐型单位(Invisible) 隐型,敌方不会自动攻击,66%几率躲避敌方攻击2.秘密潜行(Stealth) 不攻击时隐型3.皮革加工(Boiled Leather) 骑兵单位移动速度增加20%,生命增加350骑士(Knight)1.皮革加工(Boiled Leather) 骑兵单位移动速度增加20%,生命增加350僧侣(Monk)1.治疗(Heal) 每秒恢复附近己方单位10点生命2.生命汲取(Life Steal) 对敌方造成7点伤害,同时为附近己方单位回复14点生命3.晋升圣贤(Promote to Oracle) 升级为圣贤圣贤(Oracle)1.启示者(Revealer) 侦测附近隐型单位2.邪魔驱散(Exorcism) 对一定区域内的召唤和幻影单位造成50点伤害3.神圣铠甲(Holy Armour) 受神圣盔甲保护的单位每次受到的伤害不会超过20点女巫(Witch)1.恶咒附身(Curse) 对多个单位施展诅咒,同时造成21点伤害2.弱点暴露(Weakness) 使被诅咒的单位不能防御,目标被攻击时无视防御暗影女王(Shadow Mistress)1.隐身之术(Invisibility) 使己方单位隐形2.圣灵之焰(Spiritual Fire) 利用尸体的精神能量对附近所有敌方单位造成120点伤害其他:1.英雄装备(Champion"s Equipment) 用高品质物品装备所有己方英雄,包括没有招募的英雄2.武器市场(Weapon Markets) 殖民地单位训练时间减少40%3.岗哨箭塔(Sentry Tower) 使防御塔侦测附近隐型单位英雄:战斗天使(Battle Angel)一级技能:1.治疗祭坛(Altar of Healing) 制造一个治疗祭坛,每秒恢复附近己方单位16点生命2.雷电护盾(Lightning Shield) 在目标身边制造一个雷盾,敌方每一次攻击受雷盾保护的单位将受到20点伤害3.守护之灵(Guardian Spirit) 施放守护之灵保护己方单位,守护之灵将吸收450点伤害,但被保护单位每次受到攻击将仍然受到至少1点伤害4. 魔法辐射(Magic Exposure) 战斗天使附近的敌方单位受到魔法攻击时,受到伤害增加50%二级技能:1.拯救祭坛(Altar of Salvation) 制造一个拯救祭坛,复活祭坛附近死亡的己方单位,复活的单位生命为最大生命值的20%2.魔法神剑(Magic Swords) 战斗天使附近的剑士与圣武士攻击方式暂时变为远程攻击,攻击力不变三级技能:1.雷云风暴(Lightning Storm) 制造一场雷暴。每道雷电对附近己方单位造成450点伤害,对敌方单位和建筑造成120点伤害神弓术士(Wizard of the Bow)一级技能:1.重新装备(Reequip) 将最多4个己方枪兵转成长弓手,或将最多4个己方长弓手转为枪兵2.闪耀之光(Flare) 消除一块区域内的迷雾,显示区域内的隐型单位,在区域内的所有单位远程攻击增加40%3.水晶之塔(Crystal Tower) 制造一座生命为800的水晶塔,在塔上术士的射程更远,并对攻击目标造成额外25点伤害4.寒霜冰箭(Frost Arrows) 使用魔法制成的冰箭,使最多4个目标速度降低二级技能:1.狂风冰暴(Hailstorm) 召唤冰雹对一定区域内的所有单位造成每秒45点伤害,并减慢单位速度,冰暴持续15秒2.穹隆结界(Shelter) 制造一个生命为2000点的魔法结界,保护己方单位不受伤害,己方单位可以自由出入结界,在结界内的己方单位可以缓慢恢复生命三级技能:1.寒霜护盾(Frost Shield) 在法师周围制造一个霜盾,霜盾将射出冰箭攻击敌方,每支冰箭造成100点伤害并使目标眩晕。一旦法师受到攻击,霜盾将消失女巫之王(Witch Queen)一级技能:1.轻舞飘扬(Levitation) 使女王漂浮在空中,对远程攻击免疫2.力量吞噬(Consume Power) 攻击某些敌方单位,使其损失300点生命和200点魔力,并将目标变为生命瓶3.诅咒之音(Voice of Damnation) 使女王攻击同时诅咒目标,附近被诅咒的单位每秒损失21点生命4.毁灭打击(Blight) 当女王生命少于25%时,对目标一击必杀二级技能:1.神出鬼没(Haunt Building) 对敌方建筑施法,目标每秒损失40点生命,在目标附近的敌方单位将受到诅咒。如果目标是箭塔,将无法攻击2.凋死之风(Withering Breeze) 使附近被诅咒的单位移动速度与攻击速度降低35%三级技能:1.易形奇术(Polymorph) 将附近受诅咒的敌方单位变为耗子,持续时间为12秒,英雄不受影响御风骑士(Wind Rider)一级技能:1.蒺藜陷阱(Caltrops) 附近所有人类骑兵单位设置带刺陷阱,任何踏上陷阱的单位将受到20点伤害2.死尸劫掠(Looting) 附近每死亡一个敌方单位,产生25块金币3.侧翼包围(Flanking) 敌方单位被风骑或所有人类骑兵单位从背后攻击时受到额外30点伤害4.冲锋陷阵(Charge) 风骑与所有人类骑兵单位首次攻击可造成50点伤害二级技能:1.疾风迅步(Windwalking) 将风骑与所有人类骑兵单位传输到己方视野内任一指定地点2.疾驰飞奔(Gallop) 使风骑与所有人类骑兵单位飞驰到指定目的地,攻击路径上的敌方单位并使其眩晕三级技能:1.等级晋升(Promotion) 侍卫杀死敌方单位后将升级为骑士,不额外消耗人口护林族(Forester)普通单位:御狼使(Wolf Master)1.灰狼斥候(Wolf Scout) 使一只狼隐形,侦测指定地点2.召唤灰狼(Summon Wolves) 手下死亡后,自动召唤新的灰狼3.飞刀投掷(Knife Throwing) 驱狼使的攻击方式变为从远处投掷飞刀4.野性召唤(Call of the Wild) 使手下灰狼数量增加1,加快召唤灰狼速度5.嗜血屠戮(Bloodlust) 对盔甲类型为骑兵的目标造成致命伤害150点游侠(Ranger)1.体力训练(Strength Training) 游侠生命增加230点2.窥查弱点(Weak Points) 攻击目标弱点,造成目标生命恢复速度减慢50%巨土怪(Clodhopper)1.岩石皮肤(StoneSKIN) 增加6点盔甲2.力量训练(Strength Training) 攻击时对多名盔甲类型为轻型的单位造成眩晕
2023-07-14 00:18:381


2023-07-14 00:18:451


歌手名:Chrish the ladiesThe Green Fields of CanadaFarewell(再见) to the groves(小树林) of shillelagh(爱尔兰橡树棍) and shamrock(白花酢浆草-爱尔兰国花)Farewell to the wee(小的) girls of old Ireland all roundMay their hearts be as merry as ever I would wish themWhen far far away across the ocean I"m bound(被束缚,被限制)Oh my father is old and my mother is quite feeble(虚弱的)To leave their own country it grieves(使伤心) their hearts sore(疼痛的)Oh the tears in great drops down their cheeks they are rollingTo think they must die upon some foreign shore(海岸)But what matters to me where my bones may be buriedIf in peace and contentment(满足) I can spend my lifeOh the green fields of Canada they daily are bloomingIt"s there I"ll put an end to my miseries(苦难) and strife(斗争).so pack up your seastores(?) and tarry(踌躇,逗留) no longerTen dollars a week isn"t very bad pay;With no taxes or tithes(什一税) to devour(吞噬) up your wagesWhen you"re on the green fields of Amerikay(=old Irish name for North America)制作:傻丁鱼qq:694041392The sheep run unshorn(未剪过毛的) and the land"s gone to rushes(?)The handyman"s(杂务工) gone and the winders of creels(纺织工)Away across the ocean good journeyman tailors(裁缝)And fiddlers that play out the old mountain tunes.Farewell to the dances in homes now deserted,When tips struck the lightening in splanks(=sparks) from the floor,The paving(铺筑过的路面) and rigging(绳索) of hobnails(乡下佬) on flagstones(石板)The tears of the old folk and shouts of encore(再来一个).For the landlords(地主) and bailiffs(地主管家) in vile(卑鄙的) combination(共谋),Have forced us from hearthstone(炉底石) and homestead(家园) awayMay the crowbar(撬棍) brigade(大队) all be doomed(毁灭) to damnation(指责;咒骂)When we"re on the green fields of Americay.And it"s now to conclude and to finish my storyIf ever friendless Irishmen chances my wayWith the best in the house I will treat him, and welcomeAt home in the green fields of Amerikay.The Green Fields of Canada
2023-07-14 00:18:521


1,Always being abandoned, discarded 2,No one mentioned that no one heart3,Losers; 4,Losers
2023-07-14 00:19:024

那个女巫给她下了个诅咒。 英文怎么说

That witch put a curse on her.
2023-07-14 00:19:115

Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Shades Of Grey (2007 Digital Remaster)歌手:Edwick Rumbold专辑:Insane Times - 25 British Psychedelic Artefacts From The Emi Vaults《Shades Of Grey》MercenaryLost in the frustrationsPale faces pass me byEyes too blind to see themSee no future, all is left behindI will failCut the life out from me, I"Cause I can"t take itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameLust of your damnationWaiting for the final highPray for your salvationWaiting as your life will pass you byYou will failCut the life out from you nowYou can"t fake itIt"s lost foreverI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameI"m gonna be the one you hateAnd I will fight away the shameI"ll never be the sameI"ll hide away the shameLife never let me goI want to see it allForget your past mistakesAnd let yourself awakeFrom the beauty of a single roseTo the night"s clear skyDon"t let is pass you byTake it all inside仇十七 编辑
2023-07-14 00:19:361


1.“我早就闭上了双眼,我的目的只在于黑暗之中。”宇智波佐助——《火影忍者》2.“我,在遇见你之前一直都是死的。”鲁路修·兰佩路基——《反叛的鲁路修》3.“我的船上没有手下……只有伙伴!”蒙其·D·路飞——《海贼王》4.“能原谅女人的谎话的,才是男人。”山治——《海贼王》5.“真相永远只有一个!”江户川柯南——《名侦探柯南》6.“要是喜欢一个人,就要连那个人脏的地方一起喜欢。”坂田银时——《银魂》7.“要是眼睁睁的看着重要的同伴死去,就算是死,我也不能瞑目。”泽田纲吉——《家庭教师HitmanReborn》8.“一定要保护自己的梦想,即使牺牲一切。”大崎娜娜——《NANA》9.“正因为我看不见所以才能赢。”不二周助——《网球王子》10.“不管多少次,都会让你喜欢上我的。”碓冰拓海——《会长是女仆大人》11.“我不管这个世上的人怎么说我,我只想依照我的信念做事,绝不后悔,不管现在将来都一样!”罗罗亚·索隆——《海贼王》12.“正因为我们看不见,那才可怕。”黑崎一护——《死神》13.“赢了,赢了又怎么样。”流川枫——《灌篮高手》14.“我向来有话直说,说到做到,这就是我的忍道!”漩涡鸣人——《火影忍者》15.“活下去的意志是最强的力量!”绯村剑心——《浪客剑心》16.“这个宇宙整体的真理就是无常,没有所谓的完全的正义与完全的邪恶。”沙加——《圣斗士星矢》17.“不幸的人总是在创造比自己更不幸的人。”露西·哈特菲利亚——《妖精的尾巴》18.“梦总是有会醒来的时候,不会醒的梦总有一天会变成悲伤。”小满——《AIR》19.“一切美丽都是短暂的。”夏尔·凡多姆海恩——《黑执事》20.“笑是对身边的事物感到一瞬间的幸福而表现出来的东西。 ”冈崎朋也——《CLANNAD》21.“为了守护必须守护的事物,无论光与暗,凡是能利用的就利用到底。”茈静兰——《彩云国物语》22.“镜子里显示出来的永远不是真实的自己。”灰原哀——《名侦探柯南》23.“全即是一,一即是全。”爱德华·艾尔利克——《钢之炼金术师》24.“要守护的人,不要再增加了。 ”日向枣——《爱丽丝学园》 25.“从现在始有我在你身边,不会再让你孤单一人的,我绝不会放手。”须王环——《樱兰高校男公关部》26.“对于世界末日的传说,我不会特别在意。只要喜欢的人在身边,就无所谓……”西野司——《草莓100%》27.“连接遥远的过去与未来,我们为此而存在……”进藤光——《棋魂》28.“我一直都想证明:努力是能够超越天才的!”李洛克——《火影忍者》29,“想哭的时候能哭出来,也是一种坚强。”法伊·D·佛罗莱特——《翼·年代记》30.“能哭的地方除了厕所还有爸爸的怀里。”冈崎汐——《CLANNAD》 31.“不相信自己的人,连努力的价值都没有。”凯——《火影忍者》32.“谁都…无法成为谁的替代。所以心痛,总是伴随着离别的人。”玖兰枢——《吸血鬼骑士》33.“你这一生有说过一句实话吗?”L——《死亡笔记》34.“憧憬是距离理解最遥远的感情。”蓝染惣右介——《死神》35.“你的败因只有一个,就是与我为敌。”六道骸——《家庭教师HitmanReborn》36.“不能了解到彼此的痛楚,就无法亲身感受。”塞巴斯蒂安·米卡利斯——《黑执事》37.“背叛从一开始就存在。”库洛洛·鲁西鲁——《全职猎人》39.“痛苦的时候要是不能在一起,那还能叫伙伴吗!”乌索普——《海贼王》40.“人们之所以能怀抱希望,是因为他们看不见死亡。”朽木露琪亚——《死神》41.“我可是不到最后不轻言放弃的男人三井寿。”三井寿——《灌篮高手》42.“只要是活着的东西,即使是神也杀给你看!”两仪式——《空之境界》43.“这世上没有奇迹,有的是偶然和必然,还有谁做了什么而已!”火村夕——《悠久之翼》44.“女人,跟我走!”乌尔奇奥拉·西法——《死神》45.“身不动,能否退去黑暗,花与水。”冲田总司——《新撰组异闻录》46.“只有我懂得,你的痛楚,你的不安,还有你的孤独。”鲁卡·库洛斯桀利亚——《无法逃离的背叛》47.“请不要对我温柔……因为我无以回报……”宵风——《隐王》48.“哪里有你的地方,哪里就是我的家。”克罗诺——《圣枪修女》49.“人究竟什么时候会死,是心脏被枪打中的时候?不对。得到不治之症吗?也不对。喝了剧毒蘑菇汤之后吗?当然不是。而是被世人遗忘的时候。就算我消失了,我的梦想还是会实现的,那个梦想一定能拯救这个国家人们的心病。”希鲁鲁克——《海贼王》50.“其实...根本就没有什么天堂和地狱吧....”夜神月——《死亡笔记》51.“人生中没有四季,唯有那寒冬的荒野。”浅井権三——《G线上的魔王》52.“你的梦想就是我的梦想。”上杉达也——《TOUCH》53.“闭上眼睛想象世界,我能看到什么?”亚连·沃克——《驱魔少年》54.“如果手上没有剑,我就不能保护你;如果手上握著剑,我就不能抱紧你。”茶渡泰虎——《死神》55.“世界上没有什么偶然,有的只有必然。”壹原侑子——《xxxholic》56.“没有任何回忆是可以遗忘的。”本田透——《水果篮子》57.“反正见不到,还不如不知道的好。”服部平次——《名侦探柯南》58.“有些事情,可以理解但无法接受!”阿斯兰·萨拉——《机动战士高达Seed》59.“为了所爱的人,就连星星的轨迹我也要改变!”帝释天——《圣传》60.“无所谓好或不好,人生一场虚空大梦,韶华白首,不过转瞬。惟有天道恒在,往复循环,不曾更改……”慕容紫英——《仙剑奇侠传》61.“痛苦可以成为两人间的某种牵绊。”我妻草灯——《LOVELESS》62.“我,不能再次同样的失败了……”C.C.——《反叛的鲁路修》63.“正因为不会发生,所以才叫奇迹。”美坂栞——《Kanon》64.“当你想做一件事,却无能为力的时候,是最痛苦的。”基拉·大和——《高达SEED》65.“女孩也好男孩也好外貌也好,人类最重要的不是内在吗?”藤冈春绯——《樱兰高校男公关部》66.“无论谁的心中,都有自己的歌。”月咏歌呗——《守护甜心》67.“无论身边围着多少人,我永远都是那么孤独。”鸣海步——《推理之绊》68.“人活著就是在看别人死亡。”杨威利——《银河英雄传说》69.“在记忆的深处里,自己,早已经不存在了。”银古——《虫师》70.“即使过了无数的时光暗转,仍然……在等待?”初代雾守 D·斯佩多(DemonSpade )——《家庭教师HITMANREBORN!》71.“不要害怕遭到欺骗,因为这世界就建筑在欺骗之上。”日番谷冬狮郎——《死神》72.“要想成为强者,就不要回避心理的恐惧!”葛聂——《秦时明月》73.“迷茫不仅会害了自己,甚至会害了自己想要守护的人。”相泽虹一——《隐之王》74.“此时此刻,我竟不知究竟是悲伤,还是快乐。”端木蓉——《秦时明月》75.“不管夜晚多么黑暗,黎明总是会到来。”夏莉·菲内特——《反叛的鲁路修》76.“相见不如不见,有情还似无情。”重楼——《仙剑奇侠传》77.“孤独……一直孤独到进入坟墓……然后……人们将你遗忘……你将孤独遗忘……”明日香——《新世纪福音战士》78.“因为失去,所以明白。”旗木卡卡西——《火影忍者》79.“世界上有些事,还是让它永远成为谜比较好。”黑羽快斗——《名侦探柯南》80.“在这个世界里(地狱),只要灵魂不灭,就不会死。所以,只要心不认输,就不会输。”麻仓叶——《通灵王》81.“什么都无所谓只想在你身边,什么都无所谓只想和你说话,什么都无所谓所以请你不要逃避。”风早翔太——《好想告诉你》82.“如果爱,请深爱,千万不要松手;若不爱,请放开,千万不要回头。”市丸银——《死神》83.“我不会让任何人看到我软弱的一面。”桔梗——《犬夜叉》84.“人的怨恨是无止尽的。”阎魔爱——《地狱少女》85.“请教我...如何成为医生...!! 我要成为“万能药”!!我要成为能医治任何病的医生!因为...这个世界上没有什么病...是无法医治的!!”托尼托尼·乔巴——《海贼王》86.“梦想是否无聊并不是别人来决定的,不管是什么样的梦想,自己拼命努力去追寻才是最重要的!”日奈森亚梦——《守护甜心》87.“我告诉你,我也有我的禁忌,如果你敢那样做,不管用上任何手段,我都会杀了你。”藏马——《幽游白书》88.“我总觉得,他在我身边呢。”毛利兰——《名侦探柯南》89.“对别人抱有期待,只能让自己受伤。”松前绪花——《花开伊吕波》90.“群聚的都是弱者。”云雀恭弥——《家庭教师HitmanReborn!》91.“孤独并不可怕……因为我一直都是一个人……”该隐——《毒伯爵该隐》92.“虚弱的笑声是康复的标志。”樱桃小丸子——《樱桃小丸子》93.“有伤害人的人存在的话,也会有能抚慰伤痕的人。”草摩波鸟——《水果篮子》94.“就算是已经死掉的人,也要将他从地狱的深处拉上来。”姬神秋沙——《魔法禁书目录》95.“很久以前我曾经发过誓:『——你安心地睡吧,就算你将遗忘一切,我也会永远记得。我将为你而生、为你而死』。”史提尔·马格努斯——《魔法禁书目录》96.“堕落是不需要理由的。”坂上智代——《CLANNAD》97.“在走廊里摔倒会流鼻血,在人生中摔倒会流眼泪。”栉枝实乃梨——《龙与虎》98.“还是不要仅凭外表和印象就判断一个人比较好。”宇智波鼬——《火影忍者》99.“没有你在的天界,就算我活着也没有任何意义。”干打婆王——《圣传》100.“每个人做任何事,都只是为了自己,虽然有人会说,我希望能为哪个人做些什么,但事实上,也只不过是希望看到别人幸福时,自己也有份幸福感罢了。”皇昴流——《东京巴比伦》分开来不伤眼睛=v=
2023-07-14 00:19:463


  That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love?   Well,it works both ways.   俗话说,人们总会伤害他所爱的人。   其实人们也会爱上他所伤害的人。   Between those huge,sweating tits that hung enormous the way youu2019d think of godu2019s as big.   头被埋在这么大的奶奶中间,不禁联想上帝的胸~*~部也很壮观。   I couldu2019t sleep. I couldu2019t sleep. Everytingu2019s far way. With insomnia, nothingu2019s real. Everytingu2019s a copy of a copy of a copy.   失眠症让我感受不到真实,一切都很虚幻,事情都成了相同的拷贝。   We used to read p0rn0graphy. Now it was the horchow collection.   以前我们看瑟晴图片寻找次基,现在是看产品目录。   When people think youu2019re dying they are really really listening to you, instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.   当人们认为你将要屎去的时候,他们真的是在认真地听你说话,而不是等着插嘴。   Lost in oblivion,dark and silent and complete.   I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.   不顾一切,感到黑暗,沉默和完整。   我找到了自由,抛开所有希望就是自由。   I wasnu2019t really dying. I wasnu2019t host to cancer or parasites.   I was the warm little center. That the life of this world crowded around.   我没有绝症,也没有癌症或是寄生菌。   我只是一个小小的中心,周围拥挤的生命的中心。   Every evening, I died and every evening, I was born again.   Resurrected.   我每晚都会死一次,可是又重生一次。   复活过来。   When you have insomnia, youu2019re never really asleep and youu2019re never really awake.   得失眠症的人无法真正入睡,也没有清醒的时刻。   If I did have a tumoru2026Iu2019d name it Marla. Marlau2026the little scratch on the roof of your mouth that would heal if only you could stop tonguing it, but you canu2019t.   玛拉犹如我的癌症,就像长在嘴边的肿瘤一般。不去舔就不会恶化,但没有办法不去舔。   Marlau2019s philosophy of life was that she might die at any moment. The tragedy, she said, was that she didnu2019t.   玛拉的哲学是,她随时都会死。悲剧的是,她一直都没死。   This is your life, and itu2019s ending one minute at a time.   你的生命一分一分的消逝。   If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?   若在不同时间于不同地点醒来,你会变成不同的人吗?   hy do guys like you and I know what a duvet is?   Is this essential to our survival in the hunter-gatherer sense of the world?   No. What are we, then?   Weu2019re consumers. We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession.   Murder, crime, povertyu2026these things donu2019t concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guyu2019s name on my underwear. Rogaine, viagra, olestra.   我们一定要知道鸭绒垫子吗?   我们一定要字字斟酌吗?   不。那你和我算什么?   我们是消费者,我们满脑子想的都是物质。   我不关心凶杀案和贫穷问题,我只关心名人杂志,500个频道的电视,我内裤上印着谁的名字。生发剂,威尔钢,减肥药。   Fu*k Martha Stewart. Marthau2019s polishing the brass on the Titanic.   Itu2019s all going down, man.   So fu*k off with your sofa units and strinne green stripe patterns.   I say, never be complete. I say, stop being perfect. I say, letu2019s evolve. Let the chips fall where they may.   去他咩的玛莎,玛莎所造就的世界慢慢沉沦。   去他咩沙发和绿条纹沙发布。   不要让自己什么都有,不要做完美的`人,我们要进化,水来土掩。   The things you own end up owning you.   你已经被物质奴役了。   I shouldu2019ve been looking for a new condo. I shouldu2019ve been haggling with my insurance company. I shouldu2019ve been upset about my nice, neat flaming little shit. But I wasnu2019t.   我早该另觅公寓,找保险公司办理赔的,我应该要替我的失去感到难过,可是我没有。   It was right in everyoneu2019s face. Tyler and I just made it visible. It was on the tip of everyoneu2019s tongue. Tyler and I just gave it a name.   每个人脸上都有这种表情,泰勒和我只是表现出来。大家都这么想,泰勒和我则直言不讳。   You werenu2019t alive anywhere like you were there.   But fight club only exists in the hours between when fight club starts and when fight club ends.   Even if I could tell someone they had a good fight, I wouldnu2019t be talking to the same man. Who you were in fight club, is not who you were in the rest of the world. The guy who came to fight club for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carved out of wood.   在那里,你才真正的活了起来。   搏击俱乐部只在聚会时存在,就算是我认为打得很棒的人,聚会结束后,也会马上改变。   在俱乐部的你不是其他地方的你。刚来俱乐部的人,屁股都是光滑圆润,几周后,就像雕刻过的木头。   Self-improvement is masturbati0n. And self-destruction.   自我成长要靠手吟,还有自我毁灭。   Sticking feathers up your butt does make you a chicken.   插上羽毛,不等于你就是老鹰。   Without pain, without sacrifice, we would have nothing.   没有痛苦和牺牲,就没有收获   You have to consider the possibility that god does not like you. He never wanted you. In all probability, he hates you.   This is not the worst thing that can happen.   We donu2019t need him. Fu*k damnation,man. Fu*k redemption. We are godu2019s unwanted children? So be it!   你要假设上帝不爱你,他一直都不想要你,或许还很讨厌你。   你的痛不是最悲惨的事。   我们不需要他,去他咩的诅咒和赎罪,我们都是被上帝遗弃的子民。   First you have to give up. First you have to know, not fear, know that someday youu2019re gonna die. Itu2019s only after weu2019ve lost everyting that weu2019re free to do anyting.   你得先放弃一切,你必须没有恐惧,面对你总有一天会死的事实。只有抛弃一切,才能获得自由。   Adevertising has us chasing cars   广告诱惑我们买车子   Working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we donu2019t need   于是拼命工作买不需要的狗屎   Weu2019re the middle children of history   我们是被历史遗忘的一代   No purpose or place   没有目的,没有地位   We have no great war   没有世界大战   No great depression   没有经济大萧条   Our great war is a spiritual war   我们大战的是我们的心灵   Our great depression is our lives   我们大萧条的只是我们的生活   Weu2019ve all been raised on television to believe that one day weu2019d be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars.   我们从小看电视,相信有一天会成为百万富翁,影星或摇滚巨星   But we wonu2019t.   但是u2026我们不会   Weu2019re slowly learning that fact.   那是我们逐渐面对着的现实   And weu2019re very, very pissed off.   所以我们非常愤怒   No fear. No distractions. The ability to let that which does not matter truly slide.   抛弃一切,才会自由。有一种能力看透并抛弃,不在乎失去一切。   Youu2019re not your job.   Youu2019re not how much money you have in the bank.   Youu2019re not the car you drive.   Youu2019re not the contents of your wallet.   Youu2019re the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.   工作不能代表你,   银行存款并不能代表你,   你开的车也不能代表你,   皮夹里的东西不能代表你,   你只是平凡众生中的其中一个.   You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.   We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world. We are all part of the same compost heap.   你不是什么特别的人物,你不是美丽的、独一无二的雪花,你跟其他生物是同样的有机物。   我们只是来这世界走一遭罢了,跟其他生物没什么两样。   You need to forget about what you know.   Thatu2019s your problem. Forget about what you think you know about life, about friendship, and especially about you and me.   忘了你知道的一切吧,那是你的问题所在。   忘了你所谓的生活,友谊,尤其是你和我的事。   Hitting bottom isnu2019t a weekend retreat. Itu2019s not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying to control everything and just let go.   躲到安抚团体不能解决一切,别再控制一切,应抛弃一切。   In your world I see, youu2019re stalking elk through the damp canyon forest, around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. Youu2019ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. Youu2019ll climb the vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, youu2019ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty carpool lane of some abandoned superhighway.   在你的世界里,你不自觉的被限制住。你的衣着为外界所定型,为了生存遗忘本身的才能。应该往下看看密密麻麻的小生物,高速公路上只是空荡荡的。   You met me at a very strange time in my life.   我们相遇的时候,碰巧是我人生中最诡异的一段时间。   A c0nd0m is the glass slipper for our generation ,you slip one on when you meet a stranger ,you dance all night ,and then you throw it away.   套套是我们这代的玻璃鞋,遇到陌生人时就得戴上一个,跳整晚舞之后,就把东西丢掉。   All the things you wish you could be, that"s me. I look like you wanna look, I fu*k like you"d like to fu*k . I am smart capable and most importantly, I am free, in all the ways that you"re not...   一切你想成为的东西,那就是我。我长得像你希望的样子,做爱像你希望的样子,我很聪明,有能力,最重要的是,我很自由,而你却相反。   Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K Hessel"s life.   His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.   明天将是他生命中最美好的一天。Raymond K Hessel的生活。   他的早餐会比任何时候都要甜美,包括你我所尝过的一切。   影片片头的警告,曾经一度没当回事   WARNING   If you are reading this then this warning is for you.   Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off you life.   Do not you have other thing to do?   Is your life so empty that you honestly can"t think of a better way to spend these moments?   Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all who claim it?Do you read everything you are supposed read?   Do you think everything you are supposed think?   Buy what you are told you should want?   Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex.   Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation.   Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you are alive.   If you do not claim your humanity you will become a statistic.   You have been warned......   Tyler.   警告   如果你正在阅读这段文字。那么这次警告正是为你而准备的。   你所读到本文中的每个词,都是在浪费你生命中的每一秒。   你没有别的事情可以做吗?   你的生命真的如此空虚,以至于你怎么都想不出除此之外打发时间的方法吗?   还是你如此容易受权威的影响,以至于你要呈上它所要求的一切尊敬和信任?   你读了所有你被假定应该读的东西了吗?   你思考了所有你被假定应该思考的东西了吗?   买了所有你被告知你应当想要买的东西了吗?   离开你的房间。去见一个异性。停止过度的购物和自喂。   辞了你的工作。开始一次搏击。证明你还活着。   如果你不主张你人性的生命。你将只是一个统计值。   你已经听过警告了u2026u2026   Tyler.
2023-07-14 00:19:531


eternal中文翻译:永恒的;不朽的;永恒的;无休止的;永不停止的;没完没了的;永恒的事物。eternal主要指时间上没有始终,用于上帝等时,指其永恒性,引申用于抽象事物,则指某一概念的无始无终。eternal也可指有始无终或者即使有终也无限遥远或无法确定。eternal用于贬义,可指“没完没了”。eternal往往强调一件事物在过去一直存在着,今后还会继续存在下去。eternal,everlasting这两个词都表示“永恒的”。eternal强调“无始无终的永恒”;everlasting强调“没有终点,没有止境的永恒和继续”。eternal的例句1、I am tired of their eternal arguments.我讨厌他们没完没了地争吵。2、The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.坏人将会受到永远的惩罚。3、A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple.结婚戒指是已婚夫妇的永恒的爱的象征。4、She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life.她终生感激他的救命之恩。5、The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced.地球是永恒的这种看法现在很少提出了。
2023-07-14 00:20:021

Bullet For My Valentine的《Alone》 歌词

歌曲名:Alone歌手:Bullet For My Valentine专辑:FeverBullet For My Valentine - AloneYooooowwwwwww!No more I"m taking this hatred from youYou make me feel dead when I"m talking to youYou"ll take me for granted when I"m not aroundSo burn all your bridges, "cause I"m not going downThis time I will be heard,I"m not gonna burnIt"s funny how the table,How the table turnsYou fake (fake) your damnation,You pray (pray) for salvation"Cause your heart is made of stoneYou can die and rot aloneI hope you"re unhappy and hurting insideI want you to choke when you swallow your prideLaying in your coffin, asleep with your sinsGive me the nails and I"ll hammer them in right nowThis time you won"t be heard,You are gonna burnIt"s funny how the table,How the table turnsYou fake (fake) your damnation,You pray (pray) for salvation"Cause your heart is made of stoneYou can die and rot aloneYou fake (fake) your damnation,You pray (pray) for salvation (salvation)"Cause your heart is made of stoneYou can die and rot aloneThis time you won"t be heard,You are gonna burnIt"s funny how the table,How the table turnsYou fake (fake) your damnation,You pray (pray) for salvation (salvation)"Cause your heart is made of stoneYou can die and rot aloneYou fake (fake) your damnation,You pray (pray) for salvation (salvation)"Cause your heart is made of stoneYou can die and rot aloneYou can die and rot aloneJust die and rot alone!This time you won"t be heardThis time you won"t be heardThis time you won"t be heard
2023-07-14 00:20:431


envelope是一个英语名词,它的意思是信封,塑料封套,塑料封皮。复数:envelopes。 扩展资料   envelope常见的搭配   envelope可以与以下词性连用:   1、动词,如:open an envelope 拆开信封;tear an envelope open 把信封撕开   2、形容词,如:self-addressed envelope 写明姓名和地址的回信信封   3、名词,如:airmail envelope 航空信封;pay envelope 工资袋   4、介词,如:a packet of envelope 一叠信封;on the envelope 信封上
2023-07-14 00:15:591