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The Importance of Agriculture为题目的英语作文

2023-07-14 11:21:25

Civilization began with agriculture. When our nomadic ancestors began to settle and grow their own food, human society was forever changed. Not only did villages, towns and cities begin to flourish, but so did knowledge, the arts and the technological sciences.

And for most of history, society"s connection to the land was intimate. Human communities, no matter how sophisticated, could not ignore the importance of agriculture. To be far from dependable sources of food was to risk malnutrition and starvation.

In modern times, however, many in the urban world have forgotten this fundamental connection. Insulated by the apparent abundance of food that has come from new technologies for the growing, transportation and storage of food, humanity"s fundamental dependence on agriculture is often overlooked.

Upholds the central importance of the farmer, the local community and its governing institutions in providing for the health and well-being of all of the members of society.

In this vision, spiritually motivated individuals contribute to strong families, organizations, corporations, administrative institutions and communities, animated by a new global ethic founded on universal spiritual principles such as unity, justice, equity, moderation and peacefulness.

In fact, it is only through enhanced processes of social development which recognize the fundamental value of spiritual principles in education, community organization, and the application of technology that true food security can be established.


no valid sources for this video什么意思

no valid sources for this video什么意思:这段视频没有合法来源。sources n. 来源,出处;起源,根源;发源地(source 的复数) v. 从(某地)获取(source 的第三人称单数) 短语 Global Sources 环球资源 ; 环球资源网 informed sources 消息 ; 消息灵通人士 Sources of Law 法的渊源 ; 法律渊源 ; 法律的渊源
2023-07-13 22:35:551


globalsources 没有主动搜寻客户的,你要做他的广告,或自己去注册免费的也可以,我公司是用付费的,效果还行
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1 Global不是一个具体的电源型号或品牌。2 可能指的是全球通用的电源适配器,它可以适用于多个国家和地区的电压和插头规格,因此受到许多国际旅行者和跨境电商的青睐。3 除了电源适配器,"Global"也可能是某些电器品牌或产品线的名称,如Global Sources电子产品展。需要更具体的背景信息才能解释其含义。
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以下是一些常用的B2B外贸网站:1.阿里巴巴(Alibaba):全球最大的B2B平台之一,提供各种产品和服务。2.全球贸易网(Global Sources):提供采购商和供应商之间的连接,涵盖多个行业和地区。3.国际贸易网(TradeKey):覆盖多个国家和地区,提供全球采购商和供应商之间的交流和交易。4.欧洲贸易网(EUROPAGES):涵盖欧洲各地的供应商和采购商,提供多种语言支持。5.环球资源(Globial):提供全球采购商和供应商之间的连接,提供各种工具和资源。提供中国制造的产品和服务,包括各种行业和领域。提供中国制造的产品和服务,主要针对小型和中型企业。这些网站仅供参考,实际上还有很多其他的B2B外贸网站,选择适合自己的网站可以根据自己的需求和实际情况进行评估。
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三种贸易术语:《国际贸易术语解释通则》中共有13个贸易术语,其中使用最多的是装运港交货的三种术语;FOB,CFR和CIF。 这三种贸易术语,都只适用于海运和内河运输,买卖双方在货物交接方式和责任、费用、风险划分中所承担的义务基本一致,只是在运输和保险的责任上有所区别。 A. FOB(...named port of shipment)——装运港船上交货 (——指定装运港) 按照《通则》的解释,卖方必须在合同规定的装运期内,在指定的装运港将货物装上买方指定的船上,并及时通知买方。货物在装运港越过船舷,风险即由卖方转移至买方。 买方负责租船订舱,支付运费,在合同规定的期间到达装运港接运货物,并将船名及装船日期给予卖方充分的通知。 卖方要负责取得出口报关所需的各种证件,并负责办理出口手续。买方则负责取得进口报关所需的各种证件,并负责进口报关。 卖方应向买方提供通常的单证,证明已完成交货装船的义务。 其中的运输单据则应在买方承担费用和风险的条件下,卖方给予一切协助,取得有关运输合同的运输单据。买方应接受与合同相符的货物和单据,并按照合同规定支付货款。 B. CFR(...named port of destination)——成本加运费(...指定目的港) CFR与FOB不同之处在于,由卖方负责租船订舱并支付运费。按《通则》解释,卖方只需按通常条件租船订舱,经习惯航线运送货物。 CFR在货物装船、风险转移、办理进出口手续和交单、接单付款方面,买卖双方的义务和FOB是相同的。 C. CIF(named port of destination)——成本加保险费加运费(...指定目的港) CIF与CFR相比,买卖双方所承担的义务相同。但以CIF方式成交,卖方还承担为货物办理运输保险并支付保险费的义务。在FOB和CFR中,由于买方是为自己所承担的运输风险而办理保险,因而不构成一种义务、按《通则》解释,卖方应在不迟于货物越过船舷时,办理货运保险。在合同无明示时,卖方可按保险条款中低责任的险别投保,投保金额最低为CIF价格的110%。 国际贸易习惯以港口码头作为交货的地点,因此就有了三种最主要的价格术语: 1.在中国的码头交货: 术语叫做FOB 比如约定在上海港口交货,就叫做FOB SHANGHAI 在这种方式下,除了货物本身的价值以外,还要加上你把货物运到上海码头的运费,和报关出口手续费以及上海码头上产生的杂费,才是总的成本价格。 FOB价格是最基本的价格。 简便公式: FOB = 货价 + 国内运杂费 2.在外国码头交货: 术语叫做CNF 比如约定在美国纽约港口交货,就叫做CNF NEW YORK 在这种方式下,除了FOB价格之外,还要加上货物运到美国纽约的运杂费。 简便公式:CNF = FOB + 远洋运费 3. 在外国码头交货,同时给货物买上个保险以免途中损坏: 术语叫做CIF 同样的,约定在纽约港口交货就叫CIF NEW YORK 这种方式就是在CNF价格的基础上,加上一点保险费。保险费需要多少呢?由保险公司来定,根据货物类别和交货地点而略有不同。打个电话给保险公司,告诉他们你货物的种类,价值和去往的地点,他们就会告诉你保险费需要多少。保险的种类也有几个,但通常都用一切险:出什么事情保险公司都替你兜着---至少书上是这么说的..呵呵.. 保险费不算贵,以货物出口到美国为例,保个一切险,1000元的货物也就5元保险费...求稳妥的话,咬咬牙也就买吧. 了解不同保费率,可以参考: 简便公式:CIF = FOB + 远洋运费 + 保险费 小结:三种主要的价格术语分别是 FOB、CNF、CIF。术语后面要写清楚港口的名称。FOB最基本,等于货值加上国内的运杂费。添上运到国外的运费就变成CNF,再加上保险费就是CIF。
2023-07-13 22:39:251


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阿里巴巴国内站账号怎么登录不了国际站, 不能共用吗?

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B2B(企业与企业交易)的特点1、交易次数少,交易金额大 远大于B2C和c2c企业--客户、供应商,大宗货物交易2、交易对象广泛 可以是任何一种产品,可以是原材料、也可以是半成品或产成品相对而言,B2C集中在生活消费用品3、交易操作规范最复杂(查询、谈判、结算、),也最严格(合同、EDI标准) B2B是企业与企业之间通过互联网进行产品、服务及信息的交换。目前基于互联网的B2B的发展速度十分迅猛,据最新的统计,在本年初互联网上B2B的交易额已经远远超过B2C的交易额,在今后的5年内,B2B将达到41%的年平均增长率,到2004年,全球范围内的B2B交易预计将达到7.29万亿美元。 传统的企业间的交易往往要耗费企业的大量资源和时间,无论是销售和分销还是采购都要占用产品成本。通过B2B的交易方式买卖双方能够在网上完成整个业务流程,从建立最初印象,到货比三家,再到讨价还价、签单和交货,最后到客户服务。B2B使企业之间的交易减少许多事务性的工作流程和管理费用,降低了企业经营成本。网络的便利及延申性使企业扩大了活动范围,企业发展跨地区跨国界更方便,成本更低廉。 B2B不仅仅是建立一个网上的买卖者群体,它也为企业的之间的战略合作提供了基础。任何一家企业,不论它具有多强的技术实力或多好的经营战略,要想单独实现B2B是完全不可能的。单打独斗的时代已经过去,企业间建立合作联盟逐渐成为发展趋势。网络使得信息通行无阻,企业之间可以通过网络在市场、产品或经营等方面建立互补互惠的合作,形成水平或垂直形式的业务整合,以更大的规模、更强的实力、更经济的运作真正达到全球运筹管理的模式。 目前企业采用的B2B可以分为以下两种模式:1. 面向制造业或面向商业的垂直B2B。垂直B2B可以分为两个方向,即上游和下游。生产商或商业零售商可以与上游的供应商之间的形成供货关系,比如Dell电脑公司与上游的芯片和主板制造商就是通过这种方式进行合作。生产商与下游的经销商可以形成销货关系,比如Cisco与其分销商之间进行的交易。2. 面向中间交易市场的B2B。这种交易模式是水平B2B,它是将各个行业中相近的交易过程集中到一个场所,为企业的采购方和供应方提供了一个交易的机会,象AliBaBa、环球资源网等。B2B只是企业实现电子商务的一个开始,它的应用将会得到不断发展和完善,并适应所有行业的企业的需要
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  告诉你几个权威的经济资料库自己去查吧,这叫授人以鱼不若授人以渔.以后你再用到时就不必悬赏问了.  1、国际货币基金组织(IMF)的经济统计数据库与相关报告  国际货币基金组织( )的World Economic Outlook Reports(世界经济观察报告--- )每年发表两次,详述世界经济发展状况和未来趋势,数据详实资料丰富,报告中全部数据以数据库形式与其链接,按年度进入报告正文,点击The WEO Database 可以方便地查找某一年度、某一国家、某一方面的具体数据。也可以从报告目录页左侧的World Economic Outlook Databases(世界经济观察数据库)直接进入数据库按国家(Search by:Country or Country Groups)或按具体项目(Search by:WEO Aggregates)查找。 通过页面上方的Country info栏目,按字母顺序,或在搜索框输入国家名称检索,可以进入有关国家的相关页面,查看该国详细的数据和资料。  2、 WDS database( )  WDS(World Development Sources)database是世界银行(World Bank)的报告数据库---世界银行的年度报告提供了全球几乎所有国家或地区有关增长和发展的最新数据和统计资料,该数据库可以检索和浏览14,000多份文件,可以分别按国家、文件类型(分析与咨询、研究报告、项目文件等)和部门(农业、经济政策、环境保护、金融、石油与天然气等)进行一般检索和包括文件语言限定的高级综合检索。主页上方的“Countries”、“Data”等栏目,均链接至世界银行网站主页( )的相关内容,可以按国家和数据种类等进一步查找。如按数据类型(Data & Statistics > Data by Topic)查找,分为26个主题,每个主题页面都有WDI(世界发展指标数据库)和Useful sites on this topic(有助于了解该主题的网页)、Useful links(有用的链接)或World Bank sites with data on this topic(载有该主题数据的世行网页)等相关链接,可以据此扩大检索范围,找到更多的相关数据和资料。  3、UNSD database( )  联合国统计司(UNSD)数据库。其中Commodity Trade Statistics Database(商品贸易统计数据库)为1962年以来世界各个国家和地区商品贸易统计数据,已积累近700百万条记录;Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online (MBS Online)(在线统计月报)包括了几乎所有国家和地区的经济状况每月统计数据,可以按各种经济指标(Data dictionary)和按国家/地区(Countries & areas)等进行查询;United Nations Common Database (UNCDB)(联合国公用数据库)是一个对全部文件元数据采用一种共同的格式实现不同来源信息一体化开发的非专门用户使用的在线浏览与查询系统,提供从30个专用数据源中选取的各个国家和地区的连续性数据。  4、Asia-Pacific database( )  联合国亚太经济与社会委员会(UNESCAP)的亚洲与太平洋沿岸国家数据库,可以分别按国家(Order by country)和各种指标数据(Order by indicator)查询,国内生产总值、人均国内生产总值、国内储蓄、个人消费、外债、消费品物价指数、消费者食品物价指数、政府财政收入与各种支出,以及人口、教育、就业等等社会和经济指标数据详尽齐全,其中文版(Chinese Version)对汉语用户尤其便利。该网站的其它栏目,如Publications、Programmes等可以提供某一国家更为全面的数据和资料。  5、Statistical Data Locators( )  南洋理工大学图书馆(The Nanyang Technological University Library)制作的全球统计数据检索工具,按洲分国别提供查询入口和书目、主题检索指南,各国之下详列相关链接,政府官方网站和专业网站尽在其中,堪称精良、便捷的查询平台  6、Statistical Resources on the Web( )  美国密歇根州大学图书馆的专门揭示和利用网络统计资源的网站。分类详尽,链接资源权威,是查找统计资料的指南和入门工具。  对于如农业、工业、交通运输、贸易、就业等某一经济领域的更为具体、详细的数据与资料,可在上述检索的基础上,利用5--6进一步查找相应的专业数据。  如果你要看国内统计的数据(只要你相信):  华通数据中心世界经济资料库:
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2023-07-13 22:43:214

How to fight against global warming?

Fight against Global Warming With the fast development of industry, more and more carbon dioxide was released into the air,which caused the temperature going up.Global warming has become a serious problem which we must take some measures to solve as soon as possible in that it affected our daily life and our health so much. To fight against it,from my point of view, there are still many things undone.On the one hand,we should adapt ourselves into the environment caused by global warming.As we all know,global warming didn"t come into being in one day,and it"s origin can date back to the first industrial revolution,so we can"t solve it in one day,either.Before it dies out, the first thing we should do is trying to accept what it brings to us and make our loss to the minimum.On the other hand,we should face up to it and try to fight against it.To begin with, we should reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The government plays an essential role in it.It should enact strict laws to control greenhouse gases emission and then firmly follow them. Secondly,developing new sources of energy with the help of science and technology is also a crucial solution.Thirdly,for ordinary people, we should start from the side small,such as planting more trees,saving water and electricity,traveling by bus and so on.If we do these things together,the effects can be seen soon.Above all,co-operation is indispensable among countries to fight with global warming. As we all know,global warming is a problem for all the people in the world.Only when every country co-operates with other countries can we won this battle early and completely. It will be a long way to go,but I strongly believe that as people all over the world band together to fight against it,we will overcome it one day.
2023-07-13 22:43:451

求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea
2023-07-13 22:43:541

context communication

The general terms "high context" and "low context" (popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies. High context communication refers to communication in societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of communication are not made explicit because the both sides know what to express and what to think from years of interaction with each other. Communication in your family is probably an example. For example, when your mother has prepared your dinner, without any words, all of your familly members know it is dinner time and will sit at desk for the dinner. Low context communication refers to communication in societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, communication may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave. For example, a Chinese do businesses with an American who he does not familiar with. He may choose to communicate with the American by writting emails and will finnaly form a contract for the business.
2023-07-13 22:44:054

This circuit has no power sources: unable to determine the simulation timest

2023-07-13 22:44:132

china review international什么水平

国际刊号 ISSN: 2044-1398创刊时间 First publish year: 2007Start cooperation with Emerald since 2010出版周期 Frequency: 4 issues per year(季刊,每期6篇)海外合作出版商 Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing读者对象 Audience: 学术研究人员、金融从业者、政策制定者以及对中国和其他发展中经济体的金融市场感兴趣的其他个人和机构愿景——打造中国金融学科国际话语权的英文学术期刊目前的数据库收录情况:Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)-since 2016Scopus-since 2016FMS Journal Rating Guide (ranked 34/78, Finance )Business Source Premier (EBSCO)The Chartered Association of Business Schools" (ABS) Academic Journal Guide 2018The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal ListABI/INFORM Complete, ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Professional AdvancedCabell"s Directory of Opportunities in Publishing in Accounting, Economics and Finance一些代表性的高水平文章:u2022Textual analysis for China"s financial markets: a review and discussion by Alan Huang, (University of Waterloo), Wenfeng Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) and Tong Yu (University of Cincinnati), Vol. 10 No. 1 u2022Ownership identity and corporate donations: evidence from a natural experiment in China by Chun-Keung (Stan) Hoi (Rochester Institute of Technology), Jun Xiong (City University of Hong Kong) and Hong Zou (University of Hong Kong), Vol. 10 No. 2 u2022Implicit and explicit norms and tools of safety net management by Edward Kane (Boston College), Vol. 10 No. 3 u2022FinTech and household finance: a review of the empirical literature by Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore) and Yeow Hwee Chua (National University of Singapore), Vol. 10 No. 4u2022Consumer finance / household finance: the definition and scope by Jingjian Xiao (University of Rhode Island) and Chunsheng Tao (Minzu University of China), Vol.11 No. 12017年至2020年,CFRI期刊投稿平均接受率在14.5%左右2019年的模拟影响因子在WOS中相当于在Business& Finance领域中的Q2分区期刊截止目前CFRI被SSCI/ESCI期刊引用418次,施引期刊含Review of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics 、Accounting & Finance、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学科顶尖期刊,以及自然科学,工程学,数学等领域的优质期刊
2023-07-13 22:44:282


格言: Constant dropping wears the stone. (滴水穿石。) It is never too late to learn. (活到老,学到老。) It is never too late to mend. (亡羊补牢,犹时未晚。) A good medicine tasks bitter.(良药苦口。) 短文: I believe that we are not real social workers. We may be doing social work in the eyes of the people, but we are really contemplatives[修行者、沉思冥想的人] in the heart of the world. For we are touching the body of Christ twenty-four hours…And I think that in our family we don"t need bombs and guns, to destroy, to bring peace, just get together, love one another, bring that peace, that joy, that strength of presence of each other in the home. And we will be able to overcome all the evil that is in the world. 我想,我们算不上真正的社会工作者。在人们的眼中,或许我们是在做社会工作,但实际上,我们真的只是世界中心的修行者。因为,一天24小时,我们都在触摸基督的圣体。我想,在我们的大家庭时,我们不需要枪支和炮弹来破坏和平,或带来和平――我们只需要团结起来,彼此相爱,将和平、欢乐以及每一个家庭成员灵魂的活力都带回世界。这样,我们就能战胜世界上现存的一切邪恶。 谜语: Have you heard the saying: what goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down? 谜底: your age. 英语歌曲:(God Is A Girl) god is a girl, wherever you are, do you believe it, can you recieve it? god is a girl, whatever you say, do you believe it, can you recieve it? god is a girl, however you live, do you believe it, can you recieve it? god is a girl, shes only a girl, do you believe it, can you recieve it?
2023-07-13 22:44:3811

business development是什么意思

business development[英][u02c8biznis diu02c8velu0259pmu0259nt][美][u02c8bu026aznu026as du026au02c8vu025blu0259pmu0259nt]商业(发展)区; 相关例句:1. Business Development Advisers surveyed 211 companies for the report. 企业发展顾问公司为此报告调查了211家公司。2. This move empowers us to expand and incorporate larger business development goals. 此举赋予我们扩大并纳入较大的业务发展目标.3. The second part is the case analysis to main business development strategy. 第二部分是主营业务发展战略的案例分析.4. Support the Operation"s business development effort with current and potential customers. 支持公司业务运作,努力发展现有的和潜在的客户.5. Sina Technology: Please tell us about Tencent game business development. 新浪科技: 请您介绍一下腾讯游戏业务的发展情况.
2023-07-13 22:45:123

使用______来发送请求将导致启动一个新会话。 A)SessionID B)QueryString C)过期的SessionID D)URL

AC )<data-sources>→<formbean>→<global-exeception>>→<global-forward>
2023-07-13 22:45:313

谁有这篇文章???Global anthropogenic mercury emission inventory for 2000 谢啦~

2023-07-13 22:45:382

请大家找找global culture和local culture的文章

Adjacent Communities The city of Kaktovik lies on the north shore of Barter Island. The Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation (KIC) is the Village Corporation established for the Inupiat Eskimos of Kaktovik by the Alaska Native Claims Act of 1971. KIC owns approximately 92,000 acres of surface lands in and around the Kaktovik community. All of the corporation"s land is within the boundaries of the Arctic Refuge. Arctic Village is on the east fork of the Chandalar River. In 1943, the Venetie Indian Reservation was established. When the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) was passed in 1971, Venetie and Arctic Village opted for title to the the former Reservation. These 1.8 million acres are now Venetie Tribal Lands. The Gwich"in Indian members of both villages own this as tenants in common through the Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government. The village of Old Crow is on the north bank of the Porcupine River, in Canada. The Old Crow Flats Special Management Area was established under the terms of the Yukon First Nation Final Agreements signed on May 29, 1993. Much of this special management area is owned by the local Gwich"in people.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional sources of information are listed below. There are no links from the following pages back to this web site. Use your browser"s BACK button to return to the Arctic Refuge, or set a bookmark for the Refuge before you leave. The City of Kaktovik. The village of Old Crow. The Old Crow Flats Special Management Area. These and additional villages monitor their natural resources through the "community-based ecological monitoring program" within the Arctic Borderlands Ecological Knowledge Co-op.
2023-07-13 22:45:461

目前地球面临水资源危机, 请你以Global Shortage of Fresh Water 为题,根据以下提示写一篇短文。提示:

Global Shortage of Fresh WaterMany people believe that the world"s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to shocking waste of water. As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with rapid growth of the world"s population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs. Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water. 试题分析:这是一篇提纲作文,需要写的内容大部分已经给出,在“人类应该怎么办?”这一部分进行展开,要通过严格的法律,科学家要努力进行海水的淡化等等。写作时不要仅仅对要点进行生硬的翻译,而是要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文,一定要谈谈自己的看法。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。同时注意要求的字数,不要太多也不要太少。点评:本文属于提纲作文,动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,理解要点要表达的含义,不能遗漏要点,跑题偏题。平时除了加强词汇积累,写作联系以外,还可以适当记忆一些类似的范文,这样在考试中可以起到事半功倍的效果。
2023-07-13 22:45:531

Topic: global warming

global warming, the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth"s lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. The temperature of the atmosphere near the earth"s surface is warmed through a natural process called the greenhouse effect. Visible, shortwave light comes from the sun to the earth, passing unimpeded through a blanket of thermal, or greenhouse, gases composed largely of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Infrared radiation reflects off the planet"s surface toward space but does not easily pass through the thermal blanket. Some of it is trapped and reflected downward, keeping the planet at an average temperature suitable to life, about 60°F (16°C). Growth in industry, agriculture, and transportation since the Industrial Revolution has produced additional quantities of the natural greenhouse gases plus chlorofluorocarbons and other gases, augmenting the thermal blanket. It is generally accepted that this increase in the quantity of greenhouse gases is trapping more heat and increasing global temperatures, making a process that has been beneficial to life potentially disruptive and harmful. During the past century, the atmospheric temperature has risen 1.1°F (0.6°C), and sea level has risen several inches. Some projected, longer-term results of global warming include melting of polar ice, with a resulting rise in sea level and coastal flooding; disruption of drinking water supplies dependent on snow melts; profound changes in agriculture due to climate change; extinction of species as ecological niches disappear; more frequent tropical storms; and an increased incidence of tropical diseases. Among factors that may be contributing to global warming are the burning of coal and petroleum products (sources of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone); deforestation, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere; methane gas released in animal waste; and increased cattle production, which contributes to deforestation, methane production, and use of fossil fuels. Much of the debate surrounding global warming has centered on the accuracy of scientific predictions concerning future warming. To predict global climatic trends, climatologists accumulate large historical databases and use them to create computerized models that simulate the earth"s climate. The validity of these models has been a subject of controversy. Skeptics say that the climate is too complicated to be accurately modeled, and that there are too many unknowns. Some also question whether the observed climate changes might simply represent normal fluctuations in global temperature. Nonetheless, for some time there has been general agreement that at least part of the observed warming is the result of human activity, and that the problem needs to be addressed. In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, over 150 nations signed a binding declaration on the need to reduce global warming. In 1994, however, a UN scientific advisory panel, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, concluded that reductions beyond those envisioned by the treaty would be needed to avoid global warming. The following year, the advisory panel forecast a rise in global temperature of from 1.44 to 6.3°F (0.8–3.5°C) by 2100 if no action is taken to cut down on the production of greenhouse gases, and a rise of from 1 to 3.6°F (0.5–2°C) even if action is taken (because of already released gases that will persist in the atmosphere). A UN Conference on Climate Change, held in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997 resulted in an international agreement to fight global warming, which called for reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases by industrialized nations. Not all industrial countries, however, immediately signed or ratified the accord. In 2001 the G. W. Bush administration announced it would abandon the Kyoto Protocol; because the United States produces about one quarter of the world"s greenhouse gases, this was regarded as a severe blow to the effort to slow global warming. Despite the American move, most other nations agreed later in the year (in Bonn, Germany, and in Marrakech, Morocco) on the details necessary to convert the agreement into a binding international treaty, which came into force in 2005 after ratification by more than 125 nations. Improved automobile mileage, reforestation projects, energy efficiency in construction, and national support for mass transit are among relatively simpler adjustments that could significantly lower U.S. production of greenhouse gases. More aggressive adjustments include a gradual worldwide shift away from the use of fossil fuels, the elimination of chlorofluorocarbons, and the slowing of deforestation by restructuring the economies of developing nations. In 2002 the Bush administration proposed several voluntary measures for slowing the increase in, instead of reducing, emissions of greenhouses gases.
2023-07-13 22:46:011

人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案

  人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【一】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching Aims:   In this class Ss will be able to   ① practice skimming and scanning for information needed like what are the two concerns and what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions.   ② Master the phrases such as: put up with, so long as, and so on, make a difference, have no effect on u2026 , by making sentences or by using them into the post er.   ③ become aware of the serious effects of global warming and the importance of saving energy to be environmentally friendly.   ④ Summarize the points according to their understanding.   ⑤ work together to design a poster by using the suggestions in the article.   教学重难点   Teaching Difficulties:   Students may find it hard to add more suggestions about how to save energy in our daily life and to summarize the points according to those suggestions. Students may not know clear what is a poster and how to design an attractive and persuasive poster in short time.   教学过程   Teaching Procedure:   Step1. Lead-in (individual & collective work)   1. Teacher begins the class by asking: Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? and then let students enjoy a short movie clip with the following two questions:   ① What kinds of disasters have you seen in the film?   ② Can you guess how they came about (happen)?   2. introduce the topic: global warming. And then have a further question:   ①What other disaster will be caused by global warming?   【Designing Purpose】   To arouse studentsu2019 interest by watching the movie clip and educe the topic, that is global warming. And then by showing a lot of pictures, make students know and understand the terrible effects of global warming, thus making preparations for promoting environmental protection.   Step2. While Reading (Individual work)   Skimming: Go through the first letter to f ind:   ① who is the writer?   ② what are his two concerns?   Scanning: Read the second letter and answer the following questions:   ① Does Earth Care agree with Ouy ang Guangu2019s opinion that individuals can have no effect?   ② what are Earth Careu2019s suggestions?   ③ Can we carry those suggestions out? Why?   【Designing Purpose】   To help the students grasp the main information of the two letters by skimming and scanning. While stud ents get the answer to question1, ask them to find the supporting sentence : Together, individuals can make a difference. We do not have to put up with pollution. Guess the meanings of the two italicized phrases according to the surroundings and their understanding.   Step3. Post reading (Pair work)   1. Discussion: Make students discuss whether they can find more ways or suggestions about reducing carbon dioxide and saving energy in our daily life.   Suggested ways:   1) Use less hot water 7)Change a light bulb 8)Try car sharing   2) Take a shower instead of a bath   3) Buy fresh food instead of frozen   4) Buy things that are actually in season   5) Eat less high fat food like KFC and Macdonald   6) Clean filters(过滤 器) on your air conditioner.   【Designing Purpose】   To cultivate students to work in pairs and learn to summarize an opinion and share the knowledge of saving energy in daily life. To practice the ability of understanding the meaning of new words and expressions to remove the obstacles in reading.   Step4. learn what is a poster (collective work)   Know what is a poster by giving a simple sample and try to get the structure.   【Designing Purpose】   To know clearly a poster should have a heading, contents and an eye-catching slogan, which will make it easy for students to design an acceptable poster.   Step5. Prepare the poster (individual & group work)   1. Decide our content s:   ①Choose and decide five most important suggestions. (individual work)   ②Write them down on your paper and try to make them persuasive by using imperative   sentences. (individual work)   ③Compare your list with your group members and decide five for your poster. (group   work)   2. Slogan and heading: showing sample posters to help them decide a heading and a slogan for your poster.   【Designing Purpose】   This is the most important part of this writing task. Students will be able to summarize and compose sentences by choosing and organizing what they want to say, thus improving their writing ability and the process of output based on what they have learned in reading part. And by learning some sample posters to help them decide their own heading and slogan.   Step6. produce &show time (group work)   With the heading, slogan and ways, students will not find it difficult to make a poster. What they   Should pay attention is how to illustrate their poster and make it more attractive. And then choose several pairs to represent their posters.   【Designing Purpose】   Making the poster will improve their cognitive capability of the importance of environmental protection and at the same time they can enjoy a sense of achievement in show time. And they make believe that individuals can really make a difference.   课后习题   Homework:   Put their poster up around the school to make more students know about energy saving and global warming. Write a short passage to tell others how to solve the problem of global warming based on the suggestions you have collected and send it in your QQ zone or blog.   板书   板书设计:tsunami/ flood/   More suggestions: make full use of paper/ use both sides of paper   reuse water   limit the time of using private cars   send emails instead of cards   use less hot water   always take a shopping bag with you   drive a bicycle but not e-bicycle   人教版高中英语选修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【二】   教学准备   教学目标   Teaching goals 教学目标   1. Target language 目标语言   a. 重点词汇和短语   energy, light (v.), heat (v.), renewable, non-renewable, fuel, blame, run out   b. 交际用语   Expressing agreement and disagreement   Yes, I agree with you.   Yes, I think so.   I believe that youu2019ve got it right.   I donu2019t think so.   I donu2019t think thatu2019s right.   Iu2019m afraid you are wrong.   2. Ability goals 能力目标   Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas.   3. Learning ability goals 学能目标   Help the students learn how to give their ideas about the use of energy.   教学重难点   Teaching important points 教学重点   Enable the students to express agreement and disagreement.   Teaching difficult points 教学难点   Enable the students to learn how to express agreement and disagreement.   教学过程   Step ⅠRevision   T: Good morning, everyone.   Ss: Good morning, teacher.   T: Sit down, please. Before class, Iu2019ll check your homework first. Mary, would you read your homework to us?   Check the studentsu2019 homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistakes Mary made. Let the students have a clear understanding about the mistakes and then correct them.   Step ⅡWarming up   T: As we all know, we depen d on energy to do many things in our daily life. Some people even say we could do nothing without energy. Can you tell me what we use energy for?   Sa: Energy lights our cities.   Sb: Energy heats our buildings.   Sc: Energy entertains us. With the help of electricity, people have got a lot of fun from watching TV, playing computers and so on.   Sd: There are many other electrical appliances that make our life more convenient and comfortable such as washing machines, microwaves, air conditioners and so on.   Se: Today energy also helps people realize many so-called dreams in the past. For example, people can “fly” from one place to another by plane which runs on energy.   Sf: Itu2019s true. In fact, not only planes but also cars, ships and trains run on energy.   T: Well done. All that youu2019ve just said is right. So it seems that energy plays a very important role in the modern world. Then where does all the energy come from? Open your books and turn to page 25. Look at the pictures on this page. They may help you find out the answers.   After a while.   T: Whou2019d like to tell us your answers?   Sg: Wind power.   Sh: Coal power.   T: Right. Is there any difference between them?   Si: Yes. Wind will never run out while coal is a limited source.   T: Itu2019s true. As we know, an energy source is renewable when supplies of it never run out while some supplies, such as coal, will definitely run out one day. Energy of this kind is called non-renewable sources. Please think of as many sources as you can and decide which energy sources on your list are renewable and which are non-renewable.   If necessary, give some words related to the pictures which might be difficult for the students such as oil refinery, hydroelectric power and so on.   The teacher should also collect as much information about different sources of energy as possible and show it to the students in class through a computer. In this way, the students will become more interested in this topic and their knowledge on this aspect will be enlarged.   Sample answers:   Step Ⅲ Listening and Discussing   T: Fromwhat weu2019ve just talked about, it is clear that energy does a lot of good to us.But every coin has two sides. Is there any negative effect of using energy?   Sa: Yes.People use too much energy which is resulting in an increase in carbon dioxide.That is how the global warming comes about.   Sb: Andmeanwhile it pollutes the environment.   T: Itu2019strue. Many people have realized the problem. Next weu2019ll do some listeningpractice on this topic. Letu2019s see what other people think of this issue.   Thestudents are asked to read the questions quickly to find out the listeningpoints first. Then listen to the tape twice and give the correct answers.   T: Nowplease turn to page 31. Letu2019s do listening. Before you listen to the tape,please read fast the statements in Exercise 1 to find out the listening points.Pay much attention to the key points while listening.   Play thetape for the first time. Help the students get a general understanding aboutthe dialogue. The students listen and try to finish Exercise 1. Play the tapeagain, train the studentsu2019 ability to spot specific information and understandthe implication in the dialogue. The students listen and finish Exercise 2.   Severalminutes later.   T:Have you finished the exercises?   Ss: Yes.   T: OK,letu2019s check your answers.   Explainsome difficult points if necessary.   T: Nowread what Professor Chen and Li Bin say. Work in groups. Discuss who you agreewith and give reasons. Use some of the phrases listed in Exercise 2 or anyothers you know.   课后习题   Homework   1. Review the new words and expressions you learned in this class.   2. Preview Reading.
2023-07-13 22:46:081

global warming关键词3分钟英语演讲

global warmingGlobal warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and methane) trap heat and light from the sun in the earthu2019s atmosphere, which increases the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. Many cannot take the change, so they die.What is the greenhouse effect?The greenhouse effect is when the temperature rises because the sunu2019s heat and light is trapped in the earthu2019s atmosphere. This is like when heat is trapped in a car. On a very hot day, the car gets hotter when it is out in the parking lot. This is because the heat and light from the sun can get into the car, by going through the windows, but it canu2019t get back out. This is what the greenhouse effect does to the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere, but it canu2019t get out. As a result, the temperature rises.The squiggle lines coming from the sun are visible light and the lines and arrows inside the car are infrared light. The sunu2019s heat can get into the car through the windows but is then trapped. This makes what ever the place might be, a greenhouse, a car, a building, or the earthu2019s atmosphere, hotter. This diagram shows the heat coming into a car as visible light (light you can see) and infrared light (heat). Once the light is inside the car, it is trapped and the heat builds up, just like it does in the earthu2019s atmosphere.Sometimes the temperature can change in a way that helps us. The greenhouse effect makes the earth appropriate for people to live on. Without it, the earth would be freezing, or on the other hand it would be burning hot. It would be freezing at night because the sun would be down. We would not get the sunu2019s heat and light to make the night somewhat warm. During the day, especially during the summer, it would be burning because the sun would be up with no atmosphere to filter it, so people, plants, and animals would be exposed to all the light and heat.Although the greenhouse effect makes the earth able to have people living on it, if there gets to be too many gases, the earth can get unusually warmer, and many plants, animals, and people will die. They would die because there would be less food (plants like corn, wheat, and other vegetables and fruits). This would happen because the plants would not be able to take the heat. This would cause us to have less food to eat, but it would also limit the food that animals have. With less food, like grass, for the animals that we need to survive (like cows) we would even have less food. Gradually, people, plants, and animals would all die of hunger. What are greenhouse gasses?Greenhouse gasses are gasses are in the earthu2019s atmosphere that collect heat and light from the sun. With too many greenhouse gasses in the air, the earthu2019s atmosphere will trap too much heat and the earth will get too hot. As a result people, animals, and plants would die because the heat would be too strong. What is global warming doing to the environment?Global warming is affecting many parts of the world. Global warming makes the sea rise, and when the sea rises, the water covers many low land islands. This is a big problem for many of the plants, animals, and people on islands. The water covers the plants and causes some of them to die. When they die, the animals lose a source of food, along with their habitat. Although animals have a better ability to adapt to what happens than plants do, they may die also. When the plants and animals die, people lose two sources of food, plant food and animal food. They may also lose their homes. As a result, they would also have to leave the area or die. This would be called a break in the food chain, or a chain reaction, one thing happening that leads to another and so on. The oceans are affected by global warming in other ways, as well. Many things that are happening to the ocean are linked to global warming. One thing that is happening is warm water, caused from global warming, is harming and killing algae in the ocean.
2023-07-13 22:46:181

高三英语阅读atmosphere — and yet that carbon dioxide will not contribute to global warming. In a pr

2023-07-13 22:46:402

有谁能帮我就meat causes global food crisis 写大概一两百字的作文啊?

我的建议是:从全球人口的增加,土地相应减少,反应出这个问题:人对肉类的食品的需求增加,需要家禽的增加,所以大量的谷类和庄家为了未央家禽而使粮食短缺, 结尾时可以阐述自己的看法,认为控制人口数量,合理开发土地资源,才能有效解决这个问题~最后,祝你成功!
2023-07-13 22:46:471

How to fight against global warming?

2023-07-13 22:46:553


Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth"s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding. m What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions. The earth"s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth"s atmosphere. This could become a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed. Firstly, governments can support research. For example, they should encourage companies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem. copyright joozone Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that companies can emit. Private companies should be rewarded for following these laws. They should also be punished for creating pollution.Finally, everybody is affected by global warming. Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving process. For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be compulsory for everyone. Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems. Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy. In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming. They should involve companies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the planet.译文: 许多人认为人类活动是造成地球温度升高。他们说,这种全球变暖将有可怕的后果,我们的环境,如干旱和洪水。米 政府应当做些什么,以帮助防止全球变暖?给你的建议的理由。 地球的温度正在迅速发生变化。因此出现了诸如热浪,干旱和洪水的气候变化很多。科学家认为,这是人类活动的结果,这是污染地球的大气层。这可能成为一场灾难,如果政府不采取行动,以帮助防止全球变暖。他们可以在三个方面采取行动,以支持研究和制订法律以使广大市民了解有关情况。 首先,政府可以支持研究。例如,他们应鼓励企业开发的车辆造成的污染。他们也应该支持,而不是替代石油和煤炭的电力来自风能和水的来源。另外,他们应该赞助会议,讨论温室气体排放和解决问题的可能的解决办法的影响。版权joozone 其次,他们应该制定法律,限制温室气体排放量,公司可以。民营企业应该遵循这些法律的奖励。他们也应受到惩罚造成污染。 最后,大家都受全球气候变暖。因此,重要的是,政府在解决过程中涉及个人的问题。例如,他们应该鼓励家庭尽可能多的能源节约使用更高效的灯泡或以下热水。他们还应该鼓励市民回收,这应该是每个人义务教育。节能的另一个途径是由公共交通系统。各国政府应动用公共资金,使交通尽可能容易为市民节省能源。 总之,很显然,有一些事情政府可以做很多,以防止全球变暖。他们应包括公司,支持科学家和鼓励个人,以保护地球。
2023-07-13 22:47:181

How can we help the earth aviod global warming?

The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels like oil and coal are burned for energy. So when we save energy we fight global warming (and save money of course). Here are some easy steps we can take: Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a pact fluorescent light bulb. Clean or replace filters on air conditioners. Choose energy efficient electrical appliances when making new purchases. Look for the Energy Star label on electrical appliances to choose the most efficient models available. Do not leave electrical appliances on standby (e.g. TV). Cover the pots while cooking. Use the washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full. Take a shower instead of a bath. Use less hot water. Be sure we are recycling at home (e.g. put bottles and c in recycle bins). Buy recycled paper products. Choose products that e with little packaging and buy refills when we can. Reuse shopping bags. Reduce waste. Plant more trees. Switch to green power (e.g. wind and solar power). Buy fresh foods instead of frozen food. (Frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce.) Buy anic foods as much as possible. Eat less meat. If we need a car choose an efficient vehicle. Drive *** art. Get the engine tuned up and keep the tires inflated -- both help fuel efficiency. Drive less. When possible choose alternatives to driving (public trit biking walking carpooling) 参考: Geography notes Reuse energy 参考: shieley There are five categories of actions that can be taken to mitigate(=avoid) global warming: - Reduction of energy use (per person) - Shifting from carbon-based fossil fuels to alternative energy sources - Carbon capture and storage - Geoengineering including carbon sequestration - Birth control to lessen demand for resources such as energy and land clearing 参考: en. *** /wiki/Mitigation_of_global_warming
2023-07-13 22:47:341


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2023-07-13 22:47:443


2023-07-13 22:48:267

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如果在matlab 里面出现,大部分是表示生成信号和分析信号,不太清楚怎么翻译过来,但最近沉迷信号处理,搜到这里顺手答一下,如果无用请忽略,并非直译
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global wind 中文是什么?

Global Wind 网络 球风; 在球风;[例句]They then used models of global wind circulation to deduce which dust sources have become stronger and which weaker.然后他们运用全球循环风的模型推论出哪些尘埃的来源变得更强,哪些变弱了。
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Emerging Sources Citation Index是个什么鬼

As a new index in the Web of Scienceu2122 Core Collection, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) expands the citation universe and reflects the growing global body of science and scholarly activity. ESCI complements the highly selective indexes by providing earlier visibility for sources under evaluation as part of SCIE, SSCI, and AHCI"s rigorous journal selection process. Inclusion in ESCI provides greater discoverability which leads to measurable citations and more transparency in the selection process.
2023-07-13 22:48:593

求一篇英语作文,How to fight global warming?演讲稿格式的!如题 谢谢了

In this there is also some of the carbon trading mechanisms, such as emission reductions for developed countries to bear when the emission reduction targets by developing countries to reduce subsidies in developing countries to achieve the objective of reducing emissions. The emissions of six greenhouse gas emissions which, we believe that this which can make a reduction in the amount of calculation, the total of the plate in the inside, the United States decreased by 30 million tonnes of emissions, then how such emission reductions it ? An energy efficient way, such as building energy accounted for 40% to 50%, the cost is relatively low, transportation accounted for 20% to 30% more money another waySuch as investment in new energy vehicles, this car is more expensive, the cheapest way is to segment solar, we have the economic effect of speaking, solar energy is the most economical, then the amount of building is the largest.Low-carbon economic revolution fourth birth, the first economic revolution was the steam engine, the second industrial revolution is the power, the third is the information revolution, this time in a new energy revolution, to prevent the depletion of renewable energy to prevent global warming, action to save the planet.Now countries are increasing the proportion of new energy sources, this is the year 2020 20% of transportation energy, is in change, energy consumption is also changing. New energy revolution, the top place is a power aspects, such as the United States standards, the United States in 2020 is 25%, Britain 30%, China"s target is very ambitious, we feel that in the traditional economy which has reached a limit, the urban population is now an average of 200 million tons per steel, when the largest output in the United States is so grea
2023-07-13 22:49:151

防止全球变暖To Prevent Global Warming

Many people believe that human activity is causing the earth"s temperature to rise. They say that this global warming will have dreadful consequences for our environment, such as drought and flooding.,很多人都认为是人类活动导致了全球气温上升。他们说全球变暖会对我们的环境造成可怕的后果,如干旱和洪水。,What should governments do to help prevent global warming? Give reasons for your suggestions., *** 该做什么来防止全球变暖呢?给出你建议的原因。,The earth"s temperature is rapidly changing. As a result there has been a lot of climate change such as heat waves, droughts and floods. Scientists believe that this is the result of human activity, which is polluting the Earth"s atmosphere. This could bee a disaster if governments do not act to help prevent global warming. They can act in three ways; by supporting research, by making laws and by keeping the general public informed.,地球的温度正在迅速改变。导致很多气候变迁,如热浪、干旱和洪水。科学家认为这是人类活动污染了地球的大气层的结果。如果 *** 不采取行动来防止全球变暖的话,这可能会成为灾难。他们可以在三个方面上有所行动;支持研究,制订法律和保持公众知情。,Firstly, governments can support research. For example, they should encourage panies to develop vehicles that cause less pollution. They should also support alternative sources of electricity from wind and water rather than from oil and coal. As well, they should sponsor conferences to discuss the effects of greenhouse gas emissions and possible solutions to the problem.,首先, *** 可以支持研究。例如,他们应该鼓励公司致力于汽车研发来减少污染。他们也应该支持来自风和水的电力替代能源,而不是来自石油和煤的电源。同时,他们应该主持会议来讨论温室气体排放的影响和可能解决问题的方案。,Secondly, they should make laws that limit the amount of greenhouse gases that panies can emit. Private panies should be rewarded for following these laws. They should also be punished for creating pollution.,其次,他们应该制定法律限制公司发出的温室气体。私人公司应该因为遵循这些法律而得到奖励。他们也应该因为创造出污染而受到惩罚。,Finally, everybody is affected by global warming. Therefore, it is important that governments involve individuals in the problem solving process. For example they should encourage households to save as much energy as possible by using more efficient light bulbs or less hot water. They should also encourage the public to recycle, and this should be pulsory for everyone. Another way of saving energy is by public transport systems. Governments should spend money on public transport to make it as easy as possible for the public to save energy.,最后,每个人都是受到全球变暖的影响。因此, *** 和个人在解决问题的过程中是很重要的。例如,他们应该鼓励家庭尽可能多的节省能源,尽可能多的使用更高效的灯泡或少用热水。他们也应该鼓励公众回收,因为这对每个人来说都是必须的。另一种节约能源的方法是公共交通系统。 *** 应该把钱花在公共交通使公众尽可能容易的节约能源。,In summary, it is clear that there are a lot of things that governments can do to prevent global warming. They should involve panies, support scientists and encourage individuals to protect the pla.,总之,很明确的,各国 *** 可以做很多事情来防止全球变暖。他们应包括公司,支持科学家和鼓励个人保护地球。
2023-07-13 22:49:331