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2023-07-14 11:08:19
TAG: 英文

take a bow ---rihanna

we ride ---rihanna

i"m missin" you ---- bobby

with you --- chris brown



7 DAYS算不?俺只喜欢Craig David。




PETPARADISE品牌原单日单大陆总经销商 代理商 批发商

2023-07-13 22:13:571

Mother Garden pet paradise 这个品牌的日本网站网址是什么?

2023-07-13 22:14:041

英文介绍的日本旅游景点 日本著名景点英文介绍

有关富士山的英文介绍 急用您好!很高兴为您解答!解答:富士山英文介绍(带中文翻译):富士山是日本第一高峰,是日本民族的象征,被日本人民誉为“圣岳”。Mount Fuji is Japan"s tallest peak is a symbol of the Japanese nation, the Japanese people as the "sacred mountain." 富士山位于本州中南部,东距东京约80千米,面积90.76平方千米,海拔3776米,山峰高耸入云,山巅白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji is located in south central Honshu, about 80 km west of Tokyo, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. 3,776 meters above sea level, towering peaks, snow snow mountains. 山体呈圆锥状,似一把悬空倒挂的扇子,日本诗人曾用“玉扇倒悬东海天” 、“富士白雪映朝阳”等诗句赞美它。Hill and roughly conical shape, the fan like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days." "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. 在富士山周围100千米以内,人们可看到富士山美丽的锥形轮廓。Around 100 km in less than Fuji, people can see Mt beautiful conical outline. 自海拔2300米至山顶一带,均为火山熔岩、火山砂所覆盖。Since the altitude of 2,300 meters to the Peak area, are volcanic lava, volcanic sand covered. 因此在这一地区,既无丛林又无泉水,登山道也不明显,在沙砾中仅有弯弯曲曲的小道。Therefore, in this area, neither bush nor springs Mountaineering Road is not obvious that only a winding gravel trail. 在海拔2000米以下至山脚一带,有广阔的湖泊、瀑布、丛林,风景极为秀丽。At an altitude of 2,000 meters to the foot area, a large lake, waterfalls, jungle, very beautiful scenery.自公元781年有文字记载以来,富士山共喷发过18次,最后一次是1707年,此后变成休眠火山。Have been documented since the year 1781, Fuji has erupted over 18 times, the last time was in 1707. Since then become dormant volcanoes. 由于火山口的喷发,山麓处形成无数山洞,千姿百态,十分迷人。Due to the mouth of the volcano"s eruption, the mountain formed and numerous caves, wonderful, very charming. 有的山洞现仍有喷气现象,有的则冷若冰霜。Some of the caves are still jet, the other Cold-Hearted. 最美的富岳风穴内的洞壁上结满钟乳石似的冰柱,终年不化,通称“万年雪”,被视为罕见的奇观,山顶上有大小两个火山口。Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, is called the "perennial snow." be regarded as a rare spectacle, the size of a volcanic peak. 大火山口,直径约800米、深200米。Fire Yamaguchi, a diameter of about 800 meters, 200 meters deep. 天气晴朗时,从山顶可看到日出、云海、影富士等大自然风光。The weather was fine, we can see the sunrise from the top, clouds, Fujitsu and other natural scenery impact. 坐落在顶峰上的圣庙-久须志神社、浅间神社也是游客常到之地。Located on the top of the Temple-long sushi shrine, the shrine is Asama regular visitors to these areas.富士山地区,春节樱花盛开,夏季山风习习,秋季红叶满山,冬季白雪皑皑。Mount Fuji, cherry blooming in the Spring Festival, the summer mountain breeze blowing, Hongye filled autumn, winter snow snow. 山周围各种植物多达2000余种,为一天然植物园。Up to more than 2,000 different species of plants around the hill, a natural botanical garden. 每年7、8月间,日本人竞相到此处登山。JULY AND AUGUST year, Japanese climbers here to compete.富士山北麓有富士五湖,从东而西为山中湖、河口湖、西湖、精进湖和木栖湖,以山中湖最大,面积6.75平方千米,湖东南的忍野村,有通道、镜池等八个池塘,总称“忍野八海”,与山中湖相通。Mt Fuji a northern foothills lakes, the mountains from east to west to Lake Kawaguchi, the West Lake, Lake sophistication and wood-inhabiting Lake the largest lake in the mountains, with an area of 6.75 square kilometers, southeast of Lake patient Nomura, access mirror pools eight ponds. Said "in Japan eight sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. 西湖岸边有红叶台、青木原树海、鸣泽冰穴、足和天山等风景区。West Lake shore Hongye Taiwan Strait Aoki original tree, Nakisawa ice caves adequate and Tianshan and other scenic areas. 河口湖在五湖中交通最为方便,湖中有岛,是五湖中唯一有岛之湖,湖中反映的富士山倒影,被成为是富士山奇景之一。Kawaguchi most convenient transport in lakes, the lake is the island, the island is only five lake lake, the lake reflects the reflection of Mt. was considered as Mt wonders of the world.注:绝对正确!望采纳!日本景点英语简介日本“圣岳”——富士山Fuji stands tall in the central and southern Honshu (Fujisan) is the highest mountain in Japan, with an elevation of 3,776 meters peaks in the clouds, the mountains or snow snow.Mt by the Japanese people as "sacred mountain" is the symbol of the Japanese nation. It is about 80 kilometers west of Tokyo, Shizuoka across, Yamanashi counties, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. And roughly conical shape the entire mountain with their source, the fan is like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days", "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. Mt surrounded Jianfeng, white mountains and long sushi Yue, Dainichigatake, Izu-yueh, achievements Yue, Mitake Komagatake and other "Fuji 8 summit."Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano. Rumor is formed by earthquakes in 2500 286 years. Since the year 1781, there are written records, a total of 18 meetings eruption, the last time in 1707, and later became dormant volcanoes. Due to the mouth of the volcano"s eruption, in the foothills of Mount Fuji to create the numerous mountain caves there are still some jet phenomenon. Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, as a rare spectacle. Peak size of a volcanic fire Pass, about 800 meters in diameter and 200 meters deep. The weather was fine, in the Peak watching the sunrise and watch clouds Japanese tourists to the rest of the world is indispensable to visit projects.Mt Fuji is the northern foothills and lakes. From east to west of the mountain lakes, sights, the West Lake, it is necessary to lakes and the amphibious Lake. Yamanaka-ko largest area of 6.75 square kilometers. Lake has many sports facilities, tennis and water-skiing, fishing, camping and other human-powered boats. Nomura patient southeast of the lake, Chung Chi, mirror pool eight ponds, collectively known as "forbearance eight wild sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. Kawaguchi is the first development of the five lakes, the traffic is here to facilitate tourism, the center has become lakes. Pelican island in the middle of the lake, the lake is only five islands. An island with a special blessing pregnant production shrine. There are over 1,260 meters across the lake in the Lake Bridge. Kawaguchi, as reflected by the reflection of Mount Fuji, known as the Mt wonders of the world.West Lake, also known as the west, is the most quiet of a lake, the five lakes. Reportedly, Xihu Lake was connected with the launch, which is divided into two after the eruption of Mt lake, but both are still linked to the lakebed. Taiwan shore Hongye, Aoki original tree sea ice Nakisawa points and feet Wadayama and other scenic areas. Fujitsu sophistication Lake is the smallest among the five lakes lake, but its most unique style, the banks have many tall cliffs and the terrain complicated. Resting most of the water, the depths of 126 meters. Lake ice all year round, is dark blue, the look is so unpredictable and ever-mysterious.Mount Fuji is a substantial body of water in the highlands of the south, green grass and pastures for cattle and sheep flocks of tourists. Hill south of the West famous waterfall between the white and sounded only waterfalls. The 26-meter gap between white waterfall, a dozen of the small streams into rock faces, like countless Bailian defense heavens, forming a 130-meter wide of the rain, which is quite spectacular. Sounded just like a waterfall shock wave from height columns, as thunderous sound, the vibrations of the initiative. Mt say it is a natural botanical garden, as many as 2,000 species of plants of the mountains.Susono in Shizuoka Prefecture city of Fuji foothills, either included Fuji safari park, with an area of 740,000 square meters, with 40 1,000 multi-feed wild animals, the Lions reached only 30 multiple. Visitors can drive a car, watch the restocking of animals in the park.In addition, the area also have illusions travel Fuji Museum, the Museum of insects, and natural sciences department, and the fantasy of the museum, Fuji Museum, the Science Museum large, gardens and bird park, a pet monkeys parks and sports and entertainment venues and so on. Temple is located at the top of the long sushi shrine -- and Asama shrine Fuji Hakone Izu National Park, the main scenic spots, as well as regular visitors to the land. Peak to the shrine every summer thousands of tourists both domestic and foreign tourists. 日本东京迪斯尼乐园介绍The first amusement park in Asia, Tokyo Disneyland is the world"s largest existing five blocks of a Disney park. Five consecutive years from 1994 to 1999 the number of visitors more than Disneyland in the United States.There are two main reasons : its successful experience First, "everything is dynamic." Tokyo Disneyland theme park : Victoria Dynasty five times the world market style streetscape, a sense of adventure and legendary adventure theme park and the development of the West"s Western Paradise, dreams and fairy tale dream land, the future, science parks and the future of the universe. A total of five major theme park 35 brilliant performances, is the common feature of all the activities are, the game. Strange, new and thrilling, intense scenes and figures tourists will forget reality into another world. So that it will become possible, the Japanese developed their own "electronic sound devices action." In such a device driven, in 2000 the total number of park over the figures and animals each room, reaching into adults to the extent that they are as people.Second, "do not always build the Disney theme park." From opening to now, Tokyo Disneyland constantly added to the introduction of a new playground equipment and services and the way to attract tourists and visitors come off the business strategy afresh. The Paradise original investment of 1,500 billion yen (about one billion U.S. dollars). 18 years, the theme park to build a super audio equipment and 35 playgrounds they have invested 120 billion yen. It is understood that within the next five years to build new projects, the Paradise prepared to invest 65 billion yen. This will enable visitors are always new fun and a new experience, the Disney theme park is maintained so great charm. 名古屋城堡Nagoya is a symbol of Nagoya Castle, Nagoya, the first
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关于动物的英文单词如下:ant-蚂蚁 bear-熊 camel-骆驼cat-猫 cow-母牛,奶牛 dog-狗;犬 elephant-象fox-狐狸 frog-青蛙 giraffe-长颈鹿 goat-山羊horse-马 lamb-羊 lion-狮 。monkey-猴子mouse, (复数 mice)-老鼠 pet-宠物 pig-猪panda-熊猫 rabbit-兔子 rat-老鼠sheep(复sheep)-(绵)羊 snake-蛇 tiger-老虎wolf (复wolves)-狼 zebra-斑马。Crocodile 鳄鱼 Chicken 鸡肉 Snake 蛇 Rabbit 兔子 Frog 青蛙 Duck 鸭子 Tortoise 乌龟 Goose 鹅 Fox 狐狸 Panda 熊猫 Squirrel 松鼠 Zebra 斑马 Mouse 老鼠 Wolf 狼Peacock (雄)孔雀 Owl 猫头鹰 Sparrow 麻雀shrimp 虾 Dragofly 蜻蜓 Fly 苍蝇;飞虫。Cicada 蝉 Mantis 螳螂 Cricket 蟋蟀 Pigeon 鸽子 Crane 鹤 Penguin 企鹅 Ostrich 鸵鸟 Crab 蟹 Ant 蚂蚁 Bee 蜜蜂Ladybird 雌鸟 Parrot 鹦鹉 Swan 天鹅 Eagle 鹰 Fish 鱼。Butterfly 蝴蝶 Mosquito 蚊子 adder, viper 蝰蛇 albatross 信天翁alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 alpaca 羊驼 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anglerfish 康乐鱼 anopheles 按蚊,疟蚊 ant 蚂蚁。anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 armadillo 犰狳 ass, donkey 驴 badger 獾bald eagle 白头鹰 bat 蝙蝠 bear 熊 beaver 河狸。bedbug, bug 臭虫 bee, honeybees 蜜蜂 beetle 甲虫, 金龟子 billy 雄山羊bird of paradise 极乐鸟, 天堂鸟 bison 美洲野牛 blackbird 乌鸫 boa 王蛇。boar 雄猪, 种猪 brood 鸡的统称buck 公兔 buffalo 水牛 bull, ox 雄牛 bullfrog 牛蛙bullock, steer 小阉牛 bumble bee 大黄蜂 butterfly 蝴蝶。
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一、语言知识及运用 16. Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We have ______ time left. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 17. Sarah, you"d better drink more water after ______ for such a long time. A. run B. runs C. to run D. running 18. Emma looked after her pet dog ______ of all her friends. A. careful B. most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully 19. The weather forecast says that ______ another storm tomorrow. A. there will have B. there will be C. there has D. there has been 20. The stories ______ were written by Mark Twain are often humorous. A. that B. those C. who D. what 21. Miss Brown, we ______ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now? A. finish B. finishing C. are finished D. have finished 22. The boy looked ______ because he didn"t pass his maths exam. A. sad B. sadness C. saddest D. sadly 23. Many houses ______ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless. A. damaged B. were damaged C. were damaging D. are damaged 24. --- ______will the invitations be sent to our guests? --- In three days. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far 25. Could you tell me ______ a moment ago? A. what were they talking about B. what are they talking about C. what they were talking about D. what they are talking about Languages change with time and the world. So does English. New __1__ are borrowed from other languages. About nine hundred years ago there were __2__ changes in England. A great __3__ words were borrowed into English from __4__. About five hundred years ago there was __5__ change. This time it was a change in pronunciation(发音), but the spelling was not __6__ changed. English words are spelled quite the __7__ as they were in those days. The spelling shows how words were spoken at that time. It does not __8__ us much about the pronunciation of words today. For __9__, the letters “gh” in the word “night ” show us nothing about how it is spoken now. That"s __10__ students learning English find English spelling so confusing(容易弄混淆的). 三、完形填空 Kierman was born in Sydney, Australia, and grew up near the sea. For more than 40 years, he raced in international sailing competitions. amount of rubbish in the world"about it. called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour.” On Sunday, January 8, . Since then, “Clean Up Australia” has got people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australia"s beaches, parks and streets. international program that supports communities around the world in cleaning up and protecting the environment. “Clean Up the World” has grown and his wonderful idea has now spread from one city to the whole world. 36. A. save B. collect C. notice D. produce 37. A. refused B. decided C. pretended D. stopped 38. A. law B. party C. company D. event 39. A. clear B. send C. turn D. give 40. A. problem B. success C. surprise D. failure 41. A. culture B. project C. government D. environment 42. A. older B. smaller C. bigger D. faster 43. A. happy B. angry C. disappointed D. concerned 44. A. need B. help C. hope D. action 45. A. loudly B. gently C. rapidly D. busily 四、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所级的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (A) This is a tale of two friends --- one is blind, the other has no arms. On their own, the two are “disabled”. But together, they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village in North China"s Hebei Province into a rich, green forest. Meet 53-year-old Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi! Their story began in 2000, when Haixia, who was already blind in his right eye, lost his left one after an illness. Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three. Neithercould find a job, so the two decided to team up. They rented some poor land and began to plant trees. In return, the local officials paid them a small fee. Haixia and Wenqi never imagined that they would end up creating an environmental paradise. Their forest now has over 10,000 trees, hundreds of birds and many other wild animals. In addition, it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season. When the friends work together, they focus on their strengths not their disabilities. Their day begins at 7 a.m. when the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite. Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant, the two use panches from existing trees. Haixia climbs to the tree-top and with Wenqi"s direction, selects the perfect panch. He then digs a hole and carefully plants it. Finally Wenqi waters the area. Though hard-working, the men don"t make much money. But as Wenqi puts it, “.” Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money. Together, they already have everything they need --- a perfect pair of eyes, two strong hands, and the best friendship in the world! 46. Why did Haixia and Wenqi start working together? A. Haixia needed someone to help him. B. They both needed a way to make money. C. They wanted to improve the environment. D. They were required to do so by local offcials. 47. Haixia and Wenqi"s forest has helped the village by______ . A. stopping floods in the rainy season B. increasing the number of tourists C. making the villagers richer D. providing more farmland 48. Why do Haixia and Wenqi plant tree panches? A. They are easy to get. B. They do not cost money. C. They can grow very quickly. D. They are preferred by animals. 49. In paragraph 5, when Wenqi says “We stand on our own feet, so the fruits of our work taste sweeter”, he means that “______”. A. they hope to make the forest even better B. the fruits from their trees are very sweet C. they are proud not to depend on others D. they are able to do any difficult work 50. What can we learn from this story? A. Never give up and you will succeed. B. We should help the disabled to work. C. Try your best when facing difficulties. D. We can achieve more with teamwork. (B) Most of us probably live without vegetables, but a world without chocolate? Now that would be hard! According to chocolate makers it could happen if we don"t act soon. There are two main causes of the chocolate shortage --- chocolate"s growing popularity and less production of cocoa, the plant from which chocolate is made. With more and more people in India and China loving chocolate, not much can be done about the first cause. Therefore, the only thing we can do is to increase cocoa production. However, new plant diseases and little rain in Ivory Coast and Ghana, the world"s largest producers, have reduced cocoa production by 40 percent in the past 10 years. What"s worse, many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa-producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber. This way, the farmers can make more money. To prevent more farmers from changing, researchers at the newly opened International Cocoa Control Centre, in the UK, are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing. But first they must make sure the new plants are safe to grow. This takes a long time. First, each new plant is stored at the Control Centre for six months to make sure it is healthy. It is then planted in the Centre"s fields, studied and tested for another two years. Only after scientists are certain that they"re disease-free, will the plants be sent to farmers in West Africa or wherever else they are needed. To create new stronger types of cocoa, scientists at the Centre are combining the best parts from different cocoa plants. Though the world is facing a serious chocolate shortage, there is now hope! 51. The first paragraph tells us that______. A. chocolate is healthier than vegetables B. the world could soon be without chocolate C. people love vegetables more than chocolate D. it"s not necessary to eat so much chocolate 52. In which countries has chocolate become more popular in recent years? A. Venezuela and Indonesia. B. Ivory Coast and Ghana. C. Indonesia and China. D. China and India. 53. Cocoa farmers are choosing to grow rubber and corn because these crops______. A. can make them more money B. need less rain to grow C. can be planted more times each year D. are not damaged by plant diseases 54. How long does it take scientists at the Centre to make sure a cocoa plant is safe to grow? A. 6 months. B. 12 months. C. 24 months. D. 30 months. 55. What is one of the purposes of the Cocoa Control Centre? A. To introduce cocoa production to more countries. B. To provide more chocolate for British people. C. To produce stronger types of cocoa plants. D. To make sure that cocoa is healthy to eat. (C) On March 3, 1887, the lives of two amazing women were changed forever when Anne Sullivan, a poor university graduate, arrived at the home of the wealthy Keller family to teach theirsix-year-old daughter Helen. It was a difficult job as Helen was unable to see, hear or speak because of illness. Anne had been suggested to the Kellers by her university professor, a close friend of Mr. Keller. Before she arrived, Anne expected her new pupil to be a quiet, weak child. But Helen was nothing like that. When Anne first walked through the Kellers" door, the energetic Helen nearly knocked her over in her hurry to feel Anne"s face, clothing and bag. Helen was used to visitors pinging her sweets, and angrily tried to force open Anne"s case to take her candy. But Anne calmed her down by allowing Helen to play with her watch. So began one of the most successful student-teacher relationships in history. Anne Sullivan was only twenty years old when she began teaching Helen. She had to not only teach the child all the usual school subjects, but also control Helen"s sometimes wild behaviour. Her well-meaning parents allowed Helen to do as she liked at home. Realizing that such an environment was unsuitable for learning, Anne requested that she and Helen live in a small house nearby. As soon as Helen began learning, it became clear that she was especially intelligent. She quickly learned to read and write, and by the age of ten she could also speak. In 1900, Helen started studying at Radcliffe University, and graduated first in her class in 1904. She was the very first blind and deaf person to get a university degree. How did she do it? Anne Sullivan read all of Helen"s books and then signed the information into her hand. Anne remained at Helen"s side until her death in 1936. Helen became a world-famous writer, and fought for disabled people"s rights until her death on Jun 1, 1968. 56. How did Anne come to work at the Kellers" home? A. She replied to a job advertisement. B. She was introduced by her family friend. C. she was recommended by her university professor. D. She met Mr. Keller while studying at university. 57. What surprised Anne most about Helen when they first met? A. How intelligent Helen was. B. Helen gave Anne a gift. C. The way Helen"s parents treated her. D. How forceful Helen was. 58. According to the passage, Helen"s parents______. A. allowed her to do as she wished B. gave her too many gifts and sweets. C. did not spend much time with her D. cared little about her education. 59. Which of the following is NOT true about Helen"s university studies? A. She was greatly helped by Anne. B. She was the best student in her class. C. She was able to graduate in three years. D. She was the first deaf and blind university graduate. 60. According to the passage, both Anne and Helen______. A. died in their 60s B. were well educated C. came from rich families D. fought for human rights
2023-07-13 22:15:571

感染做了支气管镜检查后 还要做CT复查吗

回答者:paradise2013 根据你的描述,气管镜和PET-CT是两种不同的检查手段,PET-CT协助判断良恶性以及有无远处转移,气管镜对诊断以及将来手术有指导作用 肺纤维化,肺部综合性突发病变回答者:liuxf肺间质病变是由许多原因引起的一大类疾病的肺部表现,因为病变的原因多种多样,所以需要进一步检查明确病因,决定治疗。至于病变的程度,需要综合病人的肺CT影像学表现,肺功能、血气分析等检查综合评价。建议到呼吸科就诊。 肺间质性纤维化回答者:sunyc激素(强的松)治疗时间已经不短了,长期用会有副作用。我不熟悉中医药。 双上肺纤维化病灶回答者:sunyc可能有点儿陈旧性肺结核。 据说是肺间质纤维化,喘的厉害,能治吗?回答者:sunyc这个问题不好回答。这种情况,医生需要综合判断才能提出具体建议。 特发性肺间质纤维化回答者:sunyc常听有人说“肺纤维化无药可治” 甚至“最多只能活5年”之类的话。这种说法很不全面,也不够科学。如果说这种看法有一定道理的话,我想应该是指所谓的“特发性肺纤维化”。特发性肺纤维化是众多“肺纤维化”类型中的一种,原因不明,具有比较典型的临床表现和胸片、CT特征,是呼吸科医生都比较熟悉的。该病目前确实没有可靠的药物治疗,病情往往会逐渐发展,但不同患者,疾病进展速度并不一样。国外的临床观察发现,患者的中位生存期为5年左右,这只是一个统计学数字;实际上很多患者生存时间要远远超过5年!需要特别说明的是,上述认识仅限于特发性肺纤维化!实际上,临床上发现的肺纤维化病例大多数并不是特发性肺纤维化,而是继发性肺纤维化。遇到肺纤维化后,医生最重要的一个任务就是要明确它是特发性还是继发性。例如,如果明确肺纤维化是风湿免疫疾病引起的,治疗的重点应针对原发病。一些环境因素引起的肺纤维化,在脱离相应的环境后,病情可以较长时间处于相对稳定状态。 临床上“肺纤维化”的初步诊断是通过胸片和肺部CT做出的,但仅仅依靠这些资料,并不能全面地认识疾病。应该认识到,肺纤维化/肺间质病是呼吸科中诊断比较困难的一大类疾病,不但要求医生需要具备丰富的经验和相关疾病知识,而且还需要其他辅助检查(包括化验检查),才能对疾病进行全面的分析,最后做出准确合理的诊断。也只有得出明确的诊断,才能制订合理的治疗方案,或对疾病预后做出合理的评估。上面提到的辅助检查内容很多,包括肺功能检查、多种血液化验、支气管镜相关检查、甚至肺活检。正是由于上述原因,建议初诊“肺纤维化/肺间质病”的患者,应该到具备相应临床经验和检查条件的大医院呼吸科进一步确诊,避免误诊误治。 胸片提示双下肺纤维条索回答者:liuxf有的肺部陈旧病变可以在胸片上表现为索条影,但需要根据病变的范围,如果病变明显可以定期做肺部体检复查胸片。 肺间质纤维病变有效治疗方法回答者:sunyc你这种情况,诊断还需要进一步明确。建议到上级医院呼吸科就诊。 肺纤维和间质性肺炎是一种病吗回答者:liuxf肺纤维化和间质性肺炎不是一种疾病,由病原菌感染引起的间质性肺炎经过治疗可以痊愈。
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性别: 女地区: 美国血型: O型职业: 演员星座: 双子座生日: 1990年06月10别名: 出生地: 美国路易斯安那州Tristan Mays,演员,主要作品有《雷霆万钧》《双面女间谍》等
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look at this street看这条街双语例句1When there is nothing left to look at on this street.当街上没有别的东西可看的时候。2Look at this street – it " s all jewellery shops and medicine shops, said Catherine, a 30-year-old protester in the Causeway Bay shopping district, who declined to give her surname. All the small restaurants have gone.铜锣湾购物区30岁的抗议者Catherine表示:看看这条街,街上全是珠宝店和药店,所有小餐馆都不见了。
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my lady 什么意思

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修改文字内容,通常是通过 JS 来修改。当鼠标悬浮时,通常使用伪元素:hover 来修改样式,如何在鼠标悬浮时修改html内容?:hover 是无法修改html 内容,但是可以通过一系列的样式变化,达到当鼠标悬浮时,改变html内容。用JS可以通过innerHtml来修改,在此不介绍。纯CSS实现鼠标放上去改变文字内容先上代码 html<div class="par"> <div class="show"> 平时显示的文字 <div class="hover-show"> 鼠标悬浮时显示的文字 </div> </div></div>1234567812345678css 部分.par { width: 300px; height: 30px; margin: 100px auto; font-size: 20px; line-height: 30px; background-color: #ff000020; overflow: hidden;} .par .show:hover { padding-top: 30px;}.par .hover-show { margin-top: -60px;}123456789101112131415123456789101112131415实际效果在这里插入图片描述先把父元素的 overflow: hidden; 注释掉看看效果平常状态在这里插入图片描述鼠标悬浮时的状态在这里插入图片描述带有背景色的为父盒子.思路:给父盒子设置高度,并且设置溢出隐藏需要鼠标悬浮时显示的文字需要嵌套在平时显示文字的盒子里给悬浮时显示的文字的盒子添加 margin-top:-60px,-60px 通常为两倍行高。给平时显示的文字的盒子添加鼠标悬浮样式·padding-top: 30px;· 30px 通常为文字行高。这样就可以达到鼠标悬浮时改变文字内容的效果了。注意:margin 值和 padding 值可根实际情况调整;嵌套关系为 父元素,平时显示文字的盒子,鼠标悬浮时显示的文字,后面两个盒子不能同级,否则鼠标悬浮时,会出现不准确跳动的问题。打开CSDN,阅读体验更佳html鼠标悬停显示字体_洛神在学习的博客_html鼠标悬停...html鼠标悬停提示文字 weixin_44226752的博客 8963 本来打算写js事件,然后发现HTML自带了这个属性,在标签中加title=“要显示的内容” 就可以了注意:a标签,img标签,div标签、span标签、li标签、p标签、b标签等等html标签都可以在标签内加......显示文字_蜗牛慢慢向上爬的博客_html 鼠标悬停显示文字实现鼠标悬停显示文字,html中使用title属性就可实现显示文字的效果,这个属性还是比较实用的,需要的朋友可以参考下 <a href=# title="这里是显示的文字">hello</a> 当鼠标悬停在 hello上一回就会有文字 这里是显示的文字 显示。css:hover鼠标放上去字体变大 transform: scaleover鼠标放上去字体变大 transform: scale继续访问纯CSS实现鼠标放上去改变文字内容主要介绍了纯CSS实现鼠标放上去改变文字内容,需要的朋友可以参考下css 实现按钮样式使用背景图或者背景色,鼠标放上去按钮改变背景图或者背景色1、css 实现按钮样式使用背景色,鼠标放上去按钮背景色,不需要过渡效果的把transition 两句去掉。 鼠标放上去: <button type="button" class="el-button"><span>确定</span></button> button{ outline: 0; } .el-button { padding: ..继续访问当鼠标放上去的时候出现文字javascrip效果,当鼠标放上去的时候出现文字。html替代文本,摆脱对悬停的HTML替代文本我试图创建一个图像的页面,我已经通过添加标题,只有当每个图像都悬停时出现的花色。但是现在我遇到了重复字幕的问题,因为看起来白色字幕框在图片悬停时我的鼠标也出现在任何地方。我认为有人说这是替代文字或其他东西,但我不确定。无论如何,我想删除它,所以我没有干扰我的其他更好的悬停标题。我无法附上图片,但希望您了解我的问题。摆脱对悬停的HTML替代文本我使用的代码如下:a.hovertext {positi...继续访问Vue中鼠标悬停更换图片/文字内容,动态展示/修改某些属性Vue中鼠标悬停更换图片/文字内容,动态展示/修改某些属性 鼠标悬停时:@mouseenter 鼠标离开时:@mouseleave 利用以上来绑定相应方法,例如: <div @click="finance" @mouseleave="changeImageSrc(1, "")" @mouseenter="changeImageSrc(1, "hover")"> //分别为鼠标悬停时和离开时绑定方法changeImageSrc,并传递参数 <img :src="ci继续访问html 鼠标悬停时字体变样,css实现鼠标滑过改变文字的方法css实现鼠标滑过改变文字的方法同学你们知道怎么实现css鼠标滑过改变文字的效果吗?下面小编给大家整理了css实现鼠标滑过改变文字的方法,供大家参阅。代码如下:#Menu {width:500px;margin:50px auto;border:1px solid #CCC;overflow:hidden;}#Menu ul {margin:0;padding:0;list-style:none;...继续访问最新发布 el-select下拉框选项的样式修改(背景色、hover、字体等)上图中显示的是当选中el-select的选项时页面的结构,选项的容器并不在挂载的div#app中,而是div#app的兄弟元素,我们在组件中设置样式的时候,加上了scoped,作用域都是局限在div#app中,所以设置的样式就无法正常作用到选项内容的div上。Popper-append-to-body属性是Element-UI官方文档中提供的一个属性,该属性的用途就是将el-select选项的内容移动div#app当中,默认值是true,下面一张图是将该属性设置为false时的DOM结构展示。继续访问CSS:通过hover控制切换固定栏内容CSS:通过hover控制切换固定栏内容继续访问html鼠标悬停下面变换,javascript实现鼠标放上后下边对应内容变换的效果本文实例讲述了javascript实现鼠标放上后下边对应内容变换的效果。分享给大家供大家参考。具体如下:这是个网上比较常见的菜单效果,鼠标放上后相应的内容会切换,图文布局方式。技术方面,是JS和CSS相配合来实现,代码中的JS部分,你可以单独摘取出来保存成一个JS文件,然后引入到页面中,这样使主页面代码简洁些。本效果在ie、火狐等浏览器下测试正常。运行效果如下图所示:具体代码如下:鼠标放上后下面的...继续访问CSS 鼠标移入显示提示说明文本1. 在需要使用的地方写上 html。继续访问Html代码问题:用鼠标悬停在文字上文字的颜色就变颜色的效果这种一般是借助hover事件,就是说当鼠标放到文字上时会触发一个事件,此时可以修改文字的样式。另外一种简单的办法就是直接用css的hover属性设置样式。 {color: #FF0000;}------/////直接用css的hover属性设置样式。保存.css, 在html代码引用!<a class="tt" href="test.html">test</a...继续访问hover在两种情况下的两种用法:hover在鼠标移到链接上时添加的特殊样式。 提示: :hover 选择器器可用于所有元素,不仅是链接。 提示: :link 选择器设置了未访问过的页面链接样式, :visited 选择器设置访问过的页面链接的样式 :active选择器设置当你点击链接时的样式。 注意: 为了产生预期的效果,在 CSS 定义中,:hover 必须位于 :link 和 :visited 之后!! 前两天遇到一个关于...继续访问Vue中实现鼠标悬浮完成图片替换最近在做一个小项目,要实现的功能是在鼠标悬浮时,完成其图片更换。再三思索了好久,本来打算通过css来实现,貌似发现在vue中img标签的src更改好像没法通过css来实现,于是便转换了种方法,通过一些函数来实现。闲话少说,具体实现如下。 ...继续访问热门推荐 css设置鼠标放上显示文字的方法1、使用<div>和<span>定义将在图片上要出现的文字,可以通过 <div> 和 <span> 将 HTML 元素组合起来。 代码如下: <div> <span>这是要在图片上出现的文字</span> </div> 2、给div元素添加背景图片,并且设置大小;给文本元素span添加“display:none;”样式使其不显示,代码如下: background-image:url(图片名称); wi继续访问原生js实现 悬浮当前文本 判断如果为空时 显示当前文本的提示内容原生js实现 悬浮当前文本 判断如果为空时 显示当前文本的提示内容继续访问用css实现鼠标移过某个元素使元素的样式发生变化用css实现鼠标移过某个标签使标签的样式发生变化 正在学习大前端中,有代码和思路不规范不正确的地方往多多包涵,感谢指教 在很多项目里面都会有这样一个功能,那就是鼠标飘过某个元素时,元素的样式发生变化,这里我们就用到了hover来进行实现 代码如下 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title>继续访问css中hover属性的使用技巧hover属性用不同的书写方式,来改变不同关系的元素样式。 元素:hover 表示聚焦后改变自己 元素:hover 元素 表示聚焦后改变其子元素 元素:hover + 元素 表示聚焦后改变其指定的“亲兄弟”(条件是该兄弟元素与其相邻)元素 元素:hover ~ 元素 表示聚焦后改变其指定的兄弟元素,两个元素相不相邻都行。 示例: .first:hover {color: white;}/* 聚焦我改变自己 */ .three:hover .three-son {font-size: 20px.继续访问margin值根据标签文本内容变化项目中遇到的问题,生产商信息这个页面,每个生产商信息会出现有时字多,有时字少的情况,为了保持在字数变多的情况下margin值缩小,字数变少的情况下margin值变大,整体页面布局会更美观,用JS判断,demo如下; HTML部分 名 称:(说)分的呵呵的的额的的的 继续访问HTML实现鼠标悬浮、移走图片更改效果的几种方法1,通过更改图片坐标,对图片添加阴影实现更改图片的颜色 原图片效果展示:2,通过jQuery中的鼠标悬浮和移除时间更改图片效果 效果图:继续访问html鼠标悬停改变文字htmlcss写评论评论
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Mini biography Elegant redhead Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood"s top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Anthony (a biochemist and clinical psychologist) and Janelle (a nursing instructor) Kidman. The family moved almost immediately to Washington, D.C., where Nicole"s father pursued his research on breast cancer, then, three years later, made the pilgrimage to her parents" native Sydney. Young Nicole"s first love was ballet, but she eventually took up mime and drama as well (her first stage role was a bleating sheep in an elementary school Christmas pageant). In her adolescent years, acting edged out the other arts and became a kind of refuge - as her classmates sought out fun in the sun, the fair-skinned Kidman retreated to dark rehearsal halls to practice her craft. She worked regularly at the Philip Street Theater, where she once received a personal letter of praise and encouragement from audience member Jane Campion (then a film student). Kidman eventually dropped out of high school to pursue acting full-time. She broke into movies at age 16, landing a role in the Australian holiday favorite Bush Christmas (1983). That appearance touched off a flurry of film and TV offers, including a lead in BMX Bandits (1983) and a turn as a schoolgirl-turned-protester in the miniseries "Vietnam" (1987) (mini) (for which she won her first Australian Film Institute Award). With the help of an American agent, she eventually made her US debut opposite Sam Neill in the at-sea thriller Dead Calm (1989). Kidman"s next casting coup scored her more than exposure. While starring as Tom Cruise"s doctor/love interest in the racetrack romance Days of Thunder (1990), she won over the Hollywood hunk hook, line, and sinker. After a whirlwind courtship (and decent box office returns), the couple wed on December 24, 1990. Determined not to let her new marital status overshadow her fledgling career, the actress pressed on. She appeared as a catty high school senior in the Australian film Flirting (1991), then as Dustin Hoffman"s moll in the gangster flick Billy Bathgate (1991). She reunited with Cruise for Far and Away (1992), the story of young Irish lovers who flee to America in the late 1800s, and starred opposite Michael Keaton in the tear-tugger My Life (1993/I). Despite her steady employment, critics and moviegoers still hadn"t quite warmed to Kidman as a leading lady. She tried to spice up her image by seducing Val Kilmer in Batman Forever (1995), but achieved her real breakthrough with Gus Van Sant"s To Die For (1995). As a fame-crazed housewife determined to eliminate any obstacle in her path, Kidman proved that she had an impressive range and deadly comic timing. She took home a Golden Globe and several critics" awards for the performance. In 1996, Kidman stepped into a corset to work with her countrywoman and onetime admirer, Jane Campion, on the adaptation of Henry James"s The Portrait of a Lady (1996). A few months later, she tore across the screen as a nuclear weapons expert in The Peacemaker (1997), adding "action star" to her professional repertoire. She and Cruise then disappeared into a notoriously long, secretive shoot for Stanley Kubrick"s sexual thriller Eyes Wide Shut (1999). The couple"s on-screen shenanigans prompted an increase in public speculation about their sex life (rumors had long been circulating that their marriage was a cover-up for Cruise"s homosexuality); tired of denying tabloid attacks, they successfully sued The Star for a story alleging that they needed a sex therapist to coach them through love scenes. Family life has always been a priority for Kidman. Born to social activists (mom was a feminist, dad a labor advocate), Nicole and her little sister, Antonia, discussed current events around the dinner table and participated in their parents" campaigns by passing out pamphlets on street corners. When her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, 17-year-old Nicole stopped working and took a massage course so that she could provide physical therapy (her mom eventually beat the cancer). She and Cruise adopted two children: Isabella Jane (born in 1993) and Connor Antony (born 1995). Despite their rock-solid image, the couple announced in early 2001 that they were separating due to career conflicts.
2023-07-13 22:14:341

玉米的词语 玉米的词语是什么

玉米的词语有:凌杂米盐,水米无交,简丝数米。 玉米的词语有:米盐博辩,山川米聚,等米下锅。2:词性是、名词。3:结构是、玉(独体结构)米(独体结构)。4:注音是、ㄩ_ㄇ一ˇ。5:拼音是、yù mǐ。玉米的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】玉米yùmǐ。(1)玉蜀黍的俗名。二、引证解释⒈玉蜀黍的俗名。引孙锦标《通俗常言疏证·植物》:“《海门物志》米之有甲者,一名蜀黍。蜀粟音近,《本草》谓之玉蜀黍,今俗称玉米。”郭沫若《洪波曲》第十章五:“午后政工大队送来煮玉米,大喜过望,分享之。”三、国语词典玉蜀黍的别名。参见「玉蜀黍」条。词语翻译英语corn,maize,CL:德语Mais(S)_法语ma_s四、网络解释玉米(禾本科玉米属植物)玉米(拉丁学名:ZeamaysL.)是禾本科玉蜀黍属一年生草本植物。别名:玉蜀黍、棒子、包谷、包米、包粟、玉茭、苞米、珍珠米、苞芦、大芦粟,东北辽宁话称珍珠粒,潮州话称薏米仁,粤语称为粟米,闽南语称作番麦。玉米是一年生雌雄同株异花授粉植物,植株高大,茎强壮,是重要的粮食作物和饲料作物,也是全世界总产量最高的农作物,其种植面积和总产量仅次于水稻和小麦。玉米一直都被誉为长寿食品,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、微量元素、纤维素等,具有开发高营养、高生物学功能食品的巨大潜力。但由于其遗传性较为复杂,变异种类丰富,在常规的育种过程中存在着周期过长、变异系数过大、影响子代生长发育的缺点,而现代生物育种技术不但克服了上述缺点和不足,同时也提高了育种速度和质量。玉米味道香甜,可做各式菜肴,如玉米烙、玉米汁等,它也是工业酒精和烧酒的主要原料。2018年8月,财政部、农业农村部、银保监会印发通知,将玉米作物制种纳入中央财政农业保险保险费补贴目录。关于玉米的近义词苞米关于玉米的诗词《玉米》《红玉米》《感怀·桂薪玉米转煎熬》关于玉米的诗句长与乔松燕玉米面房桂薪玉米转煎熬可爱的侧面像玉米和群星的珠串不在闪耀有些人疲倦了关于玉米的单词corn oilsilkChinese corncorncornflakesmaysmealiemaize关于玉米的成语粒米狼戾斗米尺布八米卢郎十米九糠吹糠见米水米无交米盐博辩等米下锅数米量柴凌杂米盐关于玉米的造句1、盛夏,妈妈在玉米地里锄草,汗水顺着她的脖子直往下淌。2、随着噼啪的爆裂声,金黄色的玉米粒变成了雪白的米花。3、农民们正在播种玉米。4、他把那些玉米秆子捆扎在一起。5、今年玉米的长势很好,风调雨顺的。点此查看更多关于玉米的详细信息
2023-07-13 22:14:351


以管理员的身份启动CMD,使用format /FS:exFAT即可
2023-07-13 22:14:363


楼上2位乱教人 DIV是DIV标签 .hover是一个class类选择器 你不要把分开成DIV。和HOVER 真正的应该是DIV和.hover 这样才对 表示一个class为hover的DIV标签 也可以说成把一个DIV的样式用class类选择器重新定义
2023-07-13 22:14:382


2023-07-13 22:14:391


Mitch Baker ...... Brown Bear Lodge HostCasey Chapman ...... Girl at Scanning StationMelody Chase ...... Arctor"s WifeDameon Clarke ...... MikeRory Cochrane ...... Charles FreckJack Cruz ...... Police OfficerJason Douglas ...... New Path Farm ManagerChamblee Ferguson ...... Medical Deputy #2Alex Jones ...... Arrested ProtesterHeather Kafka ...... New Path GirlMona Lee FultzMarco Perella ...... DonaldLeila Plummer ...... New Path Resident #2Steven Chester Prince ...... CopAngela Rawna ...... Medical Deputy #1Christopher Ryan ...... New Path Resident #1Andrew Sparkes ...... P.A. announcement (voice)Eliza Stevens ...... Arctor"s Daughter #1Rommel Sulit ...... New Path Staff Member #2Lisa Del Dotto ...... Scanner (uncredited)基努·李维斯 ...... Bob Arctor小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. ...... James Barris伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson ...... Ernie Luckman维诺娜·赖德 Winona Ryder ...... DonnaSean Allen ...... Additional Fred Scramble Suit Voice (voice)Cliff Haby ...... Voice from Headquarters (voice)Natasha Valdez ...... WaitressMark Turner ...... Additional Hank Scramble Suit Voice (voice)Sarah Menchaca ...... Arctor"s Daughter #2Leif Anders ...... Freck Suicide NarratorTurk Pipkin ...... CreatureLisa Marie Newmyer ...... ConnieWilbur Penn ...... Medical Officer #1Ken Webster ...... Medical Officer #2Hugo Perez ...... New Path Staff Member #1
2023-07-13 22:14:421

augusta gaudron

在1908,11月,18日3 名男子上升已经提前开始在伦敦的 balloon(气球).They. 在头目奥古斯塔 Gaudron,并在其它两名男子 Tannar 和梅特兰. 他们有一个大气球,他们准备很长的路. 不久,他们听到海. 他们被执行,常见的 rope(绳子),它从的气球篮垂. 末尾的绳子他们有并列一个金属框. 这可以举行水,或它可能是空. 因此,他们能够更改及其 weight(重量).It 了使用在海面上. 他们也进行砂的袋. 玫瑰太阳后气球去了更高. 走多达 3,000 米,很冷空气. 水的气球成为冰. 雪跌男人的篮子过去,他们可以看到更多的雪在地上. 试图抛出一些更多的砂 ; 该名男子,但很难. 他们试图用他们的刀,打破在冰冷的沙滩,但这并不容易. 这项工作慢并且他们被仍越来越,所以他们不得不落砂的整个袋. 其中之一落在一个冰冷的湖而黑洞在冰. 最后他们填入篮子. 仍下雪了 ; 所以他们爬到摆脱雪. 他们上升至 5,100 米 ! 一切都成为冰. 他们很冷他们决定土地. 他们来落在波兰大量而安全. 他们已从伦敦旅行 1,797 公里 !
2023-07-13 22:14:421


佐鸣文【nightmare】——by瞬末(人物性格刻画到位,极其地)【换药不换汤】——by妖久音(搞笑甜文,绝对的温馨幸福,好的没话说!)【末世将亡】——by暨莫【一堆谎言】——by睡仔(剧情好的没话说)【最杀】——by睡仔(需要动脑的好剧情)【概率论】——by Alpheilia(校园文里的经典中的经典)【光年】——by风间右西(右西大人的文都很美)【风船】——by风间右西【眠华】——by风间右西(鹿鸣道标文,实际上是佐鸣)【做我的情人】——by 闯入天堂的魔鬼(也是相当经典的佐鸣文)【超光速】——by Snowarrorw(飒大绝对经典文,剧情超好,对结局要有心理准备。)【光辉岁月】——by Snowarrorw(经典中的经典)【红豆冰山】——by Snowarrorw(飒大的文几乎全是写实向,多为治愈甜文)【一块五毛钱恋人】——by Snowarrow【轮回在最后一次任性】——by Snowarrow【放开你的手,放开我的手】——by Snowarrow【因为我们太弱了】——by Snowarrow(超感人)【我们的开始】——by Snowarrow【末日永恒】——by Snowarrow【非天使】——by Snowarrow(非常可爱的设定)【断】——by泪de流光(原著背景以及内容延展,以对每个人物的深度剖析为主,准确切入,巧妙的加入佐鸣二人之间的感情)【结】(断之后续)——by泪de流光【八千万里空火照】——by泪de流光(原著背景,非常美的甜文)【四月一日晴时雨】——by:泪de流光(原著向治愈文,文笔细腻,性格极其到位)【CAST SHEEP"S EYES 】——by ZOE(现代架空)【张贴秘密于】——by ZOE(现代架空 令人感伤的文)【浸於火锅染红的辣蒟蒻】——by ZOE(现代架空 虽然是女体鸣人 不过非常的有爱!)【第三者】——by ZOE(现代架空)【放浪】——by Natualriver(NR大人的文都是经典而且产文多又有质量 武士架空)【燃烧花朵】——by Naturalriver【玫瑰与荣光】(燃烧花朵后续)——by Naturalriver【孔雀皇冠】——by Naturalriver(现代职场)【腥黑色】——by Naturalriver(如题,略微暗黑但仍旧很美)【四季ノ呗】——by Naturalriver(校园架空)【乱世浮生】——by Naturalriver(武士风 根据原著ED延伸)【into the blue】——by Naturalriver(现代 兄弟)【岚夜光】——by Bonepig(原著)【遗产】——by燕鸥【不声不响】——by燕鸥(消耗脑细胞也要读懂的好文)【暗恋美学】——BY:影洛幕(现代架空,治愈向)【奈良的畅想】——BY:MR佑助(作者说是小虐,千万不要信。)【Mad world】——BY:MR佑助(短篇,他的文都是不动声色虐到你心肌梗塞)【热夏】——by MR佑助【泣血之花】——by无名箭(古装佐鸣,这位作者的佐鸣文没有什么华丽辞藻唯美风之泪的,但十分贴近现实)【胧月】——by魅郎【危险的气味】——by魅郎【被窃取的意志】——by魅郎【A级任务】——by魅郎【继承火之意志】——by魅郎(A级任务的第二部)【你是我的】 ——by Naosuke_kato(校园文)【七世情缘系列】——byNaosuke_kato【顽疾】——by Cindrelas【逆光】——by Cindrelas【花葬】——by lip-sana【Leo with Libra】—— BY:wellsand(经典原著向催泪之作)【永昼】——by觅霰律(现代架空,吸血鬼佐鸣,强强)【A77/360/2】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,监狱文,强强)【战地春梦】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,强强悲向)【遗世孤立的理想乡】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,越战,强强向)【Online Game】—— by 玛沙(佐鸣经典网游文)【灰白】—— by苏MayS(感动的原著续写)【声色】——by被点名的Flora(江户时代架空,武士,艺伎)以上来自百度百科【佐鸣】你要的佐鸣文话留邮箱,貌似上方介绍的我有十几本,别的佐鸣文也有很多如有疑问请追问,满意请选满意
2023-07-13 22:14:432


2023-07-13 22:14:492


【nightmare】——by瞬末(人物性格刻画到位,极其地)【一瞬一生】——by披甲待命(好文推荐)【怦然心动】——by杉萌佐鸣【末世将亡】——by暨莫【一堆谎言】——by睡仔(剧情好的没话说)【最杀】——by睡仔(需要动脑的好剧情)【概率论】——by Alpheilia(校园文里的经典中的经典)【光年】——by风间右西(右西大人的文都很美)【风船】——by风间右西【眠华】——by风间右西(鹿鸣道标文,实际上是佐鸣)【做我的情人】——by 闯入天堂的魔鬼(也是相当经典的佐鸣文)【不知热】——by Losta【overstay】——by Losta(战争向)【无量寿】——by Losta【超光速】——by Snowarrorw(飒大绝对经典文,剧情超好,对结局要有心理准备。)【光辉岁月】——by Snowarrorw(经典中的经典)【红豆冰山】——by Snowarrorw(飒大的文几乎全是写实向,多为治愈甜文)【一块五毛钱恋人】——by Snowarrow【轮回在最后一次任性】——by Snowarrow【放开你的手,放开我的手】——by Snowarrow【因为我们太弱了】——by Snowarrow(超感人)【我们的开始】——by Snowarrow【末日永恒】——by Snowarrow【非天使】——by Snowarrow(非常可爱的设定)【断】——by泪de流光(原著背景以及内容延展,以对每个人物的深度剖析为主,准确切入,巧妙的加入佐鸣二人之间的感情)【结】(断之后续)——by泪de流光【八千万里空火照】——by泪de流光(原著背景,非常美的甜文)【四月一日晴时雨】——by:泪de流光(原著向治愈文,文笔细腻,性格极其到位)【CAST SHEEP"S EYES 】——by ZOE(现代架空)【张贴秘密于】——by ZOE(现代架空 令人感伤的文)【第三者】——by ZOE(现代架空)【放浪】——by Natualriver(NR大人的文都是经典而且产文多又有质量 武士架空)【燃烧花朵】——by Naturalriver【玫瑰与荣光】(燃烧花朵后续)——by Naturalriver【孔雀皇冠】——by Naturalriver(现代职场)【腥黑色】——by Naturalriver(如题,略微暗黑但仍旧很美)【四季ノ呗】——by Naturalriver(校园架空)【乱世浮生】——by Naturalriver(武士风 根据原著ED延伸)【into the blue】——by Naturalriver(现代 兄弟)【岚夜光】——by Bonepig(原著)【遗产】——by燕鸥【不声不响】——by燕鸥(消耗脑细胞也要读懂的好文)【事若春梦】——by燕鸥【本真】——BY:影洛幕(现代架空,治愈向)【奈良的畅想】——BY:MR佑助(作者说是小虐,千万不要信。)【Mad world】——BY:MR佑助(短篇,他的文都是不动声色虐到你心肌梗塞)【热夏】——by MR佑助【泣血之花】——by无名箭(古装佐鸣,贴近现实)【没有尽头的遥远尽头】——by蓂澟【胧月】——by魅郎【危险的气味】——by魅郎【被窃取的意志】——by魅郎【A级任务】——by魅郎【继承火之意志】——by魅郎(A级任务的第二部)【你是我的】 ——by Naosuke_kato(校园文)【七世情缘系列】——byNaosuke_kato【Leo with Libra】—— BY:wellsand(经典原著向催泪之作)【永昼】——by觅霰律(现代架空,吸血鬼佐鸣,强强)【A77/360/2】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,监狱文,强强)【战地春梦】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,强强悲向)【遗世孤立的理想乡】——BY:觅霰律(现代架空,越战,强强向)【Online Game】—— by 玛沙(佐鸣经典网游文)【灰白】—— by苏MayS(感动的原著续写)【那些过去和即将到来的】——by本土水【风行 逆天之命】——by蓝璃夜(原著向)请采纳。
2023-07-13 22:14:511


2023-07-13 22:14:523


I am a lonely fighter against the unfare life, wanting to creat a new world of my own in the miserable fate!独力结构,比较高等!
2023-07-13 22:14:564


1.I`ve never asked u to sacrifice this much2.everybody should learn to overcome his insist that it is innocent,and make me buy it.4.leave him alone!ur effort to persuade hime is in vain5.the reconstruction has to postpone because of the financial problem.6.goverment should try harder to balance the supply and demand,or the whole country will be in a state of unrest.7.I`m still wanna give it a shot when I was told that it is really thin oppotunity to get a job in this famous company.8.I`ve been waiting for him for ages,he failed to show up eventually.9.I can`t help my shopping desire whenever I find some discount clothes` on sale10.goverment shouldn`t turn a blind eye to this increaing unemployment
2023-07-13 22:14:564


2023-07-13 22:14:164


《拯救大兵瑞恩》(Saving Private Ryan)是美国经典战争电影之一,描述诺曼底登陆后,瑞恩家4名于前线参战的儿子中,除了隶属101空降师二等兵的小儿子詹姆斯·瑞恩仍下落不明外,其他3个儿子皆已于两周内陆续战死。美国陆军参谋长马歇尔上将得知此事后出于人道考量,特令前线组织一支8人小队,只为在人海茫茫、枪林弹雨中找出生死未卜的二等兵詹姆斯·瑞恩,并将其平安送回后方。该片最为人津津乐道的是开头的诺曼底登陆抢滩场面,相当程度重现了当年的残酷与惨烈。强烈推荐,战争的那种视觉效果特别好。
2023-07-13 22:14:163


儾囍(嘱)囓囕(坝)孎屭巙(揽)攭斖曭欓欔欗灝灞灟灠爣爤瓛瓥(瘫)癫矕矖矗矙 ←这才是繁体!!!你注意一下你自己发的”嘱,坝,揽,瘫“明显是简体....而其余的字就是简体写法,要是不信的话.....百度一下“繁简体转换器” 自己试试吧
2023-07-13 22:14:162


2023-07-13 22:14:151


2023-07-13 22:14:151


楼山的回答得不错 就是那个意思
2023-07-13 22:14:147


2023-07-13 22:14:131


2023-07-13 22:14:081

today is mays birthday so she is 什么?

She is happy.
2023-07-13 22:14:082


1、方法一,利用html特性,每个标签都有一个title属性。当鼠标hover在该标签内容上时,浏览器展示出该标签的title内容,让鼠标移走,内容消失,如下: div{ height:100px; width:100px; background-color: aqua; } 文字内容文字内容 2、方法二,利用css的伪类hover,以及显示隐藏属性display,来实现如下: .continer{ height:100px; width:100px; background-color: aqua; } .continer div{ display:none;/*默认隐藏*/ } .continer:hover div{ display:initial;/*当鼠标hover时展示*/ } 文字内容文字内容 我是鼠标悬停展示的内容
2023-07-13 22:14:061


对于U盘来说,格式化成exFAT有好处可兼容苹果电脑系统和Windows系统读文件。可储存单个大于4G的文件。exFAT(Extended File Allocation Table File System,扩展FAT,也称作FAT64,即扩展文件分配表)是Microsoft在Windows Embeded 5.0以上(包括Windows CE 5.0、6.0、Windows Mobile5、6、6.1)中引入的一种适合于闪存的文件系统,为了解决FAT32等不支持4G及其更大的文件而推出。
2023-07-13 22:14:061

以a story of give and sacrifice为主题写一答演讲

As they spotted a young woman underneath the rubble, the rescue workers were sad to find that she had already been dead, yet surprised to notice her strange pose---kneeling down with her hands touching the ground to support her weight---and right under her Shelter of Flesh and Blood, her several-month-old infant was sleeping, safe and sound. The baby was wrapped up carefully in little quilt, with a cell phone tucked inside. An unsent text message was found that read: “Dear Baby, If You Could Survive, Please Remember That Mum Always Love You!” Love! Mother"s Love!! Mother"s Love at her Last Breath!!! As it was too young to know what was really going on, the innocent infant"s dream must have been free from nightmare though a nightmare was taking place. However, it was the mother"s love that prevented the nightmare from falling upon the young dreamer. O, just imagine what a heart-breaking posture it is! Knees and hands touching upon the ground---that"s a mother"s only and last effort to protect her dear, her only and last struggle for a hope of life, and her only and last chance to demonstrate a love that shocks every normal soul of universe. Kneeling down---the mother seems to give in to the omnipotent nature, but it actually is a way to fight back; Kneeling down---the mother seems to be helpless and powerless, but it is actually so helpful and powerful beyond anything else; Kneeling down---the mothers seems to be a temporary shelter of flesh and blood, but it actually is an eternal statue of love and life. O, oh! This is not only a love demonstrated by a mother of Sichuan; This is also a love that has been nursing Chinese people from one generation to another. If love of a mother"s is shown here as a sacrifice for her child, then the children of this great China should by all means sacrifice themselves to love the motherland in return, here and now! Can"t you hear a Mother"s CRYING and CALLING? Can"t you see a Mother"s STRUGGLING and FIGHTING? Can"t you remember a Mother"s SUFFERING and LOVING? Let"s always remember a mother"s special love in earthquake. Let"s always remember the motherland"s eternal love in our blood, in our tears……
2023-07-13 22:14:031

求mays 唱的《君に届け》歌词,是《好想告诉你》第二季ed

ti:君に届け...][ar:MAY"S][al:君に届け.../WONDERLAND][by:草帽仔][00:00.00]君に届け...[00:03.00]「好想告诉你 2ND SEASON ED」[00:06.00]作词:片桐舞子 / 作曲99编曲:NAUGHTY BO-Z[00:09.00]歌:MAY"S[00:15.00][00:17.26]どうか今だけは振り向かないで〖但愿你唯独此刻别回头望我〗[00:30.43]夕暮れ さわぐ风 触れそうな距离〖黄昏 风声作响 两人如此靠近〗[00:43.47]君を见つめてる ずっと〖视线离不开你 一直〗[00:54.26][00:55.50]君に届け 君に届け〖好想告诉你 好想告诉你〗[01:08.75]叶わない恋でもいい〖无回报的恋爱也好〗[01:13.58]伤ついてもいい〖会受伤害也罢〗[01:17.02]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[01:21.32][01:22.10]君が好きで 君が好きで〖多么喜欢你 多么喜欢你〗[01:35.34]眠れない夜でもいい〖哪怕是难眠的黑夜〗[01:40.06]朝が来なくてもいい〖哪怕不再迎来晨光〗[01:43.75]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[01:48.52]君に届け〖好想告诉你〗[01:51.58][02:03.96]今日も思い出がひとつ増えてく〖今天也多了个美好回忆〗[02:16.93]ため息 ためらいさえ 爱しいくらい〖无论叹息还是犹豫都尤为可爱〗[02:30.10]君を待っていた ずっと〖我静候着你 一直〗[02:41.15][02:42.21]君に届け 君に届け〖好想告诉你 好想告诉你〗[02:55.48]叶わない恋でもいい〖无回报的恋爱也好〗[03:00.20]伤ついてもいい〖会受伤害也罢〗[03:03.77]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[03:08.16][03:08.82]君が好きで 君が好きで〖多么喜欢你 多么喜欢你〗[03:22.15]眠れない夜でもいい〖哪怕是难眠的黑夜〗[03:26.78]朝が来なくてもいい〖哪怕不再迎来晨光〗[03:30.37]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[03:35.25]君に届け〖好想告诉你〗[03:38.42][03:41.42]TVアニメ「君に届け2ND SEASON」EDテーマ[04:02.38][04:05.38]君に届け 君に届け〖好想告诉你 好想告诉你〗[04:18.77]叶わない恋でもいい〖无回报的恋爱也好〗[04:23.69]伤ついてもいい〖会受伤害也罢〗[04:27.12]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[04:31.48][04:32.20]君が好きで 君が好きで〖多么喜欢你 多么喜欢你〗[04:45.52]眠れない夜でもいい〖哪怕是难眠的黑夜〗[04:50.18]朝が来なくてもいい〖哪怕不再迎来晨光〗[04:53.77]何度でも伝えたい〖无论如何也想让你知道〗[04:58.69]君に届け〖好想告诉你〗[05:07.78]
2023-07-13 22:14:011


2023-07-13 22:14:011


国内有较大影响的摄影大赛有:石膏山国际摄影大赛、平遥国际摄影大展、中国国际新闻摄影比赛国际上有:普利策新闻摄影奖、世界新闻摄影比赛(荷赛摄影奖)、哈苏国际摄影奖、美国《国家地理》全球摄影大赛、美国PSA国际影展、RPS国际影展、美国Wilmington国际影展、美国Mississippi Valley国际影展、加拿大Halifax国际影展、比利时Reflet Mondial国际影展、奥地利超级国际摄影循环展、澳大利亚Maitland国际影展、澳大利亚Sydney国际影展、南非Eastcape国际影展、泰国Siam国际艺术幻灯片和旅游幻灯片展览、新加坡PSS国际影展。
2023-07-13 22:14:001


是的,"nice"这个词可以表示温顺、温和的意思,通常用于描述人或者人的行为。例如,一个温柔善良的人可以被形容为"nice person",一件体贴入微的行为可以被形容为"a nice gesture"。另外,"nice"这个词也可以表示好的、令人满意的意思,例如"a nice day"表示天气晴朗、宜人。
2023-07-13 22:13:591


a标签 ,li标签 ,div标签都可以用的
2023-07-13 22:13:593


楼上的前辈 我不咋同意你对第一题的解释 en partant 是副动词的形式 即 en 加上过去分词 他放在句首 是副动词的最明显的一个用法 也是现在分词所表达不出的意思 即 表示原因 这个语法书上有的 至于voila 那一题 其实nous 是直接宾语提前, 表们到这儿了, 哪儿了 马赛, 类似的 还有me voila, le voila 一大推的au dela de 也可以解释为除了 我的理解是 但是除了在每个星期的这段期间外,干部们也工作的很好其余都同意
2023-07-13 22:13:561

Human Sacrifice 歌词

歌曲名:Human Sacrifice歌手:Bee Gees专辑:High CivilizationHuman SacrificeSweetbox卡宴制作Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect loveAnd I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enoughWhen you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on meAnd I"d swallow it downI let you break my wings chose to become your caged up birdAte your bull @!#$ promises and cherished every fucking wordNow like a freedom phoenix burning from a rising sunHere is my vindicationAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human sacrificeLet"s go back into the time you stained my heart like merlot wineDidn"t care if I was sick you left me alone to cry and dieYour human sacrifice alone in your church of love and liesI did not forgetI"m back with ammunition on a mission that will make you payBack with a bazooka and a bullet where I wrote your nameRisen up from the ashes ready for my justice dayHere I come for youAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human sacrificehey youhey youhey youDo you still remember when you promised me the perfect loveAnd I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enoughWhen you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on meAnd I"d swallow it downI let you break my wings chose to become your caged up birdAte your bull @!#$ promises and cherished every fucking wordNow like a freedom phoenix burning from a rising sunHere is my vindicationAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human(hey you)Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love(Alright Ok)And I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enough(gonna get a taste of my heartbreak)When you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on me(Right now to day)And I"d swallow it down(gonna make you regret all your dirty ways)Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love(Alright Ok)And I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enough(gonna get a taste of my heartbreak)When you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on me(Right now to day)And I"d swallow it down(gonna make you regret all your dirty ways)Do you~
2023-07-13 22:13:551


[ti:君に届け...][ar:MAY"S][al:君に届け…/WONDERLAND][by:伊藤梓铭] [00:03.23]MAY"S 君に届け...[00:05.34]作词:片桐舞子 作曲:NAUGHTY BO-Z[00:17.89]どうか今だけは振り向かないで[00:31.06]夕暮れ さわぐ风 触れそうな距离[00:44.13]君を见つめてる ずっと[00:55.80]君に届け 君に届け[01:09.41]叶わない恋でもいい 伤ついてもいい[01:17.75]何度でも伝えたい[01:22.61]君が好きで 君が好きで[01:36.11]眠れない夜でもいい 朝が来なくてもいい[01:44.41]何度でも伝えたい 君に届け[02:04.37]今日も思い出がひとつ増えてく[02:17.65]ため息 ためらいさえ 爱しいくらい[02:30.32]君を待っていた ずっと[02:42.59]君に届け 君に届け[02:56.06]叶わない恋でもいい 伤ついてもいい[03:04.35]何度でも伝えたい[03:09.27]君が好きで 君が好きで[03:22.71]眠れない夜でもいい 朝が来なくてもいい[03:31.01]何度でも伝えたい 君に届け[04:06.12]君に届け 君に届け[04:19.40]叶わない恋でもいい 伤ついてもいい[04:27.56]何度でも伝えたい[04:32.64]君が好きで 君が好きで[04:45.95]眠れない夜でもいい 朝が来なくてもいい[04:54.36]何度でも伝えたい 君に届け===================================douka ima dakeha furimuka naideyuugure sawagu kaze fure souna kyorikun wo mitsu meteru zuttokun ni todoke kun ni todokekanawa nai koi demoii kizutsu itemoiinando demo tsutae taikun ga suki de kun ga suki denemure nai yoru demoii asa ga kona kutemoiinando demo tsutae tai kun ni todokekyou mo omoide gahitotsu fue tekutame iki tameraisae itoshii kuraikun wo matte ita zuttokun ni todoke kun ni todokekanawa nai koi demoii kizutsu itemoiinando demo tsutae taikun ga suki de kun ga suki denemure nai yoru demoii asa ga kona kutemoiinando demo tsutae tai kun ni todokekun ni todoke kun ni todokekanawa nai koi demoii kizutsu itemoiinando demo tsutae taikun ga suki de kun ga suki denemure nai yoru demoii asa ga kona kutemoiinando demo tsutae tai kun ni todoke
2023-07-13 22:13:542

newera 的中文怎么读?用汉字打出了!

这个我在淘宝买过,听说是工厂流出来的货是正品 小妖妖棒球帽 大家可以看看
2023-07-13 22:13:522