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牺牲的 英语怎么说

2023-07-14 11:06:18
TAG: 英语



lay down one"s life

do something at the expense of

自我牺牲 self-sacrifice

英勇牺牲 die a heroic death

因公牺牲 die while on duty / die at one"s post

壮烈牺牲 heroically give one"s life / die a hero"s death

牺牲个人利益 sacrifice one"s personal interests


Liu Hulan died tragically and heroically


He finished the job at the expenses of his health


Her parents made many sacrifices so that she could go to university


Her self-sacrifice saved our lives




Of, relating to, or concerned with a sacrifice:


a sacrificial offering.



牺牲的 [简明汉英词典]




"Scarifice"是一个英语单词,而"sacrify"不是一个正确的英语单词。因此,这两个词没有可比性。"Sacrifice"是一个动词,表示放弃某物或某人以获得其他目的或目标。例如:他放弃了自己的职业生涯来照顾他的孩子们。(He sacrificed his career to take care of his children.)那位士兵为了国家的自由而献出了自己的生命。(The soldier sacrificed his life for the freedom of his country.)"Sacrifice"也可以作为名词使用,表示放弃某物或某人的行为或结果。例如:她为了家庭牺牲了很多。(She made a lot of sacrifices for her family.)这个项目需要我们做出一些牺牲。(This project requires some sacrifices from us.)需要注意的是,"sacrifice"通常带有一定的负面意义,因为它意味着放弃某些东西来获得其他东西。而"sacrify"不是一个正确的英语单词,可能是拼写错误或者是其他语言中的单词。
2023-07-13 22:02:551


n. 牺牲, 祭品, 供奉He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.他为国牺牲了。vt. 牺牲, 亏本出售, 供奉vi. 献祭, (棒球)作牺牲一击
2023-07-13 22:03:202


拼音:xī shēng(xi拼音开头的词语 sheng拼音开头的词语)注音:ㄒ一 ㄕㄥ词性:动词结构:牺(左右结构) 牲(左右结构)解释:(1)供祭祀用的纯色全体牲畜;供盟誓、宴享用的牲畜例:岂不闻梁武帝宗庙以面牺牲。——《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》英:a beast slaughtered for sacrifice;sacrifice(2)放弃;舍弃或损害一方的利益例:他牺牲休息时间为同事们修理收音机。英:sacrifice;give up(3)为坚持信仰而死例:乐牺牲吾身。——清·林觉民《与妻书》例:牺牲百死而不辞。例:牺牲生命。——孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略》序英:die a martyr"s death(4)又如:英勇牺牲(5)花费掉例:为增强儿童的体格而牺牲了他的智力。英:expense牺牲造句:1、真正的革命战士,为了正义的事业可以牺牲生命,这就是古人所说的“不忘沟壑”的精神。2、同学们沉痛哀悼在救火中牺牲的消防战士。3、无数革命先烈,为了人民的利益,不惜牺牲自己的生命。4、连长牺牲以后,一排长接替他指挥全连继续奋战。5、为了免除人民的苦难,革命先辈不怕流血牺牲。
2023-07-13 22:03:271

sacrifice 详细语法

2023-07-13 22:03:473


2023-07-13 22:04:051


英语记忆五大法,帮你轻松记住它。第一法,谐音法。“傻哭坏死”,当然就成“牺牲品”了。特点:适合初学者,或小学低年级。第二法,分节联想记忆法。sa-cri-ficesa-可记成 沙特阿拉伯cri-可记成cry哭fice-小狗沙特(富翁)在哭他的小狗(因为当了牺牲品)特点:适合于词汇量丰富的中级爱好者,A型血的人,但不利于发音。可一次记较多的单词。第三法,词根法。sacral adj. 祭典的, 圣礼的, 荐骨的sacrality n.(人类学用语)神圣的品德sacralize v.使神圣(化)sacrament n. 基督教圣餐sacramental adj.圣礼的, 圣典的sacrarium n.神龛sacred adj.神的, 宗教的, 庄严的, 神圣的sacrifice n.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉sacrificial adj.牺牲的……特点:适合于冲刺大学英语四级或研究生水平的学生,一天可记200个左右,且对词性、意思掌握牢固,本人最喜此法。第四法、造句法如:the sacrifice he offers is himself他献的贡品就是他自己。特点:适合于练口语或想要用英语思维的人。第五法、无法之法把自己关在屋子里,给自己一点点水和食物,采用五到之法--眼到、口到、耳到、笔到、心到,不背住一本字典不出来。所谓读书百遍,其义自现。特点:适合于像李阳这样狂热地想学会英语、有远大激励目标(比如N天后要出国和当博士的美国MM约会)和超强意志力的未来大师级人物。我只能说我佩服但我学不来。
2023-07-13 22:04:181


形容词 献身的
2023-07-13 22:04:273


英语记忆五大法,帮你轻松记住它。第一法,谐音法。“傻哭坏死”,当然就成“牺牲品”了。特点:适合初学者,或小学低年级。第二法,分节联想记忆法。sa-cri-ficesa-可记成 沙特阿拉伯cri-可记成cry哭fice-小狗沙特(富翁)在哭他的小狗(因为当了牺牲品)特点:适合于词汇量丰富的中级爱好者,A型血的人,但不利于发音。可一次记较多的单词。第三法,词根法。sacral adj. 祭典的, 圣礼的, 荐骨的sacrality n.(人类学用语)神圣的品德sacralize v.使神圣(化)sacrament n. 基督教圣餐sacramental adj.圣礼的, 圣典的sacrarium n.神龛sacred adj.神的, 宗教的, 庄严的, 神圣的sacrifice n.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉sacrificial adj.牺牲的……特点:适合于冲刺大学英语四级或研究生水平的学生,一天可记200个左右,且对词性、意思掌握牢固,本人最喜此法。第四法、造句法如:the sacrifice he offers is himself他献的贡品就是他自己。特点:适合于练口语或想要用英语思维的人。第五法、无法之法把自己关在屋子里,给自己一点点水和食物,采用五到之法--眼到、口到、耳到、笔到、心到,不背住一本字典不出来。所谓读书百遍,其义自现。特点:适合于像李阳这样狂热地想学会英语、有远大激励目标(比如N天后要出国和当博士的美国MM约会)和超强意志力的未来大师级人物。我只能说我佩服但我学不来。
2023-07-13 22:04:421

sound horizon Sacrifice中文歌词

2023-07-13 22:05:094

Explicit的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Explicit专辑:WantedSacrifice / 牺牲Hingabe – Part 1 / 奉献 – 第1部Ich - ich war schon einmal hier / 我 - 我过去曾在这里Ihr - schient fern zerbrechlich mir / 你们 - 脆弱的光明从远方照耀着我Hier - bist du allein mit mir / 在这里 - 你我孤身二人Wir - verbrennen lebend hier / 我们 - 生命在这里燃烧殆尽Seht - ich war schon einmal hier / 看啊 - 我曾经就在这里Dieser Stein - markiert die Glut / 这块岩石 - 还存留着烧灼的痕迹Hier - verbrannten lebend wir / 在这里 - 我们的生命燃烧殆尽So flieht Flieht aus den Adern mir / 所以快从我的血管中逃离Doch bin ich nicht blind / 但我并非看不见Nur ein wenig verbrannt / 只有一点点被烧毁Ich warte auf dich ... / 我等着你 ...Comes From 《Echos》 - 2003Lacrimosa....Forever....
2023-07-13 22:05:231

Elton John的《Sacrifice》 中英文对照歌词

It"s a human sign那是人类的标记When things go wrong当一切都不顺遂When the scent of her lingers当她的香味逡巡不去And temptation"s strong那诱惑依然强烈Into the boundary of each married man走进已婚男子的界线内Sweet deceit comes calling甜蜜的欺瞒在召唤And negativity lands所有的否定都尘埃落定Cold cold heart冰冷的心Hard done by you难为了你Some things look better baby有些事情渐入佳境,宝贝Just passing through从此云淡风轻And it"s no sacrifice没有人被牺牲Just a simple word那只是个简单的字眼It"s two hearts living那是两颗心In two separate worlds活在分离的两个世界里But it"s no sacrifice但没有人被牺牲No sacrifice没有人被牺牲It"s no sacrifice at all终究没有人会被牺牲Mutual misunderstanding彼此误解After the fact在事实之後Sensitivity builds a prison敏感多疑建造了个牢笼In the final act在最後一幕We lose direction我俩都迷失了方向No stone unturned没有石头是搬不开的No tears to damn you没有泪水在谴责你When jealously burns当忌妒在燃烧
2023-07-13 22:05:312

Elton John的《Sacrifice》 歌词

Available on the album Sleeping With The PastIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsThe End -- By Ma Jiali
2023-07-13 22:05:392


2023-07-13 22:06:051


2023-07-13 22:06:121


Sacrifice - Adam LambertTie up my hands tonightDon"t let me goBinding my eyes from sightBinding my soulTake hold of meTake hold of meSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeThrow bones on the fireThrow down controlLaying down the lawLay me down slowTake hold of meTake hold of meI give myself unto theeSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeI"m your one and only sacrificeI"m your one and only sacrificeBinding my soulDon"t let me goI"m your one and only sacrificeDon"t let me goSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeSacrificeSacrifice
2023-07-13 22:06:191

Sacrifice (From "The Gift") 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice (From "The Gift")歌手:Orchestra专辑:Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Once More, With FeelingD-Side-Sacrifice featAntony From BlueI never thought that I"d be without youI never thought that we"d be apartYou are the sun that lights my worldBut I have to go and chase the starsI know our love is strong enough to make it through thisWe gotta say goodbye but this is not the last kissShow my your heart can fall in love foreverTell me you"ll wait until were back togetherAlthough we gotta kiss and say goodbye here tonightIt"s our bittersweet sacrificeLove is a long uncertain journeyAnd sometimes we walk these roads aloneBut I know our stars will cross the heavensGuiding our faithful hearts back homeI know our love is strong enough to make it through thisWe gotta say goodbye but this is not the last kissShow my your heart can fall in love foreverTell me you"ll wait until were back togetherAlthough we gotta kiss and say goodbye here tonightIt"s our bittersweet sacrificeIt"s our bittersweet sacrificeForgive me please I can"t stayBut I"ll be back in your Open arms somedayShow my your heart can fall in love foreverTell me you"ll wait until were back togetherAlthough we gotta kiss and say goodbye here tonightShow my your heart can fall in love foreverTell me you"ll wait until were back togetherAlthough we gotta kiss and say goodbye here tonightIt"s our bittersweet sacrificeIt"s our bittersweet sacrifice
2023-07-13 22:06:321

Totalfat的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Totalfat专辑:OVER DRIVE「Sacrifice」作词:Shun作曲∶Jose歌∶TOTALFATI tried to believe so many timesNow I don"t feel like a loserDo you understand?Have you ever felt the same?Friend, trust yourselfDry your tearsDon"t let them call you a loserDo you understand?So get out of your shell and let"s start a new dayYou cannot live without a dreamDon"t be a sucker without a self-esteemIt don"t matter what they sayDon"t you ever give upAnd It"s honestyKeep it real and live the life you chooseThere"s nothing that you need to sacrificeIt goes on and onYou gotta keep on runningDon"t you stopBecause our future will arriveI tried to believe so many timesNow I don"t feel like a loserDo you understand?Have you ever felt the same?Friend, trust yourself, dry your tearsDon"t let them call you a loserDo you understand?So get out of your shell and let"s start a new dayHonestyKeep it real and live the life you chooseThere"s nothing that you need to sacrificeIt goes on and onYou gotta keep on runningDon"t you stopBecause our future will arriveYou cannnot live without a dreamDon"t be a sucker without a self-esteemIt don"t matter what ther saySay whatever...You cannot live without a dreamDon"t be a sucker without self-esteemIt don"t matter what they sayDon"t you ever give upAnd It"s honestyKeep it real and live the life you chooseThere"s nothing that you need to sacrificeIt goes on and onYou gotta keep on runningDon"t you stopBecause our future will arrive【 おわり 】
2023-07-13 22:06:391

gregorian的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:gregorian专辑:The MasterpiecesSacrificeGregorianMaster of Chant IIIIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callin"And negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look betterJust passin" throughAnd it"s no SacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no SacrificeNo SacrificeIt"s no Sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look betterJust passing throughAnd it"s no SacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no SacrificeNo SacrificeIt"s no Sacrifice at allI lay my heartI lay my heartI lay my heartI lay my heartI lay my heart
2023-07-13 22:06:461

半导体中,什么是牺牲层 (sacrifice)?

2023-07-13 22:07:012


sacrifice for +名/doing sth.make sacrifice to+原/名注意后续的词
2023-07-13 22:07:094

Elton John的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Elton John专辑:Rocket Man: The Definitive HitsSacrificeElton JohnAvailable on the album Sleeping With The PastIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsThe End -- By Ma Jiali
2023-07-13 22:08:031

Elton John的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Elton John专辑:Lucca Italy 2011SacrificeElton JohnAvailable on the album Sleeping With The PastIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsThe End -- By Ma Jiali
2023-07-13 22:08:181

Elton John的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Elton John专辑:Love SongsSacrificeElton JohnAvailable on the album Sleeping With The PastIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsThe End -- By Ma Jiali
2023-07-13 22:08:321


牺牲xīshēng。供祭祀用的纯色全体牲畜;供盟誓、宴享用的牲畜2.放弃;舍弃或损害一方的利益3.为坚持信仰而死。牺牲名词释义[A beast slaughtered for sacrifice;Sacrifice]牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。——《左传.庄公十年.曹刿论战》岂不闻梁武帝宗庙以面牺牲。——《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》为了某种目的,而付出自己的生命或权益1、[sacrifice;give up]∶放弃;舍弃或损害一方的利益他牺牲休息时间为同事们修理收音机2、[Sacrifice;Give up]放弃:舍弃或损害一方的利益他牺牲休息时间为同事们修理收音机理想又是一种牺牲。——流沙河《理想》3、[die a martyr"s death]∶为坚持信仰而死乐牺牲吾身。—林觉民《与妻书》牺牲百死而不辞。牺牲生命。—孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略》序牺牲精神举例:英勇牺牲4、[expense]∶花费掉为增强儿童的体格而牺牲了他的智力
2023-07-13 22:08:411


can you tell me, softly您能轻轻地告诉我吗?,how you"ll always haunt me为什么你总是另我困扰?can you help me hold me您能帮我吗? 抓住我,come to me now, slowly 现在靠近我,慢慢地you caress me, smoothly 你温柔的爱抚我calm my fears and soothe me镇定我的恐惧,安慰我move your hands across me移动你的手,穿过我take my worries from me带走我的忧虑i will sacrifice我将牺牲所有all i have in life to clear my conscience我在生活中问心无愧all i have in life sacrifice, sacrifice我在生活牺牲所有, can you feel me, solely你能完全感受到我吗?, deeper still and wholly更深的单一和完全with your understanding以您的理解and your arms around me把你的胳膊绕在我的附近whisper to me, softly对我耳语,柔软地 ... ...will sacrifice 将会牺牲 all i have in life sacrifice, 我在生活牺牲所有,sacrifice.sacrifice, sacrifice.牺牲。牺牲, 牺牲。
2023-07-13 22:09:041

Disturbed的《Sacrifice》 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice歌手:Disturbed专辑:AsylumDisturbed - SacrificeI will forever be remindedOf how I struggled to surviveThe betrayal that you conspired inAll that devotion thrown awayAnd with everything I confidedI should have known not to trust againThis insanity has dividedLeft me with nothing left to destroyI"m becoming so paranoidEveryone is so paranoidIn a moment you will see my other sideWhen I"m confrontedMy demeanor turns from Jekyl into HydeHell has broken free tonightNo pale deception anymoreYou awoke him, now he will feedOn the liesHe demands your sacrificeI can barely control this feelingLook at the murder in my eyesI was never good at concealingViolent thoughts have come to lifeHorror will have a deeper meaningYou are the reason this beganEven now I can hear you screamingThere"s only one thing left to destroyAnd I"ll no longer be paranoidNo more reason to be annoyedIn a moment you will see my other sideWhen I"m confrontedMy demeanor turns from Jekyl into HydeHell has broken free tonightNo pale deception anymoreYou awoke him, now he will feedOn the liesHe demands your sacrificeHell has broken free tonightNo pale deception anymoreYou awoke him, now he will feedOn the liesHell has broken free tonightNo pale deception anymoreYou awoke him, now he will feedOn the liesHe demands your sacrifice
2023-07-13 22:09:101

sacrifice for和sacrifice to 有什么区别

2023-07-13 22:09:292


2023-07-13 22:09:462


2023-07-13 22:09:531

accompany; sacrifice ;sacrificial 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的读法~

accompany(偶尔陪你伴奏) v. 陪伴,伴奏sacrifice(杀奎因坏死) v. 牺牲,献出 n. 供奉,祭品 sacrificial(三块肥瘦) adj. 牺牲的,献祭的
2023-07-13 22:10:002


2023-07-13 22:10:104

sacrifice for和sacrifice to 有什么区别

sacrifice ...for ...:为...牺牲...sacrifice to:为...而失去,为...而牺牲,向...献祭例句与用法:1.A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛.make sacrifice to:vt.牺牲于...
2023-07-13 22:10:161

Sacrifice Me 歌词

歌曲名:Sacrifice Me歌手:Sylver专辑:Sacrifice-Ars ProduktionSacrificeElton JohnIt"s a human signWhen things go wrongWhen the scent of her lingersAnd temptation"s strongInto the boundaryOf each married manSweet deceit comes callingAnd negativity landsCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allMutual misunderstandingAfter the factSensitivity builds a prisonIn the final actWe lose directionNo stone unturnedNo tears to damn youWhen jealousy burnsCold cold heartHard done by youSomethings look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allCold cold heartHard done by youSome things look better babyJust passing throughAnd it"s no sacrificeJust a simple wordIt"s two hearts livingIn two separate worldsBut it"s no sacrificeNo sacrificeIt"s no sacrifice at allIt"s no sacrifice at allIt"s no sacrifice at allThe End -- By Kuang Yao
2023-07-13 22:10:231

The Sacrifice 歌词

歌曲名:The Sacrifice歌手:Dolly Parton专辑:Better DayDolly Parton - The Sacrifice..Well, I""ve sacrificed time with family and friendsGave up vacations for work without end24/7, 365But I was willing to make the sacrifice.But empty or full, I""ve carried my paleYou don""t drink the water if you don""t dig the wellThrough blood sweat and tears I have built a good lifeBut it didn""t come without sacrifice.But I was gonna be rich no matter how much it costAnd I was gonna win no matter how much I lostAll through the years I kept my eye on the prizeYou ask if it""s worth the sacrifice, the sacrifice.I think about Jesus and all that he gaveAnd the ultimate sacrifice that He madeHe is my strength and my guiding lightAnd He""s taught me that nothing""s without sacrifice.I was gonna be rich no matter how much it costAnd I was gonna win no matter how much I lostI wanted success and, brother, I""ve paid the priceAnd, yes, it""s been worth the sacrifice, the sacrifice.I was gonna be rich no matter how much it costAnd I was gonna win no matter how much I lostGrindstones and rhinestones have made up my lifeBut I""ve shined like a diamond through sacrifice.I was gonna be rich no matter how much it costAnd I was gonna win no matter how much I lostBut I hope God will tell me, "Well done, my childYou""ve won your reward through your sacrifice, the sacrifice".The sacrificeBut sometimes I wonder in the still of the nightIs it really worth the sacrificeI""ve often laughed and I""ve often criedI""ve often failed but I""ve always triedI made the sacrifice.
2023-07-13 22:10:301

acquire gain sacrifice earn的区别?

2023-07-13 22:10:551


1.sacrifice oneself; to lay down one"s life for2.a victim; a scapegoat3. have something done at the expense; to sacrifice4. oblation; a sacrifice5.the cost of
2023-07-13 22:11:181


salary-sacrifice 和 co-contribution 的东西.正好我对这些比较了解: 就给大家讲讲怎么样有效的利用这两个东西来降低自己的税,和增加自己的superannuation首先要告诉大家: salary-sacrifice 和 co-contribution 没有任何的关系!1.Salary-sacrificeSalary-sacrifice 有很多种.手提电脑,车什么的我就先不讲了.我只讲关于 super 的.我们都知道: 在我们的工资里, 有 9% 是 superannuation contribution from our employer.比如说吧: 我的salary package(included super) 是 $100,000 一年这样的话 9% 的 super 就应该是: $8,257 (这个数字是 employer 要付到我们super account 里的). 这个数字是要 subject to 15% superannuation contribution tax 的. 意思就是 8257 *(1-15%) = $7,018 (实际进入我们,super account 的钱).举个例子: without salary sacrificesalary: $100,000super contribution: -$8,257taxable income: $91,743
2023-07-13 22:11:311

游戏牺牲《活祭》( Sacrifice )(简体中文汉化版)

2023-07-13 22:11:461


一、意思不同1、牺牲指为坚持信仰而死、为了正义的目的舍弃自己的生命或利益,如为国牺牲、牺牲自己的休息时间。2、就义指为正义事业而被敌人残杀。二、侧重表达不同1、牺牲舍弃自己的生命或利益。3、就义为正义的事业被杀害。牺牲释义1、祭神用的牲畜:[A beast slaughtered for sacrifice;Sacrifice]牺牲玉帛,弗敢加也,必以信。——《左传.庄公十年.曹刿论战》岂不闻梁武帝宗庙以面牺牲。——《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》为了某种目的,而付出自己的生命或权益。2、[sacrifice;give up]∶放弃;舍弃或损害一方的利益。他牺牲休息时间为同事们修理收音机。3、[Sacrifice;Give up] 放弃:舍弃或损害一方的利益他牺牲休息时间为同事们修理收音机理想又是一种牺牲。——流沙河《理想》。4、[die a martyr"s death]∶为坚持信仰而死。乐牺牲吾身。——清· 林觉民《与妻书》。牺牲百死而不辞。牺牲生命。——孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略》序。牺牲精神。又如:英勇牺牲.5、[expense]∶花费掉为增强儿童的体格而牺牲了他的智力
2023-07-13 22:11:531


2023-07-13 22:12:243

No sacrifice no victory 是什么意思

2023-07-13 22:12:325

Love is sacrifice(牺牲)的文章(英文)急!!!!

love is sacrifice The true love, is may pay for opposite party all, certainly includes sacrifices own all. But, is not to sacrifice itself but loves opposite party. Usually, we better will protect ourselves, will cause the healthy longevity, can thus better long-time consider oneself love human. Does not love own person, how to understand loves others, and has ability to love others. Therefore, must love others, must first love itself. But, when both cannot give dual attention, in the crisis time, can only choose itself perhaps the love person, a time, the true love is may sacrifice itself, but protects the spouse. Looks like the mother, the father protects the child, may sacrifice itself, let alone the humanity, will be the lion, the tiger will also do this.
2023-07-13 22:12:581


出自《自由与爱情》《自由与爱情》是匈牙利诗人裴多菲1847年创作的一首短诗,经由左联作家殷夫的翻译,鲁迅的传播,被广大中国读者熟知。后来一度被引入中学语文教材,成为中国读者最为熟悉的外国诗歌之一。匈牙利语原文:Szabadság, Szerelem!E kettu0151 kell nekemSzerelmemért fouml;láldozomAz életet,Szabadságért fouml;láldozomSzerelmemet.版本一内容:生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。若为自由故,二者皆可抛。翻译:是在1929年由“左联五烈士”之一的我国著名诗人殷夫(白莽)翻译过来的。殷夫的译诗,考虑到中国律诗的特点,把每一句都译成五言,且有韵脚,所以读起来朗朗上口,最为人们所熟悉。不过,这种译法对原诗的面貌作了较大的改动。版本二内容:自由,爱情!我要的就是这两样。为了爱情,我牺牲我的生命;为了自由,我又将爱情牺牲。翻译:著名翻译家孙用对此诗进行了重新翻译。译诗刊登在1957年第2期的《读书月报》上。版本三内容:自由与爱情!我都为之倾心。为了爱情,我宁愿牺牲生命,为了自由,我宁愿牺牲爱情。翻译:当代著名翻译家、作家兴万生,曾翻译出版了《裴多菲抒情诗选》一书,他将这首小诗又作了重新的诠释。英译freedom and loveLiberty and love-PetogfiLiberty and loveThese two I must haveFor love ,I willsacrifice my life;For liberty,I willsacrifice my love裴多菲裴多菲·山多尔,匈牙利爱国诗人和英雄,自由主义革命者。他被认为是匈牙利民族文学的奠基人,1848年匈牙利革命的重要人物之一。同时他还是匈牙利著名的爱国歌曲《国民歌》(Nemzeti dal)的作者。1849年7月31日,匈牙利爱国诗人裴多菲在瑟 克什堡大血战中同沙俄军队作战时牺牲,年仅26岁。中文名裴多菲·山陀尔外文名Petu0151fi Sándor国 籍匈牙利出生地萨堡德沙拉斯出生日期1823年1月1日逝世日期1849年7月31日代表作品《民族之歌》、《反对国王》职 业诗人民 族马尔扎族
2023-07-13 22:13:072

没有牺牲,就没有胜利。 这句话的英文是什么?

2023-07-13 22:13:161

my sacrifice 的英语作文 120字以上.要写实际的事.小事就好了.

I was on my way home from school that day when I met an old woman at a bus stop.The old lady was crying.I asked what was the matter and she told me her purse was stolen.All of her money was gone and she couldn"t get home.I fished out the remaining 10 yuan of my allowance.I gave her the money and she accepted it with gratitude.10 yuan isn"t much these days,but I was sure I walked taller that day.
2023-07-13 22:13:241

Human Sacrifice 歌词

歌曲名:Human Sacrifice歌手:Bee Gees专辑:High CivilizationHuman SacrificeSweetbox卡宴制作Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect loveAnd I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enoughWhen you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on meAnd I"d swallow it downI let you break my wings chose to become your caged up birdAte your bull @!#$ promises and cherished every fucking wordNow like a freedom phoenix burning from a rising sunHere is my vindicationAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human sacrificeLet"s go back into the time you stained my heart like merlot wineDidn"t care if I was sick you left me alone to cry and dieYour human sacrifice alone in your church of love and liesI did not forgetI"m back with ammunition on a mission that will make you payBack with a bazooka and a bullet where I wrote your nameRisen up from the ashes ready for my justice dayHere I come for youAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human sacrificehey youhey youhey youDo you still remember when you promised me the perfect loveAnd I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enoughWhen you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on meAnd I"d swallow it downI let you break my wings chose to become your caged up birdAte your bull @!#$ promises and cherished every fucking wordNow like a freedom phoenix burning from a rising sunHere is my vindicationAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you regret all your dirty waysAlright Okgonna get a taste of my heartbreakRight now to daygonna make you become my human(hey you)Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love(Alright Ok)And I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enough(gonna get a taste of my heartbreak)When you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on me(Right now to day)And I"d swallow it down(gonna make you regret all your dirty ways)Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love(Alright Ok)And I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enough(gonna get a taste of my heartbreak)When you hit me vebally put me on my knees and blamed it on me(Right now to day)And I"d swallow it down(gonna make you regret all your dirty ways)Do you~
2023-07-13 22:13:551

以a story of give and sacrifice为主题写一答演讲

As they spotted a young woman underneath the rubble, the rescue workers were sad to find that she had already been dead, yet surprised to notice her strange pose---kneeling down with her hands touching the ground to support her weight---and right under her Shelter of Flesh and Blood, her several-month-old infant was sleeping, safe and sound. The baby was wrapped up carefully in little quilt, with a cell phone tucked inside. An unsent text message was found that read: “Dear Baby, If You Could Survive, Please Remember That Mum Always Love You!” Love! Mother"s Love!! Mother"s Love at her Last Breath!!! As it was too young to know what was really going on, the innocent infant"s dream must have been free from nightmare though a nightmare was taking place. However, it was the mother"s love that prevented the nightmare from falling upon the young dreamer. O, just imagine what a heart-breaking posture it is! Knees and hands touching upon the ground---that"s a mother"s only and last effort to protect her dear, her only and last struggle for a hope of life, and her only and last chance to demonstrate a love that shocks every normal soul of universe. Kneeling down---the mother seems to give in to the omnipotent nature, but it actually is a way to fight back; Kneeling down---the mother seems to be helpless and powerless, but it is actually so helpful and powerful beyond anything else; Kneeling down---the mothers seems to be a temporary shelter of flesh and blood, but it actually is an eternal statue of love and life. O, oh! This is not only a love demonstrated by a mother of Sichuan; This is also a love that has been nursing Chinese people from one generation to another. If love of a mother"s is shown here as a sacrifice for her child, then the children of this great China should by all means sacrifice themselves to love the motherland in return, here and now! Can"t you hear a Mother"s CRYING and CALLING? Can"t you see a Mother"s STRUGGLING and FIGHTING? Can"t you remember a Mother"s SUFFERING and LOVING? Let"s always remember a mother"s special love in earthquake. Let"s always remember the motherland"s eternal love in our blood, in our tears……
2023-07-13 22:14:031


楼山的回答得不错 就是那个意思
2023-07-13 22:14:147


1.I`ve never asked u to sacrifice this much2.everybody should learn to overcome his insist that it is innocent,and make me buy it.4.leave him alone!ur effort to persuade hime is in vain5.the reconstruction has to postpone because of the financial problem.6.goverment should try harder to balance the supply and demand,or the whole country will be in a state of unrest.7.I`m still wanna give it a shot when I was told that it is really thin oppotunity to get a job in this famous company.8.I`ve been waiting for him for ages,he failed to show up eventually.9.I can`t help my shopping desire whenever I find some discount clothes` on sale10.goverment shouldn`t turn a blind eye to this increaing unemployment
2023-07-13 22:14:564

找一首男女对唱的英文歌 不知道歌名 只知道开头大概是两三声钟声 歌词当中含有sacrifice这个单词 求帮助

是麦当娜的 4minutes吗?
2023-07-13 22:15:141