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2023-07-13 21:15:04

无功补偿:Reactive power compensation

Reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering
By Ved Prakash Sinha / Published on Tue, 2007-03-13 15:58 Further readingApplication Note: Passive Filters (4209)
There is enough evidence available about the reactive power compensation and its benefits for loads having low power factor. Though such loads, which impose only low power factor are increasingly replaced by loads which generate significant harmonics as well. As a result, most of the modern compensators are designed to carry out a dual task for compensation as well as harmonic filtering. And then, there is also a dimension of reaction time which is quite important for certain loads. For example, a welding load which generates high harmonics, has low power factor, can never be properly compensated by a classical passive compensator. It needs a fast acting device like a thyristor switched capacitor bank to match the speed of the load variation.

Several solutions for power factor compensation and harmonic filtering are available in the market like conventional automatic banks with contactor switching or fast acting real time banks with thyristor switching and active filters. There is a variety of capacitor banks available which are used to compensate loads which need support in terms of power factor as well as harmonic correction. In a network polluted by harmonics, capacitor banks often use inductors in series with the capacitor steps for safeguarding the capacitors from harmonic overloading and inrush current. Such banks are called “detuned banks”.

Specially designed capacitors and inductors make a filter circuit (passive filters) which serves a dual purpose of providing reactive power and filtering of harmonics. Most commonly used passive filters are of fixed type, sometimes automatic switched banks are also provided with steps tuned as passive filers. This however imposes a limitation on the design of such banks. Principally, if there are several steps available, they are required to be tuned at different frequencies. For example, a 200 kvar rated capacitor bank can have 4 steps, each of 50 kvar, tuned to 5th, 7th, 11th and 13th harmonic filter. The immediate requirement of such bank will be to keep the 5th harmonic bank in service first, followed by 7th, 11th and 13th order. This means, any fluctuation on reactive power demand around 200 kvar will be met by switching on/off the last steps (11th & 13th harmonic filter) only. The switch controlling these steps will be overstressed compared to other steps (tuned to 5th & 7th order). It will not be possible to operate these 4 steps in “circular switching” mode or first in first out (FIFO) mode as it will result in dangerous amplification of higher order harmonics. This also means, if there is any problem in the 1st step, tuned to 5th harmonic, none other steps could be switched ON, leading to non-availability of the complete system. Other limitations come from the change in load (like additional of one more drive to the same bus) or network parameter changes (like replacement of feeding line or transformer) which always affect the performance of a passive filter.

An automatic bank detuned with a reactor does not impose such limits. For example, a detuned bank using 7% reactor (which results in a tuning point below 4th order harmonic) provides a robust solution to such application. The bank with several steps can all have the same detuning reactor and the bank can operate in first in first out (FIFO) mode ensuring all switches are used evenly. Even if any of these steps are not in service, remaining healthy steps can continue to perform without any danger of amplification.

Above concept works well with classical solution (contactor switched banks) or fast acting real time banks. The thyristor switched banks are more apt for loads which changes very fast. Examples are welding machines, drives, compressors and similar applications. Cranes used at harbor, which mainly employ DC drives, need fast reactive compensation as well as harmonic filtering. thyristor switched real time banks with detuning reactors are used for these loads with best result as they provide much needed reactive power and reasonable harmonic filtering with better performance than classical automatic banks with contactor switches. If harmonic pollution is severe (high voltage distortion), the passive devices need special design considerations. Under certain situation, a combination of dedicated power factor compensation device (like a thyristor switched bank) and harmonic filtering device (like an active filter) may produce the best result.



2023-07-13 21:02:184


2023-07-13 21:02:472


请自己下载ueditor版本(本人是PHP版本 UFT-8版,不包含_examples、_src等文件夹及文件)。下载完成后,会得到以下这样的目录结构的:ueditor文件说明:dialogs 是存放各个弹出窗口应用功能的文件,包含html,jslang 是存放编辑器语言的文件,有中文和E文php 是存放文件上传、涂鸦、远程图片、在线图片管理,添加视频的php源码文件,可以按自己的需求修改themes 当然就是主题样式图片存放的地方third-party 是第三方插件文件存放地方。editor.all.js 此文件是所有_src里的js源码的合集editor.all.min.js 此文件是editor_all.js的压缩版editor.config.js 此文件是UE的配置文件editor.parse.js 此文件是UE的解析文件editor.parse.min.js 此文件是UE的解析压缩文件
2023-07-13 21:02:561


2023-07-13 21:03:053


2023-07-13 21:03:122


dim rs5,sql5,connstr5,conn5,pathpath = server.MapPath("8888 css.mdb")connstr5 = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & pathset conn5=server.createobject("ADODB.CONNECTION") connstr5set rs5=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")sql5="select TOP 10 * from ss_db order by rnd(ssID-timer())" sql5,conn5,1,1改成这样看看,
2023-07-13 21:03:203


2023-07-13 21:03:271

有中文的flash cms 开源吗? 高手们推荐下。

用IE 右击用迅雷下载全部 确定flash选区 下载
2023-07-13 21:03:372


2023-07-13 21:03:453

dreamweaver cs5下载好的是英文版的怎么改成中文版的

2023-07-13 21:04:145


2023-07-13 21:04:321


Drupal是使用PHP语言编写的开源内容管理框架(CMF),它由内容管理系统(CMS)和PHP开发框架(Framework)共同构成。读音 [druu02d0pl]
2023-07-13 21:05:142


如果安装 Drupal 时没有导入中文语言包,则 Drupal 默认的语言界面是英文,我们可以根据需要导入 Drupal 中文语言包,然后开始使用中文版的 Drupal。1. 下载中文语言包 访问 页面,根据 Drupal 版本类型,下载对应的语言包文件(.po),以备稍后使用2. 启用模块 2-1. 通过导航 Administer > Site Building > Modules,或者通过在浏览器输入 http://你的Drupal安装路径/admin/build/modules 地址来访问模块管理页面 2-2. 找到 Locale 模块,勾选前面的复选框,然后到页面最下方点击保存(Save Configuration)按钮3. 导入中文语言包 3-1. 通过导航 Administer > Site Building > Translate interface,或者访问 admin/build/translate 页面,点击"Import"面板进入导入语言包界面 3-2. 向 Language File 文件框中加入第一步下载下来的 .po 语言包文件,将 Import into 选项设置为“Chinese, Simplified(简体中文)”,点击页面最下方的"Import"按钮4. 将中文设置为默认的界面语言 完成 3-2 步的操作即会返回到翻译界面的概览页面,可点击此页面的 language page 链接,或者通过导航 Administrator > Site Configuraton > Languages 访问"语言设置"页面 在语言设置页面,选中“简体中文”语言项后面的 Default 单选项,点击下面的保存(Save Configuration)按钮 哇啦……之后我们就不用中英结合着来看教程了 :D
2023-07-13 21:05:231

drupal feed import配置方法,求指导

2023-07-13 21:05:312


2023-07-13 21:03:561


2023-07-13 21:03:572


维妮娜 目录毕业学校 与迪丽娜尔关系   维妮娜天天向上20101126期,维吾尔族舞蹈家迪丽娜尔的女儿维妮娜,火辣的舞蹈,魔鬼的身材,给观众留下了深刻的印象。维妮娜、Nina,21岁,中国传媒大学播音主持专业的学生,曾获得北京大学学生风采之星冠军和三个一等奖,目前在央视实习,节目中乌兹别克斯坦歌曲《yayra》非常好听吧。 编辑本段毕业学校  中国传媒大学。中国传媒大学播音主持专业的学生。 编辑本段与迪丽娜尔关系  母女迪丽娜尔·阿布都拉 女,维吾尔族,1966年4月出生,中国舞蹈家协会副主席,新疆维吾尔自治区舞蹈家协会主席,新疆维吾尔自治区歌舞团一级演员,第十届全国人大代表。 舞蹈代表作有《盘子舞》、《阿图什》、《摘葡萄》、《新疆姑娘》、《冰山之火》、《心愿》、《达坂城的姑娘》等。曾获全国少数民族舞蹈比赛一等奖,文化部“文华表演奖”,日本大阪国际艺术节“最高表演奖”,香港回归大型晚会“金奖”,朝鲜“四月之春”国际艺术节金奖。   积极参加中国文联组织的采风活动,有时带病坚持下乡演出。为中国文联“朝霞工程”捐款6000元,并多次为贫困地区孤寡老人捐款。曾被国务院授予“全国少数民族团结模范先进个人”称号,被全国青联授予“中国十大杰出青年”称号,获“全国五一劳动奖章”。
2023-07-13 21:03:571

Simple Plan的《Promise》 歌词

歌曲名:Promise歌手:Simple Plan专辑:Still Not Getting AnySimple Plan - PromiseAlbum: Still Not Getting AnyBreakdownI can"t take thisI need somewhere to goI need youI"m so restlessI don"t know what to doCuz we"ve had our rough timesBeen fighting all nightAnd now we"re just slippin awaySo you"ll give me this changeTo make the wrongs right, to say…Don"t, don"t, don"t walk awayI promiseI won"t let you down (you down)If you take my hand tonightI promiseWe"ll be just fineThis timeWithout youI go through the motionsIt"s just not quite the sameI don"t wanna go outI just wanted to sayThat I"m sick of these fightsI"ll let you be rightIf it stops you from running awaySo just give me this chanceTo make the wrongs rightTo sayTake my handTake my hand (I promise)I won"t let you downSo take my hand tonight<END>
2023-07-13 21:03:581


2023-07-13 21:03:581

2020刚刚入手iPad2019 还能用多久?

这款的iPad它的电池使用时间一般都是比较长的,最少可以使用2到3年的,还要看对它的使用程度了。2008年初,出现了Netbook(上网本)并开始蚕食传统手提电脑份额,所有公司都在制造这种产品,除了苹果和索尼,而索尼在2009年推出了自家的Netbook:VAIOP。“Netbook这东西什么都不是”,乔布斯曾在公共场合断言,“它只是一部很便宜的笔记本罢了,在它身上基本找不到一点点优秀。发展沿革:在2000年,“iPad”(internet portable apple device)已经是苹果内部一个极其重要的项目,一开始是基于多点触摸研发的秘密项目,且一直受乔布斯悉心保护。在掌握了多点触摸技术后,2002年,苹果硬件开发部有了第一台iPad 原型,但是这部机器比较厚重,电池性能也太弱。所以苹果继续改进触摸技术,而平板计划则无限期推迟。
2023-07-13 21:03:591

c# 发邮件 正文html的

2023-07-13 21:04:043

Simple Plan的《Untitled》 歌词

歌曲名:Untitled歌手:Simple Plan专辑:DiscografiaSimple Plan - UntitledAlbum: Still Not Getting AnyI open my eyes,I try to see but I"m blinded by the white lightI can"t remember how, I can"t remember whyI"m lying here tonightAnd I can"t stand the painAnd I can"t make it go awayNo I can"t stand the painHow could this happen to me?I made my mistakesGot no where to runThe night goes on as I"m fading awayI"m sick of this lifeI just wanna screamHow could this happen to me?Everybody"s screamingI try to make a sound but no one hears meI"m slipping off the edge, I"m hanging by a threadI wanna start this over againSo I try to hold onto a time where nothing matteredAnd I can"t explain what happenedAnd I can"t erase the things I"ve doneNo I can"tHow could this happen to me?I made my mistakesGot no where to runThe night goes on as I"m fading awayI"m sick of this lifeI just wanna screamHow could this happen to me?I made my mistakesGot no where to runThe night goes on as I"m fading awayI"m sick of this lifeI just wanna screamHow could this happen to me?<END>
2023-07-13 21:04:051


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2023-07-13 21:04:071


2023-07-13 21:04:085


弹竖琴者, 竖琴师应该不是杂志.!
2023-07-13 21:04:083


“哈库拉·马塔塔,真是很有意思;哈库拉·马塔塔,简单又好记!”古老而神奇的非洲谚语:HAKUNA MATATA。这句话的意思就是“没有烦恼忧虑”。作为彭彭和丁满在电影《狮子王》中的经典台词,哈库拉·马塔塔不仅为动画剧集奠定了轻松自由的基调,更成为两位活宝大难临头时的“救命稻草”。 动画剧集主题曲《哈库拉·马塔塔》,同时也是电影《狮子王》中的一首脍炙人口的插曲,以其热闹的POP风格,完美地诠释出剧情中描述的惬意自在的丛林生活。此曲出自金奖作词家提姆·瑞斯(Tim Rice)与流行音乐巨擎艾尔顿·强(Elton John)之手,堪称二人杰出才艺的完美融合。凭借其独树一帜的流行理念,《哈库拉·马塔塔》不仅在电影银幕上大放异彩,更一跃成为百老汇音乐剧的招牌曲目之一
2023-07-13 21:04:081

Simple Plan的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Simple Plan专辑:Fantastic Four - The Album (Music From The Motion Picture)<Surrender>By Simple PlanMother told me, yes she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me to stay away, she"ll fall in love with you.Just the other day I heard them talking in the hallsAbout the jump that"s going around.Mommy"s alright. Daddy"s alright.They just seem a little weird.Surrender, Surrender.Just locking yourself away (away)What ever happended to all these seasonsLosers of the year.And everytime I got to thinking then they disappear.Then I come home and Mom and Dad are fuckin on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, and Cheap Trick"s bouncing off the ceilingMommy"s alright. Daddy"s alright.They just seem a little weird.Surrender, Surrender.Mommy"s alright. Daddy"s alright.They just seem a little weird.Surrender, Surrender.Just locking yourself away (away)Surrender,(surrender),Surrender,(mommy"s alright,)Surrender,Surrender,(Daddys alright),Surrender,SurrenderMommy"s alright. Daddy"s alright.They just seem a little weird.Surrender, Surrender.Just locking yourself away (away)Mommy"s alright. Daddy"s alright.They just seem a little weird.
2023-07-13 21:04:121


花了些时间写的,希望对你有帮助~#include<stdio.h>#define N 3 //可加密的字符串长度char plaintext[N]=; //明文,输入时输入字符,参与运算时强制转换成整数int ciphertext[N]=; //密文,保存成整数,输出时强制转换成字符int key[N][N]; //密钥矩阵 void getPlainText() //获得明文字符串{ printf("请输入明文:"); scanf("%s",plaintext); printf(" ");}void getKey() //输入密钥矩阵{ int i,j; printf("请输入加密矩阵: "); for(i=0;i<N;i++) for(j=0;j<N;j++) scanf("%d",&key[i][j]); printf(" ");}void hill() //Hill加密算法{ int i,j; for(i=0;i<N;i++){ //矩阵的乘法 for(j=0;j<N;j++){ //计算转换依据,0~25对应a~z ciphertext[i]+=key[i][j]*(int)(plaintext[j]-"a"); ciphertext[i]%=26; } } printf(" ");}void printCipherText() //输出加密后的密文{ int i; printf("加密后的密文是:"); for(i=0;i<N;i++) //把参与计算后是整数强制转换成对应的字符 printf("%c",(char)(ciphertext[i]+"a")); printf(" ");}void main(){ getPlainText(); //明文 getKey(); //密钥 hill(); //加密 printCipherText(); //密文}
2023-07-13 21:04:131


2023-07-13 21:04:133


2023-07-13 21:04:131


2023-07-13 21:04:141

hakuna matata 的意思是什么啊?是非洲话吗?我记得是无忧无虑或是高兴喜悦的意思吧?对吗?

2023-07-13 21:03:515


2023-07-13 21:03:513

simple plan的perfect的歌词和中文翻译

Perfect 完美Hey dad look at me 爸,你看着我 Think back and talk to me 仔细回想并告诉我 Did I grow up according to plan? 我的成长之路是否循规蹈矩?And do you think I"m wasting my time, Doing things I wanna do 你是不是觉得我做自己向往的事是浪费时间?But it hurts when you disapprove all along 你一直以来的否定都是我最大的痛And now I try hard to make it我现在这么努力 I just want to make you proud 只想让你刮目相看I"m never gonna be good enough for you在你眼里我永远都不够好 I can"t pretend that I"m alright假装顺从我做不到 And you can"t change me 你改变不了我Cuz we lost it all 我们失去了一切Nothing lasts forever 万事皆有终 I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美Now it"s just too late现在太晚了And we can"t go back没有回头路I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美I try not to think我试着 不去想About the pain I feel inside 内心的痛苦Did you know you used to be my hero 可知道我曾视你为英雄?All the days you spent with me 你伴我左右的日子Now seem so far away 都变得飘渺遥远And it feels like you don"t care anymore 只觉得你不再关心我了And now I try hard to make it 我现在这么努力 I just want to make you proud 只想让你刮目相看I"m never gonna be good enough for you在你眼里我永远都不够好 I can"t stand another fight我不想再和你打下去了 And nothing"s alright 但这还远没结束Cuz we lost it all我们失去了一切Nothing lasts forever万事皆有终I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美Now it"s just too late 现在太晚了And we can"t go back 没有回头路I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美Nothing"s gonna change the things that you said 你说过的话无法改变Nothing"s gonna make this right again (right again) 发生的事覆水难收Please don"t turn your back 什么都不用说了I can"t believe it"s hard just to talk to you 真不懂想跟你谈谈竟会这么难But you don"t understand (you don"t understand) 因为你根本就不会理解Cuz we lost it all 我们失去了一切Nothing lasts forever万事皆有终I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美 Now it"s just too late 现在太晚了And we can"t go back没有回头路I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美Cuz we lost it all 我们失去了一切Nothing lasts forever万事皆有终I"m sorry I can"t be perfect对不起,我不完美 Now it"s just too late 现在太晚了And we can"t go back 没有回头路I"m sorry I can"t be perfect 对不起,我不完美
2023-07-13 21:03:511


2023-07-13 21:03:501

python 编程 有了加密程序,怎么写解密程序

2023-07-13 21:03:492


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2023-07-13 21:03:443

loser of the year---simple plan歌词及翻译

Loser Of The Year ——Simple Plan(自己翻译的,水平有限)Yeea-aayYeea-aayThere"s a lot of talk about me, yeea-aay关于我,人们议论纷纷People lining up to meet me, yeea-aay人们为了见我排着长队I"m on a verge of celebrity, yeea-aay我徘徊在名人圈的边缘So what you think about that?而你是怎么看待这些的呢?I"ve got friends in high places, yeea-aay我交着上流社会的朋友Louis Vuitton suitcases, yeea-aay拿着路易斯威登的包包Looking on all the pretty faces, yeea-aay看看这些漂亮的脸蛋So what you think about that?而你是怎么看待这些的呢?So why do I feel like it"s all just a show?为什么我感觉这一切只不过是一场表演You make me wanna shut it all down,Throw it all away,你让我想抛弃这一切Cause I"m nothing if I don"t have you.因为如果没有你我将一无所有What"s the point of being on top,活在上层的意义是什么?All the money in the world if I can"t pull it all on you.我有世界所有的钱但是却不能花在你身上So, send the cars back,所以,把车送回去Put the house on the market,在市场盖一座房子or把房子卖了??And my big dreams too.还有我远大的梦想Because it"s all so clear,因为它们都如此清晰Now without you here,现在没有你在这里I"m the loser of the year.我是年度最佳失败者Loser of the year.最失败的人I"m at a party in a mansion, yeea-aay我在一栋大厦的派对里There"s a lot of high fashion, yeea-aay在这里有很多昂贵高雅的流行款式And I"m cooler than I"ve ever been, yeea-aay但我现在比以前清醒So what you think about that?而你是怎么看待这些的呢?I"m livin" life in a fast lane, yeea-aay我的生活在快车道上I"ve got fridge full of champagne, yeea-aay我有一台装满香槟的冰箱And I"m hanging out with Lil" Wayne, yeea-aay我经常和Lil" Wayne一起出去玩So what you think about that?而你是怎么看待这些的呢?So why do I feel like it"s all just a show?为什么我感觉这一切只不过是一场表演You make me wanna shut it all down,Throw it all away,你让我想抛弃这一切Cause I"m nothing if I don"t have you.因为如果没有你我将一无所有What"s the point of being on top,活在上层的意义是什么?All the money in the world if I can"t pull it all on you.我有世界所有的钱但是却不能花在你身上So, send the cars back,所以,把车送回去Put the house on the market,在市场盖一座房子or把房子卖了??And my big dreams too.还有我远大的梦想Because it"s all so clear,因为它们都如此清晰That without you here,I"m the loser of the year.现在没有你在这里我是年度最佳失败者Loser of the year.最失败的人I can try real hard, I can try to pretend,我试着努力,试着伪装That all these dreams make any senseWithout you.但是没有你所有的梦想都没有意义But that just ain"t you但是这不是你I thought these things would make me forgetAbout you and me but you"re stuck in my head我以为所有的这些东西能让我忘记但你毅然在我脑海里I"m a loser, if I lose her.如果我丢了她我就是个失败者You make me wanna shut it all down,Throw it all away,你让我想抛弃这一切Cause I"m nothing if I don"t have you.因为如果没有你我将一无所有What"s the point of being on top,All the money in the world if I can"t pull it all on you.活在上层的意义是什么?我有世界所有的钱但是却不能花在你身上You make me wanna shut it all down,Throw it all away,你让我想抛弃这一切Cause I"m nothing if I don"t have you.因为如果没有你我将一无所有So, send the cars back,所以,把车送回去Put the house on the market,在市场盖一座房子or把房子卖了??And my big dreams too.还有我远大的梦想Because it"s all so clear,因为一切都这么清晰明白that i need you near,我需要你That without you here,没有你在这里I"m the loser of the year.我是年度最佳失败者Loser of the year.最失败的人
2023-07-13 21:03:431


2023-07-13 21:03:412


  楼上的说的是原来公牛队的罗恩·哈珀。德里克·哈珀则是小牛队历史上最优秀的组织后卫。德里克·哈珀(Derrick Harper)  生日1961.10.13 身高1.94米,体重89.8公斤。场上位置后卫。哈珀1983年进入达拉斯小牛队,在那里奋战11个赛季,1994年转会到纽约尼克斯,1996-1997赛季再次回到达拉斯小牛,他还曾经在奥兰多魔术打过一个赛季。他还曾在职业生涯的末期短暂效力过洛杉矶湖人队和底特律活塞队,并在活塞队宣布退役。一共在NBA闯荡16个赛季。2008年,《达拉斯晨报》评选出了球队建队至今的最强阵容,令人意外的是,在组织后卫的位置上,入选的不是两届常规赛MVP获得者史蒂夫·纳什(Steve Nash),而是德里克·哈珀。哈珀之所以能力压纳什当选,是因为他的效力时间要长很多。毋庸置疑,哈珀是没有被邀请参加全明星赛季的最好的球员之一。哈珀在小牛职业生涯创造的5111次助攻和1551次抢断的纪录看来还将会保持很长的时间。2000年2月1日宣布退役的德里克·哈珀,随即进入了小牛队的管理层成为了球队的对外合作副主席。哈珀退役前平均每场得13.3分,5.5次助攻,在抢断方面他有1957次排名NBA第7。  德里克·哈珀是NBA一直无缘全明星整容的球员里最出色的之一,为了纪念德里克·哈珀和罗恩·哈珀(Ron Harper)这两名历史上表现比较出色却从来没有进入过全明星赛的球员,每年的全明星名单出来之后,都会选出那些表现出色却没能入选的球员组成一个““哈珀阵容”(All-Harper Team)。
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2023-07-13 21:03:401

Why do people read?写篇关于这个标题的作文.

Why Do People Read Newspapers?You wouldn"t necessarily think that Cheré Coen, with 20 years of newspaper experience plus a stint at a magazine"s Web site, would find herself writing briefs, plugs and promos most days, with maybe the future of newspapers riding on her work. Luring readers through teasers and tidbits makes up a central part of Coen"s job as "readership editor" of the 70,000-circulation Bakersfield Californian. In this relatively new but hot newsroom role, Coen, 42, considers her goal "to build readership--to reach the people who aren"t reading us and to keep the people who are reading us reading." The job entails everything from crafting snappy promotional ads to writing daily news summaries to supervising the newspaper"s "real people" reporter to lobbying for what she sees as readers" concerns in editorial and marketing meetings. Across the country, Stacy Lynch chases the same goal at the 420,000-circulation Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "What we"re here to do is figure out how we can get more people reading the newspaper more often," echoes Lynch. Lynch, 30, now the paper"s "director of innovations," was her paper"s readership editor for the past year. She brings a special qualification to her work. Before joining the newspaper last year, she belonged to the Readership Institute 12-member team carrying out a multiyear, multimillion dollar research onslaught that has touched off the most massive assault ever on the newspaper business" nagging problem--declining readership. It is the latest change-inducing campaign for an industry seeking to outrun obsolescence. The goal is no less than to crack journalism"s riddle for the ages: What makes people read newspapers? Already the research project has amassed what Scott Bosley, executive director of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, calls "the biggest gold mine of data we"ve ever had," including interviews with more than 37,000 people and an online trove of more than 70 reports, studies and presentations. Gleanings from the gold mine give newspapers a lot to worry about. But researchers and editors are framing them into the heartening central message that the persistent readership slide can be reversed, and certain steps can help. That call-to-action is sending changes rippling through newsrooms from Atlanta to Bakersfield, as hundreds of papers mobilize to apply the new intelligence. They are cramming in community news, adding "ordinary people" beats, juicing up promotion, and moving beyond the newsroom to upgrade their service and management. As they act, they are underlining some uneasy issues. How do newspapers balance cheap fixes and long-term reform? Is interesting the public compatible with serving the public interest? In the rush toward reader friendliness, what role remains for time-honored but often unsettling watchdog reporting? The massive research can"t answer all these questions, but it does identify and offer specific advice toward "four cornerstones of readership growth": * providing excellent customer service * improving editorial and advertising content * building recognition and loyalty through stronger brand promotion * reforming management and culture. Many of the findings are predictable. Better content, especially community news, brings in readers. Variety helps. Service greatly affects readership (people aren"t likely to subscribe if the paper doesn"t arrive, or shows up late or wet). Newspapers need to improve how they"re run and become more open to change. (See "What They Like" for more detailed findings.) "None of this is shocking," says Julia Wallace, editor of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "It is stuff we all know but in various ways and at various times we get away from."
2023-07-13 21:03:391


转运汉字的方法一般是将汉字转换成其对应的拼音,再根据拼音进行转换。在Python中,可以使用第三方库pypinyin来实现汉字转拼音的功能。下面是一个简单的示例代码:```python# 导入pypinyin库from pypinyin import pinyin, lazy_pinyin, Style# 汉字转拼音pinyin_list = pinyin("转运汉字", style=Style.NORMAL, strict=False)# 拼音转字符串result = "".join(pinyin_list)# 输出结果print(result)```这段代码中,我们使用了pinyin()函数将汉字转换成拼音列表,然后使用join()函数将拼音列表转换成字符串。需要注意的是,在pinyin()函数中,我们使用了NORMAL风格,表示显示普通拼音;使用了lazy_pinyin()函数,表示不考虑多音字;使用了strict=False参数,表示容忍非法字符不抛出异常。另外,如果需要将汉字转换成拼音首字母,可以使用类似下面的代码:```python# 导入pypinyin库from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin# 汉字转拼音首字母pinyin_list = lazy_pinyin("转运汉字", style=Style.FIRST_LETTER)# 拼音首字母转字符串result = "".join(pinyin_list)# 输出结果print(result)```这段代码中,我们使用了lazy_pinyin()函数将汉字转换成拼音首字母列表,虽然结果是字符串形式的首字母,但是与汉字转拼音的方法基本一致。
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2023-07-13 21:03:331


维妮娜(Nina),1990年2月4日出生于新疆乌鲁木齐,毕业于中国传媒大学,主持人、学生。中文名维妮娜别 名Nina国 籍中国民 族维吾尔族星 座水瓶座出生地中国新疆乌鲁木齐出生日期1990年02月04日职 业主持人,学生毕业院校中国传媒大学
2023-07-13 21:03:321

这段JAVA代码转成C# 怎么写?

以下是将 Java 代码转换为 C# 代码的示例:```csharpusing System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Text;// 生成AES密钥public static byte[] GenerateAESKey(string key){KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator.GetInstance("AES");SecureRandom random = SecureRandom.GetInstance("SHA1PRNG");random.SetSeed(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key));kgen.Init(128, random);SecretKey secretKey = kgen.GenerateKey();byte[] enCodeFormat = secretKey.GetEncoded();return enCodeFormat;}// 加密或解密数据public static byte[] EncryptOrDecrypt(byte[] content, byte[] key, int mode){using (AesCryptoServiceProvider aes = new AesCryptoServiceProvider()){aes.KeySize = 128; // 密钥长度aes.BlockSize = 128; // 块大小aes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; // 加密模式aes.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; // 填充方式aes.Key = key;ICryptoTransform transform = aes.CreateEncryptor();byte[] result = transform.TransformFinalBlock(content, 0, content.Length);return result;}}```需要注意的是,C# 中的 AesCryptoServiceProvider 支持的加密模式和填充方式可能与 Java 中不同,需要根据具体需求进行调整。另外,Java 中的 SHA1PRNG 算法在 C# 中没有对应实现,可以使用其他随机数生成器替代。
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