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2023-05-19 16:42:20




  闲来无事,听歌,听老歌。Scarborough Fair是我很喜欢的一首老歌。因为它不那么美国,因为它那种幽怨的低唱。我总觉得它和诗经有一种很微妙的契合,纵然一个是公元之前,而另一个是百世以后。它的旋律,仿佛是一阵清风,夹杂着野草野花的苦寒轻香,在大地上缓缓掠过;而我更看见一个穿白衣服的人摇着木铎,边走边呼唤着苍穹,在一望无际的大地与村庄之间采集梦幻。真的很难忘却这种莫名的联想。很喜欢在异邦的文明之中,还能寻出这样令我心折的古中国的意韵。试着用诗经的格式翻了下,填到原曲中,竟也能唱。

  问尔所之,是否如适 are you going to scarborough fair?

  蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.

  彼方淑女,凭君寄辞 remember me to one who lives there.

  伊人曾在,与我相知 she once was a true love of mine.

  嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁 tell her to make me a cambric shirt.

  蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.

  勿用针砧,无隙无疵 without no seams nor needle work.

  伊人何在,慰我相思 then she will be a true love of mine.


  彼山之阴,深林荒址 on the side of hill in the deep forest green,

  冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子 tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown.

  雪覆四野,高山迟滞 blankets and bed clothiers the child of maintain

  眠而不觉,寒笳清嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call.

  嘱彼佳人,营我家室 tell her to find me an acre of land.

  蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.

  良田所修,大海之坻 between the salt water and the sea strand,

  伊人应在,任我相视 then she will be a true love of mine.


  彼山之阴,叶疏苔蚀 on the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves

  涤我孤冢,珠泪渐渍 washes the grave with slivery tears.

  惜我长剑,日日拂拭 asoldier cleans and polishes a gun.

  寂而不觉,寒笳长嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call.

  嘱彼佳人,收我秋实 tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather.

  蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 parsley sage rosemary and thyme.

  敛之集之,勿弃勿失 and gather it all in a bunch of heather.

  伊人犹在,唯我相誓 then she will be a true love of mine.


  烽火印啸,浴血之师 war bellows blazing in scarlet battalions.

  将帅有令,勤王之事 generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause.

  争斗缘何,久忘其旨 they have long ago forgotten.

  痴而不觉,寒笳悲嘶 sleeps unaware of the clarion call


  Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您去过斯卡布罗集市吗?

  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香

  Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位青年问好

  He once was a true love of mine 他曾经是我的爱人。

  Tell to him make me a cambric shirt 叫他替我做件麻布衣衫

  (Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green)� (绿林深处山冈旁)

  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香

  (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿)

  Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线

  (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单)

  Then he`ll be a ture love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。

  (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤)

  Tell him to find me an acre of land 叫他替我找一块地

  (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上)

  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香

  (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔)

  Between the salt water and the sea strand 就在咸水和大海之间

  (A soldier cleans and publishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪)

  Then he`ll be a true love of mine 他就会是我真正的爱人。

  Tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫他用一把皮镰收割

  (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)

  Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香

  (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀)

  And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束

  (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战)

  Then he`ll be a true love of mine他就会是我真正的爱人。



(陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士);大军,部队;(组织在一起工作的...名词复数:battalions[例句]Joseph signed on to work for a battalion in baghdad.约瑟夫签约受雇于在巴格达的一个陆军营。
2023-01-03 08:59:212


铁骑英文意思是:Steel Battalion英文也可以读作:铁骑 [tiě qí][书] cavalry ; Steel Battalion铁骑;重铁骑steel英 [sti:l] 美 [stil] n.钢,钢铁;钢制品;兵器;钢铁工业vt.包上或镀上钢;使坚定adj.钢制的;钢铁业的;坚强的;[色彩]青灰色的第三人称单数: steels 复数: steels 现在分词: steeling 过去式: steeled 过去分词: steeledbattalion英 [bəˈtæliən] 美 [bəˈtæljən] n.(陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士);大军,部队;(组织在一起工作的)队伍;大批,许多,大量复数: battalions
2023-01-03 08:59:291


2023-01-03 08:59:353


2023-01-03 08:59:502


Army, Divisions, Brigades, Regiments, Battalions, Even, Platoon
2023-01-03 08:59:594


建军节的英语:Army Day,读音:[ˈɑ:mi][deɪ]。重点词汇:1、army英 ["ɑːmɪ]  美 ["ɑrmi] n. 陆军,军队短语Volunteer Army 志愿军 ; 义军 ; 义勇军army duck 军用帆布 ; 水陆两用军车 ; 军鸭Man Army 八道楼子army building 军队建设 ; 部队建设 ; 军事建设2、day英 [deɪ]  美 [de] n. 一天;时期;白昼adv. 每天;经常在白天地adj. 日间的;逐日的短语Rizal Day 黎刹日 ; 黎刹节 ; 厘沙路节solar day [天] 太阳日decoration day 校庆日 ; 扫墓日 ; 庆祝日扩展资料army的同近义词1、battalion英 [bə"tælɪən]  美 [bə"tæljən] n. 营,军营;军队,部队短语Infantry battalion 步兵营 ; 协同作战的部队 ; 营Battalion Nemesis 惩罚军营 ; 复仇者战役 ; 坦克军团 ; 复仇阵地战Blood Battalion 热血军团2、heer[hi:ə] n. 陆军,德国国防军陆军短语Christoph Heer 姓名das Heer 陆军HEER GOOS 赫斐托斯Führungsstab Heer 陆军指挥参谋部
2023-01-03 09:00:146


军长 jun army commander Commander Yeh Ting has an outstanding record in leading the army against the enemy. 军长叶挺,领导抗敌,卓著勋劳; 师长 [shī zhǎng]1. (n) military division level commanderThe division commander ordered that we start the attack before dawn. 团长 [tuán zhǎng]1. regimental command那位穿军装的人恐怕就是团长了。The man in the army uniform will be the regiment commander师长下令我们在拂晓前发起攻击。营长 n. (Trad=营长, a battalion commander营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。The battalion commander lined his men along the railway连长 company commanderExamples:他被任命为步枪连连长。He was appointed captain of a company of rifles排长 [pái zhǎng]platoon leader platoon commander排长叫他的士兵向后转。The platoon leader faced his men about.副排长命令部下在营房广场集合。Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.副排长叫士兵们从右首开始报数。The platoon sergeant numbered his men off from the right.
2023-01-03 09:00:496


班 squad排 platoon连 company营 battalion团 regiment旅 brigade师 division军 corps
2023-01-03 09:01:123


各个国家,各军中都有自己的传统.所以军衔具体称呼也不太一致.游戏出现较多的是美国陆军军衔.General of the Army 五星上将General 上将lieutenant general 中将Major general 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel上校 Col. Lieutenant-Colonel 中校 Lieut-Col. Major少校 Maj. Captain 上尉 Capt. (1st) Lieutenant 中尉 (1st) Lieut. 2nd Lieutenant少尉 2nd Lieut. Chief warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer, Junior grade 二级准尉Sergeant Major 军士长Sgt. Maj. Sergeant first class上士 SFC.Sergeant 中士 Sgt. Corporal 下士Cpl. Private 1st class 一等兵Private 二等兵Pte. 我特别喜欢中士Sergeant这个军衔, 本意是"侍卫",貌似跟日语的"侍"(Samurai,武士)同义. 香港警匪片中, 会把警察的"小头头"称作"沙展",其实就是sergeant的粤语音译.缩写并不是十分规范,大概能明白意思就可以,例如中尉Lieutenant可以缩写为leut.,也可以写作Lt.; 二等兵Private可以写作Pte.,也有写作Prt.的.不过一定要弄清楚是不是陆军的.军衔写在姓名之前.还有用职务称呼的.比如说排长Platoon Leader(也有叫Platoon Commander的),缩写就是PLT-LDR; 班长Squad leader, 缩写SQD-LDR,军衔一般是中士sergeant.还有Squad Corporal,比中士低一级,我的理解就是副班长.-----附,军队编制表-----军army;师division;Div.旅brigade;Brgd.团regiment;Regt.营battalion;Btl.连company;Com.排platoon;Plt.班squad. Sqd.
2023-01-03 09:01:241


bat英音:[bt]美音:[bt] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 bat 1 名词n. [C] 1. (棒球;板球的)球棒;(桌球等的)球拍 2. 短棍 3. 击球 4. (板球等的)击球手 He is an excellent bat. 他是个击球能手。 5. 【口】(棒等的)一击,猛击 6. 棉胎;毡[P] 7. 【俚】狂欢,闹饮 They went on a bat last night. 昨晚他们纵酒作乐。 及物动词 vt. 1. 用球棒(或球拍)打(球) He batted the ball into the left field. 他把球打到左外野。 2. 挥打 3. 击球率达...;成功率达... This player can bat 35%. 这个击球手击球率能达到百分之三十五。 4. 【美】【俚】详细讨论,反复推敲 不及物动词 vi. 1. 用球棒(或球拍)打球;轮到击球 It"s his turn to bat. 轮到他击球。 bat 2 名词n. 1. 蝙蝠[C] bat 3 及物动词 vt. 1. 眨(眼) He batted his eyes at me. 他向我眨眼睛。 bat 4 名词n. 1. 【英】【俚】外国话[the S] BAT 缩写词 abbr. 1. =B.A.T. Industries PLC (英国)世界最大之香烟公司 bat. 缩写词 abbr. 1. =battalion 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 bat 1. 球棒;蝙蝠 普通英汉小词典(A-C)-专业英语_环境技... bat 球棒;蝙蝠 2. 短棍;球棒;一块 石油词汇英语翻译(B8篇) - 商业街 bat 短棍;球棒;一块 3. 球拍②击(球) 羽毛球运动常用英语 - 大话羽球 - 中羽...
2023-01-03 09:01:301


Few: 1-4; Several: 5-9; Pack: 10-19; Lots: 20-49; Horde: 50-99; Throng: 100-249; Swarm: 250-499; Zounds: 500-999; Legion: >1000
2023-01-03 09:01:396

battalion chief是什么意思

battalion chief 网络 大队长; [例句]Mike ransom was promoted to captain and then became a battalion chief.迈克兰塞姆被提升为陆军上尉并成为营长。
2023-01-03 09:02:021


Offensive has been going on for three days, but we have not made much progress. We are at war with the enemy in the front line troops encountered strong resistance. Division (division commander) orders we do business (battalion) around to launching a surprise attack the enemy"s rear. However, around to the enemy"s rear, we have to cross a swamp (marshland). Many of us worried. Fortunately, the night the temperature suddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius, mud and are binding on the ice. As the cold weather, we arrived before dawn and attack from the enemy"s rear. This is about reversing the war. Did not alert the enemy and soon surrendered. Automobile in the twentieth century changed the world, especially in the United States and other industrial countries. Automotive indeed useful, but it has also brought a number of hazards, such as sound pollution, air pollution and highway fatalities. It is reported that the world"s car accident resulted in deaths and injuries were classified as one of the main reasons. May be fortunate that the inventors are being re-invented the modern automobile. New propulsion systems (propulsion system), fuel, vehicle design and manufacturing tools in the past decade has been developing rapidly. For example, through the use of satellite-aided global positioning system, car car computer will give precise positioning; With the application of remote sensors, smart car can exclude a number of car accident. As the saying goes, a good start is half the success. In employment, the job fully prepared in advance is very important. In my opinion, not prepared in advance will often affect the job-seekers the chance of success. A friend of mine, a computer software company in the job. Annual salary of about 100,000 U.S. dollars. According to their own experience, he told me that the future employees who have decided to hire the right people like those who are fully prepared. Those who do not understand the future employers of the people do our best hope of success is hard.
2023-01-03 09:02:086


jordanian,英语单词,主要用作形容词、名词,作形容词时译为“约旦的;约旦人的”,作名词时译为“约旦人”。柯林斯英汉双解大词典Jordanian /dʒɔːˈdeɪnɪən/ ( Jordanians )1.ADJJordanian means belonging or relating to the country of Jordan, or to its people or culture. 约旦国的; 约旦人的; 约旦国文化的2.N-COUNT A Jordanian is a Jordanian citizen, or a person of Jordanian origin. 约旦人jordanian battalion 约旦营jordanian people 约旦人Jordanian dinar 约旦第纳尔Royal Jordanian 皇家约旦航空公司Jordan Jordanian 约旦Jordanian handicrafts 约旦手工艺品The Jordanian Nation Party 约旦民族党jordanian workers" federation 约旦工人联合会Royal Jordanian Cargo 约旦皇家航空
2023-01-03 09:02:311


有区别。Four Star GeneralOnly officers who show great leadership and loyalty become four-star generals. Three Star GeneralAn officer in the Army, Air Force, or Marines who is above the rank of Major is a Three Star General. Major GeneralCommands a division which is 10,000 to 15,000 soldiers. Brigadier GeneralCommands a brigade within a division. ColonelUsually commands a regiment within a division. Lieutenant ColonelUsually commands a battalion made up of 300 to 1,000 soldiers. A battalion is within a regiment. Major Serves as a staff officer to a regiment or division commander. CaptainA captain usually commands a company with a battalion. First LieutenantMay command platoons or companies. Second LieutenantLowest ranking commissioned officer. Sergeant Major of the ArmyHighest rank for a soldier.Command SergeantCarries out standards, performances, training, and conduct to soldiers. Sergeant MajorThe key enlisted member of a battalion. Master SergeantThe lead non-commissioned officer at the battalion and sometimes higher levels. Sergeant First ClassMost candidates have at least 15 years experience. Referred to as Senior NCO"s or Non-Commissioned Officers. Staff SergeantHas more time and experience in the Army than the Sergeant. SergeantNon Commissioned Officer above a Corporal. CorporalLowest non-commissioned officer, often commands a squad. Private First ClassGrade above private. Privatelowest rank of enlisted men.
2023-01-03 09:02:461


网络搜索找到以下资料 美陆军航空兵最高编制为“旅”。这些旅级单位遵循“集中使用,分散配置”的原则,编配在“战区-军-师”三级,共有如下十种,大致这些航空旅皆由一个HHC(指挥群)、2~3个ATKHB(攻击直升机营)或者是AHB(突击直升机营)、一个GSAB(通用支援航空营)或者是CSAB(作战支援航空营)、一个重型直升机营(HvyHB)2个地面骑兵中队(或空中骑兵中队)构成。个别旅也编配有指挥航空营(CAB)、战斗搜索救援分队(CSAR)◆◆攻击直升机营(ATKHB)攻击直升机营是编制到航空旅下执行近距火力突击、对地攻击、反坦克任务的航空兵单位,主要装备是AH-64D“长弓阿帕奇”或OH-58D“基奥瓦勇士”直升机。主要区别在于:重型师、空中突击师、军属航空旅使用前款;而轻型师、空降师使用后者。无论重型师和轻型师都具有相同的编制结构,每个攻击航空营一般都含有一个营部与营部连、三个攻击直升机连(每连编制8架机)和一个建制内的维护连。 ◆◆突击直升机营(AHB)突击直升机营(assault helicopter battalion,AHB)是编制到航空旅内执行战区/战场地域运输、输送人员、装备(更多的时候是空中机动步兵)的单位,一般编制有通用型“黑鹰”直升机——UH-60。从编制结构上看,重型师(包括空中突击师)和军属航空旅内的突击直升机营(AHB)分享相同的编制结构和相等数量的直升机;轻型师和空降师也拥有相同机型数量的编制结构。◆◆运输直升机营/重型直升机营(HvyHB)重型直升机营(Heavy Helicopter Battalion,HvyHB)按照所担负的任务我觉得叫做“运输直升机营”(Cargo Helicopter Battalion,CHB)更合适一点,也同前面的攻击直升机营(Attack Helicopter Battalion,ATKHB)、突击直升机营(assault helicopter battalion,AHB)对等。不过英文原文中没有这种说法,CHB这个词是我生造。为了忠实于原文,这里暂时还叫做HvyHB吧,不影响大家理解就行。这个HvyHB才是航空旅建制内真正的运输主力军,CH-47“支努干”直升机一次10吨货物的庞大运输能力,为航空旅提供空前的战役战术灵活性。就是装人,此机一次也能装上差不多一个建制排33人。从编制来看,空突师运输营(ASD-HvyHB)-军属运输营(Corps HvyHB)-军以上单位运输营(EAC-HvyHB),除了差一个运输连(16架直升机)外,再没有其它大的差别。造成这一差异的原因可能系空突师与军后勤支援担负的使命任务稍有不同,运输量的差别导致的吧?!◆◆通用支援航空营(GSAB)和战斗支援航空营(CSAB)之所以把这两个营放在一起,是因为这两个营的职能和任务是差不多的。一般都是在航空旅编制内为所属的上级单位:师(Division)或是军(Corps)提供有限的低空突击、渗透、战斗搜索和营救(Combat Search and Rescue)、医疗后送(MEDEVAC)等任务。在航空旅编制内GSAB和CSAB是最灵活的单位。虽然装备数量多寡不一,但基本上以通用型“黑鹰”(UH-60)为主要装备。 ◆◆指挥航空营(Command Aviation Battalion,CAB)指挥航空营主要为旅或者上级单位(师、军)提供增强的指挥、控制、通信中继能力(C3);有时也执行人员输送任务,不过输送的人员不是普通的空中突击步兵,而是各级指挥官和参谋人员。指挥航空营(CAB)因编配单位的级别(战区、军、师)的不同而编制结构各异,军以上单位的指挥航空营突出C3和通信中继能力,结构较为简单;军属指挥航空营除了执行空中直升机分队的指挥控制(C2)外,还遂行侦察、监视和目标获取任务(ReconnaissanceSurveillance and Target Acquisition,RSTA),因此军属指挥航空营里专门编有一个目标获取连(TARC);空中突击师编制内的指挥航空营结构最为繁杂,遂行任务也最多,除了前述任务外,还执行空中布雷和电子战任务(编有EH-60电子战直升机)。◆◆轻型通用航空营(Light Utility Aviation Battalion,LUAB)该营(LUAB)结构简单,任务单一,主要为旅、师、军输送人员或装备,通常编制在陆军国民警卫队(Army National Guard,ANG)。◆◆航空维护营(ASB)航空维护营平时编制到师支援司令部(DISCOM),战时向下配属,拆分为相对独立的航空维护连或排,分配给编有直升机的航空旅或空骑兵中队,执行飞行器平/战时系统的维护保养修理测试任务,使装备处于随时可执行任务的完好状态。 转型后的陆航战斗序列&兵力结构:第1战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 24 x AH-64 1 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 30 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 116架直升机第1空中骑兵旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第12战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第2战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第3战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第4战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第10战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 60 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 122架直升机第25战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 60 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 122架直升机第82战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 24 x AH-64 1 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 30 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 116架直升机第101战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 24 x AH-64 1 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 30 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 116架直升机第159战斗航空旅 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 24 x AH-64 1 x 攻击/侦察航空营: 30 x OH-58D (ARH-70) 总计: 116架直升机第28战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第29战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 2 x 攻击航空营: 48 x AH-64 总计: 110架直升机第34战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 16 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 108架直升机第20战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 16 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 108架直升机第36战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 16 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 108架直升机第38战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 24 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 116架直升机第40战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 16 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 108架直升机第42战斗航空旅(国民警卫队) 1 x 通用支援航空营: 12 x CH-47 + 20 x UH-60 1 x 突击航空营: 30 x UH-60 1 x 攻击航空营: 16 x AH-64 1 x 航空勤务支援营: 30 x OH-58C (LUH-72) 总计: 108架直升机第160特种航空团 4 x 航空营: 72 x MH-60 + 61 x MH-47 + 46 x MH-6 总计: 179架直升机 第3装甲骑兵团第4航空中队: 24 x AH-64 + 10 x UH-60 总计: 34架直升机第12航空营(华盛顿军事区): 16 x UH-60 总计: 16架直升机以上数据不包括战区航空旅及陆航训练部队。美陆军共有19个战斗航空旅(CAB),编配到“师”一级。现役的战斗航空旅有11个(现役10个师每师1个,其中101空突师2个);陆军国民警卫队师编有8个。航空旅名称几经更迭,最初根据任务的不同分为战区航空旅(Theater Aviation Brigade,TAB)、军属航空旅(Corps Aviation Brigade)和师属航空旅(Division Aviation Brigade)三大类别,每个类别各有其不同类型。比如师属航空旅中就又分为重型师(骑兵师、装甲师和机械化师)属航空旅、轻型师(轻步兵师、山地师、空降师)属航空旅和空中突击师属航空旅(主要是101空突师)。近年随着“斯特瑞克旅战斗队(SBCT)”的组建,又出现了“中型师属航空旅”。另外陆军国民警卫队中遂行作战任务的航空旅还叫做“远征型航空旅”随着陆军模块化改制的进程,航空旅的名称也几经波折,“多功能航空旅”(Multifunctional Aviation Brigade,MFAB)——“战斗航空旅”(Combat Aviation Brigade,CAB)——“航空行动单位”(Aviation Unit of Action)。直到现在又回归“战斗航空旅”。陆军推行模块化转型以来,各战斗航空旅分享大约相同的编制:两个攻击侦察营,一个突击营,一个通用支援航空营,一个航空勤务与保障营。主要区别在攻击/侦察直升机营上:重型师(第1装甲师、第1骑兵师、第2、3、4机步师,第1机步师例外)都编有两个“重型”攻击直升机营(AH-64D);轻型师(第10山地师、第25步兵师)编有两个“轻型”攻击直升机营(OH-58D);中型师(82空降师和101空中突击师)则编有一个重型攻击直升机营和一个轻型直升机营(第1机步师也是如是编制)。航空旅作为陆军战场上一直重要的战斗支援和勤务保障力量越来越不可或缺,直升机以其机动灵活的飞行特性开创了地面部队在“垂直维度”的机动能力。美陆军航空旅的发展历程和经验教训为我军陆航部队提供了可资借鉴的宝贵资料。
2023-01-03 09:02:522

军师旅团营连排班 英语翻译

squad(班)platoon(排)company(连)battalion(营)regiment(团)brigade(旅)division(师)军a group army(集团军)army group(集团军群)corps(军团)
2023-01-03 09:03:013


就叫坦克大战。《坦克大战》是1985年日本南梦宫Namco游戏公司开发并且在任天堂FC平台上,推出的一款多方位平面射击游戏。游戏以坦克战斗及保卫基地为主题,属于策略型联机类。同时也是FC平台上少有的内建关卡编辑器的几个游戏之一,玩家可自己创建独特的关卡,并通过获取一些道具使坦克和基地得到强化。该游戏是模仿1980年街机游戏《Tank Battalion》而制作的,《Tank Battalion》也是由南梦宫出版。1991年,南梦宫出版了街机续篇《坦克力量》。《坦克大战online》是一款由经典FC坦克大战改编的全民休闲对战网游,支持数万人同时在线。游戏中,既可以组队挑战各种丰富的剧情战役,也可以与其他玩家进行多人对抗,更可以参加数千人规模的大型比赛。培养人物、打造坦克,RPG的成长和养成带给休闲游戏更多乐趣。在战斗与激情中,让我们同享全新模式的休闲网游。
2023-01-03 09:03:121


2023-01-03 09:03:182


好多 这你得去问美国国防部
2023-01-03 09:03:273

莎拉布莱曼 月光女神 的中英文歌词

2023-01-03 09:03:441


2023-01-03 09:03:491


Zhidui Chang"s Office Political commissar of the office Office of the Deputy Zhidui Chang General director of the Office Battalion commander of the Office of Accident Battalion of the Office of Accident Mediation Room Rush Hall Detachment Command Center Office desk Registry Conference Room Detachment equipment room Head office Battalion Office (Office of the First Battalion on duty, Second Battalion on duty office……) Male police Beiqin Room Female police Beiqin Room Duty Room
2023-01-03 09:03:551


2023-01-03 09:04:001

二战美军第66装甲团的编制 都有什么坦克几辆

2023-01-03 09:04:065


2023-01-03 09:04:472


2023-01-03 09:05:243


army的意思:军队;陆上作战军队;陆军部队;(一国的)陆军;大批;大群。读音:[ˈɑːrmi]词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:join the army参军。例句:Perkins joined the Army in 1990.珀金斯于1990年加入了陆军。近义词介绍:battalion表达意思:军队;营,军营;(有组织的)队伍。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:battalion commander营长 ; 营指挥官。例句:At the left of this epaulement, there was visible the head of the column of a battalion.在肩墙左侧,可以看到一军营前面几排的士兵。
2023-01-03 09:05:401


建军节的英语:Army Day,读音:[ˈɑ:mi][deɪ]。重点词汇:1、army英 ["ɑːmɪ]  美 ["ɑrmi] n. 陆军,军队短语Volunteer Army 志愿军 ; 义军 ; 义勇军army duck 军用帆布 ; 水陆两用军车 ; 军鸭Man Army 八道楼子army building 军队建设 ; 部队建设 ; 军事建设2、day英 [deɪ]  美 [de] n. 一天;时期;白昼adv. 每天;经常在白天地adj. 日间的;逐日的短语Rizal Day 黎刹日 ; 黎刹节 ; 厘沙路节solar day [天] 太阳日decoration day 校庆日 ; 扫墓日 ; 庆祝日army的同近义词1、battalion英 [bə"tælɪən]  美 [bə"tæljən] n. 营,军营;军队,部队短语Infantry battalion 步兵营 ; 协同作战的部队 ; 营Battalion Nemesis 惩罚军营 ; 复仇者战役 ; 坦克军团 ; 复仇阵地战Blood Battalion 热血军团2、heer[hi:ə] n. 陆军,德国国防军陆军短语Christoph Heer 姓名das Heer 陆军HEER GOOS 赫斐托斯Führungsstab Heer 陆军指挥参谋部
2023-01-03 09:05:511


建军节的英语:Army Day,读音:[ˈɑ:mi][deɪ]。重点词汇:1、army英 ["ɑːmɪ]  美 ["ɑrmi] n. 陆军,军队短语Volunteer Army 志愿军 ; 义军 ; 义勇军army duck 军用帆布 ; 水陆两用军车 ; 军鸭Man Army 八道楼子army building 军队建设 ; 部队建设 ; 军事建设2、day英 [deɪ]  美 [de] n. 一天;时期;白昼adv. 每天;经常在白天地adj. 日间的;逐日的短语Rizal Day 黎刹日 ; 黎刹节 ; 厘沙路节solar day [天] 太阳日decoration day 校庆日 ; 扫墓日 ; 庆祝日扩展资料army的同近义词1、battalion英 [bə"tælɪən]  美 [bə"tæljən] n. 营,军营;军队,部队短语Infantry battalion 步兵营 ; 协同作战的部队 ; 营Battalion Nemesis 惩罚军营 ; 复仇者战役 ; 坦克军团 ; 复仇阵地战Blood Battalion 热血军团2、heer[hi:ə] n. 陆军,德国国防军陆军短语Christoph Heer 姓名das Heer 陆军HEER GOOS 赫斐托斯Führungsstab Heer 陆军指挥参谋部
2023-01-03 09:06:001


2023-01-03 09:06:113


2023-01-03 09:06:246


2023-01-03 09:06:481

日入一词_103:command [verb]

My teacher has good command of English. verb /kə"mænd/ 1 command somebody to do something Captain Picard commanded the crew to report to the main deck. command that The General commanded that the regiment attack at once. [regiment = /"rɛdʒɪmənt/ noun, a military unit that is usually made of several large groups of soldiers (called battalions)] [battalion = /bə"tæljən/,noun  a large organized group of soldiers ] She commanded us to leave. Military leaders commanded the troops to open fire. She commanded that work on the bridge cease immediately. [cease = /sis/ verb, to stop doing something or stop happening] We had no choice but to do as they commanded. He commanded his men to retreat. [retreat =  /rɪ"trit/ verb, 1). to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle] She commanded the release of the prisoners. ‘Come here!" he commanded (them). The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease. [intervene = /ˌɪntɚ"vin/ verb, 1). to become involved in an argument, fight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens] The commission commanded that work on the building should cease. The officer commanded his men to shoot. [man = /mæn/ noun. 8). a soldier or sailor who is under the authority of an officer] He commanded that the troops (should) cross the water. He commanded his men to retreat. [retreat = /rɪ"trit/ verb, to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle ] The King commanded that she be executed. [execute = /"ɛksɪkjut/ verb, to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment] He commanded his troops to attack. `Get in your car and follow me," he commanded. He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land. `Don"t panic," I commanded myself. [panic = /ˈpænɪk/ verb, to suddenly feel so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly, or to make someone do this] 2 He commands the 4th Battalion. The troops were commanded by General Haig. The platoon was commanded by Lt. John F. Williams. [platoon = /plə"tun/, a small group of soldiers which is part of a company and is led by a lieutenant] Lovell commanded the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. [mission = /"mɪʃən/ noun, AIR FORCE/ARMY ETC an important job that involves travelling somewhere, done by a member of the air force, army etc, or by a spacecraft] the French general who commands the UN troops in the region. He didn"t just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles. 3 command respect/attention/support etc Philip was a remarkable teacher, able to command instant respect. command a high fee/wage/price etc Which graduates command the highest salaries? She has a reputation that commands attention/respect. [=people give her respect/attention because of her reputation] With his skills and experience, he can command a high salary. The company commands much power and influence in the business world. They command many resources. to command sympathy/support She was able to command the respect of the class. The headlines commanded her attention. As a top lawyer, he can expect to command a six-figure salary. She was one of those teachers who just commanded respect. She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood /"hɔliwud/. He commands the respect of everyone who works for him. Ivory still commands a very high price. an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all his colleagues. There is no limit to what can be achieved here because of the fantastic support we command. 4 The party that commands a majority of seats in Parliament forms the government. He commands a platoon of 60. [platoon = /plə"tun/, a small group of soldiers which is part of a company and is led by a lieutenant] The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament. the power and finances commanded by the police. Colonel Sailing commands the Guards Regiment /"rɛdʒɪmənt/. The Royal Navy would command the seas. Yemen /ˈjɛmən/ commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea. [Yemeni = /"jeməni/ noun,adjective,  (a person) from Yemen] 5 The Ramses Hilton commands a magnificent view of Cairo. [magnificent = /mæg"nɪfəsnt/ adjective, very good or beautiful, and very impressive] Their house is on a hill that commands an excellent view of the valley. The hotel commands a fine view of the valley. They built a castle commanding the river crossing. The master bedroom commands a view of rolling green hills. The house commanded some splendid /"splɛndɪd/ views of Delaware Bay. a point of rock, from which we could command a view of the loch.
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班、排、连、营、团、旅、师、集团军、大军区Squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, group army、Big Military
2023-01-03 09:07:041

团长Regiment commander的缩写

RC 或是 COCO=Commanding Officer像什么Company Commander, Battalion Commander, Regimental Commander大多数都被称为CO没有人叫Company Commander CC的但是很多人叫Battalion Commander BC还有其实叫Regimental Commander RC的也很少 一般就是叫他regiment CO或是直接叫他 Colonel的比较多如果是将军的话 Commadning General 缩写就是 CG
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2023-01-03 09:07:274

老师,还想问一下那个师长,军长,司令员用英语怎么表达,我查了一下,army commander,这个是为什么

师长:a division(al) commander、colonel、major general军长:army commander司令员:commanderarmy commander是陆军总司令或陆军集团军长
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2023-01-03 09:07:513


《猎场》第21集的那首英文插曲是《Scarborough Fair》(斯卡波罗集市)原唱歌手为保罗·西蒙(Paul Simon)和阿特·加芬克尔(Art Garfunkel)。莎拉·布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)翻唱过该歌曲,收录于2000年专辑 La Luna。歌词:Are you going to Scarborough Fair?您要去斯卡波罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.香芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there,代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好She once was the true love of mine.她曾经是我的爱人Tell her to make me a cambric shirt.叫她替我做件麻布衣衫Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.香芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Without no seams nor needlework.上面不用缝口,也不用针线Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人Tell her to find me an acre of land.叫她替我找一块地Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.香芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Between the salt water and the sea strand.就在沙滩和大海之间Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather.叫她用一把皮镰收割Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.香芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香And gather it all in a bunch of heather.用石楠草捆扎成束Then she"ll be a true love of mine.她就会是我真正的爱人Are you going to Scarborough Fair?您要去斯卡波罗集市吗?Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme.香芹,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there,代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好She once was the true love of mine. 她曾经是我的爱人On the side of a hill in the deep forest green 绿林深处山冈旁Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain大山是山之子的地毯和床单Sleeps unaware of the clarion call熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves小山旁几片小草叶Washes the grave with silvery tears滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔A soldier cleans and polishes a gun士兵擦拭着他的枪War bells blazing in scarlet battalion猩红的枪弹伴随战鼓隆隆Generals order their soldiers to kill将军们命令麾下的士兵杀戮And to fight for a cause they`re long ago forgotten为一个早已遗忘的理由而战
2023-01-03 09:08:064


rab 可能是一个单词,也可能是一个缩写。如果 rab 是一个单词,它可能指:rab:在古代希伯来文中指大,可能是一个形容词或名词。rab:在印地语中指兄弟,是一个名词。如果 rab 是一个缩写,则可能指:RAB:Remote Autonomous Building,意思是远程自治建筑。RAB:Rapid Action Battalion,意思是快速行动营。根据上下文和使用的字母,rab 的含义可能会有所不同。
2023-01-03 09:08:391


Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那里的一位女孩问好She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫(On the side of a hill in the deep forest green 绿林深处山冈旁Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown 在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) 大山是山之子的地毯和床单Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) 熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) 从小山旁几片小草叶上Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Washes the grave with silvery tears) 滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) 士兵擦拭着他的枪Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用镰刀收割。(War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香(Generals order their soldiers to kill) 将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束(And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) 为一个早已遗忘的理由而战Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。Are you going to Scarborough Fair 你要去斯卡布罗集市吗?Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位女孩问好She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。
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2023-01-03 09:09:119


Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗? Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好 She once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。 Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫 (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green)? (绿林深处山冈旁) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown) (在白雪封顶的褐色山上追逐雀儿) Without no seams nor needle work 上面不用缝口,也不用针线 (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) (大山是山之子的地毯和床单) Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。 (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) (熟睡中不觉号角声声呼唤) Tell her to find me an acre of land 叫她替我找一块地 (On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) (从小山旁几片小草叶上) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (Washes the grave with silvery tears) (滴下的银色泪珠冲刷着坟茔) Between salt water and the sea strands 就在咸水和大海之间 (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) (士兵擦拭着他的枪) Then she`ll be a true love of mine 她就会是我真正的爱人。 Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 叫她用一把皮镰收割 (War bells blazing in scarlet battalion) (战火轰隆,猩红的枪弹在狂呼) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芫荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 (Generals order their soldiers to kill) (将军们命令麾下的士兵冲杀) And gather it all in a bunch of heather 将收割的石楠扎成一束 (And to fight for a cause they`ve long ago forgotten) (为一个早已遗忘的理由而战) Then she`ll be a true love of mine她就会是我真正的爱人。 Are you going to Scarborough Fair 您要去斯卡布罗集市吗? Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme 芜荽,鼠尾草,迷迭香和百里香 Remember me to one who lives there 代我向那儿的一位姑娘问好 she once was a true love of mine 她曾经是我的爱人。
2023-01-03 09:09:464


botr英 ["bɒtr]     美 ["bɒtr]    battalion orderly room 营传令兵室、营勤务兵室BOTRabbr.British Other Rank 英国其他银行;
2023-01-03 09:10:011


In the present day, an elderly World War II veteran and his family visit the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial at Colleville-sur-mer; Normandy, France. The scene then cuts to the morning of June 6, 1944, the beginning of the Normandy invasion, with American soldiers preparing for the perils of landing on Omaha Beach and struggling against dug-in German infantry, machine gun nests, and artillery fire, which cut down many of the men. Captain John H. Miller, commanding officer of Charlie Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion,1st Infantry Division, survives the initial landing and assembles a group of soldiers to slowly penetrate the German defenses, leading to a breakout from the beach.Meanwhile, in the United States, General George Marshall discovers that three of four brothers in the Ryan family have all died within days of each other and that their mother will receive all three notices on the same day. He learns that the fourth son, Private First Class James Francis Ryan of Baker Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne is missing in action somewhere in Normandy. After reading to his staff Abraham Lincoln"s letter to Mrs. Bixby, Marshall orders that Ryan be found and sent home immediately.Back in France, Miller receives orders to find Ryan. He assembles six Rangers from his company, plus one man detailed from the 29th Infantry Division, who speaks fluent French and German, to accomplish this task. With no information about Ryan"s whereabouts, Miller and his men move out to Neuville. On the outskirts of Neuville they meet a platoon from the 101st. After entering the town, Private First Class Adrian Caparzo is fatally wounded by a sniper, who is in turn shot through the eye by Private Daniel Jackson (Barry Pepper). They locate a Private James Fredrick Ryan from Minnesota but soon realize their mistake after telling him the wrong information. They find a member of Charlie Company, 506th, who informs them that his drop zone was at Vierville and that Baker and Charlie companies have the same rally point. Once they reach the rally point, Miller locates a friend of Ryan"s, who reveals that Ryan is defending a strategically-important bridge over the Merderet River in the fictional town of Ramelle.On the way to Ramelle, Miller decides to take the opportunity to neutralize a small German machine gun position close to an abandoned radar station. Technician Fourth Grade Irwin Wade, their medic, is fatally wounded in the ensuing skirmish. The last surviving German, known only as "Steamboat Willie", incurs the wrath of all the squad members except Technician Fifth Grade Timothy E. Upham, who protests to Miller about letting the squad kill the German soldier. As "Steamboat Willie" pleads for his life, Miller decides to let the German walk away, blindfolded, and surrender himself to the next Allied patrol. Viewing Miller"s decision as letting the enemy go free, and no longer confident in Miller"s leadership, Private First Class Reiben declares his intention to desert the squad and the mission, prompting a confrontation with Technical Sergeant Horvath. The argument heats up, until Miller reveals his origins, which the squad had set up a betting pool upon. Reiben then reluctantly decides to stay.The squad finally arrives on the outskirts of Ramelle, where they destroy a German halftrack with the help of three paratroopers, among them Private First Class James Francis Ryan. After entering Ramelle, Ryan is told of his brothers" deaths, and their mission to bring him home, and that two lives had been lost in the quest to find him. He is clearly distressed at the loss of his brothers, but does not feel it is fair to go home, saying, "these are my brothers" while looking at the small band whose duty it was to defend a bridge and destroy an approaching German mechanized reconnaissance unit. Miller decides to stay and help them in their task and the units regroup in Ramelle, joining with the American paratroopers defending the town. Miller orders his unit to help defend the bridge, taking command and setting up a creative defense plan with what little manpower and resources they have, including the construction of "sticky bombs" using explosives packed in socks which are then smeared in tar to disable the tanks.The Germans arrive in force with over 50 men supported by two Tiger I tanks, two Marder III self propelled guns, a towed FlaK 38 cannon, and at least one SdKfz 251 half-track. Miller leads the defense, but in spite of inflicting heavy German casualties, most of the paratroopers and his remaining squad (Jackson, Mellish, and Horvath), are killed. While attempting to blow the bridge, Miller is shot by "Steamboat Willie", who is now with the German unit attacking the town, and is fatally wounded. Just before a Tiger reaches the bridge, an American P-51 Mustang arrives and destroys the tank, followed by more Mustangs and advancing American infantry and M4 Sherman tanks who rout the remaining German forces. Upham executes "Steamboat Willie" upon finding him with a group of surrendering German soldiers. Ryan, Reiben, Upham and a couple paratroopers are among the only defenders to survive the battle, and Ryan is with Miller as he dies and says his last words, "James... earn this. Earn it."Back in the present, the elderly veteran is revealed to be Ryan at Miller"s grave. Ryan asks his wife to confirm that he has led a good life and that he is a "good man", and thus worthy of Miller"s and the others" sacrifice. He then salutes Miller"s grave as the camera pans down the gravestones to a placid American flag and fades out as it shows the number of men who died at D-Day.</B>
2023-01-03 09:10:071

麻烦英文高手来下 翻译《破阵子》

Tune:Break The FormationBy Xin QijiWith drunken eyes,in flickering light,inspect the sword,The horn"s call still lingeringfrom the camps of my dream.Ah! to carve an ox for the troopsand listen to frontier songs rolling off a zither;And review the battalion on the battlefield in autumn.Steeds speed like lightening,And bows snap like cracks of thunder.When the work is done for the King and the country,One"s name shall be at once renownedand set for posterity.Pity how the white hair has grown!
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