barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 21:02:02


1、Beneficial Designing and beneficial Game are two systematic cornerstones that touching on the pattern of beneficial equability of harmonious society.

2、International trade is beneficial for all participants.



beneficial有益的双语对照词典结果:beneficial[英][u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l][美][u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l]adj.有利的,有益的; [法]可享受利益的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But the long-term consequences of that crisis were beneficial. 但这场危机的长期后果却是有益的。
2023-07-13 20:20:541


beneficial 英[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l] 美[u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l] adj. 有利的,有益的; [法] 可享受利益的;
2023-07-13 20:21:014


2023-07-13 20:21:143


2023-07-13 20:21:283


beneficial:形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for和be beneficial to。 beneficial的用法 英 [benu026a"fu026au0283(u0259)l] 美 [,bu025bnu026a"fu026au0283l] adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的 例句: 1、I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child. 我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的益处。 2、He had a beneficial influence on the children. 他对孩子们产生了有益的影响。 短语: 1、to have a beneficial effect on sth 对…有益;有益于… 例句:Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning. 使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。 2、beneficial to sth 对…有益的 例句:Wine in moderation is beneficial to health. 适量饮酒有益健康。 beneficial的用法搭配 1、be beneficial for 对......有好处; 例句: Exercising regularly and eating reasonably is beneficial for your health. 定期锻炼并合理饮食对你的健康有好处。 Listening to some relaxing music, especially classical music, is beneficial for your sleeping, even insomnia. 听一些放松的音乐,尤其是古典音乐,对你的睡眠,甚至是失眠都有好处。 2、 be beneficial to 有益于 例句: I think a more thorough and objective discussion would be beneficial to the community as a whole. 我认为一种更为彻底和客观的讨论会对社区更为有益。 We sincerely hope our products and services for your business can be beneficial to development. 我们衷心的希望我们的产品和服务能为您的企业发展有所裨益。
2023-07-13 20:22:151


1、如果主语是一件实际的事情,后面就用be beneficial to doing sth。如:Reading a lot is beneficial to (improving) your english。2、如果主语是it 作为形式主语,那么通常后面用不定式作为真正的主语,即用be beneficial to do sth。如:It is beneficial to read a lot.=to read a lot is beneficial (to you)。
2023-07-13 20:22:571

对……有好处 英语

is helpful for your health Be helpful for...
2023-07-13 20:23:074


2023-07-13 20:23:422

beneficial to和benefit to有何区别?

区别在于:beneficial是一个形容词,“有利的,有益的”的意思;在句子里,用形容词作表语;benefit是一个名词,“利益,好处; 救济金,津贴等”的意思;在句子里,用名词作表语。benefit还可以做动词,但动词的原形不能放在be的后面形成系表结构。含义上的区别非常细微,基本可以忽略。直译成中文能显示出他们的这种细微的差别:be beneficial to 直译成:对...是有益的,或对...是有利的;be benefit to 直译成: 对...是一种好处,或一种优势。两者都可以意译为:有利于,或有益于;两者之间互换也没有什么问题。例句:I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you. 我希望你的假期会对你是有益的。I hope your holiday will be benefit to you. 我希望你的假期会对你有好处。
2023-07-13 20:23:491

be beneficial for和be beneficial to有什么区别

for somethingto somebody一般情况这样用。
2023-07-13 20:24:007


beneficial和benefic的区别是beneficial,对某人/某事有益adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的benefic adj. 有益的benefic welldoing 行善的economic benefic 经济效益
2023-07-13 20:24:521


  beneficial有有利的;有益的等意思,那么你知道beneficial的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来beneficial的同义词及辨析,供同学们参考学习。   beneficial同义词:   beneficial, advantageous, profitable   beneficial同义词辨析:   这些形容词均含有"有益的,有利的"之意。   beneficial 侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。   advantageous 多指能直接导致相对优势或有助于达到目的的事。   profitable 多用于指能获得实用的或可获利的事。   beneficial的例句:   1. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.   向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。   2. An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree.   计算才能对于攻读这个学位的学生有益处。   3. They have seen the change as unquestionably beneficial to the country.   他们认为这个变革对该国无疑是非常有益的。   4. Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape.   散步对于塑形非常有好处。   5. A good diet is beneficial to health.   良好的饮食有益于健康。   6. I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you.   我希望你的假期会对你有益.   7. Sunshine is beneficial to plants.   阳光对植物有益.   8. Sometimes, avoidance of one particular food will have this beneficial effect, though admittedly rarely.   有时,对某一食物的忌口能带来这种好处,尽管不可否认这种情况极为少见。   9. A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.   每天散步半小时会比一周剧烈运动一次对身体更有益。   10. While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.   适度的压力是有好处的,但是压力太大会把人压垮。   11. We should critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in literature and arts from other countries.   我们应当批判地吸收别国文学艺术中一切有益的东西.   12. There"s a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.   有许多证据表明油性鱼,与高脂肪肉不同,对人体有益。   13. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.   铁路运输的复兴对加快客货运送大有助益.   14. Advice - giving can be beneficial to both the regulators and the regulated.   提供意见对管理者及被管理者都有益处.   15. It"s a beneficial result to us.   对我们来说那是有利的结果。
2023-07-13 20:25:111

银行账户 beneficial 啥意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:beneficial英[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l]美[u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l]adj.有利的,有益的; [法]可享受利益的希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。
2023-07-13 20:25:201

beneficial to...是固定搭配?有没有beneficial for...的说法?

补充一个短语benefit sb/sth=sb/sth benefit from for the benefit of为……的利益
2023-07-13 20:25:303


beneficial 英[ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl] 美[ˌbɛnəˈfɪʃəl] adj. 有利的,有益的; [法] 可享受利益的; [例句]Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。good;good,salutary。benefical的近义词
2023-07-13 20:25:511

be beneficial to和be benefit to 的区别

2023-07-13 20:25:593


2023-07-13 20:26:132

beneficial 的被动

选C 这里要用beneficial这个形容词才行,benefitted这个过去分词表被动,是被有助于,放到句子中表示别的东西有助于policy,意思正好相反. 而great是形容词,不能修饰beneficial这个形容词.只有副词可以修饰形容词,这里可以改成greatly beneficial for the beneficial也不对,因为beneficial是个形容词,for the 后面得是个名词才行,而且for放在句中意思也不对
2023-07-13 20:26:201

beneficial的反义词前缀是什么 是加in还是un

beneficial的反义词前缀是什么 是加in还是un
2023-07-13 20:26:285


2023-07-13 20:27:161


用beneficial,benefical是形容词,benefit是动词,也可以做名词,is beneficial to …对什么有好处的
2023-07-13 20:27:242

be beneficial to还是for?

只能用for的情况 :be beneficial for somebody to do sth。其他的for/to sb/sth 可以任意用,不过to是标准搭配。例句1、I think it would be beneficial for each committee member to have a copy of the report.2、 Lowering salt intake has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. 3、Relaxation classes can be beneficial to people of all ages. 4、Work experience is usually highly beneficial for students.
2023-07-13 20:27:432

be beneficial to后接什么词

2023-07-13 20:27:594


2023-07-13 20:28:144


2023-07-13 20:28:231


您好beneficial[英][u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l][美][u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l]adj.有利的,有益的; [法]可享受利益的; 例句:Because some limits are actually beneficial. 因为一些限制通常是有益的。
2023-07-13 20:28:443


beneficial 英[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l]美[u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l]adj. 有利的,有益的; [法] 可享受利益的;[例句]The IMF program does bring with it certain macroeconomic discipline and that "s beneficial, but I also believe in economic sovereignty.IMF的计划确实带来了某种程度的宏观经济自律,它无疑是有益的,但同时我也相信经济主权。[其他] 形近词: superficial surficial official
2023-07-13 20:28:511


2023-07-13 20:28:592


beneficial 英[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l] 美[u02ccbu025bnu0259u02c8fu026au0283u0259l] adj. 有利的,有益的;[法]可享受利益的 [例句]The overall effect is beneficial.这种效果好似有益的
2023-07-13 20:29:061


beneficial英 [benu026a"fu026au0283(u0259)l]美 [,bu025bnu026a"fu026au0283l]adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的[网络短语]beneficial 有益的,利于,有利的Beneficial weed 有益野草beneficial power 受益权(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。如若,您对我的答复满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~)
2023-07-13 20:29:133


形容词,后面通常加for 或 to只能用for的情况 be beneficial for somebody to do sth其他的for/to sb/sth 随便用,都是没错的不过to是标准搭配
2023-07-13 20:29:211


beneficial是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“有益的,有利的;可享利益的”。一,单词发音英[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l]美[u02ccbenu026au02c8fu026au0283l]二,短语搭配beneficial owner受益所有人 ; 实益业主 ; 受益人beneficial ownership实益拥有权 ; 实益所有权 ; 受益所有权 ; 实际所有权beneficial shareholding实益股份三,双语例句1.I"mnotcriticizingplanningortalking…theycanbebeneficial,butnowIprefer todosomethinginstead oftalking.我并非批评计划或谈话——它们很可能是有益的;但如今我更喜欢身体力行而不是空口说说而已。2.Everyonecandosomethingbeneficialto theenvironment.每个人都可以做一些对环境有益的事情。3.However,thisistheoreticaland controversial,since"beneficial"mutationshave yetto beobserved.但是,这只是有争议的理论,因为“有益的”基因突变还有待观察
2023-07-13 20:29:391


beneficial:英 [ben"f()l] 美 [,bn"fl] adj.形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for 对......有好处;和be beneficial to。 beneficial to sth 对…有益的 扩展资料 1、I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child. 我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的益处。 2、He had a beneficial influence on the children. 他对孩子们产生了有益的`影响。 3、Exercising regularly and eating reasonably is beneficial for your health. 定期锻炼并合理饮食对你的健康有好处。
2023-07-13 20:29:511

beneficial 意思

有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益有关的,有财产使用权的例句:A good diet is benefical to health.良好的饮食有益于健康It can be benefical to share your feelings with someone you trust.与你信任的人分享你的情感会是有益的For one thing,excellent writing ability is beneficial to people"s logical think and analytic ability.一方面,优秀的写作能力有利于人们的逻辑思维和分析能力。
2023-07-13 20:29:581

beneficial的用法搭配 beneficial是什么意思

1、beneficial:形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for和be beneficial to。 2、beneficial的用法搭配: (1)be beneficial for 对…有好处; 例句:Exercising regularly and eating reasonably is beneficial for your health. 定期锻炼并合理饮食对你的健康有好处。 (2)be beneficial to 有益于; 例句:I think a more thorough and objective discussion would be beneficial to the community as a whole. 我认为一种更为彻底和客观的讨论会对社区更为有益。
2023-07-13 20:31:161


beneficial:形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for和be beneficial to。 扩展资料   I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child.   我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的`益处。   He had a beneficial influence on the children.   他对孩子们产生了有益的影响。   Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.   使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。
2023-07-13 20:31:241

beneficial的用法搭配 beneficial是什么意思

1、beneficial:形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for和be beneficial to。 2、beneficial的用法搭配: (1)be beneficial for 对…有好处; 例句:Exercising regularly and eating reasonably is beneficial for your health. 定期锻炼并合理饮食对你的健康有好处。 (2)be beneficial to 有益于; 例句:I think a more thorough and objective discussion would be beneficial to the community as a whole. 我认为一种更为彻底和客观的讨论会对社区更为有益。
2023-07-13 20:31:511


beneficial:形容词,意为有益的;有利的;有帮助的,侧重对健康、身心或事业有益。beneficial后面通常加for 或 to,构成搭配be beneficial for和be beneficial to。 扩展资料   Wine in moderation is beneficial to health.   适量饮酒有益健康。   Using computers has a beneficial effect on children"s learning.   使用计算机对孩子们的学习有益。   I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child.   我已数次谈及给未出生孩子播放音乐的益处。
2023-07-13 20:32:091


1/beneficial释义: adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的 2/例句: Good reading habits are beneficial to learning. 良好的阅读习惯有益于学习。 3/beneficial搭配有: mutually beneficial互利的;双赢的 beneficial owner受益所有人 beneficial use享用,有权使用
2023-07-13 20:34:271


2023-07-13 20:34:541

2023-07-13 20:35:121

beneficial是否等于of benefit

beneficial=be of great benefit,对……有益的
2023-07-13 20:36:062

beneficial和useful有什么区别? 后面的介词搭配是to/for?请帮忙举一些例子。

beneficial 英音:[,beni"fiu0283u0259l] 美音:[,bu025bnu0259"fu026au0283u0259l] 形容词 a. 1.有益的;有利的;有帮助的[(+for/to)]It would be beneficial to keep abreast of developments in Asia. 跟上亚洲形势的发展会有帮助。 2.【律】有权益的;受益的beneficial legacy 有权受益的遗产 useful 英音:["ju:sfu0259l] 美音:["jusfu0259l] 形容词 a. 1.有用的;有益的;有帮助的[(+to/for/in)]She gave us some useful information. 她给了我们一些很有用的信息。 2.【俚】值得高度赞扬的;对...很熟练的[(+at)]
2023-07-13 20:36:161


beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的;可享利益的; beneficially adv. 受益地;获利地;有使用权地; 例句: t can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust. 与你信任的人分享你的情感会是有益的。 扩展资料   They have seen the change as unquestionably beneficial to the country.   他们认为这场变革对该国无疑是很有益的`。   While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.   适当的压力可能有益,而压力过大会让你筋疲力尽。   Beneficially, the ownership constraint clarifies the state of affairs.   有利的方面是,所有权限制澄清了事件的状态。   Beneficially, the disclosed materials can be formed entirely from renewable resources.   有利地所述公开的材料可全部由可再生资源形成。
2023-07-13 20:37:441

be beneficial for和be beneficial to的区别是什么?

"be beneficial for" 和 "be beneficial to" 的意思相似,但它们的使用上有一些微妙的差别。"be beneficial for" 表示对某一特定对象有益处。例如:"Exercise is beneficial for your health."(锻炼对你的健康有益处)。"be beneficial to" 表示对某一人或事物有益处。例如:"Meditation is beneficial to your mental health."(冥想对你的心理健康有益处)。因此,"be beneficial for" 和 "be beneficial to" 的区别在于前者更强调对某一特定对象的益处,而后者则更泛泛地表示对某一人或事物的益处。
2023-07-13 20:37:521

discover more medicines beneficial什么用法?

discover more medicines beneficial.这是一个省略了主语的简单句。意思是:发现更多的有益的药物。beneficial 是形容词做后置定语。
2023-07-13 20:38:071

谁能帮我写一篇三分钟英语演讲稿主题是 knowledge is power 或者wealth and health

I think this article is very suitable for your subject !Pls check it. "Health is wealth!".This is an old saying which the majority applaud.As a rule,the wealthier you are,the weaker is your health,but this cannot be applied to all. To begin with,a person that has health can afford to challenge all hardships.For example,manual workers are usually stout and energetic.With their energy,they earn their living.Although such an occupation brings little reward as pared with the energy they have exerted,they enjoy life whatever things may be. Moreover,business is based on health.Students in good health can absorb knowledge more readily.In good health,scientists can tackle plex technical problems and achieve more success. Frequently we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring forth better health.Their lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of diseases. So,my argue is that health is more important than wealth for if we do not have health,what can we benefit from wealth? . Ever since man appeared on the earth,knowledge will sprout in the human wisdom,from primitive barbari *** of the ancient to highly civilized,every time the progress of the society.All without exception shows knowledge of the tremendous role.The progress of knowledge,promote the historical development,the promotion of human civilization.Knowledge is power.In ancient times,lightning storms,and other natural phenomena are regarded as God"s behavior.During the drought,the people would kill pigs and sheep.To the altar,and ask God,obey monk called Phoenix - rain.In this view,these seem to be too foolish,however it is not knowledge but lead to the inevitable result.Now we have scientific knowledge,the artificial rainfall approach,even when the drought,crops can grow very well." Old days" also cannot card our necks.Man can conquer nature,is because people have the knowledge.At present,the world a popular saying:look at a country,a nation is prosperous,prosperous,see this country,the people and culture knowledge level.I think that this argument is not without reason.Even if a country is not rich enough,but as long as it has the wisdom of the people,have the importance of knowledge tradition,it can be asserted that:this country is promising.But if a country,a nation is very rich,but maintains a group of" who have neither learning nor skill",the inevitable result is sad.It will gradually decline.The history of the Tang Dynasty was formed" prosperity" prosperity.In addition to the emperor"s enlightened,the main reason is that all walks of life to the full development of science and technology.A galaxy of talents in domestic,national strength,Megatron sihai.Thus,the country"s prosperity,prosperity is inseparable from the knowledge.
2023-07-13 20:34:201


官僚的解释 (1) [government officials;politician]∶指官员;官吏 还有一次,国民党的一个地方官僚禁止男女同学,男女同泳,闹得满城风雨。——《琐忆》 (2) [bureaucracy]∶指官僚作风,官僚主义 不能耍官僚 你说说,我怎么官僚了? (3) [bureaucrat]∶拘泥于陋规琐则、条条框框或在本部门作威作福的政府官员 真是个死官僚 详细解释 (1).指官员;官吏。 《 国语 ·鲁语下》 :“今吾子之教官僚,曰陷而后恭,道将 何为 ?” 《后汉书·孔融传》 :“隐覈官僚之贪浊者,将加贬黜。” 唐 戴叔伦 《送谢夷甫宰馀姚县》 诗:“邑中残老小,乱后少官僚。” 《古今小说·单符郎全州佳偶》 :“ 单司户 选吉起程,别了一府官僚,挈带妻妾,还归 临安 宅院。” 清 蒲松龄 《 聊斋 志异·一员官》 :“通郡官僚虽七十有二, 其实 可称为官者, 吴同知 一人而已。” 杨沫 《 青春 之歌》 第一部第二章:“我宁可死了,也不能做他们那些军阀官僚的玩物!” (2).指官僚作风,官僚主义。 段荃法 《凌红蝶》 :“咱当干部的可千万 不敢 耍官僚。” 浩然 《艳阳天》 第三三章:“您这帽子真不小。您说说,我怎么官僚了?” 词语分解 官的解释 官 ā 在政府担任 职务 的人:官吏。官僚。官邸。官腔。官署。官厅。官爵。 属于 国家 的或公家的:官办。官费。官方。官府。 生物体上有特定机能的部分:感官。器官。五官。 * 。 姓。 民 部首 : 僚的解释 僚 á 官:官僚。 旧指同在一起做官的:僚属(下属的官吏)。僚友。僚佐。幕僚。 古代对一种 奴隶 或 差役 的称谓。 部首:亻。
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