barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 20:44:23



I am really a shit!



I"m a extreme stupid man


I"m a stupig.


I"m an idiot.



2023-07-13 19:36:482

bull shit是啥意思

2023-07-13 19:37:053


问题一:狗屎英语怎么说 老美不说狗屎,他们说公牛屎, Bull shit! 问题二:用英语怎么说狗屎 程度一般可用 shit ; 很严重的话 bullshit 。是牛拉的屎 问题三:狗屎用英语怎么说? bull shit 牛屎 (胡说,胡扯的意思,翻成‘狗屎"意思表达也行。但恭bull 是公牛的意思。shit=屎) dog shit 狗屎 问题四:狗屎的英文 shit. 肯定对的. 而且这个词翻译有很多种.像 *** ,该死,狗屎. 是相当粗鲁的骂人的话 问题五:狗屎的英文 shit 问题六:你是一坨狗屎用英文怎么说 You cook your dog feces 问题七:狗屎的英文怎么拼? dogshit 英 ["d?g??t] 美 ["d?g??t] n. 狗屎,花里胡哨的废物,胡说八道 例句 Dogshit sandwich* From Birmingham. I think they are one of the best new bands around in England. Just the simple fact that I was able to breeze through these books indicates the serious amount of editing needed by these pieces of literary dogshit. 问题八:狗屎的英文怎么拼 dogshit――不推荐 shit――地道 bullshit――地道 damned――美剧常见 hell chier(美国俚语,又作chi) excrement 供参 问题九:“狗屎算什么”英语怎么说 “狗屎算什么”英语怎么说 The dogs" shits are worth nothing!
2023-07-13 19:37:111

boll shit是什么意思

2023-07-13 19:37:224


2023-07-13 19:37:304

胡说八道的英文是bou shit , bou的正确拼写是?混蛋的英文是?

2023-07-13 19:37:395

boo shit的中文翻译

是Bull shit吧!胡说,要是再狠点就是放屁的意思
2023-07-13 19:37:542


哈 这也有人问 楼上说的算是比较常用 damn it! 也可说 God dame it! 至於其他的就不是应该在此出现了
2023-07-13 19:38:033


扯淡--Nonsense./ Bull shit./ That"s crap.放鸽子--stand sb. up过奖了--Thank you./I am flattered.
2023-07-13 19:38:2311

it had a lot pu-shit.意思

是PU SHIT 还是 BULL SHIT前面那个我不知道了,后面那个意思是废话!意思就是,它有很多废话。?
2023-07-13 19:38:454


2023-07-13 19:38:546


shit 。。。
2023-07-13 19:39:163

solid gold shit 是啥意思啊?看好多电影里面都有哦。

2023-07-13 19:39:279


It is valuable life to run quickly only at full speed …Uncertain to me who am present in 30 years. So, guess by individual still unmarried comments published of 30 years old followingly. People are all chasing the love in the world, but the love is the same as polar bear, think it very lovely through the lens, has been stepped on a kick ruthlessly by it close to it actually, know what is named to ache to and want to die If I 30 years old am still unmarried. . . . Advertise for a life partner? No blind date? noWho say 30 year old get married, leave woman yet? Who says the more the man appreciates big at age, the more the woman devalue greatly at age? The woman"s happiness, must depend on the man? bull shit! If 30 year old still unmarried in I, might as well wait two year more right away. Will never promote and dump hastily because of seeing the friends around all marry and give birth to babies. It is married that unlucky a improper one, has not also joined in going the vast and mighty divorced main forces again. It doesn"t mean you have found the real happiness to get married 30 year old of Is, must have one can support own work while being steady at first. Only economic and independent women, the ability independence of life.The woman 30 years old can"t be careless in internal and external training. Keep a certain amount of aerobics, do some and improve looks regularly. The beauty 20 years old is innate, must take good care of oneself carefully at 30 years old. Reading required course that is every day too of a large amount of. The woman without knowledge, have a pair of good human bodies in vain, rubbish coated in gold and jade, who will really appreciate?Meet any setbacks, don"t call and ache to shed the tears easily easily. Call and ache in more than ten two or ten year old, others will think you so lovely, you call and ache when 30 years old, others will only smile at you and pretend to be soft. Strong and self-confident women could be respected by others.The most important thing is whether you think oneself happy? Because the happy standard should be determined by oneselfSo long as know how, love oneself, one may live happily and unrestrainedly too. Perhaps fate comes near you silently inadvertently好了谢谢
2023-07-13 19:39:461


2023-07-13 19:40:052


2023-07-13 19:40:147

为什么香港的法律这么坑爹啊? 看港剧的时候,感觉香港的法律简直是 Bull shit!!!

2023-07-13 19:40:372


2023-07-13 19:40:466


2023-07-13 19:41:263


一九七三年八月二十三日,两名有前科的罪犯意图抢劫斯德哥尔摩最大的一家银行失败后,挟持了四名银行职员。这两名可能的抢匪劫持人质达六天的时间,在这期间他们威胁受俘者的性命,但有时也表现出仁慈的一面。 在出人意表的心理错综转变下,这四名人质抗拒政府最终营救他们的努力。这起事件发生后几个月,这四名遭受挟持的银行职员,仍然对绑架他们的人显露出怜悯的情感。他们拒绝在法院指控这些绑匪,甚至还为他们筹措法律辩护的资金。据说,当中一名遭挟持的女性,后来与之前绑架她的一名绑匪,在他服刑期间与他订婚。 这件事激发了社会科学家,他们想要了解在掳人者与遭挟持者之间的这份感情结合,到底是发生在这起斯德哥尔摩银行抢案的一宗特例,还是这种情感结合代表了一种普遍的心理反应。而后来的研究显示,这起研究学者称为「斯德哥尔摩症候群」的事件,令人惊讶的普遍。 研究者发现到这种症候群的例子见诸于各种不同的经验中,范围从集中营的囚犯、战争囚犯、乃至于娼妓、受虐妇女与乱伦的受害者。 这项调查的结论是,如果符合某些条件,任何人都有可能遭受到斯德哥尔摩症候群。 首先,受俘者必须真正感受到绑匪威胁到自己的存活。 其次,在遭挟持的过程中,被绑的人必须辨认出绑匪可能施予一些小恩惠的举动。 第三,除了绑匪的看法之外,受俘者必须与所有其它观点隔离; 最后,受俘者必须相信逃离是不可能的事。 专家认为,斯德哥尔摩症候群的这种心理转变,可发生在三到四天时间,但必须强调的是,身历这种症候群的人并不是疯了,而是他们正在为保住生命而战。这种症候群代表受俘者藉由讨好绑匪,以确保自己的一种策略。 受掳者尽最大的努力不去激怒或挑衅绑匪;而受俘者这样做的时候,也渐渐失去自我意识,直到完全接受掳人者的观点。假如受俘者现在用掳人者的眼光来看世界,他们就不再渴望自由,结果是当救援到来时,受害人可能会抗拒营救。 解释完这些,我觉得我就是斯德哥尔摩症候群,被CML挟持生命,压迫,现在却又开始感谢CML,一种对CML的适应。 5kong又仔细想了一会,发现得斯德哥尔摩症候群的人一定是经历过一个逆向思考的过程,不是按照主流的常规思路去考虑周遭的事物,而是从少数派的角度去考虑,比如从银行劫匪的角度,从而发现,其实思想的不同角度得出得结果,只要不用一个硬性的主流的框架去约束定义,都是正确而有道理的。只是少数派的思想或者道路价值取向不会被主流的思想去接受,甚至被封杀。但是谁又能告诉世人,到底什么是正确的?我想除了如来佛祖和上帝,剩下的人都不知道罢。 思想是一个极其跳跃而且弹性的东西,没有任何的东西能够定义一个思想的正确性,在思想上其实没有真理可言,这个也就是社会科学和自然科学的不同了吧。现在满大街的专家学者拿着自己的头衔五迷三道的标榜一些JB东西,从5kong这么一个斯德哥尔摩症候群病人来说,其实都是bull shit。 想起电影少数派报告,然后发觉自己有了逆向思考的能力。 其实少数派,才是变革的最有力的声音。只是在这里,少数派的结果,往往都很悲惨。
2023-07-13 19:42:262


不学好.. = =fuck是万能的...!!至少我在美国听到的最多的就是这个词.例如: whats the fucking wrong with u? fucking bitch <<such like that一切形容词前都可加...en .
2023-07-13 19:42:504

You Are Shit?是什么意思?

具体的场合有具体的意思而且喜欢和BULL 一起用,BULL的意思是牛,YOU ARE BULL SHIT ,最多的意思就是1种。但是还有其它的意思。1.你是狗屎。2.你什么都不是。3.你是个大坏蛋。4.你是个畜生。5.你不要乱说。希望能帮到你。。。
2023-07-13 19:43:001


Both his mother gave me to shut up
2023-07-13 19:43:089


1: An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, “Can I also sit like you and do nothing?” The eagle answered, “Sure, why not.” So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it. Management Lesson: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up. 2: A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven"t got the energy." "Well, why don"t you nibble on some of my droppings( 注:拉出来的东西,即牛屎)?" replied the bull. "They"re packed with nutrients." The turkey pecked at a lump of dung(注:一节牛屎), and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally, after a fouth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of tree. Management Lesson: Bull shit might get you to the top, but it won"t keep you there. 3: A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold, the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was. The dung was actually thawing him out. He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cowdung, and promptly dug him out and ate him. Management Lesson: 1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy. 2. Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend. 3. And when you"re in deep shit, it"s best to keep your mouth shut.
2023-07-13 19:43:231

Fucking xxxx shit

2023-07-13 19:43:316

shit chinese new year, fuck the life什么意思?

没用的中国年,该死的生活。如果这是你或你的朋友说的,我鄙视你;如果是你认识的外国人说的,那么“回敬”他几句话:bull shit Christmas, fuck the Jesus!!
2023-07-13 19:43:451


2023-07-13 19:44:593


去你大爷的 用英文怎么说 这句汉语可用的场合不只一种,所以翻成英语也不一样。比如下面的场合都可能说“去你大爷的”: 1、一边把人往死里打一边说的:Go to hell! 2、反驳别人的荒唐言论:Bull shit! Nonsense! 3、对一个缠着自己的人说的,意思是滚一边去:Fuck off!4、受到朋友的谬赞,玩笑着反驳:Oh, e on! 去你大爷的用英语怎么说? back off your uncle! 去你大爷的英语怎么写 Son of a bitch *** 大爷 英文怎么说 这个问题貌似有点不雅,只好来个恶搞式的回答,把句子逐字直译如下: My sun shines 攻n your great grand-father. 你大爷用英语要怎么说 I am so sorry to teach your bad thing.文明官方正解:Going to your big uncle! 粗俗地道翻译:F**k your grandpa ! 英文你大爷用英语怎么说 Damn you
2023-07-13 19:45:161


问题一:英文翻译,这有什么屁用 感叹句:这有什么屁用! Useless! 疑问句:这有什么屁用?What is it *** ing useful? 陈述句:这有个屁用. It"s *** ing useful. 或, it"s useless. 希望对您有帮助! 来自【英语牛人团】 问题二:屁是我放的用英文怎么说? 不是吧骂人呢? (你放屁) 问题三: *** 用英文怎么说怎么说 bottom arse buttocks (三种里边可以挑一种使用。) 问题四:“放屁”用英文怎么说? fart vi. 放屁 (与about, around连用)闲荡,干蠢事 骇art n. 屁,放屁 令人讨厌的人,笨蛋 问题五: *** 的英语怎么说? buttom *** 问题六:这是个屁话 用英语怎么说 this is bull shit!
2023-07-13 19:45:251

200分 科比进NBA之前
2023-07-13 19:45:3414

all I Wanna Do is...?

JAY PARK- ALL I WANNA DO(PROD. BY CHA CHA MALONE)翻译:MIKO校正:DADA【转载注明ChinAOMG】Girl pardon me I don"t mean to be rude女孩 不好意思 我本意并不想冒犯But I got some paper wanna spend it on you但是我这有些钞票 你愿意拿去花吗all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩bottle"s on deck for you and your crew桌子上的酒是给你和你的姐妹的you should swing by girl you should come through你应该来看看 girl 来玩玩all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩oh girl look at you baby almost looking" flyer than me 噢girl 看看你 baby 你看起来比我都酷and I got that gold rollie with the bezel and louie vuitton on my body我戴着钻石金劳力 身着LVand I know that shit don"t impress yah我知道这些并不能引起你注意so no bull shit girl nothin" extra所以我不扯淡也不多费唇舌I ain"t with playing" games我没在抱着玩游戏的态度I wanna take you home I"m just being frank oh yeah也许你不爱听 但是我想带你回家I"ve been fantasying about you girl all night我对你已幻想了一整晚put yo panties to the side if it"s alright如果可以的话 请褪下你的底裤Girl pardon me I don"t mean to be rudegirl 不好意思 我本意并不想冒犯But I got some paper wanna spend it on you但是我这有些钞票 你愿意拿去花吗all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩bottle"s on deck for you and your crew桌子上的酒是给你和你的姐妹的you should swing by girl you should come through你应该来看看 girl 来玩玩all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩let"s kick it let"s kick一起玩玩吧a lil bit a drinkin" and a lil bit a kissin"微醺再浅吻Ace Chico on the 1"s and 2"syeah he be spinning" this shityeah 他在兜圈扯淡they pop that pussy it be prrring like a kitten上了那个正妹 她娇喘得就像一只猫咪yeah boy yeah boyit"s Seattle 2 SeoulAO to the MG Jay and Cha Cha to Malone bump this in yo stereo or on your mobile phone把这首歌存在你的手机里don"t got time for child"s play cause all of us our grown oh shit没有时间再玩小孩的游戏,因为我们都已经成年don"t be a hatin" ass bitch boydon"t be a hat in" ass bitch boyI don"t care我不在乎we getting rich boy me and my homies getting rich boy我们越来越富足 我和我的哥们都成了公子哥儿I want them good vibe"s only it"s just me and my homies and if you don"t know me我希望发生在我们身上只有好事儿 你不认识我们的话then you better stay the fuck outta my sectionunless you tinashe就最好离我们的地盘远一点Girl pardon me I don"t mean to be rudegirl 不好意思 我本意并不想冒犯But I got some paper wanna spend it on you但是我这有些钞票 你愿意拿去花吗all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩bottle"s on deck for you and your crew桌子上的酒是给你和你的姐妹的you should swing by girl you should come through你应该来看看 girl 来玩玩all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩yeah yeah this one is for them sexy ladies这首歌献给那些性感的妹子们yeah yeah haters only motivate meyeah yeah 那些haters只能给我更多动力yeah yeah this one is for them sexy ladies这首歌献给那些性感的妹子们yeah yeah haters only motivate meyeah yeah 那些haters只能给我更多动力Girl pardon me I don"t mean to be rudegirl 不好意思 我本意并不想冒犯But I got some paper wanna spend it on you但是我这有些钞票 你愿意拿去花吗all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩bottle"s on deck for you and your crew桌子上的酒是给你和你的姐妹的you should swing by girl you should come through你应该来看看 girl 来玩玩all I wanna do is kick it with you我只想和你一起玩玩
2023-07-13 19:45:571

俚语 make chicken soup out of chicken shit 什么意思?

2023-07-13 19:46:251


2023-07-13 19:46:454


2023-07-13 19:46:532


enough is enoughthat "s enough that will do
2023-07-13 19:47:043

Ken Chan 金句

佢d gag 真系好好笑 1. 彼德太阳 (Peter Sun) * Peter Sun 系 遵理既phy名师 现在失踪 2. 海伦太阳 (Peter Sun 个老婆) 3. 克疗痰 (HL Tam) *会考教室HL Tam 4. 喂喂喂 同学望出面 一阵比时间你地抄 5. 我 d p.maths 好差架 但都A到u359e~~~~~ 6. phy 真系好难架 好难 A 唔到 架~~~~~ 7. 不求与人相比 但求睇你点死 8. 又黑又白又黑又白 最后咪又系变白(抄化妆品广告) 9. 睇头睇尾包中间 10. 问问题后 11. 唔系你地唔识 系我"寻"气姐. 12. 两张床o bed(s) ( o bad ) 13. 蓝色的纸.blue sheet (bull shit) 14. 我chem都有A ga 唔系ce 系AL呀 15. 系小震 唔系小镇 16. 系intensity 强度 唔系杀人放火果D强盗~ 17. 你地有无"未代"派黎o既间谍? 18. 如果你学校老师教得好既话,你就唔驶系度见到我啦~~ 19. 你大明湖呀?含蓄而不作声呀? - 我加的 - 20.你地话我好也母 其实我好劲 所以我好也母劲 21.叫你地呀sir食蕉啦(拎条蕉出来) 22.notes上有一个人拎住箭靶 即系把托(背来都废) 23.有ken chan 唔会钉 24.点解要补我?因为有时要揾dr. (doctor) 我就系dr.ken chan 25.嗱(高音) 唉呀走音 再来多次 嗱(高音) 26.我一d都唔简单 因为简单就是美 27.对唔住 我d字有d样衰 但系字系同个样成正比 ***(26话自己样衰 27话自己靓仔 -.-)*** 我谂得咁多 我一记得就会补充 =] 2008-08-23 22:30:13 补充: 28.以前我好天真~好傻 2008-08-23 23:06:12 补充: 29.厕所阿婶(c.w. shum) 30.Chem 其实真系 easy job 不过系 d-r-o-p 果个 drop 31.物理意义 physical meaning 唔系勿理 32.学校d呀sir成日都话系自然现象 系呀 仲死于自然添! 33.成绩好与坏 在乎发问定收埋 参考: 补紧ken chan concept清晰 无懈可击 大获全胜 人地大获 我地全胜 Good ^^ 食蕉系EB" [ 叫你地呀Sir EB啦. 咩系EB? Eat Banana! ] 仲有 串得起因为我信自己 目光呆滞毫无智慧 有分唔罗自食其果 Concept清自然罗distinct 年纪大罗去卖 思觉失调及早治疗 差之毫里谬之千里 如果XX都OUT C" 成个MATH都唔驶读架喇! 佢仲成日话出面外间D补习话佢教OUT C野" 我教OUT C野? 佢地真系傻架 笑死" 我都记得1句好好笑xd "能人所不能.正1低能人" ken chan真系教书同搞gag都好正野ga 我记得有一句真系好好笑 : 学校D老师咁样教书都有病ge 有病叫佢地揾doctor啦 即系我(dr ken chan)
2023-07-13 19:47:101


2023-07-13 19:47:195


同事 .
2023-07-13 19:47:344

高分悬赏(我认为是!) 几个哲理故事

2023-07-13 19:47:457


2023-07-13 19:42:044


2023-07-13 19:42:074


Movable board 可活动的板 Flap 翻板Trap 陷阱的活板Vivace 音乐词汇,活板你到底要哪一种?
2023-07-13 19:42:072

you are a boss与you are the boss的区别?

you are a boss.表示泛指 你是老板。you are the boss.表示特指你是那个老板。
2023-07-13 19:42:081


2023-07-13 19:42:143


(1)字是活的—— 每字为一印 (2)排版是活的 ——密布字印 (3)字印数目是活的 ——每字皆有数印 (4)做法是活的—— 有奇字素无备者,旋刻之 (5)印刷是活的—— 更互用之 (6)拆法是活的——以手拂之,其印自落
2023-07-13 19:42:152

《梦溪笔谈·活板》 谁 有

《梦溪笔谈》 活版 沈 括 版印书籍,唐人尚未盛为之。自冯瀛王始印五经,已后典籍,皆为版本。庆历中,有布衣毕升,又为活版。其法用胶泥刻字,薄如钱唇,每字为一印,火烧令坚。先设一铁板,其上以松脂腊和纸灰之类冒之。欲印则以一铁范置铁板上,乃密布字印。满铁范为一板,持就火炀之,药稍熔,则以一平板按其面,则字平如砥。若止印三二本,未为简易;若印数十百千本,而极为神速。常作二铁板,一板印刷,一板已自布字。此印者才毕,则第二板已具。更互用之,瞬息可就。每一字皆有数印,如之、也等字,每字有二十余印,以备一板内有重复者。不用则以纸贴之,每韵为一贴,木格贮之。有奇字素无备者,旋刻之,以草火烧,瞬息可成。不以木为之者,木理有疏密,沾水则高下不平,兼与药相粘,不可取。不若燔土,用讫再火令药熔,以手拂之,其印自落,殊不沾污。升死,其印为余群从所得,至今保藏。
2023-07-13 19:42:001

ucsd是美国哪所大学 ucsd是美国哪所大学解答

1、ucsd是美国加州大学圣迭戈分校。 2、加利福尼亚大学圣迭戈分校介绍: 加州大学圣迭戈分校(University of California, San Diego,简称为UCSD,又常译为加州大学圣地亚哥分校),是设立在美国加州圣地亚哥市拉霍亚(La Jolla)的一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,世界百强名校,隶属于著名的加州大学系统,环太平洋大学联盟、国际公立大学论坛和北美顶尖大学联盟美国大学协会成员。该校被誉为“公立常春藤”盟校,属于Tier-1(最高级别) 全美最顶尖公立大学之一。 UCSD管理19个研究机构,包括能源研究中心、高通研究所、圣迭戈超级计算机中心、卡维利脑&心智研究所以及8所医学研究单位,6个在斯克里普斯海洋研究所的研究中心和2个多校区倡议,包括全球冲突与合作研究所。UCSD也与多个区域研究中心紧密相连,如索尔克生物研究所和斯克利普斯研究所。根据国家科学基金会的数据,UCSD研究拨款总额上高达19亿美元,位居全美第5。 UCSD成立于1960年,27位校友及教研人员曾获得28项诺贝尔奖,3项菲尔兹奖,8项国家科学奖章,8项麦克阿瑟天才奖和2项普利策奖。在现任的教职员中,有29位来自美国国家工程院;70位来自美国国家科学院;45位来自美国国家医学院 ;以及110位来自美国艺术与科学学院的院士。 UCSD位列2019USnews美国大学排名全美第41位,2019年软科世界大学学术排名世界第18位,2020年U.S. News世界大学排名第19位,2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第31位,2020年QS世界大学排名世界第45位。2019福布斯美国大学排行榜排名第79。
2023-07-13 19:41:591


先设置一个"定时器"和一个 Handler public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); final TextView textview1=(TextView) findViewById(; final Handler handler1=new Handler(); int Delay=10000; final Runnable runnable1=new Runnable(){ public void run() {// TODO 自动生成的方法存根 int l=textview1.getLeft(); int t=textview1.getTop(); int r=textview1.getRight(); int b=textview1.getBottom(); textview1.layout(l+10, t, r+10, b); handler1.postDelayed(this, Delay); } };handler1.postDelayed(runnable1, Delay);}
2023-07-13 19:41:582


  你知道老板的英文是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    老板的英文是什么: boss   词组习语:   be one"s own boss   1. 自己当老板   show someone who"s boss   1. 让别人明白是自己说了算   同义词辨析:   chief, head, leader, boss   这些名词都指"拥有权力或统治权的人"。   chief : 最广泛用词,上可指最高统治者,下可指顶头上司,即可指任何一级的头头。   head : 多指一个机构或团体等的负责人或最高首长。   leader : 指国家、民族、政党、组织等的领导或领袖。强调领导能力、含有能够引导、指导、控制被领导者并获得其支持的意味。   boss : 非正式用词,多作口语用,可指任何负责人,也可指经理、老板或工头。   老板的英文例句:   1. Bosses have a way of always finding out about such things.   老板总喜欢把这类事情搞清楚。   2. The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.   老板由于自身的地位而一直有极大的影响力。   3. The owners don"t want to overlook any opportunity to make a buck.   老板们不想错过任何可以赚钱的机会。   4. The landlord refused to serve him because he considered him too drunk.   酒吧老板觉得他已经喝多了,拒绝再给他添酒。   5. As the boss began to rant, I stood up and went out.   老板开始咆哮的时候,我起身走了出去。   6. He had been sent to Rome by his employer.   他已被老板派往罗马。   7. Owners of restaurants would have to equip them to admit disabled people.   餐厅老板将必须在餐厅里配备能够接纳残疾人的设施。   8. He seemed to be in direct contact with the Boss.   他似乎直接和老板联系。   9. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.   杰克逊说她的老板情绪越来越低落,又开始拼命抽烟了。   10. As long as I deliver the goods, my boss is very happy.   只要我做好本职工作,我的老板就很高兴。   11. Ask the butcher for soup bones (marrow bones are best).   跟肉铺老板要煲汤用的骨头(最好是髓骨)。   12. Motel owners and restaurant managers copped it for neglecting their clients.   汽车旅馆老板和饭店经理因为冷落顾客而受到责骂。   13. They said she had a servile attitude to her employer.   他们说她对她的老板阿谀逢迎。   14. Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.   他们因好赌而深受拉斯维加斯赌场老板的欢迎。   15. The boss covers all bases when he sets up a job.   老板设立一个工作岗位时,需要方方面面都考虑到。
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