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the language learning journal 是什么检索

2023-07-13 13:02:57


The language learning journal.



language learning是什么意思

language learning语言学习. 祝你学习愉快~希望能够帮到你!满意请采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-13 12:48:416

language learning 的英文解释 也就是定义 哪位可以帮帮忙的

2023-07-13 12:48:584

language learning 为什么用ing

这里的learning应该是名词形式,表示“语言学习”,所以加ing构成动名词 如:He is interested in language learning.
2023-07-13 12:49:131

英语作文succeding in language learning

Let me show you some ways to succeed in language learning.It cannot without a lot of practice,and you can do it anywhere.For example,if you wanna learn english,you can have a talk with friends in english,maybe it"s hard at first,just open your mouth!At your rest time,listen to english songs,keep writing diary everyday,persist for a while you may realise that a great progress have been made!It"s necessary to carry a dictionary and a notebook.During the practice,you may meet many strange words,then catch the meaning by dictionary and write on the notebook so as to review,you will increase your vocabulary day by day.In addtion,you"d better to meet the standards of the course to make your language specialization,and finish assignments in time,by yourself.Anyway,don"t think it"s the language learning,just think it"s your bobby. 网上的 根据情况进行改写 就成自己的咯
2023-07-13 12:49:221

language learning是动名词吗

Learning a new language is fan.这一句中的Learn必须用动名词.因为在这里Learning a new language是一个动名词短语做主语,而is fun 作谓语.在英语中,如果一个动作做另一个动作的一个成分,这个动作常常用动名词或动词不定式表示,因为一个英语句子中只能有一个动词(或并列动词)作谓语.当然上句也可改为: It"s fun to learn a new language. To learn a new language is fun.
2023-07-13 12:49:311

英语the secret to language learning

个人认为差别不大,就像汉语中的语言学习和学习语言,非要说区别,那不妨把它看成偏正短语,language learning更强调learning,learning language强调language。learning language和writing practice的结构不一样,虽然都是动名词+名词的形式,但是前者是动宾短语的动名词形式,learning相当于一个名词;后者的writing是动名词做形容词修饰practice,请注意区分。更简单的区分方法,去掉ing形式,learn language构成动宾搭配,而write practice不构成搭配。如果满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-13 12:49:401

高考作文 关于语言学习 language learning

2023-07-13 12:49:494

Language learning remain hazy这句话learn为什么不用被动形式

是学习语言,而不是语言被学习,就像主动形式,学习英语,就是English learning.
2023-07-13 12:49:562

关于Language Learning 的英语对话 两个人的 三分钟之内的

现写的话分实在是太少了。关键性的话在下面,你自己连成对话吧。1、What is language for? some people seem to think it"s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words the better. that"s wrong. language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. (语言到底是用来干什么的呢?一些人认为它是用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词——而且单词越长越好。这个想法是错误的。语言是用来交换思想,进行交流沟通的!)2、The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible.(学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。)3、A great man once said it is necessary to dill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become.(一位伟人曾说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,他们就变得越自然。)4、Learning any language takes a lot of effort. but don"t give up.(学习任何语言都是需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。)5、Relax! be patient and enjoy yourself. learning foreign languages should be fun.(放松点!要有耐性,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。)6、Rome wasn"t built in a day. work harder and practice more. your hardworking will be rewarded by god one day. god is equal to everyone!(冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的。)7、Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. keep a small english dictionary with you at all time. when you see a new word, look it up. think about the word——use it, in your mind, in a sentence.(经常使用字典和语法指南。随身携带一本小英文字典,当你看到一个新字时就去查阅它,想想这个字——然后去用它,在你的心中,在一个句子里。)8、Try to think in english whenever possible. when you see something, think of the english word of it; then think about the word in a sentence.(一有机会就努力去用英文来思考。看到某事时,想想它的英文单词;然后把它用到一个句子中去。)9、Practice tenses as much as possible. when you learn a new verb, learn its various forms.(尽可能多地操练时态。学习一个动词的时候,要学习它的各种形态。)10。I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. when you understand the cultural background, you can better use the language.(我想学习和了解更多关于语言背后的文化知识,当你理解了文化背景,你就能更好地运用语言。)
2023-07-13 12:50:051

language study作文及翻译

Language learningLearning a language is not about simply learning the spelling rules ,the grammar,and the structure of the sentence.Learning a language is learning everyting about its culture and the particular way you follow when you speak it.The matter is how to attain the success of a foreign language learning.There are three basic rules to turn to during the process of a language learning.First you should try to put yourself in that language environment in this case you could improve in the shortest way.Second you should read as much as possible and take in notes of whatever is new to you.Third you should ask your teachers and when you have a problem which could not be solved. At last I believe if you could find the interest in a language you will succeed in language learning sooner or later.语言学习学习语言不是简单地学习拼写规则,语法和句子结构,学习语言就是在你说它时,学的关于它的文化和特殊方式的一切东西。问题是如何获得外语学习的成功。在语言学习的过程中,有三个基本原则。首先你应该把自己放在那个语言环境里,在这种情况下,你可以以最快捷的方式得到提高。其次你应该尽可能多读书,记录下对你来说是新事物的东西。第三,当你遇到不能解决的问题时,你应该询问你的老师。最后,我相信,如果你能找到感兴趣的语言,你迟早能成功地学习语言。
2023-07-13 12:50:161

求一篇英语作文 题目为My language learning 不少于100个词 我想表达的有通过看电视等方式学习外语~~~

Every person has some language learning experience unforgettable weather it is horrible or enjoyable. People could have overcome barriers, eventually enjoyed the result, or suffered and ended up with nothing. One way or the other! I like to share my language learning experience with you, which has the combination of either ways.My language learning experience started with fun speaking different dialects at an early age. When I was one year old my parents sent me to live with my grandparents in their hometown Wuhan, in southern-central China. When I returned to live with my parents one year later I spoke Wuhan dialect.My parents lived in a northern city in Shandong province. I went to daycare everyday and very soon I picked up the local dialect. I also learned how to speak mandarin by listening to the radio and from many of my parents" friends and colleagues. It was so natural that I spoke Wuhan dialect with my parents, Shandong dialect with other children in daycare and then switched to Mandarin whenever needed.Time flew! A few years later when I was attending secondary school, I learned my first foreign language – English. Though we (people my age and I) were trained well in reading and writing English, we did not have much training in listening and speaking English. It was only in my university years that I started to have some training in listening and starting to practice spoken English between friends.In my last year of university I picked up my second foreign language for fun. I learned some Russian. Unfortunately because I never used it after I learned it I lost it all. Now all I know is a few words and how to say goodbye –до свидания!On the contrary, my English greatly improved after I moved to Canada. I had to listen to it everyday, everywhere. I had to understand not only English spoken with good pronunciation. I also had to understand English with all sorts of accents. Because Canada is a country of multi-culture! I had to speak it everyday and everywhere except at home. Wait! That is not completely true. Sometimes when my daughter speaks English in order to avoid Mandarin I can"t help responding in English.In the beginning I had to prepare what to say in my live situations beforehand. After a while I did not need to do that any more; in the beginning I could not understand half of English spoken in a movie, now I can enjoy movies in English with no problem. I have been enjoyed reading in English. I began by reading my daughter"s bed-time stories. Then I read books she borrowed from school library. Finally I find my own books from library since I could not catch up with my daughter"s speed and I do not always enjoy the taste of teens!I am now learning another language - French. With the well designed raining courses, I will not repeat my English leaning experience of unbalanced skills in listening and speaking abilities. I will learn reading, writing, listening and speaking skills at the same time. I will not repeat my Russian learning tragedy because I will speak French often.It is said that languages open doors for you. And I totally agree with it, because it is the essence of human communication! My language learning experience proves that it is true!自己改一下吧。
2023-07-13 12:50:381

language learning是什么词性

指一般行为,不指具体某一次常用动名词而不是不定式 ,它的逻辑主语往往是任何人
2023-07-13 12:50:481

what is the secret to language learning

2023-07-13 12:51:496


1uff0cLanguage learning is an active learning,so learners should make full use of every chance to use the language.2,The experiment will extend the students" knowledge of nature.3,The key to pass the CET-4 is the belief that hard learning will play an important role.4,The ages of students in our class rang from 18 to 20.
2023-07-13 12:52:052

翻译Language learning begins with listening. Childr

2023-07-13 12:52:282

are vital to learning language为什么用learning?

to有两种用法:1. 当介词,介词后接名词(动名词),如:go to school,look forward to doing sth(固定句式)2. 不定式:to do sth,这是一个结构性词汇,to 后接动词原形vital有两种用法:1. be vital to doing sth2. it is vital to do sth 这里的sth相当于doing,前面是形式主语,后面可以是动词不定式作真主语,这时to是动词符号,不是介词例句:Food is vital to feeding the baby.It‘s vital to finish the math homework.更多翻译问题,可以咨询我们人工哦!
2023-07-13 12:52:362

什么是technology enhanced language learning

technology enhanced language learning科技增强语言学习利用计算机进行辅助语言教学活动,特别是外语教学活动,在国际上通常被称为 CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning), 也有一部分人称其为 CELL (Computer-enhanced Language Learning) 或 TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning) 。 在世界范围内计算机辅助外语教学的活动已有 40 多年的历史,在我国也有 20 年左右的历史。 随着信息技术的发展,特别是多媒体技术与网络技术的发展,随着心理学、教育学、语言学等学科理论的发展,计算机在外语教学中的应用日趋广泛、深入,理论上更加成熟,在语言教学中起着日趋重要的作用。
2023-07-13 12:52:441

Language learning is a slow process,which( )a lot of effort ,time,and patience

2023-07-13 12:53:062

Learner strategies in language learning这本书,wenden 写的,出版商 Prentice Hall, 1987

Metacognitive Knowledge and Language Learning1ANITA L WENDENAbstractDating back to the early 80s, the FL/SL literature on learner strategies and on self-directed language learning documents an ongoing recognition of the need to help language learners reflect upon and refine their beliefs and knowledge about learning, ie. their metacognitive knowledge. To date, however, this literature has not been explicit about the function of this knowledge in language learning. This article reviews selected theoretical and research literature on metacognition to address this lack. It argues that insights provided by the review can enhance our understanding of those approaches to second language acquisition which assign an active role to the learner, and concludes with a consideration of practical implications for foreign and second language instruction
2023-07-13 12:53:142


  语言学在人类文明史中具有悠久的历史和深远的影响,语言学在某种程度上记录了人类历史的演变程序。下文是我为大家整理的的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考!   篇1   论模糊语言学与英语教学   摘要:语言的模糊性是语言的基本属性之一,如同语言的社会性、符号性、系统性、生成性、冗余性一样,各种语言不无具有模糊性,英语也不例外。就模糊语言学在英语教学中的运用、二者之间的关系等方面谈谈认识,以期抛砖引玉,与同行一起探讨这个新学科领域的话题。   关键词:模糊性;英语教学;教学大纲   自从最早由美国加利福尼亚大学电机工程系控制论专家查德L.A. Zadeh在《资讯与控制》Information and Control杂志上发表论文“模糊集”Fuzzy Sets开始,就标志著模糊学或模糊理论的诞生,随着模糊理论研究的发展,模糊语言学Fuzzy linguistics也应运而生。虽然,模糊语言学是最近二三十年才兴起的一门学科,并且是介于语言学与模糊学之间的边缘学科,然而,由于它是研究语言和言语中的模糊现象的学科,其模糊语言的理论和方法可以用来指导外语教学。因此,从它的诞生开始就引起了语言教学领域,尤其是英语教学领域的高度重视。   一、模糊语言学与英语教师   尽管模糊语言学是语言理论学科系列中正在形成的一门新学科,但由于在我们赖以生存的现实中模糊事物和人类思维中模糊概念、模糊逻辑的普遍性,更由于模糊的特征是英语语言的一种重要的自然特征,作为英语教师要搞好英语教学,就非常有必要在语言理论基础方面增加模糊语言学的理论知识。   完全可以想象,如果英语教师具备了一些模糊语言学的基本知识,就能较好地把握语言的模糊性,在英语教学实践过程中与纷繁复杂的语言现象打交道时,处理和解决语言问题就能更加灵活得体。例如,在英语翻译教学中,模糊语言学理论尤为重要。我们知道,由于自然语言中绝大多数词都是模糊词,因此,在翻译时处处都会遇到模糊言语现象,也迫使译者在处理这些现象时使用模糊翻译方法。下面引用一段欧亨利小说While the Auto Waits中的描写来说明这个问题:   To repeat:Her dress was gray,and plain enough to mask its impeccancy of style and fit. A large meshed veil imprisoned her turban hat and a face that shone through it with a calm and unconscious beauty. She had e there at the same hour on the day previous, and on the day before that;and there was one who knew it.   再叙述一下那位姑娘吧:她身着灰色衣服,十分朴素,但很时髦,又非常合身,一条大网面纱遮住了她的头巾式无檐帽和面孔,但透过面纱,仍能瞥见她那文静而又美丽的脸庞。她昨天、前天在同样的时候来过这儿,坐上片刻。几天来,有一个人注意到了这种情形。   对比以上译文,可以发现在对英文的翻译中使用了许多语义模糊的词语,就连动词Shone的原意也不得已而忽略了,代替以模糊表达意思“瞥见”。而在上面这段文字中尤其是在文艺作品的翻译中,如果不采用模糊表达的翻译方法,既无法将原文的基本意思展现出来,更谈不上翻译文学作品要达到的“信、达、雅”的标准,自然也谈不上文学翻译的再创造了。由此我们也体会到,作为英语教师掌握一定模糊语言学理论知识的必要性和重要性。   二、运用模糊语言学理论正确认识教学大纲的模糊性   统一的英语教学大纲是英语教学的指导性档案,可以说是英语教学的指挥棒。然而,由于教学大纲内容本身存在着一定的弹性和不精确性,也就是在此谈到的模糊性,当在看待英语教学大纲时也不能视为“放之四海而皆准”的硬性准则。   例如,在针对全国普通高专颁布的《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》中关于教学目的的内容是:“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定的基础。”以上短短的一段话就包含了几个模糊限制语,譬如“必要的、初步的、一定的”。这些不精确的用语本身就说明了高专英语教学目的具有模糊性,而这些模糊性的限制语又恰恰说明了高专英语教学目的适时得体,符合实际的要求。同时,这对于评价教师的业绩以及学生的成绩都大有好处。   比如,在评价一位英语教师的教学效果时,我们能不能因为某些学生的英语应用能力强而另一些学生较弱就判定这位教师的业务能力不行,或教学态度不好呢?如果这样认为,恐怕这种评价就有失公允,也不切合实际,因为,在高专英语的教学基本要求中的教学目的本身具有模糊性,不精确性。并且,事实上,一些学生的应用能力强而部分学生弱都是教学中必然存在的现象,也是教学大纲允许的,也正是由于教学大纲中教学目的的模糊性而必然造成的结果。   除了以上谈到的教学目的具有模糊性外,其中“应用能力”这个术语也具有模糊性。虽然教学目的中明确提出“培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和语言技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定基础”。   在这里虽然明确提出了“应用能力”,然而且不说模糊性极强的“一定的基础”的表述,仅就“应用能力”这个术语在大纲中并没有做任何说明,因而表现出较强的不确定性和模糊性。事实上,根据现今外语教学领域里大多数专家的共识,英语“应用能力”主要指的是由美国著名的社会语言学家海姆斯D.Hymes提出的“交际能力”。这种“交际能力”的概念还包含了由转换生成语法的创始人乔姆新基N.Chomsky提出的“语言能力”petence.根据海姆斯的观点,“交际能力”包含了:   1语言能力——即语言知识,包括语音、词汇、语法的知识;   2社会语言能力sociolinguistic petence——即使用功能变体和言语功能的能力;   3话语能力discourse petence——即学会怎样用语言来做事、交流;   4对应能力strategic petence——交际是一种彼此之间的协调,在协调中有各种对应手段,如怎样能开始一段谈话,怎样转换话题,怎样结束谈话等。   因此,就“应用能力”这个术语运用于英语教学中时,英语教师究竟该怎样认识和理解,究竟该怎样去培养学生的“应用能力”,以及怎样理解“交际能力”中包含的四种能力,或许对于许多教师来说仍旧是模糊的。然而,只有当我们了解了“应用能力”的模糊性之后的这样一个大前提,才可能对“教学大纲”和“教学目的”有进一步的理解和认识。这样,在英语教学过程中才不会简单地、绝对地看待“应用能力”的问题,也才能符合实际地、有的放矢地组织教学,以期收到更好的教学效果。   三、运用模糊语言学正确认识英语教学法的模糊性   英语教学法流派多种多样,理论各异,新观点、新方法、新学派层出不穷。到目前为止,已有十几种教学法流派存在。如,传统的语法翻译法Grammar Translation Method、听说法Audio lingual Method、阅读法Reading Method、认知法Cognitive Approach、暗示法Suggest Method、视听法Audio Visual Method,以及近几年产生的程式教学Programmed Instruction和计算机辅助语言教学puter aided Language Instruction等等。   从这些英语教学学派的产生和发展历史来看,它们都不是随心所欲的,都有其一定的社会文化背景,其哲学、教育学、心理学、语言学等理论基础之间既存在着相互排斥、相互矛盾的各具特色的个性,同时也存在着相互制约、相互联络、相互继承发展的共性关系。而恰好就是这种共性关系使各学派之间的界限彼此模糊,呈现出你中有我,我中有你的局面。比如,听说法和视听法,这两种教学法既在基本特点上存在差异,又存在着共性,表现出二者之间的界限是模糊的。   听说法的基本特点强调:1以句型结构操练为主;2在口语基础上培养书面语;3不用母语;4反复模仿,强化操练。而视听法的基本特点强调:1幻灯影象和录音视听相结合;2感知整体结构的对话;3充分利用幻灯、录音视听教具;4在口语基础上进行书面语教学;5集中强化教育。   概括地讲,二者界限的模糊性表现在:1它们都强调在口语基础上培养书面语能力和用外语讲解外语以培养外语语感;2它们所产生的心理学基础都是行为主义心理学Behavioristic Psychology和描写语言学descriptive linguistics,而这就不可避免会使它们彼此之间存在着共性。   可见,在英语教学过程中了解并掌握英语教学法的不同流派的个性、共性以及彼此间的模糊性,从而扬长避短,博采众长,对于建设中国特色的外语教学法体系大有益处。   综上所述,探讨以英语为主的外语教学同模糊理论以及模糊语言学的关系,提倡用模糊语言学的理论和方法来指导英语教学,将有利于提高我国英语教学水平。   参考文献:   [1]李晓明.模糊性:人类认识之谜.人民出版社,1985.   [2]苗东升.模糊学导引.中国人民大学出版社,1987.   [3]陈治安.模糊语言学概论.西南师范大学出版社,1997.   [4]Chomsky,N.Language and Mind. New York: Harcourt,Brace & World,1972.   [5]Zadeh,L. A.“Fuzzy sets” Information and Control,1963,8:338-2353.   [6]Zadeh,L.A.“Quantitative Fuzzy Semantics”,Information Sciences,1971,3:159-2176.   篇2   论大学英语语言学习策略   摘要:英语语言学习策略的研究是一个年轻的领域,本文对国内外英语语言学习策略研究的发展做了概括介绍,分析了大学英语教学存在的问题和探讨了英语语言学习策略的研究方法。   关键词:英语语言 策略 研究   在现代大学英语教学中,普遍呈现出来的现象为:高校英语语言教学人员对英语的教与学的认识已经发生了很大的变化,学生如何学习已成为教育研究的重点。   一、国内外英语语言学习策略研究的概况   语言学习策略是学习者为了取得更好的语言学习效果而采取的各种策略,即学习者在学习外语过程中对有效的学习方法的选择和使用。学习策略研究不仅有助于语言学习者的个体差异,而且对外语语言的教和学及建构产生了重大影响。国内外研究者以认知心理学为理论研究的基础,将英语学习策略分为认知策略、元认知策略、情感策略和交际策略。   一国外英语语言学习策略研究的发展   研究语言学习策略的外国研究者有Ruhin, Naiman ,Wong Filhnore,Stern, A Wenden, Jam M alley, Chamol, R Oxford以及A. Cohen等。20世纪70年代初,外语教学法研究停滞不前以及认知心理学的迅速发展促使外语教学研究的重点从研究教师如何“教”转向研究学习者如何“学”。这时的语言学习策略的研究在语习得研究中占有重要地位。   这一研究很快发展成语言学习策略的研究。旱期的语言学习策略研究注重归纳并描述学习策略和刘一学习策略进行分类。之后,研究者在研究的深度、广度及研究方法等方面有较大改进,是学习策略研究的第一个重大发展。早期的学习策略研究无论是在方法上还是在研究成果上都给后来的研究打下了良好的基础。   20世纪80年代后,语言学习策略的研究得到了迅速的发展,A. Wenden, Jam Mallev, U. Chamo}, R. Oxford以及A. Cohen等研究者刘一学习策略进行深入研究,最具典型性和代表性的是。Malley等人的研究,他们以认知学习理论为指出将语言认知过程和学习策略相关联,得出一整套理论化的语言学习策略。随着语言学习策略研究的深入开展,有关学习策略的论著也越来越多,如W enden和Ruhin于1987年编辑出版的论文集Learner Salegies in Language Learning《语言学习,},的学习者策略。   Malley和Chamo于90年代出版的专著Learner Salegies in Second Language Acquisition《第一言习得中的学习策略》以及Oxford于1990年出版的专著LanguageLearning Every Teacher Should Know《语言学习策略:教师须知》等。Oxford还建立了语言学习策略调查问卷Salegiese InveWorv for Language Learning。   二国内英语语言学习策略研究的发展   我国对语言学习策略的研究从20世纪80年代中期开始,研究者有黄小华、桂诗春、刘润清、文秋芳等,他们在自己的论著中都涉及到语言学习策略。这此学者的研究为教育研究打下了良好的基础,他们的研究对于语言教学有指出意义,对英语学习者的学习也有实践指出意义。   这一阶段的语言学习策略研究有如下特点:第一,学习策略研究是以各种语言学习理论为指导的研究。Krashen的监控理论、Aderson的认知学习理论以及其他对学习者本体研究的成果都为学习策略研究者提供了丰富的理论基础。第二,学习策略研究逐渐从巨集观转向微观。研究者针刘一阅读理解策略、听力理解策略、词汇学习策略等进行单项研究。第三,研究者重视学习策略研究的方法,认为研究方法关系到研究结果的信度和效度。第四,学习策略研究从理论走向实践。研究者认为只要是被证明有效的学习策略,就可以培训学习者使川这此策略,从而提高他们的学习效果。   20世纪90年代以来,我国外语界学者们对中国学生的外语学习策略展开了广泛的研究,发表了大量论文。1996年,文秋芳所著《英语学习策略论—献给立志学好英语的朋友》成为国内第一部专门论述语言学习策略的著作。   2002年,程晓堂和郑敏编写的《英语学习策略》表明语言学习策略研究在我国进入了一个新的阶段。   二、大学英语教学存在的问题和英语语言策略研究方法   改革开放以来,我国的大学英语教学取得了迅猛的发展,教学质量取得了显著的提高。然而,由于各种复杂的因素,很多大学生在外语学习上花了大量的时间和精力,但学习的效果并不理想。有此教师仍采取传统的以知识讲解为重点的教学方法,忽视培养学生的学习方法和学习策略。   二目前大学英语教学存在的问题   随着国际交流的深入发展和竞争的日益激烈,社会对外语人才的去求在数量、质量、层次和种类上要求更高。然而,我国的大学英语教学明显滞后,相当部分大学生几乎把大学学习的前一两年都花在了英语学习上。造成这样结果的原因主要包括:外语教学理论研究薄弱;师资质量不高;;教学水平有限;外语教学应试倾向严重;外语教学上形式和教学方法缺乏创新;学生学习态度不积极;学习不得法;中小学、大学外语教学严重脱节等。   另一方面,我国外语教学理论研究和实践上也存在误区,如外语学习越早越好;外语是一门知识课;外语是教会的;外语学习有捷径可走;外语学习年限越氏越好;交际能力就是说话能力等。这此都影响了我国外语教学质量的提高与发展。   要提高大学英语教学水平,关键在于教师怎么教和学生怎么学。有此教师欠缺语言学习策略理论知识,未从学习者角度探索学习方法,因而无法指出学生的学习。因此,要使学生在英语学习中形成有效的学习策略,教师首先应参与学习策略的学习和研究。探讨和研究英语学习策略并在教学中指导和渗透学习策略,是当今英语教师又一个重要任务。   二英语语言学习策略研究方法   要指导和培训大学生英语学习策略,英语教师应掌握一定研究方法和技巧,学会观察和记录资料,并掌握分析方法。   一般来说,英语语言学习策略研究的型别有:自然调查survey,对研究contrastive study,相关性研究correlational study,发展研究developmental/ longudinal study和策略训练研究strategy training}。学习策略研究资料采集的方法有:观察法observation,问卷调查法}questionnaire ,访谈interview},日记diary和口头报告verbal roport。   目前国内外的研究趋势是定性研究与定量研究相结合,而且定性研究有增加的趋势。研究者通常采用多种方式收集资料,以客观全面地反映事实、深入分析,避兔所得的结论的片面性。因此,英语教师在进行策略研究中应多角度采集资料,采用定性与定量研究,探索有效的指,,和培训学生的方法,提高教学效果和自身的科研水平。   参考文献:   [1] Malley.J.&A.U.Chamol.Language Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition. University Press. 1990.   [2] 束定芳.外语教学改革:问题与对策[J].上海:上海外语教育出版社.2005: 4.
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英语问题 我知道"Learning a language is easy."这句是对的

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A lot of language learning,________ has been discovered,is happening in the first year of life,

A 句意:正如人们所发现的那样,许多语言学习是在生命的第一年进行的,所以在那个时期父母应该多跟孩子说话。考查非限制性定语从句中关系代词的选用。根据句子结构可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句的引导词,先行词为一个句子(即A lot of language learning is happening...),先行词在定语从句中作主语。当定语从句为被动语态时,常用as作主语来引导定语从句;如果从句中行为动词是主动语态,一般用which作主语。故答案为A项,as意为:正如。
2023-07-13 12:53:391

高中英语定语从句 A lot of language learning, (as has been discovered, )is happening in t

as has been discovered,这个句型之中,必须用as,这是as引导的非限制定语从句,as指代整句的内容,“正如”的意思。
2023-07-13 12:53:471

learning a foreign language is not

2023-07-13 12:53:571


在探究英语单词记忆方法的相关论文中,可以参考以下外文文献:1. Cohen, A. D., & Aphek, E. (1980). Retention of second-language vocabulary over time: Investigating the role of mnemonic associations. System, 8(3), 221-235.2. Craik, F. I., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of processing: A framework for memory research. Journal of verbal learning and verbal behavior, 11(6), 671-684.3. Hermann, D. J. (2013). Vocabulary acquisition through the use of pictorial mnemonics. Reading Horizons, 52(3), 237-246.4. Nation, I. S., & Webb, S. (2011). Researching and analyzing vocabulary. Vocabulary, 17-32.5. Schmitt, N., & McCarthy, M. (Eds.). (1997). Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy (Vol. 7). Cambridge University Press.这些文献均涉及到英语单词记忆方法的相关研究,例如记忆联想、处理水平理论、图像记忆法等,可以提供您在论文撰写中相关方面的参考。
2023-07-13 12:54:142

求厉害的翻译来!!! :Content-Centered Language Learni

2023-07-13 12:54:332


1. 新高考英语作文续写 英语作文续写怎么写 人们常说“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”,我也这样认为。书确实给了我不少的益处。想想那些有书陪伴的日子,我学得自己真是一个幸福的孩子。 书籍,还记得我们一起走过的日子吗?虽不是大起大落,却也刻骨铭心;虽不是天长地长,却也回味无穷。和你在一起,让我领略到了范仲淹那“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的抱负;李白那“天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来”的自信。还让我知道了高尔基的天才出于勤奋的经典名言警句。 书籍,我已和你走过多少个日日夜夜,是你让我感受到了知识的广博,我在你身上一点点地汲取着知识。 2. 英语作文,续写英语书高中必修3第一单元李芳和胡京的故事 MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my clas *** ates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to e and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a inkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.。 3. 高一必修三第一单元续写英语作文hujin和Lifang的故事,一百字以内 As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his way, Li Fang heard his name called. It was Hujin. He didn"t think Hujin would love him any longer. He was so sad. But to his surprise, Hujin went to him with a beautiful flower. Li Fang didn"t know what to say. Would he tell her the truth? Finally he was honest with her. Hujin know she has made a mistake about the place to meet. Hujin five him, they look each other, and laugh. since then, they know each other more better 4. 英语续写作文, It"s a cloudy afternoon. There are few people on the road. Anne arrived first, she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”. But it"s passed 15 minutes, nobody e. Suddenly it begins to rain, but she don"t want to give up. But it"s raining so heavy, she saw a man e to her with an umbrella, she is excited again. But he is her father, her father worried about her and want to pick her up. Finally she go back with her father. It"s passed one month later, Anne saw “FUTURE” online again, she really want to know the reason why he break his promise. But he said: I didn"t break promise, remember when it"s raining who take umbrella to you… … 5. 高中英语作文我的第一节课 How do the first section of the new semester language courses The first lesson is very important, both to new teachers in the minds of the image of the students, but also directly affect their future interest in learning and enthusia *** . Must be carefully prepared, a cannon fired to provide students with a high level of re-understanding of the language lessons irreplaceable value, and has since "dead set" in love with the language. This is the first step in a successful language teaching - or even more than half of the. Each batch of students I taught, the previous o sections is never too busy talking new courses; the main thing is to mobilize interest in learning, made it clear that learning meaningful to introduce the learning method, and so on and so forth - and I dubbed the "sharpening class." With regard to the value of language learning, meaning, importance - on a high school freshman also required to have, but also talked at length about, because when they are junior high because the "examination-oriented education" has produced a deep misunderstanding of the language or even antipathy. To enable students to produce an unprecedented favor of language, so that they understand: language learning has a bearing on their future and destiny. More related to their quality of life. How a college entrance examination reform our language is tied for first place - always a "third." 2 of this conduct themselves in society and make great achievements of the base. 3 to form a powerful centripetal force of national cohesion "magic core." 4 is the spirit of the architect, the patron saint of mind. 5 alias of life. See also Master of the excerpts from the papers: First. To stimulate interest in For students interested in non-concentrated, negatively passive learning attitude, I always begin to stimulate their interest in language learning and a strong desire, so that they have a strong internal drive, resulting in not learn not, unable to stop the psychological needs, to high enthusia *** into language learning actively and consciously make up for their poor. Interest in shock, I summed up the following points experience: First, we must face the Shanghao the 功发哆菏馨孤鹅酞珐喀first section of each batch of new language courses. This lesson to enable students to create unprecedented interest in the language and understanding, resulting in "in the same elve years, I do not know Mulan is a girl" aesthetic surprise: Oh, the original, our mother tongue, we learn and use for so many years Chinese language is such a wonderful, magical呀! To this end, I created a lyrical prose, "I love you, Chinese" and also collected the "Chinese characters Wonderful Wizard" (note the text), "admirable" (essays), " Chinese plex (excerpt) "(Yu" Cultural Journey ")," listen to that cold rain (excerpt) "(Taiwan Yu Kuang-chung, see" Hong Kong and Taiwan literature and fine lyrical election "), etc. Interest-arousing information, Successive used, the effect very good. Second, in the subsequent teaching activities, we must continue to protect and strengthen the interest aroused from the original to make it more strong and lasting. Specific methods are: ① The shock of the interest, ② to the intellectual shock, ③ to feelings of shock, ④ to the territory of the shock, ⑤ shock to the US"s. (See the author monographs, "to stimulate interest in language learning and culture") Third, we should always use a good ability to target to encourage the students. Gorky said: "The higher a person"s goal, his Cai Li grow faster." Face of each batch of new life, I have first of all, they strive to bee "51 lay", as the supreme goal of language learning , lifelong pursuit. I say "51 lay" means to achieve "① hand stating that you wish, ② a Tiezui, ③ a masterpiece stomach famous article, ④ a good article, ⑤ a forever young at heart" This five standard people. If language teaching for all students to be able to develop into a kind of "51 lay," I think it is the greatest success. (See the author monographs "nurture language skills, to shape" 51 lay "- I view the language and practice of quality education") Beautiful goal, can often inspire students to persevere, and consciously strong interest in learning and motivation. ------------------ Attached: I love you, Chinese Liaoning Wei-Min Liu As Chinese people, is what makes us the freedom to "convict the beauty of heaven and earth, *** ysis of the reason everything"? What makes us the freedom to "imminent roll Shu Storm before the color, beeen the gateway to zhuyu chanting voice"? Chinese. Only English! To express the will of the Chinese 。 6. 高中英语作文写作技巧 刚参加过高考~~绝对有用(总结了很久) ①给观点分组讨论类 开头模版 Recently,we had a heated discussion on ****(根据题目要求套用了) 论述观点 when it es to this hot topic ,students"views vary from people to people ,some people think that **** ,nevertheless ,just as the saying goes"every coin has o sides " ,so others have the opposite opinion ,they consider that *** 结尾as far as i concerned,Ithink that **** ②一些精彩亮点连接词 in addition ,what"s more ,furthermore moreover(另外) last but not least important ,most important (最重要的是) worst of all (最糟糕的是), to make matters wores(更糟的是) as far as i concerned, personally(我个人看来) however ,nevertheless(然而) 希望对你学习有用!
2023-07-13 12:54:461

what do you think about the online language learn

To learn a foreign language with software in particular can offer a very rewarding learning experience. On the other hand, choosing the best language learning software that fits your needs can be a frustrating task. Since there are so many options available, it is difficult to determine which course will work best for you individually, and which totally doesnu2019t match your personal requirements. Not least because everyone has a unique learning style. While a basic image recalling based course might be the best for most people interested in learning a new language in general, a more interactive program might be the best for the younger crowds. On my blog youu2019ll find detailed language software reviews, including specifics about how the software works, for whom the courses are best suited and how other people experienced using the software. There are countless different programs on the market and lots of online courses out there, on this blog however Iu2019ll mainly stick to the “big four” as they have proven themselves being the best choice for most learners providing optimal results for a wide variety of users: Rosetta Stone, Rocket Languages, Transparent Language, and Pimsleur. Simply read on for a brief overview of these products and click on any link to read a review for each specific product and its language version.
2023-07-13 12:54:532

I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning

你好!I discovered that listening to something you are interested in is the secret to language learning 我发现听你感兴趣的东西是学习语言的秘诀。
2023-07-13 12:55:022

In order to learn a foreign...

2023-07-13 12:55:191


问题一:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach 常用的八大教学方法: 自然教学法( The Natural Approach ) 直接法(The Direct Method) 整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach) 语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach) 听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method) 视听法(Audio Video Method) 全身反应法(total physical response) 交际法(municative Approach) 问题二:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication 情景的;交流交际 问题三:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 municative language teaching has 9 main features. (1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of. (2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing . (3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life. (4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse. (5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication. (6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>> 问题四:交际教学法的定义用英文表述 municative Approach (CA) is regarded as a new method in language learning, which is applied in many aspects of language acquisition. Interpreting is also a very dynamic activity concerning about language input and output. 问题五:英语交际法教学 国际私塾教育集团多年经验总结,与他人交流沟通,是学习语言的目的。在课堂上做到真实的交流是为学生走出课堂以后能学以致用打下坚实的基础。教学形式安排以某个生活中的真实场景出现:如问路,就餐,家访等等。学生通过英语交谈,解决这些场景中出现问题。由此掌握已学英语的功能。 问题六:情景交际法用英语怎么说 我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach 常用的八大教学方法: 自然教学法( The Natural Approach ) 直接法(The Direct Method) 整体语言教学法(Whole Language Approach) 语言经验教学法(Language Experience Approach) 听说法(The Audio-Lingual Method) 视听法(Audio Video Method) 全身反应法(total physical response) 交际法(municative Approach) 问题七:情景交际法 英语怎么说 situational munication 情景的;交流交际 问题八:交际法的特征是什么用英语回答 municative language teaching has 9 main features. (1) to develop munication functions for the purpose, clearly put forward the second language teaching aim is to cultivate the creative use of language, municative petence, correctness requires not only language, but also the body of. (2) the function of ideas as the key link. According to the actual needs of learners, selection of authentic language materials, rather than through the language of textbook after processing . (3) munication in teaching process, the purpose of munication is not only the learning is a learning method, in the teaching create close to real munication scenarios and use the form of group activities, through a large number of verbal munication culture ability to use the language munication and bine the municative classroom municative activities and extracurricular life. (4) the basic unit of discourse as the teaching. It holds that language is not in the isolated word or sentence, but in the coherent discourse. (5) the bination of single skill training and prehensive skills training, which is based on prehensive training, and finally achieves the goal of prehensive use of language in munication. (6) the error of learners in the learning process, the language has certain tolerance, does not affect the munication error can not correct is not correct, initiative and enthusia *** to encourage learners to play a munica......>> 问题九:直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法用英语怎么说 直接法,听说法,自觉实践法,交际法 英文翻译_ Direct method, listening statement, conscious practice method, municative approach 问题十:怎么用英文翻译弱势交际法和强势交际法 弱势交际法 Weak municative approach 强势交际法 Strong municative approach
2023-07-13 12:55:261

Successful language learning is active learning.是什么意思?

2023-07-13 12:55:365

英语翻译“learning a language is easy .even a child can do it ”Mo?

学习一门语言很容易.连孩子都会做它!“谁是大多数成年人学习第二语言会不同意这种说法.对他们来说,学习语言是一项很难的任务.他们需要数百小时的学习与练习,即使这样也不能保证每个成人learnerlanguage语言学习不同...,10,你是一个大LS,1,英语翻译 “learning a language is easy .even a child can do it ”Most *** s who are learning a secondlanguage would disagreeWith this statement .for them ,learning a language is a very diffi-Cult task .they need hundreds of hours of study and practice ,andEven this will not guarantee success for every *** language learnerLanguage learning is different from other kinds of learning .Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields findIt difficult to successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in oth-er fields .language teachers often offer advice to language learners:“readas much as you can in the new language .” “practice speaking the lan-guage ever day.”“live with people who speak the language.”“don"t translate – try to think in the new language.” “learn as a Child would learn ; play with the language.” But what does a successful language learner do?Language learn-ing research shows that successful language learners are similar inmany ways.First of all,successful language learners are independent learn-ers.They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discovertheir own way to learn the language.Instead of waiting for theteacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules forthemselves.They are good guessers who look for clues and form theirown conclusions.When they guess wrong,they guess again.Theytry to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning.Therefore,suc-cessful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; theylook for such a chance.They find people who speak the language andthey ask these people to correct them when they make a mistakethey will try anything to municate.They are not afrain to repeatwhat they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mi-stakes and try again.When munication is difficult,they can ac-cept information that is inexact or inplete.It is more importantfor them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaningof every word.Finally,successful language learners are learners with a pur-pose.They want to learn the language because they are interested inthe language and the people who speak it.It is necessary for them tolearn the language in order to municate with these people and tolearn from them.They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.What kind of language learner are you?If you are a successfulLanguage learner,you have probably been learning independently,ac-Tively,and purposefully.On the other hand,if your language learn-ing has been less than successful,you minght do well to try some ofthe techniques outlined above.
2023-07-13 12:55:521

求一篇关于Language learning的英语文章

"Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!"Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will no guarantee success for every adult language learner.Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.Language teachers often offer advice to language learners: "Read as much as you can in the new language." "Practice speaking the language every day." "Live with people who speak the language." "Don"t translate - try to think in the new language." "Learn as a child would learn; play with the language."But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language, Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, Successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make a mistake. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistakes and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information what is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of very word.Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.
2023-07-13 12:56:141

请帮写篇题为Succeeding in language learning的英语作文?

Let me show you some ways to succeed in language learning. It cannot without a lot of practice, and you can do it anywhere. For example, if you wanna learn english, you can have a talk with friends in english, maybe it"s hard at first, just open your mouth! At your rest time, listen to english songs, keep writing diary everyday, persist for a while you may realise that a great progress have been made! It"s necessary to carry a dictionary and a notebook. During the practice, you may meet many strange words, then catch the meaning by dictionary and write on the notebook so as to review, you will increase your vocabulary day by day. In addtion, you"d better to meet the standards of the course to make your language specialization, and finish assignments in time, by yourself. Anyway, don"t think it"s the language learning, just think it"s your bobby.貌似有151个单词,不过影响不大,您也可以根据自己的需要进行删减,希望我的回答能给您帮助。
2023-07-13 12:56:231

What is Most Important in Language Learning英语作文?

What is Most Important in Language Learning?英语作文:Learning language, especially foreign language, requires us to follow a right way. Most Important in Language Learning islistening, writing and speaking.Listening is to make you familiar the language. Writing makes you to understand its words and sentences. Of course, speaking leads you eventually say it out by your own tongue .
2023-07-13 12:56:321

What is most important in language learning英语作文?

Learning language, especially foreign language, requires us to follow a right way.Most Important in Language Learning islistening, writing and speaking.Listening is to make you familiar the language. Writing makes you to understand its words and sentences. Of course, speaking leads you eventually say it out by your own tongue .
2023-07-13 12:56:391

英语作文:how do you learn english?

There are several ways I learn English. First and foremost, I attend English classes at school where I learn grammar, vocabulary, and practice speaking with my classmates. Additionally, I make use of various online resources such as language learning websites, apps, and online courses.To improve my listening skills, I watch English movies and TV shows with subtitles and try to understand the dialogues. I also listen to English songs and podcasts to expose myself to different accents and improve my comprehension.Reading English books, newspapers, and magazines helps me expand my vocabulary and improve my reading comprehension. I try to choose materials that are suitable for my level and gradually challenge myself with more advanced texts.Writing is another important aspect of learning English. I practice writing by keeping a journal, writing essays, and participating in writing competitions. I also seek feedback from my teachers and peers to improve my writing skills.Lastly, I believe that speaking is crucial in language learning. I practice speaking English with my classmates, participate in oral presentations, and engage in conversations with native English speakers whenever I have the opportunity. This helps me improve my fluency, pronunciation, and confidence in speaking English.Overall, learning English requires a combination of different methods and consistent practice. By using a variety of resources, actively engaging in all language skills, and seeking opportunities to use English in real-life situations, I can continue to improve and strengthen my English proficiency.
2023-07-13 12:56:482

以Succeeding in language learning为题的一篇120字的英语作文

2023-07-13 12:56:582

求、120字英语作文culture and language learning

culture and language learningWhen learning a language, should we also learn the culture? Opinions on this question vary from person to person. However, in my opinion, learning a language should always go together with culture study.
2023-07-13 12:57:092

Learning a language is a difficult task. 为什么开头用learning而不用to learn?

Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They ,
2023-07-13 12:57:185

英语作文succeding in language learning

如果是找人代写代答,网络上有许多笔手或写手是需要付费的,复制的和原创的价格是不一样的,原创的是需要支付稿酬的,看来你是想空手套白狼吗?如果是请别人帮助的话,应该有句礼貌的语言,这么旁若无人般的对着电脑大要(英语)作文合适吗? 再说了大家都素不相识的,这里又不是你个人的秘书处,别人凭什么要按照你的要求为你写作,你又凭什么这样无偿的占有别人的劳动果实并连一句礼貌的语言都没有呢?
2023-07-13 12:57:342

learning language 和learn the language的区别,个在什么情况下用

前者泛指, 后者特指 例如: I like learning language. I like learning the language of Spanish.
2023-07-13 12:57:531

如何学习外语 How to Learn a Foreign Language

2023-07-13 12:58:032


combine my past language learning experiens结合我过去的语言学习经验
2023-07-13 12:58:133

大学英语教材language learning strategies翻译

2023-07-13 12:58:281


我们找不到语言表达用英语表达:We cant find language; language n.语言;语言文字;言语;说话;某种类型的言语(或语言) 扩展资料   This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning.   这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习的认识。   It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well.   学会说好一种语言需要花很长的时间。   Is English an official language in your country?   英语在你们国家是官方语言吗?   The research should prove invaluable in the study of children"s language.   这项调查对于儿童语言的研究将极有价值。
2023-07-13 12:58:351


yong ying yu hui da?haoba.xue hao yu wen,ni yao duo kan hao ci hao ju ,ran hou ,duo kan zuo wen shu,duo bei xie hao ci hao ju ,ru guo you ge neng fa xian mei de xin ,ni de yu wen yu wen yue du neng li hui hen bu! da ying yu jiu shi lei a .
2023-07-13 12:58:493

阅读理解some people learn a seond language easily.

Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. Be patient. You do not have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks, The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these accomplishments in your journal.
2023-07-13 12:58:581

What do you think about the online language learn

2023-07-13 12:59:084