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2023-07-13 12:35:05
TAG: 英文

冬至:Winter Solstice

“solstice”这个词我们不太看到,因为它的意思很特别,表示“the time of either the longest day in the year (about June 22) or the shortest day in the year (about December 22)”。这么看来,这个词的用武之地似乎局限性很大了。基本上也就用在“Winter Solstice”(冬至)以及“Summer Solstice”(夏至)之处。


 winter solstice

  /ˋsɑlstɪs/ 冬至


  【例】A Chinese family prepares dumplings for Chinese New Year.


winter solstice




仲冬, 冬至



冬至英语:Winter Solstice,读法:英[wu026antu0259 u02c8su0252lstu026as],美[wu026antu0259r u02c8sɑu02d0lstu026as]。冬至的英文表达是:Winter Solstice。冬至当天,太阳几乎直射南回归线(Tropic of Capricorn),北半球将经历一年中最短的白天和最长的黑夜。中国从古代起就对冬至十分重视,素有"冬至大如年"的说法。冬至(英语:winter solstice),二十四节气之一,是中华民族的传统节日。冬至在太阳到达黄经270°时开始,时于每年公历12月21或22日。冬至是家族团聚的一天。在这天,中国南方的家庭会包汤圆、吃汤圆,以象征团圆的意思。不过在中国北方,似乎更多的人会吃饺子。比如说会有“冬至到,吃水饺”这样的谚语。名词:Winter Solstice[beginning of the 22nd of the 24 solar terms].名词:Winter Solstice Day[falling on Dec 22 or 23].冬至的来历:冬至是24节气中最早被制订的一个,然而多数人并不知道,冬至的起源居然是来自于一次国家层面的都城规划。早在3000多年前,周公始用土圭法测影,在洛邑测得天下之中的位置,定此为土中,这在当时有着政治意义的举动,却成了影响后世几千年的节日之一。  周公到洛阳,用土圭法测得洛阳所处的地方即为“天下之中”,然后开始占卜国家社稷的吉地《尚书·洛诰》记载,周公“朝至于洛师”,对洛阳周边的几个地方做了考察,最后确定涧水东、瀍水西、瀍水东皆“惟洛食”都是兴建宗庙社稷的好地方。周公通过“土圭测景”选定洛邑基址的史实,被载入了古代典籍,也被后人奉为封邦建国的成法。
2023-07-13 12:13:051


冬至的英语是winter solstice。1、冬至吃饺子,一个饺子一颗心。The winter solstice eat dumplings,dumplings one heart.2、这次月全食恰好发生在冬至日。The total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.3、根据科学的结果,在冬至,太阳和南回归线形成了一个直角。According to scientific results,on Winter solstice,a right angle is formed by the sun and the tropic of carpricorn.4、值得注意的是,这次月全食恰好发生在冬至日。Remarkably,the total lunar eclipse coincided with the date of the December Solstice.5、冬至期间,杭州的人们按照传统都会吃年糕。During the Winter Solstice,Hangzhou residents traditionally eat rice cakes.冬至习俗——吃饺子冬至到,吃水饺。据说,冬至吃水饺的习俗是为纪念医圣张仲景。行医途中,他见沿途乡民饥寒交迫,耳生冻疮,便用羊肉等材料制成耳朵形状的娇耳,送给人们驱寒,这便是饺子的由来。俗话说:冬至饺子夏至面。在中国北方地区,吃饺子是冬至的关键活动。During Winter Solstice in North China, eating dumplings is essential to the festival. There is a saying that goes Have dumplings on the day of Winter Solstice and noodles on the day of Summer Solstice.
2023-07-13 12:13:461


冬至用英语读法:英[u02c8wu026antu0259 u02c8su0252lstu026as]。双语例句:1、明天就交冬至了。Tomorrow will be the Winter Solstice.2、象夏日麦杆的燃烧,在冬至时节。Like a blaze of summer straw, in winter"s nick.3、冬至是一年当中白昼最短的日子。The winter solstice has the shortest daytime of the year.4、后来,张仲景在冬至那天去世。Afterwards, Zhang Zhongjing died on the day of winter solstice.5、夏至未过勿会热,冬至未过勿会寒。The summer solstice winter solstice is not hot, not cold not be.冬至简介:冬至是中国最重要一个节气,也是中华民族一个传统的节日,冬至俗称“冬节”“长至节”等。冬至是二十四节气最早订出来的,时间在每年阳历12月21日至23日。冬至这天,北半球全年白天最短,夜晚最长。中国北方会在这天吃饺子、南方吃汤圆的习俗。冬至那天,太阳高度最低,日照时间最短,地面吸收的热量比散失的热量多,冬至过后便开始“数九”。每九天为一个“九”。到“三九”前后,地面积蓄的热量最少,天气最冷。所以叫“冷三九”。
2023-07-13 12:14:401


汗, 把台词发上来帮你翻译可以...但是罗密欧与朱丽叶有什么台词都不太清楚啊... 罗密欧与朱丽叶经典台词1 Romeo and Juliet classic lines 罗密欧: 朱丽叶, 凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,...
2023-07-13 12:15:295

happy winter solstice什么意思

2023-07-13 12:15:433


2023-07-13 12:16:271


冬至的由来英文版   在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。鉴于有的小伙伴想看冬至的由来英文版,下面位大家整理了相关内容,欢迎阅读!      Winter SolsticeAs early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China   Winter Solstice   As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 22 or 23 according to the Gregorian calendar.   The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated.   The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives and friends presented to each other delicious food. In the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice was a day to offer scarifies to Heaven and ancestors. Emperors would go to suburbs to worship the Heaven; while common people offered sacrifices to their deceased parents or other relatives. The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) even had the record that "Winter Solstice is as formal as the Spring Festival," showing the great importance attached to this day.   In some parts of Northern China, people eat dumpling soup on this day; while residents of some other places eat dumplings, saying doing so will keep them from frost in the upcoming winter. But in parts of South China, the whole family will get together to have a meal made of red-bean and glutinous rice to drive away ghosts and other evil things. In other places, people also eat tangyuan, a kind of stuffed small dumpling ball made of glutinous rice flour. The Winter Solstice rice dumplings could be used as sacrifices to ancestors, or gifts for friends and relatives. The Taiwan people even keep the custom of offering nine-layer cakes to their ancestors. They make cakes in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with glutinous rice flour and steam them on different layers of a pot. These animals all signify auspiciousness in Chinese tradition. People of the same surname or family clan gather at their ancestral temples to worship their ancestors in age order. After the sacrificial ceremony, there is always a grand banquet.   冬至,是我国农历中一个非常重要的节气,也是一个传统节日,至今仍有不少地方有过冬至节的习俗。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,我国已经用土圭观测太阳测定出冬至来了,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的阳历12月22日或者23日之间。   冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。冬至过后,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,我国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的`说法。现代天文科学测定,冬至日太阳直射南回归线,阳光对北半球最倾斜,北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后,太阳又逐渐北移。   在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起,君道长,故贺。”人们认为:过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,是一个节气循环的开始,也是一个吉日,应该庆贺。《晋书》上记载有“魏晋冬至日受万国及百僚称贺u2026u2026其仪亚于正旦。”说明古代对冬至日的重视。   现在,一些地方还把冬至作为一个节日来过。北方地区有冬至宰羊,吃饺子、吃馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、冬至长线面的习惯。各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。   【拓展阅读】   Winter Solstice 冬至   winter [u02c8wintu0259] 冬天, 冬季   solstice [u02c8su0254lstis] 至, 至日   “Winter Solstice” falls between the periods of December 21 to December 23. One this day, the day is the shortest and night is the longest in the year.”   “冬至”发生在12月21日-12月23日之间。在这天,白昼时间达到一年最短,夜晚时间达到一年最长。(指北半球地区哦)   After this day, many places in China go through the coldest period, which is called in Chinese, “Shu Jiu”. In total, there are nine periods with nine days for each. In the first and second nine days, people keep their hands in pockets; in the third and fourth nine days, people can walk on ice; in the fifth and sixth nice days, people can see willows along the river bank; in the seventh and eighth nine days, the swallow comes back and in the ninth nine days, the yak starts working.   从冬至以后,中国的绝大部分地区都会经历最寒冷的时期,中国人叫它“数九”。这一共有九个时期,每个时期分别有九天。在“一九”和“二九”,手放口袋就能避寒了;“三九”和“四九”,路上会结冰;“五九”和“六九”,可以看到河岸边柳树抽芽了;在“七九”和“八九”,燕子回归,在最后的“九九”,牛开始犁地。 ;
2023-07-13 12:16:541


2023-07-13 12:17:039


The winter solstice festival has arrived.
2023-07-13 12:17:313


2023-07-13 12:18:0310


二十四节气的含义简介英文   二十四节气的含义简介英文,二十四节气是中国特有的,是农耕时期人类智慧的结晶,对于很多外国人来说二十四节气是很有意思的,他们都想要了解,下面是二十四节气的含义简介英文。   二十四节气的含义简介英文1    1. Beginning of spring   Everything recovers, cultivates and sows, sings warblers and dances swallows, green buds sprout, and stingers begin to vibrate Yang.    2. Rain   Its drizzling, the day is getting warmer, and the rain is sending fertilizer and busy one after another.    3. Sting   Spring thunder rings, everything grows, a thunderbolt wakes up snakes and insects, the weather warms up and rain falls.    4. Vernal equinox   The courtyard is a little deep. Willows and willows brush the heart. The day and night are divided equally, and the swallows return in spring.    5. Qingming   Drizzle in succession, spring tea is fragrant, tomb sweeping and ancestor worship, spring outing, afforestation and willow evergreen.    6. Gu Yu   Rain begets a hundred valleys, rain breaks frost, pray for disaster elimination and sacrifice Cangjie.    7. Lixia   Mole crows, earthworms come out, and wild vegetables grow day by day.    8. Xiaoman   Birds with cherry blossoms smile at transplanting seedlings, and the ridge head wheat ears begin to fill.    9. Ear seed   In grain in ear season, everything is busy, birds and fish sing, and plum rain rises up the pond.    10. Summer solstice   Antlers fall off, cicadas chirp endlessly, plum rain continues in the south of the Yangtze River, and Koi swim in the pond.    11. Heatstroke   Its hot and windy. Ice cream can relieve the summer heat. Pedestrians go out with umbrellas. Dumplings are used to appetize their appetites.    12. Great heat   In dog days of high temperature and extreme heat, the lazy fan is cool, the pond is playing to avoid the heat, and the watermelon is delicious and sweet.    13. Beginning of autumn   When the summer is gone, the leaves fall and the autumn is known. The cicadas are sad and the grain is ripe.    14. Relieve summer heat   The autumn rain is cold, the granary is full of grain, the autumn is high and crisp, and the world is thundering.    15. Bai Lu   The cool wind comes, the white dew falls, the cold cicadas chirp and the wild geese return, just when the citrus is plump.    16. Autumnal equinox   The autumnal equinox is dedicated to the moon, day and night are long, the water is dry, the field is cracked, and the osmanthus fragrance.    17. Cold dew   Curling up cool breeze, drinking chrysanthemum, wine, night cool as water, grass Wutong yellow.    18. Frost fall   The weather is getting colder, the dew is freezing, the red persimmon is sweet and soft, and the maple leaves are like fire.    19. Lidong   When the river water begins to condense, it is shocked by thunder in winter. All things are collected to avoid the cold.    20. Light snow   At the beginning of Taihang, snow fell and birds flew away from thousands of mountains. Farmers were busy storing vegetables to keep out the winter cold.    21. Heavy snow   Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, cold weather, bacon incense.    22. Winter solstice   Blizzard low temperature, no business for thousands of tourists, south hot pot, North dumplings and Chimonanthus grandiflorum.    23. Xiao Han   Light cold and heavy cold, cold into ice, you close the snow, red stove warm.   24. Severe cold   Rain and snow, Laba fragrance, firecracker sound, strong annual flavor.   二十四节气的含义简介英文2    立春(The Beginning of Spring)   立是开始的意思,立春就是春季的开始。    雨水(Rain Water)   降雨开始,降雨逐渐增多,但降雨量级多以小雨或毛毛细雨为主    惊蛰(The Waking of Insects)   蛰是藏的意思。惊蛰就是春天的第一声惊雷,所谓“春雷惊百虫”,惊蛰时节,春雷始响,蛰伏于地下冬眠的蛰虫被雷惊醒,纷纷破土而出。    春分(The Spring Equinox)   分是平分的意思。南北半球昼夜平分,春分一到,气候温和,雨水充沛,阳光明媚,中国大部分地区的越冬作物进入春季生长阶段,此时也是早稻的播种期。    清明(Pure Brightness)   清明既是二十四节气之一也是中国传统节日之一,这一时节,生气旺盛、阴气衰退,万物“吐故纳新”,大地呈现春和景明之象,正是郊外踏青春游与行清墓祭的好时节。    谷雨(Grain Rain)   雨生百谷。在谷雨时节雨水会增多,大大有利于谷类农作物的生长。这时田中的秧苗初插、作物新种,最需要雨水滋润,所以说“春雨贵如油”。谷雨节气,古时人们有“走谷雨”、“品谷雨茶”、“赏牡丹花”等习俗。    立夏(The Beginning of Summer)   立是开始的意思,立夏表示即将告别春天,是夏天的开始。人们习惯上都把立夏当作是温度明显升高,炎暑将临,雷雨增多,农作物进入旺季生长的一个重要节气。    小满(Lesser Fullness of Grain)   夏季的第二个节气,是指北方夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满,降雨多、雨量大。    芒种(Grain in Beard)   麦类等有芒作物成熟。比起立夏时,芒种的气温显著升高,雨量比较充沛。   ”芒种的字面意思是“有芒的麦子快收,有芒的稻子可种”。在农村,芒种前后是一段农事活动非常忙碌的时间,既涉及收获,也涉及播种。    夏至(The Summer Solstice)   炎热的夏天来临。气候特点主要是暴雨、梅雨天气,高温,潮湿。    小暑(Lesser Heat)   小暑是夏季的第五个节气,暑是炎热的意思。小暑就是气候开始炎热。中国南方地区小暑时平均气温为26℃左右,已是盛夏。各地也进入雷暴最多的季节,常伴随着大风、暴雨。气温升高,进入伏旱期。    大暑(Greater Heat)   高度酷热,一年中最热的时候。。在我国很多地区,经常会出现摄氏40度的高温天气。从古至今,民间都有大暑三伏天饮凉茶(伏茶)的习俗;伏茶顾名思义,是三伏天饮的茶,这种中草药煮成的茶水有清凉祛暑的作用。此外,还有烧伏香、晒伏姜、吃羊肉汤等习俗。   是一年中最热的时期,这个时期气温最高,农作物生长最快,同时,很多地区的旱、涝、风灾等各种气象灾害也最为频繁。    立秋(The Beginning of Autumn)   秋季的开始。但是“立秋”这天往往还处在中伏期间,也就是说,酷暑并没有过完,真正凉爽一般要到白露节气之后。初秋期间天气仍然很热。秋季最明显的变化草木的叶子从繁茂的绿色到发黄,并开始落叶,庄稼则开始成熟。民间有祭祀土地神,庆祝丰收的习俗。    处暑(The End of Heat)   处是终止、躲藏的意思。表示炎热酷暑即将过去。处暑这一节气也意味着进入气象意义的秋天。处暑的民俗活动很多,如吃鸭子、放河灯、开渔节、煎药茶、拜土地公等。    白露(White Dew)   天气转凉,露凝而白。露时节,秋风在降温的同时,把空气中的水分也吹干了,这种干燥的气候特点称为“秋燥”,白露的气候特点就是干燥。同时,“白露”才是真正意义上代表着暑热的结束,万物随寒气增长,逐渐萧落、成熟,而在季节转化过程中,丰收的秋季带给了人们与健康有关的食物以及民俗。    秋分(The Autumn Equinox)   昼夜平分,表示秋季中间,昼夜等长。并且昼夜温差逐渐加大,气温逐日下降。    寒露(Cold Dew)   寒露是一个反映气候变化特征的节气,寒露节气后,昼渐短,夜渐长,日照减少,热气慢慢退去,寒气渐生,昼夜的温差较大,晨晚略感丝丝寒意。从气候特点上看,寒露时节,南方秋意渐浓,气爽风凉,少雨干燥;北方广大地区已从深秋进入或即将进入冬季。    霜降(Frosts Descent)   天气渐冷,开始有霜。“霜降”节气反映的`是昼夜温差变化较大、秋燥明显、天气渐渐变冷的气候特征,并不是表示进入这个节气就会“降霜”。其实,“霜”也不是从天上降下来的,“霜”是地面的水气由于温差变化遇到寒冷空气凝结成。霜降节气主要有赏菊、吃柿子、登高远眺、进补等风俗。霜降时节是秋冬气候的转折点。    立冬(The Beginning of Winter)   表示冬季的开始,万物自此闭藏。传统是以“立冬”作为冬季的开始,秋季少雨干燥气候渐过去,开始向阴雨寒冻的冬季气候过渡。    小雪(Lesser Snow)   开始下雪。小雪节气中说的“小雪”与日常天气预报所说的“小雪”意义不同,小雪节气是一个气候概念,它代表的是小雪节气期间的气候特征;而天气预报中的小雪是指降雪强度较小的雪。小雪节气是寒潮和强冷空气活动频数较高的节气。    大雪(Greater Snow)   降雪量增多,地面可能积雪。天气会越来越冷,降水量也随之增多    冬至(The Winter Solstice)   寒冷的冬天来临。冬至期间,阴气至极,阳气渐生    小寒(Lesser Cold)   气候开始寒冷。在南方最寒冷的时候是小寒及雨水和惊蛰之间这两个时段。小寒时是干冷,而雨水后是湿冷。    大寒(Greater Cold)   天气严寒,一年中最寒冷的时期到来。大寒一过,新一年的节气就又轮回来了,正所谓冬去春来。这时候,人们开始忙着除旧饰新、腌制年肴、准备年货和各种祭祀供品、扫尘洁物,因为中国人最重要的节日——年节就要到了。   二十四节气的含义简介英文3   立春是二十四节气之首,从天文学上说,这是太阳到达黄经315度时的时空。“阳和起蛰,品物皆春。”太阳沿周天划过,到此之际算是有了决定性的转折。   春天的本质之一乃是木性或木行,木行要完成生发的职能必须有水,故立春之后,水行以雨水的节气方式呈现,为春天加持壮行。   惊蛰就像运动场上启动某项比赛的打令枪一样。一枪打响,那些还在冬眠状态蛰伏得太久以至昏昏沉沉的昆虫走兽们都惊醒过来,它们听令而努力生长壮大。   春分日是春季九十天的中分点,南北半球昼夜相等。春分,中国人又称为“日中”“日夜分”“仲春之月”。对北半球的很多人来说,春分意味着真正的春天。   清明是大地回春、生机盎然的时候,人的心情也会舒展起来。此时扫墓祭祖,“慎终追远,民德归厚”。祭扫活动既能体现对家庭的尊崇,又能表达对祖先的感恩。   古代有“昔者仓颉作书,而天雨粟,鬼夜哭”之说,民间的解释是仓颉造字不要上天的奖励,只求老天让人民五谷丰登,故天雨谷粒,给人间下了一场谷子雨。   中国先民对夏的理解是一个空间意义,夏字的本义是“面向南方”。古人观念以南为生,以北为死;以南为阳,以北为阴;以南为前,以北为后。即正南方是中国人的基准方向。   对先民来说,在小满节气里迎来“麦秋至”有重大的意义。品尝到新麦意味着身体获得了新一年的能量,得到了新生之加持。   芒种节气催生了一种农民身份,麦客,即流动的替别人割麦子的人。他们像候鸟一样迁徙游走,一路收一路走,等麦客走到自家门前,自家的麦子也熟了。   在东西方文明的历史上,夏至都是最早确定的时间或节气之一。对热的感受方面,东西方人是一致的,人们观察到,夏天热得狗都吐出了舌头,三伏天的英文即是“dog days”。   夏至之后的几十天,就被先民形象地称为“暑”。暑字,从日者声。日者,此时大地上的万事万物,包括人在内,都是日者,都是为太阳照耀的人。   大暑一般是处在三伏里的中伏阶段,就是现代人常说的“桑拿”天。在古代,“伏日”也是伏避盛暑、祈祭清爽的祭日,伏日祭祀极为盛大。   “秋”字由禾与火组成,表示禾谷成熟的意思,立秋也就意味着禾谷开始成熟,草木开始结果孕子,收获季节到了。   处暑之后,秋意渐浓,是人们畅游郊野迎秋赏景的好时节。处暑过,暑气止,云彩疏散自如,不像夏天的浓云成块,民间因此有“七月八月看巧云”之说,即“出游迎秋”。   因为白露节气,有人以为古人以四时配五行,秋属金,金色白,故以白形容秋露。我们今天已经很难理解秋白是来源于白露,还是白露得名于秋之色白。   古典中国人以立春、立夏、立秋、立冬为四季的开始,秋分日居秋季九十天之中,平分了秋季。秋分意味着隐居、避让,意味着独立不惧,遁世无闷。   寒露时节中,有一个节日,就是农历九月初九重阳节。“九”在易经中是阳数,九月初九正好是日月并阳、两九相重,所以又称“重阳”或者“重九”。   霜降日有一种鲜为人知的风俗。在这一天,各地的教场演武厅例有隆重的收兵仪式。按古俗,每年立春为开兵之日,霜降是收兵之期。   冬的本义是终结,是先民系绳记事的绳结。会针线活儿的人在线两端都打上结,即是冬的形象。但它后来借用,指一年的最后一个季节。   小雪意味着气温持续走低,不仅地面上的露珠变成了霜,而且天空中的降雨也变成了雪花。   人类在大雪面前变成了风雅之士,无数人的手和心灵感受过大雪。只见天地之间白茫茫的一片,雪花纷纷扬扬地从天上飘落下来,四周像拉起了白色的帐篷,大地立刻变得银装素裹。   调时定时是一切生物的本能,更是人类的本领。立人身为尺度,立竿见影,每次最长的日子即是夏至,最短的日子即是冬至。   小寒是春天前的严寒,是黎明前的黑暗。它是艰难的,也是躁动不已的。欲望、力量、才华、正义在这里屯聚,终有喷薄而出的时候。   在大寒的日子,天地间经历了漫长的封冻,有心人已经听见了震动的消息。无论天上的雷震、地震、社会【动荡】,都在释放大量能量的同时,给予时空新生的机会。
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冬至 吃饺子啊 冬至(Winter Solstice),是中国农历中一个非常重要的节气[1],也是中华民族的一个传统节日。冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,中国已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个。时间在每年的阳历12月21日至23日之间。   冬至是北半球全年中白天最短、黑夜最长的一天,过了冬至,白天就会一天天变长。古人对冬至的说法是:阴极之至,阳气始生,日南至,日短之至,日影长之至,故曰“冬至”。冬至过后,各地气候都进入一个最寒冷的阶段,也就是人们常说的“进九”,中国民间有“冷在三九,热在三伏”的说法。  现代天文科学测定,冬至日太阳直射南回归线,阳光对北半球最倾斜,北半球白天最短,黑夜最长,这天之后,太阳又逐渐北移。   在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起,君道长,故贺。”人们认为:过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,是一个节气循环的开始,也是一个吉日,应该庆贺。《晋书》上记载有“魏晋冬至日受万国及百僚称贺……其仪亚于正旦。”说明古代对冬至日的重视。   现在,一些地方还把冬至作为一个节日来过。北方地区有冬至宰羊、吃饺子、吃馄饨的习俗,南方地区在这一天则有吃冬至米团、冬至长线面的习惯。各个地区在冬至这一天还有祭天祭祖的习俗。  冬至为二十四节气之一,并且是最重要的节气之一。冬至是按天文划分的节气,古称“日短”、“日短至”。冬至这天,太阳位于黄经270度,阳光几乎直射南回归线,是北半球一年中白昼最短的一天,相应的,南半球在冬至日时白昼全年最长。《月令七十二候集解》中说:“十一月十五日,终藏之气,至此而极也。”。《通纬·孝经援神契》:“大雪后十五日,斗指子,为冬至,十一月中。阴极而阳始至,日南至,渐长至也。”《恪遵宪度抄本》说:“日南至,日短之至,日影长至,故曰冬至。‘至"者,极也。”可见我们的古人对此早有认识。   冬至又称为冬节,依照我国传统的历法,以五日为一候,三候十五日为一节或一气,在一年里又分为十二节与十二气,合称为二十四节气,这就是择日学上所用的节气,择日学上是依农历的节气来选定吉课,而所谓的农历则为阳历与阴历的结合,阳历指的就是二十四节气(把太阳运行的周期分为十二个阶段,再划分二十四个节气,一节一气为一个月),阴历乃为纯粹的月份(按照月亮所行的周期而定),日子都在国历的十二月二十二或二十三两日。   因为冬至并没有固定于特定一日,所以和清明一样,被称为“活节”。在冬至这一天,对于位于北半球的台湾,这时太阳刚好直射在南回归线(又称为冬至线)上,使得台湾处于冬季的季节,因此使得北半球的白天最短,黑夜最长。冬至过后,太阳又慢慢地向北回归线转移,台湾也由冬季接近春季,北半球的白昼又慢慢加长,而夜晚渐渐缩短,所以古时有“冬至一阳生”的说法,意思是说从冬至开始,阳气又慢慢的回升。   古人认为到了冬至,虽然还处在寒冷的季节,但春天已经不远了。这时外出的人都要回家过冬节,表示年终有所归宿。闽台民间认为每年冬至是全家人团聚的节日,因为这一天要祭拜祖先,如果外出不回家,就是不认祖宗的人。   根据周朝的记载,民间有利用冬至日至郊外祭祀天的活动,又因为周历的正月为夏历的十一月,因此,在周代的正月等于我们现在的十一月,所以拜岁和贺冬并没有分别,一直到汉武帝采用夏历后,才把正月和冬至分开,因此,也可以说:过“冬节”是自汉代以后才有。就因历法的不同,使得民间一直传承著周历历法,认为冬至过后就是另一年的开始(才有吃圆仔后就多了一岁的说法)这也是冬至为何在民间会那么受重视,但是这样的错误传承,使得民间的观念与目前择日学上,所用的夏历历法有了很大的出入,这样的错误观念应该矫正,把正确的历法传承才对。   另外民间有以冬至日的天气好坏与来到的先后,来预测往后的天气。俗语说:“冬至在月头,要冷在年底;冬至在月尾,要冷在正月;冬至在月中,无雪也没霜”(这是依据冬至日到来的早晚,推测寒流到台湾的早晚);俗语也说:“冬至黑,过年疏;冬至疏,过年黑”(意思是:冬至这天如果没有太阳,那么过年一定晴天,反之,如果冬至放晴,过年就会下雨)。   我国古代将冬至分为三候:“一候蚯蚓结;二候糜角解;三候水泉动”,传说蚯蚓是阴曲阳伸的生物,此时阳气虽已生长,但阴气仍然十分强盛,土中的蚯蚓仍然蜷缩着身体;糜与鹿同科,却阴阳不同,古人认为糜的角朝后生,所以为阴,而冬至一阳生,糜感阴气渐退而解角;由于阳气初生,所以此时山中的泉水可以流动并且温热。   冬至一般在公历十二月二十二日或二十三日。在我国古代对冬至很重视,冬至被当作一个较大节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,而且有庆贺冬至的习俗。《汉书》中说:“冬至阳气起,君道长,故贺。”人们认为:过了冬至,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,是一个节气循环的开始,也是一个吉日,应该庆贺。《晋书》上记载有“魏晋冬至日受万国及百僚称贺……其仪亚于正旦。”说明古代对冬至日的重视。在中国传统的阴阳五行理论中,冬至是阴阳转化的关键节气。在十二辟卦为地雷复卦,称为冬至一阳生。易曰:先王以至日闭关,商旅不行。各地在冬至时有不同的风俗,例如北方人在冬至时吃饺子,而苏南人在冬至时吃大葱炒豆腐。
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1、冬至快乐英语是happy Winter Solstice。2、冬至,是“二十四节气”之第22个节气。“二十四节气”是上古农耕文明的产物,它是上古先民顺应农时,通过观察天体运行,认知一岁(年)中时令、气候、物候等方面变化规律所形成的知识体系。“二十四节气”原以北斗七星斗柄旋转指向确定,北斗七星循环旋转,这斗转星移与廿四节气有着密切关系。在不同的季节和不同的时间,北斗七星会指向不同的方位,也因此成为上古时代人们判断季节、节气变化的依据,即所谓“斗柄指东,天下皆春;斗柄指南,天下皆夏;斗柄指西,天下皆秋;斗柄指北,天下皆冬”的星象规律。古老天文学称北斗七星斗柄所指为“建”,“建”代表斗柄顶端的指向。“十二月建”和“二十四节气”是干支历的基本内容,十二月建是依据二十四节气而来的节气月。3、在传统文化中,干支时间与方位以及八卦是联系在一起的,寅位是后天八卦的“艮位”,是年终岁首交结的方位,代表终而又始,如《易·说卦传》:“艮,东北之卦也,万物之所成终而所成始也。”故,斗柄是从正东偏北(寅位,后天八卦艮位)为起点,绕东、南、西、北旋转一圈,为一周期,谓之一岁,立春为岁首。斗柄指向确定的节气,始于立春,终于大寒。当斗柄指向正北的“子”位时为冬至节气。
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英语作文 用英文写出中秋节的习俗! 快!!!!!!!!!

  中秋祭月  在我国是一种十分古老的习俗。据史书记载,早在周朝,古代帝王就有春分祭日、夏至祭地、秋分祭月、冬至祭天的习俗。其祭祀的场所称为日坛、地坛、月坛、天坛。分设在东南西北四个方向。北京的月坛就是明清皇帝祭月的地方。《礼记》记载:“天子春朝日,秋夕月。朝日之朝,夕月之夕。”这里的夕月之夕,指的正是夜晚祭祀月亮。这种风俗不仅为宫廷及上层贵族所奉行,随着社会的发展,也逐渐影响到民间  On the Mid-Autumn Festival in China is a very ancient custom. According to historical records, as early as the Chou dynasty, the ancient kings had the sun in the vernal equinox, summer solstice Jide, Autumnal Equinox Festival month, the winter solstice Heaven customs. Their place of worship called on the altar to altar, on the altar, the Temple of Heaven. Grouped in the four corners. Beijing, the Ming and Qing emperors on the altar is the place on Festival. "Book of Rites" reads: "Son of Heaven spring Asahi, Qiu Xi months. DPRK and the DPRK, on the eve of the eve." On the eve of the eve of here, that means it is night worship the moon. This custom has not only pursued by the court and the upper nobility, with the development of society has gradually affected the folk  文人赏月  赏月的风俗来源于祭月,严肃的祭祀变成了轻松的欢娱。民间中秋赏月活动约始魏晋时期,但未成习。到了唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行,许多诗人的名篇中都有咏月的诗句。待到宋时,形成了以赏月活动为中心的中秋民俗节日,正式定为中秋节。与唐人不同,宋人赏月更多的是感物伤怀,常以阴晴圆缺,喻人情事态,即使中秋之夜,明月的清光也掩饰不住宋人的伤感  The custom of scholars to celebrate the moon festival from months, serious joyous ritual became easy. Mooncake activities around the beginning of civil Wei and Jin Dynasties, but immature habits. The Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue prevailed, read by many poets in the poem Ode to the Moon has. Until the time of Song, has formed a full moon in the activity center for the Mid-Autumn Festival Folk Festival, officially designated as Mid-Autumn Festival. And Chinese different from the Song moon is more a sense of things sad, often Teenage moon and new moon, Yu human events, even if moon night, the moon"s clear light also could not conceal the Song of sadness  但对宋人来说,中秋还有另外一种形态,即中秋是世俗欢愉的节日:“中秋节前,诸店皆卖新酒,贵家结饰台榭,民家争占酒楼玩月,笙歌远闻千里,嬉戏连坐至晓”(《东京梦华录》)。宋代的中秋夜是不眠之夜,夜市通宵营业,玩月游人,达旦不绝  But Song, the Mid-Autumn there is another form, that is, the joy of the Mid-Autumn Festival is secular: "Mid-Autumn Festival before, all shops are selling new wine, your family knot Taixie, homes on war accounted for restaurants Wan Yue, carousing heard a thousand miles away, play with sitting to dawn "(" Beautiful Dream to Tokyo "). Song of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a sleepless night, the night market open all night, Wan Yue visitors, Titan is not absolutely  民间拜月  相传古代齐国丑女无盐,幼年时曾虔诚拜月,长大后,以超群品德入宫,但未被宠幸。某年八月十五赏月,天子在月光下见到她,觉得她美丽出众,后立她为皇后,中秋拜月由此而来。月中嫦娥,以美貌著称,故少女拜月,愿“貌似嫦娥,面如皓月”。  On rumored ancient folk worship ugly no salt, pious worship during childhood on, grow up to superior moral palace, but do not drive. A full moon on August 15, Son of Heaven to see her in the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after she was Queen, Mid-Autumn Festival on the resulting worship. Mid-Chang, to beauty, known for young girls worship it on, willing to "look like the goddess of the moon, face as bright moon."  明清之后,因时代的关系,社会生活中的现实功利因素突出,岁时节日中世俗的情趣俞益浓厚,以“赏月”为中心的抒情性与神话性的文人传统减弱,功利性的祭拜、祈求与世俗的情感、愿望构成普通民众中秋节俗的主要形态。因此,“民间拜月”成为人们渴望团聚、康乐和幸福;以月寄情。  Ming and Qing Dynasties, the result of the relationship between age, social life, highlighting the reality of utilitarianism, the festival, in the interests of a strong secular sentiment Yu, to "moon" as the center of the lyric and the myth of the literati tradition weakened, utilitarian worship, pray and secular feelings, aspirations of ordinary people form the main form of popular Mid-Autumn Festival. Therefore, the "civil Praying" become eager to join, recreation and well-being; to always focussed on.  在古代有“秋暮夕月”的习俗。夕月,即祭拜月神。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子、葡萄等祭品,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。在月下,将月亮神像放在月亮的那个方向,红烛高燃,全家人依次拜祭月亮,然后由当家主妇切开团圆月饼。切的人预先算好全家共有多少人,在家的,在外地的,都要算在一起,不能切多也不能切少,大小要一样。  In ancient times the "On the eve of Autumn Twilight" practices. On the eve of that worship Goddess. Set large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelons, apples, dates, plums, grapes other offerings, moon cake and watermelon is definitely not small. Also cut into the lotus-shaped watermelon. Under the month, the moon god on the moon that direction, Candle high burning the whole family followed by worship the moon, then the charge of the housewife cut happy moon cake. Pre-cut people who count the number of good family, at home, in the field should count together, can not cut more and no cut less the same size.
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  夏日的晴空是明媚的,天是湛蓝深远的,太阳像火球般的烤着大地,阳光是那样强烈,天上地下处于一片耀眼的光明之中。下面是我给大家带来的夏天英文 谚语 合集3篇,希望能够帮助到大家!   夏天英文谚语合集1   1、太阳像个老大老大的火球,光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟。   The sun is like a big big fireball, scorching light, the road was roasted hot sun, go on foot a bunch of white smoke.   2、夏天,在我的印象里是清晨晶亮的露珠和夜晚繁多的星星。夕阳的光辉笼罩细纱,阵阵和风带着花香向你扑来,送给你一分惬意。   In the summer, in my impression is the morning bright dew and night of a wide variety of stars. The glow of the setting sun was spinning, and wind bursts of fragrance came to you, give you a comfortable.   3、夏天,草木特别茂盛,冬青树的叶子油亮油亮的,老榆树枝繁叶茂,给人们撑起了一片浓浓的绿阴。   Summer, especially lush vegetation, shiny shiny holly leaves, old elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.   4、地上的土块被晒得滚烫滚烫的,几只黑褐色的大肚蟋蟀,安着弹簧似的蹦来蹦去。   To the mud on the sun is hot hot, a few black brown bellied crickets, with spring like jumping.   5、天气是那样炎热,仿佛一点星火就会引起爆炸似的。   The weather is so hot, as if a little spark can cause an explosion like.   6、七月,透蓝的天空,悬着火球似的太阳,云彩好似被太阳烧化了,也消失得无影无踪。   In July, through the blue sky, the sun hung like fireballs, clouds as if the sun melted and disappeared Not the least trace was found.   7、夏天的太阳像个大火炉,把大地烤得发烫,就连空气也是热烘烘的,人一动就浑身冒汗。   The summer sun like a big stove, the hot baked earth, even the air is hot, people move to sweat.   8、夏日炎炎,小鸟不知躲藏到什么地方去了;草木都低垂着头;小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。   In summer, birds do not know where to hide what place; vegetation had bowed his head; dog spit hot tongue was panting.   9、大清早,蝉就高声大叫,告诉人们又一个火热的日子开始了。   Early in the morning, cicadas on the loud shouting, telling people to another hot day started.   10、夏天里的太阳,就像一个大火球,热的让人无处躲闪。   In the summer sun, like a big fireball, hot people nowhere to dodge.   11、美丽的夏天是炎热的,老爷爷都到树下乘凉,有的在下棋;老奶奶在树下一边扇扇子一边聊着天,小朋友喜欢到水里玩耍、嬉戏。   Beautiful summer is hot, the grandfather to the shade under a tree, some in the chess under the tree; grandma side fan side chat, kids love to play in the water.   12、炎炎夏日,你无论走到哪里,都会看到碧绿的荷叶与艳丽的荷花。荷是美丽的天使,接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。   Summer, you no matter where you go, will see the dark green leaves and showy flowers. He is a beautiful angel, then days hachisuba infinite Bi, lotus flowers in red.   13、青草芦苇和红的白的紫的野花,被高悬在天空的一轮火热的太阳蒸晒着,空气里充满了甜醉的气息。   Wild grass and reed purple and white red, was hanging in the sky of a hot steaming basking in the sun, the air filled with the sweet smell of drunk.   14、夏日的天空变幻莫测,时而多云,时而云层低矮,仿佛是催人行动的命令;时而阳光直射。   The summer sky and cloudy, clouds change unpredictably, sometimes low, if it is to urge people to action command; sometimes in direct sunlight.   15、爬上崎岖的山坡,看到的是满山的绿草,好象那儿的草上面没有金色,只有一片翠绿。哦,夏天是绿色的。   Climb the rugged mountain, see the mountain grass, like the grass there there is no gold, only a green. Oh, summer is green.   16、初夏时节,各色野花都开了,红的紫的粉的黄的,像绣在一块绿色大地毯上的灿烂斑点;成群的蜜蜂在花从中忙碌着,吸着花蕊,辛勤地飞来飞去。   At the beginning of the summer, colorful wildflowers, red purple and yellow powder, like a green carpet embroidered in the bright spots; swarms of bees in the flowers from the busy, smoking flower, hard to fly.   17、万物葱绿的春天过去了,弹指一挥间。月日到了,太阳直射立于北回归线,夏天这个流火的季节又来到了。   All the green spring passed, pronto. July to the sun in the Tropic of cancer, the summer season and came to the fire.   18、夏天是孩子们的乐园,没有了上学的压力,没有了作业的烦恼,尽情享受着大自然给我们的快乐。夏天真美好!   Summer is the children"s paradise, there is no pressure to go to school, no homework troubles, enjoy the joy of nature to us. Summer is beautiful!   19、初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱大小的粼粼光斑。   Summer sun from the transmission down branches to packed closely layer upon layer, printed on the full size of the copper sparkling spot.   20、路旁的林阴树郁郁葱葱,蝉儿齐声歌唱,它们好像在夸耀自己的季节。   The roadside trees where the cicadas sing a wild profusion of vegetation, they seemed to boast of his season.   夏天英文谚语合集2   1、夏天的校园,枝叶茂盛,百花齐放。也是一个绿色的校园。夏天的天空湛蓝深远,白云白的像一团团雪白的棉花一样,太美了!   The summer campus, Mieba Momori, All flowers bloom together. Is also a green campus. Summer sky blue, white clouds white like a round of white cotton, too beautiful!   2、烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘不过气来。   Scorching sun, earth like steamer, hot people breathless.   3、水牛早就躲到了池塘里,整个身子埋在了池水中,只露出一个头在水面上透气。   Buffalo has long been hiding in the pond, the entire body buried in the pool of water, only to reveal a head in the water.   4、夏荷浮在水面,摇曳在丝丝缕缕的清风中。   In the summer Hefu water, swaying in the breeze in the threads.   5、七月盛夏,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空没有一丝云彩,火热的太阳炙烤着大地,河里的水烫手,地里的土冒烟。   The summer of July, there was not a cloud in the blue sky, the hot sun baked the earth, the water of the river hot ground soil smoke.   6、漫步在花园中出现在眼前的是粉色的小花,亭亭玉立,婀娜多姿。哦,夏天是粉色的。   Walking in the garden in front of the pink flowers, slim, very pretty and charming. Oh, summer is pink.   7、夏天,象征着百花齐放,意味着天气炎热。夏天,是美好的,是可爱的,我爱美丽的夏天。   In summer, a symbol means that the hot weather All flowers bloom together.. Summer, is beautiful, is lovely, I love the beautiful summer.   8、夏天是炎热的,根据夏天不同的炎热程度,可以分为初夏盛夏和残夏。   Summer is hot, according to the different degrees of hot summer, can be divided into summer and summer summer.   9、暖和的春天过去了,严热的夏天又来了,太阳高高地挂在天上,大地被阳光烘烤着,植物都被晒得不行了,动物们躲在阴凉的地方休息。   The warm spring passed, and the summer came again, and the sun was high up in the sky, the earth was baked by the sun, and the plants were exposed to the sun, and the animals were resting in a cool place.   10、那是一个久旱不雨的夏天,炎热的太阳烤得田里的老泥鳅都翻白了,村边的小溪,溪水一下低了几寸,那些露在水面的石头,陡地变大了。   It was a drought in the summer, the hot sun baked the old loach turn white, the edge of the village stream, the stream at low for several inches, the dew on the surface of the stone, steep greatened.   11、夏日里,清清的小河成了孩子们避暑的好去处,你看,他们在水中嬉闹着,一会儿打水仗,一会儿扎猛子摸鱼,玩得十分开心。   In the summer the river became a good place for children"s summer, you see, they frolic in the water, while a water fight, while diving fishing, playing very happy.   12、初夏,石榴花渐渐开放了,绿叶衬红花,美丽极了。远望,它像一片烘烘燃烧的烈火,又像黄昏升起的红艳艳的晚霞。   In early summer, the pomegranate flowers gradually opened, and green leaves lined with red flowers, beautiful. From afar, it is like a warm fire, and like the rising red sunset dusk.   13、被阳台那片阳光着,我会不失时机地搬把小凳坐在阳台上,沐浴在阳光下,享受着阳光带来的温暖与舒适,感觉真是生活的一份美好。   The balcony is sunshine in the temptation, I will move to seize the opportune moment stool sitting on the balcony, basking in the sun, enjoying the sun brings warmth and comfort, the feeling is really a wonderful life.   14、走在路上,迎面的风似热浪扑来。   Walking on the road, the face of the wind like a heat wave.   15、今年夏天,热的让人走在街上,就像进了蒸汽浴室一样难熬。   This summer, it"s hot to let people walk in the street, just like in the steam room.   16、太阳刚一出头,地上像已着了火。   The sun was just in his head and the ground was like fire.   17、夏天来了,小树们长高了,长大了。当你从校园门里走进来时,你会感到周围的每一棵树都在欢迎你,向你点头。你看到它们,你一定会开心的。   Summer is coming, the young trees grow taller and older. When you walked in the door from the campus, you will feel every tree around are welcome, nodding to you. You"ll be happy to see them.   18、知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威。   Cicadas do not live in the sticks of hair and a very agitated cry, like in the cheer for the hot sun.   19、夏末秋初的南风刮来了新麦子的香气和蒿草的气息。   In late summer and early autumn wind blowing new wheat aroma and flavor of wormwood.   20、哗啦啦的淌着汗,觉得自己随时就要熟了。   The clatter of dripping with sweat, feel ready to be cooked.   夏天英文谚语合集3   1、 大暑 大雨,百日见霜。   Heavy summer and heavy rain make frost appear in a hundred days.   2、 立夏 种麻,七股八杈。   Seeding hemp in summer, seven parts and eight branches.   3、立夏日晴,必有旱情。   There must be drought when the sun is clear in summer.   4、 夏至 一场雨,一滴值千金。   A rainy summer solstice is worth a drop of gold.   5、形容夏至燠热,人们慵懒。   The summer solstice is hot and people are lazy.   6、爱玩夏至日,爱眠 冬至 夜。   Love to play in the summer solstice, love to sleep in the winter to the night.   7、 小满 不下,乾断塘坝。   Xiao Man can"t fill up, Qian Dam is broken.   8、挖苗不除根,大棵抱小孙。   Digging seedlings does not eradicate, the big tree embraces the young grandson.   9、种在犁上,收在锄上。   Plant it on a plow and put it on a hoe.   10、夏至后压,一担苗,一担薯。   Pressure after the summer solstice, a load of seedlings, a load of potatoes.   11、早春好佚陶,早夏粒米无。   Early spring is good for pottery, but early summer is not for rice.   12、春雨贵似油,夏雨遍地流。   Spring rain is like oil, summer rain is everywhere.   13、夏至落雨,九场大水。   Summer solstice rains, nine floods.   14、栽秧要抢先,割麦要抢天。   Planting seedlings first, cutting wheat first.   15、 芒种 日晴热,夏天多大水。   It"s sunny and hot, and it"s wet in summer.   16、冬至始打霜,夏至干长江。   The winter solstice begins to frost and the summer solstice dries up the Yangtze River.   17、不稀不稠,才能丰收。   Only when it is not thin or thick can it reap a good harvest.   18、 清明 高粱小满谷,芒种芝麻夏至豆。   Qingming sorghum Xiaomangu, awn seed sesame summer solstice beans.   19、麦秀风摇,稻秀雨浇。   Maixiu is windy and rice is rainy.   20、早晚钓一阵,回家吃一顿。   Fish for a while in the morning and evening and go home for a meal. 相关 文章 : 1. 常用的英文谚语大合集 2. 关于英文的谚语大全100条 3. 关于颜色的英文谚语俗语大全 4. 夏天的谚语精选80则 5. 著名的英文谚语有哪些 6. 关于服装的经典英文谚语和邂逅语
2023-07-13 12:20:061


Year before 2,500 more than hundred years times, our country already observes the sun with soil jade tablet measuring out the Winter Solstice thereby , it is one that the morning works out out most among the 24 solar terms. Say in "Han Shu": "The Winter Solstice sun gets angry up , you grow , the reason congratulates ". Have people thought that the Winter Solstice, the day rises again one day than one Tian Chang City , the sun get angry , is that a solar terms begins in circle , is also a lucky day , ought to congratulate.
2023-07-13 12:20:151


中国传统节日的英文是 : traditional Chinese festival
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【 #英语资源# 导语】寒露以后,北方冷空气已有一定势力,我国大部分地区在冷高压控制之下,雨季结束。 从气候特点上看,寒露时节,南方秋意渐浓,气爽风凉,少雨干燥;北方广大地区已从深秋进入或即将进入冬季。寒露传统习俗主要有赏枫叶、吃芝麻、吃螃蟹、饮秋茶等。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.有关寒露节气的英语作文   In the twinkling of an eye, we saw off the hot summer, and autumn girls came one after another. In the middle of October every year, we welcome an important solar term - "cold dew".   In the south of the Yangtze River where I live, the "cold dew" solar term has neither cold nor dew, only beautiful scenery, attractive food and the most suitable climate. In this solar term, grain is Dengfeng and fruits are fragrant. Chrysanthemums are in bloom, crabs are fat and persimmons are red.   At this time of year, Ningbo, the city where I live, has the most suitable climate in a year. I can only see that the sky is blue and cloudless. I can also see groups of geese flying from the north to prepare for the winter. They fly in a "herringbone" shape under the leadership of the leading geese. The mountain in the distance is like a colorful picture, red and green. Maple leaves have slowly faded from green to red, like small torches hanging on the branches, which reminds people of Du Mu"s poem - Frost leaves are red than February flowers. In the suburbs, there is a scene of bumper harvest. Under the blue sky, there are endless golden rice fields. The breeze blows and bursts of wheat waves appear, as if writing a composition Welcome... The persimmons in the community are red. They hang on the branches like red lanterns, revealing their red cheeks.   Cold dew happens to be our National Day holiday. Whenever this time, we go to our uncle"s house in the countryside to pick oranges. Oranges bloom in spring and ripen in the cold dew solar term. I saw round oranges hanging on the branches, three in a string, five in a group, green with yellow, swaying with the wind. Mother brought the ladder, cut it off one by one with scissors, and soon took off a basket full of it. And I can"t wait to pick the lower ones directly by hand. A smell of orange peel comes face to face. Peel off the skin and taste one. It"s sweet and slightly sour. It"s mouth watering and fragrant. After dinner, uncle took a sickle to harvest rice; Aunt went to the vegetable field to renovate the land. She had to sow radish seeds and cabbage seeds. When the winter solstice came, we could eat seasonal vegetables again.   "Cold dew" is the most beautiful solar term in autumn. It is the most suitable season, the season of harvest and the season of fragrant melons and fruits. I like this season. 2.有关寒露节气的英语作文   The breath of autumn, slightly across the cheek, is crisp with a trace of coolness. Outside the window, a few red maple leaves echoed around the big tree, as if they didn"t want to look back. A gust of wind blew. Suddenly, the fallen leaves all over the sky hit me. A figure loomed in the fallen leaves. It was a child named Han Lu.   Cold dew walked alone on the path in the forest, passing by yellow leaves, withered flowers and frost all over the ground. He watched all these changes silently without any feeling. A chrysanthemum came into his eyes. He saw that the chrysanthemum was difficult to open, and there was no flower beside him. The loneliness in his heart rushed up. Han Lu didn"t take another step forward. As soon as he waved, a piece of snow appeared on the chrysanthemum, "this is a proof I left in autumn!"   As the saying goes, "feet are not exposed when cold", it reminds us that the weather is gradually turning cold. We should pay attention to keeping warm, especially when the cold enters from our feet. When it comes to this solar term, we should keep our feet warm.   I went out for a walk and saw the farmer"s uncle heading and filling in the late rice field. Seeing my silly appearance, the farmer"s uncle explained: "The cold dew season is the heading and filling period of late rice. We should strengthen the field management, do shallow water irrigation frequently, mainly wet, and avoid cutting off water too early in the later stage. In the cold dew season, the north is in the busy season of planting winter wheat, and the corn harvest is before and after the frost." I nodded vaguely. 3.有关寒露节气的英语作文   Cold dew is one of the last two solar terms in autumn. In the cold dew, the geese began to fly south. When the geese fly south, the head geese lead the flight, and the geese behind keep the formation of "one" or "person". This formation is helpful for the long-distance flight of the geese. While I was reading this book, my father came into my room and asked me, "what book are you reading?" "I"m reading the cold dew in the twenty-four solar terms, because we"re going to write an article about cold dew." I replied. Dad gave a shout after listening to it, and then he said to me, "what"s the matter with you? Why don"t we go to the park to find the figure of cold dew and feel its taste?" as soon as I heard it, I cheered, "OK! OK! Let"s try the taste of cold dew."   We drove to the academician park. As soon as I got off the bus, I felt a trace of coolness. At the same time, the coolness was mixed with bursts of fragrance. They sneaked into my nostrils and into my lungs from time to time. "Ah, it"s delicious!" I couldn"t help opening my arms and gently closing my eyes.   "How is it? Is it fragrant? How does the cold dew taste?" just as I wanted to breathe in, my father"s voice interrupted me.   "Is this the smell of cold dew? This is not the smell of osmanthus." I asked my father suspiciously. Dad smiled and said, "yes, every time the cold dew season, it is also when the sweet scented osmanthus is strong, so when we smell the sweet scented osmanthus, it means the arrival of cold dew."   "Let"s go and find out what else cold dew tastes like," I said eagerly to my father.   My father and I walked along the path of the park. We saw that the grass on both sides of the road was no longer as green as when I came in spring. Most of them were dyed dry yellow, leaving only a small piece of green to dress up the earth. I quietly asked my father, "is this the smell of cold dew?" my father smiled and nodded, holding my hand and moving on. Then, we came to a small arch bridge. We saw that the two ends of the arch bridge were covered with various colors of fallen leaves, including red, yellow, brown, half red and half dry yellow... When a gust of wind blew, the fallen leaves began to dance. Some of them chased and played with each other, some kept turning around in situ, and others made a rustling sound to accompany them.   I looked up at the trees on both sides. The branches and leaves on the trunk were no longer so dense and green. Most of the leaves had gradually turned yellow and fell one by one from time to time. I picked up a red leaf like my palm from the ground and smelled it gently. I seemed to smell a faint fruit fragrance, so I happily shouted to my father, "Dad, Dad, I"m looking for a new flavor!" in this way, my father and I happily shuttled around every corner of the park, looking for the smell of cold dew.   Students, what do you think is the taste of cold dew? Let"s find it together!
2023-07-13 12:21:311


"圣诞"一词源于拉丁语,意为"诞生的日子"。经过众口流传逐渐变化,到了12世纪就成了"上帝与我们同在"。 圣诞节为什么定在12月25日呢?人们第一次过圣诞节是在138年。当时还没有确切的日期,有时在1月份,有时则在3月份。东方的基督教徒则将1月5日定为圣诞纪念日。 为了便于世界各地一起庆贺基督诞生,在四世纪时,教皇要求教会的学者们研究确定出一个准确统一的圣诞日。开始圣诞日被定为1月6日。后又改在12月25日。这种改动并没有什么实际原因。 直到教皇儒尔一世(337-382)才正式将12月25日定为圣诞节。从此,圣诞节和新年在人们心中享有同等地位,互相影响,例如,扎制圣诞树的做法就是受到异教徒在冬至里取火的习惯影响。第一次扎制圣诞树大约是在1605年。正式确定除夕的子夜弥撤是在430年。在做子夜大弥撒前还有三段晚课:晨经,感恩赞美诗和颂赞经。 "过除夕"一词出现在十四世纪中期。就是"再醒"的意思。除夕晚上就餐之前,人们首先要在天空中数9颗星,以示纪念圣母生下圣孩的前9个月。中世纪的城堡里,在吃完除夕夜餐和做子夜弥撒前,还由吟游诗人给大家讲儿段有关圣诞的美妙动人的传说,他先描绘纯洁而善良的玛丽,当时玛丽只有15岁;然后再讲优秀的传统式的好人约瑟夫。 在午夜前两小时,圣母玛丽对睡在牛栏里的约瑟夫说:"我善良的朋友,起来吧。救世主显灵说他要在天亮前诞生。我可爱善良的兄弟,为了温暖他的襁褓,请你去伯利恒取点火来吧。"约瑟夫出发取火,在离伯利恒不远的地方他看见一团明亮的火光朝星空升去。他朝火光走去,在一位铁匠的炼炉旁停了下来。 "老家伙,你要什么?"铁匠大声嚷嚷。 "朋友,我出来是为我的妻子寻找火的,她快生产了,急需要火,如果您能给我点火的话,我将感激不尽。" "啊,啊!看你这副模样,快走开,要不我就不客气了!" 这时铁匠的妻子于插话说:"你就不能给老人家一点炭火?" 铁匠答应了。他朝约瑟夫递过一锨炭火,约瑟夫双手接过了炭火却一点也不感到的手。这就是圣诞之夜的第一个"奇迹"。 圣诞之夜是充满传奇色彩的夜晚。人们说,在圣诞节的夜晚,一切妖魔鬼怪都失去了魔力,鸟儿在夜空下尽情歌唱,牲口也会跪下。在东方,人们还说,在这天晚上,一切树木都朝伯利恒鞠躬。 在圣诞节里,孩子们是节日之王。在节日里孩子们都会收到一份圣诞老人的礼物。但为什么圣诞老人的礼物是放在壁炉旁或烟囱道里的鞋子里呢?传说很早以前,有一位穷苦的母亲为了抚养自己半疯的独生儿子,拼命干活,历尽千辛万苦。不幸,在圣诞节前夕她病倒了。她再也不能给儿子什么了。可是,12月24日晚上,她的儿子却将自己破旧的木履放在烟消灰冷的壁炉里,然后打开窗户默默地祈祷。这时,耶稣诞生的钟响了,一片云彩从海上升到了空中,降临在小屋上。一阵雨过,木展里奇迹般地装满备种东西。从此,故事在村里传开,人们就有了将新年里给孩子们的礼物放在鞋子里的习惯。
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Years the footsteps of great haste, no time to last year, waved and went to the front of the New Year. New Year always gives a lot of vision, too many of the Imagination.I do not want north wind Yanqu the past, do not want to cover all the winter snows. Over the past number of memories, how many stories, even the pain is a setback, are worth pondering and reflection. But do not want to wallow in the past, under the shackles of old, even if successful, is glory. Because in the past, after all, the past, is in a life time period. New Year is the new starting point, a new beginning.Out of the dull loneliness of siege, the stroll in the fresh nature of space, bathed in the New Year sun and breeze. Look at the mountains after the winter solstice the beginning Fan Qing, thawing river mischievously forward flow into the fields emitting little green head, is New Year"s good news in the report. You will sincerely feel what a happy New Year to all, life is so beautiful.When I stand here today the threshold of the New Year, a solemn, sacred feeling of the heart is for us. The new year will be an unusual year, is worth a lifetime memory for one year. This year there will be a historical event for the number of excited and , everyone"s life will be opened during the year a new chapter will redouble their efforts to forge ahead. Many of life will be missing in the year to shake up the cause of the failure will be successful in the past year, the family is more healthy and happy during the year, love to live in even more variety this year brilliant. In short, everything, everything, the New Year is a show in front of the Cotai Strip, so you go in life with pride glory.New Year, there are many of the Imagination, everyone will be interpreted with action, so that Imagination into reality. Regardless of turnover year after year, regardless of the cycle of seasons, the New Year will bring you your new beautiful! 年伟大的脚步匆忙,没有时间去年,挥了挥手,跑到了前面的新年。新年总是给大量的视觉,太多的空间。我不想北风Yanqu过去,不想把所有冬天会下雪。在过去的一些回忆,有多少故事,甚至痛苦是一个挫折,是值得深思和反省。但不要沉湎于过去,在旧的束缚,即使成功,是荣耀。因为在过去,毕竟,过去,在生命的时间。新年是新的起点,新的开始。出于无聊寂寞的围攻,漫步在新鲜的自然空间,沐浴在阳光和微风的新年。看冬至后山开冻的河流樊青,调皮地向前流到田野散发出绿色的袋,又是新的一年的报告中的好消息。你会由衷地感到一个祝大家新年快乐,生活是如此的美丽。当我今天站在这里,跨入新的一年,庄严的,神圣的心的感觉是我们。新的一年是不平凡的一年,值得一生回忆的一年。今年将有一个历史事件的一些兴奋和骄傲的,每个人的生活都将在年内拉开新的篇章将加倍努力进取。生活中的许多将失踪在今年动摇了失败的原因是成功的在过去的一年里,家庭更健康和幸福的一年,喜欢生活在更多不同今年辉煌。总之,一切,一切,在新的一年里,展现在面前的,那么你就在生活的荣耀。新的一年里,有许多的想象,每个人都会来解释行动,使幻想变成现实。无论年复一年,无论四季的轮回,新的一年将带给你新的美丽!
2023-07-13 12:22:541


【精品】大学英语作文8篇   在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是我精心整理的大学英语作文8篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 大学英语作文 篇1   As modern technology surges,so does the number of people living in the virtual world .And I can imagine the result when more and more people prefer to live in the virtual world meets their needs rather than communicate with others in the real world.   With regard to this ,there are two different views.On the one hand,some people think that can enrich our life with its abundant resources.However,on the other hand,people hold the opposite opinion .They are worried that virtual world have too much badness information ,which exert a negative influence on themselves ,let alone children.What is more,it will do great harm to your ability of expression if you spend too much time wallowing it ,so much so that our relationships with others also will be destroyed.   Generally speaking,we need critical thought to distinguish with virtual world and real world .Meanwhile,we should cherish and enjoy our life and maintain good interpersonal relationships in the real world. 大学英语作文 篇2   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline :   1)大学生应对挫折的能力差,学校应当加强挫折教育   2)开展挫折教育刻不容缓   Frustration Education should be Strengthened among College Students   College students should be guided correctly to face frustrations in life, which has been generally accepted. Frustration is inevitable during our life, and frustration education should be carried out among colleges and universities. The truth of it is deep and profound.   Many remarkable examples contribute to this argument. A case in point is that there are an increasing number of college students committing suicide each year when confronted with some kind of frustration. This is close to suggest that strengthening frustration education allows of no delay. For another example, it seems that successful people tend to be good at dealing with frustrations. Moreover, most of the students are often annoyed and discouraged by frustrations instead of drawing lessons.   Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that frustration education is essential to the college students. But what is worth noting is colleges should also provide psychological service for the students while giving frustration education. To conclude, college students should be guided in the right path when facing setbacks in life. 大学英语作文 篇3   Recently, I heard that one of my friends wanted to change his major after one-year learning because he found that he had no interest and motivation in learning this major. From my point of view, it is not wise to change major halfway.   最近,我听说我一个朋友说经过一年的学习后他想换专业,因为他发现他对现在这个专业没有任何的兴趣和动力。从我的角度来看,中途换专业是不明智的。   There are several disadvantages of changing major halfway. In the first place, changing major halfway means that we spend much time, energy and money in the last major but do not mastered the whole knowledge of that major yet. Second, changing major halfway needs a great resolution and we will face much pressure from others. Finally, changing major halfway may increase the burden of our family finance in that we need to spend another amount of money on another major. In addition, if we change our major halfway, we will lose a chance to find out our potential. Lack of persistence and willpower, we are difficult to be successful.   中途换专业有几点弊端。首先,中途换专业意味着我们要花更多的时间,精力和金钱在后面的专业上,却还不能全面的掌握该专业的知识。第二,中途换专业需要很大的决心而且我们要面临来自其他人的压力。最后,中途换专业可能会增加我们的家庭经济负担,因为我们需要花另外一大笔钱在另一个专业上。此外,如果我们中途换了专业,我们就会失去一个发现我们潜能的机会。缺乏毅力和意志力是很难成功的。   In short, it is not advocated that we change major halfway. Therefore, we had better take all aspects into consideration when we are choosing major so that we can avoid change major halfway. Once we choose a major, we should try our best to learn it better.   总之,不主张中途换专业。因此,在选择专业的时候我们最好全面考虑清楚,这样我们就可以避免中途换专业。一旦我们选择了一个专业,我们就应该尽最大努力把它学好。 大学英语作文 篇4   There is no denying the fact that it has been a hotly debated topic whether students should attend military training in China in the past years. Opinions on this issue differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that the training can not only build up students" bodies but also temper their willpower. Besides, through the training, students can develop their team-spirit and sense of discipline.Others, however, hold the opposite view. They say that a short period of training as students are having now cannot work well in building up their bodies or strengthen their will. Instead, we should lay emphasis on their daily exercise and activities for such purpose. What"s more, a sudden increase of intense physical exercise, especially during summer, does harm to students" health and may even cause deaths. What happened in the past years has proved this.   Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to agree with the former point of view. Military training is not only a means to strengthen student"s physique and willpower, but also an effective way to enhance their sense of national defense and foster their patriotism. Though some deaths happened during the training, we should not give up eating for fear of choking. Besides, the deaths are perfect evidence that students need more such training. Of course, measures should be taken to ensure that the least harm is done to the trainees. 大学英语作文 篇5   One day, when I was six years old, my aunt cane to see us form Shanghai. My parents and brother happened to be out then.It was late in the afternoon. The room was a little dark. My aunt felt tired. I asked her to sit down and have a rest. "When are your daddy and mummy, my dear?" asked Aunt. " They have gone shopping and will be back in an hour. I‘ll fetch a cup of tea for you, aunty." When I went into the kitchen, a good idea came into my mind: After a ling journey my aunt must be very hungry. I‘ll give her a cup of milk instead of a cup of tea. When I opened the cupboard. I saw a bottle of ‘milk‘ powder in it. I poured a cup of the ‘milk‘ and gave it to my aunt. " Thank you very much. It‘s very kind of you," she said. " Please taste the milk. Has it enough sugar?" My aunt took a sip of the ‘milk‘ and spilt it out at once. " What is it, Ranran?" she asked in surprise. " It‘s milk," I said loudly and proudly. " But it doesn‘t taste like milk. Where did you get it?" I took Aunt into the kitchen and showed the bottle to her. Oh, it turned out to be a bottle of washing powder!In the evening my parents came back. When they heard what I did, my mother said to me with a smile, " You are great. You have learned to entertain guests without us."Several years have passed. NNow I am a middle school student. Every time my parents repeat the story, we have a good laugh over 大学英语作文 篇6   The Qingming Festival or Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional Chinese festival on the 104th day after the winter solstice, usually occurring around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar. The Qingming festival falls on the first day of the fifth solar term, named Qingming. Its name denotes a time for people to go outside and enjoy the greenery of springtime. On Qingming people go on family outings, start the spring plowing, sing, and dance. Qingming is also the time when young couples start courting. Another popular thing to do is to fly kites in the shapes of animals or characters from Chinese opera.   清明节通常在每年公历4月5日左右,是中国传统节日冬至之后的104天。清明节是是第五个节气的.第一天,它的名字是指人们应该到户外去享受盎然的春天的时节。到清明时节,人们会组织家庭出游,开始春耕,或唱歌或跳舞,而年轻男女也开始互诉钟情,表达爱慕。清明另一个广受欢迎的活动就是放风筝,风筝的形状一般是动物或者京剧里的传统角色。   Qingming Festival is when Chinese people visit the graves or burial grounds of their ancestors. Traditionally, people brought a whole rooster with them to the graves visited but the occasion has become less formal over time. The Qingming Festival is an opportunity for celebrants to remember and honor their ancestors at grave sites. Young and old pray before the ancestors, sweep the tombs and offer food, tea, wine, chopsticks, joss paper accessories, and/or libations to the ancestors. Another common practice is to carry flowers instead of burning paper, incense or firecrackers.   清明也是人们去祖宗的坟墓扫墓的日子。传统上,人们带上一整只公鸡去扫墓,但是随着时间的推移,这种场合已经没有那么正式了。清明是人们纪念祖宗和向祖宗表示敬重的一个节日,年轻人和老人在祖先的坟前祈福,扫墓,供奉食物、茶水、酒、筷子和香纸之类的,向祖先奠酒,另一种常见的做法是向祖先赠送花束,而不是烧纸钱、烧香或放鞭炮。 大学英语作文 篇7   karaoke   karaoke is a welcome and popular source of entertainment. people all over the world are familiar with it. it enjoys popularity in get together (聚会) and evening gala(联欢晚会). common folks (平民百姓) can simply sit in the living room and sing songs that best suit their tastes. thus it enriches people's lives in a simple but creative way.   being an inepensive and convenient source of entertainment, karaoke is of various functions. firstly, it enlarges our social circle and strengthens our bond (纽带). secondly, karaoke can remove the ban of social walls between people. thirdly, it helps channel enthusiasm (热爱) into enjoyable and instructive pastimes (消遣). the list does not stop here.   however, it can also be a nuisance. for instance, some fans sing loudly late at night, which disturbs others. for another instance, some suffer from a sore throat from ecessive practice. karaoke, in the final analysis, should be for the overall improvement of social civilization. its enduring appeal should lie in the high quality of entertainment, not noise pollution. 大学英语作文 篇8   When talking about the course which impresses me the most, I will certainly choose Basic Chemical Experiment. As a student of science, I am always fascinated with the magic in test tubes, and from this course I gained more than pure knowledge.   To begin with, this course provides us opportunities to put theories into practices. The experiments helped us testify and better understand what we have learned in books. Besides, by designing experimental procedures of own, we became more flexible and innovative.   Moreover, I also developed other skills that required outside labs through this course. For example, to be focused and careful when proceeding a task, to be patient and calm when facing failures, and to communicate properly when you need someone else to cooperate. These can be very valuable assets to your life.   Basic Chemical Experiment influenced me not only on academic field but also on daily affairs, therefore it"s the most impressing course to me.   当谈到我印象最深刻的课程时,我当然会选择基础化学实验。作为一个理科生,我总是着迷于试管中的魔法,从这门课程我获得了不只是单纯的知识。   首先,本课程提供我们机会去把理论付诸实践。实验帮助我们更好地了解我们所学的书本。此外,通过设计实验程序,我们变得更加灵活和创新。   另外,我学习到了其他技能通过课程的室外实验。例如,可以专心和小心的进行一项任务,面对失败时要有耐心和平静,并和合作伙伴好好的沟通。这些在生活中都是非常实用的技能。   基础化学实验不仅在学习方面影响我,也对我的生活产生影响。所以这对我来说是最重要的课程。   高考英语满分作文 You have a view of what you have to do 你对所聘职业的看法   面是某中外合资企业刊登在昨天China Daily上的一则招聘广告。   office secretary, with experience in book keeping, typewriting, public relations, operating pc(personal computer)   Address, age, health and education,A518, Charlie Office ;
2023-07-13 12:23:031


The Temple of Heaven, literally the Altar of Heaven (Traditional Chinese: 天坛; Simplified Chinese: 天坛; pinyin: Tiān Tán) is a complex of Taoist buildings situated in southeastern urban Beijing, in Xuanwu District. Construction of the complex began in 1420, and was thereafter visited by all subsequent Emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is regarded as a Taoist temple, although the worship of Heaven, especially by the reigning monarch of the day, pre-dates Taoism. The Temple grounds covers 2.73 km05 of parkland, and comprises three main groups of constructions, all built according to strict philosophical requirements: The Earthly Mount (圜丘坛) is the altar proper. It is an empty platform on three levels of marble stones, where the Emperor prayed for favourable weather; The House of Heavenly Lord (皇穹宇), a single-gabled circular building, built on a single level of marble stone base, where the altars were housed when not in use; The Hall of Annual Prayer (祈年殿), a magnificent triple-gabled circular building, built on three levels of marble stone base, where the Emperor prayed for good harvests. In ancient China, the Emperor of China was regarded as the "Son of Heaven", who administered earthly matters on behalf of, and representing, heavenly authority. To be seen to be showing respect to the source of his authority, in the form of sacrifices to heaven, was extremely important. The temple was built for these ceremonies, mostly comprised of prayers for good harvests. Each winter solstice the Emperor and all his retinue would move through the city to encamp within the complex, wearing special robes and abstaining from eating meat; there the Emperor would personally pray to Heaven for good harvests. The ceremony had to be perfectly completed; it was widely held that the smallest of mistakes would constitute a bad omen for the whole nation in the coming year. Inside the Hall of Annual Prayer.The Temple of Heaven is the grandest of the four great temples located in Beijing. The other prominent temples include the Temple of Sun in the east (日坛), the Temple of Earth in the north (地坛), and the Temple of Moon in the west (月坛). According to Xinhua, in early 2005, the Temple of Heaven underwent a 47 million yuan (5.9 million USD) face-lift in preparation for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and the restoration was completed on May 1st, 2006. The Temple of Heaven was registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.
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冬至英语:【winter solstice】。冬至短语句子:1、冬至到,养生有妙招,冰糖雪梨熬汤,又暖胃:红枣雪莲熬汤,补血又养颜;姜片萝卜汤,健胃又驱寒;米饭红薯熬汤,增加身体营养,祝你拥抱健康,幸福滋味独享。2、冬至要吃营养快餐:吃汤圆,团团圆圆,阳气升腾。吃饺子,混沌初开,伴你开辟新天地。都说冬至大如年,多吃饺子和汤圆,吃出喜庆乐无边!3、值此冬至岁末,冬之日,新年伊始之际,祝福您和您的家人:吉祥如意!4、冬至,送给你一碗羊肉汤,愿它的温暖让你来年更加好远。5、冬至如小年,亲朋好团圆。庆贺冬宰羊,北方吃水饺。桂花冬酿酒,南方香汤圆。春天已不远,祝你心愿圆!双语例句:1、明天就交冬至了。Tomorrow will be the Winter Solstice.2、象夏日麦杆的燃烧,在冬至时节。Like a blaze of summer straw, in winter"s nick.3、冬至是一年当中白昼最短的日子。The winter solstice has the shortest daytime of the year.4、后来,张仲景在冬至那天去世。Afterwards, Zhang Zhongjing died on the day of winter solstice.5、夏至未过勿会热,冬至未过勿会寒。The summer solstice winter solstice is not hot, not cold not be.
2023-07-13 12:23:571


春分、秋分、冬至、夏至分别用英语怎么说? 春分 The vernal equinox 夏至 The summer solstice 秋分 The autumnal equinox 冬至 The winter solstice春分、夏至、秋分、冬至分别用英语怎么说? 春分Spring Equinoxp夏至Summer Solstice,秋分Autumn Equinox冬至Winter Solstice 夏至)用英语怎么说(图 夏至 [词典] June solstice; the Summer Solstice (10th solar term); [例句]明天就交夏至了。 Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice. 夏至英文怎么读 June solstice 英 [du0292u:n u02c8su0254lstis] 美 [du0292un u02c8sɑlstu026as] 夏至 This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice. 这个期间内还间隔有一次夏至。 夏至到来:“夏至”英文怎么说 June solstice the Summer Solstice (10th solar term) midsummer 春分 夏至 秋分 冬至英文怎么说 春分 [chūn fēn] 1.vernal equinox 2.spring equinox 夏至 1.the Summer Solstice 2.June solstice 秋分 1.the Autumnal Equinox 冬至 the winter solstice midwinter 夏至未至用英语怎么说 以前说什么即将到来,是 ing now. 那么说夏至未至,应该可以说,Summer solstice范is not ing now.
2023-07-13 12:25:391


冬至是二十四节气中的第22个节气的英语:The winter solstice is the 22nd of the 24 solar terms。二十四节气对应的英文名和日期分别是:立春:theBeginningofSpring(1stsolarterm)Feb.3,4, or 5;雨水:RainWater(2ndsolarterm)Feb.18,19 or 20;惊蜇:theWakingofInsects(3rdsolarterm)Mar.5,6 or 7;春分:theSpringEquinox(4thsolarterm)Mar.20,21 or 22;清明:PureBrightness(5thsolarterm)Apr.4,5 or 6;谷雨:GrainRain(6thsolarteram)Apr.19,20 or 21;立夏:theBeginningofSummer(7thsolarterm)May5,6 or 7;小满:LesserFullnessofGrain(8thsolarterm)May20,21 or 22;芒种:GraininBeard(9thsolarterm)Jun.5,6 or 7;夏至:theSummerSolstice(10thsolarterm)Jun.21 or 22;小暑:LesserHeat(11thsolarterm)Jul.6,7 or 8;大暑:GreaterHeat(12thsolarterm)Jul.22,23 or 24;立秋:theBeginningofAutumn(13thsolarterm)Aug.7,8 or 9;处暑:theEndofHeat(14thsolarterm)Aug.22,23 or 24;白露:WhiteDew(15thsolarterm)Sep.7,8 or 9;秋分:theAutumnEquinox(16thsolarterm)Sep.22,23 or 24;寒露:ColdDew(17thsolarterm)Oct.8 or 9;霜降:Frost"sDescent(18thsolarterm)Oct.23 or 24;立冬:theBeginningofWinter(19thsolarterm)Nov.7 or 8;小雪:LesserSnow(20thsolarterm)Nov.22 or 23;大雪:GreaterSnow(21thsolarterm)Dec.6,7 or 8;冬至:theWinterSolstice(22thsolarterm)Dec.21,22 or 23;小寒:LesserCold(23thsolarterm)Jan.5,6 or 7;大寒:GreaterCold(24thsolarterm)Jan.20 or 21。
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It"s cold in winter. 冬天天气冷。How do animals spend the winter?动物是如何越冬的?What"s the weather like there in winter?那里冬天的天气怎么样?We winter the cows in the barn. 我们让母牛在牲口棚里过冬。
2023-07-13 12:26:043


用英语来介绍24节气如下:1、start of spring:立春。2、rain water:雨水。3、awakening of insects:惊蛰。4、vernal equinox:春分。5、clear and bright:清明。6、grain rain:谷雨。7、start of summer:立夏。8、grain full:小满。9、grain in ear:芒种。10、summer solstice:夏至。11、minor heat:小暑。12、major heat:大暑。13、start of autumn:立秋。14、limit of heat:处暑。15、white dew:白露。16、autumnal equinox:秋分。17、cold dew:寒露。18、frost descent:霜降。19、start of winter:立冬。20、minor snow:小雪。21、major snow:大雪。22、winter solstice:冬至。23、minor cold:小寒。24、major cold:大寒。
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Christmas Day is a holiday observed generally on December 25 to commemorate the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. The date is not known to be the actual birthday of Jesus, and may have initially been chosen to correspond with either the day exactly nine months after some early Christians believed Jesus had been conceived, the date of the winter solstice on the ancient Roman calendar, or one of various ancient winter festivals. Christmas is central to the Christmas and holiday season, and in Christianity marks the beginning of the larger season of Christmastide, which lasts twelve days.Although nominally a Christian holiday, Christmas is also widely celebrated by many non-Christians, and many of its popular celebratory customs have pre-Christian or secular themes and origins. Popular modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, music, an exchange of greeting cards, church celebrations, a special meal, and the display of various decorations; including Christmas trees, lights, garlands, mistletoe, nativity scenes, and holly. In addition, several similar mythological figures, known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and Santa Claus among other names, are associated with bringing gifts to children during the Christmas season.Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the Christmas festival involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, the holiday has become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers and businesses. The economic impact of Christmas is a factor that has grown steadily over the past few centuries in many regions of the world.
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Christmas The Feast of Christmas It is not easy to pin-point the origins of the Christmas feast, today the more important feast of the Christmas season in most western Christian churches. One can only say for certain that the birth of Jesus Christ was being celebrated in Rome by the year 336 A.D.; afterwards the feast was celebrated in other Christian churches throughout the world. Why it was celebrated on December 25th is another question. No date for the birth of Jesus can be found in the New Testament, which is concerned more with the question "Who is Jesus?" than the date of his birth. Early Christian speculation about his birth date was influenced by the symbolism of the changing seasons, then popular in religious thought, which paid careful attention to the equinoxes and solstices of the sun. Christian scholars speculated that Jesus was conceived at the spring equinox (March 25th) and therefore was born on December 25th, the date of the winter solstice. In many of the Christian churches, March 25th is still the Feast of the Annunciation, when the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to be the mother of Jesus. Possible impluse for the feast of Christmas may have came too from the establishment of the pagan feast of the "Unconquered Sun-God" by the Emperor Aurelian in 274 A.D. to be celebrated on December 25, the day of the winter solstice in Rome and throughout the empire. In response, Christians could celebrate the feast of the "Sun of righteousness" (Malachi 4,2), Jesus Christ, who called himself " the light of the world." Father Christmas It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them. Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe. On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it"s really their parents who fill the stockings. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus. 参考资料:chq0621 回答者:木原正树 - 大魔法师 九级 10-7 09:04 这篇不难的,可以参考:)~ For today"s Christian, the origin of Christmas is, and should be, the birth of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Bible. Nothing more and nothing less. However, most of what we witness on December 25th each year has absolutely nothing to do with that blessed day, which probably occurred in late summer or early fall about 2,000 years ago. In fact, most of the customs and traditions of Christmas actually pre-date the birth of Jesus, and many of them are downright deceptive in their meaning and origin. Anyway, who cares when Christ was born? Christmas Day,the 25th of December,is the biggest festival(节日)celebrated in the Christian countries of the world.Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents they know they are going to receive.Small children believe that their presents are brought by Father Christmas(圣诞老人).Father Christmas is a kind of old man who,the children are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels through the sky on a sleigh(雪撬) which is pulled by reindeers(驯鹿) and loaded with(装满) presents.Stopping on the roof of houses,he enters by climbing the chimney(烟囱).When small children go to bed on Christmas Eve,they hang a stocking at the end of their beds.Their parents warn them not to try to look at Father Christmas,or he will not leave them anything.When they wake,they find their stockings filled with presents.Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early. Christmas is also a family celebration.As any members of the family as possible gather to eat,play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV. 回答者: 13760551 - 进士出身 八级 10-7 09:07 People send each other cards and give gifts to their families and friends. In homes and in stores, evergreen trees glitter with colorful lights and ornaments. Children look forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. It all can mean just one thing: It"s the season of Christmas, a holiday celebrated every year on December 25. WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is a Christian holiday. It commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ more than 2,000 years ago. Christian churches hold religious services to celebrate Christmas. At midnight on Christmas Eve, most churches hold special candlelight services. But Christmas is also a social and family holiday. It is a festival of goodwill, a time for family, friends, food, and gift-giving. Many Americans share Christmas cookies, decorate their homes, and place presents under the family Christmas tree. Children often hang up stockings for Santa Claus to fill with small gifts. According to tradition, Santa arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Presents are usually opened on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. THE STORY OF CHRIST"S BIRTH The story of Christ"s birth comes mainly from the New Testament of the Bible, a holy book of Christianity. According to the Bible, Joseph and his wife, Mary, traveled from Nazareth to the town of Bethlehem. The town"s inn had no room for them, even though Mary was expecting a child. Her baby was born in a stable and placed in a manger, a criblike holder for animal feed. In the fields near Bethlehem, an angel appeared before shepherds who were guarding their flocks. The angel told the shepherds that a holy child named Jesus Christ had been born. Other angels appeared and sang. After the angels had gone, the shepherds went to Bethlehem to see the child. Three Wise Men came from the east looking for a newborn king. They followed a bright, guiding star called the Star of Bethlehem. It led them to Christ in the manger. There, they knelt in worship before the baby Jesus and gave him gifts. TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS The official Christmas season is popularly known as the Twelve Days of Christmas. It extends from the anniversary of Christ"s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6. The Epiphany honors Jesus" baptism and the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem. THE ROOTS OF CHRISTMAS No one knows exactly when Jesus Christ was born. For many years, local Christian churches celebrated Christ"s birth at different times. Then, in the ad 300s, the Roman Catholic Church set the birth date at December 25. At that time, older non-Christian festivals were celebrated around Christmas. The Romans celebrated Saturnalia, a festival honoring their god of harvest and god of light. Other Europeans held festivals in mid-December marking the end of the harvest season. The Roman Catholic Church probably chose December 25 to give a Christian meaning to these older festivals. The Orthodox Church, the Christian church in the east, also began using December 25 as the birth date of Jesus. But the Orthodox Church places more importance on celebrating Jesus" baptism on January 6. CHRISTMAS GIFTS The custom of exchanging gifts at Christmas comes from the ancient Romans. During Saturnalia, the Romans exchanged tokens of good luck. Later, it became customary for Romans to exchange more valuable gifts, such as clothes or jewelry. The Biblical story of the Three Wise Men who presented gifts to baby Jesus also shaped this Christmas custom. CHRISTMAS TREES The tradition of the Christmas tree came to North America from Germany. Long ago, Germans began decorating evergreen trees in their homes at Christmas. They trimmed their trees with fruits, cookies, and lighted candles. German immigrants to the United States brought this custom with them in the 1800s. Before Christian times, ancient people used evergreens for decoration and religious ceremonies. Because evergreens do not die in the winter, they came to symbolize eternal life. STAR OF BETHLEHEM The Star of Bethlehem is one of the oldest symbols of Christmas. A star traditionally sits atop Christmas trees. Stars are used for many other Christmas decorations, too. CHRISTMAS LIGHTS Lighted candles have always been a part of Christmas celebrations. The candles represent Jesus Christ, who the Bible calls “the light of the world.” Today, most people decorate their homes and yards with electric lights in place of candles. MISTLETOE AND HOLLY The custom of decorating with mistletoe at Christmastime dates to the Romans. They thought of mistletoe as a symbol of peace. They believed enemies would resolve their differences when they met beneath it. The Christmas custom of kissing under the mistletoe is thought to come from this ancient belief. Holly, too, is a popular Christmas decoration. Its sharp, pointed leaves are considered a symbol of Christ"s crown of thorns. Christ wore the crown when he was crucified (nailed to a cross). CHRISTMAS AROUND THE WORLD Each part of the world has its own Christmas traditions. In many countries, gifts are exchanged on January 6 to mark the Epiphany. On January 5, the eve of the Epiphany, children in Spain leave grain in their shoes for the Wise Men"s camels. The next morning, they find small gifts in place of the grain. In Mexico, singing children parade from house to house in a tradition called posadas. They ask for shelter, like Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem before Jesus" birth. The children are turned away at many doors before they are finally invited in. Then, everyone enjoys a large meal, singing, and dancing. In the southern part of the world, in places like Australia, Christmas arrives in summer. Australians often celebrate Christmas with a beach picnic! And Santa"s sleigh is said to be pulled by eight kangaroos!
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首先说一下公元的概念,公元即公历纪元,是一个国家建国的时候公布的官方历法,民国的时候,公元是国号纪年,西历纪录月日,清代的公元则是我们现在的农历。我们现在的公元是使用国家最多的历法,1949年建国的时候,为与国际接轨,直接使用了该历法,该历法称为“格里高利历”,简称“格里历”,1582年10月,天主教皇格里高利十三世,下令,为不足历法上的误差,直接砍掉了10天,10月4日之后是10月15日。这个月只有21天。而新历法是400年闰97天,被400整除的世纪数年份为闰年(如1600年,2000年,2400年),不是的则为平年(如1700年、1800年、1900年,2100年,2200年,2300年,2500年等等)闰年2月是29天,平年2月28天,新历法3000多年才会有一天的误差。改历前为“儒略历”,或“旧历”四年闰一天,400年闰100天,东正教区并没有改历,直到苏联的十月革命才改历,而十月革命的名字,是旧历的名字,而这时候,新历与旧历的误差已经扩大为13天。你所说的公元,就是格里高利历。中国的历法是“阴阳合历”,天干地支纪年法则是阳历的部分,24节气是中国农历的核心,它分为12节气和12中气,12节气是每个月的第一天,而12中气则与阴历闰月有关,称为“无中气置闰”,我们现在的农历,是1645年开始使用,改历原则是借鉴了西历的新历(历法制定者之一的徐光启是一位天主教徒,该历法明末开始修订,但未来得及实行,明朝就结束了,直到清代顺治二年,即1645年才开始实行),重新确定了夏至,冬至,春分,秋分,然后重新确立24节气在黄道中的位置与日期。这次改历也是中国历法上对历法结构的最后一次改历,简单的说就是平气该定气。联系:天干地支纪年法与格里高利历都是太阳历,都是先确定了春分(Spring Equinox),秋分(Autumn Equinox),夏至(Summer Solstice),冬至(Winter Solstice),然后再按照秋分到春分,春分到秋分少几天而确定历法结构而确定的历法。区别:是一年的第一天,西历受宗教影响,而我们则是因为我们是农耕民族,春天大地复苏,的日子,把它当作一年的第一天顺应民意。中国以春季为一年第一天是从公元前104年开始(汉武帝元封7年,改历后称为太初元年,改历的新版本也被称为“太初历”)而西历则是公元前46年开始,公元前8年变成现在的历法结构,1582年起确定了400年闰97天的结构。1970年电子时的发明,使各国的不同版本的历法最终固定下来,误差则以润秒来向全世界公布。
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  二十四节气是我国劳动人民独创的文化遗产,它能反映季节的变化,指导农事活动,影响着千家万户的衣食住行。由于2000年来,我国的主要政治活动中心多集中在黄河流域,二十四节气也就是以这一带的气候、物候为依据建立起来的。由于我国幅员辽阔,地形多变,故二十四节气对于很多地区来讲只是一种参考。  二十四节气是根据太阳在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置来划分的。视太阳从春分点(黄经零度,此刻太阳垂直照射赤道)出发,每前进15度为一个节气;运行一周又回到春分点,为一回归年,合360度,因此分为24个节气。节气的日期在阳历中是相对固定的,如立春总是在阳历的2月3日至5日之间。但在农历中,节气的日期却不大好确定,再以立春为例,它最早可在上一年的农历12月15日,最晚可在正月15日。  从二十四节气的字面含义来看:  立春、立夏、立秋、立冬——亦合称“四立”,分别表示四季的开始。“立”即开始的意思。公历上一般在每年的2月4日、5月5日、8月7日和11月7日前后。 “四立”表示的是天文季节的开始,从气候上说,一般还在上一季节,如立春黄河流域仍在隆冬。  夏至、冬至——合称“二至”,表示天文上夏天、冬天的极致。“至”意为极、最。夏至日、冬至日一般在每年公历的6月21日和12月22日。  春分、秋分——合称“二分”,表示昼夜长短相等。“分”即平分的意思。这两个节气一般在每年公历的3月20日和9月23日左右。  雨水——表示降水开始,雨量逐步增多。公历每年的2月18日前后为雨水。  惊蛰——春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。这时气温回升较快,渐有春雷萌动。每年公历的3月5日左右为惊蛰。  清明——含有天气晴朗、空气清新明洁、逐渐转暖、草木繁茂之意。公历每年大约4月5日为清明。  谷雨——雨水增多,大大有利谷类作物的生长。公历每年4月20日前后为谷雨。  小满——其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。大约每年公历5月21日这天为小满。  芒种——麦类等有芒作物成熟,夏种开始。每年的6月5日左右为芒种。  小暑、大暑、处暑——暑是炎热的意思。小暑还未达最热,大暑才是最热时节,处暑是暑天即将结束的日子。它们分别处在每年公历的7月7日、7月23日和8月23日左右。  白露——气温开始下降,天气转凉,早晨草木上有了露水。每年公历的9月7日前后是白露。  寒露——气温更低,空气已结露水,渐有寒意。这一天一般在每年的10月8日。  霜降——天气渐冷,开始有霜。霜降一般是在每年公历的10月23日。  小雪、大雪——开始降雪,小和大表示降雪的程度。小雪在每年公历11月22日,大雪则在12月7日左右。  小寒、大寒——天气进一步变冷,小寒还未达最冷,大寒为一年中最冷的时候。公历1月5日和该月的20日左右为小、大寒。  二十四节气反映了太阳的周年视运动,所以节气在现行的公历中日期基本固定,上半年在6日、21日,下半年在8日、23日,前后不差1~2天  二十四节气  立春:斗指东北。太阳黄经为315度。是二十四个节气的头一个节气。其含意是开始进入春天,“阳和起蛰,品物皆春”,过了立春,万物复苏生机勃勃,一年四季从此开始了。  雨水 斗指壬。太阳黄经为330°。这时春风遍吹,冰雪融化,空气湿润,雨水增多,所以叫雨水。人们常说:“立春天渐暖,雨水送肥忙”。  惊蛰:斗指丁。太阳黄经为345°。这个节气表示“立春”以后天气转暖,春雷开始震响,蛰伏在泥土里的各种冬眠动物将苏醒过来开始活动起来,所以叫惊蛰。这个时期过冬的虫排卵也要开始孵化。我国部分地区过入了春耕季节。谚语云:“惊蛰过,暖和和,蛤蟆老角唱山歌。”“惊蛰一犁土,春分地气通。”“惊蛰没到雷先鸣,大雨似蛟龙。”  春分:斗指壬。太阳黄经为0°。春分日太阳在赤道上方。这是春季90天的中分点,这一天南北两半球昼夜相等,所以叫春分。这天以后太阳直射位置便向北移,北半球昼长夜短。所以春分是北半球春季开始。我国大部分地区越冬作物进入春季生长阶段。各地农谚有:“春分在前,斗米斗钱”(广东)、“春分甲子雨绵绵,夏分甲子火烧天”(四川)、“春分有雨家家忙,先种瓜豆后插秧”(湖北)、“春分种菜,大暑摘瓜”(湖南)、“春分种麻种豆,秋分种麦种蒜”(安徽)。  清明:斗指丁。太阳黄经为15°。此时气候清爽温暖,草木始发新枝芽,万能物开始生长,农民忙于春耕春种。从前,在清明节这一天,有些人家都在门口插上杨柳条,还到郊外踏青,祭扫坟墓,这是古老的习俗。  谷雨:斗指癸。太阳黄经为30°。就是雨水生五谷的意思,由于雨水滋润大地五谷得以生长,所以,谷雨就是“雨生百谷”。谚云“谷雨前后,种瓜种豆”。  立夏:斗指东南。太阳黄经为45°。是夏季的开始,从此进入夏天,万物旺盛大。习惯上把立夏当作是气温显著升高,炎暑将临,雷雨增多,农作物进入旺季生长的一个重要节气。  小满:斗指甲。太阳黄经为60°。从小满开始,大麦、冬小麦等夏收作物,已经结果、籽粒饱满,但尚未成熟,所以叫小满。  芒种:北斗指向已。太阳黄经为75°。这时最适合播种有芒的谷类作物,如晚谷、黍、稷等。如过了这个时候再种有芒和作物就不好成熟了。同时,“芒”指有芒作物如小麦、大麦等,“种”指种子。芒种即表明小麦等有芒作物成熟。芒种前后,我国中部的长江中、下游地区,雨量增多,气温升高,进入连绵阴雨的梅雨季节,空气非常潮湿,天气异常闷热,各种器具和衣物容易发霉,所以在我国长江中、下游地区也叫“霉雨”。  夏至:北斗指向乙。太阳黄经为90°。太阳在黄经90°“夏至点”时,阳光几乎直射北回归线上空,北半球正午太阳最高。这一天是北半球白昼最长、黑夜最短的一天,从这一天起,进入炎热季节,天地万物在此时生长最旺盛。所心以古时候又把这一天叫做日北至,意思是太阳运生到最北的一日。过了夏至,太阳逐渐向南移动,北半球白昼一天比一天缩短,黑夜一天比一天加长。  小暑:斗指辛。太阳黄经为105°。天气已经很热,但不到是热的时候,所以叫小暑。此时,已是初伏前后。  大暑:斗指丙。太阳黄经为120°。大暑是一年中最热的节气,正值勤二伏前后,长江流域的许多地方,经常出现40℃高温天气。要作好防暑降温工作。这个节气雨水多,在“小暑、大暑,淹死老鼠”的谚语,要注意防汛防涝。  立秋:北斗指向西南。太阳黄经为135°。从这一天起秋天开始,秋高气爽,月明风清。此后,气温由最热逐渐下降。  处暑:斗指戊。太阳黄经为150°。这时夏季火热已经到头了。暑气就要散了。它是温度下降的一个转折点。是气候变凉的象征,表示暑天终止。  白露:斗指癸。太阳黄经为165°。天气转凉,地面水汽结露最多。  秋分:斗指已。太阳黄经为180°。秋分这一天同春人一样,阳光几乎直射赤道,昼夜几乎相等。从这一天起,阳光直射位置继续由赤道向南半球推移,北半球开始昼短夜长。依我国旧历的秋季论,这一天刚好是秋季九十天的一半,因而称秋分。但在天文学上规定,北半球的秋天是从秋分开始的。  寒露:斗指甲。太阳黄经为195°。白露后,天气转凉,开始出现露水,到了寒露,则露水日多,且气温更低了。所以,有人说,寒是露之气,先白而后寒,是气候将逐渐转冷的意思。而水气则凝成白色露珠。  霜降:太阳黄经为210°。天气已冷,开始有霜冻了,所以叫霜降。  立冬:太阳黄经为225°。习惯上,我国人民把这一天当作冬季的开始。冬,作为终了之意,是指一年的田间操作结束了,作物收割之后要收藏起来的意思。立冬一过,我国黄河中、下游地区即将结冰,我国各地农民都将陆续地转入农田水利基本建设和其他农事活动中。  小雪:太阳黄经为240°。气温下降,开始降雪,但还不到大雪纷飞的时节,所以叫小雪。小雪前后,黄河流域开始降雪(南方降雪还要晚两个节气);而北方,已进入封冻季节。  大雪:太阳黄经为255°。大雪前后,黄河流域一带渐有积雪;而北方,已是“千里冰封,万里雪飘荡”的严冬了。  冬至:太阳黄经为270°。冬至这一天,阳光几乎直射南回归线,我们北半球白昼最短,黑夜最长,开始进入数九寒天。天文学上规定这一天是北半球冬季的开始。而冬至以后,阳光直射位置逐渐向北移动,北半球的白天就逐渐长了,谚云:吃了冬至面,一天长一线。  小寒:太阳黄经为285°。小寒以后,开始进入寒冷季节。冷气积久而寒,小寒是天气寒冷但还没有到极点的意思。  大寒:太阳黄经为300°。大寒就是天气寒冷到了极点的意思。大寒前后是一年中最冷的季节。大寒正值三九刚过,四九之初。谚云:“三九四九不出手”。  大寒以后,立春接着到来,天气渐暖。至此地球绕太阳公转一周,完在了一个循环。  节气的来源  早在春秋战国时代,我国人民中就有了日南至、日北至的概念。随后人们根据月初、月中的日月运行位置和天气及动植物生长等自然现利用之间的关系,把一年平分为二十四等份。并且给每等份取了个专有名称,这就是二十四节气。到战国后期成书的《吕氏春秋》“十二月纪”中,就有了立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、立冬、冬至等八个节气名称。这八个节气,是二十四个节气中最重要的节气。这八个节气标示出季节的转换,清楚地划分出一年的四季。后来到了《淮南子》一书的时候,就有了和现代完全一样的二十四节气的名称。  节气的划分  有人认为二十四节气从属农历,其实,它是根据阳历划定的。即根据太阳在黄道上的位置,把一年划分为24个彼此相等的段落。也就是把黄道分成24个等份,每等份各占黄经15°。由于太阳通过每等份所需的时间几乎相等,二十四节气的公历日期每年大致相同:上半年在6日、21日前后,下半年在8日、23日前后。并有两句口诀:  上半年来六、廿一,  下半年来八、廿三。  古时把节气称“气”,每月有两个气:前一个气叫“节气”,后一个气叫“中气”。二十四节气按月分布情况如下表,它又同农历闰月的安排有着密切的关系。在农历中,以立春为二十四个节气的头一个节气。二十四个节气的名称,是随着斗纲所指的地方并结合当时的自然气候与景观命名而来的。所谓斗纲,就是北斗七星中的魁、衡、杓三颗星随着天体的运行,斗纲指向不同的方向和位置,其所指的位置就是所代表的月份。如正月为寅,黄昏时杓是指寅,半夜衡指寅,白天魁是指寅;二月为卯,黄昏时杓是指卯,半夜衡是指卯,白天魁是指卯,其余的月份类推。  中国24节气中英文对照与时间  立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5  雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20  惊蛰 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7  春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22  清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6  谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21  立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7  小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22  芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7  夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22  小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8  大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24  立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9  处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24  白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9  秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24  寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9  霜降 Frost"s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24  立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8  小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23  大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8  冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23  小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7  大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2  节气歌  种田无定例,全靠看节气。立春阳气转,雨水沿河边。  惊蛰乌鸦叫,春分滴水干。清明忙种粟,谷雨种大田。  立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全。芒种大家乐,夏至不着棉。  小暑不算热,大暑在伏天。立秋忙打垫,处暑动刀镰。  白露快割地,秋分无生田。寒露不算冷,霜降变了天。  立冬先封地,小雪河封严。大雪交冬月,冬至数九天。  小寒忙买办,大寒要过年。  二十四节气歌  春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,  秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。  一月两节不变更,最多相差一两天。  上半年是六、廿一,下半年逢八、廿三。  二十四节气七言诗  地球绕着太阳转,绕完一圈是一年。  一年分成十二月,二十四节紧相连。  按照公历来推算,每月两气不改变。  上半年是六、廿一,下半年逢八、廿三。  这些就是交节日,有差不过一两天。  二十四节有先后,下列口诀记心间:  一月小寒接大寒,二月立春雨水连;  惊蛰春分在三月,清明谷雨四月天;  五月立夏和小满,六月芒种夏至连;  七月大暑和小暑,立秋处暑八月间;  九月白露接秋分,寒露霜降十月全;  立冬小雪十一月,大雪冬至迎新年。  抓紧季节忙生产,种收及时保丰年。  节气百子歌     在四川地区,还流传着一首《节气百子歌》,每句以"子"结尾,描述了旧社会劳动人民的苦和乐:  说个子来道个子,正月过年耍狮子。     二月惊蛰抱蚕子,三月清明坟飘子。     四月立夏插秧子,五月端阳吃粽子。     六月天热买扇子,七月立秋烧袱子。     八月过节麻饼子,九月重阳捞糟子。     十月天寒穿袄子,冬月数九烘笼子。     腊月年关四处去躲帐主子。  节气联拾趣  我国农历一年之中有24个节气。在我国对联中,以节气为题材的很精彩,有的还含着一段故事呢。  传说明代有一位学台,在浙江天台山游览时,夜宿山中茅屋。次日晨起,见茅屋一片白霜,心有所感随口吟出上联。     昨夜大寒,霜降茅屋如小雪      联中嵌有三个节气,一气呵成,毫无痕迹。一时成为绝对。直至近代,才由浙江的赵恭沛先生对出下联:     今朝惊蛰,春分时雨到清明     一样三个节气,对得十分工整。     另一副对联则更有文学性和科学性:     二月春分八月秋分昼夜不长不短;三年一闰五年再闰阴阳无差无错。     上联不仅指出了春分和秋分这两个节气所在的月份,而且把这两个月份的时间特点讲得清清楚楚,即二八月是昼夜相平。下联则换了另一个角度,道出了农历闰年的规律性,其科学性也是毋庸置疑的。     原明朝大臣,后降清的洪承畴,在“谷雨”那天与人下棋时对了一副对联,云:     一局妙棋今日几乎忘谷雨;     两朝领袖他年何以别清明。     上联是洪承畴所出,下联为同弈者所对。意在讽刺洪失义辱节,一语双关,深藏讽意。
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写作思路:首先介绍清明的基本信息,然后介绍清明的字面意思,最后清明的重要意义。范文:Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.More important,it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members.Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety,Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.清明是缅怀逝者和逝者的日子。更重要的是,这是一个纪念和尊重已故祖先和家庭成员的时期。因为它强化了孝道的伦理,清明节是中国的一个重要节日。Literally meaning clear(Qing)and bright(Ming),this Chinese festival falls in early spring,on the 106th day after the winter solstice.It is a spring festival,and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.字面意思是清(清)明(明),这个中国节日在初春,冬至后的第106天。这是一个春节,也是全家出家扫墓的日子。Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period,that is,10 days before and after Qing Ming day.Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed.中国人是务实的人,这次扫墓的时间是延长的,即清明前后10天。在一些方言组中,分配了整整一个月的时间。清明是缅怀逝者和逝者的日子。More important,it is a period to honour and to pay respect to ones deceased ancestors and family members.Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety,Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.更重要的是,这是一个纪念和尊重已故祖先和家庭成员的时期。因为它强化了孝道的伦理,清明节是中国的一个重要节日。Literally meaning "clear"(Qing)and "bright"(Ming),this Chinese festival falls in early spring,on the 106th day after the winter solstice.It is a "spring" festival,and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.字面意思是“清”(清)和“明”(明),这个中国节日在初春,冬至后的第106天。这是一个“春节”,是全家出家扫墓的日子。Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period,that is,10 days before and after Qing Ming day.Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.中国人是务实的人,这次扫墓的时间是延长的,即清明前后10天。在一些方言组中,分配了整整一个月的时间。
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Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one"s deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.  Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated.
2023-07-13 12:30:131

2023-07-13 12:30:243


二十四节气是我国劳动人民独创的文化遗产,它能反映季节的变化,指导农事活动,影响着千家万户的衣食住行。由于2000年来,我国的主要政治活动中心多集中在黄河流域,二十四节气也就是以这一带的气候、物候为依据建立起来的。由于我国幅员辽阔,地形多变,故二十四节气对于很多地区来讲只是一种参考。 二十四节气是根据太阳在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置来划分的。视太阳从春分点(黄经零度,此刻太阳垂直照射赤道)出发,每前进15度为一个节气;运行一周又回到春分点,为一回归年,合360度,因此分为24个节气。节气的日期在阳历中是相对固定的,如立春总是在阳历的2月3日至5日之间。但在农历中,节气的日期却不大好确定,再以立春为例,它最早可在上一年的农历12月15日,最晚可在正月15日。从二十四节气的字面含义来看: 立春、立夏、立秋、立冬——分别表示四季的开始。“立”即开始的意思。公历上一般在每年的2月4日、5月5日、8月7日和11月7日前后。 夏至、冬至——表示夏天、冬天到了。“至”即到的意思。夏至日、冬至日一般在每年公历的6月21日和12月22日。 春分、秋分——表示昼夜长短相等。“分”即平分的意思。这两个节气一般在每年公历的3月20日和9月23日左右。 雨水——表示降水开始,雨量逐步增多。公历每年的2月18日前后为雨水。 惊蛰——春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。这时气温回升较快,渐有春雷萌动。每年公历的3月5日左右为惊蛰。 清明——含有天气晴朗、空气清新明洁、逐渐转暖、草木繁茂之意。公历每年大约4月5日为清明。 谷雨——雨水增多,大大有利谷类作物的生长。公历每年4月20日前后为谷雨。 小满——其含义是夏熟作物的籽粒开始灌浆饱满,但还未成熟,只是小满,还未大满。大约每年公历5月21日这天为小满。 芒种——麦类等有芒作物成熟,夏种开始。每年的6月5日左右为芒种。 小暑、大暑、处暑——暑是炎热的意思。小暑还未达最热,大暑才是最热时节,处暑是暑天即将结束的日子。它们分别处在每年公历的7月7日、7月23日和8月23日左右。 白露——气温开始下降,天气转凉,早晨草木上有了露水。每年公历的9月7日前后是白露。 寒露——气温更低,空气已结露水,渐有寒意。这一天一般在每年的10月8日。 霜降——天气渐冷,开始有霜。霜降一般是在每年公历的10月23日。 小雪、大雪——开始降雪,小和大表示降雪的程度。小雪在每年公历11月22日,大雪则在12月7日左右。 小寒、大寒——天气进一步变冷,小寒还未达最冷,大寒为一年中最冷的时候。公历1月5日和该月的20日左右为小、大寒。 二十四节气反映了太阳的周年视运动,所以节气在现行的公历中日期基本固定,上半年在6日、21日,下半年在8日、23日,前后不差1~2天 为了便于记忆,人们编出了二十四节气歌诀:二十四节气歌春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。二十四节气七言诗地球绕着太阳转,绕完一圈是一年。一年分成十二月,二十四节紧相连。按照公历来推算,每月两气不改变。上半年是六、甘一,下半年逢八、甘三。这些就是交节日,有差不过一两天。二十四节有先后,下列口诀记心间:一月小寒接大寒,二月立春雨水连;惊蛰春分在三月,清明谷雨四月天;五月立夏和小满,六月芒种夏至连;七月大暑和小暑,立秋处暑八月间;九月白露接秋分,寒露霜降十月全;立冬小雪十一月,大雪冬至迎新年。抓紧季节忙生产,种收及时保丰年。立春 斗指东北。太阳黄经为315度。是二十四个节气的头一个节气。其含意是开始进入春天,“阳和起蛰,品物皆春”,过了立春,万物复苏生机勃勃,一年四季从此开始了。 雨水 斗指壬。太阳黄经为330度。这时春风遍吹,冰雪溶化,空气湿润,雨水增多,所以叫雨水。人们常说:“立春天渐暖,雨水送肥忙”。 惊蛰 斗指丁。太阳黄经为345度。这个节气表示“立春”以后天气转暖,春雷开妈震响,蛰伏在泥土里的各种冬眠动物将苏醒过来开始活动起来,所以叫惊蛰。这个时期过冬的虫排卵也要开始孵化。我国部分地区过入了春耕季节。谚语云:“惊蛰过,暖和和,蛤蟆老角唱山歌。”“惊蛰一犁土,春分地气通。”“惊蛰没到雷先鸣,大雨似蛟龙。” 春分 斗指壬。太阳黄经为0度。春分日太阳在赤道上方。这是春季90天的中分点,这一天南北两半球昼夜相等,所以叫春分。这天以后太阳直射位置便向北移,北半球昼长夜短。所以春分是北半球春季开始。我国大部分地区越冬作物进入春季生长阶段。各地农谚有:“春分在前,斗米斗钱”(广东)、“春分甲子雨绵绵,夏分甲子火烧天”(四川)、“春分有雨家家忙,先种瓜豆后插秧”(湖北)、“春分种菜,大暑摘瓜”(湖南)、“春分种麻种豆,秋分种麦种蒜”(安徽)。 清明 斗指丁。太阳黄经为15度。此时气候清爽温暖,草木始发新枝芽,万能物开始生长,农民忙于春耕春种。从前,在清明节这一天,有些人家都在门口插上杨柳条,还到郊外踏青,祭扫坟墓,这是古老的习俗。 谷雨 斗指癸。太阳黄经为30度。就是雨水生五谷的意思,由于雨水滋润大地五谷得以生长,所以,谷雨就是“雨生百谷”。谚云“谷雨前后,种瓜种豆”。 立夏 斗指东南。太阳黄经为45度。是夏季的开始,从此进入夏天,万物旺盛大。习惯上把立夏当作是气温显著升高,炎暑将临,雷雨增多,农作物进入旺季生长的一个重要节气。 小满 斗指甲。太阳黄经为60度。从小满开始,大麦、冬小麦等夏收作物,已经结果、籽粒饱满,但尚未成熟,所以叫小满。 芒种 北斗指向已。太阳黄经为75度。这时最适合播种有芒的谷类作物,如晚谷、黍、稷等。如过了这个时候再种有芒和作物就不好成熟了。同时,“芒”指有芒作物如小麦、大麦等,“种”指种子。芒种即表明小麦等有芒作物成熟。芒种前后,我国中部的长江中、下游地区,雨量增多,气温升高,进入连绵阴雨的梅雨季节,空气非常潮湿,天气异常闷热,各种器具和衣物容易发霉,所以在我国长江中、下游地区叫“黄梅天”。 夏至 北斗指向乙。太阳黄经为90度。太阳在黄经90度“夏至点”时,阳光几乎直射北回归线上空,中午太阳最高。这一天是北半球白昼最长、黑夜最短的一天,从这一天起,进入炎热季节,天地万物在此时生长最旺盛。所心以古时候又把这一天叫做日北至,意思是太阳运生到最北的一日。过了夏至,太阳逐渐向南移动,北半球白昼一天比一天缩短,黑夜一天比一天加长。 小暑 斗指辛。太阳黄经为105度。天气已经很热,但不到是热的时候,所以叫小暑。此时,已是初伏前后。 大暑 斗指丙。太阳黄经为120度。大暑是一年中最热的节气,正值勤二伏前后,长江流域的许多地方,经常出现40℃高温天气。要作好防暑降温工作。这个节气雨水多,在“小暑、大暑,淹死老鼠”的谚语,要注意防汛防涝。 立秋 北斗指向西南。太阳黄经为135度。秋、春华秋实,是植物快成熟的意思。从这一天起秋天开始,秋高气爽,月明风清。此后,气温由最热逐渐下降。 处暑 斗指戊。太阳黄经为150度。这时夏季火热已经到头了。暑气就要散了。它是温度下降的一个转折点。是气候变凉的象征,表示暑天终止。 白露 斗指癸。太阳黄经为165度。天气转凉,地面水汽结露最多。 秋分 斗指已。太阳黄经为180度。秋分这一天同春人一样,阳光几乎直射赤道,昼夜几乎相等。从这一天起,阳光直射位置继续由赤道向南半球推移,北半球开始昼短夜长。依我国旧历的秋季论,这一天刚好是秋季九十天的一半,因而称秋分。但在天文学上规定,北半球的秋天是从秋分开始的。 寒露 斗指甲。太阳黄经为195度。白露后,天气转凉,开始出现露水,到了寒露,则露水日多,且气温更低了。所以,有人说,寒是露之气,先白而后寒,是气候将逐渐转冷的意思。而水气则凝成白色露珠。 霜降 太阳黄经为210度。天气已冷,开始有霜冻了,所以叫霜降。 立冬 太阳黄经为225度。习惯上,我国人民把这一天当作冬季的开始。冬,作为终了之意,是指一年的田间操作结束了,作物收割之后要收藏起来的意思。立冬一过,我国黄河中、下游地区即将结冰,我国各地农民都将陆续地转入农田水利基本建设和其他农事活动中。 小雪 太阳黄经为240。气温下降,开始降雪,但还不到大雪纷飞的时节,所以叫小雪。小雪前后,黄河流域开始降雪(南方降雪还要晚两个节气);而北方,已进入封冻季节。 大雪 太阳黄经为255度。大雪前后,黄河流域一带渐有积雪;而北方,已是“千里冰封,万里雪飘荡”的严冬了。 冬至 太阳黄经为270度。冬至这一天,阳光几乎直射南回归线,我们北半球白昼最短,黑夜最长,开始进入数九寒天。天文学上规定这一天是北半球冬季的开始。而冬至以后,阳光直射位置逐渐向北移动,北半球的白天就逐渐长了,谚云:吃了冬至面,一天长一线。 小寒 太阳黄经为285度。小寒以后,开始进入寒冷季节。冷气积久而寒,小寒是天气寒冷但还没有到极点的意思。 大寒 太阳黄经为300度。大寒就是天气寒冷到了极点的意思。大寒前后是一年中最冷的季节。大寒正值三九,谚云:冷在三九。 大寒以后,立春接着到来,天气渐暖。至此地球绕太阳公转一周,完在了一个循环。 从节气的含意可知,二十四节气又可分为四类,即:(1)表示寒来暑往变化的有:立春、春分;立夏、夏至;立秋、秋分;立冬、冬至八个节气。(2)象征气温变化的有:小暑、大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒五个节气。(3)反映降水量的有:雨水、谷雨、白露、寒露、霜降、小雪、大雪七个节气。(4)反应物候现象或农事活动的有:惊蛰、清明、小满、芒种四个节气。 立春 斗指东北。太阳黄经为315度。是二十四个节气的头一个节气。其含意是开始进入春天,“阳和起蛰,品物皆春”,过了立春,万物复苏生机勃勃,一年四季从此开始了。 雨水 斗指壬。太阳黄经为330度。这时春风遍吹,冰雪溶化,空气湿润,雨水增多,所以叫雨水。人们常说:“立春天渐暖,雨水送肥忙”。 惊蛰 斗指丁。太阳黄经为345度。这个节气表示“立春”以后天气转暖,春雷开妈震响,蛰伏在泥土里的各种冬眠动物将苏醒过来开始活动起来,所以叫惊蛰。这个时期过冬的虫排卵也要开始孵化。我国部分地区过入了春耕季节。谚语云:“惊蛰过,暖和和,蛤蟆老角唱山歌。”“惊蛰一犁土,春分地气通。”“惊蛰没到雷先鸣,大雨似蛟龙。” 春分 斗指壬。太阳黄经为0度。春分日太阳在赤道上方。这是春季90天的中分点,这一天南北两半球昼夜相等,所以叫春分。这天以后太阳直射位置便向北移,北半球昼长夜短。所以春分是北半球春季开始。我国大部分地区越冬作物进入春季生长阶段。各地农谚有:“春分在前,斗米斗钱”(广东)、“春分甲子雨绵绵,夏分甲子火烧天”(四川)、“春分有雨家家忙,先种瓜豆后插秧”(湖北)、“春分种菜,大暑摘瓜”(湖南)、“春分种麻种豆,秋分种麦种蒜”(安徽)。 清明 斗指丁。太阳黄经为15度。此时气候清爽温暖,草木始发新枝芽,万能物开始生长,农民忙于春耕春种。从前,在清明节这一天,有些人家都在门口插上杨柳条,还到郊外踏青,祭扫坟墓,这是古老的习俗。 谷雨 斗指癸。太阳黄经为30度。就是雨水生五谷的意思,由于雨水滋润大地五谷得以生长,所以,谷雨就是“雨生百谷”。谚云“谷雨前后,种瓜种豆”。 立夏 斗指东南。太阳黄经为45度。是夏季的开始,从此进入夏天,万物旺盛大。习惯上把立夏当作是气温显著升高,炎暑将临,雷雨增多,农作物进入旺季生长的一个重要节气。 小满 斗指甲。太阳黄经为60度。从小满开始,大麦、冬小麦等夏收作物,已经结果、籽粒饱满,但尚未成熟,所以叫小满。 芒种 北斗指向已。太阳黄经为75度。这时最适合播种有芒的谷类作物,如晚谷、黍、稷等。如过了这个时候再种有芒和作物就不好成熟了。同时,“芒”指有芒作物如小麦、大麦等,“种”指种子。芒种即表明小麦等有芒作物成熟。芒种前后,我国中部的长江中、下游地区,雨量增多,气温升高,进入连绵阴雨的梅雨季节,空气非常潮湿,天气异常闷热,各种器具和衣物容易发霉,所以在我国长江中、下游地区叫“黄梅天”。 夏至 北斗指向乙。太阳黄经为90度。太阳在黄经90度“夏至点”时,阳光几乎直射北回归线上空,中午太阳最高。这一天是北半球白昼最长、黑夜最短的一天,从这一天起,进入炎热季节,天地万物在此时生长最旺盛。所心以古时候又把这一天叫做日北至,意思是太阳运生到最北的一日。过了夏至,太阳逐渐向南移动,北半球白昼一天比一天缩短,黑夜一天比一天加长。 小暑 斗指辛。太阳黄经为105度。天气已经很热,但不到是热的时候,所以叫小暑。此时,已是初伏前后。 大暑 斗指丙。太阳黄经为120度。大暑是一年中最热的节气,正值勤二伏前后,长江流域的许多地方,经常出现40℃高温天气。要作好防暑降温工作。这个节气雨水多,在“小暑、大暑,淹死老鼠”的谚语,要注意防汛防涝。 立秋 北斗指向西南。太阳黄经为135度。秋、春华秋实,是植物快成熟的意思。从这一天起秋天开始,秋高气爽,月明风清。此后,气温由最热逐渐下降。 处暑 斗指戊。太阳黄经为150度。这时夏季火热已经到头了。暑气就要散了。它是温度下降的一个转折点。是气候变凉的象征,表示暑天终止。 白露 斗指癸。太阳黄经为165度。天气转凉,地面水汽结露最多。 秋分 斗指已。太阳黄经为180度。秋分这一天同春人一样,阳光几乎直射赤道,昼夜几乎相等。从这一天起,阳光直射位置继续由赤道向南半球推移,北半球开始昼短夜长。依我国旧历的秋季论,这一天刚好是秋季九十天的一半,因而称秋分。但在天文学上规定,北半球的秋天是从秋分开始的。 寒露 斗指甲。太阳黄经为195度。白露后,天气转凉,开始出现露水,到了寒露,则露水日多,且气温更低了。所以,有人说,寒是露之气,先白而后寒,是气候将逐渐转冷的意思。而水气则凝成白色露珠。 霜降 太阳黄经为210度。天气已冷,开始有霜冻了,所以叫霜降。 立冬 太阳黄经为225度。习惯上,我国人民把这一天当作冬季的开始。冬,作为终了之意,是指一年的田间操作结束了,作物收割之后要收藏起来的意思。立冬一过,我国黄河中、下游地区即将结冰,我国各地农民都将陆续地转入农田水利基本建设和其他农事活动中。 小雪 太阳黄经为240。气温下降,开始降雪,但还不到大雪纷飞的时节,所以叫小雪。小雪前后,黄河流域开始降雪(南方降雪还要晚两个节气);而北方,已进入封冻季节。 大雪 太阳黄经为255度。大雪前后,黄河流域一带渐有积雪;而北方,已是“千里冰封,万里雪飘荡”的严冬了。 冬至 太阳黄经为270度。冬至这一天,阳光几乎直射南回归线,我们北半球白昼最短,黑夜最长,开始进入数九寒天。天文学上规定这一天是北半球冬季的开始。而冬至以后,阳光直射位置逐渐向北移动,北半球的白天就逐渐长了,谚云:吃了冬至面,一天长一线。 小寒 太阳黄经为285度。小寒以后,开始进入寒冷季节。冷气积久而寒,小寒是天气寒冷但还没有到极点的意思。 大寒 太阳黄经为300度。大寒就是天气寒冷到了极点的意思。大寒前后是一年中最冷的季节。大寒正值三九,谚云:冷在三九。 大寒以后,立春接着到来,天气渐暖。至此地球绕太阳公转一周,完在了一个循环。 从节气的含意可知,二十四节气又可分为四类,即:(1)表示寒来暑往变化的有:立春、春分;立夏、夏至;立秋、秋分;立冬、冬至八个节气。(2)象征气温变化的有:小暑、大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒五个节气。(3)反映降水量的有:雨水、谷雨、白露、寒露、霜降、小雪、大雪七个节气。(4)反应物候现象或农事活动的有:惊蛰、清明、小满、芒种四个节气。 节气的来源 早在春秋战国时代,我国人民中就有了日南至、日北至的概念。随后人们根据月初、月中的日月运行位置和天气及动植物生长等自然现利用之间的关系,把一年平分为二十四等份。并且给每等份取了个专有名称,这就是二十四节气。到战国后期成书的《吕氏春秋》“十二月纪”中,就有了立春、春分、立夏、夏至、立秋、秋分、立冬、冬至等八个节气名称。这八个节气,是二十四个节气中最重李的节气。这八个节气标示出季节的转换,清楚地划分出一年的四季。后来到了《淮南子》一书的时候,就有了和现代完全一样的二十四节气的名称。 节气歌 种田无定例,全靠看节气。立春阳气转,雨水沿河边。 惊蛰乌鸦叫,春分滴水干。清明忙种粟,谷雨种大田。 立夏鹅毛住,小满雀来全。芒种大家乐,夏至不着棉。 小暑不算热,大暑在伏天。立秋忙打垫,处暑动刀镰。 白露快割地,秋分无生田。寒露不算冷,霜降变了天。 立冬先封地,小雪河封严。大雪交冬月,冬至数九天。 小寒忙买办,大寒要过年。 节气的划分 有人认为二十四节气从属农历,其实,它是根据阳历划定的。即根据太阳在黄道上的位置,把一年划分为24个彼此相等的段落。也就是把黄道分成24个等份,每等份各占黄经15℃。由于太阳通过每等份所需的时间几乎相等,二十四节气的公历日期每年大致相同:上半年在6日、21日前后,下半年在8日、23日前后。并有两句口诀: 上半年来六、二十一, 下半年来八、二十三。 古时把节气称“气”,每月有两个气:前一个气叫“节气”,后一个气叫“中气”。二十四节气按月分布情况如下表,它又同农历闰月的安排有着密切的关系。在农历中,以立春为二十四个节气的头一个节气。二十四个节气的名称,是随着斗纲所指的地方并结合当时的自然气候与景观命名而来的。所谓斗纲,就是北斗七星中的魁、衡、杓三颗星随着天体的运行,斗纲指向不同的方向和位置,其所指的位置就是所代表的月份。如正月为寅,黄昏时杓是指寅,半夜衡指寅,白天魁是指寅;二月为卯,黄昏时杓是指卯,半夜衡是指卯,白天魁是指卯,其余的月份类推。中国24节气中英文对照与时间立春 the Beginning of Spring (1st solar term)Feb.3,4, or 5雨水 Rain Water (2nd solar term)Feb.18,19 or 20惊蜇 the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term)Mar.5,6, or 7春分 the Spring Equinox (4th solar term)Mar.20,21 or 22清明 Pure Brightness (5th solar term)Apr.4,5 or 6谷雨 Grain Rain (6th solar term)Apr.19,20 or 21立夏 the Beginning of Summer (7th solar term)May 5,6 or 7小满 Lesser Fullness of Grain (8th solar term)May 20,21 or 22芒种 Grain in Beard (9th solar term)Jun.5,6 or 7夏至 the Summer Solstice (10th solar term)Jun.21 or 22小暑 Lesser Heat (11th solar term)Jul.6,7 or 8大暑 Greater Heat (12th solar term)Jul.22,23 or 24立秋 the Beginning of Autumn (13th solar term)Aug.7,8 or 9处暑 the End of Heat (14th solar term)Aug.22,23 or 24白露 White Dew (15th solar term)Sep.7,8 or 9秋分 the Autumn Equinox (16th solar term)Sep.22,23 or 24寒露 Cold Dew (17th solar term)Oct.8 or 9霜降 Frost"s Descent (18th solar term)Oct.23 or 24立冬 the Beginning of Winter (19th solar term)Nov.7 or 8小雪 Lesser Snow (20th solar term)Nov.22 or 23大雪 Greater Snow (21th solar term)Dec.6,7 or 8冬至 the Winter Solstice (22th solar term)Dec.21,22 or 23小寒 Lesser Cold (23th solar term)Jan.5,6 or 7大寒 Greater Cold (24th solar term)Jan.20 or 2
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用英语来介绍24节气如下:1、start of spring:立春。2、rain water:雨水。3、awakening of insects:惊蛰。4、vernal equinox:春分。5、clear and bright:清明。6、grain rain:谷雨。7、start of summer:立夏。8、grain full:小满。9、grain in ear:芒种。10、summer solstice:夏至。11、minor heat:小暑。12、major heat:大暑。13、start of autumn:立秋。14、limit of heat:处暑。15、white dew:白露。16、autumnal equinox:秋分。17、cold dew:寒露。18、frost descent:霜降。19、start of winter:立冬。20、minor snow:小雪。21、major snow:大雪。22、winter solstice:冬至。23、minor cold:小寒。24、major cold:大寒。二十四节气(The24SolarTerms)是指中国农历中表示季节变迁的24个特定节令,是根据地球在黄道(即地球绕太阳公转的轨道)上的位置变化而制定的,每一个分别相应于地球在黄道上每运动15°所到达的一定位置。二十四节气是中国先秦时期开始订立、汉代完全确立的用来指导农事的补充历法,是通过观察太阳周年运动,认知一年中时令、气候、物候等方面变化规律所形成的知识体系。它把太阳周年运动轨迹划分为24等份,每一等份为一个节气,始于立春,终于大寒,周而复始,既是历代官府颁布的时间准绳,也是指导农业生产的指南针,日常生活中人们预知冷暖雪雨的指南针,是汉族劳动人民长期经验的积累成果和智慧的结晶。
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翻译:冬至那天天气晴朗,没有太阳的踪影。此句出自杨奇旭的文章《冬至》。原段落:朔风起时盗贼多,若下大雪应灾魔。冬至天晴无日色,来年定唱太平歌。如果单从老皇历上农事节气预报歌来看,冬至节这天应该是晴天,来年的庄稼才有好的收成。作为一年二十四个节气之一,从古到今是被作为一个比较隆重的节日来过的。单就这两个字,文人雅士们便留下了无数优美的诗篇。其中,宋代朱淑真的《冬至》尤其让我喜欢:黄钟应律好风催,阴伏阳升淑气回。葵影便移长日至,梅花先趁小寒开。八神表日占和岁,六管飞葭动细灰。已有岸傍迎腊柳,参差又欲领春来。因为朱淑真是江南人,她所描写的乃是江南的冬至,北方的冬至是没有那样的景致的。冬至(Winter Solstice):又名‘一阳生",是中国农历中一个重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日,冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,中国就已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个,时间在每年的公历12月21日~23日之间。古人认为自冬至起,白昼一天比一天长,阳气回升,天地阳气开始兴做渐强,代表下一个循环开始,是大吉之日。
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