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2023-07-13 12:29:49
TAG: 英语
























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问题一:芝麻街英语用英语怎么说 芝麻街英语 [网络] Sesame Street; sesame english; Sesame Street English; Sesame Street -Elmo; 芝麻街英语 Sesame Street;sesame english;Sesame Street English; 问题二:怎样让自己的网站排名靠前? 要把关键字弄好 网站最好是生成HMTL的 这样容易让引擎订录,在和别的网站做文字连接, 这样就差不多了 问题三:芝麻街英语怎么样啊? 听说是还可以,不过我没再这里学习,我觉得还是封闭式的全日制英语培训学校好,我选择的是珠海iBS,你想学的话可以去看下。 问题四:芝麻街少儿英语怎么样,有上过课的说下芝麻街英语情况 翻译结果: Sesame street children children_有道词典 children 英 ["t??ldr?n] 美 ["t??ldr?n] n. 孩子们(child的复数) 更多释义>> [网络短语] Children 孩子,儿童,孩子们 Street children 流浪儿,街童,流浪儿童 Fellow children 小伙儿,年青小伙儿 详细用法>> 问题五:芝麻街英语怎么样 Then came some sport in putting 问题六:大家觉得芝麻街英语怎么样,适合孩子学习吗 个人觉得还不错 不过适合不适合孩子 还是先让孩子听一下再决定 问题七:大家觉得芝麻街英语怎么样 … 问题八:芝麻街少儿英语怎么样 芝麻街英语在美国算是老牌子了,只是在中国名气还不大,线下教学的,慢慢在很多大城市建立了校区。芝麻街每个班大概有6-8人,一周两节课,芝麻街英语课程设置一共分为6个级别,每个阶段的课程设置也不相同,大致为幼儿英语(3-6岁)、少儿英语(6-12岁),芝麻街英语根据不同年龄段的儿童安排相应的学习课程。 根据我的了解,芝麻街英语收费在同行里面也是算蛮贵的了,一年就是近2万的学费,主要每周就上2节课,也可以一节节的买,一节课180块钱。主要还是根据你的收入来看吧,如果经济条件比较宽松,那也是可以试试;如果是工薪阶层的话,还是多考虑一下教学质量和性价比,建议还是多对比几家。
2023-07-13 11:59:291


你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:Sesame Streetn.芝麻街,艺术家Goodie Mob专辑Soul Food中的歌曲名称; 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。
2023-07-13 11:59:372

sesame street英文怎么读

sesame 英[u02c8sesu0259mi] 美[u02c8su025bsu0259mi] n. <植>芝麻,脂麻; [例句]I"ve put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake.我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。street 英[stri:t] 美[strit] n. 大街,街道; [例句]He lived at 66 Bingfield Street他住在宾菲尔德大街66号。[其他] 复数:streets
2023-07-13 11:59:441


是芝麻街里面的人物,蓝色的叫甜饼怪(COOKIE MONSTER)。“芝麻街源自一个简单的想法:用电视来帮助儿童学习,寓教于乐”。这是一条神奇的街,人们与巨型鸟类,小怪物们毫无违和感一起生活,这些五颜六色,不符合规范的小怪物,已陪伴了我们50个年头。这就是著名的美国儿童节目Sesame street芝麻街,自1969年播出以来,在没有任何广告宣传的情况下,高居全美儿童节目收视之冠,1983年芝麻街第一次来到了中国,现已在150多个国家推出,深受全球儿童和家长的喜爱和信任,斩获上百座艾美奖。
2023-07-13 11:59:533


您好,感谢您对CCTV6的关注,我很乐意为您解答问题。CCTV6曾经播放过不少优秀的欧美动漫,其中比较经典的作品有:1.《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry):一部由Hanna-Barbera制作的经典卡通动画,讲述了猫和老鼠之间的斗争。2.《芝麻街》(Sesame Street):一部教育性质的卡通动画,主要是为了帮助孩子们学习字母、数字和其他基础知识。3.《贝瓦儿歌》(Babar):一部法国制作的动画片,讲述了一只象王子在野外探险的故事。4.《汤姆和杰里》(Tom and Jerry Kids):一部由Hanna-Barbera制作的动画片,讲述了年轻时期的汤姆和杰里之间的故事。5.《魔法小神童》(Rainbow Brite):一部80年代的卡通动画,主要讲述了一位小女孩使用彩虹魔棒保护七彩之地的故事。希望我的回答能够对您有所帮助。如果您有任何其他问题,欢迎继续提问。
2023-07-13 12:00:011

VCP(VMware Certified Professional )认证

  VMware VCP认证必须参加VMware培训才能,获得VMware培训的CODE,  目前vmware的版本为VCP5.1  目前VMware培训课程可参见VMware官网或艾威培训服务官网
2023-07-13 12:00:102


首先,早期心理发展的研究,特别是新生儿乳婴儿心理发展的研究,成为具有战略性的新课题。 1.关于乳婴儿认知能力的研究 长期以来,关于乳婴儿认知能力的研究,由于方法技术上的困难,一直处于落后状态。60年代以后,由于美国心理学家范兹(R.L. Fantz)、吉布森(E.J.Gibson和J.J.Gibson)等人的创造性工作,使得这方面的研究获得了一些新的成果。近年来,美国的一些心理学家已采用一些新的方法和技术研究乳婴儿认知能力的发展。 (1)注视时间。这是目前研究者采用较多的一种探索婴儿感知能力发展的方法,其中最常用的是偏视方法。这种方法的具体程序是,将两个不同的刺激物同时呈现于乳婴儿面前,观察被试是否对其中之一注视的时间更长,如果是这样,则表明乳婴儿对该刺激的偏好。 (2)动作表现。动作在出生后的第一年就开始发展了。很多心理学家以动作作为另一项测查儿童早期感知能力发展的指标,如吉布森的“视崖”实验。 (3)物体辨别。美国的一些心理学家,如范兹等人,用“习惯化”和“去习惯化”的方法研究早期儿童辨别不同物体的能力。当实验者反复向乳婴儿呈现一定结构的图形或一定色调的颜色时,开始,由于刺激物的新颖性使得乳婴儿对它产生偏视,但是,当不断地呈现同一刺激时,乳婴儿就不再注视了,这就是出现了习惯化。如果这时呈现另一不同刺激,儿童又积极注意了,这是去习惯化。由习惯化到去习惯化的过程,证明了乳婴儿能够辨别两种不同的刺激。用这种方法可以研究乳婴儿的图形知觉、深度知觉及颜色知觉等各种感知能力,也可以研究乳婴儿的记忆力。 (4)心率及其他生理变化。研究者发现,当乳婴儿在睡眠中被突然叫醒或受惊时,心率就加快;而在这时,若呈现新颖、有趣的刺激,则心率就减慢。心率的下降和平稳状态表明乳婴儿此时在积极感知某一刺激物。在这方面,研究者常使用的其他生理指标有脑电、皮肤电等。 以上所举的这些研究,只是表明一些新进展,但尚不很成熟。 2.早期智力、早期经验及教育问题 美国心理学家布卢姆(B.S.Bloom)通过追踪研究,发现人的智力发展的50%是在4岁前完成的;30%是在4~8岁完成的;另20%则是在8~17岁完成的。由此可见,儿童在出生后的最初4年,是智力发展的重要时期。70年代以后,西方心理学家对学前儿童心理发展更为重视。如,美国一些心理学家对不同家庭背景的儿童进行追踪调查,在调查的基础上,他们建立教育发展中心,编印儿童发展的材料,采取多种形式,向家长提供教育咨询等等。心理学家们同时还开展了早期经验和早期教育问题的研究。 3.儿童发展的关键期问题 关键期的概念最早是由奥地利生态学家洛伦兹(K.Lorenz)提出的。近年来,有关关键期的研究工作仍在进行。例如,有人试图通过研究某一特定心理能力的变化,来探讨特定的环境和经验在关键期中的作用。美国心理学家戈特利伯(Gotllieb)于1976年提出了知觉发展的三种模式,以此来描述在关键期中,经验对于儿童知觉的影响。1982年,阿斯林(Aslin)等人对这三种模式又进行了进一步的补充,在结论中,更加突出了经验的作用。 其次,关于儿童个性研究的重点,明显转向儿童社会性发展方面。关于儿童社会性发展研究的课题,主要包括亲子关系、同伴关系、自我系统的发展,性别化、攻击性行为和亲社会行为的发展,道德发展,社会认知发展,学校、社区及其他文化环境对儿童社会化的作用等等。下面就主要课题的研究情况作简要介绍。 4.亲子关系的研究 一般认为,亲子关系是一种双向作用关系,儿童在双亲的抚养下长大,同时,儿童的身心反应又影响着双亲的行为。亲子关系研究中的一个重要方面,是母婴依恋关系的研究。研究者首先对动物进行了观察和实验,进而又研究了人类乳婴儿,发现,乳婴儿对母亲有一种天然的情感依恋。目前,对于依恋的研究涉及动物的依恋行为、人类依恋行为的生物学和社会学意义、依恋的起源及其发展变化、依恋产生及其消失的原因、早期依恋的后果、不同依恋类型的特点,以及母亲和乳婴儿在依恋关系中的作用等。亲子关系的另一方面的研究,是探讨父亲对于儿童发展的作用。有研究表明,父亲对于男女儿童的性别角色发展有着特殊重要的作用,那些早年未与父亲有过接触的男女儿童,在其性别的社会化方面,往往是不完全的。 5. 同伴关系的研究 同伴关系从20世纪30年代开始就受到了心理学家们的关注,后来由于某种原因中断了,近年又研究了起来。主要的研究课题包括:不同年龄阶段的同伴活动的特点及其发展,儿童友谊的发展,儿童群体的形成、结构、活动特点和功能,以及儿童同伴关系对个体社会化的作用等。关于同伴关系的研究还有许多新的领域,例如,有关同伴关系的情感基础,儿童友谊的研究等等。 6.自我系统或自我意识发展的研究 这是儿童心理学的传统课题。近年来,在这方面的主要研究有:自我系统的起源及各年龄阶段自我系统的发展特点、自尊心和自我控制的发展。具体研究内容包括:自我认知,即儿童如何认识自己的面貌和身体;自我命名,即儿童如何理解和学会使用“我”之类的人称代词;儿童如何确认自我和他人以及如何发展理想的自我等。自尊心和控制点(个体将自己的行为是归因于内部原因还是归因于外部原因)发展的研究,相对来说是在儿童个性领域中出现较晚的研究倾向,但近年来也有了很快的发展。 7.性别化的研究 在最近的十多年中,性别化的概念有了很大变化,男性化和女性化已不再被看作是截然相对的两极,它们在某种意义上被赋予了能相容和相并列的综合性色彩,性别化的研究涉及个体的活动内容、兴趣、人格特点、社交行为、成就领域、职业倾向和家庭生活等方面。关于儿童性别化的研究重心也发生了变化,从过去的强调动机的精神分析法转向强调认知的发展。在儿童性别化的研究中,还包括下面一些课题:性别化中认知和行为之间的关系,儿童对同伴的性别爱好倾向,性别化对儿童完整的社会性发展的意义等。 8.攻击性行为和亲社会行为的研究 这是儿童典型的交往方式中两种相对应的社会行为。近十多年来,人们对攻击性行为的一般观点有所变化。首先,人们认识到,攻击性行为的发展对于儿童来说具有一定的积极作用;其次,认为攻击性的发展受到各种因素的影响,当前主要强调生物遗传因素和环境情境因素对发展攻击性的作用;再次,人们将儿童的攻击性行为置于不断运动的社会背景中去理解,这种背景包括家庭、同伴、团体以及整个文化环境。 关于亲社会行为的发展问题,早在20世纪20年代就有心理学家开始研究,40~50年代,这方面的工作不太多,到了60年代后期,这类研究又逐渐多了起来。70年代以来,在亲社会行为的研究领域中出现了大量的新研究,由于认知心理学的发展,亲社会行为的发展开始与社会认知、观点获取、角色获取及人际推理等问题联系起来研究。在儿童亲社会行为发展的研究中包括以下一些课题:亲社会行为的起源、发展过程及其内部机制,亲社会行为的习得条件,亲社会行为的情感体验以及亲社会行为对儿童社会性发展的意义。再次,更加重视理论与实际应用的结合。 9.关于儿童电视、电影的研究 目前,电视对成人和儿童都有着重要影响。因此,如何使电视节目对儿童产生正向的、积极的引导,成为心理学家研究的课题。良好的适合儿童的电视对儿童的认知发展和社会发展都有积极的作用。例如,美国的儿童电视教育片“芝麻街”(Sesame Street),就是在广泛吸收心理学家和教育学家的意见基础上,采用将娱乐手段和教育目的相结合的原则制作的。 10.关于儿童学习的研究 自从计算机辅助教学出现以后,在关于儿童学习的研究方面,出现了一些新的研究课题,包括:如何教会儿童利用计算机学习,如何把学生的自学与教师辅导及同学间的讨论更合理地结合起来。 11.关于儿童心理卫生和治疗的研究 由于儿童个性的早期发展、问题行为等研究的开展,由于临床或诊断心理学的出现,对儿童心理卫生和治疗的研究开始受到重视。美国、瑞士和加拿大的心理学家们的工作都很出色。以美国心理学家的研究为例,他们在医院里及在学校里各有一套工作程序,收到了良好效果。 12. 在自然情景中研究儿童心理学 近些年来,在西方心理学界,出现了“生态运动” (the ecological movement),自然也波及到儿童心理学。儿童心理学界的生态运动,是强调在自然与社会的生态环境中研究儿童的心理特点。这是儿童心理学领域中理论与实际相结合的另一表现。而研究技术手段的现代化,使这种生态学角度研究儿童心理发展的普遍思想倾向成为可能。
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一部好的动画片不仅仅能够丰富孩子的生活,开发孩子的想象力,扩展孩子的知识面,更重要的是,能够向孩子展示真善美,帮助孩子健康快乐地成长。之前在公号里推荐过的 《孩子成长必不可少的10部英文动画短片》 ,每一部都很短,但具有很强的教育意义,每一部都值得观看。 有家长给Cino留言说,不知道该给孩子看什么样的动画片,相信很多家长也有过这样的困惑。 家长要知道,并不是每部动画片都适合孩子,每部动画片都有适合孩子的年龄范围。如果选择不好的话,只会给孩子带来很不好的负面影响。所以家长千万不能给孩子随便选动画片。 一般来说,给孩子选动画片有两个标准: 一个是节奏快慢,另一个是剧情台词。 1、动画片节奏太快 动画片的快节奏,一般指的是画风变化很大、切换太快,很多是现实中不可能发生的事情。 比如全新的地方发生神奇的事情,你在床上睡着却在湖里醒来,身上还穿着宇航服,这些神奇的事情接二连三地快速发生。 这方面,海绵宝宝就是其中的代表,有人专门测试了海绵宝宝的节奏,发现它平均每隔11秒就会变换一次情节。 科学家做了一项测试,他们选择一些4岁的儿童,一部分人看海绵宝宝,另一部分人看其它慢节奏科教类节目或者动画,然后立即进行 专注力测试 。结果发现看过“海绵宝宝”的孩子明显在专注力方面表现比其他孩子差很多。 不光是海绵宝宝,其它快节奏的动画都有同样的问题。在2011年,Virginia大学心理学教授Lillard做了一项研究,他选择了60个年龄相仿的儿童,将他们分为3组,一组看9分钟快节奏卡通,一组看9分钟科教节目,另外一组则用蜡笔画画。随后立即对三组儿童的 执行力进行测试,测试项包括注意力、记忆力和问题解决能力。 结果发现, 看快节奏卡通片儿童的执行力只有其他孩子的一半。 教授分析,“这样快节奏的卡通会带来很多新鲜的东西,孩子的大脑跟不上快速的跳跃节奏而感到疲惫,并可能破坏他们的思维过程,从而无法把握其中的教育意义。” 特别是五六岁以下的低龄孩子,他们尚未建立逻辑思维能力,如果画面变幻频繁,孩子就很难对各场景形成记忆,前后联系不起来,从而导致专注力下降和心理狂躁。 2、剧情和台词不当 不当的剧情、台词非但不能起到教育孩子的作用,反而能够扭曲孩子的心灵和思想。这方面,《熊出没》就是代表,光头强在片中的台词、动作等都会误导孩子。 《喜羊羊和灰太狼》也是一样,曾经有家长状告喜洋洋的制作方,质疑这部动画片真的适合小孩子看吗? “在动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》全集中,灰太狼被平底锅砸过9544次,被抓过1380次,被煮过839次,被电过1755次……” 在庭审调查阶段,原告方将1到170集《喜羊羊与灰太狼》动画片中易被儿童模仿的暴力危险镜头,做成5分钟的短片,在法庭上播放,引起不小的震动。 这几年,经常能看到因为动画片的误导,导致孩子受伤的案例: 事件1:常州一名6岁的女童,想模仿《熊出没》里光头强爬水管,但没抓牢,不小心从5楼坠落 事件2:10岁女孩模仿光头强,不知道从哪里翻出了一把电锯,学着光头强在妹妹脸上锯了过去。 事件3:两个男童模仿动画片里灰太狼烤羊肉的情节,被同村一个9岁的男孩绑在树上点火,全身被严重烧伤 事件4:7岁男孩模仿“光头强”改造风扇,用工具拆下家里的电扇外罩,没想到整只手被绞进了高速旋转的扇叶 …… 3、如何检查动画片适合年龄? 每部动画片都有适合的年龄阶段,很多流行的动画片,并不是对每个年龄的孩子都适合,比如说,猫和老鼠就不适合5岁以内的孩子看,而机器猫的人群就得7岁以上。 如果想知道一部动画片是否适合自己孩子的这个年龄看,在这里搜一下是最方便的选择。 使用方法如下: 1.登录网址 2.在页面右上角的搜索框内输入动画片英文名 3.出来的结果中age那一栏表示年龄要求,星级表示推荐指数 4、哪些动画片值得看? 根据commonsensemedia的评分结果,给大家推荐一些各个年龄段适合孩子看的动画片。 【2岁以上】 Sesame Street(芝麻街) 推荐指数:五颗星 这部动画运用了木偶、动画和真人表演等各种表现手法向儿童教授基础阅读、算术、颜色的名称、字母和数字等基本知识,有时还教一些基本的生活常识。它是全球千万儿童和家长的喜爱的儿童早教类动画。 【3岁以上】 Dora the Explorer(爱探险的朵拉) 推荐指数:四颗星 这部动画片的特色在于英语语速和节奏都很慢,非常适合英语启蒙的孩子,过程中,朵拉还会向孩子提问,留足时间和孩子互动,赶紧去观看吧! Peppa Pig(粉红小猪) 推荐指数:五颗星 呈现最朴素的生活场景,却丰富有趣,满满的正能量,也是很棒的英语启蒙学习资源。画风清新,色彩饱和明亮,每集基本上都以所有在场人笑得四脚朝天结束,一集5分钟,很容易控制小朋友看屏幕的时间。 Justin Time(贾斯汀的时光之旅) 推荐指数:四颗星 这是一部加拿大的学龄前儿童电视动画,讲述6岁少年贾斯汀的穿越冒险故事,相信孩子们能从好奇心强、想象力丰富、生性乐观积极的贾斯汀身上学到很多东西。 【5岁以上】 这个年龄段的动画片很有意思,非常经典的几部比如 Tom and Jerry(猫和老鼠)、Micky Mouse(米老鼠)、The Magic School Bus(神奇的校车),它们的推荐指数都只有3颗星。 这个年龄段最值得推荐的无疑是下面这部最经典的动画片。 Frozen(冰雪奇缘) 推荐指数:五颗星 【8岁以上】 这个年龄段非常有名的动画片是星球大战和机器猫,但前者只有2颗星,而后者也不过3颗星。非常推荐的是下面这部~ Zootopia(疯狂动物城) 推荐指数:四颗星 这么多的动画片宝贝看了几部呢?选择适合宝贝的动画片才能发挥动画片的作用哦!
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在给孩子做语言启蒙、传统文化启蒙、甚至美育,都有使用这些的儿时经典动画,效果非常好。80年代是国产动画的辉煌时期,甚至是世界动画在艺术性上的巅峰时期,表现形式多样,能充分打开眼界,提升审美能力。这一时期的大多数动画,全靠手绘 。 10分钟的动画就要画多达7000到1万张原画。和现在动不动就电脑建模的三维动画相比,更具 匠人精神。 风格上也更追求不拘一格,尤其国产动画,艺术形式百花齐放。孩子从小感受这样的极致艺术,更能培养审美能力。而且,老人也能看得津津有味,插得上嘴;来龙去脉,背景内容都门儿清。经典的动画,每看一次,都会有不同感受。因为他们大多改编自历史、名著,内容有深度,层次丰富。观看这类动画也非常有利于孩子的传统文化启蒙:如汉字动画《三十六个字》。还有一些动画讲述的故事,是以后课本里面的内容,从小混个脸熟,真的很有意义:比如上面的《南郭先生》就是课文《滥竽充数》里的内容。对于部分经典动画,有人会觉得太“暗黑”了(《黑猫警长》里螳螂新娘在新婚之夜把新郎吃掉的片段,真的是童年阴影)。是的,上世纪八九十年代的很多经典动画,以现在的眼光看,不是“纯幼儿”视角的。动画片里有坏人,有恩将仇报,有不公平——那是一个有着立体世界观的动画时代。孩子们看的东西,并不是只能有“傻白甜”。只要家长引导得当,立体丰富的世界观,更值得我们一起欣赏。水墨动画制作非常复杂的。 每一张的画面都需要分解、描线、分层著色,并在摄影台下重复固定和拍摄,最后合成,才能完成。这部动起来的水墨动画,连宫崎骏和高畑勋都直呼:“看傻了”,令全世界惊叹。这部水墨动画的形式能给孩子开眼界,同时画面艺术对培养孩子审美能力也很有帮助。整部动画灵感来自 齐白石先生创作的水墨画,模仿名家制作,能充分感受水墨之美。灵动的动物,除了让孩子感受到动画艺术的趣味,也能让孩子感受到:艺术很多时候是来自我们对生活大量细致观察,才能细腻展现。
2023-07-13 12:01:4215


  在英语学习的初级阶段 ,根据第一语言习得的相关理论及儿童心理特征的研究 ,讲故事有助于激发儿童的语言学习兴趣 ,并能使其处于积极而活跃的最佳学习状态。我分享既简单又短的英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!   既简单又短的英语故事:A Good Sandwich   Gordon was hungry. He opened the refrigerator. There must be something in here to eat, he thought. There was—a single hot dog.   He took it out of its package and put a small frying pan onto the stoveu2019s gas burner. He turned on the heat. Then he poured a little bit of vegetable oil into the pan. He sliced the hot dog in half lengthwise. When the oil got hot, he put the two halves in the pan. About a minute later, heflipped each half over. After another minute, he took the hot dog out of the pan.   Gordon put two slices of bread into the toaster. This was tasty and healthy bread. The first ingredient listed was organic sprouted wheat. The first ingredient in ordinary bread is usually unbleached flour.   When the toast popped up, he put mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup on one slice. Then he added two slices of onion. On top of the onions, he placed the hot dog. On top of the hot dog, he put a couple of slices of apple. Then he added some bits of hot green chile, and then put the top piece of toast onto the chile bits.   Ahh, what a sandwich, he thought, as he sat down to eat.   既简单又短的英语故事:Please Marry Me!   Jill answered the phone. It was Jack.   "Jill, will you marry me next week?"   "What?"   Jack repeated his question.   "Of course not," she replied. She wondered why he was asking her that question. They had already agreed that when people get married, they immediately start to take each other for granted. They donu2019t do the "little things" like opening the car door or holding hands. They get too comfortable. They treat their partner like an old shoe. And eventually, they get bored with each other and get divorced.   "We already agreed that we donu2019t want to get married because we donu2019t want to get divorced."   Jack agreed. But he argued that they were special. They were different from other couples. They loved each other too much to end up in a divorce.   "Yes, that may be true. But still, why next week? Why canu2019t we think about it for another year or two?"   "Because I had two dreams the last two nights. In both dreams, you left me for another man. In fact, you left me for two different men. I want to get married now so I donu2019t have these dreams anymore."   "Hmm. What did these men look like?"   既简单又短的英语故事:Carbon Monoxide   Helen stepped outside her front door to see what the weather was like. It was sunny and warm. That was nice, because for the past two weeks it had been cold and rainy. It had been so cold that she had had to turn her heater on. She was lucky, because her heater worked and she could pay her heating bills.   Some people in Los Angeles were not so lucky. Unable to use their home heater, they placedcharcoal into a barbecue grill and lit it. The heat kept them warm, but the carbon monoxide killed them.   This happens almost every winter in Los Angeles. People shut all the windows tight to keep the cold out, then light the charcoal. Soon enough, the oxygen in their home is consumed by the open flames. The family suffocates to death.   Everyone knows that smoke detectors are required in Los Angeles. But many people don"t know about, or don"t think they need, carbon monoxide detectors. They"re not expensive. A $25 investment can save a family from death.   People always think that nothing bad will happen to them; it always happens to "the other guy." So they forget to put fresh batteries into their smoke detectors annually, and they don"t bother to buy carbon monoxide detectors.   既简单又短的英语故事:The Fire Alarm   Jennifer"s ears were "talking" to her. They were making little sounds, like little bubbles bursting. A "bubble" was bursting almost every second. It was not painful, but annoying. She knew the cause.   While she was cleaning the whiteboard after her class ended last night, the fire alarm went off. Instead of leaving the building immediately, she walked around to see what the problem was. The blaring alarm sounded like the busy signal on a phone, but 1,000 times louder. The school seemed to be empty. Then she walked by one room, and saw about seven students inside.   Just then the night supervisor came by. She told everyone to leave immediately. The students were packing their hair-care equipment into their bags. The night supervisor waited impatiently. Finally, after almost five minutes, all the students and their teacher left the building. They apologized for being so slow.   The firemen never arrived. Instead, a school police officer showed up. He walked around the area with the supervisor. It was a false alarm. The officer used his key to finally turn off the alarm.   But it was too late for Jennifer. She had listened to the loud alarm for too long. She should have known better. Even as she drove home, her ears felt strange.   既简单又短的英语故事:Raising the Kids   Louise and Neil had been dating for three years. She was 40, and he was 50. They wanted to get married and have two kids as soon as possible, but there was a problem. They disagreed on how they would raise their kids.   Because Louise had a high-paying job, Neil could stay home and raise the kids. He looked forward to that, because he felt that he would be a great dad. First, he would teach them how to read. Then he would teach them about life. His kids were not going to waste their time reading fairy tales and watching Sesame Street. They were going to learn practical stuff, like how to use Microsoft Office and how to get a four-year scholarship to Harvard. He wanted them to become business majors, because business is where the money is.   Louise had other plans. She wanted her kids to relax and enjoy life. She didn"t want them to grow up too fast. She was the oldest child in a poor family, and her father had put her to work in the fields as soon as she turned six. Life had been hard for her. She didn"t want it to be hard for her children.   Neil said not to worry. There was still plenty of time for him to figure out a way for the kids to have fun and still become happy millionaires.
2023-07-13 12:08:421


  一向敢于挑战中国式早点的肯德基,继推出油条之后,又疯狂的推出了烧饼早餐,只是与中国味儿烧饼不同的是,这还未露面就被网路炒得沸沸扬扬的烧饼,定价竟然在10元。不知在经济危机笼罩全球的背景下,这10元一只的烧饼是否对中国消费者的胃口和腰包。   早在本月初,肯德基要卖烧饼的讯息就在网站上流传,网友们甚至对肯德基烧饼的模样、名字等都展开了猜想。但跟中国传统烧饼有所不同这款“法风烧饼”外表长方形,表面撒满芝麻,馅料夹在中间,酷似中国传统的火烧或肉夹馍。另外,面饼是54层酥皮,馅料由烟熏鸡腿肉或培根片搭配鲜嫩的煎蛋及爽脆生菜丝组成,并有两种口味选择:熏鸡法风烧饼和培根蛋法风烧饼。   “法风烧饼”用很多方言读起来还真像是“发疯烧饼”,肯德基真的发疯了么?从87年进入中国,20多年来,肯德基本土化步伐越走越快,老北京鸡肉卷、鲜虾春卷、各款花式粥、油条等等,虽然目前这“发疯烧饼”能否被认可还是未知数,但无疑肯德基是在本土化的道路上又迈进了一步。   中华烧饼 Chinese Shaobing   义大利烧饼比萨Italian Pizza   兰州烧饼 Lanzhou Sesame Cake   关东烧饼 Kanto Sesame Cake   日式烧饼Japanese-style fried   黄桥烧饼 Huangqiao Sesame Cake   周村烧饼 Zhoucun Sesame Cake   土家掉渣烧饼 Tujia Cake with Minced Pork on the Surface   武大郎烧饼 Wudalang Cracknel   甜酥烧饼 Sweet & Crispy Sesame Cake   咸酥烧饼 Salty & Crispy Sesame Cake   什锦烧饼 Mixed Sesame Cake   肉夹馍烧饼Sesame Cake Stuffed with Minced Pork   煎饼 Pancake   鸡蛋灌饼 Cake Stuffed with Waffles   葱油饼 Green Onion Chinese Pancake   萝卜丝饼 Oil-grilled Turnip Cake   麻酱烧饼 Sesame Crisp Cake   玉米烧饼 Corn Sesame Cake   烤饼 Hot Cake   烙饼 Flapjack   火烧 Baked Wheat Cake   驴肉火烧 Baked Wheat Cake Stuffed with Minced Donkey Meat   烧饼西施 Shaobing Xishi ***a famous beauty of Yue kingdom during the Spring and Autumn period*** of Chinese history   烧饼皇后 Queen of Shaobing   烧饼帅哥 Handsome boy who makes Shaobing   Starting Monday, Shao-bing, or Chinese-style pancakes, is being sold at KFC. It"s the newest item being offered at KFC aimed specifically at the Chinese market.   Ms. Xu is buying for her family the new Shaobing which is a puffy sesame pastry stuffed with pork, egg, veggies and mayonnaise. The original Shaobing doesn"t have the above ingredients, but Ms. Xu likes the new kind anyway.   "Pretty good. It"s crispy. Not bad at all. Kind of like thousand-layered pancake."   Alex is an international kind of guy who is enjoying his breakfast in a KFC chain store in central Beijing.   "They have a kind of spicy shrimp burger, which is not something you can find in KFC in London or Paris or in New York. They have some kind of salad, like corn. I don"t think they would have that locally back in the States."   KFC"s country-specific menu also includes porridge and You-tiao, or fried dough-sticks, which you"ve never seen before in other KFCs around the world.   Some customers say they prefer the well-known overseas brand to local restaurants for its clean environment and fresh materials.   "This is fried dough-stick. Yes, it"s about right."   "I feel safe. The oil KFC uses is not like the kind used by street vendors."   And KFC is not the only enterprise to approach this strategy of localizing its set menu. If you visit a Starbucks in China, you will find red tea during Chinese New Year and Zongzi, or a type of sticky rice dessert, during the Duanwu or Dragonboat Festival, all typical Chinese food passed down from thousands of years ago. Even Papa John"s came out with pizza using traditional Chinese ingredients.
2023-07-13 12:08:491


带外国人吃中餐,介绍几道中餐特色菜Take a foreigner to eat Chinese food, introduce a few Chinese characteristics带外国人吃中餐,介绍几道中餐特色菜Take a foreigner to eat Chinese food, introduce a few Chinese characteristics
2023-07-13 12:08:572


绿野仙踪(2015) 快乐的噪音 Joyful Noise (2012) 劈腿困境/ 困境 The Dilemma (2011)情人节 (2010)情迷拉斯维加斯(2008) 蜜蜂的秘密生活(2008)生命补给(2007)北极故事(2007)芝加哥(2002)我为钱狂(2008)《完美假日 Perfect Christmas 》 (2007) ...Narrator《完美假日 Perfect Christmas 》 (2007) ...producer《北极传说 Arctic Tale 》 (2007) ...Narrator《发胶 Hairspray 》 (2007) ...Motormouth Maybelle《冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown 》 (2006) ...Ellie (voice)《最后的假日 Last Holiday 》 (2006) ...Georgia Byrd《笔下求生/奇幻人生 Stranger Than Fiction 》 (2006) ...Penny Escher《 The 78th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2006) ...Herself - Presenter: Best Original Song《 The Second JammX Kids All Star Dance Special 》 (2006) ...Herself《 Kidnapped 》 (2006) ...producer《 Ice Age 2: The Meltdown 》 (2006) ...Ellie《 MTV Video Music Awards 2006 》 (2006) ...Herself - Presenter《 The JammX Kids All Star Dance Special 》 (2006) ...Herself《哈啦美发师/美容店 Beauty Shop 》 (2005) ...Gina Norris《哈啦美发师/美容店 Beauty Shop 》 (2005) ...producer《 The 47th Annual Grammy Awards 》 (2005) ...Herself - Host/Performer《 The Muppets" Wizard of Oz 》 (2005) ...Auntie Em《的士女王/计程车女王/美国版《的士速逮》/终极杀阵美国版/出租汽车女王/狂速的士 Taxi 》 (2004) consultant《的士女王/计程车女王/美国版《的士速逮》/终极杀阵美国版/出租汽车女王/狂速的士 Taxi 》 (2004) ...Belle《户外烤肉 The Cookout 》 (2004) ...producer《户外烤肉 The Cookout 》 (2004) ...Security Guard《户外烤肉 The Cookout 》 (2004) ...(story) &《理发店2/哈啦大发师2 Barbershop 2: Back in Business 》 (2004) ...Gina《 MTV Video Music Awards 2004 》 (2004) ...Herself - Presenter《 The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself - Co-presenter: Best Original Score and Best Original Song《 Making "Scary Movie 3" 》 (2004) ...Herself《 2004 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself《 The 46th Annual Grammy Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself - Presenter《 Sesame Street Presents: The Street We Live On 》 (2004) ...Herself (archive footage)《 Nickelodeon Kids" Choice Awards "04 》 (2004) ...Herself《 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops 》 (2004) ...Herself - #66: Terrible Talk Shows (archive footage)《 Biography Richard Gere 》 (2004) ...Herself《 Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself (Received Icon Award)《 And You Don"t Stop: 30 Years of Hip-Hop 》 (2004) ...Herself (archive footage)《惊声尖笑3/恐怖电影3 Scary Movie 3 》 (2003) ...Aunt Shaneequa《爱到房倒屋塌/我的野蛮网友 Bringing Down the House 》 (2003) ...executive producer《爱到房倒屋塌/我的野蛮网友 Bringing Down the House 》 (2003) ...Charlene Morton《第75届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 75th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself - Nominee: Best Actress in a Supporting Role/Performer: "I Move On"《 2003 MTV Movie Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself《 The Teen Choice Awards 2003 》 (2003) ...Herself《 The 17th Annual Soul Train Music Awards 》 (2003) ...Host《 Inside the Industry 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Essence Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself《 VH1 Divas Duets 》 (2003) ...Host《 The 45th Annual Grammy Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself - Presenter《 Reel Comedy: Bringing Down the House 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Will on Will & Grace 》 (2003) ...Guest《 Hip Hop Babylon 2 》 (2003) ...Herself《 Kung Faux 》 (2003) ...Various / ... (unknown episodes)《 7 Days Left...: Queen Latifah Goes to Hollywood"s Biggest Night 》 (2003) ...Herself《 200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons 》 (2003) ...Herself (archive footage)《芝加哥 Chicago 》 (2002) ...Matron "Mama" Morton《甜心情缘 Brown Sugar 》 (2002) ...Francine《甜心情缘 Brown Sugar 》 (2002) ...(song The Unit)《第六感玄机 Living with the Dead 》 (2002) ...Midge Harmon《草地英熊/乡村熊 The Country Bears 》 (2002) ...Cha-Cha《匹诺曹/木偶奇遇记 Pinocchio 》 (2002) ...Dove (voice: US version)《 Tinseltown TV 》 (2002) ...Herself (2 episodes, 2004)《 Intimate Portrait: Kim Fields 》 (2001) ...Herself《 The Remarkable Journey 》 (2000) ...Herself《神秘拼图/人骨拼图/骨中罪/集骨者 The Bone Collector 》 (1999) ...Thelma《替代情人/穿梭鬼门关/穿梭阴阳界/午夜速杀 Bringing Out the Dead 》 (1999) ...Dispatcher Love (voice)《 Queen Latifah Show 》 (1999) ...executive producer《 Queen Latifah Show 》 (1999) ...Herself/Host《勇敢说爱 Living Out Loud 》 (1998) ...Liz Bailey《深海圆疑 Sphere 》 (1998) ...Alice "Teeny" Fletcher《 1998 Billboard Music Awards, The 》 (1998) ...Herself《暴徒 Hoodlum 》 (1997) ...Sulie《辣姊妹 Set It Off 》 (1996) ...Cleopatra "Cleo" Sims《 Girls Town 》 (1996) ...(song)《 The Rosie O"Donnell Show 》 (1996) ...Herself (9 episodes, 1996-2000)《 Who"s the Man? 》 (1993) ...Herself《情深到来生 My Life 》 (1993) ...Theresa《 Living Single 》 (1993) ...Khadijah James / ... (115 episodes, 1993-1998)《哈雷兄弟 Juice 》 (1992) ...Ruffhouse M.C.《 House Party 2 》 (1991) ...Zora《纽约黑街 New Jack City 》 (1991) ...(song For the Love of Money)《纽约黑街 New Jack City 》 (1991) ...singer: For the Love of Money and Living for the City《丛林热 Jungle Fever 》 (1991) ...Lashawn
2023-07-13 12:09:111


《黄金战士》(无敌小战士) 《魔界传说》(Ransie la Strega) 《十五少年漂流记》(Adrift in the Pacific) 《风魔小次郎》(Fuma no Kojirou) 《超时空要塞(太空堡垒)》(Super Dimensional Fortress Macross) 《忍者小英雄》(Ika no Kabamaru) 《我是小甜甜》(Magical Angel Creamy Mami) 《新足球小将》(Captain Tsubasa) 《阿尔卑斯玫瑰》(Alpen Rose) 《天书奇谭》(Tian Shu Qi Tan) 《赤足小子》(Hadashi no Gen) 《圣战士丹拜因》(Aura Battler Dunbine) 《装甲骑兵》( Armored Trooper Votoms) 《子鹿物语》(Kojika Monogatari) 《美雪,美雪》(Miyuki) 《猫眼三姐妹》(Cat"s Eye) 《超时空骑团》(The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross) 《胜利女排》(Attacker You!) 《星海奇缘》(Naisho no Half Moon) 《战刀骑士》(Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs) 《小小外星人》(Tongari Boushi no Memoru) 《橙路》(Kimagure Orange Road) 《人鱼之伤》(Mermaid Forest) 《高桥留美子奇想世界》 《变形金刚(第一季)》(Transformers: season 1) 《大自然的魔兽巴奇》(Daishizen no Majyuu Bagi) 《星图传说》(MAPS) 《超时空要塞 可曾记得爱》(Macross - Do You Remember Love?) 《北斗神拳》(Fist Of The North Star) 《风之谷》(Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind) 《小公主莎拉》(A Little Princess Sara) 《天使之卵》(Angel"s Egg) 《课长岛耕作》(Section Chief Kosaku Shima) 《太空堡垒》(Robotech (U.S. TV)) 《流月抄》(Ryugetsusho) 《女超人小舞》(Mai the Psychic Girl) 《机动战士高达Z》(Z Gundam) 《银河铁道之夜》(Night on the Galactic Railroad) 《双星记》(Cipher) 《无限地带23》(Megazone 23) 《棘手拍档》(Dirty Pair) 《超兽机神断空我》(Dancougar - Super Beast Machine God) 《苍之流星 SPT 雷兹纳》(Aoki Ryusei SPT Layzner) 《邻家女孩》(TOUCH) 《城市猎人》(City Hunter) 《机动战士高达ZZ》(Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ) 《邋遢大王奇遇记》 《OZ国历险记》(Oz no Mahou Tsukai) 《时空的旅人》(Toki no Tabibito -Time Stranger-) 《五星物语》(The Five Star Stories) 《太空堡垒II·哨兵》(Robotech II: The Sentinels) 《太空堡垒·未说的故事》(Robotech: The Untold Story) 《终极雇兵》(Pineapple Army) 《哭泣杀神》(Crying Freeman) 《孔雀王正传》(Peacock King) 《迷宫物语》(Neo-Tokyo) 《白猫少女》 《相聚一刻》(Maison Ikkoku) 《七龙珠》(Dragon Ball) 《圣斗士星矢》(Saint Seiya) 《天空之城》( Castle in the Sky) 《风于木之诗》(Kaze to Ki no Uta SANCTUS -Sei naru kana-) 《风与木之诗》(The Poem of Wind and Trees) 《黑魔术玛丽奥》(Black Magic M-66) 《迷宫物件》(Twilight Q) 《X电车冒险记》(Take the X Train) 《阳光普照》(Hiatari Ryoko) 《八神君的家庭事件》(Yagami"s Family Affairs) 《孤星望月》(Ten yori mo Hoshi yori mo) 《乔乔大冒险(JoJo奇妙冒险)》(JoJo"s Bizarre Adventure) 《王立宇宙军》(Wing of royal space troop Honneamise) 《机动警察·剧场版·东京毁灭战》(Patlabor: The Movie) 《机器人嘉年华》(Robot Carnival) 《Lady Lady!》(Lady Lady!) 《机甲战记》(Kiko Senki Dragonar) 《城市猎人 第一季》(City Hunter) 《歌姫夜曲》(Akai Kodan Zillion) 《3x3只眼》(3x3 Eyes) 《橙路》(Orange Road) 《怪鸭历险记》(Count Duckula) 《龙之天堂》(Dragon"s Heaven) 《俏淑女小玲》(Hello! Lady Lynn) 《功夫小子》(Tekken Chinmi) 《冥王计划志雷马》(Hades Project Zeorymer) 《危险调查员》(Master Keaton) 《神通小精灵》(Magical Taruruuto-kun) 《飞跃巅峰》(GunBuster) 《魔术快斗》(Magic Kaito) 《城市风云儿》(Yaiba) 《机动警察 OVA》(Patlabor) 《阿基拉》(Akira) 《特搜机动队》(New Dominion Tank Police) 《魔界都市-新宿》(emon City Shinjuku) 《城市猎人 第二季》(City Hunter 2) 《超音战士》(Borgman) 《遗迹守护者》(Spriggan) 《暗黑之破坏神》(Bastard) 《萤火虫之墓》(Grave of the Fireflies) 《祖先万万岁》(Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai!) 《守护神哈特》(Magical Hat) 《绿山高校甲子园编》(Midoriyama Kōkō Kōshien-hen) 《月光迷情》(Moon Child) 《海暗月影》(Umi no Yami Tsuki no Kage) 《超时空游侠》(Time Trouble Tondekeman!) 《战国奇谭妖刀传》(Wrath of the Ninja - The Yotoden Movie) 《极黑之翼》(LEGEND OF LEMNEAR) 《梦幻精灵族》(Marionette Generation) 《春日情韵》(A of Alto) 《舒克和贝塔》() 《一磅的福音》(One-Pound Gospel) 《柔道少女》(Yawara! A fashionable Judo Girl) 《维纳斯战记》(Venus Senki) 《天空战记》(Tenku Senki Shurato) 《银河女战士 OVA》(Rhea Gall Force) 《机动战士高达0080 口袋里的战争》(Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 War In The Pocket) 《魔动王》(Granzort) 《圣传》(RG Veda) 《地球人危机》(Earthian) 《勇者斗恶龙》(Dragon Quest) 《城市猎人 第三季》(City Hunter 3) 《恶魔君》(Akuma-kun) 《五星物语 OVA》(Five Star Stories) 《乱马1/2》(Ranma 1/2) 《机动警察TV版》(Mobile Police Patlabor) 《银河英雄传说》(Legend of the Galactic Heroes) 《铠传·魔神坛斗士》(Ronin Warriors) 《七龙珠Z》(Dragon Ball Z) 《魔女宅急便》(Kiki) 《武神-暗黑神传承》(Guardian of Darkness) 《俏皮小公主》() 《绿野原迷宫》(Ryokunohara Labyrinth - Sparkling Phantom) 《武神-暗黑神传承》(Ankoku Shinden Takegami) 《伏魔小王子》(Pygmalion) 《潮与虎》(Ushio &Tora) 《恶作剧之吻》(Itazura na Kiss) 《东京爱情故事》(Tokyo Love Story) 《纯爱芝麻街》(Sesame Street) 《圣堂教父》(Sanctuary) 《浪花金融道》(The Way of the Osaka Loan Shark) 《魔光迷影》(Fu-Shi-Gi no Rin) 《三眼神童》(The Three-eyed One) 《花之庆次》(Hana no Keiji -Kumo no Kanata ni-) 《虹色辣椒》(Rainbow-colored Chilli) 《机动警察 OVA2》(Patlabor) 《樱桃小丸子》(Chibi Maruko-chan) 《A子计划》(Project A-Ko) 《太阳之船》(Sol Bianca) 《罗德斯岛战记-灰色魔女传》(Record Of Lodoss War) 《不可思议的海之娜蒂亚》(Nadia of the Mysterious Seas) 《幽游白书》(Yu Yu Hakusho)
2023-07-13 12:09:251


【 #英语资源# 导语】元宵节,中国的传统节日之一,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,时间为每年农历正月十五。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.有关元宵节的英语日记   The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in China. Every year, we eat the Lantern Festival and set off fireworks.   Mother shouted, "don"t wait for the Lantern Festival to be hot. Don"t put it in my mouth." Take a bite and the stuffing flows out slowly, sticky. Sweet tastes great!   Lantern Festival is not without lanterns. After the Lantern Festival, my father and I came to Yangtou square. There are so many lanterns here! There are "running" tigers. "Grass eating" rabbit. And fish swimming. What a variety! Have become a sea of lights. The world of light! Father bought me a rabbit lantern. Just press the button. The rabbit will sing a happy song. I quickly picked up my tiger lamp and joined the parade of lanterns. Then my father and I went to set off fireworks.   It"s fun to set off fireworks. There are so many kinds of fireworks! Some of them were throwing guns, and everyone was watching vigorously. Suddenly, a naughty child threw guns, and everyone was scared to hide everywhere; I followed my father to set off a salute. It spewed flames into the sky and exploded with a "pa" sound, releasing colorful flowers.   The Lantern Festival is so interesting! 2.有关元宵节的英语日记   My father came to the sweet Lantern Festival and watched the sweet Lantern Festival with my mother. There is a sea of people there, and everyone is waiting for the fireworks to set off. Suddenly, there were two loud noises, and two bright rings opened in the sky, one red and one purple, indicating that the grand fireworks show officially began. With people"s exclamation, several beautiful fireworks bloomed in the sky, some like blooming peonies, some like proud snow chrysanthemums, some like twinkling stars in the sky on a summer night, and some like waterfalls hanging upside down from the Milky way.   At this time, my mother pointed to the northeast corner and said to me, "Lele, look!" I looked in the direction my mother pointed, and saw a red fireball, a meteor that wanted to cross the night sky, slowly falling down. The most unforgettable thing for me is the purple fireworks. It just blooms on my head. When it is about to fall, it seems to surround the people in the whole square.   Finally, I saw the fireworks of two hearts connected together. I think it must represent the meaning of "the hearts of the people of the whole country are connected with each other..." in the cheering and praise, I saw that everyone"s face was full of happy smiles. Isn"t that also fireworks? This is really an unforgettable Lantern Festival! 3.有关元宵节的英语日记   Today is the Lantern Festival. I heard that my father"s construction site will set off fireworks in the evening. I jumped three feet high with joy. In the afternoon, I saw my uncle and aunt buy a car of fireworks and firecrackers in the store. I counted a total of 14 boxes. I really want to come here in the evening! I waited patiently.   In the evening, I quickly finished the soup and couldn"t wait to run to the place where the fireworks were set off. My uncles and aunts had begun to prepare. They first spread the rolled firecrackers straight, and then put the fireworks in the middle of the firecrackers. My uncles and aunts each had a lighter, and I also had one. My uncles and aunts went up to light the fireworks, and I also lit my fireworks. After a while, Fireworks fly into the sky like sharp arrows. With the sound of "pa", they explode, and sparks splash everywhere. They are colorful, including red, green, yellow and... Very beautiful! The shapes of fireworks are also different. There are flowers, five pointed stars, circles... These beautiful fireworks make the vast night sky colorful.   The night of the Lantern Festival is so beautiful! I had a great time today! 4.有关元宵节的英语日记   The annual Lantern Festival has finally arrived. On this day, people will eat dumplings, watch lanterns and set off fireworks to celebrate this happy festival together. We are no exception.   On this day, our whole family went out of the house early to watch various forms of street art performances, including lion dance, dragon dance, stilt walking, dry boat running, etc. you see, the energetic and enthusiastic performances of the actors welcomed bursts of admiration from the audience.   In the evening, the street is brightly lit, as if walking into the ocean of lights. Look! There are dazzling dragon lights, lovely rabbit lights, and my favorite cartoon character lights, which are really dazzling. Eh! Not far ahead, what are we doing together? My mother and I crowded into the crowd and guessed the lantern riddle! Unfortunately, I didn"t guess the first one. My mother was about to tell me the answer. Suddenly, with a loud noise, fireworks appeared in the sky, flying in the air like dancing butterflies. It"s really a lively ocean. 5.有关元宵节的英语日记   Our motherland has many traditional festivals, but my favorite is the Lantern Festival!   I spent this year"s Lantern Festival at my grandmother"s house. There is a custom in my grandmother"s house, that is, to wrap dumplings by myself, so that the family will get together! After listening to it, I was particularly interested and wanted to try it myself.   Before seven o"clock in the morning, I gave up my warm quilt and got up. I quickly put on my clothes and pestered my grandmother to teach me how to wrap dumplings. My grandmother couldn"t beat me and had to teach me.   Grandma prepared sesame stuffing and dough in advance. I saw the dough turning in grandma"s hand. It was so cute! I quickly grabbed the dough from my grandmother"s hand and looked like my grandmother. First, I grabbed a handful of dough, flattened it, then wrapped it in sesame seeds, and finally squeezed it gently with my hand. Ah, a dumpling was born! Well done, round and round, like a general with a big belly. It"s very cute! So I wrapped several more and let Grandma go.   In the morning, I ate my own dumplings and felt that they were sweeter and more delicious than usual, because it was the result of my own work!   I like this lantern festival, because it makes me learn a skill! 6.有关元宵节的英语日记   The Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month is a traditional festival in China. At this time of year, the streets are bustling.   The drum team on Qingping street was deafening, and the people carrying the sedan chair twisted to make people laugh. It was not easy to squeeze into East Street. Just at the intersection, I saw a sea of people on the road. The whole road has become a sidewalk. I can"t see the end of the flow of people at a glance. On both sides of the street, there are all kinds of goods. The sound of Hawking one after another attracts people"s attention. There are all kinds of toys. My father held my hand for fear that I might lose it. Walking on, I heard a song from nowhere: you are my little apple. Take a closer look, it turned out that it was a wedding company doing publicity. I also got my wish and asked my father to buy me some small gifts I like. My heart sounded like a drum. I reluctantly went home with my father.   The Lantern Festival is over on the 15th day of the first month, and the Spring Festival is coming to an end. Our new semester is about to begin. The plan of the year is in spring and the plan of the day is in the morning. I will study hard and make greater achievements in the New Year! 7.有关元宵节的英语日记   January 15 of the lunar calendar is the Lantern Festival. It is a traditional festival in China. It has a history of hundreds of years. Therefore, activities to celebrate the Lantern Festival have been held everywhere.   In my hometown, the Lantern Festival is also a particularly grand festival. Every corner of the village is decorated with lanterns, and each household is hung with red lanterns with the word (Zhan). The village council has also prepared programs, such as the English song team singing English songs, setting off fireworks, playing firecrackers, etc., to prepare for the Lantern Festival and wait for the arrival of the Lantern Festival.   Let me briefly introduce our master you"s team. Master you"s team is composed of two English song teams, with many children holding colored flags, playing gongs and drums, carrying lanterns, eight adults and masters in golden sedans, and a 70-80-year-old master followed. It"s really like the ancient emperor"s patrol. Where you swim, there are firecrackers, fireworks and so on.   On the day of the Lantern Festival, villagers at home and abroad will come back to celebrate the Lantern Festival. It"s also the busiest day in our village,   It"s also my happiest day. 8.有关元宵节的英语日记   The Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It"s a Chinese custom to eat lanterns. After dinner, I came to the lantern party with my father and mother.   I took my father and mother"s hands and came to the Lantern Festival. The lights were bright and the crowd was like a tide. The first thing that comes into our eyes is the civilization gate. There are all kinds of lanterns on the left and right sides of the civilization gate. One of my favorite is "peacock open screen". Its beautiful big tail is one by one, which is very vivid and realistic. There are two or three cranes on both sides and the big ship. When I see the big ship, I feel like I"m sailing and sailing on the sea.   Some people buy snacks and eat snacks while resting on the roadside. Some children buy fluorescent sticks and fluorescent balls and play in the street. We took several photos as a souvenir. 9.有关元宵节的英语日记   Lantern Festival is the last festival in January. Of course, we have to have a good time. My lantern festival is summed up in one word, "cow"!   Yuanxiao, yuanxiao, of course, we have to eat yuanxiao, so tonight"s dinner is yuanxiao. This time, the chef is different from the past. I replaced my mother and became a cook. I finished this dish under the guidance of my mother. Although several Yuanxiao were ripped open, it was my first time to do it after all. Looking at the white and jade like Lantern Festival, I really can"t bear to eat. The white and fat Lantern Festival doll seems to be smiling at me. I took a gentle bite and ate it in my mouth, sweet in my heart.   Next, we should go to see the lanterns. Our family took the bought lanterns to the square to see the lanterns. There are a wide range of lanterns here, including "Chang"e running to the moon", a "bull spirit soaring into the sky", and... We are dazzled. When we are happy, the sky is full of beautiful fireworks, and the lanterns look more beautiful, vivid and lifelike against the fireworks. 10.有关元宵节的英语日记   This year"s Lantern Festival Lantern Festival activities look very lively and full of joyful scenery.   There are many different kinds of animal lanterns in the Cultural Park, including Mickey Mouse, horse, giraffe, 101 loyal dog, giant panda, dragon, etc. the lanterns are so beautiful with colorful lights. It makes me feel like I"m in a fairy tale dream world. I see everyone rushing for group photos and flashing like a machine.   On the grass of the park, many children carry lanterns and play with fairy sticks; Some people are putting out sky lanterns. The sky lanterns fly higher and higher with the gentle wind, just like many small stars flashing in the dark, very beautiful; There are also many people setting off fireworks. The colorful fireworks decorate the night sky, and everyone"s exclamation comes from time to time in my ear!   On the way home, I saw fireworks in the sky on Hanlin bridge, reflected in the stream, glittering and changing. It"s really attractive. It"s really a happy Lantern Festival.
2023-07-13 12:09:431


Ernie, Powerpuff girls
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2023-07-13 12:10:325


【 #英语资源# 导语】浪漫中秋,明月含羞,想你切切何解忧?短信一首,字字真情,月明星稀终守候。千里思念遥相寄,绵绵爱意于此诉,浓浓情意化祝福:中秋快乐! 为大家准备了迎接中秋节的英语作文,供大家参考阅读。 1.迎接中秋节的英语作文   I do not know when, bursts of cicadas gradually quiet, I do not know when, maple leaves have quietly turned red. oh It turned out that autumn came with the gentle cool wind. Behind it, there is a little dot, "Mid Autumn Festival".   Last year"s Mid Autumn Festival was very unforgettable to me. On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, our family came to a mid autumn festival knowledge competition. I will tell the rules. The competition is divided into three rounds. If you answer one question correctly, 10 points will be added. The one with the lowest score will be punished.   The first round of the competition began. I began to write a question about the poems about the moon“ Raise your head to look at the bright moon and bow your head to think of your hometown ". Before my words fell, my father took it up, and my mother was unwilling to show weakness. She immediately said" raise a glass to invite the bright moon and the shadow into three people ". So the first round was even and no one was fine.   The second round of the competition has begun. Please say what names are on the shape of the moon. Mother paused and said, "full moon." Dad thought about it, but he couldn"t think of it. I smiled cunningly, and I could punish immediately. Sure enough, dad didn"t answer. I began to punish. I jumped on my father and scratched left and right until I enjoyed myself. My father couldn"t close his mouth and finally didn"t laugh. After the break, the third game began immediately.   Now the game has begun. Who says the most words about the moon in this round of competition. My father said 21 at a time and my mother said 17. I announced that my father won this round and my mother was punished. I stabbed my mother"s nose with my hand to show my punishment.   At the end of the game, my father finally lost by 20 points. I awarded my mother a big moon cake. My father could only look at the cake and sigh. The moon rises higher and higher, and the hazy moonlight sprinkles on us. It"s really comfortable. It"s really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival. 2.迎接中秋节的英语作文   The autumn is crisp and crisp. We have ushered in the annual Mid Autumn Festival. I love the Mid Autumn Festival, the golden and full moon cakes and the full moon.   The moon is round on the 15th, so we decided to enjoy the moon on the evening of the 16th. When night fell, we came to the square. We sat down on the grass. At that time, the moon had not appeared. The sky was a gray blue, but the street lights in the square were full of colored lights, and the street was filled with a festive atmosphere. People are holding luminous fluorescent sticks in their hands. They are colorful, which makes the street more beautiful. The moon seems to want to play hide and seek with us and never appears. There are only a few scattered stars in the sky. Suddenly, some white appeared in the sky, as if the moon was coming. Looking at the moon rising slowly from the West. At this time, the moon was not very round, and there was no light. A burst of black clouds came. After tests again and again, the moon finally showed itself in front of people in a perfect and beautiful posture, and the crowd was in a commotion. We all set off fireworks. The smile of fireworks and the full moon constitute a beautiful scenery. After a while, the fireworks are finished and the crowd is quiet.   When I began to appreciate the moon, I couldn"t help thinking of my grandma and grandpa who were far away in my hometown. When the Mid Autumn Festival was a family reunion, how I wanted my grandma and grandpa to enjoy the silence and beauty of the night with us, as well as the brightness and tenderness of the moon. I hope the moon in my hometown is so beautiful and round. In the moon, there seems to be so little dark shadow, which reminds me of the story of Chang"e running to the moon. That little dark shadow should be that Chang"e is missing her descendants. "Chang"e should regret stealing magic medicine and clear the sea and clear the sky at night". After returning home, our family gathered around the table to cut moon cakes. Moon cakes include almonds, ice skin, double yellow and so on, but my favorite is double yellow, because it has full golden appearance, thin skin and beautiful filling, and tastes rich. I"m going to eat moon cakes! 3.迎接中秋节的英语作文   Today is the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, a day full of joy but unforgettable to me.   Early in the morning, bursts of crackling firecrackers burst into the sky. Everyone covered their ears and hurried on the crowded morning market. They were eager to reunite with their families. Everyone had a bright smile on their faces. The flow of cars in the past has gradually become scarce.   At about 8 a.m., my parents and I drove to grandma"s house. I was stunned when I looked at the scenery outside the window. Bursts of autumn wind blew. In front of me, green trees were not as majestic as usual, but surrounded in groups, as if they were celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival. A group of flying geese in Yunling also gathered together and chirped, as if to say, "the Mid Autumn Festival is coming! The Mid Autumn Festival is coming! "   Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, noon arrived. It was time for dinner. Grandma and dad kept shouting. Everyone gathered around a round table and began to eat. Plates of moon cakes were placed in front of me. These moon cakes were really diverse. They tasted fruit, five kernel, bean paste and sesame... My mouth watered. I picked up a piece of moon cake and wolfed it down, but my grandmother told us the source of moon cake. We listened carefully and laughed from time to time. Laughter rippled over the farmyard.   At night, a ray of soft moonlight passed through the window and sprinkled on the windowsill. I just remembered to enjoy the moon. So I got up from the Kang and ran out to enjoy the moon. Dad put the melons and fruits on the table in the yard. The moon is so round at fifteen. What a beautiful full moon. I sat in my chair and watched it carefully. The moonlight is getting stronger and stronger, and the moonlight is still shining. She is so bright and beautiful. I was so attracted to her that I couldn"t walk away. Looking up into the distance, through the moonlight, I seem to see the scenery in the middle of the month. Beside the osmanthus tree in the bleak Guanghan palace, a delicate jade rabbit is meditating.
2023-07-13 12:11:301


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2023-07-13 12:10:031


First blood
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通常Notes异常退出,系统是不能再次运行Notes的。这时常见的方法是重新启动计算机并运行Notes。  其实我们也可以不重启计算机而马上开始Notes,即我们手动杀死一个因Notes异常退出而遗留在内存中的进程nhldaemn.exe,然后我们就可再次启动Notes。
2023-07-13 12:10:031


是的,根据…可以接谓语动词。例如:According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.这里的"it will rain tomorrow"是一个谓语动词短语,表示天气预报所预测的结果。
2023-07-13 12:10:042


  考研英语翻译的特点是长难句比较多,体现在两方面:一是修饰成分较多,二是句子结构层次较复杂,从句嵌套现象层出不穷。由此可见,长难句的结构分析在考研英语翻译中就显得尤为重要。考研英语翻译的难点之一就是长难句的结构句子。为了攻克长难句,应该注意以下几点   考研英语翻译中的英汉差异   下面我总结一下英语和汉语的几个重大的差别,希望同学们多体会和注意,减少对考研英语翻译的恐惧心理,从而提高翻译能力和水平。   1 英语形合,汉语意合   2 英语多长句,汉语多短句   3 英语多被动,汉语多主动   4 英语多替代,汉语多重复   5 英语重省略,汉语重补充   6 英语重心在前,汉语重心在后    一、形合和意合   不同的语言中句子内部或外部连接几乎都使用句法、词汇、词义这三种手段。用前两种手段连接称为形合,用后一种手段连接称为意合。就英语和汉语来说,英语是强调形式上紧密结合,汉语是强调意义上结合紧密。具体来讲,英语的句子是通过一整套完整系统的语法结构和连接词将单词和词组组合在一起,强调结构上正确,逻辑上严密,思维上严谨。而汉语则不然,就是说一个汉语句子的分句与分句之间,或是短语与短语之间,在意思上有联系,但很少用关联词。使用每一个分句或是短语的意思组合成一个完整的句子的。大家在从高中考大学的时候也一定做过语文中有一种题让我们根据意思来为一篇文言文断句,那么断句的基础是什么呢?是不是通过每个文字的意思以及整个文章的意思来断句的,那么就是说汉语是通过意义来紧密结合起来的,表面上可以看起来是一些毫不相干的汉子,但是组合在一起却意义深刻。   比如我们看下面这个句子。这个句子是美国林肯总统《盖茨堡演讲》结尾的一句。   We here highly resolve that these dead should not die in vain-that this nation, under god, shall have new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the world. (参考译文:我们在此立志誓愿,不能让他们白白死去--要使这个国家在上帝庇佑之下,得到新生的自由--要使那民有、民治、民享的政府不致从地球上消失。)   在本句中,“We here highly resolve....。.”是整个句子的主句,作者通过“that”引导“that these dead should not die in vain”,“that this nation, under god, shall have new birth of freedom” ,“that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the world。”等三个从句,那么在最后一个从句之前还用了“and”这个连接词将几个从句连接起来。 而缺少 “that”, “ and”这几个连接词,这个句子在英语中就不能表达现有的意思,而且也是不符合英语的语法的。   而汉语的意合呢,就是说汉语造句少用或是不用形式连接手段,注重隐性连贯,事理顺序,功能意义,以神统形。即汉语句子意连形不连。   例如,汉语说“他不来,我不走”。这句话包含了两层意思,完全通过意义联系起来,两分句之间不用任何连词。而如果翻译成英文则必须用连接词语,即:I wonu2019t go unless he comes. 或者我们说:I will stay until he comes。    下面我们举一个2003年考研的题目来看一下。   Furthermore, humans have the ability to modify the environment in which they live, thus subjecting all other life forms to their own peculiar ideas and fancies。(参考译文:而且,人来还有能力改变自己的生存环境,从而使所有其他形态的生命服从人类自己独特的想法和想象。)   仔细对比这个句子和译文,我们会发现正如which在汉语中并没有找到对应的词。也就是说,如果要看到一个词翻译一个词的话,遇到which我们就会犯难。原因就是英语和汉语的这种差别造成的,英语中需要一个连词去实现这种逻辑关系,而汉语则通过语义表达。英语和汉语的这个差异要求我们,在拿到考研英语翻译题的时候,要首先分析整个句子的结构,根据英语原文的语法结构以及连接手段所携带的信息,合理地组织汉语语言并且调整语序。尽量避免逐字进行翻译。    二、英语多长句,汉语多短句   正是因为英语是通过一整套完整的系统的语法结构组合在一起的,那么一个英语句子只要结构完整,作者通过增加限制成分、修饰语以及补充成分可以使得一个句子变得非常的长。比如在往年的考研英语翻译题中,最长的一句话竟然达到了58个单词。而正是因为汉语是强调意义上的完整,那么一个汉语句子就可以简短而意义深刻,言简而意赅。那么我们在翻译的时候就要一定注意,可以破句重组,化繁杂的英语长句为多个意义紧密相连的汉语短句,而不必拘泥于原文的层次结构。例如:1999年的一道考题。   Interest in historical methods had arisen less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves (参考译文:人们对历史研究方法产生了兴趣,这与其说是因为外部对历史作为一门学问的有效性提出了挑战,还不如说是因为历史学家内部发生了争吵。)   英文原句是个典型的长句,由27个词组成,中间没有使用任何标点符号,完全靠语法结构使整个句子的意思化零为整:less throughu2026and more from构成一个复杂的状语修饰动词arisen。在中文翻译中,“产生兴趣”这一重要内容通过一个独立的句子表达,两个不同的原因则分别由不同的句子表达,整个句子被化整为零“u2026产生兴趣u2026,这与其说是因为u2026,还不如说是因为u2026”    三、英语多被动,汉语多主动   英语比较喜欢被动,科技英语或是论文中尤其如此,而我们的考研翻译中的翻译题大都是科普知识的文章,那么被动句就更多了。而汉语又是比较喜欢用主动句的,一般都是我怎么怎么样,他怎么怎么样,你怎么怎么样。那么知道了这么一个特点的话,我们在拿到一个英译汉翻译题的时候,如果这个句子是被动句,我们就要有意识的在汉语译文中调整为主动形式。   例如:Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character. (参考译文:达尔文确信,没有了这些爱好不只是少了乐趣,而且还可能会有损于一个人的思维年能力,更有可能导致一个人道德品质的下降。)   was convinced 这里被翻译成了确信,类似的这种很多已经演变成固定翻译方法,如果有人翻译成达尔文被说服或被确信之类的,那可就真要贻笑大方了。再看2002年真题:   The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. (参考译文:行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。)   这里的be directly observed 翻译的时候就可以省略翻译的被动。就和“水可以直接喝”是一个道理。    四、英语多替代,汉语多重复   英语的习惯是尽量在同一个句子中用不同的单词或是词组来表达同一个意思。而汉语就不同,汉语喜欢用同一个词汇来增强自己说话的语气或是强调。   例如:1999年真题 “It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques。”( 译文:这种谬误同样存在于历史传统派和历史社科派,前者认为历史就是史学界内部和外部人士对各种史料来源的评论,后者认为历史的研究就是具体方法的研究。 )   本句中,viewu2026as 把u2026看作 ;equateu2026with u2026把u2026。等同于。这两个词组汉语的意思基本一致。但是用了不同的英语词组来表达,翻译成汉语的时候可以采用重复的用法来表达。    五、英语重省略,汉语重补充   尽管英语句子是按照一定的规律组合起来的,可以一目了然地知道其结构,但英语也习惯于使用省略。一方面,省略是为了简洁,避免重复;另一方面,由于英语句子结构严谨,即使省略一些成分,也不会妨碍其意义的表达。然而,这对于英语为非母语的中国学生来说,却带来了理解和翻译表达上的困难。这主要是因为:一方面,对英语逻辑思维和表达方式缺乏必要的了解;另一方面,习惯于汉语意合性语言的表达方式,讲求词语的均衡与对称,喜欢使用排比式的词汇,往往是越表达越觉得意犹未尽,也越想补充说明。所以,英语考研辅导老师们提醒2012年的考生们在英译汉时,一定要注意英汉各自的用词习惯。   在分析析英语句子结构,特别是遇到非正常的结构时,一定要考虑是否存在省略现象。尽管英语的省略现象普遍存在,几乎所有的成分都可以省略,但是它的省略却具有一定的规则:省略部分一定在其之前出现过,或者是一些语法上的省略,比如定语从句中先行代词做宾语时、虚拟语气中if的省略等等。例如:   Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through this to mankind。(参考译文)每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,并且通过社会而对人类负责。   本句虽短,但是and 后的成分不好理解,因为它省略了一些成分。如果没看到这一省略,就不能理解原文的含义,更会译出难懂的中文:每个人都对他所属的社会负有责任,并且由此走向人类。(每个人不是都属于人类吗?怎么又走向人类呢?)其实,该句是在this后省略了前面出现的“everybody has a responsibility”(符合省略的规则),this指“the society”。所以,根据汉语习惯,将其补充完整,即可得到正确的译文。    再例如2001年真题:   There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors that will disable them when they offend. (参考译文:届时,将出现由机器人主持的电视谈话节目以及装有污染监控器的汽车,一旦这些汽车排污超标(违规),监控器将会使其停驶。   翻译到when they offend 的时候,可能会有人想,offend 的宾语是什么呢?要理解成冒犯了什么呢?如果我们了解英语的省略特点,就会知道其实这里是省略了monitors. 这些汽车应该是冒犯了汽车污染监控器,符合汉语表达习惯的说法是:排污超标。   尽管在大多数的英汉翻译中需要将省略的成分补充完整,但如果不影响汉语的表达习惯,则也可以省略。    六、英语重心在前 汉语重心在后   英汉两种语言的逻辑思维有明显的不同:英语往往是“开门见山”,先表明结论,再进行论证、描述或讲述事实,也可简单概括为“先果后因”,即重心在前;汉语则习惯于“循序渐进”,往往按照事情的发展顺序,由事实到结论或由因到果进行论述,可以简单归纳为“先因后果”,即重心在后。   英语辅导老师建议大家在英译汉时要注意这种逻辑思维上的差异。具体地,在正确理解英语原文逻辑关系的基础上,打乱英语的句子结构,按照汉语思维逻辑的表达方式重新安排句子的语序。例如2000年一道真题:   Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements -- themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport。   参考译文: 由于人口的猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使这种流动相对容易)造成的种种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。   本句的翻译就是根据英语和汉语重心前后的不同而调整了语序,让汉语句子更通顺,从而达到考研英语翻译标准中的“达”的。
2023-07-13 12:10:051


Baby happy birthday
2023-07-13 12:10:061

内存耗用:VSS/RSS/PSS/USS 的介绍

一般来说内存占用大小有如下规律:VSS >= RSS >= PSS >= USS
2023-07-13 12:10:101

important Notes是什么

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解压缩下载的库文件。在里面找到STEUP应用程序。并双击。根据提示,下一步即可。安装完了,打开STEP 7 Micro/WIN里面就有USS库了。望采纳。。。。。。
2023-07-13 12:10:171

高考英语词汇: according as与according to的用法区别

高考英语词汇:according as与according to的用法区别   1. according as   根据,随……而定(后接从句)。如:   Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力作出贡献。   You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 根据你工作的好坏,你会得到表扬或批评。   According as you are studying now, you won"t make much progress. 根据你现在学习情况来看,你不会有多大的进步。   2. according to   (1) 根据,按照(主要引出状语)。如:   Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。   According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是五点钟。   Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。   注:according to 后一般不接 view(看法)和 opinion(意见)这类词,也不接表示第一人称的代词(me, us)。如:   依我看,这部电影很不错。   正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful.   误:According to my opinion, the film is wonderful.   误:According to me, the film is wonderful.   (2) 合乎,符合(主要引出表语)。如:   It is not according to his nature to give praise. 他本性不喜欢颂扬。
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  英语和汉语是两种高度发展的语言,对比其异同,对于英语翻译教学是很重要的。下文是我为大家整理的关于英汉翻译的论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考!   关于英汉翻译的论文篇1   英汉语言的异同及其翻译策略   在英汉翻译中,两种语言在词汇方面的不同主要体现在词的意义,词的顺序和词的搭配能力三个方面;从句法方面来说,英语和汉语在句子结构,句子顺序和其他一些表达方式上则有各自的特点。下面笔者就从词汇现象和句法现象两方面来探讨英汉的对应程度如何,以及根据这些对比,在进行翻译实践时,应该运用哪些翻译技巧。   1、英汉语言的对比   1.1英汉词汇现象的对比   首先,从词的意义方面来看。词汇作为语言的三要素之一,相比于语音和语法,它的变化最快。随着社会和科学的不断发展和变化,在语言中一方面增加了新词,一方面旧词增添了新的意义。人类发明轮船以前,用的是帆船,英语“sail”一词原意为“帆”,短语“setsail”,就有张帆起航之意。但是随着社会的发展,帆船逐渐被用煤,柴油,甚至是用核动力的轮船所代替。自从潜艇出现后,“sail”这个词又增添了“潜艇指挥塔”的新含义。这就是词义的发展变化,我们在对比英汉语言时,应该明确它们的对应情况是随着时间的变迁和社会的发展而发展变化着的。英语词汇在汉语里的对应程度,大致可以归纳为四种情况。第一,完全对应。英语中的词所表达的意义,可以在汉语里找到完全对应的词来表达。如“computationallinguistics”(计算语言学),“TheU.S.StateDepartment”(美国国务院)。这主要是一些已有通用译名的专用名词,术语和生活中常见事物名称等。第二,部分对应。英语中有些词和汉语中的词汇在词义上只能部分对应,体现在有广义和狭义之分。如“morning”(上午,早晨),“gun”(枪,炮),一个英语单词相对应有较多的汉语意义.第三,无对应。   英语中有些词或汉语里有些词在对方语言里找不到对应的词来表达。这主要是指一些新词以及反映社会特殊风俗和事物的词。如英语单词“beddo”(指的是一种多用途的床),“plumber”(美国调查政府雇员泄密的特工),“brunch”(为了休闲和放松,通常周日才吃的早午餐);汉语里如“八仙桌”,“太师椅”等在英语中都无法找到对应的词。最后,英语中很多词都是一词多义,分别与汉语中几个词对应。对于这些多义词的具体意义,要联系上下文来确定。比如“time”一词,在“havenotimetodosomething”中,它的意思是时间;在“Thetimesaredifferent.”中,意思为时代;在“Imetherseveraltimes.”一句中,它指的是次数。可见一个单词可能会有很多词义,意思随着不同的使用场合而不同。   其次,从词的搭配能力方面看。英语和汉语在词的搭配能力上有差异,一个英语单词往往可以搭配很多其他的单词,来表达不同的汉语意思。以单词“cut”为例,可以用于以下短语之中,如cutcake{切蛋糕},cutwheat(割麦子),cutfingernails(剪指甲)。由此可见,cut的搭配能力很强,可以用于“cake,wheat,fingernails”,而汉语就需要分别用“切,割,剪”来搭配.在翻译时,要注意英汉语在搭配能力上的差异,译文选词要符合汉语的表达习惯。如“Sheworeapairofsunglassesandawhitedress.”一句中,wear分别搭配了两个名词“sunglasses”,和“dress”,应译为“戴太阳镜”和“穿连衣裙”.   最后,从词的顺序方面看。英汉句子中主要成分如主语,谓语动词,宾语的词序基本上是一致的。但是定语的位置和状语的顺序在英汉语中则有同有异,变化多样。例如,汉语句子“他们在教室里唱歌”,翻译成英语是“Theyaresingingintheclassroom.”,汉语中状语“在教室”是放在谓语动词的前面,而英语中状语“intheclassroom”,放在了谓语动词的后面。又如英语中时间或地点状语之间的排列顺序是从小到大,而汉语的顺序是从大到小。如“Shewasbornat8a.m.onthefirstofOctober,1990.”,译为“她出生于1990年10月1日上午8点。”另外,定语的位置在英语和汉语中也有差异,英语单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的词的前面,但有时也后置,如“aninterestingstory”中,定语“interesting”是放在被修饰词“story”的前面;而“somethinginteresting”,当中定语“interesting”放在被修饰的词的后面。然而汉语的定语一般前置。   1.2英汉句法现象的对比   在翻译中,英汉句子结构有时不需要转换,有时则要根据情况进行转换,这要求我们正确处理好形式和内容的关系。英汉句法现象上的差异,主要就体现在句子结构和句子顺序两个方面。   句子结构的转换分以下几种情况,将英语简单句转换为汉语复合句,将英语复合句转换为汉语简单句,英语倒装句转换为汉语正装句,英语被动结构转换为汉语主动结构等。如“Shedoesn"tknowwhatlifemeanstoher.”这句话在译为中文时,可将英语中的主从复合句转换为汉语的简单句,译为“她不知道人生的意义”.在英语中,为了突出重点和上下文语气的需要,常常用倒装结构,而汉语一般不倒装,此时应将英语倒装句译为汉语正装句。   另外,英汉的句子顺序,这里指的是主句,从句的时间顺序和逻辑顺序也不完全相同,因此它们的先后位置也不完全一样。   现以英汉复合句中的时间顺序为例。英语主从复合句中,表时间的从句既可以放在主句之后,也可以放在主句之前,位置很灵活。而汉语则会按照比较严格的时间先后顺序,将先发生的事陈述,之后陈述后面发生的事。如“AfterIhadmydinner,IwatchedTV.”英语句中,不论动作发生的先后顺序,主从句位置可以互换。若将此句翻译为汉语句子,则应先说先发生的事:   “吃完晚饭后,我看电视”.表示因果的英语复合句也是一样,因果顺序较为灵活,而汉语的习惯表达是因在前,果在后。   2、英汉翻译技巧   通过以上对英汉两种语言的词汇和句法现象的对比,可以看出两种语言各有特点,在翻译时根据这些特点,可以运用一些翻译方法和技巧来表达语言形式的思想内容。英汉翻译常用的方法和技巧很多,如词义的选择,引申,词类转译,增词法,省略法,正反表达法,分句合句法,各种从句的译法,习语,拟声词的译法等。现根据上文提到的英汉差异,从分析语言的特点入手,着重选择几种翻译技巧加以说明。   2.1词义的选择   英汉两种语言都有一词多义,一词多类的现象,同一个词往往有几个不同的词义,属于几个不同的词类。在英汉翻译的过程中就要根据英汉词汇的对应情况,选择和确定关键词的意义,有时还需要对词进行引申和选择其褒贬意义。选择词义可以从两方面入手,其一,根据词在句中的词类和联系上下文,看词在句中的搭配关系。如在“Likechargesrepel,unlikechargesat-tract.”一句中,根据分析词类,判断出“like”是形容词,汉语意思是“相同的”,全句翻译为“同性电荷相排斥,相异电荷相吸引”.   “like”除了作形容词外,还可以作动词和介词。如“Tomlikestoplayfootball.”中,“like”作动词“喜欢”讲.“Herhairisshininglikegoldinthesunbeam.”中,like作介词“像”讲.从以上例句可以看出要选择正确的词义,可以根据该词在句中的词类来确定。另一方面,英语中同一个词,同一词类在不同的语言环境中往往也有不同的含义,必须结合上下文再根据词的搭配来确定某个词在特定场合中的意义。如以下几句话中的“serve”一词,都作动词,但根据上下文,可以确定它的词义是不同的。“HehasservedforMs.Daisyfortwentyyears.”中译为“任职”;在“Histwodaughtersandasonservedinthearmy.”中译为“服役”;在“Itisyourturntoserve.”中,译为“发球”.   英语中,常用一个表具体形象的词来表示一种概念或一种属性,而汉语常用抽象的概念。在翻译时,要注意到英汉在表达习惯上的差异,不能逐词死译,应根据上下文和逻辑关系将该词的意义作进一步的引申.如,“Everylifehasitsrosesandthorns”中的“rose”(玫瑰)和“thorn”(刺)这两个具体形象不能直译,而要引申为“甜”和“苦”.整句话译为“每个人生都有自己的苦与甜”.又如,“Ihavealittlemoneyputasideforarainyday.”此句中的“rainyday”不能译为“下雨天”,而是一个抽象概念,指急需用钱之时。   2.2转译法   在英汉翻译中,由于英汉两种语言的表达方式不同,就不能“一个萝卜一个坑”来死搬硬套,有些词在翻译时需要转换词类,这样才能使译文流畅自然。词类的转译法就是指将原文的词类转译为其他的词类,如英语名词转译为汉语动词,例句“Mysis-terisgoodatswimming.IthinksheisabetterteacherthanI.”中的“teacher”是名词“教师”,在翻译时可转译为动词“教”,本句译为“我想她会教得比我好”,如果译为“我想她会是比我好的教师”就显得死板生硬。形容词有时也可以转译为名词。英语中有些形容词加定冠词可以表示一类人,汉译时就要把形容词译为名词。如“Wewilldoourbesttohelpthesickandthewounded”中的形容词“thesickandthewounded”要译为名词“病人和伤员”.英语中还有一些形容词表感觉,情绪,如“angry,confident,afraid,aware,concerned,ashamed,thankful”等,这类形容词放在系动词后作表语用时,往往可以转译为汉语动词。   如“Heisawareofhismistakes.”此句中形容词aware应译为动词“知道”.英语和汉语比较起来,汉语中动词用得比较多。根据这一特点,英语中很多词类,尤其是名词,形容词,副词在汉译时往往可以转译成动词。   2.3增词法   英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译时,除了转换词类外,还可在词量上作增减。增词法就是根据意义和句法上的需要增加一些词使译文更加忠实于原文的思想内容。为了使句子更加通顺流畅,在翻译时可以增加动词,形容词,副词,名词等。如“Hewenthomeafterthebanquetsandconcerts.”如果直译为“在宴会和音乐会后,他回家了。”,意思似乎不够明确,但如果在名词前加上动词,译为“在参加完宴会和出席了音乐会之后”,这样就形成了两个动宾词组,句子就更通顺了。又如“Thecrowdsmeltedaway,”(人群渐渐散开了)。本句中,在动词前增加了副词“渐渐地”,使译文的表达更加确切。再如“Youshouldwashbeforemeal.”(你应该饭前洗手)。该句的宾语“手”其实是隐含在动词“wash”之后的,所以在翻译时要把宾语表达出来,在这里增加了名词。另外,英语中的数词往往能直接与可数名词连用,而汉语往往要借助量词来表达其形状,特征。如,abike一(辆)自行车,abaddream一(场)恶梦,aredsun一(轮)红日.   以上几个例子中,在汉译时都增加了量词,这样才符合汉语的表达习惯。   2.4省略法   前面提到的增词法是指增加一些词来使译文更通顺,省略法则是指原文有些词不需要译出来,删除一些可有可无,有之反而累赘或违背译文语言习惯的词。但省略并不是摒弃原文的思想内容,而是译文中虽无其词但明其意。现从语法角度和修辞角度分别举例加以探讨。第一,从语法角度看,可以省略代词,it,连接词,冠词,前置词等。根据汉语的习惯,前一句话已经出现主语,而后一句若是相同主语,则不需要重复使用。然而英语通常每句话都有主语,在翻译时应考虑到英汉在表达上的差异。如“Hewasthinandhelookedmiserable.”(他很消瘦,看上去很可怜),第二句话中的主语在翻译时已省略掉。英语中的物主代词在汉译时往往也可以省略。如“Heshruggedhisshouldersandshookhishead.”中的物主代词“his”不需要译出来,该句译为“他耸耸肩,摇了摇头”.在英语中,it也是一种代词,它常常作非人称用,此时,往往省略不译。如Sheglancedathiswatch;itwas7.(她一看表,是七点了)。另外,汉语词语之间的连接词不多,其逻辑联系常常是暗含的,英语则不然,连接词用得比较多,因此,英汉翻译时不需要把连接词译出来。第二,从修辞角度看,英语句子有些短语反复出现,英译汉时可作适当省略。“Appli-cantswhohadworkingexperiencewouldreceivepreferenceoverthosewhohadnot.”译为“应聘者有工作经验的优先录取。”如果不作省略,译成“应聘者有工作经验的比没有工作经验的优先录取”就显得罗嗦。   英汉翻译还有很多方法和技巧,如重复法,正反表达法,反正表达法,分句合句法等,在此就不一一赘述了。英语和汉语是两种高度发展的语言,对比其异同,对于英语翻译教学是很重要的。本文对比研究了英语汉语在语言文字上最普遍最典型的特点和差异,提出几种适当的翻译方法和技巧供教师在翻译课教学时参考。当然,各种翻译方法和技巧在翻译时应根据原文的具体思想内容加以灵活运用,不应生搬硬套。总之,翻译是一种语言的创造性活动,经过实践积累总结的翻译理论和技巧之所以有价值,是因为它们可以用来指导和启发翻译实践,而翻译实践也是检验翻译理论是否正确的标准。作为英语教师,在进行翻译课的教学时,应注意到翻译理论和实践的辩证关系,做到既重视翻译实践,也不忽视必要的翻译理论。   参考文献:   [1]张培基。英汉翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社,1998.   [2]陈国强。现代英语词汇学[J].上海外语教育出版社,1998.   [3]方梦之。英语汉译实践与技巧[J].天津翻译出版公司,1994.   [4]范仲英。实用翻译教程[J].外语教学与研究出版社,1999.   关于英汉翻译的论文篇2   英汉翻译中的“忠实”   摘要:随着国际化进程的不断加速,越来越多的人意识到英语的重要性,英文写作的重要性。但是由于中英文背景的巨大差异,思维方式的不同以及写作角度、方法、用词等的不同使得我们在英语写作中出现了很多错误。很多的实例证明,英语的学习言语错误与汉语干扰有直接的关系,即负迁移,也就是汉语之间的差异对外语学习造成的干扰以及与所学外语的某些特点、某些规则造成的干扰有关。   关键词:英汉翻译 表达方式 忠实  1 英文对同一事物的表达方式的不同造成的错误   1.1 词性错误   很多同学在英文写作时只注意所选词的词义,而忽视了该词的词性,造成用词错误的发生。   (1)My friend doesnu2019t afraid of dogs.   (2)His father adviced him not to fight with anybody.   例句1)把形容词误用为动词,而例句2)把名词误用为动词。这是由于基础不牢,对一些常用词不认真考证,导致用词的错误。   1.2 词形错误   在英文写作中经常会出现遗漏第三人称单数现在时形态,还有关于名词单、复数的错误,这是因为在汉语中,汉语的名词一般不分单、复数,也无可数、不可数之分,主谓间也不存在数的关系,谓语没有第三人称单数的问题,由于中英文用词这明显的区别,在英文写作时会写出这样的句子:   (1)There are many sheeps on the grassland.   (2)She look after 3 children.   例句(1)中,sheep被当作可数名词,其实它不可数名词。例句2)中,look应为第三人称单数looks。   1.3 虚词错误   英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词,冠词和介词在汉语中根本就不存在,用错的几率很频繁,而唯一在汉语中可以对上号儿的连词显然起到了很是深远的负迁移的作用:   (1)He arrived Beijing yesterday.   (2)I bought the dictionary in 1980s.   (3)Although it is raining, but I go to school all the same.   在例句1)中,arrive是不及物动词,其后一定要用前置词in或at,所以arrive后应加in。例句2)中,英语中“u2026年代”前必须用定冠词,所以应改为“in the 1980s”。例句3)中,由于受到汉语“虽然u2026但是u2026”结构的影响而出错,所不同的是在英语中althoughu2026but只能用一个。   1.4 语境不同所选词也应不同,这是又一个易出错的地方   语境不同,用词也应不同,语境在很大的程度上制约着用词,因此在写作时必须要选用适合上下问的词语来选词,如不注意语境对选词的影响,就可能因用词不当而写出前后矛盾、不合逻辑的句子。   May I open the gate?The are in the room is too close.   此句从上下文看,说话者gate指的是房门,应该用door才合理,而gate指的是“院落的大门”,不符合上下文的表达。   2 翻译界在翻译的标准问题上很难达成共识,但有两条标准是大家所公认的忠实、通畅   所谓“忠实”,首先是指译文必须准确如实的传达原文的内容,对原文的意思既不能随意歪曲,也不能任意增减。内容除了指原文中所叙述的事实,说明的道理,描写的景物以外,也包括作者在叙述、说明和描写过程中所反映的思想、观点、立场和感情。“忠实”还指对原文风格的如实传达。译者者不能随意改动原作的风格面貌,如原作是口语体,就不能译做书面体;原作是粗俗的文体,就不能译成高雅的格调,也就是说,译者不能用自己的风格去代替原文的风格。   2.1 有些译者过分拘泥于原文的字面形式,译文晦涩难懂,不知所云   汉英翻译中,“忠实原著”一向是第一要求,是多少年来翻译理论和实践一直围绕的中心。但是近年来,越来越多的呼吁想要告诉大家对翻译的仅仅“忠实”已经满足翻译要求。《外国语》1998年第3期所载《从梦想到现实:对翻译学科的东张西望》一文可以作为一个典型的例子。文中引勒菲弗尔语曰:“忠实只不过是多种翻译策略里头的一种,是某种意识形态和某种文学观结合之下才导致的产物。把它捧为唯一一种可能的、甚至唯―一种可容许的策略,是不切实际的、徒劳无益的。”文章作者据此及其他一些类似论点得出结论:“忠于原文不是理所当然的、唯一的标准,世界上没有永恒不变的、绝对正确的标准。”   2.2 译者可否选择百分之三十、五十、七十的忠实   翻译的出现是出于文化交流的需要。在这一点上,完全可以把它比之于向国人介绍西洋绘画、西洋音乐,或者相反,把中国画或者中国的民族音乐介绍到国外去。无论这种介绍活动的其他目的怎样,在一个首要的、根本的目标上它们是一致的:向文化的接受者呈现原作的本来面貌。在这个起点上要求的是绝对忠实,我们并没有“百分之三十、五十、七十”的选择。   这时“忠实”就意味着一个客观存在的对象完完全全、不多不少的再现。但是我们无法把翻译与介绍绘画、音乐的类比坚持到底,其根本原因在于,两者所使用的媒介不同。钱钟书先生早就指出,“我们该辨清,假使绘画的媒介(medium)是颜色线段,音乐的媒介是音调,那末诗文的媒介不就是文字,是文字和文字的意义;假使我们把文字本身作为文学的媒介,不顾思想意义,那末一首诗从字形上看来。只是不知所云的墨迹,从字音上听来,只是不成腔调的声浪。”   到这时“忠实”就成了一个非常主观的概念,缺乏客观性就缺乏可操作性。   但是,翻译的“忠实”标准并不是如此就能被轻易否定的。在实践中,人们可能牺牲一部分“忠实”,但这往往是为了保证更大部分的“忠实”能够实现,仍然是为了最大限度的“忠实”。事实上,―旦放弃对于忠实的主观追求,译者就没有理由停止在“百分之三十”,而会走向百分之十、百分之五甚至更少。对忠实的追求是维持原文与译文之间联系的纽带,这根纽带一旦被切断,也就无从被称之为译文,翻译也就随之不复存在。   3 结语   在翻译中,“忠实”固然重要,但只有忠实是远远不够的。翻译不是一字不落的复制,也不是不顾原著的表达肆意加上译者的思想随意篡改,翻译不仅要重现原文中所叙述的事实、所描述的景物更重要的还要重现作者在叙述、说明和描写过程中所反映的思想、观点、立场和感情及风格。
2023-07-13 12:09:581


2023-07-13 12:09:571

adb 查看内存,cpu,流量

1.查看内存 另外还有一个命令 说到内存,不得不说下内存的各个参数: VSS - Virtual Set Size虚拟耗用内存(包含共享库占用的内存)是单个进程全部可访问的地址空间。 RSS - Resident Set Size实际使用物理内存(包含共享库占用的内存)是单个进程实际占用的内存大小,对于单个共享库,尽管无论多少个进程使用,实际该共享库只会被装入内存一次。 PSS - Proportional Set Size实际使用的物理内存(比例分配共享库占用的内存)。 USS - Unique Set Size进程独自占用的物理内存(不包含共享库占用的内存)USS是一个非常非常有用的数字,因为它揭示了运行一个特定进程的真实的内存增量大小。如果进程被终止,USS就是实际被返还给系统的内存大小。USS是针对某个进程开始有可疑内存泄露的情况,进行检测的最佳数字。怀疑某个程序有内存泄露可以查看这个值是否一直有增加。 一般情况:VSS>= RSS >= PSS >= USS。 我们经常说的内存占用一般指的是 PSS实际使用的物理内存 . 2.查看cpu 3.查看电池电量 4.查看某apk的流量: 首先先查出该apk的uid,ps一下找到应用的pid; 然后拿到pid后,查看uid,直接查看/proc/$pid/status这个文件下,存储了uid; 最后通过uid查看/proc/uid_stat/$uid/tcp_rcv 和/proc/uid_stat/$uid/tcp_snd,这两个文件一个是请求耗费的流量,一个是接受的数据流量。 如果想算速率,可以这么计算:先拿这两个参数,然后间隔10s,再拿这两个参数,两次参数之差再除以10s,就是这10s的平均速率。
2023-07-13 12:09:531


2023-07-13 12:09:513

Happy New Year Baby什么意思

2023-07-13 12:09:516


2023-07-13 12:09:491


2023-07-13 12:09:467

USS: 路由跟踪多次失败. 关闭USS

我也遇到了同样的问题 不知道哪位大虾能帮忙解决下 不胜感激 谢谢
2023-07-13 12:09:462

according to怎么读

汉语式读法:额考定 图希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-13 12:09:453

宝贝要幸福,英语是那个?1.Baby to be happy,2.Baby to behappin

Baby to be happy 第一个!
2023-07-13 12:09:424


2023-07-13 12:09:401


"Reading a book is like a mentor to pay." A Tibetan grams home if infected me, so I also liked reading, especially love to read good books, because reading a good book can help. Books also who are also good friends.Books and friends. Needless to say faithful friendship stone friends, you do not have to say a sincere simplicity of plain friends, alone enough good friends in my weakest moment will inspire ideas, support life."Water Margin" I had a bed with five months left me a deep impression. Particularly memorable "Lu Ye Zhulin row." Lu Lin in Yezhulin meet them, to save Lin and Dong Xue Pa war, because the last sentence Lin, Lu actually spared them. After reading this back, I understand its meaning: "neither a brother nor his two friends, Lu Lin why is so hard, I asked Grandpa, Grandpa smiled and said:?" Liangshan all humane, this is Lu Road see injustice, his help people, not to mention with their fellow-Lin and do? "This is my first post a mentor, he taught me the most important friendship.Books and friends. Where such friends, all will be made lovely character and unique personality written.Thirty-Six to go on, Sun Wu family friend inspired me wisdom; throw good money after bad with those of Sun Quan, although I was embarrassed, but I was still impressed with his good intentions Quan Xue Meng. Poetic "Lu Huadang" Sun Li is an old friend of his works, he made me get the motherland during the war rebirth enlightenment. Ah, book club, write a song after another paean to life, but also painted a deep sense of our sun"s family, who told me also surnamed Sun, how can we not pay Sun"s friend do?In fact, the life of each book is a cross-friends, parents like textbooks, reference books like teachers, students like reference books, and classics like the ancestors.Live without friends, pay a friend. After three days without friends, must "language boring, terrifying," I would like a steady stream of books, and more friends are willing youth resident.
2023-07-13 12:09:351


2023-07-13 12:09:331


2023-07-13 12:09:291