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according to造句

2023-07-13 12:24:53

If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.



According to the journal Biological Reviews,most dinosaurs did not

take the time to chew their food


He has made great progress acording to his teacher.


according to后接什么

according to后接代词或名词,一般不接view、opinion等意见看法的词,也不接表示第一人称的代词。according to表示“根据”,其后接第三人称的代词如:the teacher、her、him等,表示根据别人、别处;但其后不能接第一人称代词如:us、me;其后也很少接第二人称代词如:you。according to表示“按照”某惯例、某条款、某规定、某情况等或者表示“根据”某书刊、某学说、某文档、某组织、某人所说等。According to, in one"s opinion都可以用来陈述对某一件事或某一个人的看法,意见。一、In one"s opinion, 这个词组主要是表达依据某人的意见,看法,在这个词组中,中间的one"s要替换成相应的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格的形式,如my, your, his, Tom"s. 来看例句:In my opinion, he is a good student.In Mary"s opinion, every picture is beautiful.二、according to的用法相对来说要复杂一些。它是一个复合介词,后面要接名词或者代词,主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某本书、某个文件等等。如:  According to the plan, the plane takes off at five o"clock.按照安排,飞机五点起飞。另外,according to通常是指根据别人,而不能说根据自己,因此其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me或者us),但可以接第三人称(如 him, her, Jim, Tom等)则属正常用法。
2023-07-13 11:51:041

according to什么意思

According to的常见搭配如下:1、说明来源或参照依据:According to the report/study/survey, 根据报告/研究/调查显示...2、表示顺从或按照:According to plan/schedule/instructions,按照计划/时间表/指示…3、表示个人观点或意见:According to me/him/her/them, 根据我/他/她/他们的观点/意见…4、表示事实或真相:According to the facts/evidence, 根据事实/证据…5、表示相似或一致性:According to (someone or something),与某人或某物相似/一致6、表示评价或评论:According to critics/experts,根据评论家/专家的评价…7、表示建议或提醒:According to advice/warning, 根据建议/警告…According to的例句:1、According to the report, the sales of our company increased by 20% this year.据报告显示,我们公司今年销售额增加了20%。2、We need to finish the project according to schedule.我们需要按照时间表完成这个项目。3、According to me, the best way to solve the problem is to communicate with others.根据我的看法,解决这个问题最好的方法是与他人沟通。4、According to the facts, he is guilty of the crime.根据事实,他犯了罪。5、According to her, this dress looks great on me.据她说,这条裙子很适合我。6、According to the critics, this is a masterpiece.据评论家评价,这是一部杰作。7、According to your doctor"s advice, you should avoid eating too much sugar.根据你的医生的建议,你应该避免吃太多糖。
2023-07-13 11:51:181

according to是什么意思

根据 什么什么
2023-07-13 11:52:047

according to是什么意思

according to的意思是:prep.依据;根据;依照;取决于;以…为转移;扩张资料:英语是西日尔曼语的一个分支,最早由中世纪的英国使用,由于其广阔的殖民地,英语已成为世界上使用最广泛的语言。盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛的日尔曼部落之一,被称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的安格利亚。该语言与弗里斯语和下撒克逊语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),主要用拉丁语和法语书写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是五世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊移民带到英国的一组英格瓦方言,统称为古英语。中世纪英语始于11世纪末,当时诺曼人征服了英国;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机引进英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响。17世纪以来,在英美两国的广泛影响下,现代英语在全世界传播开来。通过这些国家的各种印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为世界领先语言之一,在许多地区和专业环境中也发挥着主导作用,例如科学、航海和法律。就分布区域而言,英语是最流行的语言,但以英语为母语的人数在世界上排名第三,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。它是研究最广泛的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言之一。与以英语为母语的人相比,更多的人将英语作为第二语言学习。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和其他国家的母语,在加勒比、非洲和南亚广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟和许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-07-13 11:52:251

According to 中文意思与用法,用英文表达「根据、据说…」的意思!

英文According to 中文意思与用法 是?According to 的中文意思是「根据…所说」或是「根据…所报导」的意思,也就是According to是指根据别人说的,而不是自己说的。 下面教学According to 中文意思、英文例句与用法。 英文 According to (根据、据说…)中文意思与用法 According to 的中文意思是「根据…所说」或是「根据…所报导」的意思。According to后面通常会接名词,偶尔会接子句。 例: According to Jenny, the film starts at 6.30. 根据珍妮的说法,电影从6.30开始。 例: According to Michael, it"s a great movie. 根据迈克尔的说法,这是一部很棒的电影。 另外,当你用According to的时候,According to 后面接的子句或是名词,通常是可靠的来源,有点像是引用的意思。 例: According to the forecast, it will be sunny tomorrow. 根据气象预报,明天会晴天。 最后,According to 是指根据自己以外的来源或是报导,但是你不能用在自己身上。 也就是说,你不能说According to me…..这样的说法,这是不对的。你可以改用 In my opinion 这样的说法,来表达你自己的意见。 According to, According to 中文, According to 意思, According to 用法, 据说 英文, 根据 英文
2023-07-13 11:52:431

according to do还是doing

according to sth。according to是介词,不是动词,只有according to sth。意思是:按照。according to后面跟动名词。示例:According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8: 27.根据时刻表,火车8:27进站。according读法英[u0259'ku0254u02d0du026au014b]美[u0259u02c8ku0254u02d0rdu026au014b]adj.相符的;相应的;一致的v.给予;符合,一致;正式协议(accord的现在分词)词语用法:accord是正式用语,其意思一是“给予”,指的是无偿地作为一种恩惠或权利给予某人权力、地位或某种待遇,即“授予”“赠与”。二是“一致;符合”,指事物间一般的配合或协调,没有不一致或相冲突之处,引申可指“妥协;和解;达成协议”。accord作“赠予”“给予”解时,是及物动词,可接双宾语,其间接宾语也可由介词to引出。accord作“与…相一致”解时,是不及物动词,须接介词with,不接to。
2023-07-13 11:52:501

请问according to的同义词有哪些啊?

owing to; thanks to; as a result of; 根据,按照; 据…所说; 如; 比照; due to; in virtue of望采纳~~~O(∩_∩)O谢谢
2023-07-13 11:53:345

according to是介词短语吗?为什么

2023-07-13 11:54:063

according to 引导什么 从句?

according to 是介词短语,其后接名词。according to一般可以引出表示原因或者参考等状语 1. 根据;按照 They divided themselves into three groups according to age. 他们按年龄分成三组。 2. 取决于 We will go or we won"t, according to circumstances. 我们或去或不去,都将视情况而定。 3. 据...所载;据...所说 According to the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。 According to her, grandfather called at noon. 据她说,祖父在中午打来电话。
2023-07-13 11:54:164

为什么“according to”算是介词短语?其中“according”是什么词性?

应该是副词,according to是固定搭配,希望可以借鉴
2023-07-13 11:54:243

according to 和 in accordance with 有区别么

这两个短语虽然经常可以互换,但是意思上还是有些许不同的,所以我们在使用这些短语时应多加小心。“According to…”通常在你要重述你从某人那儿听到的内容、你听说的内容或者在某处读到的内容时使用。这个短语通常用于新闻报道。例如:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last week.这个短语可以用于引入可能并不真实的信息:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on the march.这个短语也可以用于引入传闻:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.“In accordance with…”用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。在法律文本中,这个短语用于说明与法律或合同一致的内容。这个短语不得用于引入可能并不真实的信息。例如:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.In accordance with §12 of Ms Horvath"s employment contract, she is employed for a fixed period of time – 3 years.我们常见的一种情况是,人们在应该使用“in accordance with”的时候却使用了“according to”。请尽量确保在正确的情景下使用正确的短语。在某些情况下,或者在“in accordance with”语气太过强烈时,可以用“under…”代替“in accordance with”:Under the new provisions, employers are obliged to inform all employees about which employees are responsible for evacuating the building.Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, the sponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting from conducting a clinical trial.
2023-07-13 11:54:332

according to是介词短语吗?为什么

2023-07-13 11:55:142

according to的意思,用法?based on 的意思,用法

根据.后面跟名词或名词性短语 如according to the code,he will be sentenced to death. 根据法典,他将被处死. based on 是以XX为基础,后面也是跟名词,但是逻辑关系对后面的表述有铺垫作用 如He can manage this job based on his experience. 他能依靠他的经验完成这项任务.
2023-07-13 11:55:211

according to 和 as per在用法上有什么区别,请高手赐教,谢谢了

according to:根据,按照;取决于;据…所说【非正式用语】as per:按照,依据;如同【多用于书面语和商业用语】
2023-07-13 11:55:292

according to和in terms of有什么区别

according to -----in a manner that is consistent with (sth) 按照, 依照(某事物)in terms of -------as regards sth; expressedas sth 在某事物方面; 以某说法来表达
2023-07-13 11:55:384

According to 结构

2023-07-13 11:55:473

according to

2023-07-13 11:56:064

according to的to是介词吗

2023-07-13 11:56:142

according to me 和as for me有区别吗

2023-07-13 11:56:223

“according to”的同义词有哪些?

based onin light ofconsidering sthdue to the consideration of sth仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!
2023-07-13 11:56:314

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

这两个短语虽然经常可以互换,但是意思上还是有些许不同的,所以我们在使用这些短语时应多加小心。“According to…”通常在你要重述你从某人那儿听到的内容、你听说的内容或者在某处读到的内容时使用。这个短语通常用于新闻报道。例如:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisory authority this morning, the application was filed last week.这个短语可以用于引入可能并不真实的信息:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did not exceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least 100,000 people on the march.这个短语也可以用于引入传闻:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fancies Emma.“In accordance with…”用于更为正式的情景,引入依据内容。在法律文本中,这个短语用于说明与法律或合同一致的内容。这个短语不得用于引入可能并不真实的信息。例如:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company have the right to form a representative body.In accordance with §12 of Ms Horvath"s employment contract, she is employed for a fixed period of time – 3 years.我们常见的一种情况是,人们在应该使用“in accordance with”的时候却使用了“according to”。请尽量确保在正确的情景下使用正确的短语。在某些情况下,或者在“in accordance with”语气太过强烈时,可以用“under…”代替“in accordance with”:Under the new provisions, employers are obliged to inform all employees about which employees are responsible for evacuating the building.Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, the sponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting from conducting a clinical trial.“pursuant to…”虽然通常用于表示与“in accordance with”或“under”相同的意思,但是有人认为“pursuant to...”具有不同的含义,即“further to”(早前的;之前的;前面的) / “as a follow up to”(后续的)。不管是哪种不同的含义,“pursuant to”已经变得非常不受欢迎,所以您可以选择永远都不用这个短语。在此类从句之后,用一个逗号进行分隔我建议你在此类从句之后用上一个逗号。例如:According to recent government statistics, unemployment has risen from 3% to 5% over the last 12 months.这是因为,“according to / in accordance with”从句结束位置和主句的开始位置往往不清楚。请看一下下面这个例子:In accordance with the draft settlement we were provided with the severance payment provided in § 8 sec. 4 of Mr Price"s employment contract will be paid in January 2011.在“provided with”之后加一个逗号可以给读者提供帮助,而在“settlement”之后加逗号会让整个句子陷入混乱,我想你会同意我这个观点。
2023-07-13 11:56:411

according to, according 有什么区别呢,在用法上。

according 单独使用比较少见,accordingly 作为副词常常用于句尾,表示“相应”。There is a heavy rain coming tonight. So everyone must take an umbrella accordingly.according to 相当于组合介词,可以带介词宾语。We must do things according to the law.
2023-07-13 11:56:513

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

in accordance to 依照, 根据, 与…一致 In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary. in accordance with adv. 与…一致,依照 according to比较随意, in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件。————————————————希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!
2023-07-13 11:57:082

owing to;according to;due to的区别。

owing to 译为:因为。 后接名词性成分,在句中多作状语,以逗号与句子的主干部分隔开。(例如:Owing to the bad weather,we can just stay at home.由于天气不好,我们只能呆在家里)according to译为:根据某事物。也是接名词性成分,在句中作状语。(例如:According to the passage,we can know the answer.根据文章,我们可以知道答案。)due to 译为:由于,应归于。形容词性短语,常作表语,有时也作定语,作定语时要后置。(例如:Reward is due to the kind children.奖赏应该给善良的孩子)
2023-07-13 11:57:361

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

“According to”和“in accordance with”都是根据的意思。区别:accordance to 依照,根据,与…一致 用法多一些。1. 根据某人 如: According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument. 2. 根据一个情况 如: You will be paid according to the amount of work you do.3.根据计划,规则 如: Everything went according to plan, and we arrived on time.例如:In accordance to your request,I am sending you sample pages of the accordance with 多用于根据一条规矩,系统。adv.与…一致,依照 相比according to比较随意,in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件.如: Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law./Use this product only in accordance with the manufacturer"s instructions.
2023-07-13 11:57:441

according to可以放在句中吗

according to [作介词用] 按照,依照,据,根据… 依(或视)…而定,随着…而,以…为转移,取决于 按…次序 据(权威人士等)所说;按…所载 (或写) 依据;成比例地 随着…的不同 只要是按介词用法就可以 I study math according to the hobby完全可以
2023-07-13 11:57:531

according to,according 有什么区别呢,在用法上.

according to + 宾语(名词短语或者人称代词宾格形式)accordingly (后面不能加宾语),副词.---------- 不是according ,而是accordingly.单单是according一词在英语中的意义不大.例句:According to the weather fo...
2023-07-13 11:58:001

according to是固定用法吗,可以accord to吗?

according to是固定搭配in accordance with 也行没有accord to的用法
2023-07-13 11:58:083

According to 和as for sb.的区别?

According to... 根据,按照, 取决于,e.g. If all goes according to plan , the first concert will be on Tuesday evening.如果一切按计划进行,首场音乐会将会在周二晚上。as for sb. ... 至于 ,就某方面来说 ,e.g. As for me , let me tell you , I hate to study. 至于我 ,让我告诉你,我讨厌上学 。
2023-07-13 11:58:261

according to翻译成中文是什么

1. 根据;按照They divided themselves into three groups according to age. 他们按年龄分成三组。 Please arrange the books according to size. 请按大小将书分类。 2. 取决于He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime. 他将据其罪行的轻重受到处罚。 We will go or we won"t, according to circumstances. 我们或去或不去,都将视情况而定。 3. 据...所载;据...所说According to the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。 According to her, grandfather called at noon. 据她说,祖父在中午打来电话。
2023-07-13 11:58:581

according to 后面的词组属于什么成分?

according to 中 的to 是 介词,介词后的成分是介词的宾语。
2023-07-13 11:59:081

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

1. 用于according to,意为“根据”,为复合介词,后接名词或代词。注意以下用法:  (1) 主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人所说等或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、某惯例、某情况等。如:  Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。  According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是5点钟。  Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。  (2) according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如 him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor等)则属正常用法。2. 用于according as,意为“根据”“随……而定”,后接从句。如:  Everyone contributes according as he is able. 每个人根据自己的能力做出贡献。  You will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad. 根据你工作的好坏,你会得到表扬或批评。----------------------------------------in accordance with 按照/根据,与 ... 符合, 在强调“服从”或“遵照执行”(obeying or following)的涵义时,用 in accordance with。
2023-07-13 12:01:571

according to,according 有什么区别呢,在用法上

according to用于according to,意为“根据”,为复合介词,后接名词或代词。注意以下用法:  (1) 主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人所说等或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、某惯例、某情况等。如:  Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。  According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是5点钟。  Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。  (2) according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如 him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor等)则属正常用法。如:  误:According to me, the film is wonderful.  正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 依我看,这部电影很不错。  另外注意,according to后也不接view(看法)和opinion(意见)这类词表示看法的词。如:  误:According to my opinion, he did it very well.  正:In my opinion, he did it very well. 在我看来,他干得很不错。  according副词,,单独使用很少见,只用语两个习惯用语中,according as 后接从句,根据--而。according to直接接宾语,根据的意思accord 表示一致,协调等意思,动词。 to accord with 与。。。一致,固定搭配。according to 是习惯用语。表示按照;根据--所说等意思。介词。
2023-07-13 12:02:122

according to和through的区别

根据 通过
2023-07-13 12:02:361

according as和according to的区别

according as视为连词,其后加(方式)状语从句。而according to则视为介词,其后可加名词/代词等或者(名词性从句中的)宾语从句。而状语从句和名词性从句的区别,想必你应该理解。
2023-07-13 12:03:001


according to用于according to,意为“根据”,为复合介词,后接名词或代词。注意以下用法:  (1) 主要用来表示“根据”某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人所说等或表示“按照”某法律、某规定、某惯例、某情况等。如:  Everything went off according to plan. 一切都按照计划实现了。  According to my watch it is five o"clock. 照我的表,现在是5点钟。  Each man will be paid according to his ability. 每个人将根据他的能力获得报酬。  (2) according to 表示“根据”,通常是指根据别人或别处,而不能根据自己,所以其后不能接表示第一人称的代词(如me, us),同时也很少接表示第二人称的代词(you),但用于第三人称(如 him, her, Jim, Mary, the doctor等)则属正常用法。如:  误:According to me, the film is wonderful.  正:In my opinion, the film is wonderful. 依我看,这部电影很不错。  另外注意,according to后也不接view(看法)和opinion(意见)这类词表示看法的词。如:  误:According to my opinion, he did it very well.  正:In my opinion, he did it very well. 在我看来,他干得很不错。  according副词,,单独使用很少见,只用语两个习惯用语中,according as 后接从句,根据--而。according to直接接宾语,根据的意思accord 表示一致,协调等意思,动词。 to accord with 与。。。一致,固定搭配。according to 是习惯用语。表示按照;根据--所说等意思。介词。
2023-07-13 12:03:422


2023-07-13 12:03:561

as per 和according to有什么区别

在"按照,根据"这一意义下,两个短语使用没区别。但according to 意义更多一点,如还有"据...所说,取决于,"等
2023-07-13 12:04:202

“According to”和“in accordance with”的区别

in accordance to 依照, 根据, 与…一致 In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary. in accordance with adv. 与…一致,依照 according to比较随意, in accordance with则多用于比较正式的问题,比如法律文件。
2023-07-13 12:05:234

according to造句和用英语来解释

Accounting to the teacher, our test will be on Monday.根据老师说的,我们的考试会在星期一.
2023-07-13 12:05:452

according to和in terms of有什么区别

according:[ u0259"ku0254:diu014b ] ad.根据,按照例句与用法:1.According to these figures,our company is doing well.从这些数字来看,我们的公司经营得不错.2.According to our records,the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了.3.According to facts in my possession he can not possibly be guilty.根据我所掌握的事实,他是不可能有罪的.4.The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.图书馆里的藏书按科目分类.5.According to expert opinions,they gave up the experiment immediately.根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验.in terms of:a.按照(依据,用...词句,用...来,通过)例句与用法:1.He often talks about his girlfriend in terms of love.他经常用充满爱意的语言谈论他的女朋友.2.Think of it in terms of an investment.从投资的角度来考虑那件事.3.It is difficult to express it in terms of science.要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的.4.In terms of drill and practice,self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student to advance rapidly- without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class.就训练和练习来说,借助于计算机的自行规定速度的方法能使学生突飞猛进,不受全班学生互有矛盾需要的限制.5.It was a bad year for films,in terms of both quantity and quality.今年的电影无论从数量上还是质量上都说不上好.6.In terms of finance,Company A has great advantage.从财力方面讲,7.Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of physical situation.熬夜使得他的体力状况处于低潮.8.The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage/in percentage terms.那些数字是以百分数表示的.
2023-07-13 12:05:572


英语会议中,很多人会习惯用"According to me..."开头,但英文里其实并没有according to me这种说法。这是很中式的英语!因为according to后面跟的是一种客观的依据。所以不能用according to me/us,也不用according to you。但如果是according to the doctor就没有问题。
2023-07-13 12:06:181


Defineaccordingto:[u0259u02ccku0254:diu014btu:] prep.按照,根据 例句与用法: 1.Accordingtofactsinmypossessionhecannotpossiblybeguilty. 根据我所掌握的事实,他是不可能有罪的。 5.Accordingtotheresultofthedissection,themandiedfromheartattack. 根据解剖结果,此人死于心脏病发作。 6.Accordingtothesefigures,ourcompanyisdoingwell. 从这些数字来看,我们的公司经营得不错。 7.Accordingtoourrecords,thebooksyouhaveborrowedshouldnowbereturnedtothelibrary. 根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 8.Thebooksinthelibraryweredistributedaccordingtosubjects. 图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。
2023-07-13 12:07:051

according to 后能加人称吗

  中文:  根据,按照;取决于;据…所说  according to后面的to是介词,所以可以加名词或者动词的ing形式。  可以人称代词,如:  according to him 依据他,取决他。  同近义词:foundation , seed  例句如下:  (1)They do everything according to Hoyle.  他们一切都按照规定办理。  (2)According to the Christian religion,Jesus Christ resurrected from death.  根据基督教的说法,耶稣基督曾死而复生。  (3)The teacher regraded the students into small groups according to ability.   教师按照能力的高低将学生重新分成若干小组。
2023-07-13 12:07:353

According to有什么同义词或同义短语

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题!..because of因为,由于
2023-07-13 12:08:053

according to 与based on 的区别

according to 根据(规定,话等)based on 基于(某一客观事实)用according to .according to his words,是习惯用法.
2023-07-13 12:08:302

according to, according 有什么区别呢,在用法上。

according是形容词!可以在后面加上ly,构成副词。 We have receive your letter and have alter the contract accordingly. 我们已收到你的信,因此修改了合同。 according to一般可以引出表示原因或者参考等的状语 1. 根据;按照 They divided themselves into three groups according to age. 他们按年龄分成三组。 2. 取决于 We will go or we won"t, according to circumstances. 我们或去或不去,都将视情况而定。 3. 据...所载;据...所说 According to the Bible, Adam was the first man. 据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖。 According to her, grandfather called at noon. 据她说,祖父在中午打来电话。
2023-07-13 12:08:511

according to,according 有什么区别呢,在用法上

2023-07-13 12:09:102

according to怎么读

汉语式读法:额考定 图希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-13 12:09:453


是的,根据…可以接谓语动词。例如:According to the weather forecast, it will rain tomorrow.这里的"it will rain tomorrow"是一个谓语动词短语,表示天气预报所预测的结果。
2023-07-13 12:10:042