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2023-07-13 12:17:45
TAG: 英文 金融

The definition of

Also known as the financial crisis in the financial turmoil, means a country or several countries and regions all or most of the financial indicators (such as: short-term interest rates, monetary assets, securities, real estate, land prices, the number of commercial bankruptcy and collapse of several financial institutions) rapid, short-term and ultra-cycle deterioration. Type

Financial crisis can be divided into currency crises, debt crises, banking crises, such as the type of sub-loan crisis. In recent years more and more of the financial crisis showed a mixed form.


It is based on the characteristics of the economy are more pessimistic about the future expectations, the entire region a greater monetary value of the depreciation rate of economic aggregates and economic loss to a larger scale, economic growth hit. Often accompanied by a large number of the closure of enterprises, the unemployment rate increased, the general economic depression, or sometimes even accompanied by social unrest or political instability level. The world in dealing with the shock of the Asian financial crisis on the question, Zhu Rongji at the attitude of a lot of important occasions firmly said, "not to devalue the RMB and resolutely, not to increase other Asian countries, regional crises and difficult." "We are One in Asia elements, help each other and not on others" insecurity. "Zhu Rongji, the Chinese Government represented by the image of the international community has won the respect and praise. Is widely acknowledged that the media both at home and abroad are led by Zhu Rongji, the Chinese people in the tide of economic reforms out of the woods. The best candidate to a bright future. (The above excerpt from the "Practical Writing" magazine 1998 10 "talk the language of the speech characteristics Zhu")

Difficult Difficult, is not trapped in situ; jump jump, jumping for the upgrading of the difficulties.

The evolution of the financial crisis in the United States has experienced three stages of

From the U.S. sub-loan crisis of the Wall Street turmoil, and now has evolved into a global financial crisis. Quick development of this process, large quantity, the impact is huge, it can be said is unexpected. And large, can be divided into three stages: First, the debt crisis, housing loans by the people, should not the problems caused by debt service on time. The second stage is the liquidity crisis. These financial institutions because of the debt crisis cause some of the financial institutions are not able to have a sufficient cash liquidity to deal with the demands of creditors. The third stage, the credit crisis. In other words, it is set up at the credit on the basis of suspicious financial activity, resulting in such a crisis.

Transmission mechanism of international financial crisis the emergence of new features:

Financial crisis caused by external factors, the international transmission of financial crises is not the only phenomenon in recent years. In 1873, the economic prosperity of Germany and Austria, to attract capital to stay in the country, the sudden suspension of foreign credit, leading to the United States Alan Cook difficult operation; in 1890, investment banking伦敦巴林brother happened to the Argentine debt crisis of payments, in addition to New York in October that year financial crisis, a series of business failures in London, Bahrain banks have closed down in November that year, only a governor at the Bank of England to take the lead organization威廉利德Intel syndicated under the Guarantee Fund only help to escape, but the United Kingdom to South Africa, Australia, The United States and other Latin American countries and the sharp drop in loan matter, therefore, with the result that the above-mentioned countries and regions until the economic crisis in 1893; the spring of 1928, the New York Stock Exchange beginning prosperity, this can be absorbed into the dry Germany, Latin America"s credit source, cause the above-mentioned countries and regions into a depression. Suspension of payment of foreign credit is likely to speed up the overseas economic recession, which in turn will cause all of this country having an impact. 20th century 90"s, along with the expansion of international hot money, the international monetary, financial crisis broke out frequently, according to Barry森格林and many迈克尔博finish in 2001, a study, now out of a random outbreak of the financial crisis in country probability than the largest one-fold in 1973, the international monetary, financial crisis has greatly enhanced the infectious, often shortly after the outbreak of infectious disease as quickly as the first outbreak of the crisis from the country or regional spread to other countries and regions. The media has left a lot of words describing the situation: the Mexican crisis in 1994 the "tequila effect", "Asian flu", "Russian virus" and so on and so on, and on the money, transmission mechanism of financial crisis the rapid emergence of the study. Transmission mechanism of crisis because of a variety of necessary capital projects and financial market liberalization can be achieved under the conditions, to a large extent, the capital of our country depend on appropriate controls and the financial services market and the low degree of openness in 1997, survived the Asian financial crisis But now, as China"s economic and financial situation changes, even though our country has not yet completely open capital account, the risk of transmission of the crisis has been greatly increased, shocked the international financial markets to the United States sub-loan crisis has sounded a warning to us that the international transmission mechanism of financial crisis, the emergence of new features.

Broad money, the financial crisis in the international transmission channels can be divided into non-accidental transmission channels, two channels of transmission of sporadic type, the former refers to the stability of pre-crisis period and crisis period of the same transmission channels exist; the latter refers to only after the crisis erupted in the transmission channel. The first category because of transmission channels between countries or regions from the actual contact of the economic and financial crisis from the transmission of changes in macroeconomic fundamentals, it is also known as the "real channel" or "fundamentals-based contagion", the main including trade links and competitive devaluation, policy adjustment, random aggregate demand shocks such as the mobility of channels. Sporadic infection has nothing to do with economic fundamentals, investors are only or acts of other participants in financial markets (in particular non-rational behavior) of the results and "real-borne", "pure transmission" and that includes within Health liquidity shocks, multiple equilibria and wake-up effect, political influence and other means of transmission. However, these transmission mechanisms are often set up at trade links and the "center" country of "marginal" investment, based on the country because of the institutional investors from developed countries have abandoned the pursuit of assets in emerging markets the home country due to high-quality assets. And the United States sub-loan crisis of the impact on China, the trade links and foreign investment in China is not possible mechanism is the key to the contrary, it is China"s foreign investment and overseas listed Chinese companies may become the most important mode of transmission of the crisis, and This mode of transmission of the importance of the crisis will increasingly raise.



2023-07-13 11:28:122


fundamentals英 [,fu028cndu0259"mentlz]美 [,fu028cndu0259"mu025bntl]n. 基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数)
2023-07-13 11:28:331


fundamental_百度翻译fundamental英[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl]美[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl]adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的;[物...n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础;[乐]基音;[物]基频,基谐波名词复数:fundamentals;最高级:most fundamental;比较级:more fund...[例句]Facebook "s problem is more fundamental.facebook的问题更为根本。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢
2023-07-13 11:28:401


2023-07-13 11:28:482


2023-07-13 11:29:294

基本概况 英语怎么说

2023-07-13 11:29:395

英语would spur fundamental economic怎么翻译?

would spur fundamental economic会刺激基础经济
2023-07-13 11:30:091

essential ,basic,fundamental,vital的区别?

这四个词语的区别在于它们强调的重点不同。"Essential"强调必须的、不可或缺的,是指某件事情不可缺少的一部分;"Basic"强调基础、最简单的,是指某件事情的最基本要素;"Fundamental"强调基础、根本的,是指某件事情的根本性质;"Vital"强调至关重要的,是指某件事情对整个过程或系统的重要作用。以下是更详细的对比:"Essential"通常指某些东西对于完成某个任务或目标是必要的,如水是生命的必需品。在语法上,"essential"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如essential elements(基本要素)、essential skills(必备技能)等。同时,"essential"也可以作为名词使用,指必需品,例如travel essentials(旅行必需品)。"Basic"强调某件事情最基本的方面,如读写和算术是基本技能。在语法上,"basic"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如basic principles(基本原则)、basic knowledge(基础知识)等。同时,"basic"也可以作为名词使用,指某个学科的基础知识,例如computer basics(计算机基础知识)。"Fundamental"强调某件事情的基础或根本性质,如民主的基本原则之一是言论自由。在语法上,"fundamental"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如fundamental rights(基本权利)、fundamental principles(基本原则)等。同时,"fundamental"也可以作为名词使用,指基础原理或基本规则,例如the fundamentals of basketball(篮球基本原理)。"Vital"强调某件事情对整个过程或系统的重要作用,如氧气对于人类的生存至关重要。在语法上,"vital"通常作为形容词使用,修饰名词或名词词组,例如vital signs(生命体征)、vital organs(重要器官)等。同时,"vital"也可以作为名词使用,指某个事物的关键因素,例如vital factor(关键因素)。综上所述,这四个单词在语义和用法上都有所不同,虽然它们有一些相似之处,但在具体使用时需要根据语境和需要进行选择。以下是更多的例子:Essential: A good sense of humor is essential in making friends.(幽默感在交友中是必不可少的。)Basic: Learning to read is a basic skill that everyone should have.(学会阅读是每个人都应该具备的基本技能。)Fundamental: The fundamental principles of physics are the same everywhere in the universe.(物理学的基本原理在整个宇宙中都是相同的。)Vital: The ability to communicate effectively is vital in any business setting.(有效沟通能力在任何商业环境中都是至关重要的。)
2023-07-13 11:30:251

国际金融里面的Economic fundamentals是什么意思

Economic fundamentals,可以翻译为”基本经济要素“或者”经济基本面“。从一家公司的角度出发,经济基本面就是公司的经营业绩、盈利能力、财务状况以及成长潜力等要素。从更宏观的角度出发,经济基本面包括国家宏观经济指标、经济政策走势、行业发展状况等等经济基础要素。希望采纳
2023-07-13 11:31:091

英语if we get down to fundamentals怎么翻译?

2023-07-13 11:31:194

data science fundamentals证书是什么

2023-07-13 11:31:261

澳洲新南COMP1511Programming Fundamentals 辅导?

2023-07-13 11:31:341


2023-07-13 11:31:442

market fundamentals

2023-07-13 11:31:523

fundamentals of corporate finance uff08Brealeyuff09

m.a.i.l to you robert
2023-07-13 11:32:002

Age Dating Fundamentals

Before w e delve into practical aspects of age-dating isotopes,it is w orth mentioning a common misconception. The term “age ”sometimes creates the impression that the number represents a simple piston flow transit time of a small w ater parcel. Despite the prevalent use of this term, isotope hydrologists understand that the w ater sample measured represents the integrated travel time information; “age”and“mean residence time”are used interchangeably.Unstable isotopes periodically but predictably emit a particle or break into two smaller nuclei. The time period between emissions is known as the half-life for radioactive decay,and forms the basis for most age-dating methods. An ideal age-dating isotope should behave conservatively by not experiencing any losses or additions during the transit time of the water. This is rarely the case,but the ideal case will be discussed to illustrate the straightforward age-dating technique.The time since groundw ater recharged ( left the atmosphere) can be calculated if w e know the original recharge concentration of a radioacctive isotope ( N0) ,its associated half-life ( T1 /2) ,and measure the number of atoms remaining in our groundwater sample at the time of collection ( Nt) . T1 /2is related to the decay constant ( λ) byAssuming a single flow path w ithout mixing,losses,or additions of the isotope,w e can calculate the approximate time since recharge asFor practical reasons,w e might have to make assumptions regarding the initial parent atom concentration,w hich creates larger uncertainties. Therefore,it is more direct to measure the parent atom remaining ( Nt) and daughter produced ( Dt) at the sample collection time. This approach is appropriate if the radioactive parent isotope decays to a stable daughter product that remains w ith the w ater parcel containing the parent isotope. In this case the age calculation isAnother method to determine residence time is to compare measured concentrations w ith the time-varying concentrations know n as input source functions. Careful historical measurements or reconstructions of the time-varying global fluxes of anthropogenic isotopes can be exploited to derive fairly informative age determinations over the past several decades. Precipitation measurements betw een 1950 and present day record peak-shaped curves ( such as for3H,14C and36Cl) w hile others related to nuclear pow er facilities or fuel rod reprocessing have either increased steadily ( such as85Kr) or remain elevated ( such as129I) . If only one anthropogenic isotope is measured,then the interpretation may be limited to the determination that the w ater w as recharged w ithin the last 50 years.Due to their varying concentrations through time,if more than one anthropogenic isotope is measured,then more precise age determinations may be possible. Often the ratios of two isotopes ( such85Kr /3H and36Cl /129I) can be combined with each separate isotope concentration to create a unique time when all three factors match the historical signals. Tritium (3H) ,an anthropogenic isotope,has an advantage because it decays to a stable daughter product (3He) ,and both can be measured in the water sample collected in the field. In this case,one can use the age equation[Equation ( 17. 8) ]as long as enough tritium and3He remains in the sample to be measured in the lab. Also since3H is part of the H2O molecule it directly tracks the movement of the water.
2023-07-13 11:32:071

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics(虎书)第五版中文翻译目录

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics(虎书)是国内外公认的比较好的计算机图形学入门书籍,虎书现在已经出第五版了。奈何此书并没有中文版,为方便自己和广大图形学爱好者学习此书,本人将利用空余时间翻译此书。个人水平有限,翻译不当请指正。 计算机图形学基础 介绍 图形领域 主要应用 图形API 计算机图形学基础 数学杂项 计算机图形学基础 光栅图像 计算机图形学基础 光线追踪 计算机图形学基础 表面着色 计算机图形学基础 线性代数 计算机图形学基础 转换矩阵 计算机图形学基础 视图 计算机图形学基础 图形管线 计算机图形学基础 信号处理 计算机图形学基础 纹理映射 计算机图形学基础 图形数据结构 计算机图形学基础 采样 计算机图形学基础 基于物理的渲染 计算机图形学基础 曲线 计算机图形学基础 计算机动画 计算机图形学基础 使用图形硬件 计算机图形学基础 颜色 计算机图形学基础 视觉感知 计算机图形学基础 色调重现 计算机图形学基础 隐式建模 计算机图形学基础 游戏中的计算机图形学 计算机图形学基础 可视化
2023-07-13 11:32:271


2023-07-13 11:32:341

石油工程专业课程名字英语翻译 急用 ~谢谢

oil layer physicspermeation fluid mechanicsoilfield chemistry fundamentalsordinary geology and formational geologyexploit geology basiswell log interpretation and production logging oil extraction engineeringIntroduction to drilling engineeringnumerical reservoir simulationreservoir engineering basis
2023-07-13 11:32:552

麻烦翻译一下好吗 谢谢拉`

每人给你翻译2个:computer fundamentals 电脑基础principles of accounting 会计原理
2023-07-13 11:33:035

求Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (Ross) 7th英文版

书名:Fundamentals of Corporate Finance作者:Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan目前只有第5版,第6版,第8版,第9版,第10版的,没有找到第7版的。
2023-07-13 11:33:291


一、先看看FRM和CFA是什么FRM意为金融风险管理师,金融风险管理领域顶级权威的国际资格认证,由美国“全球风险管理专业人士协会”(Global Association of Risk Professionals,简称GARP)设立。GARP通过“创造一种风险意识文化”,帮助风险社群做出更明智的风险决策。全世界公认金融投资行业最高等级证书——CFA是国际“特许金融分析师”证书。凭此证书可应聘投行、证券公司、基金、外企、上市公司、银行金融机构、世界500强等企业工作,从事国际高级金融分析、投资与管理工作。》》》查看更多CFA报考及持证问题二、FRM和CFA不同之处FRM和CFA都是金融领域含金量很高证书,单纯比较谁的含金量高是不科学的,也是无法进行的。他们的侧重点都是不一样的,主要有以下几种差异:CFA是侧重证券投资分析,适合前台业务部门的证券投资分析师;FRM是侧重后台风控的,特别是银行的风控。知识体系有交叉,无缝衔接。完成CFA考试在考试FRM证书毫无压力,反之亦然。FRM考试是以金融风险管理为主,主要考察对于风险计量、管控方面知识;CFA则是对金融行业基础知识进行考察,内容全面。虽然FRM金融风险管理师考试和CFA在考试内容上有重叠的部分,但是就整体而言其差异性也十分大。》》》对CFA证书有不清楚的点击咨询三、FRM和CFA可以搭配报考FRM和CFA考试不是互相排斥的,而是相互补充的,二者都有着超高的含金量,有兴趣的考生可以搭配报考。CFA和FRM的双证备考可以给考生一个全新全面的金融知识体系。此外CFA作为“金融百科全书”,而FRM是“金融核心环节风险领域专精”,学会这两个知识是我们成为一个决策者需要具备的素质。大资管时代下,前端和后台的界限越来越模糊,CFA&FRM双证人才在未来备受全球知名雇主的青睐,其综合能力水平受到行业与投资者的认可。以上就是【FRM和CFA分别是什么,哪个含金量更高,对工作更有帮助。】相关的全部内容,想要了解更多金融行业以CFA考试政策信息,欢迎大家前往高顿教育CFA报考指南频道。
2023-07-13 11:33:403

Fundamentals of Logic Design

我就不说了,你可以好好找找多哈书名: 逻辑设计基础(原书第5版) 原书名: Fundamentals of Logic Design,5th Edition 丛书名: 电子与电气工程丛书 分类: 电子与电气工程 >> 数字逻辑 >> 综合 ISBN: 7-111-16379-6 作者: Charles H.Roth,Jr. 译者: 解晓萌 黎永志 王坤 等 出版社: 机械工业出版社 原出版社: TL 出版日期: 2005-08-05 语种: 简体中文 相关资源(0) 开本: 16开 教辅资源(0) 页数: 565 查看勘误(0) 价格: ¥69.00 本书详细阐述了理解逻辑设计基本概念所必需的理论。全书共20章,包括布尔代数、逻辑门设计、触发器、状态机等基本概念。通过将触发器和逻辑门电路相结合,学生学习如何设计计数器、加法器、序列检测器以及与之类似的电路。本书使用可编程逻辑设备和VHDL硬件描述语言介绍了现代的设计技术,并强调了VHDL在逻辑电路仿真及计算机辅助设计中所起的作用。本书可作为电子工程、计算机科学专业学生学习数字系统逻辑设计的入门教材,并为学生进一步学习数字系统设计和开关理论的高级知识奠定了基础,同时本书也是理想的自学教材。本书特点●每章开始的学习目标指明学生在本章中应掌握的知识,并提供学习指导以帮助学生完成学习目标。●提供循序渐进的练习,为学生完成练习提供参考思路。●包括仿真和实验习题,为学生提供设计和测试逻辑电路的机会。●随书附带的光盘中提供了对计算机辅助设计和数字逻辑仿真非常有用的3个程序:LogicAid、SimUaid和DirectVHDL-PE。
2023-07-13 11:34:211

Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering, Science, and Mathematics

找到了。怎么传?我创建了一个百度网盘私密链接,最后几位是 /s/1jINL5ci密码是j33t看这本书的人确实是国之栋梁。加油,祖国的明天靠你们了
2023-07-13 11:34:311


SAF和加州大学洛杉矶分校合作的在线商业分析证书项目学习内容包括以下必修课:Requirements Elicitation and Analysis(需求和分析),Requirements Management and Communications(需求管理和沟通),Solution Assessment, Validation, and Implementation(解决方案评估、验证和实施),Business Analysis Fundamentals(商业分析基础), Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring Essential(商业分析计划和监控基本)和Business Ethics(商业道德),以及从以下选修课中选择一门课程修读:Fundamentals of Project Management(项目管理基础),Introduction to SQL(结构化查询语言概论),Organizational Communication(组织通信),Data Analysis and Business Modeling with Microsoft Excel(数据分析和用Microsoft Excel建立业务模型), Business Communications(商业通信), Introduction to Data Science(数据科学导论)和Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization(探索性数据分析和可视化)。
2023-07-13 11:34:381


目前ACCA考试一共有15门,考出其中13门科目即可获得ACCA证书 基础阶段课程: 知识课程(共3门) F1 Accountant in Business商业会计 F2 Management Accounting管理会计 F3 Financial Accounting财务会计 技能课程(共6门) F4 Corporate and Business Law(CHN)公司法与商法 F5 Performance Management业绩管理 F6 Taxation(CHN)税法 F7 Financial Reporting财务报告 F8 Audit and Assurance审计与认证 F9 Financial Management财务管理 专业阶段:核心课程 SBL战略商业领袖Strategic Business Leader SBL战略商业报告Strategic Business Reporting 选修课程(任选其中2门) P4 Advanced Financial Management高级财务管理 P5 Advanced Performance Management高级业绩管理 P6 Advanced Taxation高级税法 P7 Advanced Audit and Assurance高级审计和认证 急速通关计划 ACCA全球私播课 大学生雇主直通车计划 周末面授班 寒暑假冲刺班 其他课程
2023-07-13 11:34:4913


1. 急急急!预约课程的英文怎么说 哈哈是挺有意思的。我当初学英语的时候闹出的笑话比你还多哩。 我没听说过第一节课叫“origianl class”,一般就说 the first class.如果真有这种说法那么,I"m ing for the original class。 也没毛病。 预约一节课可以说 I want to make a reservation for the first class tomorrow morning. I booked Miss Y"s class yesterday, 这么说就对了。 2. 参加英语培训课程英语怎么写 我加强英语的方法就是看英文资料片 辅以英语学习软件,然后找一家英语学习中心帮我练口语,我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天丅口语还行 很专业 上课方便!明显才怪!忽悠人的学习学校!我买了万多的课程,学了几天就不学了,原因是天天对着那的电脑学,烦的要死,教材内容非常之无聊,想约外教跟见美国总统似的困难。而且我发现去那学的都是成天没事做的无聊人,跑那去就是找人解闷去的。大概类似很多学习学校都差不多, 3. 跪求课程名称 标准英文翻译 体育(4): Physical Ecation (4) 军事训练: Military Training 土地资源管理专业概论: Introction to Land Resouce Management Major 思想道德修养与法律基础: Cultivation of Ideology and Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 大学英语(1): College English (1) 健康教育: Health Ecation 体育(2): Physical Ecation (2) 公益劳动: Volunteering for Public Interest 舞蹈鉴赏: Appreciation of Dancing 高级程序设计语言C: Advanced Programming Language C 高级程序设计语言C课程设计: Course Design of Advanced Programming Language C 电子电工学实验B: Experiment in Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 体育(3): Physical Ecation (3) 线性代数: Linear Algebra 大学英语(3): College English (3) 电工电子学B: Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 数据库技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Database 地籍测量实习B: Cadastration Practice B 高等数学A(2): Advanced Mathematics A (2) 大学英语(4): College English (4) 会计学原理: Principles of Accounting 应用统计学课程设计: Course Design of Applied Accounting 大学生就业指导: Employment Guidance for College Students 系统工程与运筹学: System Engineering and Operations Research 系统工程与运筹学课程设计: Course Design of System Engineering and Operations Research 土地资源学: Land Resource 土地法规与政策: Land Laws, Regulations and Policies 管理信息系统: Management Information System 技术经济学A: Technological Economics A 专业外语(2)Professional Foreign Language (2) 土地定级与房地产估价: Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal GIS基础及软件应用: Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 土地定级与房地产估价课程设计: Course Design of Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal 体育(1): Physical Ecation (1) 高等数学A(1): Advanced Mathematics A (1) 工程制图: Graphing of Engineering 大学化学: College Chemistry 大学计算机基础: Fundamentals of College Computer Science 管理学原理: Principles of Management 大学物理B: College Physics B 大学物理实验B: Experiment of College Physics B 大学英语(2): College English (2) 经济学B: Economics B 马克思主义基本原理: Basic Principles of Marxi *** 概率论: Probability Theory 房屋建筑学A: Building Construction A 当代中国外交: Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy 合同法: Contracts Law 摄影技术: Techniques of Photography *** 思想和中国特色社会主义: Mao Zedong Thought and Sociali *** with Chinese Characteristics 土地经济学: Land Economics 应用统计学: Applied Statistics 地图学与地图设计: Cartology and Map Design 地籍测量A: Cadastration A 房地产开发与经营课程设计: Course Design of Real Estate Development and Management 技术经济学课程设计: Course Design of Technological Economics 创业管理: Entrepreneurial Management 美国社会与文化: American Society and Culture 专业外语(1): Professional Foreign Language (1) 房地产开发与经营A: Real Estate Development and Management A GPS基础及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals and Applications of GPS GPS基础及应用: Fundamentals and Applications of GPS 遥感技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 遥感技术及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 文献检索: Document Indexing GIS基础及软件应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 大部分参考一个论坛帖子“2440门大学课程中英文对照大汇集”: // 少部分参考iciba在线词典: //iciba/ 极少部分措辞作了变动 4. 报名课程用英语怎么说用英语怎么说 回答和翻译如下: 报名课程。 Registration course. 5. 课程名称英文翻译 Sports physical rituals Military Theory The contemporary/present youth psychology Modern Enterprise Management WTO basic knowledge Chinese calligraphy art appreciation Women EQ 3D Animation proction The basis of the Chemical machines 【basis chemical machines】 国外没有这些专业啦,所以没有什么是标准的翻译,我参考我们课程的内基础那些什么课程就是去掉容of这种介词罢了 6. 课程科目英文翻译 急~~~~ 机电控制工程来 Electrical and Control Engineering 机械制自造工程 Mechanical manufacturing engineering 证券投资技术分析 Securities Investment Technical Analysis 机械基础认知实习 Basic cognitive machinery internship 重要思想概论 Key idea Introction 机械基础实验 Basic mechanical experiment 电工电子技术基础 Basic electrical and electronic technology 国家公务员素质与能力 National civil service quality and capacity 世界事务导论 Introction to the World Affairs 7. 急急急!预约课程的英文怎么说 哈哈是挺有意思的。我当初学英语的时候闹出的笑话比你还多哩。 我没听说过第一节课叫“origianl class”,一般就说 the first class.如果真有这种说法那么,I"m ing for the original class。 也没毛病。 预约一节课可以说 I want to make a reservation for the first class tomorrow morning. I booked Miss Y"s class yesterday, 这么说就对了。 8. 预约课程英文怎么说 i had an appointment with miss y yesterday.我昨天和y老师约好了 it"s my first class. 这是我的第一堂课 i"m ing for the original/first class 也对 original class 也是第一节课,但是一般不这么说,怪怪的 9. 报名参加英语口语写作课程的英语作文 还是不错的。在网面批好像都是外籍教师给你在网解答问题的,面对面地传授考试类作文的专写属作和口语技巧。喔 还有一件事,几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞口语的老师才和我提过,就是要掌握好英语是不难的;坚持有个适合的学习空间和实习口语对象,外教水平很重要 标准口音才可以 保持每日口语练习 1v1家教式辅导就有最.好.的学习成果..完成课堂后记得重听录音文档,来进一步深化知识~若真的是没有练习对象的情况,那么就上 VOA或大耳朵获得课外学习资料阅读 多说多练短时间语感会提高起来 整体效果肯定会最佳的
2023-07-13 11:35:551


原文:Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals (基础) of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Plato.Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics.His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology (认识论) and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed.Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect (宗派). 翻译:苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。他是一个谜一般的人物,人们主要通过后来的一些古典作家的叙述,尤其是他最著名的学生柏拉图的作品去了解他。苏格拉底以他对伦理学的贡献而闻名。他的教学法亦称为苏格拉底法,即通过提问和回答来激发批判性思维以及阐述观点。该方法在各种讨论中仍被普遍使用。他还在认识论和逻辑领域做出了重大而深远的贡献。他的思想和方法所带来的影响一直是后来的西方哲学的坚实基础。苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最丰富多彩的人物。他在他那个时代已威名远扬。虽然他未曾建立什么哲学体系,未曾设立什么学派,也未曾创立什么宗派,但他的名字很快就变得家喻户晓了。求采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-13 11:36:051


管理学基础 Fundamentals of Management 宏微观经济学 Macro and Micro Economics 开放教育入学指南 Entrance Guide for Open Education 国民经济核算 National Economy Accounts 会计制度设计 Designing of Accounting System 高级财务管理 Senior Financial Management 财务报表分析Financial Statement Analysis 审计案例研究Audit Case Research 财务案例研究 Finance Case Research 资产评估Asset Evaluation
2023-07-13 11:36:243


fundamental是 根本 的意思望采纳
2023-07-13 11:36:442


adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的;[物... n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础;[乐]基音;[物]基频,基谐波
2023-07-13 11:36:522


fundamental 英[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl] 美[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl] adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物] 基频的,基谐波的; [乐] 基音的; n. 原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐] 基音; [物] 基频,基谐波; [例句]But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental differences但在这个问题上,两位领导人有着根本性的分歧。[其他] 比较级:more fundamental 最高级:most fundamental 复数:fundamentals
2023-07-13 11:37:001


fundamental基本的双语对照词典结果:fundamental[英][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl][美][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl]adj.基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物]基频的,基谐波的; [乐]基音的; n.原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐]基音; [物]基频,基谐波; 复数:fundamentals最高级:most fundamental比较级:more fundamental以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Facebook"s problem is more fundamental. facebook的问题更为根本。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-13 11:37:071


fundamental [英][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentl][美][u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl] adj.基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的,主要的,十分重大的; [物]基频的,基谐波的; [乐]基音的; n.原理,原则,基本,根本,基础; [乐]基音; [物]基频,基谐波; 复数:fundamentals最高级:most fundamental比较级:more fundamental 以上结果来自金山词霸
2023-07-13 11:37:161

fundamental period是什么意思

fundamental period英[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mentu0259l u02c8piu0259riu0259d]美[u02ccfu028cndu0259u02c8mu025bntl u02c8pu026ariu0259d]基本周期
2023-07-13 11:37:263


fundamental a. 1.基础的;根本的,十分重要的[(+to)] The fundamental cause of his success is his hard work. 他成功的根本原因是他工作努力. 2.原始的;主要的[(+to)] 3.【音】基音的,原音的 n. 1.基本原则(或原理),根本法则(或规律);纲要[P][(+of)] In three days,she had learned the fundamentals of cooking. 三天之内她就学会了烹调的基本知识. ultimate a.[Z][B] 1.最后的,最终的 After many defeats,the war ended for us in ultimate victory. 经过多次失败,战争以我们的最终胜利而结束. 2.基本的,根本的;最初的,最早的 Hard work is the ultimate source of success. 努力工作是成功之本. 3.【口】最大的,极限的 He gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. 他牺牲了生命,从而付出了最大的代价. n. 1.最终的事物,终极,结局;极限;顶点[the S][(+in)] This car is the ultimate in luxury. 这是最奢华的汽车. 2.基本原则[C] The denial of these ultimates results in mass selfishness. 否定这些基本原则会导致普遍的自私.
2023-07-13 11:37:341


基本原理fundamentals英 [ˌfʌndə"mentlz] 美 [ˌfʌndə"mentlz] n.原理;基本原则,基本法则( fundamental的名词复数)希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-13 11:37:411


推荐回答 The subject of rocket propulsion is treated with emphasis on the basic technology, performance, and design rationale. Attention is given to definitions and fundamentals, nozzle theory and thermodynamic relations, heat transfer, flight performance, chemical rocket propellant performance analysis, and liquid propellant rocket engine fundamentals. The discussion also covers solid propellant rocket fundamentals, hybrid propellant rockets, thrust vector control, selection of rocket propulsion systems, electric propulsion, and rocket testing.
2023-07-13 11:38:321

关于外号 the big fundamental 是什么意思

2023-07-13 11:38:412

the fundamentals of digital semiconductor testing 是什么书

2023-07-13 11:38:493

谁有《Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture》

Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture 并行多核架构基础重点词汇释义Fundamentals原理; 基本原则,基本法则( fundamental的名词复数)Multicore多芯的; 多磁心
2023-07-13 11:39:121


核心课程 PROFESSIONAL——ESSENTIALSP1专业会计师 Professional Accountant (PA)P2公司报告 Corporate Reporting (CR)P3商务分析 Business Analysis (BA)选修课程 PROFESSIONAL—— OPTIONS(四门任选二门)P4高级财务管理 Advanced Financial Management (AFM)P5高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management (APM)P6高级税务 Advanced Taxation (ATX)P7高级审计与认证业务 Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
2023-07-13 11:39:224


课程名称 知识课程 FUNDAMENTALS——KNOWLEDGE F1 会计师与企业 Accountant in Business (AB) F2 管理会计 Management Accounting (MA) F3 财务会计 Financial Accounting (FA) 技能课程 FUNDAMENTALS—— SKILLS F4 公司法与商法 Corporate and Business Law (CL) F5 业绩管理 Performance Management (PM) F6 税务 Taxation (TX) F7 财务报告 Financial Reporting (FR) F8 审计与认证业务 Audit and Assurance (AA) F9 财务管理 Financial Management (FM) 核心课程 PROFESSIONAL——ESSENTIALS P1 专业会计师 Professional Accountant (PA) P2 公司报告 Corporate Reporting (CR) P3 商务分析 Business Analysis (BA) 选修课程 PROFESSIONAL—— OPTIONS(四门任选二门) P4 高级财务管理 Advanced Financial Management (AFM) P5 高级业绩管理 Advanced Performance Management (APM) P6 高级税务 Advanced Taxation (ATX) P7 高级审计与认证业务 Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
2023-07-13 11:39:4011


设一般说的时候说suppose就好了,一般我们写的时候包括有时候假设的时候就用简单的let就可以了,比如说最简单的一次函数的两个未知数,写let (apple)=x; let (peach)=y这样就行了。所以的话在数学里证明题的话就是数学符号的那三个点(∴),代表英文里的:therefore。 其他的楼上说的挺全的,就不补充啥了哈~有其他的specific的词什么的话再问吧~~补充句:现在在国外读书,所以应该没什么问题...~
2023-07-13 11:40:432

OW过后,是接着AOW呢,还是先学GUE fundamentals打实基础

您好,请问您是想知道OW过后,是接着AOW呢,还是先学GUE fundamentals打实基础吗?
2023-07-13 11:41:011


The basis of China"s economy has yet changed.
2023-07-13 11:41:126

求Fundamentals of Physics, Extended 8th edition 英文版下载,高分悬赏

2023-07-13 11:41:474


Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals of modern Western philosophy. 苏格拉底是一位致力于奠基现代西方哲学的古希腊哲学家 He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers , especially the writings of his most famous student Plato. 他是一位神秘的人物首先通过大量后来的古典文学家,特别是他最著名的学生柏拉图的笔迹 Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics . 苏格拉底变得出名因为他对伦理学这个旷野的贡献 His method of teaching ,known as the Socratic Method,by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinging and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions . 他的教学方法闻名于苏格拉底哲学法,通过提问和回答问题去激励具有批判性的思想并且去解释主意以至于得到一个可以共同的广泛而有条理的讨论方式 He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology and logic ,and the fluence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed . 他也在认识论和逻辑论方面起了持久重要贡献,并且他的思想影响着两者的接近来对西方哲学形成一个强有力的基础 Scorates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. 苏格拉底是古代哲学史上最出色的人物 His fame was widespred in his own time ,and his name soon became a househoid word although he constructed no philosophicai system ,established no school ,and founded no sect. 他的名气在他在世的时候开始传开并且他的名字之后变得家喻户晓尽管他遭受神学系统的制裁,被判定没有宗派,没有功绩
2023-07-13 11:42:101


1. 请帮我把以下课程翻译成标准的英文,谢谢拉!!(要标准的!) 无机化学 inanic chemistry 有机化学 inanic chemistry 有机化学试验 inanic chemistry test 大学英语听说 college English speaking and listening 大学英语 college English 工程图学engineering graphics 计算机技术基础Basis of Computer Technique 高等数学 higher mathematics 线性代数 linear algebra 物理学试验physics test 工程力学engineering mechanics 物理学physics 电工电子技术Electrotechnical electronic technology 工业美术基础basis of instrial arts 机械设计基础 basis of machine design 包装材料学 Package materials 互换性与技术测量interchangeability and technique measuring 工业设计概论 outline of instrial designs 人体工程学ergonomics 楼主 这些我都是一个一个查的 应该不会错的 2. 课程名称的英语翻译! Moral and legal foundation Ancient Chinese Opera College English Ⅱ College English (band 4) Chemistry, University of chemistry Calculus Ⅰ Calculus 1 Linear Algebra Linear algebra University Chemistry Experiment (O) Organic chemistry experiment University Chemistry Experiment (G) Inanic chemistry experiment Ergonomics Engineering Graphics Fundamental graphics University Computer Basic Computer science General physical ecation Situation and Policies Outline of Modern Chinese History Traditional Culture and Modern Chinese Qin and Han Dynasties Prose College English Ⅲ College English (band 3) Ordinary Differential Equations Partial Differential Equations Calculus Ⅱ Calculus 2 Calculus Ⅲ Calculus 3 University Physics (b) Ⅰ Physics Freshman Seminar class - eco-environmental protection and disease prevention and control of new technologies Bioethics Introction to Marketing C + + programming basic and experimental Orienteering (primary classes) Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought Introction Secretarial study College English Ⅳ Complex Variables and Integral Transformation Calculation Method University Physics (b) Ⅱ Engineering Training (B) Circuit Theory (A) Ⅰ Circuit principle experiment (A) Ⅰ Analog Electronics Introction to modern medical equipment E-merce and e-government Aerobics (junior class) 3. 急求以下课程的英文版课程描述!! 补充:描述啊,我知识有限,不能用英文描述大部分的科目,可是我觉得名字本身就是很好的描述了。而且同一个科目可以学习的方面有很多,像摄影技术,我并不知道你学的是摄影的哪一方面,因此不能给你描述。 应用数学Application Mathematics 马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Principles of Political Economy 演讲与口才Speech and Eloquence 申论 我不知道是什么 “思政课”社会实践"Ideological and Political Ecation" social practice, 公文写作,Document Writing, 摄影技术,Photography, 形势与政策,Situation and Policy 管理学Management, 企业管理学Enterprise management. 计算机导论Introction to Computer Science 操作系统Operating system (Linux), 网络数据库技术与应用Neork database technology and applications, 网站开发技术Web site development technology 网络侦查与安全技术Neork detection and security technologies, 局域网组建与维护Local Area Neork and maintenance, 网络安全技术应用Neork security technology, 数据安全与恢复Data security and recovery, 动画设计Animation, 网站规划与工程设计Site planning and engineering design 计算机网络技术Computer Neork Technology, 网页设计Web Design, Linux组网技术Linux neorking technology, 计算机英语Computer English(有这门课?) 计算机信息的加密与解密Computer encryption and decryption, 计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design, 无线局域网技术Wireless LAN technology, 图形与图像处理Graphics and image processing. 4. 求下列课程名称的英文翻译(不要机器或是网站直接翻译,要专业的)研究生(车辆工程专业) 唉,好容易翻完了,手一哆嗦,把页面给关了,再重新翻一遍吧。。。 Major: 现代工程图学;Modern Engineering Graphics 制造技术基础实习(A);Practice of Manufacturing Technology Foundation (A) 程序设计基础(C);Program Design Foundation (C) 机械原理A;Michanical Principle (A) 制造技术基础A;Manufacturing Technology Foundation (A) 电工技术;Electrical engineering technology 控制理论基础;Foundation of Control Theory 机械工程测试技术基础;Foundation of Mechanical Engineering Measurement PLC技术基础;Foundation of PLC Technology 互换性与技术测量A;interchangeability and Technical Measurement (A) 机械设计A;Machinery Design (A) 微机原理及接口技术;Microputer Principle and Interface Technology 机电传动控制;Mechanical and Electrical Erive Control 液压传动;Hydraulic Tran *** ission 制造工艺技术及质量控制;Manufacturing Technology and Quality Control 工程数据库技术;Engineering Index 机械振动;Mechanical Vibration 汽车电子技术。Automotive Technology 精英英语帮助您! ~~英语教师团真诚为您解惑!!~~ 5. 跪求课程名称 标准英文翻译 体育(4): Physical Ecation (4) 军事训练: Military Training 土地资源管理专业概论: Introction to Land Resouce Management Major 思想道德修养与法律基础: Cultivation of Ideology and Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 大学英语(1): College English (1) 健康教育: Health Ecation 体育(2): Physical Ecation (2) 公益劳动: Volunteering for Public Interest 舞蹈鉴赏: Appreciation of Dancing 高级程序设计语言C: Advanced Programming Language C 高级程序设计语言C课程设计: Course Design of Advanced Programming Language C 电子电工学实验B: Experiment in Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 体育(3): Physical Ecation (3) 线性代数: Linear Algebra 大学英语(3): College English (3) 电工电子学B: Electronic and Electrical Engineering B 数据库技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Database 地籍测量实习B: Cadastration Practice B 高等数学A(2): Advanced Mathematics A (2) 大学英语(4): College English (4) 会计学原理: Principles of Accounting 应用统计学课程设计: Course Design of Applied Accounting 大学生就业指导: Employment Guidance for College Students 系统工程与运筹学: System Engineering and Operations Research 系统工程与运筹学课程设计: Course Design of System Engineering and Operations Research 土地资源学: Land Resource 土地法规与政策: Land Laws, Regulations and Policies 管理信息系统: Management Information System 技术经济学A: Technological Economics A 专业外语(2)Professional Foreign Language (2) 土地定级与房地产估价: Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal GIS基础及软件应用: Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 土地定级与房地产估价课程设计: Course Design of Land Rating and Real Estate Appraisal 体育(1): Physical Ecation (1) 高等数学A(1): Advanced Mathematics A (1) 工程制图: Graphing of Engineering 大学化学: College Chemistry 大学计算机基础: Fundamentals of College Computer Science 管理学原理: Principles of Management 大学物理B: College Physics B 大学物理实验B: Experiment of College Physics B 大学英语(2): College English (2) 经济学B: Economics B 马克思主义基本原理: Basic Principles of Marxi *** 概率论: Probability Theory 房屋建筑学A: Building Construction A 当代中国外交: Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy 合同法: Contracts Law 摄影技术: Techniques of Photography *** 思想和中国特色社会主义: Mao Zedong Thought and Sociali *** with Chinese Characteristics 土地经济学: Land Economics 应用统计学: Applied Statistics 地图学与地图设计: Cartology and Map Design 地籍测量A: Cadastration A 房地产开发与经营课程设计: Course Design of Real Estate Development and Management 技术经济学课程设计: Course Design of Technological Economics 创业管理: Entrepreneurial Management 美国社会与文化: American Society and Culture 专业外语(1): Professional Foreign Language (1) 房地产开发与经营A: Real Estate Development and Management A GPS基础及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals and Applications of GPS GPS基础及应用: Fundamentals and Applications of GPS 遥感技术及应用: Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 遥感技术及应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Techniques and Applications of Remote Sensing 文献检索: Document Indexing GIS基础及软件应用综合实验: Comprehensive Experiment of Fundamentals of GIS and Sofare Application 大部分参考一个论坛帖子“2440门大学课程中英文对照大汇集”: // 少部分参考iciba在线词典: //iciba/ 极少部分措辞作了变动 6. 求几门课程的英文翻译(建筑学) 翻译如下:1计算机上机实践:The puter Practicals。 2建筑学专业导论: Introction to Architecture majors,。 3工地内实习:容site internship。 4素描实习:internships sketching。 5建筑史概论: Architectural History Studies。 6 绿色建筑技术:green building technologies。 7周易概论:Zhou Yi Introction。 8视觉设计基础: visual design of basis。
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Legal basis Tax returns Clearing Bank Bank counter Financial infrastructure
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