barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 12:03:45
TAG: 英文 翻译


(1) financial assets and financial liabilities determined the fair value of the method


Fair value, refers to the fair trade, are familiar with the situation of assets to the voluntary trade exchange or the amount of liabilities.


Financial tools exist the active market, this company USES the active market quotation determine its fair value.


The active market quotation is to point to easily from the regular exchange, brokers, industry association, pricing service agencies getting the prices, and the representative in the fair transaction actually happened in the market price.


Financial tools does not exist the active market, our company adopts valuations determine the fair value of the technology.


Valuations technology including reference familiar with the situation and voluntary transactions of all parties to recent transactions in the market price of the use of the same in essence, refer to other financial instruments of the fair value of the current, discounter-cash-flow method and the option pricing model and so on.


(2) the financial asset classification, recognition and measurement


Conventionally business financial assets, according to the trading day to terminate accounting recognition and confirmation.


Financial assets in the time of initial recognition is divided into to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial assets, the held-to-maturity investment, loans and accounts receivable and available for sale financial assets.


Initial recognition of financial assets, in order to fair value measurement.


For the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the related transaction costs directly included in the current profits and losses, and for other kinds of financial assets, the related transaction costs included in the amount of initial recognition.


The company financial assets only for loans and receivables;


Loans and accounts receivable is to point to has no offer in the active market and recycling of the amount of the fixed or determinable non-derivative financial assets.


The company is divided into loans and the accounts receivable of financial assets include notes receivable, other receivables accounts receivable and etc.


(3) the financial asset impairment


In addition to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the company in each balance sheet date on other financial carrying value of the asset for examination, have objective evidence that financial asset impairment occurred, provision shall be made.


This company for single amount of financial assets individually significant impairment test;


The amount of individual not significant financial assets, separately impairment test or included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test.


Alone has not occurred the impairment test financial assets (including single amount and not significant major financial assets), including in a similar credit risk characteristics of financial portfolio impairment test again.


Already single confirm the impairment loss of financial assets, not included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test.


1.Financial assets and financial liabilities determined the fair value of the method

Fair value, refers to the fair trade, are familiar with the situation of assets to the voluntary trade exchange or the amount of liabilities. Financial tools exist the active market, this company USES the active market quotation determine its fair value. The active market quotation is to point to easily from the regular exchange, brokers, industry association, pricing service agencies getting the prices, and the representative in the fair transaction actually happened in the market price. Financial tools does not exist the active market, our company adopts valuations determine the fair value of the technology. Valuations technology including reference familiar with the situation and voluntary transactions of all parties to recent transactions in the market price of the use of the same in essence, refer to other financial instruments of the fair value of the current, discounter-cash-flow method and the option pricing model and so on.

2.Financial asset classification, recognition and measurement

Conventionally business financial assets, according to the trading day to terminate accounting recognition and confirmation. Financial assets in the time of initial recognition is divided into to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial assets, the held-to-maturity investment, loans and accounts receivable and available for sale financial assets. Initial recognition of financial assets, in order to fair value measurement. For the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the related transaction costs directly included in the current profits and losses, and for other kinds of financial assets, the related transaction costs included in the amount of initial recognition.

The company financial assets only for loans and receivables;

Loans and accounts receivable is to point to has no offer in the active market and recycling of the amount of the fixed or determinable non-derivative financial assets. The company is divided into loans and the accounts receivable of financial assets include notes receivable, other receivables accounts receivable and etc.

Financial asset impairment

In addition to the fair value measurement and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the company in each balance sheet date on other financial carrying value of the asset for examination, have objective evidence that financial asset impairment occurred, provision shall be made.

3. This company for single amount of financial assets individually significant impairment test; The amount of individual not significant financial assets, separately impairment test or included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test. Alone has not occurred the impairment test financial assets (including single amount and not significant major financial assets), including in a similar credit risk characteristics of financial portfolio impairment test again. Already single confirm the impairment loss of financial assets, not included in the credit risk with similar characteristics of the combination of financial asset impairment test.





2023-07-13 10:53:103


separately 英[u02c8sepru0259tli]美[u02c8su025bpu0259ru026atlu026a]adv. 分别地,另行; 分开,单独; 分离地; 个别地;全部释义>>[例句]Separately, analysts continued to learn more details about north korea"s tactics in the november attack.另外,分析人士又了解了更多关于朝鲜在11月攻击事件中采用的战术情况。
2023-07-13 10:53:171


2023-07-13 10:53:262


你好,很高兴为你解答separately英 [u02c8sepru0259tli] 美 [u02c8su025bpu0259ru026atlu026a] adv.分别地,另行; 分开,单独; 分离地; 个别地网络单独; 分开地; 各自希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。
2023-07-13 10:53:352


2023-07-13 10:53:446


separation的形容词是separate,副词是separately。separate作形容词时,意为“分离的;独立的”,常用于描述物体之间的距离或两个人之间的关系,例如:- The two countries have separate legal systems.- There is a separate room for the children to play in.separately作副词时,意为“分别地;单独地”,用于表示不同的事物分别发生或进行,例如:- The dishes are priced separately on the menu.- The twins were born separately, ten minutes apart.需要注意的是,separate既可以作为形容词,也可以作为动词使用,而separately则只能作为副词使用。
2023-07-13 10:53:571


那我换个短语给你看你就明白了keep the window open显然用separate adj.
2023-07-13 10:54:113

individually separately respectively ,用法上怎么区分

individually “个人地、个别地、单独地,”I"ll talk to them individually.我将个别地和他们谈。 separately"分开地”Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode today. 婚后与父母分开住是现在非常流行的做法。respectively“分别”My husband and I got pay rises of 8% and 10% respectively. 我丈夫和我分别加薪8%和10%。
2023-07-13 10:54:301


1.advertiser(动词) advertise 2.illegal(反义词) legal 3.wealthy(名词) wealth 4.educator(形容词) educational 5.private(反义词) public 6.separately(动词和形容词) separate,separate 7.viewer(动词) view 8.advantage(同义词) surpovise 9.wealthy(同义词) welloff同义词) attach 11.alcoholic(名词) alcohol 12.inconvenience(反义词)convenience
2023-07-13 10:54:381


Otherwise dealt with
2023-07-13 10:54:452


2023-07-13 10:54:556

英语 词语辨析

2023-07-13 10:55:102


Separate 用法详解什么是 Separate Separate 是一个英文单词,意为“分离、分开、隔离”。它既可以作为动词,也可以作为形容词和副词等其他词性使用。Separate 的动词用法 Separate 作为动词,意为“使分开、使分离、分割、隔离”,常用于以下情境:1. Separate 被用于某些物体或物品之间的分离、分割,例如:- The wall separates two rooms.(墙壁分隔了两个房间)- Separate the eggs and put the yolks in a separate bowl.(分离蛋白、蛋黄,并将蛋黄放入一个单独的碗中)2. Separate 也经常用于具有共同属性或关联的人或事物之间的分离、分开,例如:- The company decided to separate its banking and insurance divisions.(这家公司决定分离其银行和保险部门)- We need to separate the important documents from the unimportant ones.(我们需要将重要的文档和不重要的文档分开)Separate 的形容词用法 Separate 作为形容词,表示“单独的、独立的、不同的、分离的”,常用于以下情境:1. Separate 用于描述两个或多个不同的事物、组织、部门等,例如:- The two companies will remain separate entities.(这两家公司将保持独立)- The separate regions have different climates and vegetation.(这些不同的地区有不同的气候和植被)2. Separate 还可用于描述某些事物的特征、属性等与其他事物不同的情况,例如:- This is a separate issue that needs to be addressed separately.(这是需要单独解决的问题)- The building has a separate entrance for disabled people.(这座建筑有独立的残疾人入口)Separate 的副词用法 Separate 作为副词,意为“单独、分别、独立地”。例如:- The two friends decided to travel separately.(这两个朋友决定分开旅行)- The two companies will operate separately.(这两家公司将分开运营)Separate 的常见搭配 1. separate from:从…中分开、独立的、不同的例如:This issue is separate from the main topic.(这个问题与主题无关)2. separate into:分成、分割成例如:The cake is separated into six pieces.(这块蛋糕被分成了六份)3. separate out:筛选出、分离出例如:We need to separate out the impurities from the gold.(我们需要将黄金中的杂质分离出去)结语 Separate 是一个非常普遍和常用的单词,它可以作为动词、形容词,也可以作为副词。在各种不同的情境下,都可以使用 Separate 帮助人们准确、简明地表达他们的意思,总的来说,这是一个非常实用的单词。
2023-07-13 10:55:171


more~, most~
2023-07-13 10:55:251

求翻译 具体事宜另行商议 翻译成英文 谢谢

Discussion in detail will be made in addition.
2023-07-13 10:55:354


2023-07-13 10:55:452


不知你要表达的意思,下面我把search与search for 的区别列一下:search sth.搜寻某物,寻找某物(=look for sth. ) search sp. for sth. 搜索某地寻找某物search for the briefcase寻找公文包search the briefcase for a pen搜索那个公文包找到一只笔
2023-07-13 10:56:056


另外几件的样品分开做_有道翻译翻译结果:In addition a few pieces of samples do separatelyseparately_有道词典separately英 ["sep(u0259)ru0259tlu026a]美 ["su025bpru0259tli]adv. 分别地;分离地;个别地更多释义>>[网络短语]separately 单独地,各自,分别separately controllable 可单独控制的implement separately 单独实行
2023-07-13 10:56:281


49.选 C, 承认,认可的意思, 如: The USA (特爱管闲事) recognized the new government.美国承认了那家新政府。而admit的意思是: 承认(失败,过错,或做过某事)。54.选 D. keep up 保持的意思,这里是保持传统的意思。 又如:keep up our friendship,保持友谊。keep in 把...关在家中; keep on 继续(做某事); keep off 远离。45. 选 D, 支持的意思。 look up 抬头看;查找; hold up (your hands) 举起; call up somebody 打电话。38. 选 C,独立的,强调语言,文化和性格谁也不依附于谁。如果用separately,"分割“的意思, 但后面又说inseparately 就矛盾了。I am happy to help others. You needn"t give me any "分”。
2023-07-13 10:56:352


2023-07-13 10:56:421

he said he would see each of us separately

2023-07-13 10:56:513


wrap it separately
2023-07-13 10:57:004


1,remaining2,furniture3,regret4,frozen5,original 6,twelfth7,wondering8,apart9,remind10,healthier11.obvious12,roofs13,reach14,compared15,height16,comfortable17,preparation18,reviews19,abroad20,admitting
2023-07-13 10:57:088


分别地;个别地;独立地;分开地。separately1、读音:英["sepu0259ru0259tli];美["sepu0259ru0259tli]。2、释义:分别地;个别地;独立地;分开地。3、词汇搭配:separately excited 他励的。4、例句:He said he would see each of us separately。(他说他将分别约见我们每一个人。)近义词:individually1、读音:英[u02ccu026andu026a"vu026adu0292uu0259li];美[u02ccu026andu026a"vu026adu0292uu0259li]。2、释义:个别地;单独地;独特的。3、例句:Every applicant for Party membership must undergo the admission procedure individually。(所有申请入党的人,必须个别地履行入党手续。)
2023-07-13 10:57:491


separately 英[u02c8sepru0259tli] 美[u02c8su025bpu0259ru026atlu026a] adv. 分别地,另行; 分开,单独; 分离地; 个别地; [网络] 单独; 分开地; 各自; [例句]Cook each vegetable separately until just tender.每样蔬菜都单独烹调,煮到稍稍变软就好。
2023-07-13 10:58:092


2023-07-13 10:58:162


separately 是它的副词形势,表示分开地
2023-07-13 10:59:172


adv. 分别地;分离地;个别地
2023-07-13 10:59:253


分别地;分离地;个别地individually respectively
2023-07-13 10:59:343


  respectively :按指定出的或提及的顺序逐一地,例如:  I"m referring to each of you respectively.  我将逐个提到你们中的每一个人。  separately:(作为一个独立的个体存在状态)分别地,例如:   China and the United States are separately the third and the fourth largest country in size in the world.   中国和美国(作为一个独立的个体国家)分别是世界上国土面积第三位和第四位的大国。
2023-07-13 11:00:071

respectively 和 separately 谁能表示 分别名列

填写 separately解析: 1. respectively :按指定出的或提及的顺序逐一地,例如: I"m referring to each of you respectively. 我将逐个提到你们中的每一个人。 2. separately:作为一个独立的个体存在状态那样分别地,例如本题: China and the United States are separately the third and the fourth largest country in size in the world. 中国和美国(作为一个独立的个体国家)分别是世界上国土面积第三位和第四位的大国”。
2023-07-13 11:00:141

wash separately是什么意思

wash separately 分开洗涤
2023-07-13 11:00:222


2023-07-13 11:00:303


1.这条真丝围巾会是我想起中国(remind...of) This silk scarf reminds me of China.2.我会把这个玩具装在盒子里,再用纸包起来(pack,wrap up) I will pack the toy in box and wrap it up with paper.3.这件大衣是385元,收了您400元,这是找给您的15元(change) This coat is 385yuan, you pay 400 yuan and this is your change15 yuan.4.我想买两件衬衣,请你分别包好(take,separately) I will take two shirts, please pack them separately.5.我可以用信用卡付款吗?对不起,我们只收现金(by,accept) Can I pay by credit card? Sorry, but we only accept cash.6.这是真皮皮鞋,女式休闲皮鞋(women"s leather casuals) These are genuine leather shoes, women"s leaher casuals.7.买东西很费时间,而且也是件和耗费体力的事儿(time-consuming,energy-consuming) Shopping is quite time-consuming and energy-consuming.8.我们有各种款式和颜色的毛衣(sweater).(a selecyion of ) We have selection of sweater of different styles and colors.9.买一件毛衣,就可以免费得到一条与之配套的裙子(bonus,matching) Buy one sweater, you will get a matching skirt for bonus.10.优惠券的有效期为1998年5月1日到31日(valid)The coupon was valid from 1st to 31st of May, 1998.
2023-07-13 11:00:471


respectively - 分别They got paid $200 and $300 respectively.他们分别被付与了$200和$300的工资separately - 分开We went to the movies separately.我们分开去看的电影
2023-07-13 11:00:551


respectively - 分别They got paid $200 and $300 respectively.他们分别被付与了$200和$300的工资separately - 分开We went to the movies separately.我们分开去看的电影
2023-07-13 11:01:031


2023-07-13 11:01:132


2023-07-13 11:01:311

英语翻译 具体事宜 双方另行商议 不要机译

楼主又加了一个双方啊,那就这样吧: The exact details shall be discussed by both sides separately. The exact details shall be discussed separately. separately :另行 又如: Specific measures therefor shall be formulated separately. 具体办法另行规定.
2023-07-13 11:01:381


2023-07-13 11:01:571


一个是个人,一个是亲自_ersonally的高级替换:adv. 亲自地;当面;个别地;就自己而言 separately/individually personally 美 /_p__rs_n_li/英 /_p__s_n_li/ adv.亲自地.
2023-07-13 11:02:051


stock it separately
2023-07-13 11:02:142

that they can grow separately without growing apart.

they can grow separately without growing 这是意译。第一个that得从前半句确定,that true friends make是discovery的定语,
2023-07-13 11:02:222


individually “个人地、个别地、单独地,”I"ll talk to them individually.我将个别地和他们谈。 separately"分开地”Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode today. 婚后与父母分开住是现在非常流行的做法。respectively“分别”My husband and I got pay rises of 8% and 10% respectively. 我丈夫和我分别加薪8%和10%。
2023-07-13 11:02:291

Hang together or hanged separately是谁说的

2023-07-13 11:02:392


Wash the clothes separately.
2023-07-13 11:03:043

if we do not hang together,we shall most assuredly hang separately用了哪种修辞

2023-07-13 11:03:155

father and I (go) to the market separately 谓语动词go用单数还是复数

用复数,主语是father and I, 爸爸和我都要去市场。
2023-07-13 11:03:322


2023-07-13 11:04:014


Let"s go!发音:累死狗~~~
2023-07-13 11:04:103