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In a Station of the Metro 的主题是什么

2023-07-13 12:01:12

Face is face , but in Pond"s poem In a Station of the Metro, the face is so lovely that looks like a watery pear flower。This is imago which descrbe the figures, landscapes or intrapersonal feelings as the misty beauty. So lovely imago that you drop in deep and reluctant to come back to reality.



没有这个词哦 是metro吗?metro是地铁的意思
2023-07-13 10:43:194


  地铁站是为城市轨道交通系统提供供铁路列车停靠的地方,用以搬运货物或让乘客乘车。那么你知道地铁站用英语如何表达吗?现在跟我一起学习地铁的英语表达及例句吧。   地铁站的英语说法   subway station   Metro Station   地铁站相关英语表达   湖畔地铁站 Lakeside MRT Station   文礼地铁站 Boon Lay MRT Station   劳明达地铁站 Lavender MRT Station   莱佛士坊地铁站 Raffles Place MRT Station   碧山地铁站 Bishan MRT Station   女皇镇地铁站 Queenstown MRT Station   地铁站的英语例句   1. That"s Warwick Road, just opposite Earls Court tube station.   那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。   2. Bombs went off at two London train stations.   伦敦的两个地铁站发生了炸弹爆炸事件。   3. After the second explosion, all of London"s main train and subway stations were shut down.   第二次爆炸后,伦敦所有的主要火车站和地铁站都关闭了。   4. Is there a station near here?   附近有地铁站 吗 ?   5. Yes. The station"s that way.   有.地铁站在那边.   6. Excuse me. What subway station is it?   对不起, 请问这是哪一个地铁站?   7. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway station?   可以告诉我离这里最近的地铁站该怎么走 吗 ?   8. How do I get to the nearest subway station?   请问到附近的地铁站怎么走?   9. Veer right and you"ll see subway entrance on your right.   然后右转,就会看见地铁站入口在你的右边.   10. How does that explain barricaded subway stations or these fucking creatures?   地铁站的路障和那些见鬼的生物又该如何解释 呢 ?   11. I will also get off here as well since the subway station is nearby.   地铁站在附近,我就在这儿下吧!   12. Today, the nearbyroundabout and Tube station is called Piccadilly Circus.   现在这街附近的环形地铁和地铁站就叫做皮卡迪利圆环.   13. Actually maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations.   实际上大多数地铁站都贴有线路图.   14. Terminal change to Tseung Kwan O MTR Station Public Transport Interchange.   总站迁往将军澳地铁站公共交通交汇处.   15. Would you please direct me to the nearest underground station?   可以请你告诉我最近的地铁站怎么走吗? 猜你喜欢: 1. 英语怎样造句子的方法 2. 英语造句有哪些基本规则 3. 英语造句学习方法 4. 如何学会英语造句 5. 地铁站用英语怎么说 6. 货架用英语怎么说 7. 初中英语写作中如何遣词造句 8. 如何在英语写作中学习造句
2023-07-13 10:43:331

天天向上20110114 外国组合叫什么名字

Metro Metro Station(中文名:地铁站乐团)是一个来自美国的流行/电子乐队,在2006年加州的洛杉矶成立。他们的首张同名专辑《Metro Station》于2007年9月18日发行。 作为乐队涉足乐坛的第一次尝试,《Metro Station》已取得了相当骄人的成绩,在美国刚发售就被抢购了352,000张,因此该专辑曾在Billboard前200排行榜上窜到第39位,在美国Billboard Top Rock Albums(摇滚专辑排行榜)排行24,并在同年Billboard Top Electronic Albums(电子乐专辑排行榜)上夺得了第一的宝座。其中的单曲“Shake It”更是在Billboard Hot 100中蹿升到前十。事实证明,Metro Station并不只是一个偶像团体,而是一只有真正实力的乐队,相信它会为我们带来更多出色的作品。 乐队成员: 主唱、吉他:Mason Musso (美国人气偶像Mitchel Musso的哥哥) 吉他、和音:Trace Cyrus(美国超人气偶像Miley Cyrus的哥哥) 电音、贝斯、键琴:Blake Healy 鼓、敲击:Anthony Improgo 此外另有一外国声乐组合Metro周一将名为“海阔天空 Under A Vast Sky”的MV上载到Youtube,四名外籍成员Eric、Kevin MV画面、Sean和Cody以广东话翻唱Beyond的《海阔天空》,向于周三逝世17周年的家驹致敬。MV开首先打出家驹说过的:“音乐是世界的语言,只要有音乐便不会有世界末日。”结尾则写道要将此片献给家驹。 Metro是一个国际化得演唱团体,起源于美国,近十年来演出足迹遍布世界各地。他们利用自己过人的才华将世界最流行的歌曲重新进行独特的编排,呈现给听众一种充满活力的,自然清新的音乐。他们的音乐包括流行音乐、doo-wop式的摇滚、经典摇滚、barbershop式音乐、R&B、爵士等。 经过5年的往返于香港日本两地的演出后,Metro决定将演出基地设在香港。他们独特的外向的性格以及和谐的声音使得他们成为了亚洲地区最出色的演唱团体之一,并应邀参加了French Chamber以及其他众多的高水平演出。 此外,Metro也在American Vocal Studio服务,通过教授演唱课程将他们所掌握的音乐知识传授个所有人。 目前已知的翻唱Beyond经典《海阔天空》和 《My Pride 我的骄傲》。
2023-07-13 10:43:401


2023-07-13 10:43:517


Dear passanger, welcome to Xi"an metro. The train is bound for Weiqunan Station. The next stop is ZhongLou. Passengers please get ready to get off the train from the door on the left side. Mind the gap between the train and the plantform. Thank you!
2023-07-13 10:44:105


In a station of the Metro
2023-07-13 10:44:504

Metro station的shakeit算什么类型的歌啊?

2023-07-13 10:44:582


  地铁站是为城市轨道交通系统简称城轨系统提供供铁路列车停靠的地方,用以搬运货物或让乘客乘车。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    地铁站英语释义:   subway station    地铁站英语例句:   无家可归的人们被迫在地铁站里乞讨。   Homeless people forced to panhandle in subway stations.   他迈著沉重的步子,独自向地铁站走去。   He trudged back to the tube station on his own.   每个地铁站都有一种独立的建筑风格。   Each station offers an individual architectural style.   过三个地铁站。   Take the subway for three stops.   房子离地铁站很近。   The house is near the subway station.   此时天色已晚,他只得匆忙赶往地铁站。   It was late and he had to hurry to the tube station.   附近有地铁站吗?   Is there a subway station around here?   我每天早晨在地铁站都会碰见那个帅气的男孩。   Meet that handsome boy at the underground station every morning.   地铁站距离这儿远吗?   Is the subway entrance far from here?   三分钟过去了,一位中年男士注意到地铁站里有人在拉小提琴。   Three minutes went by and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing.   该物业连线到一个单轨电车和地铁站,它也包含了2300停车车位。   The property is connected to a monorail and a subway station, but it also contains a2,300-space parking structure.   拖到绘图页后,可以新增地铁站。将地铁线附加到地铁站形状的中心。   Drag onto the page to add a metro station. Attach a metro line to the center of the station shape.   音乐家约翰带着一把价值不菲的古董名琴,悄悄来到人潮不断的地铁站演奏。   John, a famous musician, took his priceless antique zither and played it in the crowded subway station.   这是到地铁站的路吗?   Is this the right way to the subway station?   你能带我去最近的地铁站吗?   Could you take me to the nearest subway station?
2023-07-13 10:45:062

求metro station - shake it中文歌词翻译

2023-07-13 10:45:253


2023-07-13 10:45:353

广州地铁报站“下一站:华师” 用英文怎么说

华师站,全名华南师范大学,播报的英文是South China Normal University
2023-07-13 10:46:042


metro 英["metru0259u028a]美[u02c8mu025btro]n. 地下铁道adj. 大都市的名词复数:metros[例句]Surely , a comfortable metro does add to productive capacity.一条舒适的地铁毫无疑问能提高生产能力。
2023-07-13 10:46:112


2023-07-13 10:46:325


1、subway怎么读2、subway用英语怎么说3、subway是什么意思4、subway是什么意思中文subway怎么读subway的读音是:英["s?bwe?]。subway的读音是:英["s?bwe?]。subway的意思是n.地铁;地下通道。subway【近义词】tunnel隧道。一、详尽释义点此查看subway的详细内容n.(名词)地道地下过道,地下人行道地(下)铁地下火车地铁交通赛百味v.(动词)搭乘地下铁二、英英释义Noun:an electric railway operating below the surface of the ground (usually in a city);"in Paris the subway system is called the `metro" and in London it is called the `tube" or the `underground""an underground tunnel or passage enabling pedestrians to cross a road or railway三、词典解释1.地铁Asubway is an underground railway.subwaye.g. ...the Bay Area Rapid Transitsubway system...旧金山海湾地区地铁捷运系统e.g. I don"t ride thesubway late at night.我深夜不坐地铁。in BRIT, usually 英国英语通常用 underground, tube2.(穿越马路、铁路的)地下通道,地下人行道Asubway is a passage underneath a busy road or a railway track for people to walk through.subwaye.g. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through asubway.大多数人在走地下通道时都感到害怕。in AM, use 美国英语用 underpass四、例句She saw us on the subway.在地铁站她见到我们了I want to get there by subway.我想乘地铁去那儿。Last Sunday, a News pressman named Gerald Boyd got worked over with baseball bats on his way to the subway and no one except us gave it much attention.上星期日,纽约每日新闻一个名字叫波伊德的印刷工人在去地铁途中被人用球棒痛殴。除我们以外没人注意。Use the subway to cross the road.请走地下通道穿越马路。The gang jumped an old woman in the subway.一伙歹徒在地下人行道突然袭击一老妇人。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~take the subway乘地铁tunnel a subway开掘地下通道形容词+~monorail subway单轨地铁介词+~by subway乘地铁六、情景对话邻里A:What sort of (public transportation/ shopping/ parking) is nearby?附近有什么(公交系统/购物中心/停车场)?B:There"s asubway stop just around the corner.附近有一个地铁站。在地铁站A:What"s the cheapest way to go there?到那里怎么去最便宜?B:Bysubway.坐地铁。A:Oh, is that right? Is there asubway station near here?哦,是这样吗?这附近有没有地铁站?B:Yes, there is one on the other side of the building.有的,这座大楼对面就有一个。subway是什么意思A:Good. Can I walk through this building?好的,我能穿过这座大楼去吗?B:I"m afraid you can"t. You"ll have to go out there and walk around.恐怕不能。你必须走到外面绕过去。subwayA:I see. Thank you.我知道了,谢谢。问路A:Excuse me, where is the Beijing Railway Station?对不起,请问北京火车站在哪里?B:You can take thesubway to get there.你可以坐地铁到那里。A:How long will it take to get there?要多久才能到那里?B:It takes only ten minutes.只需10 分钟。A:May I take a bus or a taxi to get there?我可以坐公共汽车或打的到那里吗?B:You can take No. 1 bus or a taxi.你可以乘1 路公共汽车或的士。subwayA:Excuse me, sir. Where is the No. 1 bus stop?先生,请问1 路公共汽车在哪里?subway什么意思B:Please turn right at the traffic lights.请到红绿灯处向右拐。A:Thank you very much.非常感谢。B:You"re welcome.没什么。七、词义辨析underground,subway,tube这些名词均可表示“地铁”之意。underground一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国。subway指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。tube主要用于英国口语中。subway的相关临近词succeed、subvert、subways、subway BAS、subway car、subway age、subwayfire、subway load、subway fire、subway hall、Subway line、subway train点此查看更多关于subway的详细信息subway用英语怎么说subway:音标:英 [_s_bwe_] 美 [_s_b_we];地铁;地下通道。1、Liz and Bill have spent a whole year trying to have thousands of people talk tothem in subway.里兹和贝尔已经花了一整年试图让上千人在地铁与他们谈话。2、You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.也许你会拼命地在地铁或巴士上挤得一方立足之地。3、Or not prejudiced enough to scream when a Negro went toward her in a desertedsubway station a few hours past midnight.或者,在一个午夜已过多时,空旷无人的地铁车站,当一个黑人走向她,她根本就不会歧视到要大声喊叫的程度。4、just can"t seem to understand the New York subway system at all.我对纽约地下铁路系统好像就是弄不明白。subway是什么意思subway英[_s_bwe_]美[_s_bwe_]n.地铁;地下铁道;地铁交通;(穿越马路等的)地下人行道。[例句]The extension of the subway will take several months.扩建地铁需用几个月时间。[其他]复数:subways。词义辨析:词汇能表示“地铁”1、underground, subway, tube。(穿越马路等的)地下人行道2、The gang jumped an old woman in the subway.一伙歹徒在地下人行道突然袭击一老妇人。这些名词均可表示“地铁”之意。underground一般用词,指城市中的地铁,主要用于英国。subway指城市中的地铁或通道,主要用于美国。tube主要用于英国口语中。subway是什么意思中文subway词义:1、名词:地铁,地道。2、动词:乘地铁。固定搭配:1、Take Subway 乘坐地铁。2、subway engineering 地铁工程。3、Subway Surfer 地铁跑酷。用法:Trains are thundering in and out all the time at a subway station.地铁车站上列车进进出出, 整天轰隆轰隆地响个不停。扩展资料:subway意思相近的单词有metro。metro词义:1、名词:地铁,大都市,地下铁道。固定搭配:1、metrostation 地铁站。2、Seoul Metro 地铁公司。3、Helsinki Metro 赫尔辛基地铁。用法:Clerk: You can go there by metro, I think.柜台职员:我想您可以乘地铁去那儿。
2023-07-13 10:46:491


1、metro英[?metr??]美[?metro?],n.地下铁路; 地铁; (尤指)巴黎地铁; 大城市,大都市(尤指德里、加尔各答、孟买或钦奈);adj.大都市的。2、[例句]A metro station, sign, train.地下铁路的车站、标志、列车。
2023-07-13 10:46:551

从浦东机场到外滩 英语翻译 材料如下

把你的中文做了一下优化,没有直译,希望能帮到你。Depart from Pudong airportMetroTake Line 3 in the airport, and switch to Line 2 at Longyang Road station on the direction to Songhong Road.Get off at East Nanjing Road and walk to "The Bund"
2023-07-13 10:47:033


念 思忒身, 车站的意思
2023-07-13 10:47:143

是 in the hair salon 还是 at the hair salon ? 是 in the Metro Station 还是 at the hair salon?

在美发沙龙 at the hair salon在地铁站at the hair salonat+较小的地点或者具体的地点,in+较大的地点,一般看作一个场所比如说,we met at the post-office. 我们在邮局见面。we used to work in the post-office. 我们曾经在邮局工作过。
2023-07-13 10:47:581


出入境办理登机手续 游客注意事项Entry and exit formalities Visitors note
2023-07-13 10:48:082


《纪元2205》是许多玩家的热爱,今天小编就为大家带来了《纪元2205》多项功能加强MOD一览与下载,下面就让我们一起来看看《纪元2205》多项功能加强MOD一览与下载吧。最新多项功能MOD下载:点击进入 使用说明:1.解压缩2.复制所有文件到游戏目录maindata3.运行 01Revise.bat,使用mod4.开始游戏还原:运行02Default.batMOD说明:1.提升部分发电设施效能2.所有农场/工厂 产量30件3.仓库/运输中心 货车+1倍4.公共类建筑(即地铁/球场/安保中心之类)辐射500户5.冰带建筑供暖范围扩大6.月面护盾建筑范围扩大温带一级建筑:Workers 工人01 1000212 Sunflower Farm 向日葵农场02 1000174 Biopolymer Factory 生物聚合物厂03 1000169 Rice Farm 水稻农场04 1000217 Desalinization Plant 海水淡化厂05 1000182 Infodrome 资讯中心二级建筑:Operators 运营商01 1000063 Feldspar Quarry 石矿02 1000886 Cobalt Mine 钴矿03 1000250 Robot Assembly Hall 机器人组装线04 1000112 Fruit Plantation 果园05 1000224 Vitamin Condenser 果汁厂06 1000213 Algae Farm 海藻池07 1000215 Synthcell Incubator 合成细胞恒温室08 1000216 Biomedical Laboratory 生物医学实验室09 1000181 Security Department 安保中心三级建筑:Executives 高管01 1000888 Soy Farm 大豆农场02 1000268 Cattle Ranch 牧牛场03 1000214 Vineyard 葡萄园04 1000226 Food Design Workshop 美食加工厂05 1000170 Flax Plantation 亚麻园06 1000232 Silicon Mine 硅矿07 1000220 Microfabrication Hall 微芯片厂08 1000221 Nano-Textile Mill 纳米织厂09 1000233 Metro Station 地铁站四级建筑:Investors 投资者01 1000231 Diamond Mine 钻石矿02 1000230 Nano-Cutting Unit 纳米切割机03 1000223 Neutronium Lab 复制器工厂04 1000237 AI Composition Plant 智能配件厂05 1000229 Android Factory 智能机器人工厂06 1000234 Stadium 球场第二行建筑00 1000157 Warehouse 仓库01 1000123 Transportation Center 运输中心02 1000332 Windpark 风力发电场03 1000333 Tidal Power Station 潮汐电站04 1003252 Corporation HQ 总公司冰带一级建筑:Protectors 环保人士01 1000263 Aluminum Mine 铝矿02 1000257 Compression Chamber 压缩仓03 1000253 Fishing Harbor 渔港04 1000256 Canning Factory 罐头厂05 1000262 Molybdenum Mine 钼矿06 1000251 Neuro-Module Factory 神经元工厂07 1000245 Community Center 社区中心二级建筑:Scientists 科学家01 1000175 Plasma Smelter 等离子冶炼厂02 1000254 Coral Farm 珊瑚养殖场 岸边03 1000255 Pharma Lab 药丸胶囊实验室04 1000260 Methane Extractor 甲烷提取 岸边05 1001166 Deuterium Strainer 氘过滤器 岸边06 1000258 Cryogenics Lab 低温实验室07 1000249 Subzero Cleanroom 零下洁净室08 1000252 Hardware Fabrication Plant 五金加工厂09 1000246 High Security Laboratory 高安全实验室第二行建筑00 1000266 Arctic Warehouse 北极仓库01 1000267 Transportation Center 北极运输中心02 1000334 Geothermal Turbines 地热发电机03 1000335 Gas Power Station 燃气电站月面一级建筑:Miners 矿工01 1000244 Titanium Mine 钛矿02 1000186 Ion Welder 离子焊接厂03 1000187 Core Ice Driller 冰钻机床04 1000191 Oxygen Separator 制氧厂05 1000243 Kreep Gatherer 克里普矿机06 1000238 Cybernetics Factory 外骨骼07 1000235 Maintenance Station 维修站二级建筑:Officers 指挥官01 1000190 Aeroponic Farm 气培农场02 1000241 Space Galley 太空厨房03 1000188 Regolith Collector 土壤收集04 1000239 Fusion Preparation Plant 聚变电池厂05 1000242 Anti-g Workshop 反重力工作室06 1000236 Health Center 保健中心第二行建筑00 1000158 Lunar Warehouse 月面仓库01 1002663 Small Shield Generator 小型护盾02 1002664 Large Shield Generator 大型护盾03 1000185 Lunar Transportation Center 月球运输中心04 1000336 Solar Array 太阳能阵列05 1000337 Fusion Reactor 聚变堆
2023-07-13 10:48:331


1、Dave (Dave) watch TV in the evening or, or go out for entertainment2、Tomorrow morning, arrive on time3、There is a metro station in between my home and the school4、My father every 15 minutes by car5、Amy (Amy) is to give her sister a story
2023-07-13 10:48:415

辐射3Xuanlong Chinese Assult Rifle: 炫龙中国突击步枪

辐射3用代码的确不丢人,记得同时把难度调高点不过LS代码不正确 应该是000C800E
2023-07-13 10:48:564


几个英语翻译!急!回答后立即采纳为答案! In last semester,I did very bad with my final examination.I hadn"t done so bad since my first year in primary school.So I felt sad and depressed,and I was afraid that I would fall behind others.Study is the most important to me,so that made me first-ever frustrated.But I knew the only thing I can do then is to deal with my problem.So I shed up my tears and *** yzed my examination paper and tried to find out my problems.Then I found that it was because I didn"t pratice enough,so I enhanced my praticing, and got a hign score in the examination this semester. When I was at Beijing,what troubled me most was that I always got lost.Beijing is a huge city,you will always miss the metro station or the bus station if you are not familiar about the way.And sometimes it makes you detour to get to you destination.Fortunately I bought a map, and citizens in Beijing were very friendly,both grandpas who were enjoying the cool or aunts who were selling books and newspapers, they all showed me the way zealously.It made me very thankful.I couldn"t count how many times did I ask the way that day,but I think it was a very good oppotunity to build up my ability to assosiate with others. I think I will make passion as my life choice.We need passion in doing anything.With passion, I will be more creative, and maybe I can creat some pleasent surprize that I didn"t ever think about before.With passion, I can be more efficiently , and I can do more in a short time. With passion, I can be more energetic, more out-going, more optimistic, and more popular among others. 这是我自己翻译的,给你参考一下吧。希望会有帮助。有一些错误的话敬请原谅。 有疑问的话还欢迎和我说哦,呵呵。 求答案,回答立即采纳 d 英语翻译,回答好必采纳 this is how i met my girlfriend. it was five years ago, in a quiet afternoon, and i was on my way to the library to get some books. it was a coincidence really, because i usually wouldn"t have gone to the library, not once in a year. but as it is, i had been seized by a sudden impulse and there i was, in the library with a book in my hand. it was sunday that day, school"s off and few people were present, and empty tables were everywhere. i picked one that was near the window, it was beautiful outside. i had only been able to read several pages before a pretty girl came in and sat facing me. i didn"t pay attention to her at first, i mean she could sit wherever she liked, right? then she started talking to me and asking me when the library would close. i answered that it closes at seven, she thanked me and that was that. however, i found out after a while that i could see her looking at me everytime i raise my head! so i walked over to her and we chatted. this is how the o of us came to know each other. 英语翻译 回答必会采纳 你好~ 1.Fairy tale 2.make plans the moon light 4.get lost 5.wake up 6.have no stones 7.throw some pieces of bread 8.part of the house brave enough 10.hear this voice 几个空,第一个回答出答案的就立即采纳! Were. were 仿写句子~急!一有回答,答案差不多的立即采纳为答案! 我喜欢自然风光,也喜欢大自然的音响,富于魅力的风光摄影更让我着迷,还喜欢生活中的故事,情节曲折的小说更让我喜爱,当然,那美妙动听的音乐尤其让我陶醉。 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 英语翻译回答必采纳 初中 3. 4.amazing 5.pity 6.pride 7.make 9. 10.wounded 写英语翻译,有几个不会,求答案,一定采纳 89:in the end,90:at first,92:want to do sth. 英语翻译 有答案马上采纳 Tom had a sweet dream. 2. My parents hope that I am healthy. How dare you leave without permission! He knows what the next step is. You must finish reading this book within o weeks. 答案被采纳为最佳答案翻译 The answer has been adopted as the best answer.
2023-07-13 10:49:271


2023-07-13 10:49:361

有首歌里面有歌词 shake it oh o shake it shake it.... 这歌叫什么啊??

亲说的是韩文歌么?应该是徐仁国的shake it up吧,是不是吧up听成oh了?
2023-07-13 10:49:495


《i remember》郭采洁,写给天上的妈妈。
2023-07-13 10:50:043


Better Than A Psychic - Mercedes
2023-07-13 10:50:121

旅游英语应急口语900句 文本

多谢!—— Thanks a lot.  对不起,麻烦你。—— Excuse me.  抱歉。—— Excuse the mess.  需要帮忙吗?——Can I help you.  谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me.  无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.  您好。——How are you!  初次见面问好。—— How do you do!  很高兴见到你。—— (It"s) nice to meet you.  请问您从哪来。——Where are you from?  请问贵姓。——Can I have your name?  我叫……。—— My name is …… (I"m ……)  很高兴认识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you.  很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you.  希望再见到你。—— Hope to see you again.  这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again?  玩得快乐——Have a good time.  祝你好运。—— Good luck.  我希望没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong.  怎么了?—— What"s the matter?  糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious?  我真为你难过。—— I"m sorry for you.  一路平安,走好。—— Have a safe trip home.  1.I‘m an office worker. 我是上班族。  2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。  3.I‘m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。  4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。  5.I‘m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。  6.I‘ll call you. 我会打电话给你。  7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。  8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。  9.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。  10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。  11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。  12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。  13.I‘m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。  14.I‘m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。  15.I heard that you‘re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!  16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。  17.I can‘t do this. 我不能这么做。  18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。  19.Let‘s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。  20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?  21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?  22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?  23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?  24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?  25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。  26.Tom‘s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。  27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?  28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?  29.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?  30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。  31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?  32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?  33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?  34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?  35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?  36.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?  37.I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。  38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? 你知道吗?斯通最终和他的秘书结婚了。  39.Let‘s get together for lunch. 让我们一起吃顿午餐吧。  40.How did you do on your test? 你这次考试的结果如何?  41.Do you think you can come? 你认为你能来吗?  42.How was your weekend ? 你周末过得怎么样?  43.Here is my card. 这是我的名片。  44.He is used to eating out all the time. 他已经习惯在外面吃饭了。  45.I‘m getting a new computer for birthday present. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。  46.Have you ever driven a BMW? 你有没有开过“宝马”?  47.How about if we go tomorrow instead? 我们改成明天去怎么样?  48.How do you like Hong Kong? 你喜欢香港吗?  49.How do you want your steak? 你的牛排要几分熟?  50.How did the game turn out? 球赛结果如何?  51.How did Mary make all of her money? 玛丽所有的钱是怎么赚到的?  52.How was your date? 你的约会怎么样?  53.How are you doing with your new boss? 你跟你的新上司处得如何?  54.How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息?  55.How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱?  56.How much does it cost to go abroad? 出国要多少钱?  57.How long will it take to get to your house? 到你家要多久?  58.How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了?  59.How nice/pretty/cold/funny/stupid/boring/interesting.  60.How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?  61.I‘m sorry that you didn"t get the job. 很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。  62.I‘m afraid that it"s not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。  63.I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。  64.Is it okay to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗?  65.It was kind of exciting. 有点剌激。  66.I know what you want. 我知道你想要什么。  67.Is that why you don‘t want to go home? 这就是你不想回家的原因吗?  68.I‘m sure we can get you a great / good deal. 我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。  69.Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗?  70.I didn‘t know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有钱的人。  71.I‘ll have to ask my boss/wife first.我必须先问一下我的老板/老婆。  72.I take it you don‘t agree. 这么说来,我认为你是不同意。  73.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked. 我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。  74.It doesn‘t make any sense to get up so early.那么早起来没有任何意义。  75.It took years of hard work to speak good English. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦*练。  76.It feels like spring/ I‘ve been here before. 感觉好象春天到了/我以前来过这里。  77.I wonder if they can make it. 我在想他们是不是能办得到。  78.It‘s not as cold / hot as it was yesterday. 今天不想昨天那么冷/热。  79.It‘s not his work that bothers me; it"s his attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。  80.It sounds like you enjoyed it. 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。  81.It seems to me that be would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象想要回家。  82.It looks very nice. 看起来很漂亮。  83.Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?  84.I thought you could do a better job. 我以为你的表现会更好。  85.It‘s time for us to say “No” to America. 是我们对美国说不的时候了。  86.The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。  87.It really depends on who is in charge. 那纯粹要看谁负责了。  88.It involves a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。  89.That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。  90.I didn‘t realize how much this meant to you. 我不知道这个对你的意义有这么大。  91.I didn‘t mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯你。  92.I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend. 我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。  93.May I have your attention., please? 请大家注意一下。  94.This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather. 这是个打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天气。  95.Thanks for taking me the movie. 谢谢你带我去看电影。  96.I am too tired to speak. 我累得说不出活来。  97.Would you tell me your phone number? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗?  98.Where did you learn to speak English? 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?  99.There is a TV show about AIDS on right now. 电视正在播放一个关于爱滋病的节目。  100.What do you think of his new job/ this magazine? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法如何?
2023-07-13 10:50:222


2023-07-13 10:50:311


2023-07-13 10:50:381


2023-07-13 10:50:4610

Tell Me What To Do 歌词

歌曲名:Tell Me What To Do歌手:Metro Station专辑:Metro StationMetro Station - Tell Me What To DoCome on, don"t feel this wayYou"re only gonna solve this for one dayYou wanna get highAnd then complainGirl, I only think of you always and foreverAnd foreverRemember when you just came outWhen everyone knew what you were all aboutYou faked your death and that was funBut girl, I think it"s just begunYou take another lineAnd you feel fine this timeAnd it goes like this, girlGirl, tell me what to doGirl, I"m so in love, whoaI"m so in love with you, you, youI"ll just stopRight around when things get badYou said thatAnd much has passedCome on now, this"ll be real fastDarling, I know you need the cashYeah, move like thatYeah, yeah, yeah, move like thatThe sky will clearYou say with easeYou leave real fast to get relievedYour heart was lockedI had the keyNow this disease won"t let us beYou take another lineAnd you feel fine this timeAnd it goes like this, girlGirl, tell me what to doGirl, I"m so in love, whoaI"m so in love with you, you, youCome on, girl, I need you(Just to try to break you)Everything about you(Makes me wanna leave you)Come on, girl, I need you(Just to try to break you)Everything about you(Makes me wanna leave you)Girl, tell me what to doGirl, I"m so in love, whoaI"m so in love with you, you, youGirl, tell me what to doGirl, I"m so in love, whoaI"m so in love with you, you, youLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!
2023-07-13 10:51:201

Seventeen Forever 歌词

歌曲名:Seventeen Forever歌手:Metro Station专辑:Metro StationMetro Station - Seventeen ForeverYou are young and so am IAnd this is wrongBut who am I to judge?You feel like heaven when we touchI guess for me this is enoughWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightYou are young and I was scaredYou"re wise beyond your yearsBut I don"t careAnd I can feel your heartbeatYou know exactly where to take meWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonight"Will you remember me?"You ask me as I leave"Remember what I said?"Oh, how could IOh, how could I forget?We"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightWe"re one mistake from being togetherBut let"s not ask why it"s not rightYou won"t be seventeen foreverAnd we can get away with this tonightLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!
2023-07-13 10:51:271

Metro Station的《California》 歌词

歌曲名:California歌手:Metro Station专辑:Metro StationMetro Station - CaliforniaIf I strum chords, would you sing a song with meIf I leave town would you leave along with meWe can fly away to outer spaceWe can find a way to leave this placeWe don"t need a map and you can throw your phone awayWe don"t wanna hear the things we know they"re gonna sayYou don"t trust yourself but girl trust in meDon"t look in the mirror the past you don"t wanna seeWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we leave our friends then we can be togetherWe can leave this town if only for the weatherI could drive and you could sleepWhile the radio collides to the sound of our heartbeatsWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaHynotized by the carbon monoxideWould turning back be a good ideaYour cigarette after cigaretteCannot help to calm your fearBut I"m still drivingJust keep sleepingWe"ll keep movingBut I"m not leaving no I"m not leavingWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaIf we drive all night we can make it by the morningAnd no one has to know if we decide to goWhat do you say we leave for CaliforniaLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with u!
2023-07-13 10:51:341


2023-07-13 10:51:4311


2023-07-13 10:52:0715


出国机场常用英语口语有如下:一、问路时常用的方位词East东、South南、West西、North北、Left左、Right右、Straighton往前直去、There那儿、Front前方、Back后方、Side侧旁、Before之前、After之后、First left/right第一个转左/右的路二、请问如何前往...Excuse me,How do I get to the.......?请问如何前往......?How do I get to the airport?请问如何前往机场?How do I get to the bus station?请问如何前往公车站?How do I get to the metro station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Metro乃欧洲常用字)How do I get to the subway station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(Subway乃北美洲常用字)How do I get to the underground station?请问如何前往地下铁路站?(underground乃英国常用字)
2023-07-13 10:52:331


metro是一个英语单词,作名词时意为“地铁,地铁系统;大城市”;作形容词时意为“大都会的,大城市的”。中文词源:metro 大都会,地铁缩写自metropolitan,大都会,大城市。用于口语指地铁。Metro 用法和例句:Surely , a comfortable metro does add to productive capacity .一条舒适的地铁毫无疑问能提高生产能力。The first is a long-delayed metro network .首先是拖延已久的地铁交通网。The metro "s rules are strictly enforced .地铁上规则的实施是严格而带强制性的。5-10minute Walk to a main metro station .到主要地铁站步行5-10分钟。He took the last metro back home .他乘坐最后一班地铁回家。
2023-07-13 10:52:551

metro怎么读 英语metro怎么读

1、metro英[u02c8metru0259u028a]美[u02c8metrou028a],n.地下铁路; 地铁; (尤指)巴黎地铁; 大城市,大都市(尤指德里、加尔各答、孟买或钦奈);adj.大都市的。 2、[例句]A metro station, sign, train.地下铁路的车站、标志、列车。
2023-07-13 10:53:021


2023-07-13 10:53:232


  电影插曲  I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow  When I Grow Up - The Pussycat Dolls  I Know What Boys Like - Vitamin C  Happy Birthday - Altered Images  Like Water - Elizaveta Khripounova  Be Ok - Ingrid Michaelson  Nocturne No. 2 In E Flat Major Op. 9, No. 2 ("Thoughts At Night") - Frederic Chopin  Boys - Ashlee Simpson  Baby Got Back - Anthony L. Ray  Like A Virgin - Tom Kelly and Billy Steinberg  Hey! Go! - Peter McEvilley  Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne  Sour Cherry - The Kills  Great DJ - Ting Tings  Shut Up And Let Me Go - Ting Tings  Better Than A Psychic - Mercedes  I Wanna (House Bunny Mix) – All-American Rejects  Half Dome Rock - Milo  Shake It - Metro Station  Hollywood"s On Fire - Sidh Solanki  New Soul - Yael Naim  Take A Bow - Rihanna  The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls  Think You Want It - Colette Marino  I"ll Run - Cab  I Know What Boys Like - Katharine McPhee  Original music for House Bunny - Waddy Wachtel
2023-07-13 10:53:301


关于郑州暴雨的英文报道如下:1、If the flooding didn"t come as a surprise,the scale of it certainly did.Two days after torrential rains struck the central Chinese province of Henan,the receding water has been revealing apocalyptic looking scenes.One four lane underpass in the provincial capital Zhengzhou resembles a sunken junkyard with vehicles piled on top of each other at odd angles.At least 33 people are now known to have died,many of them trapped on an underground commuter in Zhengzhou"s relatively new metro system more than 200,000 people are thought to have left their homes.2、I am standing outside an entrance to a metro station on line 2. Pretty much in the heart of the eastern chunk of Zhengzhou.Look,behind me,cars on the roads,people on bikes,there aren"t many traffic lights working and people working on the car are trying to do a great business this morning.But here in the center of the town,the rain has passed and it looks like a good day.Having said that we spent about an hour and a half driving around and on the outer edges of the city.There are still many overrun rivers,there are still localized flooding and we are hearing stories from people in towers without elevators.The biggest troubling remains what happens in this metro network.
2023-07-13 10:53:371

“麻烦一下”除了excuse me,还能怎么说?

麻烦借过一下 麻烦问一下吗 麻烦帮个忙 ...... 那么 麻烦一下 英语可以怎么说? 1 Could you please... 你能帮我......吗 例句: Could you please bring me the bag? 你能帮我把包带过来吗? 2 Would you be able to... 你可以.....吗 例句: Would you able to help me finish this task. 你可以帮我完成这项任务吗? 3 Sorry to bother you... 不好意思,麻烦一下...... (尤其是和陌生人) 例句: Sorry to bother you, but where is the nearest metro station? 很抱歉麻烦一下你,请问最近的地铁站在哪? 4 Do you mind help me with... 介意帮我......吗 例句: Do you mind help me with learning English? 你介意帮助我学习英语吗?
2023-07-13 10:54:021

why does the poet call the faces of pedestrians "apparition" in A Station of the Metro?

Pound attempts to convey the mystic qualities of the environment.The word "apparition" denotes something strange and unusual which appears out of nowhere.Pound may want to show that the faces in the crowd appear so suddenly as he steps in the Metro station and that the multitudinous faces are blurry.
2023-07-13 10:54:081


People"s Square is the biggest public square in Shanghai. It is an awesome area to visit while in Shanghai and it"s a great place to go and see how the people of Shanghai are. It is the city"s center of politics, economy, culture and art with a group of magnificent buildings like museum, the exhibition hall, and the grand theater. The crystal-like theater is especially beautiful at night with lights on. History:In concession days, together with People"s Park next door, it was a racecourse. After liberation in 1949, the northern part of the racecourse was built into today"s People Park and the southern part, into the People"s Square. Location:Located in downtown Shanghai, the People Square is the largest public square. Transportation:Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet. Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market. FountainIn the center of the square is a 320 sq. meter fountain,named the “Light of the Huangpu River”. It is the first giant music-synchronized "dancing" fountain in the country. Red, blue and yellow sculptures in the fountain portray a beautiful, glowing display, creating a grand sight for those who visit the area. There are two small squares beside the central square. The east square is called the Rising Sun Square; the west is called the Bright Moon Square. Transportation:Under the Square is a large central Metro station where the No.1 and 2 metro lines meet. Within the station itself are two modern marketplaces: one features popular stores from the Hong Kong, and the other is the Dimei underground market.
2023-07-13 10:54:171


station:英 [u02c8steu026au0283n]。复数:stations.第三人称单数:stations.现在分词:stationing.过去式:statione.power,station发电站;发电厂。railway,station火车站。hydropower station水电站。police station派出所;警察局;公安局。train station火车站。双语例句:Geographical Control Panel.按站场布置的控制盘。2.Analysis Of Actual Measurement Of Electromagnetic Environment Of Substations In Chongqing Area.重庆市典型变电站站场外工频电磁场实测分析。3.Investigation On Construction Technology And Security Of Underpassing Metro Station Crossing Railway Ground.地铁车站下穿铁路站场施工技术与安全性研究。4.Research On Protection Schemes For Railway Station In Shield Construction.盾构隧道下穿火车站站场保护方案的探讨。5.Specification For Computation Center Field.GB/T2887-1989计算站场地技术条件。
2023-07-13 10:54:251


this way please 这边请
2023-07-13 10:55:282


London Underground!NewYork SubWayParis MetroBeijing Di tie
2023-07-13 10:55:3910


  地铁是铁路运输的一种形式指在地下执行为主的城市轨道交通系统,即“地下铁道”或“地下铁”Subway,tube,underground的简称;那么,你知道地铁的英语怎么说吗?   地铁的英文释义:   metro   subway   underground   tube array   the underground   underground railway   地铁的英文例句:   他排队买了一张20便士的地铁车票。   He queued up to by his subway ticket of20 penny.   我经常乘地铁去上班。   I go to work on the tube.   几乎所有快速发展的城市的管理者们都认为他们需要有地铁或类似地铁的设施,如果建造地铁,或许2060年才能完工,而建造快速公交系统的话,2010年就可以使用了。   And bus rapid transit systems can be built more quickly.   大部分地铁车站都张贴有地铁路线图,以方便乘客。   Maps showing subway routes are posted at most stations for your convenience.   尤其对于深埋地铁车站,如何控制车站列车火灾是地铁设计过程中必需解决的科学问题之一。   How to control train fire is one of the important problems which must be resolved.   有一些甚至知道怎样搭地铁。   Some dogs even know how to take the metro.   昨天早晨我在在地铁丢的。   I lost it on the underground yesterday morning.   虽然修建地铁的   Though progress on the subway has not actually stopped.   地铁开动时要牢牢拉住皮环。   Hang on to the strap when the subway train starts.   这是我在地铁花一英镑买来的。   I obtained it for one pound in the underground.   他们急忙钻进地铁避雨。   They dived into the Underground to escape the rain.   地铁车站上列车进进出出,整天轰隆轰隆地响个不停。   Trains are thundering in and out all the time at a subway station.   当他走出地铁时,他暂时迷失了方向。   When he came up out of the subway,he was momentarily disoriented.   我想也是这样。乘地铁怎么样?   I guess so. How about the subway?   柜台职员:我想您可以乘地铁去那儿。   Clerk: You can go there by metro, I think.   我乘地铁的时候可以做任何事情。   I can do anything on the subway.   你能给我看下其他的地铁吗?   Jane: Can you show me other metros?   错过车站下车 :如果你的城市有地铁或公交系统,那么你要错过你要到的车站,在前一站或其后一站下车,然后从那里走过去。   Skip the stop: If your city has a subway or bus system, skip your stop and get off at the one after or before and then walk from there.   所以街上、建筑工地周围、地铁里、计程车后面等地方的公告栏或告示,对我来说就是一种抽象的语言。   So billboards and announcements in streets, around construction sites, insubways, in the back of cabs, ... speak to me in an abstract language.   这是我最喜欢的眼操之一,因为几乎随时随地都能做,我说几乎的意思就是,我无法想象在地铁上做这项眼操时周围会没有奇怪的表情看着我。   This is one of my favourite exercises as you can do it almost anywhere, I sayalmost as I couldn"t imagine doing it on the underground without getting strangelooks from those around me.   如果邻居也想使用地铁的话,通过这些墙上的壁龛,隧道可以延伸到他们那里去   When neighbors want to have metro too, through such niches in the walls thetunnel can be prolonged to them.   他建议我们从曼哈顿乘坐地铁去会议地点。   He suggested we ride the subway from Manhattan to the meeting.   伦敦地铁在1863年对外营业,这你也能说出。   The London Underground opened in 1863, and you can tell.   1986和2003但是,我开始拍摄这些照片的时候使用的是黑白胶片,所以在这本新书中有关地铁的照片也会非常的棒。   ["Subway," 1986 and 2003.] But I started in black and white, so there"s a whole passage in this new book with subway photographs that are equally good.   正在观看有关汽车或地铁爆炸的新闻故事的孩子可能会担心:“我会是下一个吗?   A child watching a news story about a bombing on a bus or a subway might worry, "Could I be next?   这可能会使一些人很惊讶,但是不是每一个地铁中的三明治都是节食的功臣。   This may e as a surprise to some, but not every sandwich at Subway is a dietary winner.   它甚至闻起来都很像真实地铁的气味。   It even *** ells like in the real metro.   我在地铁里碰巧遇见了一位老朋友。   I happened to meet an old friend on the subway.   我承认当我走在外面或坐在地铁里传送简讯息时有点不好意思,但有谁不这样做?   I admit that I have been guilty of sending text messages while walking outside orsitting on the subway. Who hasn"t?
2023-07-13 10:56:042


新华医院的电梯目前有三种报站方式 有咚咚咚咚xx楼到了xx楼到xx扶梯已运行启动请注意xxx安全xx拉好扶手xx安全
2023-07-13 10:56:408