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2023-07-13 11:33:57

provision 英[pru0259"vu026au0292n]


n. 规定,条项,条款;预备,准备,设备;供应,(一批)供应品;生活物...

vt.& vi. 为…提供所需物品(尤指食物)


[例句]An additional factor is the poor quality of data provision from germany.



provisions 条款,规定(provision的复数形式)



2023-07-13 09:46:123


意思:食品;预备,供应补给品;口粮 。规定是provision 的复数,多数用于规定这个意思,供应粮食是provision 的三单形式。provisions的咧句,也就是规定的意思咧句:Instead, the digital services tax is part of a much larger trend, with countries over the past few years proposing or putting in place an alphabet soup of new international tax provisions. 相反,数字服务税是一种更大趋势的一部分。各国在过去几年提出或实施了一系列新的国际税收规定。
2023-07-13 09:46:191

provision 这个单词最常用的是什么意思

provision英 [pru0259u02c8vu026au0292n] 美 [pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259n] 第三人称复数:provisionsprovision 基本解释名词规定,条项,条款; 预备,准备,设备; 供应,(一批)供应品; 生活物质,储备物资及物/不及物动词为…提供所需物品(尤指食物)
2023-07-13 09:46:391

pevision 什么意思

provision英音:[prə"viʒən]美音:[prə"vɪʒən] 解释名词 n. 1.供应[U][(+of)]Provision of shelter was their main concern for the disaster victims. 为灾民提供避难处是他们主要关心的事。 2.预备;防备[U][(+for/against)]He did not make any provision for his children"s education. 他没为孩子的教育作任何准备。 3.食物;粮食;给养[P]Provisions were kept in the storehouse. 食品放在仓库里。 4.规定;条款[C][+(that)]According to the provisions of this agreement, you must continue to work for them another two years. 按照协议的规定,你必须再为他们工作二年。 及物动词 vt. 1.向...供应粮食(或必需品等)[(+for)]
2023-07-13 09:46:471


会计里面的Accrual和Provision区别:1、provision是条款、规定的意思;accruals 是权责发生制的意思。2、accrual for XXX:待摊某某费用(费用已发生,分期摊销)provision for XXX:预提某某费用(预计可能发生的费用或负债)3、eg: Accrual audit fee :待摊费用审计费(很多公司审计费用很高,都是分期摊销的)Provision for doubtful debts:计提坏账准备
2023-07-13 09:47:067


Provision 是准备金的意思.指公司未来有指出或亏损时预先估算列入账目的资金。Provisionfor impairment of fixed assets就是固定资产减值准备,属于资产的抵减项目,不是负债项。提取减值准备会影响当期利润,进而影响可供分配的利润,但只是通过净利润间接影响,在利润分配中没有直接体现.
2023-07-13 09:47:222


Darkness food黑暗料理本指黑暗料理界所做的料理(并不是难吃的料理),最早出自日本动漫《中华小当家》。经网民引申之后,黑暗料理既可以说是街边卫生状况一般、经营到很晚的小吃摊大排档,也可以形容由初学者或者厨艺一般的人做出的卖相非常令人难以接受的菜品和食物。后者是一种幽默的自嘲说法。目前还特指某些材料或做法特别常人无法下咽的食物。
2023-07-13 09:47:431


2023-07-13 09:48:033


predicted liability -----预计负债provisions这个词n. 供应; 防备; 预备; 食物v. 向...供应粮食
2023-07-13 09:48:121


刚刚我姐夫手机多出一大堆软件,叫我帮他看看,我排除之后发现是provisions这个软件。然后好奇搜了一下想看它什么来头。嗯来头看样子很大。首先要打开设备管理器,取消这个软件的权限。一般安卓打开设备管理器的方法是长按home 键,然后一般是左边那个。取消权限之后就可以卸载了。不过,这个软件很有可能已经窃取了你的很多信息。以后上网一定要注意啊!这个软件不光会激活设备管理最高权限,还会弹出垃圾软件下载页面,无论你点哪里都会下载。只有点x。
2023-07-13 09:48:201


  计提的备抵项目都可以叫provision,是一种泛泛的说法,涉及到具体科目的减值准备,习惯上还有不同的表示,例如allowance、impairment,write-off是指实际注销了、write-down泛指降低账面价值。  有帮助记得采纳,谢谢!
2023-07-13 09:48:292


spicy food
2023-07-13 09:48:496


provision (n.) late 14c., "a providing beforehand, action of arranging in advance" (originally in reference to ecclesiastical appointments made before the position was vacant), from Old Frenchprovision "precaution, care" (early 14c.), from Latin provisionem (nominative provisio) "a foreseeing, foresight, preparation, prevention," noun of action from past participle stem ofprovidere "look ahead" (see provide). Meaning "something provided" is attested from late 15c.; specific sense of "supply of food" is from c. 1600.provideearly 15c., from L. providere "look ahead, prepare, supply," from pro- "ahead" + videre "to see" (see vision). 希望你能看懂
2023-07-13 09:49:201

provisions for liabilities and charges是什么意思

provisions for liabilities and charges对于负债和费用的规定很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问
2023-07-13 09:49:282


Provisions of the documentation requirements, the methods provided
2023-07-13 09:49:375

On the overturned provisions the majority held the congre

On the overturned provisions the majority held the congre 在推翻规定举行国会多数重点词汇释义overturned翻倒( overturn的过去式和过去分词 ); 使垮台,推翻; 撤销provisions规定; 供应( provision的名词复数 ); 准备; 食物和饮料majority多数; 票数; 成年; 法定年龄held举行; 拿( hold的过去式和过去分词 ); 保留
2023-07-13 09:49:542

英语to provision resources怎么翻译?

英语to provision resources怎么翻译?该短语的意思是提供货源,这里resources为resource复数provision :n. 提供,供应;准备,预备;(尤指为旅行准备的)食物,必需品(provisions);条款,规定;赡养,供养;(机构账户上为已知负债,尤指坏账或资产价值缩减,从利润中留出的)准备金;<史>神职委任(尤指教皇对尚未缺额神职的预先委任)v. 为……提供所需物品(尤指食物);(为已知债务)留出准备金resource :n. 自然资源;资源(指钱、物、人等);有助于实现目标的东西,资料;(对付困境所需的)个人素质(resources);(逆境中的)出路,应付办法;<正式> 谋略,智谋v. 向……提供资金(或设备)
2023-07-13 09:50:131

会计provisions and contigencies什么意思

首先纠正一下,是contingencies。直接看的话是准备金及或有事项的意思,不过我没见过这个。建议看一看IAS,里面有provisions和contingencies 的解释
2023-07-13 09:50:351


Les provisions correspondent à des pertes ou des charges simplement prévisibles :la constitution de provisions est donc une application du principe de prudence. Les provisions se distinguent donc des amortissements dans la mesure où lorsque le comptableamortit, il ne fait que constater des pertes eectivement subies par l"entreprise, à la dié-rence des provisions qui sont des pertes potentielles.le calcul des provisions pour dépréciations fait partie des travaux de fin d"exercice. On a : provision pour stocks ( le plan comptable n° 39....) , provision pour créances ( n° 49....) , provision pour titires.
2023-07-13 09:50:422

The provisions of the forever

provisions 是 provide 的派生名词复数,意思是 “供应品/生活物质”, forever 用作名词表示很长的一段时间,the provisions of the forever 意思就是 “长期储备的生活物质”。
2023-07-13 09:50:511

catchall provisions 怎么翻译?

有多种翻译,不过意思是一样,就是总括性的条款,包含一切的条款。1)第17(d)条作为有关利益冲突的【“全能性”条款】,(“catch-all”provision),并非自我执行条款(self executing provision),亦没有禁止任何特定行为2)【兜底条款或规定】是“catch-all”provision3)【包罗条款】): [bāo luó tiáo kuǎn]. catch-all provision4)警察职权行使法第二八条第一项作为警察法上之【概括条款】
2023-07-13 09:50:591

provisions for liabilities and charges是什么?

2023-07-13 09:51:095


2023-07-13 09:51:593


是否所有员工的准备金和应计费用(包括任何遗留的准备金)都要准确地记入总分类帐吗? leave 这里不作休假讲,是遗留,留下的意思
2023-07-13 09:52:154

雅思6-P29-Q40 填空题 :_____ produce is particularly ex

先翻译一遍:Nunavut本地商店内的供应物资必须通过全球范围内最贵的航空运输网路之一空运过来,或者在夏天少数几周海面不结冰时通过供应船运过来。因而当地家庭如果全年购买进口肉类代替通过自己打猎获取肉食要多花费7000英镑。上下两句并无维和感啊,前因后果,文字重心在第二句。运输很困难,所以如果替换需要多花费。available provisions=可获得的供应物资,感觉有一个问题,如果本地居民通过狩猎得到的肉类也可以作为available provision,而且价格可能不会很expensive。而imported provisions只能是外地运输过来的,这个一定会expensive了。
2023-07-13 09:52:281


2023-07-13 09:52:522

accruals and provisions是什么意思

应计和预提 (款项)
2023-07-13 09:53:001


Any references,express or implied,to statutes or statutory provisions shall be construed as references to those statutes or provisions as respectively amended or re-enacted or as their application is modified by other provisions (whether before or after the date hereof) from time to time and shall include any statutes or provisions of which they are re-enactments (whether with or without modification) and any orders,rules,regulations,instruments or other subordinate legislation under the relevant statute or statutory provision.References to sections of consolidating legislation shall,wherever necessary or appropriate in the context, be construed as including references to the sections of the previous legislation from which the consolidating legislation has been prepared.
2023-07-13 09:53:071


provisions n. 规定; 供应( provision的名词复数 ); 准备; 食物和饮料; [例句]Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.双方都应按照协议条款办事。[其他] 原型: provision
2023-07-13 09:53:251


provisions n. 规定; 供应( provision的名词复数 ); 准备; 食物和饮料; [例句]Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.双方都应按照协议条款办事。[其他] 原型: provision
2023-07-13 09:53:331


provision 英[pru0259"vu026au0292n] 美[pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259n] n. 规定,条项,条款;预备,准备,设备;供应,(一批)供应品;生活物... vt.& vi. 为…提供所需物品(尤指食物) 名词复数:provisions [例句]An additional factor is the poor quality of data provision from germany.另外一个原因是德国提供数据的质量太差。
2023-07-13 09:53:401


"Provide" 和 "provision" 都可以用作动词,但它们的用法略有不同。"Provide" 是一个常见的动词,意为提供、供给、提供信息等。例如:The company provides excellent customer service. (公司提供优质的客户服务。)Can you provide me with your contact information? (你能提供给我你的联系方式吗?)"Provision" 作为动词时,意思是为...做准备、为...预先安排好、提供所需的资源等。例如:The hotel provisions each room with complimentary toiletries. (这家酒店为每个房间提供免费的洗漱用品。)The government has provisioned funds for the new project. (政府已为这个新项目提供资金。)总体来说,"provide" 强调提供或提供信息,而 "provision" 则强调准备或提供资源。
2023-07-13 09:53:482

请教会计达人~~provisions in the accounts怎么解释?(20分)

更新1: 我想知道它的definition,例如provisions是什么、有什么例子、为什么公司的accounts要有provisions等等... ,Provision 是拨备金, 因prudent concept & fair view 才会做一些provision 令account amount 会合理些. Example of provision is: Provision of Bad & Doubtful Debts, Provision of impairment loss, Provison of contingent liabilities. 如 Provision of bad debts 是巳预期到某些debtor不会还款, 而做拨备令AR 会合理些.,可以详细解释一下吗?我不是要它的中译...,每间组织有会计的调整准备金,参考: ME,
2023-07-13 09:53:541

什么是 “stop clock” provisions?

2023-07-13 09:54:021


short-term provisions短期规定provisionsn.规定; 供应( provision的名词复数 ); 准备; 食物和饮料; 例句:1.But a new deal is likely to have similar provisions. 但新的协议可能会包含类似的条款。
2023-07-13 09:54:091


2023-07-13 09:54:192


2023-07-13 09:54:414


库存 规定: 清单规定是计算每个部分手头年存货。这项规定是在股票计算每个部分根据使用量/销售的一部分,下面的汇率为准。 最多一年的供应没有规定 1-2年25% 2-3年50% 3-4年75% 4年多的100% 管理人员可重写的偏差充分支持这一机械方式。如果这种机械的管理方法是不可能使其提供的最佳估计为基础上的股票知识。不到10%的股票在这种情况下提供。 异地存货:商品是不是在现场设施的详细资料记录,所有库存股票在确认走。 固定资产 不到500美元购买的全部资产支出在他们购买的时期。超过1元,使用寿命大于1年的政策规定与豪迈资本500购买的资产。 2007年4月1日以后购置的固定资产,资产折旧如下: 厂房及机器(新)8% 厂房及机器(使用)20% 家具及装置10% 电脑设备,桌面33.3% 笔记本电脑外围设备,服务器 其他电脑设备20% 软件20% 汽车20% 模具寿命短33% 资产是资本的基础上,收购的实际日期,并采用直线折旧法。每月折旧计算,并张贴到总帐。所有接受的成本计入资产价值的资本化,包括运费,税金。 应收账款 黄清霞已实施与豪迈根据其外交政策的应收账款信用保险。与目的地以外的所有货物进行检讨美国每日足够的保险和信贷限额。 正常的信贷条件是净30,出厂达尼丁虽然是例外的。所有帐户的年龄和审查帐目,逾期每日奉行一旦逾期1天。客户未能及时付款的信用放在把握和需要偿还的余额部分,预付任何新订单。客户继续拖欠交给一个收藏机构。举行了关于信贷帐户摘要分发给销售人员,每月的基础。 信用票据被复制到应收账目审查部门,并由无论是销售的副总裁或主席批准。
2023-07-13 09:54:481


Reply to the issue of exemption of business tax of XX company XX company, We refer to your application on free business tax. After investigations, we make a reply as follows: According to the provisions of <Notice on imprving the employment from the State Council> and <Notice on the policy of tax issue of laid off workers"s reemployment from Ministry of Finance>, your company"s business tax and additional tax totaled 229961.33 Yuan from Jan 2007 to Dec 2007 has been exempted.
2023-07-13 09:54:573

翻译 求助

2023-07-13 09:55:072

英语语法 求

The guideline also stipulates that 括号里是宾语从句 (whoever deliberately causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim utilizing (补充说明怎么causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim的) the victim"s violation of provisions on road passage, which meets the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, 前面都是宾语从句的主语 shall be punished as the crime of extortion by blackmail.)
2023-07-13 09:55:166


一旦本合同包括的一条或多条条款,不管任何原因,在任何方面,被认定无效,非法,或不可强制履行的, 这种无效和非法不应影响本协议的其他条款,如果必须删除这些对于试用法规来说无效,非法和不可强制履行的条款才能应用,应首先缩减,限制或消灭这些无效,非法和不可强制履行的条款,并且合同应该按照未包含这些无效、非法和不可强制履行的章节来解释和执行,
2023-07-13 09:55:321

中译英 200分 追加70分 要求语法正确 谢谢老师! 网站翻译的,机器翻译的不要,谢谢!

Brief Summary As a part of the society,family is a kin group which is formed by marriage,blood relationship and collective life.Marriage is a combination between two genders which is acknowledged by the social system.Buliding an energetic and harmonious family through marriage has a great influence on ensuring and promoting the healthy and stable development of the society.Getting married means the establishment of marriage.It is an important civil legal act that establishes a conjugal relation according to the legal conditions and procedures .A marriage must comply with legal conditions and procedures,or it will be seen as an invalid or revocable civil act.An establishedd marriage may not be valid,whereas a valid marriage must be legal.Marriage is a lawful combination between two genders for purpose of a lasting collective life conditioned by rights and obligations.If an established marriage does not have the valid document demanded by law,it will be seen as an invalid or revocable marriage.Therefore, every marriage act should be regulated by legal conditions and procedures to ensure the quality and health of marriage. There is a breakthrough of our country"s Marriage Law,and this article will discuss some basic ideas anout invalid and revocable marriage.key words:invalid marriage,revocable marraige,legal consequence,legal sense(纯手工翻译,考虑到中文语言比较正式,所以专有名词与语法结构已做考量,但毕竟能力有限,如有不足之处请谅解)
2023-07-13 09:55:447


摘 要: 本文就中文法律行文简洁、明了、言简意赅的特点,探讨 中译英时应 遵循 “重神似不重形似”原则的重要性,用实例印证,指出对中文法律用语深层次的理解是做好法律翻译、保证 译入语 准确的关键。 关键词: 重神似;法律翻译; 译入语 Abstract: On the basis of an analytical observation of a series of sample translations, this article discusses how the principle of “seeking agreement in essence, not in form” is to be applied to the translation of legal documents from Chinese into English. This principle originates in the linguistic characteristics of Chinese legal documents; and guarantees the fidelity of translation and the acceptance of target texts. Key words: principle, legal documents, target texts 随着我国改革开放的进一步深化和世贸组织的加入,以及全球经济一体化进程的加快,全球范围内的各领域的国际交往,如政治、经济、科技、学术等领域的国际合作日趋频繁。而确定上述各种合作的法律形式,如合同、协议、公告、宣言、条约及各种国际法规等法律文件的翻译,势必成为国际间交往、合作的重要环节。 从文体学来讲法律文件是属于公文文体。与其它文体翻译,如文学翻译,新闻翻译一样,做好法律文件的翻译最重要的一点是要遵循翻译的基本原则,在翻译理论的指导下进行翻译实践。我们在探讨研究法律文件的翻译时,应研究我国翻译界前辈创立的翻译理论。我们的前辈创立了一整套的翻译理论:从严复的“信、达、雅”,林语堂的“忠实、通顺、美”,到傅雷的“重神似不重形似”和钱钟书的“化”境,都强调了做好两种语言转换应遵守的重要原则,是我们进行法律文件翻译时要牢记的。由于中文法律行文简洁、明了,言简意赅,在翻译时更要强调“重神似不重形似”。翻译的关键在于理解,读懂原文,理解句子中用词的深层含义,然后如何做好进行语言的转换,做好从原语转换 到译入语 , 法律文件翻译是法律语言的转换,要做到 译入语 准确无误地表达原语的真正含义,无论在用词上及句子结构上都必须做到的“信”、“忠实”。为了体现法律文件的权威性,保证 译入语 不走样,只有对原语中的字面含义进行 语内译 ,把深层的含义译出,才能进入“重神似不重形似”的境界。 做好法律文件的中译英,对中文的法律用词的理解是关键,不从深层次上去理解,必然会导致译文的不准确,或意思不完整,这就是“重神似”在翻译过程中的具体体现。在对原文用词的深层含义的理解基础上,选择正确的法律语言词汇。我们的准则是: 重理解 原语,正确选好 译入语 。 1 .关于 “国家有关规定” 的译法: 进行法律文件的 中译英时 ,我们常常遇到这样的词语:“应当符合国家有关规定”、“依照国家有关税收的规定”、“ 依照国家外汇管理规定”等等中“国家有关规定”,如按字面“形”的含义译出,译成“ the relevant state provisions ”或“ the relevant provisions of the state ”显然不正确,没有把深层含义译出。按照牛津高阶英汉双解词典的定义, provision 〔 C 〕意为 condition or stipulation in a legal document ,比如:“根据协议的规定”可译成:“ under the provisions of the agreement ”。上面“国家有关规定” 译成“ the relevant state provisions ”,把国家与法律文件( a legal document )等同起来显然不妥。那么,“国家有关规定”应怎么理解才能使译文符合原文的含义?首先,我们应清楚,“国家法规”应包括两大部分,即由全国人民代表大会发布的法律 (laws) 和由国务院及国务院有关部门发布的行政法规 (regulations) 。故“国家有关规定”一般应理解为“国家颁发的有关法律、法规的规定”,译成 : “ the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations issued by the state ”。然而,“国家有关规定”已成了“国家有关部门的规定”的习惯用语,因此,应译成:“ the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the state ”。这样就把“国家有关规定”的“神似”的含义译出来了。 例 1 : 原文:公司名称应符合国家有关规定。 原译文: A company"s name shall be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the State. Notes: 按上面的“重神似”的原则,原文“国家有关规定”应译成: the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State 。 参考译文: A company " s name shall be in conformity with the provisions of the relevant regulations issued by the State. 。 例 2 : 原文:“外资企业依照国家有关税收的规定纳税并可以享受减税、免税的优惠待遇。” 原译文: “ Enterprises with foreign capital shall pay taxes in accordance with relevant state provisions for tax payment, and may enjoy preferential treatment for reduction of or exemption from taxes.”
2023-07-13 09:56:101


2023-07-13 09:56:182

tax provisions 什么意思?

税务条款tax provisions税款准备金tax provision
2023-07-13 09:56:251

over provision 是什么意思

over provision的中文翻译over provision 超过规定provision 英[pru0259u02c8vu026au0292n] 美[pru0259u02c8vu026au0292u0259n] n. 规定,条项,条款; 预备,准备,设备; 供应,(一批)供应品; 生活物质,储备物资; vt. 为…提供所需物品(尤指食物); [例句]The department is responsible for the provision of residential care services.该部门负责提供家庭护理服务。[其他] 复数:provisions
2023-07-13 09:56:321


请看本人手工精准翻译: International nurse association thinks that nursing is to help healthy person or diseased man keep or restore health,to prevent disease or to contribute to peaceful death. In 1965, the "international law of ethical care " stipulates: the nurse"s only task is to help the patient restore their health, help to improve the health level of healthy people. 1973 " ethical rules of international nurse" first sets the basic task of the nurse to have four aspects: promoting health, preventing disease, restoring health, alleviating the pain. According to the modern nursing point of view, the development of nursing is divided into three periods, one, the stage that diseases are the center, two, the stage that the patients are the center, three, the stage that people"s health is the center. First of all, are the above provisions and tasks similarly belong to medical task and dividing method? Among them what provisions can show the distinctive connotation of care? Are the care and medical task the same? In addition, from the above provisions and stipulatiohns we can see that the object can be patient and sub-healthy person. "Nurse and patient" relationship is the main relationship in the nursing ethics. Then, do the elderly,mother and infant belong to the object of care? Have those who engages in maternal and infant care and elderly care not been ruled out of the nursing subjects?
2023-07-13 09:56:423


2023-07-13 09:56:502


Over the operating range of business license with a permit to operate, within the period of validity, the country has special provisions of the franchise by regulations
2023-07-13 09:57:194