barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:38:50


第一句:Let us all contribute to a successful, and exceptionally run world event.

简化句子就能看出成分:Let us contribute to a world event. 形容词successful和过去分词词组exceptionally run修饰world event. 不定冠词对应event.

第二个问题:This picture demonstrates one of the basic theories of philosophy:a coin seen from the front appears to the viewer as a circle.


This picture demonstrates one of the basic theories of philosophy:a coin (which is) seen from the front appears to the viewer as a circle.

这里也谈不上省略,是过去分词词组充当定语。可以使用which/that引导的定语从句来表示,如上文补充。句子分析简单模型可以这样来看: "a coin [ ] appears ( ) as < >.



一 这句话原本有问题,应该是a success或a successful+名词,作名词成分

二 省略了谓语 是作后置定语





demonstratesv.论证; 显示; 举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的第三人称单数 ); 示范。展示; 双语例句 1Everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility.他笔下的一切都显示出他深深的感悟。2As Wei "s stunning resignation yesterday demonstrates, it" s not.正如卫哲日前让人震惊的辞职行动所表明的,此事其实非同小可。
2023-01-03 07:59:263


1. 示范,2. 游行示威,3. 表现,表露。
2023-01-03 07:59:374


证明双语对照词典结果:demonstrate[英]["demənstreɪt][美][ˈdɛmənˌstret]vt.证明,证实; 论证; 显示,展示; 演示,说明; vi.示威游行; 第三人称单数:demonstrates过去分词:demonstrated现在进行时:demonstrating过去式:demonstrated很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-01-03 07:59:511


释义:vt.证明;展示;论证vi.示威变形:第三人称单数demonstrates、现在分词demonstrating、过去式demonstrated、过去分词demonstrated短语:emonstrate-show 证明;显示;证实demonstrate their skills 展示技能词语辨析:certify, demonstrate, prove, testify, establish这组词都有“证明、证实”的意思,其区别是:certify 较正式用词,多指有签字盖章的、合符法律程序的书面证明。demonstrate 指通过推理、辩论、实验或以实例来证明事物的正确与否。常用于理论、学说、定律等的证明上。prove 普通用词,指通过某种手段或方式提供证据以证实或证明某事物真实与否,某结论正确与否等情况。testify 较正式用词,既指出庭作证,提供证据,又指为某人或某事的是否真实提供证据或证明。establish 指证实事实或理论的真实性与正确性,使其能长期存在或为人们所接受。
2023-01-03 07:59:571


2023-01-03 08:00:083


2023-01-03 08:00:203


demonstratevt.证明,证实;论证;显示,展示;演示,说明vi.示威游行;变形过去式:demonstrated过去分词:demonstrated现在分词:demonstrating第三人称单数:demonstrates双语释义v.(动词)vi. 示威protestvt. 证明; 演示 show clearly by giving proofs or examples双语例句用作及物动词(vt.)How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true?你怎样才能向我们证明你所说的属实呢?Realized benefits demonstrate good practice.已实现的利益证明好的实践。You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer.你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。The students are demonstrating a chemical law in the laboratory.学生们正在实验室里演示一条化学定理。In addition, the tutor will also demonstrate the basic techniques used in ink painting.透过导师示范,长者即场学习绘画中国水墨画入门基础技巧。
2023-01-03 08:00:311


demonstrate翻译:证明。读音:英[ˈdemənstreɪt]、美[ˈdemənstreɪt]。释义:vt. 证明;展示;论证vi. 示威变形:过去式 demonstrated、过去分词 demonstrated、现在分词 demonstrating、第三人称单数 demonstrates。同近义词:prove/give evidence ofvt. 证明;展示;论证demonstrate造句如下:1、The students were persuaded by the agitators to demonstrate.这些学生们是被煽动者说服参加示威的。2、His decision demonstrates his strategic foresight.他的决策展现出了他在战略上的远瞻性。3、We have collected some evidence to demonstrate the innocence of this girl.我们收集了一些证据来证明这个女孩的清白。4、You need to demonstrate how to use the equipment.你需要演示如何使用这种设备。5、In this video, we will demonstrate how to use supplements to build more muscle.在这个视频中,我们会展示如何使用营养品帮你练更多肌肉。
2023-01-03 08:00:521


demonstrates的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[ˈdemənstreɪt]美语音标:[ˈdemənstreɪt]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译vt.证明;演示;示范vi.示威单词例句用作及物动词 (vt.)How can you demonstrate to us that your story is true? 你怎样才能向我们证明你所说的属实呢?Realized benefits demonstrate good practice. 已实现的利益证明好的实践。You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer. 你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。Your jump posture is not right. Let me demonstrate it for you. 你跳的姿势不对,我来示范一下。In addition, the tutor will also demonstrate the basic techniques used in ink painting. 透过导师示范,长者即场学习绘画中国水墨画入门基础技巧。用作不及物动词 (vi.)The workers marched through the streets with flags and banners to demonstrate against the rising cost of living . 工人们在街上游行,手执旗帜示威抗议生活费用的高涨。They demonstrated for lower taxes. 他们游行示威要求减税。语法用法v.(动词)demonstrate的基本意思是“显示”,指以一种行为或外部迹象显示某种感情或性质,如“示威”等。demonstrate还可作“证明”“演示”解,指以诸如证据、理由、实验等适当的方式作出令人信服的结论。demonstrate用作及物动词时可接名词(多为抽象名词)或that从句作宾语。demonstrate还可用作不及物动词,意为“示威”。
2023-01-03 08:01:041


2023-01-03 08:01:102

this alone demonstrates应翻译为“这仅仅表明”还是“仅此足以表明”

2023-01-03 08:01:221


 human life            人生(283)人类生活(295)人类生命(99)  人生        Road:An Interpretation of the Loneliness of Human Life        《路》:诠释人生的孤独    短句来源        Pathetic World : to the Humanitarianism Concern ofthe Society and Human Life        《悲惨世界》:对社会与人生的人道主义关怀    短句来源        Special Elaboration of Supreme Ideal of Human Life ——Comments on the Image and Significance of Mrs. Lamasay in the Novel of "To the Lighthouse        对人生终极理想的独特表述——论《到灯塔去》中拉姆齐夫人的形象及其意义    短句来源      Perplexity of human life: On the theme of Singer"s "The Third One  困惑的人生——辛格作品《第三者》的主题探析  短句来源  His works closely connected with his time, society and human life.  钱钟书是中国三、四十年代著名的知识分子作家,他的著作显示出与时代、社会、人生的密切关系。  短句来源  更多  人类生活  First, the absurd theme of the play is used to reflect the meaningless of human life.  首先,本剧的荒诞主题是用来反映人类生活的毫无意义。  短句来源  Comparing the play with the reality, we can find the painful waiting not only exists in the play, but also constitutes the basic part of human life.  如果我们把剧本与现实相比较,我们就会发现痛苦的等待不仅存在于剧中,也构成了人类生活的基本成分。  短句来源  Exploring the entire cycle of human life in a spiritual context, her novels have obtained universal significance.  她的小说由于从精神层面探讨人类生活而具有了普遍的现实意义。  短句来源  Bellow attempts to discover, through his fiction and his characters, the pattern and meaning of human life, the spiritual crisis that modern man suffers in an impersonal and mechanized urban world.  借助其作品及人物,贝娄分析了现代人在冷漠、机械的城市生活中所承受的精神压力,并试图洞察现代社会中人类生活的模式与意义。  短句来源  She thinks highly of this kind of writers like Tolstoy who have deeply analyzed the human life and pointed out a way of salvation with moral enthusiasm.  她赞许托尔斯泰那样对人类生活予以深刻分析又能给出拯救之途饱含道德热情的作家。  短句来源  更多  人类生命  By profound moral significance, minute psychological descriptions and unique narrative techniques, Conrad passes his judgments on the human life and the contradiction of human nature in the plot which is not so complicated.  在这部作品中,康拉德融入了深刻的道德寓意,细腻的心理描写及独特的叙述手法,在并不复杂的情节中包含着对人性的矛盾,人类生命的评判。  短句来源  As concentrated embodiments of the understanding of the essence of human life by poetsof both the East and the West , The Waste la7id and Six-Sitting are reflections of man " s experi-ence and pursuit of the ultimate mysteries of human life and his longing for the eternality and uni-versality of the art of poetry.  《荒原》和《坐六》作为东西方诗人对人生本质把握的集中体现,反映了人类生命至奥的体验和追求,对诗歌艺术永恒与世界性的向往。  短句来源  Stango"s persistent struggle against the mighty force of nature reveals the potential of human life,which,on the one hand,represents Heminway"s “graceful manner under the heavy burden” and demonstrates Hemingway"s sense of life on the other.  桑提亚哥面对强大的自然力顽强坚持奋斗 ,这揭示了人类生命的潜力 ,表现了海明威式的“重压下的优雅风度”,也展示了海明威的生命意识。  短句来源  With its distinctive style of narration and the overall atmospherecreated by varied images and symbols,the novel expresses Conrad"s existential evaluation of human life and philosophical exploration into the ultimate meaning of human existence.  作者康拉德多方位地阐释了自己对生命涵义的深刻理解 ,表达了自己对人类生命的存在主义评判和对人类存在的终极意义的探求。  短句来源  However,they are essentially the same in that they both fused the personal life and the human life in their meditation of trying to go beyond death.  然而,他们又存在本质的一致,那就是他们在试图越超死的沉思中都将个体的生命与人类生命融为一体。  短句来源  人的生命  A Farewell to Arms is a war novel, not in the sense that it glorifies the war, but as it is known, it describes the cruelty, madness of the war which deprives human life and happiness.  《永别了,武器》是一篇战争题材的小说。 作品并未粉饰战争,而是描述了剥夺了人的生命和幸福的战争的残酷和疯狂。  短句来源  Gustave Flaubert holds that what is physical and bodily cannot be eternal; therefore, human life is in essence nihilisticand agonizing.  福楼拜认为,物质的、肉身的东西是不能永恒的,而人是物质的、肉身的,因此,人的生命在本质上是虚无的与痛苦的。  短句来源  And his literary creation, with a cultural and philosphical interpreatation of the value andmeaning of human life, posseses contemporary cultural implications.  他的创作从文化哲学的高度阐释人的生命本体的价值与意义,具有现代文化意蕴。  短句来源  Both Alive by YU Hua(1992) and The Fate of Human by Sholokhov(1956) show great concern about the existence of human life. However, their degrees of the concern about tribulation consciousness are different.  余华的《活着》(1992年)与肖洛霍夫的《人的命运》(1956年)都非常关注人的生命存在,但他们对苦难意识的挖掘深度不同。     
2023-01-03 08:01:281


就为了要分 主谓搭配 都弄不清
2023-01-03 08:01:346

the investigation demonstrates that his enemies

2023-01-03 08:01:561


2023-01-03 08:02:037


主语the ever increasing attraction谓语demonstrates 状语determined to be a success in business定语of under graduate courses in business studies
2023-01-03 08:02:282


2023-01-03 08:02:362


2023-01-03 08:02:454


6结论本文作者介绍了新概念的制造平台,以支持一项普遍的数控制造。数据模型的整体架构平台和支持执行一起提出了一个原型。在演示中的原型实现消除对供应商的特定信息化改造需要的平台的功能。虽然目前的原型是在范围有限的变换,它可以扩展以支持其他的制造工艺,CAD / CAM系统和非基于特征的组件定义。一个标准化的制造方法资源能力为代表的也是必要全面的制造平台的全面实施的。该平台的补充,数控制造系统兼容的STEP - NC的标准扩展其数据模型来支持非步骤。它可以被用来herefore增加- NC的商业吸引力的步骤。示范突出的特点为基础的可能性能提升,并节省资源信息平台制造的零时间切换此基础上可以迁移beachieved由后处理器的标准化知识。
2023-01-03 08:02:591


2023-01-03 08:03:053


我爱中国 ! 每次我看到了国家的标志,看到党的旗帜,我控制热眼泪充填眼。 目前,各行业和中央党委员会,勤奋,围绕行业的劳动人民紧密团结取得了巨大的进步。 虽然在未改革之前错过了一些发展机会但改革开放政策以来,中国的成就引起全世界注意。 我们看到,在困难中的国家发展。 虽然有过多的错误,但每一次错误后我们可以看到中央委员会有坚定决心完成这件事。 并从西部到东部除了个别极端赤贫发生,其中没有震撼全球贫困 ! 区域的老百姓有了他们的土地,这不是只想要而不敢认为。农民种田热情极高。 特别农村中年的人和老人。 他们可以根据村庄干部的主动性,不断地试图,种植每种经济作物,庄稼是好 年轻的人可能不再耕种, 北去或去南方,1 个月还会使赚百元不等。 在原处的孩子去小学和中学积极。 在未来几年里将取消农业税、 农民负担不会承担旧社会压制性的税,现在的日子要好很多。 工人阶级也管理一个家庭已采取责任,他们可能会选择人谁从候选自己最可信赖,导致他们的企业。 在国企改革潮,临时地结束岗哨职责的工作者能主要获得适当的补贴,保障他们的生活。 党和国家关心所有人。 改革劳动痛总是会有。 必须相信未来。 这些公务员都热爱市民、 全心全意为人民。这些公仆致力于公众,真心实意地是人民。 因为专门研究,因此卓越,他们的领导是卓著的,许多干部有许多年工作经验。社会大环境是好,司法是公平的,总检查员是高效率的,邪恶的人,并且恶行也许总是受到惩戒。 社会的快速发展,到处展示了社会主义优势。 带领人民,一起以自己方式发展。 虽然多发展资本主义与美国类似,但英国法国德国等等是通过掠夺开发,美国也是通过使战争财富发展。 但我们,是发展取决于我们国家工作人员的汗水和鲜血 ! 我们相信一个的一天我们会超过他们。 向世界人民优势展示社会主义。 什么原因是否不需要加油? 什么原因有没有信心呢? 让我们团结在中央党委周边的实现中华民族的伟大复兴奋斗 !
2023-01-03 08:03:202

carefully of the sting

1、Each(主语) is brought to(谓语) the ring(宾语) and(连词) allowed to attack(谓语) a picador(宾语) who pricks them with a lance. is不多余,它是被动语态谓语动词的一部分.这句话等于说Each is brought and each is allowed,两个被动语态动词通过and连接起来. 2、The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to number of times he demonstrates willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. 句子主干很简单,是The bravery(主语) is rated(谓语),意为“英勇程度被评级”.介词短语of each bull作定语修饰bravery.介词短语with care修饰动词is rated,意为carefully. according to 直到结尾是介词短语作状语,修饰动词is rated. number of times是数量名词结构作状语,修饰动词demonstrates;这个he就是a bull,而he demonstrates willingness to charge意为“它展示了进攻的欲望”.数量名词作状语很普通,又如He called me three times.他叫了我三遍. in spite of the sting of the blade(意为:尽管有刀锋的刺痛)是介词短语作状语,修饰动词charge. ——【译苦思甜】团队成员荣誉回答
2023-01-03 08:03:291


这个是不是外企的面试啊小姑娘~ ^^1. 你了解这个应聘者多少?他的能力如何?2. 业务能力3. 业务知识深度4. 对知识的好奇心5. 分析能力6. 学习效率7. 抽象概念理解能力8. 是否喜好挑战高难度业务9. 表达能力10. 是否在学校中成绩优良11. 是否得过奖学金12. 是否有好的学习与组织能力
2023-01-03 08:03:353


对代理人的反动衡量在发现违反之上消费者的权利这些仰赖个性,传播和地心引力违反。 保护通常需要被延长到的司法练习表演如此的法律上保护了权利如权利对有利的活环境来说,权利获得关于卫生的- epidemiological 的可靠资讯情形和在环境的情况上, 权利到货物和对生活和健康是有好质量和保险箱的服务,而且可靠的广告数据的权利。 在那些需要主题一个人发生的例证中有罪的违犯在消费者的权利保护上的立法到管理的责任 , 代理人, 符合文章 25在 Administra64 的密码 Procuracy 和文章 28.4 上的法律法令及决定tive 违反, 发行在进行的开始上的一条法令关于一个管理的违反。 在例证中当非法的行动包含罪行的元素时候,代理人开始一个刑事案件和符合程序被射频的犯罪程序密码建立信赖对一个主考者,调查员或较低的代理人的它调查或从事进行他自己。 procuracy 监督的练习示范存在在消费者的权利保护上的现在立法的缝隙。 到除去这些缝隙从事会是权宜的许多措施。
2023-01-03 08:03:461


This article is compilation of typing games to achieve a detailed description of the process, from program design, analysis, debug, run and the results of analyses have done a detailed description of the procedure used in compiling a lot of knowledge, addressing ways, DOS function calls, BIOS function Calling knowledge, and so on. As a result of the test procedures on the keyboard of familiarity with, played in the emergence of some characters from the keyboard and then enter some characters through the above procedure to determine whether the same two characters, if a result of the same make, if made a different result, the papers The process from start to user input into the game some character, character judgement, judge the results, the results make a move, typing games of the algorithm is how to achieve the core characters falling. Enter the correct time to react . If it"s correct on another output from a variable, and this movement can be achieved results. If you enter incorrect will not make any response until the user input and the on-screen characters, the characters disappear, or if the user to enter all Wrong, when the characters fall into the game disappeared when the limit of the box, and then in the next character. Shows the beginning of the procedure prompted by information processing keyboard response; clear the game region; Print title game; painting horizontal line function; painting vertical line function; paintings filled with rectangular, providing the cursor position; show string; generated random number subroutine call To achieve. For all the routines I have done the appropriate endorsement 去google语言工具能找到你任何想翻译成的文字!
2023-01-03 08:03:523


近年来,美国中西部很多中小工业城市的经济举步维艰。由于许多汽车公司濒临破产,使得该地区面临大量失业以及其它严峻挑战。Tumber ( 麻省理工学院社区创新者实验室的下属研究机构) 研究了分布在东北和中西部地区的25个中小工业城市, 就这些城市如何繁荣增长,避免衰落,给出了这些建议。小城市与大城市相比有着本质差别,她主张,城市规划者应该超越“增长计划”这种模式,尤其是当该地区很多城市的增长数字在下滑的情况下。应该通过将灵活性与小城市可用资源相结合的独特方式,创造性的解决问题。给任何对中西部和东北地区城市规划感兴趣或研究社会经济挑战的人士的建议。
2023-01-03 08:04:033

哪位高手能帮我翻译成英文 谢谢

Name: Kim in the stage name: the hero in the ( "Hero in China" as the name implies, is to do an out of Asia, into the world of heroes singer. English name: Hero Birthday: January 26, 1986 Constellation: Aquarius appearance in very confident parts: skin blood type: O-type personality: Messy dislike. Height: 180CM Weight: 63KG Interests: singing, dancing, video game specialty: singing, imitation of the artist likes to cook: Kang
2023-01-03 08:04:156


demonstrate意思:证明,证实,论证,说明,表达,表露,表现,显露,示范,演示。读音:英 [ˈdemənstreɪt],美 [ˈdemənstreɪt]。第三人称单数:demonstrates。现在分词:demonstrating。过去式:demonstrated。过去分词:demonstrated。记忆技巧:de 加强 + monstr 显示 + ate 表动词 → 加强显示 → 证明。双语例句:1、You have to demonstrate that you are reliable.你得证明自己是靠得住的。2、It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective. 这药已证实是有效的。
2023-01-03 08:05:241


demonstrate证明双语对照词典结果:demonstrate[英][ˈdemənstreɪt][美][ˈdɛmənˌstret]vt.证明,证实; 论证; 显示,展示; 演示,说明; vi.示威游行; 第三人称单数:demonstrates过去分词:demonstrated现在进行时:demonstrating过去式:demonstrated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.We can demonstrate this with a little game. 我们可以通过一个小游戏来证明这一点。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-03 08:05:351


英 ["demənstreɪt]美 [ˈdɛmənˌstret]vt. 证明,证实; 论证; 显示,展示; 演示,说明vi. 示威游行网 络说明;证明,示范;表露;证明过去式: demonstrated过去分词: demonstrated现在分词: demonstrating第三人称单数: demonstrates1. My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. 更多牛津现在我的助手将演示机器运转情况。来自《权威词典》2. These results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。来自《权威词典》3. Let me demonstrate to you how this machine works.我给你演示一下这台机器的运转情况。来自《简明英汉词典》4. How can I demonstrate to you that my story is true?我怎样才能向你证明我的话是真实的呢?来自《简明英汉词典》5. Recent events demonstrate the need of change in policy.最近的事态表明政策需要改变。来自《简明英汉词典》
2023-01-03 08:05:401


demonstratesv.论证; 显示; 举行示威游行(或集会)( demonstrate的第三人称单数 ); 示范。展示; 例句 The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality...该研究还表明了肥胖症和死亡率之间存在直接的联系。
2023-01-03 08:05:461


demonstrate英 [ˈdemənstreɪt] 美 [ˈdɛmənˌstret] vt.论证; 证明,证实; 显示,展示; 演示,说明vi.示威游行第三人称单数: demonstrates 现在分词: demonstrating 过去式: demonstrated 过去分词: demonstrated
2023-01-03 08:05:511


2023-01-03 08:05:562


2023-01-03 08:06:041

They demonstrate creaticityproductivity.该怎样翻译

翻译:他们表现出的创造力。demonstrate英音:["demənstreit]美音:["dɛmən,stret] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释及物动词 vt. 1.论证,证明[+(that)]The lawyer demonstrated that the witness was lying. 律师证明证人在说谎。 2.(用实验,实例等)说明,教[+wh-]The doctor demonstrated the harmful effects of tobacco. 医生用实例说明烟草的有害副作用。 3.示范操作(产品),展示The salesperson demonstrated a new washing machine. 推销员当众演示新式洗衣机的优点。 4.显示,表露This fully demonstrates their willingness to cooperate. 这充分表明他们愿意合作。 不及物动词 vi. 1.示威,举行游行示威[(+against)]The workers demonstrated for higher wages. 工人示威要求加薪。
2023-01-03 08:06:103


安全性英语是Security。一、security的音标:美[sɪˈkjʊrəti];英[sɪˈkjʊərəti]。二、具体解释1、n.安全;证券;担保;保证。2、网络,安全性;保安;保障。二、例句1、Nationalist elements from the military,the security establishment and the seedier side of the business world would sweat it out together.民族主义者有的来自军队和安全组织,也有的是一些工商界的落魄分子。他们聚在一起,不安地观望事态的发展。2、He said the agreement demonstrates the nations"shared commitment to ensuring global peace and security.他说,这项协议展示了两国确保全球和平与安全的共同承诺。
2023-01-03 08:06:211


rule 支配 unreflecting herd 没有思想的人群 negative implication 贬义的色彩 dismiss ... as ... 认为... 不过是 creature 动物 instead 相反 bother 自寻烦恼 rut 轨道 procedure 思维 wear into 编织 fascination with wonder 对未知的着迷(好奇心) highlight 强调 procedure 流程(法) inherently 本能地 perpetuate 永久 foster commonness 造就平庸 mechanical 机械的 casual 随便的 familiar 熟悉的 guide 引导 track 轨道 fatherly(paternal) 父亲(般)的 father (作为父亲)生养(后代) shell out 付款 drugstore 药店 prescription 处方 over-the-counter 非处方的 rang... from... 在什么范围内波动 skeptical 怀疑的 ancestry 祖先 commercial 商业化的 reference 参照 distant 遥远的 accuracy 准确性 Fors and Againsts of DNA Testing 赞成还是反对DNA鉴定 paradoxical 相互矛盾的 isolation 隔离 natural selection 自然选择 sphere 领悟 way (副词:远远地) particularly 尤其 susceptible 易受影响的 chief 首领 trigger 触发 ovary 卵巢 reproductive organs 生殖器官 Add to sth 增加,加强 cope 处理 capacity 能力 tolerate 承受 observe 说 note 注意到 between the sexes 男女之间 chronic(durable) 长期的 repeat(frequent) 反复的 be exposed to 面临 combat 战斗 random 偶然的 domestic 家庭的 one-shot deals 一次完成的任务 wear-and-tear 折磨 devastating 毁灭性的 obligation 责任 break 休息 strain 压力 demonstrates 表明 inclination 倾向 check 支票 Gender Inequality 性别平等 straightforward 简单的 submit 提交 affiliation 所属单位 accept 决定 decline 拒绝 subscribe to the journal 订阅刊物 No longer .现在情况变了. funding agency 出版商 restrict 限制 makeing heavy reading 阅读起来心情沉重 common practice 常规 recruit 招募,招收 Genetically speaking 从基因角度说 childbirth 分娩 birth canal 产道 bipedal posture 双脚站立姿势 substantial height 身高过高 moreover 而且 upright 直立 back 背 withstand 承受 impose 将... 强加于 limbs 四肢 real 实质性的 constraint 限制 organism 有机体 genetic architecture 基因结构 existing  data 现存的数据 slave 奴隶 transplant  移植 jaw 口腔 extracted ... from ...  从 ...中提取 the cherry-tree-chopping George 华盛顿砍樱桃书的故事 spur 鼓舞 in part 在某种程度上 examine 调查,检查 from the bottom up 彻底地 ,深入地 moral 道德上的 compromise 妥协 fragile(delicate) 脆弱的,易碎的 nature 本质 the country"s infancy  建国初期 More than anything 最重要的是 time 时代 privately 私下地 distaste 厌恶 bedrock 基石 afford 承受 part with 失去 the Constitution 宪法 peculiar institution 特殊宪法 clause 条款 purpose 用途 congressional representation  国会代表 statesmen 政治家 political  lives 政治前途 narrow victory 险胜 victory 【名词】战胜 formula 准则 by inflating the votes 增加选票 presidential election 总统大选 Electoral College 选举团队 Once in office 一就职 carve 划分 approximately 大约,几乎 disproportionately 不成比例地 bravery 英勇 by and large 一般而言,大体上 grant 赋予,给予 will 遗嘱 overcome 克服 legislative 立法机构 approval 批准 dental surgery 牙外科 deliberately 谨慎的 prestige 名声 affair 关系,恋爱对于这个总结,我将会不定时更新,还是那句话,学多少,分享多少。大家看了以后都一定挺晕的,这是肯定的!不晕才怪。因为这是我的总结,我自然有我的思路逻辑条理性,所以如果想要学好英语,也包括其他科目,不仅要参考资料,还要学会自己总结,只有自己才能看懂自己总结的东西,才能吃透它,变为自己的东西。我也不是什么学霸,也在摸索自己的学习方法,只希望靠自己的努力不愧对将来的自己!祝大家学习每天进步一点点,向自己的梦想更近一步!
2023-01-03 08:06:391


Water plays a distinguished role in Eliot"s poetry. In The waste Land, for example, water is both destructive and constructive. Rain is either destructive or constructive depending on its intensity. In the Death by Water,it is destructive. yet, through out the poem it is constructive; it rather refers to the faith through which the waste land may be resurrected.
2023-01-03 08:06:442

car chrome front grille什么意思

car chrome front grille车内镀铬前格栅双语对照例句:1.The recent restyle, with more angular styling and abold chrome grille,demonstrates this. 最近重塑更多角造型和大胆的镀铬格栅,事实证明这一点。2.Appearance-wise, there is a new vw "family" front grille, revised lighting andfront and rear bumpers. 在外观方面,途安采用了大众“家族”的新前脸隔栏、改进后的照明系统和前后保险杠。
2023-01-03 08:06:521

翻译 求 加分

2023-01-03 08:06:584


2023-01-03 08:07:123


Shenzhou elegant Q320R plunged 890 is仅售4,998 yuan. Duo two pairs of 1.6 G processor T5200, 2G DDR-ll memory, 120 G SATA hard drive, DVDRW burning drive, built-in wireless card, integrated Intel GMA950 graphics supported by 13.3-inch stunning appearance, the ultimate perfection. Smart enticing the most perfect of the 13.3-inch A 13.3-inch screen of the Shenzhou elegant Q320R, the perfect balance between performance and portability, is the ideal size of Asians. Appearance inherited the acclaimed Q320 series of fine descent, pure black and silver shell of the keyboard to add a laptop like a wizard-like charisma, shows that users of the extraordinary personality and taste. Supplied by a large number of sleek design of the corners and in the bottom of Zuowan entrusted with the three colors of the status light, dim and the effect of the keyboard-perfect with white, highly visual affinity, and even in the building of the circumstances, the books State can also clear at a glance. No Kakou suction retractable roof added shellfish such as the Open-like feeling. At the same time weighs only 1.89 Kg of lightweight整机in the show is of the size, weight and size, mobile portability, performance, effect and the use of comfort to achieve a perfect balance 2G memory with the rapid momentum T5200 perfect invincible 4998 Shenzhou elegant Q320R Intel Duo T5200 processor two pairs of nuclear, multi-tasking, with the rapid response, heat and other small advantages, while supporting 64-bit computing, for the Vista operating system to provide faster and intercept an excellent platform, Supported by 2 G DDR-ll mass memory, is dreamy perfection. In Vista has gradually become the main Flow of the operating system today, 1 G, Vista can only meet the basic operation of the Shenzhou elegant and Q320R allocated by the 2 G memory allows you to enjoy the smooth operation of the charm of Vista, get more realistic 3 D bright effect. 13.3 "widescreen magnificent + GMA950 graphics ultimate audio-visual Shenzhou elegant Q320R a magnificent 13.3-inch widescreen, the mirror-processing, with full, vivid color reproduction results, highlighted the unique technology, the standard resolution of 1280 * 800 is also keen to show more results, while ensuring low power Consumption, non-comparable to the general LCD screen, perfect screen to eliminate defects, a perfect visual GMA950 integrated with the 3 D effect so that you experience when used in the purchase of more outstanding results, Q320R a large audio-visual platform. D +120 G wireless carved details of the ultimate hard drive The rapid pace of modern heavy, notebooks in addition to the performance requirements of high-speed, large capacity storage and communication also become a convenient target needs one. Shenzhou elegant Q320R in the benefit to consumers of the enterprise purpose, equipped with 120 G large-capacity hard drive, so you do not save more data becomes a problem. At the same time the local support of almost all mainstream digital equipment,尽显advantage, while the built-in 3945 ABG wireless card, you can always control the outside world dominance of the fast-changing information, communication anytime, anywhere. But only 1.89 Kg of the whole weight, is in effect, performance and portability to achieve a perfect balance between, a well-deserved business travel, the perfect partner.
2023-01-03 08:07:226


FIDIC contract conditions are the most widely used international contract. After the introduction of FIDIC contract conditions in our country, the research and application of it is also a distinguished, especially in the field of the construction of the international engineering contracting in our country has been widely used. FIDIC contract conditions in the treatment of the change of quantities and the adjustment of the price of the contract have a professional, authoritative, and fairness. Through the changes of quantities rate or price adjustment provisions of the contract conditions, is more advantageous to the change of quantities and the contract price adjustment problem solving, and guarantee the smooth engineering progress.Based on the above facts, this paper on the basis of previous studies and combined with examples to conduct the thorough research to the three key problems:First, the literature of FIDIC contract conditions of the contract price adjustment methods for preliminary review and summarize, adjust the conditions for later study of the contract price.Secondly, in view of the quantity change of the four conditions of the contract price, respectively, for which involved the specific values of the three conditions are analyzed. Associated with conditions through the comparison of domestic and foreign laws and norms, the rationality and enforceability of the three conditions.Finally, respectively, according to the principle, the rationality of the three conditions and perform validated combining with corresponding cases, demonstrates the FIDIC contract conditions and changes of quantities contract rate or price adjustment conditions is scientific.To sum up, this paper revolves around three key problems, the rationality of the analysis of each problem, provide the basis for later solve such issue. At the same time for the contracting parties in the process of construction process of the contract price adjustment problems caused by the change of quantities, which provides theoretical basis and practical advice, thereby reducing the occurrence of the dispute of contract price adjustment.
2023-01-03 08:07:441


BLOG as a personal personal knowledge management system and new communication tools, is appearing in the education arena, has aroused the concern of more and more educators gradually used as teaching tools and teaching methods into the teaching . As a new education tools, BLOG has a good reflection features and information exchange capabilities, enabling the effective integration of resources used to achieve knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation. In order to fully BLOG teaching effectiveness, teaching the use of inputs, this paper has made some attempts. BLOG comprehensive study of current literature and education related to research results of scholars to introduce the characteristics and applications of BLOG. Successful teaching blog for the current case of in-depth research and analysis in detail, so that we know how to reach educational purposes BLOG, to achieve knowledge sharing and knowledge innovation teaching function. In addition, I designed a blog of information technology-based teaching, more intuitive way of teaching all aspects of the blog displayed in the readers, will be promoted to practice theory. Finally, learning outcomes and sum up the shortcomings of teaching blog to blog for the future of teaching in the field of information technology, promote the use of contributions.
2023-01-03 08:07:527


2023-01-03 08:08:164

求翻译 中译英

How Cultural Differences Influence the Meaning of Color WordsThis article discusses the differences in the meaning of color words in Chinese and Western cultures. It analyses how colors affect cross-cultural communication, with particular focus on English and Chinese color word comparisons. It demonstrates the importance of understanding color word meaning in cross-cultural communications.Tag: color words; colorful words; folk culture; value concepts; emotional colors最后一行 “颜色词” 翻为 color words 和 colorful words你可以任选一个或双用。
2023-01-03 08:08:302


结论世贸组织朝着解决的一个重要问题迈出的重要一步:在现有的贸易对不符合安全要求较小的发达经济体的经济报复措施的实际困难。当世界贸易组织决定将作为报复的选择暂停的知识产权(知识产权的中止)的可用性,它给发展中国家的有力武器。贸易制度都应该对可能的报复的知识产权协议下的未经检验的悬挂系统全部影响感到忧虑。然而,在安提瓜的决定,赌博(安提瓜岛的赌博案例)是一个在国际贸易体系的演变产生了积极的一步,是朝向一个系统,可以更好地满足其所有成员的需要的做法。最终,TRIPS协定中止,作为发展中国家的补救似乎有利于国际贸易体系。虽然计算困难和报复的影响,不公平的扩大的可能性,应考虑在世界贸易组织,因为它设想的补救力学,桌子上有知识产权悬挂的最终效果是更可信的替代比任何世界贸易组织的目标相一致。无论信誉 - 或缺乏其损失的计算 - 安提瓜最终提供了一个有说服力的论据,证明有效的惩罚不可能使用类似部门直接暂停。安提瓜和其他发展中经济,贸易有关的知识产权暂停代表.
2023-01-03 08:08:422

急需简短的魔戒英文宗教意涵 给二十分 可以再加分

The descendent of Isildur, Aragorn is the heir to the throne of Gondor, but at the beginning of the trilogy, he hides this identity and pretends to be a ranger named Strider. That Aragorn does not claim his throne, and that the steward Denethor rules Gondor, show the disunity and weakness of man at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. However, Aragorn is not king because he is not yet ready. As much as the trilogy tells of Frodo"s inner steadfastness before constant temptation, it also tells of Aragorn"s transformation from ranger to king. He must grow into his position as king, and his own journey proves vital not only for his rightful coronation but for the very survival and growth of the kingdoms of man. He gains confidence and self-awareness through his courageous support of Frodo and the rest of the fellowship, as well as from his love of Arwen. Four main points mark Aragorn"s path to becoming king. When he publicly pronounces his identity during the initial meeting of the fellowship, he rouses the jealousy of Boromir, who is heir to the steward of Gondor. Aragorn"s pronouncement and its effects show that the human race does not yet accept Aragorn as king. Aragorn demonstrates his increasingly strong leadership role when he shows conviction and strength before the leaders of Rohan, a second human kingdom he will someday rule. Elrond"s gift to Aragorn of the sword Anduril shows that the elves recognize that Aragorn is king and is ready to lead the battle against Sauron. Finally, and most important, Aragon fully embraces his role as king when he demands the fealty of the men of the mountain, who will obey only the king of Gondor. With this act, Aragorn commits himself to the role of king and gains his first followers. When Aragorn is finally officially crowned, the ceremony is only symbolic—Aragorn has already proven himself to be the true and rightful king.
2023-01-03 08:08:502

大家帮我翻译一篇文章 谢谢了

2023-01-03 08:08:583


Magnolia to tackle is the word "naslin, for if the magnolia, if the life only as in the beginning, why is the wind was painted on. change carelessly but the late lament heart, but way the late lament heart inconstancy! mount up his language, and rain finally 零铃 not to blame. this example demonstrates how 薄幸锦, 连枝 on the wing may!希望能帮助到你。
2023-01-03 08:09:091