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they were so high ang big that it took a long time to walk to the other side是什么意思

2023-07-13 10:33:49

they were so high ang big that it took...的中文翻译

they were so high ang big that it took a long time to walk to the other side







2023-07-13 06:53:354

急求 影评

  很久很久以前,ALIEN非常喜欢北京电视台的《环球影视》(注一)栏目,每期必看,并且最为关注其中一个“top 10”的小单元,相反对于之后的什么北美电影票房排行榜倒没什么兴趣。顾名思义,这个单元就是评选十大什么片十大什么片的集合,其时作为一只业余级别的狂热影迷,对于各种媒介上的电影类排行榜它都是相当信任的。与这张帖子有关的是其中的一期“十大法庭片”,最终排在榜首的就是这部根据真实事件及同名原著改编,由Joel Schumacher(乔尔·舒马赫)执导,Matthew McConaughey(马修·麦可康纳赫)、Kevin Spacey(凯文·斯派西)、Samuel Jackson(塞缪尔·杰克逊)、Sandra Bullock(桑德拉·布洛克)主演的1997年美国暑期热门影片“a time to kill”。并且特别值得一提的是,幕后解说员的台词中有这么一句:辩护律师最后那一段感人肺腑的演讲甚至改变了美国宪法的第一(或第五吧,此处他记不太清了)修正案。不过奇怪的是,多年后她为此而反复查对了美联邦宪法这两条修正案的文本,却并没有找到任何一处有可能是由于那一段台词或者这部电影而改变的痕迹。另外想想也不大可能,在美国要修改宪法,只有宪法修正案一条路可行,通过前面的一些案例大家都可以知道,这样的途径非常困难,它不仅要在国会的参、众两议院以三分之二多数通过,还必须要在规定的时间内由四分之三之上的州议会批准,你一部电影,无论在上世纪的某个夏天“热”到了一个什么样的程度,好像也不大可能可以有如此重大的影响,难道说的只是州宪法?唉,由于手头缺少这一个案件的具体资料,考证自然无从谈起,在此暂且按下不表。  这的确是一部非常优秀的法律题材影片,探讨了道德良知与司法公正之间的两难抉择。案情本身并不十分复杂,美国南部的一个小镇上,对于有色人种的歧视思想依然存在,因迫害黑人而臭名昭著的3K党的残余势力仍然在四处秘密地进行活动,并随时伺机死灰复燃。就在这样的社会背景下,这天镇上突然发生了一起骇人听闻的恶性刑事案件,两个整天无所事事、游手好闲的白人青年男子绑架了一位年仅12岁的黑人小女孩,不仅用各种残酷的、非常的刑罚加诸其身,还令人发指地对之施以轮奸,最后残忍地将她从近十米高的桥上抛进下面的小溪中。这个小女孩最终尽管奇迹般地大难不死,却已永远地失去了作母亲的能力。更为严重的是,在当地种族偏见依然根深蒂固的情况下,两个嫌犯甚至很可能会被无罪释放,或者只是判处十分轻微的刑罚!这是受害者的父亲Carl Lee Hailey(Samuel Jackson饰)绝对无法接受的,于是最终他铤而走险,在警察局长提嫌犯进入法庭之前,于众人眼前用机枪射杀了两人,并且“城门失火,殃及池鱼”,警长也被子弹击中腿部而导致终身残疾……  应该说,案情的真实情况十分明朗,由于现场有多位直接目击证人,因此应该并不会在法庭上出现控辩双方各执一词,将案情真相两极分化的情况。Kevin Spacey诠释的公诉人Rufus Buckley经验丰富、手段老辣,不仅所挑选的陪审员中十有八九都带有深刻的种族偏见,而且也准确地把握住了被告“滥用私刑”的犯罪事实来进行攻击,而没有在两位死者究竟是否有罪这样的次要问题上大做文章、白费力气。因为众所周知,无论一位嫌犯有多么严重的罪行,任何集体或个人都无权擅自直接地剥夺其生命。美国联邦宪法第5修正案对此有明文规定:(任何人)不经正当法律程序,不得被剥夺生命、自由或财产;到了有“第二次制宪”之称的第14条修正案中,又一次重申了这一规则(注二)。所以,两名受害人是否“罪有应得”根本就无关紧要,重要的只是被告“滥用私刑”这一事实。  相比之下,被告一方虽然得到了许多新闻媒体以及民权组织的舆论支持,包括受伤的警长在内的大多数良知尚存的民众也都对他表示理解和同情,但案件本身铁的事实依然对他们极其不利。由Matthew扮演的男主角,辩护律师Jake Tyler Brigance几乎是在以“义务劳动”的方式在努力工作,虽然并没有像Gregory Peck(格里高利·派克)在“to kill a mockingbird”(《杀死一只知更鸟》)中饰演的Atticash Finch律师那样被当地人冠上“为黑鬼辩护”的帽子,但他的一位同样在“义务劳动”的助手,主张废除死刑的漂亮法学院实习生Ellen Roark(Sandra Bullock饰)却遭到了当地3K党残余分子的攻击险些丧命。在法庭上,试图向陪审团证明被告在案发时精神失常,但却被公诉人强有力的攻击驳倒;虽然业已残废的警长在出庭作证时表明了自己对被告一方的理解和支持,但这依然远远不能改变陪审团对于此案的立场。最终,在作结案陈词时,他只好孤注一掷,不再在被告是否的确滥用私刑这一个问题上做徒劳的挣扎,而是尝试利用人们与生俱来的道德感与正义感来感化陪审团和法官。他用沉重、缓慢的语调来向陪审团描述两名死者生前对被告幼女那惨无人道的滔天罪行,强调了判决罪名成立后将会出现的严重后果:3K党从此死灰复燃,在此居住的黑人居民甚至所有的少数族裔从此再无立足之地,甚至有可能会引发一场大规模的群众暴乱和集体破坏,更强调了早在1939年Frank Capra(弗兰克·卡普拉)执导的经典政治题材讽刺剧“Mr. Smith goes to Washington”(《史密斯先生到华盛顿》)中,James Stewart(詹姆斯·史都华)饰演的男主角Jefferson Smith所强调的一点:任何人,都不应该做出违背自己良心的判断!  早在几百年前,伟大的哲学家亚里士多德就曾在其所著的《伦理学》一书中,提出了“自然正义”的观念,认为在政治正义中,既有自然的正义,也有法律的正义,前者与后者不同,它不是国家设计出来的,而是从自然中发现的,具有永恒性、普世性和至高性。他的思想到罗马伟大的法律家Cicero那里,就变成与理性融为一体的自然法的观念:“真正的法律乃是正确的理性,它与自然和谐一致,它散播至所有的人,且恒古不变、万世长存,它以其命令召唤人们履行义务,以其禁令约束人们为非做歹。……(这种法律)是一种永恒不变的法,无论何时何地,他都有效。”(注三)这样一种自然正义以及自然法的观念,几百年来对于整个西方社会的法律制度体系都产生了极其巨大和深远的影响,广大民众也普遍地在法治基础上形成了这样一个共识:国家制订的法律,绝对不能够违背一个正常人最为基本的良知和伦理道德!  二战时期,为追捕国内的反法西斯进步人士,德国纳粹政府出台了一条这样的法律,规定执法人员在抓捕疑犯的过程中,如果嫌犯企图逃跑,则“拥有不予警告直接射杀的权利”!二战结束后,一位丈夫因此丧生的寡妇,在律师的鼓励和帮助下,将当时开枪的那个盖世太保告上了法庭,而他为自己辩护的最根本,也是最为有力的证据,就是当时的这条法律赋予了他这么做的权利。相信大家都明白,如果承认纳粹政府在战时所颁布的这条法律,那么要将被告定罪几乎是不可能的事,因此在休庭讨论多天之后,法庭认定,战时纳粹政府所颁布的这条法律,违背了一个人最为基本的伦理道德和最根本的正义感,任何一个有良心的人,都绝不会去执行这样的“法律”!  人们常常为法律的铁面无私而津津乐道,其实这也正是它的局限所在,由于各种主客观因素的限制,任何法律都不可能做到永远尽善尽美,随着时间、地点、人文环境的不断变迁,原本看来完美无缺的条款就有可能“失之毫厘,谬以千里”,“铁案如山”也可能变成“千古奇冤”,所以在面对每一个案件时,都应当根据其实际情况具体分析,来作出最为合体的判断。  影片的结尾处,法庭中的情景观众已经无从得知,镜头转向了法庭之外,3K党徒身穿“传统服装”,高举着“上帝是白人”之类的标语牌在不断地向法庭施加压力;因为不能进入法庭内进行报道,浩浩荡荡的新闻传媒大军也都在烈日之下苦苦等候。可以说,至此,这个案件已经发展成了半个政治案件,在美国,涉及少数族裔,特别是黑人的种族问题在一百多年以来都一直是最为敏感和脆弱的一颗定时炸弹,许多原本十分单纯的法律问题,一旦涉及种族,就会变得空前复杂和棘手。这个案件也不例外,它牵挂着无数人包括电视机前一只ALIEN(注四)的心。终于,法庭中跑出了一个黑人小女孩,她就是最开始时那个受尽了折磨的可怜少女。只见她脸上浮现出灿烂动人的微笑,手舞足蹈地向围观的人群高声欢呼着:“他无罪!他无罪!”  他无罪!他无罪!  注一:准确地说是叫《联想环球影视》,与《天士力佳片有约》一样,但ALIEN依然不想在Internet上为其做广告,所以都将那几个字删去;  注二:之所以重申,是因为《权利法案》主要来说是针对联邦政府的,对州及地方政府缺乏约束力,所以在第14条修正案中明确了“任何一州”的限制范围;  注三:以上一段引自《美国宪政历程:影响美国的25个司法大案》第3章:《美国宪法的英国普通法渊源》,任东来著,为适应上下文衔接ALIEN略有改动;
2023-07-13 06:53:593


问题一:杀戮读音是什么 杀戮[读音][shā lù] [解释] 大量杀害,屠戮 [近义]夷戮屠戮屠杀杀害诛戮 问题二:杀戮禁区怎么读 沙路进区,有两种含义 1、这个地方禁止打打杀杀 2、这里充满被杀的危险,警示人们小心 看上去像是游戏里的 问题三:杀戮 用英语怎么说 杀戮:BLOODBATH(CN) | BLOODBATH | Massacre | Carnage 血腥杀戮:XXVIII | XXIX | XXVII | XXX 杀戮时刻:A Time to Kill 杀戮俱乐部:The Club 杀戮一代:Generation Kill 问题四:杀戮 用英语怎么说 slaughter 问题五:杀戮的读音是什么 杀戮 [shā lù] 基本释义 大量杀害,屠戮 问题六:杀戮用英语怎么说 杀戮 slaughter 杀戮 slaughter 问题七:杀戮用泰语怎么说?最好是中文谐音的谢谢 ??? 喀 第四调
2023-07-13 06:54:071


DEVIL MAY CRY……(谁翻译成恶魔五月哭就扁谁-..) 恶魔不会哭泣(自己翻译的,歌词根据鬼泣3的剧情做了部分主观更改……) Steel a soul for a second chance 冷酷也许会给灵魂带来新生 But you will never become a man 但是不会让你成为一个真正的男人 My chosen torture makes me stronger 在痛苦中做抉择让我变的更强 In a life that craves the hunger 在饥渴的生活中寻找自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到最后黑夜给出了判决 Bless me with your gift of light 你给予我的光之礼物保佑着我………… Righteous cause on judgment night 在公正起源的审判之夜 Feel the sorrow the light has swallowed 感受着被吞没的光明的哀伤 Feel the freedom like no tomorrow 感受着没有明天的自由(的哀伤) Stepping forth a cure for soul"s demise 前进的脚步救赎着受伤的灵魂 Reap the tears of the victim"s cries 收获着受害者哭泣的泪水 Yearning more to hear the suffer (of a) Of a demon as I put it under 干掉恶魔的同时渴望听到它痛苦的哀号 Killed before, a time to kill them all 在被杀之前干掉他们全部 Passed down the righteous law 传递着公正的法律 Serve a justice that dwells in me 思索着为所谓的正义服务的自己 Lifeless corpse as far as the eye can see 而无生命的尸体空洞的眼神尽其所能的望着这样的我 The eye can see (X5) 他们在看着我 We are falling 我们跌倒沉沦 The light is calling 在光明的召唤下(为什么有的歌词是在黑暗的召唤下……LIGHT or NIGHT...) Tears inside me Calm me down 我心中的泪水使我沉默 Bless me with the Leaf off of the tree 保佑像离开大树的的树叶一样的自己 On it I see The freedom reign 让我可以看到自由的王朝 We are falling 我们跌倒沉沦 The light is calling 在光明的召唤下 Tears inside me Calm me down 我心中的泪水使我沉默 Midnight calling 午夜的召唤 Mist of resolving 薄雾的决心 Crown me, with the 用清翠的绿叶 Pure green leaf 为我加冕吧 Praise to my father 把赞美留给父亲 Blessed by the water 而我只需要被泪水祝福 Black night, dark sky 漆黑的夜晚,昏暗的天空 The devil"s cry 恶魔在哭泣 (高潮部分有RAP伴唱,以下是RAP部分) Life of vengeance, a passive test 充满复仇的人生是个消极的测验 Until the grave I will rest 在踏进坟墓之前我不会停息 Engage the pressure until it crumbles The existence of the lifeless black souls 在无生命体的黑色灵魂碎裂之前不会停止对它的压榨 Onward to the sacred battlefield 前往庄严的斗技场 Where justification and limits are revealed 那个展现辩论与极限的地方 Tools of steel in rage they conquer 冷酷的走狗在愤怒中取胜 Weed out the killing of victim"s stalker 淘汰的受害者被轻易杀害 The powers proven to end the madness Upon I take it to end the savage 被承认的力量来结束疯狂与野蛮 The rays of light a truth of meaning 明亮的光芒,真实的意义 To my father the blood is pleading 这就是为我父亲的血所做的辩护 A justice rage for all to feel With innocent cries and hatred squeals 所谓正义的愤怒总是伴随着无辜者的哭喊和敌人的尖叫 The gore of evil seems to satisfy 谋杀一个受摧残需要抚慰的灵魂 When slain an maimed and pacified 使得罪恶之血看起来相当满足 My chosen torture makes me stronger 在痛苦中做抉择让我变的更强 In a life that craves the hunger A Freedom and a quest for life 在饥渴的生活中寻找自由 Until the end the judgment night 直到最后黑夜给出了判决 Watch the footsteps but never follow 望着前人的足迹但是千万不要去追随 If you want to live tomorrow 假如你还想活到明天的话 Steel a soul for a second chance 冷酷也许回给予灵魂新生 But you will never become a man 但是绝对不会让你变成真正的男人
2023-07-13 06:54:141


2023-07-13 06:54:253

推荐几部 法学必看的 电影 或者 美剧!!!还有经典最新的 科幻大片 越精彩越经典越好 谢啦!!!!!

2023-07-13 06:58:374

有一首节奏感很强英文歌有一句歌词是come on 摔,糊呃river,适合做跳舞做热身运动的,叫什

Purple Lamborghini (Explicit) (《X特遣队》电影插曲) - Skrillex/Rick RossWritten by:Rick RossBiggest boss and I been the trillestI"m a bigger problem when I click with SkrillexMurder on my mind it"s time to pray to godMy revolver is that religion"s the revolution"s bondYou wanna know my name then go and tell them SargYou wanna know my gang suicide squadPistol on my waist I might make a mistakeDead shot head shot oh my god am I crazyDrugs every corner this is Gotham cityKiller Croc came to kidnap you to cut out your kidneyAin"t no mercy got that purple Lamborghini lurkin"Rozay don"t you know that pussy worth itFlooded Rolex at the Grammy awardsThey still sellin" dope that"s those Miami boysKillers everywhere it ain"t no place to runForgive me for my wrongs I have just begunAin"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin"Ain"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini lurkingDon"t be beggin" for your life cause that"s a lost causeHigh stakes body armor suicide boyThere"s a time for games and there"s a time to killMake up your mind baby there"s no time to chillCapital murder capital lettuceYeah she catchin" my vibe but can"t fathom my cheddarNeed a couple gang members for these new endeavorsFrom this point on whenever we do we do togetherBody on the corner million in the trunkSeven figures I will spend that every other monthKillers on the corner talons in the clipVilla Palisade and Paris just to fill with bitchesSay my name and I"m coming with the gun squadEverybody runnin" homie there"s only one godCocaine white Ferrari I"m in the fast laneEvery day was life and death that"s when the cash cameCount money drug residue even blood on "emHe had a driver "til I put my cause on itKicking in the dope boy suicide squadNeedle in my arm so I"m do or die for itAin"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin"Ain"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini lurkin" RozayPrideGreedDeviousNeedsHighstakesCash moneyDope boyRap moneyReal hipForgive me for my wrongs I have just begunRozay
2023-07-13 06:58:451


1、进攻,进攻,进攻!——隆美尔 Attack, attack, attack! 2、只有不怕死的人才配活着。——马克阿瑟 Only not afraid dead of people alive. 3、迎接**和迎接太阳一样。——马克阿瑟 Meet the war and to greet the sun. 4、他必须能够知难而上,勇于冒险。——巴顿 He must be able to go upstream, risk-taking. 5、俄国虽大,但已无路可退,后面就是莫斯科。 Russia is large, but there is no way to retreat, behind is Moscow. 6、只要有可能,就要采取欺骗措施。——隆美尔 Whenever possible, will adopt measures to deceive. 7、不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。——马克阿瑟 He doesn"t want to be a general soldiers isn"t a good soldier. 8、每当部队休息时,都要实施侦察。——隆美尔 Whenever troops to rest, to implement reconnaissance. 9、火力越强,工事越深,伤亡越小。——隆美尔 The stronger the fire, the stronger the fortifications, the smaller the casualties. 10、历史,不过是伟大人物的传记。——马克阿瑟 History is but the biography of great men. 11、部队必须学会悄然无声地进行运动。——隆美尔 Quietly forces must learn to exercise. 12、若无必胜的信心,则**必败无疑。——马克阿瑟 Without the confidence to win the war to failure. 13、人才有用不好用,奴才好用没有用。——马克阿瑟 Talent is bad to use, useful slave to use. 14、老兵永远不会死,他们只是悄然隐去。——马克阿瑟 Old soldiers never die, they just go quietly. 15、只要有可能,就要利用烟幕掩蔽昼间的运动。——隆美尔 Whenever possible, be about to use the movement of smoke screen masking day. 16、以尽快的速度,向一切可以推进的地方前进!——朱可夫 At the rate as soon as possible, to all places that can push forward! 17、不管是攻还是防,都要尽量靠前配置自动武器。——隆美尔 Whether attack or defend, all want to keep the former configuration of automatic weapon. 18、不是列宁格勒惧怕死亡,而是死亡惧怕列宁格勒!——朱可夫 Not Leningrad fear death, but death fear of Leningrad. 19、战斗分队的指挥官既要积极主动,又要坚决果断。——隆美尔 Combat brigade commander should actively, and to be decisive. 20、现在人们根本就不管是不是为了赢得**本身而战。——巴顿 Now people whether fight to win the war itself. 21、不管在进攻中还是在防御中,始终要派出警戒分队。——隆美尔 Both in attack and in defence, always send warning unit. 22、有绝妙的计划,必须不遗余力地实施,而且今天就做。——马克阿瑟 Have a wonderful plan, must spare no effort to implement, and do it today. 23、假如我知道前进的路上有雷区,我也会让部队直接开过去。——朱可夫 If I know the way forward is a minefield, I will also let forces directly drive past. 24、谁先开火,并能进行最猛烈的集火射击,谁就能取得胜利。——隆美尔 Who first opened fire, and the most violent assisted can shoot, who would win. 25、我的命令就是进攻,不断的进攻,直到他娘的汽油用光。——巴顿将军 My command is offensive, continuous attack, until he niang run out of gas. 26、我要让美国人在身经百战的非洲军面前有一种自卑感。——隆美尔元帅 I want to let the americans before battle-hardened army of Africa have an inferiority complex. 27、人员、武器、军事思想——这是一支军队的三个基本要素。——朱可夫 Personnel, weapons, military thoughts - this is an army of three basic elements. 28、一个人一辈子杀一个人是犯罪,一天之内杀十万人就是英雄。——曼斯坦因 A person for a lifetime to kill a person is crime, hero is killed one hundred thousand people in one day. 29、部队只要在一地停留的时间超过短暂停顿的时间,就应修工事。——隆美尔 Forces as long as you stay in one place for more than a brief pause time, should be revised. 30、在所有进攻战斗中,都要利用心理因素(在敌人中间制造恐慌)。——隆美尔 In all offensive combat, and to take advantage of the psychological factors (creating panic among the enemy). 31、像我们伟大的先辈苏沃洛夫,库图佐夫学习,将敌人消灭在莫斯科城下。——斯大林 Like our great ancestors suvorov, kutuzov study, eliminate the enemy at the gates in Moscow. 32、不管武器口径多么小,也不管武器数量多么少,要始终用火力支援步兵进攻。——隆美尔 No matter how small calibre weapons, no matter how less number of weapons, also always use fire support the infantry attack. 33、我来这里和你们并肩战斗感到很自豪,让我们把那些德国佬掏肝挖心,直捣柏林。——巴顿 I come here to fight alongside you very proud, let us put those jerry tao liver dig heart, taking the Berlin. 34、**是人类最壮观的竞赛!在竞赛中,人可以为所欲为。在战斗中,强者胜,弱者亡。——巴顿 War is the most spectacular human race! In the competition, people can do whatever you want. In a fight, the strong wins, the weak die. 35、我可以做任何工作,指挥一个师,一个军,一个集团军,一个方面军——只要祖国需要。——朱可夫 I can do any work, command a pision, an army, a group army, an army - as long as the motherland needs. 36、如果你们不会,我们教你;如果你们不想学,我们强迫你学。总之,你要成为一名优秀的坦克手。——朱可夫 If you don"t, we will teach you; If you don"t want to learn, we force you to learn. In a word, what do you want to become an excellent tanker. 37、数量居劣势之军,可以采取更多地使用自动武器或者更加迅速地发扬火力的方式压倒数量居优势之敌。——隆美尔 Number of underdog army, can take more use of automatic weapons or more quickly develop fire overwhelm the enemy of the habitat advantages.
2023-07-13 06:58:521


2023-07-13 06:59:113


性别:男 生日:1935年7月17日 星座:巨蟹座 国籍:加拿大 地域:欧美 身高:193cm 好莱坞40年来德高望重、最受称道演员基弗·萨瑟兰(Kiefer Sutherland)父亲1935年7月唐纳德·萨瑟兰出生加拿大新不伦瑞克父亲弗雷德里克·萨瑟兰(Frederick Sutherland)一位生意人14岁时候唐纳德已经成为Bridgewater当地一家电台最年轻播音员和DJ进入多伦多大学学习工程和戏剧后来前往英国伦敦音乐和戏剧艺术学院学习1954年开始英国电视界和戏剧圈内亮相1963年首次登上伦敦戏剧舞台《August for the People》一剧中扮演角色同年出演过电视电影《Terry-Thomas》后萨瑟兰赢得了第一个重要电影角色恐怖片《活死人城堡》(Castello dei morti vivi Il)中巫师此后几年陆续出演了《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《贝茜·史密斯之死》(The Death of Bessie Smith)、《贝德福德军变》(The Bedford Incident)等影视作品 1970年罗伯特·奥尔特曼(Robert Altman)执导影片《风流医生俏护士》(M*A*S*H)让唐纳德一夜成名虽然出演过《十二金刚》(The Dirty Dozen)、《花街杀人王》(Klute)、《威尼斯疑魂》(Don"t Look Now)、《普通人》(Ordinary People)、《刀锋冷》(Eye of the Needle)、《浴火赤子心》(Backdraft)、《六度分离》(Six Degrees of Separation)、《恐怖地带》(Outbreak)、《杀戮时刻》(A Time To Kill)、《永无止境》(Without Limits)、《本能反应》(Instinct)、《偷天换日》(The Italian Job)、《冷山》(Cold Mountain)、《傲慢与偏见》(Pride & Prejudice)等众多佳作唐纳德却从未获得奥斯卡提名1995年凭借电视电影《X公民》(Citizen X)分别赢得金球和艾美奖2002年影片《战争之路》(Path to War)让喜获金球奖; 还多伦多上大学时萨瑟兰认识了女演员路易丝·哈威克(Lois Hardwick)1959年两人结为伉俪1966年离异同年与另一名加拿大女星雪莉·道格拉斯(Shirley Douglas)结婚生下儿子基弗·萨瑟兰(Kiefer Sutherland)4年后这段婚姻再度宣告失败1972年唐纳德与现妻子、法加女星弗兰辛·拉奇特(Francine Racette)结为连理并一直生活到现在。
2023-07-13 06:59:181

介绍几部和《沉默的羔羊》差不多的美国电影 要有名

汉尼拔 红龙 七宗罪 少年汉尼拔
2023-07-13 06:59:4012


2023-07-13 07:00:075

in a worry英文

1.Forget as far as possible your these worry the matter.2.C full of / be filling with 都表示充满..第一个是单词不可以做宾补,第二个是错误的搭配,第四个搭配正确,但是句子前面没有be 动词3.B than + 动词ing4.B 首先were是be动词,后面不可以+动词原形和介词短语,排除C、D,再根据句意判断是被动语态 be动词+动词的过去分词,所以选B5.选B A是形容词不可以用在介词后面,C是指某个时间,特指,不符合句意,D是表示次数,也不符题意
2023-07-13 07:00:221


2023-07-13 07:00:313

kill time 和 a waste of time有什么区别?

你好:为你提供精确解答kill time意思是消磨时光。是个动宾搭配。a waste of time意思是浪费时间。是个名词短语。我假期靠回答问题消磨时光,我靠看电视来消磨时光,都是用第一个。一般来说。第一个是中性词,第二个是贬义词。比如说,你妈妈经常责怪你浪费那么多时间去玩而不写作业。谢谢
2023-07-13 07:00:571

jonas brothers的one day at a time的歌词有什么故事么

古歌了一下,真的没发现点有用的东西,关于这首歌的创作背景也不是很清楚。这歌是Jonas Brothers, Steve Greenberg, Michael Mangini一起写的,如果是三兄弟单独创作的话我还真的会相信有什么背后的故事,比如说"Mandy"就是这样。所以我觉得吧,应该没有比较personal的因素。
2023-07-13 07:01:052

《杀死一只知更鸟》To kill a mockingbird

By Harper Lee 刚读完了英文原版,诙谐,有趣,三观很正,作为一个女儿的父亲读这本书,关于如何做父亲的角色也有感悟,包括原则,勇敢和坚持。这本书是从一个小女生作为第一视角去描述的,很适合初中左右的学生读,期待以后和我女儿重温这本书。 有2个地方想特别说下: 一,在Tom Robinson被陪审团投票为有罪后,Jem和Scout的世界观应该说是崩塌了,他们对整个事情进行了讨论,这个过程中,Jem开始根据他自己的理解,对世界上的人分位四类人:“There"s four kinds of folks in the world. There"s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there"s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes”。在我看来这里是很具有象征意义的,Jem刚好代表的是一直接受三观很正的教育的赤子少年,抱有善有善报恶有恶报的信念,但是当现实发生的事情和他一直笃定的信念发生了偏差,人是需要为这种偏差对自己提供解释的,也就是重新构建自己的价值观。我们看到,他开始对人进行分类了,因为作为律师的父亲之前告知他们的democracy和equality已经无法解释他所遇见的事情,他的妥协就是,认为人之间是有阶级的,阶级之间的冲突,无法通过democracy和equality解决。 二,最后到底谁杀了Bob Ewells?书里没有给出明确答案,在Jem醒来之前就结束了。但可以肯定是Boo Radley,几个线索如下:1)Heck Tate手里的那把Switch-Blade刀,Atticus特意问了这把刀的来源,因为这把刀要比杀死Bob Ewells的厨刀小,刚好对应Jem的衣服上以及Scout的万圣节服装上的刀孔,而厨刀哪里来的,最可能是来自于离得最近的Radley家里;2)Atticus一开始以为是Jem,因此执意要让Jem苏醒后去面对这些,可能上法庭,他自己也说,如果不这么做,他以后无法面对Jem或Scout,从小说里Atticus一贯的做法来看,他肯定会这么做,但是当Heck Tate说“God damn it, I"m not thinking of Jem!”后,Atticus明白了Boo才是杀死Bob Eweills的人,也才开始展现出迟疑,以及最后同意Bob Ewells是摔在自己的厨刀上死的,如果是Jem杀的Bob然后Atticus还同意这个结论,那这本书的整个出发点就崩塌了,而只有当Boo Radley是凶手的时候,这个Boo Radley才变成了Mockingbird,and it is a sin to kill a mockingbird;3)Boo Radley整个过程应该是非常害怕的,包括第一次在Jem房间里时手心印在墙上的手汗,告别前抚摸Jem的自我安慰,以及最后让Scout送他回家;4)Scout在描述中说“He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives.”;4)以及Heck Tate下面的这段话: “I never heard tell that it"s against the law for citizen to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed, which is exactly what he did, but maybe you"ll say it"s my duty to tell the town all about it and not hush it up. Know what"d happen then? All the ladies in Maycomb including my wife"d be knocking on his door bringing angel food cakes. To my way of thinking, Mr Finch, taking the one man who"s done you and this town a great service and dragging him with his shy ways into the limelight - to me, that"s a sin. It"s a sin and I"m not about to have it on my head. If it was any other man it"d be different. But not this man, Mr. Finch.”这里已经明确指向Boo Radely了,并且也说明了,如果像大家说明Boo是杀Bob Ewells的人,其实不会伤害他,反而是打扰他的宁静,这也是为什么最终Atticus会同意Bob Ewells是摔在自己的厨刀上而死的结论。 To kill a mockingbird,在我看来,指的是没有底线,滥用自己的强势,对弱者进行无理由的蔑视甚至杀害。在Atticus看来,这是最烂的人。
2023-07-13 07:01:191

Ready to Die 歌词

歌曲名:Ready to Die歌手:The Stooges&Iggy专辑:Ready To DieWhen love calls your nameAnd whispers you"re the oneWhen all you"ve ever dreamedDances like stars around your heartAnd finally I hold the chanceTo give you all my loveSo whats keeping meAway from holding youI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believeOoh, I"m ready for loveOnly once, you will findA love that is so trueAnd the way I think of youYou can"t imagine how beautiful it feelsI must find a way to speakThis secret I hold nearIts these wordsYou need to hearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, Im ready to believeOohI know with you I could stay foreverSailing into graceHere all things are possibleThere"s no time or spaceWhen I feel you nearI"m ready to believeBe strong enoughGive everything I amAnd trust in loveMy arms long to reach for youThe way I feel I wish you knewI"m ready now, I"m ready to believe
2023-07-13 07:01:262

时间不等人 英语作文

Time and tide wait for no man
2023-07-13 07:01:374


2023-07-13 07:02:245

蓝屏代码 0X0000000A(0X0000FFDF,0X00000002,0X00000001,0X806E7A8E)

电脑蓝屏故障分析1.重启 有时只是某个程序或驱动程序一时犯错, 重启后他们会改过自新.2.新硬件 首先, 应该检查新硬件是否插牢, 这个被许多人忽视的问题往往会引发许多莫名其妙的故障. 如果确认没有问题, 将其拔下, 然后换个插槽试试, 并安装最新的驱动程序. (内存条兼容性问题尤为多见)3.新驱动和新服务 如果刚安装完某个硬件的新驱动, 或安装了某个软件, 而它又在系统服务中添加了相应项目(比如:杀毒软件、CPU降温软件、防火墙软件等), 在重启或使用中出现了蓝屏故障, 请到安全模式来卸载或禁用它们. 4.检查病毒 比如冲击波和振荡波等病毒有时会导致Windows蓝屏死机, 因此查杀病毒必不可少. 同时一些木马间谍软件也会引发蓝屏, 所以最好再用相关工具进行扫描检查. 5.检查BIOS和硬件兼容性 对于新装的电脑经常出现蓝屏问题, 应该检查并升级BIOS到最新版本, 同时关闭其中的内存相关项, 比如:缓存和映射. 另外, 还应该对照微软的硬件兼容列表检查自己的硬件. 还有就是, 如果主板BIOS无法支持大容量硬盘也会导致蓝屏, 需要对其进行升级. 6.最后一次正确配置 一般情况下, 蓝屏都出现于更新了硬件驱动或新加硬件并安装其驱动后, 这时Windows 2K/XP提供的"最后一次正确配置"就是解决蓝屏的快捷方式. 重启系统, 在出现启动菜单时按下F8键就会出现高级启动选项菜单, 接着选择"最后一次正确配置". 7.安装最新的系统补丁和Service Pack 有些蓝屏是Windows本身存在缺陷造成的, 应此可通过安装最新的系统补丁和Service Pack来解决; 注册表: regedit msconfig6.减少开机滚动条时间HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters,在右边找到EnablePrefetcher主键,把它的默认值3改为7,这样滚动条滚动的时间就会减少.8.加快开机速度HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl,把WaitToKillServiceTimeout设置为“4000”.HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop,找到“MenuShowDelay”主键,把它的值改为“0”就可以去掉菜单延迟效果.把AutoEndTasks的键值设置为1;然后在该分支下有个“HungAppTimeout”,把它的值改为“4000”. 二、硬件引起的蓝屏故障 1.内存超频或不稳定造成的蓝屏。 实例:随机性蓝屏。 解决方法:先用正常频率运行,若还有问题。找一根好的内存条进行故障的替换查找,一般可以解决。再就是应当注意当CPU离内存很近时内存的散热问题。 2.硬件的兼容性不好引起的蓝屏。 兼容机好就好在它的性价比较高,坏就坏在它在进行组装的时候,由于用户没有完善的监测手段和相应的知识,无法进行一系列的兼容性测试,从而把隐患留在了以后的使用过程中。 实例:升级内存时,将不同规格的内存条混插引起的故障。 解决方法:注意内存条的生产厂家、内存颗粒和批号的差异,往往就是因为各内存条在主要参数上的不同而产生了蓝屏或死机,甚至更严重的内存故障。也可以换一下内存条所插的插槽位置。如果内存条还是不能正常工作,那就只好更换了。此处,提醒各位:内存在整个微机系统中起着非常重要的作用,它的好坏将直接影响到系统的稳定性,所以在内存的选购时要注意,最好是有内行人陪伴,避免买到Remark过的条子或频率过低的条子。 3.硬件散热引起的“蓝屏”故障。 实例:在微机的散热问题上所出现的故障,往往都有一定规律,一般在微机运行一段时间后才出现,表现为蓝屏死机或随意重启。故障原因主要是过热引起的数据读取和传输错误。 解决方法:采取超频的应降频,超温的应降温。其实不一定所有的故障都那么复杂,有时候从简单的方面考虑,也能很好地解决问题要学会触类旁通。 4.I/O冲突引起的蓝屏现象。 解决方法:这种现象出现得比较少,如果出现了,可以从系统中删除带!号或?号的设备名,重新启动计算机进行确认,或者请高手手动分配系统资源。 凡事要防患于未然,下面是笔者总结出来的一些经验,可供大家参考: 1 定期对重要的注册表文件进行手工备份,避免系统出错后,未能及时替换成备份文件而产生不可挽回的错误。 2 尽量避免非正常关机,减少重要文件的丢失。如.VxD .DLL文件等。 3 对普通用户而言,只要能正常运行,没有必要去升级显卡、主板的BIOS和驱动程序,避免升级造成的危害。 4 定期检查优化系统文件,运行“系统文件检查器”进行文件丢失检查及版本校对。检查步骤参见前面相关介绍。 5 减少无用软件的安装,尽量不用手工卸载或删除程序,以减少非法替换文件和文件指向错误的出现。 6 如果不是内存特别大和其管理程序非常优秀,尽量避免大程序的同时运行,如果你发现在听MP3时有沙沙拉拉的声音,基本可以判定该故障是由内存不足而造成的 " 电脑蓝屏故障分析1.重启 有时只是某个程序或驱动程序一时犯错, 重启后他们会改过自新.2.新硬件 首先, 应该检查新硬件是否插牢, 这个被许多人忽视的问题往往会引发许多莫名其妙的故障. 如果确认没有问题, 将其拔下, 然后换个插槽试试, 并安装最新的驱动程序. (内存条兼容性问题尤为多见)3.新驱动和新服务 如果刚安装完某个硬件的新驱动, 或安装了某个软件, 而它又在系统服务中添加了相应项目(比如:杀毒软件、CPU降温软件、防火墙软件等), 在重启或使用中出现了蓝屏故障, 请到安全模式来卸载或禁用它们. 4.检查病毒 比如冲击波和振荡波等病毒有时会导致Windows蓝屏死机, 因此查杀病毒必不可少. 同时一些木马间谍软件也会引发蓝屏, 所以最好再用相关工具进行扫描检查. 5.检查BIOS和硬件兼容性 对于新装的电脑经常出现蓝屏问题, 应该检查并升级BIOS到最新版本, 同时关闭其中的内存相关项, 比如:缓存和映射. 另外, 还应该对照微软的硬件兼容列表检查自己的硬件. 还有就是, 如果主板BIOS无法支持大容量硬盘也会导致蓝屏, 需要对其进行升级. 6.最后一次正确配置 一般情况下, 蓝屏都出现于更新了硬件驱动或新加硬件并安装其驱动后, 这时Windows 2K/XP提供的"最后一次正确配置"就是解决蓝屏的快捷方式. 重启系统, 在出现启动菜单时按下F8键就会出现高级启动选项菜单, 接着选择"最后一次正确配置". 7.安装最新的系统补丁和Service Pack 有些蓝屏是Windows本身存在缺陷造成的, 应此可通过安装最新的系统补丁和Service Pack来解决; 注册表: regedit msconfig6.减少开机滚动条时间HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementPrefetchParameters,在右边找到EnablePrefetcher主键,把它的默认值3改为7,这样滚动条滚动的时间就会减少.8.加快开机速度HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControl,把WaitToKillServiceTimeout设置为“4000”.HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop,找到“MenuShowDelay”主键,把它的值改为“0”就可以去掉菜单延迟效果.把AutoEndTasks的键值设置为1;然后在该分支下有个“HungAppTimeout”,把它的值改为“4000”. ℡奥运咖油ぐ
2023-07-13 07:02:411

我安装了一个a 加速器电脑打不开了是怎么回事?它是点我的电脑右键然后干什么需要重启之后就打不开了

2023-07-13 07:02:493

Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant (仆人). He and the servant loved wine .

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A小题5:C 试题分析:这篇文章讲述了从前,一个富有的男人,他有一个仆人总是偷吃他的食物和酒,一次,他告诉仆人这里有两瓶毒药和一些食物,让仆人照顾好它们。但是,仆人还是吃掉了食物和酒,并告诉主人是猫吃掉了食物,他害怕受到惩罚,就喝掉毒药自杀。小题1:细节题。根据文章He and the servant loved wine and good food very much.整个富有的男人和 的仆人都非常喜欢食物。故选C小题2:细节题。根据文章The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that.这个富有的男人知道他的仆人吃了他的食物,喝了他的酒,但是他没有证据。故选D小题3:推断题。根据文章可知,这个富有的男人告诉仆人这里有两瓶毒药,是因为他不想让仆人喝他的酒。故选B小题4:细节题。根据文章After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground.这个仆人不相信主人说的话,他还是吃掉了所有的食物,喝掉了酒。故选A小题5:细节题。根据文章the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished(惩罚), so he drank the poison to kill himself.这个仆人告诉他的主人,一只猫吃掉了所有的食物,他害怕被主人惩罚,就喝掉毒药想自杀。可知,这个仆人很聪明。故选C点评:每一篇记叙文都会讲一件令人值得深思的故事或是一个有趣的故事。本文讲述了仆人和主人之间的对话及发生的事情。阅读此类文章可以把握好事情发展的时间先后顺序,在题目中找出文章的相对应出处,再进行仔细辨别,找出答案。
2023-07-13 07:02:561

急!!!题目为A change in my life的英语对话,高中水平就可~高分!!~~

2023-07-13 07:03:073

He bought a book that could give him much knowledge and ____could help him to kill the the time

2023-07-13 07:03:143


《Scarborough Fair》《斯卡布罗集市》 ——电影《毕业生》原声 《Scarborough Fair》Are you going to Scarborough Fair 问尔所之,是否如适 Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 Remember me to one who lives there 彼方淑女,凭君寄辞 She once was a true love of mine 伊人曾在,与我相知Tell her to make me a cambric shirt 嘱彼佳人,备我衣缁 Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 Without no seams nor needle work 勿用针砧,无隙无疵 Then she will be a true love of mine 伊人何在,慰我相思 (On the side of hill in the deep forest green 彼山之阴,深林荒址 Tracing of sparrow on snow crested brown 冬寻毡毯,老雀燕子 Blankets and bed clothers the child of maintain 雪覆四野,高山迟滞 Sleeps unawafe of the clarion call 眠而不觉,寒笳清嘶)Tell her to find me an acre of land 嘱彼佳人,营我家室 Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 Between the salt water and the sea strand良田所修,大海之坻 Then she will be a true love of mine 伊人应在,任我相视 (On the side of hill a sprinkling of leaves 彼山之阴,叶疏苔蚀 Washes the grave with slivery tears 涤我孤冢,珠泪渐渍 A soldier cleans and polishes a gun 昔我长剑,日日拂拭 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call 寂而不觉,寒笳长嘶)Tell her to reap it with a sickle of leather 嘱彼佳人,收我秋实 Parsely sage rosemary and thyme 蕙兰芫荽,郁郁香芷 And gather it all in a bunch of heather 敛之集之,勿弃勿失 Then she will be a ture love of mine 伊人犹在,唯我相誓 (War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions 烽火印啸,浴血之师 Generals order their soldiers to kill and to fight for a cause将帅有令,勤王之事 They have long ago forgoten 争斗缘何,久忘其旨 Sleeps unaware of the clarion call 痴而不觉,寒笳悲嘶) 《The sound of silence》 ——电影《毕业生》原声 《The sound of silence》Hello darkness my old friend. I"ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains with the sound of silence In restless dreams I walk alone Narrow streets of cobble stone Beneath the hallo of a street lamp, I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked night I saw ten thousand people may be more People talking without speaking hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dare disturb the sound of silence "Fool" said I "you do not know Silence like a cancer grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you But my words like silent rain-drops fell And echo-ed in the wells of silence And the people bow and prayed to the neon God they made And the sign flash out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sings said "The words of the prophers are written the subway walls and tenement halls" And whispered in the sounds of silence 《Casablanca 》 ——电影《卡萨布兰卡》原声    Sung By "Bertie Higgins"</FONT>      I fell in love with you   Watching Casablanca   Back row at the driven show   In the flickering light   Pop-corn and cokes beneath the stars  Became champagne and caviare   Making love on the long hot summer"s night       I thought you fell in love with me  Watching Casablanca   Holding hand beneath the paddle fan   In Rick"s candle lit cafe   Hiding in the shadows from the spots   A rocky moon light in your arms   Making magic in the movies   In your old Chevrolet       Oh"a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca   A kiss in not a kiss without your sigh   Please come back to me in Casablanca   I love you more and more each day   As time goes by   (music)       I guess there are many broken hearts   In Casablanca   You know I"ve really been there   So I don"t know   I guess our love story will never be seen   On the big wide silver screen   But it hurt as bad   When I had to watch you go    经典英文歌曲《卡萨布兰卡》(casablanca)并不是电影《卡萨布兰卡》(又名《北非谍影》)里的插曲。,而是上世纪70年代由著名音乐人 B ertie Higgins(贝特·希金斯)在看完这部电影后有感而写出的,用的是电影的名字,后来成为爱情电影《广岛之恋》的插曲。 电影《卡萨布兰卡》之所以受人喜爱,是因为它演绎出了人世间很多无奈的离别, 歌曲《卡萨布兰卡》之所以受人喜爱,是因为它唱出了许多无奈离别的人的心声。它贴切地再现了影片的主题,以至于许多人都以为它是电影《卡萨布兰卡》的主题曲。歌曲充满着怀旧、追忆、思念的复杂的情绪,情感真挚,曲调优美。  
2023-07-13 07:03:293

Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)歌手:Wilson Phillips专辑:California『Turn! Turn! Turn!』歌∶汤川潮音To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time for every purpose under heaven.A time to be born, a time to dieA time to plant, a time to reapA time to kill, a time to healA time to laugh, a time to weep.To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time for every purpose under heaven.A time of love, a time of hateA time of war, a time of peaceA time you may embraceThere is a season A time to refrain from embracing.To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time for every purpose under heaven.A time to gain, a time to loseA time to rend, a time to sewA time of love, a time of hateA time of peace. . .I swear it"s not too late.To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time for every purpose under heaven.And a time for every purpose under heaven.【 おわり 】
2023-07-13 07:04:311


《A Time to Kill》(John Grisham)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:o7un书名:A Time to Kill作者:John Grisham豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:Dell Publishing Company出版年份:2003-5-31页数:528内容简介:在线阅读本书Book DescriptionIn this searing courtroom drama, best-selling author John Grisham probes the savage depths of racial violence... as he delivers a compelling tale of uncertain justice in a small southern town...Clanton, Mississippi. The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young man. The mostly white town reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assault rifle -- and takes justice into his own outraged hands.For ten days, as burning crosses and the crack of sniper fire spread through the streets of Clanton, the nation sits spellbound as young defense attorney Jake Brigance struggles to save his client"s life... and then his own...Amazon.comThis addictive tale of a young lawyer defending a black Vietnam war hero who kills the white druggies who raped his child in tiny Clanton, Mississippi, is John Grisham"s first novel, and his favorite of his first six. He polished it for three years and every detail shines like pebbles at the bottom of a swift, sunlit stream. Grisham is a born legal storyteller and his dialogue is pitch perfect.The plot turns with jeweled precision. Carl Lee Hailey gets an M-16 from the Chicago hoodlum he"d saved at Da Nang, wastes the rapists on the courthouse steps, then turns to attorney Jake Brigance, who needs a conspicuous win to boost his career. Folks want to give Carl Lee a second medal, but how can they ignore premeditated execution? The town is split, revealing its social structure. Blacks note that a white man shooting a black rapist would be acquitted; the KKK starts a new Clanton chapter; the NAACP, the ambitious local reverend, a snobby, Harvard-infested big local firm, and others try to outmaneuver Jake and his brilliant, disbarred drunk of an ex-law partner. Jake hits the books and the bottle himself. Crosses burn, people die, crowds chant "Free Carl Lee!" and "Fry Carl Lee!" in the antiphony of America"s classical tragedy. Because he"s lived in Oxford, Mississippi, Grisham gets compared to Faulkner, but he"s really got the lean style and fierce folk moralism of John Steinbeck.--Tim Audiobook ReviewWith a chillingly calm, even delivery, Michael Beck, a regular Grisham reader (The Rainmaker, The Runaway Jury), turns the narrative of this disturbing tale of racism, ignorance, and brutality into an almost visceral experience. "Cobb strung a length of quarter inch ski rope over a limb ... he grabbed her and put the noose around her head." The story is frighteningly believable and expertly crafted around a horrible crime and the tragic consequences that follow. At times, Beck"s character voices can be distracting, but his efforts are generally applied to good effect, adding another level of tension to this already suspenseful look at a small Mississippi town"s struggle for justice. (Running time: 17 hours, 12 cassettes)--George LaneyFrom Library JournalIn this lively novel, Grisham explores the uneasy relationship of blacks and whites in the rural South. His treatment is balanced and humane, if not particularly profound, slighting neither blacks nor whites. Life becomes complicated in the backwoods town of Clanton, Mississippi, when a black worker is brought to trial for the murder of the two whites who raped and tortured his young daughter. Everyone gets involved, from Klan to NAACP. Grisham"s pleasure in relating the byzantine complexities of Clanton politics is contagious, and he tells a good story. There are touches of humor in the dialogue; the characters are salty and down-to-earth. An enjoyable book, which displays a respect for Mississippi ways and for the contrary people who live there. Recommended.- David Keymer, SUNY Coll. of Technology, UticaBook Dimensionlength: (cm)17.9 width:(cm)10.5
2023-07-13 07:04:381

《A Timeto Kill》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《A Time to Kill》(John Grisham)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: we5x书名:A Time to Kill作者:John Grisham豆瓣评分:8.1出版社:Dell Publishing Company出版年份:2003-5-31页数:528内容简介:This addictive tale of a young lawyer defending a black Vietnam war hero who kills the white druggies who raped his child in tiny Clanton, Mississippi, is John Grisham"s first novel, and his favorite of his first six. He polished it for three years and every detail shines like pebbles at the bottom of a swift, sunlit stream. Grisham is a born legal storyteller and his dialogue is pitch perfect.The plot turns with jeweled precision. Carl Lee Hailey gets an M-16 from the Chicago hoodlum he"d saved at Da Nang, wastes the rapists on the courthouse steps, then turns to attorney Jake Brigance, who needs a conspicuous win to boost his career. Folks want to give Carl Lee a second medal, but how can they ignore premeditated execution? The town is split, revealing its social structure. Blacks note that a white man shooting a black rapist would be acquitted; the KKK starts a new Clanton chapter; the NAACP, the ambitious local reverend, a snobby, Harvard-infested big local firm, and others try to outmaneuver Jake and his brilliant, disbarred drunk of an ex-law partner. Jake hits the books and the bottle himself. Crosses burn, people die, crowds chant "Free Carl Lee!" and "Fry Carl Lee!" in the antiphony of America"s classical tragedy. Because he"s lived in Oxford, Mississippi, Grisham gets compared to Faulkner, but he"s really got the lean style and fierce folk moralism of John Steinbeck.
2023-07-13 07:04:511

Turn Turn Turn (To Everything There Is A Season) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn Turn Turn (To Everything There Is A Season)歌手:The Seekers专辑:The SeekersThe Byrds"Turn!Turn!Turn!"歌词To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to be born, all time to dieAll time to plant, all time to reapAll time to kill, all time to healAll time to laugh, all time to weepTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to build up,all time to break downAll time to dance, all time to mournAll time to cast away stones, all time to gather stones togetherTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time of love, all time of hateAll time of war, all time of peaceAll time you may embrace, all time to refrain from embracingTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to gain, all time to loseAll time to rend, all time to sewAll time for love, all time for hateAll time for peace, i swear it"s not too late
2023-07-13 07:05:111

Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)* 歌词

歌曲名:Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)*歌手:The Byrds专辑:The Original Singles 1965 - 1967 Volume IThe Byrds"Turn!Turn!Turn!"歌词To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to be born, all time to dieAll time to plant, all time to reapAll time to kill, all time to healAll time to laugh, all time to weepTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to build up,all time to break downAll time to dance, all time to mournAll time to cast away stones, all time to gather stones togetherTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time of love, all time of hateAll time of war, all time of peaceAll time you may embrace, all time to refrain from embracingTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to gain, all time to loseAll time to rend, all time to sewAll time for love, all time for hateAll time for peace, i swear it"s not too late
2023-07-13 07:05:191

Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season) 歌词

歌曲名:Turn! Turn! Turn! (To Everything There Is A Season)歌手:The Byrds专辑:Turn! Turn! Turn!The Byrds"Turn!Turn!Turn!"歌词To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to be born, all time to dieAll time to plant, all time to reapAll time to kill, all time to healAll time to laugh, all time to weepTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to build up,all time to break downAll time to dance, all time to mournAll time to cast away stones, all time to gather stones togetherTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time of love, all time of hateAll time of war, all time of peaceAll time you may embrace, all time to refrain from embracingTo everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenAll time to gain, all time to loseAll time to rend, all time to sewAll time for love, all time for hateAll time for peace, i swear it"s not too late
2023-07-13 07:05:251

求beyond the time歌词

no amount of money could pay my sins daddy"s so sorry for the state he"s in there"s a heavy price for the hurt i"ve caused daddy"s gone away from the ones he loved i wonder who you"ll be when you"ve grown i hope you have my eyes but not my soul would you even want to know my name?don"t fear the blood "cos we"re not the same i can"t hold you god i"m on my knees i"ll always love you my heart is on my sleeve i close my eyes when the nights are still there"s a time to die, a time to kill if you"re listening god i forgot to pray for the thousand demons standing in my way i long to see you in the town beyond the trees i wish i"d known you but there is no release look after your mama when i"m gone you"ve got to play straight, you gotta be strong god is shining on my son please don"t judge me when i"m gone i will hold you when you reach the other side i adore you "cos love will never die i will see you in the town beyond the trees there"s light in the distance
2023-07-13 07:05:332

Ready To Die 歌词

歌曲名:Ready To Die歌手:Andrew W.K.专辑:I Get Wet"Ready To Die"Andrew awshwlThis is your time to pay,This is your judgement day,We made a sacrifice,And now we get to take your life.We shoot without a gun,We"ll take on anyone,It"s really nothing new,It"s just a thing we like to do.You better get ready to die,You better get ready to kill,You better get ready to run,Cause here we come,You better get ready to die!Your life is over now,Your life is running out,When your time is at an end,Then it"s time to kill again,We cut without a knife,We live in black and white,Your just a parasite,Now close your eyes and say good-night.You better get ready to die,You better get ready to kill,You better get ready to run,Cause here we come,You better get ready to die!Get ready to die!Get ready to die!Get ready to die!Get ready to die!You better get ready to die!
2023-07-13 07:06:191

to a friend 歌词

歌曲名:to a friend歌手:alexisonfire专辑:crisisI"m thinking that it"s time to get outMy patients are fading fastthe mind bruises just a little bit easierDark times and shadows castWhat are you suffering for?Your pride or some kind of personal war?And will you throw it away?For nothing more than the simple taste?I"ll stay in time and watch you pass byand ill draw this line (breath slow)and hope you take my side (breath slow)you shouldn"t have to fight aloneits nobody"s battle but your ownpanic holds me like a gunfirm and steadfast bleak and coldI think its time to kill the dramaThis life style"s getting oldFaces threaten from behind closed doorseyes spy from dark windowsplotting minds that seek to harm me, or maybe noti dont really knowThere is something waitingfor mein the darkest Part ofmy ima gi na-tionI"ll stay in time and watch you pass byand ill draw this line (breath slow)and hope you take my side (breath slow)you shouldn"t have to fight aloneits nobody"s battle but your ownThis is just self-induced terrortheres more to comethis is just a glimpsei tell myself that its all in my headbut im pretty hard to convinceOh, there"s no reliefOh, this world can offerOh, there"s no reliefOh, this world can offer meI stay in time and watch you pass byI draw this lineand hope you"ll take my sideYou shouldn"t have to fight aloneIt"s nobody"s battle but your own
2023-07-13 07:06:261

郑秀文的《煞科》 歌词

歌曲名:煞科歌手:郑秀文专辑:郑秀文萤光粉红色彩演唱会 Cd2词:周礼茂 曲:Joon-Young ChoiWanna make It...Wanna make it for your will不要没头没脑缠住我几个闷场下去无突破警号如何宁静 如何沉默都响起了祸一晚完全没你容易过就让你多讲一声很爱我心内犹如无事 犹如无物不肯相信么? Wooh!你追 我躲 结果已说得很赤裸你追 我躲 已说得很赤裸你追 我躲 没什么可错摸你清 我楚 杀了光阴太多煞科 煞科 现在只好煞科Let say gonna make my pointPut your face to the realNot walking like a wheelNot let the time to kill my freedom to stillI wanna make it for the realCan"t peel off my words my style cooler thanchill nothing to see with my skill"Still" I wanna make a deal"Still" I wanna make a deal
2023-07-13 07:06:331

煞科(D.J Tommy Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:煞科(D.J Tommy Remix)歌手:郑秀文专辑:2002电Party词:周礼茂 曲:Joon-Young ChoiWanna make It...Wanna make it for your will不要没头没脑缠住我几个闷场下去无突破警号如何宁静 如何沉默都响起了祸一晚完全没你容易过就让你多讲一声很爱我心内犹如无事 犹如无物不肯相信么? Wooh!你追 我躲 结果已说得很赤裸你追 我躲 已说得很赤裸你追 我躲 没什么可错摸你清 我楚 杀了光阴太多煞科 煞科 现在只好煞科Let say gonna make my pointPut your face to the realNot walking like a wheelNot let the time to kill my freedom to stillI wanna make it for the realCan"t peel off my words my style cooler thanchill nothing to see with my skill"Still" I wanna make a deal"Still" I wanna make a deal
2023-07-13 07:06:471

—Do you often get online?— Yes. I ______ lots of time on it. It’s a good way to kill time. A

B 试题分析:句意:——你经常上网吗?——是的。我上网花了很多时间。这是一种消磨时间的好方法。A.cost花费,常用句型:sth. cost sb. some money; B. spend花费, 常用句型:sb. spend some time/money on sth. C. take花费, 常用句型: It takes sb. some time to do sth. D. pay花费, 常用句型:sb. pay some money for sth.因为 on it可知此处用动词spend。故选B。
2023-07-13 07:06:541

Ricochet In Time 歌词

歌曲名:Ricochet In Time歌手:Shawn Colvin专辑:Steady OnI"ve been sleeping fairLately I could swear I"m thinkingclearer and clearerAnd I"ve been working hardLooking at my punch card andmy mirror, my mirrorBut I daydream in my roomI"m baying at the moonRicochet in time to the the musicYou just pick a day and I"m ina new destinationI take too many planesI know too many names and Iforget themI wanted to know if dreamswould lieYou said they would try and Isaid let themYou just let themBut I kill dreams in the chaseI slap love in the faceRicochet in time to the musicYou just pick a day and I"m ina new destinationI crawled up from the sewerFor something that was truerthan I intendedI ended up on my kneesIn this big city I was befriendedI transcendedBut I bruise my friends for moreI rail at heaven"s doorRicochet in time to the musicYou just pick a day and I"m ina new destination
2023-07-13 07:07:011

Once upon a time,there lived a rich man英语短文翻译

你好!Once upon a time,there lived a rich man从前,有一个富人
2023-07-13 07:07:212

it was a long time until

D.before “在我再次睡着之前经过了一段很长的时间” A.before “在她可以进去之前她还得消磨两个小时的时间” C.before “我在那里不到两天就开始工作了” before常用在完成时态,表示过去的过去.
2023-07-13 07:07:281

英文作文《what winning means》

Directions: Some people say winning means being rich, some people say winning means being powerful, and other people say winning means being happy. Please write a paragraph of about 120 words about YOUR understanding of winning. Sample 1 Some people say that winning means being rich, some say winning means being powerful, and others think winning means being happy. I think winning means doing what you should do and being good at it. Most of us can only live in this world for no more than 70 or 80 years. We shouldn " t think too much about what we can get from this world. Instead, we should think about what we can leave in this world. The one who can make more contributions to the world is a real winner. For example, cleaning the street is a humble job in many people " s eyes, but in my opinion, street cleaners can also be great winners. They make our city more beautiful. They give us a better environment and consequently a better life. On the contrary, some people make money at the cost of the environment. Some are even worse: They cheat or kill others in order to gain power or earn money. Winners or losers? It " s time to give it a second thought. The quadrennial choice for president is the only time all Americans vote on the same question. At the same time we do that, we also elect one-third of the Senators and the entire House of Representatives, but in smaller geographic units. It used to be that, if the winning side in an election did not have enough of a majority to pass its legislation, it knew it needed to compromise with the losing side. And the losers knew that they could influence the legislative outcome because the winners needed their votes. But, having lost the election, they tended to accept the fact that the winners got to set the agenda and the framework for the legislative solutions to problems and that their own role was to tweak - sometimes in important ways - the legislation. Now that the 2012 election is behind us, the first big question is whether or not the Republicans, having lost the White House and the Senate, will follow that tradition. Even more, it is whether John Boehner, as Speaker of the House can keep the members on his rightward fringe in check and be able both to craft compromises with the Democrats and to deliver enough votes that, when added to those of House Democrats, legislation can pass that moves the country forward on the many problems we face. If he cannot, How will the President respond? And what will he be able to do on his own, without legislation, to address those vexing problems. On one such issue, Barack Obama made it clear during the campaign that to get our fiscal house in order would require increased revenue as well as cuts in spending. More specifically, he argued that the megarich should pay more in taxes, the rest of us were already paying enough, and what money we had was needed to enable us to buy things and, thus, support demand that could, in turn, fuel the economic recovery. Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, made a case for a different approach. The president won. And Mr. Romney and the Republicans, not able to persuade the voters of their position, lost. Yet, today, even though Republicans lost a number of winnable Senate seats and have a smaller caucus than in the last Congress, Mitch McConnell, their leader in the Senate, said he would not permit taxes to be raised on anyone. Will the president call his bluff and let all the Bush tax cuts expire - including those on the 99 percent - and then make the case to the country that Republicans insisted that taxes go up for everyone in order to keep the richest one percent from having to pay a higher share? On Medicare, both candidates proposed cutting spending - they even agreed on the amount. But the president, wanting to preserve the program"s value for seniors and others who depend on Medicare, proposed doing it without reducing benefits. Instead, he would save millions by ending the windfall that private insurers earn from the Medicare Advantage program and by reducing payments to some providers. He would also use Medicare policy to stimulate providers of services to find ways to improve the quality of care and keep down the costs. Republicans defined the Medicare problem more simply. They just want to limit federal spending, which they would do by capping it at a fixed amount and distributing those funds to Medicare beneficiaries in the form of vouchers. Then, the beneficiaries would apply the vouchers toward the purchase of coverage in the private health insurance marketplace. The main problem, of course, is that Republicans cannot guarantee that the voucher would cover all the services people need or that it would keep up with the rising cost of insurance. Inevitably, beneficiaries would wind up with less coverage than they have now. It is fair to say that, to the extent that voters focused on policy issues like these, the majority voted for the president"s proposals and rejected those of Governor Romney and his fellow Republicans. So, why doesn"t the election result entitle the president to act on these matters as he said he would? And, to the extent that the Congress must act (e.g., on tax and spending legislation), why doesn"t it leave members of the House and Senate to make adjustments around the edges? Isn"t that what winning means? 这是大学作文
2023-07-13 07:07:451

阅读理解。 There has been a lot of rain in California recently. Villager...

1-4 ABCC
2023-07-13 07:07:521

一首英文歌,歌词里面好像是唱kill me 吧

kill4 me,marilynmanson新歌。
2023-07-13 07:07:592

求Manson的I Want To Kill You Like They Do In The Movies的歌词翻译

2023-07-13 07:08:073

God Is A Bullet 歌词

歌曲名:God Is A Bullet歌手:Concrete Blonde专辑:FreeConcrete BlondeGod Is A BulletAlbum: FreeThere"s a green plaid jacket on the back of the chairIt"s like a moment frozen forever thereMom and dad had a lot of big plans for their little man...So proud.Mama"s gone crazy "cause her baby"s shot downBy some teenage car chase war out of boundsIt was the wrong place wrong time wrong end of a gun.sadShoot straight from the hipGone forever in a trigger slipYou know, it could have beenIt could have been your brother.Shoot straight shoot to killBlame each other, blame yourselves you knowGod is a bullet have mercy on us everyoneThey"re gonna call me sir they"ll all stop picking on meWell I"m a high school grad I"m over 5 foot 3I"ll get a badge and a gun and I"ll join the P.D.They"ll seeHe didn"t have to use the gun they put in his handBut when the guy came at him, well he panicked and ranAnd it"s thirty long years before they give him another chanceAnd it"s sad sad sadShoot straight from the hipGone forever in a trigger slipoh, it could have beenIt could have been your brother.Shoot straight shoot to killBlame each other, blame yourselves you knowGod is a bullet have mercy on us everyoneShoot straight from the hipGone forever in a trigger slipwell, it could have beenIt could have been your mother.John Lennon, Doctor King, Harvey Milkall for goddamn nothingGod is a bullet have mercy on us everyoneGod is a bullet have mercy on us everyone搜集&整理 by nata.R
2023-07-13 07:08:141


Pick up
2023-07-13 07:08:233


They take a long time to grow.
2023-07-13 07:08:411

They normally _______in the pub to kill time

They normally drink/stay_______in the pub to kill time.意思是他们通常在酒吧喝酒/在酒吧消磨时间。看语境或正在学习的是哪个单词,答案不唯一。
2023-07-13 07:08:481

英语选择题 it is a good habit to put everything in_______. A.time B.line C.order D.shape

c order in order 按顺序 put everything in order 把东西摆放整齐
2023-07-13 07:08:587