barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-13 10:12:55





announcement .n宣告, 发表, 一项公告, 一项私人告示例句:ufeffannouncement of library holdings馆藏报道What"s the announcement about?广播说的是什么?A public announcement; a proclamation.公告公开的通告;公告Did you hear the announcement?你听见通知了吗?make known; make an announcement.使为人所知;作出宣告。
2023-07-13 06:14:191


2023-07-13 06:15:015

announce 的名词是什么?

2023-07-13 06:15:186


2023-07-13 06:16:072

请教英语大侠:annoucement announcement的区别有哪些

2023-07-13 06:16:154


2023-07-13 06:16:302


notification 畅通词汇 英 [u02ccnu0259u028atu026afu026a"keu026au0283n]     美 [u02ccnou028atu026afu026a"keu026au0283n]    n. 通知;通告;告示。Have you received a notification of the meeting?你有接到开会的通知吗?There have been no more notifications of cholera cases in the last week.上星期已没有霍乱病例的报告。近义词:announcement 常用词汇 英 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]     美 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]    n. 通告;宣布;声明。The government"s announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.政府的通告已被视为迈向解决罢工问题的一步。An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent.最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。
2023-07-13 06:16:371


announcement 是声明,某机构或某人公开表达自己就某事的观点,态度和采取的措施做法。report 是报道,是转述别人的话或者发生的事件经过。
2023-07-13 06:16:511


微博瘫痪、微信朋友圈被刷屏……在10月16日赵丽颖生日当天,她和冯绍峰的恋情终于不再是媒体追逐的“绯闻”,而是尘埃落定,开花结果。俩人“官宣”领证,也带火了官宣体。那么官宣该怎么用英文表达呢?如果是动词形式,一般用officially announce;如果是名词形式,一般用official announcement,指“正式公布,官方消息”,也就是娱乐圈常说的官宣。表达“宣布”的词有很多,但在正式场合使用较多的是announce,意为“公布,宣称,to tell people sth officially, especially about a decision, plans, etc.”像最近的梅根王妃怀孕,官推Kensington Palace就用了announce这个词。
2023-07-13 06:17:008


information 偏信息announcement 一般是用作宣告的意思poster海报, 布告notice一般翻译成 注意 的意思总体来说用的区域差别还是挺大的。
2023-07-13 06:17:182


announcement 通告,广而告之,平常情况下的通告declaration 宣言,很正式的公告(比如有关国家外交的)
2023-07-13 06:17:451


2023-07-13 06:18:0111


announcement notice
2023-07-13 06:18:236

notice,notification ,announcement 的区别,请高手指点。

2023-07-13 06:18:391


2023-07-13 06:18:497


所有手册里面的注意事项都用 Cautions
2023-07-13 06:19:231


您好~!公告的英文 announcement; public announcement; proclamation; notice; public notice
2023-07-13 06:19:311

写一篇your announcement 的英语作文

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building . It will begin at 7:30 P.m. There will be music, dancing ,singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Donu2018t forget: 7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. Thereu2019s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.My parents live in the country. They keep a dog called Ah Fu. One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along. While they were working, my sister walked to a river nearby. Ah Fu followed her there. She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river. Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately. When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister. My parents praised Ah Fu warmly. It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.
2023-07-13 06:19:401

车子仪表盘显示announcement 什么意思

2023-07-13 06:20:161


. . . i have an announcement to make . . .我要 宣布一件事 Well , now we " re all settled in and sorted , i " d pke to make an announcement 现在我们都坐下了我想 宣布一件事 Well , now we " re all settled in and sorted , i " d pke to make an announcement , 现在我们都坐下了我想 宣布一件事 I have an announcement to make 我要 宣布一件事 Well , i , who am a bonapartist also , declare one thing to you , which is , that i will kill you 好吧,我,我也是一个拿破仑党,我现在向你 宣布一件事 ,就是我要杀死你! Sam : so that " s my announcement . i " ve bought a new station in capfornia . mar ia has decided to e with me . i " ve sold my share of wefl to peter case 山姆:现在,我来 宣布一件事 。我在加利福尼亚买了一家电视台。玛丽亚决定和我一起走。我已经把wefl的股份卖给了彼得& # 8226 ;凯斯。 I had kept a secret within my heart for several months . i was afraid to tell anyone . i was afraid to share it with a soul because i thought it would epminate any hope of reconcipation 我要向他们 宣布一件事 ,这件事埋藏我心底好几个月我害怕向人透露,我怕跟人讲,因为我恐怕这是钉进那棺木的钉子,那棺木要把所有修和的盼望长黄土。
2023-07-13 06:20:221

make an announcement是什么意思

2023-07-13 06:20:313


汽车 (出价人)= 那二天的累积的不正常的为出价人归还在第 0 日子, 公告日子,而且第 1 日子时代 =1 如果接管发生在1990 年代; 0 如果接管在 1980 年代期间发生了酒馆 =1 如果目标是民众公司; 0 另外TEKBID=1 如果 acquirer 是从一高科技工业; 0 另外内部人员 = 内部人员所有权的百分比在 acquirer 中在那年在合并之前公告内部人员 = 内部人员的被一致的百分比所有权捕获非线性在内部人员所有权方面效果INSTIT= 百分比制度的在 acquirer 中的所有权在那年在合并之前公告进货 =1 如果合并牵涉存货融资; 0 另外RELSIZE= 比较的交易大小: 交易价值/[(Acquirer市场价格在日子 i- 11) +交易价值]我们期望了这些因素的考试帮助
2023-07-13 06:20:412


2023-07-13 06:21:161


notification 畅通词汇 英 [u02ccnu0259u028atu026a纤搭fu026a"keu026au0283n]     美 [u02ccnou028atu026afu026a"keu026au0283n]    n. 通知;通告;告示。Have you received a notification of the meeting?你有接枝竖蚂到开会的通知吗?There have been no more notifications of cholera cases in the last week.上星期已没有霍乱病例的报告。近义词:announcement 常用词汇 英 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]     美 [u0259"nau028ansmu0259nt]    n. 通告;宣布;声明。The government"s announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.政府的通告已被视为迈向解猛埋决罢工问题的一步。An announcement of further cuts in government expenditure is imminent.最近将发布进一步削减政府开支的公告。
2023-07-13 06:21:231


通知英文怎么说的? 通知 1. (通知事项的文书或口信) notice; circular 动词 1. (告诉) advise; notify; rm; give notice“通知”用英语怎么说 【汉语】通知 【英文】rm;acquaint; notify;advise 【词语辨析】 rm: 普通用词,指传达事实或信息,或指经过研究或调查而获得的事实或信息。 acqua触nt: 指提供有关信息或情况使某人熟悉某些过程或复杂的情况。 notify: 指正式通知需要注意的事情。 advise: 指正式通知某件重要事,所通知的事情与被通知的人有关。 "通知"用英语怎么说 通知: 1. notice 音标:英 ["nu0259u028atu026as] 美 ["notu026as] 释义:n. 通知,布告;注意;公告;vt. 通知;注意到;留心;vi. 引起注意 变形:[ 过去式 noticed 过去分词 noticed 现在分词 noticing ] 2、rm 音标:英 [u026an"fu0254u02d0m] 美 [u026an"fu0254rm] 释义:vt. 通知;告诉;报告;vi. 告发;告密 通告栏用英文怎么说 Notice column 通知的英文怎么说 书写出来的通知用 notice 印刷或打印出的正式通知用 announcement 书面或口头传达的短小通知用 message “通知通告"用英语怎么翻译?感谢~ 通知 如果是动词,应该为: notify / rm notify指“官方正式通告”, 如: We"ve notified our loss to the police. 我们已向警察局报告了损失情况。 rm 指“以任何方式直接告知”, 如: He rmed me of your decision. 他把你的决定告诉了我。 通告 如果你指的是宣布,告知之类的意思的话.. 应该为: announce (动词) 或者: notify The captain announced that the plane was going to land. 机长宣布飞机就要着陆了。 但如果你是指 电台通告(名词) 那么应该为: announcement/ notice Put up Christmas decorations, a notice, a poster 展出圣诞节装饰品、发布通告、张贴海报 the announcement appeared in the local newspaper. 通告出现在地方报纸上。 “通知”用英语怎么说 notice 名词 rm 动词 行程;通告 的英文 schedule :) 用于通知结尾的"特此通知!",英语怎么翻 通知结尾:特此通知翻译 Hereby notify the above. 直接放在句尾。 详细的通知内容开头: It is hereby announced that+通知内容 扩展句子: 特此通知你被录取 I hereby rm you that you have been admitted to
2023-07-13 06:21:361


以下几个动词都可以使用: Make an announcement. (比较常用的搭配) Provide announcement. (发布通知) Publish an announcement (登载公告) Release an announcement. (发布通知) 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!
2023-07-13 06:21:461


make announcement
2023-07-13 06:21:552

写一篇your announcement 的英语作文

May I have your attention,please?I have an announcement to make.The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening,August 15,to welcome our friends from the United States.The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building .It will begin at 7:30 P.m.There will be music,dancing ,singing,games and exchange of gifts.Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose.Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Don‘t forget:7:30,Saturday evening,roof garden,Main Building.There"s sure to be a lot of fun.Everybody is welcome. My parents live in the country.They keep a dog called Ah Fu.One day my parents went to work in the fields taking my little sister and Ah Fu along.While they were working,my sister walked to a river nearby.Ah Fu followed her there.She was trying to pick a flower when she fell into the river.Ah Fu barked and jumped into the water immediately.When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my little sister.My parents praised Ah Fu warmly.It was our brave Ah Fu who had saved my little sister.
2023-07-13 06:22:221


announcevt. 宣布;述说;预示;播报vi. 宣布参加竞选;当播音员
2023-07-13 06:22:391


It should be an announcement i/o letter ANNOUNCEMENT This is to announce that (your pany name) ("this Company" ) ceased to employ XXX(terminated staff), (title of the post) of this pany , on (Effective Date of termination) and XXX"s duties will be terminated immediately. This Company will not be liabable or responsible for any future matters related to XXX. From the moment of this announcement onwards, XXX will no longer have the power to exercise any duties on behalf of this Company or to perform any actions to which this Company is bound, whether under the personal identity of "title of the post for terminated staff"or "employee"of this Company. Thank you for your attention. (Your Director"s Name) (Your Company Name) (Date of Issue),参考: management reference book,
2023-07-13 06:22:471

消息公布 的英文是什么

2023-07-13 06:22:541


An Announcement(通知) Attention, please。 I have something to announce。 On May 1st, that is next Saturday, we will visit the Windows of the World。 That day we will gather at the school gate at 8 o\"clock in the morning and then set out by bus。 Everyone is asked to wear school uniform and bring water and lunch with you。 And all of us need to hand in 30 yuan as the entrance fee。 After entering the Windows of the World, we can visit freely and take photos。  We will return by bus at 6 o\"clock in the afternoon。 Don\"t be late。  That\"s all。 Thank you。  请注意!我有点事要通知。5月1日,也就是下星期六,我们要参观世界之窗。那天我们早晨8点在学校门口集合,然后乘车出发。每个人都要穿校服,自带水和午饭。我们每人交30元门票钱。进入世界之窗后,我们可以自由参观、拍照。  我们会在下午6点乘车返回。不要迟到。  完了。谢谢!
2023-07-13 06:23:001

发通知 英语怎么说这个词组

send announcement
2023-07-13 06:23:105

earnings announcement是什么意思?翻译成财务报告可以吗?我要专业术语的翻译啊~

2023-07-13 06:23:273


2023-07-13 06:23:378


Notice 主要指通知The tenant received two month"s notice.Announcement 主要指通告,宣布He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.他屏息静气地等待宣布竞赛结果
2023-07-13 06:24:411

morning announcement怎么翻译

morning announcement意为“晨播”
2023-07-13 06:24:493

The announcement (that) all flights were cancelled greatly distressd the waiting passengers .

由于是同位语从句,故不用which,用that。all flights were cancelled是补充说明announcement的内容,故称为同为语。
2023-07-13 06:24:561


您好,介词 on 后面接名词性成分,任何时候也不会接动词原形(do),因此这里接的是动名词 doing。
2023-07-13 06:25:041


宣布 [xuān bù]v. chalk it upvt. announce ; declare ; proclaimmisc. blazon forth双语例句:1.我们匆忙写了一封信宣布这消息。We dashed off a letter to announce the news. 2.他们希望她将宣布参加竞选州长。They are hoping that she will announce for governor. 3.我们应当放弃所有与中央领导所宣布的有抵触的意见。We should recant all opinions which are in conflict with those proclaimed by thecentral leadership.
2023-07-13 06:25:128

启示 英语怎么说

2023-07-13 06:25:446


2023-07-13 06:26:101

I have an announcement to make能写成i have to make…吗?

2023-07-13 06:26:184

listen to announcement什么意思

listen to the following announcement about the timetable for tomorrow and then fill in the timetable 听下列关于明天时刻表的通知并将其内容填入时刻表.
2023-07-13 06:26:251


2023-07-13 06:26:332

英语Due to the recent lockdown announcement怎么翻译?

Due to the recent lockdown announcement由于最近的封锁公告
2023-07-13 06:26:414

write an announcement

写一个xx公告. an announcement -- 作可数名词用,一项公告,一项个人通告 例如: write an announcement of tender 写一个招标公告
2023-07-13 06:26:481


MayIhaveyourattention,please?Ihaveanannouncementtomake.TheStudents"UnionisgoingtoholdapartyonSaturdayevening,August15,towelcomeourfriendsfromtheUnitedStates.ThepartywillbeheldintheroofgardenoftheMainBuilding .Itwillbeginat7:30p.m.Therewillbemusic,dancing,singing,gamesandexchangeofgifts.Willeverybodypleasebringalongasmallgiftforthispurpose?Remembertowrapitup,signyournameandwriteafewwordsofgoodwishes .Don"tforget:7:30Saturdayevening,roofgarden,MainBuilding.There"ssuretobealotoffun.Everybodyiswelcome.我可以请你注意,好吗?我有一张通告。学生会将要在八月十五日,星期六的晚上,举行一场晚会,欢迎我们来自美国的朋友。这场晚会将在花园的大楼, 会在晚上7点半开始。有音乐、舞蹈、歌唱和交换礼物的活动。请大家来的时候带一件小礼物好吗?记得要把它包起来,签名并写几句祝福。别忘了。星期六晚上七点半,在主要的建筑——屋顶花园。一定会很有趣的。欢迎大家都来。
2023-07-13 06:26:571

i have an announcement to make,为什么加to make?什么作用?

这里to make 作定语
2023-07-13 06:27:3614


活动通告Activity announcement
2023-07-13 06:28:002