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The boy is Tom. Tom is playing basketball. 两句合并一句?

2023-07-13 09:32:59


The boy Tom is playing basketball.

The boy playing basketball is Tom.

The boy is Tom and he is playing basketball.

The boy who is playing basketball is



tom boy中文是什么意思

tom boy中文是什么意
2023-07-13 04:19:202

tom boy 这句话

可以说,lady boy, 女人一样的男人,人妖不好意思,看错问题了。。后来才发现你说的是女人
2023-07-13 04:19:365


假小子和男人婆的概念,经常被人混为一谈,但其实两者有着很大区别。假小子一词本身是中性的,而相应的英文单词TOM BOY则指性格像男生一样活泼开朗的女孩子,推崇女性独立、自由、感性。“男人婆”一词则是明显带有贬义性的,指行为举止和形象装扮极度男性化的女性。假小子,首先体现的是个性而非外貌,女性即便留长发、穿裙子,行为也可能得跟男人一样,这才是真正的假小子。世界名著《小妇人》中的女主角乔,就是一个典型的假小子,生性好动、活泼开朗,一点也不小鸟依人,虽然举止像男孩子,但给人的形象很可爱。乔在拥有众多女性粉丝的同时,也很受男性读者的喜爱。《小妇人》的作者奥尔柯特夫人年少时也是个假小子,喜欢赛跑、爬树、吹口哨、把裤管卷得老高、坐在树上看书、好奇心很强(曾钻进轮船机房里弄得满身煤屑),这些行为往往被认为只属于男生。可以说乔就是作者奥尔柯特夫人的化身。勇敢是一种人性的美点,其实女孩子也可以很勇敢,当然,前提是不能将勇敢等同于“逞强”。正如有些男生很文质彬彬,世间也总有一些女孩子,她们就是性子很顽皮很活泼,天生坐不住,个性很强势,这些特点是她们的性格体现。
2023-07-13 04:19:501

tom boy 是什么意思

tom boy是香港环球远东贸易有限公司之自创品牌,1980年在香港注册成立,至今在香港、台湾、越南、韩国及国内各主要城市拥有庞大的销售网络和市场。真宝服饰对象为新一代年青人,为满足他们对款式与质料并重的追求,我们的产品风格既时尚又富有时代感。品种:牛仔裤、裙、针织、T恤、外套、帽、包等。
2023-07-13 04:20:051


LES分T,P,H. T = Tom Boy = 男性化的女同志 (后来T又分为TomBoy.TomGirl;Tomgirl(TG)意思是T也是女人,穿体闲装的短发的都得体现出女人的曲线美,一眼就能看出是女人。给别人看出你做女人的自信。Tomboy(TB)意思是穿男装,头发剪得像男人一样短,胸部像飞机场那样平,反正就是让别人看不出是男还是女或者是好不容易看出了是女人却以为你要做男人的人) P = 婆 = T的老婆 = 女性化的女同志 (真正的P,现在已经不多,现在的P多数是双性恋) H=TP=不分 = 中性化的女同志(后来也代表中性化的男同志) 还有其他术语: 拉子 = 拉拉 = Lesbian = 女同志 = 女同性恋 = 蕾丝边(通常简称为Les) 欧蕾 = Old Lady = OLE = 30岁以上的女同志 T Bar = 女同志酒吧 伴=「她是我的伴」表示「她是我的女朋友」 LES是指通常的女同也就是无目标的只要生理需求的多,大多烂交,GL是GIRL LOVE也就是思想为主的,可以说是精神化的,同人女在现在大多称小同漫画爱号者和创造者,但不带表他门也是小同 回答者:sca_les - 试用期 一级 4-8 10:08 对最佳答案的评论 2楼素LES吧. 评论者: 颜小朵朵 - 试用期 一级 T---TOMBOY P---POURGIRL 还有... H---HALF 评论者: xj_zrl - 试用期 一级 其他回答共 2 条 LES中分T,P,H 三种角色,首先T是比较男性化的女孩(两个女人中她扮演老公角色),P就是女性化的女孩(两个女人中她当然就是老婆角色了),而H就是不分T和P,外表可能有些中性化,根据她们个人喜好的不同,在选择另一伴时,她们又分为TP恋(一个T和一个P在一起),PP恋(两个都很女人的女性在一起),这两种搭配还比较多,另外还有一种较少的搭配方式就是TT恋(就是两个男性化的女孩在一起了) 回答者:妖妖婧 - 试用期 一级 4-5 20:05 还有拉拉 拉子 对食-同好--古时候的暗语 古代男同性恋一般叫-断袖
2023-07-13 04:20:151


2023-07-13 04:20:492

I'm Tom the boy是不是对的?

不对 I"m the boy, Tom.我是那个男孩汤姆。
2023-07-13 04:20:564

Tom是一个14岁的男孩,可以表示为Tom is a boy of 14 years?

可以的 如果我的回答帮到你,请及时采纳,您的认可是对我最大的支持! 不明白可以继续追问,全力为您解答!,8,可以,但更常见的是:Tom is a 14-year-old boy. 祝学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*),0,
2023-07-13 04:21:141


问题一:牛仔外套里面要配什么样的衣服 白色的衬衫,黑色的小脚铅笔裤!鞋子可以搭配黑色短款的!在搭配上一个大款的流苏包! 问题二:蓝色牛仔外套怎么搭配 1.里面可以穿长款的淡色衣服,然后要穿紧身的显腿细的牛仔裤,外套扣子不要扣,配罗马鞋。 2.里面依然是淡色T恤,可以穿牛仔西短配黑 *** ,外套扣子依然不扣,可以是棕色的鞋子。 3.里面穿碎花裙。(不知是怎样的牛仔外套,有可能配裙子不好看吧) 问题三:男士牛仔外套里面搭配什么衣服好看 那种有洞洞的牛仔裤,随便什么颜色 问题四:深蓝色牛仔外套里面配什么衣服和裤子 同是蓝色,或者黑色的牛仔裤。 穿衣服的学问 首先是搭配好颜色 1、红色配白色、黑色、蓝灰色、米色、灰色。 2、粉红色配紫红、 灰色、墨绿色、白色、米色、褐色、海军蓝。 3、橘红色配白色、黑色、蓝色。 4、黄色配紫色、蓝色、白色、咖啡色、黑色。 5、咖啡色配米色、鹅黄、砖红、蓝绿色、黑色。 6、绿色配白色、米色、黑色、暗紫色、灰褐色、灰棕色。 7、墨绿色配粉红色、浅紫色、杏黄色、暗紫红色、蓝绿色。 8、蓝色配白色、粉蓝色、酱红色、金色、银色、橄榄绿、橙色、黄色。 9、浅蓝色配白色、酱红色、浅灰、浅紫、灰蓝色、粉红色。 10、紫色配浅粉色、灰蓝色、黄绿色、白色、紫红色、银灰色、黑色。 11、紫红色配蓝色、粉红色、白色、黑色、紫色、墨绿色。 在配色时,必需注意衣服色彩的整体平衡以及色调的和谐。通常浅色衣服不会发生平衡问题,下身着暗色也没有多大问题,如果是上身暗色,下身浅色,鞋子就扮演了平衡的重要角色,它应该是暗色比较恰当 12、同种色是指一系列颜色相同或相近,由明度变化而产生的浓淡深浅的色调。如中性色同种色的搭配,可由银灰色条绒上装、白衬衫、深烟灰法兰绒裙子、烟灰底子自圆点印花丝巾、黑色高跟鞋、黑色网眼 *** 、银灰色与白色交织的细格帆布提包等组成。同种色搭配要注意色与色之间的明度相差不能太近也不能过远,例如黑与白明度对比太大,则需用灰色加以过渡。用作过渡的色调,可施之于背包、腰带、围巾等附属饰物。同种色搭配时,最好有深、中、浅三个层次的变化。少于三个层次的搭配比较单调,层次过多则易产生繁琐散漫的效果。 相似色服装搭配的技巧 相似色指相近的色彩,如红与橙黄,橙红与黄绿,黄绿与绿,绿与青紫等。与同种色服装搭配相比,相似色搭配略多变化,但整体效果也是非常协调统一的。例如少女穿着青铜绿色宽松套衫,豆绿、鹅黄、天蓝、黑和铁灰构成的印花布裙裤、腰带,脚穿白色凉鞋,适合春夏或夏秋之交。又如,黑底绸衬衫上,印有橙、土黄、金茶或褐灰细条构成的彩格,配穿黑色长裤,茶褐皮腰带,亦十分漂亮。 身材瘦小怎么穿衣服,小身材的穿衣搭配法则 身材娇小的你是不是正在为穿什么衣服好看发悉呢,告诉你一个秘密:长宽脚裤可以让你的身材显得不那么单薄瘦小。包括基因在内的种种原因使得我们的身材看起来有点儿单薄瘦小,在穿衣搭配上也相对缩小的选择的空间,没办法!但你别忘了,服饰可以改变一个人的整体形象,看看下面这些美女们穿起宽脚裤的感觉,你会发现,它也同样适合你。 浅色短开衫能提升腰线 短款上衣从视觉上可以缩小上身比例,达到整体拉长的效果。将腰线提高至胸下位置,延长了下半身的长度。浅灰色短开衫/MORGAN ,黑色logo吊带衫/PIN KO [/url] 抢眼的小挎包 夹在腋下使视线聚焦,增加上半身醒目度。黑色漆皮挎包/M A N G O ,黑色背心/MORGAN ,米色针织开衫/TOM BOY [/url] 小露性感的低V形领上衣 增加上衣露肤的面积,性感度让视线提升。V形领连接肩部的蕾丝花边,激增性感风情。V形领紧身上衣/PINKO ,灰色平绒高跟鞋/热风 [/url] 轻盈飞舞的薄纱围巾 长度至腰部最佳。可以随风飘拂的薄纱质地,让上身更显轻盈。黑色银丝针织上衣/b+ab(i.t) ,粉色丝巾/MANGO [/url] 简洁的项链 选择设计简洁的款式,面积不要过多过大,视觉上可拉长上身比例,长项链/PILGRIM,白色毛线开衫/b+......>> 问题五:牛仔外套配什么鞋子好看 牛仔外套搭配鞋子技巧一 牛仔外套搭配上一双蓝色高跟鞋,同时蓝色系的设计,更加能够突出简介的风格。再搭配上一条修身裤,就能够把自己的身材完美的展现出来。这样的服装搭配上,更加具有美感。让你的魅力无与伦比。 牛仔外套搭配鞋子技巧二 牛仔外套的设计是多种多样的,在设计上有宽大的有紧身的,而紧身牛仔外套更加能够凸显身材。在搭配上一双亮色单鞋。就能够给人一种温暖的感觉。如果在裤子的选择上也选择一款色彩明亮的,也能够突出这种夜色。当然如果你到凉鞋批发市场挑一双高大上的凉鞋也是非常不错的选择 牛仔外套搭配鞋子技巧三 宽松的牛仔外套在设计上更加适合微胖的美眉。这样不会让身上的赘肉显得特别突出。同时也能够遮挡身上的赘肉。再搭配上一双裸色短靴。就能够把自身特色表现出来。而裤子的选择也要根据自身判断去寻找合适的裤子。 牛仔系列的服装设计多以蓝色作为基础色。在通过设计手法在这基础上进行变化。通过牛仔外套与鞋的搭配。让你能够穿出不同的感觉。以上就是我为大家带来的牛仔外套搭配什么鞋子的技巧。让你在秋日穿出不一样的风采。 问题六:牛仔上衣搭配什么衣服好看 牛仔上衣虽说是百搭单品,但是怎么穿才能更出彩呢?我教你几招! 1、俏皮甜美=牛仔外套+短T+溜冰裙 牛仔外套的休闲,搭配短Tee和溜冰鞋的利落和俏皮,这身搭配最适合年轻的妹子们尝试了! 2、修身韩范=牛仔外套+长T+打底裤 长T+打底裤的穿法是春秋最舒适的搭配。如果想更进一步穿出层次感,牛仔外套就是必备神器。 3、休闲好穿=牛仔外套+T+紧身裙 3件随便一搭就能出门的look,主打就是休闲好穿。特别适合“懒癌”妹子们哦~ 4、治愈森系=牛仔外套+长裙+球鞋 森系look也能用牛仔外套搭?用它配上棉布长裙和球鞋,舒适又清新。 5、气场御姐=牛仔外套+皮裙+高跟鞋 hold住小清新,就玩的了大气场。搭配皮裙和高跟鞋,牛仔外套look摇身一变成了御姐范儿。 6、养眼复古=牛仔外套+高腰裙+短靴 标志性的复古高跟鞋,搭配休闲风的牛仔外套,甜美的vintage感就信手拈来了! 7、活力减龄=牛仔外套+连衣裙+球鞋 同样是不需要什么搭配功力的随身look,这3件搭配我也很稀饭噢!很适合出门逛街时穿哦。 要了解更多精彩的资讯,可以下载我们的APP:穿衣助手or关注公众号:穿衣助手,一款教你穿衣搭配的软件哦~ 问题七:女生牛仔外套怎么配衣服? 衬条白色的裙子,或者黑色的也可以。如果不喜欢裙子就一条紧身深色的牛仔裤。至于衣服,黑色的或者红色的会比较好看。 问题八:牛仔衣搭配什么衣服女 你好! 女子穿着牛仔衣,给人有性格又有魅力的感觉。下面我指导你如何搭配牛仔衣: 一、 清新的浅蓝色牛仔衣搭配白T和白色紧身裤,统一的白色系在视觉上可以拉长身体线条, 下搭乐福鞋比较休闲,搭配运动鞋则比较贴合时下潮流,平底鞋就更有女人气质。 二、 蓝色牛仔衣内搭灰色T恤比较淡雅,灰色本身就是非常中庸的色彩,与硬朗的牛仔搭配更显温婉气质。T恤的选择上可以考虑更具设计感的款式,比如下摆开叉,当然T恤的衣领一般越大越性感。 三、 牛仔衣内搭白T或白色吊带都显得十分清纯干净,下搭黑色高腰短裤,再配以黑色及踝短靴,帅气又酷劲十足。包包也选择时下正热的黑色迷你斜挎包,分分钟穿出潮流姿态。 四、 牛仔衣搭配高雅的H型印花连衣裙显得帅气又不乏典雅气质。 五、牛仔搭牛仔本就正统的搭配之一,不管是春夏的牛仔衬衫搭配牛仔裤还是秋冬的牛仔衣搭配牛仔半身裙都显得文艺范儿十足。 六、深色牛仔衣搭配黑白条纹T,很有学院气息,下搭黑色西裤,将裤脚挽起更有潮味儿,然后再搭配一双黑白色休闲鞋。 七、蓝色牛仔衣内搭带字母或图案的白T则更具少女气质,下搭黑色紧身裤,将T恤的下摆束进裤腰更显腿长。奶嘴帽、复古圆框墨镜、黑色方型斜跨包和黑白拼色运动鞋都是凹造型必备的时尚利器。 八、牛仔衣融入破洞元素更显个性,配上简约的长T就显得十分性感与时尚。 九、女子牛仔衣的最佳搭档可能是连衣裙,尤其是各种碎花、印花或条纹、格纹连衣裙,因为相对宽松的裙摆不仅遮肉显瘦,还十分甜美清新。 、 学院气息十足的选择,牛仔衣搭配运动裤或百褶裙,显嫩又舒适。 十、女子穿牛仔衣搭T恤,配红裙加PU裤是很帅气的叠穿法,只是这种搭配的牛仔衣一定要选合身小巧的款式。 十一、牛仔衣搭白色T恤,下装配紧身小脚裤。肩章的设计和框架眼镜都十分具有时尚气息。 十二、牛仔衣搭黑色T恤,下装配紧身小脚裤。印染的设计很独特,也很东方。 十三、牛仔衣搭格纹衬衫,下装配工装裤。高腰牛仔衣是十分随性帅气的,可以搭配很多风格的服装。 十四、牛仔衣搭点点连衣裙。牛仔衣搭配连衣裙是女生很爱的搭配方法。 十五、牛仔衣搭配同色系牛仔裤,深沉之间折中统一,很是和谐。 十六、牛仔衣搭配小短裤,比较适合出门旅行之类的休闲活动穿着。 十七、牛仔衣下身搭配黑色铅笔裤,很有欧美范儿的感觉。富有朝气。 十八、牛仔衣衬衣搭配灰色的运动裤,显得非常有个性,外面在搭配一件帅气的牛仔外套,更是抢眼,成为众人瞩目的焦点。 答题人:心向善美而行从仁义 问题九:牛仔短外套里面要怎么搭配衣服图片 牛仔短外套可以内上搭卡通人物T恤,下搭蓝白波点的蓬蓬裙。还可以短款白色带黑字母T恤,下搭同色系深蓝色带印花的高腰紧身牛仔裤,也很流行的。
2023-07-13 04:21:231


2023-07-13 04:21:314

用英语翻译“汤姆是一个男孩吗”并作出肯定回答和否定回答 请各位帮帮忙,明天就要要

Is Tom a boy?yes,he,he isn"t
2023-07-13 04:21:483

有一首英文歌,女歌手唱的,有点劲爆,里面好像有so way so way so way

不知道是不是so much out the way
2023-07-13 04:21:564


SO whatNa Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I guess i just lost my husband I don"t know where he went So i"m gonna drink my money I"m not gonna pay his rent (Nope) I got a brand new attitude And i"m gonna wear it tonight I wanna get in trouble I wanna start a fight Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I wanna start a fight Na Na Na Na Na Na Na I wanna start a fight So so what? I"m still a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t need you And guess what I"m having more fun And now that we"re done I"m gonna show you tonight I"m alright, I"m just fine And you"re a tool So so what? I am a rockstar I got my rock moves And i don"t want you tonight Uh, check my flow, uh The waiter just checked my table And gave to Jessica Simp- Shit! I guess i"ll go sit with Tom boy At least he"ll know how to hit What if this song"s on the radio Then somebody"s gonna die I"m gonna get in trouble My ex will start a fight Na Na Na Na Na Na Na He"s gonna start a fight Na Na Na Na Na Na Na We"re all gonna get in a fight! So so what? I"m still a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t need you And guess what I"m having more fun And now that we"re done I"m gonna show you tonight I"m alright, I"m just fine And you"re a tool So so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t want you tonight You weren"t fair You never were You weren"t all But that"s not fair I gave you life I gave my all You weren"t there You let me fall So so what? I"m still a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t need you And guess what I"m having more fun And now that we"re done (we"re done) I"m gonna show you tonight I"m alright(I"m alright),I"m just fine (I"m just fine) And you"re a tool So so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t want you tonight No No, No No I Don"t want you tonight You weren"t fair I"m gonna show you tonight I"m alright, I"m just fine And you"re a tool So so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And i don"t want you tonight Ba da da da da da --------------------------------------------------------【Hot n cold】:Katy Perry You change your mind 你改变主意 Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩子换衣服似的 Yeah you, PMS 没错 你就像得了经前综合症 Like a bitch 像个泼妇 I would know 我早该知道 And you over think 你想得太多 Always speak 说话总是 Cryptically 神秘兮兮地 I should know 我应该知道 That you"re no good for me 和你在一起没什么好处 Cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你时而热情时而冷淡 You"re yes then you"re no 反反复复/(摇摆不定) You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up then you"re down 心情时好时坏(喜怒无常) You"re wrong when it"s right 是非颠倒 It"s black and it"s white 黑白不分 We fight, we break up 我们吵架 分手 We kiss, we make up 我们拥吻 和好 You, You don"t really want to stay, no 你不是真想呆在这儿 you, but You, but you don"t really want to go oh 但也不是真想离开 You"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热 You"re yes then you"re no 反反复复 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up and you"re down 心情时好时坏 We used to be 我们以前 Just like twins 就像双胞胎一样 So in sync 举手投足很合拍(行动一致) The same energy 一样的有能量活力四射 Now"s a dead battery 现在就像个烂电池 完全不通电 Used to laugh ‘bout nothing 以前常常乐呵呵的 Now you"re plain boring 现在的你很闷很无趣 I should know that 我该知道 you"re not gonna change 你不会有任何改变 Cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你时冷时热 You"re yes then you"re no 总是反反复复的 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up then you"re down 心情时好时坏 You"re wrong when it"s right 是非颠倒 It"s black and it"s white 黑白不分 We fight, we break up 我们吵架 分手 We kiss, we make up 我们拥吻 和好 You, You don"t really want to stay, no 你不是真想呆在这儿 you, but You, but you don"t really want to go oh 但也不是真想离开 You"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热 You"re yes then you"re no 反反复复的 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up and you"re down 心情时好时坏 Someone call the doctor 快请医生来救救我 Got a case of a love bipolar 我处在又爱又恨的爱情之中 Stuck on a roller coaster 就像被困在了过山车上 Can"t get off this ride 下不来了 You change your mind 你不停改变主意 Like a girl changes clothes 就像女孩子换衣服似的 Cause you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你时冷时热 You"re yes then you"re no 总是反反复复的 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up then you"re down 心情时好时坏 You"re wrong when it"s right 是非颠倒 It"s black and it"s white 黑白不分 We fight, we break up 我们吵架 分手 We kiss, we make up 我们拥吻 和好 you"re hot then you"re cold 因为你时冷时热 You"re yes then you"re no 总是反反复复的 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up then you"re down 心情时好时坏 You"re wrong when it"s right 是非颠倒 It"s black and it"s white 黑白不分 We fight, we break up 我们吵架 分手 We kiss, we make up 我们拥吻 和好 You, You don"t really want to stay, no 你不是真想呆在这儿 you, but You, but you don"t really want to go 但也不是真想离开 You"re hot then you"re cold 你忽冷忽热 You"re yes then you"re no 反反复复 You"re in then you"re out 进进出出 You"re up and you"re down 心情时好时坏 ---------------------------------------------When you are gonei always needed time on my own i never thought i"d need you there when i cry and the days feel like years when i"m alone and the bed where you lie is made up on your side when you walk away i count the steps that you take do you see how much i need you right now? when you"re gone the pieces of my heart are missing you when you"re gone the face i came to know is missing too when you"re gone all the words i need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok i miss you i"ve never felt this way before everything that i do reminds me of you and the clothes you left they lie on my floor and they smell just like you i love the things that you do when you walk away i count the steps that you take do you see how much i need you right now? we were made for each other out here forever i know we were yeah yeah all i ever wanted was for you to know everything i do i give my heart and soul i can hardly breathe, i need to feel you here with me yeah -----------------------------------This Is The Life Oh the wind whistles down The cold dark street tonight And the people they were dancing To the music vibe And the boys chase the girls, with curls in their hair While the shocked too many sit way over there And the songs get louder each one better than before And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the sizxe Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight So you"re heading down the road in your taxi for 4 And you"re waiting outside jimmy"s front door But nobody"s in and nobody"s home till 4 So you"re sitting there with nothing to do Talking about Robert Ragger and his 1 leg crew And where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size Oh where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size Where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size Oh where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? And you singing the song thinking this is the life And you wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size where you gonna go, where you gonna go, where you gonna sleep tonight? Where you gonna sleep tonight?
2023-07-13 04:22:033


问题一:“生日快乐,祝你生日快乐。。。”这句歌词的歌名是什么? 郑智化 你的生日 你的生日让我想起 一个很久以前的朋友 那是一个寒冷的冬天 他流浪在街头 我以为他要乞求什么 他却总是摇摇头 他说今天是他的生日 却没人祝他生日快乐 生日快乐 福你生日快乐 握着我的手 跟我一起唱这首生日快乐歌 生日快乐 祝你生日快乐 有生的日子天天快乐 别在意生日怎么过 (music) 这个朋友早已不知下落 眼前的我有一点失落 这世界有些人一无所有 有些人却得到太多 所以我最亲爱的朋友 请你珍惜你的拥有 虽然是一首生日才唱的歌 愿永远陪伴你左右 问题二:第一句是这样唱的:这是一生为你而唱的歌,却只能对你说一声祝你生日快乐.[是什么歌啊] 那歌名应该就是《生日快乐》, tudou/programs/view/uY-BwQc3u5s 这是这个歌曲的音频连接,你听听吧! 问题三:祝你生日快乐这首歌的原唱是谁 耽祝你生日快乐》(Happy Birthday to You)是一首用来庆祝生日的流行歌曲。根据《吉尼斯世界纪录》,《祝你生日快乐》是英语中三首最流行的歌曲之一,其余两首分别是《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne) 和《他是一个快乐的好小伙》(For He"s a Jolly Good Fellow)。这首歌曲被翻译成了多国语言,尽管在一些英语不是主要语言的国家,人们也经常唱这首歌曲的英语歌词。 《祝你生日快乐》的旋律是由两位美国姐妹Patty和Mildred Hill于1893年在美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔的学校任教的时候写成的。这首歌的歌词本来是用于课堂问候,题为《祝大家早安》(Good Morning to ALL)。 问题四:生日快乐祝你生日快乐是什么歌 偏偏喜欢你 陈百强 Crany制作 愁绪挥不去苦闷散不去 为何我心一片空虚 感情已失去一切都失去 满腔恨愁不可消除 为何你的嘴里总是那一句 为何我的心不会死 明白到爱失去一切都不对 我又为何偏偏喜欢你 爱已是负累 相爱似受罪 心底如今满苦泪 旧日情如醉 此际怕再追 偏偏痴心想见你 为何我心分秒想着过去 为何你一点都不记起 情义已失去恩爱都失去 我却为何偏偏喜欢你 爱已是负累 相爱似受罪 心底如今满苦泪 旧日情如醉 此际怕再追 偏偏痴心想见你 为何我心分秒想着过去 为何你一点都不记起 情义已失去恩爱都失去我却为何偏偏喜欢你 情义已失去恩爱都失去 我却为何偏偏喜欢你 问题五:有祝你生日快乐哦欧欧得这首歌叫什么名字 专辑:未知 郑智化-生日快乐歌 词.曲.编曲:张晟 猪你生日快了…… 你的生日让我想起, 一个很久以前的朋友, 那是一个寒冷的冬天, 他流浪在街头, 我以为他要乞求什么, 他却总是摇摇头, 他说今天是他的生日, 却没人祝他生日快乐, 生日快乐 祝你生日快乐 握着我的手, 跟我一起唱这首生日快乐歌乐, 有生的日子天天快乐, 别在意生日怎么过, 这个朋友早已不知下落, 眼前的我有一点失落, 这世界有些人一无所有, 有些人却得到太多, 所以我最亲爱的朋友, 请你珍惜你的拥有, 虽然是一首生日才唱的歌, 愿永远陪在你左右 好听吗~~~:) 问题六:《祝你生日快乐》的英文歌曲名是什么??/ Happy Birthday mp3.sogou/...rthday LRC: Happy make a wish Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex Choosing our life over your life meant your death And you never got a chance to even open your eyes Sometimes I wonder as a fetus if you faught for your life? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? Would you have played in your schoolclothes and made me mad? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? Would you have made me quit *** okin" by finding one of my lighters? I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose? And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been Happy birthday... All I thought was a dream (make a wish) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) All I thought was a dream (make a wish) Was as real as it seemed I made a mistake! I"ve got a millon excuses to why you died Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t......>> 问题七:一首歌的歌词是“生日快乐,祝你生日快乐,在有生的日子里天天快乐" 这首歌名叫《你的生日》,由郑智化演唱。 你的生日 歌词: 你的生日让我想起 一个很久以前的朋友 那是一个寒冷的冬天 他流浪在街头 我以为他要乞求什么 他却总是摇摇头 他说今天是他的生日 却没人祝他生日快乐 生日快乐祝你生日快乐 握着我的手 跟我一起唱这首生日快乐歌 生日快乐祝你生日快乐 有生的日子天天快乐 别在意生日怎么过 (music) 这个朋友早已不知下落 眼前的我有一点失落 这世界有些人一无所有 有些人却得到太多 所以我最亲爱的朋友 请你珍惜你的拥有 虽然是一首生日才唱的歌 愿永远陪伴你左右 问题八:经常唱的歌词只有祝你生日快乐,歌名叫什么 《祝你生日快乐》 问题九:求一首歌的名字,有几句歌词是:你说今天是你的生日,却没人祝你生日快乐,歌名叫什么? 郑智化 的 《你的生日》 也有网友翻唱过
2023-07-13 04:22:101


2023-07-13 04:22:198

t+2 什么意思

2023-07-13 04:22:388

关于生日的英语歌! 最好多一点主题是happy birthday的

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Flipsyde feat t A t u 歌手:她兔组合 伴唱:唱片套乐队 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐.来许个愿 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐.来许个愿 Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样 Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队 Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别 Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌 And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到 Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? 有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲? Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? 你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子 And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 Happy birthday… 生日快乐. What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡 Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀 Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢? I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹 The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过 Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒 My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际 So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错 Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? 如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗? Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑? Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确? I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理 But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起 Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐. From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐. What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! 谢谢
2023-07-13 04:23:081

tom is boy he can say a few

B ①one的音标是 [wu028cn] (u028c没法显示)第一个音是w,不是原因,所以用不定冠词a ②one-year-old 构成形容词.Tim是一个一岁的男孩.
2023-07-13 04:23:261

is tom a boy?怎么回答

yes he is a boy
2023-07-13 04:23:342

Tom is the boy who is in red under the tree句子讲解

under the tree 为介词短语做地点状Tom 就是穿红衣服在树下的那个男孩。
2023-07-13 04:23:424

a boy called Tom和a boy is Tom有什么区别

a boy called Tom是被动语态“一个被叫做Tom的男孩”,a boy is Tom是“一个是Tom的男孩”
2023-07-13 04:23:493

tom is honest boy

B 考察冠词。句意:汤姆是个诚实的孩子。结合语境可知本句泛指任何一个诚实的孩子,故用不定冠词。Honest词首音素是元音,故不定冠词用an,选B。
2023-07-13 04:24:031

假设Tom是你最好的朋友,请跟据下列信息写一篇短文,简要介绍他的情况,词数100字左右。Basic facts :...

2023-07-13 04:24:102

Tom is ___ boy of the two in his family

2023-07-13 04:24:173


多晒晒太阳,晒黑了就不会显得不成熟 了……
2023-07-13 04:24:274


没有语法错误Tom is a boy who is clever.汤姆是一个聪明的男孩。who引导的定语从句
2023-07-13 04:24:352

they name the boy tom这是什么结构?

一、不管对方说什么,只要关于涉法、转账、亲情等方式,涉及到钱的,基本可以确定是诈骗电话 二、最简单的辨别方法,你可以在网上搜索这个号码
2023-07-13 04:24:5611

为什么填the other Tom is American. All the other boys in our class are Chinese

d do under similar circumstanc
2023-07-13 04:25:275


2023-07-13 04:25:423

a boy is named tom这么说对吗?意思是不是一样?

2023-07-13 04:25:515

请问,“a boy called Tom”和“ a boy is called Tom”有什么区别?

a boy called Tom,叫Tom的男孩是个名词,called Tom一起修饰boya boy is called Tom,那个男孩叫Tom是个句子,完整的
2023-07-13 04:26:053


2023-07-13 04:26:166

the boy called tom前为什么不加is?

called Tom是过去分词短语作定语修饰boy。一个名叫汤姆的男孩所以不加is
2023-07-13 04:26:322

when tom was a boy

2023-07-13 04:26:393

Tom is American boy 与Mike is a American boy怎么区别?

2023-07-13 04:26:473

The boy is called Tom is my best friend?

2023-07-13 04:26:553


2023-07-13 04:27:143

Tom boy 是什么意思

TOMBOY是韩国最具代表性的主导时尚品牌 ,1977年,TOMBOY隆重面市,设计师在服装中加入中性设计元素,推崇女性独立、自由、感性的主张,使品牌具有流行元素与实用性相结合的数码时代的特质。
2023-07-13 04:27:304


在les中也就是拉拉,T是代表攻的一方(也就是相当于异性恋里的男的)P代表的是受的一方(也就是相当于异性恋里的女的)。H是介于T和P之间的,也就是男人和女人之间。一般娘T、爷P也可以说是H ,H本身就是中性的是可变性的随着自己喜欢的人而改变的,也就是说可攻可受 ( 就是既可以嘿咻别人,也可以被别人嘿咻)至于你说的娘P这个貌似没这个说法吧,因为P本身就是娘的了。对了还有一般娘T都是TTL(就是TT恋),爷P就是PPL(PP恋) 也不全是这样,只是少数。T是Tom boy的缩写,对应的中文词是 小顶 。P是Pure girl的缩写,对应的中文词是 小底。H是Half的缩写,对应的中文词是 不分。
2023-07-13 04:27:361

Happy Birthday 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Birthday歌手:Zuzu"S Petals专辑:When No One"S LookingHappy Birthday…so make a wishHappy Birthday…so make a wishPlease accept my apologies, wonder what would have been FlipsydeTom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.I payed for the murder before they determined the sexChoosing our life over your life meant your death SongtexteAnd you never got a chance to even open your eyes SongtextSometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? LyricsWould you have been a little genius in love with math? LyricWould you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? LiedertexteWould you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? LiedertextWould you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? AlleI wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? FlipsydeAnd the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? HappyThink about it every year, so I picked up a pen BirthdayHappy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve beenHappy birthday… SongtexteWhat I thought was a dream (make a wish)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) SongtextWhat I thought was a dream (make a wish)Was as real as it seem LyricsI made a mistake!I"ve got a million excuses to why you died LyricBet the people got their own reasons for homicideWho"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? LiedertexteI was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad LiedertextThe fear of being a father has never disappearedPondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer AlleMy vision of a family was artificial and fakeSo when it came time to create I made a mistake FlipsydeNow you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? HappyMaybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused?Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? BirthdayI never tell a woman what to do with her body SongtexteBut if she don"t love children then we can"t party SongtextThink about it every year, so I picked up a pen LyricsHappy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve beenWhat I thought was a dream (make a wish)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) LiedertexteWhat I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)Was as real as it seem LiedertextI made a mistake!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again AlleFrom the endin" to the endin", never got to beginMaybe one day we could meet face to face? FlipsydeIn a place without time and spaceHappy birthday…From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again HappyFrom the endin" to the endin", never got to beginMaybe one day we could meet face to face? BirthdayIn a place without time and spaceHappy birthday…What I thought was a dream (make a wish) SongtexteWas as real as it seemed (happy birthday)What I thought was a dream (make a wish) SongtextWas as real as it seemI made a mistake…!
2023-07-13 04:27:441

tom is the boy和tom is a boy哪个正确

tom is a boy.the是定冠词,一般是特指,a.an是不定冠词,表示一个
2023-07-13 04:27:501


2023-07-13 04:27:596


2023-07-13 04:28:1613

Tom是一个英国男孩 用英语怎么说

1.Tom is an English boy 2.Tom comes from England
2023-07-13 04:28:411中文

eating kinds home found food bottle drink open mother why
2023-07-13 04:28:581

tatu的Happy Birthday的歌词,最好能翻译一下

以下摘自强大的国内F.L.Y.(tatu迷)第一人hitatu的网站: ----------------------------------------------------- Happy Birthday (Flipsyde 反面合唱团 feat. t.A.T.u.)Happy Birthday + Make a wish生日快乐。。。来许个愿Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样Would you""ve been a little angel or an angel of sin?你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使?Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys.做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes?还是做个倔强小男孩,有著漂亮的深褐色眼睛?I payed for the murder before they determined the sex我为谋杀而祈祷,在知道他们性别以前Choosing our life over your life meant your death选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌And you never got a chance to even open your eyes你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到Sometimes I wonder as a fetus if you faught for your life?有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗?Would you have been a little genius in love with math?你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上?Would you have played in your schoolclothes and made me mad?你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我著迷?Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper?你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲?Would you have made me quit smokin"" by finding one of my lighters?你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉?I wonder about your skintone and shape of your nose?我猜想著你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow?还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓?Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!Verse 2:I""ve got a millon excuses to why you died我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀Who""s to say it woulda worked, and who""s to say it wouldn""t have?谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢?I was young and strugglin"" but old enough to be your dad我年幼无知,挣扎於世,但年纪不小,够做个爹The fear of being a father has never disappeared害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过Pondering frequently while I""m zippin"" on my beer再三思量,我痛饮啤酒My vision of a family was artificial and fake我对家庭的预想,不切实际So when it came time to create I made a mistake当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错Now you""ve got a little brother maybe he""s really you?如今你有了小老弟,但其实是你吗?Maybe you really forgave us knowin"" we was confused?也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑?Maybe everytime that he smiles it""s you proudly knowin"" that your father""s doin"" the right thing now?也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确?I never tell a woman what to do with her body我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理But if she don""t love children then we can""t party如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen年年都许愿,所以拿出笔Happy birthday, love you whoever you woulda been生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁Happy birthday...我的愿望都是梦Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那裏的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again从天堂到地狱再回到天堂From the endin"" to the endin"", never got to begin从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终Maybe one day we could meet face to face?也许有天我们能面对面In a place without time and space那裏的时空都无限Happy birthday...生日快乐。。。Chorus:All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday)看上去却很真实(生日快乐)All I thought was a dream (make a wish)我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿)Was as real as it seemed看上去却很真实I made a mistake!我错了!
2023-07-13 04:29:061

1,Tom is a boy.(改为一般疑问句) 2,Is this your brother.(

Is Tom a boy?No,he isn"t.That is a eraser.
2023-07-13 04:29:141

flipsyde 乐队的happy birthday 这首歌的中文翻译歌词是?

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Flipsyde feat t A t u 歌手:她兔组合 伴唱:唱片套乐队 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Happy Birthday…so make a wish 生日快乐……来许个愿 Please accept my apologies, wonder what would have been 请接受我的道歉,猜想未来会怎样 Would you"ve been a little angel or an angel of sin? 你愿做个小可爱,还是赎罪的天使? Tom-boy running around, hanging with all the guys. 做个野丫头到处乱跑,和小混混成群结队 Or a little tough boy with beautiful brown eyes? 还是做个倔强小男孩,有着漂亮的深褐色眼睛? I payed for the murder before they determined the sex 我为谋杀而祈祷,然后他们定下性别 Choosing our life over your life meant your death 选择让我们过得比你好,就是你的死亡之歌 And you never got a chance to even open your eyes 你毫无机会,连睁开眼睛也做不到 Sometimes I wonder as a foetus if you fought for your life? 有时我像个婴儿一般无知,怀疑你是否为生活而战斗? Would you have been a little genius in love with math? 你能否把数学上的一点小聪明用到感情上? Would you have played in your school clothes and made me mad? 你能否穿上校服,扮演角色,让我着迷? Would you have been a little rapper like your papa da Piper? 你能否更加果断,就像你的笛子手父亲? Would you have made me quit smokin" by finding one of my lighters? 你能否没收我的打火机,让我把烟戒掉? I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose? 我猜想着你的皮肤,你的语气,和你的挺拔的鼻子 And the way you would have laughed and talked fast or slow? 还有你大笑的模样,说话是急还是缓? Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! I"ve got a million excuses to why you died 我有千万个理由来解释你的死亡 Bet the people got their own reasons for homicide 但人们却更有理由来认定这是个谋杀 Who"s to say it woulda worked, and who"s to say it wouldn"t have? 谁说这是个谋杀,谁又说这不会是谋杀呢? I was young and strugglin" but old enough to be a dad 我年幼无知,挣扎于世,但年纪不小,够做个爹 The fear of being a father has never disappeared 害怕做父亲的念头,一直困扰我,从未消失过 Pondering frequently while I"m zippin" on my beer 再三思量,我痛饮啤酒 My vision of a family was artificial and fake 我对家庭的预想,不切实际 So when it came time to create I made a mistake 当我建造家庭时,我却犯了错 Now you"ve got a little brother maybe it"s really you? 如今你有了小老弟,这是真的吗? Maybe you really forgave us knowin" we was confused? 也许你真的已忘记,了解我们的困惑? Maybe every time that he smiles it"s you proudly knowin" that your father"s doin" the right thing now? 也许他的每次微笑,都让你骄傲地感觉到父亲所做的事完全正确? I never tell a woman what to do with her body 我从未告诉女人,她的身体如何处理 But if she don"t love children then we can"t party 如果她不爱孩子,我们便无法在一起 Think about it every year, so I picked up a pen 年年都许愿,所以拿出笔 Happy birthday, love you whoever you would"ve been 生日快乐,我爱你,无论你是谁 What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了! And from the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… From the heavens to the womb to the heavens again 从天堂到地狱再回到天堂 From the endin" to the endin", never got to begin 从一个极端到另一个极端,无始无终 Maybe one day we could meet face to face? 也许有天我们能面对面 In a place without time and space 那里的时空都无限 Happy birthday… 生日快乐…… What I thought was a dream (make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(许个心愿) Was as real as it seemed (happy birthday) 看上去却很真实(生日快乐) What I thought was a dream (yeah, make a wish) 我的愿望都是梦(耶,许个心愿) Was as real as it seem 看上去却很真实 I made a mistake! 我错了!
2023-07-13 04:29:371

Tom is stronger than ( ) in his class. A.any other boy B.any boys C.any boy D.other boy

选A。理由:B错,TOM也是BOY,B的意思是包含了班上所有的男孩,语义重复。 类比:他是飞机事故遇难者中唯一幸存的。(中文病句) C错,boy加SD错,BOY加S求采纳~~
2023-07-13 04:29:441


That boy whose name is Tom is my student.
2023-07-13 04:29:544