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2023-07-13 09:19:53
TAG: 音标 单词
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(复)arms: 军事行动;纹章;兵役.


用作名词 (n.)

You should wind a cloth round the wounded arm. 你应该把一块布缠在受伤的和臂上。

The archer holds the bow in his bow arm. 运动员用执弓臂握住弓。

His left arm was hurt in an accident. 他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。

He draped his legs over the arm of the chair. 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。

There"s a tear in the arm of my jacket. 我上衣袖子上有个破囗。

They were not allowed to use arms. 不许他们使用武器。

用作及物动词 (vt.)

We must arm ourselves against the enemy. 我们必须武装自己,防范敌人。

The nation must arm its soldiers for battle. 国家必须装备士兵,以防打仗。


keep at arm"s length属于习语,有时指“避免同……亲近”。 The mother kept her baby at arm"s length, thinking that he might try to kiss her.值得注意的是arm"s前不加an。

at arm"s length指“伸臂可达之处”,单用时,也不加an。 He held the picture at arm"s length to show it to me.他把照片举在一臂之远的地方给我看。





chance one"s arm的意思是“冒险,做冒险的事”; give one"s right arm的意思是“付出极大代价”。






有call 的短语

有call的短语实在是太多了。我只能边思考边打字,能想起多少就算写多少吧。仅供参考。a call to arms 战斗的号令a close call〈口〉幸免于难, 死里逃生abbreviated call短缩呼叫alarm call警报信号announcement call通播busy hour call attempt忙时呼叫尝试call to order正式宣布开会;请某人遵守会场秩序call back收回;回电call forth唤起;使产生;使起作用call instruction呼叫指令;调用指令call money活期借款(随时可要求借款人偿还)call off order分订单call slip借书证call waiting调用等待call center客户服务中心call it quits停止做call number图书编目号码call of duty使命的召唤(游戏名)call on sb拜访某人或某地;号召某人做某事call one names用污秽语言骂人;辱骂某人call upon号召;要求;拜访call a halt命令停止call a spade a spade直言不讳;实话实说call after跟在…后面叫(以引起注意)以…命名call at sp拜访某地call attention to唤起注意call away叫走, 叫到别处;转移(某人的注意力等)call back pay加班工资call bell电铃call by reference[计]引用得,引用调用call by value按值调用,呼叫值call deposit活期通知存款call down朝下面大声叫喊;引起, 招惹;责骂〔申斥〕(某人)call error调用错误call establishment[计]呼叫建立;调用建立call for an ambulance叫救护车call for bid招标;招标通告call for love爱情呼叫转移(电影名)call for sb去接某人一起去做某事call for tender招标字数1024提示了,到此结束吧。
2023-07-13 03:49:291

魔兽世界主题曲,A call to arms 里面唱的是什么词儿?谁能听出来?

2023-07-13 03:49:394

杨戴两位先生将鲁迅先生的《呐喊》翻译为Call to arms,和《呐喊》的内容似乎不谐,该怎么解释?

call指呼喊,呐喊。to arms大概是指斗争,战斗。即以呐喊而战斗。
2023-07-13 03:49:492

英文歌里有一句歌词‘Wow Wow Wow…’的是什么歌,歌名是什么拜托各位大神

自己找找看 01 Main Title - Legends of Azeroth 艾泽拉斯的传说 02 Exclusive Track - The Shaping of the World 世界的形成 03 Exclusive Track - Legacy 遗产 04 Exclusive Track - Song of Elune 艾露恩之歌 05 Exclusive Track - Echoes of the Past 远古的回响 06 A Call to Arms 战斗的召唤 07 Intro Movie - Seasons of War 战争之时 08 Stormwind 暴风城 09 Orgrimmar.mp3 奥格瑞玛 10 The Undercity 幽暗城 11 Thunder Bluff 雷霆崖 12 Darnassus 达纳苏斯 13 Ironforge 铁炉堡 14 Elwynn Forest 艾尔文森林 15 Duskwood 暮色森林 16 Dun Morogh 丹莫罗 17 Burning Steppes 燃烧平原 18 Shimmering Flats 闪光平原 19 Felwood 费伍德森林 20 Stranglethorn Vale 荆棘谷 21 Tanaris 塔纳利丝 22 Teldrassil 泰达希尔 23 Tavern 旅馆的音乐 24 Moonfall 月光林地 25 Ruins 毁灭 26 Temple 神庙 27 Lurking 潜伏(怒炎裂谷的音乐) 28 Sacred 神圣 29 Graveyard 灰色领域(死亡后的音乐) 30 War 战争
2023-07-13 03:49:562


Jason Hayes World of Warcraft: Legends 你搜这个也许能找到,找不到M我,我给你传
2023-07-13 03:50:042

No More Secrets 歌词

歌曲名:No More Secrets歌手:Papa Roach专辑:The Paramour SessionsAlbum:The Paramour SessionsPapa Roach-No More SecretsI live the days of warI live the nights of loveI suffer to surviveI gotta gotta gotta stay aliveI hear the battle criesTheir fists are in the skyI know what I"m fighting for...No more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesNo more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesThis is a call to armsIt"s time to go to warIt"s time to rant and raveGotta gotta gotta make a changeDown on the devil streetIs there everybody meltsI know what I"m fighting for...No more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesNo more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesWhat does around comes around baby!You"ll get yours one day, that"s right!I want it all I want it now!Make no mistake, give it to me straight...No more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesNo more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesNo more secrets no more liesSee right through your alibisTake a look into my eyesNo more secrets no more liesWhat goes around comes around baby!
2023-07-13 03:50:111

鲁迅的小说《呐喊》,杨宪益先生将其译为call to arms,请问是什么意思?如何理解?

call 呼叫 arms双臂 形容:挥舞着双臂做歇斯底里状呐喊。。。
2023-07-13 03:50:302


氵 san 一声
2023-07-13 03:50:413

英语not as a call to bear arms怎么翻译?

2023-07-13 03:50:494


2023-07-13 03:50:583


1.Main Title_Legends of Azeroth我是TBC之后才开始玩WOW,那么这个激昂的旋律跟TBC的登陆页面其实也没什么太大差别,所以战斗就是要有这种轰轰烈烈的感觉2.The Shaping of The World低沉的弦乐和背景人声的前奏,引出了后面仿佛一幅世界的壮丽绘卷的旋律,这里运用回旋曲的一种表现手法,用不断回旋的曲调来构造出一种辽阔的景象.不管是电影的画面效果还是音乐,是非常重要的因素.让人陶醉其中那就是一种经典(我总认为WOW不拍玛雅动画电影实在可惜)3.Legacy开始是缓慢的节奏一直到繁盛,最后结尾就是舞蹈歌颂.要说我对哪一阶段有感觉,繁华的歌颂和舞蹈的节奏吧.这两个地方最容易让人激动人心4.Song of Elune以个人喜好来看我还是对空灵的女高音有所欣赏,开始有种在浩瀚宇宙释放璀璨星辰,然后在其中去听里面的海潮环境音,感觉像有人站在礁石上眺望苍海.5.Echoes刚开始是舒缓的笛声,到中间阶段就是弦乐击鼓然后逐渐像最高潮延续,最后曲折回到笛声,个人比较喜欢的是前阶段和后阶段,因为听到结尾的才感觉有个着落。6.A Call to Arms前段叙述疆场低沉宏厚的辽阔,然后突然起伏到激昂的高潮。总体来说有恺撒带领士兵准备决心战死的感觉。7.Seasons of War这是魔兽世界宣传片的乐曲,开头就是一个矮人的脸部特写,在这时恰好有合唱的声段,那真是显的格外绝妙。不得说起暗夜精灵变成黑色豹子那时跳水镜头快节奏的乐曲。还有兽人的疯狂嘶吼镜头,更不得不提起牛头人站在悬崖洒着灰粉的雄壮。是吧,强大的世界里面有多少难望的战斗镜头?City Themes 各主城音乐部落方:1.奥格瑞玛主城音乐<Orgrimmar>野性雄壮节拍,开头前段可以听到兽人在低嘶,挚着而不张扬. 2.幽暗城主城音乐<The Undercity>为什么我觉得开头前段有味道,后来那些亡灵的窃窃私语的环境成为重点了,但是这中诡异的风格终究适合居住在底下城的亡灵们. 3.雷霆崖主城音乐<Thunder Bluff>可惜这个牛头人主城音乐还差掉了一个音乐,是相当有节拍的音乐就这样没了?!那是我最喜欢的啊~至于血精灵的银月城,说实话那个The Sin"dorei全节音乐在TBC原声大碟里面。所以不包括WOW OST联盟方: 1.暴风城主城〈Stormwind〉无庸置疑,人类信仰圣骑士,高亢的旋律,在面对人类英雄雕像肃然起敬. 2.达纳苏斯主城<Darnassus>.. 我没有去过暗夜精灵主城,下次用个血精灵的号冒险一下去达纳苏斯主城玩偷袭吧.虽然是找死的行为.但是像歌颂暗夜精灵的音乐的确太多,所以先确定一次为好    3.铁炉宝主城<ironforge>这个矮人主城的音乐并没有收录到原声CD里面,这是自己废一口气找的,说白了开头起伏不错,音乐效果联合场景的确没什么问题,但是要说神圣程度....比起人类..矮人差了那么一点.Ambient Musics 魔兽世界中各种地貌和风景的音乐1.Elwynn Forest这是暴风城外的艾尔文森林的BGM,很静谧..我40级胆子放大,混入艾尔文.....但基本上没碰到恶劣的LM2.Duskwood暮色森林的阴深琴弦BGM,那里几乎永远没有亮力的阳光.3.Dun Morogh阿拉希高地的风景柔和乐,很难听到高潮- -..4.Burning Steppes食人魔的绞刑场,显的极度压抑低沉而又不失庄严.5.Shimmering杜隆塔尔兽人地域,也许这是兽人最平静的一块地方吧...6.Felwood我早就忘记这个环境BGM乐是从哪里来的了,但是我始终清楚那是燃烧军团恶魔的栖息之地.7.Stranglethorn Vale荆棘谷的背景音乐,这到像南非的碎鼓风格.那里生存的动物几乎可以为你提供大量的重皮- -.8.Tanaris格外空旷的塔纳利斯体现了沙漠的荒凉9.Teldrassil泰达希尔的音乐,暗夜精灵为主的乐曲.这个种族的巨木、安静、神秘、古老。这恰好是烘托暗夜精灵最好的乐曲。Subsidiary Cuesheets 这就是表达玩家各种状态的小曲目1.Tavern在旅店要歇脚的,所以运用了欢快的手法。但是个人认为地精的水手之家旅店更有开玩笑的风趣。2.Moonfall经过达拉然的时候就能听到这个简短又小的神圣。缺点就是...太短了~..3.Ruins这是歌颂当年古迹繁盛乐曲.4.Temple虽然不知道的是哪儿的BGM.音乐开始就好像是到了无人的圣堂,最后带这遗憾离开。5.Lurking这如同看到敌方的蠢蠢欲动的动静,那么这将预演这一场尔虞我诈的战斗。6.Sacred啊~这个英文名就叫“神圣.是的,这个采用了宗教的唱法,人类果然是信仰圣骑士啊。7.Graveyard死亡之后见到亡灵医者的乐曲,空灵、凄凉、惨淡的女声。就好像感觉自己陷入一种虚无飘渺的状态.这是我最喜欢的小品乐曲之一8.War吼~强大的要血泪啊~这场战斗是如此激烈,杀个对方措手不及。不过最后WAR的结尾也太匆忙了吧??!
2023-07-13 03:51:051

not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle,什么意思

2023-07-13 03:51:121


符文可以通过一定的顺序和装备一起 合成 符文之语合成的物品要比平时强大得多Steel 钢铁(3 + 1) 2孔剑/斧/钉头锤 包括所有类型的2孔剑和斧子,而钉头锤的具体类型包括钉头锤、凸缘钉头锤、强化钉头锤、流星锤、锯齿流星锤、恶魔流星锤、链枷、铁皮鞭、天罚之锤。其他例如木棒、巨战铁锤等不在这里要求的钉头锤之列,不能做此符文之语。注意匕首不属于剑的类型。 Nadir 天底(4 + 3) 2孔头盔 头盔类型包括所有头盔、角色专用头盔(野蛮人头盔、德鲁依毛皮)和头环等戴在头上的装备。 Malice 怨恨(6 + 1 + 5) 3孔近战武器 所有3孔近战武器均可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器,女巫专用法珠也不算近战武器。 Stealth 潜行(7 + 5) 2孔盔甲 所有2孔盔甲均可。 Leaf 叶(3 + 8) 2孔法杖 所有2孔的双手法杖(法杖都是双手的),法杖不包括女巫专用法珠。 Zephyr 和风(9 + 5) 2孔远程武器 远程攻击武器指弓和十字弓(弩)、亚马逊专用弓。 Ancient"s Pledge 远古的誓言(8 + 9 + 7) 3孔盾牌 盾牌包括所有普通盾牌、角色专用盾牌(游侠盾牌、男巫缩小头骨)等能够格档的装备。第五幕第二个任务完成后会得到上述三个符文,就是给你做这个符文之语的。 Holy Thunder 圣雷(5 + 8 + 9 + 7) 4孔权杖 符合要求的有巨战权杖、神属权杖、神使之杖。其他权杖不可能有4孔。 Strength 力量(11 + 3) 2孔近战武器 所有2孔近战武器均可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器,女巫专用法珠也不算近战武器。 King"s Grace 国王的恩典(11 + 8 + 10) 3孔剑/权杖 3孔的剑和雄伟权杖、圣水喷杖、炽天使法杖、巨战权杖、神属权杖、神使之杖。注意匕首不属于剑的类型。 Radiance 光辉(4 + 12 + 6) 3孔头盔 头盔类型包括所有头盔、角色专用头盔(野蛮人头盔、德鲁依毛皮)和头环等戴在头上的装备。 Lore 学识(9 + 12) 2孔头盔 头盔类型包括所有头盔、角色专用头盔(野蛮人头盔、德鲁依毛皮)和头环等戴在头上的装备。 Honor 荣耀(11 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 12) 5孔近战武器 所有5孔近战武器可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器。 Rhyme 韵律(13 + 5) 2孔盾牌 盾牌包括所有普通盾牌、角色专用盾牌(游侠盾牌、男巫缩小头骨)等能够格档的装备。 Black 黑色(10 + 16 + 4) 3孔棍棒/锤子/钉头锤 能做该符文之语的材料类型为:倒钩锤、暴君之棒、巨战铁锤、战斗铁锤、传说之锤、大木棍、巨战木棍、食人魔之锤、卓越巨棍、战锤、雷锤、流星锤、锯齿流星锤、恶魔流星锤、链枷、铁皮鞭、天罚之锤。之所以没有列出所有的钉锤类型是因为其他类型的钉锤不可能有3孔。 White 白色(14 + 16) 2孔手杖 所有2孔的手杖均可做此符文之语。 Smoke 烟尘(4 + 17) 2孔盔甲 所有2孔盔甲均可。 Splendor 灿烂(5 + 17) 2孔盾牌 盾牌包括所有普通盾牌、角色专用盾牌(游侠盾牌、男巫缩小头骨)等能够格档的装备。 Memory 回忆(17 + 16 + 12 + 5) 4孔法杖 所有4孔的双手法杖(法杖都是双手的)。 Melody 优雅旋律(13 + 18 + 4) 3孔远程攻击武器 远程攻击武器指弓和十字弓(弩)、亚马逊专用弓。 Lionheart 狮心(15 + 17 + 19) 3孔盔甲 所有3孔盔甲均可。 Passion 热情(14 + 9 + 2 + 20) 4孔武器 所有4孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器。 Wealth 财富(20 + 18 + 3) 3孔盔甲 所有3孔盔甲均可。 Crescent Moon 新月(13 + 22 + 3) 3孔剑/斧子/长棍 所有类型的3孔剑、斧子和长棍类武器。注意长矛类武器不是长棍类武器,不能做此符文之语。另外匕首不属于剑的类型。 Duress 强制(13 + 22 + 10) 3孔盔甲 所有3孔盔甲均可。多选择防御高的精华盔甲。 Stone 石块(13 + 22 + 21 + 17) 4孔盔甲 所有4孔盔甲均可。多选择防御高的精华盔甲。 Gloom 幽暗(19 + 22 + 21) 3孔盔甲 所有3孔盔甲均可。 Prudence 审慎(23 + 3) 2孔盔甲 所有2孔盔甲均可。 Venom 毒液(3 + 14 + 23) 3孔武器 所有3孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器和女巫专用法珠。 Sanctuary 圣堂(18 + 18 + 23) 3孔盾牌 盾牌包括所有普通盾牌、角色专用盾牌(游侠盾牌、男巫缩小头骨)等能够格档的装备。 Delirium 迪勒瑞姆(20 + 24 + 16) 3孔头盔 头盔包括所有头盔、角色专用头盔(野蛮人头盔、德鲁依毛皮)和头环等戴在头上的装备。 Kingslayer 弑君者(23 + 22 + 25 + 19) 4孔剑/斧子 所有类型的4孔剑、斧子。 Heart of the Oak 橡树之心(18 + 26 + 21 + 10) 4孔法杖/钉头锤 所有4孔双手法杖(法杖都是双手的),以及链枷、铁皮鞭、天罚之锤,其他种类的钉头锤不可能有4孔所以不列出,因此想做单手的橡树之心只能选择链枷、铁皮鞭或天罚之锤,其中链枷的力量要求最低。 Silence 寂静(14 + 2 + 15 + 24 + 3 + 26) 6孔武器 所有6孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器。 Chaos 混沌(19 + 27 + 22) 3孔爪类 所有3孔刺客专用武器。 Call To Arms 武装号召(11 + 8 + 23 + 24 + 27) 5孔武器 所有5孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器。 如果想做单手的武装号召,可以选择的5孔单手武器有:水晶剑、空间之刃、幻化之刃、双刃斧、强化双斧、双头斧、军用锹、喙钳、战刺、巨战斧、那加之斧、狂战士斧、链枷、铁皮鞭、天罚之锤、巨战权杖、神属权杖、神使之杖。注意野蛮人也可以单手拿起双手剑做成的武装号召。 Exile 流亡(26 + 27 + 24 + 14) 4孔游侠专用盾牌 所有4孔游侠专用盾牌,不包括其他普通盾牌和男巫缩小头骨。因为该符文之语的附加属性可以恢复耐久度,故应选择无形的游侠盾牌。 Wind 风(29 + 1) 2孔近战武器 所有2孔近战武器可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器,女巫专用法珠也不算近战武器。 Bramble 荆棘(8 + 27 + 29 + 5) 4孔盔甲 所有4孔盔甲均可。 Beast 野兽(30 + 3 + 22 + 23 + 17) 5孔斧子/权杖/锤子 所有5孔的斧子,以及巨战权杖、神属权杖、神使之杖、大木棍、巨战木棍、食人魔之锤、卓越巨棍、战锤、雷锤。 Chains of Honor 荣耀之链(14 + 22 + 30 + 24) 4孔盔甲 所有4孔盔甲均可。 Eternity 永恒(11 + 30 + 24 + 12 + 29) 5孔近战武器 所有5孔近战武器可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器。因符文之语有永不磨损属性,应选择无形的此类材料为佳。 Fury 狂暴(31 + 25 + 5) 3孔近战武器 所有3孔近战武器可做此符文之语。弓和十字弓(弩)不是近战武器,女巫专用法珠也不算近战武器。 Famine 饥荒(19 + 27 + 9 + 31) 4孔斧子/锤子 所有4孔斧子和巨战铁锤、战斗铁锤、传说之锤、大木棍、巨战木棍、食人魔之锤、卓越巨棍、战锤、雷锤。 Enigma 迷(31 + 6 + 30) 3孔盔甲 所有3孔盔甲均可。多选择法师铠甲、执政官甲等轻甲。 Doom 末日(15 + 27 + 22 + 28 + 32) 5孔斧子/长棍/锤子 所有5孔斧子、长棍类武器和大木棍、巨战木棍、食人魔之锤、卓越巨棍、战锤、雷锤。注意长矛类武器不是长棍类武器,不能做此符文之语。 Hand of Justice 正义之手(29 + 32 + 11 + 28) 4孔武器 所有4孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器。 Breath of the Dying 死亡呼吸(26 + 15 + 1 + 2 + 33 + 5) 6孔武器 所有6孔武器,包括近战武器、远程武器。有永不磨损属性,应选择无形的材料 以上是本人书写 请勿复制 如有评价 请看清发表人 符文之语 可以直接在游戏中找到合适的底料——也就是装备 然后 直接 按照 顺序 塞入符文 注:要按照顺序 不然会错误 例如:死亡呼吸(26 + 15 + 1 + 2 + 33 + 5) 26就是第一个 15就是第二个不需要什么修改器 在游戏里就可以进行 还有 符文有使用等级 等级不够的话是不能使用的
2023-07-13 03:51:311


2023-07-13 03:51:405


现在滴暗黑比以前好多了啊最开始滴是外语滴我一句都看不懂但觉得好耍就还是完了然后就是中文版滴出来了也优化了许多功能还多了德鲁依和亚马寻和野蛮人的职业再后来就有外挂了可以复制装备钱只是要有滴都可以还比如一个只占一格的附身它的功能是100%获得磨法装备每种属性加抗都可以加100%还有啥子些我都忘了现在嘛下个外挂打就是了撒亚马寻主要用标枪和箭要加点滴话攻第1敏每2磨第3 这只是我个人滴看法哈其它滴就看你自己了
2023-07-13 03:52:192


2023-07-13 03:52:282


去游斯基看下 我是那看的
2023-07-13 03:52:386

一件小事    鲁迅   我从乡下跑进城里,一转眼已经六年了。其间耳闻目睹的所谓国家大事,算起

2023-07-13 03:53:004


2023-07-13 03:53:105


就是杀和砍 没什么别的
2023-07-13 03:53:455


2023-07-13 03:54:027

This moment you nap, you will have a dream如何翻译?还有类似励志英语名言么?

即便是片刻的打盹,也会馈赠你一个甜蜜的梦想。I believe in the Golden Rule, I believe in practising it. __ Loretta YoungIntelligence and courtesy not always are combined ; often in a wooden house a golden room we find- Henry LongfellowEducation is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.___ George Carver
2023-07-13 03:54:452

One Call Away什么意思

"One Call Away"收录Charlie Puth于2016年1月22日发行的专辑"Nine Track Mind"中,作为宣传单曲先行释出。歌词编辑I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将会为你挽救局面,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,Call me, baby, if you need a friend,宝贝,呼唤我,如果你需要朋友在身边,I just wanna give you love,我只想要给你我的爱,C"mon, c"mon, c"mon,拜托,拜托,拜托,Reaching out to you, so take a chance,我触手可及,所以请不要放弃,No matter where you go,无论身处何方,You know you"re not alone,你并不孤身一人,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将给予你必胜的信念,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,Come along with me and don"t be scared,有我陪伴,你不必寒颤,I just wanna set you free,我只想让你释放自己,C"mon, c"mon, c"mon,来吧,来吧,来吧,You and me can make it anywhere,你和我可以去任何地方,For now, we can stay here for a while,不过现在,让我们在这里暂时停留,Cause you know, I just wanna see you smile,因为你知道,我想要看你微笑,No matter where you go,无论天涯海角,You know you"re not alone,你并不孤苦伶仃,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将融化你内心的冰川,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one call away,而我随时听你呼唤,And when you"re weak I"ll be strong,当你憔悴时我会把你守护,I"m gonna keep holding on,我会坚持下去,Now don"t you worry, it won"t be long,不必焦虑,悲伤不会漫长,Darling, and when you feel like hope is gone,亲爱的,当你感到痛苦绝望,Just run into my arms,请投入我的怀抱,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将浇灌你的心田,Superman got nothing on me,超人也无法这样及时出现,I"m only one, I"m only one~~ call away,而我随时随地听从你的呼唤,I"ll be there to save the day,我将温暖你内心的斑斓,Superman got nothing on me,没人能够夺走你的笑颜,I"m only one call away,我随时听你呼唤,I"m only one call away,我随时在你身边。
2023-07-13 03:54:532

歌词开头大致是: I cross the ocean I cross the sea starting to forget the way you loveing me cours

Justin Bieber - Be AlrightAcross the ocean, across the sea Startin" to forget the way you look at me now Over the mountains, across the sky Need to see your face, I need to look in your eyes Through the storms and through the clouds Bumps in the road and upside downI know it"s hard, babe, to sleep at night But don"t you worry, Cause everythings gonna be alright, Be alright Through the sorrow and the fights, Don"t you worry, Cause everythings gonna be alright, Be alrightAll alone in my room Waiting for your phone call to come soon And for you, oh, I would walk a thousand miles To be in your arms Holdin" my heartOh, I Oh, I I love you And everythings gonna be alright Be alright, Through the long nights, and the bright lights Don"t you worry, Cause everythings gonna be alright Be alrightYou know that I care for you I"ll always be there for you I promise I will stay right here, yeah I know that you want me to Baby we can make it through anythingCause everythings gonna be alright, Be alright Through the sorrow and the fights Don"t you worry Cause everythings gonna be alright Be alright Through the sorrow and the fights Don"t you worry Everythings gonna be alright
2023-07-13 03:55:271

call to arms什么意思

2023-07-13 03:55:493


01 Main Title - Legends of Azeroth 艾泽拉斯的传说 02 Exclusive Track - The Shaping of the World 世界的形成 03 Exclusive Track - Legacy 遗产 04 Exclusive Track - Song of Elune 艾露恩之歌 05 Exclusive Track - Echoes of the Past 远古的回响 06 A Call to Arms 战斗的召唤 07 Intro Movie - Seasons of War 战争之时 08 Stormwind 暴风城 09 Orgrimmar.mp3 奥格瑞玛 10 The Undercity 幽暗城 11 Thunder Bluff 雷霆崖 12 Darnassus 达纳苏斯 13 Ironforge 铁炉堡 14 Elwynn Forest 艾尔文森林 15 Duskwood 暮色森林 16 Dun Morogh 丹莫罗 17 Burning Steppes 燃烧平原 18 Shimmering Flats 闪光平原 19 Felwood 费伍德森林 20 Stranglethorn Vale 荆棘谷 21 Tanaris 塔纳利丝 22 Teldrassil 泰达希尔 23 Tavern 旅馆的音乐 24 Moonfall 月光林地 25 Ruins 毁灭 26 Temple 神庙 27 Lurking 潜伏(怒炎裂谷的音乐) 28 Sacred 神圣 29 Graveyard 灰色领域(死亡后的音乐) 30 War 战争
2023-07-13 03:55:581

《The Big Nine》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Big Nine》(Amy Webb)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 94hc书名:The Big Nine作者:Amy Webb出版社:Public Affairs出版年份:2019-3-5页数:288内容简介:A call-to-arms about the broken nature of artificial intelligence, and the powerful corporations that are turning the human-machine relationship on its head.We like to think that we are in control of the future of “artificial” intelligence. The reality, though, is that we–the everyday people whose data powers AI–aren"t actually in control of anything. When, for example, we speak with Alexa, we contribute that data to a system we can"t see and have no input into–one largely free from regulation or oversight. The big nine corporations–Amazon, Google, Facebook, Tencent, Baidu, Alibaba, Microsoft, IBM and Apple–are the new gods of AI and are short-changing our futures to reap immediate financial gain.作者简介:Amy Webb is a quantitative futurist whose research focus is on artificial intelligence and how emerging technologies will transform the way we live, work, and govern. She is the author of The Signals Are Talking: Why Today"s Fringe Is Tomorrow"s Mainstream, a professor of strategic foresight at the NYU Stern School of Business, and the founder of the Future Today Institute, a leading future forecasting firm that helps leaders and their organizations prepare for complex futures. Now in its second decade, FTI advises Fortune 500 and Global 1000 companies, government agencies, large nonprofits, universities and startups around the world. Amy also publishes the annual FTI Emerging Tech Trends Report, which has now garnered more than 6.2 million cumulative views worldwide.
2023-07-13 03:56:051

木字旁 一个缴字的右半边 是什么字

檄xí详细字义〈名〉1. (形声。本义:檄文)2. 同本义 [a call to arms in ancient times]太祖得书,便命移檄。——《英烈传》制府檄下。——宋· 文天祥《指南录后序》所有文檄,幕下儒生设意修词(“文檄”即檄文。古代用以征召、晓喻或声讨的文书)。——清· 黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》奉檄守御。——清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》3. 又如:传檄(传布檄文);羽檄(上插鸟羽的古代征兵军书)4. 泛指信函 [letter]使君子年善?来檄可求。——王安石《寄丁中允》
2023-07-13 03:56:201


player.addspell # 添加魔法 player.removespell # 移除魔法呼出控制台 直接输入代码即可 不需要魔法书Conjuration(召唤系):000211EB Bound sword=约束之剑(加专长后,自带驱逐召唤生物和不死能力,附永久灵魂禁锢效果,攻击力比一般武器给力)000640B6 Conjure familiar=召唤魔宠(一只弱到爆的狗,持续60秒)0007E8E1 Raise zombie复生僵尸(复活一具尸体,60秒)000211EC Bound battleaxe=约束之斧(破魔大师推荐,召唤师就算了,当心把自己的BB驱逐了,适合主修战斗的人员对法师用)000204C3 Conjure flame atronach=召唤火灵(MM,远程会风筝,死了会自爆,初期利器)00065BD7 Reanimate corpse=复活僵尸(死灵系唔爱,一要尸体,二又不会变骷髅,还是原来的样子)0004DBA4 Soul trap=灵魂禁锢(吸灵魂用的)0006D22C Banish deadra=恶魔放逐(顾名思义)000211ED Bound bow=约束之弓(召唤出来自带100发箭,没了再召唤就是,利器)000204C4 Conjure frost atronach=召唤冰灵(肉盾冰巨人一只,一眼看去非常威武)00096D94 Revenant=复生术(名字好听,还是只有60秒,而且复生对象无变化)000F95EE Command deadra=命令恶魔(顾名思义)0010DDEC Conjure demora lord=召唤恶魔守卫(恩~说说是叫恶魔守卫,可是怎么看都是个泰富林半恶魔混血儿战士版,还算硬可以在巨人面前撑好多下,但是还是单挑不了巨人,不过死了再照巨人被玩虐)000BB968 Conjure storm atronach=召唤风暴巨人(超强力远程+护盾,攻击为闪电链,怪物近身会自动暴走击飞怪物,SO~站他身边就不怕啦)0006F952 expel deadra=驱逐恶魔(我至今不知道驱逐系法术有什么好。。。)0007E8DF Dead thrall=奴役死者(永久复活一个人类,不过还是僵尸,不会对话什么的哦,遇到个什么高级NPC做成BB吧)0007E5D5 Flame thrall=火灵奴隶(恩~永久的火灵,多会了燃烧之手法术)0007E5D6 Frost thrall=冰灵奴隶(同上)0007E5D7 Storm thrall=风暴奴隶(同上)0009CE26 Flaming familiar=火焰魔宠(一只烤肉)0006A153 Summon Arniels shade=召唤某人的影子(一个不知道哪里来的废材分身,完全不及风暴巨人给力,最少我大闹法师学院,风暴巨人半天不死啊)00099F39 Summon unbound demora=召唤不受约束的恶魔守卫(恩~~任务用的)Illusion spells(幻术系):0004DEE8 Courage=勇气术(目标不会逃跑,得到额外的体力耐力持续30秒,建议召唤师学习,给召唤生物上)00021143 Clairvoyance=透视术(寻路术,路痴专用)0004DEEB Fury=愤怒术(目标6级以下攻击附近任何人30秒)0004DEE9 Calm=平静术(目标9级以下目标30秒不战斗)0004DEEA Fear=恐惧术(目标9级以下逃跑30秒)0008F3EB Muffle=消声术(走路无声180秒)0004DEEE Frenzy=狂暴术(目标14级以下攻击附近人员60秒)0004DEEC Rally=耐力术(目标不会逃跑,耐力和体力增加60秒)00027EB6 Invisibility=隐形术(隐身30秒,攻击取消法术)0004DEED Pacify=安抚术(20级以下目标不攻击60秒)0004DEEF Rout=溃退术(20级以下目标逃跑30秒)0007E8DD Call to arms=战斗召唤(目标战斗技能提升,增加耐力体力10分钟,非常给力的常驻BUFF)0007E8DB Harmony=和谐术(25级以下目标不战斗60秒)0007E8DE Hysteria=歇斯底里术(25级以下目标逃跑60秒)0007E8DA Mayhem=混乱术(25级以下目标任意攻击60秒) Destruction(毁灭系):00012FCD Flames=燃烧之手(每秒8伤害,附带持续伤害)0002B96B Frostbite=冻结之手(每秒8体力耐力伤害)0002DD2A Sparks=静电之手(每秒8伤害+一半的魔法伤害 )0005DB90 Fire rune=火焰符文(火焰陷阱,50伤害)00040000 Ice spike=冰剑术(25体力耐力伤害)0006796F Frost rune=冰霜符文(冰冻陷阱,50伤害)0002DD29 Lightning bolt=闪电术(一道雷光,25体力和一半魔力伤害)00067970 Lightning rune=闪电符文(闪电陷阱,50伤害)00045F9D Chain lightning=连锁闪电(造成40点体力伤害和20点耐力伤害,同时跳跃到下个目标)0001C789 Fireball=火球术(40伤害的火球,爆炸范围15码)0003AE9F Flame cloak=火焰护甲(一层火焰包围自身,靠近每秒8点伤害,带持续效果)0003AEA2 Frost cloak=冰霜护甲(每秒8体力耐力伤害,持续60秒)00045F9C Ice storm=冷风暴术(40点伤害+20点耐力力伤害)000400AD Lightning cloak=闪电护甲(持续60秒,靠近的每秒8点体力一半魔力伤害)0010F7EC Icy spear=冰矛术(60点伤害+30耐力伤害)00012FD0 Firebolt =小火球术(25伤害,附带持续伤害)0010F7ED Incinerate=焚化术(火焰爆炸,造成60点伤害,附带持续伤害)0010F7EE Thunderbolt=霹雳(一个霹雳,造成60伤害和30魔法伤害)00035D7F Wall of flames=火墙术(每秒50伤害)00035D80 Wall of frost=霜冻之墙(每秒50伤害)00035D81 Wall of storms=风暴之墙(每秒50伤害)0007E8E4 Blizzard=暴风雪(目标区域,每秒20体力和耐力伤害,持续10秒)0007A82B Fire storm=流星术(目标区域100点伤害的陨石落下,越接近目标伤害越高)0007E8E5 Lightning storm=闪电风暴(目标区域每秒75伤害,以及一半的魔法伤害) Alteration(变化系):00043324 Candlelight=光亮术(一个光球围绕照明,持续60秒)0005AD5C oakflesh=树皮术(提升40防护)00043323 magelight=魔光术(发射一个光球照明,持续60秒)0005AD5D stoneflesh=石肤术(提升60点防护,持续60秒)000211EE Detect life=侦测生命(发现附近生物,可以透视墙壁,不包含不死生物和机械)00051B16 Iron flesh=铁皮术(提升80点防护)0001A4CC telekinesis =隔空取物(远距离偷东西)0005D175 Water breathing =水下呼吸000211EF Detect dead=侦查不死(发现附近不死生物,可以透视墙壁)0005AD5E Ebony flesh=黑木术(黑木耳的强大防护能力,提升100防护)0005AD5F Paralyze=定身术(定身10秒)000CDB70 Dragon hide=龙皮术(80%伤害减免,持续30秒)000B62E6 mass paralysis=群体定身术(目标区域麻痹15秒)000DA746 Equilibrium=平衡术(每秒把25点生命转换为魔法)00109111 Transmute=炼金术(把一块铁变成银或把银变成金,知道怎么赚钱了吧)Restoration spells(防护系):00012FCC Healing=治疗术(治疗自己每秒10HP)00013018 Lesser Ward=魔法屏障(一个40防护等级的魔法护盾,另吸收40魔法伤害)0002F3B8 Fast Healing=快速治疗(瞬间治疗+50HP)0004D3F2 Healing Hands=治疗之手(医疗他人,每秒+10HP)000211F1 Steadfast Ward=坚定屏障(吸收60点魔法伤害和+60防护等级)0004B146 Turn Lesser Undead=驱散亡灵(6级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)000B62EF Close Wounds=治愈术(快速治疗强化版,瞬间+100HP)000211F0 Greater Ward=强力屏障(80点魔盾)00012FD2 Heal Other=治愈他人(治疗目标75HP)0004D3F8 Repel Lesser Undead=恐惧亡灵(8级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005DD5D Turn Undead=摧毁不死生物(13级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005312D Circle of Protection=防护法阵(20级以下亡灵无法进入)000B62EE Grand Healing=强力群体治疗(全员+200HP)0005DD60 Repel Undead=对抗不死生物(16级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005DD5E Turn Greater Undead=驱散强大亡灵(21级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0008C1AB Bane of the Undead=毁灭不死(LV30以下见上帝,以上逃跑30秒)000E0CCF Guardian Circle=守护结界(35级以下亡灵无法进入结界,结界内每秒恢复20HP)
2023-07-13 03:56:281


上古卷轴5技能书代码各系的魔法在东堡魔法学院都可以买到!各系顶级魔法要求做完导师的支线任务,才能购买!对技能熟练度也有相应要求!拓展资料player,addspell FormID 添加魔法player,removespell FormID 移除魔法Conjuration(召唤系):000211EB Bound sword=约束之剑(加专长后,自带驱逐召唤生物和不死能力,附永久灵魂禁锢效果,攻击力比一般武器给力)000640B6 Conjure familiar=召唤魔宠(一只弱到爆的狗,持续60秒)0007E8E1 Raise zombie复生僵尸(复活一具尸体,60秒)000211EC Bound battleaxe=约束之斧(破魔大师推荐,召唤师就算了,当心把自己的BB驱逐了,适合主修战斗的人员对法师用)000204C3 Conjure flame atronach=召唤火灵(MM,远程会风筝,死了会自爆,初期利器)00065BD7 Reanimate corpse=复活僵尸(死灵系唔爱,一要尸体,二又不会变骷髅,还是原来的样子)0004DBA4 Soul trap=灵魂禁锢(吸灵魂用的)0006D22C Banish deadra=恶魔放逐(顾名思义)000211ED Bound bow=约束之弓(召唤出来自带100发箭,没了再召唤就是,利器)000204C4 Conjure frost atronach=召唤冰灵(肉盾冰巨人一只,一眼看去非常威武)00096D94 Revenant=复生术(名字好听,还是只有60秒,而且复生对象无变化)000F95EE Command deadra=命令恶魔(顾名思义)0010DDEC Conjure demora lord=召唤恶魔守卫(恩~说说是叫恶魔守卫,可是怎么看都是个泰富林半恶魔混血儿战士版,还算硬可以在巨人面前撑好多下,但是还是单挑不了巨人,不过死了再照巨人被玩虐)000BB968 Conjure storm atronach=召唤风暴巨人(超强力远程+护盾,攻击为闪电链,怪物近身会自动暴走击飞怪物,SO~站他身边就不怕啦)0006F952 expel deadra=驱逐恶魔(我至今不知道驱逐系法术有什么好。。。)0007E8DF Dead thrall=奴役死者(永久复活一个人类,不过还是僵尸,不会对话什么的哦,遇到个什么高级NPC做成BB吧)0007E5D5 Flame thrall=火灵奴隶(恩~永久的火灵,多会了燃烧之手法术)0007E5D6 Frost thrall=冰灵奴隶(同上)0007E5D7 Storm thrall=风暴奴隶(同上)0009CE26 Flaming familiar=火焰魔宠(一只烤肉)0006A153 Summon Arniels shade=召唤某人的影子(一个不知道哪里来的废材分身,完全不及风暴巨人给力,最少我大闹法师学院,风暴巨人半天不死啊)00099F39 Summon unbound demora=召唤不受约束的恶魔守卫(恩~~任务用的)Illusion spells(幻术系):0004DEE8 Courage=勇气术(目标不会逃跑,得到额外的体力耐力持续30秒,建议召唤师学习,给召唤生物上)00021143 Clairvoyance=透视术(寻路术,路痴专用)0004DEEB Fury=愤怒术(目标6级以下攻击附近任何人30秒)0004DEE9 Calm=平静术(目标9级以下目标30秒不战斗)0004DEEA Fear=恐惧术(目标9级以下逃跑30秒)0008F3EB Muffle=消声术(走路无声180秒)0004DEEE Frenzy=狂暴术(目标14级以下攻击附近人员60秒)0004DEEC Rally=耐力术(目标不会逃跑,耐力和体力增加60秒)00027EB6 Invisibility=隐形术(隐身30秒,攻击取消法术)0004DEED Pacify=安抚术(20级以下目标不攻击60秒)0004DEEF Rout=溃退术(20级以下目标逃跑30秒)0007E8DD Call to arms=战斗召唤(目标战斗技能提升,增加耐力体力10分钟,非常给力的常驻BUFF)0007E8DB Harmony=和谐术(25级以下目标不战斗60秒)0007E8DE Hysteria=歇斯底里术(25级以下目标逃跑60秒)0007E8DA Mayhem=混乱术(25级以下目标任意攻击60秒)Destruction(毁灭系):00012FCD Flames=燃烧之手(每秒8伤害,附带持续伤害)0002B96B Frostbite=冻结之手(每秒8体力耐力伤害)0002DD2A Sparks=静电之手(每秒8伤害+一半的魔法伤害 )0005DB90 Fire rune=火焰符文(火焰陷阱,50伤害)00040000 Ice spike=冰剑术(25体力耐力伤害)0006796F Frost rune=冰霜符文(冰冻陷阱,50伤害)0002DD29 Lightning bolt=闪电术(一道雷光,25体力和一半魔力伤害)00067970 Lightning rune=闪电符文(闪电陷阱,50伤害)00045F9D Chain lightning=连锁闪电(造成40点体力伤害和20点耐力伤害,同时跳跃到下个目标)0001C789 Fireball=火球术(40伤害的火球,爆炸范围15码)0003AE9F Flame cloak=火焰护甲(一层火焰包围自身,靠近每秒8点伤害,带持续效果)0003AEA2 Frost cloak=冰霜护甲(每秒8体力耐力伤害,持续60秒)00045F9C Ice storm=冷风暴术(40点伤害+20点耐力力伤害)000400AD Lightning cloak=闪电护甲(持续60秒,靠近的每秒8点体力一半魔力伤害)0010F7EC Icy spear=冰矛术(60点伤害+30耐力伤害)00012FD0 Firebolt =小火球术(25伤害,附带持续伤害)0010F7ED Incinerate=焚化术(火焰爆炸,造成60点伤害,附带持续伤害)0010F7EE Thunderbolt=霹雳(一个霹雳,造成60伤害和30魔法伤害)00035D7F Wall of flames=火墙术(每秒50伤害)00035D80 Wall of frost=霜冻之墙(每秒50伤害)00035D81 Wall of storms=风暴之墙(每秒50伤害)0007E8E4 Blizzard=暴风雪(目标区域,每秒20体力和耐力伤害,持续10秒)0007A82B Fire storm=流星术(目标区域100点伤害的陨石落下,越接近目标伤害越高)0007E8E5 Lightning storm=闪电风暴(目标区域每秒75伤害,以及一半的魔法伤害)Alteration(变化系):00043324 Candlelight=光亮术(一个光球围绕照明,持续60秒)0005AD5C oakflesh=树皮术(提升40防护)00043323 magelight=魔光术(发射一个光球照明,持续60秒)0005AD5D stoneflesh=石肤术(提升60点防护,持续60秒)000211EE Detect life=侦测生命(发现附近生物,可以透视墙壁,不包含不死生物和机械)00051B16 Iron flesh=铁皮术(提升80点防护)0001A4CC telekinesis =隔空取物(远距离偷东西)0005D175 Water breathing =水下呼吸000211EF Detect dead=侦查不死(发现附近不死生物,可以透视墙壁)0005AD5E Ebony flesh=黑木术(黑木耳的强大防护能力,提升100防护)0005AD5F Paralyze=定身术(定身10秒)000CDB70 Dragon hide=龙皮术(80%伤害减免,持续30秒)000B62E6 mass paralysis=群体定身术(目标区域麻痹15秒)000DA746 Equilibrium=平衡术(每秒把25点生命转换为魔法)00109111 Transmute=炼金术(把一块铁变成银或把银变成金,知道怎么赚钱了吧)Restoration spells(防护系):00012FCC Healing=治疗术(治疗自己每秒10HP)00013018 Lesser Ward=魔法屏障(一个40防护等级的魔法护盾,另吸收40魔法伤害)0002F3B8 Fast Healing=快速治疗(瞬间治疗+50HP)0004D3F2 Healing Hands=治疗之手(医疗他人,每秒+10HP)000211F1 Steadfast Ward=坚定屏障(吸收60点魔法伤害和+60防护等级)0004B146 Turn Lesser Undead=驱散亡灵(6级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)000B62EF Close Wounds=治愈术(快速治疗强化版,瞬间+100HP)000211F0 Greater Ward=强力屏障(80点魔盾)00012FD2 Heal Other=治愈他人(治疗目标75HP)0004D3F8 Repel Lesser Undead=恐惧亡灵(8级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005DD5D Turn Undead=摧毁不死生物(13级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005312D Circle of Protection=防护法阵(20级以下亡灵无法进入)000B62EE Grand Healing=强力群体治疗(全员+200HP)0005DD60 Repel Undead=对抗不死生物(16级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0005DD5E Turn Greater Undead=驱散强大亡灵(21级以下亡灵逃跑30秒)0008C1AB Bane of the Undead=毁灭不死(LV30以下见上帝,以上逃跑30秒)000E0CCF Guardian Circle=守护结界(35级以下亡灵无法进入结界,结界内每秒恢复20HP)
2023-07-13 03:56:351

求theory of a deadman的《All or nothing》的歌词、中文

Westlife - All Or Nothing I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离 I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。
2023-07-13 03:56:492

Back In Your Arms 歌词

歌曲名:Back In Your Arms歌手:Magnum专辑:Rock ArtTaj Jackson - Back In Your ArmsEvery now and then,It comes back again,The thought of how you walked away from me,And the tears began,To fall again,Wondering if I could"ve stopped it from happening,I tried so hard to get,Get you off my head,And my heart knows you are the one,Can"t give it to just anyone,And the things we should"ve never said,And oh it made us so upset,Baby I"m not just missin" you,Ohhh how I"m missin" youWhere do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,If they everydayEven wanted space,Knowin" where you are,The strain pulling me apart,I"m not afraid of change,Just of this way,Don"t you know that this going way too far,I wish I could forget,The first time we met,And looked in each others eyes,Was a moment that changed my life,I hope you think of me,Know that we were meant to be,Im constantly missing you,And I know that you"re missing me too,Where do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,All I know is that we"ve spent enough time apart,I"m broken cos" you are the other half of my heart,And being with you is what I believe, because your love is right for me,Don"t want you travelling, I hope you didn"t go too far,Running to you cos" I want to be where you are,If you call my name i"ll listen you,Baby oh how I"m missing you.Where do you oh,Where do you go,Why can"t you come and tell me that its all out control,How do you fight,On your way back to the road,There be no escort to bring us back home,Back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,And back to your arms,Your arms, your arms,And you"re back in my heart,My heart, my heart,Wanna be in your arms,I need your love, back in my heart,Oh I want to be in your arms~
2023-07-13 03:56:561

谁有Meredith Andrews的in your arms 的歌词。急需!!谢谢

In Your ArmsI"m turning the world offEmbracing the silenceWalking away from all the voicesThat are Screaming in my earI"ve been too caught upI"ve been so stressed outAll of the noise replaced the whisperThat used to be so clearSo I close every doorPut my face back on the floorAnd I"m in Your armsWhere I belongThere"s no other place for meThan right where You areSome things just don"t changeWhen I call Your nameYou never hesitate to wrap me in endless graceWhen I"m in Your armsI"m letting my fears goGiving You controlFor You are the one who holds me closerIn my soul"s darkest nightEverything I seeIs so temporarySo help me to run the race before meWith eternity in sightNow I close every doorPut my face back on the floorTo sit at Your feetAt Your table of mercyTo gaze on Your beauty, my LordTo drink from Your wellAnd be changed by Your gloryHow could I ask for moreJesus, how could I ask for more
2023-07-13 03:57:043

英文歌词 you had be with a good girl like me know well

歌名:Good Girl歌手:Roll Deep专辑:In At The Deep End歌词:Yelawolf Feat.Poo Bear - Good GirlThis ain"t for the good girls gone badThis one"s for the bad girls tryna go goodHow can someone like me so bad just touch a good girlTouch a good girl, you"re a good girlAnd I know that I don"t treat you like I should girlLike I could girl, like my good girlHere I go again, on my shit againWalking through the mall, acting like a prick againYou had a halter top, I had my Famous socksYou came to shop, I came to (?) hopYou had your girl with you, both looking greatI wanted both of y"all, how "bout a double takeShe was hating, looking at me like a scumbagBut something made you wanna turn around and come backProbably cause I just don"t give a fuckI just wanna see one of these hookas in my trunkSo tell your girlfriend "tough luck"She just wanna see you with somebody dressed upWell, I really ain"t into that type of shitI"m into tattoos, drink until 6Fuck until 9, sleep until 12And going back to my homies with a story to tellHow can someone like me so bad just touch a good girlTouch a good girl, you"re a good girlAnd I know that I don"t treat you like I should girlLike I could girl, like my good girlThis shit should"ve been finishedI"m as surprised as you are that you still let me in itBut you continue to text message meRight after saying that we should move separatelyBut you don"t wanna see me goEven though I"ve only given you dick and cold cerealSo you must have a thing for Lucky CharmsOr the bad girl in you just fell in my lucky armsYou love to cuss me out and call me crazySay I"m no good and all of your friends hate meThen you show up to my room and damn near rape meAnd then it goes from "fuck you" to "fuck me baby"You leave early so nobody sees you out the spotNow you stuck between a hard place and a rockYou call me a player but I have lied to you notCause I"m not a player, I just crush a lotHow can someone like me so bad just touch a good girlTouch a good girl, you"re a good girlAnd I know that I don"t treat you like I should girlLike I could girl, like my good girlI"m in jail again, on my Johnny CashSome dude was talking shit, I had to whoop his assCalled you in the morning and you just fucking laughedYou think this cute, you love my crazy assAnd I wonder if you"ll ever leave my sideCause the more that I ignore you, the more you wanna rideI tell you that I"m bad but you never ask whyCause you just want the good from a really bad guyYou wanna rock, let"s rock and roll, just knowI"m only good at one thing and that"s not controlBut I am consistent, that"s something to be proud ofCause I ain"t shit with you and I ain"t shit without youHow can someone like me so bad just touch a good girlTouch a good girl, you"re a good girlAnd I know that I don"t treat you like I should girlLike I could girl, like my good girlTo all the bad girls, trying to go goodNo such thing as a good girl gone badJust a bunch of bad girls tryna go goodHoller at me, maneHello, my name is YelawolfI"m a sex addict, it"s a diseaseThere"s medication for it and everythingI take pills
2023-07-13 03:57:222

back to the decmber taylor歌词

I"m so glad you made time to see me 我真的很高兴你能抽出时间来看我 How"s life? Tell me, how"s your family? 最近怎么样呢?告诉我吧,你的家人都怎么样呢? I haven"t seen them in a while 我已经很久没有看见他们了 You"ve been good; busier than ever 你最近过的不错,比以前忙了许多 We small talk, work the weather 我们简短的对话着,关于工作和天气 Your guard is up and I know why 你开始警惕起来,我知道为什么 Cause the last time you saw me 因为你还清楚的记得, Still burns in the back of your mind 上一次,我对你的伤害 You gave me roses and I left them there to die 你送给我玫瑰,我却没有珍惜的让她们就这样消逝 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December all the time 我一直都试图回到那个十二月 These days I haven"t been sleepin", 最近,我一直辗转无眠 Stayin" up playing back myself leavin", 彻夜回想,在你生日的那一天 When your birthday passed 我就是这样的离开 And I didn"t call, then I think about summer, 我没有打电话给你,我一直都在回忆着夏天 All the beautiful times, 那些美好的时光 I watched you laughin" from the passenger side 我看见你在那个旅人身旁的笑容 And realized I loved you in the fall 秋天来临时,我是如此的爱你 And then the cold came, 然后,寒冷就这样袭来 With the dark days when the fear crept into my mind 当恐惧就这样潜入我的心里时,伴随而来是无尽的黑暗 You gave me all your love 你给了我你所有的爱 And all I gave you was goodbye 我给你的却是 再见 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around我回到那个十二月, 改变一切 And change my own mind 然后,我改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我一直试图回到那个十二月 I miss your tan skin, your sweet smile, 我想念你略带褐色的皮肤,你甜蜜的微笑 So good to me, so right 你对我是那么的好 And how you held me in your arms 还有你是如何把我挽入你的怀中 That September night; 那个九月的夜晚 The first time you ever saw me cry 你第一次看见我哭泣 Maybe this is wishful thinking 也许这是一个梦想般的假设 Probably mindless dreaming 一个没头没脑的梦想 If you loved again, I swear I"d love you right 如果我们能够再爱一次,我发誓我会真的爱你 I"d go back in time and change it but I can"t 我会选择回到那个时间,改变一切。但是我不能 So if the chain is on your door I understand 如果你的心门对我紧锁着,我能理解 So this is me swallowing my pride, 我咽下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying 站在你的面前,说道 I"m sorry for that night 对于那一晚,我真的对不起 And I go back to December all the time, 我一直试图回到那个十二月 It turns out freedom ain"t nothing but missin" you 自由了,剩下的却只有想念你 Wishing I"d realized what I had when you were mine 我真的希望我能在那个时候意识到自己做了什么 And I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月, 转过身 And make it all right 把所有是事情都变成正确的 I go back to December, turn around 我回到那个十二月。转过身 And change my own mind 改变自己的想法 I go back to December all the time 我试图回到那个十二月 All the time 一直都是这是TAYLOR 写给狼人的歌。
2023-07-13 03:57:293


Author introduction that, (Hemingway, E.) (Ernest Hemingway l899 ~ 1,961)American writers of fiction. 1954 year Nobel prize in literaturewinners. Had been born in rural doctor the family, likes fishing,going hunting since childhood, music and the drawing, once attendedthe First World War as the Red Cross motorcade driver, later for along time will hold the post in Reporter Ou, and once the statusattended Second World War and the Spanish civil war by reporter. Oldage trouble many kinds of diseases, spirit extremely despondent, ismany times invalid after the medical service, the end commits suicidewith the hunting rifle. His early novel "Sun Raised In the same oldway" (1,927), "Parted forever, Weapon" (1,927) became displays "ageneration which US was at a loss" main representative works. 30th,the 40"s he transfers but molds gets rid is at a loss, is pessimistic,but heroically fights for the people"s benefit and the dauntlesssacrifice antifascist soldier image (the script "Fifth Garrison"1,938), the novel "does Death knell But Call for Who" (1,940). Afterthe 50"s, he continues "Human Which develops the 20"s short story Tohit Does not defeat" and "50,000 Oceans" prefers death to humiliationthe subject, molded the elder brother "has been possible to eliminatetake Sang Tiya as representative him, but was hit does not defeat him""the dauntless man disposition" (the representative works novelette"Old person With Sea" 1,950). In art, he that brief powerful literary styleand the many kinds of modernist schools technique splendidutilization, once has caused in the American literature "the literaryrevolution", many European and American writers obviously have allcome under his influence
2023-07-13 03:57:373


21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程2 1-5单元课后答案 (完整版)Unit 11.In the six-and-one half years sincet the federal government beagan certifying food as “organic,”Americans have taken to the idea with considerable enthusiasm.自联邦政府六年半前认证“有机”食品以来,美国人以极大的热情接受了这一概念。2.To eat well, says Michael Pollanthe,the author of"In Defense of Food,"means avoiding "edible food_like substances"and sticking to real ingredients,increasingly from theplant Kingdom. “吃得好”,《食物无罪》的作者迈克尔波轮说,“意味着避免摄入‘可食用的类似的物质",并坚持从蔬菜中获取真正营养成分的原则。3.Neither the enabling legislation nor the regulations address food safety or nutrition. 不论有机食品的立法或是法规都未涉及食品安全或是营养问题.4.Professor Howard that major corporations now are responsible for at least 25 perceent of all organic manufacturing and marketing. 霍华德教授估计,大公司现在承担了至少25%的有机食品生产和销售。5.Popularizing such choices may not be as marketable as creating a logo that says"organic" . 推广这样的做法可能不会像设计一个“有机”的标志那么有市场.1. It is more difficult topopularize education(普及教育)in the rural areas than in the urban areas.2. Every country must stick toits own path(坚持自己的道路).3. I made clear to him that he should be responsible for the accident(为这次意外负责).4. He neither knows nor cares(既不知道也不关心) what happened.5. Many parents expressed concern about(表达了担忧)their children"s Internet addiction.Unit 21. The two former elephant trainers had seen enough abuse and neglect at circuses and zoos to inspire them to create a sanctuary where elephants could live out their lives. 这两位前驯象员在马戏团和动物园见过太多大象所遭受的虐待和忽视,于是决心为大象建立一座可以颐养天年的憩息所.2. Soon Hohenwald was rockingas the two greeted each other with ttrumpeting and celebratory bumping.不一会儿,霍恩沃尔德因他们相遇时互致问候的吼声和庆祝性的碰撞而震动起来3. Shirley and Jenny instantly fell into their old routine,wandering the sanctuary side by side.雪莉和詹妮很快恢复了她们的老习惯:肩并肩地在保护区内闲逛.4. At one point, the four spent therr hours trumpeting----the vibrations felt by evey living being in the sanctuary.有一次,四头大象持续三小时的鸣吼使保护区内的每个生命都为之震颤。5. Elephants wear their hearts on their trunks ,as it were,so it was easy to tell that Shirley was not dealing well with Jenny is death----her eyes were half shut and her trunk dragged on the ground. 可以说大象不会隐藏他们的心情,因此和容易看出雪莉无法承受詹妮之死所带来的打击——他的眼睛半闭着,鼻子拖在地上。 1. It depressed us that(令我们情绪低落)no progress was made duringthe negotiation.2.Don"t let it fall into thehands of enemy(落入敌人手中)。3.Not a country can afford to neglect education(忽视教育)4.He drew out all his money(取出所有的钱)from the bank.5.Some condemn him, while others praise him(而有些人却赞扬他).Unit 31. Sport has the power to change the world,the power to inspire,the power to unite people in away that little else can.体育运动员具有改变世界的力量,其激励人心,团结众人地力量,在某种程度上难有匹敌。2.During his 27 years in captivity ,mainly on Robben Island,sport helped sustain the spirits of Mandela and his fellow inmates.在他27年的铁窗生活中(主要关押在罗本岛),体育运动支撑着他和难友们的精神。3.Cities make huge efforts when bidding to stage major sporting events,not just for their commercial worth but for the long---term social benefits that are the lehaby of such events.很多城市在争取举办大型体育赛事时全力以赴,这并非只图其他商业价值,也是为了此类赛事留下的长远的社会效益。4. It shows us how to participate in something that isbigger than ourselves,and teaches us how to demonstrate respect for teammates and opponents.它向我们表明如何参与到比我们自身更具意义的事情中去,教导我们如何向队友和对手表示尊敬。5. The Homeless World Cup has inspired nearly 50 grass--rootball projects around the world,working with homeless and excluded people. 流浪汉世界杯与一些无家可归,备受冷落的人携手,全世界已促成了近50个基层足球活动项目.1.Men ventured their lives(冒着生命危险)in war.2. I work for a commercial radio station(商业广播电视台)3. The company sponsored(赞助)several TV programs.4. Few people realized thediscovery was significant(意义重大).5. Convention(惯例)requiresthat such meetings open with prayer.Unit 41.My caller probably anticipated getting through to the office staff instead of a volunteer who was finishing a shift at home.打电话的人可能以为是打给办公室工作的员工,而不是一个刚值完班在家的志愿者.2 Her fragile voice faded away as she struggled to catch her next breath.她费力地呼吸着,声音弱得几乎听不见。3.I was sure thar there was on instance where I condone suicide as a solution.我确信在任何情况下我都不可能原谅以死来解决问题的做法。4. Grandma Florence had taken a turn for the worse,and they wanted me to come back immediately.奶奶弗洛伦斯的病情恶化了,他们让我立刻赶回去。5. My caller"s hope came not from the prospect of her own life improving,but form her perception that God had a aurpose for her life.He needed help on Earth just a little longer.打电话者的希望不是来自自己的生活将会改善,而是来自她认为上帝对此早有安排:他需要她的帮助,需要她在尘世多留一些时间。1 My wife burst into tears(哭了起来)when she heard the bad news.2. The scene before him dimmed out and his words trailed off(他的话音也逐渐低了下来.3. I think our fortune is taking aturn for the better(将要好转)4. We will deal with these eventsin historical sequence(将按历史上的先后顺序研究这些时间).5.It is said that James Watt"s observation of steam issuing from a kettle gave birth to zhe idea of the steam engine(使他产生了发明蒸汽机的想法)Unit 51. My fellow Americans :ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.我的美国同胞们:不要问国家能为你们做些什么,而要问你们能为国家做些什么。2. Let the word go forth from this time and piace,bear any burden,meeta any hardship, support any friend, oppose any enemy, in order assure the survival and the success of liberty.让我们的朋友和敌人都能够听见我此时此刻的讲话:火炬已经传给新一代的美国人.3. Let every nation know that we shall pay any price,bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.让每个国家都知道,为确保自由的存在和胜利,我们将不惜付出任何代价,承受任何沉重负担,应付任何艰难险阻,支持任何朋友,反对任何敌人.4. Let both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.在科学释放出可怕的破坏力量,把全人类卷入到预谋的或意外的自我毁灭的深渊之前,让我们双方重新开始寻求和平。5. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.因为只有当我们毋庸置疑的拥有足够的军备,我们才能毫无疑问地确信永远不会使用这些军备.1. Let would go forth meet the future(去迎接未来),without fear, and with a manly heart.2. Not only nice and cheerful things will go ,painful and troublesome things will also pass away(痛苦麻烦的事一样会消失)3. Both the teachers and students believe beyond doubt(毫无疑问地)that he is honest and diligent.4. We are passing through spring ,summer, autumn and winter year in and out(年复一年)5. Let us summon up our courage(鼓起勇气)to struggle against the enemies of man which are tyranny, poverty , disease and war itself十五选十Unit 1Some people prefer organic food rather thannon-organic foodB D N F O K H A J MUnit 2The elephant sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennesseewas built by Carol and scottC L O K H E M F B IUnit 3Sport has the power to change the worldthat no other activities canN H C G J O A K H J WUnit 4One day, I received a phone call from anold ladyB C E H D K M O A IUnit 5Chinese-American families are adapting toAmerican culture by incorporating certain American values intoE O J A F K M C H LUnit 6Before planting your child in front of a televisionsetD N A E G C I K O H
2023-07-13 03:57:441


The Disadvantages of Online CommunicationFrom emails to instant messaging to social networking, today"s society has a larger variety of methods of communication than ever before. While that"s led to a dramatic increase in the speed and quantity of interpersonal communication, it can also lead to more misinterpretation and other negative effects.Security ThreatsCommunicating online means you"ll often be sharing personal information. Everything you share on the Web gets stored somewhere, and that information could put you at personal or financial risk if it gets in the wrong hands. Computer hackers are increasingly savvy at gleaning credit card or financial information by gathering your phone number, email address and other personal information, and that could set you up for identity theft. Likewise, giving people you don"t know access to your social media profiles could mean they"ll know where you live or work before you"re ready to share that information. Consider the 2014 Heartbleed security breach, in which Internet security experts discovered a virus that allowed hackers to access usernames, passwords, encryption keys and computer memory, and you"ll get an idea of what is at risk.Connectivity IssuesUnlike having a face-to-face conversation, communicating online requires you to have Internet access. When that Internet, email or social media access is limited, it can mean you"ll receive delayed responses to your inquiries. In some cases, it can even mean you don"t receive important emails or instant messages. While those instances can be rare, they"re no less inconvenient. When well-known email provider Gmail went down for less than two hours, experts at Google considered that a "big deal," and took steps to prevent it from happening to that extent in the future.MisinterpretationIn face-to-face communication, several elements come into play to foster good communication, including non-verbal cues and tone of voice. When someone says something in a gruff tone, you"ll generally understand that he"s upset. Likewise, crossed arms or a pinched face can indicate someone is not comfortable. In online communication, you won"t have those luxuries. Instead, people sometimes rely on punctuation or even emoticons such as the smiley face to share moods or emotions. This is an evolving aspect of online communication, and one some people are more attuned to than others. Typing in all capital letters, for example, might be interpreted as shouting to one person, while another person won"t consider that rude or overbearing at all. If there"s room for misinterpretation, it might simply be better to make that phone call, suggests researcher Nicholas Epley, PhD, of the University of Chicago.Interpersonal SkillsScientific evidence is mounting that the advent of smartphones and social networking is having a detrimental effect on interpersonal skills. According to a study conducted by Cornell University sociologist Matthew Brashears and published by ABC News, people tend to socialize more these days, but have fewer closer friends. Another study, sponsored by and and detailed in USA Today, found that about one-third of adults prefer to ask for dates via text instead of calling. In short, online communication may be making it more difficult for people to communicate in the more traditional one-on-one or face-to-face manner.
2023-07-13 03:57:512


The Disadvantages of Online CommunicationFrom emails to instant messaging to social networking, today"s society has a larger variety of methods of communication than ever before. While that"s led to a dramatic increase in the speed and quantity of interpersonal communication, it can also lead to more misinterpretation and other negative effects.Security ThreatsCommunicating online means you"ll often be sharing personal information. Everything you share on the Web gets stored somewhere, and that information could put you at personal or financial risk if it gets in the wrong hands. Computer hackers are increasingly savvy at gleaning credit card or financial information by gathering your phone number, email address and other personal information, and that could set you up for identity theft. Likewise, giving people you don"t know access to your social media profiles could mean they"ll know where you live or work before you"re ready to share that information. Consider the 2014 Heartbleed security breach, in which Internet security experts discovered a virus that allowed hackers to access usernames, passwords, encryption keys and computer memory, and you"ll get an idea of what is at risk.Connectivity IssuesUnlike having a face-to-face conversation, communicating online requires you to have Internet access. When that Internet, email or social media access is limited, it can mean you"ll receive delayed responses to your inquiries. In some cases, it can even mean you don"t receive important emails or instant messages. While those instances can be rare, they"re no less inconvenient. When well-known email provider Gmail went down for less than two hours, experts at Google considered that a "big deal," and took steps to prevent it from happening to that extent in the future.MisinterpretationIn face-to-face communication, several elements come into play to foster good communication, including non-verbal cues and tone of voice. When someone says something in a gruff tone, you"ll generally understand that he"s upset. Likewise, crossed arms or a pinched face can indicate someone is not comfortable. In online communication, you won"t have those luxuries. Instead, people sometimes rely on punctuation or even emoticons such as the smiley face to share moods or emotions. This is an evolving aspect of online communication, and one some people are more attuned to than others. Typing in all capital letters, for example, might be interpreted as shouting to one person, while another person won"t consider that rude or overbearing at all. If there"s room for misinterpretation, it might simply be better to make that phone call, suggests researcher Nicholas Epley, PhD, of the University of Chicago.Interpersonal SkillsScientific evidence is mounting that the advent of smartphones and social networking is having a detrimental effect on interpersonal skills. According to a study conducted by Cornell University sociologist Matthew Brashears and published by ABC News, people tend to socialize more these days, but have fewer closer friends. Another study, sponsored by and and detailed in USA Today, found that about one-third of adults prefer to ask for dates via text instead of calling. In short, online communication may be making it more difficult for people to communicate in the more traditional one-on-one or face-to-face manner.
2023-07-13 03:57:581


The Disadvantages of Online CommunicationFrom emails to instant messaging to social networking, today"s society has a larger variety of methods of communication than ever before. While that"s led to a dramatic increase in the speed and quantity of interpersonal communication, it can also lead to more misinterpretation and other negative effects.Security ThreatsCommunicating online means you"ll often be sharing personal information. Everything you share on the Web gets stored somewhere, and that information could put you at personal or financial risk if it gets in the wrong hands. Computer hackers are increasingly savvy at gleaning credit card or financial information by gathering your phone number, email address and other personal information, and that could set you up for identity theft. Likewise, giving people you don"t know access to your social media profiles could mean they"ll know where you live or work before you"re ready to share that information. Consider the 2014 Heartbleed security breach, in which Internet security experts discovered a virus that allowed hackers to access usernames, passwords, encryption keys and computer memory, and you"ll get an idea of what is at risk.Connectivity IssuesUnlike having a face-to-face conversation, communicating online requires you to have Internet access. When that Internet, email or social media access is limited, it can mean you"ll receive delayed responses to your inquiries. In some cases, it can even mean you don"t receive important emails or instant messages. While those instances can be rare, they"re no less inconvenient. When well-known email provider Gmail went down for less than two hours, experts at Google considered that a "big deal," and took steps to prevent it from happening to that extent in the future.MisinterpretationIn face-to-face communication, several elements come into play to foster good communication, including non-verbal cues and tone of voice. When someone says something in a gruff tone, you"ll generally understand that he"s upset. Likewise, crossed arms or a pinched face can indicate someone is not comfortable. In online communication, you won"t have those luxuries. Instead, people sometimes rely on punctuation or even emoticons such as the smiley face to share moods or emotions. This is an evolving aspect of online communication, and one some people are more attuned to than others. Typing in all capital letters, for example, might be interpreted as shouting to one person, while another person won"t consider that rude or overbearing at all. If there"s room for misinterpretation, it might simply be better to make that phone call, suggests researcher Nicholas Epley, PhD, of the University of Chicago.Interpersonal SkillsScientific evidence is mounting that the advent of smartphones and social networking is having a detrimental effect on interpersonal skills. According to a study conducted by Cornell University sociologist Matthew Brashears and published by ABC News, people tend to socialize more these days, but have fewer closer friends. Another study, sponsored by and and detailed in USA Today, found that about one-third of adults prefer to ask for dates via text instead of calling. In short, online communication may be making it more difficult for people to communicate in the more traditional one-on-one or face-to-face manner.
2023-07-13 03:58:052


How to save yourself from drowning
2023-07-13 03:58:123

she used to call on her grandma ___when she lived in the countryside........

1C,other有隔一天的意思,他奶奶住郊外没必要天天打电话,C最合理。2D,没有限制的另一杯,前文没有出现饮料所以是D3A,后一句看出吃多了,吃不下了,所以只能不吃了有否定的意思。4B,固定句型KEEP STH DOING5A,表示等待进一步的消息,B是FAR的比较形式表示更远,不符题意,D不存在6A,常识知道月亮没引力所以跳的高度比在地球高,所以C,D的选项都不对,A、B区分是考NOT SO.....AS固定搭配啦7D,ABC都不能跟MORE搭配8B,意思是用手抓住小偷。其他的说不通啦,BY后面直接跟名词如BY HAND9A,THE是特指图片左边,后文有具体的参照物。所以选,其他选项不符要求,THE LEFT/RIGHT10A,THE BROWNS特指布朗一家人,A指一顿美好的晚宴11B,表示越快越好,THE 能和比较级连用表示THE MORE THE MORE 是固定句型表示越怎样越怎样。希望能对你有帮助。
2023-07-13 03:58:191

these arms-donavon frankenreiter歌词

LyricsLyricist: Composer: I know there"s a placeYou call it homeBut it"s not a house "cause you"re all aloneSaid you went down to those broken streamsBeen floating in our broken dreamsThe wind that blows hereSaved my soulThe air is always clean you knowThese four arms will hold us threeOur hearts together beatI know there"s a placeHigh a top this hillWe can go there, get away and just stand stillI know this life I"m livingIs hard to understandI"ll never stop being your loving manThe wind that blows hereSaved my soulThe air is always clean you knowThese four arms will hold us threeOur hearts together beatIt hurts so bad to be away from youMy only son, come up and see us soonThe wind that blows hereSaved my soulThe air is always clean you knowThese four arms will hold us threeOur hearts together beatThe wind that blows hereSaved my soulThe air is always clean you knowThese four arms will hold us threeOur hearts together beat
2023-07-13 03:58:371

英语I got a phone call怎么翻译?

I got a phone call我打了电话
2023-07-13 03:58:4710

I Surrender All 歌词

歌曲名:I Surrender All歌手:Ruben Studdard专辑:I Need An AngelCeline Dion: I Surrender(Louis Biancaniello/Sam Watters)There"s so much lifeI"ve left to liveAnd this fire"s burning stillWhen I watch you look at meI think I could find a wayTo stand for every dreamAnd forsake this solid groundAnd give up this fear withinOf what would happen if they end, youI"m in love with you"Cause I"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"d make you give them all to meI"d hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderI knowI can"t survive another night away from youYou"re the reason I go onAnd now I need to live the truthRight now, there"s no better timeFrom this fear, I will break freeAnd I"ll live again with loveAnd know they can"t take that away from meAnd they will see... yeahI"d surrender everythingTo feel the chance, to live againI reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"d make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderEvery night gets longerAnd this voice"s getting stronger babyI"ll swallow my prideAnd I"ll be aliveCan"t you hear my call?I surrender all...(I"ll surrender everything)(To feel the chance, to live again)I reach to youI know you can feel it tooWe"ll make it throughA thousand dreams I still believeI"ll make you give them all to meI"ll hold you in my arms and never let goI surrenderRight here, right nowI"d give my life to live againI"ll break freeTake me, my everythingI surrender all to you(Right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life(I"ll break free, Take me)Take me, take me(my everything)My everything(I surrender all to you, right now)Right now(I"d give my life to live again)I"d give my life to you babyI"ll break free, yeah free
2023-07-13 03:59:511

求die in your arms-Ariana Grande的歌词

这个是贾斯汀比伯的歌词版本:See you love me must the love you yeaaWould you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa?Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurtsso much moreWould you do the things that drive me crazy,leave my heart still at the door?I can"t help it, I"m just selfishThere"s no way that I could share youThat would break my heart to piecesHonestly the truth isIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindcause everytime you touch me i justDie in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlOh baby, i know lovin you ain"t easy,but it sure is worth a tryOhhh if there is a reason to call me a foolCuz i love too hard...are there any rules baby?If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behaveJust tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to youI cant help it im just selfish, theres no way thatI could share youThat would break my heart to pieceshonestly the truth isIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindCause everytime you touch me i justDie in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlBasically im saying here, i cant live without my babyLoving you is so damn easy for meAint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waitingTell me baby im all that you needIf i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mindCause everytime you touch meI just die in your arms, oh it feels so rightSo baby baby please dont stop girlIf i could die in your arms.( gonna make you believe girl )I wouldnt mindAy ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby noIts what you do to me yeahWoahhh oh no no noBaby please dont go girl noooooooo
2023-07-13 04:00:091

die in your arms 的歌词英文带汉文翻译!!!

Die In Your Arms Justin Bieber See you love me must the love you yeaa Would you hurt me baby, could you do that to me yeaa? Would you lie to me baby? Cuz the truth hurts so much more Would you do the things that drive me crazy, leave my heart still at the door? I can"t help it, I"m just selfish There"s no way that I could share you That would break my heart to pieces Honestly the truth is If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind cause everytime you touch me i just Die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl Oh baby, i know lovin you ain"t easy, but it sure is worth a try Ohhh if there is a reason to call me a fool Cuz i love too hard...are there any rules baby? If this is a lesson, then baby teach me to behave Just tell me what i gotta do, just to stay right next to you I cant help it im just selfish, theres no way that I could share you That would break my heart to pieces honestly the truth is If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind Cause everytime you touch me i just Die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl Basically im saying here, i cant live without my baby Loving you is so damn easy for me Aint no need for contemplating, promise you wont keep me waiting Tell me baby im all that you need If i could just die in your arms, i wouldnt mind Cause everytime you touch me I just die in your arms, oh it feels so right So baby baby please dont stop girl If i could die in your arms. ( gonna make you believe girl ) I wouldnt mind Ay ay ayyyy. Dont stop baby no Its what you do to me yeah Woahhh oh no no no Baby please dont go girl noooooooo
2023-07-13 04:00:171

not a lullaby 歌词 the weepies

[00:03.34]This is not a lullaby,[00:11.50]one that makes you close your eyes[00:15.28]Here"s a song that will not try[00:18.49]to hold you in my arms[00:22.94]This is not a true love song,[00:26.41]one that lifts your heart along[00:30.33]Because you know it"s being sung[00:33.53]to hold you in my arms[00:36.75]The rain it falls [00:40.61]right outside your door[00:44.12]and you know if you call [00:48.04]I"ll be there, I"ll be there[00:52.08]whatever you call me for[00:59.40]This is just a quiet tune, [01:15.18]to bring the light into your room[01:19.13]When I"m not right in front of you[01:22.27]to hold you in my arms[01:26.42]When the rain it falls [01:29.15]right outside your door[01:33.32]and you know if you call [01:36.80]I"ll be there, I"ll be there[01:40.71]whatever you call me for[02:00.39]This is not a lullaby[02:04.20]to keep the clouds out of the sky,[02:07.85]to be sure you will not cry[02:11.14]when I hold you in my arms[02:14.16]when I hold you in my arms[02:17.65]when I hold you in my arms[02:21.63]I"m gonna hold you in my arms[02:25.71]I"m gonna hold you in my arms
2023-07-13 04:00:241

Ruby (Last Call Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ruby (Last Call Album Version)歌手:John Darnall专辑:Last CallCerys Matthews - Ruby猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Ruby it fills the skyYour southern lips on mineI give in easily and don"t ask whyI couldn"t sleep that nightI wandered down by the railway trackI ain"t never coming backPut your arms around my neckYou"re a dirty little insectMake a bed upon the shoreI"ve seen your type beforeAnd whatever you"re here forI"m not leaving i"ve got no place to goI said i said i"m not from hereYou said that much is clearYou left the door wide open for meVermillion taking overI couldn"t help but followYou down,you laid me down by the riverPut your arms around my neckYou"re a dirty little insectMake a bed upon the shoreI"ve seen your type before bad to the boneAnd we don"t know which way the road will turnBut there"ll be no stumbling"Cos i got no place to fall2009.05.12 1猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Put your arms around my neckYou"re a dirty little insectMake a bed upon the shoreI"ve seen your type before bad to the bonePut your arms around my neckYou"re a dirty little insectMake a bed upon the shoreI"ve seen your type before bad to the boneAnd whatever you"re here forI"m not leaving i"ve got no place to go2009.05.12 1猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你
2023-07-13 04:00:311

求the touch by welshly arms歌词

歌名:The Touch歌手:Maria Arredondo时长:2分57秒发行时间:2010年5月歌曲语言:英语歌词:I wake up to a rainy morning, face a dreary day醒来,在阴雨连绵的早上,迎来了沉闷的一天I turn the shower on and wash my blues away沐浴,冲刷掉一身的忧郁You wrap a towel around me with a smile that leaves no doubt你不带疑虑地微笑用浴巾裹住我And suddenly it dawns on me what life is all about这一刻,生命的全部意义涌上心头It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I see your arms before me even when you"re gone甚至你离开的时候,我都能感受到你双臂在身前环抱着我I hear you voice inside me, hear it call like the sun倾听你的声音在我心中荡漾,如同太阳般招唤着我I feel you wrapped around me like a warm and sweet embrace回味你如同甜蜜、温暖拥抱般围绕着我And everywhere I look I see reflections of your face视线之所及,都是你面容‘Cause baby, you alone epitomise all that life can beAnd once again I realise you"re everything to me因为,你一人便胜于生活的全部,我再一次意识到,你是我的一切It"s the touch of your heart; it"s a promise of a brand new startThe intervention of love from heaven above那是心之感触,是对新开始一段来自上天的爱之旨意的承诺It"s the magic of you, what a touch of your heart can do心之感触,即是你的魔力I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰I can rise to the stars by the touch of your heart心之感触,让我升至星辰
2023-07-13 04:00:391