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as well怎么用

2023-07-13 09:03:30
TAG: well as we wel ll el

英语as well用法

as well 也

▲as well 也,还

Why don"t you come along as well?


They all do military training as well.


He undertook other important work as well.


as well as和

▲as well as和,也,还

The teachers as well as the students are working overtime.


The boss provided lunch as well as breakfast.


It is important for you as well as for me.


may as well不妨

▲may as well不妨

▲might as well

▲could as well

You may as well wait upstairs.


You might as well stay with us here.


not only…but…as well

▲not only…but…as well

not only…but…as well相当于not only…but also, not only…but 但是不如后两者普通。


Not only the students but the teacher was invited as well.


Not only you but I am to blame as well



恰巧路过 丢个答案 嘿嘿





I"m coming to London and my sister"s coming as well.




The boss provided lunch as well as breakfast.


It is important for you as well as for me.


may as well不妨




as well是什么意思英语

as well的英语意思是也。as well解析:as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。as well as。解析:as wel。含义不通:as we11释义:也,还。as well as释义:既…又…,除…之外(也),此外。as well as的用法as well as用于本义,可视为as…as结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与……一样好”,在否定句中可用notsowell as代替not as well as。如:He speaks English as well as her他说英语说得跟她一样好。用于引申义,表示“不但……而且”“既是……也是”“而且”“还”。如:He grows flowers as wel1 as vegetables他既种菜也种花。有时还可译为“除……之外,还”,与besides, in addition to的用法相似。如:As wel1 as learning to swim he has been taking Spanish lessonsthis summer.今年夏天,他除了学习游泳外,他还在上西班牙语课。当as we11 as连接两个成分作主语时,其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。如:Tom as well as his parents is going toLondon,汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。as well as通常被视为介词,所以后接动词时,一般用动名词形式。如:He sings as wel1 as playing the piano.他不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。as well as后接动词用动名词的情况主要见于主句谓语为简单时态(即一般现在时和一般过去时)的时候。
2023-07-13 03:13:321

As well 的意思及用法

2023-07-13 03:14:043

as well 的用法总结例句

as well 是一个副词短语,意为“也;还”,相当于 also,too 和 in addition,经常放在句尾; as well 或 just as well 用来表示某些事可能是好事,意为“无妨;幸好”; as well as 意为“既…又…;除…之外(也);此外”,相当于 in addition to。 扩展资料   The menu contained traditional favourites as well as more adventurous dishes.   这份菜单有受欢迎的传统菜,也有较为新奇的菜肴。   The mind needs exercise as well as the body.   大脑同身体一样需要锻炼。   You will always have the bad as well as the good in the world.   人生在世总是有苦有甜。   She doesn"t play as well as her sister.   她演奏得不如她姐姐。
2023-07-13 03:14:171


aswell意思是也,一样、同样地。as well是一个英文常用语,一般至于一个语句的结尾,意思是“也,一样、同样地”。和英文单词‘also"意思一样,用法稍有区别。近义词as well,too,either,also辨析:1、also用于肯定句,既可表示两人干了同样的事,也可表示一个人干了两件事,通常位于be动词,助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。如:He has been to Beijing. I have also been there.他去过北京,我也去过。2、too也用于肯定句,比also更通俗,和also, as well可以相互替换,可放在句中,也可放在句末。如:Xiao Li went to Beijing and Xiao Zhao, too, went to Beijing.小李到北京去了,小赵也到北京去了。He studies hard and I study hard, too.他学习用功,我(学习)也用功。3、either用于否定句,而且只能放在句末。如:He didn"t know it.I didn"t know it either.他不知道那件事,我也不知道。4、as well在口语中用得很多,用法和too完全一样,可以互换,通常位于句末。如:She not only sings,she plays the piano as well.她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。
2023-07-13 03:14:301

as well 是什么词

1. as well常用作状语, 作“又;也”解, 相当于too或also, 常位于句末, 无须用逗号与句子分开。如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going, too). 我要到伦敦去, 我妹妹也要去。 I not only play the guitar, I sing as well(=I also sing ).我不但弹吉他, 而且还演唱。 2. as well 在口语中也可用于句中, 作“也好, 也行”或“倒不如”解, 用来缓和语气。如: You may as well go. 你去也好。
2023-07-13 03:14:512

AS WELL是什么意思?

2023-07-13 03:15:009

as well,as well as,also,either与too 有什么区别

一、as well 用法: 1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开.如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too).我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去. I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ).2、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解.如: —We were too late to see the film.我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影. —Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good.不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样. 二 、 well as后接动名词短语,意为“不但…而且…”,若后接从句,则是和....一样,,请看下列例句: ①She sings as well as she plays. 她弹得好,唱得也好. ②He speaks French as well as(he speaks)English. 他英语和法语讲得一样好. 2. as well as连接两个谓语动词时,它们的时态应保持一致.例如: He publishes as well as prints his own books.他的书是他自己印刷出版的. We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls.我们在粉刷墙壁同时也在修理屋顶. 3、as well as 与动词连用时,其后可用V-ing形式,尤其as well as 位于句首时,此时相当于in addition to.例如: As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.他不但摔断了腿,而且还伤了胳膊. She sings as well as playing the piano.她不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌. 3.如果as well as 前面是动词不定式,那么其后的动词也是不定式,但to要省略.例如: You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.你不可能叫她既照顾孩子又做家务. 三、also,either与too三者都是“也”的意思,also ,too 用于肯定句,其中also用于句中,too用于句尾,且前面有逗号;either用于否定句,且前面有逗号。例如:His father is a doctor; his mother is also a doctor.His father is a doctor; his mother is a doctor, too.His father isn"t a doctor; his mother isn"t a doctor, either.
2023-07-13 03:15:175

as well是什么意思

意思:也;同样地as well在口语中用得很多,用法和too完全一样,可以互换,通常位于句末。如:She not only sings,she plays the piano as well.她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。I can do it as well.这事我也能做。
2023-07-13 03:16:051

as well 的作用

As well 虽然要置在句末,但并不是助语词,而是「也」及」「并且」的意意。 没有了 as well ,句子意思就会有点不一样,所以它并非助语词,如: He is a policeman and his father is a policeman as well. A: My birthday is on the 21st of February. B: What a coincidence! Mine is on the 21st of February as well. 另外,有答题者说 as well as = and ,希望这不是老师说的,因为这个等号,太过「差不多」了。 As well as 与 and 虽然相似,但却是有明确的分别,很多情况下是不能互用的,如: (1) 虽然意意与 and 一样,但 as well as 后的动词要用 ing 形式 He hurts his arm and breaks his leg. He hurts his arm as well as breaking his leg. (2) as well as 带出的名词或动词,都是附带说明,不当作是主名词或主动词 Peter and Mary are going to school. Peter as well as Mary is going to school. (3) 如第二点所说, as well as 是附带说明,所以并非句字的重点,而且别人大概已经知道 Alan Leong as well as Donald Tsang is running for the 2007 CE election. (重点在说梁要参选,曾参选是大家都知的) The coffe shop sells orange juice as well as coffe. (大家都知咖啡店卖咖啡,所以句子重点是它也卖橙汁。) (4) as well as 有一个意思是与 and 完全不同的,就如 as big as 、 as tall as 等用作比喻的意思 He is as tall as Tom. He sings as well as playing the piano. (他一边弹纲琴一边唱歌) (这一句的 as well as 与 and 一样,除了要用 ing 之外) He sings as well as he plays the piano. (他唱歌如他弹纲琴一样了得) (这一句就与 and 不同) He sings as well as Tom does. (他唱得如汤姆一样好) (这一句也与 and 不同) 古德明的《征服英语》有提过第一至第三点。 as well=also 我哋系句子最后果度eg xxxxxxas well 唔系助语词黎嫁 as well as =and 参考: 无呀 老师教 as well 是等于 too 禁用... 何解: 也;同样地;还不如 for example: I"m ing to London and my sister"s ing as well. 我要来伦敦 我妹妹也会来。
2023-07-13 03:16:131

as well后面加什么

as well常用作状语,常位于句末,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,无须用逗号与句子分开。as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语,作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。 扩展资料   例句:   Are they coming as well?   他们也来吗?   Hey, that"s an idea! And we could get a band, as well.   嘿,好主意!而且我们还可以找支乐队。   I"ll come with you if you like. I might as well.   如果你想的.话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。   近义词:too   释义:(用于形容词和副词前)太,过于,过度,也,又,还,(评说某事物使情况更糟)而且。   语法:too的基本意思是“也”“还”“而且”,用于肯定句,否定句用either。too通常位于句末,其前的逗号可有可无,在书面语中,可位于句中,这时其前后一般应有逗号,在美式英语里,too可用于句首,其后必须有逗号。   例句:   We did learn to read, and quickly too.   我们确实学会了阅读,而且学得很快。
2023-07-13 03:16:201

as well同义词是什么?

as well用在句末,相当于too,意思是“也,又”。例句,They watched TV,and played computer games as well.他们看了电视,还玩了游戏。
2023-07-13 03:16:291

as well as与as well的区别

as well只能用在句末
2023-07-13 03:16:377

as well as与as well的区别及用法(请详细阐述举例)

As Well的用法 一、as well常用于肯定句句尾,表示“还,也”等意思。 1.He knows French,and he knows English as well. 他懂法语,他也懂英语。 2.Wang Hai is a worker and a militiaman as well. 王海是个工人,也是个民兵。s 二、as well后接as,边接两个同类项,表示“不但,而且,和跟”等意思,强调as well前面的人或事物。 1.He came as well as his brother. 不仅他哥哥来了,而且他也来了。 2.He gave me clothes as well as food. 他既给我食物,又给我衣服。 三、as well as和动词连用,表示同类事物相比较,结果一样好。 1.He can speak English as well as you do. 他英语说得和你一样好。 2.She sings as well as her sister. 她和她姐姐唱得一样好。 四、as well和may(might)连用,作谓语的一部分,may(might)as well表示请求、建议,might比may语气更委婉,意思是“最好、何不、不如”等。 1.You may as well tell me the truth. 你最好对我说实话。 2.You might as well go. 你还不如走呢。
2023-07-13 03:16:555

as well as的具体用法有那些,与 as well 有什么不同

as well as,as well 这一对短语仅差一字之微,意义相近,故很易引起混淆。 作为习语用作介词时,as well as的涵义是“还有”、“不但…而且…”。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的结构里,语意的重点在 A,不在 B。因此,“He can speak Spanish as well as English.”的译文应该是:“他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语”,决不能译作:“他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语”。如果这样翻译,就是本末倒置了。as well as和 not only… but also…同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒。 如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”。因此,“He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语像说英语一样好”。语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部。 请注意 as well as以下的用法: She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你,她也拜访了你。 She called on you as well as me. 她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。 在下列句中,as well as表示“像…一样”的涵义: She as well as you is an English teacher. 她像你一样也是英文教师。 这里的谓语动词用is,不用are,因为句中的主语是she,不是she和you。 As well是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but搭配使用。例: He is a worker,and a poet as well. 他是工人,但也是诗人。 China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals as well. 中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。 Mr.Liu can speak English,but he can speak Cantonese as well. 刘先生会说英语,但他也能讲广东话。 综合 As Well的用法 99年高考11小题 __ you"ve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it . A Now that B After C Althopugh D As soon as 大部分学生对此题意思弄不太清楚,主要是对as well理解得不对,造成失误。现把as well的用法简单总结如下: 一、as well常用于肯定句句尾,表示“还,也”等意思。 1.He knows French,and he knows English as well. 他懂法语,他也懂英语。 2.Wang Hai is a worker and a militiaman as well. 王海是个工人,也是个民兵。s 二、as well后接as,边接两个同类项,表示“不但,而且,和跟”等意思,强调as well前面的人或事物。 1.He came as well as his brother. 不仅他哥哥来了,而且他也来了。 2.He gave me clothes as well as food. 他既给我食物,又给我衣服。 三、as well as和动词连用,表示同类事物相比较,结果一样好。 1.He can speak English as well as you do. 他英语说得和你一样好。 2.She sings as well as her sister. 她和她姐姐唱得一样好。 四、as well和may(might)连用,作谓语的一部分,may(might)as well表示请求、建议,might比may语气更委婉,意思是“最好、何不、不如”等。 1.You may as well tell me the truth. 你最好对我说实话。 2.You might as well go. 你还不如走呢。 99年高考11题中might as well就是表示“建议”,意思可理解为had better,弄明白了might as well的意思,此题的答案就一目了然了,答案应选A,句子大意是“既然你得到了机会,你最好要充分利用它。”
2023-07-13 03:17:135

用as well as造句.

you can do it as well as him
2023-07-13 03:17:566

as well 什么意思

2023-07-13 03:18:147

as well as 近义词

as well
2023-07-13 03:18:414

as well 的用法

as well 也,还,是副词短语,其义为“也”,相当于too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and或but 搭配使用。例如:Why don"t you come along as well? 为什么你不也一起来呢? They all do military training as well. 他们也都进行军事训练。 He undertook other important work as well. 他也从事其它的重要工作。
2023-07-13 03:19:002

as well的用法

as well 有这几种用法:1. as well用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。I will go to New York next week, he will go as well.我下周要去纽约,他也要去。2. as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。You may as well go. 你去也好。 well 还可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well. 的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。A: We were too late to see the film. 我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。B: Just as well, I hear it isn"t very good.不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。
2023-07-13 03:19:351

as well 用法

as well;too;either;also的区别:   1.also用于肯定句,既可表示两人干了同样的事,也可表示一个人干了两件事,通常位于be动词,助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。如:    He has been to Beijing. I have also been there.他去过北京,我也去过。    He is good at English. He is also good at Japanese.他擅长英语,也擅长日语。    I also wants some tea.我也要点茶。    注意:表示强调时,also也可放在助动词或情态动词等之前。比较:    I can also do it.我也能干。    I also can do it.(同上)    2.too也用于肯定句,比also更通俗,和also, as well可以相互替换,可放在句中,也可放在句末。如:    Xiao Li went to Beijing and Xiao Zhao, too, went to Beijing.小李到北京去了,小赵也到北京去了。    He studies hard and I study hard, too.他学习用功,我(学习)也用功。    3.either用于否定句,而且只能放在句末。如:    He didn"t know it.I didn"t know it either.他不知道那件事,我也不知道。    I can"t speak French and can"t write it, either.我不会讲法语,也不会写法语。 well在口语中用得很多,用法和too完全一样,可以互换,通常位于句末。[见as well,as well as条]。如:    She not only sings,she plays the piano as well.她不但会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。    I can do it as well.这事我也能做。    5.在含有责备、抱怨或规劝之类的句子中,若句子本身是以否定的形式表达肯定的意义时用“too”,而不用“either”。这类句子一般可用should, had better, would rather等改成肯定的形式,只是语气稍有不同。如:    Can"t you see I"ve got teeth, too?你难道看不出我也有牙齿吗?(=You should see I"ve got teeth, too.)    6.在表示建议或邀请的句子中,若句子是否定的形式,肯定的意义,用“too”而不用“either”。这类句子在大都可以改成肯定的形式。如:    Won"t you come, too?你也来吗?(=Will you please come, too?或=Please come too. )    Wouldn"t you have a cup of coffee too?您也来杯咖啡好吗?(=Please have a cup of coffee too.)    7.在反意疑问句中,若主体句是肯定式,否定式的追加问句不影响整句的肯定意义,那么,主体句中可用“too”,而不可用“either”。如:    She went to see her last Sunday too, didn"t she?她上星期天也去看她了,(不)是吗?(=Did she go to see her last Sunday too?)    8.在具有否定意义的否定句中,否定词前可用“too”而不用“either”。但这类句子更常用“not…ether”结构来表达。如:    He did not come, and she too did not come.他没来,她也没有来。(=He did not come, and she did not come either.)    I believed, too, that I had never listened so attentively.我觉得我从来没有这么用心地听讲过。    9.too虽在否定词后,但否定词仅仅是否定某个词或片语,而不影响全句的肯定意义时,一般用“too”而不用“either”。如:    No worries and a comfortable place to sleep in are important, too.    无忧无虑,睡的地方舒适也非常重要
2023-07-13 03:20:283

as well在句中的位置

as well 也 句末,前面一般无逗号. 肯定句,疑问句as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气.如: You may as well go. 你去也好. The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home. 天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好. well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解.如: We were too late to see the film. 我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影. Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good. 不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样.
2023-07-13 03:20:381

as well怎么读

as well的英语意思是也。as well解析:as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。as well as。解析:as wel。含义不通:as we11释义:也,还。as well as释义:既…又…,除…之外(也),此外。as well as的用法as well as用于本义,可视为as…as结构与well的自然搭配,其意为“与……一样好”,在否定句中可用notsowell as代替not as well as。如:He speaks English as well as her他说英语说得跟她一样好。用于引申义,表示“不但……而且”“既是……也是”“而且”“还”。如:He grows flowers as wel1 as vegetables他既种菜也种花。有时还可译为“除……之外,还”,与besides, in addition to的用法相似。如:As wel1 as learning to swim he has been taking Spanish lessonsthis summer.今年夏天,他除了学习游泳外,他还在上西班牙语课。当as we11 as连接两个成分作主语时,其后的谓语通常要与前面一个主语保持一致。如:Tom as well as his parents is going toLondon,汤姆和他的父母要去伦敦。as well as通常被视为介词,所以后接动词时,一般用动名词形式。如:He sings as wel1 as playing the piano.他不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。as well as后接动词用动名词的情况主要见于主句谓语为简单时态(即一般现在时和一般过去时)的时候。
2023-07-13 03:20:471

too,either,also,as well有什么区别

too = 也,但只能用于句子的结尾.比如:I love you too.either = 或者(选其一).但如果用在“也的意思的话.那就代表两者都是或不是.比如:please choose either one.(请选择其中一个).I don"t like apple.I don"t like orange either.我不喜欢苹果,我也不喜欢橘子.also = 也,但能用于句子的中间或后面.比如:I love you also/ I also love well = 也,只能用在句子的后面.比较明确的例子:I"m going to the restaurant too.I"m going to the restaurant as well.I"m also going to the restaurant.
2023-07-13 03:21:292

as well的位置和用法

as well的位置和用法如下:as well 用法:1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如:I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too).我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ).我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱。2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。如:You may as well go.你去也好。The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home.天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。如:—We were too late to see the film.我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。—Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good.不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。二、as well as 用法:1、as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首。作“也,还”解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。而用not only ...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。如:Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。(=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me、)Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy.电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。2、as well as 用来表示同级比较,指“一样好”。如:You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好。3、用作介词此时,as well as相当于besides,in addition to,意思为“除……之外”,后面通常接名词或动词,尤其是位于句首时。As well as / Besides / In addition to eating five course meals, they drank seven bottles of wine. 除了五道菜外,他们还喝了七瓶酒。
2023-07-13 03:21:441

as well可以用在否定句中吗

2023-07-13 03:22:042

as well 在句中的位置? 用于什么句型?

、as well 用法:1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too). 我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。 I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ). 我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱。2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。如: You may as well go. 你去也好。 The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home. 天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。如: —We were too late to see the film. 我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。 —Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good. 不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。
2023-07-13 03:22:125

as well as是强调前者吗

单复数么, 是的
2023-07-13 03:22:272

as well的用法,

2023-07-13 03:23:232

as well 和 as well as都是“也,又”的意思,具体用法有何不同呢?

as well与as well as只有一词之差,但意义和用法却相差甚远。一、as well 用法: 1、as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如: I am going to London and my sister is going as well(=going,too). 我要到伦敦去,我妹妹也要去。 I not only play the guitar,I sing as well(=I also sing ).我不但弹吉他,而且还演唱。 2、as well 在口语中也可用于句中,作“也好,也行”或“倒不如”解,用来缓和语气。如: You may as well go、 你去也好。 The weather was so bad that we might(just)as well have stayed at home. 天气太坏了,早知道如此,倒不如呆在家里为好。 3、as well 可以直接用于just后,用作应答语(可视为It"s just as well、的省略),作“幸亏,幸而;无妨;没关系”解。如: —We were too late to see the film. 我们去得太晚了,没有看上电影。 —Just as well、I hear it isn"t very good. 不必遗憾,我听说电影也不怎么样。 二、as well as 用法1、as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,作“也,还”解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only ...but also...连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。如: Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。(=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me、) Electric energy can be changed into light energy as well as into sound energy. 电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。 2、as well as 用来表示同级比较,指“一样好”。如: You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。 He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好。
2023-07-13 03:23:311

as well的短语,用法和语法

英语as well用法 ▲as well 也,还 Why don"t you come along as well? 为什么你不也一起来呢? They all do military training as well. 他们也都进行军事训练。 He undertook other important work as well. 他也从事其它的重要工作。 as well as和 ▲as well as和,也,还 The teachers as well as the students are working overtime. 老师们还有学生都在加班加点。 The boss provided lunch as well as breakfast. 老板提供午餐还有早餐。 It is important for you as well as for me. 这对你是重要的对我也是重要的。 may as well不妨 ▲may as well不妨 ▲might as well ▲could as well You may as well wait upstairs. 你不妨在楼上等一下。 You might as well stay with us here. 您不妨和我们一起待在这儿。 not only…but…as well ▲not only…but…as well not only…but…as well相当于not only…but also, not only…but 但是不如后两者普通。 参见:葛传槼《英语惯用法》 Not only the students but the teacher was invited as well. 不仅学生们连同老师也都受到邀请。 Not only you but I am to blame as well 不仅你们连同我都应受到责备。按一下手机右上角的采纳或者电脑上的好评哦!谢谢
2023-07-13 03:23:401

我有一个疑问,关于 as well as 的用法。

答案是:aswellas有两个意思:1.象...一样好ican speakenglishaswellasyou我的英语能和你说的一样好2.也连接名词或者词组比如:tomaswellashisbrotherisgoingtoseeafilm2.aswell不能单独使用,sowell意思是:那样好,那么好 hisspeaks english sowellu261eu2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667u261c
2023-07-13 03:24:182

as well as 用法归纳

as well as 通常被视为介词,所以后接动词时,一般用动名词形式。如: He sings as well as playing the piano. 他不但会弹钢琴,而且会唱歌。 如果主句谓语为复合时态(即其中含有情态动词或助动词),则as well as 后的动词通常要与情态动词或助动词后的动词形式保持一致。 扩展资料   如果as well as 是连接两个不定式,则其后用不带to的不定式。如:   A museum should aim to entertain as well as educate. 博物馆不仅要有教育性还且还要有娱乐性。   We cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children. 我们不能指望她既做作业又照看孩子。   当as well as 用于句首时,其后习惯上要接动名词。如:   As well as eating a seven-course meal, they drank three bottles of wine. 除吃了一顿有七道菜的饭之外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。   As well as walking, he likes fishing and shooting. 他除散步之外还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。   As well as visiting Niagara Falls, we spent a day in Toronto. 我们参观了Niagara 瀑布,而且学在多伦多玩了一天。   As well as getting on everybody"s nerves, he"s got a habit of borrowing money and forgetting to pay it back. 他使得人人都感到心烦,此外,他还有个习惯,就是借了钱就忘了还。   注:as well as 有时也被视为准并列连词,后接的动词可以与主句谓语动词形式一致(但这种情形远不如用后接动名词普遍)。如:   He publishes as well as prints his own books. 他不但印刷而且还出版自己的书。
2023-07-13 03:24:251

as well as well as的用法区别 这两者区别是什么

1、as well和as well as的区别为:侧重点不同、含义不同、用法不同。 2、侧重点不同:as well解析:as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。as well as。解析:as well as是书面语用词。 3、含义不通:as well释义:也,还。as well as释义:既…又…,除…之外(也),此外。 4、用法不同:as well。用法:在用法上相当于“too”,译为:“也,还“,放在句子末尾使用。例句:I"ll come with you if you like. I might as well. 译文:如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。
2023-07-13 03:24:441

as well 用法

2023-07-13 03:24:542

as well as是用就近原则还是就远原则

2023-07-13 03:25:032

关于as well as的用法

2023-07-13 03:25:132

as well的用法

1.too: 一般置于句尾,或作为插入语放在句中,只能用于肯定句,口语中与"also"通用.例如: He thinks the other way is better. I do, too(他认为那个方法好一些,我也这样想). 2. as well和too 都可以指主语,也可以指其它部分,视 情况而定.too可以放在紧接主语的地方,但是as well不可以这样用. 例如,下面这句话可以有三种译法: Tom teaches swimming as well 1.别人教游泳,TOM也教游泳. 2.TOM教别的,也教游泳. 3. TOM做其它事,还教游泳
2023-07-13 03:25:212

as well怎么造句

as well 放句尾 也 if you go there, i will go as welleither 句尾, 也不 if you don"t go there, i will not go, either. Me, either.
2023-07-13 03:25:412

as well 与 as well as的用法 ? 放在句子的什么位置?

as well 当“也”讲,相当于“too”或“also” not only...but also句式就可以说成not only...but ... as well as well as 是“以及”的意思,类似与“and” as well一律放在句尾 as well as 放在句中
2023-07-13 03:25:551

as well as后面加什么词

as well as:既…又…;除…之外(也);此外; 例句:They visited some factories, hospitals as well as the school. 他们参观了这所学校,还参观了工厂和医院。 扩展资料   as well as的用法:   常用结构如下:名词/形容词/副词+as well as+名词/形容词/副词   从句+as well as+动词ing   As well as+动词ing+从句   1、as well as = not only……but also,意为“不但……而且……,既……又……”,如:   He"s got a car as well as a motorbike.他不仅得到了一辆车还得到了一辆摩托车。   She"s clever as well as beautiful。她既聪明又漂亮。   2、as well as 后面接动词,要用动词ing形式,如:   Smoking is dangerous,as well as making you smell bad.吸烟很危险,而且使你气味难闻。   As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.他不仅摔了腿,还伤了胳膊。(NOT As well as he broke his leg……)   区别下面两个句子的不同:   She sings as well as playing the piano.(=She not only plays,but also sings.)她既会唱歌也会弹钢琴。   She sings as well as she plays the piano.(=Her singing is as good as her playing)她的唱歌像和弹钢琴一样好。   如果 as well as用作连词引出比较从句,其义为“和…一样好”。   注:as well as后接动词用动名词的`情况主要见于主句谓语为简单时态(即一般现在时和一般过去时)的时候。
2023-07-13 03:26:021

as well as well as的用法区别 这两者区别是什么

1、as well和as well as的区别为:侧重点不同、含义不同、用法不同。 2、侧重点不同:as well解析:as well一般不用否定句,通常放在句末,强调时可放在句中。as well as。解析:as well as是书面语用词。 3、含义不通:as well释义:也,还。as well as释义:既…又…,除…之外(也),此外。 4、用法不同:as well。用法:在用法上相当于“too”,译为:“也,还“,放在句子末尾使用。例句:I"ll come with you if you like. I might as well. 译文:如果你想的话,我会和你在一起来。我无所谓。
2023-07-13 03:26:581


2023-07-13 03:27:082


就近原则有以下几种:当并列两个主语时,谓语采用就近原则:1、there be有(加粗的为常考短语)。2、neither…nor既不……也不……。3、either…or不是……就是……;要么……要么……。4、whether…or是……还是……;不管……还是……。5、not only…but also不但……而且……。6、not…but不是……而是……。当并列两个主语时,谓语采用就远原则:1、aswell as和;也。2、(together/along)with和;连同。3.、rather than而不是;宁可……也不愿。4、except除……之外。5、besides除……之外。6、but除……之外。7、including包括……在内。例句:1、In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people .在远处,能听见鼓掌声和人们的呼喊声。2、There is a pen and some books on the desk.桌上有一支钢笔和几本书。3、There are some books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有几本书和一支钢笔。
2023-07-13 03:27:152

Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research是哪个国家的

2023-07-13 03:18:541

求Friday night这首歌的中文歌词。是Eric paslay演唱的。

There"s a stranger in my bed,我床上有个陌生人There"s a pounding in my head头里有点不舒服Glitter all over the room闪光片到处都是Pink flamingos in the pool水里有粉红色的火烈鸟(假鸟)I smell like a mini bar我有小酒吧的气味DJ"s passed out in the yardDJ晕在院子里Barbie"s on the barbeque芭比正在烧烤 (barbeque原是芭比系列的玩具称号)There"s a hicky or a bruise(我)有个吻痕或青肿Pictures of last night昨晚的照片Ended up online已被放线上I"m screwed我完蛋了Oh well算了It"s a black top blur是个黑色的模糊But I"m pretty sure, it ruled但我肯定昨晚一定很棒Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we danced on tabletops我们在桌上跳舞And we took too many shots我们喝得太多Think we kissed but I forgot我们吻了但我不记得Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we maxed our credit cards我们刷爆了信用卡And got kicked out of the bar被踢出了酒吧So we hit the boulevard然后我们往大道去Last Friday night上个星期五We went streaking in the park我们在公园里裸奔Skinny dipping in the dark在暗里裸泳Then had a menage a trios然后来了个3pLast Friday night上个星期五Yeah I think we broke the law我们好像犯了法Always say we"re gonna stop-op老说不会有下次Whoa-oh-oahThis Friday night这个星期五Do it all again全再来一遍This Friday night这个星期五Do it all again全再来一遍Trying to connect the dots试图把事件连接起来Don"t know what to tell my boss不知如何给老板交代Think the city towed my car政府好像拖走了我的车Chandelier is on the floor吊灯掉在地板上ripped my favorite party dress撕了我最喜欢的晚礼裙Warrants out for my arrest我还有个逮捕令Think I need a ginger ale我该去喝杯姜汁That was such an epic fail真是世上最大的失败Pictures of last night昨晚的照片Ended up online已被放线上I"m screwed我完蛋了Oh well算了It"s a black top blur是个黑色的模糊But I"m pretty sure, it ruled但我肯定昨晚一定很棒Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we danced on tabletops我们在桌上跳舞And we took too many shots我们喝得太多Think we kissed but I forgot我们吻了但我不记得Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we maxed our credit cards我们刷爆了信用卡And got kicked out of the bar被踢出了酒吧So we hit the boulevard然后我们往大道去Last Friday night上个星期五We went streaking in the park我们在公园里裸奔Skinny dipping in the dark在暗里裸泳Then had a menage a trios然后来了个3pLast Friday night上个星期五Yeah I think we broke the law我们好像犯了法Always say we"re gonna stop-op老说不会有下次Whoa-oh-oahThis Friday night这个星期五Do it all again全再来一遍This Friday night这个星期五Do it all again全再来一遍This Friday night这个星期五T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.T.G.I.F.(T.G.I.F = Thank God Its Friday 感谢上天终于到星期五)Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we danced on tabletops我们在桌上跳舞And we took too many shots我们喝得太多Think we kissed but I forgot我们吻了但我不记得Last Friday night上个星期五Yeah we maxed our credit cards我们刷爆了信用卡And got kicked out of the bar被踢出了酒吧So we hit the boulevard然后我们往大道去Last Friday night上个星期五We went streaking in the park我们在公园里裸奔Skinny dipping in the dark在暗里裸泳Then had a menage a trios然后来了个3pLast Friday night上个星期五Yeah I think we broke the law我们好像犯了法Always say we"re gonna stop-op老说不会有下次Whoa-oh-oahThis Friday night这个星期五Do it all again全再来一遍
2023-07-13 03:18:551


Ftp命令的功能是在本地机和远程机之间传送文件。该命令的一般格式如下: c:> ftp 主机名/IP 最常用的命令有: ls 列出远程机的当前目录 cd 在远程机上改变工作目录 lcd 在本地机上改变工作目录 ascii 设置文件传输方式为ASCII模式 binary 设置文件传输方式为二进制模式 close 终止当前的ftp会话 hash 每次传输完数据缓冲区中的数据后就显示一个#号 get(mget) 从远程机传送指定文件到本地机 put(mput) 从本地机传送指定文件到远程机 open 连接远程ftp站点 quit 断开与远程机的连接并退出ftp ? 显示本地帮助信息
2023-07-13 03:18:552


2023-07-13 03:19:003

Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 怎么搭配?

我在需要采访驻华大使的时候,写信的标题通常这样写 Request for Interview wiht HE xxx, Ambassador of xx in China然后里面的称呼就是Your Excellency, Ms./Mr. xxx采访N个了,很管用,所以,应该是对的。哈哈
2023-07-13 03:18:491


2023-07-13 03:18:471

Friday Night 歌词

歌曲名:Friday Night歌手:Brantley Gilbert专辑:A Modern Day Prodigal SonBrantley Gilbert - Friday NightThis city"s looking like a ghost townAll the stores downtown they"ve been closing downYeah, the only lights that shine for milesAre lighting up the sky above memorial driveAnd if you want a seat you better come on down"Cause when the band fires up that old glory soundThis is the moment we"ve all been waiting forLining them up, and the whistle blowsThis ain"t no game around hereIt"s more like religionWe"ve built this thing right hereA football traditionSo everybody get upAnd feast your eyesOn the highlight of small town lifeIt"s Friday nightAnd winning state would be a miracleMan, we did it back in "54And if the baptist church prayed Sunday morningWe might just stand a chance with the help of the LordThis is ain"t no game around hereIt"s more like religionWe"ve built this thing right hereA football traditionSo, everybody get upAnd feast your eyesOn the highlight of small town lifeIt"s Friday nightAnd now the stadium"s quietStanding here alone on this old 50 yard lineIf I listen close I can hear battle criesOf all the heroes come and gone before I was aliveThe memories of fourth and threeNow that rival game is coming back to meIt meant more than a big state ringIf we could do it again it"d never be the sameRemember the lights and the butterfliesGiving it all just one last timeBecause heroes are remembered but dragons never dieThis is ain"t no game around hereIt"s more like religionWe"ve built this thing right hereA football traditionSo, everybody get upAnd feast your eyesOn the highlight of small town lifeIt"s Friday nightCome on
2023-07-13 03:18:471