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Back To Black 歌词翻译

2023-07-13 07:49:37















你爱轻轻的吸大麻 我爱一点一点的吸大麻







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我死亡1 100倍


我回去… … 。








我死亡1 100倍







我死亡1 100倍




我死亡1 100倍




back to black什么意思

2023-07-13 00:10:274

Back To Black 歌词

歌曲名:Back To Black歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Back To Black(Deluxe Edition)Back To Blackamy winehouseHe left no time to regret,Kept his dick wet,With his same old safe bet.Me & my head high,And my tears dry,Get on without my guy.You went back to what you knew,So far removedFrom all that we went through.And I tread a troubled track,My odds are stacked,I go back to black.We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back toI go back to usI love you muchIt"s not enoughYou love blow and I love puffAnd life is like a pipe,And I"m a tired penny rolling up the walls inside.We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to...We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to...BlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackBlackI go back to...I go back to...We only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back toWe only said goodbye with wordsI died a hundred timesYou go back to herAnd I go back to black
2023-07-13 00:10:341

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

He left no time to regret 他离开的时候没有留下任何遗憾 Kept his d**k wet 带着他的J.B With his same old safe bet 还有他一成不变的思想 Me and my head high 我抬着头 And my tears dry 我泪干了 Get on without my guy 自己走着没有朋友的路 You went back to what you knew 你回到 你之前知道的 So far removed from all that we went through 把我们经历的所有东西都忘记 And I tread a troubled track 我有太多的感受 My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black 我决定我要回到黑 (这个黑可以代表黑暗 也可以代表黑人) We only said good-bye with words 我们只有说再见 I died a hundred times 我已经死了100次 You go back to her 你会去找她 And I go back to..... 那我只好回去。。。回去。。。 I go back to us 回去记忆里面的我们 I love you much 我很爱你 It"s not enough 但是不够 You love blow and I love puff 你喜欢帮我口 我也喜欢 And life is like a pipe 人生就是好像一个烟囱 And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside 这个烟囱全部是用一分钱推挤出来 而我就是当中的一个
2023-07-13 00:10:421

艾米怀恩豪斯(amy winehouse)的back to black这首歌的中英文对照歌词?

  回到黑色  作词/艾米等  He left no time to regret  他离开时毫无遗憾  Kept his d**k wet  接着又去寻欢作爱  With his same old safe bet  带着他一成不变的安全赌注  Me and my head high  我和我高抬的头  And my tears dry  泪已流干  Get on without my guy  继续着没有男友的生活  You went back to what you knew  你回到你曾熟悉的一切  So far removed from all that we went through  把我们经历的所有全都忘却  And I tread a troubled track  我却有太多烦心的感受  My odds are stacked  我的古怪也变得异常明显  I"ll go back to black  我决定要回到黑色  We only said good-bye with words  我们只言语了再见  I died a hundred times  我却已死去了千百遍  You go back to her  你回到她身边  And I go back to.....  那我只好回到......  I go back to us  我只好回到(记忆中的)我们  I love you much  我很爱你  It"s not enough  但那还不够  You love blow and I love puff  你喜欢用blow烟草,而我喜欢抽puff烟草  And life is like a pipe  人生就好像一个烟囱  And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside  而我是个小小分币滚入在这烟囱的墙里面  * blow,puff--实际指的是两种毒品类烟草,类似于大麻,使用的方式不同,一种是blow/轻轻吹,另一种是puff/一点点喷出。此歌曲说明艾米有严重的毒瘾问题,而她当时与男友(后来成了她的丈夫)的分手则加重了这问题。  (翻译/夜莺)
2023-07-13 00:10:581

时尚 | Back To Black!我就要五彩斑斓的黑

黑色永远是 时尚 界的宠儿! 从奥黛丽赫本的经典小黑裙到西装,凌厉的线条将女性的性感与优雅发挥到极致。 在各大时装周上,设计师也总是毫不吝啬的把黑色作为出场色。 逃离时装周的T台,伸展台下黑色依旧可以展现出”五彩斑斓的黑“。 在多数人的眼里,黑色是万能的、经典! 不需要搭配上花过多的思考,即使是all black也能穿出与众不同的power women! Back To Black 山本耀司曾经说过: 黑色拥有谦虚和傲慢两种特质 ,黑色是慵懒、随性却神秘莫测的。黑色是一种最有态度的颜色,他分明在表达:“我不烦你,你也别来烦我” 黑色在过去除了给人利落简洁的形象,也是种无声的表达,同时也能抚慰穿者,给其安心的感受。 我喜欢穿黑色,很简单因为它 显瘦 ! 带有收缩性质的黑色,不管是的肤色是冷色调还是暖色调,都能对你的身材起到很好的修饰作用。 我喜欢黑色,因为它 在穿搭上不用花费过多精力 ! 虽然黑色常常被贴上“冷酷、性冷淡”的标签,但黑色也是对完美、独特的追求! 不管是正式场合还是休闲约会,黑色永远不会让你失望。 「 BLACK 使用手册 」 时髦的人 都爱大面积穿黑色 曾经一季走过51场秀的模特Sora Choi不仅在伸展台上风格凌冽,私服也是经常是冷酷的暗黑色风格。 绝不出错的黑色酷帅正装,低调而含蓄的体现出她不落俗套又高雅的品味。 黑色的经典配色 黑+白 黑加白永远都是经典的配色,一件简单的T、衬衫、夹克···搭配得宜都能成为时髦的街头时装! 黑白的搭配呈现的永远是低调含蓄的高级,不管什么场合都能让你的装扮得体、大方。 黑+卡其 卡其色作为淡色系,和饱和度低的颜色搭配在一起才会更加高级。 黑色+卡其色,两个颜色的融合可谓十分的和谐,即使是大面积的黑色也不会抢了彼此的风头,真的是超级养眼。 不挑肤色不挑人,是非常友好的颜色,分分钟随意组合都能搭配出不错的穿搭look。 黑+蓝 Dior先生曾说过:在所有色彩中,唯有蓝色与黑色有相同质感并可与其媲美。 黑色与蓝色,不同与其它鲜艳的有彩色,这是一对非常有内涵的配色,深色系的蓝搭配黑色总能让人惊喜。 蓝色是最冷的颜色,用蓝色沉静气质搭配黑色,平衡黑色带来的深邃感,让黑色的稳重神秘气质彰显无疑,带来一丝帅气潇洒风范。 黑+红 红色是最具有膨胀感的色彩,而黑色则是最好的收缩色。火焰般的红搭配内敛的黑,两种明明个性不同的颜色搭配起来却是异常的协调。 黑色和红色搭配也是给人视觉感官最强烈的配色。以黑色作为主体色,红色作为辅助颜色出现,明媚中透露出沉稳帅气。 相反如果是黑色作为辅助色,则尽显热情洋溢的高级感。黑+红衬托得穿着者非常有气场,而且足够高雅。 一身黑 一身黑的人很低调但也很酷。不论在哪里,穿一身黑都绝对不会输,但也绝不会喧宾夺主。 在穿着一身黑时,最好选择面料质感比较强的,或者光泽感比较好的面料用来中和黑色沉闷,并丰富整体搭配的造型感和时髦感。 带有印花图案设计的黑色单品同样值得入手。细节上可以搭配金色的配饰或者亮色系的手袋,起到画龙点睛的效果。 春夏必备的黑色单品有哪些? u2776小黑裙 天气变暖之后第一个想入手的就是裙装,不管是连衣裙还是半裙,都是今年春夏值得入手的单品之一。 连衣裙无疑是最省事的单品,不用费心去搭配,连衣裙是展现女人味最直接的方式,黑色连衣裙就是最好的选择。 u2777黑色裤装 阔腿裤、拖地裤、工装裤随便一条加上高腰款设计能够很好的勾勒出腿部的线条,使之看上去匀称又修长。 百搭的T恤搭配百搭的黑色裤子,不想潮都不行。 春夏季节里,最潮流的穿搭,不就是衬衣加黑色裤子? u2778黑色配饰 帽子,作为一个四季都必备的搭配神器,能为穿搭增添亮点,运用好了,百变风格简直是妥妥的。 春夏很火的渔夫帽、大檐帽、棒球帽、贝雷帽等等,帽子的存在,一定会是整体造型的点睛之笔,是增强时髦指数、性价比极高高的凹造型神的神器,你有没有一点心动呢? 当然,配饰上少不了让集美们掏空钱包的包袋,黑色的设计加上复古的金色口金,优雅感呼之欲出。 u2779黑色外套 春风起穿风衣,黑色风衣又潮又酷,十分的霸气。 oversized的黑色西装,宽松的版型弱化了黑色严肃感和正式感, 时尚 百搭又高级性感,是初春最时髦帅气的外套之一。 黑色外套可以说是跨越男女性别的好搭配,对女孩来说,弱化了女性的甜美,同时又显得帅气十足。 黑色是神秘的、经典的 又是万能的, 它可以适应任何年龄 这个春天 你要不要来一身帅气的黑!
2023-07-13 00:11:041

Back To Black中文翻译

2023-07-13 00:11:111


片尾曲是The xx的《Together》,The xx的《lntro》在国内也很火
2023-07-13 00:11:193

如何评价 Amy Winehouse

  Amy Winehouse的死亡使她成为青史留名的人,不仅是因为那张获得巨大成功的Back to Black,还因为这个人(我指的是她的公众形象)。这可以blablabla牵扯许多。咳咳,扯淡时间到,大家搬好小板凳...  若你关注Amy在世时的八卦新闻,对她的死亡就不会惊讶。她何止是毒后!酗酒、和老公狗血不断的恩恩怨怨、与狗仔队的交锋、戒毒所、当年格莱美前被拒签...甚至连她老爹都提前写好遗嘱。这种自虐不停折腾不止的人生态度,在如今乐坛已不多见。话说我一直觉得The Libertines的Pete Doherty属于“绝逼活不过三十岁”的那一拨人,结果...他居然活下来了...  首先是音乐风格。虽然Amy、Duffy、Adele三人曾经被相提并论,但除了烟酒嗓和同为Blue-Eyed Soul Singer,三人的音乐风格和形象都相差巨大。Duffy继承的是有White Queen of Soul称号的Dusty Springfield的衣钵。Amy则向大批黑人女歌手取经:Billie Holiday、Etta James、Sarah Vaughan、Motown时代、 Macy Gray、 Lauryn Hill...所以Amy歌曲...怎么说呢?更“糙”更“黑”。Duffy的歌曲有大量华丽的弦乐铺陈,符合听众对Soul的传统印象;Adele的流行味更重,也有民谣、福音甚至成人抒情元素;Amy则将复古Jazz、R&B、Soul、Ska、Swing融为一炉,听她的歌,眼前就闪过各位上古大神的即视感。  为什么Back to Black比Frank更成功,我是这么想的:Frank中有大热单曲Fuck Me Pumps、Stronger Than Me,不过相比大热单曲,其他歌曲未免不夺目;而且它的风格化太突显。到了二专,除了大家都知道的更加大热的单曲Rehab、Back to Black、You Know I"m No Good,其他歌曲也颇为上口(Me & Mr Jones、Some Unholy War、Tears Dry On Their Own),这使整张专辑更有流行度,同时保证了专辑风格完整度。此外就是制作人Mark Ronson,他在Back to Black增加了和声和大量弦乐,使歌曲层次更丰富,也更有气势,Mark Ronson作为制作人也因此名声大噪。不过Mark Ronson这种雷同的制作手法后来也受了不少诟病,那是后话了。还有一点,Back to Black述说了很多黑暗情事,如今Amy离世,两相对照,歌曲被听者赋予新的含义,这增添了专辑的传奇性。  Amy最大的功劳,是带动了英国白人骚灵女歌手的复兴。达菲姐和阿呆妹的走红也不能说与她无关:2008年,Amy在第50届格莱美上拿到5项大奖;在第51届格莱美上Adele拿下最佳流行女歌手和年度最佳新人,Duffy拿下最佳流行演唱专辑;到第54届...阿呆妹的事儿大家都知道了。  题外话,其实这三位中,我最喜欢的是达菲姐的首专Rockferry,这无关专辑质量,只是单纯的个人喜好(潜台词是:“不服你来咬我啊!”无赖脸=,=)...不过后来这三人的命运截然不同,令人唏嘘啊~~  接下来,就是传说中的“27岁俱乐部”。“27岁俱乐部”是指一批27岁时早夭的摇滚明星。较为知名的成员有3J(Jimi Hendrix、Jim Morrison、Janis Joplin)、Kurt Cobain、曾经的滚石乐队吉他手Brian Jones、Manic Street Preachers乐队吉他手Richard James Edwards...大部分都走“狂放不羁”路线的。其实所谓“27岁俱乐部”有点倒推因果,很多非自然死亡摇滚乐手并不是27岁。比如John Lennon(40岁)、Ian Curtis(23岁)、Nick Drake(26岁)、Tim Buckley(28岁)、Jeff Buckley(30岁)、尾崎丰(26岁)...有数据表明,摇滚乐手的确是个高危职业,车祸啊嗑药啊酗酒啊打群架啊精尽人亡(咦?)啊不对精疲力竭啊....导致其人均寿命低于其他职业。而神秘的非正常死亡,则能够为歌手增加神话光环,使其由“伟大”荣升为“传奇”,其效果跟魔兽世界中紫色装备升级为橙色装备似的——虽然歌手本人是无福消受了...  如今Amy也成为了27岁俱乐部中的一员,自然镀上了一层传奇光环。所以这对单纯的判断她的作品造成困难。这就涉及到“形象”问题了,说起来比较复杂,容我展开一下。  我曾经说过,作者和作品不能割裂开,不然汪峰现在也不会成笑柄了不是?我们没法想象他会唱:“我生来就是花心~~”嘛。Amy给公众的印象是“狂放不羁、no作no die”,而她也从不在作品中讳言自己的混乱生活,那些露骨直白的歌词就像把自己的伤口扒给大家看。这种表现,好听的说法是“做我自己”,直白的说法是“老娘就是牛逼!老娘就要鬼混!爱看看不爱看滚!”如果再在歌曲中稍微暴露一下小脆弱,矮马顿时魅力值爆表了有木有?——但是脚多马呆!这种把自己的生活弄得一塌糊涂众人皆知的歌手并不鲜见,60年的一大帮嬉皮士歌手、80年代的一大帮朋克青年、Whitney Houston、Michael Jackson、曾经离悬崖很近的Britney Spears、Lindsay Lohan、Pete Doherty...当然上述这些人作死原因不同,有的是先天缺爱,有的是环境压力,有的…只是单纯想作死…你对3J不熟,总知道Kurt Cobain吧?Cobain也是“生活一塌糊涂把伤口扒给别人看”的好手。这么说吧,Amy要是不死,喏,搞不好Axl Rose就是她的未来。  更诡异的是,观众也成为这场闹剧的一部分。我们一边为歌手的胡作非为惋惜,一边又搬来小板凳津津有味的欣赏这一幕幕闹剧。除了脑缠粉,其实观众都希望The Show Must Go On:“啥?洗心革面?开神马玩笑,他/她从良了我们看神马啊?!”你看自从Pete Doherty稍微消停,关注度立刻大降,有谁还关心Babyshambles去年的新专辑?大家念念叨叨的还是他在The Libertines时期的故事。这算神马情况?“演员与观众的合谋?”  所以很多人不喜欢Amy是有理由的(“The self-destructive tortured-artist routine was bullshit when Kurt Cobain did it, it was bullshit when Elliott Smith did it, and it"s bullshit now. ”),这种不喜甚至会延伸至其作品。排除死亡光环和混乱生活形象的干扰(这挺有难度),单论作品,Amy Winehouse的两张专辑能否让其进入神坛还存疑。做个比较,Jeff Buckley凭其生前仅有的一张录音室专辑Grace便名垂不朽;Ian Curtis在Joy Division期间的两张专辑也极具开创性。Frank和Back to Black更多的是向古人致敬,而非创新,将其定位于“令人耳目一新的精彩的流行专辑”是恰当的,但再往上拔高就不合适了。不过综合考量所有因素,Amy Winehouse和Back to Black必将为人铭记。
2023-07-13 00:12:242


去找找 B B King 的作品听听吧。
2023-07-13 00:12:323


当一首歌除了音调以外其他都保持原状时,用大调来演绎通常会感觉开心的感觉而用小调来演绎则会有悲伤的感觉。但是偶尔也有例外,例如 Van Morrison的小调歌曲-“Moondance”,就算听不懂歌词,也可以听起来很开心,而例如Rufus Wainwright的“Dinner At Eight”或The Smiths的“I Know it"s Over”都是很悲伤的大调音乐。当然我们还是有很多例子是关于快乐的小调音乐,或悲伤的大调音乐,但是这些也只是例外,因为大家还是习惯了大调音乐=快乐,而小调音乐=悲伤。R.E.M的著名忧伤歌曲“Losing My Religion”可以证实这个理论。当我们将此歌的音调转变成大调,你会发现整个歌曲的情绪也改变了。为什么只是简单的转变音调却能带来那么大的变化?为什么我们会自动的认定当一首歌以大调来演绎会有快乐的感觉而小调则会带来悲伤的感觉?这看似是受到了文化环境的影响,尤其那些曲调是出现在我们常听到的即熟悉且带有回忆的歌曲里。这些已经刻在脑海里的曲调将自然的让我们猜出一首歌接下来的曲调,这也是人们享受音乐的过程之一。然而,过度依赖记忆中的曲调却让我们只在听某种类型的歌曲才会有反应,接受不了新曲调。在西方音乐文化里的,西方传统大调音乐都是一些只有在庆祝节日时会听到的音乐,例如 Mendelssohn的“结婚进行曲”或生日快乐歌,举国欢腾时,例如白金汉宫上会播放Brian May的英国国歌,及平时欢乐时刻的歌曲, 例如 Kool & The Gang的“Celebration”。然而,小调音乐则会用在哀悼时, 例如 肖邦的“Funeral March”,心痛时,例如 Amy Winehouse的“Back to Black”;绝望时,例如Johnny Cash的“Hurt”或Billie Holiday的“Gloomy Sunday”。透过这些常听到的歌曲,使我们不断地被大调音乐=快乐,小调音乐=悲伤的理论所洗脑,导致我们根据以往的听歌经验而做出觉得我们应该要有的情感反应。然而, 过度的使用大调音乐来制造欢乐气氛造成西方流行音乐想改变这套理论。音乐心理学家 Glen Schellenberg指出,在过去的十年里,人们试图接受小调音乐,结果是没有证据证明我们因此而变得比较忧郁。大调/小调音乐与情绪的关系变得比以往来得更复杂了。因为每个人的文化素养都不同,所以除了大调及小调以外,音乐里应该有更细腻且深层的元素是可以触发我们的情绪反应。透过坐落于喀麦隆北部的Mafa部落的范例,Tomas Friztz分析了人们对音乐产生的情绪反应。研究的对象-Mafa部落族群完全不了解传统西方音乐文化,他们可以因此分辨出哪个歌曲是代表着快乐,哪个代表着悲伤吗?虽然他们的反应不如西方音乐听众,然而答案是,可以,他们还是可以分辨出歌曲里想表达的快乐或悲伤的情绪。透过Mafa族群及西方音乐听众这两个族群,提到了文化影响力的力量及通过以往听歌的经验造就了人们对既定歌曲会有特定的情绪反应。再一次,在没 有西方音乐文化的印象下, Mafa族群确实透过音乐里某些元素分辨出了歌曲里快乐或悲伤的情绪,所以,什么样的音调-大调/小调可以出动我们的情绪?现在,让我们具体地来分析声音的细节。拍子是其中一个重要的部分。一个简单的小调和弦(三和弦)通常会运用一个接近大调主音的中音来取代大调三和弦。举例 来说, C调三和弦(C,E,G); C小调里的中音是降E(比较接近C)然而在C大调里我们听到的是E(距离C比较远)。 主音(C)是是最强而且也是最能吸引我们的注意,所以这样的小调和弦会使人感官失调, 一种源于冲突频率密集的张力。Mafa族群或许可以与我们一样,将声音与情绪联合在一起。科学家们证实了快乐语气所显示的声谱会接近与快乐的音乐,反之,悲伤语气所显示的声谱会接近与悲伤的音乐。这套语气与音乐有关联的理论看似很新,其实这源自于古老的理论。Aristotle(古希腊哲学家)猜想,对于音乐对情绪的影响,至少有一部分是因为模拟我们自己所发出来的声音,例如当我们欢呼尖叫或是愤怒时所发出来的声音。很多元素造就了快乐与悲伤的音乐,这包含了不同的拍子,音色及节奏,但是大调/小调是我们摘取一个情绪讯息的关键。这评估来自于我们对大调与小调和弦的声音结构的反应,但主要还是于我们古时及现代的学术有关。
2023-07-13 00:12:391

谁能帮忙翻译下AC/DC的BACK IN BLACK中文歌词

LS的 乱来 擦 太TM没道德了~英文不好 不翻译了另外推荐一首 SINK THE PINK
2023-07-13 00:13:013

back in black, i am back什么意思

Back in black I hit the sack I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back [I bet you know I"m...] Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about I"ve been looking at the sky "Cause it"s getting" me high Forget the hearse "cause I never die I got nine lives Cat"s eyes Abusin" every one of them and running wild CHORUS: "Cause I"m back Yes, I"m back Well, I"m back Yes, I"m back Well, I"m back, back (Well) I"m back in black Yes, I"m back in black Back in the back Of a Cadillac Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang Cause I"m back on the track And I"m beatin" the flack Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap So look at me now I"m just makin" my play Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way CHORUS Well, I"m back, Yes I"m back Well, I"m back, Yes I"m back Well, I"m back, back Well I"m back in black Yes I"m back in black hooo yeah Ohh yeah Yes I am Oooh yeah, yeah Oh yeah Back in now Well I"m back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back, I"m back Back Back in black Yes I"m back in black Out of the sight 赫赫 听了这首歌后觉得 是 在黑暗中回归..
2023-07-13 00:13:094


2023-07-13 00:13:161


Another dayAnyone of usMoonlight shadow我最喜欢的几首
2023-07-13 00:13:3310

求助英语高手帮下忙,希望不要翻译的很生硬。 shoot to thrill 歌手:ac dc 专辑:back in black

2023-07-13 00:13:584

求《black rose》-乔治本森的歌曲歌词

George Benson -Black roseWant a cute and decending young black cool independent and everybody likes to call her violent roseOh I fell in love from the first glance she was the definition of romance must be a whole there way up in the skiesOh We started hanging out together day & nightBut …getting it so tightWe call it bad so strong I never should have done you wrongNow I want you back I remember how she used to lay after the love all the games we played lie to a friend lost in the end whatever it`s calledso I cry little more each night because I`m never gonna hold you tightAmor come back to me Rosita La Negra black rose la negraAs the wind blows, willowsI can still see her face by my pillow with every tear dropI almost feel her in my armsMy hair keep onI can`t help stop the cry of love look in the mirrow there`s nothing more clearerThan guilty eyes full of liesBlack is beautiful to me like aflower in a gardenOh We started hanging out together day & nightBut …getting it so tightWe call it bad so strong I never should have done you wrongNow I want you back I remember how she used to lay after the love all the games we played lie to a friend lost in the end whatever it`s calledso I cry little more each night because I`m never gonna hold you tightAmor come back to me Rosita La Negra black rose la negra
2023-07-13 00:14:052

yesterday i went to ___work on____food

空在哪?感觉没地方需要填啊 第一 A 乘飞机 第二 A go to work去工作,on foot 步行 第三 C 在医院工作 这个应该是完形填空吧,你看一下上文,如果出现过hospital,就要选in the hospital,第一次出现就选C
2023-07-13 00:14:131


1.表达对童年怀念的英文句子 I will always cherish the good memories of my childhood. Memories of my childhood will live with me forever. My childhood days has become sweet memories which I often dream about. I wish I could go back to my childhood days when there were lots of fun and no worries. 2.有没有关于童年的英文经典语句 If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener , and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light , we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "there are only two creatures," says a proverb , "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail."If I were a boy again , I would school myself into a habit of attention ; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand . I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once . the habit of attention becomes part of our life , if we begin early enough . I often hear grown-up people say , "I could not fix my attention on the lecture or book , although I wished to do so , " and the reason is , the habit was not formed in youth.If I were to live my life over again , I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means , and on every possible occasion . it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself , and gives very little trouble . it only needs early cultivation to become a power.If I were a boy again , I would look on the cheerful side . life is very much like a mirror : if you smile upon it , it smiles back upon you ; but if you frown and look doubtful on it , you will get a similar look in return.Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner , but of all that come in contact with it . "who shuts love out , in turn shall be shut from love."If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say “No” oftener. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.If I were a boy again , I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends , and indeed towards strangers as well . the smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long , and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.Finally , instead of trying hard to be happy , as if that were the sole purpose of life , I would , if I were a boy again , try still harder to make others happy.假如我再回到从前 假如我再回到童年, 我会更多的培养自己的毅力, 决不因为事情艰难或麻烦而放弃不干。 如果我们要光明,我们就得征服黑暗。在产生的结果方面, 毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。 谚语说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种--雄鹰与蜗牛。” 假如我再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;一旦手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。 我会牢记:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成专心致志的习惯, 它就会成为我们生命的一个部分。 我常常听到成年人说:“尽管我希望能集中注意力听演讲后读书,但往往做不到。”其原因就在于年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 假如我能重新活过,我会更加注意培养自己的记忆力。我要采取一切可能的办法,在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。 要精确地记住一切事物,起初的确要做出一番小小的努力;但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。 假如我再回到童年,我会凡事都看光明的一面。生活就像一面镜子:你朝它微笑,它也会朝你微笑;但如果你朝它皱眉头,他也会朝你皱眉头;如果你用怀疑的目光看待它, 它也会以同样会议的目光看待你。 内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,同时也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。“谁将爱拒之门外,谁就会被爱拒之门外。” 假如我再回到童年,我就要养成经常说“不”的习惯。一个少年要能挺的腰杆,拒绝作不值得做的事--就因为它不值得做。 我可以写上好几页,谈谈早期培养这一点的重要性。 假如我再回到童年,我会要求自己对待同伴和朋友更有礼貌,而且对陌生人也确实如此。 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我们歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得 较易忍受。 最后,假如我再回到童年,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福--似乎那是人生的唯一目标;与之相反,我会更加努力,让他人幸福。 3.有没有关于童年的英文经典语句 If I were a boy again, I would practice perseverance oftener , and never give up a thing because it was hard or inconvenient. If we want light , we must conquer darkness. Perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. "there are only two creatures," says a proverb , "who can surmount the pyramids-the eagle and the snail." If I were a boy again , I would school myself into a habit of attention ; I would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand . I would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once . the habit of attention becomes part of our life , if we begin early enough . I often hear grown-up people say , "I could not fix my attention on the lecture or book , although I wished to do so , " and the reason is , the habit was not formed in youth.If I were to live my life over again , I would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. I would strengthen that faculty by every possible means , and on every possible occasion . it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself , and gives very little trouble . it only needs early cultivation to become a power.If I were a boy again , I would look on the cheerful side . life is very much like a mirror : if you smile upon it , it smiles back upon you ; but if you frown and look doubtful on it , you will get a similar look in return.Inner sunshine warms not only the heart of the owner , but of all that come in contact with it . "who shuts love out , in turn shall be shut from love." If I were a boy again, I would school myself to say “No” oftener. I might write pages on the importance of learning very early in life to gain that point where a young boy can stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.If I were a boy again , I would demand of myself more courtesy towards my companions and friends , and indeed towards strangers as well . the smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long , and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.Finally , instead of trying hard to be happy , as if that were the sole purpose of life , I would , if I were a boy again , try still harder to make others happy.假如我再回到从前 假如我再回到童年, 我会更多的培养自己的毅力, 决不因为事情艰难或麻烦而放弃不干。 如果我们要光明,我们就得征服黑暗。在产生的结果方面, 毅力往往可以与天才相媲美。 谚语说:“能登上金字塔的生物只有两种--雄鹰与蜗牛。” 假如我再回到童年,我会培养自己专心致志的习惯;一旦手头有事,决不让任何东西使我分心。 我会牢记:一位优秀的溜冰手从不试图同时滑向两个不同的方向。如果及早养成专心致志的习惯, 它就会成为我们生命的一个部分。 我常常听到成年人说:“尽管我希望能集中注意力听演讲后读书,但往往做不到。”其原因就在于年轻时没有养成这种习惯。 假如我能重新活过,我会更加注意培养自己的记忆力。我要采取一切可能的办法,在一切可能的场合,增强记忆力。 要精确地记住一切事物,起初的确要做出一番小小的努力;但用不了多久,记忆力本身就会起作用,使记忆成为轻而易举的事。只需及早培养,记忆自会成为一种才能。 假如我再回到童年,我会凡事都看光明的一面。生活就像一面镜子:你朝它微笑,它也会朝你微笑;但如果你朝它皱眉头,他也会朝你皱眉头;如果你用怀疑的目光看待它, 它也会以同样会议的目光看待你。 内心的阳光不仅温暖了自己的心,同时也温暖了所有跟他接触的人的心。“谁将爱拒之门外,谁就会被爱拒之门外。” 假如我再回到童年,我就要养成经常说“不”的习惯。一个少年要能挺的腰杆,拒绝作不值得做的事--就因为它不值得做。 我可以写上好几页,谈谈早期培养这一点的重要性。 假如我再回到童年,我会要求自己对待同伴和朋友更有礼貌,而且对陌生人也确实如此。 在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我们歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得 较易忍受。 最后,假如我再回到童年,我不会竭力为自己谋幸福--似乎那是人生的唯一目标;与之相反,我会更加努力,让他人幸福。 4.表达对童年怀念的英文句子 I will always cherish the good memories of my childhood.Memories of my childhood will live with me forever.My childhood days has become sweet memories which I often dream about.I wish I could go back to my childhood days when there were lots of fun and no worries。 5.求关于童年的英文格言 1 A man can fail many times, but he isn"t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.J. Burroughs. Averican naturalist 一个人可以失败多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。 美国博物学家巴勒斯. J. 2 All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.R. H. Stoddard, American poet 做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。美国诗人斯大林拖达德. R. H .3 Genius only means hard-working all one"s life.Mendeleyev, Russian chemist 天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。 俄国化学家门捷列耶夫4 Adversity often leads to prosperity. 逆境往往通向成功之路。5 The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 6 The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart. -- H.Black 生活的地平线是随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广的。 -- 布莱克 7 If you should put even a little on a little, and should do this often, soon this too would become big. -- Hesiod 伟大的事业是通过不懈努力,一砖一瓦堆起来的。 -- 赫西奥德 8 The drop of rain makes a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by of falling. -- Latimer 雨滴穿石,不是靠蛮力,而是靠持之以恒。 -- 拉蒂默 9 Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters, adversity is not without comforts and hopes. -- Bacon 幸运中并非不搀杂各种担心与烦恼,而厄运中也并非不存在欣慰与期望。 -- 培根 10 On life"s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail. 生活在顽强战斗中,只有每天不屈不挠奋勇向前的人才能取得胜利。 11 All that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right. -- R.H.Sloddard 做一切事情都应尽力而为,不可半途而废。 -- 斯托达德 12 A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。知道后悔取代了梦想,一个人才算老。 13 For all pain helps to make us rise, however much we may hate it at the time. 一切痛苦都有助于我们奋发向上,不论我们当时是多么憎恨它。 14 Life is a test and this world a place of trial. Always the problems - or it may be the same problem will be presented to every generation in different forms. 人生是一种考验,而这个世界就是考场。 每一代都要面对一些问题 -- 可能是相同的问题 -- 只不过问题的形式不同。 15 Wish you an endless view to cheer your eyes, then one more story mount and higher rise. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 16 The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明之前最黑暗。 17 No road of flowers lead to glory. 没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。 18 Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。 19 Good courage breaks bad luck. 勇气可以改变厄运。 20 Fortune shows her power when there is no wise preparation for resisting her. 没有向命运抗争的明智准备,命运便会显示其威力。 21 Do nor for one repulse, for go the purpose that you resolved to effort. -- Shakespeare 不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。 -- 莎士比亚 22 Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance. 大业成于百折不挠,不论力量大小。 23 Perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. -- J. Anderson 只要坚韧不拔,失败十九次之后,第二十次就会成功。 -- 安德森 24 Today"s opportunity erase yesterday"s failures. -- Gene Brown 今日的机遇可抹去昨日的失败。 -- 吉恩 · 布朗 25 You have to pay the price but if you do you can only win. -- Frank Leahy 为了成功,你必须付出代价。 如果你付出了代价,你就会成功。 -- 莱希 26 It"s better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all. -- A.H.Clough 奋战过而失败,强于根本未战。 -- 克拉夫 27 Remember when life"s path is steep to keep your mind even. -- Lincoln 记住,当人生之路陡峭之时,要保持沉着。 -- 林肯 28 Meet success like a gentleman and disaster like a man. --Fredrich Edwin Smith Birkenhead 优雅地迎接成功,勇敢地面对挫折。 -- 伯肯黑德 29 A man can succeed at almost anything for which he was unlimited enthusiasm. -- C. M. Schwal 只要有无限的热情,一个人几乎可以在任何事情上取得成功。-- 施瓦希 30 Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has courage to lose sight of the shore. -- A. Gide 人只有鼓起勇气,告别海岸,才能发现新的海洋。 -- 纪德 31 The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. -- Goethe 人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并下定决心去实现它。 -- 歌德 关于学习Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. -- Emerson 知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它增砖添瓦。 -- 爱默生 Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily, it must be wor。 6.描写童年美好的句子,最好是英文,中文也可以~多多益善 童年像一条船,装满了糖果,装满了玩具,装满了欢笑,也装满了快乐。童年像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往。童年生活中发生的一件件趣事常常把我带入美好的回忆里。 “童年的梦,七彩的梦;童年的歌,欢乐的歌;童年的脚印一串串;童年的故事一摞摞。”这首歌是否能让你回想起美好的童年生活?在那五彩缤纷的岁月中,发生过许多事情,不像星星一样的明亮。我的童年是美好的,有许多事值得回忆…… 童年,也是一场孤僻的游戏,是一场我一个人做的无奈的游戏,游戏的主题永远是——小蝌蚪找妈妈……
2023-07-13 00:14:371

she has long back haie改成to be句型

2023-07-13 00:14:451


2023-07-13 00:14:535

dont foget to remeber me

TI的Remember me该歌写的是美国黑社会中混的人最真实的遭遇,我也很喜欢这首歌
2023-07-13 00:15:194

mrs black took the police

这个句子当然有错误. that要改where. 这里的连词,不可以用that而只能用where,因为这里必须用连接副词来连接定语从句和主句. 如果一定要用that,必须在前面加一个介词.在这个句子里,可以用at:更好的说法除了用where,还可以使用介词+which.比that hao.Mrs Black took the police back to the same place at which she witnessed the robbery .
2023-07-13 00:15:261


A Step You Can`t Take 求采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-13 00:15:344


上互动论坛混时间也不算太长,回复求助帖子无数。 现在就将打CS可能出现的问题,稍微罗列一下,造福苍生拯救万灵,阿弥托佛~~。 这些问题及解决方法,本人积累或原创,版权所有,翻版不究,请注明出处即可。 我一般以普通版本CS为例,不过的汉化版本似乎比较多见,也以它为例说明。(为了描述方便简称cscn版本了) (说明)控制台:在进入CS的设置中加参数 -console,即可在游戏中调出控制台,按~(即1左边的那个键)即可。 如何加参数?在互动,要在大厅里的“设置”--“命令行参数”里加上 -console。 要是在局域网,在桌面的CS快捷方式,点右键属性,在“目标”栏的后面加上 -console 就可以了,中间要加空格。 以下问题随机无序排列。(有点长,要有点耐心才能看完哦) 1、远程控制问题。如何防止自己的主机被别人恶意刷新,更改。 这个问题只存在于cscn 版本中,由于汉化CS时,在server.cfg和listenserver.cfg文件中加入了一行“rcon_password ” 所以可以用“”这个密码进行远程控制。 更改密码方法: cscn版本中,H,1,0, 输入更改后的密码即可,随便输几个字符就行了。 也可在控制台中,输入命令:rcon_password XXXX(新密码)即可。 另:直接在server.cfg和listenserver.cfg文件中删掉那一行,以后进CS就不必再麻烦了,没有远程控制了。 另:关于远程控制的若干命令,由于怕引起不必要的麻烦,在此就不列出了。 2、自己怎样刷新? 换地图,设置某些时间的问题。 方法一、控制台输入命令。常用的有: sv_restartround 1 (刷新一遍) 或者retry命令也可。 reconnect (自己刷新一遍,也就是重新加入游戏,而不必退出) mp_startmoney 16000 (开始时的钱数) mp_c4timer 45 (设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间) mp_buytime 2 (多少分钟内可在基地买东西) mp_timelimit 45 (打多少分钟换地图) mp_roundtime 2 (一个回合多少分钟) mp_freezetime 0 (多少秒时间内固定在那里买枪) mp_autoteambalance 1 (双方队伍人数自动平衡) name “XXXXX” (游戏中改自己的名字) changelevel XXXX (换成XXXX地图) decalfrequency XX (设定喷LOGO的间隔时间) 方法二、在cscn版本里, H,1,1 (刷新一遍) H,1,2 (自己刷一遍) H,1,3 (开始时的钱数) H,1,8,1 (打多少分钟换地图) H,1,8,2 (一个回合多少分钟) H,1,8,3 (多少秒时间内固定在那里买枪) H,1,8,4 (多少分钟内可在基地买东西) H,1,8,5 (设定C4炸弹的爆炸时间) H,4 (游戏中改自己的名字) H,5 (换地图) 3、踢人问题。常有人有人作弊,看不顺眼,怎么踢他出去?还有那些乱刷新的家伙,怎样揪出他,踢他出去? 首先回答踢人问题: 踢人分两种: 一是简单的踢他,不过他还可以再进来,这种简单,作方法: 控制台,输入users显示出每个玩家的ID编号, 输入kick #XX(编号)(编号前面加#哦),OK,解决。 为什么要踢他的编号呢,因为有的人在名字里用了特殊符号或者太长记不住,所以踢编号是最好的方法。 二是踢他出去并封他的IP,让他就算换了名字也进不来。作方法: 控制台,先查ID编号,再输入banid YY #XX kick,就可以了,不过在实际中这样做自己主机就会退出游戏。 经过研究,发现,在局域网游戏中是不可以这样banid的,为什么呢?经查,所有局域网的玩家的uniqueid都是一样的,(虽然个人的ID编号不一样,)banid 命令是以uniqueid为识别的,所以banid别人就把自己顺便给banid 出去啦。 好,踢人问题解决了,可是有人捣乱刷新,怎么查出这个人呢? 解决方法:在他刷新或乱改了设置之后,马上调出控制台,好,你会看到这样的话:rcon from ……(之后写的是他用的远程控制密码和远程控制命令),看到IP了吗? 输入status,可以查看各个玩家的ID和对应的IP,看出是谁了吧?警告他!不要捣乱!不爽的话用users加kick 对付他也不过分哦。 !不过在此忠告大家,杀人不过头点地,封IP太毒了吧,踢一下也就行了,让他再进来不捣乱就行。 4、CDKEY问题。 呵呵,常有人在论坛上要正版CDKEY。 不必想了,我们还是用我们的盗版CDKEY吧,在互动上进局域网游戏是一样用的, 在此给出几个: 5590-73806-8806 3293-04914-4860 5796-93604-1881 3398-64213-6822 5690-93404-2881 2390-22063-1841 3392-34213-8809 2092-22666-6828 2298-52248-1888 5、重复打字、说话问题。 常有人问为什么有的人一句话可以连续发好几遍,而自己只能一遍一遍打呢? 解决办法: 在控制台下,用say XXXXXXXXXXXXX 说话就可以了,相当于Y键,说完后,按向上的方向键就可以重复上次输入的命令,这样不就OK了? 还有用say_team XXXXXXXXX命令就相当于U键,只对队友说话。而Y是所有人都能看到的。 6、CS路径设置问题。 新手刚进互动时,常不会设置路径,其实很简单,看看你的CS游戏装在什么地方,找到他就行了,找到桌面的那个快捷方式也行。一般是“C:|Program Files|CS1.5中文硬盘版|CS1.5中文硬盘版|cstrike.exe”。 7、POD机器人问题。 有人问起关于POD机器人怎么用的问题。在此简单作答: = 可以调出菜单,英文好完全可以自己看明白了。 不明白的话,以下是常用的: =1 表示随机加一个电脑,=51 表示全部加匪,=52表示全部加警, =6表示去掉一个电脑,=7表示把电脑全部去掉, =3表示把电脑全部杀死,=4就是连玩家连自己一起死啦! =81表示让电脑只带刀,不许拿枪。 点击这里打开POD机器人详细使用说明 8、反作弊器问题。平台作弊问题。 在此再次申明:痛恨作弊!不过哪里都有败类,CS也不例外。各大厅似乎都有某些作弊者。 关于平台,本身是具有一定的反作弊功能的,(不过可以破解掉,至于如何破解,别问我。) 互动平台目前还不强制支持Cheating-Death 反作弊器,所以基本上在互动是不开CD的。 呼吁:作弊者人人得而诛之!!! 9、黑屏,视角问题。有人问怎样才能让死了后屏幕变黑,或只看到自己人。 解决方法: 输入命令mp_fadetoblack 1/0 (1是屏幕变黑,啥也看不到,0是可以看到) 输入命令mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2 (0是自由模式、1只能跟着自己队友走动、2尸体视线留在原地) 10、CS窗口化问题 假如你需要用窗口模式来玩CS,请在CS参数里加上 -windows 即可。 如果又不需要窗口模式了,去掉参数-windows ,并在视频设置(video configure)里, 把“运行在窗口”(run in a windows)前面的*去掉就可以回复全屏了。 v11、不进服务器,怎样看各服务器的ping值大小 一般在服务器列表里,都是用点来表示网速的快慢,可是不能准确的表示ping的值。 解决办法: 1、选择服务器,点一下“信息”一栏,可以看到ping值,但是你进服务器的时候,实际的ping值应该比看到的要高一点点。 2、在启动的参数里加入 -numericping, (就象加 -console一样加,参照文章前面)进去会发现本来Ping是用点显示,现在加了数字,数字越小ping越低,速度越快。 12、CS屏幕大小不对,准心不准问题 碰到CS屏幕大小不准,准心偏低不准,等等。 是因为按了-号使屏幕变小了,按=号可以变大,不过如果装了POD,按=号就不能变大了,=成了POD的菜单呼出键。 可以退一下,恢复默认值就可以按=号调大了,不过这时POD就不能再呼出了,就是不能再调POD了 。 所以有另一个方法,就是使用命令调屏幕大小,不需要退。 命令是: sizedown 缩小屏幕 sizeup 放大屏幕 13、局域网无法连接,快捷方式问题。 这个问题很蹊跷,以前很多高手都栽了。呵呵。就是局域网的两台机子可以在互动平台上联网,在局域网里建时,也能 看到主机,就是进不去!提示信息应该为:You cannot connect to a server running a custom game cstrike until you…… 呵呵, 你只是范了一个很小很小的错误。 -----快捷方式的问题,你是从桌面的快捷方式进入游戏的,点快捷方式的属性,会发现“起始位置”是空的,把它填上CS的目录,OK,问题解决了。就这么简单。 其中原因,呵呵,高手自会明白。 14、CS被锁问题。 这个问题好象我来以前没人回答过。 就是每次点击cs的图标以后,开场画面都能正常 出现,但是当我点击“进入游戏”时,总会 跳出下面一串英文:Content control configuration-On. 这个问题是因为打开了连接控制,也就是给CS加上了密码, 没这个密码是不能用CS的。 假如你知道密码,在“游戏设置”的“连接控制”里把“使用连接控制”的*去掉,不过需要密码。 假如你不知道密码。 破解它。 运行regedit,打开HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Valve/CounterStrike/Settings 里面有个“User Token 2” 删掉它,就OK了。 15、大跳问题。有人问怎样才能跳在空中划腿呢?也就是所谓的跳蹲。 1、方法一,按键设置: 把跳跃键的第二设定改为V键或B键。 (CS里,每样都可以同时设2个键的,直接在控制设置里改就行了。) CS里打的时候,可以用大拇指,把V键和空格键一起按,就可以了。 这是正规按出来的跳蹲。 2、用一个简单的脚本也可以实现,这里有个脚本: alias +sjump “+jump;+duck” alias -sjump “-jump;-duck” bind SPACE +sjump 把它们一行一行从控制台输入也可以,不过一般都写到CFG文件里去,这样比较方便。 你可以把它加入到autoexec.cfg文件里去(在cstrike文件夹里,用记事本打开加进去就行啦),然后在CS中控制台下,执行一次 这个文件:exec autoexec.cfg 就可以了,以后每次它都会自动运行的。 16、戴耳机左右声道与实际相反问题。 如果戴耳机左右声道与实际相反或者声音左右不清, 首先,在系统的音量设置里把混音之类的什么去掉。 再进CS,在 游戏设置-->音频设置里, 把 A3D硬件支持,EAX硬件支持,选上(或者去掉)。 如果已经进了CS,可以用以下命令更改:(可以加入config 文件,下面的是我的config里面的,效果不错的哦) s_a3d “0” s_eax “0” volume “1.0” suitvolume “0.25” hisound “1.0” bgmvolume “1.0” 如果这样还不行,呵呵,把耳机反戴就行咯。 17、切换后无声音问题。 这是个老麻烦啊,CS中有时消息来了,切换一下看看消息,再回来后发现声音没了。怎么办? 以下罗列几种办法以供参考: 1、要切换出来之前,按esc退到CS菜单下再切换出来,这样就没事了。 2、据某战友提供,切换时,按着Shift键,这样切换出来回去后声音还在。 3、根据我的理解,运行于窗口模式是不是好点呢? 4、最便宜的就是用win2000和XP的人啦,就算声音已经没有了,按ctrl +Alt+Del 调出任务管理器,在 上面双击CS的程序,就可以进去啦,声音还在,就算本来没有了都还原了。 18、“IP adress error …”问题 假如出现“……game port.dat,ip adress error……”的错误提示, 个人认为,应该是你安装了其他联网游戏平台,如浩方,XX互动,之类的游戏平台,或者需要进行虚拟IP转换的软件、游戏。 解决办法:到重新下载安装互动平台,(先把老的删了吧)。 这样应该就可以解决问题。如有其他原因,研究中。 19、若干控制台参数 -console-预设就有,有这个在game里才能调出控制台 -32bpp-用32bit色彩起动game,预设是16bit,用32bit可能使游戏变慢,但更好看 -numericping-用数字显示ping -nojoy-不起动摇捍 -noipx-不用ipx,如果是intetnet游戏,不要起动此项 -heapsize XXXXX-x为指定数字,可指定cs占用多少内存,最好用建议值 20、进CS服务器总要2次才能进去的问题 有时候会碰到这样的情况,每次进一个服务器总是没反应,需要按ESC退一下再进一次才能进去。 这种情况,一般是因为硬盘的DMA选项没有打开。 在系统属性里打开DMA(直接内存读取)选项再重启就可以了。 21、OPENGL 不支持问题 这也很常见啊,一般有这样的提示:The selected OpenGL Mode is not supporLted by video card…… 关于OPENGL不支持的问题,比较复杂,现列一些解决方法如下: 1、强行设置,有些显卡老提醒你说不支持OPENGL,别理他,继续设置,可以用的。 2、如果不行,下载最新的显卡驱动 地址: 3、最好安装DirectX 9,地址: 一般这样都能解决问题,还不行,请 4、手工安装GLsetup.exe或MSOpengl(地址: GLSetup最新1.0.0.121完全版(2001年4月13日发布) :(for win9x) 5、如果还不能解决问题,可能你的显卡不太支持, 请使用GLDirect V4.01,(降低硬件要求,模拟OPENGL) 地址:: 另:忠告:打CS,显卡最好是TNT 2 以上的,也就是差不多99年底之后买的。 另:这里有OPENGL的最新版本的升级,可以试试哦 在实际解决问题当中发现仍有部分人的不能解决,大多是GF2MX400,GF2MX440的显卡。 现提供以下解决办法,可以试一试: 在桌面击鼠标右键--属性--设置--高级,点-GF2MX选点左边框里的 openGL设置 进行调整: 1,关掉“启用缓冲区扩展““允许双面扩展使用本机视频内存“ 2,打开“禁用对cpu增强指令集的支持” 3,纹理的默认颜色深度:始终使用16bpp 4,缓冲翻转模式:使用位块传输 5,垂直同步:始终关闭 6,各向异性过滤:已禁用 7,最大使用量:14 其中:1,2,4 效果不是很明显, 3对于winXP用户很重要 5,6强烈推荐改掉。 22、出现PID错误问题 碰到过好几次这样的问题了。也没其他人解决过。按我的理解试试吧。 PID是process identification, 进程标识符。 PID 错误应该是平台运行时与其他进程产生冲突, 这种情况一般出现在网吧,而且网吧肯定安装了某种网络管理软件,这种软件与平台产生PID冲突。 重新安装一遍平台试试,应该就可以了!如果不行一般我也没什么好的解决方法,如果网吧不能为你解决。试试找一款进程管理软件,结束可疑的一切进程,呵呵,不过网吧的人看到可不得了哦,你关掉了他的网管软件那怎么行? 23、刷不到主机问题。 (这个问题涉及太多,比较复杂,整理中……) 一般解决方法,重新下载新的互动客户端并安装即可。 点此下载最新客户端: 24、刷到主机进不去问题。 假如你刷的到主机,其他一切正常,只是主机名是暗的话, 那么,基本可以肯定你的CS版本与主机不一致!呵呵,能确定它是正宗的1.5版吗?最好重下一个哦。 如果出现retry 4次连接不上服务器的情况,网络问题,请使用更快的网络连接方式或者更换连接更快的服务器。 其他情况,要看给出什么提示,具体的整理中…… 25、麦克风讲话问题 麦克风讲话有什么故障的话,解决方法如下: 1、你的麦是好的吗,是否插在声卡的合适接口? 2、打开音频属性(双击屏幕右下方那个小喇叭),看是否有MIC或micphone之类的一项,并且要打开。 这样,你吹一吹麦,耳机会有声音。没有,请设置好为止。 3、CS游戏中,默认是K键讲话,按K键,看屏幕是否有小喇叭出现, 有,正常,没有,添加 bind “k” “voicerecord”到config.cfg文件里去。 4、打开你的config,修改 sv_voiceenable “1” voice_modenable “1” voice_scale “1.000000” voice_enable “1” voice_forcemicrecord “1.000000” 5、如果你的声卡是ISA声卡,抱歉,ISA声卡是无法与CS的语音功能协同工作的。 如果你的声卡是主板自带声卡,如AC97等,也有可能无法正确使用语音功能。不过部分可以采用DirectSound方式 解决。具体方法:启动游戏时增加一个参数“+voice_dsound 1”,在互动,要在大厅里的“设置”--“命令行参数”里加上 +voice_dsound 1 。 6、如果你的声音在游戏里听上去怪怪的,请运行游戏目录里的voice_tweak.exe调试。 26、一键买枪问题。 可以下载一个脚本文件。至于如何修改脚本,比较烦琐,在此不在赘述。 以后我的网站恢复好,我会给大家一个下载连接。(现在因为比较穷,网站空间被迫关闭……) 大家也可以到这里学习一下脚本的制作方法: 点击这里打开 脚本制作教程 27、鼠标只能控制前后走的问题 CS中鼠标只能控制前后走,不能上下抬头低头了。 解决办法:在“控制设置”的“高级选项”里把“鼠标控制视野”打上*,应该就行了。 28、如何才能快速换枪问题,和左右手拿枪的问题。 换枪问题三个方法: 1、在游戏的控制设置里点上“快速换枪” 2、在控制台输入hud_fastswitch “1” 3、cscn版本中按 H,3。 左右手问题同样, 1、在游戏控制设置里改。 2、输入lefthand 0/1 3、cscn版本中按 H,2。 29、录制播放游戏的问题 首先播放的demo要放到cstrike 文件夹里面,录下来的demo也在这里。 下面给出录制播放的常用命令: record XXXX(文件名)开始记录一个录像,录像保存在cstrikeXXXX.dem stop 停止录像 listdemo XXXX 列出录像信息 playdemo XXXX 使用正常速度播放 XXXX.dem 录像 playvol 9 设置录像回放次数 startdemos 循环播放一段录像 startmovie XXXX 播放一段录像 appenddemo XXXX 在该录像文件后继续录像,不覆盖原录象 30、游戏卡的问题。 1、机器配置不好。 2、系统硬件有冲突。 3、网速较慢。具体情况具体分析,详细分析待整理中…… 31、游戏中输中文的问题 抱歉,CS1.5 是不能输中文的。 32、屏幕比较暗的问题 有人抱怨屏幕太暗,暗处看不到人,常被人暗算,呵呵 解决办法: 1、调显示器。 2、游戏视频设置里调。 前两种大家都知道,呵呵,下面是我教的。 3、在config.cfg文件中加上(或改为) gamma “3.000000” 和 brightness “3.000000” ,这个数字好象大于3.000000也没什么变化了。 4、可能你的显卡驱动不一定支持,不过最好是原版的驱动,新下载的不定有。 显卡中可以调“亮度调整”或是 “伽马校正”,可以在这里调的很亮很亮。 基本没限制,不过刺眼看上去不爽。 此方法对各显卡各有不同,关键在于找到有伽马校正的驱动。 5、假如你的显示器有些老化的话,而你有些电子基础。 打开显示器外壳,可以找到调节亮度的微调旋钮哦。 (技术原因,此法不推荐) 6、曾经见过单独的亮度调节软件,寻找中…… 33、ADSL用户不能联机的问题 (转载) 1;XP用户.只要去掉本地连接的TCP/IP协议就可以了. !注意!:是本地连接. 方法: 开始->连接到->显示所有连接->双击本地连接->属性->常规->把TCP/IP的勾去掉,不是删哦。 2:WIN2000用户.Win2000使用者就使用Raspppoe连线程式,且网卡的TCP/IP不要打勾 3:WIN98用户:.WIN98使用者使用Raspppoe连线程式:需将网络设定内-----TCP/IP->“你的网卡名称”----移除. 这样在游戏中显示的IP才是ISP给你的IP否则显示的IP是你网卡的IP。 34、关于贴图的问题。 1、如果不能喷图,在CS的设置里调整喷图的分辨率。 2、关于个性喷图的制作,限于篇幅不一一细说, 请参考此帖: 35、怎样用已知的IP进入该服务器? 进入游戏后, 点Play cs(进入游戏)---Internet Games(网上对战)------Add Server(加入服务器)---输入类似XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXXX 的IP地址,点OK。 查到的服务器前会加*,查到的服务器不一定会排在第一位。 双击找到的服务器就可以进入了。 下次刷新服务器列表时不会丢掉已经用 Add Server找到的服务器。 =============== CS抓图、视频抓图上传帖图大全 [版本 Ver1.0] 1、抓取屏幕全图。 在CS或任意时刻,按print screen键就可以抓取当前屏幕。(就是退格键[backspace]← 右边那个键,也) 然后打开 程序--附件--画图 , 按ctrl+v 粘贴上去,就可以看到了。 最后另存为,“保存类型”选JPEG,就可以存为.jpg图片文件了。 (这是一种压缩格式的图片文件,一般上传都支持这个) 2、捕捉屏幕或抓取部分屏幕。 QQ可以实现捕捉部分屏幕的功能。 如图,在视频聊天的时候,点右下方的“捕捉屏幕”(红圈划的那里) 然后用鼠标拉一个框,双击鼠标左键,就保存下来了, 打开 程序--附件--画图 , 按ctrl+v 粘贴上去,再另存为.jpg图片文件。 如果要抓视频的MM的图片的话,先视频,用鼠标拉那个视频框就行咯。如图红框所示部分。 3、上传图片。 现在有很多上传的空间咯,不过有的不支持某些图片格式。 所以刚才叫你保存为.jpg文件啦,.jpg是一种压缩图片格式,一般上传空间都支持的。 这里介绍一个上传图片的空间。 (21CN影集) 再介绍一个上传空间,免注册! 点击这里! 21CN影集可以免费注册的。关于怎么上传,自己看一下就会啦。 4、论坛帖图 上传成功后,点击那个小图片缩略图,就会有大图片出来。点右键属性,复制图片地址就可以了。 注:不要在那个小图片上点右键属性,那个是.png缩略图,图片太小不太清楚。 关于怎么在咱们论坛上帖图,这个不用我再说了吧。 不会的就到帖图区去看看啦。 最后,祝大家顺利抓图帖图!!! (顺便也顶下偶的帖子哦) 支持大家多帖CS的抓图,不要只帖MM哦。 最好多宣传一下空中哦,让更多的CSER来空中做客,呵呵。 CS英雄插件 CS魔兽3--冰封王座插件8个种族 七龙珠CS--MOD 胜利之日---DOD 各种型号显卡驱动下载和DirectX兼容性显卡设置详解 反恐视频
2023-07-13 00:15:511

Back to black歌词

Back to Black Songwriters: Winehouse, Amy; Ronson, Mark; He left no time to regret Kept his dick wet With his same old safe bet Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to..... I go back to us I love you much It"s not enough You love blow and I love puff And life is like a pipe And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, I go back to I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to black
2023-07-13 00:16:091

谁帮忙翻译下back to black中文歌词

一种是 灰黑色还一种是 背靠背
2023-07-13 00:16:172

amy winehouse的back to black中英文歌词

He left no time to regret Kept his dick wet With his same old safe bet Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I"ll go back to black We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to..... I go back to us I love you much It"s not enough You love blow and I love puff And life is like a pipe And I"m a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, I go back to I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said good-bye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to black
2023-07-13 00:16:262

帮我翻译Amy Winehouse的的歌词

He left no tine to regret 他没带遗憾的离开kept his dick wet 带着他潮湿的JB 全文:他没带着遗憾的离开只带着他潮湿的小弟弟我他永远相同的安全赌誓我和我高抬的头流干的泪继续没有着男友我回到你知道的地方那些我们走过的路已经远去我踏着困惑的小道我的差别很明显我将回到黑暗之中我回到我们的记忆中我很爱你但是不够你爱轻轻的吹(大麻)我爱一点点的吸生活就像吸大麻我只是卷在里面的一分钱烟叶我们只说了再见我已死了一百次你回到她的身边我回到...
2023-07-13 00:16:341

Tears Dry On Their Own 歌词

歌曲名:Tears Dry On Their Own歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Back To Black(Deluxe Edition)All I"ll can ever be to youIs a darkness that we knw,And this regret I got accustomed to.Once it was so rightWhen we were at our high,Waiting for you in the hotel at night.I knew I hadn"t met my match,But every moment we could snatch,I don"t know why I got so attached.It"s my responsibility,And you don"t owe nothing to me,But to walk away I have no capacity.He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way,In this blue shadeMy tears dry on their own.I don"t understand,Why do I stress a man,When there"s so many bigger things at hand,We could"ve never had it all,We had to hit a wall,So this is an inevitable withdrawal.Even if I stop wanting youA perspective pushes true,I"ll be some next man"s other woman soon.I couldn"t play myself again,I should just be my own best friend,He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way,In this blue shadeMy tears dry on their own.So we are history,Your shadow covers me,The sky aboveA blazeHe walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way,In this blue shadeMy tears dry on their own.I wish I could say no regrets,And no emotional debts,Cause as we kiss goodbye the sun sets.So we are history,Your shadow covers me,The sky above a blaze that only lovers see.He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way,In my blue shadeMy tears dry on their own.He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I am grownAnd in your way,My deep shade,My tears dry on their own.He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I"m grownAnd in your way,My deep shade,My tears dry...
2023-07-13 00:16:411

gossip girl 全部插曲

第一季 Episode 1 "The Pilot" 61 "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John 61 "If It"s Lovin That You Want" by Rihanna 61 "What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake 61 "Diamond Hipster Boy" by Washington Social Club Diamond 61 "Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse 61 "Hang Me Up To Dry" By Cold War Kids 61 "Photograph" by Air 61 "Hard To Live In The City" by Albert Hammond Jr. 61 "The Way I Are" by Timbaland 61 "Go" By Hanson 61 "Don"t Matter" by Akon 61 "The Gift" by Angels and Airwaves Episode 2 "The Wild Brunch" 61 "Hit Me Up" by Gia Farell 61 "Shut Up And Drive 1" by Rihanna 61 "When Did Your Heart Go Missing" by Rooney 61 "Ballad of Gus and Sam" by Ferraby Lionheart 61 "Tell Me About It" by Joss Stone 61 "The Queen And I" by Gym Class Heros 61 "Shut Up And Drive 2" by Rihanna 61 "Believe" by The Bravery Episode 3 "Poison Ivy" 61 "Glamorous" by Constance Billard Choir 61 "I Got It From My Momma" by 61 "Can"t Be Happening" by The Marlows 61 "Raise Your Hand" by The Lights 61 "I feel It All" by Feist 61 "Dusk Till Dawn" by Ladyhawke Episode 4 "Bad News Blair" 61 "Moon River" by Henry Mancini 61 "Make It Bounce" by Invisible Men 61 "The Focus" by X5 61 "Tambourine" by Eve 61 "Candy Store" by Miss Eighty6 61 "Till The Sun Comes Up" by Miss Eighty6 61 "Until You Can"t" by Alana D 61 "Bounce Back" by Miss Eighty 6 61 "Beautiful Girls" by Sean Kingston Episode 5 "Dare Devil" 61 "There"s A Pot Brewin" by Little Ones 61 "Rockstar LP" by Prima J 61 "Came To Dance" by Cadence Blaze 61 "Ringing In My Eyes" by Two Hours Traffic 61 "Whine Up" by Kat Deluna 61 "I"m Doing It Again" by All Wrong & The Plans Change 61 "Mama I"m Coming Home" by Ozzy Osbourne 61 "Get Ur Party On" by Zooland
2023-07-13 00:16:491

Early In The Morning 歌词

歌曲名:Early In The Morning歌手:陈秋霞专辑:Back To Black Series - Queen Of HeartsEarly in the morning《相思成灾》插曲(Cliff Richard)Evening is the time of dayI find nothing much to sayDon"t know what to doBut I come toWhen it"s early in the morningOver by the window day is dawningWhen I feel the airI feel that life is very good to meYou knowIn the sun there"s so much yellowSomething in the early morning meadowTells me that today you"re on your wayAnd you"ll be coming home home to meNight time isn"t clear to meI find nothing near to meDon"t know what to doBut I come toWhen it"s early in the morningVery, very early without warningI can feel a newly formed vibrationSneaking up on me againThere"s a sunbird on my pillowAnd I can see the funny weeping willowI can see the sunYou"re on your wayYou"ll be coming homeWhen it"s early in the morningOver by the window day is dawningWhen I feel the airI feel that life is very good to meYou knowIn the sun there"s so much yellowSomething in the early morning meadowTells me that today you"re on your wayAnd you"ll be coming homeby:love芸の沐
2023-07-13 00:17:031


当一首歌除了音调以外其他都保持原状时,用大调来演绎通常会感觉开心的感觉而用小调来演绎则会有悲伤的感觉。但是偶尔也有例外,例如 Van Morrison的小调歌曲-“Moondance”,就算听不懂歌词,也可以听起来很开心,而例如Rufus Wainwright的“Dinner At Eight”或The Smiths的“I Know it"s Over”都是很悲伤的大调音乐。当然我们还是有很多例子是关于快乐的小调音乐,或悲伤的大调音乐,但是这些也只是例外,因为大家还是习惯了大调音乐=快乐,而小调音乐=悲伤。R.E.M的著名忧伤歌曲“Losing My Religion”可以证实这个理论。当我们将此歌的音调转变成大调,你会发现整个歌曲的情绪也改变了。为什么只是简单的转变音调却能带来那么大的变化?为什么我们会自动的认定当一首歌以大调来演绎会有快乐的感觉而小调则会带来悲伤的感觉?这看似是受到了文化环境的影响,尤其那些曲调是出现在我们常听到的即熟悉且带有回忆的歌曲里。这些已经刻在脑海里的曲调将自然的让我们猜出一首歌接下来的曲调,这也是人们享受音乐的过程之一。然而,过度依赖记忆中的曲调却让我们只在听某种类型的歌曲才会有反应,接受不了新曲调。在西方音乐文化里的,西方传统大调音乐都是一些只有在庆祝节日时会听到的音乐,例如 Mendelssohn的“结婚进行曲”或生日快乐歌,举国欢腾时,例如白金汉宫上会播放Brian May的英国国歌,及平时欢乐时刻的歌曲, 例如 Kool & The Gang的“Celebration”。然而,小调音乐则会用在哀悼时, 例如 肖邦的“Funeral March”,心痛时,例如 Amy Winehouse的“Back to Black”;绝望时,例如Johnny Cash的“Hurt”或Billie Holiday的“Gloomy Sunday”。透过这些常听到的歌曲,使我们不断地被大调音乐=快乐,小调音乐=悲伤的理论所洗脑,导致我们根据以往的听歌经验而做出觉得我们应该要有的情感反应。然而, 过度的使用大调音乐来制造欢乐气氛造成西方流行音乐想改变这套理论。音乐心理学家 Glen Schellenberg指出,在过去的十年里,人们试图接受小调音乐,结果是没有证据证明我们因此而变得比较忧郁。大调/小调音乐与情绪的关系变得比以往来得更复杂了。因为每个人的文化素养都不同,所以除了大调及小调以外,音乐里应该有更细腻且深层的元素是可以触发我们的情绪反应。透过坐落于喀麦隆北部的Mafa部落的范例,Tomas Friztz分析了人们对音乐产生的情绪反应。研究的对象-Mafa部落族群完全不了解传统西方音乐文化,他们可以因此分辨出哪个歌曲是代表着快乐,哪个代表着悲伤吗?虽然他们的反应不如西方音乐听众,然而答案是,可以,他们还是可以分辨出歌曲里想表达的快乐或悲伤的情绪。透过Mafa族群及西方音乐听众这两个族群,提到了文化影响力的力量及通过以往听歌的经验造就了人们对既定歌曲会有特定的情绪反应。再一次,在没 有西方音乐文化的印象下, Mafa族群确实透过音乐里某些元素分辨出了歌曲里快乐或悲伤的情绪,所以,什么样的音调-大调/小调可以出动我们的情绪?现在,让我们具体地来分析声音的细节。拍子是其中一个重要的部分。一个简单的小调和弦(三和弦)通常会运用一个接近大调主音的中音来取代大调三和弦。举例 来说, C调三和弦(C,E,G); C小调里的中音是降E(比较接近C)然而在C大调里我们听到的是E(距离C比较远)。 主音(C)是是最强而且也是最能吸引我们的注意,所以这样的小调和弦会使人感官失调, 一种源于冲突频率密集的张力。Mafa族群或许可以与我们一样,将声音与情绪联合在一起。科学家们证实了快乐语气所显示的声谱会接近与快乐的音乐,反之,悲伤语气所显示的声谱会接近与悲伤的音乐。这套语气与音乐有关联的理论看似很新,其实这源自于古老的理论。Aristotle(古希腊哲学家)猜想,对于音乐对情绪的影响,至少有一部分是因为模拟我们自己所发出来的声音,例如当我们欢呼尖叫或是愤怒时所发出来的声音。很多元素造就了快乐与悲伤的音乐,这包含了不同的拍子,音色及节奏,但是大调/小调是我们摘取一个情绪讯息的关键。这评估来自于我们对大调与小调和弦的声音结构的反应,但主要还是于我们古时及现代的学术有关。
2023-07-13 00:17:101

推荐几首经典的悲伤英文歌曲,类似与my heart well go on

When You Believe Mariah Carey On My Way Home ENYA By My Side 林一峰 let me love you Mario Because I love you Shakins Stevens I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner - Baby One More Time BritneySpears Better man Robbie Williams Heal the world Michael jackson Scarborough fair 世界排名前十经典英文歌曲Promises don"t come easy Moon River Over the rianbow Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Because I love you I will always love you Scarbourgh fair Sound of Silence yestoday once more The one you love 今年大多数人爱听的:1)Avril-girlfriend: Avril在中国的名气还是不小的,今年到处都在放girlfriend...你要说你没听过我也没话说... 2)Ne yo-Because Of You: Neyo在So Sick之后的节奏感相当强的美声说唱 3)Akon-Sorry,Blame It On Me: 不要一提到Akon就想起Dont Matter,这首歌是Akon在一次对歌迷的暴力行为后的道歉,旋律相当的诚恳,可以听下. 4)Beyonce-Irreplaceable: 在美国的大街小巷,连小孩都会插着腰哼"You must not know about me, You must not know about me",你怎么能不听一下这首07年度全球最火的RNB呢? 5)Daughtry-Home: Chris Daughtry将抒情摇滚走向了极致,虽然声音不沙哑,但应该是远远超越Hinder的Lips Of An Angle了. 6)Maroon 5-Wont Go Home Without You: 轻而易举一个优美的假声,再加上轻松舒适的旋律,主唱性感的光头造型,这就是Maroon 5. 7)Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry: 这是黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie的一首比较柔和的歌,同样推荐这张专辑里的Glamorous. 8)Alicia Keys-No One: 舒缓而又强烈的节奏,简单的歌词,哑而不沙的声线,再也找不到第二个Alicia Keys了. 9)Carrie Underwood-Before He Cheats: 乡村女王,感谢AI提拔了这个人才. 10)Amy Winehouse-Back to Black: 许多人都预计,Amy会凭着这首歌在今年的Grammy上大红大紫. 11)Keith Urban-I told you s 就是我常提起的那个进戒毒所的孩子...这是首牛仔味十足的乡村,相当有意思. 12)Rascal Flatts-Me And My Gang: 提到乡村不能不提RF,十分年轻,十分有活力. 13)Taylor Swift-Our Song: 十七岁出道,自己写歌的乡村才女. 14)Jordin Sparks-Tatt 此人同样来自AI,人们都说Tatto有模仿Irreplaceable的嫌疑.但是不能否认这首歌很好听. 15)Rihanna , Jay-Z-Umbrella 16)Justin Timberlake-What goes around 17)Elliott Yamin-Wait For You 18)Blake Lewis-I got U 19)The Hoosier-Worried About Ray 20)Soujia Boy-Crank That:歌倒不怎么样,这段舞全球出名. 21)Plain White Ts-Hey There Delilah: 很慢很干净 22)Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love: X Factor第一届冠军,历程与Kelly Clarkson极其相似,特别是当她唱A moment Like This的时候 23)Shayne Ward-No U Hang Up: 人很帅,这首歌表现的是热恋中的孩子们的缠绵,打电话时"你先挂""不,你先挂" 24)Craig David-Hot Stuff 25)Kelly Clarkson-Never Again:除了这首歌,她这张专辑里几乎没什么动听的了...和前两张专辑根本不能比. 26)Linkin Park-what Ive done: 本来一听以为是变形金刚主题曲,一查真的是,听说Minutes To Midnight卖得很好...鄙人认为觉得这张专辑很吵,这个组合一直很吵,还不是很舒服的那种吵,同学告诉我这是灵魂的呐喊,还能听着这入睡呢...神阿...喜欢LP的可以下了听 27)GreenDay-Working Class Her 由于上学期有个叫徐深灵的孩子有一段时间天天循环播放Wake me up when september ends,那以后本人对Greenday已经没有好感了,但这首歌拯救了他们在我心目中的地位. 28)Kanye West-Stronger 29)Britney Spears-Gimme More: 很有感觉的快歌,本人更喜欢这张专辑里Toy Soldier,把鼓发挥到了极致. 30)Beyonce , Shakira-Beautiful Liar: 很建议去下这首歌的MV,只能说这两个女人都很拉美,都很性感. 劲舞团里的英文歌曲:上帝是个女孩倾我所有起立瓶中精灵今晚,我感觉离你很近YearTomorrowThrillerThe Day You Went AwayShut UpPretty BoyOne LoveNumbNobody"s FoolNo WorriesMy LoveLet"s Get Loud-usLet"s Get It StartedI Want It That WayI need youEverbodyEnd RollDragostea Din TeiDistanceCorazon De MelaoBreaking The Habitblue_all riseBlack Blck HeartBecause Of YouBaby One More TimeAutomaticAs Long As You Love MeYellowWe Will Rock Youup downTwist KingTrickTonighttime lessSweet Dreamsuper starSteal AwaySo Sicksk8er_boiShinysex bombSay good byeRuntoyouOne Summer NightOhSunnyOh my ladyNight SongMagic carpet ridelove songLove AgainLalala love songJAMPIt is rainIn Da ClubI still loving youI Love U Oh Thank UGet the party starteaDeep DeepCyber LoverColor Your Soulanyclub
2023-07-13 00:17:311


【小提琴独奏曲】(有钢琴或管弦乐的伴奏或合奏): 1.舒伯特:圣母颂(改编) 2.德沃夏克:幽默曲 (改编) 3.马斯涅:沉思 4.萨拉萨地:流浪者之歌 5.贝多芬:小提琴浪漫曲2首 6.克莱斯勒:所有小提琴曲和改编曲 7.贝多芬:小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲:NO.5“春天”,NO.8,NO.9“克罗采” 8.巴赫:G弦上的咏叹调、G小调夏空舞曲(无伴奏) 9.莫扎特:回旋曲(选自“哈夫纳”小夜曲) 10.莫扎特:小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲K378,K376,K301,K306 11.帕格尼尼:小提琴随想曲NO.24(无伴奏) 12.约翰·威廉姆斯:辛德勒名单主题曲(电影音乐) 小提琴比重较大的室内乐: 1.海顿:“皇帝”弦乐四重奏:第二乐章 2.莫扎特:G大调弦乐小夜曲K525 3.舒伯特:“鳟鱼”五重奏:第四乐章 4.柴科夫斯基:“如歌的行板”“悲歌” 5.德沃夏克:“美国”四重奏:第一乐章 6.博凯里尼:E大调弦乐五重奏:小步舞曲 小提琴协奏曲: 1.维瓦尔第:小提琴协奏曲“四季” 2.贝多芬:小提琴协奏曲 3.门德尔松:小提琴协奏曲 4.勃拉姆斯:小提琴协奏曲 5.柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲 6.布鲁赫:小提琴协奏曲NO.1 8.莫扎特:小提琴和中提琴的交响协奏曲,小提琴协奏曲NO.3-5 9.巴赫:小提琴协奏曲2首 10.圣-桑:第3小提琴协奏曲 11.拉罗:西班牙交响曲(也是小提琴协奏曲) 12.帕格尼尼:小提琴协奏曲NO.2“钟”【小提琴独奏曲】(有钢琴或管弦乐的伴奏或合奏): 1.舒伯特:圣母颂(改编) 2.德沃夏克:幽默曲 (改编) 3.马斯涅:沉思 4.萨拉萨地:流浪者之歌 5.贝多芬:小提琴浪漫曲2首 6.克莱斯勒:所有小提琴曲和改编曲 7.贝多芬:小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲:NO.5“春天”,NO.8,NO.9“克罗采” 8.巴赫:G弦上的咏叹调、G小调夏空舞曲(无伴奏) 9.莫扎特:回旋曲(选自“哈夫纳”小夜曲) 10.莫扎特:小提琴和钢琴奏鸣曲K378,K376,K301,K306 11.帕格尼尼:小提琴随想曲NO.24(无伴奏) 12.约翰·威廉姆斯:辛德勒名单主题曲(电影音乐) 小提琴比重较大的室内乐: 1.海顿:“皇帝”弦乐四重奏:第二乐章 2.莫扎特:G大调弦乐小夜曲K525 3.舒伯特:“鳟鱼”五重奏:第四乐章 4.柴科夫斯基:“如歌的行板”“悲歌” 5.德沃夏克:“美国”四重奏:第一乐章 6.博凯里尼:E大调弦乐五重奏:小步舞曲 小提琴协奏曲: 1.维瓦尔第:小提琴协奏曲“四季” 2.贝多芬:小提琴协奏曲 3.门德尔松:小提琴协奏曲 4.勃拉姆斯:小提琴协奏曲 5.柴可夫斯基:小提琴协奏曲 6.布鲁赫:小提琴协奏曲NO.1 8.莫扎特:小提琴和中提琴的交响协奏曲,小提琴协奏曲NO.3-5 9.巴赫:小提琴协奏曲2首 10.圣-桑:第3小提琴协奏曲 11.拉罗:西班牙交响曲(也是小提琴协奏曲) 12.帕格尼尼:小提琴协奏曲NO.2“钟”
2023-07-13 00:17:391

back in black歌词带中文翻译

Back in black 回到了黑暗I hit the sack 我躺在床上I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 为我的归来激动不已Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about 是的,我从勒紧我的套索中挣脱出来了I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空"Cause it"s getting me high它使我振奋Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了死亡吧,我永生不死I got nine lives我有九条命Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛Abusing every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,放荡不羁"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗Back in the backOf a Cadillac坐着凯迪拉克回归黑暗Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack持着枪称王,我蓄势待发Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang是的,在一声枪响中我和我的兄弟走过They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想绑住我得先抓到我Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了自己的道路上And I"m beating the flack我将会大声宣告Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我So look at me now看好了I"m just making my play我现在还只是在玩玩Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗
2023-07-13 00:17:481

谁能帮忙翻译下AC/DC的BACK IN BLACK中文歌词

Back in black 回到黑暗 I hit the sack 我躺到床上 I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 我受苦已太长,我很高兴我回来了 Yes,I"m let loose 是的,我已从那折磨我的套索中释放出来 From the noose That"s kept me hanging about I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空 "Cause it"s gettin" me high它让我振奋 Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了灵车吧,因为我会永生 I got nine lives我有九条命 Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛 Abusin" every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,变得狂野 CHORUS: "Cause I"m back因为我回来了 Yes,I"m back是的,我回来了 Well,I"m back好吧,我回来了 Yes,I"m back Well,I"m back,back (Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗 Yes,I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗 Back in the back Of a Cadillac我坐在卡迪拉克的后坐上回来 Number one with a bullet,I"m a power pack我就是老大,我有上膛的子弹,我充满力量 Yes,I"m in a bang我就是一声枪响 With a gang我有一帮弟兄 They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想整死我得先抓到我 Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了我的轨道上 And I"m beatin" the flack我会让大家都知道 Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我 So look at me now看好了 I"m just makin" my play我现在还只是在玩玩 Don"t try to push your luck,just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人 (说实话,我仅仅翻译出了意思,意境远不及原版的一半,建议对照原文修改)
2023-07-13 00:17:551

歌词black willbeback

Back in black 回到了黑暗I hit the sack 我躺在床上I"ve been too long I"m glad to be back 为我的归来激动不已Yes, I"m let loose From the noose That"s kept me hanging about 是的,我从勒紧我的套索中挣脱出来了I"ve been looking at the sky我仰望天空"Cause it"s getting me high它使我振奋Forget the hearse "cause I never die忘了死亡吧,我永生不死I got nine lives我有九条命Cat"s Eyes我有猫的眼睛Abusing every one of them and running wild滥用我的生命,放荡不羁"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗Back in the backOf a Cadillac坐着凯迪拉克回归黑暗Number one with a bullet, I"m a power pack持着枪称王,我蓄势待发Yes, I"m in a bang With a gang是的,在一声枪响中我和我的兄弟走过They"ve got to catch me if they want me to hang他们要想绑住我得先抓到我Cause I"m back on the track因为我回到了自己的道路上And I"m beating the flack我将会大声宣告Nobody"s gonna get me on another rap没人能再惩罚我So look at me now看好了I"m just making my play我现在还只是在玩玩Don"t try to push your luck, just get out of my way 别想着在我这里走运,赶快闪人"Cause I"m back因为我回来了Yes, I"m back是的,我回来了Well, I"m back好吧,我回来了Yes, I"m backWell, I"m back, back(Well) I"m back in black我回到了黑暗Yes, I"m back in black是的,我回到了黑暗
2023-07-13 00:18:021

Black Is Black 歌词

歌曲名:Black Is Black歌手:MC Hammer专辑:Please Hammer Don T Hurt EmBlack Is Black-Los BravosBlack is blackI want my baby backIt"s grey it"s greySince she went away oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blueIf I had my wayShe"d be back todayBut she don"t intendTo see me again oh ohWhat can I do"Caude I I"m feeling blueI can"t choose It"s too much to loseMy love"s too strongMaybe if she would come back to meThen it can"t go wrongBad is badThat I feel so sadIt"s time it"s timethat I found peace of mind oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blueI can"t choose It"s too much to loseMy love"s too strongMaybe if she would come back to meThen it can"t go wrongBlack is blackI want my baby backIt"s grey It"s greySince she went away oh ohWhat can I do"Cause I I"m feeling blue"Cause I I"m feeling blue
2023-07-13 00:18:091

Is it really true _____ Mr. Black will go back to England soon for a holiday

2023-07-13 00:18:273

Black is black 歌词

歌曲名:Black is black歌手:Belle Epoque专辑:Il MeglioIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black
2023-07-13 00:18:341

Big Black的《bad penny》 歌词

歌曲名:bad penny歌手:Big Black专辑:songs about fuckingOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowDon"t curse me for my nature, don"t bless me for my luckJust a bad penny, I always come back to youJust a bad pennyJust a bad penny, I always come back to youBig BlackShould have known you couldn"t trust meFar as you can throw me, throw meCouldn"t throw me too farJust a bad penny, couldn"t throw me too farI think I fucked your girlfriend onceMaybe twice, I don"t rememberThen I fucked all your friends" girlfriendsNow they hate youJust a bad penny, just a bad pennySuch a bad penny, such a bad pennyBad, bad penny, bad, bad pennyOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowSuch a bad pennyOoh bad, bad penny, bad, bad pennyOught to know what a liar I am, ought to know me by nowOught"ve known you couldn"t trust meAs far as you can throw me, throw meSuch a bad penny, such a bad pennySuch a bad penny, such a bad pennySlap my hand
2023-07-13 00:18:411

Alongside me is a slender woman in a black dress,my guide back to a time when the

be home to...是一个短语,意思是:是...的家乡、故乡、家园句中:was home to a hero in American history (那里)是美国历史上一个英雄的家乡
2023-07-13 00:18:501

有一首歌里高潮部分是how to make me cruel,how to make me smile

歌手:celine dion 专辑:taking chances i learned from the pastnot everything lastsi understand that noweverything changedwhen you walked awaybut i"ll survive somehowthough i have regretsi"ll learn to forgetand just keep moving oncause when love is goneyou have to be strongonce touched by painyou"re not the samebut time can healyour heart againso let the cloudsthat bring you downjust fade awayawayso i try to smilebut after a whilethe memories come backbut i won"t give incause i know that thenmy heart will fade to blackand this time i learnedthat love can burn...there"s no right or wrongi"ve got to be strongonce touched by painyou"re not the samebut time can healyour heart againso let the cloudsthat bring you downjust fade awayi know that one day i"ll find that feeling againbut until i do i"ll do fine by myselfonce touched by painyou"re not the samebut time can healyour heart againso let the cloudsthat bring you downyou know thatonce touched by painyou"re not the samebut time can healyour heart againso let the cloudsthat bring you downso let the cloudsthat bring you downjust fade awayaway
2023-07-13 00:18:582

The Black Eyed Peas的《Hey Mama》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mama歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Live From Sidney To VegasHey Ma .I`m home againI"ve had such a crazy lifeAnd now I can`t tell wrong from rightBut I won`t give up without a fightHey Ma .I`m a weary soulHow was I supposed to knowThat the world would be so cold?All I`ve learned is to let goWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Hey Ma .I`m off againIt`s so hard to be a manBut I`m sure you`ll understandWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Soler - Hey MaHey Ma .I`m home again !
2023-07-13 00:19:041

back into my life的歌词.

who you are-are.So live your life, ay ay ay.Instead of chasing that paper.Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.Ain"t got no time for no haters.Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.No telling where it"ll take you.Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.Cause I"m a paper chaser.Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)Just living my life (ay), my life (oh), my life (ay), my life (oh)Nevermind what haters say, ignore em "til they fade away.Amazing they ungreatful after all the game I gave away.Safe to say I paid the way, for you cats to get paid today.You"d still be wasting days away, now had I never saved the day.Consider them my protégé, homage I think they should pay.Instead of being gracious, they violate in a major way.I never been a hater still I love them in a crazy way.Some say they sold yah and no they couldn"t even work on Labor day.It aint that they black or white, their hands in areas the shades of grey.I"m West side anyway, even if I left today and stayed away.Some move away to make a way not move away cause they afraid.I brought back to the hood and all you ever did was take away.I pray for patience but they make me want to melt their face away.Like I once made them spray, now I could make em put the k"s away.Been thuggin" all my life, can"t say I don"t deserve to take a break.your would rather see me catch a case and watch my future fade away.You"re gonna be a shining star, fancy clothes, fancy car-ars.And then you"ll see, you"re gonna go far.Cause everyone knows, who you are-are.So live your life, ay ay ay.Instead of chasing that paper.Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.Ain"t got no time for no hatersJust live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.No telling where it"ll take you.Just live your life (Oh!), ay ay ay.Cause I"m a paper chaser.Just living my life.I"m the opposite of moderate, immaculately polishedwith the spirit of a hustler and the swagger of a college kid.Allergic to the counterfeit, imparti瞎找的...
2023-07-13 00:19:112


1、In any case, there is little chance that the wish will come true.不管怎样,愿望能实现的机会都微乎其微。《罗马假日》 2、The endless city has everything, except the end, there is no end.连绵不绝的城市,什么都有,除了尽头,没有尽头。《海上钢琴师》 3、No one"s life is perfect, but every moment of life is beautiful.没有人的人生是完美的,但生命的每一刻都是美丽的。《美丽人生》 4、I always thought that the opposite of love is not love, until now I understand that the opposite of love is forgetting. I won"t forget you, because I always love you.我一直以为爱的反义词是不爱,直到现在我才明白,爱的反义词是遗忘。我不会忘了你,因为我一直爱着你。《寻梦环游记》 5、It takes a lot of courage to change people"s minds.改变大众的想法,这需要很大的勇气。《绿皮书》 6、There is no need to forgive, but it should not be forgotten.可以不需要原谅,但不应该被遗忘。《寻梦环游记》 7、I love you more than all the other things in the world,超过了把世界上所有其他的东西全加在一起。《暮光之城》 8、Even if everyone hated him for it, it was his sacrifice. He doesn"t want to be a hero. He"s more important than a hero.即使所有人都因此恨他,这是他做出的牺牲。他不是要当英雄,他比英雄更重要。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 9、I stopped not because I saw, but because I didn"t see. Do you understand? Because of what you can"t see.我停下来,不是因为所见,是因为所不见。你明不明白?是因为看不见的东西。《海上钢琴师》 10、If everyone had no business, the earth would turn much faster than it is now.要是大家都不管闲事,那样地球就会转得比现在快得多。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 11、It is God"s business to punish the wicked. We should learn to forgive.惩罚恶人是上帝的事,我们应该学会饶恕。《呼啸山庄》 12、Of course, you have to lose your way to reach a place that no one can find.当然要迷失方向,才能到达一个无人能找到的地方。《加勒比海盗》 13、Avoidance and distrust is because I was abandoned by someone who should love me.躲避和不信任,是因为曾经被应该爱我的人遗弃。《心灵捕手》 14、There are all kinds of people in the world. It happens that we have become friends. This is not fate, but that we should have been friends.这世界上有各种各样的人,恰巧我们成为了朋友,这不是缘分,只仅仅是我们本就应该是朋友。《绿皮书》 15、I finally saw the funny side of things, so I"m always laughing now.我总算看到事情滑稽的一面了,所以我现在总是在笑。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 16、They don"t have the right to choose whether to enter or not, but you do.他们没有选择是否进场的权利,但是你有。《绿皮书》 17、I hope I can be stronger, strong enough to make him a prisoner here forever.我希望我能更坚强一些,坚强到能让他永远成为我这里的囚徒。《暮光之城》 18、One day, you will meet an excellent man and get your perfect ending.总会有一天,你会遇到一个优秀的男人,得到属于你的完美结局。《其实他没那么喜欢你》 19、He will never know that I love him. I love him not because he is handsome, but because he is more like myself than me.他永远也不会知道我爱他,我爱他不是因为他长得英俊,而是因为他比我更像我自己。《呼啸山庄》 20、I used him as a crutch for a long time and couldn"t walk with others.我把他当成拐杖拄了好久,没办法再和其他人同行。《暮光之城》 21、We need heroes, but we don"t deserve heroes.我们需要英雄,但我们却不配拥有英雄。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 22、Whatever you do, do your best.不管你做什么,都要做到最好。《绿皮书》 23、In this world, it often happens that the most insignificant person, if he always pays attention, will always have the opportunity to avenge those arrogant people.在这个世界上,常常出现这样的情况:最微不足道的人,如果他时刻留意的话,总有机会向那些不可一世的人报仇雪恨。《教父》 24、I will hear your voice when I die, and my soul in the tomb is still happy.我死后还会听见你的声音,我在墓中的灵魂依然欢欣。《罗马假日》 25、Their morality, their principles, is a boring joke. They lose everything when they encounter trouble. They will be good people only when they are in peace.他们的道德,他们的准则,是个无聊的笑话,一碰上麻烦就全丢了,他们只有在太平的时候才会当好人。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 26、You don"t understand the real loss, because you can realize it only by loving others better than yourself. I don"t think you dare to love like this.你不了解真正的失去,因为唯有爱别人胜于自己才能体会,我想你还不敢这样爱人。《心灵捕手》 27、I told you, I am fate.我不开窗,我痛恨道别。《闻香识女人》 28、I don"t know how to say goodbye to you. It"s a thousand words.我不知道怎么样和你告别,真是千言万语。《罗马假日》 29、Everything we did led to this result.我们做过的每一件事导致了这样的结果。《加勒比海盗》 30、Every city has its own uniqueness and unforgettable. It"s hard to say, Rome! No doubt, Rome.每一个城市都有其独特之处,令人难忘。这很难说,罗马!无疑的,就是罗马!《罗马假日》 31、You should write a letter to your brother; There are so many lonely people in the world because they don"t have the courage to take the first step.你应该给你兄弟写一封信;世界上之所以有那么多孤单的人,是因为他们没有勇气迈出第一步。《绿皮书》 32、Truth is a beautiful and terrible thing that needs to be treated with extra caution.真相是一种美丽而可怕的东西,需要格外谨慎地对待。《哈利波特》 33、It"s not enough to be a genius. It also takes courage to change people"s hearts.成为天才是不够的,还需要勇气改变人们的心灵。《绿皮书》 34、Death is not really passing away, forgetting is the eternal death.死亡不是真的逝去,遗忘才是永恒的消亡。《寻梦环游记》 35、We"ll catch him because he can bear it. Because he is not our hero, he is a silent guardian and vigilant protector.我们会抓他,因为他可以承受。因为他不是我们的英雄,他是沉默的守卫者,警惕的保护者。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 36、Don"t hate your enemy, or you will make a wrong judgment.不要憎恨你的敌人,否则你将做出错误的判断。《教父》 37、It"s said that this is a compass. Of course, it doesn"t point north.都说了这是指南针,当然不会指北。《加勒比海盗》 38、The only one who can beat me is myself. It"s not that you won, but that my clown doesn"t want to play.能打败我的只有我自己,不是你赢了,而是我小丑不想玩了。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 39、On the gallows, facing the muzzle of the execution gun, I was as safe as Thailand.走上绞刑台,面对行刑的枪口,我息安之如泰。《死亡诗社》 40、Another fool who regards an idiot as a hero is still old-fashioned.又来一个把白痴当英雄的笨蛋,还是过气的!《闻香识女人》 41、When your heart is broken, you will hear the voice from the bottom of your heart. The questioning of others is the direction of our efforts.心碎的时刻,定能听到心底的声音。别人的质疑,便是我们努力的方向。《疯狂动物城》 42、He wants to sing and go to a further stage. What I want is to take root in life. His daughter is more important than music.他一心想唱歌,想去更远的舞台,而我想的是在生活里好好扎根,女儿是比音乐更重要的事。《寻梦环游记》 43、You don"t have to act, just be yourself.你用不着表演,只做你自己。《死亡诗社》 44、No matter what animal you are, change starts now.不管你是什么动物,改变从现在开始。《疯狂动物城》 45、What stopped me was not what I saw, but what I couldn"t see. Do you understand? The ones I can"t see. In that sprawling city, there is everything, but there is no end.阻止了我的脚步的,并不是我所看见的东西,而是我所无法看见的那些东西。你明白么?我看不见的那些。在那个无限蔓延的城市里,什么东西都有,可惟独没有尽头。《海上钢琴师》 46、When things go according to plan, no one will panic, even if the plan is very terrible.事情按计划走时,没人会恐慌,即使这个计划非常可怕。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 47、You can"t believe how beautiful nature is, just as people describe it.你无法相信大自然有多美,就跟人们口中形容的一样。《绿皮书》 48、No matter how hard life is, I still have my guitar.人生再艰难,我还有我的吉他。《寻梦环游记》 49、I see many young people lack arms and legs, but this is not as terrible as the ugly soul, because the soul has no artificial limbs.我看到很多年轻人缺了胳膊,缺了腿,但这都不及丑陋的灵魂可怕,因为灵魂是没有义肢的。《闻香识女人》 50、The most humble people, as long as they keep their eyes open, will sooner or later seize the opportunity to revenge the most powerful people.最卑微的人,只要时刻擦亮眼睛,就迟早能抓住机会,报复最有权势的人。《教父》 51、When you love someone, everything is worth it, including the inevitable harm.爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。《暮光之城》 52、Our small shortcomings, let"s find the right person.我们的小缺点,让我们找到对的人。《心灵捕手》 53、I like that. I can handle it.我喜欢那样,我应付得来。《海上钢琴师》 54、Either reading, or traveling, soul and body, there is always one on the road.要么在读书,要么在旅行,灵魂和身体,总有一个在路上才好。《罗马假日》 55、If you are good at doing something, you must do it in return.如果你擅长做什么,就一定得做了有回报。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 56、In the animal City, every animal has unlimited possibilities.在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。《疯狂动物城》 57、Please allow me to speak on behalf of my news agency. We believe that your Royal Highness"s belief will not be betrayed. 请准许我代表我的通讯社发言,我们相信公主殿下的信念是不会被辜负的。《罗马假日》 58、We need superhuman courage to deal with the enemy, and it also takes great courage to stick to our position in front of our friends.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。《哈利波特》 59、Violence can never win. Only by maintaining dignity can we win the real victory.暴力永远不能取胜,保持尊严,才会赢得真正的胜利。《绿皮书》 60、It"s fun to have a challenge, isn"t it.有挑战才有意思,不是么。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 61、Don"t pity the dead, but sympathize with the living.不要可怜那些死去的人,要多同情些活着的人。《哈利波特》 62、I wish I were outside, I wish I was a girl again, savage, tenacious and free. Any injury will only make me laugh and will not drive me crazy.但愿我在外面,但愿我重新是个女孩子,野蛮、顽强、自由,任何伤害只会使我大笑,不会压得我发疯。《呼啸山庄》 63、You"re not bad, it"s just pain.你不坏,只是痛苦而已。《闻香识女人》 64、You must understand that I have to perform my duties, just as the Royal Highness has her own responsibilities. 您必须理解我得履行自己的职责,正如公主殿下也有她自己的职责。《罗马假日》 65、Death is not the end of life, forgetting is; I"ll remember you.死亡不是生命的终点,遗忘才是; 我会记得你 。《寻梦环游记》 66、When you really love someone, everything is so worth it, including the inevitable harm.真正爱上一个人的时候,一切都那么值得,包括不可避免的伤害。《暮光之城》 67、Take what you should take and never be soft hearted.拿自己应该拿的,绝不心慈手软。《加勒比海盗》 68、Nothing is more terrible than mental disability, because there is no prosthetic limb to install. A woman"s strong spirit is more valuable than her appearance, because even if she is alone, she can shine.没有什么比精神残废更可怕,因为没有义肢可以装。一个女人的坚强精神,比她的外在更可贵,因为即便她独自一人,也能光芒四射。《闻香识女人》 69、Yes, this compass will not point north.朋友,原谅我。我不下船了。《海上钢琴师》 70、It never snowed here before he came, but then it snowed.在他来以前,这里从来没有下过雪,但后来下雪了。《剪刀手爱德华》 71、It"s no use going back to yesterday, because I used to be different from today.回到昨天毫无用处,因为过去的我和今天有所不同。《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 72、The only sensible way to live in the world is to have no principles.在世上生存唯一明智的方式,就是没有原则。《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》 73、Comedy painted black, laughter into emotion. Life is very beautiful, love a person, will shine.喜剧涂上了黑色,欢笑化为了感慨。人生很美丽,爱一个人,会发光。《美丽人生》 74、You don"t have to understand what she says. You just have to believe her.你不用明白她说什么,你只要相信她。《加勒比海盗》 75、Compared with running to the unknown, how romantic it is to keep the annihilation of old dreams.比起奔向未知的茫然,守着旧梦湮灭是多么浪漫的事!《海上钢琴师》 76、All right, come to me. You rabbits just love to cry.好了,到我这来。你们兔子,就是爱哭。《疯狂动物城》 77、People say that the destination is not important. What matters is the process of travel.人家说目的地不重要,重要的是旅行的过程嘛。《加勒比海盗》 78、Since I am much smarter than most people, my mistakes will be more serious accordingly.由于我比大多数人聪明的多,我的错误也就相应地会更严重。《哈利波特》 79、Whoever should come will come. Once he comes, we must accept him.该来的总归会来,一但来了,我们就必须接受他。《哈利波特》 80、Love is to make each other your biggest weakness, and then try your best to protect each other.爱就是让对方成为自己最大的弱点,然后再用尽全力守护彼此。《暮光之城》 81、The meaning of success lies not in what you want to get, but in how far you have gone from the starting point of that struggle.成功的含义不在于要得到什么,而在于你从那个奋斗的起点走了多远。《心灵捕手》
2023-07-13 00:19:181

Paint It Black 歌词

歌曲名:Paint It Black歌手:Vanessa Carlton专辑:Be Not Nobody Tour EditionVanessa Carlton - Paint It BlackI see a red door and I want it painted blackNo colors anymore, I want them to turn blackI see the girls walk by dressed in their summer clothesI have to turn my head until my darkness goesI see a line of cars and they are painted blackWith flowers and my love both never to come backI see people turn their heads, they quickly look awayLike a new born baby it just happens every dayI look inside myself and see my heart is blackI see my red door and it"s heading into blackMaybe then I"ll fade away and not have to face the factsIt"s not easy facing up when your whole world is blackI wanna see it painted, painted, painted black, oh babyI wanna see it painted, painted, painted black, oh babyNo more will my green sea go turn a deeper blueI could not foresee this thing happening to youIf I look hard enough into the setting sunMy love will laugh with me before the morning comesI wanna see it painted, painted, painted blackOh, black as night black as coalI wanna see the sun blotted out from the skyPainted, painted, painted black, oh babyPainted, painted, painted black
2023-07-13 00:19:321

rebecca black的《friday》哪里神曲了??是我不懂么?

因为 被翻唱的都很不错 不信 你随便找 那首歌本身是很好听的
2023-07-13 00:19:516

Man in Black 歌词

歌曲名:Man in Black歌手:Johnny Cash专辑:Ring Of Fire - The Legend Of Johnny CashHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (here they come)They won"t let you rememberThe good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo don"t blinkThink what was there but now"s goneBlack suit with the black Ray Ban"s onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we ain"t on no government listWe straight don"t existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B."s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (here they come)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (the men in black)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAin"t no M.I.B."sCan I pleaseDo what we say that"s the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWe"re your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo don"t fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, don"t jeer usWe"re the fearlessM.I.B."s freezin" the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in Black (the men in black)Let me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me c"monLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me c"monLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me c"monAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (here they come)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (the men in black)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)A-ight check itLet me tell you this in closin"I know we might seem imposin"But trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me it"s for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz that"s the men inThat"s the men in...Here come the Men in Black (men in black)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (men in black)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They won"t let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)
2023-07-13 00:20:051


2023-07-13 00:20:163