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compostable dinnerware 是什么?堆肥餐具不对

2023-07-13 07:45:25

compost是“堆肥”的意思,同时也有“(通过微生物)降解,分解”的意思,所以compostable在这里可以理解为“可分解的、可降解的”。compostable dinnerware就是“可降解餐具”,应该是指用可降解材料制作的一次性餐具,现在有很多这种餐具,大多使用玉米淀粉之类的东西做成的。



2023-07-12 23:56:304


at the last it has been replaced by
2023-07-12 23:56:395


答:dinnerware是名词,它的意思是:( 总称)餐具。例如:Linda bought another set of new dinnerware yesterday afternoon.
2023-07-12 23:57:041

“餐具” 用英语怎么说?

餐具: 1. mess kit2. tableware3. table ware4. dishwareRelative explainations:<dinner set> <cutlery> <dishes> <messgear> <dinner service> <dinnerware> <dinner-service> Examples:1. 一套餐具包括刀,叉,匙等。 A cutlery set includes knives, forks, spoons etc.2. 他们有一些标准纯银餐具。 They have some sterling silver cutlery.3. 我看见了两把牙刷在餐具架上。 I see that two toothbrushes are on the tableware frame.4. 你的餐具在哪里? Where do you keep the cutlery?5. 餐桌上摆的银制餐具和晶质玻璃器皿闪闪发光. The dining-table shone with silver and crystal. 银餐具table silver洗餐具did the dishes.结实的餐具unbreakable dinnerware.饭后收拾餐具tidy up after dinner给餐具消毒disinfect dishes摆设餐具以备午餐lay the table for lunch.在桌上摆设餐具准备开饭set the table for dinner准备了十个人的餐具Covers were laid for ten.已经摆了八副餐具。Covers have been laid for eight.拿出餐具和银餐具;洗涮餐具took out the dishes and silverware; washed the dishes.
2023-07-12 23:57:1410


Fork叉子 Chopsticks筷子. Spoon 勺子.
2023-07-12 23:57:391


2023-07-12 23:57:461


2023-07-12 23:57:554


记得一般国外tableware分类大于dinnerware, 后者就是指吃饭的餐盘器皿类,前者还包括烤箱类等等。
2023-07-12 23:58:101

16pc dinnerware set什么意思

  16pc dinnerware set的中文翻译  16pc dinnerware set  16PC餐具
2023-07-12 23:58:251


A-china: Come on, Jack. We are late for the meeting! B-Foreign: Ok. A(staring at the running cars on the street): Follow me, Jack. We will cross the street directly and speedily.B(Hurry to stop A): No, no, no. It is dangerous!A: But we are late. Look, so many people do that. B: Yes, I see. But it is really risky. Look, about 50 meters away lay pedestrian overpass. We must go that route. A: But...(stooped by B)B: No, no, no, no but. Our life is much more valuable than the 2 minutes. A: Okey. (shaking the head reluctantly) You are really stubborn.B: Sometimes we have to obey the rules, which will not cause us trouble. Nobody would risk his life for only 2 minutes. We never do that in our country. A: Oh, Jack, you really shocked me.
2023-07-12 23:59:292

白坯是什么意思 白坯意思是什么

1、白坯,别称坯布、原色布,是指用原色棉纱织成而未经过漂染、印花加工的布,统称为原色布。 2、白坯 双语例句 (1)它是以桑蚕丝为原料织成白坯绸,再用广东地区特有的植物中草药——薯莨的汁液浸染,在日出前将经过浸染的白坯绸铺在草地上,布面涂抹无污染的小河塘泥,使薯莨汁与塘泥在露水的蒸腾中相互渗透交融,这道工序必须要在天亮前完成。 Silk is woven as the raw material into white greige, which is dip-dyed with juice of Shoulang Yam (a herbal medicine exclusively produced in Guangdong). The dip-dyed white greige is spread on lawn before sunrise. The cloth is daubed with unpolluted mud of small pond, so that the juice of Shoulang Yam and the mud will penetrate into each other under the evaporating effect of dew. This procedure must be finished before day break. (2)主要生产:日用陶瓷、陶瓷盘、陶瓷碗、陶瓷餐具、陶瓷炖蛊、陶瓷碟、酒店陶瓷用具、白坯陶瓷、白坯盘、白坯碟、盘、碗、碟、柳叶盘、四角盘、四角浅盘、三角盘、配料碟、卫浴洁具、台上盆、台下盆、陶瓷盆、陶瓷洗面盆、嵌入式洗脸盆、挂式洗脸盆、艺术盆等。 It mainly produces:daily-used porcelain, ceramic plate, ceramic bowl, ceramic dinnerware, ceramic stew pot, ceramic dish, hotel ceramic appliance, white blank ceramics, white blank plate, white blank bowl, white blank dish, plate, bowl, dish, willow leaf plate, foursquare plate, foursquare flat plate, triangle plate, blending dish, sanitary ware, above-counter basin, under-counter basin, ceramic basin, flush type basin and hanging type basin etc. (3)白坯色织效果弹力织物以其工艺流程较短,弹性、舒适性及外观保形性较好受到消费者的青睐,文章介绍了白坯色织弹力斜纹嵌条织物的组织结构设计及生产关键技术要点,技术改进后可以缩短工艺流程,降低成本。 Consumers favor grey yarn-dyed stretch fabric due to its short process flow and being of comfort, elasticity and appearance retention. (4)还可以根据客户的不同要求,供应油漆或白坯的以及各档次的整体橱柜。 Can also be in accordance with the different requirements of customers, suppliers or°×÷the paint as well as the overall grade cabinets. (5)绍兴华邦纺织有限公司建立于1996年,拥有雄厚的资本,以经营定单,以白坯为主,生产化纤,棉布等。 Was established in 1996, with strong capital and operating orders to°×÷mainly the production of chemical fiber, cotton and so on.
2023-07-12 23:59:361


2023-07-12 23:59:447


上面是用金山快译 弄得 不好
2023-07-13 00:00:154


2023-07-13 00:00:321


2023-07-13 00:01:062


Dishware RecoveryHelp Yourselves With Broth
2023-07-13 00:01:514


2023-07-13 00:02:272


2023-07-13 00:03:062


2023-07-13 00:03:381


2023-07-13 00:03:511


我们特此开出不可撤消信用证可用以你方为受益人的即期汇票由你的全部金额我们伴随着下列文件:+签署商业发票和装箱单副本三份+和3份副本,标注单个的重量,体积。+原产地证正本3份副本原产地和由商会出具。+全套清洁海运运费已付的提单,必须标注加拿大皇家银行标明货物的实际上船日期,并通知申请人,申请人一栏必须写明完全的地址和联系方式,77009910。+关于保险单或保险凭证,按发票金额130%投保可包括:协会货物保险条款(A)I.C.C. 1/1/1982按日期。这个不需要出具受益人证明以上每一份运输单证已经在装运后48小时内传真给申请人。装运;4项中国陶瓷餐具等方面包括:HX1115 544套,HA2012 800套,443集和HX4510 HX4405依照245 SETSDETAILS(圣陶?)销售确认书SHHX98027,APR.3 1998年。希望有所帮助
2023-07-13 00:03:592

请用英语翻译 1你们几个人分着吃这道菜 2我能帮你把东西收了吗 3这个餐厅烟味好大阿 ...

you guys share this dish.Could I help you clear away?it"s smoky here in the restaurant
2023-07-13 00:04:193


2023-07-13 00:04:281

1.C/O 1正本3负,由商业会所发行.2.全套的海运提单.SHOW"FREIGHT PREPAID"收货人为"TO ORDER OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANDA",标出眞正的 "ON BOARD DATE",通知人为APPLICANT要带地址AND PHONE NO.77099103.保险证明或证书.以发票金额的130%.COVERING:INSTITUTE CARGO CLAUSES(这一点可以在保单直接打)根据I.C.C .1/1/19823.受益人证明.证明每个船运的文件都在上船后48小时内已经传真到APPLICAT.包括:4 ITEMS OF CHINESE CERAMIC DINNERWARE INCLUDING:HX1115 544SETS,HX2012 800SETS.HX4405 443SETS AND HX4510 245SETS与SALES CONFIMATION SHHX04027 DATED APR.3.2006 是一致的.除了加拿大以外所有的银行费都有受益人负责.所以的货物都必需用一个20"CY TO CY(就是走20柜)此条也在提单显示出来(也就是20"CY TO CY要体现在提单上)
2023-07-13 00:04:361


flatware 餐具 扁平的餐具 扁平的食具 dinnerware 餐具 整套的餐具 餐具单件系列
2023-07-13 00:04:431


2023-07-13 00:04:511


以前,有一个叫做餐具的城镇。 In addition to people, some dinnerware lived in the town. 除了人们以外,一些正餐餐具居住在这座城镇。 There were bowls, cups, plates, serving platters, and so on. 有碗,杯子,盘子,大浅盘等等。 But, the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food. 但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。 One day, some new neighbors moved into town. 一天,一些新邻居搬到了这个城镇。 There were forks, knives, spoons, and chopsticks. 他们是叉子,刀子,勺子和筷子。 The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to welcome the new neighbors. 正餐餐具非常高兴去欢迎 “Guys,welcome to our town!””Let"s live in peace!””Alright. 新邻居的到来。 And let"s help each other.”So, they helped each other and became good friends. Everyone had a job to do. “伙计们,欢迎来到我们的城镇!” The forks poked and moved food. “让我们和平相处!” The knives cut up food. “好的,让我们互相帮助。”于是,他们互相帮助成为了好朋友。每一个人都有工作做。 The spoons scooped up and moved food. 叉子叉和移动食物。 But,the chopsticks couldn"t find a job that they could do. 刀子切食物。 They couldn"t do anything alone.They only interfered with the others" work. 勺子舀起和移动食物。 The other utensils began to ignore the chopsticks. 但是,筷子找不到他们能够做的工作。 Soon,the chopsticks became sad. One day,all of the chopsticks gathered together to have a talk. 我们不能单独做任何事情。他们只能妨碍其他人的工作。 “Guys,we have to find a way to work. Why should webe ignored by the others?” 其他的用具开始忽视筷子。 “Because we are useless.” 很快,筷子变得忧伤的。一天,所有的筷子 “No,we can find a way to be useful. Let"s think.” 聚集到一起讨论。 They thought about it for a few days. One chopsticks thought of an idea. He called all of the chopsticks together,again. “伙计们,我们必须找到一种工作的方法。 “Guys,I have a great idea. Let"s each get a partner. 为什么我们一定要被其他人忽视呢?” Work in pairs. ”Then,what do we do?” “因为我们没有。” “Cooperate and pick up the food together!” “不,我们能找到一种有用的方法。 The idea worked. They could pick up the food easily. 让我们想想。” The chopsticks were happy,now. They went to the others and showed them what they could do. 他们想了好几天。一个筷子想到了一个主意。 “We can pick up food!” ”Say what?No way!” 他把所有的筷子再次叫到一起。 “Don"t interrupt our work.Go away!” “伙计们,我已经有好主意了。让我们每个人一个搭档。成双结对的工作。” “Wait!Look what we can do.” “那么,我们做什么?” The chopsticks showed them how they could pick up food by working in pairs. From that day on, the others" attitudes changed.They became friendly towards the chopsticks. “合作一起夹起食物!” “Hey, you guys are working hard!” 这个主意实施了。他们能够容易地夹起食物。 “Yeah! Now,we can be helpful to all of you.” 现在,筷子们很高兴。他们到其他人那里显示他们能做的。 They all lived happily together ever after. “我们能夹起食物!”“说什么?不可能!” Chopsticks cooperate and work hard together. It"s very hard to work together in pairs, but chopsticks never give up. “不要打断我们的工作。走开!” They keep on working together.Isn"t that great? “等等!看我们能做什么。” 筷子向他们显示了他们怎样通过结对工作夹起食物。从那天起,其他人的态度改变了。 他们对筷子变得友善起来。
2023-07-13 00:04:591

幼儿双语故事 筷子的故事

Once upon a time, there was a town called Eating Utensils.   以前,有一个叫做餐具的城镇。   In addition to people, some dinnerware lived in the town.   除了人们以外,一些正餐餐具居住在这座城镇。   There were bowls, cups, plates, serving platters, and so on.   有碗,杯子,盘子,大浅盘等等。   But, the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food.   但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。   One day, some new neighbors moved into town.   一天,一些新邻居搬到了这个城镇。   There were forks, knives, spoons, and chopsticks.   他们是叉子,刀子,勺子和筷子。   The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to welcome the new neighbors.   正餐餐具非常高兴去欢迎新邻居的到来。   “Guys,welcome to our town!””Let"s live in peace!””Alright.   “伙计们,欢迎来到我们的城镇!” “让我们和平相处!”   And let"s help each other.”So, they helped each other and became good friends. Everyone had a job to do.   “好的,让我们互相帮助。”于是,他们互相帮助成为了好朋友。每一个人都有工作做。   The forks poked and moved food.   叉子叉和移动食物。   The knives cut up food.   刀子切食物。   The spoons scooped up and moved food.   勺子舀起和移动食物。   But,the chopsticks couldn"t find a job that they could do.   但是,筷子找不到他们能够做的工作。   They couldn"t do anything alone.They only interfered with the others" work.   我们不能单独做任何事情。他们只能妨碍其他人的工作。   The other utensils began to ignore the chopsticks.   其他的用具开始忽视筷子。   Soon,the chopsticks became sad. One day,all of the chopsticks gathered together to have a talk.   很快,筷子变得忧伤的。一天,所有的筷子聚集到一起讨论。   “Guys,we have to find a way to work. Why should we be ignored by the others?”   “伙计们,我们必须找到一种工作的方法。为什么我们一定要被其他人忽视呢?”   “Because we are useless.”   “因为我们没有。”   “No,we can find a way to be useful. Let"s think.”   “不,我们能找到一种有用的方法。让我们想想。”   They thought about it for a few days. One chopsticks thought of an idea. He called all of the chopsticks together,again.   他们想了好几天。一个筷子想到了一个主意。他把所有的筷子再次叫到一起。   “Guys,I have a great idea. Let"s each get a partner. Work in pairs. ”Then,what do we do?”   “伙计们,我已经有好主意了。让我们每个人一个搭档。成双结对的工作。” “那么,我们做什么?”   “Cooperate and pick up the food together!”   “合作一起夹起食物!”   The idea worked. They could pick up the food easily.   这个主意实施了。他们能够容易地夹起食物。   The chopsticks were happy,now. They went to the others and showed them what they could do.   现在,筷子们很高兴。他们到其他人那里显示他们能做的。   “We can pick up food!” ”Say what?No way!”   “我们能夹起食物!”“说什么?不可能!”   “Don"t interrupt our work.Go away!”   “不要打断我们的工作。走开!”   “Wait!Look what we can do.”   “等等!看我们能做什么。”   The chopsticks showed them how they could pick up food by working in pairs. From that day on, the others" attitudes changed.They became friendly towards the chopsticks.   筷子向他们显示了他们怎样通过结对工作夹起食物。从那天起,其他人的态度改变了。他们对筷子变得友善起来。   “Hey, you guys are working hard!”   “嘿,你们正在努力工作!”   “Yeah! Now,we can be helpful to all of you.”   “是啊!现在,我们对你们所有人有帮助了。”   They all lived happily together ever after.   在此以后他们快活的住在一起。   Chopsticks cooperate and work hard together. It"s very hard to work together in pairs, but chopsticks never give up.   筷子合作一起努力工作。结对工作是很困难的,但是筷子从不放弃。   They keep on working together.Isn"t that great?   他们坚持一起工作。那样不是很棒吗?
2023-07-13 00:05:061


“CHINESE CERAMIC DINNERWARE ”中国陶瓷餐具“DS1511 30-Piece Dinnerware and Tea Set 542SETS USD23.50/SET”:编号:DS1511品名:30-Piece Dinnerware and Tea Set (30头套装餐具和茶具)数量:542SETS (542套)单价:USD23.50/SET (23.50美元/套)“DS2201 20-Piece Dinnerware Set 800SETS USD20.40/SET”:编号:DS2201品名:20-Piece Dinnerware Set(20头套装餐具)数量:800SETS (800套)单价:USD20.40/SET (20.40美元/套).......
2023-07-13 00:05:153


餐具自取处dinnerware self-help area
2023-07-13 00:05:231

What equipments do the kitchens include?They include dinnerware, ______ and utensils.

【答案】:cookwarecookware 解析:从文章的第二段“All of our big apartments offer fully equipped kitchens(including dinnerware, cookware and utensils)”可以找到答案。
2023-07-13 00:05:311


  故事作为一种最受儿童喜欢的形式,对于孩子来说有特殊的吸引力的。我分享幼儿启蒙英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!   幼儿启蒙英语故事篇1   The Story of Chopsticks   筷子的故事   Once upon a time, there was a town called Eating Utensils.   以前,有一个叫做餐具的城镇。   In addition to people, some dinnerware lived in the town.   除了人们以外,一些正餐餐具居住在这座城镇。   There were bowls, cups, plates, serving platters, and so on.   有碗,杯子,盘子,大浅盘等等。   But, the people did not know how to ues the dinnerware to eat their food.   但是,人们不知道怎样用正餐餐具来吃食物。   One day, some new neighbors moved into town.   一天,一些新邻居搬到了这个城镇。   There were forks, knives, spoons, and chopsticks.   他们是叉子,刀子,勺子和筷子。   The pieces of dinnerware were really happy and went to wele the new neighbors.   正餐餐具非常高兴去欢迎新邻居的到来。   “Guys,wele to our town!””Let"s live in peace!””Alright.   “伙计们,欢迎来到我们的城镇!” “让我们和平相处!”   And let"s help each other.”So, they helped each other and became good friends. Everyone had a job to do.   “好的,让我们互相帮助。”于是,他们互相帮助成为了好朋友。每一个人都有工作做。   The forks poked and moved food.   叉子叉和移动食物。   The knives cut up food.   刀子切食物。   The spoons scooped up and moved food.   勺子舀起和移动食物。   But,the chopsticks couldn"t find a job that they could do.   但是,筷子找不到他们能够做的工作。   They couldn"t do anything alone.They only interfered with the others" work.   我们不能单独做任何事情。他们只能妨碍其他人的工作。   The other utensils began to ignore the chopsticks.   其他的用具开始忽视筷子。   Soon,the chopsticks became sad. One day,all of the chopsticks gathered together to have a talk.   很快,筷子变得忧伤的。一天,所有的筷子聚集到一起讨论。   “Guys,we have to find a way to work. Why should we be ignored by the others?”   “伙计们,我们必须找到一种工作的方法。为什么我们一定要被其他人忽视呢?”   “Because we are useless.”   “因为我们没有。”   “No,we can find a way to be useful. Let"s think.”   “不,我们能找到一种有用的方法。让我们想想。”   They thought about it for a few days. One chopsticks thought of an idea. He called all of the chopsticks together,again.   他们想了好几天。一个筷子想到了一个主意。他把所有的筷子再次叫到一起。   “Guys,I have a great idea. Let"s each get a partner. Work in pairs. ”Then,what do we do?”   “伙计们,我已经有好主意了。让我们每个人一个搭档。成双结对的工作。” “那么,我们做什么?”   “Cooperate and pick up the food together!”   “合作一起夹起食物!”   The idea worked. They could pick up the food easily.   这个主意实施了。他们能够容易地夹起食物。   The chopsticks were happy,now. They went to the others and showed them what they could do.   现在,筷子们很高兴。他们到其他人那里显示他们能做的。   “We can pick up food!” ”Say what?No way!”   “我们能夹起食物!”“说什么?不可能!”   “Don"t interrupt our work.Go away!”   “不要打断我们的工作。走开!”   “Wait!Look what we can do.”   “等等!看我们能做什么。”   The chopsticks showed them how they could pick up food by working in pairs. From that day on, the others" attitudes changed.They became friendly towards the chopsticks.   筷子向他们显示了他们怎样通过结对工作夹起食物。从那天起,其他人的态度改变了。他们对筷子变得友善起来。   “Hey, you guys are working hard!”   “嘿,你们正在努力工作!”   “Yeah! Now,we can be helpful to all of you.”   “是啊!现在,我们对你们所有人有帮助了。”   They all lived happily together ever after.   在此以后他们快活的住在一起。   Chopsticks cooperate and work hard together. It"s very hard to work together in pairs, but chopsticks never give up.   筷子合作一起努力工作。结对工作是很困难的,但是筷子从不放弃。   They keep on working together.Isn"t that great?   他们坚持一起工作。那样不是很棒吗?   幼儿启蒙英语故事篇2   时钟说   The alarm clock by the bed rings at seven a.m.   床边的闹钟在早上7点钟响起。   This clock says it is time to wake up.   这个时钟说到时间醒来了。   The kitchen clock ticks at 8:30 a.m.   厨房的时钟在上午8点半滴答地响。   This clock says it is time to go to school.   这个时钟说到时间上学了。   The timer goes off after ten minutes.   在10分钟以后计时器响起。   This timer says it is time to get the cookies out of theoven.   这个计时器说到时间把饼干从炉子里面拿出来了。   The Coo-Coo clock on the wall coo-coos at ten a.m.   在墙上的咕咕时钟在上午10点钟咕咕响。   This clock says it is time to have a snack.   这个时钟说到时间吃小吃了。   The clock in the tower strikes at noon.   中午的时候在塔楼里面的时钟敲打着。   This clock says it is time to eat lunch.   这个时钟说到时间吃午饭了。   The clock at the school rings at three-thirty p.m.   在下午3点半学校的时钟响起。   This clock says it is time to go home.   这个时钟说到时间回家了。   The clock near the soccer field shows it is six p.m.   足球场边的时钟显示下午6点钟了。   This clock says it is time to eat dinner.   这个时钟说到时间吃晚饭了。   The grandfather clock chimes at nine p.m.   在晚上9点钟落地大座钟打钟报时。   This clock says it is time for bed.   这个时钟说到时间就寝了。   Good-night!   晚安!   幼儿启蒙英语故事篇3   皮得.康顿和大猫亨特   It was the day before Easter and Peter Cottontail was very busy. As the Chief Easter Bunny, it was his job to hide all the eggs for all the Easter egg hunts around the world.   时间是复活节之前,皮特很忙。作为主要的复活节兔子,他的工作是将所有的为全世界复活节狩猎所需要的蛋藏起来。   Peter wanted to be sure that he had enough of the beautifully colored eggs for everyone. So he was counting them all. But he kept getting distracted and losing count.   皮特想确定他有充足的为复活节而准备的美丽的彩蛋。所以他正在把它们都数一数。但是他一直分神而忘了数的数字。   First, Peter thought he heard the meow of one little kitten.But he didn"t see a kitten.Next he thought he heard two meows from two kittens, but he still didn"t see anything.   开始,皮特想他听到了一只小猫的叫声。但是他看不见一只小猫。接着他想他听到了两只小猫的声音,但是他依然什么都看不见。   Then Peter thought he heard three meows from three little kittens.   然后皮特想他看见了三只小猫的声音。   "Maybe they"re outside,"thought Peter. So,he opened the door and sure engough...   “也许他们在外面,”皮特想。所以他开启门来看个清楚...   There sat three unhappy,little kittens. Peter asked them what was wrong.   那里坐着三只不愉快的小猫。皮特问他们有什么麻烦。   "We were playing hide-and-seek with our mittens,"explained the kittens."We are very good at hiding,but we are not very good at seeking.And now our mittens are lost."   “我们用我们的拳击手套玩了‘藏了找"的游戏,”小猫们解释。“我们擅长藏,但是我们不擅长找。现在我们的拳击手套找不到了。”   "If you help me count my eggs,then I can help you find your mittens,"Peter told them.   “假如你们帮助我数我的蛋,然后我就能够帮助你们找到你们的拳击手套,”皮特告诉他们。   The three little kittens were so happy that they began to dance and sing.   那三只小猫如此地高兴以致他们又跳舞又唱歌。   Everyone went into the house and,one-two-three,they counted all the eggs.There were enough eggs for everyone and even three too many.   每个人都进入屋子,一、二、三,他们数了所有的蛋。为每个人准备的蛋是充足的,甚至还多出了三个。   "Great!"said Peter."It"s good to have extra eggs,just in case any break.Now let"s find your mittens."   “太好了!”皮特说。“有多余的蛋很好,恰好预防破蛋的情况。现在让我们来找你的拳击手套。”   Off went Peter Cottontail and the three little kittens,with Peter Cottontail hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.   皮特和三只小猫走出去,皮特跳着大兔步,而三只小猫则跑在后面跟着他。   First,they passed a house made of straw-but no one was there.   首先,他们经过了一个由稻草制成的房子,但是每人在家。   Next they passed a house made of sticks.No one was home there either.   接着他们来到一个有树枝做成的房子,也没人在家。   Finally,they came to a very nice house made of bricks.   最后他们来到一个由砖头制成的房子。   Peter and the three kittens knocked on the door of the pretty brick brick.Soon,three little pigs came out to meet them.   皮特和三只小猫敲打那个精美的小屋的门。不久,三只小猪出来迎接他们。   "Wele!Wele!"said the three little pigs."We are so glad to have visitors.The Big Bad Wolf chased all our friends away and no one visit us anymore.Won"t you e in for a while?"   “欢迎!欢迎!”三只小猪说。“我们很高兴有人来拜访我们。大坏狼赶走了我们的所有的朋友,再也没人来拜访我们了。你们不进来呆一会吗?”   Peter and the kittens explained that they were looking for the kittens" lost mittens.This made the kittens so sad that they began to cry.   皮特和三个小猫解释他们在寻找小猫丢失的拳击手套。这件事让小猫们哭了起来。   "Don"t cry,little kittens,"said the three pigs."We haven"t see any mittens,but you are wele to look around."   “不要哭,小猫,”三只小猪说,“我们没有看见什么拳击手套。但是欢迎你们在附近找找。”   So everyone looked,but they didn"t find the kitten"s mittens.   所以每个人一起看,但是他们没有发现小猫的拳击手套。   "You should ask Humpty Dumpty,"suggested the three little pigs."He sits so high up on his wall that he sees everything.Maybe he has seen your mittens."Peter and the three kittens thanked the pigs and said good-bye.Then off they went.   “你们应该问问汉仆.达谱,”三只小猪建议。“他坐在他家的很高的墙上让他能看见每件事情。也许他看见了你们的拳击手套。”   Before long,they came to a very high wall with a strange,little man sitting on top.   不久,他们来到一堵非常高的墙面前,一个陌生的,很小的人坐在墙上。   "Excuse me,"said Peter Cottontail,"Are you Humpty Dumpty?"   “对不起,”皮特说,“你是汉仆.达谱吗?”   "Yes,I am,"said the man,"How can I help you?"   “是的,”那个人说,“我能帮助你们吗?”   Once again,the three little kittens explained how they lost their mittens.And they became so sad that again they began to cry.   三只小猫把怎么丢失拳击手套的事又解释了一遍。他们如此地伤心以致他们哭了。   "Do not cry,little kittens,"said Humpty Dumpty."This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook."   “不要哭,小猫,”汉仆.达谱说,“今天早上我看见三只小猫在胡说河边的高草中藏他们的拳击手套。”   The three litten kittens began to dance and sing.   三只小猫开始又跳又唱。   "Now we remember!Thank you,thank you!"they cheered.   “现在我们记得了!谢谢你,谢谢你!”他们欢呼。   Peter was very happy to have helped the kittens.But suddenly he remembered about Easter.   皮特很高兴帮助了小猫。但是突然他记得了复活节。   "Oh no!"he cried."It is almost Easter and I haven"t hidden any eggs yet!What will I do?"   “哦,不!”他喊,“几乎到了复活节了,我还没有将蛋藏好呢!我该怎么办呢?”   "Don"t worry."said the three little kittens."You have seen that we are good at hiding things.We will help you hide the eggs."   “不要害怕。”三只小猫说。“你看见了我们擅长藏东西。我们将帮助你来藏蛋。”   Peter accepted their help and off everyone rushed,with Peter hopping big-bunny hops and the kittens racing along to keep up.   皮特接受了他们的帮助,每个人跑起来,皮特跳着大兔步,小猫们在后面奔跑着追赶。   By Easter morning,everything was finished.Best of all,none of the eggs had broken.So Peter gave the three extra eggs to the three little kittens as thanks for all their help.   到了复活节早上,每件事都完成了。最好的是,没有一个蛋被弄破。所以皮特将三个多余的蛋送给了三只小猫作为对他们的帮助的感谢   
2023-07-13 00:05:511

30-dinnerware set 540sets usd23.50/set什么意思

30 - 540套餐具组usd 23.50 /套
2023-07-13 00:05:581


dinner ["dinu0259]n.一日中的主餐(午餐或晚餐)宴会Have you had dinner yet?你吃过晚饭了吗?We gave a dinner in honor of our guests.我们设宴款待客人。 继承用法dinnerware["du026anu0259,weu0259(r)]n.餐具 习惯用语After dinner, mustard. [谚]饭后上芥末; 雨后送伞。basket dinner 用篮子装的野餐basket lunch 用篮子装的野餐basket picnic 用篮子装的野餐boiled dinner [美]青菜烧肉dressed up like a dog"s dinner [口]穿得十分时髦, 打扮得花枝招展got up like a dog"s dinner [口]穿得十分时髦, 打扮得花枝招展eat one"s dinners 学法律, 准备当律师eat one"s terms 学法律, 准备当律师house dinner 俱乐部为会员及客人特备的饭菜学校为教职员或寄宿生特备的饭菜plate dinner [美]把各色菜肴都盛在一个盘子里的客饭scratch dinner 临时准备的便饭shore dinner 以海味为主要菜肴的一 顿饭testimonial dinner [美]感谢某人功绩或成就的宴会T.V. dinner 电视便餐(一种予先做好的盒装冷冻便餐, 可以很快地加热, 边吃边看电视)名词 n.1.正餐, 主餐 I haven"t had dinner yet.我还没有吃晚饭呢。2.宴会
2023-07-13 00:06:063


dinner diniroom
2023-07-13 00:06:132


  PLANT A NOTION"Going green" doesn"t have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference.  The contents of this list might not be new, but they bear repeating. Sometimes it takes a few reminders for things take root.    1. CHANGE YOUR LIGHTIf every household in the United State replaced one regular lightbulb with one of those new compact fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road.  Don"t like the color of light? Use these bulbs for closets, laundry rooms and other places where it won"t irk you as much.  2. TURN OFF COMPUTERS AT NIGHTBy turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year. If you don"t want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to work, or boot up while you"re pouring your morning cup "o joe.      3. DON"T RINSESkip rinsing dishes before using your dishwasher and save up to 20 gallons of water each load. Plus, you"re saving time and the energy used to heat the additional water.  4. DO NOT PRE-HEAT THE OVENUnless you are making bread or pastries of some sort, don"t pre-heat the oven. Just turn it on when you put the dish in. Also, when checking on your food, look through the oven window instead of opening the door.  5. RECYCLE GLASSRecycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent. If it isn"t recycled it can take a million years to decompose.  6. DIAPER WITH A CONSCIENCEBy the time a child is toilet trained, a parent will change between 5,000 and 8,000 diapers, adding up to approximately 3.5 million tons of waste in U.S. landfills each year. Whether you choose cloth or a more environmentally-friendly disposable, you"re making a choice that has a much gentler impact on our planet.  7. HANG DRYGet a clothesline or rack to dry your clothes by the air. Your wardrobe will maintain color and fit, and you"ll save money.  Your favorite t-shirt will last longer too.  8. GO VEGETARIAN ONCE A WEEKOne less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rainforest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.  9. WASH IN COLD OR WARMIf all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100,000 barrels of oil a day.  Only launder when you have a full load.  10. USE ONE LESS PAPER NAPKINDuring an average year, an American uses approximately 2,200 napkins—around six each day. If everyone in the U.S. used one less napkin a day, more than a billion pounds of napkins could be saved from landfills each year.  11. USE BOTH SIDES OF PAPERAmerican businesses throw away 21 million tons of paper every year, equal to 175 pounds per office worker. For a quick and easy way to halve this, set your printer"s default option to print double-sided (duplex printing). And when you"re finished with your documents, don"t forget to take them to the recycling bin.  12. RECYCLE NEWSPAPERThere are 63 million newspapers printed each day in the U.S. Of these, 44 million, or about 69%, of them will be thrown away. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week.  13. WRAP CREATIVELYYou can reuse gift bags, bows and event paper, but you can also make something unique by using old maps, cloth or even newspaper. Flip a paper grocery bag inside out and give your child stamps or markers to create their own wrapping paper that"s environmentally friendly and extra special for the recipient.  More ideas: HGTV, Martha, DIY Network  14. RETHINK BOTTLED WATERNearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking thousands of years to decompose. Buy a reusable container and fill it with tap water, a great choice for the environment, your wallet, and possibly your health. The EPA"s standards for tap water are more stringent than the FDA"s standards for bottled water.  15. BAN BATHTIME!Have a no-bath week, and take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water. Not only will you reduce water consumption, but the energy costs associated with heating the water.  16. BRUSH WITHOUT RUNNINGYou"ve heard this one before, but maybe you still do it. You"ll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop. Daily savings in the U.S. alone could add up to 1.5 billion gallons--more water than folks use in the Big Apple.  17. SHOWER WITH YOUR PARTNERSneak in a shower with your loved one to start the day with some zest that doesn"t come in a bar. Not only have you made a wise choice for the environment, but you may notice some other  18. TAKE A SHORTER SHOWEREvery two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water. If everyone in the country saved just one gallon from their daily shower, over the course of the year it would equal twice the amount of freshwater withdrawn from the Great Lakes every day.  19. PLANT A TREEIt"s good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling (plant on the west side of your home), and they can also improve the value of your property.  Make it meaningful for the whole family and plant a tree every year for each member.  20. USE YOUR CRUISE CONTROLYou paid for those extra buttons in your car, so put them to work! When using cruise control your vehicle could get up to 15% better mileage. Considering today"s gasoline prices, this is a boon not only for the environment but your budget as well.  21. SECOND-HAND DOESN"T MEAN SECOND-BESTConsider buying items from a second-hand store. Toys, bicycles, roller blades, and other age and size-specific items are quickly outgrown. Second hand stores often sell these items in excellent condition since they are used for such a short period of time, and will generally buy them back when you no longer need them.  22. BUY LOCALConsider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever possible, buy from local farmers or farmers" markets, supporting your local economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas created when products are flown or trucked in.  23. ADJUST YOUR THERMOSTATAdjust your thermostat one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter. Each degree celsius less will save about 10% on your energy use! In addition, invest in a programmable thermostat which allows you to regulate temperature based on the times you are at home or away.  24. INVEST IN YOUR OWN COFFEE CUPIf you start every morning with a steamy cup, a quick tabulation can show you that the waste is piling up. Invest in a reusable cup, which not only cuts down on waste, but keeps your beverage hot for a much longer time. Most coffee shops will happily fill your own cup, and many even offer you a discount in exchange!  25. BATCH ERRANDSFeel like you spend your whole week trying to catch up with the errands? Take a few moments once a week to make a list of all the errands that need to get done, and see if you can batch them into one trip. Not only will you be saving gasoline, but you might find yourself with much better time-management skills.  26. TURN OFF LIGHTSAlways turn off incandescent bulbs when you leave a room. Fluorescent bulbs are more affected by the number of times it is switched on and off, so turn them off when you leave a room for 15 minutes or more. You"ll save energy on the bulb itself, but also on cooling costs, as lights contribute heat to a room.  27. GREENER LAWN CAREIf you must water your lawn, do it early in the morning before any moisture is lost to evaporation. Have a few weeds? Spot treat them with vinegar. Not sure if you should rake? Normal clippings act as a natural fertilizer, let them be. If you"ve waited too long, rake by hand — it"s excellent exercise.  28. PICNIC WITH A MARKERSome time in between the artichoke dip and the coleslaw, you lost track of your cup, and now there are a sea of matching cups on the table, one of which might be yours. The next time you picnic, set out permanent marker next to disposable dinnerware so guests can mark their cup and everyone will only use one.  29. RECYCLE OLD CELL PHONESThe average cell phone lasts around 18 months, which means 130 million phones will be retired each year. If they go into landfills, the phones and their batteries introduce toxic substances into our environment. There are plenty of reputable programs where you can recycle your phone, many which benefit noble causes.  30. MAINTAIN YOUR VEHICLENot only are you extending the life of your vehicle, but you are creating less pollution and saving gas. A properly maintained vehicle, clean air filters, and inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle"s performance. And it might not hurt to clean out the trunk—all that extra weight could be costing you at the pump.  31. RECYCLE UNWANTED WIRE HANGERSWire hangers are generally made of steel, which is often not accepted by some recycling programs. So what do you do with them? Most dry cleaners will accept them back to reuse or recycle. (Cue Joan Crawford.)  32. RECYCLE ALUMINUM AND GLASSTwenty recycled aluminium cans can be made with the energy it takes to manufacture one brand new one.  Every ton of glass recycled saves the equivalent of nine gallons of fuel oil needed to make glass from virgin materials.
2023-07-13 00:06:221


Collect used tableware from each floor.
2023-07-13 00:06:292


2023-07-13 00:06:562


2023-07-13 00:07:121

tableside service造句 tableside serviceの例文 "tableside service"是什麼意思

Josh and Michelle were assigned tableside service , preparing an octopus appetizer. Tableside service is a ritual that dates back to French court pfe, said Karen Hess, a cupnary historian. He was preparing for what had long been one of the dying acts in restaurant pfe : tableside service . Dining rooms are less formal and more crowded, and waiters are not as well trained, all of which has diminished the art of tableside service . At Centopre on Madison Avenue, Nora Jimenez, the general manager, said tableside service helps distinguish her restaurant from the hundreds of other Itapan restaurants in Manhattan. That was in the 1970s, when nouvelle cuisine was ing into vogue, and classic tableside service from rolpng carts was replaced by dishes artfully placed on oversize dinnerware in the kitchen. "" Service "": T and Bret were assigned tableside service , with Marino emphasizing the importance of talking to and entertaining the customers, something that Bret found himself having to do a lot, due to his team"s struggles, when he entertained guest Bree Turner. Tableside service , and its brief, shining acts of spcing, deboning, saucing and meticulously pampering food before the diner"s eyes, has been popping up in many unexpected places in New York, from a restaurant focused on kaiseki to one that is progressive and French to a tiny Itapan trattoria on a quiet street in Brooklyn. It"s difficult to find tableside service in a sentence. 用 tableside service 造句挺难的
2023-07-13 00:07:191


Glad to get in touch with you, This is KEN, from now on, our team will be at your service of higher qualityPls allow me to introduce the members in our team,susan in charge of business of Southern plant,for example:Tina in charge of business of Northern plant,for example:Ken in charge of all the business of yours, including the coordination and so onAll the MOQ of Dinnerware are:In regarding to the more shapes you ordered, we will check with our plant and give you a reply ASAP.
2023-07-13 00:07:283


2023-07-13 00:07:351


have prepared the tablewares
2023-07-13 00:07:553


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2023-07-13 00:08:091

我是国际贸易的学生问个国际贸易的问题 急

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