barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 16:35:49

1. 名词 适合;适应;改编;改写 2. 名词 改编本;改写本 This play is an adaptation of a novel. 这剧本是由小说改写的。 3. 名词 [生物学] (动植物在构造、机能或外形方面对环境的)适应 4. 名词 [医学] (感官)适应 5. 名词 [社会学] (文化)同化



adaptation的意思是适应,适合。adaptation的意思、解释  复数形式:adaptations;adaptation 基本解释名词适应,顺应; 改编,改编本; 适应性的改变; 同化adaptation 相关例句名词adaptation的反义词 He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境。This play is an adaptation of a novel.
2023-01-03 07:14:331


adaptation意思是:改编;改编成的作品。英 [ˌædæp"teɪʃn]     美 [ˌædæp"teɪʃn]    n. 改编;改编成的作品;适应;【心】(感官)适应,适应性变化。This story lends itself to film adaptation.这个故事适合改编拍电影。Scotish adaptation was made about a century later.大约一个世纪之后的出现了一个苏格兰的改编本。近义词:adjustment 扩展词汇 英 [ə"dʒʌstmənt]     美 [ə"dʒʌstmənt]    n. 调整;调节。I"ve made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.我对座次表作了小小的调整。The company made an adjustment in my salary.公司对我的薪金作了调整。
2023-01-03 07:14:501


adaption和adaptation的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、adaption:适应本。2、adaptation:改编本。二、语法不同1、adaption:the process of adapting to something (such as environmental conditions)适应某物的过程(如环境条件)。2、adaptation:a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form以新形式重铸的书面作品(如小说)。三、侧重点不同1、adaption:为了符合规定进行改编。2、adaptation:可以是为了更好的解读才进行的改编。
2023-01-03 07:15:001


adaptation: 英 [ædəp"teɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,ædæp"teʃən]n. 适应;改编;改编本,改写本
2023-01-03 07:15:094


2023-01-03 07:15:283


看你的语境适应,适合 或者容纳于(比如社会,大环境,或者一些机械安装上)
2023-01-03 07:15:462


2023-01-03 07:15:551


adaptation [dptein] n.适应;改写(本) adaptation 英音:[,dp"tein] 美音:[,dp"ten] 名词n.1.适应,适合[U][S1] He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境.2.改编,改写;改写本[U][C] This play is an adaptation of a novel.这一剧本是由小说改编的.3.【生理】适应性的变化,适应作用[C] adaption ["dpn] n.由原著改编而成的作品 =adaptation 一般情况都可以用,但是ADAPTATION用得比较多.
2023-01-03 07:16:041


你好!adaptation 英[ˌædæpˈteɪʃn] 美[ˌædæpˈteʃən] n. 适应,顺应; 改编,改编本; 适应性的改变; 同化; [例句]Most living creatures are capable of adaptation when compelled to do so.大多数生物都能在迫于压力的情况下适应新环境。
2023-01-03 07:16:101


2023-01-03 07:16:162


一、复数形式不同adaption:复数:adaptionsadaptation:复数:adaptations二、具体含义不同adaption:n. 适应;由原著改编而成的作品adaptation:n. 改编;改编成的作品;适应;【心】(感官)适应,适应性变化三、具体使用情形不同adaption:用作名词(n.)Therefore, adaption and co-existence is one of culture implications in Li River.因此,适应和共存是漓江流域的文化底蕴之一。adaptation:用作名词(n.)This story lends itself to film adaptation.这个故事适合改编拍电影。
2023-01-03 07:16:251


adaptation 与 adaption都是n.名词, 而用法上大多数是用adaptation, 因为adaptation用在句子上后面跟of 或 to , 以下有两个例子.He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。This play is an adaptation of a novel. 这一剧本是由小说改编的。
2023-01-03 07:16:371

Homeoviscous adaptation 是什么意思?

是指冷血动物调节细胞膜流动性的一种机制,下面是他的具体解释。The maintenance of proper cell membrane fluidity is of critical importance for the function and integrity of the cell, essential for the mobility and function of embedded proteins and lipids, diffusion of proteins and other molecules laterally across the membrane for signaling reactions, and proper separation of membranes during cell division. A fundamental biophysical determinant of membrane fluidity is the balance between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Regulating membrane fluidity is especially important in poikilothermic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protists, plants, fish and other ‘cold-blooded" animals that cannot regulate their own body temperatures. The general trend is an increase in unsaturated fatty acids at lower growth temperatures and an increase in saturated fatty acids at higher temperatures. This compositional adaptation of membrane lipids, called homeoviscous adaptation, serves to maintain the correct membrane fluidity at the new conditions.
2023-01-03 07:16:431

气候谈判中 adaptation 和 mitigation是什么意思

1992 年,联合国气候变化框架等决定引入两个不同的战略以应对气候变化:减缓(mitigation)和气候适应(adaptation)。“减缓”即“减排”减少温室气体排放,以使大气中的温室气体浓度达到了某一稳定值,而且该值可以避免人为干扰气体系统造成危险后果(UNFCC,1992,第二条)。“气候适应”解释为生态、社会或者经济系统对现实或者未来气候状况的气候适应,有适应气候变化而采取的措施的意思。
2023-01-03 07:16:491

adaptation 和 deletion用在翻译的策略里面是什么意思

adaptation即语言顺应策略,遵循听众的审美观和译入语的表达习惯,根据不同的交际对象和环境不断做出选择,让译文读者准确地了解和获得原文所传递的信息要旨。deletion即省译,有时也翻译为“缩减式翻译”中的删除步骤。在处理时译者要压缩大量重复和堆砌的词语,删改华美言辞做到简练平实,多运用口语化的表达以软化僵硬呆板的语气。 希望采纳谢谢
2023-01-03 07:16:551

adaptation volume什么意思

  adaptation volume的中文翻译  adaptation volume  适应量  双语例句  1  3, the indicator changes from the point of view, this can be good athletes preparing for the process of adaptation training intensity and volume of training, training plan is reasonable.  从各指标变化情况来看,本次备战过程中运动员能够很好的适应训练强度和训练量,训练计划安排合理。  2  The adaptation of oxidation and cooling time were effected by way of voltage level, and also cause of conducting channel number of arc discharge and the volume of the gas in it.  氧化时间与冷却时间的适配程度受调压方式的影响,并且与同时引发微区电弧放电的导电通道数目以及通道内气体的体积密切相关。
2023-01-03 07:17:041

adaptation by 能做谓语吗?

2023-01-03 07:17:101


2023-01-03 07:17:161

求adaptation(中文名《改编剧本》 英文影评

版本1"Adaptation" is an off-the-wall film with a startling second half. Overall, the film is darkly comic, but viewers get an unexpected dose of movie action and violence before everything is said and done.It"s fair to say that there is a fair amount of violence in the film, and even when you know it"s coming, you"re still caught off guard. Spike Jonze is merciless in this regard. Some of the scenes are incredibly graphic, in fact.There is a certain adolescent male tone to the film (the violence + sexual fantasy + masturbation). This is partially due to characterization and partially due to the director"s own aesthetic and perspective. It"s not a bad thing, necessarily, either. It just feels as if an unassuming (white male) kid who grew up thinking a lot about girls and watching movies where stuff blowed up made this film... See it and you"ll know what I"m saying.The script is crazy. Absolutely zany. Akin to "Being John Malkovich" really. Fortunately, this well gives opportunity for Nic Cage, Meryl Streep, and Chris Cooper to really be free with their art.Cage has a difficult role, portraying two very different identical twin brothers. Cage is at the emotional core of the film. If his performance doesn"t resonate, the film doesn"t work. I thought Cage was excellent. And that the script really gives him some wonderful, challenging material to work with. His first scene with Tilda Swinton (looking gorgeous!) is excellent.Meryl Streep...well, what can be said. She"s fantastic. She exudes a tiredness and connectedness and hopelessness and sadness, evolving the character brilliantly over the course of the film.Similarly, Chris Cooper brings a humanity to the role of the Orchad Thief, really grounding the narrative and making it all believable. Again, he"s given a brilliant opening scene and he works wonders with it. Throughout, he is believably arrogant, lonely, vulnerable, and just plain real. Cooper"s performance is as rich as any other I"ve seen this year; truly, truly sublime."Adaptation" is certainly not for everyone. If you"re looking for something starkly different and simmering with originality, give this film a try, though. Amidst some cloying self-referential clap-trap, there are actually some really freshing film moments.=====================================版本2The first time I saw "Adaptation" I expected something else and walked away severely disappointed. As some of you out there who Private Messaged me in regards to my initial review posted on IMDb might already be aware, I originally gave it a rating of 3.5/5 stars, back when I was frequently contributing to the site. I passed on without much thought, considering it a disappointment and leaving my critique for those who cared to read it.It remains the single comment to have generated the most feedback for me. More than "The Passion of the Christ," and more than yes, even my upsetting review of 2003"s "Peter Pan" (which seemed to anger the small die-hard fanbase for the film that lurks on these message boards - by the way, I"ve had to clarify this sentence by adding "for the film" because someone PM"d me yesterday accusing me of implying I have a fanbase on, I am referring to the film"s fanbase, so please hold off on the accusations). I digress. In summary I gave "Adaptation" a negative rating and to my surprise, perhaps because I avoided totally slamming the film, the fans responded to me with kind words rather than harsh ones; conceivably they too had initially taken a dislike to the film? I made a daring move. I bought "Adaptation" on DVD for ten bucks, thinking, "I"ve got nothing to lose." Plus, the front cover looked cool anyway.I watched it again (after taking into mind several themes and self-referential layers I had failed to visualize before) and was blown away by the originality and genius of the movie.My hugest complaint regarding "Adaptation," originally, was its absurd ending -- I felt it was out of place, silly, and totally anti-climactic. Little did I realize this was the point -- to be a parody of the typical Hollywood blockbuster.There are so many underlying jokes, gags and self-references that the film grows better -- like "Back to the Future" -- on each new viewing. You"re always finding new stuff.I found new respect for Nicolas Cage as an actor after my second viewing of this. I have always liked Cage despite the criticism he receives for being a one-sided actor; here, he proves he"s capable of creating two very different human beings out of the same mold. Brilliant, Oscar-worthy stuff.All in all I got it wrong the first time. "Adaptation" isn"t a film that starts out clever and descends into a messy and stupid finish. Well, actually, it is. But that"s the point. I didn"t get it before. Now I do.If you disliked this film, my advice? Watch it again. It knows a bit more about itself than you probably do. And read up on the message boards here a bit to get a clearer grasp of what"s going on if you"re totally clueless.P.S. I"d like to thank all the people on this site who messaged me in response to my review. LS
2023-01-03 07:17:222

什么是sttuctural adaptation

structural adaptation结构的适应性双语例句1The structural adaptation of some body part for a particular function. 部分肌体发生变化从而使其结构或机能更特殊。2In semi-arid countries, one structural adaptation measure that could be taken is the promotion of more dynamic and sustained growth through greater investment in multi-purpose hydraulic infrastructure development. 半干旱国家可以采取的一种结构改造措施是,通过增加对多用途水力基础设施发展的投资促进更有活力和持续的增长。
2023-01-03 07:17:311


格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人进化出了某种基因适应,帮助他们消化和利用这种脂肪丰富的食物,从而使他们能够在寒冷的气候中也生存地很好。structure 是结构,不符合语意和搭配。
2023-01-03 07:17:362

文化适应acculturation和跨文化适应cross-culture adaptation有什么区别??

acculturation是结果 cross- culture adaption是过程
2023-01-03 07:17:454


2023-01-03 07:17:591


adaptation 是 adapt 的派生名词,派生形容词是 adaptive, 副词是 adaptively。
2023-01-03 07:18:061


2023-01-03 07:18:112

product adaptation是什么意思

2023-01-03 07:18:235

英语Strategy Game of Adaptation怎么翻译?

英语Strategy Game of Adaptation翻译成试用的策略游戏。
2023-01-03 07:18:472


2023-01-03 07:18:552


inadaptation英 [ɪnədæp"teɪʃn] 美 [ɪnədæp"teɪʃn] 不适应反义词adaptation
2023-01-03 07:19:041

句中的television adaptation是何意?

The television adaptation of the stage play was very successful.翻译成为中文就是:那个舞台剧 改变为电视剧  非常成功。句中的television adaptation意思是: 改编成为电视 (版本)开心快乐每一天!
2023-01-03 07:19:101


adaptation适应 适合adaption适合 改编明显在改编这个意思上两者是有区别的An adaptation of a composition. 乐曲的改编 Not assisting or promoting adaptation. 不利于适应的无助于或不能促进适应的 of or relating to adaptation. 适应的或者与适应有关的。 Marked by faulty or inadequate adaptation. 不适应的具有适应不良或不足之特征的 The adaptation of electronics for astronautics. 应用航天电子学适用于航天学的电子学 1. 适应 adapters 适配器...adaption 适应...adaptive 适应的2.自适应,配合,匹配 adapter sleeve 紧定套,接头套〔筒〕,连接套管...adaption 自适应,配合,匹配...adaption brightness 自适应亮度3. 改编 adaption: 改编 - 相关搜索 4. 改编剧本 所有分类 >> >> >>商品详情...改编剧本(adaption)
2023-01-03 07:19:363


适应。 名词来着
2023-01-03 07:19:532


Adaptationadaptation 基本解释n. 适应,顺应;改编,改编本;适应性的改变;同化adaptation 变化形式复数: adaptations易混淆的单词: Adaptationadaptation 用法和例句Different rules are required - and adaptation is critical .所以它要求的是不一样的规则-适应规则至关重要。Which is your favorite adaptation of the book ?你最喜欢哪一部由它改编的作品?It probably arose as an adaptation to scarcity of nutrients .这种机制可能是由对营养缺乏的适应作用所引起。It remains the earliest direct adaptation .它依然是最早的直接适应播放的影片。The mongoose "s evolutionary adaptation is not unique .猫鼬的进化与适应并不是独一无二的。
2023-01-03 07:20:021


adaptation 与 adaption都是n.名词,而用法上大多数是用adaptation,因为adaptation用在句子上后面跟of 或 to ,以下有两个例子.He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.他很快适应了新的环境.This play is an adaptation of a novel.这一剧本是由小说改编的.adaption n. 适合, 适应; 同化; 改写, 改编本n. 由原著改编而成的作品=adaptationadaptation [ad·ap·ta·tion || ‚ædæp"teɪʃn]n. 适应; 改写本; 改编; 适应作用, 适应性的变化在某程度上讲,这两个是同义词。
2023-01-03 07:20:142


2023-01-03 07:20:293


adaption。adaption:复数:adaptions,adaptation:复数:adaptations。二、具体含义不同:adaption:n. 适应;由原著改编而成的作品,adaptation:n. 改编;改编成的作品;适应;【心】(感官)适应,适应性变化
2023-01-03 07:20:411


adaptation [dptein] n.适应;改写(本) adaptation 英音:[,dp"tein] 美音:[,dp"ten] 名词n. 1.适应,适合[U][S1] He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。 2.改编,改写;改写本[U][C] This play is an adaptation of a novel. 这一剧本是由小说改编的。 3.【生理】适应性的变化,适应作用[C] adaption ["dpn] n. 由原著改编而成的作品 =adaptation 一般情况都可以用,但是ADAPTATION用得比较多。
2023-01-03 07:20:471

adaptation 和 deletion用在翻译的策略里面是什么意思

adaptation英 [ædəp"teɪʃ(ə)n]美 [,ædæp"teʃən]n. 适应;改编;改编本,改写本[网络短语]adaptation 改编,适应,兰花窃贼Link adaptation 自适应调变和编码,链路自适应,链路适配chromatic adaptation 色适应,颜色适应,色顺应deletion英 [dɪ"liːʃən]美 [dɪ"liʃən]n. 删除;[遗] 缺失;删除部分[网络短语]Deletion 删除,缺失,删减clonal deletion 克隆缺失,克隆清除,克隆删除interstitial deletion 中间缺失
2023-01-03 07:20:541


造句:Do you think the film adaptation was faithful to the book?你认为这部改编的电影剧本忠于原著吗?
2023-01-03 07:21:001


有意义适应是指生物的形态结构和生理机能与其赖以生存的一定环境条件相适合的现象,并且这种适合是有效果有作用的。适应 (adaptation)生物特有的普遍存在的现象,涵义:生物的结构(从生物大分子、细胞,到组织器官、系统、个体乃至由个体组成的群体等)大都适合于一定的功能。例如DNA分子结构适合于遗传信息的存贮和“半保守”的自我复制。适应:适应一方面指生物各层次的结构(从大分子、细胞、组织、器官,乃至由个体组成的种群等)都与功能相适应;另一方面,这种结构与相关的功能(包括行为、习性等)适合于该生物在一定环境条件下的生存和延续。;各种细胞器适合于细胞水平上的各种功能(有丝分裂器适合于细胞分裂过程中遗传物质的重新分配,纤毛、鞭毛适合于细胞的运动)。
2023-01-03 07:21:091


2023-01-03 07:21:182

adaptation from standing genetic variation

2023-01-03 07:21:273


适应的英语短语有很多,整理如下:1、be suited to 2、adjust/adapt/conform to                                    还有一些拓展短语:1、适应性adaptability2、适应力adaptability3、适应症indication4、文化适应cultural adaption; acculturation5、适应性训练acclimatization training6、适应形势be adapted to the situation7、高空适应high-altitude adaptation8、适应变化adapt to changes9、适应时代adapt oneself to the times10、适应能力adaptive capacity                                    11、感觉适应sensory adaptation12、高原适应plateau acclimatization13、适应市场经济adapt to the market economy14、适应新环境adjust to a new environment15、适应时代要求keep abreast of the times16、适应当地条件adapt to the local conditions看到这里就给个赞吧~
2023-01-03 07:21:391


适应(adaptation)是指生物对其环境压力的调整过程。生物为了能够在某一环境更好地生存繁衍,不断地从形态、生理、发育或行为各个方面进行调整,以适应特定环境中的生态因子及其变化。生物对环境的生态适应可概括为:①进化适应(evolutionary adaptation),生物通过漫长的过程,调整其遗传组成以适合于改变的环境条件;②生理适应(physiological adaptation),生物个体通过生理过程,调整以适应于气候条件、食物质量等环境条件的改变;③学习适应(adaptation by learning),生物通过学习、行为以适应于多种多样的环境改变。适应可以使生物对生态因子的耐受范围发生改变。自然环境的多种生态因子是相互联系、相互影响的,因此,对一组特定环境条件的适应也必定会表现出彼此之间的相互关联性,这一整套协同的适应特性就称为适应组合(adaptive suite)。
2023-01-03 07:21:541


雅思阅读考试题型众多,而在众多题型当中最为重要的一类题型就是填词类题型,这类题型几乎是每场雅思考试都会出现且出题量较大的题型,因此,掌握好填词类题型的做题方法与解题技巧无疑可以帮助考生们取得较高的成绩。每个人的情况不同,也可以登录文都国际教育官网进行一对一的咨询。填词类的题型主要分为以下5种:1. 完成句子题sentence completion; 2.table表格题;3. flow chart/diagram流程题/图表题;4. short answer回答问题题;5. summary摘要题(无选项)。那么,填空题究竟有些怎样的解题思路以及做题技巧呢?一、看清字数要求一般而言,填词类题目都会规定字数限制,而看清字数限制则是解题正确的第一个步骤以及先决条件。任何超过字数要求的答案都是不得分的答案。例如,剑桥雅思5 Test 2 Passage one BAKELITE第一个题型摘要题和第二个题型flow chart流程题的字数要求是one word only, 因此所需答案都只能填一个单词。同样剑桥雅思5 Test 2 Passage 2 What"s So Funny, 第二个题型图表题,以及剑桥雅思5 Test 2 Passage 3第三个题型表格题的字数要求是no more than two words, 也就是说答案可能是一个单词,也有可能是两个单词。剑桥雅思5 Test 4 Passage 3 Q34-40完成句子题,字数限制是no more than three words, 这意味着答案最多可能填3个单词。剑桥雅思4 Test 3 Passage 2 Volcanoes--Earth Shattering News第二个题型回答问题的字数要求是no more than three words and/or a number, 也就是说答案最多是三个单词加上一个数字的情况,最少则是一个数字的情况,当这种要求出现的时候,一般而言至少有1道题目的答案应该包含数字。二、确认该题型是否明确规定了段落通过对雅思阅读考试的研究发现,完成句子题、流程图/图表题、以及回答问题题,这三种题型都不会明确给出所出题段落并且题目答案都是分散在文章中出现的。摘要题可能在题目要求中就会明确给出该题型题目答案出题的段落,若明确规定出题段落,那么只需要阅读所规定段落即可做出相应题目,摘要题也可能未明确给出出题段落,这时就需要考生自己去文章定位并找出每道题目在文章中的出处。Table题一般而言不会明确给出答案出题段落,但是答案一般都是集中出现在某段或者临近段落的。因此,在正式阅读文章之前,如果对雅思阅读出题的套路有所了解的话,考生们就会轻松很多。三、确认题号所在句的关键词只要是填词类题目,就一定是对文章具体细节的考查,因此答案一定是出自文章中对应的一个细节,而非是整篇文章。因此,定位显得十分重要,如果定位到错误段落则会对考生们造成一定的困扰。如何定位的方法,我们已经在上一篇文章中做了系统的讲解,本篇文章就不再赘述了。四、有序性在雅思阅读的众多题型中,有部分题型答案的分布在文章中是有顺序的,答案也是按照在文章中的顺序出现的,有部分题目答案的分布则是乱序的。填词类的题目除了少数题目外,大部分题目都是遵循有序性这个原则在文章中出现的,因此,考生们可以根据这一特点,通过题号在文章中的出处,通过上下题在文章中的出题段落确认未完成题目在文章中的相应位置。例如,如果我们在文章中第1段第3句话找到了填空题第1题的答案,在第3段第4句话找到了第3题的答案,那么理论上说,我们就可以推导出,该题型的第2道题目的答案出处应该在第1题以及第3题中间,即文章第1段第4句话到文章第3段第3句话这一范围内。通过此原则可以帮助考生们缩小定位有困难的题目范围,从而提高正确率。五、确定答案所需词性填词类题目是雅思阅读中会考查到考生们语法能力的一个题型,正确答案必须是满足空格所需词性的答案。按照词性选词也是帮助考生们完成题目、保证正确率的一个前提。朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师们研究发现,在剑桥雅思系列以及雅思考试中,大部分答案所需词性是名词,其次是形容词,再次是动词。在雅思考试中,绝大部分时候,所需答案与文章答案是原词原词性,也就是说,只要定位正确,考生们就可以根据语法知识--答案所需词性去定位句中找到所需的词性即可,所找即所得。只有极少部分题目的答案与文章答案是同一个单词的词性替换,也就是说,通过语法知识考生们推论出空格所需词性为某一词性,但是在文章中出现的是该词的另外一种词性,这时,考生们在填答案时就需要将文章中的词性进行相应的替换。例如,在剑桥雅思8 Test 3 How Does The Biological Clock Tick?一文中我们就可以找到此例子。该篇文章的第二个题型完成句子题35题:“Through mutation, organism can 35_____ better to the environment”, 根据以前所说的确定定位词的方法,考生们可以很容易地找到此题的定位词--mutation, 而所需词性是动词原形,因为该空格在情态动词can的后面。找到定位词之后考生们可以很快找到该题在文章中的对应点,即文章第3段倒数第4行第一个单词,该单词在文章中的对应句为--“Because of changes in the genetic material (mutation) these have new characteristics and in the course of their individual lives they are tested for optimal or better adaptation to the environmental conditions”. 在这句话中,考生们也很快会发现没有出现动词原形,因此肯定需要对词性进行替换。题目是问“可以更好地怎么样环境”,而文章中与环境相关的内容是“better adaptation to the environmental conditions”, 因此相关的单词应该是“adaptation”一词,文章中出现的是名词形式,而题目需要的是动词原形,所以在填写答案时就需要考生们自己填出adaptation一词的动词原形形式—adapt。六、看搭配在剑桥真题系列或者真实考试中,考生们会发现有时明明自己找对了所需词性,但是所选答案仍然是错误的,当这种情况出现时考生们往往就会不知所措,没有方向。例如剑桥雅思5 Test 2 Passage 3 The Birth of Scientific English中,摘要题32题,“This situation only changed after 1660 when scientists associated with the 32 _____ set about developing English.” 显而易见,该题所需词性为名词,通过关键词定位后,该题在文章中的定位句为文章倒数第3段“Although a proposal in 1664 to establish a committee for improving the English language come to a little, the society"s members…”。找到定位句之后很多考生的答案为committee一词,该词肯定是满足我们所需词性为名词这一标准的,那么它到底是不是我们所需要的答案呢?这时就需要考生们通过搭配来确认答案了。在题目中,空格前的冠词为the, 而文章中committee前面的冠词为a, 题目是定指,而committee为泛指,所以committee当然不会是我们所需要的正确答案。那么正确答案在哪儿呢?一般而言,英文中是先泛指,再定指,因此,正确答案应该为该句的后面一句话,答案应该是“Royal Society”。纵观近期的雅思阅读考试,我们不难发现,雅思阅读填词类题型占据了整个雅思阅读考试的半壁江山,它的重要性不言而喻。以上为雅思阅读考试填词类题型解题思路以及做题方法的详尽阐述,希望烤鸭们能够掌握以上做题方法并反复练习,考出理想分数。
2023-01-03 07:22:001

film adaptation是什么意思

film adaptation[英][film ˌædæpˈteɪʃən][美][fɪlm ˌædæpˈteʃən]影片加工; 例句:1.Do you think the film adaptation was faithful? 你认为这部改编的电影剧本忠实于原著吗?2.Do you think the film adaptation was faithful to the book? 你认为电影的改编真实再现了原书吗?
2023-01-03 07:22:102

make an adaptation 啥意思

2023-01-03 07:22:193

structural adaptation是什么意思

structural adaptation结构适应双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 结构性适应例句:1.Evolution of complex structures: employing structural adaptation and polyploidy in solvingmulti-state problems. 复杂结构之演化:应用结构调适与多倍体於多状态问题之研究。2.However, the structural adaptation of higher education has brought new problems to thesystem of radio and tv university. 但是,随着我国高等教育结构性调整的日益深入,电大办学出现了许多新问题
2023-01-03 07:22:311


adaptive 自适应 适配记得采纳啊
2023-01-03 07:22:372


环境适应性 [huán jìng shì yìng xìng]基本翻译[环境] environmental suitabilityenironmental adaptation网络释义环境适应性:enironmental adaptation百科适应性 适应性是指生物体与环境表现相适合的现象。适应性是通过长期的自然选择,需要很长时间形成的。应激性的结果是使生物适应环境,可见它是生物适应性的一种表现形式。但生物体的有些适应特征(如北极熊的白色、绿草... 详细 » 搜索 适应性 高考适应性考试历史
2023-01-03 07:22:461