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i will be there for you 完整版的能发我一份吗。?

2023-07-13 07:18:37

你是要的FRIENDS里面的歌曲《i will be there for you 》么?

I guess this time you"re really leaving


I heard your suitcase say goodbye


Well as my broken heart lies bleeding


You say true love, it"s suicide


You say you"ve cried a thousand rivers


And now you"re swimming for the shore


You left me drowning in my tears


And you won"t save me anymore


I pray to God you"ll give me one more chance, girl


I"ll be there for you


These five words I swear to you


When you breathe I want to be the air for you


I"ll be there for you


I"d live and I"d die for you


Steal the sun from the sky for you


Words can"t say what a love can do


I"ll be there for you


I know you know we"re had some good times


Now they have their own hiding place


I can promise you tomorrow


But I can"t buy back yesterday


And Baby you know my hands are dirty


But I wanted to be your valentine


I"ll be the water when you get thirsty, baby


When you get drunk, I"ll be the wine


I"ll be there for you


These five words I swear to you


When you breathe I want to be the air for you


I"ll be there for you


I"d live and I"d die for you


Steal the sun from the sky for you


Words can"t say what a love can do


I"ll be there for you


And I wasn"t there when you were happy


I wasn"t there when you were down


I didn"t mean to miss your birthday, baby


I wish I"d seen you blow those candles out


I"ll be there for you


These five words I swear to you


When you breathe I want to be the air for you


I"ll be there for you


I"d live and I"d die for you


Steal the sun from the sky for you


Words can"t say what a love can do


I"ll be there for you



Hi ,friends, long time no see. I am back from the practical training now . I have learnt a lot from it ,but, to my disappointed, I didnu2019t like the word at all, Because I had to do the same thing day after day in that period . At the same time ,the work is easy and dull, which rather let me down. In a word ,it is over now, so I am happy.

In the past diary entries, I mentioned that I want to enhance my oral English, and I have a good idea now. you might have heard of the terra cotta warriors ,which is located in SHAANXI, where I lived,but It is a bit far away from my school .however, The Shaanxi History museum and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda are just around my school. Both of them are very famous at home and abroad, attracting millions of visitors every year. What is more, many of them are foreigners, though I donu2019t know which kind of language they speak.

What I am planning to do sounds a little bit crazy. I will apply to be a volunteer serving for foreign visitors in the two sites mentioned above. Maybe there will be no uniforms for me ,because there have not been any such kind of volunteers before. It is more difficult for me that my oral English is not enough to cope with unexpected situations. Of course ,I will try my best to recite many English guide books in advance.

If you were a visitor in XI"AN ,and a young Chinese guy come up to you, and he said he could be a voluntary guide for you. Are you willing to accept it? What would you think of it ? I hope you to tell me ,and if everything goes as planned, I will be a volunteer serving for foreign visitors in the summer vacation. My friends ,give me some suggestions or your opinions!


yesterday you said tomorrow 什么意思

2023-07-12 22:32:034

yesterday you said tomorrow什么意思

2023-07-12 22:32:523

Yesterday you said tomorrow.请问什么意思

今日事今日毕,just do it.
2023-07-12 22:33:005

yesterday yod sald tomorrow什么意思?

Yesterday you said tomorrow.意思是: 昨天你已经说明天了。。
2023-07-12 22:33:151

如何翻译 Nike 的广告词「Yesterday You Said Tomorrow」?

2023-07-12 22:33:245

yesterday you said tomorrow翻译

我个人觉得,要表达的意思是,昨天你说明天会怎样怎样,而昨天说的明天就是今天了,你不应该只是说“我明天要怎样”,而是“just do it”---立即去做
2023-07-12 22:33:401


2023-07-12 22:33:496


第一条,我认为非常好:The best or nothingThink smallYesterday you said tomorrow还有一条,我认为也很好:nothing is impossible
2023-07-12 22:34:088


1、把1000首歌装到口袋里。 苹果MP3 iPod 2、喝杯水都可感知的精准。 3、仅次于床上的睡眠体验。 李叫兽为花色优品睡小宝写的文案 4、它很丑,但它能带你到想去的地方。 (大众甲壳虫) 5、三毫米的旅程,一颗好葡萄要走十年。 (长城葡萄酒) 6、在东京失恋了,幸好酒很烈。 极上吉乃川,卖给少女的酒 7、太不巧,这就是我。 8、一年买两件好衣服是道德的。 中兴百货 9、长得漂亮是本钱,把钱花得漂亮是本事。 (全联超市) 10、在世界范围内的交流,只有音乐和巧克力不受语言的限制。 日本乐口巧克力糖 11、有多少心,用多少心,中国路,大众心。 大众进入中国十周年的广告 12、打开车门就是家门。 滴滴打车 13、世间所有的内向,都是聊错了对象。 (陌陌) 14、陌生并不存在,因为我们都有同样的孤独。 (陌陌) 15、别赶路,去感受路。 (沃尔沃) 16、用快乐美容,绝无副作用。 《悦己》杂志 17、最温馨的那盏灯,一定在你回家的路上。 (万科) 18、没有CEO,只有邻居。 (万科) 19、就算是家人,也要继续当恋人。 (BenQ投影仪) 20、用实力让情怀落地。 (JEEP) 21、别说你爬过的山,只有早高峰。 出自MINI,早高峰这座山我已爬了多年 22、世界上有一种专门拆散亲子关系的怪物,叫做长大。 出自台湾奇美液晶电视,看一眼就忘不了的一句文案 23、为自己谈个好价钱,生活里再也不关心价钱。 出自智联招聘,懂你的价值,更懂你的心 24、每个认真生活的人都值得被认真对待。 出自蚂蚁金服,5组平面广告也很赞 25、真正喜欢你的人,24小时都有空;想送你的人,东南西北都顺路。 出自滴滴打车 26、衣服是最动人的语言。 出自淘宝女装,女人的真心话从不挂在嘴上,只会穿在身上 27、他忘记了很多事情,但他从未忘记爱你。 出自央视公益广告《打包篇》,看一次催一次泪的广告 28、你未必出类拔萃,但肯定与众不同。 出自台湾求职服务机构104银行,多么鼓舞人心的一句Slogan 29、爱,是陪我们行走一生的行李。 出自2016年央视春节公益广告《行李》,手动点赞,不能同意更多 30、与其在别处仰望,不如在这里并肩。 出自腾讯微博,看到这句就想起Spenser老师的名句:我们各自攀登,于更高处相逢 31、弹指间,心无间。 出自腾讯QQ12周年的广告,自动回忆起在QQ上美好聊天的历程 32、所有的光芒,都需要时间才能被看到。 出自锤子手机,所有的坚持,也都需要时间才能被看到 33、漂亮得不像实力派。 同样出自锤子手机,不得不说,美貌也是实力的一种 34、十年,三亿人的账单算得清,美好的改变算不清。 出自2014年支付宝推出的《账单日记》,我曾经非常喜欢的一个广告,现在依然喜欢,对这种小清新式的温情广告没有免疫力 35、去哪里不重要,重要的是去啊。 出自去啊,停下来想想,去哪里也挺重要的 36、停下来,享受美丽。 出自美即面膜,面膜类的文案记住的只有两句,一句是美即面膜的这句,另一句是黑小指老师写的:一下子让你变白的面膜来历都不清白 37、我能经得住多大诋毁,就能担得起多少赞美。 出自范冰冰代言的诺基亚N9广告《不跟随》,霸气不解释 38、Yesterday you said tomorrow. 出自耐克,一句话戳中拖延症 39、身未动,心已远。 出自旅游卫视 40、重要的不是什么都拥有,而是你想要的恰好在身边。 出自斯柯达汽车,看起来很像金融卡业务广告的汽车广告 41、你本来就很美。 出自自然堂,简单却十分有力量的Slogan 42、肌肤与你,无尽可能,肌肤与你,越变越美。 出自玉兰油,越读越喜欢,美好而亲切 43、比女人更了解女人。 出自雅芳,站在女人的角度看女人的问题,怎能不深刻 44、美来自内心,美来自美宝莲。 出自美宝莲,不说也知道啦 45、你值得拥有。 出自欧莱雅,就是这么自信 46、服适人生。 出自优衣库,简约优质创美好 47、卸下你心里的围墙,你会发现生活的原味。 出自万科,唤醒你深藏内心的美好 48、睡好美容觉,会来的总会来。 出自钱皇蚕丝被,被治愈一切 49、哪里有寒冬,哪里就会有人燃起灶火。 出自回家吃饭APP 50、自律给我自由。 出自Keep,运动的时候最能感受到这句文案的伟大 再来一批 1、我们不生产水,我们只是大自然的搬运工。 出自农夫山泉,严肃八卦也有一句类似的口号:我们不生产八卦,我们只是娱乐圈的搬运工 2、有两样东西我不会错过——回家的末班车和尽情享受每一刻的机会。 出自德芙 3、Office不用太大,装得下梦想就好。 出自办公室租赁广告,房子不用太大,装得下幸福就好 4、一味标榜内涵而忽视门面,也是种肤浅。 出自《悦己》杂志,一种"没有人有义务必须透过你邋遢的外表去发现你优秀的内在"的即视感 5、只要步履不停,我们总会遇见。 出自淘宝服装品牌步履不停 6、一切言语,不如回家吃饭。 出自回家吃饭APP 7、唯有美食与爱不可辜负。 出自下厨房 8、有人驱逐我,就有人欢迎我。 出自豆瓣,我们的精神角落 9、男人不止一面。 出自七匹狼 10、伟大的反义词不是失败,而是不去拼。 出自Nike《活出你的伟大》系列广告,私以为是这个系列里最燃的一句 11、就算你衣食无忧,也觉得你处处需要照顾。 出自梁朝伟代言的丸美眼霜广告《眼》 12、一生,活出不止一生。 出自人头马,人生不受限,一生可以活出不止一生 13、热爱我的热爱。 出自雪佛兰汽车。 14、未来,为我而来。 出自雪佛兰汽车,2013年苏宁电器校招的时候,也用了这句的改编版:让未来,现在就来 15、有兄弟,才有阵营。 出自红星二锅头 16、曾是梦想家,梦没了,只剩想家。 出自统一的茗茗是茶,比较有名的是它的"看不惯"系列,明明是……何必/何需/却……的句式,明明不懂欣赏,何必用力鼓掌,明明不喜欢孤单,却偏偏说一个人真好 17、没有一定高度,不适合如此低调。 出自万科兰乔圣菲 18、踩惯了红地毯,会梦见石板路。 出自万科兰乔圣菲 19、唯有时间,让爱,更了解爱。 出自铁达时 20、让好奇心不再孤单。 出自知乎 21、多少崎岖,一一走过。 出自飞利浦电熨斗 22、热血洒向哪里,青春都会落幕。 出自电影《观音山》海报文案 23、你忘记的,我都记得。 出自电影《37次想你》海报文案 24、每个人只能陪你走一段路。 出自电影《山河故人》海报文案 25、将所有一言难尽,一饮而尽。 出自红星二锅头 26、每个人都是生活的导演。 出自土豆网 27、味至浓时是故乡。 出自下厨房 28、这一生,我们都走在回家的路上。 出自央视公益广告《回家篇》,看一次哭一次的公益广告 29、门外世界,门里是家。 出自央视公益广告《门》 30、别把酒留在杯里,别把话放在心里。 出自2016年父亲节泸州老窖微电影 31、每一次你花的钱,都是在为你想要的世界投票。 没有找到出处,但现在这句话仿佛已经变成了放肆买买买的自我催眠,哈哈 32、生活是否美好,取决于拥有怎样的日常。 出自2016年红星美凯龙的广告《更好的日常》,让日常不寻常 33、是谁来自山川湖海,却囿于昼夜,厨房与爱。 出自万能青年旅店乐队《揪心的玩笑与漫长的白日梦》歌词,下厨房用了这句当文案,也用了另一句关于厨房与爱的文案:南来或北往,愿为一人下厨房 34、走场的应酬越来越多,走心的朋友越来越少。 出自2016年天猫全球酒水节广告 35、家在哪里,胃最知道。 出自回家吃饭APP 36、讲个笑话,你可别哭。 出自电影《驴得水》的海报文案 37、吃点好的,很有必要。 出自三全水饺 38、离开了家,就开始回家。 出自苏州一个楼盘"归去来"的平面稿 39、你懂得越多,能懂你的就越少。 出自江小白 40、理想就是离乡。 出自网易云音乐评论 41、是你,让春天来。 出自2017年京东地铁广告 42、喝口茶,解人生烦腻。 出自天喔茶庄 43、年轻就要醒着拼。 出自东鹏特饮 44、你的能量超乎你想象。 出自红牛 45、妈妈的味道,是你回家的路标。 出自方太 46、我的星座是大胆做。 出自昂科拉 47、百度一下,你就知道。 出自百度 48、成长只有一次,给他最好的。 出自伊利QQ星 49、复杂世界里,一个就够了。 出自韩寒一个APP 50、生命就该浪费在美好的事物上。
2023-07-12 22:34:401


解忧杂货店读书心得1   有人说,《白夜行》能让你认识冷酷的东野圭吾。《名侦探的守则》能让你了解幽默的东野圭吾。而《解忧杂货店》带给你的,是别有一番温情的,东野圭吾。   《解忧杂货店》主要围绕着一家名字叫做浪矢的解忧杂货店展开一些列不同时空却层层相扣的小故事。   书中含多出伏笔。各个人物的关系看似复杂,却又能相连一起。从敦也、翔太、幸平三位小偷收到月兔的咨询信开始,杂货店就已经把过去和现在的时空连接起来。前来咨询烦恼的人有很多。在梦想和爱人间徘徊的运动员,怀揣着音乐梦想努力平博的年轻人,对父母的爱表示怀疑的披头士歌迷,在事业拼搏道路上踟蹰不定的打工女。其实每个在信纸上写下自己烦恼的人,心中都有一个隐隐约约的答案,他们只是想要的是其他人帮助他们明确心中的答案。   那么,如果是我们呢?当站在人道路的分岔路口。你又会选择什么,舍弃什么?   在人生当中,我们会面临很多选择。正是因为不知道当选择之后会有怎样的故事。所以才需要每步都小心翼翼。会踌躇,会犹豫,会不知所措。但也正因为这样,你的人生才会充满色彩。   书中的最后,是以一封来自杂货店主人浪矢雄治的信作为结局。此处的伏笔是我最喜欢的。浪矢爷爷最后收到的是三位小偷误置入时空转换空间的一张白纸。即使这是一道难题,毕竟是一张毫无笔迹的白纸。但他还是认真做了回复。   信中的浪矢爷爷说,来找他咨询的人通常都有地图,如果你的地图是一张白纸。虽会很伤脑筋,但这也是一件好事。地图是白的,你就可以很自由地在上面绘制你的地图,一切掌握在你的手中。   的确,人生就像一幅地图。没有永远的通畅公路,时常会有山路十八弯。没有永远的一帆风顺,偶尔也会有狂风暴雨。没有最短的捷径,只有一步一个脚印。   当你站在人生地图的分岔口,不要迷茫,不要害怕。就像浪矢爷爷说的:“我衷心祈祷你可以相信自己,无悔地燃烧自己的人生。” 解忧杂货店读书心得2   东野圭吾的《解忧杂货店》买回来放在书架里一直没有时间看,直到周末才翻出来看。坐在窗户边,阳光照射着我和书,就在这晴空万里和周末一片寂静的环境下,我开始阅读这本书………   这本书的故事是从三个小偷无意间闯进一个废弃的杂货店开始的。这是一个能帮人解决烦恼的店,只要往信箱投信,第二天就能在牛奶箱里取到回信。三个小偷开启了时光隧道,于是就收到了一封封来自过去的信……在不断的回信和收信过程中,过去连接了未来。有很多向杂货店提问的信,如:“女子在梦想与爱情之间的选择、音乐人秦郎不知是否该继续追求、舞女晴美不知该不该辞掉工作……”   读到第二章,我会疑惑:“既然这几个人知道鱼店歌手为了救天才女歌手弟弟而丧命才使得《重生》被世人所知,为什么还要让鱼店歌手继续坚持下去?”再仔细读一次我会发现:因为他们不管说什么,都改变不了鱼店歌手的执着,就算说出他的命运,放到谁身上谁又会相信呢。再就是不让他唱歌,你又能觉得歌手会放弃吗。到最后还不如按照歌手想法让其追逐梦想,顺应命运。   是啊,我也曾经历过多少困难与痛苦的时候。每当孤立无助的时候。我多么希望有那么一个人,能够给你帮助,给你信任,给你希望。这个人可能是家人、朋友或爱人,而他们把这些希望都寄托在老爷爷身上。大家都是平凡人,把众多烦恼推给任何人,任何人都无法接受。他们只是绞尽脑汁、尽力的去解决你的疑惑罢了。仔细想想,只要我们认真对待、坚持不懈,还有什么困难我们克服不了呢?   其实就像本书最后提到的。每个前去杂货店咨询的人就好比是,迷途的羔羊,通常他们手上都有地图,却没有去看,或者不知道自己目前的位置。每个前来咨询的人,其实他们内心已经有了答案。而前去咨询是不确定,不知道这样做会带来怎样的结果。就像文章所说,不管是怎样的结果,只要你去努力了,结果也一定不会令人失望。   这就是《解忧杂货店》,既温馨又感人的一本书。 解忧杂货店读书心得3   东野圭吾的这本《解忧杂货店》悬疑性自不必说,其小说结构也很巧妙,刚开始看时感觉是由几个故事串在一齐的,没什么特殊的地方,然而随着剧情的深入,突然发现故事中的这几个人物都是有联系的,而且故事中的人物都很重要,克朗遇见的对姐弟,那个开宝马的女人等等,不是随便的出现,他们都和浪矢杂货店有关,前、中、后的结构联系的巧妙而奇幻,不得不佩服!   作者的构思让你捉摸不透,读小说时,我常常对人物的剧情发展进行猜测,如果是中国的一些小说,你一般会猜个八九不离十,就像中国的很多电视连剧集一样,大家都有一个风格,比如“善有善报恶有恶报”,刚开始在一齐纠结而又互相羡慕的男女主角通常都会在最终在一齐等等。然而,《解忧杂货店》里的人物我一个也没猜出来。比如,刚开始敦也负气而走,最后竟然逛了一圈回到了杂货店,并且最后还有一点重要情节等待着他的完成;那位女运动员竟然没有听杂货店老板的信里的意见;……,开头,敦也,辛平他们几个竟然是劫持他们推荐过的那个女老板!这样的剧情能不吸引人吗?   另外,小说故事很温情,《解忧杂货店》这个名字就很吸引人,你能够以信件的方式向未知的那位“心理”医生苦诉衷情,让他给你一个推荐和意见,你可能深知自我的事情很棘手,根本没法处理,就像和久浩介的父亲破产跑路,还有那个北泽静子要在身患癌症爱人与参赛奥运之间选取等等。但是,杂货店都会有一个意见,就像小说中讲的那样,也许求助者心里已经有一个答案,只但是我们没有勇气去选取,而杂货店所做的就是给他们一份勇气。联系现实,在这样一个浮躁而最后娱乐的社会,我们能够向谁求助呢?你给别人的求助,只但是变成别人口中相传的笑料而已!又有多少真心求助与诚心给予的呢?!我们这个社会同样也需要这样一个“解忧杂货店”!   其实,在读这本小说的过程中,我还一向想着,跨越时空的信件到底是怎样回事,为什么是三十三年后要来一次意见反馈,为什么不是二十年后,为什么就一晚上?以后还会不会有这样的反馈,还会不会又这样的一个穿越时空的通道?种种的疑问一向在心底回响,然而,当你读完小说仔细回味时,当你回想浪矢先生那种准备得体语言帮忙求助者那种温情时,当求助者与给予者那种彼此的信任在传递时,我们的那些疑问还算得了什么。   有时候,我们可能会猜测小说作者的写作目的到底是什么,是传达一种高贵的用心的精神,亦或是歌颂某种高尚的博爱的情操?我看,没必要非得为它穿上这么一层外衣,相反,不加这层东西而让读者自我去感悟体会,作者的意境或许更为丰富、深远,不是有句话说嘛:一千个读者便有一千个哈姆雷特。这个读后感是我自我的体会,不是刻意追求什么高大上的意象,看一个故事,懂一份世情,只是个愉悦,无关其他。 解忧杂货店读书心得4   “阿姨,能不能借我打个电话,我可以给您付费……”我陪同母亲在陌生的省外游玩不慎走散,手机没电更是失去了联系,在我多次请求帮助遭到拒绝后,我颤巍巍地来到一个面相和蔼的阿姨面前,渴望能得到她的帮助。手里攥着仅剩的十块钱。   “不行不行!”阿姨连连摆手转身走回自己的店内。我只得失落地离开,在熙攘的人群中感到彻骨的寒意。我在街角蹲了下来,看见了拥挤的脚步,仿佛也看见了他们遥远的心的距离。   我想起最近读过的一本温暖治愈的书——《解忧杂货店》,想起了三个愚笨又善良的贼的故事:他们逃到一间废弃的杂货店里,无意中收到来自过去的人寄来的烦恼信,他们在回不回信中纠结,却还是选择了回信,希望能用自己对未来的感知和真诚来抚平他们的忧愁,他们帮助了迷途的击剑运动员月兔,追逐梦想的鱼店音乐人,喜欢披头士的浩介……作为误入歧途的三个笨贼,他们用自己未曾泯灭的善意温暖了许多未曾谋面,甚至来自过去的与自己本无关联的人,也温暖了这个世界,温暖了阅读的我,教会我温情待人。而现在,烈日炎炎中,竟无人愿意伸手帮助一个无助的女孩,让我不禁怀疑起它穿越时空想要教给我的温情在人间并不存在。   “我看你刚刚,是需要借手机吗?”我闻声抬头,眼前站着一个年轻的小伙子,我站起来茫然地看向他。他大大方方地将手机递了过来。我突然想起了什么,问他:“你看过《解忧杂货店》吗?我觉得,社会真冷漠。”他笑了,如阳光般温暖,他说:“是很治愈的一本书,找回现代人流失的东西,那家杂货店能帮你找回。社会很美好,只是偶尔也会生病。你要爱它。”我看着他,内心涌起一股暖流……   “你这傻孩子,我找了你很久知不知道。”在我回过神来时,看见的是母亲焦急的脸。这才发现,原来那个善良的小伙子并不存在。我终于理解了面对老人扶不扶为什么会存在这么大的争议,也终究对寒冬里被人无视的流浪儿的孤独无助寄予深切的同情,当然,更值得同情的,还是现代人流失的纯粹。   我抱紧母亲,不禁流下了不争气的泪水,为这个生病的世界。母亲轻轻抚着我,柔声道:“你要好好感谢这个阿姨,要不是她,我都不知道上哪找你。”我看向那位阿姨,竟是之前拒绝我的求助的那个。她双手合十,连连道歉道:“对不起,对不起,之前我以为你是诈骗的,要知道你真的有难,我肯定不会袖手旁观的。”我看着她抱歉的神态,不禁笑了出声,我向她深深地鞠了一躬,感谢她的善意,也感谢社会尚存的温情。   “生命之火如纳豆细而不断地黏丝一般,微弱而持久的燃烧着。”这是《解忧杂货店》穿越时光教给我的事,要用有限的生命帮助他人抚平忧愁。 解忧杂货店读书心得5   “多少人走着却困在原地,多少人活着却如同死去,谁明白我们该去向何处,谁明白生命已变为何物……”汪峰的这首《存在》以前带给我深深的震撼,我们该如何存在,在人生的岔路口该怎样选取?这个听起来哲学意味颇浓的问题其实活生生的在我的生活中上演,与《解忧杂货店》不其然的相遇似乎拨开了我心灵上的迷雾。   也许是内心的困顿,当《解忧杂货店》呈此刻眼前,然后,就是完全不设防的翻开第一页,一眼成痴。意外的惊喜,使我几乎是一口气不舍得停顿地想把构成全书的既独立又丝丝相扣的六个故事看完,但又隐隐为看完之后可能产生的失落感而焦虑。是的,看完书后,我几乎一宿没睡踏实,萦绕在脑海中那弥漫全书的忧伤、无奈和宿命感一向挥之不去。   故事的开头,三个因为偷的车抛锚,只能在天亮之前暂避到废弃的杂货店里的无业青年,无意中在店里的牛奶箱里接到了一封来自于过去的咨询信。原先这个杂货店在三十多年前,是一家能够解决任何烦恼的杂货店,晚年丧偶的店主因为一封封求助的来信,重新找到了被需要的感觉。因缘际会,店主去世之后的来信,就这样来到了他们的手中。而那种被人信任和需要的感觉,是他们在很久以来都没有感受过的,因此,他们开始提笔,以“浪矢杂货店”的名义给人回信——尽管错别字很多,语气也粗鲁不文,但是他们和浪矢爷爷一样,是真心对待这些信的。   翔太、敦也、幸平,他们三个人对这个世界充满了愤怒和抵触的情绪,这是多么熟悉的情感啊。以前的我,为感情从东北老家来到这个陌生的江南水乡,总有那么一些日子,看待这个世界的方式是失焦的,因为不被人需要而找不到存在感,因为力量太小而无能为力的挫败感逼得我要发狂,所以我拼命地想抓住一些什么,来确定我在那里的位置,一些能够帮我找到自我是谁的理由。   明明这本书名字叫做《解忧杂货店》,不知为何开头就读的我心事重重,最后那封回复给白纸的信却又像夜晚天空中的航空线一击中心,好似眼睛发出了亮光却不知何时已然饱含泪水。   这本书打到我心里,让我怀念所有被感动的时光。比起声画,被书打动更让我幸福,那种只是自我感受到的触动和寂寞,没有渲染,没有音效,没有那些潜移默化添上的东西,只是留白给你,自我填满的天马行空,能够肆意想象和参与,真好。人们彼此并不明白,也许过去或者未来的自我,会与他人的命运这般紧密相连,认真作答的每一个人,其实都是在向自我发问。最后的最后,当这个夜晚停滞于杂货店中岁月的光芒消失,人们将会迈出这个屋子,去书写虽然不必须完美,但是也真是因为不可思议地充满了未知而百般精彩的人生。人们会去承认自我的错误,去完善自我的将来,去努力为了梦想而奋斗,去不留下遗憾的勇敢而诚实地活着。人们会遵守诺言,会相互帮忙,会心怀爱与真。如果眼中有泪水的话,也必须会有像泪水一样闪烁的光芒。   浪矢爷爷以前和他的儿子说,“很多时候,咨询的`人心里已经有了答案,来咨询只是想确认自我的决定是对的。”这就像抛硬币一样,把硬币抛到空中的时候,也是有了选取的时候。他们只是迷途的羔羊,手中都有地图,却没有去看,或是不明白自我的位置。”“地图是一张白纸,这当然很伤脑筋,任何人都会不知所措。但是换个角度来看,正因为是一张白纸,才能够随心所欲地描绘地图。一切全在你自我,一切都是自由的,在你面前是无限的可能。”在最后的信中,浪矢雄治这样写到,这是解忧杂货店最后的回答,也是作者对于我们的回答。又或许这本书就是东野圭吾给我们的一封牛奶箱回信,温柔地告诉我们人生的滋味。无论你是什么人,懦弱自恋疯狂失意;无论你做着什么工作,白领蓝领灰领,无论你身在何处,只要你相信自我,热情的用心的真诚的活着,那就是成功的;不论你在人生的岔路口怎样选取,真实的应对自我、应对现实,跟随心的脚步,心之所向,那就是你的人生,那就是你的存在。   合上书,嘴角上扬,我似乎看到了自我来到了这座神秘的时光机杂货店,跑去后门的牛奶箱旁投一封信,写给6年前的自我。“去梦吧,去爱吧,你要明白,梦想喜欢义义无反顾的勇士,眼泪有着不可思议的热度。”   庆幸我们一向在一齐,拥有那么多完美的时光!多谢! 解忧杂货店读书心得6   一开始接触《解忧杂货店》是通过韩杰导演的同名电影,电影里妙趣横生的情节深深地吸引了我!于是闲时,我重新拜读了东野圭吾的原版小说,颇有感悟!   《解忧杂货店》讲述的是一间奇妙的杂货店,人们只要在晚上把自己的烦恼写在信中投入前门的投递口,隔天就能在店后的牛奶箱中取到解答回信。因男友身患绝症,年轻女孩月兔在爱情与梦想间徘徊;松冈克郎为了音乐梦想离家漂泊,却在现实中寸步难行;少年浩介面临家庭巨变,挣扎在亲情与未来的迷茫中……他们将困惑写成信投进杂货店,奇妙的事情随即不断发生。   与以往东野圭吾的小说风格不同,这本书没有引人注目的悬疑推理,也没有跌宕起伏的故事情节,有的则是一幕幕尘世间的烦恼,人们受困其中,寻求解脱!每个烦恼的主人公都充满了矛盾与羁绊,但最终在解忧杂货店的帮助下得到救赎!   我很喜欢书中浪矢爷爷的一句话“其实所有纠结选择的人心里早就有了答案,咨询只是想得到内心所倾向的选择,最终的所谓命运还是让自己一步步走出来的”书中每个来咨询烦恼的人,都想在浪矢爷爷这里得到解决的回答,其实不然,每个咨询者心中早已有了自己的答案,每个人最终的选择并不是浪矢爷爷的回复,而是遵循本心!我们常常比喻一个人的一生会用道路一词来形容,其实一个人的一生会走很多的路,是路就有分叉口,在分叉口前,人难免会很难抉择,寄望旁人给予指引,不如自己将命运掌握在自己手里!如果结局是好的,你可能会庆幸自己的决定,而结局是坏的,你应该后悔不迭吗?不!引用一句网络流行词,只有小孩才做选择题,成年人的世界,走出那一步,就需要承担一切后果,你无法保证在人生岔路口中,永远做出最正确的选择,既然你无法保证结果,何不把每一步走结实了呢,过程对了,结果再坏也不会坏到哪儿去吧!   如果你正经历人生的岔路口,不要犹豫,不要彷徨,大胆的遵从内心做出选择,因为不管是哪条路,那都是你人生的必经之路! 解忧杂货店读书心得7   每个人都有各自的烦恼,然而找到解决的办法却并不容易。书中的人物是幸运的,他们怀着忐忑的心情将烦恼写在信纸上,再鼓起勇气将信投入杂货店卷帘门的投信口,第二天就会在店后的牛奶箱里得到一封写满回答的信。或许,当你将信投出的那一瞬间,心里就已经有了答案,真正明白了自己该作何选择。所以,不论杂货铺的浪矢爷爷给出的答案是什么,你是否接受,最终结果如何,都需要自己勇敢做出选择,承担选择的后果。   每做出一个选择,都会带来意想不到的后果,书中的人物正是依靠这些选择紧密的联系在一起。生命中的一次偶然相遇,会演绎出截然不同的人生。其中的微妙让人惊叹作者缜密的逻辑和巧妙的思维。   如果我可以把自己的烦恼写在信中,再投进卷帘门的投信口,浪矢爷爷会给我什么样的答复呢?   首先,我的烦恼是什么?明白自己应该做什么,却一直在懈怠,在萎靡中度过今天,却依然寄希望于明天。   耐克有一句很有名的广告语:Yesterday you said tomorrow。所以,为什么不从今天开始做一些有意义的事,而总是寄托希望于看不清的未来呢?或许浪矢爷爷会给我这样的答案吧。   其实不论答案是什么,最后的结果都需要靠自己的行为去引导,去实现。   尊重自己的每一个选择,全身心的坚持在这条路上走下去。这才是管理人生的真正方法。 解忧杂货店读书心得8   “何以解忧”,我也似乎有了一知半解。对于很多人来说,遇到忧心的事情,其实心里多少有了自己的决定,只是不能确定这个决定会不会是最好的解决办法。   能够排遣这种烦恼的,要么是来自其他人的一句肯定,要么是获得一个不太偏离自己初衷的更好的抉择。而要是劝他完完全全的放弃自己的决定,是非常艰难的事情,对于他也是件极痛苦的事情,这种痛苦丝毫不亚于按照他原本决定,却最终失败后产生的懊恼自责。对一个陷入烦恼的人来说,来自他人的支持与慰藉,是多么需要的东西呀。   我们都是需要不断得到别人肯定的,所以,何以解忧呢?一个支持对方的坚定目光,再加上一个不背离烦恼者初衷,却又优于烦恼者的决定,显然会是一剂解忧良方吧。 解忧杂货店读书心得9   得知它能与《白夜行》比肩,就带着高期待看了。果然, 每一本书起评分都应该从零分开始,心情才不会有如此落差。   故事叙事角度不断变化是它的鲜明特色,不过最被人津津乐道的应该是它欧亨利式的结尾。   最能触动我的还是解忧杂货店里浪失爷爷的那份耐心、豁达和看问题直指要害的犀利。   每一份来信浪失爷爷都认真对待,包括恶作剧,包括复杂又矛盾的烦恼,包括一封白纸。(对白纸的回复也很有哲学味道:不妨换一个角度思考,正因为是白纸,所以可以画任何地图,一切都掌握在你自己手上。你很自由,充满了无限可能。这是很棒的事。我衷心祈祷你可以相信自己,无悔地燃烧自己的人生。 这可能是我最后一次针对烦恼谘商进行回答,谢谢你在最后提供了我这么出色的难题。)   人做一些事情总是要追问为什么,浪失爷爷为什么要这样做的,也许是陪孩子玩闹的阴差阳错,也许是慢慢在帮助别人解决问题过程中也解决到自己孤单的烦恼和看清了纷乱人世中到底什么才是真正重要的东西。   那么浪失爷爷是如何做的呢?“回信内容直截了当,完全没有任何修饰。既没有顾虑,也毫不客气,甚至觉得词词充满挑衅,好像故意要惹人生气。 这就是浪矢杂货店的做法,这样才能激发谘商者内心真实的想法,让谘商者自己找到正确的路。”这是一位写信者对解忧杂货店如何解忧的总结,我认为借由它我们完全可以看到浪失爷爷解忧方式的果断与直接,我觉得书中有一处处理得非常棒,那就是每个咨询的人并不是一开始就敞开心扉,将所有烦恼与矛盾都呈现出来,在来信与回信往返的过程中,更多背景和不为人知的秘密开始揭开,而这个过程其实就是帮助咨询者慢慢看清自己的过程。   浪失爷爷为什么要关掉杂货店?他觉得自己担了一份责任,他开始怀疑自己是否对得起这份责任:“我回信中的无数回答,对那些谘商者来说,到底有甚么意义,这件事才重要。我每次都绞尽脑汁思考后回答,我可以明确地说,我在答复时从来没有敷衍了事,但是,我不知道这些回答对谘商者来说是否有帮助,也许他们按照我的回答去做,反而为他们带来极大的不幸。当我发现这件事时,我就坐立难安,无法再轻松地为别人提供谘商了,所以,我才会关了杂货店。”果真如此吗?多年后他总结到:“我谘商多年,终于了解到一件事。通常谘商者心里已经有了答案,找人谘商的目的,只是为了确认这个答案是正确的。所以,有些谘商者在看了我的回信后,会再写信给我,可能是我的回答和他原本想的不一样。”看似是浪失爷爷在引导着咨询者走出困境,换一个角度其实是咨询者本人在整个过程中认清自己,通过自己的咀嚼,最后我们可爱的浪失爷爷也终于想通了。“重要的是当事人的心态。虽然我之前很烦恼自己的回答是否造成了他人的不幸,但回想起来,实在太滑稽了。我这个平凡的老头子何德何能,我的回答怎么可能具有影响别人人生的力量,真的是太不自量力了啊!”然而他依然伟大,心甘情愿做一个指明灯和陪伴者。   还记得他给那位做别人的情妇又怀孕的女人的建议吗?这个孩子是这个女人最后做母亲的希望,但是情人又不可能离婚来照顾她,她便陷入了纠结,浪失爷爷给的建议是,这个问题真正解决之道在于你要确认孩子生下来是不是能够健康幸福得活着。这个建议超越了外在很多东西。   还有那个跑路的家庭中的小男孩何去何从,浪失爷爷说,最重要的是一家人要在一起,一家人的心要在一起。相信我,明天一定会比今天更美好。回到我们的生活中,处处存在着选择与纠结,我们判断的标准何在?就从今天上英语课来讲,我觉得我们越来越强调外在的形式与条件了,比如要完成一个演讲,这是一份作业与考核,然而我们经过了如此多的考核为何我的英语依然没有什么提高?我想是整个过程我感受到的都是痛苦都是压迫,丝毫没有学习英语的喜悦与兴奋。这就是根源。   这本书和《相约星期二》有共通之处,在于对生命本真追求到底何在?或多或少对我的生活存在着启发。 解忧杂货店读书心得10   手上刚读完的《解忧杂货店》,这还真是一部“非东野圭吾式”的东野圭吾作品啊。这部作品里没有罪案,没有侦探,而是和《火影忍者》一样,是以人与人之间的羁绊为主题的作品。然而这部毫无推理元素的小说却是继《白夜行》之后,又一部能够给我的灵魂以深刻震撼的作品。   如果说《白夜行》是在地狱中行走,只能以头顶上微弱的星光来温暖自己的旅程的话,那么《解忧杂货店》就是在晴好的日子里泛舟湖上的美好时光,那些看起来似乎毫无关联的细节:被风吹皱的水面、远处不知名的野花传来的淡淡香气、清澈的水底下轻轻舞动的水草,还有错船而过时陌生人微微颔首的微笑,都是组成这个幸福画面的必备元素,也是不能轻易舍弃的羁绊,就像我们每个人的人生一样。   一直觉得人与人之间最可贵的是互相善待的心意。浪矢爷爷与小偷三人组绞尽脑汁为写信咨询者排忧解难,也在他们一封封认真的回复中得到比金钱更有价值的存在感。浪矢爷爷的杂货店生意萧条,几乎是在做赔本生意,唯一的儿子也不愿留在乡下,独自生活的浪矢爷爷其实很孤独,为人解忧成为他生活的寄托。印象最深的是浪矢爷爷对那封空白信的回复,在人人都强调自我的时代,能设身处地为他人着想,慎重对待别人的心声,让看起来一无所有的浪矢爷爷成为最富足的人。而旁人看来在社会底层的小偷三人组,本非**恶之人,无法选择的出身,命运残酷的捉弄,让即便想力争上游也无能为力的他们走上歹路。然而他们并未因此对其他人充满恶念,在力所能及的范围下,他们成为年轻版的浪矢爷爷,人生第一次有了存在感,并因为一念之善奇妙扭转了原本必然走向悲剧的人生。   有人说《解忧杂货店》是东野圭吾版的心灵鸡汤,但我认为这样的说法就像只看到小偷是“小偷”一样。小偷确实是小偷,但小偷绝不只是小偷。把表面看到的当作是全部,是这世界惯有的粗暴思维,却也是看到这本书的我们得以放下单一思考模式的机会。对就是对,错就是错,但在对错之间人的挣扎与改变似乎更值得一探究竟,这本小说隐而未言的重要部分或许就在此。“心灵鸡汤”未必是贬抑词,一碗能让人想一喝再喝,且喝完能脱胎换骨﹑丰富心灵的鸡汤,有何不可呢﹖
2023-07-12 22:34:481

tomorrow 能用在过去将来时吗? 语法高手指点

2023-07-12 22:35:105


白天就用yesterday夜晚就用last night 一、时间状语的变化直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语根据情况也要相应的改动。如:如将now改为then,将today 改为that day,将tonight改为that night改为,将yesterday改为the day before,将this month改为that month,将last week改为the week before,将three years ago改为three years before,将tomorrow改为the next day,将next year改为the next year,等等。如:He said, “I"m very busy now.” 他说。如:“我现在很忙。”→He said that he was very busy then. 他说他当时很忙。He said, “I want to leave today.” 他说。如:“他想今天离开。”→He said that he wanted to leave that day. 他说他想那天就离开。He said, “She left yesterday.” 他说。如:“她昨天离开了。”→He said that she had left the day before. 他说她前一天就离开了。She said, “I"ll tell you tomorrow.” 她说。如:“我明天告诉你。”→She said that she would tell me the next day. 她说她第二天告诉我。  以上变化有时应视情况而定,若在当时转述,now不必改为then;若在当天转述,today, yesterday, tomorrow等不必改为that day, the day before, the next day等;若在当周转述,this week, last week 不必改为that week, the last week;若在当年转述,this year, last year 不必改为that year, the last year等。  二、地点状语的变化主要涉及的地点状语是here,它在间接引语中通常要变为there。如:“I live here now.” he said. 他说。如:“我现在住在这里。”→He said that he lived there then. 他说他当时住在那儿。若在当地转述,则here也可不必改为there。
2023-07-12 22:35:281


1. yesterday歌词翻译 Yesterday (Lennon/McCartney) 翻译:me Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away 昨天,所有的忧伤似乎都已走远, Now it looks as though they"re here to stay 但是现在他们仍然徘徊在我身边, Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我的昨天! Suddenly, There"s a shadow hanging over me. 突然间,天空变得黯淡。 I"m not half the man I used to be, 我已经不再是那个从前, Oh, yesterday came suddenly. 哦,昨天啊,你来得太突然! Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 我不知道她为何要走,她也从未明言。 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 我一定说错了些什么,以致昨天让我如此留恋。 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情就像游戏一样贪玩, Now I need a place to hide away. 现在,我需一个可以流泪的空间, Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我的昨天! Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 我不知道她为何要走,她也从未明言。 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 我一定说错了些什么,以致昨天让我如此留恋。 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情就像游戏一样贪玩, Now I need a place to hide away. 现在,我需一个可以流泪的空间, Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我的昨天! Mm mm mm mm mm. Mm mm mm mm mm。 采纳哦 2. 《yesterday》的歌词 I just cant believe your gone still waitin for mornin to e when i see if the sun will rise" in the way that your by my side well we got so much in store tell me what is it im reaching for when were through building memories ill hold yesterday in my heart in my heart they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday you always choose to stay I should be thankful for everyday heaven knows what the future holds" or least where the story goes I never believed untill now I know il see you again im sure no its not selfish to ask for more one more night one more day one more *** ile on your face but they cant take yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday I thought our days would last forever but it wasnt our destiny cause in my mind we had so much time" but i was so wrong no i can believe that I can still find the strengh in the moments we made I"m lookin back on yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away" but they can never have yesterday all the broken dreams take everything I"m lookin back on yesterday 我真的不能相信你已经不在了 仍然等待着前来的清晨 当我知道太阳将会升起" 在路上,你在我身边 我们有这么多的回忆 告诉我什么是它的IM深远的 当我们建立的回忆 在昨天举行生病我的心 在我心中 他们能带走明天 和我们所做的计画 他们可以参加音乐 我们从来不打 所有破碎的梦 采取一切 就拿去吧",但他们可以 从来没有昨天 他们可以参加未来 我们永远不会知道 他们可以采取的地方 我们曾经说过,我们会继续 所有破碎的梦带走一切 就拿去吧" 但他们永远不可能拥有昨天 你总是选择留下 我应该感谢每天 天知道今后会发生什么" 或至少是故事的结局 我从来不相信到现在为止 我知道金正日再次见到你我确定 没有它的不自私,要求更多 再一个夜晚,多一天 多一个你脸上的微笑 但他们不能拿走昨日 他们能带走明天 和我们所做的计画 他们可以参加音乐 我们从来不打 所有破碎的梦带走一切 就拿去吧" 但他们永远不可能拥有昨天 他们可以参加未来 我们永远不会知道 他们可以采取的地方 我们曾经说过,我们会继续 所有破碎的梦带走一切 就拿去吧" 但他们永远不可能拥有昨天 我以为我们的日子会永远持续下去 但它不是我们的命运 在我的心中有这么多的时间" 但我错了 不,我可以相信, 我还是可以找到的强度 在我们提出的时刻 我回来看昨天 他们能带走明天 和我们所做的计画 他们可以参加音乐 我们从来不打 所有破碎的梦带走一切 就拿去吧" 但他们永远不可能拥有昨天 他们可以参加未来 我们永远不会知道 他们可以采取的地方 我们曾经说过,我们会继续 所有破碎的梦带走一切 就拿去吧" 但他们永远不可能拥有昨天 所有破碎的梦带走一切 我回来看昨天。 3. yesterday中文歌词 我也很喜欢这首歌曲的,给你找到了 Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. 昨日,烦恼离我远去 Now it looks as though they"re here to stay. 现在却重回故地 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我怀念昨日 Suddenly, i not half the man i used to be 突然,我迷失了我自己 There"s a shadow hanging over me. 阴影笼罩着我的身体 Oh, yesterday came suddenly. 哦,突然间来到昨日 Why she had to go 为何她远去 I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 没留下一句话语 I said something wrong, 这都是我的错 Now I long for yesterday. 现在我只渴望昨日 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨日,爱情像一种简单的游戏 Now I need a place to hide away. 现在我只有选择逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我怀念昨日 4. yesterday的歌词 Yesterday The Beatles: Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away 昨天,一切烦恼行将远去 Now it looks as though they"re here to stay 可我如今却忧心忡忡 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Suddenly, I"m not half the man I used to be, 霎时,我与从前判若两人 There"s a shadow hanging over me. 她的身影总挥之不去 Oh, yesterday came suddenly. 哦,往昔在脑海浮现 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Why she had to go I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 为何她不辞而别,姗然离去 I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. 一定是我说错了什么,我只好静静等待昨天 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨天,爱情本是如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 而我如今却渴望逃避 Oh, I believe in yesterday. 哦,我宁愿相信昨天 Mm mm mm mm mm. 歌曲名:yesterday 演唱:朴慧京 yesterday 那时候以一颗孩子的心 妈妈很恨我吧 因为青春期的彷徨 流了不少眼泪 那时候好象一切都结束了一样 乘着小时候的回忆 我的歌乘着白色的马车去那个地方 lovely everything 曾经珍爱的一切还在吧 我小时候在胡同里和朋友们一起 lovely everything 盛着温暖的记忆 我歌唱着明天的美好 yesterday 都给我都不觉得珍贵 善良的人 用与你的回忆添满 熬夜写的日记 像今天一样的夜晚真美 讨厌一个人的时候就叫你 我的歌乘着蓝色的翅膀飞翔到那地方 lovely everything 曾经珍爱的一切还在吧 我儿时梦中我们的约定 lovely everything 盛着不能忘记的回忆 我歌唱着回忆的美丽 以前非常贵的金黄色的香蕉 趁妈妈不在的时候化妆 说了熟练又纯真的谎言 和朋友们离开的海边 我的歌乘着白色的马车去那个地方 lovely everything 曾经珍爱的一切还在吧 我小时候在胡同里和朋友们一起 lovely everything 盛着温暖的记忆 我儿时梦中我们的约定 lovely everything 盛着不能忘记的回忆 我歌唱着回忆的美好 (lovely everything it s my lovely everything) 永远的我的歌和回忆的美好 歌曲名:yesterday 演唱: 蔡淳佳 Yesterday 很模糊 那时梦很美 有Guitar 会让我想飞 Saturday 听著风 傍晚的海水 沙滩上看落日的我 也许会有人爱我 可惜是我没了梦 我也不太懂 那几年的爱呀 要不要放下 该忘了他吗 爱他的心情 可能最后变成一粒沙 没实现的梦呀 还在风里飘吧 飘成一个谜 也许飘成一滴雨 对吗 我问了好久 回忆它却不说话 Yersterday 是条路 多长的距离 我与你偶尔看回去 Rainy Day 提醒我 可以按暂停 等明天在努力前进 梦见我遗憾快乐 要去哪里 不晓得 某一个世界 那几年的爱呀 要不要放下 该忘了他吗 爱他的心情 可能最后变成一粒沙 没实现的梦呀 还在风里飘吧 飘成一个谜 也许飘成一滴雨 对吗 我问了好久 回忆它却不说话 YES 想看月亮 明天能不能不想他 拍拍相片 回忆是我的藏宝箱 想像未来 幸福很有久没有联络 听见了吗 风在说 别害怕 那几年的爱呀 要不要放下 该忘了他吗 爱他的心情 可能最后变成一粒沙 那几年的爱呀 从前的想法 努力记住他吧 爱他的心情 可能最后变成一粒沙 没实现的梦呀 还在风里飘吧 飘成一个谜 也许飘成一滴雨 对吗 我问了好久 时间在风中说话 当时的爱情 也许终於都过去 对吗 我不再问了 始终在风里的他。 5. yesterday歌词 本站歌词来自互联网 Yesterday Once More 歌手:Carpenter When I was young I"d listen to the radio Waiting for my favorite songs When they played I"d sing along" It make me *** ile. 。 Those were such happy times and not so long ago How I wondered where they"d gone. But they"re back again just like a long lost friend All the songs I love so well. Every shalala every wo"wo still shines. 。 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine 。 When they get to the part where he"s breaking her heart It can really make me cry just like before. 。 It"s yesterday once more. (Shoobie do lang lang) (Shoobie do lang lang) Looking back on how it was in years gone by And the good times that had makes today seem rather sad" So much has changed. 。 It was songs of love that I would sing to them And I"d memorise each word. Those old melodies still sound so good to me As they melt the years away Every shalala every wo"wo still shines 。 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re startingTo sing so fine 。 All my best memorise e back clearly to me Some can even make me cry just like before. It"s yesterday once more. (Shoobie do lang lang) Every shalala every wo"wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine 。 Every shalala every wo"wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine。 6. yesterday 歌词 曲名:Yesterday歌手: Leona Lewis 专辑:Spirit- Music -I just cant believe your gonestill waitin for mornin to ewhen i see if the sun will rise"in the way that your by my sidewell we got so much in storetell me what is it im reaching forwhen were through building memoriesill hold yesterday in my heartin my heartthey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreamstake everythingjust take it away" but they cannever have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away"but they can never have yesterdayyou always choose to stayI should be thankful for everydayheaven knows what the future holds"or least where the story goesI never believed untill nowI know il see you again im sureno its not selfish to ask for moreone more night one more dayone more *** ile on your facebut they cant take yesterdaythey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away"but they can never have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away"but they can never have yesterdayI thought our days would last foreverbut it wasnt our destinycause in my mind we had so much time"but i was so wrongno i can believe thatI can still find the strenghin the moments we madeI"m lookin back on yesterdaythey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away"but they can never have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away"but they can never have yesterdayall the broken dreams take everythingI"m lookin back on yesterday。 7. 歌曲Yesterday的歌词和翻译 yesterday昨日 all my troubles seemed so far away所有的烦恼彷佛都已远去 now it looks as though they"re here stay现在它似乎在此停留 oh, i believe in yesterday噢,我相信昨日 suddenly刹那间 i"m not half man i used be我已不是往日的我 there"s a shadow hanging over me有个阴影笼罩在我心头 oh, yesterday came suddenly噢,昨日来得太快 why she had to go她为何不得不离去 i don"t know she wouldn"t say我不知道,她也没说 i said something wrong要我说一定有些事错了 now i long for yesterday如今我渴望昨日 yesterday昨日 love was such an easy game to play爱情是一场如此简单的游戏 now i need a place hide away现在我则需要找个地方躲藏起来 oh, i believe in yesterday噢,我相信昨日 music mm…… yesterday昨日 8. 这首歌的歌词及中文大意 beatles -yesterday(昨日) Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. 在昨日,我所有的烦恼似乎已远去 Now it looks as though they"re here to stay. 而现在,烦恼好像依然环我周围 Oh, I believe in yesterday. oh,我只相信昨天 Suddenly, There"s a shadow hanging over me. 突然间,昨日的阴影笼罩在我身上 I"M NOT HALF THE MAN I USED TO BE. 可我已不再是从前的我 Oh, yesterday came suddenly. oh,转眼间我就回到昨日 Why she had to go 为何她一定要离去 I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 连一句话都没有留下 I said something wrong, 我说错过许多 Now I long for yesterday. 现在的我只渴望昨日 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨日,爱情就像游戏,如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 现在的我却无处可逃 Oh, I believe in yesterday. oh,怀念昨日 Why she had to go 为何她一定要离去 I don"t know she wouldn"t say. 连一句话都没有留下 I said something wrong, 我说错过许多 Now I long for yesterday. 现在,我只渴望昨日 Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play. 昨日,爱情就像游戏,如此简单 Now I need a place to hide away. 现在的我却无处可逃 Oh, I believe in yesterday. oh,怀念昨日。 9. yesterday的歌词和翻译 Yesterday keu ddae neun eo rin ma eum me eom ma man ni mi weo hae jyo 当时年少的心里 非常讨厌过妈妈 Sa chun gi cheol eop deon bang hwang ddae mun ne nun mul cham man ni heul ryeo seo 因为青春期无知的旁徨流过不少眼泪 Mo du ggeut nal geot gat deon keu si jeol eo rin nal ro chu eok geul ta go 乘著感觉所有的事情都会完蛋似的儿时记忆 Nae no rae e ha yan ma cha reul dal ra keu geot se ga myeon 只要为我的歌装上白色马车 去到那里 lovely everything so jong hae deon mo deun ge it jyo love everything有著我所有曾经珍爱的东西 nae eo ril jeok ggum nae u ri chin gu deul gwa 小时候住的社区 还有我的朋友们 lovely everything dda ddeut tae deon ki eok geul dam ma lovely everything盛装起温暖的回忆 Nan no rae ha jyo mae il ri a reum dap ge 我唱起歌儿 让明天更美好 Yesterday da jweo do a ggap ji an deon chak ka gi man ha deon sa ram yesterday 即使付出全部也不可惜的 善良的那个人 Neo wa e bi mil ro ka deuk chae u deon bam sae weo sseu deon il gi 用我们俩的秘密 填得满满的 那个写了整夜的日记 O neul cheo reom bam mi ye bbeo hon ja it gi sil reul ddaen neo reul bu reul gge 当我像今天 夜深时分不想一个人的时候 我会呼唤你 Nae no rae e pa ran nal gae reul ta da keu geot se ga myeon 只要为我的歌装上蓝色的翅膀 去到那个地方 lovely everything so jong hae deon mo deun ge iy jyo love everything 有著所有我曾珍爱的东西 nae eo ril jeok ggum sok u ri yak sok deul gwa 儿时在梦中 我们许下的约定 lovely everything it ji mot tal ki eok geul dam ma love everything 盛装起忘不了回忆 nan no rae ha jyo chu eok gi a reum dap ge 我唱起歌儿…..让回忆变得美丽 ye jeon nen eom cheong gwi hae deon no ran banana 以前超级珍贵的黄色香蕉… eo jup jan ge eom ma mol rae hae deon hwa jang 毫不不生涩地瞒著妈妈化过的妆…. su ryeon hoe ra sun jin han geo jit mal ha go 熟练地说著纯真的谎话… chin gu deul gwa ddeo nat deon ba dat ga 和朋友一起离开的海边 nae mu dae e ha yan ma cha reul dal ra keu geot se ga myeon 只要为我的歌装上白色马车 去到那里 lovely everything so jong hae deon mo du ge it jyo love everything有著我所有曾经珍爱的东西 nae eo ril jeok ggum sok u ri yak sok deul gwa 小时候住的社区 还有我的朋友们 lovely everything it ji mot tal ki eok geul dam ma ove everything盛装起温暖的回忆 nan no rae ha jyo chu eok gi a reum dap ge 我唱起歌儿 让明天更美好 lovely everything It"s my love everything yeong weon hi nae no rae wa chu eok gi a reum dap ge 我唱起歌儿 让明天更美好/song/114069/这是听的网址。 谢谢采纳。
2023-07-12 22:35:341


  1. 时态的变化   直接引语变为间接引语时,若主句为过去时态,变为间接引语的宾语从句通常要将时态往后推一个,即:一般现在时变为一般过去时,一般将来时变为过去将来时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,现在完成时变为过去完成时,一般过去时也变为过去完成时,等等(若直接引语为过去完成时,变为间接引语可以不变)。另外,若直接引语中有情态动词can, may等,也应变成过去式could, might等(情态动词must可以变为had to,也可不变,should, ought to, had better 等可以不变):   “I want to stay here.” he said. 他说:“我想留在这儿。”   →He said that he wanted to stay there. 他说他想留在那儿。   She said, “It"s raining very hard.” 他说:“雨下得很大。”   →He said that it was raining very hard. 他说雨下得很大。   Jim said, “I can speak Chinese.” 吉姆说:“我会讲汉语。”   →Jim said that he could speak Chinese. 吉姆说他会讲汉语   (1) 若直接引语为客观真理,则变为间接引语时时态不变:   He said, “The sun rises in the east.” 他说:“太阳从东方升起。”   →He said that the sun rises in the east. 他说太阳从东方升起。   (2) 有时由于直接引语有特定的过去时间状语,变为间接引语时时态也可不变:   He said, “ was born in 1988.” 说:“我是1988年生的。”   →He said that he was born in 1988. 他说他是1988年生的。   2. 时间状语的变化   直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语根据情况也要相应的改动:如将now改为then,将today 改为that day,将tonight改为that night,将yesterday改为the day before,将this month改为that month,将last week改为the week before,将three years ago改为three years before,将tomorrow改为the next day,将next year改为the next year,等等:   He said, “I"m very busy now.” 他说:“我现在很忙。”   →He said that he was very busy then. 他说他当时很忙。   He said, “I want to leave today.” 他说:“他想今天离开。”   →He said that he wanted to leave that day. 他说他想那天就离开。   He said, “She left yesterday.” 他说:“她昨天离开了。”   →He said that she had left the day before. 他说她前一天就离开了。   She said, “I"ll tell you tomorrow.” 她说:“我明天告诉你。”   →She said that she would tell me the next day. 她说她第二天告诉我。   以上变化有时应视情况而定,若在当时转述,now不必改为then;若在当天转述,today, yesterday, tomorrow等不必改为that day, the day before, the next day等;若在当周转述,this week, last week 不必改为that week, the last week;若在当年转述,this year, last year 不必改为that year, the last year等。   3. 代词的变化   在直接引语变为间接引语时,有些代词也要作相应的变化,如指示代词this和these通常变为that和those。同时人称代词、物主代词、反身代词等也要根据具体情况作出合理的调整:   He said, “This is my seat.” 他说:“这是我的座位。”   →He said that that was his seat. 他说那是他的座位。   “I can look after myself.” she said. 她说:“我能照顾自己。”   →She said that she could look after herself. 她说他能照顾自己。   若场所和地点不发生改变,this和that也可以不变。   4. 地点状语的变化   主要涉及的地点状语是here,它在间接引语中通常要变为there:   “I live here now.” he said. 他说:“我现在住在这里。”   →He said that he lived there then. 他说他当时住在那儿。   若在当地转述,则here也可不必改为there。   5. 动词的变化   直接引语变为间接引语时,有个别动词也可能需要改变,如come改为go,bring改为take等:   “He will come today.” she said. 她说:“他今天会来。”   →She said that he would go that day. 她说他那天会去。   若地点和场所未发生改变,come和bring等也可不变。
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  一、概述   引用或转述别人说的话时有两种方法:直接引述别人的原话,这叫做直接引语(direct speech)。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语(indirect speech)。一般地讲,直接引语前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号,而用宾语从句来表达。   Mr. Black said, “I"m busy.”布菜克先生说:“我很忙”。(直接引语)   Mr. Black said that he was busy.布菜克先生说他很忙。(宾语从句是间接引语)   从上例看来,直接引语改为间接引语时,除将直接引语改为宾语从句之外,还须对直接引语中的人称和时态进行相应的变化,如上例直接引语中的I改成了he, am则改成了was。现将由直接引语改为间接引语时应注意的问题,分述如下:   二、直接引语是陈述句时   直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常省去),that从句之前用say、tell等动词,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。   1、人称的变化   直接引语改为间接引语人称要相应的变化,把直接引语中的第一人称(如:I,me,my,mine,we,us,our,ours)变为与主句的主语相一致的人称。把直接引语中的第二人称(you,your,yours)变为和主句的间接宾语(即听话人,如无听话人,可根据上下文的体会人为确定一个人称)相一致的人称。直接引语中的第三人称(he,him,his,she,her,hers,it,its,they,their,theirs,them)变为间接引语时,人称不变。   He said , “I like it very much.”他说:“我非常喜欢它”。   →He said that he liked it very much. 他说他非常喜欢它。(I改为he, it不变)   He said, “You told me this story.”他说:“你给我讲过这个故事。”   →He said that I had told him that story.他说我给他讲过那个故事。(You改为I, me改为him, told改为had told)   He said to me, “She"s left her book in your room”.他对我说:“她把书放在你的房间里去了。”   He told me that she had left her book in my room. 他对我说她把书放在我的房间里去了。(She"s→she had, her不变,your→my)   2、时态的变化   (1)主句的谓语动词是一般过去时   直接引语 间接引语   一般现在时 一般过去时   现在进行时 过去进行时   现在完成时 过去完成时   一般过去时 过去完成时   过去完成时 过去完成时(不变)   一般将来时 过去将来时   一般将来进行时 过去将来进行时   一般将来完成时 过去将来完成时   如主句的"谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。直接引语改为间接引语时,动词时态相应变化表:   He said, “I usually watch TV on Sunday.”他说:“我常在星期天看电视”。   →He said that he usually watched TV on Sunday.他说他常在星期天看电视。   He said, “I"m using the knife.”他说:“我正在用小刀。”   →He said that he was using the knife.他说他正在用小刀。   She said, “I have not heard from him since May.”她说:“自从五月份来我就没有收到他的来信。”   →She said that she had not heard from him since May. 她说自从五月份以来她就没收到他的来信。   He said,“I came to help you.”他说:“我来帮助你。”   →He said that he had come to help me.他说他来帮助我。   He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.”他说:“晚饭前我己做完了作业。”   →He said that he had finished his homework before supper.他说晚饭前他己做完了作业。   Zhou Lan said, “I"ll do it after class.”周兰说:“下课后我就去做。”   →Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class.周兰说下课后她就去做。   He said,“I shall be doing my homework then.”他说:“那时我将正在做作业。”   →He said that he should be doing his homework then.他说那时他将正在做作业。   He said, “We shall have finished the work by that time.”他说:“我们将在那时以前完成工作。”   →He said that they should have finished the work by that time.他说他们将在那时以前完成工作。   注意:直接引语如果是客观真理、名人名言、与一个具体的过去时间连用说明客观事实时,变为间接引语时,时态不变。   The teacher said, “The earth is round. ”老师说:“地球是圆的。”   →The teacher said that the earth is round.老师说地球是圆的。   He said, “I was born in Shangdong in 1965.”他说: “我1965年生于山东。”   →He said that he was born in Shangdong in 1965. 他说他1965年生于山东。   He said, “Columbus discovered America in 1492.”他说:“哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。”   →He said Columbus discovered America in 1492.他说哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。   (2)主句的谓语动词是现在时或将来时   如果主句的谓语动词是现在时或将来时,直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一律不变   He says, “I finished the work.”他说:“我做完工作了。”   He says that he finished the work. 他说他做完工作了。   He will say, “I have watered the flowers.”他会说:“我己经浇花了。”   He will say he has watered the flowers. 他会说他己经浇花了。   3、指示代词、时间状语和地点状语的相应变化   直接引语 间接引语   指示代词 this/thesethat/those   时间状语now then   today that day   tonight that night   this week (month…) that week (month…)   yesterdaythe day before   last week (month…) the week (month…)before   two weeks (month)ago two weeks (months)before   tomorrow the next day   next week (month…) the next week (month…)   地点状语 herethere   动 词 come---go Bring---take   He said, “I met Mr. Smith this morning.”他说“我今天早晨见到史密斯了。”   He said that he had met Mr. Smith that morning. 他说他那天早晨见到史密斯了。   He said, “We went to the cinema yesterday.”他说:“我们昨天去电影院了。”   →He said they had gone to the cinema the day before. 他说前一天他们去电影院了。   Lily said, “I will come back next month.”莉莉说:“我下个月回来。”   →Lily said that she would go back the next month. 莉莉说她下一个月就回去。   He said, “It is nine o"clock now.”他说:“现在九点了。”   →He said that it was nine o"clock then.他说那时九点了。   He said, “I haven"t seen her today.”他说:“今天我没见到她。”   →He said that he hadn"t seen her that day .他说那天他没有见到她。   She said, “I went there yesterday.”她说:“昨天我去了那儿。”   →She said that she had gone there the day before.她说前一天她去了那儿。   She said, “I"ll go there tomorrow.”她说:“明天我将去那儿。”   →She said that she would go there the next day.她说第二天她将去那儿。   He said, “My sister was here three days ago.”他说:“三天前我妹妹在这儿。”   →He said that his sister had been there three days before.他说三天前他妹妹在那儿。(here→there; ago→before)   She said, “I will come here this evening.”她说:“今晚我将来这儿。”   →She said that she would go there that evening.她说那晚她将去那儿。(come→go;here→there;this→that)   以上这些变化,要根据说话的具体时间和具体地点的情况而定,不可机械照搬。如果就在当地转述,here就不必改为there, come也不必改为go,如果就在当天转述,yesterday或tomorrow等时间状语也不必改变。直接引语中的一般过去时如与一个具体的过去时间状语连用,间接引语的一般过去时时态不变。   Father said,“I am free this afternoon ”父亲说:“我今天下午有空。”   →Father said that he was free this afternoon. 父亲说他今天下午有空。   He said, “I am going there tomorrow.”他说“我明天去那里。”   He said that he was going there tomorrow. 他说他明天去那里。   巧记:去掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活,时态向后退一步,状语变化按规定。   三、直接引语是疑问句时   直接引语如为疑问句,改为间接引语时,须将疑问句的语序改为陈述句的语序。其人称、时态等相应的变化同上。   巧记:if(或whether)替引号,陈述语序要记牢。时态、人称和状语要变化,千万别把它忘掉。   1、直接引语是一般问句   变为间接引语时,须用连接词whether或if将其引出,使其成为间接引语的宾语从句。如果主句中的谓语动词为said,则将其改为asked。如果谓语动词后没有间接宾语,可以加上一个间接宾语me, him, her, them, us等。   She said, “Is your father an engineer?”她说:“你父亲是工程师吗?”   →She asked me whether my father was an engineer.她问我说我父亲是否是工程师。   The teacher said to Li Ming, “Have you finished your homework?”老师对李明说:“你做完作业了吗?”   →The teacher asked Li Ming whether he had finished his homework.老师问李明是否已做完作业了。   2、直接引语是特殊问句   如果直接引语为特殊疑问句, 改为间接引语时,仍用特殊疑问句中的疑问词what, where, when, who, how many作为连接词将其引出,构成间接引语中的宾语从句,但须将疑问式的动词改为陈述式。如果主句中的谓语动词为said,则将其改为asked。   巧记:直接去引号,陈述语序莫忘掉。助动do(does)、did,要去掉。   “What do you do every Sunday morning?”my friend said to me.我的朋友问我说,每星期天上午你做什么?   →My friend asked me what I did every Sunday morning. 我的朋友问我每星期天上午我做什么。   “Where have you been, Li Ming?”the teacher asked. 老师问道:“你上哪里去了,李明?”   →The teacher asked Li Ming where he had been. 老师问李明曾去过哪儿。   I asked her, “How many English books will you read next term?”我问她说:“下学期你将读多少本英语书? ”   →I asked her how many English books she would read the next term.我问她下学期将读多少本英文书。   “When did you get up this morning?”asked my father.我父亲问道:“今天早晨你什么时候起床的?”   →My father asked me when I had got up that morning. 我父亲问我那天早晨我是什么时候起床的。   注意:直接引语里是:What"s wrong with……?/What"s the matter? /What"s the trouble?/What has happened?/等特殊疑问句时,间接引语的语序不变。   He said to her“What"s the matter with you?”他问她“你怎么了?”   He asked her what was the matter with her. 他问她怎么了。   四、直接引语是祈使句   巧记:去掉引号要加to;ask,order须记住,直引若是否定式,not加在to前部。   转述祈使句时,要使祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell、ask、order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加not。如果祈使句中有please一词,改为间接引语时,就将please去掉。成为:told (asked, ordered, warned)someone (not)to do something结构。   He said,“Sit down, please.”他说:“请坐。”   →He asked me to sit down. 他让我坐下。   The teacher said, “Don"t talk in class! ”老师说:“上课不要讲话! ”   →The teacher told us not to talk in class!老师要我们上课不要讲话。   The captain said to his men,“Fire! ”上尉对他的士兵们说“开火!”   →The captain ordered his men to fire. 上尉命令他的士兵们开火!   The policeman said to the children,“Don"t play football in the middle of the street.”警察对孩子们说:“别在马路中间踢足球。”   →The policeman warned the children not to play football in the middle of the street.警察警告孩子们不要在马路中间踢足球。   I.改错:   1.He said that he is going to London.   2.Tom said they had finished the job yesterday.   3.She asked me don"t smoke in the room.   4.They asked that he was there.   5.I asked you where was he going.   6.The teacher told us not talk any more.   7.The doctor said to his wife, Not wait for me.   8.He asked me who I am.   9.Mary said that she would see you tomorrow.   10.Mother asked what the matter was.   II.将下列句子改为间接引语   1. “Where will you go tomorrow?”, Mother asked me.   2.The old woman said to me, “Please lock the door for me.”   3.The boy told his teacher, “We went to an exhibition yesterday.”   4.He said, “I"ll go to the station to see off a friend of mine this afternoon.”   5. “Hello,how are you?”, he said to me.   6.Tom said to me angrily, “Why don"t you tell me you have been here for two weeks?”   7.John said to Mary,“Do you remember I borrowed a diamond necklace from you?”   8.The teacher said to Li Ming,“Don"t make the same mistake again.”   9. “Are you leaving today or tomorrow?”, I asked her.   10.The nurse said to the children, “The sun rises in the east.”   【拓展】英语语法知识:直接引语/间接引语   如果引语的主句所用动词为过去时,那么间接引语要做相应变化:时态,人称,时间地点及指示词   1)时态变化:   一般现在时——一般过去时   现在进行时——过去进行时   一般过去时——过去完成时   现在完成时——过去完成时   一般将来时——过去将来时   be going to——was/were going to/would   can--could   may--might   2)时间地点及指示词的变化:   here-there, tomorrow-the next day, the following day, this-that   3) 人称变化:根据句意改变人称。   4)直接宾语/间接宾语   主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语   直接宾语是及物动词的直接对象,间接宾语是及物动词的动作所涉及的人或事务,也可以说间接宾语表示动作是对谁做的,或者是为谁做的。所以间接宾语要用名词或者宾格代词来担当。   He gives me a book.(me间接宾语,a book直接宾语)   直接宾语和间接宾语的位置调换时要加一个介词to或for:   主语+及物动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语   Give me a book. = Give the book to me.   Send him a letter. = Send a letter to him.   Show him the new dress. = Show the new dress to him.
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直接引述别人的原话,叫直接引语。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语。间接引语在多数情况下构成宾语从句。直接引语一般前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号。 例如:Mr Black said, “I"m busy” 布莱克先生说:“我很忙”(直接引语) Mr Black said that he was busy. 布莱克先生说他很忙。(间接引语) 1 陈述句 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常省略),从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应变化。在这一方面,汉语和英语有许多相似之处,因此,在做直接引语和间接引语转换练习时,要特别注意句子的意义。 1)人称的变化 a) He said, “I like it very much.”他说:“我非常喜欢它。” He said that he liked it very much.他说他非常喜欢它。 b) He saidto me, “I"ve left my book in your room.” 他对我说:“我把书放在你的房间里了。” He told me that he had left his book in my room.他告诉我他把书放在我的房间里了。 2)时态的变化 如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。如主句的谓语动词是现在时,从句的时态则无需变化。 时态的变化 例句 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 →一般过去时 He said, “I"m afraid I can"t finish this work.” He said that he was afraid he couldn"t finish that work. 现在进行时 →过去进行时 He said, “I"m using theknife.” He said that he was using the knife. 现在完成时 →过去完成时 She said, “I have not heard from him since May.” She said that she had not heard from him since May. 一般过去时 →过去完成 He said, “I came to help you.” He said that he had come to help me. 过去完成时不变 He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.” He said that he had finished his homework before supper. 3)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化: 变化 例句直接引语 间接引语 this-that 这个-那个 She said, “Iwill come this morning." She said that she would go that morning. these-those 这些=那些 He said, "These books are mine." He said that those books were his. now-then 现在-那时 He said, "It is nine 0"clock now." He said that it was nine 0"clock then. today-that day 今天-那天 He said, "I haven"t seen her today." He said that he hadn"t seen her that day. yesterday- the day before 昨天-前一天 she said, "I went there yesterday." She said that she had gone there the day before. tomorrow- the next (following) day 明天-第二天 she said, "I"ll go there tomorrow." She said that she would go there the next (following) day. here-there 这里-那里 come-go 来-去 注:(1)直接引语如果是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如: He said, "Light travels much faster than sound." He said that light travels much faster than sound. (2)如果在当地转述,here 不必改为there,动词come 不必改为go. 如果在当天转述yesterday, tomorrow 等时间状语也不必改变。如何把直接引语变间接引语 “一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如: She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her. “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。 “第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr Smith said。 "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker。 变时态: 直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相应的调整。 现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。如: 1)She said. "I have lost a pen."→She said she had lost a pen 2)She said. "We hope so."→She said they hoped so. 3) She said. "He will go to see his friend。"→She said he would go to see his friend。 但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一般不变化。 ①直接引语是客观真理。 "The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, the teacher told me. → The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。 ②直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如: Jack said. "John, where were you going when I met you in the street?"→Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street。 ③直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如: Xiao Wang said. "I was born on April 2l, 1980。" →Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。 ④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如: He said, "I get up at six every morning。" →He said he gets up at six every morning。 ⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。如: Peter said. "You had better come have today。" →Peter said I had better go there that day。 三、如何变状语: 直接引语变间接引语,状语变化有其内在规津,时间状语由“现在”改为“原来”(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的状语,由“此”改为“彼”(例:this 改为that),如: He said, "These books are mine." →He said those books were his. 四、如何变句型: ①直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。如:She said, "Our bus will arrive in five minutes."→She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes. ②直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句.如:He said, "Can you swim, John?" →He asked John if he could swim. "You have finished the homework, haven‘t you?" my mother asked. →My mother asked me whether I had finished the homework. "Do you go to school by bus or by bike?" →He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike. ③直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必须用陈述句语序)。 She asked me, "When do they have their dinner?"→ She asked me when they had their dinner. ④直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为"tell(ask, order, beg等) sb (not) to do sth."句型。如: "Don"t make any noise," she said to the children. →She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," said she.→She asked him to bring her a cup of tea. ⑤直接引语如果是以“Let‘s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动句词(或从句)。”如: He said, "Let"s go to the film." →He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film. 引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家的原话,这叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,这叫做间接引语。例如: John said, "I"m going to London with my father." 约翰说:"我要和父亲到伦敦去。"(引号内是直接引语) John said that he was going to London with his father. 约翰说,他要和他父亲去伦敦。(宾语从句是间接引语
2023-07-12 22:35:581


2023-07-12 22:36:069

麻烦哪位大神帮忙翻译一下一篇英语演讲(翻译成英语) 题目是“昨天,今天和明天”

2023-07-12 22:36:253

Yesterday--Leona Lewis请一句一句地翻译

tong shang
2023-07-12 22:36:444

Fire With Fire 的中文歌词

你可以看到,你被包围了 无论从哪个方向 爱是你发现 添加到你的收藏 它用来似乎我们是第一名 但现在它听起来那么远 我有一个梦想,我们都跑 昨天一些炽热的箭 你说,“以其人之道还其人之火 用火焚烧火焚烧 通过殿下欲望、欲望、欲望 通过你的愿望。” 如今这个城市黑人了太阳 那你知道正在上升 你能给我看看 这项工作,你所做的一切 你的恐惧已经被伪装
2023-07-12 22:36:534

直接引语改成间接引语 时间副词怎么改?

2023-07-12 22:37:015


直接引语改为间接引语时,主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时,从句(即间接引语部分)的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化,变成过去时范畴的各种时态(实际也是宾语从句的时态要求),变化如下:指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化: 直接引语 间接引语 herethereagobeforethis that these those now then today that day this week(month,etc.) that week(month,etc.) yesterday the day before the day before yesterdaylast week(year,etc.) two days beforethe week (year,etc.)before tomorrow the next/following day the day after tomorrow two days later(in two days" time) next week(year,etc) the next/following week(year,etc) 客观真理时态不变具体时间时态不变注意:情态动词的时态转换: can could may might must musthad to shall should 例如:“I am very glad to visit your school”, she said.——>She said she was very glad to visit our school.“我能参观你的学校非常高兴。“她说。——>她说她很高兴参观我们的学校。Tom said, “We are listening to the pop music.”——>Tom said that they were listening to the pop music.汤姆说,“我们正在听流行音乐。”——>汤姆说他们正在听流行音乐。Mother asked, “Have you finished your homework before you watch TV?”——>Mother asked me whether I had finished my homework before I watched TV.妈妈问,“你在你看电视之前完成你的家庭作业吗?“——>母亲问我是否在我看电视之前完成我的作业。He asked the conductor, “Where shall I get off to change to a No. 3 bus?”——>He asked the conductor where he would get off to change to a No. 3 bus.他问售票员,“我应该在哪儿下车换乘3路公共汽车?“——>他问售票员,他应该在哪儿下车换乘3路公共汽车。“Why did she refuse to go there?” the teacher asked.——>The teacher asked why she had refused to go there.“她为什么拒绝去那里?“老师问。——>老师问她为什么拒绝去那里。Tom said, “We were having a football match this time yesterday.”——>Tom said that they were having a football match that time the day before.汤姆说,“我们昨天的这个时候正在进行一场足球比赛。”——>汤姆说他们前一天正在进行一场足球比赛的。He said,“I haven"t heard from my parents these days.”——>He said that he hadn"t heard from his parents those days.他说,“这些天我没有收到我父母的来信。”——>他说这些天他没有收到我父母的来信。She said, He always feels tired.→She said (that) he always feels tired.她说,“他总是感到累。”她说他总是觉得累。直接引语变成间接引语时,从句时态无须改变的情况:1)当主句的谓语动词是一般现在时的时候,如:He always says, “I am tired out.”——>He always says that he is tired out.2)当主句的谓语动词是将来时的时候,如:He will say, “I"ll try my best to help you.”——>He will say that he will try his best to help me.3)当直接引语部分带有具体的过去时间状语时,如:He said, “I went to college in 1994.”——>He told us that he went to college in 1994.4)当直接引语中有以when, while引导的从句,表示过去的时间时,如:He said,“When I was a child, I usually played football after school.”——>He said that when he was a child, he usually played football after school.5)当直接引语是客观真理或自然现象时,如:Our teacher said to us, “Light travels faster than sound.”——>Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.6)当引语是谚语、格言时,如:He said,“Practice makes perfect.”——>He said that practice makes perfect.7)当直接引语中有情态动词should, would, could, had better, would rather, might, must, ought to, used t-o, need时,如:例如:The doctor said, “You"d better drink plenty of water.”——>The doctor said I"d better drink plenty of water.He said, “She must be a teacher.”——> He said that she must be a teacher.He said, “She ought to have arrived her office by now.”——>He said that she ought to have arrived her office by then.The teacher said, “You needn"t hand in your compositions today.”——>The teacher said we needn"t/didn"t need to/didn"t have to hand in our compositions.She asked, “Must I take the medicine?”——> She asked if she had to take the medicine.〔注〕:此处用had to代替must更好8)此外转述中的变化要因实际情况而定,不能机械照搬,如果当地转述,here不必改为there, 动词come不必改为go,如果当天转述yesterday, tomorrow, this afternoon等均不必改变。如:Teacher: You may have the ball game this afternoon.Student : What did the teacher say, Monitor?Monitor: He said we might have the ball game this afternoon.地点状语及某些对比性的指示代词和动词变化:1)指示代词:these 变成those2)地点状语:here变成thereShe said, “I won"t come here any more.”——> She said that she wouldn"t go there any more..3)动词:come变成go,bring变成take5、直接引语变成间接引语,句子结构的变化1)陈述句。用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that, 如:He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.”——>He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall.He said, “I"ll give you an examination next Monday.”——>He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.(不可说told that)此外主句中的谓语还常有:repeat, whisper, answer, reply, explain, announce, declare, think等,又如:He said,“I"m late because of the heavy traffic.”——> He explained to us that he was late because of t-he heavy traffic.如果间接引语是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列从句,第一个连词可以省略,以后的连词一般不省略,以免混乱。The doctor said, “You are not seriously ill, You will be better soon.”——>The doctor said(that)I was not seriously ill and that I would be better soon.2)直接引语为一般疑问句,(也称是否疑问句,)间接引语用连词whether或if引导,原主句中谓语动词sai-d要改为asked(me/him/us等),语序是陈述句的语序,这一点非常重要。He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”——>He asked(me)whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation.He said, “You are interested in English, aren"t you?”——>He asked whether I was interested in English.3) 直接引语为选择疑问句,间接引语用whether…or…表达,而不用if…or…,也不用either…or…. 如:He asked, “Do you speak English or French?”——>He asked me whether I spoke English or French.I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?”——>I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.4)直接引语为特殊疑问句,改成间接引语时,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,主句的谓语动词用ask(sb.)来表达,语序改为陈述句语序。如:He asked,“What"s your name?”——> He asked(me)what my name was.He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”——>He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.5)直接引语为祈使句时,改为间接引语,用带to的不定式表达,谓语动词常是ask, advise, tell, warn, orde-r, request等。如ask sb. to do,(由肯定祈使句变成)ask sb. not to do(由否定祈使句转变),并且在不定式短语中的时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都作相应的变化。如:He said,“Be seated, please.”——> He asked us to be seated.“Do be careful with your handwriting.” He said.——>He told me to be careful with my handwriting.“Never come here again!” said the officer nearby.——>The officer ordered the villagers never to go there again.“Don"t touch anything in the lab without permission,” the teacher said.——>The teacher warned the students not to touch anything in the lab without permission.6)有些含有“建议”、“劝告”的祈使句,可用suggest, insist, offer等动词转述,如:He said, “Let"s have a rest.”——> He suggested our having a rest.He said, “Let me help you.”——> He offered to help me.7)当直接引语形式上是疑问句,有表示请求,建议意义时,可用ask sb. to do sth. /suggest doing/advise s-b. to do sth. 等形式转述。如:“Would you mind opening the door?” he asked.——>He asked me to open the door.“Why not going out for a walk?” he asked us.——>He advised us to go out for a walk. 或He suggested we go out for a walk.8)直接引语是感叹句时,变间接引语可用what或how引导,也可用that引导,如:She said, “What a lovely day it is!”——> She said what a lovely day it was. 或She said that it was a lov-ely day.嵌套间接引语的从句:如果间接引语当中还镶嵌有另一句从句,则被称为嵌套间接引语的从句,英文叫:the subordinate clause i-n indirect statement。这时,这样的从句要使用虚拟语气。从句动词的时态与主句动词的时态相关联。如:Dux dicebat militem qui fugisset poenas daturum esse. 统帅曾常说,那个逃跑的士兵将要受到惩罚。qui fugisset[逃跑] 是一句关系从句,修饰militem “士兵”,由于处在dicebat [说]后面的间接引语当中,因此需使用虚拟语气。间接引语的动词是不定式 daturum esse[将受到],为将来时,因为动作发生在主句动词“说”之后,而 fugisset [逃跑]为虚拟语气的过去完成时,表示在统帅“说话”之前已经逃走了
2023-07-12 22:37:161

Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gif 什么意思?

我想,它可能是来源于此的Dear friends:To realize the value of ONE YEAR想知道一整年的价值ask the student who has failed a class就去问被当过的学生To realize the value of ONE MONTH想知道一个月的价值ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby就去问曾经早产的母亲To realize the value of ONE WEEK想知道一个礼拜的价值ask the editor of a weekly newspaper就去问周报的编辑To realize the value of ONE HOUR想知道一个小时的价值ask the lovers who are waiting to meet就去问等待见面的情侣To realize the value of ONE MINUTE想知道一分钟的价值ask a person who missed the train就去问刚错过火车的人To realize the value of ONE SECOND想知道一秒钟的价值ask a person who just avoided accident就去问刚闪过一场车祸的人To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND想知道百分之一秒的价值ask the person who won a silver medel in the Olympics就去问奥运会银牌的得主Treasure every moment that you have!珍惜你所拥有的每一个瞬间Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery.昨天已成为历史.明日却依然是谜.Today is a gift.今天是珍贵的礼物.That"s why it is called present*!!那就是它为什么被称作"当下"的原因.Show your friends how much you care...让你的朋友知道你有多在乎他们.
2023-07-12 22:37:454

直接引语转间接引语。 1.“where will you go tomorrow?”Mother asked me.

Mother asked me where I will go tomorrow?
2023-07-12 22:38:176


1。He told me that she would come(come)tomorrow。 2。The gardener said that he cut(cut)that tree down yesterday。 3。I told you I had(have)never played tennis before。 4。What did he say that he did(do)? 5。When did he told you that he bought(buy)this car?
2023-07-12 22:38:322

If I visited my future university tomorrow, i wou

第一句很明显是虚拟语气,所以要用动词过去式,加ed ,因为句子中有tomorrow ,所以不可能是过去式,第二句是过去式,所以是offered,可以变成offers 如果句子语境是一般现在时第三句 应该是had come 过去完成时,我宁愿他昨天就已经来了
2023-07-12 22:38:592

1. We are sure that he ______ (go) to school tomorrow. going2. was3. is4. would5. swam6. works7.had finished8. hike9. helped10. to go
2023-07-12 22:39:062


一、如何变人称; 下面有一句顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如: She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her. “二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。 “第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr Smith said。 "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker。 二、如何变时态: 直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相应的调整。 现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。如: 1)She said. "I have lost a pen."→She said she had lost a pen 2)She said. "We hope so."→She said they hoped so. 3) She said. "He will go to see his friend。"→She said he would go to see his friend。 但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一般不变化。 ①直接引语是客观真理。 "The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, the teacher told me. → The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。 ②直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如: Jack said. "John, where were you going when I met you in the street?"→Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street。 ③直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如: Xiao Wang said. "I was born on April 2l, 1980。" →Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。 ④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如: He said, "I get up at six every morning。" →He said he gets up at six every morning。 ⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。如: Peter said. "You had better come have today。" →Peter said I had better go there that day。 三、如何变状语: 直接引语变间接引语,状语变化有其内在规津,时间状语由“现在”改为“原来”(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的状语,由“此”改为“彼”(例:this 改为that),如: He said, "These books are mine." →He said those books were his. 四、如何变句型: ①直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。如:She said, "Our bus will arrive in five minutes."→She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes. ②直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句.如:He said, "Can you swim, John?" →He asked John if he could swim. "You have finished the homework, haven‘t you?" my mother asked. →My mother asked me whether I had finished the homework. "Do you go to school by bus or by bike?" →He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike. ③直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必须用陈述句语序)。 She asked me, "When do they have their dinner?"→ She asked me when they had their dinner. ④直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为"tell(ask, order, beg等) sb (not) to do sth."句型。如: "Don"t make any noise," she said to the children. →She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," said she.→She asked him to bring her a cup of tea. ⑤直接引语如果是以“Let‘s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动句词(或从句)。”如: He said, "Let"s go to the film." →He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film. 引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家的原话,这叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,这叫做间接引语。例如: John said, "I"m going to London with my father." 约翰说:"我要和父亲到伦敦去。"(引号内是直接引语) John said that he was going to London with his father. 约翰说,他要和他父亲去伦敦。(宾语从句是间接引语) 由直接引语变为间接引语,分以下情况: 1. 直接引语是陈述句时 间接引语为that引导的宾语从句(口语中that可以省略),主句的引述动词主要有say ,tell, repeat, explain, think等。 He said , "You are younger than I."-"He said (that ) I was younger than him. 2.直接引语是疑问句时 间接引语为陈述语序:主句的谓语动词say 改为ask,或改为wonder, do not know, want to know, be not sure, be puzzled等。 (1) 一般疑问句或反意疑问句变为if (whether)引导的宾语从句。 She said, "Do you often come here to read newspapers?" →She asked me if (或whether)I often went there to read newspapers. She asked me , "You have seen the film, haven"t you?" →She asked me whether(或if )I had seen the film. (2) 选择疑问句变为whether….or 宾语从句。 I asked him, "Will you stay at home or go to a film tonight?" →I asked him whether he would stay at home or go to a film that night. (3)特殊疑问句变为由原来的疑问词引导的宾语从句。 He asked , "Where do you live?" →He asked me where I lived. 3.直接引语是祈使句时 间接引语为不定式,作ask , tell, beg, order, warn, advise等动词的宾语补足语(don"t 变为not ). The teacher said to the boy, "Open the window."→The teacher told the boy to open the window. His father said to him , "Don"t leave the door open."→His father told him not to leave the door open. [注意] (1) 有些表示建议、提议、劝告或要求的祈使句,可以用suggest ,insist等动词 加以转述。例如: He said, "Let"s go to the theatre." →He suggested (our )going to the theatre.或He suggested that we(should) go to the theatre. (2) "Would you mind opening the window?" he asked. →He asked me to open the window. "Why don"t you take a walk after supper?" he asked . →he advised me to take a walk after supper. "Shall we listen to the music?" he asked. →He suggested listening to the music. 4.直接引语是感叹句时 间接引语为what 或how 引导,也可以用that 引导。 She said, "What a lovely day it is !" →She said what a lovely day it was .或She said that it was a lovely day. 5.如果主句谓语动词为各种现在时或一般将来时,则间接引语中的动词仍保持直接引语原来时态。如果主句谓语动词为过去时,间接引语中的动词时态按下列变化: (1) 一般现在时变为一般过去时 (2) 现在进行时变为过去进行时 (3) 一般将来时变为过去将来时 (4) 现在完成时变为过去完成时 (5) 一般过去时变为过去完成时 (6) 过去完成时不变,仍为过去完成时 [注意] (1) 如果直接引语是表示客观真理时,变为间接引语,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: The teacher said "The earth goes round the sun." →The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. (2) 如果直接引语中有明确表示过时间的状语,变为间接引语时,一般过去时不改为过去完成时。如: He said to me, "I was born in 1973." →He told me that he was born in 1973. (3)如果直接引语所述事实在当时和目前同样生效,变为间接宾语时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: He said, "I"m a boy, not a girl." →He said that he is a boy ,not a girl. (4)如果直接引语中的谓语动词表示一种反复出现或习惯动作,在变为间接引时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如: The girl said, "I get up at six every morning." →The girl said that she gets up at six every morning. (5)如果直接引语中含有since, when, while 引导的表示过去时间的状语从句,在变为间接引语时,只改变主句中的谓语动词,从句的一般过去时则不变。如: He said to me, "I have taught English since he came here ." →He told me that he had taught English since he came here. (6)如果直接引语中含有情态动词 must, need, had better以及情态动词的过去式could, might, should, would,在变为间接引语时,这些情态动词没有时态的改变。例如: The teacher said to me . "You must pay more attention to your pronunciation." →The teacher told me that I must (have to ) pay more attention to my pronunciation. He said , "I could swim when I was only six ." →He said that he could swim when he was only six. 6.代词等一般地应作用相应的变化。 指示代词 this ---that these--- those 表示时间的词 now --- then today--- that day this week(month ,etc) ----that week (month ,etc) yesterday ----the day before last week(month) --- the week(month) before three days(a year)ago---three days(a year)before tomorrow ----the next (following ) day next week(month)--the next(following)week(month) 表地点的词 here --there 动词 bring -- take come --go
2023-07-12 22:39:142


总结下来一句话 TO 是重点 凡是不知道用什么介词的 填TO基本没问题
2023-07-12 22:39:252

为什么一些英语时态句子有加时间状语有些没有加 ?

2023-07-12 22:39:336


  反义疑问句附加疑问句用法解析1   对反意疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构,反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时,回答yes或no与汉语正好相反。这种省略回答的yes要译成“不”,no要译成“是”。   例:—He likes playing football, doesn"t he? 他喜欢踢足球,是吗?   —Yes, he does. / No, he doesn"t. 是的。/ 不是。   —His sister didn"t attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?   —Yes, she did. / No, she didn"t. 不,她参加了。/ 是的,她没参加。   简要总结反意疑问句19条:   1) 陈述部分的主语是I,疑问部分要用 aren"t I.   I"m as tall as your sister,aren"t I?   2) 陈述部分的谓语是wish,疑问部分要用may +主语。   I wish to have a word with you, may I?   3) 陈述部分用 no, nothing, nobody, never, few, seldom, hardly, rarely, little等否定含义的词时,疑问部分用肯定含义。   The Swede made no answer, did he / she?   Some plants never blown (开花), do they ?   4) 含有ought to 的反意疑问句,陈述部分是肯定的,疑问部分用shouldn"t / oughtn"t +主语。   He ought to know what to do, oughtn"t he? / shouldn"t he?   5) 陈述部分有have to +v. (had to + v.),疑问部分常用don"t +主语(didn"t +主语)。   We have to get there at eight tomorrow, don"t we?   6) 陈述部分的谓语是used to 时,疑问部分用didn"t +主语或 usedn"t +主语。   He used to take pictures there, didn"t he? / usedn"t he?   7) 陈述部分有had better + v. 疑问句部分用hadn"t you?   You"d better read it by yourself, hadn"t you?   8) 陈述部分有would rather +v.,疑问部分多用 wouldn"t +主语。   He would rather read it ten times than recite it, wouldn"t he?   9) 陈述部分有You"d like to +v. 疑问部分用wouldn"t +主语。   You"d like to go with me, wouldn"t you?   10) 陈述部分有must 的疑问句,疑问部分根据实际情况而定。   He must be a doctor, isn"t he?   You must have studied English for three years, haven"t you? / didn"t you?   He must have finished it yesterday, didn"t he?   11) 感叹句中,疑问部分用be +主语。   What colours, aren"t they?   What a smell, isn"t it?   12) 陈述部分由neither… nor, either… or 连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。   Neither you nor I am engineer, are we?   13) 陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。   Everything is ready, isn"t it?   14)陈述部分为主语从句或并列复合句,疑问部分有三种情况:   a. 并列复合句疑问部分,谓语动词根据邻近从句的谓语而定。   Mr. Smith had been to Beijing for several times, he should have been in China now, shouldn"t he?   b. 带有定语从句,宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问部分谓语根据主句的谓语而定:   He is not the man who gave us a talk, is he?   He said he wanted to visit Japan, didn"t he?   c. 上述部分主句谓语是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反意疑问句。   I don"t think he is bright, is he?   We believe she can do it better, can"t she?   15) 陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。   Everyone knows the answer, don"t they? (does he?)   Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)   反义疑问句附加疑问句用法解析2   在回答反义疑问句时,通常用"yes"或者"no"加上主语和助动词或者情态动词。这里的回答是对前面已陈述内容的肯定或者否定,一定要注意避免受汉语思维的影响。   例句1:You do not get the main idea of this article, do you?你没有了解这篇文章的.大意,对吗?   Yes, I do. 不,我理解了。   No, I don"t. 是的,我没有理解。   英语反义疑问句的特殊情况   学习反义疑问句时,除了掌握一般的规则,还要了解一些特殊的情况。这些特殊情况可能是主语比较特殊也有可能是谓语比较特殊,从而导致附加疑问句的特殊变化。   (1) 当陈述部分主语是"this"或者"that"时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用"it";当陈述部分主语是"these"或者"those"时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用"they"。   例句1:This is a boat, isn"t it?这是一艘船,不是吗?   例句2:Those are flowers, aren"t they? 那些是花,不是吗?   (2) 当陈述部分主语是"nobody""no one""somebody""someone"等不定代词时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用"they(强调全体)"或者"he(强调个体)";当陈述部分的主语是"something""nothing""everything"等不定代词时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用"it"。   例句1:Someone is waiting for you in the garden, isn"t he? 有人在公园等你,不是吗?   例句2:No one knows where he comes from, do they? 没人知道他从哪来,是吗?   例句3:Everything seems different today, doesn"t it? 今天似乎所有事情都不同了,不是吗?   (3) 当陈述部分主语是非谓语动词或名词性从句时,附加疑问部分的主语通常用"it"。   例句1:Taking care of our environment is of great significance, isn"t it?   保护好我们的环境意义重大。   例句2:To protect the security of personal property is our unshirkable responsibility, isn"t it?   保护私人财产安全是我们不可推卸的责任,不是吗?   例句3:What we saw was not what really happened, was it?   我们看到的不是真正发生的事情,对吗?   (4) 陈述部分是以"there be"开头的句子,附加疑问部分仍然用"there"。   例句1:There is a bird in the tree, isn"t there? 树上有一只鸟,不是吗?   (5) 当陈述部分是I"m结构的句子是,附加疑问部分用"aren"t I"。   例句1:I"m late, aren"t I? 我没迟到吧?   (6) 在祈使句中通常情况下都是用"will you",但是在"Let"s"开头的祈使句中,附加疑问部分要用"shall we",而"Let us"开头的祈使句中,疑问部分也是用"will you"。   例句1:Pass me the salt, will you? 把盐递给我好吗?   例句2:Let"s go for an outing, shall we? 我们去郊游好吗?   (7) 当陈述句中的谓语动词是"must+动词原形"时,根据must在句中的意义可分为三种情况。(请参考前期讲义"must的反义疑问句")   例句1:You must be Tom, aren"t you? 你肯定是汤姆,不是吗?   例句2:You mustn"t sit here, will/may you? 请不要坐在这,可以吗?   例句3:You must go now, needn"t you? 你必须得走了,不是吗?   (8) 当陈述部分为主从复合句,主句的谓语动词是"believe""suppose""expect""think"等,且主语是"I"或者"we"时,附加疑问部分的人称,时态以及否定关系应该与宾语从句保持一致(此时一定要注意否定转移情况)。   例句1:I believe that he can get good mark in this monthly examination, can"t he?   我相信他在这次月考中能取得好成绩,不是吗?   例句2:I don"t think that they are excellent, are they?   我觉得他们不优秀,不是吗?   (9) 当陈述部分出现否定词或者具有否定意义的词,如:little, hardly, seldom, never, no, not, neither等时,附加疑问部分要用肯定。   例句1:You never focus your mind on your job, do you?   你从来都不把注意力放在工作上,对吗?   例句2:He could hardly understand what you said, could he?   他几乎听不懂你说的话,对吗?
2023-07-12 22:39:471

求艾薇儿最新专辑 Goodby Lullaby 几首歌的歌词

唉 自己搜索咯
2023-07-12 22:39:553


直接引语变为间接引语主要有以下几种情况: 1. 直接引语是陈述句 2. 直接引语是一般陈述句 3. 直接引语是选择疑问句 4. 直接引语是特殊疑问句 5. 直接引语是祈使句 直接引语是陈述句 直接引语是陈述句,变成用连词that 引导的宾语从句.句中的时态,人称, 指示代词,时间状语,地点状语等要做相应的变化 1.直接引语 直接引用别人的原话叫做直接引语。2.间接引语 用自己的话转述别人的意思,或引用自己说过的话。都叫做间接引语。间接引语多数用宾语从句来表达。
2023-07-12 22:40:031


1.宾语从句的主语:一随主,二随宾,三不变。e.g.(1)She said "I will go home ."改:She said that she would go home.(一随主)(2)She said to me "You can go with me.".改She said to me that I could go with her.(二不变)(3) She said to me "He will go home."改She said to me that he would go home.(三不变)2.宾语从句中注意时态1.若主语为一般过去时,则宾语从句的时态要变为过去的某一时态。e.g.(1)He said "I wil go home.“改 He said that he would go home.(一般将来时改为过去将来时)(2)He said "I have had lunch."改 He said that he had had lunch.(现在完成时改为过去完成时)(3)He said "I know a lot about the teacher."改He said that he knew a lot about the teacher.(一般现在时改为一般过去时)(4)He said "I had lunch." He said that he had had lunch.(一般过去时改为过去完成时)(5)He said "I am playing games"改He said that he was playing games.(现在进行时改为过去进行时)特殊He said "The earth goes around the sun."改 He said that the earth goes aroung the sun.(当直接引语中表示客观事实时,时态不受主句影响)3.直接引语变间接引语时,要注意时间状语的改变。e.g.He said ‘I am listening to music now."改He said that he was listening to music then.(此句中now改为then)后面不举例了,时间状语按下面改就对了now=thentoday=that daytonight=that nightthis morningweek=that morningweektomorrow=the following ext dayyesterday=the day beforelast mouth =the month beforeago=beforehere=there(上面左为直接引语中的时间状语,右为间接引语的时间状语)4.最后是指示代词要变this改为thatthese改为those
2023-07-12 22:40:101

求一张yesterday you said tomorrow手机壁纸?

2023-07-12 22:40:372

我要一篇英语文章 关于昨天,今天,明天的

There are two days in every weekabout which we should not worry,Two days which should be kept free of fear and apprehension.One of these days is YESTERDAY,With its mistakes and cares,Its faults and blunders,Its aches and pains.YESTERDAY has passed forever beyond our control.All the money in the world cannot bring back YESTERDAY.We cannot undo a single act we performed;We cannot erase a single word we said.YESTERDAY is gone.The other day we should not worry about is TOMORROWWith its possible adversities, its burdens, its larger promise.TOMORROW is also beyond our immediate control.TOMORROW, the sun will rise,Either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds,But it will rise.Until it does, we have no stake in TOMORROWFor it is as yet unborn.This leaves only one day - TODAY.Any man can fight the battles of just one day.It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities- YESTERDAY and TOMORROW -That we break down.It is not the experience of TODAY that drives men mad.It is remorse or bitterness for something which happened YESTERDAYAnd the dread of what TOMORROW may bring.Let us, therefore, live but ONE day at a time.
2023-07-12 22:40:472

leona lewis的yesterday的中英歌词?谢谢!!

曲名:Yesterday歌手: Leona Lewis 专辑:Spirit- Music -I just cant believe your gonestill waitin for mornin to comewhen i see if the sun will rise,in the way that your by my sidewell we got so much in storetell me what is it im reaching forwhen were through building memoriesill hold yesterday in my heartin my heartthey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreamstake everythingjust take it away, but they cannever have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdayyou always choose to stayI should be thankful for everydayheaven knows what the future holds,or least where the story goesI never believed untill nowI know il see you again im sureno its not selfish to ask for moreone more night one more dayone more smile on your facebut they cant take yesterdaythey can take tomorrowand the plans we madethey can take the musicthat we never playall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdaythey can take the futurethat we"ll never knowthey can take the placesthat we said we will goall the broken dreams take everythingjust take it away,but they can never have yesterdayI thought our days would last foreverbut it wasnt our destinycause in my mind we had so much time,but i was so wrongno i can believe thatI can still find the strenghin the moments we madeI"m lookin back on yesterday
2023-07-12 22:40:566

需要Yesterday-Leona Lewis的完整歌词

曲名:Yesterday歌手: Leona Lewis专辑:Spirit ★ - Music - I just cant believe your gone still waitin for mornin to come when i see if the sun will rise, in the way that your by my side well we got so much in store tell me what is it im reaching for when were through building memories ill hold yesterday in my heart in my heart they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday you always choose to stay I should be thankful for everyday heaven knows what the future holds, or least where the story goes I never believed untill now I know il see you again im sure no its not selfish to ask for more one more night one more day one more smile on your face but they cant take yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday I thought our days would last forever but it wasnt our destiny cause in my mind we had so much time, but i was so wrong no i can believe that I can still find the strengh in the moments we made I"m lookin back on yesterday they can take tomorrow and the plans we made they can take the music that we never play all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday they can take the future that we"ll never know they can take the places that we said we will go all the broken dreams take everything just take it away, but they can never have yesterday all the broken dreams take everything I"m lookin back on yesterday * OVER * Thank you !!! Over...
2023-07-12 22:41:104


1、学好英语,走遍世界! Learn English well, travel around the world! 2、学英语,去留洋。要学好,我帮忙。 To learn English, to study abroad. To learn, I help. 3、与英语同在,与梦想同飞。 Be with English, fly with dream. 4、英我所英,英你精英! My English, my English, your elite! 5、把握孩子的现在,成就孩子的将来。 Grasp the children now, the child"s future success. 6、平凡的人生,超凡的起点! Ordinary life, extraordinary starting point! 7、缔造未来的声音,英语在这变得简单。 Make the voice of the future, in this simple english. 8、未来英语,为您未来。 Future English, for your future. 9、小英雄语来,轻松晋级中。 Small hero words, easy promotion. 10、让孩子们在我们的培育下茁壮成长。 Let the children in our breed next thrive. 11、就在这,让你的孩子展翅翱翔! Just here, let your kids soar! 12、孩子的好学院,家长的好拍档。 Children"s good school, parents" good partners. 13、让您的小孩读写英语不再畏难! Let your child read and write English is no longer fear! 14、母亲孕育生命,我们培养精英! Mother nurtures life, and we nurture the elite! 15、让学英语如吃饭般简单。 Let"s learn English as simple as eating. 16、学英语,要从娃娃抓起。 Learning English should start with dolls. 17、孩子的成才,我们的责任! Children"s success, our responsibility! 18、为人生奠基,为未来学习。 Laying a foundation for life and learning for the future. 19、英语英语这里来,成绩成绩步步抬。 English here, the grade of step by step up. 20、年少学英语,长大本领强。 Young students learn English, grow up strong skills. 21、让孩子学英语,给孩子找未来! Let children learn English, find the future for children! 22、英语,从这里开始学起。 English, start from here. 23、为了完美的英语,学习从我做起。 In order to perfect English learning, begin from me. 24、今天成功的选择,选择未来的成功! Today the successful selection, selection of success in the future! 25、老师方法行,学习真轻松! Teacher method, learning is really easy! 26、学好英语,迈向世界。 Learn English well, step into the world. 27、只有好的教师,才能教出好的学生。 Only a good teacher, to teach a good student. 28、不要让您的昨天,成为孩子的明天! Don"t let your child be tomorrow yesterday! 29、插上理想的翅膀,飞向智慧的殿堂。 Wings, fly to the palace of wisdom. 30、英语起步,赢在中国。 Start in English, win in china. 31、书香之地,养外文精英,成国家栋梁。 Shuxiang, a foreign elite, a pillar of the state. 32、英语人生,从少儿开始。 English life begins with children. 33、非一般的选择,非一般的开始。 Non general choice, not general beginning. 34、梦想从这里出发,为了孩子,为了明天。 The dream starts from here, for the sake of the children, for tomorrow. 35、相信孩子,相信你的选择! Trust your child, trust your choice! 36、给我一个孩子,还你一个英才。 Give me a child, and you"re an excellent person. 37、在这里,能让你乘着英语的翅膀飞翔。 Here, can let you take English wings to fly. 38、精英来自平凡,让平凡不再平凡。 The elite from the ordinary, let the ordinary no longer ordinary. 39、学好英语的基地,成就梦想的摇篮! To learn English well base, cradle of dreams! 40、精英离不开园丁,园丁培育出精英。 The elite cannot do without the gardener, the gardener to cultivate elite. 41、补课堂之不足,学书本之不达。 The insufficiency of classroom teaching and the insufficiency of learning books. 42、未来的阶梯,由此刻开始。 The ladder of the future begins at this moment. 43、为了孩子的未来,请从这里开始。 For the children of the future, please start from here. 44、让您的孩子早点启航! Let your children sail early! 45、学习剑桥从小抓,走遍天下都不怕! Learn from Cambridge to catch, all over the world are not afraid! 46、加入我们,一切皆有可能! Join us, anything is possible! 47、精英乐园,让你收获快乐,精通英语。 Elite paradise, let you gain happiness, proficient in english. 48、我们一同努力,让你赢在起跑线。 We work together, let you win at the starting line. 49、英语学到口,天下任你走。 English learning, the world let you go. 50、您的托付,我们的专注! Your trust, our concentration! 51、信心从这里开始,希望从这一刻开始。 Confidence starts from here, hope that from this moment. 52、来到这里,就等于回到自己家。 Coming here is like going back to your home. 53、学然后知不足,知不足能上进。 Learning is to know the insufficiency, to know the deficiency and to make progress. 54、开口说英语,英语我最棒。 Speak English, English is my best. 55、成就梦想的摇篮,缔造启航的风帆。 Dream of the cradle, a sail sail. 56、今天的理想,明天的美好。 Today"s ideal, tomorrow"s beauty. 57、把孩子交给我们,还你一片艳阳蓝天! To our children, are you a sunny sky! 58、万丈高楼平地起,英语流利基础起! Great oaks from little acorns grow., based on fluent english! 59、造就人才,请从这里开始。 To train talents, please start from here. 60、开启孩子潜能,成就明日精英。 Open children"s potential and achieve tomorrow"s elite. 61、与英语为伍,与时代同步。 Associate with English and keep pace with the times. 62、我们总有办法让您的孩子成为英才! We always have a way to let your child become elite! 63、掌握英语,把握命运。 Master English, grasp the fate. 64、让孩子赢在起点,笑在终点! Let the child win at the starting point, laugh at the end! 65、今天你在这里学习,明天你在社会顶点。 Today you study here, tomorrow you vertex in society. 66、学好英语,让孩子走向世界! Learn English well, let children go to the world! 67、让孩子在学习中自信,在自信中成才。 Let the children in learning self-confidence, success in confidence. 68、成长快乐,快乐成才。 Happy growth, happy success. 69、学好英语,走遍天下。 Learn English well, travel all over the world. 70、走进剑桥,成就梦想。 Go into Cambridge and achieve your dream. 71、紧跟脚步,享受蜕变! Follow your footsteps and enjoy metamorphosis! 72、英语不再难,交给我来办! English is no longer difficult. Give it to me! 73、让孩子学习英语不再疲惫。 Let the children learn English no longer tired. 74、让英语成为您孩子的第二母语! Let English be your child"s second mother tongue! 75、家长不再头疼,孩子不再苦恼。 Parents no longer headache, children no longer distress. 76、今天种下是树苗,明天长成是大树。 Today is a tree, a tree is tomorrow. 77、只要你来,我让你与世界同步。 As long as you come, I"ll keep you in sync with the world. 78、学外语,通世界,强民族。 Learning foreign languages, communicating with the world and strengthening the nation. 79、让少年的梦想绽放光彩。 Let the youth dream blooming glory. 80、今天你听我说,明天你对所有人说。 You listen to me today, tomorrow you said to all the people. ;
2023-07-12 22:41:201

yesterday leona lewis 中文歌词

  歌名:《Yesterday》  歌手:Leona Lewis  作词: Fanessia  所属专辑:《Spiritthe Deluxe Edition》  发行时间:2008-11-17  歌词:  I just cant believe your gone 我不敢相信你已离我而去  still waitin for mornin to come 还在等待早晨的到来  when i see if the sun will rise, 当我看见太阳升起  in the way that your by my side 你陪伴在我身边  well we got so much in store 我们已经拥有了很多  tell me what is it im reaching for 告诉我我还在期待什么  when were through building memories 当我们建立回忆  ill hold yesterday in my heart 我会把昨天停留在我心中  in my heart 在我心中  they can take tomorrow他们能拿走明天  and the plans we made 和我们计划好的一切  they can take the music他们能拿那音乐  that we never play 我们从来没播放过的  all the broken dreams 那些破碎的梦  take everything 拿走全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday 但他们不能够得到昨天  they can take the future 他们能拿走未来  that we"ll never know 我们永远不知道的  they can take the places 他们能拿走所有地方  that we said we will go 我们曾经说过我们要去的  all the broken dreams take everything 破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday但他们不能够得到昨天  you always choose to stay 你永远都选择留下  I should be thankful for everyday 我应该感激每一天  heaven knows what the future holds, 天堂知道未来拥有什么  or least where the story goes 至少故事的延续  I never believed untill now 我从来不敢相信,直到现在  I know il see you again im sure 我知道我会在遇见你,我很肯定  no its not selfish to ask for more 不,要求多一点那不是自私  one more night one more day 多一夜,多一天  one more smile on your face 多一个你脸上的笑容  but they cant take yesterday 但他们不能拿走昨天  they can take tomorrow 他们能拿走明天  and the plans we made和我们计划好的一切  they can take the music 他们能拿走音乐  that we never play我们从来没播放过的  all the broken dreams take everything破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday 但他们不能够得到昨天  they can take the future 他们能拿走未来  that we"ll never know我们永远不知道的  they can take the places 他们能拿走所有地方  that we said we will go 我们曾经说过我们要去的  all the broken dreams take everything 破碎的梦拿走了全部  just take it away, 拿走全部吧  but they can never have yesterday但他们不能够得到昨天  I thought our days would last forever 我以为我们能够到永远  but it wasnt our destiny 但那不是我们的命运  cause in my mind we had so much time, 因为在我脑海里我们拥有很都时间  but i was so wrong 但我错了  no i can believe that 不,我仍然相信  I can still find the strengh 我能够找到那份力量  in the moments we made 我们制造的每一刻  I"m lookin back on yesterday我正在回首昨天
2023-07-12 22:41:272


英语语法:直接引语变间接引语   在英语六级的学习过程中有哪些直接引语变间接引语的方法呢?下面就让我为大家详解一下吧。    一、概述   引用或转述别人说的话时有两种方法:直接引述别人的原话,这叫做直接引语(direct speech)。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语(indirect speech)。一般地讲,直接引语前后要加引号,间接引语不用引号,而用宾语从句来表达。   Mr. Black said, “I"m busy.”布菜克先生说:“我很忙”。(直接引语)   Mr. Black said that he was busy.布菜克先生说他很忙。(宾语从句是间接引语)   从上例看来,直接引语改为间接引语时,除将直接引语改为宾语从句之外,还须对直接引语中的人称和时态进行相应的变化,如上例直接引语中的I改成了he, am则改成了was。现将由直接引语改为间接引语时应注意的问题,分述如下:    二、直接引语是陈述句时   直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用连词that引导(that在口语中常省去),that从句之前用say、tell等动词,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等要作相应的变化。   1、人称的变化   直接引语改为间接引语人称要相应的变化,把直接引语中的第一人称(如:I,me,my,mine,we,us,our,ours)变为与主句的主语相一致的人称。把直接引语中的第二人称(you,your,yours)变为和主句的间接宾语(即听话人,如无听话人,可根据上下文的体会人为确定一个人称)相一致的人称。直接引语中的第三人称(he,him,his,she,her,hers,it,its,they,their,theirs,them)变为间接引语时,人称不变。   He said , “I like it very much.”他说:“我非常喜欢它”。   u2192He said that he liked it very much. 他说他非常喜欢它。(I改为he, it不变)   He said, “You told me this story.”他说:“你给我讲过这个故事。”   u2192He said that I had told him that story.他说我给他讲过那个故事。(You改为I, me改为him, told改为had told)   He said to me, “Sheu2019s left her book in your room”.他对我说:“她把书放在你的房间里去了。”   He told me that she had left her book in my room. 他对我说她把书放在我的房间里去了。(Sheu2019su2192she had, her不变,youru2192my)   2、时态的变化   (1)主句的谓语动词是一般过去时   直接引语 间接引语   一般现在时 一般过去时   现在进行时 过去进行时   现在完成时 过去完成时   一般过去时 过去完成时   过去完成时 过去完成时(不变)   一般将来时 过去将来时   一般将来进行时 过去将来进行时   一般将来完成时 过去将来完成时   如主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变间接引语时,从句的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。直接引语改为间接引语时,动词时态相应变化表:   He said, “I usually watch TV on Sunday.”他说:“我常在星期天看电视”。   u2192He said that he usually watched TV on Sunday.他说他常在星期天看电视。   He said, “I"m using the knife.”他说:“我正在用小刀。”   u2192He said that he was using the knife.他说他正在用小刀。   She said, “I have not heard from him since May.”她说:“自从五月份来我就没有收到他的来信。”   u2192She said that she had not heard from him since May. 她说自从五月份以来她就没收到他的来信。   He said,“I came to help you.”他说:“我来帮助你。”   u2192He said that he had come to help me.他说他来帮助我。   He said, “I had finished my homework before supper.”他说:“晚饭前我己做完了作业。”   u2192He said that he had finished his homework before supper.他说晚饭前他己做完了作业。   Zhou Lan said, “I"ll do it after class.”周兰说:“下课后我就去做。”   u2192Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class.周兰说下课后她就去做。   He said,“I shall be doing my homework then.”他说:“那时我将正在做作业。”   u2192He said that he should be doing his homework then.他说那时他将正在做作业。   He said, “We shall have finished the work by that time.”他说:“我们将在那时以前完成工作。”   u2192He said that they should have finished the work by that time.他说他们将在那时以前完成工作。   注意:直接引语如果是客观真理、名人名言、与一个具体的过去时间连用说明客观事实时,变为间接引语时,时态不变。   The teacher said, “The earth is round. ”老师说:“地球是圆的。”   u2192The teacher said that the earth is round.老师说地球是圆的。   He said, “I was born in Shangdong in 1965.”他说: “我1965年生于山东。”   u2192He said that he was born in Shangdong in 1965. 他说他1965年生于山东。   He said, “Columbus discovered America in 1492.”他说:“哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。”   u2192He said Columbus discovered America in 1492.他说哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。   (2)主句的谓语动词是现在时或将来时   如果主句的谓语动词是现在时或将来时,直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一律不变   He says, “I finished the work.”他说:“我做完工作了。”   He says that he finished the work. 他说他做完工作了。   He will say, “I have watered the flowers.”他会说:“我己经浇花了。”   He will say he has watered the flowers. 他会说他己经浇花了。   3、指示代词、时间状语和地点状语的相应变化   直接引语 间接引语   指示代词 this/thesethat/those   时间状语now then   today that day   tonight that night   this week (monthu2026) that week (monthu2026)   yesterdaythe day before   last week (monthu2026) the week (monthu2026)before   two weeks (month)ago two weeks (months)before   tomorrow the next day   next week (monthu2026) the next week (monthu2026)   地点状语 herethere   动 词 come---go Bring---take   He said, “I met Mr. Smith this morning.”他说“我今天早晨见到史密斯了。”   He said that he had met Mr. Smith that morning. 他说他那天早晨见到史密斯了。   He said, “We went to the cinema yesterday.”他说:“我们昨天去电影院了。”   u2192He said they had gone to the cinema the day before. 他说前一天他们去电影院了。   Lily said, “I will come back next month.”莉莉说:“我下个月回来。”   u2192Lily said that she would go back the next month. 莉莉说她下一个月就回去。   He said, “It is nine o"clock now.”他说:“现在九点了。”   u2192He said that it was nine o"clock then.他说那时九点了。   He said, “I haven"t seen her today.”他说:“今天我没见到她。”   u2192He said that he hadn"t seen her that day .他说那天他没有见到她。   She said, “I went there yesterday.”她说:“昨天我去了那儿。”   u2192She said that she had gone there the day before.她说前一天她去了那儿。   She said, “I"ll go there tomorrow.”她说:“明天我将去那儿。”   u2192She said that she would go there the next day.她说第二天她将去那儿。   He said, “My sister was here three days ago.”他说:“三天前我妹妹在这儿。”   u2192He said that his sister had been there three days before.他说三天前他妹妹在那儿。(hereu2192there; agou2192before)   She said, “I will come here this evening.”她说:“今晚我将来这儿。”   u2192She said that she would go there that evening.她说那晚她将去那儿。(comeu2192go;hereu2192there;thisu2192that)   以上这些变化,要根据说话的具体时间和具体地点的"情况而定,不可机械照搬。如果就在当地转述,here就不必改为there, come也不必改为go,如果就在当天转述,yesterday或tomorrow等时间状语也不必改变。直接引语中的一般过去时如与一个具体的过去时间状语连用,间接引语的一般过去时时态不变。   Father said,“I am free this afternoon ”父亲说:“我今天下午有空。”   u2192Father said that he was free this afternoon. 父亲说他今天下午有空。   He said, “I am going there tomorrow.”他说“我明天去那里。”   He said that he was going there tomorrow. 他说他明天去那里。   巧记:去掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活,时态向后退一步,状语变化按规定。    三、直接引语是疑问句时   直接引语如为疑问句,改为间接引语时,须将疑问句的语序改为陈述句的语序。其人称、时态等相应的变化同上。   巧记:if(或whether)替引号,陈述语序要记牢。时态、人称和状语要变化,千万别把它忘掉。   1、直接引语是一般问句   变为间接引语时,须用连接词whether或if将其引出,使其成为间接引语的宾语从句。如果主句中的谓语动词为said,则将其改为asked。如果谓语动词后没有间接宾语,可以加上一个间接宾语me, him, her, them, us等。   She said, “Is your father an engineer?”她说:“你父亲是工程师吗?”   u2192She asked me whether my father was an engineer.她问我说我父亲是否是工程师。   The teacher said to Li Ming, “Have you finished your homework?”老师对李明说:“你做完作业了吗?”   u2192The teacher asked Li Ming whether he had finished his homework.老师问李明是否已做完作业了。   2、直接引语是特殊问句   如果直接引语为特殊疑问句, 改为间接引语时,仍用特殊疑问句中的疑问词what, where, when, who, how many作为连接词将其引出,构成间接引语中的宾语从句,但须将疑问式的动词改为陈述式。如果主句中的谓语动词为said,则将其改为asked。   巧记:直接去引号,陈述语序莫忘掉。助动do(does)、did,要去掉。   “What do you do every Sunday morning?”my friend said to me.我的朋友问我说,每星期天上午你做什么?   u2192My friend asked me what I did every Sunday morning. 我的朋友问我每星期天上午我做什么。   “Where have you been, Li Ming?”the teacher asked. 老师问道:“你上哪里去了,李明?”   u2192The teacher asked Li Ming where he had been. 老师问李明曾去过哪儿。   I asked her, “How many English books will you read next term?”我问她说:“下学期你将读多少本英语书? ”   u2192I asked her how many English books she would read the next term.我问她下学期将读多少本英文书。   “When did you get up this morning?”asked my father.我父亲问道:“今天早晨你什么时候起床的?”   u2192My father asked me when I had got up that morning. 我父亲问我那天早晨我是什么时候起床的。   注意:直接引语里是:What"s wrong withu2026u2026?/What"s the matter? /What"s the trouble?/What has happened?/等特殊疑问句时,间接引语的语序不变。   He said to her“Whatu2019s the matter with you?”他问她“你怎么了?”   He asked her what was the matter with her. 他问她怎么了。    四、直接引语是祈使句   巧记:去掉引号要加to;ask,order须记住,直引若是否定式,not加在to前部。   转述祈使句时,要使祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上tell、ask、order等动词,如果祈使句为否定式,在不定式的前面加not。如果祈使句中有please一词,改为间接引语时,就将please去掉。成为:told (asked, ordered, warned)someone (not)to do something结构。   He said,“Sit down, please.”他说:“请坐。”   u2192He asked me to sit down. 他让我坐下。   The teacher said, “Donu2019t talk in class! ”老师说:“上课不要讲话! ”   u2192The teacher told us not to talk in class!老师要我们上课不要讲话。   The captain said to his men,“Fire! ”上尉对他的士兵们说“开火!”   u2192The captain ordered his men to fire. 上尉命令他的士兵们开火!   The policeman said to the children,“Don"t play football in the middle of the street.”警察对孩子们说:“别在马路中间踢足球。”   u2192The policeman warned the children not to play football in the middle of the street.警察警告孩子们不要在马路中间踢足球。   I.改错:   1.He said that he is going to London.   2.Tom said they had finished the job yesterday.   3.She asked me donu2019t smoke in the room.   4.They asked that he was there.   5.I asked you where was he going.   6.The teacher told us not talk any more.   7.The doctor said to his wife, Not wait for me.   8.He asked me who I am.   9.Mary said that she would see you tomorrow.   10.Mother asked what the matter was.   II.将下列句子改为间接引语   1. “Where will you go tomorrow?”, Mother asked me.   2.The old woman said to me, “Please lock the door for me.”   3.The boy told his teacher, “We went to an exhibition yesterday.”   4.He said, “I"ll go to the station to see off a friend of mine this afternoon.”   5. “Hello,how are you?”, he said to me.   6.Tom said to me angrily, “Why donu2019t you tell me you have been here for two weeks?”   7.John said to Mary,“Do you remember I borrowed a diamond necklace from you?”   8.The teacher said to Li Ming,“Donu2019t make the same mistake again.”   9. “Are you leaving today or tomorrow?”, I asked her.   10.The nurse said to the children, “The sun rises in the east.” ;
2023-07-12 22:41:351


陈述句与疑问句由直接引语变间接引语的方法 1. 直接引语为陈述句时如何变为间接引语的方法将直接引语变为由that引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后(that引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后(tw Roman"">也可省略)。如:He said, “I want to buy a dictionary.” →He said (that) he wanted to buy a dictionary. 注:(1) 若引述动词用的是say to sb这样的句型,则通常改为tell sb::“I hope you can come,” he said to me. →He told me that he hoped I could go. (2) 若直接引语是两个并列的陈述句,要注意在第二个宾语从句前加连词that:He said, “I am tired and I want to have a rest.”→He said that he was tired and that he wanted to have a rest.在此种情况下,引导第一个宾语从句的that在此种情况下,引导第一个有时可以省略,但引导第二个宾语从句的that通常不省略,以免误解。 2. 直接引语为一般疑问句时如何变为间接引语的方法将直接引语变为由if 或 whether if 引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后:“Have you been there?” he asked. →He asked if I had been there.注:(1) 改为宾语从句的间接引语要用陈述句词序。(2) 若直接引语的引述动词为say,改成间接引语应将其改为asksay等:“Do you like it?” he said. →He asked if [whether] I liked it. 3. 直接引语为特殊疑问句时如何变为间接引语的方法将直接引语变为由“疑问词”引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后:He said, “Jim, when is the next train?” →He asked Jim when the next train was. 注:(1) 改为宾语从句的间接引语要用陈述句词序。(2) 若直接引语的引述动词为mes New Roman"">(2) ,改成间接引语应将其改为ask等:He said, “Where is the station?” →He asked where the station was.” 4. 直接引语变间接引语的五点变化(1) 时态的变化。直接引语变为间接引语时,若主句为过去时态,变为间接引语的宾语从句通常要将时态往后推一个,即:一般现在时变为一般过去时,一般将来时变为过去将来时,现在进行时变为过去进行时,现在完成时变为过去完成时,一般过去时变为过去完成时(若直接引语为过去完成时,变为间接引语时,可以不变),情态动词 can, may 等分别变为 could, might 等。如:“It will rain soon,” he said.→He said that it would rain that night. “She can→He said that it would rain that night. →He said that she could speak French. 注:① 若直接引语为客观真理,则变为间接引语时时态不变。如:The teacher said, “The earth turns around the sun.”→The teacher said that the earth turns around the sun.② 有时直接引语有特定的过去时间状语,变为间接引语时时态可不变。如: He said, “My son was born in 1995.”→He said that his son was born in 1995. (2) 时间状语的变化。直接引语变间接引语时,有些时间状语也要相应的改动: now 现在 then 那时,当时today 今天 that day 那天tonight 今晚 that night 那天晚上this week (month, year) 本周(本月,今年) that week (month, year) 上周(上个月,去年)yesterday 昨天 the day before 前一天the day before yesterday 前天 two days before 前两天last week (month, year) 上周(上个月,去年) the week (month, year) before 前一周(前一个月,前一年)( two days (years) ago 两天(年)前 two days (years) before 两天前tomorrow 明天 the next day 第二天 next week (month, year) 下周(下个月,明年) the next week (month, year) 第二个星期(月,年) He said, “She left yesterday.”→He said that she had left the day before.She said, “I"ll tell you tomorrow.”→She said that she would tell me the next day.He said, “It happened two days ago.”→He said that it had happened two days before. 注:以上变化有时应视情况而定,若在当时转述,now不必改为then;若在当天转述,today, yesterday, tomorrow等不必改为that day, the day before, the next day等;若在当周转述,this week, last week 不必改为that week, the last week;若在当年转述,this year, last year 不必改为that year, the last year等。(3) 代词的变化。在直接引语变为间接引语时,有些代词也要作相应的变化,如指示代词this和these通常变为that和those。有时人称代词也要根据情况作适当调整。如:“I like these better than she does,” he said to me.→He told me that he liked those better than she did.注:若场所和地点不发生改变,this和that也可不变。(4) 地点状语的变化。主要涉及的地点状语是here,它在间接引语中通常要变为there::“I live here now,” he said.→He said that he lived there then. 【注】若在当地转述,则here也可不改为there。 (5) 动词的变化。直接引语变为间接引语时,有个别动词也可能需要改变,如 come 直接引语变为间接引语时,有个别动词也可能需要改变,如改为 go,bring 改为 take 等:“He will come here today,” she said. →She said that he would go there that day. 注:若地点和场所未发生改变,come和bring等也可不变。
2023-07-12 22:41:521

初中英语句型转换Ⅲ(求答案)44.However you are busy tomorrow,you must stay?

44 no matter how 45 unless ;study 46 I have kept the book for two weeks 47 to see ; possible 48 have nothing to do with 49 is very interested 50 it is said ; 1 doesn"t do 2 has; yet 3 doesn"t she 4 how carefully 5 how long; been 6 please don"t 7 does she 8 will tell 9 what"s ; date 10 what will ; be like 11 does ;go; or on foot 12 hasn"t ; neither 13 how often ; write 14 if ; could ;her 15 what do you,1,初中英语句型转换Ⅲ(求答案) 44.However you are busy tomorrow,you must stay at home. ______ ______ ______ busy you are tomorrow,you must stay at home. 45.If you don"t study hard,you will not pass the exam. ______ you ______ hard,you will not pass the exam. 46.I borrowed the book two weeks ago. I ______ ______ the book ______ two weeks ago. 47.I hope I can see him as soon as I can. I hope ______ ______ him as soon as ______. 48.Most of his questions were not about his lessons. Most of his questions ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ his lessons. 49.She showed great interest in music. She ______ ______ ______ in music. 50.People say that the Chinese food is better than the western food. ______ ______ ______ that the western food isn"t ______ good ______ the Chinese food. II.按要求转换下列句型: 1.Tom does his homework in the evening.(改为否定句) Tom ______ ______ his homework in the evening. 2.He"s already finished his homework.(改为一般疑问句) ______ he finished his homework ______? 3.Kate has little bread for breakfast.(改为反意疑问句) Kate has little bread for breakfast,______ ______? 4.Bruce does everything very carefully.(改为感叹句) ______ ______ Bruce does everything! 5.The Smiths have been in Beijing since 2000.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ have the Smiths ______ in Beijing? 6.You can"t write on the desk.(改为祈使句) ______ ______ on the desk. 7.She never goes to school at six.(改为反意疑问句) She never goes to school at six,______ ______? 8.The teacher is telling us a story now.(用at noon yesterday替换now) The teacher ______ ______ us a story at noon yesterday. 9.Today is February 18.(对划线部分提问) ______ the ______ today? 10.It will be rainy the day after tomorrow.(对划线部分提问) ______ ______ the weather ______ ______ the day after tomorrow? 11.He goes to work by bike.(用on foot改为选择疑问句) ______ he ______ to work by bike ______ ______ ______? 12.My sister has been to Canada,too.(改为否定句) My sister ______ been to Canada,______. 13.How often does Tom write to his parents?I want to know.(合并为含有宾语从句的复合句) I want to know ______ ______ Tom ______ to his parents. 14.“Can you drive me to the office building?”she asked me.(改写为含有宾语从句的复合句) She asked me ______ I ______ drive ______ to the office building. 15.What are you interested in?Could you tell me?(合并为含有宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me ______ ______ ______ interested in?
2023-07-12 22:42:111

十句英语 直接引语转为间接引语 的问句

一、什么是直接引语和间接引语直接引语用来直接引用别人的原话,被引用的话放在引号内;引出直接引语的引述动词常为say(说道),ask(问道),shout(喊道),cry(喊道),order(命令),add(补充道),等。e.g.Laura said,“I would like to visit China this summer.”劳拉说:“今年夏天,我想去中国游览。”“Mary will give me a nice present,”Bobbie said.博比说:“玛丽要给我一件精美的礼物。”David said to me,“I have been ill since 1ast week.”大卫对我说:“自上周以来,我一直病着。”Justin asked his mother,“Can I watch TV for a while?”贾斯延问妈妈:“我能看一会儿电视吗?”The doctor asked:“What"s the matter with you?”医生问:“你怎么了?”2.间接引语:  间接引语用自己的话来转述别人的话语,不需要引号,被转述部分叫做间接引语。实际上间接引语大多数情况下构成宾语从句(其中由祈使句转换的间接引语除外,其转换后是不定式)。  e.g.Mill said that he would stay in China for another year.米尔说他将在中国再呆一年。Lily told me that she had phoned you.莉莉告诉我她给你打过电话。The girl asked me if I could help her.小姑娘问我是否能帮她。Tamara asked Tanya when they would start off.特玛拉问塔尼亚他们什么时候出发。  (二)直接引语与间接引语的转换直接引语在很多情况下可以转换成间接引语,此时应注意引导词、人称、时态、指示代词、地点状语、时间状语和方向性动词的变化。一,引导词1.陈述句 直接引语为陈述句。用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直用接引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that, 如: He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.” ——>He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. He said, “I"ll give you an examination next Monday.”——>He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.(不可说told that)2.疑问句 直接引语为一般疑问句,(也称是否疑问句,)间接引语用连词whether或if引导,原主句中谓语动词said要改为asked(me/him/us等),语序是陈述句的语序,这一点非常重要。 He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?”——>He asked(me)whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation. He said, “You are interested in English, aren"t you?”——>He asked whether I was interested in English.   3) 直接引语为选择疑问句,间接引语用whether…or…表达,而不用if…or…,如:   He asked, “Do you speak English or French?”——>   He asked me whether I spoke English or French..   I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?”——>   I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.   4)直接引语为特殊疑问句,改成间接引语时,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,主句的谓语动词用ask(sb.)来表达,语序改为陈述句语序。如: He asked,“What"s your name?”——> He asked(me)what my name was. He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”——>He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.二.人称的变化(人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词)  如何变人称:下面有一句顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如: She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her.“二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如: He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。“第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如: Mr Smith said。 "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker。三.时态的变化  (1)主句中谓语动词的时态如果是现在时或将来时,则间接引语中时态和原直接引语的时态一样,不作改变。e.g. He always says, “I am tired out.” ——>He always says that he is tired out. (2)时态变化的情况直接引语改为间接引语时,主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时,从句(即间接引语部分)的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化,变成过去时范畴的各种时态(实际也是宾语从句的时态要求),变化如下:   直接引语 间接引语   一般现在时 一般过去时   一般过去时 过去完成时   现在进行时 过去进行时  过去完成时 过去完成时   现在完成时 过去完成时   过去进行时 过去进行时 一般将来时 过去将来时 e.g.Tina said,“I usually get up at six.”→Tim said she usually got up at six.蒂娜说她通常六点起床。(一般现在时变为一般过去时)Martin told me,“I rang Alice yesterday.”→Martin told me that he had rung Alice the day before.马丁告诉我说他昨天已经给艾丽斯打电话了。(一般过去时变为过去完成时)Nina told me,“Lisa is studying abroad.”Nina told me that Lisa was studying abroad.尼娜告诉我丽莎正在国外学习。(现在进行时变为过去进行时)Hayley said to me,“I will see you at the same place tomorrow.”→Hayley said to me that she would see me at the same place the next day.海莉对我讲她第二天要在同一地点见我。(一般将来时变为过去将来时)Nell said,“I have worked out this problem.”→Nell said that she had worked out that problem.内尔说她已经做出了那道题目。(现在完成时改为过去完成时)Bob told me,“I had worked here for years before I moved out.”→Bob told me that he had worked there for years before he moved out.鲍勃告诉我说他在那儿工作了多年才搬走。(过去完成时不变)☆:时态不需要变化的几种情况  一般说来当直接引语转为间接引语,被转述的话依然有效或在当时、当地转述时,常常不改变时态。具体有以下几种情况。①直接引语有确定的过去时间时。e.g.Chloe said,“The story took place in the 1930s.”→Chloe said that the story took place in the 1930s.克劳说这个故事发生在二十世纪三十年代。②只着眼于转述事实,而不侧重动作先于转述动作的时间时。e.g.The boy said,“I found the dog just at the edge of the wood.”→The boy said that he found the dog just at the edge of the wood.男孩说他在森林边上发现了那条狗。③所转述的动作或状态说话时仍在继续,并对此点加以强调时。e.g.The reporter said,“The war is now still on.”→The reporter said that the war is now still on.记者说战争依然在继续。Charlie told me,“I am just helping my dad on the farm right now.”→Charlie told me that he is just helping his dad on the farm right now.查理告诉我说他现在正在农场帮他父亲干活。④所转述的是自然现象、科学真理、名言警句等,并对此加以强调时。e.g.Our English teacher said,“the sun rises in the east.”→Our English teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.四.指示代词的变化直接引语中的this在变为间接引语时应改为that,these改为those。e.g.Toby said to me,“This is the School Computer Center.”→Toby said to me that was the School Computer Center.(this变为that)托比告诉我说那就是学校计算机中心。Kerry told me,“These photos were taken ten years ago.”→Kerry told me that those photos had been taken ten years before.(these变为those)克里告诉我说那些照片是十年前拍的。注意:在说话者的当时、当地转述时,this,that不用改变。—Nora said,“I"ll take this book.”—What did Nora say just now?—She said she will take this book.五.时间状语的变化直接引语间接引语now现在then那时today今天that day那天this evening今晚that evening那天晚上yesterday昨天the day before前天yesterday morning昨天上午the morning before前天早晨last night昨天晚上the night before前天晚上two days ago两天前two days before两天前next week下周the next weekthe following week第二周tomorrow明天the next daythe following day第二天the day before yesterday前天two days before两天前the day after tomorrow后天in two days" timetwo days after两天后e.g.Nell said,“I"m visiting China now.”→Nell said that she was visiting China then.内尔说她当时正访问中国。(now变为then)Rebecca asked me,“Have you got anything on this evening?”→Rebecca asked me whether I had got anything on that evening.丽贝卡问我那天晚上是否有事。(this evening变为that evening)Joanna said,“Professor Black is going to give a lecture on SARS next week.”→Joanna said that Professor Black was going to give a lecture on SARS the next week.乔安娜说布莱克教授第二周要做一场有关非典的讲座。(next week变为the next week)特别提示在说话者的当时、当地转述时,所说的话在转述时还起作用,时间状语不变。e.g.—Jimmy, we"ll take a trip to Hawaii tomorrow.吉米,明天我们到夏威夷去旅行。—What did Daddy say just now, Mummy?妈妈,爸爸说什么?—He said we"ll take a trip to Hawaii tomorrow.他说明天我们去夏威夷旅行。五.地点状语的变化常见的地点状语变化是把here,变为there。另外over here应变为over there。e.g.The boy said,“This is the first time I have been here.”→The boy said that that was the first time he had been there.这个男孩说那是他第一次到那个地方。(here变为there)Roman told me,“I just put all the things over here.”→Roman told me that he had just put all the things over there.罗曼告诉我他刚才把所有的东西都放在那边了。(over here变为over there)特别提示在说话者的当时、当地转述时,here,over here不用改变。e.g.—Will you come here, Jim?吉姆请到这边来,好吗?—What does Robert say?罗伯特刚才说什么?—He asked if you will come here.他问你是否可以到这边来。六.方向性动词的变化在直接引语变为间接引语时,表示方向性的动词bring,come应变为take,go。e.g.My sister asked me,“Could you bring the chairs upstairs?”→My sister asked me if I could take the chairs upstairs.我的姐姐问我能否把椅子拿到楼上去。(bring变为take)Helen told me,“I"d prefer you to come to the party this weekend.”→Helen told me that she would prefer me to go to the party that weekend.海伦告诉我她愿意让我那个周末去参加宴会。(come变为go)注意:(祈使句)  直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为"tell(ask, order, beg等) sb (not) to do sth."句型。如: "Don"t make any noise," she said to the children.→She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," said she.→She asked him to bring her a cup of tea. e.g.“Come in and sit down, please!”Cher said to us.→Cher told/asked us to come in and sit down.雪儿让我们进来坐下。“Don"t always be so nervous, John”, one of them said.→One of them told John not to be so nervous.其中一个人告诉约翰不要紧张。He said,“Be seated, please.”——> He asked us to be seated. “Do be careful with your handwriting.” He said. ——>He told me to be careful with my handwriting. “Never come here again!” said the officer nearby. —>The officer ordered the villagers never to go there again.。  ☆直接引语如果是以“Let‘s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动句词(或从句)。”如: He said, "Let"s go to the film." →He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film.如:4.感叹句感叹句变为间接引语时可用what或how引导,也可用that引导。e.g.“What a lovely day it is!”they all shouted.→They all shouted what a lovely day it was.They all shouted how lovely a day it was.They all shouted that it was a lovely day.典例剖析例题1.Last Sunday my brother told me,“I"m going to see you tomorrow.”(改为间接引语)解题技巧:  此句改为间接引语时需要改动的地方首先是人称I要根据主语my brother改为he,you要根据me改为me。第二是is going to要改为was going to。第三是tomorrow要改为the next day。答案:  Last Sunday my brother told me (that) he was going to see me the next day.例题2.He asked Li Ying,“Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?”(改为间接引语)解题技巧:  此句改为间接引语时,首先要知道这是一般关系问句的直接引语改为间接引语,要加连接词if或whether,时态可以不用改,但yesterday要改为the day before。人称you要根据Li Ying用he或she。答案:  He asked Li Ying if/whether he/she was watching TV at this time the day before.例题3.He said that he would do it.(改为直接引语)解题技巧:  首先去掉连接词that,人称he改为I,would改为will。再加上引号。答案:  He said,“I will do it.”
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一、直接引语和间接引语的概念直接引语和间接引语是叙述人们说话的两种方法。直接引语指说话人直接引用别人的原话。这样重复的话语要放在引号内,且在原话前加逗号,引号内每个句子的第一个单词的首字母必须大写。例如:He asked, “Where did you go?” 他问:“你到哪里去了?”间接引语是指说话人用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来。间接引语在多数情况下是变成宾语从句,即和主句一起构成一个含宾语从句的主从复合句,不用引号。例如:She said (that) those books were hers. 她说那些书是她的。二、直接引语转间接引语直接引语在转换成间接引语时,要注意人称的变化、句子结构的变化、主从句时态的一致、语序的变化、指示代词的变化、时间状语的变化、地点状语的变化以及部分动词的变化等事项。1、人称的变化直接引语在转换成间接引语时,人称的变化规则是:一随主,二随宾,三不变。1) 一随主:即直接引语中的代词是第一人称时,在间接引语中必须和主句的主语相一致。例如:Tom says, “I"m from America.” 汤姆说:“我来自美国。”→Tom says (that) he is from America. 汤姆说他来自美国。(I变成了和主语Tom相一致的he)2) 二随宾:即直接引语中的代词是第二人称时,在间接引语中必须和主句的宾语相一致。例如:She asked me, “Where do you live?” 她问我:“你住在哪里?”→She asked me where I live. 她问我我住在哪里。(you变成了和宾语me相一致的I)3)三不变:即直接引语中的代词是第三人称时,在间接引语中保持不变。例如:Kate said,” They like reading.” 凯特说:“他们喜欢阅读。”→Kate said (that) they liked reading. 凯特说他们喜欢阅读。(they保持不变)【注意】人称的变化包括人称代词、物主代词和反身代词等。2、句子结构的变化   1)直接引语是陈述句时,用连词that引导,that通常可以省略,尤其是在口语中。例如:He said, “I have been to Beijing.” →He said (that) he had been to Beijing.   【注意】如果间接引语是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列宾语从句,第一个连词that可以省略,以后的连词that一般不省略,以免造成句子结构上的混乱。例如:Doctor Li said, “You are nothing wrong. You"ll be better soon.”→Doctor Li said(that)I was nothing wrong and that I would be better soon.2)直接引语为疑问句时,要注意将注意原主句中的谓语动词say改为ask (sb.)、wonder或want to know等,且间接引语中必须使用陈述句的语序(即宾语从句中的主语之前不能任何动词)。至于说连词的确定,情况如下:a) 直接引语为一般疑问句、反意疑问句或选择疑问句时,间接引语中用连词if或whether引导。例如:He said, “Do you have any music CDs?”→He asked(me)whether/if I had any music CDs. →He wondered whether/if I had any music CDs.→He wanted to know whether/if I had any music CDs.I asked, “Will you take a bus or a train?”→I asked him whether he would take a bus or a train. →I wondered whether he would take a bus or a train.→I wanted to know whether he would take a bus or a train.  b)直接引语为特殊疑问句时,就由原来的疑问词来充当间接引语的连词,注意原特殊疑问词的被修饰语必须紧随其后,不可分开。如: He asked, “How many bowl of rice did you have, Lucy?”→He asked Lucy how many bowl of rice she had had. c) 直接引语形式上是疑问句,但表示请求,建议意义时,可ask sb. to do sth.,suggest doing,advise sb. to do sth. 等形式来转述。如:“Could you open the door, please?” he asked. →He asked me to open the door. “Why not going out for a walk?” he asked us.→He advised us to go out for a walk. →He suggested going out for a walk.  3)直接引语为祈使句时,改为间接引语时,一般用带to的不定式表达,原主句中的谓语动词通常要改为ask, advise, beg, tell, order, offer, request, suggest, warn等。如ask sb. to do(由肯定祈使句变成),ask sb. not to do(由否定祈使句转变),并且在不定式短语中的时间状语、地点状语、人称及时态都作相应的变化。如: He said,“Jane,be careful, please.”→He asked Jane to be careful. “Don"t be late for class again.” He said the boy. →He told the boy not to be late for class again. He said, “Let"s have a walk.”→He suggested our having a rest. He said, “Let me help you.”→He offered to help me.   4)直接引语是感叹句时,转间接引语可用what或how引导,也可用that引导,如: The policeman said, “How clever you are!”→The policeman said how clever I was.→The policeman said I was very clever.3、主从句时态的一致1) 如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,直接引语变为间接引语时,从句的动词时态保持不变。例如:He says, “China is very great.” →He says (that) China is very great.Mum says, “I"ll be back in a minute.” →Mum says she"ll be back in a minute.2) 如果主句的谓语动词是一般过去时,直接引语变为间接引语时,从句的谓语动词通常要改成相应的过去时态。具体情况见下表:直接引语 间接引语一般现在时 一般过去时一般过去时 一般过去时/过去完成时现在进行时 过去进行时一般将来时 过去将来时现在完成时 过去完成时过去完成时 过去完成时过去进行时 过去进行时过去将来时 过去将来时3)直接引语陈述的如果是客观事实、真理、名言、警句、谚语等,在变为间接引语时,时态保持不变。Our teacher said, “The earth goes around the sun.”→Our teacher said (that) the earth goes around the sun.4、指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和动词等的变化直接引语中的一些指示代词,时间状语,地点状语和部分动词须作如下相应的变化: 直接引语 间接引语指示代词 this这 that那 these这些 those那些时间状语 now现在 then那时 today 今天 that day 那天 tonight 今晚 that night那天晚上 this week 这星期 that week那个星期 yesterday 昨天 the day before前一天 last week 上星期 the week before前一个星期 ago以前 before 以前 tomorrow明天 the next/following day第二天 next week 下星期 the next week 第二个星期地点状语 here 这里 there 那里动 词 come来 go 去 Bring带走,拿走 take 带来,拿来【注意】直接引语中的时间状语根据实际情况转述为间接引语时,有时不需要改变。如tomorrow,转述的动作发生在说话的当天,就不用改变;但如果转述的动作不发生在说话的当天,则要将tomorrow变为the next day.又如here,转述地点就是说话时的地点时,不须变化。5、标点符号整个复合句的标点符号必须与主句一致,即主句是陈述句时用句号,主句是问句时用问号。
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一、如何变人称:下面有一句顺口溜“一随主。二随宾,第三人称不更新”。“一随主”是指在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语是第一人称或被第一人称所修饰。从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化如:She said. "My brother wants to go with me. "→She said her brother wanted to go with her.“二随宾”是指直接引语变间接引语时,若从句中的主语及宾语是第二人称。或被第二人你所修饰。从句中的人称要跟引号外的主句的宾语一致。如果引号外的主句没有宾语。也可以用第一人称,如:He said to Kate. "How is your sister now?"→He asked Kate how her sister was then。“第三人称不更新”是指直接引语变间接引语时。如果从句中的主语及宾语是第三人称或被第三人称所修饰从句中的人称一般不需要变化如:Mr Smith said。 "Jack is a good worker。"→Mr Smith said Jack was a good worker。二、如何变时态:直接引语在改为间接引语时、时态需要做相应的调整。现在时它需改为过去时态;过去时态改为完成时;过去完成时则保留原来的时态。如:1)She said. "I have lost a pen."→She said she had lost a pen2)She said. "We hope so."→She said they hoped so.3) She said. "He will go to see his friend。"→She said he would go to see his friend。但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接引语时,时态一般不变化。①直接引语是客观真理。"The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth, the teacher told me. → The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。②直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。如:Jack said. "John, where were you going when I met you in the street?"→Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street。③直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。如:Xiao Wang said. "I was born on April 2l, 1980。" →Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980。④直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。如:He said, "I get up at six every morning。" →He said he gets up at six every morning。⑤如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to, had better, used to)和已经是过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。如:Peter said. "You had better come have today。" →Peter said I had better go there that day。三、如何变状语:直接引语变间接引语,状语变化有其内在规津,时间状语由“现在”改为“原来”(例:now变为then, yesterday。变为 the day before)地点状语,尤其表示方向性的,或用指示代词修饰的状语,由“此”改为“彼”(例:this 改为that),如:He said, "These books are mine." →He said those books were his.四、如何变句型:①直接引语如果是陈述句,间接引语应改为由that引导的宾语从句。如:She said, "Our bus will arrive in five minutes."→She said that their bus would arrive in five minutes.②直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether或if引导的宾语从句.如:He said, "Can you swim, John?" →He asked John if he could swim."You have finished the homework, haven‘t you?" my mother asked. →My mother asked me whether I had finished the homework."Do you go to school by bus or by bike?" →He asked me if I went to school by bus or by bike.③直接引语如果是特殊问句,间接引语应该改为由疑问代词或疑问副词引导的宾语从句(宾语从句必须用陈述句语序)。She asked me, "When do they have their dinner?"→ She asked me when they had their dinner.④直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为"tell(ask, order, beg等) sb (not) to do sth."句型。如:"Don"t make any noise," she said to the children. →She told (ordered) the children not to make any noise. "Bring me a cup of tea, please," said she.→She asked him to bring her a cup of tea.⑤直接引语如果是以“Let‘s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest +动句词(或从句)。”如:He said, "Let"s go to the film." →He suggested going to the film.或He suggested that they should go to see the film.引述别人的话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家的原话,这叫做直接引语;一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,这叫做间接引语。例如:John said, "I"m going to London with my father."约翰说:"我要和父亲到伦敦去。"(引号内是直接引语)John said that he was going to London with his father. 约翰说,他要和他父亲去伦敦。(宾语从句是间接引语)由直接引语变为间接引语,分以下情况:1. 直接引语是陈述句时间接引语为that引导的宾语从句(口语中that可以省略),主句的引述动词主要有say ,tell, repeat, explain, think等。He said , "You are younger than I."-"He said (that ) I was younger than him. 2.直接引语是疑问句时间接引语为陈述语序:主句的谓语动词say 改为ask,或改为wonder, do not know, want to know, be not sure, be puzzled等。(1) 一般疑问句或反意疑问句变为if (whether)引导的宾语从句。She said, "Do you often come here to read newspapers?"→She asked me if (或whether)I often went there to read newspapers.She asked me , "You have seen the film, haven"t you?"→She asked me whether(或if )I had seen the film.(2) 选择疑问句变为whether….or 宾语从句。I asked him, "Will you stay at home or go to a film tonight?"→I asked him whether he would stay at home or go to a film that night.(3)特殊疑问句变为由原来的疑问词引导的宾语从句。He asked , "Where do you live?"→He asked me where I lived.3.直接引语是祈使句时间接引语为不定式,作ask , tell, beg, order, warn, advise等动词的宾语补足语(don"t 变为not ).The teacher said to the boy, "Open the window."→The teacher told the boy to open the window.His father said to him , "Don"t leave the door open."→His father told him not to leave the door open.[注意](1) 有些表示建议、提议、劝告或要求的祈使句,可以用suggest ,insist等动词 加以转述。例如:He said, "Let"s go to the theatre."→He suggested (our )going to the theatre.或He suggested that we(should) go to the theatre.(2) "Would you mind opening the window?" he asked.→He asked me to open the window."Why don"t you take a walk after supper?" he asked .→he advised me to take a walk after supper."Shall we listen to the music?" he asked.→He suggested listening to the music.4.直接引语是感叹句时间接引语为what 或how 引导,也可以用that 引导。She said, "What a lovely day it is !"→She said what a lovely day it was .或She said that it was a lovely day.5.如果主句谓语动词为各种现在时或一般将来时,则间接引语中的动词仍保持直接引语原来时态。如果主句谓语动词为过去时,间接引语中的动词时态按下列变化:(1) 一般现在时变为一般过去时(2) 现在进行时变为过去进行时(3) 一般将来时变为过去将来时(4) 现在完成时变为过去完成时(5) 一般过去时变为过去完成时(6) 过去完成时不变,仍为过去完成时[注意](1) 如果直接引语是表示客观真理时,变为间接引语,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:The teacher said "The earth goes round the sun."→The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.(2) 如果直接引语中有明确表示过时间的状语,变为间接引语时,一般过去时不改为过去完成时。如:He said to me, "I was born in 1973."→He told me that he was born in 1973.(3)如果直接引语所述事实在当时和目前同样生效,变为间接宾语时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:He said, "I"m a boy, not a girl."→He said that he is a boy ,not a girl.(4)如果直接引语中的谓语动词表示一种反复出现或习惯动作,在变为间接引时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:The girl said, "I get up at six every morning."→The girl said that she gets up at six every morning.(5)如果直接引语中含有since, when, while 引导的表示过去时间的状语从句,在变为间接引语时,只改变主句中的谓语动词,从句的一般过去时则不变。如:He said to me, "I have taught English since he came here ."→He told me that he had taught English since he came here.(6)如果直接引语中含有情态动词 must, need, had better以及情态动词的过去式could, might, should, would,在变为间接引语时,这些情态动词没有时态的改变。例如:The teacher said to me . "You must pay more attention to your pronunciation." →The teacher told me that I must (have to ) pay more attention to my pronunciation.He said , "I could swim when I was only six ."→He said that he could swim when he was only six.6.代词等一般地应作用相应的变化。 指示代词 this ---that these--- those 表示时间的词 now --- then today--- that day this week(month ,etc) ----that week (month ,etc) yesterday ----the day before last week(month) --- the week(month) before three days(a year)ago---three days(a year)before tomorrow ----the next (following ) day next week(month)--the next(following)week(month) 表地点的词 here --there 动词 bring -- take come --go
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1.Xiao Li said (that) they were singing.2.He asked whether I am interested in English.3.He said whether I will come to school tomorrow.4.He said light travels much faster than sound.5.He said these were my good friends.6.He said (that) it was sunday today.7.She said his uncle might visit the city tomorrow.8.Xiao Li said it was Sunday yesterday.
2023-07-12 22:42:452


1B 2A 3B 4D 5A 6D 7B 8B 9A gone..will meet5.has found6.has gone..will be7.was8.hurried..had left9.came10.talked11.will let..finished12.Did..hear13.have...seen14.studied15.are thinking
2023-07-12 22:42:522

迈克尔杰克逊 地球日 歌词

是Earth Song 地球之歌 ?
2023-07-12 22:43:003


宾语从句专项练习 类型四:其他---反意疑问句,it做形式宾语 (1).I don"t think he is right,__________? A.isn"t he he I D.don"t I (2). He believes she is right, __________? A.doesn"t he B.does he she D.isn"t she (3).I thought that he disliked playing football,__________? A.didn"t he B.did he C.did I D.didn"t I (4). I find _____ important that we practice English every day. A. it B. this C. that D. what (5). You can"t imagine ____when they received the nice gift. A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited were they D. they were how excited 类型四BAAAB ( ) 1.They don"t know ______their parents are. A that B what C why D which ( ) 2.Please tell me ______what last year. A.where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked ( ) 3.She asked me if I knew ______. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it ( ) 4. You must remember ________. A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said ( ) 5 Did you know ____? A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after ( ) 6 Could you tell me ___? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing C) 7 He asked me _____told me the accident. A whom B which C who D whose 引导词在从句中作主语,指人,只能用who 或 that (D ) 1.They don"t know ______their parents are. A that B what C why D which 引导词在从句中作表语,可用that或which,但是父母是两个人,that要用those形式,没有,故选D (D ) 2.Please tell me ______ last year. A.where does your sister work B where did your sister work C where your sister works D where your sister worked 要用陈述语序,且last year 表过去时 (B ) 3.She asked me if I knew ______. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it 用陈述语序,且主过从过 ( A) 4. You must remember ________. A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said 固定用法 ( A) 5 Did you know ____? A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after 理由同3题 ( C) 6 Could you tell me ___? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing 用陈述语序 could表委婉而不是过去。 (C)7 1 The girls asked if they ____ some food and drink with them. A. took B. take C. takes D. will take 2 Catherine said that she ___ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today. A. had B. has . C. will have D. are 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled 6. Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that 7 I don"t know ___ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where 8 I hardly understand.___ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who 9. She didn"t know___ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be D. if he will come 10.I don"t know _____ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D.when 11. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening? A. what B when C why D how 12.He asked me _____told me the accident. A whom B which C who D whose 13.They don"t know _______their parents are. A that B what C why D which 14.Please tell me ______last year. A.where does your sister work B. where did your sister work C where your sister works D. where your sister worked 15.She asked me if I knew ______ A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it 16. You must remember ________. A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said 17. Did you know ____? A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after 18. Could you tell me ___? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing 19. Could you tell me________? A .where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in 20.I want to know how long A.has he been back B.has he come back C.he has been back D.he has come back 21.Do you know ? A.what the news are B.what is the news C.what the news is D.what are the news 22.I don"t know ________ up so early last Sunday. A. why did he get B.why he gets C.why does he get D. why he got 23..He said _________ there was going to be a meeting that evening. A.what B. if C.that D. how 答案:1-5ADCBC 6-10CBBAA 11-15ACBDB 16-20AACBC 21-23CDC再给点资料宾语从句宾语从句就是句子的宾语用一个句子来替代。一。宾语从句的概念:用一个句子作宾语的复合句就是宾语从句。二、宾语从句的三要素:连接词、语序、时态。连接词1、由that引导的宾语从句,在口语中that可以省略。当遇到陈述句(即肯定句或否定句)时,用that来引导宾语从句。如:You have met him.(I know…)I know(that)you have met him. The stars are beautiful.(I think…)I think (that) the stars are beautiful.The girl can ride a bike.(I think…)I think (that) the girl can ride a bike.All of us know that we must study hard. (know的宾语)如果遇到否定句,要注意把否定前置。如:She isn"t wet.(I think…)I don"t think that she is wet.He will not come. (She thinks…)She doesn"t think that he will come.2.由wh-疑问词引导的宾语从句。当遇到特殊疑问句时,用特殊疑问词或特殊疑问词组来引导宾语从句。如,What do you want? (Please tell me…)Please tell me what you want. When will he come? (You may ask him…)You may ask him when he will come. Where can I get the ticket? (I wonder…)I wonder Where I can get the ticket.I wonder what he likes. (wonder的宾语)He asked me why he had chosen that one. (ask的宾语)Do you remember how he came? (remember的宾语)He hasn"t decided where we should stay. (decide的宾语)3.由whether/if引导的宾语从句,这两个词是‘是否"的意思,一般可以通用。当遇到一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,用whether或if来引导宾语从句。如:Will she come? (He is wondering…)He is wondering if/whether she will come.Can Tom draw well? (I want to know…)I want to know if/whether Tom can draw well.I don"t know if/whether the movie star will come. (同上)只能用whether的三种情况:从句末有or notI can"t decide whether I will go there on foot or not.我不能决定是走着去那里还是不走着去。I don"t know whether he will come or not.我不知道他是否会来。与动词不定式连用时(即whether + to do)She can"t decide whether to take it.她不能决定是否要买它。He hasn"t decided whether to join the English club.他还未决定是否加入英语俱乐部。从句做介词宾语时(即:介词+whether)It all depends on whether it will be fine tomorrow.这都得看明天是否是晴天。They are talking about whether he will win the game.他们在谈论他是否会赢这次比赛。语序:无论是哪种形式的宾语从句,从句部分一律用陈述句语序,即主语在谓语之前。如,Can you tell me where the post office is? 从句不能说where is the post office. 主语 谓语又如:Can Tom draw well? (I want to know…)疑问语序I want to know if/whether Tom can draw well. 陈述语序Will she come? (He is wondering…)疑问语序He is wondering if/whether she will come. 陈述语序要注意的是,在从句中,尽管整个主句是疑问句式,从句仍只能用陈述句式,如:Do you think that he will do it again?Can you make sure where she has put the gold ring?不变语序的情况:问路、问状况。你怎么了?What"s wrong with you? What"s the matter with you?Can you tell me what"s wrong with you?I want to know what"s the matter with you?通往。。。的路是哪一条?Which is the way to…?I"d like to know which is the way to the palace.He is checking what"s wrong with this machine.The boss came to see what"s the matter with the retired worker.时态:主句是现在时,从句时态不变。I think he is wrong.I think he was wrong that day.主句是过去时,从句时态要相应后退。一般现在时―――一般过去时一般将来时――――过去将来时现在进行时――――过去进行时现在完成时――――过去完成时一般过去时――――过去完成时过去完成时――――过去完成时各时态结构:一般现在时(do/does)一般过去时(did)一般将来时(will do/shall do /am/is/are going to do)过去将来时(would do/should do/was/were going to do)现在进行时(am/is/are doing)过去进行时(was/were doing)现在完成时(have/has done)过去完成时(had done)He said that there were no classes yesterday afternoon.(主句是said过去时,从句原来是are,一般现在时改用一般过去时were.)不变时态的情况:遇到自然规律或客观真理。如:水在0℃结冰。Water freezes at 0℃光传播得比声音快。Light travels faster than sound.He said that light travels faster than sound.这个句中从句说的是客观真理。(时态不后退,即不能变成travelled.)太阳从东边升起,从西边落下。The sun rises from east and sets down from west.此外,在宾语从句中,主从句的人称一定要保持一致。如,He asked me if I was a teacher.(只能用I)
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