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fire in the hole 到底是什么意思

2023-07-12 21:55:53



















toad-in-the-hole n.(英)面拖烤肉;面拖烤香肠网络释义 英英释义烤香肠toad-in-the-hole1.N a dish made of sausages baked in a batter 面拖烤香肠Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted.2.Workers coming home from factories made "high tea" their early supper,eatingtoad-in-the-hole(sausages cooked in a pancake-like batter),or Welsh rarebit(amelted cheese mixture served on toast).下班回家的工人把“下午茶”当作早一点的晚餐,吃面糊烤香肠或者威尔士干酪吐司(熔化的干酪糊抹在吐司上).
2023-07-12 21:05:481


【原文】【the hole in the ground】There was once a farmer who lived near a road.It was not a busy road, but from time to time, cars passed the farm.Near the farm gate, there was a large hole in the road.This hole was always full of water, and the drivers of the cars could not see how deep the hole was. They thought it was probably shallow.Then when they drove into the hole, they could not drive out because it was so deep.The farmer did not spent much time working on his farm. He spent most of it watching the hole.When a car drove into it, he pulled the car out with his tractor and charged the driver a lot of money for doing this.One day, the driver of a car said to him, "You must make a lot of money pulling cars out of this hole night and day.""Oh, no," the farmer said. "I don"t pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole with water."【译文】【地上的坑】 曾经有一个农夫住在马路旁边。 那条马路并不繁忙,但时不时还是有些小车要经过那家农场。 农场大门附近,马路上有一个很大的坑。 这个坑里一直有水,那些司机不知道这个坑有多深,他们认为它很浅 一旦他们把车开进这个坑,因为坑很深,他们无法把车子驶出这大坑。 那个农夫花在农场时间并不多。大多数时间里他都是在注意着这个坑的情况 如一辆车开进了坑里,他就用他的拖拉机把车拉上来。因为他这样做了,所以他向司机索要很多钱。 一天,有个司机对他说,“你这样白天黑夜地把车拉出坑,肯定赚了很多钱吧” “哦,不”农夫说“我晚上不拉车的,因为晚上我要把坑里的水填满呢”
2023-07-12 21:05:551


in the hole就可以了
2023-07-12 21:06:053

fill the hole with earth...什么意思?

2023-07-12 21:06:146

fire in the hole可以用到生活中吗

fire in the hole不可以用到生活中。美国常常要用炸药炸开矿洞,进而开采资源。在点燃炸药的时候,矿工往往都会高喊一句“fire in the hole”来提醒大家炸药要炸了,注意躲避,不要靠近爆炸点,所以在那时候“fire in the hole”也就被当成提醒爆炸的警告语来使用。这句话的意思是“Get down(卧倒,有危险)”,但是一定不要在日常生活中用这句话,这会造成歧义。发展后来随着火炮技术的进步,这句话就简化成了“fire”。但是“fire in the hole”还是被美军保留了下来,用于在封闭空间使用爆炸性武器的专业提示语。比如在室内或其他封闭空间使用手雷的时候,就要喊这句话。在空旷地带扔手雷的时候,就不需要喊“fire in the hole”了。
2023-07-12 21:06:271

The. hole. is. 2-meter-deep.可以吗?

不可以。短横连接的复合形容词只能做定语。上句改为 The hole is 2 meters deep.
2023-07-12 21:07:061

小心手雷:fire in the hole怎么理解,它的字面意思是火在洞里,怎么理解过来的?

Fire in the hole注意扫清射界来自于第二次世界大战, 越南战争, 美军丢手榴弹之前到一个洞里面的时候, 会先叫 fire in the hole 来提醒周边的人们, 里面马上会有爆炸
2023-07-12 21:07:312

Fire in the hole!是什么意思?

2023-07-12 21:08:045

穿越火线台词 fire

fire in the hole“fire in the hole”的词源却深深值埋于人类在地球上从事的最危险的活动中——地下岩层爆破。历数美国历史上,这样的爆破多倚赖黑炸药或是火药,炸开岩层。一捆捆的炸药在起爆前预先放好,然后高喊一声“Fire in the hole”,就算是提醒矿工撤离施爆地点,爆炸马上开始。如今这句“fire in the hole”还不过时,在美国的许多州还被用做提示爆炸的信号(伊利诺伊州矿场明文规定,负责起爆的人员必须在临近爆炸前高喊三声“fire in the hole”,以提示众人离场)。“Fire in the hole”同煤炭开采一样,都是高风险的活动,这也正是为什么我特别不习惯看到现在的人把这个词乱用一气。 “Fire in the hole”可追溯到20世纪初叶,40年代起被军方排弹部队使用,负责向地道等封闭的空间内投掷手雷的士兵也用这个词游戏中“fire in the hole"!是美国军队在战争中的专用暗号, 表示我在扔雷了,提醒同伴注意。
2023-07-12 21:08:201


填 is filledThe hole is filled with sand.这个洞装满了沙子。
2023-07-12 21:08:402


2023-07-12 21:09:303


fire in the hole 安炸弹是the boom has been planted
2023-07-12 21:09:585

fire in the hole是什么意思

2023-07-12 21:10:1310


fire in the hole
2023-07-12 21:10:525

The Hole in the Ground文章翻译

有一次,农民住在一条道路的附近.这并不是一条繁忙的道路上,但不时,有汽车通过农场.附近的农场门口,有一个大洞.这个洞是始终充满水,司机无法看到有多深.他们认为它可能很浅.然后当他们驱车到该洞,他们无法行走,因为它是如此之深.农民并没有花太多时间工作在他的农场.他的大部分时间都在看洞.当车开到这,他拿出汽车与拖拉机,并控诉司机,得到很多钱,.一天,司机向他说,“你一定有很多钱,在夜裏和白天要拉车走出这个洞” .“哦,不,”农民说.“我不拉车,拉出洞在夜间进行.在晚上,我填补这个洞的水.
2023-07-12 21:11:051

put a tree in the hole是什么意思

Put a tree in hole把书放进洞(或坑)里 Water it well好好浇水 Stamp the earth把土跺实这里earth指大地或土 Put the earth back把土放回去 应该够详细了吧~
2023-07-12 21:11:121

请问Fire in the hole是什么意思?

在大炮刚刚发明的时候,需要引爆火药推动铁球。所以大炮上就有一个小洞,里面有少许火药,开炮的时候,需要炮手用长杆点火把小洞里少许火药点燃,然后引燃大块火药爆炸,推动铁球。爆炸的时候,经常会发生把大炮炸掉(同时炸伤周围人员)的事情,所以Fire in the Hole 就成了警告语,让周围士兵在大炮发射的时候站开,以免自伤。后来大炮的设计改进,更安全不会发生自己爆炸的情况。Fire in the Hole就简化成“Fire”(开火)。这个词则被军方沿用,成为往室内/山洞内等密闭空间扔手雷的固定用语。(普通情况下扔手雷则是:frag out)。矿山在爆破矿洞的时候也会使用这个词。
2023-07-12 21:11:201

There appeared a___hole in the ground last night A,ten meters deep B,ten-meter-deep为什么选B

因为 是作定语 的 所以 选 B,ten-meter-deep 注意 数量形 结构 作表语 与 作定语 的用法 如 the hole is ten meters deep . this is a ten-meter-deep hole.
2023-07-12 21:11:271

out of the hole歌词和罗马音

【罗马音】 Motto soba ni kite motto shinjite mite Mujakini warau bokuno daisukina sono egaoni tukisakimade Namidaga kimino hohode hikatte ita kotoo shitteru yo Arinomamao misete toka nante kantanni iwanai kedo Konna kimio michattemo uketomete ikeru jishinga aru shi Nee motte ookina koede motto ookina aio Kimini todoketai sono muneni hibikasetai Motto ookina koede motto ookina aio sakendara Chottowa tsutawaru kana toomawashisuru kuraiga ii Wakariaeru koto wakatteru kara motte ookina koede motto ookina aio motte ookina koede motto ookina aio Kimino iitai kotowa nantonaku daitaine souzou tsuku Bokuwa mukiau tsumorini natteiru dakede nigeteru yone Kowakunai toka ittara shoujiki usoni naru keredo ne Sonna konna hikurumete zenbu kakugo dekita kara Nee motto sobani kite motto shinjite mite Bokuno kono fueru yureru kodou kikoereru kara Motto soboni ite motto shinjite mite hoshii Kokoroni mimi sumasete tashikameaunowa mou owari Omoiatte iru tte shitteru kara Bokurawa kanpeki nanka janai yo datte ningen nanda mono Dakedo sorede ii sou omoun da yone Sonna kotoga itoshiin da kara motte ookina koede motto ookina aio motte ookina koede motto ookina aio motte ookina koede motto ookina aio motte ookina koede motto ookina aio Nee motte ookina koede motto ookina aio Kimini todoketai sono muneni hibikasetai Motto ookina koede motto ookina aio sakendara Chottowa tsutawaru kana toomawashisuru kuraiga ii Wakariaeru koto wakatteru kara 歌词Out Of The Dark I"m burned out and wastedI"m tired of pacingI"m busy erasing voices of the deadEverything changesAnd everyone"s facelessI wanna replace this darkness in my headIn a strange strange place, I"m lying on the edge of a starIn these violent days, I only wanna be where you areEven fools they say.. can find a way out of the darkOf the darkHelp me out of the darkHave I been a sinner?A lover, a killer?Cause the world I"ve discoveredIt feels nothing like my heartI wanna escape itOr try to embrace itI keep re-arranging everything I knowIn a strange strange place, I"m lying on the edge of a starIn these violent days, I only wanna be where you areEven fools they say.. can find a way out of the darkOf the darkHelp me out of the darkOut.. of the darkHelp me out of the dark
2023-07-12 21:11:352


There is a mouse in the hole.翻译是:洞里有一只老鼠。如果对a mouse提问的话,就是询问洞里有什么?即是:What"s in the hole?
2023-07-12 21:11:421

A wolf( )the hole怎么做

out ofin
2023-07-12 21:12:012


小心手雷 的意思
2023-07-12 21:12:1115

ace in the hole什么意思

ace in the hole最后王牌;杀手锏短语an ace in the hole 密藏的法宝相关例句:1.He knows something about the boss-that is his ace in the hole. 他了解老板的一些事情,那是他应急时要打出的王牌。2.George seems awfully confident.He must have an ace in the hole. 乔治似乎非常有信心,他必然有一张备用的王牌。3.The lawyer"s ace in the hole was a secret witness who had seen the accident. 那律师手中的一张王牌是目击那次事件的一个秘密证人。
2023-07-12 21:12:332

There is a hole ____ the wall. a on b at c in d above

2023-07-12 21:12:543

father in the hole 是啥意思,有翻译高手不

2023-07-12 21:13:036

—How deep is the hole?      —It is _____.      A. four metre deep  B. four metres deep

2023-07-12 21:13:171

fire in the hole中文是什么意思

2023-07-12 21:13:244

Fire in the hole!是什么意思?

调查后的发现,网上关于“fire in the hole ”的解释真是五花八门、丰富多彩、别开生面。 版本一1)射进洞里 2)往洞穴里开枪 3)字面翻译就是:洞孔里的火版本二1)CS语言里面有敌人在开火 建议往里面人手榴弹 2)扔手雷时喊Fire in the hole! 洞内开火要小心! 3)fire in the hole 就是洞里有人在打仗,于是就会扔手榴弹, 后来就演变为扔手榴弹就说fire in the hole版本三1)这里hole是指隐藏,而不是洞。意思是我要扔手雷了, 你们躲一边去!但在生活中不要用……美军专业用语。 2)表面意思是洞里着火了。这是美国军队在战争中的专用暗号, 表示我在扔雷了,提醒同伴注意。在cs游戏中被大家所熟知。 以上三个版本中,第一版本显然是最离谱的,第二个次之,第三个好像是靠点谱。 下面再看看专业的解释。
2023-07-12 21:14:041


through 1. 穿过;通过 The river runs through our village. 这条河穿过我们的村子。 2. 以,用,凭借 She got the position through her older brother. 她通过她哥哥获得那个职位。 3. 由于,因为 They became unemployed through no fault of their own. 他们的失业不是由于自身的过失造成的。 4. 从...开始至终;在...整...这里应该是用2.凭借
2023-07-12 21:14:133

father in the hole 什么意思?

2023-07-12 21:14:203

我打CS有一段时间了 但一直不知道扔手雷时为什么要喊“Fire in the hole!"呢??

2023-07-12 21:14:299

穿越火线里面“fire the 什么"??

fire the hole(扔手雷的声音)
2023-07-12 21:14:533


担心扔不出去 哈哈哈哈哈哈
2023-07-12 21:15:082

where the tooth had been从句

my tongue主语 was 系动词 busy searching out the hole表语 hole先行词 where the tooth had been定语从句,修饰hole
2023-07-12 21:15:261


为您解答Fill up the hole with soil.
2023-07-12 21:15:344


2023-07-12 21:15:444


2023-07-12 21:16:178

英汉互译。 词组:被…覆盖。 fill the hole with earth.

2023-07-12 21:16:433

Fire in the hole中文读法怎么读游戏

2023-07-12 21:16:501


  象鼻山的山脚有石级小路通上山顶。山顶平展,绿树成荫,当年太平军在此架炮攻城。下面是带来的,希望可以帮到大家。   篇一:   Dear visitors! Today I"ll be your tour guide. Today, we can go to visit guilin, elephant trunk hill park.   Everyone to see! The SLATE the park door. All the above recorded by the ancient seen an elephant in the world.   Everyone went east. Visitors, this is a natural formation of the hole, "anus" is an elephant. Before this "anus" did you feel there is a scent wafts of wine. This is one of sambo guilin o *** anthus wine fragrance.   We continue to go forward, that is the whole elephant trunk hill. You see, the lijiang river in the set up of the pillars and the elephant head connection, with four legs apart, plus the and like body together like tail, formed a lifelike elephant trunk hill.   The elephant trunk hill there is a touching legend, everyone to take a look by yourself:   The elephant trunk hill, this is the jade emperor is used to carry a drop the magic of a head of Aquarius. Once, the jade emperor go out and fell on the way, god like ill. The jade emperor in order to catch time to god, like to stay in guilin. Of guilin people found the only passion, cured, god like to repay, also in order to appreciate the beautiful scene, so I live in guilin. But not for long, it was made known to the jade emperor, he sent a god to except it. God and the god wars for ten days and ten nights, fully JiuJiuBaShiYi round, hasn"t been a tie. God like a thirsty, drink water to lijiang, is god a sword to kill. God like into a mountain, to stay in guilin.   Ladies and gentlemen, to the east, thus ended the travel today, hope you can "visit" in guilin.   篇二:   Wele to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.   Elephant trunk hill, also known as xiangshan. Kong Yong Ming dynasty poet wrote: "trunk and clear drink YuHe zephyr, the west should a suction wave. Castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, the day and get more." The blue elephant trunk hill is located in the south of the city of the li river and peach blossom river confluence. Yamagata resembles a giant elephants, and elongation nose river water absorption, thus its name.   Between the trunk and like body hole, is the famous hidden holes. Fan Chengda said it "its shape is round, looking at the end of the whole, such as month". Hidden cave river flow, can be a boat, in the bright moon night, its reflection of "the bright moon floating underwater has the bright moon, water" "xiangshan shui" wonders, perpetual than all previous dynasties poet. Hole inside and outside the cliffs has more than 50 pieces of cultural relics, ancient stone carving in the song dynasty patriotic poet Zhang Xiaoxiang, Fan Chengda and lu you"s work is the most famous. Although lu you haven"t been to guilin, but the odd hill xiushui here longing. His poems and letters sent to Ren Zhao states now in guangxi guilin pingle county Du Sigong satrap friends. Carved with cliffstone Du Sigong is "life work, municate with the world".   Elephant trunk hill has a stair bottom of the path to the top of the mountain. The top flat, tree-lined, the taiping rebels in the gun siege. The eastern end of the Ming dynasty solid 2-foot-tall tower at the top of the mountain, because named as samantabhadra bodhisattva samantabhadra tower are embedded. Tower like round vase, and as a sword, and someone called bottle tower or the tower of the handle.   Elephant trunk hill in the south have converted to originate in recent years with the tang dynasty yunfeng temple, temple in the history of the taiping heavenly kingdom relics on display. In the west of the temple is a stupas, there had been a, fujiang here. Fifth dongdu Japan failure, distinguishing from the tang dynasty monk floated, hainan island after guilin, on our way to the north to live in, fujiang, presided over the ceremony, he said to pass on one"s experience. But old temple early waste, leaving only the stupa narrative event of the year. Elephant trunk hill, the scenery, is the symbol of guilin landscape and symbol of the city of guilin, the most Chinese and foreign tourists love.   篇三:象鼻山英语的游记   "Ah, here to sing there and hey..." Also I heard someone in the song on the shore. The singing like sounds of nature.   "Hi, I"m your guide. You just call me aunt huang." Aunt huang blossom opened a *** ile: "we had to know guilin landscape! We play there are a lot of limestone in the lijiang river, the limestone terrain around, make the guilin mountains mountain forest, such as folded brocade hill, elephant trunk hill, fubo hill. They are like a giant elephant, jade bamboo shoots, forms. From a distance, everywhere is scenery of guilin mountain, everywhere is to draw, the hills in the picture is sharp, less beautiful round. Today we are going to visit is the elephant trunk hill, the hill looks like a huge elephant stretching nasal suction the name."   "There was a giant elephant?" A little girl sound tender tender asked. "I don"t know that." Aunt huang laugh more happy. "But I know a few of the elephant trunk hill"s legend!" "Tell us!" We shouted in chorus. "I said." The aunt. "The first story is this: the elephant is the jade emperor"s side a. One day, it quietly came to the earth, see the beautiful guilin, had forgotten to eat, sleep. Later, it became ill, local people care fed medicines. The elephant was ill after the kindness, help the guilin people dredge water, irrigation, fertile land and want to stay in the room. The jade emperor learned that flew into a rage, immediately sent tota Li Tianwang to seize. When the elephant is the lijiang river water, unfortunate shot to death by Li Tianwang, elephant trunk hill."   "This will it stabbed to death. The elephant into the elephant trunk hill, from then on, standing quietly in the side of the lijiang river, long nose draw water in water as if is in congjiang." "Elephant also attracted by the beautiful scenery of guilin to live." The little girl said again.   Aunt huang then introduce us to guilin. Elephant trunk hill mountain is hidden hole, she says, is like a body, and trunk naturally formed round hole, clear river water injection flow, float above the boat. Standing on the elephant trunk hill, the castle peak emerald green, bamboo to show *** all river boat leisurely, the shore of cigarette *** oke.   "There will be many poets read poetry?!" She suddenly turn temper: "song ji north ChuShi and hidden hole rhyme poem:" the bottom has a bright moon, bright moon floating water. Current month, month to water flow. "Vividly depicts the scene; Ming dynasty poem Kong Yong have great way: clear drink YuHe trunk, westerly winds should a water wave, castle peak naturally RaoJi bone, can at more than one hundred days." "Looks like guilin fame good big!" The little boy cried sat behind me. "   The lijiang river like a jade belt winding, winding in the green mountain, swim the li river boat, yamagata, reflection, clear water, green hill, the shepherd boy, handsome, and ancient legends, the rural people, pure and fresh breath of of primitive simplicity, it is no wonder that scholars and the people, all with. Rock down into the water like a trunk the lijiang river water, scenic, let people couldn"t help feeling the creations of nature.
2023-07-12 21:16:571


您好,我是杭州精锐教育庆春路中心的王老师。restroom是指厕所、洗手间。Where is the Restroom?是指: 请问洗手间在哪儿?希望对你有帮助!
2023-07-12 21:06:571

“我失去过 更懂得珍惜拥有 多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我”是什么歌的歌词呀?谢谢!

besutiful love
2023-07-12 21:06:574


【原文】  今日之责任,不在他人,而全在我少年。  少年智则国智,少年富则国富;  少年强则国强,少年独立则国独立;  少年自由则国自由,少年进步则国进步;  少年胜于欧洲则国胜于欧洲,少年雄于地球则国雄于地球。  红日初升,其道大光。河出伏流,一泻汪洋。潜龙腾渊,鳞爪飞扬。乳虎啸谷,百兽震惶。鹰隼试翼,风尘吸张。奇花初胎,皇皇。干将发硎,有作其芒。天戴其苍,地履其黄。纵有千古,横有八荒。前途似海,来日方长。美哉我少年中国,与天不老!壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆!——梁启超《少年中国说》【译文】今天的责任,不在别人身上,全在我们少年身上。少年聪明我国家就聪明,少年富裕我国家就富裕,少年强大我国家就强大,少年独立我国家就独立,少年自由我国家就自由,少年进步我国家就进步,少年胜过欧洲,我国家就胜过欧洲,少年称雄于世界,我国家就称雄于世界。红日刚刚升起,道路充满霞光;黄河从地下冒出来,汹涌奔泻浩浩荡荡;潜龙从深渊中腾跃而起,它的鳞爪舞动飞扬;小老虎在山谷吼叫,所有的野兽都害怕惊慌,雄鹰隼鸟振翅欲飞,风和尘土高卷飞扬;奇花刚开始孕起蓓蕾,灿烂明丽茂盛茁壮;干将剑新磨,闪射出光芒。头顶着苍天,脚踏着大地,从纵的时间看有悠久的历史,从横的空间看有辽阔的疆域。前途象海一般宽广,未来的日子无限远长。美丽啊我的少年中国,将与天地共存不老!雄壮啊我的中国少年,将与祖国万寿无疆!【注释】“翕张”一作:吸张其道大光:语出《周易·益》:“自上下下,其道大光。”光,广大,发扬。矞(yù)矞皇皇 :《太玄经·交》:“物登明堂,矞矞皇皇。” 一般用于书面古语,光明盛大的样子。干将发硎,有作其芒:意思是宝剑刚磨出来,锋刃大放光芒。干将:原是铸剑师的名字,这里指宝剑。硎:磨刀石。【创作背景】《少年中国说》写于1900年,正在戊戌变法后,作者梁启超流亡日本之时。当时帝国主义制造舆论,污蔑中国是“老大帝国”。为了驳斥帝国主义分子的无耻滥言,唤起人民的爱国热情,激起民族的自尊心和自信心,梁启超适时地写出这篇《少年中国说》。【作者】梁启超(中国近代历史人物)梁启超(1873年2月23日—1929年1月19日),字卓如,一字任甫,号任公,又号饮冰室主人、饮冰子、哀时客、中国之新民、自由斋主人。清朝光绪年间举人,中国近代思想家、政治家、教育家、史学家、文学家,戊戌变法(百日维新)领细之一、中国在1代生新收、资川阶纷级7改良派的言传家。维新习,八岁学为文,九岁能缀千言,17岁中举。后从师于康有为,成为资产阶级改良派的宣传家。变法前,与康有为一起联合各省举人发动“公车上书”运动,此后先后领导北京和上海的强学会,又与黄遵宪一起办《时务报》,任长沙时务学堂的主讲,并著《变法通议》为变法做宣传。戊戌变法失败后,与康有为一起流亡日本,歧治思想上惑渐道P休寸徙睛雄广“连界基命”,批判的理论倡导者。逃亡日本后,梁启超在《饮冰室合集》《夏威夷游记》中继续推广“诗界革命"了以往那种诗中运用新名词以表新意的做法。在海外推动右王1先。平改平m之伯但导新文化运动,支担任司法总长;之后对袁世凯称帝、张勋复辟等严词抨击,并加入段祺瑞政府。他倡导新文化运动,支持五四运动。其著作合编为《饮冰室合集》。1929年1月19日,梁启超在北京协和医院渍然长逝,终年56岁。【道理】少年强则国强,少年智则国智。少年是一个国家的未来,一个国家的少年是什么样子,这个国家的将来就是什么样子。梁启超写少年中国说的原因:他写少年中国说,是想唤起国人的一点少年之气,一点活力与朝气,呼唤更多的青年人,接受先进的制度文化,去改变当时中国积贫积弱的现状。【鉴赏】《少年中国说》是梁启超在国家民族岌岌可危的时候,观点鲜 明地发出自己的呐喊。他看到清政府的腐败和官僚的无能,在帝国主义 嘲笑中国为“老大帝国”的讽刺中认识到变革改良的重要性,想要通过积 极的改良来改变当时中国的现状,他渴望国家的强盛,在深层次剖析造成 国家现状的根本原因后,把整个国家民族的希望寄托在了“少年”一代 身上。【写作特点】一、“平易畅达”。《少年中国说》用浅近的文言写成,文字平易。而 且,其思想的表达也平易畅达。为宣传“少年中国”的思想主题,“先言人 之老少”,把“国之老少”表达得通俗、浅显,让读者容易接受。文章多用 比喻句、排比句、对偶句,运用反复、重叠的修辞手法,既增强了气势,也使 文章“畅达”。二、“杂以俚语、韵语及外国语法”。《少年中国说》在语言平易的同 时,间或使用俚语、俗字,让一般读者有一种亲切感和幽默感,也起到了说 理通俗易懂的目的。不仅使用了“字典”“戏文”“磕头”“当差”等俚语, 还大量使用“泼兰地酒”“死海”“金字塔”“西伯利亚”等外语音译名词。 这样,给文章增添了一种新鲜生动的语感和语言氛围。作者还常在文章 转折的关键处或结尾处,使用韵文,给读者造成一股强大的情感冲击力 量,也使文章起伏跌宕,气势逼人。三、“笔锋常带感情”。《少年中国说》感情充沛,作者酣畅淋漓,热情 洋溢地表达了他的爱国感情。尤其是文章最后一段的韵语,是笔锋带感 情的最明显的例子。一个世纪过去了,今天读者读《少年中国说》,仍被其 中奔放的情感所激荡震撼。
2023-07-12 21:07:021


首先说iphone 3G为什么会慢,因为iOS4需要消耗大量的RAM,而iphone 3G的128MB的RAM太小了,以至于iOS4精简了也无法流畅运行,如果解决只有两个途径: 1,刷机,目前来说1代和2代的iphone可以随意刷任何版本的固件,直接刷回3.1.3即可(下载固件,进入itunes,shift+恢复选择你下载的固件即可刷机) 2,为了功能继续使用高版本,但是比较麻烦,首先你必须越狱,否则无权限执行优化操作,建议升级iOS 4.1固件(4.1为3G优化了,能节省20MB左右的RAM) 升级后越狱(用绿毒),然后第一步用91或ifunbox或ifile等软件进入系统目录:/System/Library/LaunchDaemons 剪切以下文件至一个文件夹(意思就是删掉这些文件,但是为了以防万一误删,请备份,所以剪切) 这些文件是一些系统服务,比如错误报告等没用的垃圾服务,不影响,重启生效,节省20MB左右RAM。 然后用Cydia安装虚拟内存(第一中文源里的就可以用),把你的部分ROM当成RAM用,然后最后就是换一个字体,推荐第一中文源里的微软字体,作用是第三方字体预读速度比系统字体快,以提高软件启动速度。 如果不嫌电用的快的话也可以安装CPU超频。 经过以上优化你的iphone速度将会有质的飞跃!祝你成功! 希望我的回答能帮助到你,我的ipod团队为您服务。
2023-07-12 21:07:021

寻找一位女歌手,神似蔡健雅的beautiful love,其中一句歌词是傻子遇到真爱

蔡健雅 true love 选择明天可能的爱那一夜他沈默从低潮关系逃开一直到今天他还始终不明白这样的决定到底该还不该还记得那夜的悲哀忍住泪关上门你故做坚强离开然后安慰自己缘分自有安排纵然心中充满了脆弱无奈每个人都期待下次遇到真爱才放弃的比珍惜还快每个人都期待早点找到真爱只可惜我们都一直到有一天彼此怀念时才明白我想我们不例外在茫茫人海中寻找著合身的爱好像童话里那拣贝壳的小孩到最后才了解已错过了真爱我们各自在生活里徘徊只是夜深人静里会醒来每当看著两人的合照时心中还是有很多感慨是不是我们下一次会遇到真爱应该是下次遇到到真爱吧望采纳谢谢
2023-07-12 21:07:041


推荐用修改器,一次可以改200W……照他的介绍改,但是要进英文版的好像才可以,而且要用小键盘按数字键才可以按照修改器改了钱过后再按照上面1楼的方法上面的方法 在秘籍里输入:unlockallthings 就可以买到所有的4级零件了~
2023-07-12 21:06:533

2023-07-12 21:06:533


室外公共卫生间和旅游景区用toilet的比较多. 男女用male/female或者man/woman都是可以的。但是用man和woman的见的比较多
2023-07-12 21:06:491

Beautiful Love 蔡健雅 和akb48的あなたがいてくれたから的副歌部分是不是很像 是否有抄袭的嫌疑

2023-07-12 21:06:491

女生个性签名only one ,什么意思?

2023-07-12 21:06:486