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2023-07-12 21:52:13




modifying phrase是什么意思

1. 修饰语短语希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~
2023-07-12 20:51:333


wait for modifying 其实都差不多
2023-07-12 20:52:043

disease-modifying therapies什么意思

disease-modifying therapies疾病修正疗法disease-modifying疾病修饰双语对照例句:1."Disease-modifying treatments are emerging for each specific cause ofdementia," grossman said. 格鲁斯曼说:“针对每种痴呆症特定病因的疾病修正疗法,正在出现。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-12 20:52:111

请问新增信息,修改信息和查询信息在英语中可以翻译为Adding,modifying and querying information 吗?

根据有道,虽然有些不权威: Adjust job plan timely according to order (any urgent order, increased order, injected order, and special order), new program and stock status. 根据急单、补单、插单、特殊订单、新项目和库内原皮质量情况及时调整生产计划。推断出补单为Increased order 假设这次补单翻译为 this order is an increased one The material requisition is the consumption of the previous products sales. 个人觉得这里的销售没有强调用完,所以用Sales这个词。不知道对您有用没,纯属个人意见。
2023-07-12 20:52:191


The goods have been the inspection is completed, I would like to ask whether shipment, packing belt issues mentioned in the report, we will arrange and implement as soon as possible, the other colleagues have made a number of our email to you about the credit changes, because the order 1 cargo quickly to the port, please as soon as possible to modify the letter of credit, we good to timely presentation bank.
2023-07-12 20:52:284


个人觉得在碰到难的句子时候,先给它翻译为中文,因为在这个过程中你能够对句子的结构和意思有一个大概的把握,但是这个是辅助功能,接下来对句子的分析还是应该基于英文原版文章。这个是我的翻译,部分专业词汇不准确,但是句子的结构应该没错:多种原因造成了科学研究在不同领域的相对发展(速度、程度)的区别。其中部分原因完全是社会需求的合理结果。但是对(相对发展(速度、程度)的区别)其中的部分原因的过程就不是那么合理了。(必要的、正确的)预想应该在科学理论形成中应该被采用,(需要)不同领域的权威通过立法来改变,(从而形成上述)这种发展模式。 Question A:句子①和句子②,两者表达的意义完全一样么? 答:不一样,因为你改了以后less reasonable processes 修饰的是different growth in the preconceptions.而原文中less reasonable processes 修饰的是different growth, preconceptions是属于下一句的内容了。Question B:“by persons in authority” 修饰句子中的哪个部分?答:by persons in authority 应该是从句中的主语,由of different areas 来修饰,而不是它去修饰其他的。不然你的理解会出错。 Question C:您能帮我详细分析一下句子①的结构么? 答:1. However some are less reasonable (in) processes of different growth2. The form (of) scientific theory ought to take preconceptions.3. Act to alter the growth pattern of different areas (should be taken) by persons in authority
2023-07-12 20:52:352


1. A powerful (advocate to)A equal rights, Belva Lockwood was twice a candidate for president long before the Nineteenth Amendment to the constitution allowed women to vote.这里advocate做名字用,表示支持者,那么后面应该跟for,逗号前面等于是个同位语,一位平等权利的强有力拥护者,Belva Lockwood……而且advocate即便做动词,也是及物动词。2. A great owl (flying low)A across a forest clearing, its (wings beating)B quietly and its ultrasensitive ears turned to the (faint sounds)C made by small (creatures concealed)D under leaves.这题我说不太好,整句句子的主语是a great owl,所以他后面一定要跟动词谓语,平行的结构我认为其实是主语和its ears,也就是说A应该是flew low, 而its wings beating并不独立成句,他跟在主语后面修饰主语。因为如果如果beat用过去式,则构成与主语的平行结构,前头又有逗号分开,语法上逗号后面必须加个and。没有and则逗号后头的句子不能独立成句,所以用现在分词,而不是过去时。不知道这么讲是不是清楚。3.After the (gruelling)A rehearsal, the pianist felt (wore)B out and wanted only to sleep.感觉累垮了feel worn out吧。feel to do sth一般用在感觉要去做某事。比如,I feel to drink. 意思是我很渴,我想去喝水。4.The heat was already (overwhelming and lasted a week, which duration made it seem) sheer torture.A.同上B.....C.overwhelming and lasted the duration of a week to make it to seemD.overwhelming, and it lasting a week made it seemE.....句子的意思是这样的,温度超高并持续了一个礼拜,这样的情况(即持续一个礼拜过热)简直就是纯粹的折磨。D是完全忠于原句意思的。C的话,有模棱两可之处。last the duration of a week意思不明,是延长了机器(假设是机器过热的话)的寿命一个礼拜,还是其他?如果没有原句,意思比较模糊。另,是the duration make it a torture,而不但是the heat,C的话显然改变了这一点意思。5.No one (object to)A his company, even though he has made insulting remarks abot almost every member of the (group,when)D he is a remarkabley witty man.这个指记得以前老师说过no one和each one后头其实是可以跟复数的。我就死记硬背下来了。既然D肯定是错的,那么A就不是选项了。= =|||6. In Germany, foresters discovered that trees killed by acrid rain had begun to die four years (earlier, even though the trees had shown no signs of disease then).不明白这里“同上”是什么意思?A的答案跟原句一样?如果是这样的话,那么实在保证其他选项都是错的情况下才选A。A是肯定对的,但是既然这里有D选项也是对的,那就选D了。貌似GMAT也有类似题目,就是这个要求。7.My grandfather never learned to use a computer, (as he shops) he can accurately compute his grocery bill in his head to within a dollar.while做conj.用时,是不跟分词的。给个例句比较明白——The lecturer supports the idea, while the student does not think so. 是这样的结构。用于两个分句的转折关系。8.Expers agree that permanently modifying eating and exercise habits rather than merely dieting for brief periods (are the key)C (to controlling)D weight.这句句子分析下,其实the key是指permanently modifying eating and exercise habits,即永久改变饮食和锻炼习惯这件事,而不是针对习惯这个词。所以其实是单数。9. The exchange between the teacher and the student promotes learning far different from that which results (as)C the student listens but does not participate.没有result as这个词组,如果表示导致的话,可以用result in 或者lead to如果表结果则是as a result.好长啊~可能没讲清楚,欢迎追问~
2023-07-12 20:52:463


no offer a reward, no answer
2023-07-12 20:53:052


vt. 管理;经营;控制;设法vi. 处理;应付过去[ 过去式 managed 过去分词 managed 现在分词 managing ]
2023-07-12 20:53:142


1.Please note that the buyer will pay all costs, the bill of lading should be marked "freight collect".2, check the remaining amount will be paid into your account.3, the light of our friendly relations between the two sides, we made an exception to accept a single payment acceptance to pay less than the amount of 10,000 dollars of orders.4, in order to avoid subsequent amendments to the letter of credit, please pay attention to the provisions of the letter of credit is fully consistent with the terms of the contract5, Exit Inspection and Quarantine of China survey shows that the damage to the goods by poor packaging6, if the case can not be solved through friendly consultations, will be submitted to arbitration7, is to inform you that our customers want to buy a Chinese carpet给我分吧
2023-07-12 20:53:294


Exit Saving Changes (关闭并储存更改) Exit Discard Changes (关闭并放弃更改) Load Setup Defaults (使用原始设置) Save Changes (储存更改) Save Changes And Power Off (储存更改并关闭电源)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Help (基本帮助) Setup changes system behavior by modifying the BIOS configuration. Selecting incorrect values way cause system boot failure; load Setup Default values to recover.(Bios系统设置更改。选择不适合的数据或使系统停止启动;使用原始的数据复原。)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Within a field, <F5> or <-> selects next lower value and <F6>,<+>,or<space> selects nenxt higher value. (<F5> 或 <-> 之间选择较低的数据 和 <F6>,<+> 或 <space> 则选择较高的数据。)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** 视窗若是不能正常启动的话,一般有几个原因:-1. 中毒2. 视窗档案受损3. Bios 设置有更改或不支持4. 系统硬盘受损 1 至 3 可以尝试用保护模式进入(safe mode),然后把要的档案存起来,再拿给专业的电脑维修员看看。4 则需要直接拿给专业的维修员修理。记得要提醒对方把你的文档都做备案。** 一般如果不懂得Bios 的系统设置的话,还是建议不要随便更改设置。由于不确定你的电脑是什么问题,这里所说的都是表面的提醒。希望能帮得上忙。
2023-07-12 20:53:361

英语语法(than 引导的比较状语从句)

句子主干是这样的结构: what XXX seeks to do is xxxx than xxxxxthan可以理解为 not, 即:genetic modification要做的是 modifying corps in a more planned way ,而不是仅仅selecting heathier seeds or by producing hybrids of successful plants。
2023-07-12 20:53:473


Adjectives and VerbsThere are two things to consider when contemplating the relationship between adjectives and verbs. The first is that adjectives can come after the verb:The rock star was crazy.The cat"s tail is long.I am furious with my business partner.The cookies smell awesome!That shirt looks great on you.Note that these are forms of to be or “sense” verbs: to look, to seem, to appear, to taste, to sound, to feel, to smell, etc. If these verbs are modifying the noun in front of them, an adjective will always be required so the noun is properly modified.The second thing to consider is verbs that turn into adjectives; these are calledparticiples. Usually, the verb has u2011ing tacked onto the end of the root form, or it"s the past tense. The adjective can be placed before the noun or after the verb.The smiling baby is really cute.Smiling is used as an adjective here, as is cute. This is my new washing machine.Washing is acting like an adjective for machine.This is my broken washing machine.This washing machine is broken.Broken is an adjective which is modifying washing machine.In the summer, frozen popsicles are refreshing.The secretary handed the boss the translated document.After washing all the teacups, she found a forgotten one in the living room.
2023-07-12 20:53:554


my和sql分开读,sql类似于读 “色扣”。。。
2023-07-12 20:54:155

jparepository 怎样自定义查询

两种方式:方式1:假设Bean的属性xxx为主键,则在getXxx() 前添加以下注解@Id@SequenceGenerator(name="名称A", sequenceName="库中已存在的sequence名称",allocationSize=递增值)@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="名称A")方式2:假设Bean的属性xxx为主键,则在getXxx() 前添加以下注解@Id@TableGenerator(name="名称A",allocationSize=递增值)//若不指定递增值,则生成的主键值不一定连续@GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.TABLE, generator="名称A")总结:方式1:针对Oracle效率略高,但需要手工创建sequence才能使用。方式2:不依赖数据库,可移植性好,但相比方式1,效率略低。
2023-07-12 20:54:432


2023-07-12 20:54:535


门槛限制 上述评论关于范畴的相关阅读资料的行为与土石坝可以应用到所有的仪器在本章中讨论。在设计一种监测阈范围和标准,用来开发应成立。这些阈范围可根据工程分析和预测地震震级的行为在三峡大坝的设计。对于那些行为,而且无法准确预测、门槛限制可根据测量的行为过程。 门槛限制可以用来识别不同寻常的阅读;那些可能的范围之外的计量器具,或阅读需要评估以负责任的工程师。两者整体的大小和改变的比率范围应开发。阈值, 门槛限制是为了提供制衡作用,在一个监控程序。阅读材料的范围之外建立阈值并不一定意味着失败,或者是迫在眉睫的严厉的措施。他们应该建立进一步的评价和近等注重的是特定仪器的门槛限制被达成或超过。采取行动,可能在达到或超过一个门槛限制可能包括: 8226;及通知负责的工程师。 8226;确认和计量的阅读(通过检查一遍,如果可能,确定正确的使用和校准的监测仪器。 8226;视力检查和大坝痛苦的迹象与类型的阅读被(如过度渗流、边坡失稳,裂缝或坳陷在顶的大坝等)。 8226;增加价值的频率提供数据进一步阅读的情况进行评估。 8226;如果适当和修订的门槛,限制。 8226;实施和侦查措施,如安装额外的仪器。 8226;实施和补救措施,如清洗排水管,修补受损的基础,或修改水坝在一些时尚。 8226;如果和决心是适当的,实施紧急措施,诸如画下来。
2023-07-12 20:55:111


Pretreatment of wool/polyester blend fabric with monochlorotriazinyl b-CD was carried out for modifying the wool component to be able to form u2018u2018hostu2013guest” inclusion complexes with disperse dyes during the subsequent disperse printing step thereby leading to union disperse printing. The optimum sequence/conditions of treatment based on the data obtained were: padding of the blend fabric with an aqueous formulation composed of monochlorotriazinyl b-CD (60 g/L), Fixapret_ ECO (20 g/L), citric acid (5 g/L), PEG-600 (10 g/L), wet-pickup (70%), thermofixing at 120 _C/5 min, thoroughly washing, drying, followed by postprinting with disperse dyes and finally steaming at 140 _C for 30 min. Our experimental results reveal that fixing of the used monochlorotriazinyl b-CD onto and/or within the wool component has modified its structure thereby increasing its ability to pick-up, adsorb as well as to retain the guest disperse dye vapors into its grafted hydrophobic cavities, which in turn resulted in attaining union-u3002
2023-07-12 20:55:182


I"m very sorry!!!!!! For us to "survival" statistical results analysis error, cause a serious mistake. Very grateful for your correct. For this reason, we carefully analyze all the "survival", found some results also similar errors, and finally we all correctly analyzes statistical results, and modify articles and pictures in that accordingly survival, but the original data without any change. In order to say we don"t modify the original data, we will be the original data statistical results listed in detail below. At the same time, if necessary, we will send the original data, for your reference, to ensure that we do not modify the original data. Thank you again for your criticism correct, we for the serious mistakes again expressed profound apology.
2023-07-12 20:55:263


翻译修改,修饰,调整,使更适合,缓和,使温和改进,限定,使血和,使改形,使转化拓展第三人称单数:modifies现在进行时:modifying过去式:modified过去分词:modified例句1. The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.俱乐部成员确已同意修改他们的入会政策。2.Once you modify this file, upload it via RAM.一旦您修改了这个文件,通过RAM来上它。3. As a result, it may abandon or modify some rites.因此,人们可能会摒弃或修改一些仪式。4. Patients are taught how to modify their diet.病人获得有关如何调节自己饮食的指导。
2023-07-12 20:55:501


1 。导言云涵盖大约60 %的地球表面。全球平均覆盖,海洋是估计在65 %以上的土地在52 % (华伦等基地, 1986年, 1988年) 。云层影响大气A6的- 吸附和反映辐射,修改当地的空气温度,压力,风速,生产precip - 民族,混合和消除气体和党- cles 。此外,各种自然过程,它被公认的人类活动可能会改变物理特性云的方式以外的其他传统方法中使用的人工影响天气( twomey , 1974年, 1977年; Albrecht ) , 1989年;警监会, 1995年; 拉玛纳山等人, 2001年) 。最近的一项研究表明, 该沉淀在东中环的中国是显着- icantly较低,在过去40年来,这降低- 狮子降水是强烈的相关性要高浓度的气溶胶(赵等人, 2006a ) 。如何- 以往,我们的理解详细的过程中所涉及的在气溶胶的影响,形成云和降水仍然是有限的,大量的研究在多学科正在做世界各地的即时通讯-证明这种情况。 快速的研究进展云物理已取得近年来,在中国,由于primar - ily ,以需求从人工影响天气歌剧- dons 。更为复杂的云模型,在- 骂两势头,大小分类的微物理计划和气溶胶流程,以及先进的观测- 筹措仪器,如多普勒雷达,极地化雷达,机载微波辐射计。粒子测量系统(市政重组条例) ,以及全球定位系统透射电镜( GPS )的mesonet ,已被用于云物理研究。这些研究侧重于云p师sical亲cesses不等,从对流云的规模尺度云系。几个项目,针对云物理和人工影响天气,空气质素的Pol - 解,云酸的气候变化已进行了与资金从科技部和技术的OGY (最)和自然科学基金委员会中国(国家自然科学基金委员会) 。该threa七s从长期干旱, 严重的天气和空气污染带来新的挑战在云物理的研究。
2023-07-12 20:57:114


2023-07-12 20:57:411


合成部分模型反应合成模型明确方面的部分load-axial弯矩-曲率反应、轴向应变关系等等。最简单的合成模型弯曲及轴向的反应,来解偶每次使用具有该技能的兵种线性和非线性关系如Takeda张秀珍。~ 1970年!有关时刻部分模型和曲率。更先进的合成模型,比较适合分析认为,axial-bending光束柱之间的相互作用。证明所做的工作被Hilmy和亚伯~ 1985年!和Hajjar和Gourley ! ~ 1997年El-Tawil和Deierlein ~并且,发展,b。一个边界面塑性模型stressresultant进行了空间。该模型宽泛的方式中所开发的为适用于钢,混凝土,或复合材料成员。,如图1、2各种不同的可塑性模型必须考虑:一个finite-surface和degenerate-surface版本。这位前明确认为一个完全弹性的反应地区存在的内表面。@Fig 1 ~ ! #、是如此适用于钢成员,通常有这样的行为。degenerate-surface模型的弹性变形区域缩小了逐渐变细,形成尖端这一节,因此最初都是无弹性行为在任何的载入方向。这个版本是适合部分,都很少或没有弹性响应区,如钢筋混凝土和复合材料部分。刚度退化的解释功能塑性应变能吸收的复合成员。纤维节段模型纤维后面的概念很简单节段模型。这部分分为n纤维~不一定相等的地方来!和压力被集成在横截面积获得应力等角度力量或的时刻。纤维部分模型一般利用许多假定条件。~ 1 !飞机部分折弯后保持架飞机。人们普遍认为这一假定也合理地即使迈入连接范围。~ 2 !剪力和扭转压力被忽视了。因为这个原因纤维方法通常用于分析柔性Euler-Bernoulli为主,那里的成员梁理论合理应用。~ 3 !虽然本构关系通常定义为单轴,多轴应力状态~等那些因为限制效果!通过增加中通过修改和混凝土强度的具体postpeak反应。~ 4 !一般混凝土裂缝交代。然而,裂解被认为是遭诬陷,正常的。会员轴由于飞机部分假设。~ 5 !当地屈曲的钢构件和初始重音起因无论是安装的载重量或热残余影响可以被包括在内
2023-07-12 20:57:521

电脑开机f2里的change values是什么意思

2023-07-12 20:58:152


1. I"m now in a university of Beijing.2. Our university is praised as...3. What dissatisfied me most is...4. They finally sticked their eyes on subject finance.5. Generally it is called ... for short.6. Ocean and sea can adjust climate.7. My hometown is Huludao City, Liaoning Province.8. Average salary9. All my happy memory of childhood deposited in this city.10. The sea is not attract as it was several years ago,
2023-07-12 20:58:264


整车测试不应该影响VCC对新进的交货单位PSW的批准。如果在整车测试程序状态字部分需要修改以满足overallvehicle批准供应商负责PPGTC forconsequences &责任根据协议。新modificationsVCC与供应商将同意如果整车测试再次要求或组件的批准是足够的
2023-07-12 20:58:375


Take off to want: Aim at currently the information technique of the primary and junior high school school the characteristics of the course and new course a request, is easy to student better usage the calculator basic operation and control more calculator knowledge, oneself think consistently with colleague:Should make use of network and database technique, combine currently breadth to take the beneficial advantage that the net constucts strongly, study a development to try a database this ASP to apply system with on-line examination system.(have no the paper turn test terrace)It makes use of convenience, operation in brief, the efficiency is very high, present stage although carried out try book of objective part, already have an of try to record go into, modification and search, handicraft set winding and automatic set winding and carry on on-line examination to wait important function, is also say carrying out is real of have no the paper turn examination, the examinee who satisfies any authorization examines anywhere at any time and acquire result quickly, and give it detailed result analysis with try a valuation, eased a teacher to make out questions also and consumedly, set winding and change a workload with heavy etc.. Key word: Have no paper to turn, the asp document, network examine system
2023-07-12 20:59:3210


2023-07-12 21:00:272

机械专业英语翻译(不要软件翻译) 各位大侠帮帮忙啊!

To meet the demand for production and precision,researchers and equipment builders are looking outside the bounds of conventional milling,drilling,turning,and grinding. New cutting and machining processes continue to emerge along with methods for modifying the conventional techniques. Laser-assisted machining. Laser-assisted machining is a process that has long been researched and now ready to come out the lab. In this operation, a laser beam is projected onto the part through fiber optics or some other optical-beam delivery unit, just ahead of the tool(as shown in Fig.34.1).During a cut,laser power is varied to match the profile being cut. CO2 laser are usually used with power levels from 200 to 500 W. The laser-induced heat softens the workpiece and make it easier to cut. 为了满足需求的生产和精度,研究人员和设备制造商正在看着窗外的界限传统铣、钻、车削、及研磨。新切割和加工流程不断涌现随着修正方法传统的制造工艺。 Laser-assisted加工。Laser-assisted加工是一个过程,长期以来一直研究和现在准备出来的实验室。在这个手术,镭射光束被投射通过光学纤维部分或其他optical-beam交货单位,就在Fig.34.1工具(如图)后割伤、激光功率是多种多样的匹配的轮廓被削减。CO2激光通常被使用,从200功率电平的500 .激光热软化工件,让你更容易削减。
2023-07-12 21:00:362


Stainless Steel StampingPlastic partsChange module fees
2023-07-12 21:00:442


Introduction In recent years, as people on environmental protection, health awareness and sustainable development of wood processing industry, renewed emphasis on protein-based adhesive. Soy protein rich, low cost and contains a large number of active groups to produce soybean meal and soybean protein gel has great potential [1]. Soy protein adhesives have been used in plywood manufacturing in the United States [2], 2005, China has also achieved the soy protein plastic plywood for industrial production [3], 2006, Nanjing Forestry University, a patent application for "non-formaldehyde-speed business bean gum Yang Ⅱ Plywood production method for industrial production "[4], in 2009 in Shandong Province of the soybean protein fiber in the industrial production of glue [5]. The results show that urea concentration on the unfolding of tertiary structure of soy protein have a significant effect, and the use of urea to the modification of soy protein than with alkali modification, has better water resistance [6,7]. Ultrasonic treatment is widely used in various studies, particularly ultrasound can accelerate the chemical reaction [8]. Currently, soy-based adhesive is mainly used in wood processing industry, less adhesive applied to cardboard. In this experiment, ultrasonic wave urea modified soy protein powder, preparation of soybean protein adhesive, bonding board; system of the protein concentration, urea concentration, treatment time, temperature, ultrasonic treatment time on the soy protein plastic adhesive strength. In this study, soy-based adhesive for the Pan-wide uf020 may provide a new way of thinking. Girlfriend"s thesis, expert help translate what wow, reward high scores, just to the exact translation:) good answer double extra points!
2023-07-12 21:01:037

请帮忙翻译一下,大概意思要准确 谢谢 。急

2023-07-12 21:01:195


2023-07-12 21:01:351


2023-07-12 21:01:455


2023-07-12 21:02:083


2023-07-12 21:02:193

setup changes system behav ior by modifying the bios 什么意思

setup changes system behavior by modifying the bios 通过修改基本输入输出系统设置改变系统行为
2023-07-12 21:02:411


2023-07-12 21:02:471

Realize Your Creative Potential 英译中

所有的核心的新思路在于借款增加,合并或修改了旧的。做到这一点意外和人民给你打电话幸运。做到这一点的设计,他们会打电话给您,富于创造性。我们大家都能够创建想法几乎将。问题是了解和利用的进程,使我们能够做到最有效。 人们普遍认为,该法制定的一些新的想法涉及五个步骤。 第一洞察力。你有一个问题要解决或活动你想做的事,你想一个更好的工作,需要重新装修房子,你的公司产生废料你想变成一个有利可图的副产品。所有这些都是例子第一洞察力。 问题补充:照明。这是高潮的创作过程。深入持久性有机污染物的头脑,突然一切都属于地方。查尔斯Darw9in收集资料,他的进化论。然后有一天,当他乘坐的马车,这一切走到一起。 “我记得, ”达尔文写道: “非常现场时,在路上我的喜悦解决发生在我。 ”照明是最令人激动和愉快的阶段的创作过程。 核查。然而,所有的令人惊奇的洞察力,照明可可怕的不可靠的。智慧和判断力的发挥,和你的直觉和灵感的逻辑证实或否认。你回了,看看你的想法尽可能客观。您征求意见等。您修改您的好想法,使他们更好地和经常拿出新的和更好的了解这一过程。大概是这样的!
2023-07-12 21:02:563

汉译英 公司文件 高分跪求专家替我翻译 我实在英文太烂了

2023-07-12 21:03:054


1、do not modify the samlpe at the time ,we will fix the problem in the official sample meeting.2、waiting for you to clarify the problems above.3、please go over my explanation of this mail"s Question document and discuss them with the guests.4、the sample of this color hasn"t been arranged yet.5、 the gray cup and the bowl don"t need to change their color?if that so ,i have to call the factory to stop.
2023-07-12 21:03:335

setup changessystembehaviorbymodifyingthebios中文

2023-07-12 21:03:503


听力(2007.6)1. D) He won"t be available until next Friday. 2. C) Waitress and guest. 3. B) Talk with John about his study.4.A) The mall doesn"t like the climate in Chicago. 5. B) Work with his father. 6.C) Miss Smith. 7. A)The telephone number . 8. C) By plane. 9.D) Two weeks. 10.B) Frightened. 11. To stay in bed . 12. Following a doctor"s advice is not always easy . 13. The stress of his job . 14. The medicines will do the person little good. 15. He should rest both his body and his mind . 听力(2008.6)1. A) Clean the bedroom.2. B) She won"t buy a car this year. 3. C) Prepare some documents.4. C) She was going to the airport. 5. D) She wants Diana to do her hair. 6. D) To his hometown. 7. C) She was ill and had to stay at home. 8. A) Sofas. 9. A) On Main Road. 10. B) 20%.11. In the early morning . 12. The third floor of the building. 13. Only a few elderly people . 14. In the year of 1718 . 15. Most likely a burning cigarette .阅读理解原文第一句:For many of us…1) An extra spice.2)A double-edged sword.3)Lasting scars.4)In athletics and academics.5)An unhealthy narcissism in the child.原文:Computer addiction is…1)Personal computer addiction,video game addiction and the internet addiction are regarded as computer addictin.2)Some children suffer from computer rage when they are forbidden to play computer games.3)The questions include assessing how much time is spent on the PC or playing video games, sometimes relative to how mach time is sent interacting with real people.4)Another way to assess compyter addictin is to assess one"s quality of life before and after the computer arrived.5)Limiting the amount of time spent on the computer or playing video games is a simple step.If your computer is on all the time at home,switch it off原文:Man has been…1) No,it"s not,because man has been“genetically modifying” everything from food to dogs for many centuries.2)In the past,people practiced selective breeding3)With them,scientists can insert specific genes into a plant or animal without having to go through the process of selective breeding.4)Genetic engineering is extremely rapid compared to selective breeding and with it,you can also cross species very easily.5)Some scientists insert genes that produce a natural insecticide and a variety of antifungal genes into corn plants to protect them.原文:The United Nations…1)Climate change is a reality and can seriously harm the future development of our economies, societies and ecosystems worldwide.2)A new international climate change deal must be put in place in time and comprehensive negotiations on a new climate deal need to began without further delay3)The main goal of the Bali Conference is to deliver the necessary breakthrough of a new climate deal and get negotiations going on a new international climate change agreement.4)Adaptation to climate change, the launch of a Fund for adaptation, reducing emissions from deforestation, issues relating to the carbon market, and arrangements for a review of the Kyoto Protocol.5)A lot of issues related to climate change will be negotiated at the Bali Conference.原文:There are many …1)Bottom-up and top-down career planning.2)It means figuring out how you can best take advantage of the career building blocks you already possess.3)It involves assessing your current needs and qualifications.4)Bottom-up planning is a low-level,objective method of planning while top-down planning is a high-level subjective method of planning while top-down planning is a high-level subjective method of planning.5)Top-down career planning.原文:College is a…1) The author thinks that college is a big time for students to find themselves and their passions and sometimes this entails studying a foreign language or a completely different culture.2)Because it"s an incredible valuable experience for travel, education and self-discovery that you may not do later on in life.3)It will be experience in your major, language exposure or immersion with local people, local culture, and local flavor.4)Home-stay programs are those which arrange international students to live with host families.5)It"s an open question.作文No.112 Tianxin StreetChengdu, Sichuan, 610013PRC April 2,2008 Personnel Director TT Company337 Beijing RoadKunmingDear Sir/Madam,I write in response to your advertisement in South China post on October 31, 2008 invitingapplications for the post of Network Maintenance Engineer.I will graduate from Graduate School of Southwest Jiaotong University this year with a studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server. During my education, I have grasped the principles of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more importantly I can communicate with foreigners fluently in English. My ability to write and speak English is beyond question.I enclose a resume with details of my personal particulars. I should be very grateful if you could grant me an interview so that I can explain my qualifications more fullyYours faithfully,Wang Lin
2023-07-12 21:03:591


2023-07-12 21:04:073

电脑开机f2里的change values是什么意思?

电脑开机f2里的change values的意思是网络更改设定值。网络释义:1.更改设定值常用的DOS快捷... ... (Select Item Select Menu 选择项目 选择菜单) (Change Values 更改设定值) (Setup Defaults 设置为默认值) ...2.变化值IBM ThinkPad笔记本BIOS设置手册... ... Sub –Mnu 子–全球 Change Values 变化值 Setup defaults 默认设置 ...3.改变热点值造句:1.l Display a page that will allow the administrator to change values for the properties of a product.显示一个允许管理员修改产品属性值的页面。2.It is now possible to explore and change values for variables, including variables for activities which have not yet been navigated.现在可以浏览和更改变量的值,包括还没有被导航的活动的变量。3.A user can input new values when launching a new work item, and the user can change values when modifying an existing work item.用户可以在启动新工作项时输入一些新值,并且用户可以在修改已有工作项时更改这些值。4.However, if you also change values in the instance configuration, you must disable the entire instance before you apply the update.不过,如果还更改了实例配置中的值,则必须在应用更新前就禁用整个实例。5.After clicking Edit, you will be able to change values for the database record.单击Edit后,将可以更改数据库记录的值。
2023-07-12 21:04:221


2023-07-12 21:04:313


Throughout human history,people have played active in modifying their environments in order to survive.In the highly developed nations of the world today,native speakers of English are unique in their widespread-some world say virually universal-lack of proficiency in other languages.在整个人类历史中,人们为了生存而积极地改变他们的环境。在当今世界高度发达的国家,母语为英语的人在其广泛存在的情况下是独一无二的 - 有些世界说他们普遍缺乏其他语言的熟练程度。
2023-07-12 21:04:381


商务物体模型 (BOM) 是商务视野落实。 它定义行动和实体那能被用于规则人工品。 在你能开始创造之前和编辑规则人工品, 你需要定义 BOM。 BOM 包含班级和规定人工品行为的方法在。之上 商务物体模型可能从头被定义, 或产生从一个实行物体模型 (XOM) 叁考编译爪哇班级和其他的数据模型。 生意反对模型能也没有修正实行物体模型被延长。 对映射的 XOM 的 BOM 定义通信在BOM 和实行物体模型 (XOM) 在运行时间用了。 见到对在第 95 页上映射的 XOM 的 BOM 。 BOM 使你能够使生意规定编辑方便使用者的藉由提供工具建立一个自然语言字汇。 与这字汇, 政策经理能描述他们的商务逻辑在生意方面规定语言。 商务规则被表达使用期限和片语字汇。 为了被准则引擎处理, 他们一定是进入技术上的语言之内首先翻译哪一引擎了解。 (认为 ILOG 是规则语言或 IRL) 在设计,商务规则构造被翻译到技术上的规则构造和二手的字汇元素被翻译到那对应的 BOM 元素。 技术上的规则以那为基础BOM。 在运行时间,准则引擎拿规则、 BOM, BOM 到XOM 映射和 XOM 当做输入而且建立那内在的结构需要处理申请的物体。
2023-07-12 21:04:493

急求英语原版电影经典对白 时长2分钟左右 急求啊!!!!!!!!!!

自己挑哇,我也不知道那个适合你1、 《泰坦尼克号》经典对白You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive.. (Both Rose and Jack are in the icy-cold sea now.)    ROSE: I love you, Jack.    JACK: No... Don"t you do that. Don"t say your good-byes. Not yet. Do you understand me?  ROSE: I"m so cold.    JACK: Listen, Rose. You"re going to get out of here. You"re going to go on and you"re going to make lots of babies and you"re going to watch them grow and you"re going to die an old, an old lady, warm in your bed. Not here. Not this night. Not like this. Do you understand me?   ROSE: I can"t feel my body.    JACK: Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. And I"m thankful for that, Rose, I"m thankful. You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you will survive... that you won"t give matter what matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.    ROSE: I promise.    JACK: Never let go.    ROSE: I will never let go, Jack, I"ll never let go. 你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……(露丝和杰克都在冰冷的海水中)    露丝:杰克,我爱你。    杰克:别,别这样。不要说再见。还不是时候。你明白了吗?    露丝:我觉得很冷。    杰克: 听我说,露丝。你一定能脱险的。你要活下去,生许多孩子,看着他们长大。你会安享晚年,安息在温暖的床上。而不是今晚在这里,不是像这样死去。你明白了吗?   露丝:我失去知觉了。    杰克:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事。让我认识了你。感谢上苍,露丝,我是那么感激它!你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃。答应我,露丝,永不放弃你对我的承诺。    露丝:我答应你。    杰克:永不放弃。    露丝:我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。2、《乱世佳人》经典对白Rhett : I"m leaving you, my dear; all you need now is a divorce and your dreams of Ashley can come true. 瑞德 :我要离开你,我亲爱的。你现在唯一需要的是离婚!然后你的阿希礼之梦就能实现了。Scarlett: Oh, no! No! You"re wrong! Terribly wrong! I don"t want a divorce! Oh, Rhett, when I knew tonight that I? when I knew I loved you, I ran home to tell you. Oh, darling, darling!斯佳丽:不!不!你错了!大错特错了!我不想离婚!瑞德,当我今天夜里意识到我……我爱的是你,我就跑回家来告诉你。哦,亲爱的,亲爱的……Rhett : Please don"t go on with this. Leave us some dignity to remember out of our marriage. Spare us this last瑞德 :斯佳丽,请你别这样。给我们分手之后留一点值得回味的尊严吧。留下这最后一点吧。Scarlett: "This last?" Oh Rhett, do listen tome! I must have loved you for years only? I was such a stupid fool I didn"t know it. Please believe me! You must care! Melly said you did.斯佳丽:最后的一点儿?瑞德,请听我说!我多年来肯定一直是爱你的,只不过……我太傻了,没有意识到。请相信我!你肯定在意!梅拉尼说你是在意的。Rhett : I believe you, but what about Ashley Wilkes? 瑞德 :我相信你。可是阿希礼u2022威尔克斯怎么办呢?Scarlett: I?I never really loved Ashley.斯佳丽:我……我从未真心爱过阿希礼。Rhett :You certainly gave a good imitation of it up till this morning. No, scarlet, I tried everything, and if you"d only met me halfway, even when I came back from London?瑞德 :那你装得可够象的,一直装到今天早晨。没用了,斯佳丽,一切努力我都尝试过了,即使在我从伦敦回来的时候,如果你能做些让步……Scarlett: Oh, I was so glad to see you! I was, Rhett, but?斯佳丽:我见到你非常高兴!这是真的,瑞德!可是……Scarlett: But you were so nasty! (RHE: And then when you were sick and it was all my fault,)斯佳丽:可是当时你却大发脾气!(瑞德:当你由于我的过错病倒的时候,)Rhett : I hoped against hope that you"d call for me, but you didn"t瑞德 :我仍幻想着你会叫我到你身边去,可你没有。Scarlett: I wanted you. I wanted you desperately! But I didn"t think you wanted me.斯佳丽:我需要你。我非常需要你!可我没想到你也需要我。Rhett : It seems we"re been at cross purposes, doesn"t it? But it"s no use now. As long as there was Bonnie there was a chance we might be happy. I liked to think that Bonnie was you, a little girl again, before the war and poverty had done things to you. She was so like you, and I could pet her and spoil her, as I wanted to spoil you. When she went, she took everything.瑞德 :看起来我们相互有误解,是吗?不过现在说什么都没用了。邦妮在的时候,我们还有幸福生活的可能。我常把邦妮当成你,小姑娘时代的你,重新回到未经历战争与贫穷的。她非常象你——我宠爱她,娇惯她,就象我想娇惯你一样。她走了,也把一切都带走了。Scarlett: Oh, Rhett! Rhett, please don"t say that! I"m so sorry! I"m so sorry for everything!斯佳丽:噢,瑞德!瑞德,请不要这么说。我是那么对不起你!我为每一件事后悔!Rhett : My darling, you"re such a child. You think that by saying "I"m sorry," all the past can be corrected. Here, take my handkerchief. Never, at any crisis of your life, have I known you to have a handkerchief. 瑞德 :亲爱的,你真是个孩子。你以为只要说声对不起,过去的一切错误便可以纠正了吗。喏,拿去我的手绢。紧要关头,我从未见你带过的手绢。Scarlett: Rhett! Rhett! Where are you going?斯佳丽:瑞德!瑞德!你要去哪里?Rhett : I"m going to Charleston, back where I belong.瑞德 :我要回查尔斯顿,那儿是我的家。Scarlett: Please! Please take me with you!斯佳丽:求你把我也带上吧!Rhett : No. I"m through with everything here. I want peace; I want to see if somewhere there isn"t something left in life of charm and grace. Do you know what I"m talking about? (SCA: No)瑞德 :不。我已厌倦了这里的一切。我需要安静。我想看看生活中有没有留下一点美好优雅的东西。你知道我再说什么吗?(斯佳丽:不知道。)Scarlett: I only know that I love you.斯佳丽:我只知道我爱你。Rhett : That"s your misfortune 瑞德 :那就是你的不幸了。Scarlett: Oh, Rhett! Rhett! Rhett! Rhett! But, Rhett, if you go where shall I go? What shall I do?斯佳丽:瑞德!瑞德!瑞德!瑞德!可是,瑞德,你走了我到哪儿去?我怎么办呢?Rhett : Frankly, my dear, I don"t give a damn.瑞德 :坦率的说,亲爱的,这一点儿也不关我的事。Scarlett: I can"t let him go! I can"t! There must be some way to bring him back.斯佳丽:我不能让他走!不能!一定有办法让他回来。Scarlett: All right, I can"t think about this now! I"ll go crazy if I do! I? I"ll think about that tomorrow? But I must think about it! I must think about it! What is there to do? What is there that matters?斯佳丽:好了,我现在不去想这件事!不然我会发疯的!我……明天再说吧。可我必须想!我必须想一想!到底该怎么办呢?究竟什么才有意义?Gerald : Do you mean to tell me, Katie Scarlett O"Hara, that Tara doesn"t mean anything to you? Why, lt"s the only thing that matters-it"s the only thing that lasts.杰拉德:你是不是想告诉我,凯蒂u2022斯佳丽u2022欧哈拉,塔拉对你毫无疑义?只有土地才是有意义的,是永恒不变的Ashley : Something you love better than me, though you may not know it- Tara!阿希礼:有一样东西你爱它胜过爱我,尽管你自己并不知道——塔拉!Rhett : it"s this from which you get your strength-the red earth of Tara!瑞德 :塔拉的红土地是你力量的源泉。Gerald : Why! Land"s the only thing that matters - it"s the only thing that lasts.杰拉德:只有土地才是有意义的……Ashley : Something you love better than me - 阿希礼:有一样东西你爱它胜过爱我……Scarlett: Tara home .I am going home .I will find some way to get him back .After all tomorrow is another day.3、《罗马假日》英文经典对白Princess Ann: Have I been here all night, alone?安娜公主:我是整晚在这里吗,一个人?Joe Bradley: If you don"t count me, yes.乔u2022布拉德雷:要是不把我算在里面,就是。Princess Ann: So I"ve spent the night here - with you?安娜公主:那么我是和你在一起--过了昨晚?Joe Bradley: Well now, I-I don"t know that I"d use those words exactly, but uh, from a certain angle, yes.乔u2022布拉德雷:是的那么,我,我不知道我该说什么,事实上,但是,换了角度来说,是的。Princess Ann: How do you do?安娜公主:你好!Joe Bradley: How do you do?乔u2022布拉德雷:你好!Princess Ann: And you are - ?安娜公主:那么你是?Joe Bradley: Bradley, Joe Bradley.乔u2022布拉德雷:布拉德雷,乔u2022布拉德雷。Princess Ann: Delighted.安娜公主:很高兴。Joe Bradley: You don"t know how delighted I am to meet you.乔u2022布拉德雷:你不知道我遇见你有多高兴呢。Princess Ann: You may sit down.安娜公主:你可以坐下了。Joe Bradley: Thank you very much. What"s your name?乔u2022布拉德雷:非常感谢。你的名字是什么?Princess Ann: You may call me Anya.安娜公主:你可以叫我安雅4、《阿甘正传》经典片段  You know it"s funny what a young man recollects. ‘Cause I don"t remember being born. I don"t recall what I got for my first Christmas. I don"t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world. 阿甘:年轻人的记忆很怪.我不记得自已怎么出世,不记得第一次圣诞礼物是什么,也不记得我第一次出去野餐是什么时候,但我记得第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音.  Jenny: You can sit here if you want.  珍 妮:如果你愿意,可以坐在这儿.Forrest: I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She waslike an angel.  阿 甘:我从没见过这样美丽的人.她就像天使. Little Jenny: Well, are you going to sit down or aren"t you? What"s wrong with your legs? 珍 妮:你到底坐不坐?你的腿怎么了?Gump: Nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and Dandy.阿 甘:没什么,谢谢你.我的腿很好,好极了  Forrest: I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school. Gump: The doctor says my back"s crooked like a question mark. These are going to make me as straight as an arrow. Forrest: Next to mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions. 阿甘:我就坐在她旁边,跟她一路上谈个不停.除了妈妈外,从来没有人跟我说话,或者问我问题.Little Jenny: Are you stupid or something? 珍 妮:你是傻还是什么?  Gump: Mama says “Stupid is as stupid does.” 阿 甘:妈说傻人有傻福.5、《暮光之城》对白 Isabella Swan:"You"ve got to give me some answers." 伊莎贝拉:“你必须给我些解释。” Edward Cullen:"I"d rather hear your theories. " 爱德华:“我宁可听你的推测。” Isabella Swan:"I have considered radioactive spiders and kryptonite. " 伊莎贝拉:“我考虑过放射性变异蜘蛛和氪石。” Edward Cullen:"That"s all superhero stuff, right? What if I"m not the hero? What if I"m... the bad guy?" 爱德华:“那不都是些超级英雄之类的吗?那如果我不是那些英雄的话呢?如果我是...坏人呢?” Edward:And you"re worried, not because you"re headed to meet a houseful of vampires, but because you think those vampires won"t approve of you, correct? 爱德华:你有点担心,不是担心要去见一家子吸血鬼,而是担心这些吸血鬼不喜欢你,对吧? Isbella Swan:Now I"m afraid. 伊莎贝拉:“现在我害怕了。” Edward:Good. 爱德华:“是吗。” Isabella Swan:I"m not afraid of you. I"m only afraid of losing you. " 伊莎贝拉: “我不是害怕你。我只是害怕失去你。”6、《勇敢的心》经典对白Uhh! 我们应该以牙还牙! And I say we hit back now! We cannot fight them! It"s suicide!我们不能这么做! 这简直就是去自杀! Wallace is right! We fight them! 华莱士说的对!打吧! Every nobleman who had a will to fight was at that meeting.所有主战的贵族都在这次会议上死了. We cannot beat an army. 我们无法对付一支军队. Not with 50 farmers. 我们只够凑足 50 人. We do not have to beat them, just fight them. 我们不一定要打败他们, 只要和他们战斗. Now, who"s with me? 现在,谁跟我去? I am, Wallace. 我去,华莱士. All right, all right. 好吧,好吧. Ready. 好. Where do you think you"re going? 威廉,你想去哪儿? I"m going with you. 跟着你. Ah, you"re going with me, are you? 你想和我在一起,是吗? And what are you going to do? 你想干什么? I"m going to help. 我要去帮你. Hey, and a good help you"d be, too, but I need you to stay here and look after the place for me while I"m away.嘿,你会成为好帮手的,但是我要你留在这儿, 在我不在的时候照看好这地方. I can fight. 我能打仗. I know. I know you can fight. But it"s our wits that make us men.. See you tomorrow. 我知道. 我知道你能打仗. 不过 真正的男子汉还要会用脑子。我会回来看你的.
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