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2023-07-12 21:24:32


  中秋节由来英语作文 篇1

  On 25th September this year, people all over China will be getting together to eat with their families, look at the moon and celebrate one of the biggest festivals in the Chinese lunar calendar.

  However, the celebrations stretch far beyond the borders of China. Here in the UK events are taking place for Chinese people living here, and to teach the people of Britain more about this popular festival.

  The Soho Theatre in London conducted a study which showed that Chinese Londoners don"t engage much with the arts world. As a result, "Moonwalking In China" has been created to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  This is no normal theatre production though, as it doesn"t take place in the theatre. Theatre professionals and volunteers from the local community will take audiences around the streets of Soho on a magical lantern-lit walk through the landmarks and backstreets of Chinatown.

  They tell the story of three generations of Chinese Londoners who all cross paths one night in Chinatown. Rabbits, karaoke and a woman who lives on the moon all feature prominently.

  It"s the Soho Theatre"s first site-specific production and looks to be a unique way of marking the famous Chinese festival.

  And the celebrations don"t stop there! In early October the British Museum is actually opening late for a special free Mid-Autumn Festival event. There will be Chinese musical performances, a guess-the-mooncake-flavour game and you can learn how to perform a fan dance.

  You can also try your hand at a variety of other traditional Chinese arts and crafts, as well as learning Mandarin and learning more about the history of China.

  The Chinese population in the UK is quite large, so no doubt there will be events happening not only in the capital, but all around the country.

  However you are celebrating, we hope you have fun. Happy mid-Autumn festival!

  中秋节由来英语作文 篇2

  The phrase "Mid Autumn Festival" was first seen in Zhou li. In the early Tang Dynasty, the mid autumn festival became a fixed festival. "New Tang Chi fifth music volume fifteen five" load "in spring and autumn Shidian in Wenxuan Wang, Wu King", and "Kaiyuan nineteen years, beginning the Tai Gong temple is father, to leave Zhang Liang with. In the Spring Festival and Mid Autumn Festival, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to animals and music is like writing". The popularity of the mid autumn festival began in the Song Dynasty, and it became famous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It became one of the major festivals in china. Every year on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, is the traditional mid autumn festival. This is the mid autumn of the year, so it is called mid autumn festival.

  In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, each season is divided into three parts Meng, and the Mid Autumn Festival is also known as the mid autumn season. Fifteen the moon of August than in other months more round full moon, the more bright, so they are called "Yuexi", "August festival". This night, people look up to the sky, such as jade like the bright moon, naturally will look forward to family reunion. Far away from home, but also to rely on their hometown and loved ones missing. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called "reunion festival"".

  In order to inherit the national culture and strengthen the national cohesion, the Mid Autumn Festival has been listed as the national legal holiday by the State Council since 2008. The state attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. In May 20, 2006, the festival was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage sites approved by the state council.

  In ancient times, the Chinese people had the custom of "autumn, evening, evening and month". On the eve of the worship of god. To Zhou Dai, every mid autumn night will be held cold and sacrifice month. Large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelon, apples, red dates, plums, grapes and other offerings, cakes and watermelon is definitely not small. Watermelon is cut into lotus shape. In the moonlight, the gods on the moon, red candle high fuel, the whole family in order to worship the moon, then headed housewife moon cake. The cutting man will count in advance how many people there are in the family, and those who are at home and out of town must be counted together.

  From ancient Qi salt, pious worship during childhood, grow up, with superior character into the palace, but was not patronize. In August fifteen the moon, the son of heaven to see her in the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after she was queen, mid autumn worship to. Change mid beauty, so willing to worship the girl, "looks like moon, as the moon".

  In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Moon Festival were quite popular. In the capital. Fifteen August night, a lot of people, both rich and poor, old and young, all must wear adult clothes, say desire for religious worship, pray that God bless the moon. The Southern Song Dynasty, folk to moon cake gift, take the meaning of reunion. In some places there are grass dragon dance, pagodas, etc.. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the custom of Mid Autumn Festival is more prevalent; many places formed a burning incense, tree Mid Autumn Festival, point tower lights, lantern, walk the moon, dance and other special customs.

  Today, the custom of playing on the moon is far from the old. But a banquet to celebrate the very popular, people ask the month to the wine, to celebrate the wonderfull life, or friends healthy and happy, and the family "partings". The Mid Autumn Festival has a lot of customs and forms, but all of them are full of love for life and yearning for a better life.

  中秋节由来英语作文 篇3

  The Mid-Autumn Festival , also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people and Vietnamese people (even though they celebrate it differently), dating back over 3,000 years to moon worship in China"s Shang Dynasty .It was first called Zhongqiu Jie in Zhou Dynasty . In Malaysia and Singapore , it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or Mooncake Festival.

  Legend about Mid-Autumn Festival

  It is said that the earth once had ten suns circling over it, each taking turn to illuminate the earth. One day, however, all ten suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. Houyi ,a strong and tyrannical archer, saved the earth by shooting down nine of the suns. He eventually became King, but grew to become a despot .

  One day, Houyi stole the elixir from a goddess. However, his beautiful wife, Chang"e, drank it so as to save the people from her husband"s tyrannical rule. After drinking it, she found herself floating, and flew to the moon. Houyi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much, he did not shoot down the moon. Chang"e flew to the moon grabbing a rabbit to keep her company. So the Chinese say that if you look up at the moon to this day you can sometimes see a rabbit making moon cakes.

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the eighth month in the Chinese calendar, which is usually around mid or late September in the Gregorian calendar. It is a date that parallels the autumn and spring equinoxes of the solar calendar, when the moon is supposedly at its fullest and roundest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.

  Customs in Mid-Autumn Festival

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the two most important holidays in Chinese calendar, the other being the Chinese New Year, and is a legal holiday in several countries. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvest season on this day. Traditionally, on Mid-Autumn Day, Chinese family members and friends will get together to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pomeloes together. Accompanying the celebration, there are additional cultural or regional customs, such as eating moon cakes outside under the moon, carrying brightly lit lanterns, lighting lanterns on towers, floating sky lanterns, burning incense in reverence to deities including Chang"e, planting Mid-Autumn trees , collecting dandelion leaves and distributing them evenly among family members and Fire Dragon Dances .

  中秋节由来英语作文 篇4

  The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many referred to it simply as the "Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon".

  This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角), a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). A golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary(闰月的) moon.

  In the Western calendar, the day of the festival usually occurred sometime between the second week of September and the second week of October.

  中秋节由来英语作文 篇5

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense(熏香), planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them.

  There is this story about the moon-cake. during the Yuan dynasty (A.D. 1280-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty (A.D. 960-1280) were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Backed into each moon cake was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake.

  For generations, moon cakes have been made with sweet fillings of nuts, mashed red beans, lotus-seed paste or Chinese dates, wrapped in a pastry. Sometimes a cooked egg yolk can be found in the middle of the rich tasting dessert. People compare moon cakes to the plum pudding and fruit cakes which are served in the English holiday seasons.



2023-07-12 19:17:576


Offering(s) 是可以用作名词。例子 :Offerings from the congregation are small in hard times.
2023-07-12 19:18:492


2023-07-12 19:19:089

请帮我分析下面这句话的成分和语法。特别是fund raise做的是什么?

这是由连词while连接的两个并列句。整个句子成分划分如下:1.前一个分句:from July…year作时间状语;funds raised…offerings作主语,其中faised through initial public offerings作funds的后置定语;rose作谓语;more than 50 percent作程度状语。2. 后一个分句:while是连词;the trading…market作主语;jumped作谓语;nearly 70percent作程度状语;year-on-year作方式状语。整句译文:从2020年七月到今年六月,通过首次公开发售融得的资金增长了超过50%,而香港证券交易所的交易量与上年相比增长了近70%.
2023-07-12 19:19:242


offer的读音是:英["?f?(r)]。offer的读音是:英["?f?(r)]。offer的详尽释义是n.(名词)给予(物),提供(物),提议【商】发价,发盘,报价,开价企图,努力,意图的表示求婚【律】要约录用。offer名词:offerer;过去式:offered;过去分词:offered;现在分词:offering;第三人称单数:offers。一、详尽释义点此查看offer的详细内容n.(名词)给予(物),提供(物),提议【商】发价,发盘,报价,开价企图,努力,意图的表示求婚【律】要约录用v.(动词)(主动)给予,提供,拿出,出示(主动表示)愿意做某事,提议提出作出试图做(某事),威胁出(价),开(价),备有...出售奉献,贡献呈现出,(使)出现演出求婚献祭试图二、英英释义Noun:the verbal act of offering;"a generous offer of assistance"something offered (as a proposal or bid);"noteworthy new offerings for investors included several index funds"a usually brief attempt;"he took a crack at it""I gave it a whirl"Verb:make available or accessible, provide or furnish;"The conference center offers a health spa""The hotel offers private meeting rooms"present for acceptance or rejection;"She offered us all a cold drink"agree freely;"She volunteered to drive the old lady home""I offered to help with the dishes but the hostess would not hear of it"put forward for consideration;"He offered his opinion"offer verbally;"extend my greetings""He offered his sympathy"make available for sale;"The stores are offering specials on sweaters this week"propose a payment;"The Swiss dealer offered $2 million for the painting"produce or introduce on the stage;"The Shakespeare Company is offering `King Lear" this month"present as an act of worship;"offer prayers to the gods"mount or put up;"put up a good fight""offer resistance"make available; provide;"extend a loan""The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages"ask (someone) to marry you;"he popped the question on Sunday night""she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months""The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman"threaten to do something;"I offered to leave the committee if they did not accept my proposal"三、词典解释1.提供;给予If youoffer something to someone, you ask them if they would like to have it or use it.offere.g. He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan...他已邀请俄罗斯领导人和哈萨克斯坦总统参加会谈。e.g. The number of companies offering them work increased...越来越多的公司向他们提供工作机会。2.(主动)表示愿意(做某事);提议If youoffer to do something, you say that you are willing to do it.e.g. Peter offered to teach them water-skiing...彼得主动提出教他们滑水。e.g. "Can I get you a drink," she offered.“想要喝点什么吗,”她提议道。3.提供(物);给予(物);提议Anoffer is something that someone says they will give you or do for you.e.g. Theoffer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position...提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。e.g. "I ought to reconsider heroffer to move in," he mused...“我该重新考虑她让我搬去和她一起住的提议,”他思忖着。4.提供(信息、建议等);作出(表扬)If youoffer someone information, advice, or praise, you give it to them, usually because you feel that they need it or deserve it.e.g. They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions...他们经营着一家为兼并收购业务提供咨询的公司。e.g. She offered him emotional and practical support in countless ways...她以数不清的方式给予了他情感上和实质上的支持。5.给予,表示(爱、友谊等)If youoffer someone something such as love or friendship, you show them that you feel that way towards them.e.g. The President has offered his sympathy to the Georgian people...总统对格鲁吉亚人民表示了同情。e.g. It must be better to be able tooffer them love and security...要是能给予他们关爱和安全感肯定会更好。6.(向上帝或神)奉献(祈祷、赞美),祭献(牺牲)If peopleoffer prayers, praise, or a sacrifice to God or a god, they speak to or give something to their god.e.g. Church leaders offered prayers and condemned the bloodshed...教会领袖向上帝祈祷并谴责流血事件。e.g. He willoffer the first harvest of rice to the sun goddess.他将把收获的第一束稻子献给太阳女神。7.(机构等)提供,给予(服务、产品等)If an organizationoffers something such as a service or product, it provides it.offer的近义词e.g. We have been successful because we are offering a quality service...我们因提供的服务水准一流一直经营得很成功。e.g. Sainsbury"s is offering customers 1p for each shopping bag reused...塞恩斯伯里超市为重复利用购物袋的顾客提供每只1便士的奖励。8.(商品的)特价,特惠Anoffer in a shop is a specially low price for a specific product or something extra that you get if you buy a certain product.e.g. This month"s offers include a shirt, trousers and bed covers...本月的特价商品包括一款衬衫、裤子和多种床罩。e.g. Today"s specialoffer gives you a choice of three destinations...今天推出的特价线路有3个目的地可供选择。9.(买方)出(价),开(价)If youoffer a particular amount of money for something, you say that you will pay that much to buy it.offer是什么意思e.g. Whitney hasoffered $21.50 a share in cash for 49.5 million Prime shares...惠特尼公司开出每股21.50美元的现金价收购4,950 万股普赖姆公司的股票。e.g. They areoffering farmers $2.15 a bushel for corn...他们向农民出价每蒲式耳2.15美元收购玉米。10.(买方的)报价,开价;赔偿金Anoffer is the amount of money that someone says they will pay to buy something or give to someone because they have harmed them in some way.e.g. The lawyers say no one else will make me anoffer...律师说不会再有人给我出价了。e.g. He has dismissed anoffer of compensation.他拒绝接受赔偿金。11.具有某种品质(或能力)If youhave something to offer, you have a quality or ability that makes you important, attractive, or useful.offer的翻译e.g. In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has tooffer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。12.提供的;供使用的;待售的If there is somethingon offer, it is available to be used or bought.e.g. Savings schemes are the best retail investment products onoffer.储蓄方案是现有的最佳零售投资产品。e.g. cottages onoffer at bargain prices.低价出售的乡村别墅13.愿意考虑买方出价;愿意接受合理报价If you areopen to offers, you are willing to do something if someone will pay you an amount of money that you think is reasonable.offere.g. It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him, he is still open to offers.看来尽管新西兰几维队很想与他签约,他仍然欢迎其他球队开价。相关词组:offer up四、例句We offer a free backup service to customers.对顾客我们提供免费配套服务。Can you offer any evidence in support of what you have said?你能提出证据来印证你讲的话吗?We offered 100,000 for the warehouse, but another company outbid us.我们出价1000,000英镑购买这个库房,但另一家公司出价高于我们。China is a fascinating country. It has a lot to offer the world.中国是个迷人的国家,她对世界的贡献是巨大的。He offered to pay $1,000 for the second-hand car.他提议付1,000美元买那辆二手车。This plan was dropped, because of its risk, and because a better offered.这个计划被放弃了,因为它太冒险,也是因为有了一个更好的计划。The young man decided to offer to the pretty girl.这个小伙子决定向那个漂亮的女孩求婚。He will probably refuse the offer.他很可能会拒绝这一提议。The offer was too high and was somewhat ridiculous.这个出价太高了,显得有些荒谬。五、常见句型用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)I will not offer at that which I cannot do.我做不到的事绝不尝试。I shall come again when occasion offers.遇有机会,我将再来。I will do it as soon as opportunity offers.时机一到我就要做这件事。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.The river would offer power production estimated at 500,000 kilowatts if a dam was constructed.如果筑起水坝,这条河能提供大约50万千瓦的电力。Wait till a better chance offers itself.等候更好的机会到来吧。They were friendly and even offered assistance.他们很友好,甚至主动来帮忙。Her friends all came to offer congratulations.她的朋友们都来表示祝贺。She offered no response.她没有反应。This plateau offers a good view.这一高地适宜眺望景色。The teacher offered a few ideas to improve the plan.老师提出了几点改进计划的意见。The job offers prospects of promotion.这工作有晋升的机会。S+~+to- vWhen serious drought hit Africa again, many international organizations offered to help.当非洲再次遭受严重旱灾时,许多国际组织主动提供援助。The driver offered to drive us to the station.那位司机主动提出送我们到车站。He offered to go at once.他主张立刻就去。Many people offered to donate blood and skin for the badly burnt worker.很多人要求为那个严重烧伤的工人献血献皮。When they offered to depart she entreated their stay.当他们表示要走的时候,她恳求他们再呆一会儿。He offered to lend me the money.他表示愿意借钱给我。引出直接引语“We could take it for you”, offered Eby.“我们可以替你拿”,伊比自告奋勇地提议。用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She offered me a seat.她给我让了一个座儿。He offered me some tickets.他给了我几张票。We offered them each three cups of barley wine.我们敬了他们每人三杯青稞酒。He offered her a house.他给她提供了一栋房子。They offered me a position.他们给了我一份差使。I offered him my help.我表示要帮助他。I can give you no assistance, neither will I offer you any obstacle.我不能帮你忙,但也不会妨碍你。They offered me their hearty congratulations.他们向我表示衷心的祝贺。She offered him a bribe.她向他行贿。She offered me her help to carry this bookcase.她主动来帮我搬这个书架。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.They have offered a reward to the scientist.他们给那位科学家颁发奖金。The universities are now offering a wider range of courses to students for them to choose.现在那些大学设有更广泛的课程供学生选择。He offered the painting to me at a reduced price.他提出减价把画卖给我。The Egyptians offered resolute resistance to the aggressors.埃及人对侵略者作出坚决的反抗。The young soldier offered his life to the country.这个年轻的士兵表示要把生命献给祖国。1Was the job offered to you?你得到那份工作了吗?用作宾补动词S+~+oneself+as n.He offered himself as a candidate.他自告奋勇要当候选人。用作名词(n.)Thank you for your kind offer of help.承蒙惠助,不胜感激。I don"t think she can accept an offer of marriage.我认为她不会接受求婚。If he makes you a good offer, don"t refuse it.如果他向你提出一个好建议,你不要拒绝。It is useless make a counter offer.讨价还价是没有用的。Her offer for the piece of furniture was 100 dollars.她对这件家具的出价是100美元。I"ve had an offer of 1200 pounds for the car.有人向我出价1200英镑买这辆汽车。Freddie has made an offer to teach us English.弗雷迪已答应教我们英语。He makes an offer to catch the ball.他想接住那球。六、经典引文I had an offer to write movies for Samuel Goldwyn.出自:L. HellmanYou"ll be made an offer you can"t refuse and may have to change your plans accordingly.出自:WomanOffering up the daily sacrifice of the Mass to God.出自:B. MooreReverend Stenberg offered a prayer.出自:T. O七、词源解说☆ 直接源自古英语的ofrian;最初源自拉丁语的offerre,意为展示,馈赠。offer的相关近义词ad
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offering 在经济学中应该怎么翻译?

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offer造句如下:1、Offer to buy all or a majority of share in a company so as to control it提议购买一公司的全部或大部分股票,目的是为了控制它。2、This week "s bargain offer - 30% off all carpet prices.本周所有地毯价格优惠降价30%。3、The price you offer is not in line with the prevailing market.你方报价与现行市场价不合。4、The Yankee skipper yesterday rejected a 1-year offer to return in 2008他昨天拒绝了2008年一年的新合约5、"I was due to offer peace offerings; Today I have paid my vows.箴7:14平安祭在我这里.今日才还了我所许的愿。6、I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill, British politician)我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血辛劳眼泪与汗水。(英国政治家丘吉尔. W.)7、11月的第一天,get到了严格意义上的第一份offer,以后继续加油。8、As a developer you can now offer a lower price to a school when they buy your app in quantity.作为开发者,你可以在某所学校大量购买你的应用程序时提供较低的折扣价格。9、We offer many options to customize your expander to your specific production requirements.我们会根据您对产品的要求提供给您多种选择。10、Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.开发商可提供一成的按揭给认购者。11、For such a substantial first order we would hope that you could offer us a more attractive price.对于这样大量的首批订货我们希望你方能报给我们一个更具有吸引力的价格。12、We"re looking to offer modular deployment with SpringSource dm Server.我们希望用SpringSourcedm服务器提供模块开发。13、He would not offer a churlish roof to his visitors.他十分小气,连住宿都不愿给来访者安排。14、The dust receives insult and in return offers her flowers. 尘土受到损辱,却以她的花朵来报答。泰戈尔 《飞鸟集》15、Our offer was met with a firm refusal我们的报价被坚决拒绝。
2023-07-12 19:20:551


IPO英文全称initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票), 即首次公开上市.
2023-07-12 19:21:174


你好,IPO的I是Initial ,给楼主补充点知识:1、IPO概述 IPO全称Initial public offerings( 首次公开募股) 指某公司(股份有限公司或有限责任公司)首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式。有限责任公司IPO后会成为股份有限公司。 对应于一级市场,大部分公开发行股票由投资银行集团承销而进入市场,银行按照一定的折扣价从发行方购买到自己的账户,然后以约定的价格出售,公开发行的准备费用较高,私募可以在某种程度上部分规避此类费用。 这个现象在九十年代末的美国发起,当时美国正经历科网股泡沫。创办人会以独立资本成立公司,并希望在牛市期间透过首次公开募股集资(IPO)。由于投资者认为这些公司有机会成为微软第二,股价在它们上市的初期通常都会上扬。 不少创办人都在一夜之间成了百万富翁。而受惠于认股权,雇员也赚取了可观的收入。在美国,大部分透过首次公开募股集资的股票都会在纳斯达克市场内交易。很多亚洲国家的公司都会透过类似的方法来筹措资金,以发展公司业务。2、IPO特点优点:募集资金 流通性好 树立名声 回报个人和风投的投入缺点:费用(可能高达20%) 公司必须符合SEC规定 管理层压力 华尔街的短视 失去对公司的控制3、IPO程序 首先,要公开募股的公司必须向监管部门提交一份招股说明书,只有招股说明书通过了审核该公司才能继续被允许公开募股。(在中国,审核的工作是由中国证券监督管理委员会负责。)接着,该公司需要四处路演(Road Show)以向公众宣传自己。经过这一步骤,一些公司或金融机构投资者会对IPO的公司产生兴趣。他们作为风险资本投资者(Venture Capitalist)来投资IPO的公司。(风险资本投资者并非想入股IPO的公司,他们只是想在上市之后在抛出股票来赚取差价。)其中一个金融机构也许回被聘请为IPO公司的承销商(Underwriter)。有承销商负责IPO新发行股票的所有上市过程中的工作,以及负责将所有的股票发售到市场。如果部分股票未能全部发售出,则承销商可能要买下所有未发售出的股票或对此不负责任(具体情况应该在IPO公司与承销商之间的合同中注明)。IPO新股定价属于承销商的工作,承销商通过估值模型来进行合理的估值,并有责任尽力保障新股发行后股价的稳定性及不发生较大的波动。IPO新股定价过程分为两部分,首先是通过合理的估值模型估计上市公司的理论价值,其次是通过选择合适的发行方式来体现市场的供求,并最终确定价格。美国IPO的准备过程: 建立IPO团队 CEO、CFO、CPA (SEC counsel) 、律师 、资产评估机构 挑选承销商 尽职调查 初步申请 路演和定价IPO招募 通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦IPO完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是“自由交易”的,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。 就估值模型而言,不同的行业属性、成长性、财务特性决定了上市公司适用不同的估值模型。目前较为常用的估值方式可以分为两大类:收益折现法与类比法。所谓收益折现法,就是通过合理的方式估计出上市公司未来的经营状况,并选择恰当的贴现率与贴现模型,计算出上市公司价值。如最常用的股利折现模型(DDM)、现金流贴现(DCF)模型等。贴现模型并不复杂,关键在于如何确定公司未来的现金流和折现率,而这正是体现承销商的专业价值所在。所谓类比法,就是通过选择同类上市公司的一些比率,如最常用的市盈率(P/E即股价/每股收益)、市净率(P/B即股价/每股净资产),再结合新上市公司的财务指标如每股收益、每股净资产来确定上市公司价值,一般都采用预测的指标。市盈率法的适用具有许多局限性,例如要求上市公司经营业绩要稳定,不能出现亏损等,而市净率法则没有这些问题,但同样也有缺陷,主要是过分依赖公司账面价值而不是最新的市场价值。因此对于那些流动资产比例高的公司如银行、保险公司比较适用此方法。在此次建行IPO过程中,按招股说明书中确定的定价区间1.9~2.4港元计算,发行后的每股净资产约为1.09~1.15港元,则市净率(P/B)为1.74~2.09倍。除上述指标,还可以通过市值/销售收入(P/S)、市值/现金流(P/C)等指标来进行估值。 通过估值模型,我们可以合理地估计公司的理论价值,但是要最终确定发行价格,我们还需要选择合理的发行方式,以充分发现市场需求。目前常用的发行方式包括:累计投标方式、固定价格方式、竞价方式。一般竞价方式更常见于债券发行,这里不做赘述。累计投标是目前国际上最常用的新股发行方式之一,是指发行人通过询价机制确定发行价格,并自主分配股份。所谓“询价机制”,是指主承销商先确定新股发行价格区间,召开路演推介会,根据需求量和需求价格信息对发行价格反复修正,并最终确定发行价格的过程。一般时间为1~2周。例如此次建行最初的询价区间为1.42~2.27港元,此后收窄至1.65~2.10港元,最终发行价将在10月25日前确定。询价过程只是投资者的意向表示,一般不代表最终的购买承诺。 在询价机制下,新股发行价格并不事先确定,而在固定价格方式下,主承销商根据估值结果及对投资者需求的预计,直接确定一个发行价格。固定价格方式相对较为简单,但效率较低。过去我国一直采用固定价格发行方式,2004年12月7日证监会推出了新股询价机制,迈出了市场化的关键一步。 香港证监会和香港联交所于1994年11月发表了《关于招股机制的联合政策声明》,自此,香港的大型新股发行基本上采用累计投标和固定价格公开认购混合招股机制。 发行方式确定以后,进入了正式发行阶段,此时如果有效认购数量超过了拟发行数量,即为超额认购,超额认购倍数越高,说明投资者的需求越为强烈。在超额认购的情况下,主承销商可能会拥有分配股份的权利,即配售权,也可能没有,依照交易所规则而定。通过行使配售权,发行人可以达到理想的股东结构。在我国,目前主承销商不具备配售股份的权利,必须按照认购比例配售。据报道,此次建行在香港交易所发行H股,截至公开招股截止日(10月19日),共吸引了760亿美元的认购资金,超过拟发售数量近9倍,而向香港公众公开发行部分更是获得了近40倍的超额认购倍率,其中国际发售部分将由联席账簿管理人根据多种因素决定分配,香港公开发售部分原则上严格按比例分配,但分配基准可能会因为申请人的股份数目不同而分组决定,但也不排除可能会进行抽签。 当出现超额认购时,主承销商还可以使用“超额配售选择权”(又称“绿鞋”)增加发行数量。“超额配售选择权”是指发行人赋予主承销商的一项选择权,获此授权的主承销商可以在股票上市后的一定期限内按同一发行价格超额发售一定比例的股份,在此期间内,如果市价低于发行价,主承销商直接从市场购入这部分股票分配给提出申购的投资者,如果市价高于发行价,则直接由发行人增发。这样可以在股票上市后一定期间内保持股价的相对稳定,同时有利于承销商抵御发行风险。如此次建行招股说明书就规定了可由中金公司及摩根士丹利添惠代表国际发售承销商于股票在香港联交所开始交易起30日内行使超额配售选择权,以要求建行分配及发行最多合计3,972,890,000股额外股份,占全球初步发售股份的15%。 IPO过程职责分配 公司及其董事:准备及修订盈利和现金流量预测、批准招股书、签署承销协议、路演 保荐人:安排时间表、协调顾问工作、准备招股书草稿和上市申请、建议股票定价 申报会计师:完成审计业务、准备会计师报告、资产评估报告(资产评估师)、复核盈利及营运资金预测 公司律师:安排公司重组、复核相关法律确认书、确定承销协议 保荐人律师:考虑公司组织结构、审核招股书、编制承销协议 证券交易所:审核上市申请和招股说明书、举行听证会 股票过户登记处:拟制股票和还款支票、大量印制股票 印刷者和翻译者:起草和翻译上市材料、大量印刷上市文件
2023-07-12 19:21:261

什么是(SEO)seasoned equity offering?翻译成中文财务管理专业名词。

2023-07-12 19:21:351


IPO就是initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票)
2023-07-12 19:21:442


IPO就是initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票)
2023-07-12 19:22:004


供 【gong】 供confess; feed; for; lay offerings; offerings; own up; supply;供1gōng(1)(形声。从人,共声。本义:供给,供应)(2)同本义 [supply;feed;provide;equip]供,供给。――《说文》凡与之所以大用者,外供甲兵而内给淫奢也。――《韩非子·解老》王之诸臣皆足以供之,而王岂为是哉?――《孟子·梁惠王上》今诸生学于太学,县官日有廪稍之供,父母岁有裘葛之遗,无冻馁之患矣。――明·宋濂《送东阳马生序》一人之食供十人已不足,何况供百人乎?――清·洪亮吉《治平篇》(3)又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)(4)提供某种条件[给对方利用] [for (the use or convenience of)]。如:仅供参考;专供研究生用的阅览室;供顿(设宴待客);供断(供尽。极言提供之多)供gōng(1)通“恭”。恭敬。有礼貌 [respectful and cautious]行而供冀。――《荀子·修身》(2)又如:供翼(恭敬小心。供:通恭)另见gòng供不应求gōngbùyìngqiú[supply behind demand;demand exceeds supply] 需要者太多,供给不足以适应需求书报很受欢迎,常常供不应求。――巴金《忆觉醒与活动》供电gōngdiàn[power supply] 对一个电路输送电。尤指通过电路输送供过于求gōngguòyúqiú[supply exceeds demand;oversupply] 供应超过了需要目前,有些企业盲目投产,造成产品积压,供过于求,但又有些企业的产品却又是供不应求,这种局面,必须迅速改变供给gōngjǐ(1)[feed;supply]∶满足社会购买力的需要供给生活用品发展经济,保障供给(2)[provide]∶按一定规格供应或作为伴随物而配给原料由国家供给供给制gōngjǐzhì[supply on a maintence basis;free supply system] 按大致相同的标准分配生活资料的制度供料gōngliào[feed] 将待加工的材料往前送的动作或过程(如往缝纫机的针下送布料)或指机床加工工件的连续进给供气gōngqì[air feed] 输气供求gōng-qiú[supply and demand] 指商品的供给和需求供求平衡供求关系gōng-qiú guānxi[relation between supply and demand] 存在于供给和需求之间的联系供销gōng-xiāo[supply and distribution] 供应和销售供销两旺供需gōngxū(1)[supply and demand]∶供给和需求供需平衡(2)[supply]∶供应需求的 [商品]供养gōngyǎng(1)[supply]∶给…提供生计,赡养我一定供养你(2)[provide for the needs and comforts of one"s elders]∶供给长辈或年长的人生活需要供养老人(3)[feed;raise]∶饲养,养活就是它们,供养着几百亿吨级的海洋动物,是真正的海洋牧草。――《海洋与生命》蜂王是黑褐色的,身量特别长,每只工蜂都愿意用采来的花精供养它。――《荔枝蜜》供应gōngyìng(1)[feed;supply]∶为…提供商品或食物供应粮食(2)[furnish]∶以物质满足需要食物就是一种能够构成躯体和供应能量的物质。――《食物从何处来》供2gòng(1)(形声。从人,共声。本义:摆设;陈设)(2)同本义 [lay]供,设也。――《说文》供帐。――《后汉书·班彪传》曩胡公按部,令所过毋供张。――《明史·海瑞传》士大夫出其境率不得供顿,由是怨颇兴。――《明史·海瑞传》(3)又如:供帐(陈设帷帐等用具。作为宴会、旅行之用);供顿(备酒宴客;供应);供馔(陈设祭祀食品);供享(摆供品以祭祀);供佛(4)供奉,供献 [present with all respect]张羽旗,设供具,以礼神君。――《史记·封禅书》休唱贞元供奉曲,当时朝士已无多。――唐·刘禹锡《听旧宫中乐人穆氏唱歌》(5)又如:供具(供奉鬼神的器具。后也指供佛的器具);供奉曲(宫廷内演奏的曲子);供进(进献宫廷);供御(进奉于帝王)(6)祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 [offer in worship]。如:上供;供礼(祭品,供品);供床(神像前放置祭品的几案)(7)伺奉;伺候 [wait on]。如:供过(侍奉,伺候;当差);供应(伺候);供侍(侍奉);供直(侍奉帝王);供承(侍奉,执役);供命(听从差遣);供享(使享用)(8)从事,担任 [hold]。如:供事;供役(服役,执役)(9)受审者陈述案情 [confess;own up]吏辈责供,多不足凭。――宋·陈襄《州县提纲·面审所供》(10)又如:招供(供出犯罪事实);吐供(招供);供招(招供。供出犯罪事实);供攀(攀供。在供词中牵连他人)供gòng(1)供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 [confession]张文定公在真宗时,戚里有争分财不均者,更相诉讼,……即命各供状结实。――宋·赵自镣《狱讼》(2)又如:翻供;供款(供词)(3)供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 [offerings]。如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)另见gōng供案gòng àn[altar] 供桌供案上摆满了贡品供菜gòngcài[offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的菜供称gòngchēng[as is confessed by the culprit] 受审者陈述;交代据俘虏供称,敌军开小差的很多供词gòngcí[deposition;confession] 受审者口头或书面交待的内容供词不实供奉gòngfèng(1)[offer sacrifice to;make offerings to]∶祭祀神佛、祖先(2)[actors and actresses gave commend performances in an imperial palace]∶唐代有高深修养的文人及艺术家,皆被皇帝罗致左右,以某种技艺侍奉帝王乐工罗程者,善弹琵琶,为第一,……宣宗初亦召供奉。――宋·王谠《唐语林·雅量》供果gòngguǒ[fruit offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的瓜果供品gòngpǐn[offerings] 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品供认gòngrèn(1)[confess]∶不愿意地承认短处、失败、懈怠、过失或罪责(2)[admission]∶[在刑法中]被告对于某一事实或断言的真实性予以承认罪犯对此供认不讳供事gòngshì(1)[hold office](2)清代京吏在衙门内各房科管理事务的,都称供事(3)奉事;履行职责供献gòngxiàn(1)[contribute]∶供奉;奉献(2)[offerings] [方]∶供品菜案上摆着酒肉,大半是祭神用的供献供职gòngzhí[hold office] 任职部曲服事供职,同于编户。――《三国志·梁习传》供状gòngzhuàng[deposition; confession] 向官府自陈事实的字据供桌gòngzhuō[altar] 祭祀时摆放供品的桌子供桌上摆满了供果供1gōng ㄍㄨㄥˉ准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。郑码:NEO,U:4F9B,GBK:B9A9笔画数:8,部首:亻,笔顺编号:32122134confess;feed;for;lay offerings;offerings;own up;supply;求;供2gòng ㄍㄨㄥˋ(1)奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。(2)祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。(3)被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。贡(贡)gòng(1) ㄍㄨㄥˋ(2) 献东西给上级,古代臣下或属国把物品进献给帝王:进~。纳~。~献。~品。~赋。(3) 封建时代给朝廷荐举人才:~生(指经科举考试升入京师国子监读书的人)。~举。(4) 姓。
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1. 准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。2. 又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)3. 提供某种条件[给对方利用] [for (the use or convenience of)]。如:仅供参考;专供研究生用的阅览室;供顿(设宴待客);供断(供尽。极言提供之多)常用词组1. 供不应求2. 供电3. 供过于求4. 供给 5. 供给制6. 供料7. 供气8. 供求 9. 供需 gōngxū10. 供养 gōngyǎng11. 供应 gōngyìng供 gòng1. 奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。2. 祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。3. 被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。4. 供奉,供献5. 又如:供具(供奉鬼神的器具。后也指供佛的器具);供奉曲(宫廷内演奏的曲子);供进(进献宫廷);供御(进奉于帝王)6. 祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 [offer in worship]。如:上供;供礼(祭品,供品);供床(神像前放置祭品的几案)7. 伺奉;伺候 [wait on]。如:供过(侍奉,伺候;当差);供应(伺候);供侍(侍奉);供直(侍奉帝王);供承(侍奉,执役);供命(听从差遣);供享(使享用)8. 从事,担任 [hold]。如:供事;供役(服役,执役)9. 受审者陈述案情 [confess;own up]吏辈责供,多不足凭。——宋· 陈襄《州县提纲·面审所供》10. 又如:招供(供出犯罪事实);吐供(招供);供招(招供。供出犯罪事实);供攀(攀供。在供词中牵连他人)〈名〉1. 供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 [confession]张文定公在真宗时,戚里有争分财不均者,更相诉讼,……即命各供状结实。—— 宋· 赵自镣《狱讼》2. 又如:翻供;供款(供词)3. 供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 [offerings]。如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)4. 另见 gōng常用词组1. 供案 gòng"àn[altar] 供桌供案上摆满了贡品2. 供菜 gòngcài[offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的菜3. 供称 gòngchēng[as is confessed by the culprit] 受审者陈述;交代据俘虏供称,敌军开小差的很多4. 供词 gòngcí[deposition;confession] 受审者口头或书面交待的内容供词不实5. 供奉 gòngfèng6. 供果 gòngguǒ[fruit offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的瓜果7. 供品 gòngpǐn[offerings] 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品8. 供认 gòngrèn9. 供事 gòngshì10. 供职 gòngzhí推荐于 2018-04-20TA的回答是否帮助到你了?能够帮助到你是知道答主们最快乐的事啦!
2023-07-12 19:22:262


2023-07-12 19:22:4810


首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO)是指一家企业或公司 (股份有限公司)第一次将它的股份向公众出售(首次公开发行,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式)。通常,上市公司的股份是根据相应证监会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。[1] 有限责任公司在申请IPO之前,应先变更为股份有限公司。
2023-07-12 19:23:168


3PL = Third Party Logistics 第三方物流IT = Internal Transportation 内部运输 第三方物流服务提供与技术。鉴于服务提供和内部运输,用户对于第三方物流的前景仍保持着高度的期待。从各个区域的调查中,其中88%的反馈指出第三方物流应该提高一个广阔的服务平台。一些则着重于群体参与者,然而,第三方供应商客户对于第三方物流供应商的能力也提出了新的要求。今年的调查指出,所有的区域为了更加完善自身的提高而对第三方物流的服务有着更高的要求。调查同样也指出在过去几年,客户对于顶级服务的要求依然没有改变(出口运输,仓储,国内运输,出口结关,海关代理报关)。这些服务被认为是‘核心"或更甚,调查反馈指出选择第三方物流供应是基于所能提供服务的价值。再次强调,内部运输对于第三方物流供应商的必要性;然而,大量回馈指出内部运输仍占有很大比重(比第三方物流更多)。当提起到第三方物流供应商对于基于内部运输的用户的前景时,绝大多回馈提起了RFID(射频识别和资产追踪)。向用户介绍这种复杂的技术,从内部运输方面来看,第三方物流提供商有着很好的机会提升自己在用户心中的地位。
2023-07-12 19:24:272


IPO重启就是重新启动新股发行!IPO是Initial Public Offerings的缩写,中文意思是首次公开募股,也就是首次公开发行股票。简单说就是发行新股。
2023-07-12 19:24:373


首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO):是指企业透过 证券交易所 首次 公开向投资者增发 股票 ,以期募集用于企业发展资金的过程。
2023-07-12 19:24:451


你好,ipo指首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering),ipo是其简写。首次公开募股指一家企业或公司(股份有限公司)第一次将它的股份向公众出售。
2023-07-12 19:24:5612


供,作动词时是供应、供给的意思【动】gòng(1)形声。从人,共声。本义:供给,供应。(2)同本义 [supply;feed;provide;equip]供,供给。――《说文》王之诸臣皆足以供之,而王岂为是哉?――《孟子·梁惠王上》(3)又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)。(4)提供某种条件[给对方利用] [for (the use or convenience of)]。【基本字义】1. 奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。2. 祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。~着。3. 被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。【形】gōng(1)通“恭”。恭敬。有礼貌 [respectful and cautious]行而供冀。――《荀子·脩身》(2)又如:供翼(恭敬小心。供:通“恭”)[1] . (3)供不应求;供销社。均念gōng。【基本字义】1.准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。通假供通“共”,《汉书·王莽传》:“共酒食,具资用。” 共作“供”义。——黄现璠《古书解读初探》供英语:confess; feed; for; lay offerings; offerings; own up; supply;供1gōng(1)(形声。从人,共声。本义:供给,供应)(2)同本义 【supply;feed;provide;equip】供,供给。――《说文》凡与之所以大用者,外供甲兵而内给淫奢也。――《韩非子·解老》王之诸臣皆足以供之,而王岂为是哉?――《孟子·梁惠王上》今诸生学于太学,县官日有廪稍之供,父母岁有裘葛之遗,无冻馁之患矣。――明·宋濂《送东阳马生序》从(袁可立)问业者云集,稍资束修,以供甘竁。——明 董其昌《节寰袁公行状》一人之食供十人已不足,何况供百人乎?――清·洪亮吉《治平篇》(3)又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)。(4)提供某种条件【给对方利用】 【for (the use or convenience of)】。供gōng(1)通“恭”。恭敬。有礼貌 【respectful and cautious】行而供冀。――《荀子·脩身》(2)又如:供翼(恭敬小心。供:通恭)另见gòng供不应求gōngbùyìngqiú【supply behind demand;demand exceeds supply】 需要者太多,供给不足以适应需求。书报很受欢迎,常常供不应求。――巴金《忆觉醒与活动》供电gōngdiàn【power supply】 对一个电路输送电。尤指通过电路输送。供过于求英语:gōngguòyúqiú【supply exceeds demand;oversupply】 供应超过了需要。有些企业盲目投产,造成产品积压,供过于求,但又有些企业的产品却又是供不应求,这种局面,必须迅速改变。供给gōngjǐ(1)【feed;supply】∶满足社会购买力的需要。供给生活用品。发展经济,保障供给。(2)【provide】∶按一定规格供应或作为伴随物而配给。原料由国家供给。供给制gōngjǐzhì【supply on a maintence basis;free supply system】 按大致相同的标准分配生活资料的制度。供料gōngliào【feed】 将待加工的材料往前送的动作或过程(如往缝纫机的针下送布料)或指机床加工工件的连续进给供气。gōngqì【air feed】 输气供求gōng-qiú【supply and demand】 指商品的供给和需求。供求平衡供求关系gōng-qiú guānxi【relation between supply and demand】 存在于供给和需求之间的联系。供销gōng-xiāo【supply and distribution】 供应和销售。供销两旺供需gōngxū(1)【supply and demand】∶供给和需求。供需平衡(2)【supply】∶供应需求的 【商品】供养gōngyǎng(1)【supply】∶给…提供生计,赡养。我一定供养你。(2)【provide for the needs and comforts of one"s elders】∶供给长辈或年长的人生活需要。供养老人(3)【feed;raise】∶饲养,养活。就是它们,供养着几百亿吨级的海洋动物,是真正的海洋牧草。――《海洋与生命》蜂王是黑褐色的,身量特别长,每只工蜂都愿意用采来的花精供养它。――《荔枝蜜》供应gōngyìng(1)【feed;supply】∶为…提供商品或食物。供应粮食(2)【furnish】∶以物质满足需要。食物就是一种能够构成躯体和供应能量的物质。――《食物从何处来》供2gòng(1)(形声。从人,共声。本义:摆设;陈设)(2)同本义 【lay】供,设也。――《说文》供帐。――《后汉书·班彪传》曩胡公按部,令所过毋供张。――《明史·海瑞传》士大夫出其境率不得供顿,由是怨颇兴。――《明史·海瑞传》(3)又如:供帐(陈设帷帐等用具。作为宴会、旅行之用);供顿(备酒宴客;供应);供馔(陈设祭祀食品);供享(摆供品以祭祀);供佛。(4)供奉,贡献 【present with all respect】张羽旗,设供具,以礼神君。――《史记·封禅书》休唱贞元供奉曲,当时朝士已无多。――唐·刘禹锡《听旧宫中乐人穆氏唱歌》(5)又如:供具(供奉鬼神的器具。后也指供佛的器具);供奉曲(宫廷内演奏的曲子);供进(进献宫廷);供御(进奉于帝王)。(6)祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 【offer in worship】。如:上供;供礼(祭品,供品);供床(神像前放置祭品的几案)(7)伺奉;伺候 【wait on】。如:供过(侍奉,伺候;当差);供应(伺候);供侍(侍奉);供直(侍奉帝王);供承(侍奉,执役);供命(听从差遣);供享(使享用)(8)从事,担任 【hold】。如:供事;供役(服役,执役)(9)受审者陈述案情 【confess;own up】吏辈责供,多不足凭。――宋·陈襄《州县提纲·面审所供》(10)又如:招供(供出犯罪事实);吐供(招供);供招(招供。供出犯罪事实);供攀(攀供。在供词中牵连他人)供gòng(1)供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 【confession】张文定公在真宗时,戚里有争分财不均者,更相诉讼,……即命各供状结实。――宋·赵自镣《狱讼》(2)又如:翻供;供款(供词)(3)供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 【offerings】。如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)另见gōng供案gòng àn【altar】 供桌供案上摆满了贡品供菜gòngcài【offerings】 供奉祖先神佛的菜供称gòngchēng【as is confessed by the culprit】 受审者陈述;交代。据俘虏供称,敌军开小差的很多。供词gòngcí【deposition;confession】 受审者口头或书面交待的内容。供词不实供奉gòngfèng(1)【offer sacrifice to;make offerings to】∶祭祀神佛、祖先。(2)【actors and actresses gave commend performances in an imperial palace】∶唐代有高深修养的文人及艺术家,皆被皇帝罗致左右,以某种技艺侍奉帝王乐工罗程者,善弹琵琶,为第一,……宣宗初亦召供奉。――宋·王谠《唐语林·雅量》供果gòngguǒ【fruit offerings】 供奉祖先神佛的瓜果。供品gòngpǐn【offerings】 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品。供认gòngrèn(1)【confess】∶不愿意地承认短处、失败、懈怠、过失或罪责。(2)【admission】∶【在刑法中】被告对于某一事实或断言的真实性予以承认罪犯对此供认不讳供事gòngshì(1)【hold office】(2)清代京吏在衙门内各房科管理事务的,都称供事(3)奉事;履行职责供献gòngxiàn(1)【contribute】∶供奉;奉献(2)【offerings】 【方】∶供品菜案上摆着酒肉,大半是祭神用的供献供职gòngzhí【hold office】 任职部曲服事供职,同于编户。――《三国志·梁习传》供状gòngzhuàng【deposition; confession】 向官府自陈事实的字据供桌gòngzhuō【altar】 祭祀时摆放供品的桌子供桌上摆满了供果供1gōng ㄍㄨㄥˉ准备东西给需要的人用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。郑码:NEO,U:4F9B,GBK:B9A9笔画数:8,部首:亻,笔顺编号:32122134confess;feed;for;lay offerings;offerings;own up;supply;求;供2gòng ㄍㄨㄥˋ(1)奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。(2)祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。(3)被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。郑码:NEO,U:4F9B,GBK:B9A9笔画数:8,部首:亻,笔顺编号:32122134
2023-07-12 19:26:283

谁能告诉我在金融领域中,IPO 和SEO分别是什么,他们是什么的英文缩写?

首次公开募股(Initial Public Offerings,简称IPO)是指一家企业或公司 (股份有限公司)第一次将它的股份向公众出售(首次公开发行,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式)。通常,上市公司的股份是根据相应证监会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。SEO(Search Engine Optimization):汉译为搜索引擎优化。是一种方式:利用搜索引擎的规则提高网站在有关搜索引擎内的自然排名。目的是:为网站提供生态式的自我营销解决方案,让其在行业内占据领先地位,获得品牌收益。扩展资料:募集资金,吸引投资者;增强流通性;提高知名度和员工认同感;回报个人和风险投资;利于完善企业制度,便于管理。首次公开募股就发生在一家公司首次公开上市的那一天。在那一时刻,管理层决定将其股票推向市场,允许投资者像买卖百事可乐或者微软公司的股票一样自由地买卖它的股票。公开上市并不总能确保公司在市场竞争中占有一席之地。搜索引擎优化的白帽法遵循搜索引擎的接受原则。他们的建议一般是为用户创造内容、让这些内容易于被搜索引擎机器人索引、并且不会对搜寻引擎系统耍花招。参考资料来源:百度百科-首次公开募股百度百科-搜索引擎优化
2023-07-12 19:26:381

是offer sth.for sb.还是 offer sb

一、 offer作动词的用法:1.offer有"(主动)拿给,给予"的意思,相当于give,后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb sth =offer sth to sb,如:The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人.Many people willingly offered their blood.很多人自愿献血.No food was offered at the party.聚会时没有提供食品.2.offer作"提出、表示"解.如:Johnson offered a new suggestion.约翰逊提出了一个新建议.We all went to offer congratulations.我们都前去表示祝贺.The boss in the company came personally to offer us apologies.那个公司的老板亲自来向我们道歉.The president offered no comment on the question.总统对这个问题未作评论.3.offer后接不定式,表示"主动提出做某事".如:He offered to drive us to the airport,but we preferred to walk there.他主动提出送我们去机场,但我们宁愿走路去.She offered to lend me her bike.她提出将自行车借给我.The boy offered to pay for the desk he had broken.那男孩主动提出赔偿被他弄坏的桌子.4.offer还有"出售"、"出价"的意思.① offer sth for (money) 以多少钱出售某物He offered this bike for 600 yuan.这辆自行车他要价600元.The next morning we offered our boat for only 6 dollars.第二天上午我们仅以6美元出售我们的船.② offer sb (money) for sth / to buy sth 出价多少购买某物We offered him 10,000 yuan for his house.我们愿出一万元钱来购买他的房子.They offered him 3,000 yuan to buy the laptop.他们愿出3,000元来买他的笔记本电脑.二、 offer作名词的用法:1.offer表示愿做某事或给予某物(后接of / to do sth) Thank you for your kind offer of helping me.= Thank you for your kind offer to help me.谢谢你提供的帮助.`Practise making offers and requests.练习提供帮助和请求.2.offer有"出价"的意思.如:I"ve had an offer of $8888 for that house.有人向我出价8888 美元买那房子.They made me an offer of ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.= They offered me ten thousand yuan for my motorbike.=They offered to buy my motorbike for ten thousand yuan.他们肯出一万元买我的摩托车.祝你开心如意!
2023-07-12 19:27:593

Yankee stock offerings是什么意思

美国股票供应? 哈哈
2023-07-12 19:28:074


2023-07-12 19:28:1714


2023-07-12 19:29:137


Initial Public Offerings 首次公开募股
2023-07-12 19:29:475


Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qingming Festival was called ‘Arbor Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a familys home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.  With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.对不起,中文懒得打。
2023-07-12 19:30:021


VC指风险投资: 风险投资是把资本投向蕴藏着失败风险的高新技术及其产品的研究开发领域,旨在促使高新技术成果尽快商品化、产业化,以取得高资本收益的一种投资过程。 风险投资有以下特征:1、投资对象多为处于创业期的中小型企业,而且多为高新技术企业;2、投资期限至少3-5年以上,投资方式一般为股权投资,通常占被投资企业30%左右股权,而不要求控股权,也不需要任何担保或抵押;3、投资决策建立在高度专业化和程序化的基础之上;4、风险投资人(venturecapitalist)一般积极参与被投资企业的经营管理,提供增值服务;风险投资人一般也对被投资企业以后各发展阶段的融资需求予以满足;5、由于投资目的是追求超额回报,当被投资企业增值后,风险投资人会通过上市、收购兼并或其它股权转让方式撤出资本,实现增值。PE指私募股权投资: 私募股权投资(PrivateEquity)简称PE,是通过私募形式募集资金,对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,从而推动非上市企业价值增长,最终通过上市、并购、管理层回购、股权置换等方式出售持股套现退出的一种投资行为。 私募股权投资有以下特征:1、公开发行上市、售出或购并、公司资本结构重组对引资企业来说,私募股权融资不仅有投资期长、增加资本金等好处,还可能给企业带来管理、技术、市场和其他需要的专业技能;相对于波动大、难以预测的公开市场而言,股权投资资本市场是更稳定的融资来源。2、资金来源广泛,如富有的个人、风险基金、杠杆收购基金、战略投资者、养老基金、保险公司等3、没有上市交易,所以没有现成的市场供非上市公司的股权出让方与购买方直接达成交易。而持币待投的投资者和需要投资的企业必须依靠个人关系、行业协会或中介机构来寻找对方。4、对非上市公司的股权投资,因流动性差被视为长期投资,所以投资者会要求高于公开市场的回报。IPO指首次公开募股: 首次公开募股(InitialPublicOfferings,简称IPO):是指一家企业或公司第一次将它的股份向公众出售(首次公开发行,指股份公司首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式)。也就是我们经常说的公司上市。 IPO有以下优势特征:1、拓展融资渠道:中国目前的法律和政策对上市公司给予了最大程度的支持和倾斜,如允许上市公司发行债券、用二级市场交易的股票市值作为质押物向银行融资。即把上市公司打造成为是资金的宠儿,为上市公司拓展了最多元的融资渠道而且上市时及日后均有机会筹集资金,以获得资本扩展业务。2、价值最大化作用:上市后,使股东权益衡量标准发生变化。原来所拥有的资产,只能通过资产评估的价格反映价值,但将资产证券化以后,通常用二级市场交易的价格直接反映股东价值,股东价值能够得到最大程度的体现李嘉诚多次蝉联亚洲首富,其旗下已上市的“和记黄埔”功不可没,李氏夫妇通过海普瑞的上市而一跃成为中国首富也突出体现了资本市场价值重估的魔力。3、便于流通变现作用:上市公司的股票具有最大程度的流通性,接班人即使对前辈的事业没有兴趣,前辈们也有所选择,即将产业形成的股票抛售后形成现金,将真金白银留给接班人。4、吸引人才作用:上市公司也对市场上的人才有天然的吸引力,即使薪金低点,也愿意到上市公司去打工。向员工授予上市公司的购股权作为奖励和承诺,能够增加员工的归属感5、广告效应:证券市场20年发展到现在,上市公司也是稀缺资源,必然成为所有财经媒体、1亿中国股民每天关注的对象。能够提高公司在市场上地位及知名度,赢取顾客信供应商的信赖。6、规范化作用:上市发行人的披露要求较为严格,使公司的效率得以提高,藉以改善公司的监控、资讯管理及营运系统,公司运作更加规范。增加公司的透明度,具有天然的信任感,有助于在间接融资市场上建立较高的信誉,便于银行以较有利条款批出信贷额度。
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企业第一次向公众发行股票被称为IPO(Initial Public Offering)。即企业通过一家股票包销商(underwriter)以特定价格在一级市场(primary market)承销其一定数量的股票,此后,该股票可以在二级市场或店头市场(aftermarket)买卖。 首次公开招股是指一家私人企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是"自由交易"的,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。
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IPO的英文全称是Initial Public Offerings,它的中文含义是首次公开募股。IPO指的是一家企业第一次对公众出售自己的股票,也就是我们常说的企业上市。通常情况下,上市公司都会通过证券承销商发售自己股份。而企业在上市之前,需要对自己的组织架构进行调整:建立健全股东大会、董事会、董事会秘书等企业制度,并确保这些机构和人员能依法履行职责。对于有限责任公司来说,在上市前还需要转变为股份有限公司。在完成对自身组织架构的调整之后,上市公司和证券承销商需要对公司进行估值,以此确定公司股票的发行价格。常用的估值方法可以分为两大类:(一)收益折现法:收益折现法就是对上市公司未来的经营状况进行预估,并根据预估结果,选择适当的贴现率与贴现模型对上市公司的价值进行计算。在实际的计算过程中,经济学家们已经留下了许多合适的贴现模型,真正的计算难点在于如何确定上市公司未来的现金流和折现率。一家证券承销商是否有着较强的专业能力,就体现在这个计算难点中。(二)类比法:类比法就是选择和估值企业同类型的上市公司,将这两家公司进行对比,根据上市公司的情况,对企业的价值进行估计。常用的上市公司指标包括了市盈率(股价/每股收益)、市净率(股价/每股净资产)等。
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供的多音字如何区别如下:1. 准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。2. 又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)3. 提供某种条件[给对方利用] [for (the use or convenience of)]。如:仅供参考;专供研究生用的阅览室;供顿(设宴待客);供断(供尽。极言提供之多)常用词组1. 供不应求2. 供电3. 供过于求4. 供给 5. 供给制6. 供料7. 供气8. 供求 9. 供需 gōngxū10. 供养 gōngyǎng11. 供应 gōngyìng供 gòng1. 奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。2. 祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。3. 被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。4. 供奉,供献5. 又如:供具(供奉鬼神的器具。后也指供佛的器具);供奉曲(宫廷内演奏的曲子);供进(进献宫廷);供御(进奉于帝王)6. 祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 [offer in worship]。如:上供;供礼(祭品,供品);供床(神像前放置祭品的几案)7. 伺奉;伺候 [wait on]。如:供过(侍奉,伺候;当差);供应(伺候);供侍(侍奉);供直(侍奉帝王);供承(侍奉,执役);供命(听从差遣);供享(使享用)8. 从事,担任 [hold]。如:供事;供役(服役,执役)9. 受审者陈述案情 [confess;own up]吏辈责供,多不足凭。——宋· 陈襄《州县提纲·面审所供》10. 又如:招供(供出犯罪事实);吐供(招供);供招(招供。供出犯罪事实);供攀(攀供。在供词中牵连他人)〈名〉1. 供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 [confession]张文定公在真宗时,戚里有争分财不均者,更相诉讼,……即命各供状结实。—— 宋· 赵自镣《狱讼》2. 又如:翻供;供款(供词)3. 供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 [offerings]。如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)4. 另见 gōng常用词组1. 供案 gòng"àn[altar] 供桌供案上摆满了贡品2. 供菜 gòngcài[offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的菜3. 供称 gòngchēng[as is confessed by the culprit] 受审者陈述;交代据俘虏供称,敌军开小差的很多4. 供词 gòngcí[deposition;confession] 受审者口头或书面交待的内容供词不实5. 供奉 gòngfèng6. 供果 gòngguǒ[fruit offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的瓜果7. 供品 gòngpǐn[offerings] 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品8. 供认 gòngrèn9. 供事 gòngshì10. 供职 gòngzhí
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2023-07-12 19:35:229

initial public offerings怎么读

一内绍 怕玻璃可 奥佛瑞鹰
2023-07-12 19:35:492

供水 供怎么读

2023-07-12 19:36:005


IPO就是initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票) 首次公开招股是指一家私人企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是"自由交易"的,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。
2023-07-12 19:36:305

股票术语:IPO是什么意思 IPO含义详解

在词组Initial Public Offering中,值得一提的是offering一词,它在这里是商业术语,指securities(证券)或stock(股票)的发行。在商业词汇中,offer可以做动词“出价、报盘”,也可以做名词“报盘价”,例如:An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offer.(当报盘被拒绝后,即使这项报盘是不可撤销的,也会终止。) 另外,在《圣经》里,您可能会经常见到offering一词,这时,它被用来指代祭祀用的“祭品”。 IPO就是initial public offerings(首次公开发行股票), 即首次公开上市,英文全称 首次公开招股是指一家私人企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。通常,上市公司的股份是根据向相应证券会出具的招股书或登记声明中约定的条款通过经纪商或做市商进行销售。一般来说,一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。 另外一种获得在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的可行方法是在招股书或登记声明中约定允许私人公司将它们的股份向公众销售。这些股份被认为是自由交易的,从而使得这家企业达到在证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易的要求条件。 大多数证券交易所或报价系统对上市公司在拥有最少自由交易股票数量的股东人数方面有着硬性规定。 为什么这么长时间才实行IPO,因为最近一年的主要任务是股改经过一年的股改,这个任务才基本结束,那么股市当然就要恢复它的基本功能了。 除了IPO外,还可通过增发,配股,发行债券等融资手段。 IPO带来的好处那就是给股市带来新的血液,好的投资品种,给股民好的投资回报。
2023-07-12 19:36:521


IPO全称Initial public offerings(首次公开募股),是指某公司(股份有限公司或有限责任公司)首次向社会公众公开招股的发行方式
2023-07-12 19:37:012

什么是 IP0 ?

2023-07-12 19:37:152


2023-07-12 19:37:233


关键词被遗忘的墓穴被遗忘的墓穴篇-被遗忘的墓穴Forgotten TombsEerie Silence一怪异的寂静令人心魂颠倒的阴影Haunting Shadows一-荒凉的氛围Desolate Atmosphere破碎的纪念碑Broken Memorials-神秘的铭文Mysterious Inscriptions-幽灵般的存在Ghostly Presence-Whispering Spirits低语的灵魂Crumbling Architecture摇摇欲坠的建筑-笼罩的谜团Enshrouded Mysteries风化的坟慕Weathered Graves被遗忘的埋葬Forgotten Burials-飘渺的光芒Ethereal Glow-令人心魂颠倒的回忆Haunting Memories-Desolate Landscapes荒凉的景Broken Statues-神秘的文物Mysterious Artifacts一幽灵般的低语Ghostly Whispers一低语的回声Whispering Echoes一破裂的墓碑Cracked Headstones---神秘的符号Enigmatic Symbols-Weathered Engravings一风化的刻痕-被遗忘的遗产Forgotten Legacies飘渺的雾气Ethereal Mist一Haunting Presence今人心魂颠倒的存在-荒凉的寂静Desolate Silence-破碎的陵墓Broken MausoleumsMysterious Offerings神秘的供品Ghostly Apparitions幽灵般的幻影Whispering secrets低语的秘密Crumbling Vaults--笼罩的黑暗Enshrouded Darkness:Weathered Monuments-风化的纪念碑一被遗忘的墓志铭Forgotten EpitaphsEthereal Elegance-飘的优雅令人心魂颠倒的美Haunting Beauty-Desolate Mourning-荒凉的哀悼一破碎的墓碑Broken Gravestones-Mysterious Chambers:神秘的密室Ghostly Traces-一幽灵般的痕迹Whispering Enigmas低语的谜团-摇摇欲坠的纪念碑Crumbling Monuments一神秘的黑暗Enigmatic DarknessWeathered Crypts风化的地下室Forgotten Offerings被遗忘的供品Crumbling Vaults--笼罩的黑暗Enshrouded Darkness:Weathered Monuments-风化的纪念碑一被遗忘的墓志铭Forgotten EpitaphsEthereal Elegance-飘的优雅令人心魂颠倒的美Haunting Beauty-Desolate Mourning-荒凉的哀悼一破碎的墓碑Broken Gravestones-Mysterious Chambers:神秘的密室Ghostly Traces-一幽灵般的痕迹Whispering Enigmas低语的谜团-摇摇欲坠的纪念碑Crumbling Monuments一神秘的黑暗Enigmatic DarknessWeathered Crypts风化的地下室Forgotten Offerings被遗忘的供品Ethereal Spirits令人心魂颠倒的低语Haunting Whispers荒凉的回忆Desolate Memories破碎的石棺Broken SacrophagiMysterious Shadows-神秘的阴影Ghostly Atmosphere幽灵般的氛围Whispering Apparitions低语的幻影Crumbling Epitaphs摇摇欲坠的墓志铭Enshrouded Silence笼罩的寂静Weathered Offerings风化的供品被遗忘的刻痕Forgotten EngravingsEthereal Mourning飘渺的哀悼今人心魂颠倒的黑暗Haunting Darkness荒凉的灵魂Desolate Spirits--破碎的记忆
2023-07-12 19:37:301


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Little New Year,which falls about a week before the lunar New Year,is also known as the Festival of the Kitchen God,the deity who oversees the moral character of each household.In one of the most distinctive traditions of Spring Festival,a paper image of the Kitchen God is burnt on Little New Year,dispatching the god"s spirit to Heaven to report on the family"s conduct over the past year. The Kitchen God is then welcomed back by pasting a new paper image of him beside the stove.From this vantage point,the Kitchen God will oversee and protect the household for another year.The close association of the Kitchen God with the Lunar New Year has resulted in Kitchen God Festival being called Little New Year.Although very few families still make offerings to the Kitchen God on this day,many traditional holiday activities are still very popular. Studies of popular Chinese religion indicate that the Kitchen God did not appear until after the invention of the brick cooking stove.The cooking stove was a fairly late development in the history of human civilization.Ancient writings indicate that the Fire God,the earliest form of the Kitchen God,was worshipped long before the stove was invented. Zhu Rong,China"s ancient Fire God was a popular folk deity and had many temples built in his honor.Stone lined firepits,an early form of the brick stove,are still commonly used among China"s ethnic minorities.People in these regions make offerings to the Firepit God.The Firepit God appeared between the Kitchen God and the Fire God in the history of Chinese folk deities.The Kitchen God appeared soon after the invention of the brick stove.The Kitchen God was originally believed to reside in the stove,and only later took on human form. Legend has it that during the Later Han Dynasty,a poor farmer named Yin Zifang was making breakfast one day shortly before the Lunar New Year,when the Kitchen God appeared to him.Although all Yin Zifang had was one yellow sheep,he sacrificed it to the Kitchen God.Yin Zifang soon became rich.To show his gratitude,Yin Zifang started sacrificing a yellow goat to the Kitchen God every winter on the day of the divine visitation,rather than during the summer as had been customary.This is the origin of the Kitchen God Festival,or Little New Year. There are numerous customs associated with honoring the Kitchen God and determining the date of the Kitchen God Festival,or Little New Year.The date of this holiday was sometimes assigned according to location,with people in northern China celebrating it on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month,and people in southern China celebrating it on the twenty-fourth.The date of Little New Year was also traditionally determined according to profession.Traditionally,feudal officials made their offerings to the Kitchen God on the twenty-third,the common people on the twenty-fourth,and coastal fishing people on the twenty-fifth.The person officiating at the sacrificial rites was generally the male head of the household. The evening before Little New Year,the image of the Kitchen God that has been overseeing the household for the past year is taken down from its position by the stove.While the image is dried in preparation for burning,offerings and firewood are prepared.The firewood may include bundles of pine,cypress,holly,and pomegranate twigs.A new image of the Kitchen God is purchased,and figures of horses and dogs are plaited out of sorghum stalks.The offerings include pig"s head,fish,sweet bean paste,melons,fruit,boiled dumplings,barley sugar,and guandong candy,a sticky treat made out of glutinous millet and sprouted wheat.Most of the offerings are sweets of various sorts.It is thought that this will seal the Kitchen God"s mouth and encourage him to only say good things about the family when he ascends to Heaven to make his report.The Kitchen God will be invited to sit in a sedan chair for his trip to Heaven.Consequently,the day before Little New Year,streets and alleyways everywhere are full of vendors selling papermache sedan chairs and paper gold and silver ingots for the Kitchen God"s journey,and singing songs in his honor. When a family makes offerings to the Kitchen God,it is in the hopes that he will ask Heaven to protect their household.According to an old maxim,"In Heaven good deeds are reported,on Earth safety is ensured." The new image of the Kitchen God is not pasted up until Lunar New Year"s Eve or New Year"s Day,in a ceremony known as "welcoming back the Kitchen God." According to a saying from southern China,"On the twenty-fourth day he ascends to Heaven; on New Year"s Day he returns to Earth."
2023-07-12 19:39:071