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2023-07-12 21:20:42
TAG: 理论

  J.O.Hinze,Turbulence,McGraw-Hill,New York,1975.  D. J. Tritton, Physical Fluid Dynamics,van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1977.  C.C.Lin,ed.,Turbulent Flows and Heat Transfer,Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, 1959.  H. L.Swinney and J.P.Gollub, ed.,Hydrodynamic Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence,Springer-verlag, Berlin, 1981.




Winnie释义[女子名] 温妮 Winifred的昵称; [地名] [美国] 温尼形近词:VinnieKinnieMinnie1Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn"t well enough to write.温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信。2Dad and winnie are in winnie"s bedroom. dad is sitting on her bed爸爸和温妮在温妮的房间里.爸爸坐在她的床上
2023-07-12 19:22:551


链接:提取码:p9zW这里有小熊维尼和跳跳虎的全部系列视频,希望能帮到您,小熊维尼和跳跳虎的剧情简介 · · · · · ·维尼(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)、小猪(约翰·菲尔德 John Fiedler 配音)、猫头鹰(Andre Stojka 配音)、小兔(Ken Sansom 配音)和跳跳虎(吉姆·库宁斯 Jim Cummings 配音)等朋友们正聚在一起,布置它们的新家,然而跳跳虎总是淘气的跳来跳去惹出一堆麻烦,于是小兔建议跳跳虎先去找其他的跳跳虎一起玩。然而,跳跳虎从来没有见过其他的跳跳虎,它甚至开始怀疑,这个世界里是否还有自己的同类。
2023-07-12 19:23:162


2023-07-12 19:24:061


可以的 怕什麼
2023-07-12 19:24:162


2023-07-12 19:24:231

1200 Twinney Dr Newmarket, ON L3Y 9E4 是加拿大的哪里?

是在加拿大的安大略省~Newmarket 那块倒是有去过一次,貌似有个大商场~
2023-07-12 19:24:311


中文名:浴血奋战/裸体情人英文名:BLOOD RUN导演:Boaz Davidson演员:David Bradley Brad KingsburyAnna Levine Tanya BorgmanAshley Laurence PaigeJamie Renée Smith AliciaSteven M. Gagnon GeoffreysTerrance Stone Lozano威廉·博耶特 William Boyett BriskinStephanie Swinney BillyRobert LaSardo SpikePaul Boyer DaveCharlie Holliday Garth比尔·莫斯里 Bill Moseley HankSean Moran Big JohnJennifer Anglin NancyTakayo Fischer Mrs. YuPatricia Statham StrangerWilliam Wellman Jr. PalacioAnnie O"Connell Mrs. KornbergKelly Galindo GretaJim Hudson SheriffMaurice Singer PreacherAnna Davidson TriciaNino Tempo Priest编剧:Boaz Davidson (story) &Dennis Dimster制片人:Lisa Wilson Deitell executive producerDanny Dimbort producerAvi Lerner producerUdi Nedivi line producerTrevor Short executive producer原创音乐:Blake Leyh摄像师:Avraham Karpick电影剪辑:Bruria Davidson协调剧组人员:James F. Tarzia造型设计:Ladislav Wilheim艺术指导:Robert L. Zilliox布景师:Cherie Day Ledwith服装设计:Carin Berger化妆师:Carrie Garton makeup artist类型:惊秫/神秘/剧情片长:88min地区:美国对白:英语 坦妮雅的教练比利,在离开她家后被刺杀,警方派出破案最高的警探,布莱德与佩姬联手侦办此案,布莱德因办案与坦妮雅发生性关系,因而了解她的过去,几年前坦妮雅与爱人路易斯结婚的前一晚,因饭店失火而死亡,而路易斯前女友的妹妹菲莉西亚非常怨恨坦妮雅,发誓要报仇;坦妮雅怀疑是菲莉西亚下的毒手,但苦无证据,而佩姬竟然谎报声称菲莉西亚在失火后因车祸而亡。佩姬为何要谎报菲莉西亚车祸死亡?布莱德已间接涉入命案的漩涡中,也要如何抽丝剥茧、拨云见日呢?谁是凶手,用心揣测,你可能就是现代的福尔摩斯。
2023-07-12 19:24:391


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2023-07-12 19:25:442


2023-07-12 19:26:034


答案是肯定的。克莱姆森大学(今年大学橄榄球冠军)的主教练Dabo Swinney就曾经表示,只要锡安愿意来他的橄榄球队,锡安可以打任何他想打的位置。
2023-07-12 19:27:196


王天瑞Ray 李文娜Lina,Hanna
2023-07-12 19:28:0715


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2023-07-12 19:29:2313


[1]Skempton A W.Residual strength of clays in landslides,folded strata and the laboratory[J].Geotechnique,35:3~18.1985.[2]Lan L.A general limit equilibrium model for three-dimensional slope stability analysis[J].Cana.Geotech.J.,30:905~919.1993.[3]秦四清,张倬元,王士天,黄润秋.非线性工程地质学导引[M].成都:西南交通大学出版社,1993.[4]Chau K T.Landslides modeled as bifurcations of creeping slope with nonlinear friction law[J].International Journal of Solids and Structures,32(23):3451~3464.1995.[5]Chau K T.Applications of catastrophe and bifurcation theories to slope failures[A].Slope Engineering in Hong Kong,HKIE,Geotechnical Division Annual Seminar(1996.7 Session)[C],Rotterdam:Balkema.129~136.1998.[6]Chau K T.Onset of natural terrain landslides modeled by linear stability analysis of creeping slopes with a two state variable friction law[J].International Journal of Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,23(15):1835~1855.1999.[7]Claes A.Application of probabilistic approach in slope stability analyses[A].Landslides[C].Rotterdam:Balkema,1137~1142.1996.[8]Duncan J M.State of the art:limit equilibrium and finite element analysis of slope[J].J.Geotech.Eng"g..122(7):577~596.1996.[9]Saito M.Forecasting time of slope failure by tertiary creep[A].Proc.Seventh Int.Conf.On soil mech.and found.Eng"g.[C],Montreal,667~683.1969.[10]Saito M and Yamada G.Forecasting and result in case of landslide at Takabayama[A].Proc.8th Int.Conf.on Soil Mech.and Found.Eng"g.[C],Mexico,667~683.1978.[11]Fukuzono T.A new method for predicting the failure time of a slope[A].Proc.IV International conference and field workshop on landslide[C],Tokyo.1985.[12]Fukuzono T.Recent studies on time prediction of slope failure[J].Landslide news,(4):9~12.1990.[13]Voight B.Materials science law applies to time forecasts of slope failure[J].Landslide news,(3):8~11.1989.[14]Rat M.Difficulties in foreseeing failure in landslides-La Clapière[A],French Alps.Proceed.5thISL[C],Lausanne,Vol.3,1503~1505.1988.[15]Bhandari R K,Senanayake K S and Thayalan.N.Pitfalls in the prediction on landslide through rainfall data[A]:Bell,In Landslides[C].Rotterdam:Balkema,887~890.1991.[16]Sousa J and Voight B.Computional flow modeling for long runout landslide harzard assessment with an example from Clapiere landslide,France[J].Bulletin of the IAEG,(2):131~150.1992.[17]Wang S J.Spatial and time prediction on mass movement of rock slope[A].Proc.of 27thIGC[C],Moscow,667~677.1984.[18]晏同珍.滑坡动态规律与预测应用[A].全国第三次工程地质大会论文选集[C].成都:成都科技大学出版社,1988.[19]黄润秋,许强.斜坡失稳时间的协同预测模型[J].山地研究,1997,15(1):7~12.[20]Thom R.Stabilité structurelle et morphogénèse[M].New York:Benjamin.1972.[21]Henley S.Catastrophe theory models in geology[J].Mathematical Geology,8(6):649~655.1976.[22]Saunders P T.An introduction to catastrophe theory[M].London:Cambridge University Press.1980.[23]Keilis-Borok V I.The lithosphere of the earth as a nonlinear system with implications for earthquake prediction[J].Rev.Geophys,28:19~34.1990.[24]Phillips J D.Instability and chaos in hillslope evolution[J].Am.J.Sci.,293:25~48.1993.[25]Phillips J.Nonlinear dynamics and the evolution of relief[J].Geomorphology,(14):57~64.1995.[26]Phillips J D.Nonlinear dynamical systems in geomorphology:revolution or evolution?[J].Geomorphology,5:219~229.1992.[27]Siqing Qin,Jiu Jimmy Jiao,Sijing Wang.A cusp catastrophe model of instability of slip-buckling slope[J],Rock Me-chanics and Rock Engineering,Vol.34(2):119~134.2001.[28]Siqing Qin,Jiu Jimmy Jiao,Sijing Wang.A Nonlinear Catastrophe Model of Instability of Planar-slip Slope and Chaotic Dynamical Mechanisms of Its Evolutionary Process[J],International Journal of Solids and Structures,Vol.38:8093~8109.2001.[29]Tang C A.Catastrophe in Rock Unstable Failure(in Chinese)[M].Beijing:China Coal Industry Publishing House.1993.[30]Tang C A,Hudson J A,Xu X.Rock Failure Instability and Related Aspects of Earthquake Mechanisms(in Chinese)[C].Beijing:China Coal Industry Publishing House.1993.[31]Siqing Qin,Sijing Wang,Jiu Jimmy Jiao.The predictable time scale of landslide[J].Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,59:307~312.2001.[32]Jaeger J C,Cook N G W.Fundamentals of rock mechanics(third edition)[M].London:Chapman and Hall.1979.[33]钟铁.潘田矿区降雨-滑坡关系的突变性分析.金属矿山,2001,(5):16~18.[34]吕贵芳.鸡鸣寺滑坡的形成及监测预报[J].中国地质灾害防治学报,1994,Vol.5,增刊,376~383.[35]Wolf A,Swift J B,Swinney H L,and Vastano J A.Determing Lyapunov exponents from a time series[J].Physica,16D:285~317.1985.[36]Homes P J,Rand D A.The bifurcations of Duffing"s equation:an application of catastrophe theory.Journal of sound and vibration 44:237~253.1976.[37]刘秉正.非线性动力学与混沌基础.长春:东北师范大学出版社,1995.
2023-07-12 19:30:161

we can make a(spin)适当形式慎空

we can make a(spinnerspinner 英[u02c8spu026anu0259(r)] 美[u02c8spu026anu025a] n. 纺纱机; 纺纱工; (钓鱼用) 旋式诱饵; [例句]Discussion on tecnnological air exhaust of rotor spinner转杯纺纱机工艺排风问题的探讨[其他] 复数:spinners 形近词: swinney skinned thinner -----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!
2023-07-12 19:30:261


有效~ 角球直接进就算~ 这个算不算死球?
2023-07-12 19:30:3510


2023-07-12 19:31:062


有益心脏健康的食物:1西兰花,西兰花是蛋白质的良好来源,特别适合素食主义者。西兰花中含有的维生素K有助于强健骨骼,保护动脉免受损伤。除了维生素K,西兰花还含有丰富的粗纤维,可降低胆固醇。 2橙子 ,提到富含维生素C的水果,多数人会想到橙子。它不但可以对抗感冒,还能有效预防心脏病。橙子含有纤维素和果胶,能降低胆固醇。其富含的维生素C也可以增强动脉壁的韧性,提高心血管功能
2023-07-12 19:31:253


2023-07-12 19:32:093


生 命 的 姿 势一对夫妇是登山运动员,为了庆祝他们儿子一周岁的生日,他们决定背着孩子登上七千米的雪山。他们特意挑选了一个阳光灿烂的好日子,一切准备就绪之后就踏上了征程。天刚亮时一如预报中的那样,太阳当空,没有风没有半片云彩。夫妇俩很轻松地登上了五千米的高度。然而,就在他们稍事休息准备向新的高度进发时,一件意想不到的事发生了。风云突起,一时间狂风大作,雪花飞舞。气温陡降至零下三四十度。最要命的是,由于他们完全相信天气预报,从而忽略了至关重要的定位仪。由于风势太大,能见度不足一米,上或下都意味着危险甚至死亡。俩人无奈,情急之中找到一处山洞,只好进洞暂时躲避风雪。气温继续下降,妻子怀中的孩子被冻得嘴唇发紫,最主要的是他要吃奶。要知道在如此低温的环境之下,任何一寸裸露在外的皮肤都会导致迅速的降低体温,时间一长就会有生命的危险。怎么办?孩子的哭声越来越弱,他很快就会因为缺少食物而被冻饿而死。丈夫制止了妻子几次要喂奶的要求,他不能眼睁睁地看着妻子被冻死。然而如果不给孩子喂奶,孩子就会很快死去。妻子哀求丈夫:“就喂一次!”丈夫把妻子和孩子揽在怀中。尽管如此,喂过一次奶的妻子体温下降了两度,她的体能受到了严重损耗。由于缺少定位仪,漫天风雪中救援人员根本找不到他们的位置,这意味着风雪如果不停他们就没有获救的希望。时间在一分一秒地流逝,孩子需要一次又一次的喂奶,妻子的体温在一次又一次的下降。在这个风雪狂舞的五千米高山上,妻子一次又一次重复着平常极为简单而现在却无比艰难的喂奶动作。她的生命在一次又一次的喂奶中一点点消逝。三天后,当救援人员赶到时,丈夫已冻昏妻子的身旁,而他的妻子——那位伟大的母亲已被冻成一尊雕塑,她依然保持着喂奶的姿势屹立不倒。她的儿子,她用生命哺育的孩子正在丈夫怀里安然地睡眠,他脸色红润,神态安详。被伟大的生命的爱包裹着的孩子,你是否知道你有一位伟大的母亲,她的母爱可以超越五千米的高山而在风雪之中塑造生命。为了纪念这位伟大的母亲、妻子,丈夫决定将妻子最后的姿势铸成铜像,让妻子最后的爱永远流传,并且告诉孩子,一个平凡的姿势只要倾注了生命的爱并可以伟大并且抵达永恒。
2023-07-12 19:32:328


2023-07-12 19:32:4913


2023-07-12 19:33:242


chimney 绝对没问题
2023-07-12 19:33:323


2023-07-12 19:34:131


1.C. C. Lin, The Theory of Hydrodynamic Stability, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1955.2. S. Chandrasekhar, Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability, Clarendon Press, Oxford, London, 1961.3.D. D. Joseph, Stability of Fluid Motion, Vol. 1~2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1976.4. H. L. Swinney and J. P. Gollib, Hydrodynamic Instabilities and the Transition to Turbulence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1981.5.词条作者:周恒《中国大百科全书》74卷(第一版)力学 词条:流体力学 中国大百科全书出版社 ,1987 :345-346页
2023-07-12 19:34:201

群星的《Outro》 歌词

歌曲名:Outro歌手:群星专辑:Till The World Blows UpLil Wayne Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes - OutroVerse 1: Bun BYeah... When I step in the spot, motherf-ckers say "who that?"Big Bun B, but you already knew thatLive from the state where they chop it and screw thatYou hatin" on the trill OG, where they do that? (for real!)Motherfckers need to get off the dick, manFall the f-ck back like a bike with no kickstandGet out my mix man, just go" get you stuckDeeper in the quicksand, with no easy fix, man (damn!)No tricks, man, those is for kidsKush in my cigar, and hoes in the cribDrank, and the 20 ounce froze in the fridgeYou f-ckin" with DA so you know what it isI"m sittin" on the fours that clackComin" down candy in the golden "LacWe gettin" to the money like it"s Goldman SachsAnd we do it for the pimps that are holding back... let"s go!Verse 2: NasLook who crept in with automatic weapons, reppin" QB till the death of himThat nigga that inspired lyrical tyrants like Kanye West and EmTrack record goes back to "The Essence"Smack adolescents who ask who the best isI"m nasty like gas from a fat man, attested,I pass it, you gaspin" for breath and you die fastBut I"m like a gastric bypass,Bunch of Nas African actors seemed to get typecast in the same roleSince 16 I ain"t grow a day old yet my brain grow, cocaine white Range Rov"Tats on my body like an art exhibit, I did real good for a project niggaWas once a Bacardi sipper, now it"s Chandon,Fat blunts in the car with strippersGuns in compartments hidden, I was real young, little youth, a novice niggaBlessings, bowed down, respected, chowed down now my food"s digestedPow pow, with my shooters are Techs, bust louder than the noise I just spitLet"s get one thing straight that my crown ain"t for testin"... testin"Chop heads off like King Henry the 8th, guillotine to ya neck, bitch!I"m a king in this thing, don"t be dumbBeen in this shit since "91Niggas can"t f-ck with the style I useYour fate is sealed, no Heidi KlumCalm now, was a wylin" dude, studied cowards that made power movesWatched Wild Planet seen lions devour food, you can say that"s how I moveA monster nigga, and I don"t really like doing songs with niggasThere go my nigga Wayne, let them niggas hateI love my nigga Drake say "we ain"t got time to respond to niggas"Verse 3: ShyneI"m a villain, I"m a villain, all that happens in the streetPoverty and desperation made me everything I beI"m a shotta, when I pop up with them poppers burn ya block upCall the judges, call the coppers, we takin" over GothamWord to PoppaBlood gang, five! It"s that Blood gang, five, but green is the bottom lineI run this town, I ain"t gon" lie, they run they mouth, they ain"t gon" fightThey actin" like they ain"t gon" die until I let them llamas flyFlatbush to Bed-do-or-die, from Watts to Larry Hoover ChiPoverty and heroine, it"s no place for a juvenilePut greed in our heart, it"s the green that we wantCash Money is the company and Weezy the boss!Verse 4: Busta RhymesThey say I"m underrated, but un-compete-with-ableUnderstandable, being that my rating levels are unreachableAnything said other than that should be silenced, unspeakable!And the thought of you being nicer than me, unfeasible!They ask is what I do ever gonna stop, this shit will never endThat"s when you hear a car crash in the vocal booth got em sayin""There he goes again!"See now they nominated a nigga to come and flatten everythingNow let me dominate it, nigga runAnd they be knowin" that I be blackin" on everythingAnd make it complicated like a nigga constipated with a gunI gotta make it what they want and wake "em when I come and shake "emAnd bake "em and take "em to another placeAin"t no fakin", ain"t no kind of mistakin" how I be breakin" upEverything and be creating a s-s-s-situation when I"m done (Damn!)You see I spit National Treasure, discography richAnd I done killed more cats than curiosity, snitch!Most of you niggas sorry and owe apologies, quickWhat the f-ck you niggas still hangin" around here for, you apostrophe bitch?OK, now enough of that, see now I"m out the doorTunechi, thanks for giving us a whole "nother classic with Tha Carter IVEndLil Wayne Feat. Bun B, Nas, Shyne & Busta Rhymes - Outro
2023-07-12 19:34:341


operator[英]["u0252pu0259reu026atu0259(r)] [美][u02c8ɑpu0259u02ccretu025a] 生词本简明释义n.经营者;操作员;电话接线员;运算符复数:operators易混淆的单词:Operator以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT电话接线员An operator is a person who connects telephone calls at a telephone exchange or in a place such as an office or hotel.He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome.他拨了接线员的号,让他接通一个到罗马的电话。
2023-07-12 19:34:341


2023-07-12 19:34:405


1、幸福没有那么容易,所以特别让人着迷。 Happiness is not so easy, so it is particularly fascinating. 2、一身的痞子味,成不了你的乖乖女。 The whole body of ruffian flavor, can not become your good girl. 3、任何关系,你想陌生,我根本不会再多看你一眼。 Any relationship, you want to be strange, I will never look at you again. 4、爱情里谁先开口谁先死,所以你不言我不语。 In love, the one who speaks first dies first, so you don"t speak and I don"t speak. 5、没关系会好的,人生总不会一直难过下去。 It doesn"t matter, it will be good, life will not always be sad. 6、在暧昧中徘徊,让我带着一身伤回来。 Wandering in the ambiguity, let me come back with a body injury. 7、可惜喜欢就像乘法一样,只要一方为零,结果便为零。 Unfortunately, like is like multiplication, as long as one side is zero, the result is zero. 8、以后,你心里装的,怀里抱的,身下压的都要是我。 After that, what you put in your heart, what you hold in your arms, and what you press down on you are all me. 9、一生都在错过,哪有什么可后悔的。 Miss all my life. What can I regret. 10、我们不合适,没有共同语言。 We don"t fit in. There"s no common language. 11、愿多年之后的你依旧笑靥如花,轻描淡写把过往和我只当笑话。 May you still smile like flowers after many years, understate the past and me only as a joke. 12、我想看淡一点。再淡一点,直到不想看到为止。 I"d like to take a look at it a little bit. A little lighter, until you don"t want to see it. 13、只要是个喜剧收尾,过程你让我怎么哭都行。 As long as it"s a comedy ending, I can cry as much as you want me to. 14、事已至此,我的一厢情愿,我的满心欢喜,都该告一段落了。 This is the end of my wishful thinking and joy. 15、若你给我一丝希望,我便赠你十分勇敢。 If you give me a glimmer of hope, I will give you courage. 16、道理我都懂,但心里的难受不是道理所能释怀的。 I understand the truth, but the pain in my heart is not what the truth can release. 17、不能因为咱俩有过节,你就把我当节过。 You can"t treat me as a festival just because we have a festival. 18、孤独久了,感觉自己都有了仙气。 Lonely for a long time, I feel that I have immortal spirit. 19、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己。 Don"t give up easily, or you will be sorry for yourself. 20、你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。 You did not have me in the first half of your life, so let me accompany you for the rest of your life. 21、笑脸给多了,惯的全是病。 Smile to more, accustomed to all disease. 22、有时候感觉好喜欢好喜欢你,那种感觉就像吃多了,撑爆了。 Sometimes I feel like I like you very much. That feeling is like eating too much and bursting. 23、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。 A beautiful blueprint, left in the hands of the lazy man, is just a page of waste paper. 24、伊人回眸,繁华落尽,不过是一场烟火迷离。 Yi people look back, prosperous fall, but is a fireworks blurred. 25、当时没出口的话,以后再提都是不合时宜。 If there was no export at that time, it would be inappropriate to mention it later. 26、早该没心没肺,不用现在的撕心裂肺。 It"s time to be heartless. I don"t need to tear my heart and lungs. 27、我知道今生我不会是你的唯一,只求你曾经真的爱过。 I know that I will not be the only one in your life, just ask you to have really loved. 28、说我丑,你咋不美到天,和太阳肩并肩。 Say I"m ugly, why don"t you look beautiful to the sky, shoulder to shoulder with the sun. 29、伤心时蹲下来抱抱自已,原谅别人也放过自己。 When sad, squat down and embrace yourself, forgive others and let go of yourself. 30、不是我不生气,是你们还没触碰到我的底线。 It"s not that I"m not angry, it"s that you haven"t touched my bottom line. 31、你努力后的成功,不能弥补你成功前的痛苦。 Success after your hard work can"t make up for the pain before you succeed. 32、小时候哭着哭着就笑了,长大后笑着笑着就哭了。 When I was a child, I cried and laughed, and when I grew up, I cried with a smile. 33、对有教养的人有教养,没教养的人你要比他有气场。 You should be more dignified to those who are cultured and those who are not. 34、成功,必定会是一条需要绝对努力的事情。 Success is bound to be an absolute effort. 35、那些浮光掠影似一场骤雨,只留下回忆的野花暗自芬芳。 Those glimmering like a shower, leaving only memories of the wild flowers secretly fragrant. 36、我可以为你生、为你死,只要你肯爱我! I can live and die for you, as long as you love me! 37、在落叶飘飞的时光里,念秋风萧瑟,愿执笔画眉,搏君笑红尘。 In the falling leaves flying time, read the autumn wind bleak, is willing to write a brush eyebrow, Bo Jun laugh at the world. 38、最好的爱情就是,那个人来了之后,再也没走。 The best love is that when the person comes, he never leaves. 39、还有星月可以寄望,还有宇宙浪漫不止。 There are stars and moons to hope for, and more than romantic universe. 40、我只是在寻觅,最初的天荒地老,什么时候才能变成现实。 I"m just looking for the time when the first time will come true. 41、相爱没有那么容易,每个人都有自己的手机。 Love is not so easy, everyone has their own mobile phone. 42、今晚看到一个人的背影像你,不是你,却忍不住看了一路。 Tonight I saw a person"s back like you, not you, but I couldn"t help looking all the way. 43、这个冬天,没有惊喜,没有温度,没有你。 This winter, no surprise, no temperature, no you. 44、我们有太多的来不及和差一点。 We have too much time and almost. 45、不用漂洋过海来看我,把你半年的积蓄打我支付宝就行。 Do not come across the sea to see me, give me half a year"s savings to hit my Alipay. 46、我们痛苦来源于爱,但我们的幸福也来源于爱。 Our pain comes from love, but so does our happiness. 47、我们也曾紧紧相拥,说着永远相爱的情话。 We also hugged each other tightly and said love words of forever love. 48、青春仿佛因我爱你才开始,却让我看破爱这个字。 Youth seems to start because I love you, but let me see through the word love. 49、我生命中的千山万水,任你一一告别。 The mountains and rivers in my life, you can say goodbye one by one. 50、就互相讨厌吧,总比爱而不得来的畅快利索。 It"s better to hate each other than to love.
2023-07-12 19:34:411

一首日本的 歌曲 一个女的哼出来的曲子 没有词 好像是描写樱花的

我很久以前在酷狗听到了这首歌,换手机,这歌没了。那时候这歌名字好像写的是最好听的女声吟唱啥的吧,记不清了,找了很久很久,Concerto pour une voix,歌名应该是这个,但是仍然没找到以前听到的日本女声,同为爱好者,相隔几年回答你的问题。
2023-07-12 19:34:432


2023-07-12 19:34:4312


operator 英["u0252pu0259reu026atu0259(r)] 美[u02c8ɑpu0259u02ccretu025a] n.经营者;操作员;电话接线员;运算符 名词复数:operators [例句]A swiss operator is taking over ,with profitability assured for the time being. 接管酒店的是一位瑞士经营者,暂时算是可能确保盈利. 2.What the crane operator sees. 从吊车操作员的视角. 3.The second man married a telephone operator. 另一个人的媳妇是个电话接线员. 4.It consists of a narrow tube that rests on the operator"s nose. 它包含有一个被设置在操作者的鼻子上的狭窄的管道. 5.These days,he holds a job as a heavy-equipment operator withmiami-dade county. 目前,他在迈阿密戴德县找到一个重型设备操作工的工作.
2023-07-12 19:34:441


2023-07-12 19:34:497

l know l know want you 你闯进了我的梦境,说真的我可能 喜欢上你了吧 什么歌有这歌词?

1.歌曲: 179633 179635(爱情让爱情,又名爱呢爱哪) 演唱: 713769 (权仁河) 2.歌曲: Can"t Help Falling In Love (情不自禁) 演唱: Elvis Presley (猫王) 3.歌曲: Rhythm Of The Rain (雨中旋律) 演唱: Jason Donovan 4.歌曲: How Am I Supposed To Live With you (我的生命怎能没有你) 演唱: Laura Fygi (女声) 5.歌曲: Piece Of My Heart (心的部分) 演唱: Lionel Richie 6.歌曲: Songs From A Secret Garden (神秘园之歌) 演唱: Secret Garden 7.歌曲: How deep is your love (你的爱有多深) 演唱: Take that (接招组合) 这是《乞丐变王子》全部曲目
2023-07-12 19:34:501


供的多音字如何区别如下:1. 准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。2. 又如:供亿(供应所需,也指供应的东西);供膳(供给膳食);供饷(供给差粮);供祀(供给祭祀)3. 提供某种条件[给对方利用] [for (the use or convenience of)]。如:仅供参考;专供研究生用的阅览室;供顿(设宴待客);供断(供尽。极言提供之多)常用词组1. 供不应求2. 供电3. 供过于求4. 供给 5. 供给制6. 供料7. 供气8. 供求 9. 供需 gōngxū10. 供养 gōngyǎng11. 供应 gōngyìng供 gòng1. 奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。2. 祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。3. 被审问时在法庭上述说事实:招~。口~。~状。~认。~词。4. 供奉,供献5. 又如:供具(供奉鬼神的器具。后也指供佛的器具);供奉曲(宫廷内演奏的曲子);供进(进献宫廷);供御(进奉于帝王)6. 祭祀,奉祀。把香烛等放在神佛或祖先的像(或牌位)前面表示敬奉 [offer in worship]。如:上供;供礼(祭品,供品);供床(神像前放置祭品的几案)7. 伺奉;伺候 [wait on]。如:供过(侍奉,伺候;当差);供应(伺候);供侍(侍奉);供直(侍奉帝王);供承(侍奉,执役);供命(听从差遣);供享(使享用)8. 从事,担任 [hold]。如:供事;供役(服役,执役)9. 受审者陈述案情 [confess;own up]吏辈责供,多不足凭。——宋· 陈襄《州县提纲·面审所供》10. 又如:招供(供出犯罪事实);吐供(招供);供招(招供。供出犯罪事实);供攀(攀供。在供词中牵连他人)〈名〉1. 供词,口供,受审者所说的案情 [confession]张文定公在真宗时,戚里有争分财不均者,更相诉讼,……即命各供状结实。—— 宋· 赵自镣《狱讼》2. 又如:翻供;供款(供词)3. 供品,祭品,祭祀时奉献的物品 [offerings]。如:供养(供品);供尖(供品的顶端部分)4. 另见 gōng常用词组1. 供案 gòng"àn[altar] 供桌供案上摆满了贡品2. 供菜 gòngcài[offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的菜3. 供称 gòngchēng[as is confessed by the culprit] 受审者陈述;交代据俘虏供称,敌军开小差的很多4. 供词 gòngcí[deposition;confession] 受审者口头或书面交待的内容供词不实5. 供奉 gòngfèng6. 供果 gòngguǒ[fruit offerings] 供奉祖先神佛的瓜果7. 供品 gòngpǐn[offerings] 供奉神佛祖先用的瓜果、酒食等物品8. 供认 gòngrèn9. 供事 gòngshì10. 供职 gòngzhí
2023-07-12 19:34:571


2023-07-12 19:35:005

为什么销售赋能(Sales Enablement)很重要?

买家行为发生了巨大变化。不用说, 销售策略需要适应变化。一些古老的方法仍然是常青树,但侵略性和操纵性在今天已经行不通了。在错误的时间给潜在客户打电话也无济于事。由于不断变化的市场、新的购买习惯和积极的增长目标,销售日益艰难。销售人员发现很难与预期保持一致。其结果是,在2018年50%以上卖家错过配额。可悲的是,这种情况已经连续五年发生了。销售赋能可以使这更容易。“销售赋能”究竟是什么?未能达到年度配额,在很大程度上可归因于销售代表的知识和技能水平 。他们需要获得更多信息、技能和生产力,才能达到他们的目标。全球各地的企业都了解销售赋能的真正本质并开始关注这一领域,这并不奇怪。CSO Insights 报告称,如今61% 的公司拥有专门的销售赋能功能。这是一个相对较新的术语。根据 Forrester 的说法,“销售赋能是一个战略性的、持续的过程,它使所有面向客户的员工能够在客户解决问题生命周期的每个阶段与正确的客户利益相关者进行持续和系统的有价值的对话,以优化销售系统“。基本上,这是为你的销售团队提供更多信息、工具、资源、内容、培训等的做法,以帮助他们销售更多产品并更有效地销售。简单来说,它可以被描述为使销售尽可能简单的做法。为他们提供相关内容、培训、CRM,让工作变的更顺利。销售赋能可以帮助提高底线的方法:更好的培训,低流失率销售赋能的重点是为销售代表提供必要的知识和培训,以提高他们的信心和士气。训练有素的销售人员将能够轻松回答客户的问题,这将帮助他们轻松完成交易并有效实现目标。此外,这将减少员工流失,因为他们不会因为没有实现目标而失去动力。在大量组织努力留住第二年和第三年销售代表的时候,销售赋能可能被证明是一种具有成本效益的措施。它可以帮助销售人员回归“基础”Brainshark首席战备官吉姆:“销售赋能部门认识到,即使购买行为发生了变化,在过去15年中,这造就一个销售神话仍然是相同的基本面。”他指出,许多销售团队已经脱离了良好销售的基础。彻底的通话前计划、议程设置、通话执行、咨询技巧和即兴创作仍然是今天的关键,而销售赋能可以帮助他们做到这一点。它可以帮助他们提高他们的基本技能。因此,推动更多的销售。更好的客户体验67%的消费者,不好的经验,为客户流失的原因,这使得必须投资于销售赋能流程以留住现有客户并赢得新客户。有多种方法可以做到这一点。培训你的销售团队关注客户在社交媒体上的反馈,与他们互动并提供价值。为了建立持久的关系,有必要采用以客户为中心的销售赋能方法。弥合营销和销售之间的鸿沟营销和销售团队需要齐心协力才能取得最佳结果,这是显而易见的。当公司的这两个核心部门协同工作时,销售额就会提高。确保每个团队成员都在同一页面上,具有相同的目标、策略和思维方式,从而帮助推进你的入站营销策略并提高投资回报率。销售赋能是当今数字世界的必需品。它将帮助组织实现销售流程的民主化和更新,同时让销售团队的每个成员都准备好提高效率。员工保留率会很高,而且由于员工流失率降低,公司可以节省很多钱。此外,通过制定标准培训计划,新销售代表的入职和培训将变得更加容易。
2023-07-12 19:35:042


2023-07-12 19:34:2614


operator 英["u0252pu0259reu026atu0259(r)]美[u02c8ɑpu0259u02ccretu025a]n. 经营者;操作员;电话接线员;运算符名词复数:operators[例句]A swiss operator is taking over , with profitability assured for the time being.接管酒店的是一位瑞士经营者,暂时算是可能确保盈利。1. a semi-skilled machine operator半熟练机器操作员2. An operator wearing earphone was sitting in the telephone exchange.戴耳机的接线员正坐在总机室里。3. Operator, you"ve connected me to the wrong person again!接线员,你又把我的电话接错啦!4. Operator, I want to make a long distance call.话务员,我要打长途电话。
2023-07-12 19:34:252


老年人需要补充蛋白质,自然就会将眼光放在蛋白粉上。适合老年人喝的蛋白粉有什么?推荐中老年蛋白粉十大品牌,效果好的蛋白粉牌子网都给做了分析,希望对你有帮助!  中老年蛋白粉十大品牌  1、BY-HEALTH 汤臣倍健  2、NUTRILITE 安利纽崔莱  3、Naturade  4、CPT 康比特  5、Nature"sWay  6、同仁堂  7、Muscletech肌肉科技  8、养生堂  9、keepmycare  10、HERBALIFE 康宝莱  1、BY-HEALTH 汤臣倍健 蛋白粉 450g/罐 。
2023-07-12 19:34:216


2023-07-12 19:34:206


soga所表达的意思是恍然大悟状,在日语口语当中应该念成そっか(sokka),或者稍微拉长一下そ的音表示程度更深,念成そうっか(sōkka)。原本そっか(そうっか)的正确发音是sokka(sōkka),但是大家都念soga,久而久之soga就可以代替sokka(sōkka)成为在中国这个范围内对そっか这个词的通用表现。如果非要纠正成sokka反而会显得格格不入。Soga的相关资料日语中是“原来如此”、“这样啊”的意思。1、在肯定句中表示人的一种赞同,汉语意思是:“是嘛……”“是这样啊。”一般多是男子使用。女生很少说。2、在疑问句中的意思是:“是吗?”读为升调。与其它常用语的区别:sokka(そっか)、souka(そうか)是 soudesuka(そうですか)的简短说法,一般用于表示“原来是这样啊”“原来如此”的意思。soudesuka(そうですか)有 2 种意思,如果是升调语气上扬表询问,即表疑问句:“是这样吗?”别人说了一件事,你表示赞同肯定的回答用 soudesu(そうです)“是这样”,语意上微妙的差别,陈述语气就相当于“是嘛”的意思。soudesune(そうですね)有一种个人感情在里面,就像“是呢”“就是这样呀”,有一种感叹,认同的感觉。这四个就成为了应话的必备语句,甚至有时候这四个没有任何的实际含义,只是为了应答对方,让对方知道你在听他讲话而已。以上内容参考:百度百科-Soga
2023-07-12 19:34:161


2023-07-12 19:34:085


operator是用来重载运算符的关键字第一个括号里面是运算符的参数啊。比如 complex operator+(complex a,complex b){}
2023-07-12 19:34:051

找一些类似 卡农钢琴曲的轻音乐

Song From A Secret Garden Songs很好听!希望你喜欢
2023-07-12 19:34:036

operator 这个词在ORACLE中代表什么意思?

operator 在军事术语中指代参与特种军事行动的作战人员。ghost的成员在游戏和小说中属于tier 1 operator, 即一级作战人员,在特种军事行动中可以调动最多最昂贵的军事资源比如同国其他军种空中和海上的火力支援和自由的个人武器选择订购权限
2023-07-12 19:33:582


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2023-07-12 19:33:452