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top line 和Bottom line 在财务上是什么意思?

2023-07-12 21:19:00

1、top line:指营收,即营业收入(美式英语:revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),指公司在销售商品和提供劳务及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入,包括主营业务收入和其他业务收入。

2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。








bottom line是什么意思

bottom line底线双语对照词典结果:bottom line[英][u02c8bu0254tu0259m lain][美][u02c8bɑtu0259m lau026an]n.概要,账本底线; 复数:bottom lines例句:1.There"s no moral bottom line. 道德底线已经不存在了。
2023-07-12 19:22:402


底线英文一般翻译为:bottom line。一、直译为bottom line英文中bottom line 在财务报表中是“最终赢利或亏损”的意思,引申开是指“最重要的因素最关键的一点”。因此在某些表达里,底线和bottom line 是对等的,可以直译。例句:中国对于一个健康可持续发展的中美关系的底线是什么?What is China"sbottom linefor a healthy, sustainable Sino-US relationship?二、“底线”为最坏状况,守住底线即为保证最坏的情况不会发生。例句:完全能够守住不发生系统性风险的底线。We are fully capable of forestalling systemic risks.增强忧患意识、责任意识,强化底线思维。We will become more mindful of the difficulties ahead, develop a stronger sense of responsibility, and prepare ourselves for worst-case scenarios.三、底线表示“极限”、“界限”。这种情况下用“ draw a line ”, "cross the line"也是不错的选择。例句:别再考验我的底线!Stop testing my limits!你必须搞清状况以及自己的底线。You have to know what"s what and when to draw the line.在借钱给朋友方面我是有底线的。I draw the line when it comes to lending money to friends。
2023-07-12 19:22:521


bottom line ;base line
2023-07-12 19:23:125

bottom line是什么意思?

即"底线",例子:This is my bottom line.这是我的底线。
2023-07-12 19:23:422

top line和bottom line是什么意思?

1、top line:指营收,即营业收入(美式英语:revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),指公司在销售商品和提供劳务及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入,包括主营业务收入和其他业务收入。2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。扩展资料:对于企业的投资者来说,净利润是获得投资回报大小的基本因素,对于企业管理者而言,净利润是进行经营管理决策的基础。同时,净利润也是评价企业盈利能力、管理绩效以至偿债能力的一个基本工具,是一个反映和分析企业多方面情况的综合指标。参考资料来源:百度百科-净利润百度百科-营收
2023-07-12 19:23:491

bottom line和base line有什么区别

bottom line 是底线的意思,base line 是基线的意思
2023-07-12 19:24:062

bottom line 和deadline 的区别?

bottom line是“底线”的意思,deadline也有“底线”的意思,但多数情况指“最后期限,截止日期”希望能帮到你哦
2023-07-12 19:24:131

bottom-line mentality是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  bottom-line mentality,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:底线思维。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!
2023-07-12 19:24:331

triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性
2023-07-12 19:24:401

corporate bottom line什么意思

triple bottom line report 三重底线报告 triple bottom line 称作三重盈余,即企业盈利、社会责任、环境责任三者的统一. substainability 你应该是拼写错误,应该是Sustainability 既可翻译为企业可持续发展报告.
2023-07-12 19:24:471

国外电子支付系统bottomline paymode X

Paymode-X简介:Paymode-X 是规模最大,发展最快的结算网络,能够让付款人从纸上转移到电子支付及开帐单,同时给供应商提供更快的付款和电汇数据。你完成了注册后Paymode-X应该会跟你联络,告诉你怎样开帐单和付款。你需要先弄清怎样把给你客户的帐单输入Paymode-X,他们才会付款给你。在 Invoice 的标签下你应该看到你给客户开的帐单。在 Payment 的标签下你应该看到你的客户付给你的款项。在 Home 的标签下你应该看到近来付款和帐单。希望对你有帮助。
2023-07-12 19:24:561

top and bottom line在财务中什么意思

2023-07-12 19:25:031

hurt its bottom line 是什么意思

hurt its bottom line 翻译:伤害了它的最末一行
2023-07-12 19:25:101

英文短语理解(its effect on the bottom line)

2023-07-12 19:25:252


歌名:For A Day Like Tomorrow歌手: Swervedriver 所属专辑:I Wasn"t Born To Lose YouTime will heal all exit wounds the time for peace is now, as days have been passed. This dreamlike reversal of roles, return to what you were when you were just begun. Death energy, remedies for troubled minds amidst the trauma of dreams I can barely wake up today. So save me now and gimme something to believe, what I wouldn"t give for a day like tomorrow
2023-07-12 19:25:342

求英语帝翻译。就一句话~。 你已经触犯了我的底线。

You broke my line. You"v broken my line.
2023-07-12 19:25:425


the fifth line, count from the bottom ,paragraph 5
2023-07-12 19:26:103

managing people well can add more to the bottom line than anything else

2023-07-12 19:26:183


我知道有许多许多的人, 对于某一种概念学会了一种说法之后, 从此就只会用这种说法. 例如‘你在忙吗?"这个句子, 很多人在初中起就知道要说, "Are you busy?" 讲到了来美国留学 (微博) 三年, 他还是只会说 "Are you busy?". 其实有时候我们的眼界要放广一点, 对于同一个概念要有不同的变化. 就像是 "Are you busy?" 这句话, 其实老美也很常用 "In the middle of something?" , (但这句话比较接近于 "Are you busy right now?" 是问人家‘现在"是不是正在忙? "Are you busy?" 的含意比较广, 也可指‘最近"忙不忙?) 大家不要小看这么小小的变化, 如果你除了 "Are you busy?" 之外, 有时还懂得刻意去用 "In the middle of something?" 我相信你的的英文说出来就会跟别人不一样. 举个例子吧, 办公室里想找人八卦, 又怕人家正在忙, 这时你就可以问他, "In the middle of something?" (正在忙吗?) 记得在不久之前看过的一部黑人电影 Down to Earth 中也有 in the middle of something 这个用法, 只不过男主角是用这句话来提出一个论点, "The first kiss is always in the middle of something." 也就是说, 初吻总是发生在讲话讲到一半时, 或是当你们正在作其它的事情时, 通常是果不其然的. 他同时也觉得, "The first kiss is the only real kiss in your relationship." (只有初吻才是真正的吻), "The others are just protocols" (其它的都只是一种敷衍、虚应故事而已.) 2. What are you up to? 你正在作什么? 上面的例子一样, ‘你正在作什么啊?"这句话通常我们就只会说, "What are you doing?" 这样子不会很无聊吗? 其实有时我们可以换句话说. 例如: "What are you up to?" 同样也是问人家你正在作什么. 承上例, 假设你在办公室里, 你想找人八卦, 所以问同事, "In the middle of something?" 他回答, "Kind of." (算是吧.) 这时你就可以打破砂锅问到底, "What are you up to?" (那你最近在忙什么啊?) 另外有时候老美见面时也会问 "What are you up to?" 意思就是问你最近在作什么啊? 跟另一句问候语 "What"s up?" 意思上很接近. 但是你要听对方的语气喔! 有时候 "What are you up to?" 指的虽然还是 "What are you doing?" 但它却是‘你在搞什么鬼啊?"的意思喔! 例如当你看到别人在乱翻你的东西, 你就可以责问他, "Hey, what are you up to?" 也就是骂他‘你在搞什么鬼啊?". 或是像电影 Blow 里毒贩的老爸骂他的儿子, "I know what you are up to." (我知道你在干些什么勾当.) 以上这些例子里, "What are you up to?" 完全可以用 "What are you doing?" 来取代, 只不过因为我们在说话时要力求变化, 所以要多学几种不同的讲法. 其实 "What are you up to?" 还有许多其它的意思, 在此不一一列举, 不过还有一个比较常用的解释是, ‘进展的如何了?"例如朋友告诉你他正在写一部武侠小说, (就像我的 labmate 一样), 你就可以问他, "What are you up to?" (进展的如何了), 而他的回答可能是, "I am writing Chapter 3 now." 我现在正在写第三章呢. 3. Can you just give me a ballpark figure? 能不能给我一个大概的数字. Ballpark 指的是专供球类比赛的公园, 特别是指大型的棒球场. 例如亚特兰大勇士队 (Atlanta Braves) 的主场, Turner Field 就是一个 ballpark. 那什么是 ballpark figure 呢? 通常在棒球比赛时不是都会报今天的观众人数, 例如是 49,132 人吗? 这个数字 49,132 就是 ballpark figure, 但这只是一个大约的估计数字而已, 所以 ballpark figure 的意思就是指大约的估计数字. 所以在公司里如果老板问会计, 上个月水电费总共多少钱? 之后再加上一句, "Just give me a ballpark figure." 意思就是我只要一个大略的数字就行了. 甚至有些老美懒到就只说 ballpark, 所以老板也有可能会说, "I"ll need a ballpark of the revenue last year." (我需要去年的营收的大约数字.) 你就要自己知道这个 ballpark 是 ballpark figure 的意思. 其实很多像 ballpark 这种有点俚语的讲法, 你去问美国人, 我保证他们百分之九十九点九都知道 ballpark 的意思. 但是有很多外国人, 不管他们的英语(论坛)再流利, 不管在美国住多久, 却还是常常会有听不懂的状况. 像小笨霖的指导教授是欧洲人, 但在美国也待超过十年了, 英语的流利自然是不在话下. 可是呢? 有一次我跟她说 "I can only give you a ballpark." 她却问我 ballpark 是什么意思. 我讲这个小故事给各位听的原因, 就是告诉你们拿这种俚语去跟美国人交谈, 通常是没问题的, 但是如果去跟英语同样也很流利的老印, ABC, 或是在美国住了很久的外国人, 则不保证他们能听得懂. 4. Bottom line: We have to turn into profit by 2002. 最重要的是: 我们必须在 2002 年前转亏为盈. 大家看过财务报表没? 上面是一大堆密密麻麻的数字, 告诉你公司的资产有多少, 折旧多少, 应收帐款多少. 但是这些都不是最重要的, 最重要的在最最下面那一行 (bottom line), 叫净赚 (Net earnings) 告诉你这家公司总共加起来到底是赚钱还是赔钱, (这其实才是最重要的, 不是吗?) 所以 bottom line 这个字后来就变成了有‘最重要的是..."的意思. 例如商场上有句名言, "In business, If you don"t take care of your customers, somebody else will. And that is the bottom line." (如果你不关心你的顾客的话, 其它的人会, 这是最重要的原则. ) 另外 bottom line 也有‘最后的底限",‘不能再退让的原则"的意思. 例如老板可以告诫员工, "Bottom line: We have to ship this order by Friday." (我最后的底限是, 我们必须在星期五前运交这批货. ) 5. The new CFO was sent to bring the company out of the red. 这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中拯救出来. 中国人喜欢红色, 所以股市大涨时盘面上都是红通通的一片. 不过欧美国家对红色的认知则大不相同, 红色就表示亏损, 赤字. 像之前提到的 bottom line 如果是用红笔写的, 那就是表示公司整体上来说是赔钱的. 相反的如果是用黑笔写的, 则表示是赚钱的. 所以我们常可以听到 in the red 或是 in the black 这样的讲法, 其实就是指公司赚不赚钱. 当然啦, 我们也可以用最简单的讲法, lose money 和 make money 或是形容词 unprofitable 和 profitable来表示赔钱或赚钱. 例如这家公司是赚钱的, 你可以说, "This company is in the black.", "The comapny is making money." 或是 "The company is profitable." 都可以. 讲到这个 profitable 让我不得不提醒大家 non-profit 这个字, 因为常常有人会搞错. Non-profit 这个字指的并不是说不赚钱的, 而是说‘非营利性质的", 例如像消费者文教基金会我们就可以说他是一个 non-profit organization, 非营利机构, 这种组织就不是以赚钱为目的. 但 nonprofitable 的话则是指不赚钱的就等于 unprofitable 或是 non-profit-making. 6. Shelly just called in sick. Shelly 刚打电话来请病假. Call in sick 是一个在办公室内常会用到的片语, 指的是有人打电话来说他生病了不能来上班. 有兴趣听老美讲这句话的人不妨去看 "What Women Want?" (男人百分百) 这部电影, 我记得他们就有用 "call in sick" 这个片语. 当然啦, 这种事想也知道一定有相当的比例是偷懒而不想来上班而已, 不然就是员工找借口集体罢工, 例如 "Some workers called in sick to have a strike." (有些工人藉由集体打电话请病假来罢工.) 那如果是正常的请病假 (sick leave/ medical leave) 要怎么讲? 你可以说, "I need a sick leave for two days." (我需要请两天病假.) 或是如果是因为老婆要分娩了, 想要请事假 (personal leave), 你可以说, "I"m asking for a three-day paid/unpaid personal leave for my wife"s labor." (因为我老婆要生了, 我想要请三天假.) 至于这个假是扣不扣钱? (paid/unpaid) 就看公司的政策而定了. 7. I just heard that seven people are going be laid off next month. 我刚听到公司下个月要裁七位员工. 最近失业率不断上升, 我也就顺便来谈谈裁员的话题. 公司要裁员的讲法有许多种, 其中最常见的不外是 layoff 这个字 (如果分开来写: lay off 是动词, 但合起来写 layoff 则是名词) . 例如, "Cisco issues a profit warning, plans layoffs." (思科发布盈余警讯, 计划裁员.) 当然还可以用比较口语的讲法说, cut jobs 或是 slash jobs, 例如上一句我们也可以说, "Cisco plans to cut/slash jobs." (思科计划裁员.) 据路边马路消息说, 由于 layoff 最近在英语中的出现频率排名大幅成长, layoff 这个字将会被收录在最新的英文常用 3000 字汇当中. ^__^ 要是真的不幸在美国被裁员了怎么办? 先记住两句话再说, 第一句是, "Whose decision was this?" (这是谁的决定.) 俗语说冤有头债有主, 先问清楚了是谁动你的, 将来要把汽车轮胎放气才知道要放哪一台. 另一句话就是, "I am between jobs." 这句话在找新工作时很好用. 人家问你现在在作什么, 你不要呆呆地说, "I just got laid off." 多难听啊! 你应该说, "I am between jobs." 我正好在两个工作间的空档. 听起来比较委婉 这可是之前刚被裁了员的好友 Joseph 教我的, 他就因为很会讲这句 "I am between jobs." 目前已经在德州休士顿找到新工作了. :D 8. He suggested we should go to eat after my graveyard shift. 他建议说我们可以在我的大夜班之后一起去吃东西. 轮班这个字在英文里叫 shift, 例如三班制就叫 three shifts. 例如, "We have to work in three shifts to keep the company running." (我们必须轮三班制来保持工厂的运转.) 我想大家都知道三班制就是日夜, 小夜班和大夜班. 在英文里日班就是 day shift 或是 regular shift, 小夜班是 night shift. 那大夜班呢? 有一个很有趣的讲法, 叫 graveyard shift. 所以如果你要说明自己上的是大夜班, 就可以这样说, "I work on the graveyard shift." 至于为什么叫 graveyard shift 呢? 其中有一个广为流传的故事是这么说的, 在十九世纪时, 人们有时候会不小心把还活着的人当成死人埋掉. 为了避免这种悲剧发生, 所以他们在每个棺材里都装上电铃, 以便让这些意外醒来的‘尸体"能够按铃求救. 也因此必须另外安排一位仁兄晚上时在墓地 (graveyard) 里巡查, 以便有人按铃时能即时通知家属. 所以大夜班后来就以此得名, 成为了 graveyard shift. 至于你相不相信这种传说呢? 就看你自己了! 9. I am only a regular 9-to-5er. 我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族. 我相信中文的‘朝九晚五"这个字应该就是从英文 9-to-5 这个字直接翻过来的吧? 由于上班族的工作时间多半都是很固定从早上九点到晚上五点, 所以才有 9-to-5 这个用法, 指的就是很一般上下班的工作. 记得有一次跟一个在社会上己经工作多年又回来念研究所的老美聊到他回学校念书的动机, 他就告诉我, "I don"t want to work 9 to 5 for the rest of my life." (我不想一辈子都作朝九晚五的工作.) 另外像这种上班族也可以自称是一个 9-to-5er, 也就是指作这种朝九晚五工作的上班族. 但是像小笨霖我呢? 我就该自称是 10-to-3er 了. (我当然没那么认真凌晨三点回家, 而是下午三点就回家睡午觉了!) 10. I refuse to work overtime during the weekend. 我拒绝在周末时加班. 英文里加班叫 work overtime. 例如别人喊你今晚出去吃饭, 你说, "Sorry, I have to work overtime." 就是告诉他, 很抱歉, 我今晚要加班. 不过有趣的是, 除了‘加班"可以叫 overtime, 加班费也可以叫 overtime. 例如你可以大声地告诉老板, "You have to pay me overtime!" (你必须要付我加班费.) 不过现在时机不好, 我看还是小声讲就好了. 除了这个 pay overtime 之外, 老美也常用到另外两个字, 一个叫 double time, 另一个叫 time and one-half. Double time 指的是双倍的工资, 而 time and one-half 或是 time and a half 则是指一倍半的工资. 例如老板叫你作一些额外的工作, 你可以说, "If you pay me double time, I"ll do it." (如果你付我双倍的工资, 我就去做.) 再造一句, "I like to work on holidays because I am on time and a half." (我喜欢在假日时工作, 因为这时的工资算一倍半.)
2023-07-12 19:26:241

triple bottom line 啥意思?

2023-07-12 19:26:322


2023-07-12 19:26:4311

为什么净利润的英文单词是net profit?net在这里是什么意思?

2023-07-12 19:27:233

翻译断背山这里可以看到 这片小说的全部中文翻译。
2023-07-12 19:27:446

The bottom line is your choice ____ you live your life 是个什么结构

定语从句。完整的句子是:The bottom line is your choice on which how you live your life.后面整个修饰your choice.
2023-07-12 19:27:572


1. Economy national economy 国民经济 macro-economy 宏观经济 GDP,GNP per capita 人均 domestic consumption 国内消费 disposable income 可支配收入 negative growth 负增长 to fuel domestic demand 拉动内需 高分句型 eg:中国经济在00~07年出现了大幅增长。 (1) There was a dramatic increase in Chinese economy from 2000 to 2007. (2) The seven years from 2000 to 2007 witnessed a dramatic increase in Chinese economy . (3) China enjoyed a dramatic increase in economy from 2000 to 2007. P.S. 无论英文是怎样的句型,译成中文都是一样的~ 考点:趋势&幅度 (1) 趋势: a. 上升: soar,rocket,ascend,boom,bloom,spring,mushroom…… b. 下降:drop,slide,decline,descend,plump,plunge,slump,subside,collapse…… c. 波动:fluctuation d. 保持平稳: remain,tranquil (2) 幅度: a. 大幅: dramatically,drastically,sharply,tremendously…… b. 小幅: slightly,steadily,morderately,evenly…… (3) 数字: 万 ten thousand ;十万 100 thousand;百万 million; 千万 10 million ;亿 100 million——强记!!! (4) 倍数: 翻两番(四倍) 4 times that of ……;quadrupling that of …… (5) 百分比: percentage higher/lower than that of …… eg: 中国的外贸总额再过去6年中大幅攀升,到2006年为最高值4985亿美元,跟7年前翻两番。 China enjoyed a dramatic increase in the foreign trade volume in the past 6 years,reaching the peak $498.5 billion at the end of 2006,4 times that of 7 years ago. 经典句型是也!各种成分自己灵活组合!常用用哈~(觉得有点像广告词来着…^o^) 2. Finance securities 证券 stocks/shares 股票 futures 期货 bonds 债券 broker 股票交易员 foreign exchange reserve 外汇储备 currency 货币 convert……into…… 兑换 bull/bear market collapse 崩盘 listed company 上市公司 stock exchange 证券交易所 inflation/deflation depression 萧条 recession 衰退 stagnation/standstill 停滞 slackness 不景气,不活跃 brisk 景气的,活跃的 3. Trade surplus 顺差 deficit 逆差,赤字 volume 总额 tariff barrier 关税壁垒 offer 报盘,报价 counteroffer 还价 commission 佣金 incentives 奖金 ceiling price 最高价 floor price 最低价 4. Real estate per square meter 每平米 downpayment 首付 by mortgage 按揭贷款 by instalments 分期付款 deposit 押金 bubble 泡沫 curb/curtail 抑制,控制 speculation 投机 speculator 投机商 overheating 过热 regulate 调控 经济词汇扩展 add-on 赠品 greenback 提供现金支持 bottomline 底线,也表示最重要的部分 downsize 企业裁员 corporate ladder 企业晋升制度 glass ceiling 无形的晋升极限 deep pockets 财力雄厚 creative accounting 做假账 asset 资产 liability 负债 balance sheet 资产负债表 austerity policy 紧缩政策 brand loyalty 品牌忠诚 business fraud 商业欺诈 downturn 转向萧条 dumping 倾销 anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施 pitfall 隐患 streamline (v.) 将企业现代化,去除冗余部分 turnover 营业额 margins 利润 revenue 收入 zhengzhi For four years in a row(连续四年) a year-on-year increase(比上年增加) reform and opening up policy(改革开放政策) social programs(社会事业) per capita(每人的,人均的) after adjusting for inflation(扣除价格因素) moderately prosperous society(小康社会) macroeconomic regulatory(宏观调控) new socialist countryside(社会主义新农村) pursuant to the law(依法) rural migrant workers in cities(农民工) surplus production capacity(生产力过剩) opened to traffic(通车) energy conservation(节能) state-owned enterprises(国有企业) civil servant(公务员) made breakthroughs(取得突破) compulsory education(义务教育) miscellaneous fees(杂费) boarding schools(寄宿制学校) distance education(远程教育) secondary vocational schools(中等职业学校) incorporated villages(行政村) unincorporated villages(自然村) After years of effort(经过多年努力) basic cost of living allowances(最低生活保障) autonomous regions(自治区) free our minds(解放思想) keep pace with the times(与时俱进) Chinese socialism(中国特色社会主义) social harmony(社会和谐) special administrative regions(特别行政区) prudent fiscal policy.(稳健的财政政策) boosting domestic demand(扩大内需) cutting-edge(前沿) displaced residents((三峡)移民) non-publicly funded schools(民办学校) school year(学年) communicable diseases(传染病) social safety net(社会保障) discharged military personnel(退伍军人) pyramid schemes(传销) pilot project(试点) Income Tax(所得税) futures market(期货市场) high value-added(高附加值) high-end(高端) cutthroat competition(恶性竞争) combat corruption(反腐) hand over foot(大手大脚) plug up loopholes(堵塞漏洞) Chinese People"s Armed Police(武警) starting point and objective(出发点和落脚点) socialist market economy(社会主义市场经济) Scientific Outlook on Development(科学发展观) harmonious socialist society(社会主义和谐社会) tailor measures to suit local conditions(因地制宜) South-to-North Water Diversion Project(南水北调) administrative examination and approval(行政审批) follow a realistic and pragmatic approach(实事求是) exercise activities for the general public(全民健身活动) large-scale development of the western region(西部大开发) processing industry for agricultural products(农产品加工业) municipalities directly under the central government(直辖市) primary, secondary and tertiary industry(第一第二第三产业) deliver a good report to the people.(向人民交出满意的答卷) socialist cultural and ethical progress(社会主义精神文明建设) give full play to the initiative of each.(充分发挥各自的积极性) registering the third consecutive annual increase(连续三年增加) physically and mentally challenged persons(残疾人,肢残和智残) resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society.(资源节约型和环境友好型社会) ensure that all of the people share in the fruits of reform and development.(让全体人民共享改革发展的成果)
2023-07-12 19:28:051

bottom line oriented是什么意思

2023-07-12 19:28:121


  随着入世及全球化程序的发展,中国的商务旅行活动日趋频繁。下面是我带来的,欢迎阅读!    1   How to Find a Profitable Niche for Your Online Business   Do you struggle with knowing what to do when it es to building an online business?   Most people struggle, a lot.   The truth of the matter is that if you do not pick the right niche, or focus on serving people who are willing to pay you, chances are that you will fail. But this doesn"t mean you have to figure it all out right away: when I started my online business, I didn"t know what I wanted to focus on.   I knew I was passionate about personal development. I also knew that the personal development market was extremely saturated, but I didn"t know what else to do, so I jumped in anyway. I started building an audience, and as I started getting feedback, I started to discover my niche.   You see, it"s not about perfection—it"s about constant improvement. If you have a vague idea of what you want to do, but aren"t sure, the best thing you can do is to jump in and see what happens. If you can"t figure it out, you just have to take action, otherwise you"ll stay stuck for a long time.   Why Most People Fail   One of the main reasons people fail is because they are unrealistic. They may follow their passion, but they never stop to think if people would be willing to pay for what they want to do, so always stay focused on what problems people have, and if they would be willing to pay you to solve those problems.   When I started, I dove into the personal development market. My odds of success were low, but I knew there was demand. I knew the market was viable, because there was petition; I could find books, courses, workshops, and coaches. If I could just build an audience, I could succeed. I didn"t know what I was doing, but I took things one step at a time, and here I am today, getting paid to do what I love.   How to Find a Profitable Niche for Your Online Business   There are three main steps—or areas—you need to think about when you"re determining what you want to build an online business about. Let"s dive into the first and most important one.   Step 1: Passion   The first area is passion.   Yes, there are people who have businesses in markets they aren"t passionate about, but are they happy? They may be making a lot of money, but money alone won"t bring you fulfillment in life. It is when you are passionate about something that you excel. You have a drive to learn more because you love it.   And I was passionate about personal development when I started: I was willing to work hard, and be open to constantly learning new things. This drive allowed me to build an audience of thousands of people, and it later helped me uncover my niche, which was to help people turn their passion into a thriving lifestyle business.   Action step: Look at what you"re passionate about. Brainstorm a list of topics. Don"t censor yourself, and don"t worry about if it"s profitable or not.   Step 2: Skill   The next area is skill. What are you good at? Or, what do you want to bee good at? People pay for skill; they pay for a job well done. This doesn"t mean you have to be an all-knowing expert—it just means you have to have skills that are needed by the people you"re helping.   For example: when I started, I certainly couldn"t hold up to some of the personal development experts like Tony Robbins or Wayne Dyer, but I had my own experiences to share. People enjoyed my unique, fresh perspective. Don"t underestimate how much you already know—you don"t have to know everything, you just have to know enough.   Action step: Write down a list of things you"re good at, or want to bee good at. Again, let it flow and you"ll be surprised at what es out.   Step 3: Demand   Demand is what makes it all work.   What are people willing to pay for? What already exists out there? Look at books, programs, courses, workshops, retreats, and anything where people are paying money for a solution. Also look at successful coaches: What problems are they solving? How are they helping people? How much are they charging?   When I dove into the personal development market, I knew there was demand there. People were paying thousands to attend retreats, workshops and take online courses because they wanted to be fulfilled, live their purpose, and to find their passion. Uncovering the demand doesn"t have to be plicated—just look at what people are spending money on.   Action step: Do some research. Use Amazon, Google, and just plain surfing around, to see what people are paying for. Then look at what you"ve written down in step 1 and 2. Try to find the intersection.   Finding the Intersection, Finding Your Niche   So, how do you find a profitable niche for your online business? Look at the three steps we"ve gone through above. Write down what you"re interested in, write down what you"re good at, and then look at what the petition is doing. If there is petition in a market, it means there is opportunity there. Once you"ve done your research, try to find the intersection between these three areas.   For example, my passion is personal growth and business: that"s my intersection. I"m passionate about it, I"m good at it, and there"s demand for it. In the end, there are no guarantees, so you have to be willing to start before you feel ready. Most entrepreneurs fail many, many times before they find something that works.   The Bottom Line   To find a profitable niche for your online business, you have to find the intersection between what people want, what you"re good at, and what you"re passionate about.   It"s not easy—that"s why most people give up—but if you keep going, you will succeed. That"s what I"ve discovered, and that"s what I"ve found to be true.    2   How to Find New Revenue Sources for Your Online Business   Not only is your online business up and running, you"re doing a good job of selling what you have to offer and—most importantly—you"re actually turning a profit doing it. Kudos to you, and that"s not a reference to the delicious cereal bar. Making money with a startup is no easy feat, so that"s really something to celebrate.   You"ve probably learned a lot in the early going, like how to fgure out who your core audience is and why it"s more important to have a website that"s easy to use than one with all the bells and whistles unless you sell bells and whistles, of course. Maybe you"ve even discovered that the Pareto Principle applies to your business, with 20 percent of your products or services accounting for 80 percent of your sales, and used this knowledge to focus on your strengths.   While your business was still in its infancy, these were all important things to learn but now it seems like you"ve plateaued. Growth is stagnant and you might even be feeling a financial pinch from trying to expand before your revenue streams were ready for it. What do you do to get more money and keep growing?   Easy: find new revenue streams.   Okay, okay. Admittedly, “easy” probably isn"t the best word to use, but there are a number of ways that online businesses can do to add revenue sources, such as…   Add products or services.   Maybe your online tea business is selling hand-crafted tea cozies like crazy, but people don"t seem to be as interested in the tea kettles or the tea itself. You rightly focused more on the cozies because they were working but it"s not enough. Ever thought that perhaps you don"t have a tea business, but a cozy business? Try new products like coffee cozies, beer cozies, or toaster cozies and see how they do. A service pany like a junk removal business could think about offering a separate moving service because it still involves hauling things.   Expand your customer base.   If could be that you"ve hit your revenue ceiling with your current customers because they don"t have any more money, or they"ve already bought everything you have. Get new customers i.e. revenue sources by marketing yourself to a wider audience using new SEO terms, guest posting on different sites, joining more social networks, using PPC advertising, and more. Of course, that doesn"t mean you can stop appealing to your core audience; you just have to find ways to reach out to others without alienating them.   Join an affiliate ad network.   Most businesses don"t like the idea of putting up ads for other panies, and especially fear driving visitors away with banners and pop-ups that are intrusive and annoying, but it doesn"t have to be that way. Amazon"s Associates Program lets you link to anything on their site in a contextual way and make money doing it, while Yahoo Publisher Network, Google Adsense, and others pay surprisingly well for ads that do little to disrupt your site. Perhaps the best part is that you can typically choose the kinds of ads that you want to display. In this way, you ensure that they reflect products and services that interest your customers. Some people have had amazing success using affiliate marketing.   Get outside investments.   This one works best with panies that are “big ideas” but don"t have a plan on how to monetize the business. Business ideas like Facebook and Twitter, or even panies that want to create something like a video game and sell it but don"t have the necessary money to create the game themselves. Kickstarter and websites like it provide you with one option but you can also utilize your own network to find people willing to invest money now for a piece of the profits later.   These suggestions are only the tip of the iceberg when it es to finding new revenue sources for your business. You just have to be creative—some panies even make money by outsourcing their employees to other businesses when things are slow. The key is to keep the money ing in while you work on growing the pany.
2023-07-12 19:28:191


Let us drink beer thought this is stone cold Austen said 让我们大口喝脾酒 以为这是冷石 奥斯汀 说的
2023-07-12 19:28:293


【 #英语口语# 导语】英语的学习需要一个漫长的积累过程,掌握学习方法很重要,方法用对,学习才能提高效率,其实看影视剧也是学习口语的一种方法。以下是 无 整理的影视剧中的经典英语句子,欢迎阅读! 1.影视剧中的经典英语句子 篇一   相信我,从今以后,我和你形影不离!《天下无贼》   Believe me, from now on, I and you are inseparable!   我这辈子没跟人说过谢字。《倚天屠龙记》   I have never said thank you in my life.   田野小河边,红莓花儿开。《囧妈》   The field, the river, the raspberry blossom.   一约既定,万山难阻。《一代宗师》   Once a contract has been made, there will be no obstacles.   就让我跟你好好唱一辈子戏,不行吗?《霸王别姬》   Let me sing with you for a lifetime, can"t you?   大人,我真是越来越佩服您了!《神探狄仁杰》   My Lord, I really admire you more and more!   谁先爱了,谁就输了。《致我们终将逝去的青春》   Whoever loves first loses. 2.影视剧中的经典英语句子 篇二   说爱你,不如在一起。《不再让你孤单》   It"s better to be together than to love you.   打你应该,不打你悲哀!《少林足球》   I hit you should, not you sad!   给我一次机会,我真的想做好人。《无间道》   Give me a chance. I really want to be a good person.   如果爱情暗淡,那就让回忆灿烂!《如果爱》   If the love is dim, let the memory be brilliant!   奴婢愿跟随小主,绝无二心。《甄嬛传》   I"m willing to follow the little Lord.   我是余欢水,从童年蹉跎到中年。《我是余欢水》   I am Yu huanshui, from childhood to middle age.   放火烧山,给他来个星火燎原。《隋唐英雄传》   Set fire to the mountains and set fire to him.   大姨妈来了,我要把它控回去。《太子妃升职记》   My aunt"s here. I"m going to take it back. 3.影视剧中的经典英语句子 篇三   坦白的说,亲爱的,我不在乎。《乱世佳人》   Frankly, honey, I don"t care.   吃得起最贵的三明治,买不起的房。《搜索》   Can afford the most expensive sandwich, can"t afford the cheapest house.   既然已匆匆,不如早怀念。《匆匆那年》   Since it is in a hurry, it is better to miss it early.   希望和饭一样,不吃不行。《亲爱的》   I hope it"s the same as rice. I can"t do without it.   坦白地说,亲爱的,我不在乎。《乱世佳人》   Frankly, honey, I don"t care.   失去了的东西永远不会再回来。《冷山》   What is lost will never come back.   一厢情愿,就得愿赌服输。《的我们》   Wishful thinking, we have to admit defeat.   毕竟,明天又是新的一天。《乱世佳人》   After all, tomorrow is another day. 4.影视剧中的经典英语句子 篇四   今天谁和我共同浴血,他就是我的兄弟。《兄弟连》   He is my brother who bathes in blood with me today.   星爷说没有梦想,就都是咸鱼。《煎饼侠》   Stephen Chow once said that whoever lacks dream will never manage to reverse his fate.   说到做到,是我行走江湖的底线。《乘风破浪》   It"s my bottom line to do what I say.   如果你有梦想,就要守护它。《当幸福来敲门》   If you have a dream, guard it.   你是什么座的?我是肉做的。《爱情公寓》   What seat are you in? I"m made of meat.   你给我的感觉就像圣诞节的早上。《史密斯夫妇》   You make me feel like Christmas morning.   能解此案者,天下仅恩师一人矣!《神探狄仁杰》   If you can solve this case, there is only one teacher in the world!   每一分钟都可能产生真正的爱情。《香草天空》   Every minute can produce true love. 5.影视剧中的经典英语句子 篇五   逃得了和尚,逃不了方丈。《爱情公寓》   If you can escape the monk, you can"t escape the abbot.   饮马江湖,仗剑天涯。《少年班》   He who drinks horses in the river and the lake, stands up for the sword.   不跟你说了,咱俩有沟,有代沟。《站台》   Don"t tell you, we have a gap, a generation gap.   老婆,快跟牛魔王出来看上帝!《大话西游》   Wife, come out with the Bull Demon King to see God!   做过的事总会留下痕迹的。《猎狐》   There"s always a trace of what you"ve done.   金钱是冰冷的,爱人的手是温暖的。《西虹市首富》   Money is cold, and the hands of lovers are warm.   原谅我,朋友,我不会下船的。《海上钢琴师》   Forgive me, friend. I won"t get off the boat.
2023-07-12 19:28:361

文字背景朋友圈置顶丧文案 爱而不得

你不是山谷,所以我不怪你,没有回音 You are not a valley, so I don"t blame you. There is no reply.惊醒的夜晚很难熬,突然来的想念猝不及防。 Wake up at night is very difficult, suddenly miss caught off guard.有些人光是遇见,就已经是上上签了. Some people have already signed up just to meet them.无底线的迎合就像站在大雾里。 Pandering without a bottom line is like standing in a fog.伸手要来的安全感都毫无意义。 The sense of security you want is pointless.我理解的爱是你眼里除了我没有别人 The love I understand is that there is no one but me in your eyes.那我就放过你也放过我自己,难过是肯定的,但总比你敷衍好 Then I"ll let go of you and myself. I"m sure to be sad, but it"s better than you to be perfunctory.原来喜欢上一个人第一反应是自卑。 It turns out that the first reaction to falling in love with someone is inferiority complex.朋友不甘,爱人不敢。 Friends are unwilling, lovers dare not.本该止于秋水的寂寞,你三两句问候又起了风。 Should have stopped in Qiushui"s loneliness, your two or three greetings came out of the wind again.怕归无期,怕空欢喜,怕来者不是你 Afraid of returning indefinitely, afraid of empty joy, afraid that it is not you who is coming.故事不长,也不难讲, 红脸相遇,红眼而离 The story is not long, and it is not difficult to tell. Red faces meet and red eyes leave.我从未拥有过你一秒钟,心里却失去过你千万次 I have never had you for a second, but I have lost you thousands of times in my heart.我可以等 可你不能一直没有回应 I can wait, but you can"t keep not responding.要离开的人,你不妨推他一把。 If you want to leave, you might as well give him a push.我希望心里下一场刀子雨,把赖在里面不走的人剁成肉泥。 I hope there will be a rain of knives in my heart and chop up the people who stay inside.
2023-07-12 19:28:461

topline和bottom line什么意思?

1、top line:指营收,即营业收入(美式英语:revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),指公司在销售商品和提供劳务及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入,包括主营业务收入和其他业务收入。2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。扩展资料:对于企业的投资者来说,净利润是获得投资回报大小的基本因素,对于企业管理者而言,净利润是进行经营管理决策的基础。同时,净利润也是评价企业盈利能力、管理绩效以至偿债能力的一个基本工具,是一个反映和分析企业多方面情况的综合指标。参考资料来源:百度百科-净利润百度百科-营收
2023-07-12 19:29:061

topline是什么意思? Bottom line呢?

1、top line:指营收,即营业收入(美式英语:revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),指公司在销售商品和提供劳务及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入,包括主营业务收入和其他业务收入。2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。扩展资料:对于企业的投资者来说,净利润是获得投资回报大小的基本因素,对于企业管理者而言,净利润是进行经营管理决策的基础。同时,净利润也是评价企业盈利能力、管理绩效以至偿债能力的一个基本工具,是一个反映和分析企业多方面情况的综合指标。参考资料来源:百度百科-净利润百度百科-营收
2023-07-12 19:29:381

the bottom line是什么意思

您好!“the bottom line”是“底线”的意思。谢谢阅读!
2023-07-12 19:29:531

bottom-line mentality是什么意思?

2023-07-12 19:30:091

triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性
2023-07-12 19:30:161

triple bottom line 啥意思

The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。即组织或社会的发展要兼顾自身、社会大众和自然环境的利益,要具有可持续性
2023-07-12 19:30:231


Don"t push me to the limit.
2023-07-12 19:30:322

triple bottom line report是什么?

corporate substainability report:企业可持续发展报告triple bottom line report:三重底线(基线)报告
2023-07-12 19:30:403

Master & Slave 歌词

歌曲名:Master & Slave歌手:Kiss专辑:Carnival Of SoulsLife, a movie in my headA page of lines we readThe words remain unsaidTime, a race you never winLook back at where weve beenAnd throw the towel inEvery time I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just wanna take my turnNow before I crash and burnHope, a candle burning brightA temporary lightTill we return tonightLove, the mighty drug we craveThe master and the slaveWill rule us to our graveEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just want a place to rest,Count to four and catch my breathOne, Two, Three, Four...I dont know what to feelDont know what to sayDont know what to doI dont know where to goDont know who to beDont know who to knowLife is never what it seemsIt shakes you from your dreamsWake up and start toEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just want a place to restStop and let me catch my breathEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeForget all that Ive been toldI just wanna lose controlEverytime I see a signTell me whats the bottom lineTell MeI just wanna take my turn
2023-07-12 19:30:591


Don"t challenge the limit of my patience.
2023-07-12 19:31:082

top line是指净利润吗?

1、top line:指营收,即营业收入(美式英语:revenue;英式英语:turnover,财报中的top line),指公司在销售商品和提供劳务及让渡资产使用权等日常活动中所形成的经济利益的总流入,包括主营业务收入和其他业务收入。2、Bottom line:指净利润,企业当期利润总额减去所得税后的金额,即企业的税后利润。所得税是指企业将实现的利润总额按照所得税法规定的标准向国家计算缴纳的税金。它是企业利润总额的扣减项目。扩展资料:对于企业的投资者来说,净利润是获得投资回报大小的基本因素,对于企业管理者而言,净利润是进行经营管理决策的基础。同时,净利润也是评价企业盈利能力、管理绩效以至偿债能力的一个基本工具,是一个反映和分析企业多方面情况的综合指标。参考资料来源:百度百科-净利润百度百科-营收
2023-07-12 19:31:151


Be Yourself and Not a CheaterParents,teachers,even friends can put a lot of pressure on students to get good grades.Some parents threaten to punish for bad grades or offer rewards for good marks.That makes most students think of cheating at some time.But these kids also know that succeeding on a test by cheating is not really succeeding at all.When students cheat,they are less likely to really understand their schoolwork.And when you don"t understand your schoolwork,your grades will probably suffer;cheating can only get you so far.The bottom line is:If you don"t learn it now,you"ll probably have to learn it later!An honest C will get you much further than a not-so-honest A. Face it:Cheaters never succeed----and pay a high price when caught. So,that"s why you ought not to cheat.Be honest and open about who you really are.And you"ll one day find it so meaningful to your personal life.
2023-07-12 19:31:301


ArtiList标签 功能简介【ArtiList 标签】在CMS中使用的频率可以说是最高的,通过这个标签,你不仅可以得到一个文章列表,而且可以通过不同的参数组合得到不同的显示效果。比如文章图文列表、文字或图片跑马灯、文字或图片上下循环滚动等等。使用方式:[@cms.ArtiList chnlId="" count="5" sysContent="1-1" titLen="25" lineHeight="1" dateFormat="4" datePosition="2" headMark="2" target="1"/]标记说明【标签名】:[@cms. ArtiList 属性="值" /]【作 用】:获取文章列表数据【参 数】:属性名称 属性说明 默认值 可选值chnlId 栏目ID,栏目页中可不设置,系统会自动获取当前栏目ID 当前栏目ID 空:显示全站文章列表; 栏目ID:指定栏目文章attr 文章属性ID 空 1:普通 2:图文3:焦点 4:头条 5:滚动sysContent 列表显示方式 1-1 1-1:普通标题列表 1-2:图文列表2-1:标题列表翻滚2-2:图文列表翻滚3-1:焦点图orderBy 排序方式 0 0:发布时间降序;1:发布时间升序;2:固顶降序;3:置顶降序;4:日点击降序;5:周点击降序;6:月点击降序;7:季点击降序;8:年点击降序;9:总点击降序recommend 是否推荐 0 0:所有文章 1:推荐文章titLen 标题长度 20 自定义target 链接打开目标 0 0:原窗口打开 1:新窗口打开headMark 文章标题图标 0 0:无图标 1:黑色小圆点 2:红色小圆点 3:蓝色单箭头 4:蓝色双箭头 自定义图标:填写图标路lineHeight 文章列表每行的行高 空 自定义bottomLine 每行标题下是否带下划分隔线 0 0:无分隔线 1:默认分隔线自定义样式:css中定义的样式名称ctgForm 文章类别形式 0 0:不显示文章类别1:显示栏目类别2:显示站点名称ctgClass 文章类别的css-class 空 自定义css样式的class名dateFormat 文章发布日期显示格式 0 0:不显示日期 1:”年-月-日 时-分-秒” 格式 2:”年-月-日” 格式 3:”月-日 时-分” 格式 4:”月-日” 格式datePosition 日期排列位置 1 1:紧跟标题之后 2:右对齐 3:左对齐isPage 是否显示分页 0 0:否;1:是count 每页列表显示数量 20 自定义cssStyle 连接的样式 空 自定义仅当sysContent="1-2"(图文列表)时,以下标签属性才有效picWidth 按百分比显示图片宽度 25(即每个图片占总宽度的25%,每行可放四张图片) 自定义picHeight 每行图片显示高度 110 自定义仅当sysContent="3-×"(焦点图)时,以下标签属性才有效flashWidth 焦点图宽度 296(px) 自定义flashHeight 焦点图总高度 200(px) 自定义textHeight 焦点图文本高度 20(px) 自定义仅当sysContent="2-×"(特效显示)时,以下标签属性才有效rollDisplayHeight 显示区高度 28 自定义rollLineHeight 行高 28 自定义rollCols 列数(一行中包含几列) 1 自定义rollSpeed 滚动速度,值越小越快,最小为1 1 自定义isSleep 是否停顿 1 0:不停顿; 1:停顿rollSleepTime 停顿时间,值越大停顿越久 50 自定义rollCount 一次滚动的行数 1 自定义rollSpan 一次滚动的像素 1 自定义其它高级标签属性(用于用户个性设置)searchKey 在标题、tags和描述中搜索指定关键字的文章列表,用于搜索页模板 空 自定义关键字style 标签内部样式,如果指定sysContent或userContent,则该项无效 1 1:普通列表sysTpl 指定系统模板 1 自定义sysContent 系统内容样式 0 自定义userContent 用户内容样式,当sysContent=1时有效 空 自定义sysPage 系统分页样式 0 自定义userPage 用户分页样式,当sysPage=1时有效 空 自定义upSolution 指定其它模板方案样式 空 自定义upWebRes 指定其它站点样式 空 自定义pageClass 分页栏css样式的class名称 空 自定义pageStyle 分页栏css自定义style样式 空 自定义
2023-07-12 19:31:381


goal!!进球了 就知道这一个
2023-07-12 19:31:463


2023-07-12 19:31:575

Hit by a feeling》谁帮我翻译一下

我一直努力寻求一个角的一个捷径,您心中有没有为我们提供一个 角,让孩子在这里的这里的底线当然,我知道你从来没有离开过我,当你就跑 "事业,我可以告诉你,我错过多,你会说,突然天空转蓝,我尝到了 感觉每当我靠近你我的麻烦消逝突然风得到温暖,我终于呼吸(笔 onight )这就是我如何知道我属于你,永远是一个,如果你感觉越来越老 nely你不断改变主意,你知道我从来没有责怪你勇于当我途径 澳害怕面对这个烂摊子,我们去了,突然天空转蓝,我尝到了感觉,每当我 靠近你我的麻烦消逝走到哪里,无论我做,我总是伸出援手,为你 这就是我如何知道我属于你,永远是一个我仍然提醒我们如何 坐在沉默,你笑着对我说有,我们没有必要哭的原因,这是 不说再见,突然天空转蓝,我尝到了感觉,每当我靠近你我的troub 辅导消逝走到哪里,无论我做的,我总是到了,你是怎么知道我钨 这里属于我,你将永远是一个我尝到了感觉
2023-07-12 19:32:322

in the back of和at the back of的区别

2023-07-12 19:32:404

在经济和管理学领域,top-line growth是什么意思?

2023-07-12 19:32:513


1、You are my today and all of my tomorrows.   你是我的今天,以及所有的明天。   2、They tell you in school that its the lungs that keep you breathing but its your heart.   学校老师讲,我们要靠肺来呼吸生存但实际上,我靠的是你的心。   3、Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make.   你的声音里,满满的都是我们将要创造的美好回忆。   4、And its as if I never really even knew love until right now, in this moment, with you.   我仿佛从来不懂什么是爱,直到,此时此刻,与你在一起。   5、beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in the vivid visions of our dreams, and future plans, but most of all its right now, in the moment where everything Ive ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me and smiling.   若要我给对你的爱下个定义,我会说:爱,深深刻印在我们过去每段美好回忆中,详细描绘在我们鲜活的梦想憧憬和未来计划中。但最重要的,爱,是此时此刻,是我毕生追求的一切美好,就站在我面前,绽开微笑。   6、I cant, and wont ever be able to, get enough of you.   我不能,也永远不会,厌倦你。   7、I really dont know how many more love stories I have left in me, but I want you to be my last.   我真不知道生命中还剩下多少次爱情故事。但我想要你,做我的最后一次。   8、There are going to be days where youre undone, stressed out, tired, spent And Ill still love you just as much in those moments as I ever have, maybe even a little more, because itll mean you let me get close enough to know the real you.Thats all I want.   当你受挫失落、憔悴不堪、倦累难耐、筋疲力竭时,我会像以往一样爱你,也许甚至会爱你更多。因为那意味着你对我敞开心门,让我接近真实的你,这就是我想要的。   9、I swear I couldnt love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow.   我发誓我不能比现在更爱你。但我又知道,明天还会爱你更多。   10、If I could, I would wrap my arms around you and just hold you until the hurt went away.   如果可以,我愿拥你入怀,紧紧抱住,直到你的伤心被融化驱散。   11、I need her head on my heart, she needs to hear it beat for her.   我要把她的头,贴在我胸口,让她听到,我的心为她而跳动。   12、Ill make up for all the years I was supposed to be kissing you.   遇到你之前那些年错过的本属于我俩的吻我要全部补回来。   13、Sometimes its your voice, other times its your face, every time its your touch, but you always fix me.   有时要靠你的声音,有时要靠你的面容,但每次都靠你的触摸,将我治愈   14、I cant be your happiness but I can take your hand so we can find it together.   我不能成为你的幸福,但我可以携子之手一同寻找。   15、One day Ill have more past than future and Ill wish Id spent more of it on you   总有一天我会韶华已逝时日无多回头望去我只希望,跟你在一起的时光再久一点   16、If the heart matters enough, timing doesnt   只要两情相悦,就已经足够,时机对不对,又算得了什么   17、Once I knew you, I never wanted to know anyone else   认识你之后,我就不想再认识任何其他人了   18、The most breathtaking words arent snapped on a typewriter but traced on the softest skin and whispered through moans   最摄人心魂的言语不是打字机上打出来的而游走在最柔软的肌肤上用欢愉的呻吟低声叫出来的   19、Stop trying to be beautiful, be you, you are.   别再刻意追求美丽,做你自己,你本来就很美。   20、One look and you laid my sould wide open.   你只用一次回眸,就令我的灵魂为你全部敞开。   七夕英文表白情话2   1、想证明我五十年后一样爱你,因为想证明我是全世界最爱你的`,因为想和你一起去竞选模范夫妻。   i want to prove that i love you the same in fifty years, because i want to prove that i love you the most in the world, because i want to run for a model couple with you.   2、最幸福的开始不是爱情,而是繁华以后不离不弃。   the beginning of happiness is not love but prosperity.   3、月光下你温柔的笑容,将我融化在你心中,带着无边的爱恋幸福走来,将你轻拥在怀,生生世世,此情惟你独钟。   your gentle smile in the moonlight melts me in your heart, and comes with boundless love and happiness, holding you in your arms for life.   4、天上星亮晶晶,认识你很开心;星空里万颗心,有一颗是我心;想我时看星星数星星等流星,记得天天要开心。   the stars are shining in the sky, so im very happy to know you. one of the ten thousand hearts in the sky is my heart. when i miss you, i look at the stars and the stars, and remember to be happy every day.   5、我宁愿你骂我,也不愿意你难过,你难过我会更担心。   i would rather you scold me, do not want you to be sad, you feel sad, i will be more worried.   6、我的心是你的。我的人是你的。我的一切都是你的。我要你陪我享一世的繁华,我要陪你看尽一切的沧桑变化。   my heart is yours. my people are yours. everything is yours. i want you to accompany me to enjoy the prosperity of the whole world. i will accompany you to see all the vicissitudes of life.   7、第一次说爱你,让我明白世界最浪漫的事情,不是和你牵手,而是和你白头偕老。   the first time i said i love you, let me understand that the most romantic thing in the world is not to hold hands with you, but to live together with you.   8、在你孤独、悲伤的日子里,请你悄悄地念一念我的名字。并且说:有人在怀念我,在世上我活在一个人的心里。   in your lonely and sad days, please read my name quietly. and say: someone is missing me, i am living in a mans heart in the world.   9、你看,这么多人,这么大的世界,我遇到了你,你也遇到了我,真好。   you see, so many people, such a big world, i met you, and you met me, too.   10、只要能常常和你见面,我就觉得快活;只要依偎着你娇小的身躯,我就不会寂寞。   as long as i can see you often, i feel happy; as long as i nestle in your petite body, i will not be lonely.   11、我相信,你会带着四叶的幸福,出现在暖暖的午后。   i believe that you will bring the happiness of four leaves in the warm afternoon.   12、如果有一天你我擦肩而过,而我没有回头看你,别惊讶那是我在流泪。   if one day you pass me by, and i do not look back at you, do not be surprised that i am in tears.   13、世界上的人那么多,为什么偏偏认识了你。认识的人那么多,为什么偏偏思念着你。只要想着你,心就甜如蜜!   there are so many people in the world. why do i know you? there are so many people, why do i miss you? as long as i think of you, my heart is as sweet as honey!   14、只要能和你一起,我不管要付出怎样大的代价。   as long as i can be with you, i dont care how much it costs.   15、你开心的时候,我的心情艳阳高照;你悲伤的时候,我的心情雷雨交加。因为我爱你,所以我愿感受你所有的感受。   when you are happy, my mood is shining brightly; when you are sad, my mood is thunderstorm. because i love you, so i would like to feel all your feelings.   16、我长的既不英俊也不潇洒,既没钱也没不会说关心和安慰的话给你听。所以我没有资本对你说我喜欢你。   i am neither handsome nor handsome. i have neither money nor words of care and comfort. so i have no capital to tell you that i like you.   17、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。   there is only one person in the world who asks me how to cherish.   18、我很讨厌自己喜欢你的样子,没有底线也没有原因,只是喜欢你,而已。   i hate the way i like you. theres no bottom line and no reason. i just like you. thats all.   19、的爱,是你没有那么的好,在我的心里,你却;最美的情,是我没有那么完美,在你的眼里,却是最美。   the best love is that you are not so good, in my heart, you are the best; the most beautiful feeling, is that i am not so perfect, in your eyes, is the most beautiful.   20、余生,愿你和一个尊重你的人,举案齐眉,琴瑟和鸣,执子之手,与尔偕老。   for the rest of your life, may you and someone who respects you share the same eyebrows, the harp and the song, the hand that holds your hand, and live together with you.
2023-07-12 19:33:001

It was the{ final }day of his holiday。 bottom是形容词时,也有“最后的”意思,为什么不能替换final?

bottom 是adj.底部的 表示方位,地点final 是adj.最终的, 最后的, 决定性的, 不可改变的
2023-07-12 19:33:083