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2023-07-12 20:13:36
TAG: bu buff he ef heff




2023-07-12 16:39:171


2023-07-12 16:39:381


2023-07-12 16:39:574


2023-07-12 16:40:241

在极品飞车17里有一首歌里歌词里有put your hands up,请问是哪首歌

去QQ里搜极品飞车17有张专辑可能有 望采纳
2023-07-12 16:40:323


地球上的造山带,按平面形态可分为带状和穹状两类。带状造山带分布在大陆边缘和陆内;穹状造山带则分布在陆内和洋内。分布在大陆边缘的造山带即岛弧型和活动陆缘型(安第斯型)造山带是现今的板块会聚带,那里伴随俯冲作用正在进行着地壳物质向地幔的再循环;分布在陆内的带状造山带往往是古板块会聚带,那里也曾发生过地壳物质向地幔的再循环。显然,带状造山带的分布都与壳幔物质循环地带有关。穹状造山带与壳幔物质循环地带没有明显的空间关系,但此类造山带规模较小。过去往往把造山作用当做构造旋回的同义语,对造山带的研究往往把精力集中在对古板块体制的恢复上,因而认为碰撞是造山作用的动力来源,特别强调两个板块的相向运动,速度越大,碰撞动量越大。可是,古地磁研究表明:在很多情况下,两大陆的会聚并非由于相向运动,往往是同向运动,二者之间存在速度差,这样碰撞的动量就不可能很大。近年来,随着对山脉隆升过程的逐步了解,国内外学者对造山作用的动力学机制进行了很多探索,尤其根据反射地震勘探资料和层析成像技术对深部岩石圈结构有了初步了解的基础上,提出了很多新的模式,影响较广泛的有以下几种:拆沉作用(delamination)拆沉作用是指板块碰撞后,造山带之下岩石圈地幔部分发生快速机械减薄,与上覆地壳拆离开来,并下沉到更深的地幔。它所带来的后果是上覆地壳的快速抬升和伸展及下地壳的加热。大量深部地震资料表明:古老造山带几乎不存在山根,而年轻造山带之下却有山根,把这一现象和造山机制联系起来,使一些学者对Bird(1978,1979)提出的拆沉作用大加推崇。伸展垮塌作用(extensional collapse)也有人(Bethke,1990; Christermen,1985)认为,山根的消失是一个渐变的过程,是均衡隆升与剥蚀的结果,莫霍面的深度随着造山期后的拉伸作用而变浅,山脉在其自重下发生伸展垮塌,造山带山根在山脉地形缓缓夷平过程中逐渐消失了。Dewwy(1988)认为,如果下地壳是冷的,伸展垮塌所起的作用很小,反之,如果下地壳是热的,伸展垮塌将起主要作用,山根将在几百万年内消失掉。看来,该模式与拆沉作用结合起来可以对造山带的演化作用更好的解释。地幔羽构造论(plume tectonics)丸山茂德等(1993)通过对地震层析成像所揭示的地幔构造和板块下插历史的研究,提出了一个地球内部物质循环的多层圈相互作用模式,认为在板块会聚带,俯冲下插的板块在670km的界面以上滞留,当板片的滞留超越某一许可量时,就开始崩落,冷的滞留板片下落到下部地幔时,为了补偿其下落部分,必然从下部地幔向着上部地幔产生热的地幔羽的上升。这种地球深部大规模的地幔羽状上升流和下降流,作为主要形式的对流运动支配着岩石圈的构造运动。热幔柱构造(mantle plume tectonics)热幔柱的概念是在 Wilson 的热点构造基础上发展起来的。现已趋向于认为,热幔柱产生于核幔边界附近的下地幔底部边界层,狭窄的热幔柱经地幔上升到达冷的岩石圈底部时,会呈喇叭形散开,形成具有巨大球状顶冠和狭窄尾柱的蘑菇状形态。球状顶冠的直径可达上千公里,上升时会引起地壳上隆和伸展,形成大规模大陆溢流玄武岩,同时可伴有区域变质作用、地壳重熔和构造变形;狭窄的尾柱(半径仅为10~12km)长期活动会导致大洋热点火山链的形成(王登红,1998)。构成热点的洋岛玄武岩(OIB)富含大离子亲石元素,具有较高的87Sr/86Sr和143Nd/144 Nd比值,一般认为源于一种富集型地幔。有些岩石学家认为,下地幔可能具有这种特点。而一些地球化学家则认为这种富集型地幔,可能是再循环的壳源物质交代地幔的产物。颤动构造(surge tectonics):高热流带(≥55mV/m2)和微地震带填图及地震层析成像,揭示出一个岩石圈内相互连通的全球性通道网络,有如地球的心血管系统,Meyerheff等(1991)称之为颤动通道。来自软流圈的流体或半流体岩浆通过这些通道侧向流动。地球上所有的活动带均与这些颤动通道有关。他们认为,引起区域构造运动的原因是岩石圈的挤压作用。地球在冷却过程中,收缩圈收缩后退,已经冷却的岩石圈的周长必然随收缩圈连续收缩而调整,因而岩石圈塌陷到软流圈中产生挤压,使软流圈的岩浆上升进入颤动通道。随着挤压强度的改变会引起岩浆缓慢地脉动式颤动。当挤压强度达到足以使颤动通道破裂时,通道内的物质沿向上和向外方向颤动。岩石圈的重要构造,无论大洋中脊还是造山带,均是颤动构造的结果。这些模式的提出,使目前板块构造难以解释的许多现象得到了一个似乎可以自圆其说的说法,但这些模式本身尚有很多问题,它们大多是从运动学和力学的角度提出来,在物理上似乎可以站得住脚,但在化学上的考虑尚很欠缺,尤其在源动力问题上还很缺乏依据。因此,只有深入研究深部的地质作用过程和元素在这些过程中的行为和性状,才能解决岩石圈演化的动力学问题。
2023-07-12 16:40:391


铁磁物质在一定的外加恒定磁场和一定频率的微波磁场中当满足共振条件时产生强烈吸收共振的现象!磁性材料中的电子自旋磁矩系统在互相垂直施加的直流磁场H0和角频率为ω的微波交变磁场h=h0e同时作用下,但`H_0gtgth_0`,当ω=γH0时,该磁矩系统将从交变磁场中强烈吸收能量的现象称为铁磁共振。这是英国物理学家格里菲斯于1946年最先在金属Fe、Co、Ni中观察到的现象,至今,已在许多磁性材料中观察到铁磁共振。大量实验结果的总结已使铁磁共振成为研究磁性材料动态磁性和测量饱和磁化强度、磁晶各向异性常数的有力工具,同时利用铁磁共振现象可以做成许多微波器件。当铁磁物质受到互相垂直的恒定磁场H和高频磁场h作用时,磁化矢量Ms的宏观经典运动方程可用朗道-栗弗希茨方程来描述:   dMs/dt=-γMs×Heff+Td   式中,γ=1.1051×10g(m/A·s),是旋磁比(g为g因子),Heff是作用于铁磁物质的总有效场,原则上,除了高频磁场外,还可来自五种磁场的贡献,即   Heff=H+Hex+Hk+Hσ+Hd   式中,H、Hex、Hk、Hσ、Hd分别是外加稳恒磁场,交换场,磁晶各向异性场,应力各向异性场和退磁场。代入运动方程式,可以获得相应的共振条件。例如考虑样品形状各向异性的影响,设想有一小旋转椭球体,三个主轴和直角坐标系的x、y、z轴重合,z轴和长轴一致,稳恒磁场平行于长轴,则磁矩一致进动的共振频率可用基特尔公式表示   ω0=γ{[H0+(Nx-Nz)Ms][H0+(Ny-Nz)Ms]}   式中,H0是稳恒场,Nx、Nz、Ny分别是椭球体沿x、y、z轴的退磁因子。如果描述磁矩在外场作用下运动规律的朗道-栗弗希茨方程式阻尼项Td不为零,则可证明,张量磁导率可表示成以下形式   $(bb{mu}_{ij})=|[mu,-jk,0],[jk,mu,0],[0,0,1]|$   而且,式中的对角张量元和非对角张量元均为复数,即   μ=μ"-jμ"   k=k"-jk"   由此看出,张量磁导率是一个不对称张量,各个张量元均为复数,它们的虚部表明了材料的损耗。通常,材料的μ"、k"在共振场附近变化剧烈,会改变符号,呈现明显的频散现象;μ"、k"则在共振场附近出现极大值,它们随稳恒磁场的改变出现一共振峰,即反映了能量的共振吸收。在μ"-H图上,当μ"下降至最大值的一半时对应的磁场强度称为铁磁共振线宽,用ΔH表示。
2023-07-12 16:40:491

求开头是if you only knew的女生版英文歌,很抒情的一首,希望大家帮帮找找

if you only knew 歌手:natalie 专辑:everything new If you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for youLike thisI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticThey saw you dancin" that pull us closerLookin" in your eyes, all I rather beBoy, I wanna know yaCome on and move a little bit with meI know you do like what you seeI know you want itCome on over and jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to you (like what)I like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for you (Play)Like thisPull out a whip let me see what it doIf I wanna play ya I"ll show you a moveYou can turn around, you can back it upDrop it like it"s hot, let your boy stack it upHere"s the young heffWe can freak all nightTake you to the crib, we can cut out the lightBlow a little leave we can keep it lowI do it so good I"ll make you sayI like the way you thing it, you know what you"re lookin" forFrom the way you move to your attitudeOoh, baby, you make me want you moreI know you"re feelin" on with what you seeIf you can"t wait to get along with meI know you want it, come on, boy, jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike thisHey little mama, play with a teaseIf you"re down to please, go down on mePlease believe, it"s not make-believeJust note from me I"m not the man to bePlayin" same shit like you downTake you to the crib with the whip to do it right nowEverything you"re tellin" me, I hope it"s trueGirl, I can"t wait to go home with youI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike this
2023-07-12 16:41:071


李华(全国地质资料馆,北京100037)摘要 全国地质资料馆不但收藏有大量新中国成立后我国地质工作者编著的地质资料,而且还收藏有新中国成立前国内外地质专家、学者编制的地质资料。新中国成立前国内外地质专家、学者编制的地质资料,从技术角度看它的参考价值已不大,但它的史料价值非常大。目前,我国开采的许多矿山是在新中国成立前发现或工作过,这些新中国成立前编著的地质资料,记载了当时的技术和认识水平,是编史修志等方面的重要参考资料。笔者查阅了大量馆藏新中国成立前地质资料,选取了部分资料,编撰成此文。目的是为今后编史修志提供线索或素材。关键词 旧中国;地质专家;地质资料;简介馆藏资料是地质找矿、矿山开采、工程建设、环境保护、制定产业政策、规划设计、编史修志等方面的重要参考依据;是一个取之不尽、用之不竭的信息源。全国地质资料馆(以下简称“本馆”)馆藏地质资料的时间最早可追溯到1894年。馆藏新中国成立前编著的地质资料,约7400余种。有外国人李希霍芬(Richthofen)、俄国人奥布鲁切(契)夫(Obrutcheff)、梭尔格、鲁滨孙、卫勒、伊立生、别也夫斯基、布加塔耶夫、安特生、丁格兰、赫勒、新常富、哈卜罗公丁、鲁滨孙等考察、调查编著的地质资料;有我国著名的地质专家章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、王烈、叶良辅、谢家荣、李四光、黄汲清、高振西、侯德封、计荣森、乐森 、李春昱、王竹泉、孙健初、谭锡畴等老一辈地质学家编著的地质资料。这些地质资料记载了旧中国时期国内、外地质学家,尤其是我国地质学家,在条件极其困难的情况下,依靠自己的力量,对我国许多地区的地层、构造、矿产展开了调查,为我国新中国成立初期大规模的开展地质、矿产调查、矿产勘查、开发提供了参考资料。馆藏新中国成立前编著的地质资料,从技术方面来考察其参考作用已不大,但它是编史修志的重要依据。笔者现选择部分国内、外地质专家编著的地质资料介绍如下,目的是为今后编史修志提供线索或素材。1 馆藏(旧中国时期)部分国外地质专家编著的资料辛亥革命前,我国还没有自己的地质机构,一些地质矿产调查工作主要是由外国人进行的。李希霍芬(Richthofen)。本馆虽未收藏到李希霍芬编著的原著,但收藏有我国著名地质专家谢家荣等对李希霍芬编著地质资料的译著。从译著资料来看:他调查了基础地质、陶瓷土,涉足了我国的江西、湖南、陕西、四川及中国东部地区。我国著名地质专家谢家荣等对李希霍芬编著地质资料的译著,共包括7种:《江西浮梁景德镇陶土矿》/333号资料、《湖南省地质记》/1136号资料、《陕西地质纪略》/1137号资料、《江西鄱阳湖四周地质》/1138号资料、《江苏地质考察》/1139号资料、《中国东南部地层统系表》/1149号资料、《四川省地质概略》/1162号资料。奥布鲁切(契)夫(Obrutcheff)。以奥布鲁切(契)夫(Obrutcheff)为首的考察队,对我国新疆、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、陕西等地进行了考察。馆藏有奥布鲁切(契)夫(Obrutcheff)于1894年编著的《秦岭山第21章》/1126号资料、《秦岭山第22章》/1127号资料共2种英文资料,是本馆珍藏最早的地质资料之一。丁格兰(F.R.Tegengren)。1915年来华,1916年任地质调查所顾问,兼任北京大学地质系教授。丁格兰在华期间,足迹遍及河北、江苏、山西、山东、江西、安徽等地。主要对铁矿、煤矿等矿种进行了调查研究。馆藏丁格兰从1915年至1923年间编著的地质资料,共16种。安特生(Johann Gunnar Andersson)。1912年应聘来华,曾任北洋政府农商部矿政司顾问。安特生在华期间,足迹遍及北京、河北、山东、安徽、扬子江流域等地区。主要对煤矿、铁矿等进行了调查研究。馆藏安特生从1914年至1920年间编著的地质资料,共14种。2 馆藏(旧中国时期)国内部分地质专家编著的资料辛亥革命后,我国相继组建了地质调查所、中央地质研究院、资源委员会矿产测勘处。我国老一辈地质工作者,在这“三大机构”中,相继开展了区域地质调查、矿产地质、物探地质、水文地质、工程地质、地震地质、基础地质等方面的调查、研究。2.1 基础地质及区域地质调查2.1.1 地层《河北蓟县东陵及兴隆县一带地质调查报告》/1090号资料,是高振西1931年建立的“蓟县剖面”手稿;《甘肃省地质概略》/1140号资料,记载了袁复礼在甘肃首次发现下石炭统臭牛沟系。2.1.2 区域地质调查资料谭锡畴于1924年完成了中国第一幅《1:100万的地质图——北京济南幅》5137号资料;王竹泉于1926年完成第二幅《太原榆林幅》/5138号资料;李捷于1929年完成第三幅《南京开封幅》/5139号资料。新中国成立前夕,由黄汲清主编的《1:100万区域地质图》/12044号资料,这套图共由14个图幅构成;1945年至1948年在黄汲清的指导下编制的《1:300万中国地质图》/12857号资料。这些区域地质调查报告能较清楚地反映了我国新中国成立前区域地质调查工作的概貌。2.2 矿产地质调查及矿山发现资料2.2.1 矿产地质调查资料新中国成立前,我国著名地质专家如:章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、王烈、叶良辅、谢家荣、李四光、冯景兰、黄汲清、高振西、侯德封、计荣森、乐森 、李春昱、王竹泉、孙健初、张文佑、谭锡畴等人以及我国一些地质机构或学术团体聘请的国外地质学家,如:瑞典人新常富(E.T.Nystrom)、丁格兰等人,对我国目前正在开采的一些矿山进行过地质调查,如:山西煤矿,早期进行地质工作的是王竹泉,1917年著有《山西平盂潞泽煤铁矿地质》/978号资料。我国目前开采的矿山有相当数量是在新中国成立前发现或进行过地质工作。2.2.2 矿山发现资料(1)攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿的发现资料。《康滇边区之地质与矿产》/3822号资料,是攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿矿区的首份发现资料。1940年8~11月,常隆庆、刘之祥到康滇边区做地质调查,途经盐源、盐边弄弄平、攀枝花进入云南华坪、永胜等地。在刘之祥编写的《康滇边区之地质与矿产》的引言中记载:“矿产方面,其最有价值者当属盐边县攀枝花之磁铁矿。储量可达1000万吨之上,居宁属第一,亦全国不可多得之大矿。”在第一章“沿途地质”中记载:“攀枝花一带有磁铁矿数处。作者认为此铁矿之发现,为此次调查中之最大收获”。(2)江苏贾汪煤田的发现资料。《江苏铜山县贾汪煤田地质》/2750号资料,是谢家荣发现贾汪煤田的首份资料。(3)新疆油田的论述资料。《南疆油田调查略记》/742号资料、《新疆乌苏县独子山石油及煤气矿床说明书》/743号资料、《新疆库车铜厂油田》/3996号资料、《新疆温宿县塔克拉克油田》/3997号资料、《新疆[独山子区]乌苏独山子油田》/4565号资料、《新疆油田地质调查报告》/738号等资料,是黄汲清在新疆调查时编著的石油地质资料。在《新疆油田地质调查报告》中认为:陆相侏罗纪地层是新疆的重要生油层之一,灰绿色的钙质页岩和薄层灰岩也可为生油层。(4)云南磷矿的发现资料。《云南磷矿之发现经过与概况》/654号资料,是程裕淇于1939年编著的。1939年1月,程裕淇在昆阳中邑村发育的震旦寒武纪地层中,系统地采集了被些人认为是铝土矿的岩石标本,经化学分析,发现此种岩石含P2O5达30%。(5)大同煤田。对大同煤矿的最早调查应首推我国地质工作前辈王竹泉,他于1918年,在对大同煤田调查时,首次指出该煤田为石炭纪—二叠纪与侏罗纪双纪煤田,并论述了大同煤田的煤质和煤量(见《山西煤矿志》)。(6)东川铜矿。东川铜矿区的早期调查资料,主要由我国著名地质专家白家驹、丁文江、谢家荣等编制。《云南东川铜矿之研究》/644号资料,由白家驹编制、《云南东川铜矿节略》/645号资料,由丁文江编制,《云南东川铜矿简报》/652号资料,由谢家荣编制。(7)大降坪黄铁矿。1931年5月,两广地质调查所徐瑞麟、蒋溶沿西江进行地质调查时,到本区调查铁矿,他们将铁矿分为沼铁矿和铁帽两种,著有《广东西江沿江地质述略》/2655号资料。2.3 物探地质勘探资料秦香菱、李善邦、翁文波、赵仁寿、顾功叙、张鸿吉、王子昌等用电法、磁法,在甘肃玉门油矿、贵州水城县观音山铁矿、四川綦江麻柳滩铁矿、贵州赫章县铁矿山、云南巧家县汤丹铜矿、云南安宁县砂场铁矿、云南巧家县落雪铜矿、云南会泽县黄铁矿、云南会泽县矿山厂铅锌矿、云南个旧县老厂锡矿、云南昭通县褐炭田等矿山进行了物探勘查工作。其中《试用磁秤探测四川綦江麻柳滩铁矿报告》692号资料是我国物探地质学家李善邦、秦香菱,于1939年编著的首份物探资料。2.4 水文地质及工程地质资料最早的水文地质调查当推章鸿钊。他在1926年,就我国的温泉进行了调查,编著有《中国温泉之分布》/7749号资料;工程地质调查方面:1938年,熊永先对四川达县龙溪河水力发电厂坝址进行调查,编著有《四川达县龙溪河水力发电厂坝址地层勘查报告》/2006号资料。2.5 天然地震地质调查资料《调查民国六·一月至三月地震说明》/7967号资料、《调查甘肃地震意见》/7748号资料、《调查甘肃地震大略报告》/7755号资料、《甘肃地震考节要》/7756号资料是我国著名地质学家翁文灏于20年代初期调查甘肃大地震时编著的地震调查资料。上述资料,仅是全国地质资料馆珍藏地质资料的一小部分,它记载了旧中国时期国内、外地质学家,尤其是我国地质学家,在条件极其困难的情况下,依靠自己的力量,研究了地层系统、构造地质,开展了区域地质调查、矿产地质勘查,为我国大规模开展地质、矿产调查、勘查、开发奠定了良好的基础。我们要以中国地质工作的开拓者和奠基者为自豪,他们的光辉业绩,将激励我们为中国的地质事业而努力奋斗。
2023-07-12 16:41:221

美剧《大爱》一共几季 分别有几集?好看吗?

《大爱》 《大爱》剧讲述了一个摩门家庭的故事。《大爱》男主角比尔是一个生活在美国犹他州盐湖城的零售业商人,他和他年龄不同的三个妻子以及一大帮孩子们生活在一起。三个妻子分居三处住宅,每一处都把比尔看成家中顶梁柱。主人公比尔从此生活中每件事情似乎都是一分为三。比尔的结发妻子,也是他唯一合法的妻子是芭玻。然而他和芭玻的夫妻空间一向被第二个妻子妮基和少妻玛姬妮分享。比尔的三座房屋连在一起,一共有七个孩子,幸好他的生意还不错。可是生活中让人焦头烂额的事情实在太多了…… 适合喜欢另类美剧的观众 影片简介 外文名称 Big Love 更多中文片名:大爱一场、博爱、一夫三妻 影片类型: 剧情 集数:1 季 4 集 国家/地区: 美国 对白语言: 英语 色彩: 彩色 首播日期:2006年3月12日 美国 演职人员 导演: Julian Farino ....(3 episodes, 2006-2007) 麦克·勒曼 Michael Lehmann ....(2 episodes, 2006-2007) 查尔斯·麦克道格尔 Charles McDougall ....(2 episodes, 2006) Alan Poul ....(2 episodes, 2006-2007) Michael Spiller ....(2 episodes, 2006) 编剧: 达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克 Dustin Lance Black ....(8 episodes, 2006-2007) Mark V. Olsen ....(15 episodes, 2006-2007) Will Scheffer ....(15 episodes, 2006-2007) Doug Stockstill ....(unknown episodes) Eileen Myers ....(7 episodes, 2006-2007) Jeanette Collins ....(3 episodes, 2006-2007) Mimi Friedman ....(3 episodes, 2006-2007) 主演: 哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton ....Roman Grant (13 episodes, 2006-2007) 金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin ....Margene Heffman / ... (16 episodes, 2006-2007) 阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried ....Sarah Henrickson (13 episodes, 2006-2007)
2023-07-12 16:41:311


分析化学计算题求解答 楼主的问题,可以看分析化学书,武大编的讲得很详细! 1)先求出EDTA和H+的副反应系数α,K=K(Mg-EDTA)*α,副反应系数怎么求,你的书上应该有。 2)Cr2O7 2-先被Fe滴定,然后过量的Fe被MnO4-滴定,也就是说,Cr的物质的量=(Fe的物质的量-Mn的物质的量*2)*2,算出Cr的物质的量n 质量分数=nM/1g*100% M为Cr分子量 3)朗伯比尔定律:吸光度A=εabc,(εabc分别为吸光系数,比色皿长1cm,光程1cm,样品浓度)只有一个求知数,就是浓度C,算出来后, W=nM/0.5*100%=cVM/0.5*100% 4)滴定到化学计量点,其实是全生成H2CO3,就是一个计算0.05mol/L H2CO3的pH值的问题,去你书上找二元弱酸[H+]计算方法 5)络合问题 这题主要考的是副反应系数的计算 即算EBA在pH=12时的副反应系数K(公式你书上肯定有) K稳已经告诉你了,算出副反应系数K后,据这两个,可以算出K" 分析化学计算题。。求解答案。。求化学帝 根据比尔定律,吸光度A与吸光物质的浓度c和吸收池光程长b的乘积成正比。当c的单位为g/L,b的单位为cm时,则 A = abc,比例系数a称为吸收系数,单位为L/;当c的单位为mol/L,b的单位为cm时,则 A = εbc,比例系数ε称为摩尔吸收系数,单位为L/,数值上ε等于a与吸光物质的摩尔质量的乘积。 在本题中:a=A/bc =0.285/1x8.45x0.0001=33.72 摩尔吸光系数=aM=33.72x397.3=13400 求解一道分析化学计算题 ZnY的条件稳定常数=lgKZnY-lgαY(H) pH=2 ZnY的条件稳定常数=lgKZnY-lgαY(H)=16.50-13.51=2.99 pH=5 ZnY的条件稳定常数=lgKZnY-lgαY(H)=16.50-6.45=6.05 分析化学计算题 0.1500*0.310/0.325=0.143 g 【2】 1。a=1/[0.5*(0.52+0.58)]=1.818 2.0.95/a*15cm=7.84 【3】解:L=1m,tRA=5.80min,tRB=6.60min,WA=0.78min,WB=0.82min,t0=1.10min (1)u=L/ t0=100cm/1.10min=90.9cm/min (2)к=tR′/ t0=(6.60-1.10)/1.10=5.00 (3)R=2(tRB-tRA)/(WA+WB)=2(6.60-5.80)/(0.78+0.82)=1 (4)neff =16(tRA′/WA)2=16×〔(5.80-1.10)/0.78〕2=581 Heff =L/neff=1/581=1.72mm (5)R1/R2= √L1 /√L2 1/1.5= √1m/√L2 L2=2.25 (6)tRB=2.25×6.60min=14.85min Ksp(BaSO4)=[Ba2+]*[SO4 2-]=1.08*10^-10 在0.1mol/LNa2SO4溶液中,[SO4 2-]=0.1mol/L ∴[Ba2+]=1.08*10^-10/0.1=1.08*10^-9mol/L M(BaSO4)=233.39g/mol ∴溶解度=1.08*10^-9mol/L*233.39g/mol=1.87*10^-8g/L 实验中为了减小误差,氢氧化钠的用量为20-30mL,可以此来计算KHP的用量。 首先需要明确的是(这是分析化学中的配位滴定法),EDTA与Zn2+形成1:1的配合物,下面开始解题:解:根据上述分析可以知道:n(EDTA)=n(ZnCl2)∴c(EDTA)·V(EDTA)=m(ZnCl2)/M(ZnCl2)-----------(1)因为只去了取25.00mL,就消耗了0.01024mol/L的EDTA 17.61mL,那么250.0mL需要消耗EDTA的体积V(EDTA)=(250.0/25.00) x 17.61=176.1mL=0.1761L我们需要求的是ZnCl2的含量,即w(ZnCl2)%∴w(ZnCl2)%=m(ZnCl2)/m(样品) x100% -------------(2)联立(1)(2)可以得到:w(ZnCl2)%=c(EDTA)·V(EDTA)·M(ZnCl2)/m(样品) x100%∴w(ZnCl2)%=0.01024x0.1761x136.28/0.2500 x100%=98.30%答:ZnCl2的含量为98.30%满意请采纳,谢谢! -0.1823=E0 - 0.05916log[F-} -0.2446=Eo - 0.05916log{[F-]25/30 + 5x1.07x10-3/30} 0.0623=0.05916log{([F-]25/30 + 5x1.07x10-3/30)/[F-]} 11.3=([F-]25/30 + 5x1.07x10-3/30)/[F-] [F-]=1.700x10-5 M 100 mL F-摩尔=4x1.700x10-5=6.80x10-5 摩尔==〉129x10-3 克 该牙膏试氟离质量数129x10-3/4 =323x10-4=0.032%
2023-07-12 16:41:401

关于紫外线消毒灯 杀灭犬瘟病毒

2023-07-12 16:41:502

求分析化学学霸解答 在某色谱柱上分离一试样,其中两组分的相对保留时间r21=1.16,若欲使两组

n=16*R^2[r/(r-1)] L=n*H
2023-07-12 16:41:591


2023-07-12 16:42:085


6yututduy yuytujhgjlmgkbklgdffd;jkkglfdjklrjgkfjkfkgndkjndj;fgjfdljfdklgjkgjkgjdfkgjkgjkfnbjnkjgfkjfdfkghjkdfkfjerifhjk jkfhkhfeuhfsfhjdfhjdfhsdjfhuehusdjfdhejnvdmjfdsjfhjkmjnfjfgnmdjdhjhdknvfjdhgkjdjkrjrudjfhdkjfhfhufheuheffhmdfdnjfhefhuehdjfdncnvffjhefjhuiefdjfhdjhbgjedhjfhfhdfsdkheuefhjsdkfhkdsjf hkkjf jdhfjjfs fj ejrhejs jhdsfjhejfef ejfhskjfhkjfhsejfhjehrfjefhesjfhjehfjehfjdhjehfjehjs fshdjeshee fshdjf f jfhjhdjfhdjfhjsdhfskjhfsjkdhjshfjdshehheuehfuehueghhhhhufheuhfufhuehfuehfefskjfijffhdfhsuhfsdhfdfhjdheufeiufhsiuhieushfisehfsihdkjsdhfjkdsfhdjdhfjhfjdhfjdfhjsfhjdfhdjhfdjfhdskjfhdsjhdsjhfjdshjskdhsdkjfhjdkhfjfhjdfhdkjhfjfhjkdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfhdkjfhkjfhjkfhksjfkdfhkjfhjkfhueeiufhuihufihfufhfukhueeuhf khfkhfkjhj h hfjkdhfjksfjksdhdsjkhfjkhdkjfshsjkfhkshfkjhfkjhfkjdsdhfkhkdjhfksjfhdjkfhskfhsdkjfhdskjfhdkjfhdjfhdkfhkdfhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjfjkshkfjsdfjshfkshkfskfhskhfueshufhesuifh sjhdjfshdjkshfkjhdskjdhkddfmfnsdlkjfdklfjdsklfjesoifjdkljklfjlkdjflksdjdflkdfjdkldffdgfsgfhkfjakdjahsjkhkajshkasdjhdkjkdkjhfkfakahkjfdhjkdfh.
2023-07-12 16:43:162


大爱是电视剧名。《大爱》是Julian Farino Michael Lehmann执导,哈利·戴恩·斯坦通等主演的电视剧。主演:哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton....Roman Grant (13 episodes,2006-2007),金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin....Margene Heffman / ... (16 episodes,2006-2007),阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried....Sarah Henrickson (13 episodes,2006-2007)。剧情介绍:《大爱》剧讲述了一个摩门家庭的故事。Bill正经营一家发展中的家居装修连锁店,更困难的任务是要在三位夫人间保持经济和情感的平衡,三娇妻Barb、Nikci和Margene各自独住一栋小屋,每三天轮流分享一夜自己的老公。为了整个大家庭的财政和情感不至于破产和分裂,他们不得不压抑自己的嫉妒,遵守着默认的秩序,掩盖着这惊天大秘密--一夫多妻制在犹他州是非法的,在摩门教主流教派中也是严令禁止的。麻烦还不止来自于自己的家庭,Bill的父母--居住在犹他州乡下基督教区,以及他的岳父--一夫多妻制社团的强势头目都遇到一系列危机。
2023-07-12 16:43:251


13岁 会不会太早了
2023-07-12 16:43:443


风格反对放大很容易八大胡同人啊额头有世博会刀耕火耘一骨灰不用个别化五保户苦于韩国大宇为俄国的不合格部队给我好个办法iuygwefybuihewf恶化服务iuofhEFFWEHYBFIUJHIOWUHYRIEHBDJBHAD hbjfesjkfb
2023-07-12 16:43:555


2023-07-12 16:45:092


2023-07-12 16:45:174


2023-07-12 16:45:454


2023-07-12 16:46:072

我那可爱的弟弟妹妹作文 7个月大,抓住妹妹睡觉是写写,写写我和弟弟的玩耍什么的。要符合年龄段。是日记

2023-07-12 16:46:204

if you only knew 的歌词翻译

2023-07-12 16:46:282


5.1 正戊醇和异戊醇含量的测定按GB/T 9722—1988规定测定,其中:5.1.1 测定条件检测器:热导检测器;载气及流量:氢气,45mL/min;柱长(玻璃柱或不锈钢柱):3m;柱内径:3mm;固定相:10%聚乙二醇20M涂于101白色硅烷化载体[0.18mm~0.25mm(60目~80目)],于180℃老化4h以上;柱温度:80℃;汽化室温度:180℃;检测室温度:180℃;进样量: 4??L;色谱柱有效板高:Heff≤4.8mm;不对称因子:f≤1.2;难分离物质对的分离度:R≥1.5(正戊醇和异戊醇);组分相对主体的相对保留值:r异丁醇,异戊醇=0.45;r正丁醇,异戊醇=0.64;r正戊醇,异戊醇=1.29。 5.1.2 定量方法按GB/T 9722—1988中8.2规定测定。
2023-07-12 16:46:361


【2】 1.a=1/[0.5*(0.52+0.58)]=1.818 2.0.95/a*15cm=7.84 L=1m,tRA=5.80min,tRB=6.60min,WA=0.78min,WB=0.82min,t0=1.10min (1)u=L/ t0=100cm/1.10min=90.9cm/min (2)к=tR′/ t0=(6.60-1.10)/1.10=5.00 (3)R=2(tRB-tRA)/(WA+WB)=2(6.60-5.80)/(0.78+0.82)=1 (4)neff =16(tRA′/WA)2=16×〔(5.80-1.10)/0.78〕2=581 Heff =L/neff=1/581=1.72mm (5)R1/R2= √L1 /√L2 1/1.5= √1m/√L2 L2=2.25 (6)tRB=2.25×6.60min=14.85min
2023-07-12 16:46:431

跪求分析化学大神解答 要解答过程 谢谢 以反相健合相色谱法测定某药物及其代谢物,柱长15c

1.a=1/[0.5*(0.52+0.58)]=1.8182.0.95/a*15cm=7.84L=1m,tRA=5.80min,tRB=6.60min,WA=0.78min,WB=0.82min,t0=1.10min (1)u=L/ t0=100cm/1.10min=90.9cm/min (2)к=tR′/ t0=(6.60-1.10)/1.10=5.00 (3)R=2(tRB-tRA)/(WA+WB)=2(6.60-5.80)/(0.78+0.82)=1 (4)neff =16(tRA′/WA)2=16×〔(5.80-1.10)/0.78〕2=581 Heff =L/neff=1/581=1.72mm (5)R1/R2= √L1 /√L2 1/1.5= √1m/√L2 L2=2.25 (6)tRB=2.25×6.60min=14.85min
2023-07-12 16:46:531

Willie Nelson的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:Willie Nelson专辑:It Always Will Beby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:001


2023-07-12 16:47:241

LCD Soundsystem的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:LCD Soundsystem专辑:LCD Soundsystemby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:311

Graham Coxon的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:Graham Coxon专辑:Crow Sit On Blood Treeby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:381

Pearl Bailey的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:Pearl Bailey专辑:Lady In Jazzby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:451

Tired (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Tired (Album Version)歌手:Willa Ford专辑:Willa Was Hereby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:531

Nelly的《Tired》 歌词

歌曲名:Tired歌手:Nelly专辑:Sweatsuitby Vaetion ChinIt"s excitingIn the beginningThe first four weeksWhen you f*ck five times a dayBut something happensIt all starts slippingYou chew off your own armJust to get awayIt"s not youAnd it"s not meI"d rather play Halo on my t.v.It"s no defence but it"s all I"ve got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youI can rememberIn the beginningWhen you were Wonder WomanWith a capeThen something happenedAnd the walls started closing inAnd I would have shot myself just to escapeIts not youAnd its not meWe"re just not singing in harmonyIt"s no defence but its all I got to sayWell Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of youSomeday I"ll find the oneShe"ll be my best friendAnd make me com--pleteShe"ll love everything that I like to doAnd when I find herI"ll take two(bridge)Well Tommy got tired of PamelaEd got tired of SelmaPuffy got tired of Jlo and Ben did tooHeff gets tired of that playboy girlSomeone"s even tired of Miss Nude WorldI"m just tired of you(So tired of youTired of)And I"m just tired of you(So tired of you , tired of)And I"m just tired of you.
2023-07-12 16:47:591

Please tell me the truth

Please tell me the fact, Please tell me the real thing.He is one of the best students in the schoolI drinks coffee everyday.
2023-07-12 16:48:181

If You Only Knew 歌词

歌曲名:If You Only Knew歌手:Natalie专辑:Everything NewPlay-N-SkillzIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toMe call your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for youLike thisI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticThey saw you dancin" that pull us closerLookin" in your eyes, all I rather beBoy, I wanna know yaCome on and move a little bit with meI know you do like what you seeI know you want itCome on over and jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toMe call your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to you (like what)I like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for you (Play)Like thisPull out a whip let me see what it doIf I wanna play ya I"ll show you a moveYou can turn around, you can back it upDrop it like it"s hot, let your boy stack it upHere"s the young heffWe can freak all nightTake you to the crib, we can cut out the lightBlow a little leave we can keep it lowI do it so good I"ll make you sayI like the way you thing it, you know what you"re lookin" forFrom the way you move to your attitude Ooh, baby, you make me want you moreI know you"re feelin" on with what you seeIf you can"t wait to get along with meI know you want it, come on, boy, jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toMe call your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike thisHey little mama, play with a teaseIf you"re down to please, go down on mePlease believe, it"s not make-believeJust note from me I"m not the man to bePlayin" same shit like you downTake you to the crib with the whip to do it right nowEverything you"re tellin" me, I hope it"s trueGirl, I can"t wait to go home with youI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toMe call your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike this
2023-07-12 16:48:251

急需natalie的歌if you only knew

If you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for youLike thisI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticThey saw you dancin" that pull us closerLookin" in your eyes, all I rather beBoy, I wanna know yaCome on and move a little bit with meI know you do like what you seeI know you want itCome on over and jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with meThere"s things I wanna do to you (like what)I like the way you"re watchin" me now let me do a little dance for you (Play)Like thisPull out a whip let me see what it doIf I wanna play ya I"ll show you a moveYou can turn around, you can back it upDrop it like it"s hot, let your boy stack it upHere"s the young heffWe can freak all nightTake you to the crib, we can cut out the lightBlow a little leave we can keep it lowI do it so good I"ll make you sayI like the way you thing it, you know what you"re lookin" forFrom the way you move to your attitudeOoh, baby, you make me want you moreI know you"re feelin" on with what you seeIf you can"t wait to get along with meI know you want it, come on, boy, jump on itOn and onOn and onOn and onOn and onI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike thisHey little mama, play with a teaseIf you"re down to please, go down on mePlease believe, it"s not make-believeJust note from me I"m not the man to bePlayin" same shit like you downTake you to the crib with the whip to do it right nowEverything you"re tellin" me, I hope it"s trueGirl, I can"t wait to go home with youI"ll shake it for ya, babyI"ll turn around for yaI"ll take it low and pick it up and put this thing on yaI"ll do it so rightI"ll move it left to rightIt"s so good I"ll make you think about it automaticIf you only knew if I got you aloneAll the things I would do to youShow you all the things you"ve never seen beforeAll the things that you"re grillin" toLeave all your friends and come with me, there"s things I wanna do to youI like the way you"re watchin" me (uh huh, uh huh, hey, Skillz, come on)Now let me do a little dance for youLike this
2023-07-12 16:48:331

Lil Jon的《Killas》 歌词

Lil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - KillasHey Hey Hey, Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on mutha fuckas,Bring it on Mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin wit the killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fukin realist niggasLil Jon:Now what"s your mutha fuckin word, say somethingFuck around and get your goddamn ass whoopedNigga I feel like start some shit, and I might just snap to pissall the pussy-ass niggas like you, nigga fuck yaTake a 45 across the head go butcha (Yeah!!)Ya"ll pussy-ass niggas ain"t hard, stuff that ass like that nigga named martSawwed off shot gun hand on the pump, finga on the triggaready to duckGo mutha fuckas bye byewouldn"t make way, yeah niggas gon" dieThat"s why I never leave the tril wthout packing my gatStrap on my vest, put on my hat. Mutha fuckers I liedGettin laid out flat, let me show you how a real nigga actHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin WitYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasThe Game:It"s 3, The hard wayBlack Lambo, No passengersBlack Ski mask, Chain Saw MassacreKill fast wit the Ak-four 7(Blacka) Yellow Take the intersectionLoaded clips, Lock "em inGot a black four fiveCall it Pac"s revengeI"m a mutha fuckin animalLil Jon be canibalEvery nigga in Atlanta KnowI"m psycho inasne about my cash, nigga we open alpa trashAnd sentance with a life without rehabillitaionFuck up in a schortsi niggaIt"s my stamentDear Mr. President Barack Obama, Righ after you catch Osama, Tell Mr. WasoPlease let oprah know that I won"t ever stop sayin bitch and hoeHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou Fuckin with some killas you fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasIce Cube:Dirty Mutha fuckas tryina clean hip-hop, but it don"t stop, like L.A grip LockIf you did pop, your shit will stopClostamy bags, for all these bags, I don"t wanna hear that shitHue Heff"s a prince, Mesh Gwan"s a pimpI learned the word bitch from you, so why can"t a nigga get rich from youThese are English wordsScarred to be used by geeks and nerds,Mad cause I flip these verbs and pull that phantom away from the turnI think they jelous of the hood fellas,hot dogs make alota relishRemember a world withouthip-hop, Lord used to believe these bitch copsHey! Bring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckasBring it on mutha fuckaThey ain"t scarred of shitNow let me tell you mutha fuckas who you fuckin witYou fuckin with some killasyou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasYou fuckin with some killasYou fuckin with the mutha fuckin realist niggasEndLil Jon Ft. Ice Cube & The Game - Killas
2023-07-12 16:48:402


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主演:哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton....Roman Grant (13 episodes,2006-2007)金妮弗·古德温 Ginnifer Goodwin....Margene Heffman / ... (16 episodes,2006-2007)阿曼达·塞弗里德 Amanda Seyfried....Sarah Henrickson (13 episodes,2006-2007) 导演:Julian Farino....(3 episodes,2006-2007)麦克·勒曼 Michael Lehmann....(2 episodes,2006-2007)查尔斯·麦克道格尔 Charles McDougall....(2 episodes,2006)Alan Poul....(2 episodes,2006-2007)Michael Spiller....(2 episodes,2006)编剧:达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克 Dustin Lance Black....(8 episodes,2006-2007)Mark V. Olsen....(15 episodes,2006-2007)Will Scheffer....(15 episodes,2006-2007)Doug Stockstill....(unknown episodes)Eileen Myers....(7 episodes,2006-2007)Jeanette Collins....(3 episodes,2006-2007)Mimi Friedman....(3 episodes,2006-2007)
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