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2023-07-12 20:04:28
TAG: order er


1. 次序; 顺序2. 整齐; 有条理3. 治安, 秩序4. 命令, 嘱咐5. 订购, 订货; 订单6. 汇票7. 所订的货物;交付的订货 8. 点菜;所点的饮食菜肴9. 付款指令(或委托书);书面指令;汇票10. 秩序;结构11. 阶级;等级;阶层12. (生物分类的)目13. (按照一定的规范生活的)宗教团体;(尤指)修会14. (荣获国王、女王、总统等)授勋的人;勋位;勋爵士团15. 勋章;绶带16. (秘密)社团,集团,结社 17. 健康(或工作等)状况18. 常规,通例 19. 法则, (尤指)自然法则20. (会议、议会等的)程序, 规程vt.

1. 命令; 嘱咐2. 订购, 定制3. 整理; 布置4. 指挥;要求 5. 订购;订货;要求提供服务 6. (医生)开(处方),开(药);叮嘱(病人)7. (上帝、命运等)注定8. 【生物学】划归(动植物)的目vt. & vi.

1. 点(饭菜, 饮料等)vi.

1. 下命令,指挥


order number

[英][u02c8u0254:du0259 u02c8nu028cmbu0259][美][u02c8u0254rdu025a u02c8nu028cmbu025a]

序号; [计] 凭单编号; [经] 定单号,定单编号;


原子序; 顺序号; 序号定单号码;



For example, each node can contain a sequence number that makes it easy to sort nodes in their sequential document order, a frequent XSLT requirement.



n. 命令;秩序;规则,制度;次序 vt. 命令;订购;整理 vi. 下订单











n。1:顺序。in the order of 2:命令 obey(执行) the orderv。1 命令.order sb to do sth 2点菜 order the food 3为了(表目的)in order to do
2023-07-12 16:17:072


order发音:英[u02c8u0254u02d0du0259(r)],美[u02c8u0254u02d0rdu025a]。order,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“命令;顺序;规则;贸易订单”。作及物动词时意为“命令;整理;订购”。作不及物动词时意为“命令;订货”。示例Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大部分学校都很不愿意为减少开支而裁员。We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile.我们必须抛弃那种认为要想活得有价值就得始终取悦他人的想法。In order for their computers to trace a person"s records, they need both the name and address of the individual.在他们的电脑上查询个人记录,需要提供被查询人的姓名和地址。
2023-07-12 16:17:291


意思是:命令;顺序。英 ['u0254:du0259(r)]释义:n 命令;顺序;规则;订单;(生物学)目vt 命令;整理;订购vi 命令;订货[ 复数 orders 第三人称单数 orders 现在分词 ordering 过去式 ordered 过去分词 ordered ]短语:NEW ORDER 新秩序 ; 新秩序合唱团 ; 新秩序乐队 ; 新订单扩展资料:重点词汇用法:n (名词)1、order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,是不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,是可数名词。2、order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。3、order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。4、order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是可数名词。
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book n.书; 卷; 课本; 账簿vt.& vi.预订vt.登记; (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预约; 立案(控告某人); 订立演出契约adj.书的; 账簿上的; 得之(或来自)书本的; 按照(或依据)书本的例句:1. The word for " book " is masculine in French. book 这个字在法语里是阳性词.2. His beautifully illustrated book well attested his love of the university. 他那本带有精美插图的书见证了他对大学的热爱。3. A journalist all his life, he"s now brought out a book. 他当了一辈子新闻记者,如今已出了一本书。ordern.命令; 秩序; 规则,制度; 次序vt.命令; 订购; 整理vi.下订单例句:1. The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill. 侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。2. Someone comes in every day to check all is in order. 每天都有人来检查是否一切都井然有序。organizev.组织; 安排; 规划; 建立组织例句:1. In the end, we all decided to organize a concert for Easter. 最终,我们一致决定组织一场复活节音乐会。2. It"s the first time farmers have decided to organize. 这是农场主首次决定组织起来。在动词方面book作为动词表示:订,预订(旅馆房间、票等)order作为动词表示:点餐organize作为动词:组织(活动)应该说没有相似之处,只要记住就可以
2023-07-12 16:21:322

Order 和wield 的区别?

①order的意思比较浅,就是上级对下级、长辈对晚辈等的命令,用法较普遍、简单。②wield就比较正式了,而且用的少,这么用:wield power/influence/authority 拥有并使用权力/影响/权威等。 用的正式、官方、等级高。例如: The Church wields immense power in Ireland. 在爱尔兰,教会操纵着大权。普通的上下级、长晚辈还是用order表示命令比较好。
2023-07-12 16:21:552


older? younger
2023-07-12 16:22:127


给你简单解释一下:都可以做订购讲,但book常指口头预定,而order尤指书面下定单,较正式。--------------------------------------------*book:预订:事先安排(如票或住宿等);预订约定:雇佣或约定,如:The manager booked a magic show for Saturday night.那个经理预定了一场星期六晚上的魔术表演*order:1.定购;定货单,定货2.下订单:下订单(一张或数张);要求供应或制作某to collect an order提取定货I"ll have an order of fish.我要一客鱼。 望采纳!!!!
2023-07-12 16:22:451

order是什么意思 解释order一词的含义?

2023-07-12 16:23:181


  英语中order的一些用法特点与其语法规律何在?下面是我给大家整理的英语语法order的用法,供大家参阅!   order的英语用法特点与语法规律   1. 表示“命令”“吩咐”,可用作动词或名词;注意相应的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等用虚拟语气(should+v.)。如:   He ordered that the goods should be sent by air. 他命令货物得空运。   His order is that all the soldiers should start at once. 他的命令就是所有的士兵马上出发。   He gave orders that the work should be started immediately. 他发出指示要立即开始工作。   后接宾语从句时有时可以换成不定式或过去分词的复合结构。如:   老板吩咐这工作必须按时完成。   正:The boss ordered the work (to be) finished in time.   正:The boss ordered that the work (should) be finished in time.   2. 表示“订购”,也可用作动作和名词,注意以下常用句型:   我向这家工厂定购了500双鞋。   正:They ordered 500 pairs of shoes from the factory.   正:They placed an order for 500 pairs of shoes with the factory.   3. 表示“点菜”,也可用作名词(可数)或动词(及物)。如:   May I have your order, please? 请问你要点什么菜?   What shall I order for you? Steak or fish? 我给你叫什么菜? 是牛排还是鱼?   4. 表示“顺序”“秩序”“整齐”,只用作名词(不可数),注意以下常见搭配:in order(按序,整齐),in good (bad) order (有 / 无条理),keep order(维持秩序),out of order(坏了,不运转),in order of size (date, time)(按大小、年代、时间顺序排列),等。   5. 比较 in order to与in order that:两者都表示目的,但前者后接动词原形,后者后接句子。如:   She learnt typing in order to help her husband with his work. 她学习打字是为了帮助她丈夫工作。   I bought a new car in order that my wife might learn to drive. 我买了一辆新车,以便我妻子学习驾驶。   注意,in order to do sth 的否定式是in order not to do sth,而不是not in order to do sth。如:   They must have worn gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. 他们一定戴上了手套,以防留下指纹。   如果主句与从句主语相同,in order to 与 in order that 通常可以互换。如:   我观察他,是要更多地了解他。   正:I watched him in order to know more about him.   正:I watched him in order that I could know more about him.   如果主句与从句主语不相同,in order to与in order that有时也可以互换,但要注意在in order后接for sb to do sth。如:   我马上告诉他这个消息,以使他安心。   正:I told him the news instantly in order that he might ease his mind.   正:I told him the news instantly in order for him to ease his mind.   英语语法之Order、book和reserve的不同   如果同学们查英汉词典会发现,这三个单词在某一个意思上有惊人的相似之处,那就是“预定”。但是,它们尽管惊人的相似,但是它们还是有细微的差别的。究竟它们细微的差别在哪呢?下面,我就带大家听听专业英语老师是怎样分析这个英语语法的。   1.book表示“预定”的用法   (1)to arrange with a hotel ,restaurant,theatre,etc. to have a room ,table,seat,etc. on a particular date. (向旅馆、饭店、戏院等)预定、预约。   (2)to arrange for sb to have a seat on a plane etc.(给某人)预定飞机等座位。   2、Order表示“订购”的用法   (1) to ask for goods to be made or supplied ;to ask for a service to be provided. 订购、订货;要求提供服务   用法: order sth for sb ; order (sb)sth   例句:Shall I order a taxi for you ? 要我给你叫辆出租车吗?   (2)to ask for sth to eat or drink in a restaurant or bar.点酒菜   例句:I ordered a beer and a sandwich .我要了一杯啤酒,一个三明治。   3、reserve表示“预定”的用法   (1)to ask for a seat ,table,room ,etc. to be available for you or sb else at a future time预定、预约(座位、席位、房间等)   例句:I"d like to reserve a table for three for eight o"clock.   我想预定八点钟供三人用餐的桌位。   (2) to keep sth for sb / sth ,so that it cannot be used by any other person or for any other person .保留、贮备。   用法:reserve sth for sb   例句:These seats are reserved for special guests .这些座位是留给贵宾的。   英语propose用法都有哪些   在英语的道路上很多人都吃过苦,对于英语很多人都不知道如何是好。那么propose用法都有哪些呢?很多学生还不是太清楚。对于英语的用法我们需要了解非常多,只有更好的了解这些词语的用法,才可以取得更好的成绩。为了自己取得更好的成绩,大家一定要更好的学习。   Propose是英语中常用的一个词汇,在英文词典中,主要的意思是:提议,建议;打算,计划;推荐,提名;求婚。总结了propose用法。   我们首先来看几个有关Propose的例句。   (1)We proposed to start early.   我们建议早一点出发   Propose的主要的近义词是:suggest。   (2)Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.   牛顿提出天体和地球的运动可以用万有引力来解释。   使用suggest的用法及使用错点   错点一 误用不定式作宾语   要表示汉语的“建议做某事”,英语通常用 suggest doing sth,而不能用 suggest to do sth。如:   他建议坐飞机去,可我认为这样花费太大。   正:He suggested going by plane, but I thought it would cost too much.   误:He suggested to go by plane, but I thought it would cost too much.   汤姆建议把房子卖了,但是安表示反对。   正:Tom suggested selling the house but Ann was against it.   正:Tom suggested to sell the house but Ann was against it.   错点二 误接不定式的复合结构作宾语   汉语通常说“建议某人做某事”,但英语习惯上不能说 suggest sb to do sth,而说suggest sbu2019s [sb]doing   sth。也就是说,suggest 后不仅不接不定式,而且也不接不定式的复合结构。如:   他建议我们早点动身。   正:He suggested that we leave earlier.   误:He suggested us to leave earlier.   当然,我们也可以用后接 that 从句的形式来表达此意思(注意谓语用 “should+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式)。如:   I suggest that we (should) have lunch right now. 我建议我们现在就吃午饭。   He suggests that we should all go to see the film. 他建议我们都去看电影。   比较以下同义表达:   他建议他们在没有听到事实真相之前什么都别说。   正:He suggested (should) not saying anything till they heard the facts.   正:He suggested saying nothing about it till they heard the facts.   正:He suggested that they shouldnu2019t say anything till they heard the facts.   错点三 混用其后宾语从句的语气   suggest 后接宾语从句时,从谓语既可用陈述语气,也可用虚拟语气,其区别与 suggest所表示的意思有关:   1. 若suggest 表示“建议”,则其后接的 that 从句谓语通常用“(should)+动词原形”这样的虚拟语气形式。如:   I suggested that she should go home. 我建议她回家去。   She suggested that I (should) be the leader. 她提议由我来做领导人。   
2023-07-12 16:23:271


order用作动词时的基本意思是“命令”“建立秩序”,即命令某人去某地或做某事,引申可表示为“整理”“布置”,即消除不和谐与混乱,或接受严格的纪律、秩序。order是及物动词,接名词、代词、虚拟的that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语,还可接形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词等。 扩展资料   例句:   The sergeant snapped out an order。   中士厉声下达命令。   We had reversed the running order。   我们已经颠倒了播出顺序。   She barked out an order。   她厉声宣布命令。   Troops were sent in to restore order。   部队被派去恢复秩序。
2023-07-12 16:23:341


order 英[u02c8u0254:du0259(r)] 美[u02c8u0254:rdu0259(r)] n. 秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度; vt. 命令; 订购; 整理; vi. 下订单; [例句]Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大部分学校都很不愿意为减少开支而裁员。[其他] 第三人称单数:orders 复数:orders 现在分词:ordering 过去式:ordered过去分词:ordered
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n. 顺序;条理;订单;命令;秩序;阶层州橘;[生]目;点的东西;v. 命令;定购;调整;整理;点餐;预定,订货order的用法1、读音英 ["u0254u02d0du0259(r)]; 美 ["u0254u02d0rdu0259r]2、例句1)用作名词 (n.)Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in class.有些老师觉得维持课堂秩序不容易。2)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.They ordered general strike after the failure of the talks.谈判失败之后,他们下令举行总罢工。3、短语by order of 奉…之命,根据…指示,按照…规定on order 遵照命令让余under orders 奉命in order of 按…的顺序请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)
2023-07-12 16:24:351


order: 英 [ˈɔːdə(r)] (奥德) 美 [ˈɔːrdər]1,n.顺序;次序;条理;治安;秩序;规矩;指示;订货;所订的货物;点菜;付款指令(或委托书);阶级;(生物分类的)目;宗教团体;授勋的人;勋章;(秘密)社团,集团,结社2,v.命令;指挥;要求;订购;订货;要求提供服务;点(酒菜等);知识点:1,第三人称单数: orders2,复数: orders3,现在分词: ordering4,过去式: ordered5,过去分词: ordered中心:1、order“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,是不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,是可数名词。2、order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。3、order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。4、order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是可数名词。5、peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。6、in order可作“有条有理”“整齐”“情况正常”解,在句中作表语或补语。out of order的意思是“(机器)坏了”“(身体)有病了”“不妥当”“违反会议规程”等。7. in order to do 表示为了去做 order that/for 连词
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order发音:英[u02c8u0254u02d0du0259(r)],美[u02c8u0254u02d0rdu025a]。order,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“命令;顺序;规则;贸易订单”。作及物动词时意为“命令;整理;订购”。作不及物动词时意为“命令;订货”。示例Most schools are extremely unwilling to cut down on staff in order to cut costs.大部分学校都很不愿意为减少开支而裁员。We need to get rid of the idea that we must be liked all the time in order to be worthwhile.我们必须抛弃那种认为要想活得有价值就得始终取悦他人的想法。In order for their computers to trace a person"s records, they need both the name and address of the individual.在他们的电脑上查询个人记录,需要提供被查询人的姓名和地址。
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order的简明释义:n. 命令,指示;顺序,次序;井然有序,整齐;正常工作状况;秩序,治安;(社会的)制度,结构;社会阶级;v. 命令,指示;就……下令;订购,订货;(为某人)叫出租车;点(菜),点(饮料);排列,整理;例句:Troops were sent in to restore order.部队被派去恢复秩序。The old social order was gone forever.旧的社会秩序一去不复返了。Each order is coded separately.每个订单都单独编码。
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order的用法如下:1.order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,只用作可数名词。2.order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。3.order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。4.peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。 order可作“有条有理”“整齐”“情况正常”解,在句中作表语或补语。out of order的意思是“(机器)坏了”“(身体)有病了”“不妥当”“违反会议规程”等。 order to的意思是“以…为目的”,在句中作状语,后接动词原形; 而in order that的意思是“以便”“以至于”,在句中引导状语从句。7.order用作动词时的基本意思是“命令”“建立秩序”,即命令某人去某地或做某事,引申可表示为“整理”“布置”,即消除不和谐与混乱,或接受严格的纪律、秩序。order还可表示“签订订单”“订购”“预订用餐”等。8.order既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、虚拟的that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语,还可接形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词、动词不定式、that从句作补足语的复合宾语。order所接的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式,美式英语中should可省略。
2023-07-12 16:26:471


关于order的搭配和用法如下:order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,只用作可数名词。order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。in order可作“有条有理”“整齐”“情况正常”解,在句中作表语或补语。out of order的意思是“(机器)坏了”“(身体)有病了”“不妥当”“违反会议规程”等。in order to的意思是“以…为目的”,在句中作状语,后接动词原形; 而in order that的意思是“以便”“以至于”,在句中引导状语从句。
2023-07-12 16:27:061

order 和 menu怎么区别?

点,in order to 为了菜单,单子
2023-07-12 16:27:2710

order 用于虚拟语气是后面的should可省略吗

  1.在表示建议,要求,命令,想法的动词后的从句里,用should + 动词原形,should 可以省略.如 advise,agree,command,decide,demand,determine,grant,indicate,insist,order,prefer,propose,request,require,stipulate,suggest,urge,vote. 常考到的是:suggest,advise,demand,require,propose,insist,order,request.  His doctor suggested that he (should) take short leave of absence.  The author proposed that TV (should) be turned off at least one hour every day.  2. 在表示建议,要求,命令,想法的名词后的从句里,用should + 动词原形,should可以省略.如 advice,decision,agreement,command,decree,demand,determination,indication,insistence,order,preference,proposal,request,requirement,stipulation etc.  It was Bill"s suggestion that everyone (should) have a map.  His suggestion was that everyone (should) have a map.  He gave us a suggestion that everyone (should) have a map.  3. 在It is/was +形容词后的that 从句中用should的结构,should 可以省略.这类形容词常见的有:advisable,anxious,compulsory,crucial,desirable,eager,essential,fitting,imperative(绝对必要),impossible,improper,important,natural,necessary,obligatory,possible,preferable,probable,recommended,urgent,vital etc.  It‘s natural that she (should) do so.  It is essential that we (should) tell her the news.  4.在 lest 和 for fear that(以免),in case(以防)从句中用should,should 可以省略.  She walked quietly lest she (should) wake up her roommates.  Have your gun ready in case we should need it.
2023-07-12 16:27:492


order英语简介如下:order,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“命令;顺序;规则;贸易订单”。作及物动词时意为“命令;整理;订购;点(食物,菜品等)”,作不及物动词时意为“命令;订货”。用法:1、order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,只用作可数名词。2、order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。3、order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。4、order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。5、peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。短语搭配:delivery order提货单 ;[贸易]交货单 ; 出货单 ; 交割单limit order限价盘 ; 限价指令 ; 限价委托payment order付款单 ;[金融]付款通知 ; 支付令 ; 支付通知书order picking拣选 ; 指令拣选 ; 挑撰 ; 订单拣货
2023-07-12 16:27:551


order的用法如下:1、order作“次序、顺序”“治安、秩序”“整齐、有条理”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。作“订购、订货”“命令、嘱咐”“汇票、汇单”解时,只用作可数名词。2、order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。3、order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。4、order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。5、peace and order的意思是“和平和秩序”,指的是“治安情况”。在与no连用时表示“治安情况极差”。6、in order可作“有条有理”“整齐”“情况正常”解,在句中作表语或补语。out of order的意思是“(机器)坏了”“(身体)有病了”“不妥当”“违反会议规程”等。7、in order to的意思是“以…为目的”,在句中作状语,后接动词原形; 而in order that的意思是“以便”“以至于”,在句中引导状语从句。
2023-07-12 16:28:521


大家知道 order这个单词吗?其实 order在英语中是比较常见的一个单词,也是容易混淆的知识点之一,那么order的用法有哪些?下面是我给大家带来的order的用法及解释_order的用法和例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! order的解释 n. 命令;秩序;规则,制度;次序 vt. 命令;订购;整理; vi. 下订单; order的用法 1. 表示“命令”“吩咐”,可用作动词或名词;注意相应的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等用虚拟语气(should+v.)。如: He ordered that the goods should be sent by air. 他命令货物得空运。 His order is that all the soldiers should start at once. 他的命令就是所有的士兵马上出发。 He gave orders that the work should be started immediately. 他发出指示要立即开始工作。 后接宾语从句时有时可以换成不定式或过去分词的复合结构。如: 老板吩咐这工作必须按时完成。 正:The boss ordered the work (to be) finished in time. 正:The boss ordered that the work (should) be finished in time. 2. 表示“订购”,也可用作动作和名词,注意以下常用句型: 我向这家工厂定购了500双鞋。 正:They ordered 500 pairs of shoes from the factory. 正:They placed an order for 500 pairs of shoes with the factory. 3. 表示“点菜”,也可用作名词(可数)或动词(及物)。如: May I have your order, please? 请问你要点什么菜? What shall I order for you? Steak or fish? 我给你叫什么菜? 是牛排还是鱼? 4. 表示“顺序”“秩序”“整齐”,只用作名词(不可数),注意以下常见搭配:in order(按序,整齐),in good (bad) order (有 / 无条理),keep order(维持秩序),out of order(坏了,不运转),in order of size (date, time)(按大小、年代、时间顺序排列),等。 5. 比较 in order to与in order that:两者都表示目的,但前者后接动词原形,后者后接 句子 。如: She learnt typing in order to help her husband with his work. 她学习打字是为了帮助她丈夫工作。 I bought a new car in order that my wife might learn to drive. 我买了一辆新车,以便我妻子学习驾驶。 注意,in order to do sth 的否定式是in order not to do sth,而不是not in order to do sth。如: They must have worn gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. 他们一定戴上了手套,以防留下指纹。 如果主句与从句主语相同,in order to 与 in order that 通常可以互换。如: 我观察他,是要更多地了解他。 正:I watched him in order to know more about him. 正:I watched him in order that I could know more about him. 如果主句与从句主语不相同,in order to与in order that有时也可以互换,但要注意在in order后接for sb to do sth。如: 我马上告诉他这个消息,以使他安心。 正:I told him the news instantly in order that he might ease his mind. 正:I told him the news instantly in order for him to ease his mind. order的例句 1. The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill. 侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。 2. Someone comes in every day to check all is in order. 每天都有人来检查是否一切都井然有序。 3. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris. 本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。 4. Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November. 去年11月,被派往这些岛屿以恢复秩序。 5. The highest Order of Knighthood is the Order of the Garter. 最高骑士勋位是嘉德勋位。 6. In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated. 为安全起见,该元件作了电绝缘处理。 order用法相关 文章 : ★ 关于order的用法及解释 ★ 关于order的用法及解释 ★ order的用法和短语例句 ★ order的使用方法与示例 ★ 英语语法order的用法 ★ order的过去式和用法例句 ★ 关于wish的用法及解释 ★ 关于choose的用法及解释 ★ propose的用法总结大全 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-07-12 16:30:221


order可用作名词,有“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”等含义。用作动词时的基本意思是“命令”“建立秩序”。 一.order用作名词 1.order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,是不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,是可数名词。 2.order的复数形式orders可指一条命令,可接动词不定式或that从句作定语,也可接that从句,中心谓语动词要用虚拟式。 3.order在表示“勋章”时,要带定冠词the,order的第一个字母要大写,其后接of。 4.order作“…级”“种类”“方式”等解时是可数名词。 The house had been kept in good order. 房子保持得井井有条。 He gave his order to the waiter. 他把他点的东西告诉服务员了。 二.order用作动词 1.order用作动词时的基本意思是“命令”“建立秩序”,即命令某人去某地或做某事,引申可表示为“整理”“布置”,即消除不和谐与混乱,或接受严格的纪律、秩序。order还可表示“签订订单”“订购”“预订用餐”等。 2.order是及物动词,接名词、代词、虚拟的that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语,还可接形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词、动词不定式、that从句作补足语的复合宾语。 3.order所接的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式,美式英语中should可省略。 I must have time to order my thoughts. 我得找时间调整一下思路。 I"ve ordered egg and chips for you. 我给你点了鸡蛋和炸土豆条。
2023-07-12 16:31:051


order的中文意思:命令,顺序,规则,订单,订货order的短语1、inorder 整齐,秩序井然;按顺序;状况良好2、orderof 约为,大约;订货;注尺寸顺序3、secondorder adj.二级的,二阶的4、firstorder 一阶;初指令;第一级5、socialorder 社会秩序6、marketorder [经]市场定购单7、oftheorderof 大约;达到…的程度8、onorder 在定购中(已定而尚未交货的)9、publicorder 公共秩序;社会治安10、highorder adj.高阶的;高位的11、putinorder 整理,检修扩展资料一、词汇解析order英["u0254u02d0du0259];美["u0254rdu025a]n.命令;顺序;规则vt.命令;整理;订购vi.命令;订货例:Mostschoolsareextremelyunwillingtocutdownonstaffinordertocutcosts.大多数学校都极不愿意为了减少开支而裁员。例:Weneedtogetridoftheideathatwemustbelikedallthetimeinordertobeworthwhile.我们需要摆脱那种必须一直受人爱戴才有价值的观念。二、order的用法1、order用作动词时的基本意思是“命令”“建立秩序”,即命令某人去某地或做某事,引申可表示为“整理”“布置”,即消除不和谐与混乱,或接受严格的纪律、秩序。2、order可表示“签订订单”“订购”“预订用餐”等。3、order是及物动词,接名词、代词、虚拟的that从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语,还可接形容词、副词、介词短语、过去分词、动词不定式、that从句作补足语的复合宾语。4、order所接的宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式,美式英语中should可省略。5、order作名词,在有些句子中要用复数形式orders。
2023-07-12 16:31:275


order的读音是:英["??d?(r)]。order的读音是:英["??d?(r)]。order的词语用法是n.(名词)order作“次序,顺序”“治安,秩序”“整齐,有条理”解时,是不可数名词。作“订购,订货”“命令,嘱咐”“汇票,汇单”解时,是可数名词。order名词:orderer;过去式:ordered;过去分词:ordered;现在分词:ordering;第三人称单数:orders。一、详尽释义点此查看order的详细内容n.(名词)秩序,整齐次序,顺序命令,指示治安教团勋章状况订购,订货勋爵士团汇票等级,阶级,阶层结社良好的状况,条理v.(动词)命令,吩咐,嘱咐整理,调整,整顿订购,购,要求供应,订货指挥布置,安排叫,点,点菜处, 处理建立(秩序)处(方)下令,指挥定制,要求要求提供服务二、双解释义n.(名词)[U]次序,顺序 the special way in which a group of people, object, etc.; sequence[C]订购,订货 a request to supply goods[U]治安,秩序 the condition in which laws and rules are obeyed[C]命令,嘱咐 a command of direction, given by a person who has the right to command[U]整齐,有条理 the state in which things are carefully arranged in their proper place; neatness[C]汇票,汇单 a written or printed paper which allows the holder to do sthv.(动词)vt. 命令; 嘱咐 tell sb what to do, that sth must be donevt. 订购 ask for sth to be brought, made, etc.vt. 整理,布置 put sth in order; arrangevt. 叫(饭菜,饮料等) request sb to bring (food,drink,etc.) in a hotel,restaurant三、英英释义Noun:(often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed;"the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"a degree in a continuum of size or quantity;"it was on the order of a mile""an explosion of a low order of magnitude"established customary state (especially of society);"order ruled in the streets""law and order"logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements;"we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"a condition of regular or proper arrangement;"he put his desk in order""the machine is now in working order"a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge);"a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities;"IBM received an order for a hundred computers"a formal association of people with similar interests;"he joined a golf club""they formed a small lunch society""men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"a body of rules followed by an assembly(usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy;"theologians still disagree over whether `bishop" should or should not be a separate Order"a group of person living under a religious rule;"the order of Saint Benedict"(biology) taxonomic group containing one or more familiesa request for something to be made, supplied, or served;"I gave the waiter my order""the company"s products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle"(architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romansthe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement;"there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"Verb:give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority;"I said to him to go home""She ordered him to do the shopping""The mother told the child to get dressed"make a request for something;"Order me some flowers""order a work stoppage"issue commands or orders forbring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations;"We cannot regulate the way people dress""This town likes to regulate"bring order to or into;"Order these files"place in a certain order;"order the photos chronologically"appoint to a clerical posts;"he was ordained in the Church"arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events;"arrange my schedule""set up one"s life""I put these memories with those of bygone times"assign a rank or rating to;"how would you rank these students?""The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"四、例句Today we"ll reverse the usual order of the lesson.今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。The house had been kept in good order.房子保持得井井有条。An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.该项命令敦促武装部队提高警惕。Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。The social order of ants is very interesting.蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.蔷薇和豆类属于同一种类。He gave his order to the waiter.他把他点的东西告诉服务员了。The commander ordered a counterattack.司令官命令反攻。He ordered three new suits for himeself.他给自己定购了三套西装。I must have time to order my thoughts.我得找时间调整一下思路。I"ve ordered egg and chips for you.我给你点了鸡蛋和炸土豆条。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~accept an order接受订单close an order接受订单decline an order拒接订单draw an order写订货单fill an order供应订货,填订货单,交付订货get an order得到订货(单)give an order订购,下订单hold up an order暂停执行订单(暂不履行交货)make out an order写订货单place an order订购put in an order订购receive order收到订单refuse an order拒接订单take an order接受订货turn down an order拒接订单write out an order写订货单await order待命carry out order执行命令disobey order不服从命令give an order发布命令,下命令obey order服从命令shout one"s order大声发布命令sign an order签署命令take order接受命令break up order破坏秩序bring about order使得有秩序destroy order破坏秩序establish order建立秩序keep order维持秩序,保持整齐maintain order维护秩序形容词+~additional order追加订货large order大批订货rush order加急订货special order特殊订货standing order长期订单strong order大批订货tall order大批订货certain order一定的(字母,年代)顺序bad order很不整齐,状况不正常good order整齐,状况正常historical order历史顺序new order新秩序old order旧秩序proper order正确的顺序public order社会秩序regular order顺次,按次序right order次序正确social order社会秩序usual order通常的顺序secret order秘密命令名词+~advance order进军命令government order政府命令buying order订购单cable order电报订货mail order邮购(订单)shipping order装货单,装货通知单side order(餐厅内)在主菜之外另外加点的菜~+名词order book订货簿order form订货单~+后置定语an order to start for India赴印度的命令介词+~by order of奉…之命,根据…指示,按照…规定on order遵照命令under orders奉命in order of按…的顺序in order to为了,以便in short order立刻,马上out of order紊乱,出毛病~+介词order for coal煤炭的订单order from sb某人的订单order in one"s class教室秩序order in the city城市秩序order of age按年龄次序order of arrival按抵达的顺序order of doctor遵医嘱order of importance按重要性的顺序用作动词 (v.)~+名词order a copy订购一本order a meeting安排开会order a picnic安排郊游order a reception for the visitor安排接见客人order a settlement安排好一种方案order a taxi订出租汽车order an advance下令前进order an examination安排检查order breakfast订早餐order cards把卡片排列好order everything安排好一切order holidays安排度假order lunch要午饭order one"s business affairs安排好业务order precautionary measures命令采取预防措施order silence下令保持安静order some fish要些鱼order strike下令罢工order the confiscation and destruction命令没收和销毁~+副词order beforehand事先准备order admirably极好地整理〔布置〕order alphabetically按字母顺序地安排order amicably友好地安排order artistically富有艺术创造力地安排order becomingly适当地整理〔布置〕order carefully小心地整理〔布置〕order cleverly巧妙地整理〔布置〕order clumsily拙劣地整理〔布置〕order complexly复杂地整理〔布置〕order confidentially机密地整理〔布置〕order crudely粗俗地整理〔布置〕order delicately灵敏地整理〔布置〕order efficiently有效地整理〔布置〕order elaborately详尽地整理〔布置〕order exquisitely精美地整理〔布置〕order felicitously恰当地整理〔布置〕order finally最后地整理〔布置〕order geographically依据地形整理〔布置〕order harmoniously和谐地整理〔布置〕order hideously令人惊骇地整理〔布置〕order ideally完美地整理〔布置〕order immediately立即整理〔布置〕order mechanically习惯性地整理〔布置〕order methodically有条理地整理〔布置〕order neatly巧妙地整理〔布置〕order obviously显而易见地整理〔布置〕order ostensibly表面上地整理〔布置〕order painfully痛苦地整理〔布置〕order previously事先整理〔布置〕order satisfactorily满意地整理〔布置〕order sensibly合理地整理〔布置〕order specially专门整理〔布置〕order systematically有规律地整理〔布置〕order tastefully布置得很高雅order temptingly诱人地整理〔布置〕order very tidily布置得非常整洁order about对(某人)发号施令order around对(某人)发号施令order away命令…走开order sb in命令某人进入order off勒令…离开order out下令出动,命令离去order out the riot police出动防暴警察order up下令把…调往前线~+介词order sth for sb为某人订购某物order from从…处订购order sth from abroad从国外订购某物order from an English firm从英国商行订购order sb to bed命令某人去睡觉六、经典引文In the third order Principates..Next them Arch-Angels.出自:T. HeywoodOrdering her hair, some coils of which had been loosened.出自:W. D. Howells七、词义辨析n.(名词)order, class, rank这组词都可表示“集团”或“派别”的划分,“身份地位”或“等级”的“差别”。其区别在于:1.rank一般指一个可以确定的“等级”,尤指“头衔”等; order指在社会中的某个阶层或某个结合紧密的社会性或职业性团体,尤指基督教某个等级的教士或团体; class主要指社会中持有同一个目的的一个社会阶层。例如:Even middle-class consumers in the U.S. are beginning to kick at the runaway prices.连美国中产阶级的消费者也开始对飞涨的物价表示不满。He gained the rank of Colonel.他获得了上校军衔。He is a member of the Order of the Garter.他是获得嘉德勋位的爵士社团中的一员。2.class还可指按经济地位、职能或按人们所具有的某些共同特征所做的划分。例如:This ticket doesn"t entitle you to travel first class.凭这张车票,你不能坐头等车旅行。in order to, so as to两者都可表示“为了”。但in order to可置于句首,而so as to不可置于句首。试比较:In order to see me, she delayed a few hours.她为了能见到我,拖延了几个小时。He learns so as to become wise.他学习知识是为了变得聪明。in order that, so that这两个短语都可引导目的状语,且都是正式语体,但in order that比so that更正式。另外, in order that不与can, could连用,而so that则可以。还有, so that可引导结果状语从句,而 in order that则不可以。v.(动词)order sth from, order sth of两者都有“向…订购”的意思。它们的区别是:from后接人,店名、地名等均可; 而of后只可接人。试比较:I ordered it from〔of〕 a trader in Nanjing.这是我从南京一商人手中订购的。They ordered a large quantity of fertilizer from that company.他们从那家公司订购了大量的化肥。order, ask, beg, demand, request, require这组词的共同含义是“请求”。其区别是:1.从语气上看, beg最弱,有“恳求”的意味,如ask后仍达不到愿望,就要进一步beg了。例如:He begged me to excuse him.他乞求我原谅他。request表示较客气,是有礼貌、谦虚地“请求”。例如:Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits.请观众不要抚摸展品。ask的“请求”有时委婉,有时强烈。例如:The boy asked timidly if he might see the book.那男孩怯生生地问能否看一下这本书。He asked curtly for a cup of water.他粗声粗气地要一杯水喝。require语气较request强烈,但较demand缓和。例如:This plan requires secrecy.这计划要求保密。demand已是不折不扣的要求。例如:The guard demanded his business.警卫查问他来干什么。而order则比demand更强烈,丝毫不让步。例如:If you make any more noise,I shall order you out of the classroom.你如果再叫,我就命令你从教室里出去。2.从目的上看,这组词都表示要求对方满足自己的某种愿望, ask
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order怎么读 英语order怎么读

1、order英[u02c8u0254u02d0du0259(r)]美[u02c8u0254u02d0rdu0259r],n.顺序; 次序; 条理; 治安; 秩序; 规矩;v.命令; 指挥; 要求; 订购; 订货; 要求提供服务; 点(酒菜等)。 2、[例句]State your reasons in order of importance.按重要性顺序陈述你的理由。
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作“顺序”、“次序”。常用短语:in order of 按顺序。作“秩序”。常用短语:keep ... in order 使......有序。作“指示、命令”。by order of 奉…之命,根据…指示,按照…规定,on order 遵照命令 under orders 奉命。
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order 的用法

Order的用法一、名词order作“顺序”、“次序”、“整齐”、“秩序”解:1. The machine is in good working order. 机器运转良好。2. The four seasons follow in order. 四个季节依次轮换。3. Our laboratory is kept in good order. 我们的实验室保持整齐。(句中in good order为主语补语。)4. In case the device is out of order, you have to repair it at once. 如果该装置发生故障,你就得马上修理。5. N2, H2 and He, in the order named, are more difficult to liquefy than air. N2,H2和He比空气难于液化的程度按其顺序依次递增。6. A list of some of the common metals in the order of their activity is given below. 下面列出了某些金属按其活泼顺序排列的一个表格。二、名词order作“订货”、“订货单”、“数量级或范围”、“命令”解:1. The factory has received an order for 2,000 machine tools. 工厂受到了一张要买2,000 台机床的订货单。2. These machines are made to order. 这些机器是定做的。(to order指按照订货要求的样式而言。)3. The average diameter of an atomic nucleus is of the order 10 or 10 centimeter. 原子核平均直径在10(10的负12次方)或10(10的负13次方)厘米范围内。4. Maximum signal currents are of the order of 50 ma. 最大信号电流是在50毫安这个数量级。5. He gave orders for the work to be started. (=…orders that the work should be started.)他下令开始工作。三、用“in order+带to的不定式”表示目的状语:1. We are working hard (in order) to build socialism in China. 我们正在为中国建设社会主义而努力工作。2. In order to measure the resistance of a conductor, it is necessary to have some fixed standard. 为了测量导体的电阻,就要有某种固定的标准。3. They took off their shoes upon (on) entering, in order not to soil the mats. 他们进来时都脱鞋,免得弄脏地毯。4. In order to adjust the level, we may screw the bolt up or down. 我们上下拧动螺钉以调节该水平仪。注1:有时可省略in order,而直接用不定式表示目的状语:We have produced a lot of tractors (in order) to meet the needs of our agriculture.我们生产了许多拖拉机以满足我们农业的需要。(In order) To understand these uses, you must know some of the properties of oxygen.要了解这些用途,你必须知道氧的某些性质。注2:注意in order后面出现不定式的逻辑主义for…的情况:In order for two forces to neutralize each other, they must act on the same object.为了使两个力互相抵消,它们必须作用于同一物体上。注3:若用“on purpose+不定式”代替“in order +不定式”,则前者含有特地、故意意味而使目的的状语语气加强。例如:She has left this tool on purpose for you to use.她有意把这个工具留在这里让出使用。四、用“in order that”引导目的从句:1. What is needed in order that electrical charges may moves? 需要什么才能使电荷运动呢?2. In order that work can be done, in scientific sense, a force must move an object through some distance. 就科学意义来说,为了做功,力必须推动物体通过一定距离。3. You must knock down the machines before shipping in order that they shall arrive in good shape. 你们必须在装运前拆卸这些机器以使他们完整无损到达。4. The old worker, in order that there might be no time lost, oiled the machines himself. 为节省时间,老工人亲自给机器上油。注:在in order that引出的目的状语从句内,常用情态动词may,might,can,could,shall等。当目的的状语从句在句末时,还常可用so that或to the end that代替in order that。五、动词order作“定制”、“订购”、“命令”解:1. They have ordered 1,000 oil pumps from our factory.他们已向我厂订购1,000台油泵。2. The doctor ordered him to stay there.医生嘱咐他留在那里。(不定式短语to stay there作宾语补语)
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过去式是ordered。1、读音英 ["u0254u02d0du0259(r)]; 美 ["u0254u02d0rdu0259r]2、例句1)用作名词 (n.)Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in class.有些老师觉得维持课堂秩序不容易。2)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.They ordered general strike after the failure of the talks.谈判失败之后,他们下令举行总罢工。3、短语by order of 奉…之命,根据…指示,按照…规定on order 遵照命令under orders 奉命in order of 按…的顺序order,bid,command这些动词均含有“命令”之意。order普通用词,多指上级对下级,主人对仆人以及教师对学生等发出的命令,也指态度专横地命令他人。bid与order同义,但较正式,文学意味强,多指口头直接下的命令。command话意强,指正式下令,强调下令者的权威性,要求必须服从。
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熬得儿 ao de er
2023-07-12 16:33:472


order 表示“命令”“吩咐”,可用作动词或名词;注意相应的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等用虚拟语气; 后接宾语从句时有时可以换成不定式或过去分词的复合结构; 表示“点菜”,也可用作名词(可数)或动词(及物)。 扩展资料   order的用法例句   1. The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill.   侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。   2. Someone comes in every day to check all is in order.   每天都有人来检查是否一切都井然有序。   3. A point of order was raised in parliament by Mr Ben Morris.   本·莫里斯先生在议会就程序问题提出质询。   4. Troops were sent to the islands to restore order last November.   去年11月,军队被派往这些岛屿以恢复秩序。   5. The highest Order of Knighthood is the Order of the Garter.   最高骑士勋位是嘉德勋位。   6. In order to make it safe, the element is electrically insulated.   为安全起见,该元件作了电绝缘处理。
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  order有命令;定购等意思,order的过去式和过去分词都是ordered 。下面是我为你整理的order的过去式和过去分词,希望大家喜欢!   order的过去式和过去分词   过去式: ordered   过去分词: ordered   order的用法   用作名词   Today we"ll reverse the usual order of the lesson.   今天我们将把通常的上课顺序倒过来。   The house had been kept in good order.   房子保持得井井有条。   An extraordinarily large order bucked up all the staff.   一份特大订单使全体员工欢欣鼓舞。   The order urged the armed forces to enhance their alertness.   该项命令敦促武装部队提高警惕。   Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.   有些教师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。   The social order of ants is very interesting.   蚂蚁的社会结构非常有趣。   The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.   蔷薇和豆类属于同一种类。   He gave his order to the waiter.   他把他点的东西告诉服务员了。   用作动词   The commander ordered a counterattack.   司令官命令反攻。   He ordered three new suits for himeself.   他给自己定购了三套西装。   I must have time to order my thoughts.   我得找时间调整一下思路。   I"ve ordered egg and chips for you.   我给你点了鸡蛋和炸土豆条。   order的词汇搭配   用作名词 (n.)   动词+~   accept an order 接受订单   close an order 接受订单   decline an order 拒接订单   draw an order 写订货单   fill an order 供应订货,填订货单,交付订货   get an order 得到订货(单)   give an order 订购,下订单   hold up an order 暂停执行订单(暂不履行交货)   形容词+~   additional order 追加订货   large order 大批订货   rush order 加急订货   special order 特殊订货   standing order 长期订单   strong order 大批订货   tall order 大批订货   certain order 一定的(字母,年代)顺序   bad order 很不整齐,状况不正常   good order 整齐,状况正常   名词+~   advance order 进军命令   government order 政府命令   buying order 订购单   cable order 电报订货   mail order 邮购(订单)
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in order that So that. 为了 in order to For the purpose of. 为……的目的 in short order With no delay; quickly. 快的:迅速的;不延搁的 on order Requested but not yet delivered. 已定购但货尚未到 on the order of Of a kind or fashion similar to; like: 相象:在种类或样式上与…相似;象: a house on the order of a mountain lodge. 一所像山上小屋的房子 Approximately; about: 大约:约略;近: equipment costing on the order of a million dollars. 花费近百万美元的设备 to order According to the buyer"s specifications. 按照买方提出的标准
2023-07-12 16:34:251


因为输入不上只能音译,order(我的)音译名词 n. 1.顺序,次序[U]The names are in alphabetical order. 名字按字母顺序排列。 2.整齐,有条理[U]3.状况;良好的状况[U]Things were in terrible order. 情况一团糟。 4.秩序,治安;规律[U]The young teacher can"t keep order in her classroom. 那位年轻教师无法维持课堂秩序。 5.命令,指示[P1][+to-v][+(that)]He gave orders that the job be done in three days. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。 6.订购;订货[C][(+for)]The company received a large order for computers. 这家公司接到一份要求大量供应电脑的订单。 7.汇票,汇单[C]8.等级,阶层,界[P1]9.教团[C];神职[P]10.(常大写)勋爵士团;勋章[C]11.【军】队形,序列[U]12.【生】目[C]及物动词 vt. 1.命令;指挥[O2][+(that)]The mayor ordered that free food be distributed. 市长命令发放免费食品。 The judge ordered the prisoner (to be) transferred to the county jail. 法官命令将这囚犯转押县监狱。 He ordered her to go. 他命令她走。 2.定购;叫(菜或饮料)[O1][(+for)]Please order me a copy. 请给我定购一本。 3.整理;安排;布置4.(医生)嘱咐;处(方)不及物动词 vi. 1.下命令,指挥2.定购;点菜
2023-07-12 16:34:332

含order 的短语有哪些?

含order 的短语有很多。这里提供一部分供参考:accept an order接受订单acknowledge an order(卖方)确认订单acknowledgement of order订单确认;接受订单additional order追加定货administration order遗产管理令;行政管理命令alphabetical order字母顺序;字顺排列法amendment order修订令ascending order升序assembly order装配通知单back order延期交货;未付清订货balance order交纳股金通知bank money order银行汇票;银行汇款单;银行拨款单bank order[法]银行汇票batting order击球员上场顺序birth order出生(年月)序列blanket order总订单blanket purchase order一揽子采购合同bond order键级by order of奉…之命call to order正式宣布开会;请某人遵守会场秩序call off order分订单cancel an order取消定货captioned order标题所述订单cash order现金汇票;见票即付汇票cash with order定货付现,认购即付(缩写为CWO)cashier order银行本票charging order押记令check to order记名式支票cheque to order记名支票,认人支票;指定人支票;到期支票chronological order年月日次序;(事情发生或发展的)时间次序collection order托收委托书column major order按列顺序;以列为主的顺序comparison order比较指令confirm an order接受订单;确认订单confirmation of order订货承诺书;确认订单confiscation order没收令consignment order寄售单consent order同意令court order法院指令;法院命令
2023-07-12 16:34:401


用在指示提单中,Order B/L。 在提单正面“收货人”一栏内填上“凭指示”(To order)或“凭某人指示”(Order of……)字样的提单。
2023-07-12 16:34:471

hard disk

开机按del 进bios,选第二项advanced bios features ,找到 first boot sequence, 按回车,选择 hdd-0,f10保存退出。
2023-07-12 16:16:283


have a visit toon a visit
2023-07-12 16:16:305


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2023-07-12 16:16:314


感染者警戒_音_解Vocalize PlayeralsowarntankVocalize Warn TankVocalize PlayeralsowarnwitchVocalize Warn WitchVocalize PlayeralsowarnboomerVocalize Warn BoomerVocalize PlayeralsowarnsmokerVocalize Warn SmokerVocalize WarnSpitterIncomingVocalize Warn Spitter"s Noxious GlobVocalize PlayerHeardBoomerHeard BoomerVocalize PlayerHeardHunterHeard HunterVocalize PlayerHeardSmokerHeard SmokerVocalize PlayerHeardTankHeard TankVocalize WitchGettingAngryVocalize Witch Getting AngryVocalize PlayerGroundPoundedByTankVocalize Tank Kill Me!__物品_音_解Vocalize SmartLookVocalize Look! (Change By Pick)Vocalize PlayerSpotPistolTell Your Team You"ve Found PistolVocalize PlayerSpotShotgunTell Your Team You"ve Found ShotgunVocalize PlayerSpotOtherWeaponTell Your Team You"ve Found WeaponVocalize PlayerSpotAmmoTell Your Team You"ve Found AmmoVocalize PlayerAlertGiveItemVocalize Giving Your Teammate An Item使用物品_音_解Vocalize UseadrenalineVocalize Using AdrenalineVocalize RevivedByDefibrillatorRevived By DefibrillatorVocalize RevivedByDefibrillatorDelayedRevived By DefibrillatorVocalize EatPillsVocalize Eating PillsVocalize PlayerHealingAsk Teammate To Wait For You To HealVocalize HealingOtherAsk Teammate To Let You Heal ThemVocalize AlertGiveItemStopAlert Teammate To StopGive Item for him___音_解Vocalize PlayerLostCallVocalize Looking for TeammatesVocalize PlayerGoingToDieDeclaration of Death (Only works per-few minutes)Vocalize PlayerDeathDeath ScreamVocalize ReviveFriendDownRevive The Teammate From GroundVocalize ReviveFriendDownFinalEncourage Teammate After RevivingVocalize CallForRescueCall For RescueVocalize PLayerIncapacitatedLet Your Team Know You"re IncappedVocalize PLayerLedgeHangStartTell You"re Team You Have Fallen Off A LedgeVocalize PLayerLedgeHangMiddleVocalize You"re Getting Worried From HangingVocalize PlayerLedgeHangEndVocalize You"re About To Fall From The LedgeVocalize PlayerLedgeSaveVocalize Saving A Teammate From A LedgeVocalize LedgeSaveCriticalVocalize Saving A Teammate From A Critical Ledge HangVocalize PlayerChokeVocalize Grabbed By A SmokerVocalize PlayerVomitInFaceVocalize Being Vomitted OnVocalize SurvivorJockeyedVocalize Being Jockeyed By JockeyVocalize PlayerTonguePullStartVocalize Being Tongued By SmokerVocalize PlayerGrabbedByTonguethe same as PlayerTonguePullStartVocalize ChargerPoundVocalize Being Pounded By ChargerVocalize ScreamWhilePouncedVocalize Being Pounded By Hunter互__音_解Vocalize PlayerAskReadyAsk Team If They Are ReadyVocalize PlayerFollowMeAsk The Team To Follow YouVocalize PlayerFriendlyFireVocalize Reaction To Friendly-FireVocalize PlayerFriendlyFireInflictorVocalize Sorry by Friendly-FireVocalize PlayerHelpAsk For HelpVocalize PlayerHurrahVocalize Hurrah! (Encouragement)Vocalize PlayerHurryUpVocalize Let"s GoVocalize PlayerImWithYouSay You Agree / Are With Your TeamVocalize PlayerIncomingNotify Your Team A Horde Is ComingVocalize PlayerKillThatLightTell teammate To Turn Of Their FlashlightVocalize PlayerLaughVocalize LaughingVocalize PlayerLeadOnTell A Teammate To Take The LeadVocalize PlayerLookOutTell Your Team/Teammate To Watch Out!Vocalize PLayerMoveOnTell Your Team We Should Get MovingVocalize PlayerNiceJobVocalize Nice Job!Vocalize PlayerNiceShotVocalize Nice Shot! (Only works per-few minutes)Vocalize PlayerYesVocalize Yes!Vocalize PlayerNoVocalize No!Vocalize PlayerReloadingVocalize ReloadingVocalize PlayerReviveFriendVocalize Reviving A TeammateVocalize PlayerReviveFriendCriticalVocalize Reviving A Teammate From A Critical SituationVocalize PlayerSorryTell your Team/Teammate You"re Sorry!Vocalize PlayerStayTogetherTell Your Team To Stick TogetherVocalize PlayerTauntVocalize TauntingVocalize PlayerThanksSay Thank You!Vocalize PlayerThisWayTell Your Team Infected Go This WayVocalize PlayerWaithereVocalize Wait Here!Vocalize PlayerWarnCarefulVocalize Be CarefulVocalize PlayerWatchOutBehindTell Your Team Infected Are Coming From BehindVocalize PlayerYouAreWelcomeVocalize You"re WelcomeVocalize YouWelcomeVocalize More Casual you"re WelcomeVocalize CommentJockeyMention Hearing A Jockey (Only works per-few minutes)Vocalize PlayerYellRunVocalize Empathetic RunVocalize PlayerBackUpVocalize Back! Back! Back!Vocalize PlayerTransitionChat (Only works per-few minutes)Vocalize PlayerAnswerLostCallHoly Shit!Rochelle _情_音_解Vocalize C5M1_intro009There"s the bridge You sure they"re going to be there?Coach _情_音_解Vocalize C5M1_intro002Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother.Vocalize C5M1_intro005We"re almost home free, people.Vocalize C5M1_intro008Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge.Vocalize C5M1_intro010All right people, let"s get to that bridge.Vocalize C5M1Flyby03It means they haven"t abandoned New Orleans.Vocalize C5M2_signcontagious01It sure is.Vocalize C5M2Freeway01Allright, then, let"s follow itVocalize C5M3Bodies01[annoyed] How does bein" so right feel, Nick?Vocalize C5M3Bodies03I don"t know Shit! We gonna keep movin".Ellis _情_音_解Vocalize C5M1_intro002Thanks, brother!Vocalize WorldC502Horse3Who ain"t right in the head now?Vocalize C5M3Bodies01This is givin" me the creeps more than them zombies.Vocalize C5M3Bodies02People shootin" people, that Shit ain"t right, man.Nick _情_音_解Vocalize C5M1_intro006You mean that blurry line on the horizon? BlablablaVocalize C5M1_intro007Seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things.Vocalize C5M1Flyby02I got a bad feeling about thatVocalize C5M2Freeway01Let"s follow it.Vocalize C5M2Horse001Nice observation, Ellis.Vocalize C5M3Bodies02Somebody? Christ! Coach, you know who did this?Vocalize C5M3Bodies04[contemplative, to self] Not good.
2023-07-12 16:16:321

In face of difficult...

2023-07-12 16:16:251


接着率起义部队上井冈山,发动土地革命,创立第一个农村革命根据地。Then rate mutinous troops, Jinggangshan, launched agrarian revolution, the creation of a rural revolutionary base.井冈山作为中国第一个农村革命根据地,现在已成为全国重点风景名胜区之一。Jinggangshan Mountain as the First Rural Revolutionary Base of China has become one of the first scenic spots protected specially by the nation.在中国当代历史上,吉安创造了新的光荣,1927年,毛泽东、朱德等老一辈无产阶级革命家在这里创建了第一个农村革命根据地,锻造了"坚定信念、艰苦奋斗,实事求是、敢闯新路、依靠群众、勇于胜利"的井冈精神。Ji"an has new glories in the history of contemporary China. Mao Zedong, Zhu De and other older generation of proletarian revolutionaries have established the first revolutionary base in China in the year of 1927, which has formed Spirit of Jinggang - strong faith, hard working, seeking truth from facts, daring to take new roads, relying on the masses, having the courage to win.
2023-07-12 16:16:241


电脑键盘除了万能“Z”以外的都有自己的笔画代码。具体的五笔字根图为: 11、王旁青头戋(兼)五一12、土士二干十寸雨13、大犬三(羊)古石厂14、木丁西15、工戈草头右框七21、目具上止卜虎皮22、日早两竖与虫依23、口与川,字根稀24、田甲方框四车力25、山由贝,下框几31、禾竹一撇双人立,反文条头共三一32、白手看头三二斤33、月彡(衫)乃用家衣底34、人和八,三四里35、金勺缺点无尾鱼,犬旁留叉儿一点夕,氏无七(妻)41、言文方广在四一,高头一捺谁人去42、立辛两点六门疒43、水旁兴头小倒立44、火业头,四点米45、之字军盖道建底,摘礻(示)衤(衣)51、已半巳满不出己,左框折尸心和羽52、子耳了也框向上53、女刀九臼山朝西54、又巴马,丢矢矣55、慈母无心弓和匕,幼无力这些都可以在baidu查到的
2023-07-12 16:16:231

在win7上使用vnc viewer连接一台linux设置出现error,求解

linux 上 smb服务开启了吗
2023-07-12 16:16:204