barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 19:55:24
TAG: 演员
























  孙红雷 饰 顾小白

  黄磊 饰 罗书全

  王珞丹 饰 莫小闵

  隋俊波 饰 Amy

  汪俊 饰 左永邦

  张俪 饰 米琪

  王子文 饰 潇潇

  冯丹滢 饰 阿千

  王若心 饰 杨晶晶

  姚笛 饰 小雪

  俞飞鸿 饰 珊莉

  曾泳醍 饰 歪歪

  刘迪妮 饰 钟贞

  舒砚 饰 小秦

  杜江 饰 王楠

  山崎敬一 饰 左永邦老板

  苏小明 饰 小雪妈

  侣皓吉吉 饰 阿升

  巴图 饰 冠英

  王皓 饰 JACKY

  张铎 饰 艾文

  孙倩 饰 小兰

  王诺一 饰 小美

  徐志贺 饰 钱进

  任伟 饰 郑凯

  方小月 饰 周密

  袁新 饰 广告公司职员

  李婳 饰 友情出演

  周一围 饰 摄影师

  任重 饰 餐厅顾客

  张萌 饰 刘冰冰

  王妍苏 饰 顾小白前女友




孙红雷 饰 顾小白

黄磊 饰 罗书全

王珞丹 饰 莫小闵

隋俊波 饰 Amy

姚笛 饰 小雪

汪俊 饰 左永邦

张俪 饰 米琪

王子文 饰 潇潇

俞飞鸿 饰 珊莉

舒砚 饰 小秦

冯丹滢 饰 阿千

王若心 饰 杨晶晶

王皓 饰 JACKY

巴图 饰 冠英

王诺一 饰 小美

孙倩 饰 小兰


顾小白 ( 孙红雷 饰 ) ,罗书全 ( 黄磊 饰 ),左永邦 ( 汪俊 饰 ),小雪 ( 姚笛 饰 ),莫小闵 ( 王珞丹 饰 ),Amy ( 隋俊波 饰 ), 潇潇 ( 王子文 饰 ), 杨晶晶 ( 王若心 饰 ,)阿千 ( 冯丹滢 饰 )。


孙红雷 饰 顾小白

黄磊 饰 罗书全

王珞丹 饰 莫小闵

隋俊波 饰 Amy

姚笛 饰 小雪

汪俊 饰 左永邦

张俪 饰 米琪

王子文 饰 潇潇

俞飞鸿 饰 珊莉

舒砚 饰 小秦

冯丹滢 饰 阿千

王若心 饰 杨晶晶

王皓 饰 JACKY

巴图 饰 冠英

王诺一 饰 小美

孙倩 饰 小兰


孙红雷 顾小白

黄磊 罗书全

王珞丹 莫小闵

隋俊波 Amy

姚笛 小雪

汪俊 左永邦

张俪 米琪

王子文 潇潇

俞飞鸿 珊莉

舒砚 小秦

冯丹滢 阿千

王若心 杨晶晶


巴图 冠英

王诺一 小美

孙倩 小兰


演员 角色 孙红雷 顾小白 黄磊 罗书全 王珞丹 莫小闵 隋俊波 Amy 姚笛 小雪 汪俊 左永邦 张俪 米琪 王子文 潇潇 俞飞鸿 珊莉 舒砚 小秦 冯丹滢 阿千 王若心 杨晶晶 王皓 JACKY 巴图 冠英 王诺一 小美 孙倩 小兰







是戚薇演的 是不是唱的外滩18号的那个 以前可丑了 现在换发型了 好看多了




我想知道萧萧的那个小男朋友是谁饰演的? 我看的他怎么那么像海岩的儿子呢



2023-07-12 15:42:242


2023-07-12 15:42:343


2023-07-12 15:42:426


2023-07-12 15:42:572


know的读音是[nou028a]。词语意思:vi.了解;熟悉;确信。vt.知道;认识;懂得。相似词:Known:adj.已知的;知名的;大家知道的;v.知道(know的过去分词)。Knows:v.知道(know的第三人称单数形式)。now:adv.现在;如今;立刻;adj.现在的;n.现在;目前;conj.由于;既然。Snow:n.雪,积雪;下雪;vi.降雪;vt.使纷纷落下;使变白;n.(Snow)人名;(英)斯诺。Enow:adv.足够(量)地;相当,十分;真……(用于强调)(同enough);adj.足够(量)的(同enough)。英文词源:The words for‘know"in the various Indo-European languages mostly belong to one large many-branched family which goes back ultimately to the base*gn-,which also produced English can and ken.Its Latin offspring was nōscere,from which English gets cognition,incognito,note,quaint,etc.From its Greek branch come English agnostic and diagnosis.相关例句:1.I don"t know the answer to that question.我不知道那个问题的答案。2.Do you know where the nearest grocery store is?你知道最近的杂货店在哪里吗?3.She doesn"t know how to swim.她不会游泳。4.We need to know the deadline for this project.我们需要知道这个项目的截止日期。5.I know that he is a talented musician.我知道他是一个有才华的音乐家。
2023-07-12 15:43:041


collection。美 /k__lek_n/;英 /k__lek_n/。collectionn. 采集,聚集;[税收] 征收;收藏品;募捐。send round the hat募捐。make a purse做一个钱包ribution募捐。1你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?Would you like to contribute to our collection?2他们通过听众募捐筹集到了63万美元,之后就叫停了。hey raised $630,000 through listener donations, and then called it quits.3那篇布道文还不错——不过我一定要赶在募捐之前离开。Th" sermon was good enow—but I"m bound to get out afore th" collection.
2023-07-12 15:44:001


这个问题 有好几个原因:1:你的引物设计有没有问题?2:你用的taq 聚合酶有没有问题?3:你PCR 时的温度恰不恰当?( 不同的引物有时温度影响也不同,多做几个看看)一般出现这种情况,确定taq 聚合酶没有问题,引物设计没有问题的情况下,改变PCR 时的温度就可以了。
2023-07-12 15:44:192


2023-07-12 15:44:471


2023-07-12 15:45:031


一寸光阴一寸金 寸金难买寸光阴 明日复明日 明日何其多 我生待明日 万事成磋跎
2023-07-12 15:45:139


2023-07-12 15:45:407

英文诗歌赏析,一共有三首,每首要250字的英文赏析 还有名词解释,每个要50字,英文,全都是英文,谢谢啦

William Blake - London I wander through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, And mark in every face I meet Marks of weakness, marks of woe. In every cry of every man, In every infant"s cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear. How the chimney-sweeper"s cry Every blackening church appals; And the hapless soldier"s sigh Runs in blooddown palace walls. But most through midnight streets I hear How the youthful harlot"s curse Blasts the new-born infant"s tear, And blights with plagues the marriage hearse. William Blake"s poem “London”, first published in 1974, deals with the difficult and hard life in London at that time. He describes how dirty the streets and the Thames is and how the poor people suffer hopelessly and how they are in dire need of money.. He has created a dark atmosphere, that"s dull and tiring. In the poem the speaker wanders through the streets of London and comments on his observations. He sees despair in the faces of the people he meets and hears fear and repression in their voices. The woeful cry of the chimney-sweeper stands as a chastisement to the Church, and the bloodof a soldier stains the outer walls of the monarch"s residence. The nighttime holds nothing more promising: the cursing of prostitutes corrupts the newborn infant and sullies the "Marriage hearse." The main ideas in ‘London" that Blake is trying to put across are that London is a horrible, grotty place. He also suggests that the people in London live in fear and misery. The poem has four quatrains, with alternate lines rhyming. Repetition is the most striking formal feature of the poem, and it serves to emphasize the prevalence of the horrors the speaker describes. For example ‘every cry of every man". This suggests that everyone is upset and as a result of this they are crying and also the repetition of ‘every" really emphasises everyone of London. He also uses repetition of ‘every" to emphasise the idea that every man of London is suffering. The repetition may also symbolize the way in which things can be enforced into peoples minds, repeatedly doing things may cause them to become a habit. The language Blake has used in ‘London" is mainly negative, because he uses dark, gloomy adjectives, such as, ‘blackening". This suggests a dark, evil and corrupt scene. He does this to create a negative picture of London. Blake shows his disgust and hatred of the London he lived in. for example, he mentions the idea ‘Plague" for example, "Blights With Plagues the marriage-hearse". This suggests that even the happiest things, such as marriage are tarnished with disease. Blake also uses dark imagery to create a dark tone of the poem. There is also an example of juxtaposition in ‘London" when Blake put ‘marriage" and ‘hearse" together, suggesting marriage then death. The effect of placing a symbol of death next to marriage – a happy event is saying basically that happiest things in life are tarnished by disease, such as the plague, causing death. The poem ‘London" is written in four stanzas. The poem uses an ‘A, B,A,B" rhyming pattern, which is restricted to that beat. Blake also uses assonance for example ‘flow" and ‘woe". It has 14 lines and is written in iambic pentameter. Blake uses his rhetorical skills of alliteration, imagery, and word choice to create his poem, but more importantly to expressthe emotional significance that is implied. the central metaphor of this poem, the "mind-forg"d manacles" of the second stanza. Once more a vivid symbol explains a deep human truth. The image of the forge appears in The Tyger (stanza 4). Here Blake imagines the mind as a forge where "manacles" are made. Blake writes ironically of "the chartered Thames". The "weakness" and the "woe" (a strong word in 1794; =misery) of every person is plain to see "in every face", as in their cries, whether of adults or babies (stanza 2). the "hapless" (unfortunate) soldier is topical: the poem was written shortly after the start of the French Revolution: this was so bloody an uprising that the figure of speech called hyperbole (=exaggeration) was often used, as blood was said to be running down the walls. William Blake"s poem, "London", is obviously a sorrowful poem. In the first two stanzas point out to us that London is restricted by rules and regulations. Blake utilizes alliterationand word choice to set the sad atmosphere. Blake introduces his reader to the narrator as he "wanders" through the "chartered" society. A society in which every person he sees has "marks of weakness, marks of woe." Blake repeatedly uses the word "every" and "cry" in the second stanza to symbolize the depression that circle around the entire society. The "mind-forged manacles" the narrator hears suggests that he is not mentally stable. In the third stanza, shows us who are restricting the people of London, i.e the Church The Soldiers and the Palace/Monarch.Blake utilizes imagery of destruction and religion. This imagery is a paradox, which implies some religious destruction like the apocalypse. The "chimney-sweeper"s cry" symbolizes the society trying to clean the ashes that causes their state of depression. Blake uses the religious imagery of the "black"ning church" to represent the loss of innocence, and the society"s abandonment of religion. The use of the soldiers creates an imagery of war. The "hapless soldier"s sigh" symbolize how men are drafted into war and have no choice but to serve their country. As these soldiers unwilling march to the beat of the country"s forceful drum, they know their lives will be taken, as their "sigh runs in blood down palace walls." Blake uses this sense of destruction to explain how people are forced to repair the "weakness" and "woe" of their society. The fourth stanza of "London" unravels the complex meaning of the poem. The "youthful harlot"s curse" symbolizes how the youth"s sinfuldeeds will effect the next generation. Their "curse" causes the "newborn infant"s tear" which exemplifies how the new generation will have to correct the mistakes of the previous generation. The "plagues" also symbolizes this curse, and the "marriage hearse" creates a paradox, which confuses eternity and death. The poem climaxes at the moment when the cycle of miseryrecommences, in the form of a new human being starting life: a baby is born into poverty, to a cursing, prostitute mother. Sexual and marital union--the place of possible regenerationand rebirth--are tainted by the blight of venereal disease. Thus Blake"s final image is the "Marriage hearse," a vehicle in which love and desire combine with death and destruction. William Blake"s "London" is a poem about a society that is troubled by the mistakes of the generation before. Blake uses the rhetorical components of imagery, alliteration, and word choice to illustrate the meaning of the poem. What exactly does this poem mean? Blake creates complexity by using his rhetorical skills, which in turn opens up the poem for personal interpretation
2023-07-12 15:45:571

这个杀手不太冷片尾曲shape of my heart吉他谱

u3000u3000Intro]u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A Gu3000u3000Mmmm_mm_mm yeah yeah_u3000u3000Riff1 (Verse)u3000u3000e-3------2------3------2------2------0------0--------0-----u3000u3000B-3------3------3------3------3------2------2----3---3-----u3000u3000G-2------2------2------2------2------2------2----2---2-----u3000u3000D-0------0------0------0------0------2------0----0---------u3000u3000A------------------------------------0---------------------u3000u3000E----------------------------------------------------------u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Ba____by___ please__ try__ to forgive_ me_u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Stay__ here__, donu2019t put out__ the__ glow__u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Hold__ me_ now_, donu2019t bother_ If every minute it makes me weaker You canu3000u3000Dsus4/B D/B Asus4 Asus4* E Gu3000u3000save__ me__ from the man__ that Iu2019ve__ be_come__ Oh_ yeah_u3000u3000[Chorus1]u3000u3000[nc] D Gu3000u3000Loo__kinu2019__ back on the things_ Iu2019ve done_u3000u3000A A/G A/F#u3000u3000I_ was_ trying_ to be_ someone_u3000u3000Bm A Eu3000u3000I played_ my_ part_ and kept you in the dark_u3000u3000G A Du3000u3000Now let me show__ you__ the shape__ of__ my__ heart____u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Sad___ness__ is beautiful_ Lone_liness is tragical Sou3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000help__ me__, I canu2019t win__ this__ war__, oh no__u3000u3000Dsus4 D Dsus4 D D A A/D D5 Dsus2u3000u3000Touch__ me_ now_, donu2019t bother_ If every second it makes me weaker You_ canu3000u3000Dsus4/B D/B Asus4 Asus4* E Gu3000u3000save__ me__ from the man__ Iu2019VE____ BE_CO____O_O_OME___u3000u3000[Chorus2]u3000u3000[nc] D Gu3000u3000Loo__kinu2019__ back on the things_ Iu2019ve done_u3000u3000(looking on the things Iu2019ve)u3000u3000A A/G A/F#u3000u3000I_ was_ trying_ to be_ someone_u3000u3000(try_ing to be__)u3000u3000Bm A Eu3000u3000I played_ my_ part_ and kept you in the dark_u3000u3000(now girl__)u3000u3000G F# Bmu3000u3000Now let me show__ you__ the shape__ of__ my__ heart____u3000u3000[Bridge]u3000u3000Bm A D Gu3000u3000Iu2019m__ here__ with my_ confession__u3000u3000Bm A D G D/F#u3000u3000Got no_thing to hide_ no__ more__u3000u3000Em F#u3000u3000I donu2019t know__ where__ to_ sta___art__u3000u3000G Bb5 B5 C#5 Du3000u3000But to show__ you__ the shape__ of_ my_ hea__eart_____u3000u3000Dsus4 Du3000u3000E A Bu3000u3000Iu2019m__ loo__king__ back__ on things__ Iu2019ve_ done__u3000u3000G#m C#mu3000u3000I__ never_ wanna_ play__ the same_ old__ part__u3000u3000B B/Bbu3000u3000Keep__ you_ in__ the dark__u3000u3000A B Eu3000u3000Now__ let_ me_ SHOW__ YOU__ the_ shape_ of my heart__u3000u3000[Chorus3]u3000u3000(E) Au3000u3000Loo__kinu2019__ back on the things_ Iu2019ve done_u3000u3000(aaa_aa_aa_aa_aaaah)u3000u3000B B/A B/G#u3000u3000I_ was_ trying_ to be_ someone_u3000u3000(try_ing to be__ someone__)u3000u3000C#m B F#u3000u3000I played_ my_ part_ and kept you in the dark_u3000u3000A B Eu3000u3000Now let me show__ you__ the shape__ of__ my__ heart__u3000u3000(now let me show you shape of my heart__)u3000u3000(E) Au3000u3000Loo__kinu2019__ back on the things_ Iu2019ve done_u3000u3000B B/A B/G#u3000u3000I_ was_ trying_ to be_ someone_u3000u3000C#m B F#u3000u3000I played_ my_ part_ and kept you in the dark_u3000u3000A Bu3000u3000Now let me show__ you__ the shape__ of___u3000u3000[Outro]u3000u3000A E B Eu3000u3000show__ you__ the shape__ of__ my__ heart____u3000u3000Chords:u3000u3000Tuning = a bit higher thanu3000u3000E-tuningu3000u3000Dsus4 xx0233u3000u3000D xx0232u3000u3000A x02220u3000u3000G 320033u3000u3000A/D xx0220u3000u3000D5 xx023xu3000u3000Dsus2 xx0230u3000u3000Dsus4/B x2x233u3000u3000D/B x2x232u3000u3000Asus4 x02233u3000u3000Asus4 x02232u3000u3000E 022100u3000u3000A/G 3022xxu3000u3000A/F# 2022xxu3000u3000Bm x24432u3000u3000D/F# 2x023xu3000u3000Em 022000u3000u3000F# 244322u3000u3000Bb5 x13xxxu3000u3000B5 x24xxxu3000u3000C#5 x46xxxu3000u3000B x24442u3000u3000G#m 466444u3000u3000C#m x46654u3000u3000B/Bb x14xxxu3000u3000B/A x044xxu3000u3000B/G# 4x44xx
2023-07-12 15:46:161


下面文章:According to the latest intelligence shows that we have passed the English channel, everything is smooth, not surprisingly, one day after the Atlantic coast, arrived to avoid the international terrorist attacks, will cut through the Azores, then enter our scope of protection, route, no risk protection, just afraid that pirates."But a group of xiaomao thief, we strongly in the Atlantic ocean, they can prevent the government categorically confrontationAlthough with African star of the king, but their precious scepter anomalies in the scepter king does not know the secret, they are wise, not for money to build itself.I just say we to Bermuda, didn"t say to Bermuda delta. Do you think that is Africa star, but you don"t know, king scepterNow, you will see, how to keep the U.S., so you have to touch me thereAnne, blue doctor, you don"t believe me or steal technical identification technology?The U.S. government will be at the very strictIt is wise to me, and I in the great bravery, even elim stupid, also have salvation.Leonard, captain Lin walked, clever brave and great there I go, so captain this position will responsible to you for the healing, blue, as our most calm wise man, is responsible for manage this group of savage, if they do not prepare a impulse, the style of the time, you pull okWell, actually, I can not afraid you drag me, just, smart and great you should stay on board, we Chinese words called "good steel on the edge ", but you needn"t think so and I...Is clever brave and great me, you are still a Chinese "the silver 302 "Just let it beWhat did I say that I have a horse, a top. The king ShouDaoQinLai scepter.Nita: can you be quiet, the weather is not so goodThe weather was bad and I have what relationOf course you have so much cattle, blowing die sin, god is not happyLeonard, you go to the rudder room to assist others with my back, soros cabinbadOur ship deviated from the channel! Radar have find mapsBut, according to my previous experience, we should be in Bermuda delta. -Then how can we...Hey, where is it?Like still at seaNot bad boatSo, we are still aliveLess smelly boy, give me the crow mouth, of course, we are still aliveThis... By my years of experience, it seems not sailing BermudaMoreover, we also seems to be in the Pacific"To" in, you said we will cross? Bermuda delta have different times legend, many ships are $ah inexplicable disappearancePossible, thus, radar, why, why didn"t any fine ship? Why do we suddenly in the Bermuda triangle, some explanationWe find a port, not just to ask the landing clear?Leonard, take some high-tech to call them and see what is called high mountains and shanwaishan
2023-07-12 15:46:266


2023-07-12 15:46:421


D:xmltodict-0.9.0>C:Python26python.exe setup.pyExtracting in c:usersabcappdatalocal emp mpwddh8eNow working in c:usersabcappdatalocal mpwdhh8esetuptools-1.1.6Building a Setuptools egg in D:xmltodict-0.9.0warning:no files found matching "entries*" under directory "setuptools ests"warning:no files found matching "Makefile"under directory "docs"warning:no files found matching "indexsidebar.html"under directory "docs"D:xmltodict-0.9.0setuptools-1.1.6[golbal_opts]cmd1[cmd1_opts][cmd2[cmd2_opts]...] or --help[cmd1 cmd2...] or --help-commands or cmd --helperror:no commands supplied错误信息不是明白告诉你缺参数嘛,一般最简单的命令行也要是python.exe install
2023-07-12 15:46:511


2023-07-12 15:47:0214


2023-07-12 15:47:291


与Banerjee序列决策模型相对的是非序列羊群行为模型。该模型也是由贝叶斯法则下得出的。模型假设任意两个投资主体之间的模仿倾向是固定相同的,当模仿倾向较弱时,市场主体的表现是收益服从高斯分布,而当模仿倾向较强时,市场主体的表现是市场崩溃。此外,Rajan(1994)、Maug & Naik(1996)、Devenow & Welch(1996)分别从投资者的信息不对称、机构运作中的委托——代理关系、经济主体的有限理性等角度探讨羊群行为的内在产生机制。[编辑]对羊群行为的实证研究的方向对羊群行为的实证研究分为两个方向:一是以共同基金、养老基金等指定类型的投资者为对象,通过分析其组合变动和交易信息来判断其是否存在羊群行为(Lakonishok,1992;Werners, 1998; Graham, 1999);二是以股价分散度为指标,研究整个市场在大幅涨跌时是否存在羊群行为。
2023-07-12 15:48:021


2023-07-12 15:48:2710

you ll be in my heart 吉他谱

歌曲名:Youll Be In My Heart歌手/乐队:Phil Collins编配者(转载来源):网络-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GCome stop your cryingIt will be all rightJust take my hand CHold it tightIt will protect you Amfrom all around youI will be here DDon"t you cryGFor one so small D Gyou seem so strongMy arms will hold you Ckeep you safe and warmThis bond between us Amcan"t be brokenI will be here DDon"t you cry E A"Cause you"ll be in my heart A7? E... A7=X21202 (NOT A REAL CHORD)E...=X22102Yes, you"ll be in my heart E From this day on A BNow and forever moreE AYou"ll be in my heart A7 E...No matter what they say E A BYou"ll be here in my heart alwaysWhy can"t they understandthe way we feelThey just don"t trustwhat they can"t explainI know we"re different but,deep inside usWe"re not that diffent at allAnd you"ll be in my heartYes, you"ll be in my heartFrom this day onNow and forever more Asus ADon"t listen to them E A"Cause what do they knowAsus AWe need each other E Ato have, to hold ? ?=X02120They"ll see in time DI know Asus AWhen destiny calls you E AYou must be strong Asus A I may not be with you E ABut you"ve got to hold on ? They"ll see in time AI know EWe"ll show them together A D"Cause you"ll be in my heart Bm AYes, you"ll be in my heartFrom this day on D ENow and forever more A DOh, you"ll be in my heart Bm ANo matter what they say A D BmYou"ll be here in my heart always AAlwaysE A E A E A E A
2023-07-12 15:48:572

barking at the moon吉他谱

2023-07-12 15:49:042


2023-07-12 15:49:1313


2023-07-12 15:50:033


2023-07-12 15:50:134


When I do count the clock that tells the time,And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;When I behold the violet past prime,And sable curls, all silvered o"er with white; When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,And summer"s green all girded up in sheaves,Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,Then of thy beauty do I question make,That thou among the wastes of time must go,Since sweets and beauties do themselves forsakeAnd die as fast as they see others grow;And nothing "gainst Time"s scythe can make defenceSave breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.Indeed this very love which is my boast,And which, when rising up from breast to brow,Doth crown me with a ruby large enowTo draw men"s eyes and prove the inner cost,---This love even, all my worth, to the uttermost,I should not love withal, unless that thouHadst set me an example, shown me how,When first thine earnest eyes with mine were crossed,And love called love. And thus, I cannot speakOf love even, as a good thing of my own:Thy soul hath snatched up mine all faint and weak,And placed it by thee on a golden throne,---And that I love (O soul, we must be meek!)
2023-07-12 15:50:511


had drunk enough wine and eaten enow food
2023-07-12 15:50:581


2023-07-12 15:51:072


《鲁拜集》 第一首Wake! For the sun,who scatter"d into flightThe Stars before him from the Field of Night,Drives Night along with them from Heav"n,and strikesThe Sultan"s Turret with a Shaft of Light.醒呀!太阳驱散了群星,暗夜从空中逃遁,灿烂的金箭,射中了苏丹的高瓴.《鲁拜集》 第七首Come,fill the Cup,and in the fire of SpringYour Winter-garment of Repentance fling:The Bird of Time has but a little wayTo flutter---and the Bird is on the Wing.快斟满此杯,把你后悔的冬衣扔进春之火中烧毁:时光之鸟飞的路多么短哪,而且你看!它正在振翅疾飞.《鲁拜集》 第八首Whether at Naishapur or Babylon,Whether the Cup with sweet or bitter run.The Wine of Life keeps oozing drop by drop,The Leaves of Life keeps falling one by one.莫问是在纳霞堡或在巴比伦,莫问杯中的是苦汁还是芳醇,生命的酒浆滴滴地浸透不已,生命的绿叶叶叶地飘堕不停.《鲁拜集》 第十二首A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread--and ThouBeside me singing in the WildernessOh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!树荫下放着一卷诗章,一瓶葡萄美酒,一点干粮,有你在这荒原中傍我欢歌荒原呀,啊,便是天堂!《鲁拜集》 第二十九首Oh, come with old Khayyam, and leave the WiseTo talk; one thing is certain, that Life flies;One thing is certain, and the Rest is Lies;The Flower that once has blown forever dies.飘飘入世,如水之不得不流,不知何故来,也不知来自何处;飘飘出世,如风之不得不吹,风过漠地又不知吹向何许。《鲁拜集》 第三十三首Earth could not answer:nor the Seas that mournIn Bowing Purple,of their Lord forlorn;Nor rolling Heaven,with all his signs reveal"dAnd bidden by the sleeve of Night and Morn.大地不能言;披着紫衣的海洋只是哀哭她见弃了的主上;滚滚的太空,连他十二宫的星辰隐现在晨夕的衣袖内也不作声响.《鲁拜集》 第六十九首Indeed, the Idols I have loved so longHave done my Credit in Men"s Eye much wrong:Have drown"d my Honour in a shallow Cup,And sold my Reputation for a Song.真的,我爱恋许久的那偶像在世人眼中已把我脸面丢光:将我的荣誉淹死在酒杯里,把我的名声换了一支歌儿唱。新译《鲁拜集》选录轻荫如盖耽华章,美酒干酷溢流芳。为有卿卿清歌发,直把僻乡作帝乡。?白发红颜暗中催,萧条异代使人悲。嗟无妙术永驻世,来去如影似轮回。?生前无我死后空,惆怅人生一梦中。试看此身内与外,无影无形本似风。?生存华屋何所道,道山归去如梦了。有耳空悬如刍狗,所生所死谁能晓??此生原赖造化功,冥冥天意恨未通。一朝身与名俱灭,刹时成幻刹时空。??滴水迤逦归浩海,流沙随风坠尘埃。人生世间不堪问,来去如氓费疑猜。?倘为名利颦黛眉,天若有情天亦愧。举酒听琴恰相宜,珍重夜光琉璃杯。唤取美人携美盏,芳甸水涯两相欢。应怜玉蚀香销后,百变芳草百变盏。?昨夜寻欢多沉醉,荒唐摔却美酒杯。忽聆有声类人语,你我造化本形随。?夜入陶坊觅陶缸,半似沉寂半似响。忽聆厉声如棒喝:“烧工贾客今何方?”?粗衣淡饭未轻肥,自耕自织作无废。需记此外无多事,莫学杞人忧天坠。?长路漠漠人未绝,谁将身后答询客??慎记生死相关道,去不回兮易水别。?生而有死怨苍穹,生为天帝死为雄。与君踏莎且行杯,一番朽骨一番荣。?精雕细琢琉璃杯,既有成兮莫弃毁。惟天所造灵妙体,一时喜乐一时废。?若有人兮在宙宇,上无渊源下无着。古来圣贤皆寂寞,何所来兮何所去??雨梳露洗郁金香,且酌佳酿饮琼芳。今朝踏莎赏花乐,明日瘗骨教人伤。?人生一世如转瞬,珍重醇酒与美人。喜新厌旧几时休,身后种种总无份。如梭如轮转不息,万物皆流人易逝。游屐莫惊芒魂起,幽兰啼眼总凄迷。莫因无常自绁累,愁丝繁向青鬓催。明朝未来昔去矣,逢花传杯莫相违。?未晓天帝初造人,缘何缺憾满此身?若善何如草上露,若恶归罪问何人??人生福寿本有数,何需郁郁辄自苦。所生有命本无计,难赋方圆似脂烛。?前生惘然如烟逝,来日未卜凶与吉。前尘已逝来未知,莫付今朝与岑寂。如此江山信多娇,遗世仙袂自飘飘。人物风流俱往矣,尚有王孙梦未了。?少年掘土老者追,镐锹莫将旧陵毁。帝业显赫不可记,惟余厝骨土一杯。醇酒美味赛江山,此外万事未足谈。甘耽杯盏辞千国,莫将冠冕比缸残。?郁金香艳蔷薇枝,犹是君王喋血地。盈盈一枝紫罗兰,疑似玉颜美人痣。?世事等闲莫更催,不辞美人酒一杯。百年梦醒归去后,曾见有谁独自回?水土火风偶然间,四素七星多磨难。贪心一念是苦海,自兹远扬不归帆。?君看侍者之酒樽,交映帝瞳与臣魂。君看沽客之酒缸,交映醉颜与香吻。
2023-07-12 15:51:311


分类: 人文学科 >> 外国文学 问题描述: 请全部写出来 解析: 莎士比亚在英国被誉为“时代的灵魂”。他一生为世人留下了37部戏剧、154首十四行诗、2首叙事长诗和少数杂诗。在西方国家,一般家庭都必备两本书,一本是《圣经》,一本就是《莎士比亚全集》。 莎士比亚的戏剧创作共分为三个时期:早期历史剧(history)和喜剧(edy)时期;中期悲剧(tragedy)时期;后期传奇剧(romance)时期。 莎士比亚戏剧作品中英文对照历史剧:histories 亨利四世(第一、二卷) Henry IV, Part1 and 2 亨利五世 Henry V 亨利六世(第一、二、三卷) Henry VI, Part 1 ,2 and 3 亨利八世 Henry VIII 约翰王 King John 理查二世 Richard II 理查三世 Richard III 悲喜剧 Dark Comedies 终成眷属 All"s Well That Ends Well 一报还一报 Measure for Measure 特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达 Troilus and Cressida 喜剧Comedies 皆大欢喜 As You Like It 错中错 The Comedy of Errors 爱的徒劳 Love"s Labour"s Lost 驯悍记 Taming of the Shrew 第十二夜 Twelfth Night 威尼斯商人 The Merchant of Venice 仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night"s Dream 无事生非 Much Ado About Nothing 温莎的风流娘们 The Merry Wives of Windsor 维罗那二绅士 Two Gentlemen of Verona 悲剧Tragedies 哈姆雷特 Hamlet 李尔王 King Lear 麦克白 Macbeth 奥赛罗 Othello 罗密欧与茱丽叶 Romeo and Juliet 恺撒大帝 Julius Caesar 雅曲的泰门 Timon of Athens 泰特斯~安特洛尼克斯 Titus Andronicus 安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉 Antony and Cleopatra 传奇剧Romances 辛白林 Cymbeline 暴风雨 The Tempest 冬天的故事 Winter"s Tale 泰尔亲王佩力克里斯 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 部分莎士比亚英语与现代英语对照 art are hast have Thou,thee You Thy,thine Your,yours betimes soon lest unless con study methinks I think dost do naught nothing enow enough sith since e"re before yore Ago or time gone 莎士比亚名言佳句 To be or not to be, that is the question. (Hamlet) 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 Frailty, thy name is woman! (Hamlet) 弱者,你的名字是女人。 Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (Twelfth Night) 宁为聪明的愚夫,不作愚蠢的才子。 In delay there lies no plenty, Then e kiss me, sweet and enty, Youth"s a stuff that will not endure. (Twelfth Night) 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。 To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on . (Othelllo) 为了一去不复返的灾祸而悲伤将会招致新的灾祸。 My only love sprung from my only hate. (Romeo and Juliet) 我的恨灰中燃起了爱火融融。 The quality of mercy is not strain"d. (The merchant of Venice) 慈悲不是能强求的。 All that glitters is not gold. (The Merchant of Venice) 闪光的不一定是金子。 Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. (Julius Caesar) 懦夫一生死多次;勇者一生死一回。 Son 18 Shall I pare thee to a summer"s day? 能不能让我把你比作夏日? Thou art more lovely and more temperate; 你可是更加温和,更加可爱; Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May; 狂风会吹落五月的好花儿, And summer"s lease hath all too short a date; 夏季的生命未免结束得太快 Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines; 有时候苍天的巨眼照得太热 And often is his gold plexion dimmed; 他那金彩的脸色也会被遮暗; And every fair from fair sometimes declines; 每一样美总会离开美而凋落; By chance or nature"s changing course,untrim 被时机或自然的代谢所摧残; But thy eternal summer shall not fade 但你永久的夏天决不会凋枯 Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow"st; 你永远不会失去你美你仪态; Nor shall Death brag thou wander"st in his shad 死神夸不着你在他影子里踯躅 When in eternal lines to time thou grow"st 你将在不朽的诗中与时间同在; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, 只要人类在呼吸,眼睛看得见 So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 我这诗就活着,使你的生命绵延。
2023-07-12 15:51:441

有一首英文歌,有男声有女声,有句歌词heis coming heis coming.he is

歌手: Nana 专辑: Nana 公司:环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group) 歌词:Darkman is backhe s coming for righthave no fear Nanahave no fearStay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride He sHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear ComingSongtextestay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride SongtextHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Lyricsdarkman is backNana is hereBooya that s the name of the gang Lyricme and my boyz all day we hangrepresenting the fattest shit that you ever heard Liedertexteone for the money and two for the girlsladies let me see your g-string drop Liedertexttime for some action you know we don t floptil the top this is how we do everyday Alleknocking out niggas in the face like Casius ClayBaby baby what can we do Nanalet s go for a ride with me and my crew He sunstoppable inflammable sensational internationalhigh class quality the best you can get ComingSongtexteyou wanna step you better check the internetappyl while standing in the line Songtextbooya in the house to blow your mindHe s coming he s coming Lyricshe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride LyricHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Liedertextedarkman is backNana is hereStop look and listen let me introduceToni Cottura my homeboy got juice Allelike Bruce Lee the master of kung fuflashbacks in your dreams another deja vous Nanaboom when he comes through the doorno doubt abut the fact that you want some more He sture love and respect we have for one anothersigning off for a sect it s the darkman Nana ComingSongtexteYo Nana I got your back like no othertrust love respect for another Songtextwho ain t booya gonna sufferToni Cottura dying would I for ya Lyricsmy family is Booyah like Daisy is my flowerB黮o made it yes Jan and June Lyricgonna creep to the top soonNana hmm you fucked your enemies Liedertextemad props and love gives you booya familyHe s coming he s coming Liedertexthe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride AlleHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Nanadarkman is backNana is hereDon t you have no fear He soh oh Nana is hereStretch bins and nexusNew York the taxes ComingSongtexteniggers quick but check thisBooyah we wax thishah the ill Nana Songtextback to bring the drummermmh where the mamassteam the damn dadda LyricsMister godfather raise up why even bothermmh you know we make you wanna halo Lyricoh spots are getting blownNana he kicks it onBooyah s up in the house Liedertextefive hours and we re goneAnd I am back picture me where I m at LiedertextArnold Schwarzenegger styleI ll break your back and your neck Allebelieve me I ve been through a lot of shitbe happy that you could afford to miss Nanaunderstand I m just a young black manwith the mic in my hand from New York to Japan He sI pray everyday to the bible and Korandear lord I m a witness and more than a fan ComingSongtexteNow me my nigga TCbow down when we come to your town Songtextdon t stand aroundblaw blaw how you like me now LyricsNana means king with a funky ass crownciao ciao bye tschue3ea auf wiedersehenItalien Jew Germany style mixed with africantaken over control before you realized Liedertextebooya til the day that I dieHe s coming he s coming Liedertexthe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride AlleHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Nanadarkman is backNana is hereHe s coming he s coming He she s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride ComingSongtexteHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Songtextdarkman is backNana is hereStay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride Lyricshe s coming he s cominghe s here he s here have no fearNana is heredon t have no fearDarkman is backdarkman is backhe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Liedertext 望采纳
2023-07-12 15:52:341

歌词she is coming and she...男的英文歌

  歌手: Nana专辑: Nana 公司:环球音乐集团(Universal Music Group) 歌词:Darkman is backhe s coming for righthave no fear Nanahave no fearStay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride He sHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear ComingSongtextestay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride SongtextHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Lyricsdarkman is backNana is hereBooya that s the name of the gang Lyricme and my boyz all day we hangrepresenting the fattest shit that you ever heard Liedertexteone for the money and two for the girlsladies let me see your g-string drop Liedertexttime for some action you know we don t floptil the top this is how we do everyday Alleknocking out niggas in the face like Casius ClayBaby baby what can we do Nanalet s go for a ride with me and my crew He sunstoppable inflammable sensational internationalhigh class quality the best you can get ComingSongtexteyou wanna step you better check the internetappyl while standing in the line Songtextbooya in the house to blow your mindHe s coming he s coming Lyricshe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride LyricHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Liedertextedarkman is backNana is hereStop look and listen let me introduceToni Cottura my homeboy got juice Allelike Bruce Lee the master of kung fuflashbacks in your dreams another deja vous Nanaboom when he comes through the doorno doubt abut the fact that you want some more He sture love and respect we have for one anothersigning off for a sect it s the darkman Nana ComingSongtexteYo Nana I got your back like no othertrust love respect for another Songtextwho ain t booya gonna sufferToni Cottura dying would I for ya Lyricsmy family is Booyah like Daisy is my flowerB黮o made it yes Jan and June Lyricgonna creep to the top soonNana hmm you fucked your enemies Liedertextemad props and love gives you booya familyHe s coming he s coming Liedertexthe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride AlleHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Nanadarkman is backNana is hereDon t you have no fear He soh oh Nana is hereStretch bins and nexusNew York the taxes ComingSongtexteniggers quick but check thisBooyah we wax thishah the ill Nana Songtextback to bring the drummermmh where the mamassteam the damn dadda LyricsMister godfather raise up why even bothermmh you know we make you wanna halo Lyricoh spots are getting blownNana he kicks it onBooyah s up in the house Liedertextefive hours and we re goneAnd I am back picture me where I m at LiedertextArnold Schwarzenegger styleI ll break your back and your neck Allebelieve me I ve been through a lot of shitbe happy that you could afford to miss Nanaunderstand I m just a young black manwith the mic in my hand from New York to Japan He sI pray everyday to the bible and Korandear lord I m a witness and more than a fan ComingSongtexteNow me my nigga TCbow down when we come to your town Songtextdon t stand aroundblaw blaw how you like me now LyricsNana means king with a funky ass crownciao ciao bye tschue3ea auf wiedersehenItalien Jew Germany style mixed with africantaken over control before you realized Liedertextebooya til the day that I dieHe s coming he s coming Liedertexthe s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride AlleHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Nanadarkman is backNana is hereHe s coming he s coming He she s here have no fearstay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride ComingSongtexteHe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Songtextdarkman is backNana is hereStay by his sideand he ll take you for a ride Lyricshe s coming he s cominghe s here he s here have no fearNana is heredon t have no fearDarkman is backdarkman is backhe s coming he s cominghe s here have no fear Liedertext
2023-07-12 15:52:421


2023-07-12 15:52:492

谁有吉他谱i want you back

  ____________________________________  / KT Tunstall / The meaning of the song is in the  / I Want You Back (Jackson 5 cover) / title, simple as it is. This song was  /___________________________________/ Jackson 5"s breakthrough single back in  1969, and it was written by some of the  songwriters working for the newly-started record company Motown, on which it was  also released. Motown was the first record company ever to be owned by African  American"s and it was therefore obvious that fice black boys were chosen to  front the label. Back then Jackson 5 were still just figurehead for the company  and hadn"t really any influence on their career yet. It was all yet a concept  band just the way popstars are branded today, where an entire company really is  behind everything.  ...and then the lovely Kate Tunstall does this beautiful cover, love her ;)  Chords:  E G#dim A C#m7 G#m7 F#m7 B7 E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  E:---0----0----0-----------------------2-------------------------0-------0-----:  B:---0----0----2-----9-----4-----2-----0-----9------9------9-----0-------0-----:  G:---1----4----2-----9-----4-----2-----2-----9------9------9-----6-------8-----:  D:---2----x----2-----9-----4-----2-----1-----9------9------9-----7-------9-----:  A:---2----5----0-----x-----x-----x-----2-----7------x------x-----0-------0-----:  E:---0----4----------9-----4-----2------------------9------7-------------------:  Intro:  (similar to a verse)  1st Verse:  E G#dim A  When I had you to myself, I didn"t want you around  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Pretty faces always make you stand out in a crowd  E G#dim A  Someone picked you from the bunch, one glance is all it took  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Now it"s much too late for me to take a second look  Chorus:  E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  Ooh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  Won"t you please let me back in your heart  E(bar) E/C# E/B Aadd9 Asus2#11  Ooh darling, I was blind to let you go  C#m7 G#m7 A E F#m7 B7 E A E  And now since I"ve seen you it is on  Interlude:  I want you back, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby, yeah  I want you back, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah  I want you back, oh, oh, darling  |-------------------------------------|  |-------------------------------------|  |-------------------------------------|  |-----x-----------x------------x------|  |-----x-----------x------------x------|  |-0-0-x-12---12---x-0---0---12-x-12---|  (play this figure 4 times)  2nd Verse:  Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night  Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right  Every street I"ve walked on, it had tear stains on the ground  Following the girl I didn"t even want around  Chorus:  Ooh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  Won"t you please let me back in your heart  Ooh darling, I was blind to let you go  Now since I"ve seen you it is on  I want you back, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby, yeah  I want you back, oh, oh, nana  Want you back  Interlude:  I want you back  All I want  I want you back  All I need  I want you back  Chorus:  Oh baby, I was blind to let you go  I want you to please let me back in your heart  Oh baby, give me one more chance – to show you that I love you  Oh, since I"ve seen you in his arms  Outro-Interlude:  I want you back, oh, oh, yeah, yeah  I want you back, ooh, ooh, baby  I want you back, oh, oh, yeah, yeah  I want you back
2023-07-12 15:53:101


2023-07-12 15:53:181


xia li mao dou yi mie hai haike li dao gou yi hai hai haimie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na hemie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na heyi hong ga ya li,yi mao yi jia lidis yi li kao li sa ba si a li seemie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na heyi gu li mu hao ba mimu mu qin yi mi ga yayi gu li mu hao ba mimu mu qin yi mi ga yabi ku ke yi diao mu qinpu li sang o kei gei yaxia li mao dou yi mie hai haike li dao gou yi hai hai haixia li mao dou yi mie hai haike li dao gou yi hai hai haixia li mao ge yi mie,kood ya ga yi miegi hi na gao lu a gei eeger li mie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na hemie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie he o gi yi na heba do yie hao ba gisa qu ma ga ei hao ge yiba do yie hao ba gisa qu ma ga ei hao ge yinow jia wa o mie do jidi ku ka ei ko ge yia kime li hai hai haidill hime li hai hai haia kime li hai hai haidill hime li hai hai haia kime li hi,dill hime ei hidill hime li cap ha bu lu enow ximie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na hemie de yi mie xi ba mie du ha ei ge ei na yidie de yi na xi ba mie,mie ha o gi yi na hehen pa yi ,yi pi mi liyi gar ha sa yi la de mihen pa yi ,yi pi mi liyi gar ha sa yi la de mima die yi,yi la de yipi li pi sa yi bo de miha de pi hu wa yi hai haimie le die ha hai hai haiha de pi hu wa yi hai haimie le die ha hai hai haiwu qi qu ba dao yi we le yi gu bi
2023-07-12 15:53:262


2023-07-12 15:53:368

As is recorded in history, silkworms were first raised in ____we now know as Hebei Province.

2023-07-12 15:54:081

切点弦必与PO垂直,所以方程具有形式: (x3 - a)x + (y3 - b)y = t

直线OP的斜率为(y3-b)/(x3-a),所以切点弦的斜率是-(x3-a)/(y3-b)。所以切点弦的方程应该是y = -(x3-a)/(y3-b) * x + m,两边同时乘以(y3-b),移项。再令t = m*(y3-b)是某个常数,即得(x3 - a)x + (y3 - b)y = t
2023-07-12 15:54:151


2014年05月24日[成都] 李宗盛既然青春留不住成都演唱会2014年04月12日[厦门] 2014李宗盛“既然青春留不住”福州演唱会2014年04月26日[南京] 2014“既然青春留不住”李宗盛南京演唱会2014年11月28日[重庆] 2014李宗盛“既然青春留不住”重庆演唱会2014年05月10日[深圳] 2014李宗盛“既然青春留不住”深圳演唱会2014年05月02日[太原] 2014李宗盛“既然青春留不住”太原演唱会2014年04月19日[大连] 2014李宗盛“既然青春留不住”演唱会--大连站
2023-07-12 15:54:211


[编辑本段]经济学里的羊群效应模型羊群效应模型(herd behavioral model)该模型认为投资者羊群行为是符合最大效用准则的,是“群体压力”等情绪下贯彻的非理性行为,有序列型和非序列型两种模型。序列型羊群效应模型序列型羊群效应模型由Banerjee(1992) 提出,在该模型中,投资者通过典型的贝叶斯过程从市场噪声以及其它个体的决策中依次获取决策信息,这类决策的最大特征是其决策的序列性。但是现实中要区分投资者顺序是不现实的。因而这一假设在实际金融市场中缺乏支持。非序列型则论证无论仿效倾向强或弱,都不会得到现代金融理论中关于股票的零点对称、单一模态的厚尾特征。行为金融理论中的一个重要的模型是羊群效应模型。实际上,羊群行为同样也是由模仿造成的。Scharfstein and Stein (1990)指出,在一些情况中,经营者简单地模仿其他经营者的投资决策,忽略独立的私人信息,虽然从社会角度看这种行为是无效的,但对于关心其在劳动市场声誉的经营者而言却是合理的。Banerjee (1992)提出序列决策模型分析羊群行为,在这个模型中,每个决策者在进行决策时都观察其前面的决策者做出的决策,对他而言,这种行为是理性的,因为其前面的决策者可能拥有一些重要的信息,因而他可能模仿别人的决策而不使用其自己的信息,由此产生的均衡是无效的。Banerjee序列决策模型假定投资者的决策次序,投资主体通过典型的贝叶斯过程从市场噪声以及其他个体的决策中获取自己决策的信息,这种依次决策的过程导致市场中的“信息流”。非序列型羊群效应模型与Banerjee序列决策模型相对的是非序列羊群行为模型。该模型也是由贝叶斯法则下得出的。模型假设任意两个投资主体之间的模仿倾向是固定相同的,当模仿倾向较弱时,市场主体的表现是收益服从高斯分布,而当模仿倾向较强时,市场主体的表现是市场崩溃。此外,Rajan(1994)、Maug & Naik(1996)、Devenow & Welch(1996)分别从投资者的信息不对称、机构运作中的委托——代理关系、经济主体的有限理性等角度探讨羊群行为的内在产生机制。对羊群行为的实证研究分为两个方向:一是以共同基金、养老基金等指定类型的投资者为对象,通过分析其组合变动和交易信息来判断其是否存在羊群行为(Lakonishok,1992;Werners, 1998; Graham, 1999);二是以股价分散度为指标,研究整个市场在大幅涨跌时是否存在羊群行为。有的羊群心理和羊群行为对个人和社会的发展都有利,我们可称之为“正面羊群心理”。例如:大家都勤奋劳动、大家都遵守社会公德、大家都诚实守信。有的羊群心理和羊群行为对个人和社会的发展都很不利,我们可称之为“负面羊群心理”。例如:大家都拜金、大家都厚黑、大家都投机钻营。有的羊群心理和羊群行为对个人和社会都无妨,我们可称之为“中性羊群心理”。例如:模仿别人吃饭、穿着、学习、工作。所以我们有时应该从众,有时不应该从众。是否从众首先要看对社会是否有利,至少也要对社会无妨。其次要看对自己的发展是否有利,至少也要对自己的发展无妨。例如:如果在黄金周假期前夕感到很累,就没有必要跟风出行旅游,可以在家美美地休息几天,上网照样可以看到外面的世界。“负面羊群心理”较多的人一般发展不快,因为他的自信力和判断力都比较差。成就较大的人其羊群心理是比较少的,因而个性比较鲜明。和大家一起做正经事时他力求做得更好,而盲目跟风的事则没有他的份。
2023-07-12 15:54:311

colour to the moon 吉他谱

  intro A--D-E-A  A E A E  I have got so much to give, I swear I do  A E D A  I may not have nine lives but this one feels brand new  E A E  Yes, I"ve lived a good one, I"ve tried to be true  A E D A  There are some things I never realized till I met you  D A D E  How the wind feels on my cheeks, when I"m barking at the moon  A D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you  D A D E  Whoo Whoo! Here I come Whoo Whoo! Back to you  A D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you  E A E  Well I was in trouble bad, I was so confused  A E D A  I may not see in colour babe but I sure can feel blue  E A E  I have been a lot of things, they may not all be true  A E D A  My experience was so mysterious till I met you  D A D E  Now the sun will rise in the east, but I"m barking at the moon  A D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you  D A D E  Whoo Whoo! Here I come Whoo Whoo! Back to you  A D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you  D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you  (strum only once per chord change, slow ending)  A D  There is no home like the one you"ve got  E D A  cuz that home belongs to you
2023-07-12 15:54:391


Java代码实现如下import java.util.Date;import; /*** 获取Authorization* @author 小帅丶* @类名称 Sign* @remark* @date 2017-8-18*/ public class Sign {/*** Authorization方法* @param userQQ 开发者创建应用时的QQ号* @param AppID 开发者创建应用后的AppID* @param SecretID 开发者创建应用后的SecretID* @param SecretKey 开发者创建应用后的SecretKey* @return sign* @throws Exception*/public static String getSign(String userQQ,String AppID,String SecretID,String SecretKey) throws Exception{long tnowTimes = new Date().getTime()/1000;long enowTimes = tnowTimes+2592000;String rRandomNum = HMACSHA1.genRandomNum(10);String param = "u=" + userQQ + "&a=" + AppID + "&k=" + SecretID + "&e="+ enowTimes + "&t=" + tnowTimes + "&r=" + rRandomNum + "&f=";byte [] hmacSign = HMACSHA1.getSignature(param, SecretKey);byte[] all = new byte[hmacSign.length+param.getBytes().length];System.arraycopy(hmacSign, 0, all, 0, hmacSign.length);System.arraycopy(param.getBytes(), 0, all, hmacSign.length, param.getBytes().length);String sign = Base64Util.encode(all);return sign;} } 需要的HMACSHA1代码及随机数代码import java.util.Random;import javax.crypto.Mac;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;/*** HMACSHA1算法** @author 小帅丶* @类名称 HMACSHA1* @remark* @date 2017-8-18*/public class HMACSHA1 {/*** 算法标识*/private static final String HMAC_SHA1 = "HmacSHA1";/*** 加密* @param data 要加密的数据* @param key 密钥* @return* @throws Exception*/public static byte[] getSignature(String data, String key) throws Exception {Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA1);SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(),mac.getAlgorithm());mac.init(signingKey);return mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());}/*** 生成随机数字* @param length* @return*/public static String genRandomNum(int length){int maxNum = 62;int i;int count = 0;char[] str = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"};StringBuffer pwd = new StringBuffer("");Random r = new Random();while(count < length){i = Math.abs(r.nextInt(maxNum));if (i >= 0 && i < str.length) {pwd.append(str[i]);count ++;}}return pwd.toString();}}
2023-07-12 15:54:581


2023-07-12 15:55:051

B What U Wana B的歌词?

Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 6 x5 P( w( r& M1 ) r5 E9 e, _: EWhy not president, be a dreamer * j$ F6 ~& 6 A* ^You can be just the one you wanna be Q! M) W# g- Z( kPolice man, fire fighter or a post man : s/ L2 Y7 l" q. }6 k% `+ QWhy not something like your old man ) ~, M" U4 ^& d8 v, U3 t7 w$ D4 G8 E; GYou can be just the one you wanna be $ G3 h0 x/ [$ v( L5 z( u- y5 {$ y* h j! Y* L FDoctor, actor, lawyer or a singer . C- V- d/ y* S2 H1 dWhy not president, be a dreamer * _7 s, v3 B$ u8 C% z" YYou can be just the one you wanna be , / b$ a1 e g6 L4 i( z3 P. i; V* M6 }I know that we all got one thing 3 P2 j7 u! c( T" eThat we all share together ; R& l! z: G3 R5 S5 UWe got that one nice dream we live for + l$ ^/ 6 k% c + sYou never know what life could bring i: K" v" d. i3 i9 ?2 KCoz nothing last for ever / C4 b# f" e5 [# V5 l( mJust hold on to the team you play for 7 r# @/ H1 z( _& I+ G% Y( M) v1 U8 Y& B2 u6 AI know you could reach the top % s! Z ^: d2 F& TMake sure that you won"t stop 0 {$ p3 U5 f1 HBe the one that you wanna be $ K3 z+ R# ?7 }9 4 |Now sing this with me # m! |; C* B9 p( r9 [5 * ?# s. q6 wWe may have different ways to think F# E/ v3 h# w! r7 iBut it doesn"t really matter $ e" A" O9 c: q* T* G3 ^3 K$ V! _We all caught up in the steam of this life 7 c8 u S! V" U6 HFocus on every little thing * T t/ b; ~2 i& r0 _That"s what does really matter ( r3 x0 2 K" ^; D0 k. c K3 ~Luxury cars and bling thats not real life ; K7 o* U0 `0 g2 `2 c: p7 k- ~9 A( h( 6 u; bI know you could reach the top 5 T4 E* f" v, c& m8 FMake sure that you won"t stop 6 S; i3 h" E- {+ {Be the one that you wanna be 6 Q* ` t% Y" v& w! aNow sing this with me " [% X7 Q2 f6 g5 U; w, Z) n" Z& t. Q- J- K7 a, ^2 r8 H* ~Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer ( J1 Y! g1 e# ]$ XWhy not president, be a dreamer / w* q$ Y6 `) yYou can be just the one you wanna be * a5 W: S1 k" I; zPolice man, fire fighter or a post man " r3 t3 y2 w" X, z7 T* TWhy not something like your old man ( M" o4 7 _/ ~- RYou can be just the one you wanna be + o3 s/ N: T9 f5 T; X" O$ V" e2 f3 w$ J" kLast year I used to dream about this day 9 a/ D& F! h: V3 ENow i"m here I"m singing for you 8 N$ M" O% v4 UI hope I could inspire you $ H P6 |5 p* X5 r- C! F. I7 m6 R3 eCoz I"ve got all the love, coz I"ve got all love for you ! V" U, v- I" @4 v8 8 M5 t$ h; X" c/ Y( I# d8 C- E1 QDoctor, actor, lawyer or a singer . m/ i+ ], i" k4 R: X8 JWhy not president, be a dreamer ! Y6 @! y" e! G( a5 B1 c B# kYou can be just the one you wanna be " N$ a: a1 l! z# w# } ~; s% \% DPolice man, fire fighter or a post man 6 ?7 T. ], p+ Y. t$ M4 t6 U$ WWhy not something like your old man # l6 I2 R( h. e) xYou can be just the one you wanna be
2023-07-12 15:55:121

2023-07-12 15:55:191

melody sharleen spiteri歌词

Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance They told me you ain"t good enough Don"t look good enough Don"t sing good enough Maybe you should give it up And if I would"ve then I never could"ve received None of the things that He planned for me So I waited a little longer Grew a little stronger and then I realized something was happening It"s so incredible, it"s unexplainable You oughta try Him for yourself and see because Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Sometimes I think about How it used to be, and can"t help but Remembering how it was never easy for me, no, no But the way God works, it"s so amazing He never forgot me, I can"t forget Him That"s enough for me to lift my hands and I"m sorry if you don"t understand Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance All my tears (it"s over now) And all my pain (it"s over now) All my doubts (it"s over now) They went away (it"s over now) No more fear (it"s over now) And I"m glad (it"s over now) Yes, so glad ‘Cause all I wanna do is danceMaybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance There was something had me down but it"s over now I"ma throw my hands up Wave ‘em all in the air ‘Cause all I wanna do is dance, dance, dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance Maybe you don"t understand why I gotta dance
2023-07-12 15:55:262

Forever Love 歌词

歌曲名:Forever Love歌手:Gary Barlow专辑:Open RoadForever LoveWritten by Gary BarlowLove it has so many beautiful facesSharing lives and sharing daysMy love it has so many empty spacesI"m sharing a memory now I hope that"s how it staysNow I"m deep inside love and still breathingShe is holding my heart in her handI"m the closest I"ve been to believing this could be love foreverAll throughout my life the reasons I"ve demandedBut how can I reason with the reason I"m a manOh, oh yeah, ummm huh In a minute I"m needing to hold herIn an hour I"m cold, cold as stoneWhen she leaves it gets harder and harder to face life aloneNow my dreams are filled with times when we"re togetherGuess what I need from her is forever loveOoh, ooh yeah oooh umm Oh, oh yeahNow I feel forever love oooh Oh, I feel
2023-07-12 15:55:331

2023-07-12 15:55:446


我也遇到你这个问题了 后来解决了吗
2023-07-12 15:56:113