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2023-07-12 19:13:58


1. 美国偶像

《美国偶像》是一档全球知名的音乐选秀节目,由西蒙·考威尔和FremantleMedia North America制作。这个节目深受全球观众的喜爱,它为许多歌手提供了一个发掘自己才华的机会。

2. 美国达人秀


3. 舞林争霸

《舞林争霸》是一档非常受欢迎的舞蹈比赛节目,由Nigel Lythgoe和Simon Fuller制作。这个节目吸引了世界各地的顶级舞蹈家,并向观众展示了各种不同类型的舞蹈。

4. 柯南秀


5. 美国顶级模特

《美国顶级模特》是一个时装模特比赛节目,由Tyra Banks制作。这个节目向观众展示了模特们在时尚产业中所必须具备的各种技能和知识,包括穿着、化妆、摄影和表演等方面。

6. 美国恶魔厨房


7. 真相探秘

《真相探秘》是一个非常受欢迎的侦探真人秀节目,由Robert Stack主持。这个节目向观众展示了各种不同类型的罪案和未解之谜,并调查这些案件的历史和背景。























《今夜秀》是美国NBC电视台于1954年创办的一台晚间谈话类综艺节目,已经成为美国家喻户晓的强档节目,每集节目由独白、采访嘉宾和乐队演唱三部分组成,时长大约50分钟。在2014年2月17日, 吉米·法伦接管了此脱口秀,并更为《吉米今夜秀》,在其一个常规周一晚间拿到了626万的收视人数和2.1的收视率。




荒野求生秘技(Man vs. Wild)又称荒野求生,是美国探索频道制作的一档写实电视节目,由英国冒险家贝尔u30fb格里尔斯主持,每集他会走到沙漠、沼泽、森林、峡谷等危险的野外境地,在极为恶劣的环境下,为脱离险境,设法寻找回到文明社会的路径。




地狱厨房(Hell"s Kitchen)是美国一个烹饪实境秀的电视节目(以英国独立电视台的同名节目为蓝本),主持人为戈登u30fb拉姆齐,于2005年由美国的福斯广播公司正式开始播出。


美国达人(America"s Got Talent)(港译全美一叮)是美国NBC的真人秀节目,选手来自各行各业,不限年龄,角逐100万美元的奖金。该节目于2006年6月暑期时段内首次播出。


艾伦秀又名艾伦u30fb德杰尼勒斯秀,是美国CBS电视台的一档热门脱口秀,而主持人艾伦u30fb德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)以其轻松诙谐的主持风格备受青睐,在2003年9月3日首播,该节目结合了趣闻,名人,音乐嘉宾和人情故事,已获得33个日间艾美奖。



美国达人(America"s Got Talent)(港译全美一叮)是美国NBC的真人秀节目,选手来自各行各业,不限年龄,角逐100万美元的奖金。该节目于2006年6月暑期时段内首次播出。


全美超模大赛(America"s Next Top Model ,简称ANTM)是一个给参赛者争夺模特儿及化妆品合约的美国真人秀,由知名模特儿泰拉u30fb班克斯(Tyra Banks)任主持及监制选出下一任全美超模。


艾伦秀又名艾伦u30fb德杰尼勒斯秀,是美国CBS电视台的一档热门脱口秀,而主持人艾伦u30fb德杰尼勒斯(Ellen DeGeneres)以其轻松诙谐的主持风格备受青睐,在2003年9月3日首播,该节目结合了趣闻,名人,音乐嘉宾和人情故事,已获得33个日间艾美奖。


地狱厨房(Hell"s Kitchen)是美国一个烹饪实境秀的电视节目(以英国独立电视台的同名节目为蓝本),主持人为戈登u30fb拉姆齐,于2005年由美国的福斯广播公司正式开始播出。




荒野求生秘技(Man vs. Wild)又称荒野求生,是美国探索频道制作的一档写实电视节目,由英国冒险家贝尔u30fb格里尔斯主持,每集他会走到沙漠、沼泽、森林、峡谷等危险的野外境地,在极为恶劣的环境下,为脱离险境,设法寻找回到文明社会的路径。



1. 《美国偶像》(American Idol):美国历史上最受欢迎的选秀节目之一,已经播出了18个赛季。

2. 《舞林争霸》(Dancing with the Stars):一档极具竞技性和娱乐性的舞蹈比赛节目,已播出29个赛季。

3. 《声音的战争》(The Voice):一档独特的歌唱比赛节目,已经成为全球现象。

4. 《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad):这是一部非常成功的剧集,它讲述了一个高中化学老师如何成为毒贩的故事。

5. 《极速前进》(The Amazing Race):这是一档环球旅行竞赛节目,已经播出了32个赛季。

6. 《脱口秀之夜》(Late Night with Jimmy Fallon):是一个非常有趣的脱口秀节目,由吉米·法伦主持,嘉宾阵容强大。

7. 《康乃狄克州的柿子》(The Jerry Springer Show):这是一档非常有趣的脱口秀节目,内容涉及到许多话题,包括性、恶作剧和家庭问题。



1.《美国达人秀》(America"s Got Talent):这是一档才艺展示类的综艺节目,参赛者可以展现各种才华,如歌唱、舞蹈、魔术等,是美国收视率最高的综艺节目之一。

2.《好莱坞游戏之夜》(Hollywood Game Night):这是一档由珂琳·妮可主持的游戏秀,每期邀请来自好莱坞各界的名人参与,游戏玩法新颖有趣,笑点频出。

3.《舞林争霸》(Dancing with the Stars):这是一档舞蹈比赛类的综艺节目,明星和职业舞者搭档组成舞伴,进行各种舞蹈表演,每期评选出最佳表现的舞者。

4.《顶级厨师》(Top Chef):这是一档烹饪竞赛类的综艺节目,每期选出最优秀的顶级厨师,评选标准包括菜品味道、制作技巧和创意等。

5.《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad):虽然这并不是一档传统意义上的综艺节目,但作为美国电视剧的代表作之一,肯定值得一提。该剧主要讲述了一个高中化学老师因患癌症而开始制毒并成为毒贩的故事,深受广大观众喜爱。




1.《美国之声》(The Voice) - 竞技秀,展示选手们的歌唱才华。

2.《魔术大师》(Masters of Illusion) - 非常出色的奇幻和魔术秀。

3.《超级工程》(Build It Bigger) - 演示国际上现代工程技术、壮举和科技进步。

4.《顶级模特》(America"s Next Top Model) - 陪伴了几代年轻模特的时尚竞争节目。

5.《绝命毒师:碎片》(Breaking Bad: The Movie) - 剧情讲述老师突然患有晚期肺癌并开始煮制毒品,以保护家人的经历。

6. 《美国恶作剧》(Punk"d) - 由知名喜剧演员艾什顿库彻担任主持,节目中他会给明星们制造各种惊喜和惊吓。



  • 美国达人秀(America"s Got Talent):该节目是一档才艺竞技类综艺节目,吸引了来自全美各地的才华选手参加,包括歌唱、舞蹈、魔术、杂技等表演。

  • 顶级厨师(Top Chef):该节目是一档美食竞技类综艺节目,聚焦于美食界的顶级厨师们在各种挑战下的表现。选手们需要通过各种厨艺挑战和评审专家的打分,最终争夺胜利。

  • 暴走族(Fast N" Loud):该节目是一档汽车改装类综艺节目,由一对奇特的汽车修复工和汽车改装师组成,他们寻找破旧的汽车并将其改装成高端的汽车,同时还会面临各种技术和时间的挑战。



《美国偶像》(American Idol):是一档以歌唱比赛为主题的真人秀,已经播出了多个季度。

《舞林争霸》(Dancing with the Stars):是一档由专业舞者和名人搭档参加的舞蹈比赛节目。

《厨艺大师》(MasterChef):是一档以烹饪比赛为主题的真人秀,由著名厨师Gordon Ramsay主持。


《声音》(The Voice):是一档以音乐比赛为主题的真人秀,由几位著名的音乐界导师担任评委。

《美国恶作剧大师》(Impractical Jokers):是一档喜剧类真人秀,由四位喜剧演员一起进行各种恶作剧和尴尬游戏。

《顶级模特》(America"s Next Top Model):是一档时尚模特比赛节目,由著名超模Tyra Banks主持。



  • 美国达人秀(America"s Got Talent):该节目是一档才艺竞技类综艺节目,吸引了来自全美各地的才华选手参加,包括歌唱、舞蹈、魔术、杂技等表演。

  • 顶级厨师(Top Chef):该节目是一档美食竞技类综艺节目,聚焦于美食界的顶级厨师们在各种挑战下的表现。选手们需要通过各种厨艺挑战和评审专家的打分,最终争夺胜利。

  • 暴走族(Fast N" Loud):该节目是一档汽车改装类综艺节目,由一对奇特的汽车修复工和汽车改装师组成,他们寻找破旧的汽车并将其改装成高端的汽车,同时还会面临各种技术和时间的挑战。


1. American Idol 美国偶像

2. The Voice 美国之声

3. Dancing with the Stars 星光熠熠

4. The Bachelor 单身汉

5. Survivor 生存者

6. Top Chef 厨艺大师

7. The Amazing Race 环球旅行家

8. Project Runway 时装设计师大赛

9. So You Think You Can Dance 舞林争霸

10. Keeping Up with the Kardashians 与卡戴珊家族同行.


Voice of America加不加the

2023-07-12 13:44:331

听说有个VOA慢速英语是怎么用的啊 那是个软件吗 怎么把速度慢下来 用过的教我一下

去 看下就直接明白了。这个网站每句可以反复听,还可以提高或降慢速度来听,真正训练听力的网站。好东西不敢私藏就直接分享了。
2023-07-12 13:44:424


安徽卫视 黄金年代、势不可挡
2023-07-12 13:44:514


2023-07-12 13:45:027


2023-07-12 13:45:194


【 #英语资源# 导语】演讲稿的格式由称谓、开场白、主干、结尾等几部分组成。随着社会不断地进步,很多地方都会使用到演讲稿,以下是 考 网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.课前两分钟英语演讲稿   Hello, thank you frequently mention, let the material on this city with the new york comparable to the spiritual civilization. educate our students to exciting 20xx, willing to shanghai"s future by copies of power, if only planted a small tree, participants in the shanghai world expo foreign guests feel: this is a forest city, pollution-free city, ancient and civilized city. better city, better life! until the time of the 20xx expo, then, we want to become a glorious volunteers, to changing our foreign friends in shanghai and china"s long history, about our education for the world expo will contribute their efforts.   We expect the majority of teachers will be great enthusiasm for the world expo into practical action to meet the world expo, the expo will be a total growth, and the city of development, the development of shanghai devote their efforts to advance hand in hand with shanghai. 2.课前两分钟英语演讲稿   Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact, it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well"groomed, we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition, we should smile and appear friendly. After all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.   Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. It"s also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However, no matter what we do, we must not gossip. Above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above, I am sure popularity will come our way. 3.课前两分钟英语演讲稿   Good morning/afternoon! First thing first, I gotta say,wow,it"s funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called "stage fright".If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from Pakinson"s disease,and legs wobbling ,like I caught so-called ball leg. Okay,let"s stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.I really like to talk a funny story I have just heard.A lady called Lucy emigrated to United States several years ago.Her spoken English is not that fluent .And one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his U.S friends Mandy watching Sit-Com.A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,"Lucy ,turn your clothes on." What suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.Admittedly,Lucy made a mistake here .The word spitted means Mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.The right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."The story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture. That"s full of it,thank you for your time!   Good morning/afternoon! First thing first, I gotta say,wow,it"s funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called "stage fright".If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from Pakinson"s disease,and legs wobbling ,like I caught so-called ball leg. Okay,let"s stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.I really like to talk a funny story I have just heard.A lady called Lucy emigrated to United States several years ago.Her spoken English is not that fluent .And one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his U.S friends Mandy watching Sit-Com.A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,"Lucy ,turn your clothes on." What suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.Admittedly,Lucy made a mistake here .The word spitted means Mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.The right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."The story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture. That"s full of it,thank you for your time! 4.课前两分钟英语演讲稿   Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li Bingke, from class four O five. Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.   My dear friends, welcome to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers" arms to welcome us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The computer room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.   In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.   Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?   That"s all. Thanks! 5.课前两分钟英语演讲稿   Good morning everyone!   My name is Jie Lidi. Today, my topic is: “Confidence”. As we all know, failure is the mother of success. But What I want to say is that success is the child of confidence. Without confidence, things can become negative and uncomfortable. I remember, during an English class, I wanted to make a sentence using the word "listen". I should have said: "I listen to the Voice of America" but I was too nervous and said "I listen to the Noise of America". Everybody in the class laughed. Since then I wanted to train myself to be confident. Now, confidence makes me brave and courageous. Take this speech for example. I wanted to enter this competition, but I would feel very embarrassed if I made mistakes. Just then, I thought about my dream. My dream is to become a scientist when I grow up. If I am not confident, how can I overcome difficulties I face? If I am not confident, how can I succeed in developing myself in the future? I will do it! Today, I am making a speech in public and I feel proud and confident!   I am sure, in the future, with confidence, I will go forward-always forward. Confidence will make my dreams come true!   Thank you!
2023-07-12 13:45:281


清晨的第一缕阳光优雅的垂下她的倩影; 午后的第一只鸣蝉欣喜的开始它的演唱; 傍晚的第一丝微风轻盈的送去它的凉爽; 校园之声,与您一同感受阳光的馨香; 聆听鸣蝉的欢乐; 尽享微风的清凉。 让我们同校园之声一起捕捉欢笑,敞开心扉,播种梦想!
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2019最新排名美国音乐学院Top100 1. 柯蒂斯音乐学院 Curtis Institute of Music 2. 茱莉亚音乐学院 Juilliard School 3. 伊斯曼音乐学院 Eastman School of Music 4. 新英格兰音乐学院 New England Conservatory of Music 5. 皮博迪音乐学院 Peabody Institute Of The Johns Hopkins University6. 印地安那大学 Indiana University 7. 密歇根大学 University of Michigan - Ann Arbor 8. 西北大学 Northewestern University 9. 欧柏林音乐学院 Oberlin College Conservatory 10. 耶鲁大学 Yale University 11. 科尔本音乐学院 Colburn School Conservatory 12. 辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati 13. 曼哈顿音乐学院 Manhattan School of Music 14. 克里夫兰音乐学院 Cleveland Institute of Music 15. 莱斯大学 Rice University 16. 旧金山音乐学院 San Francisco Conservatory of Music 17. 巴德音乐学院 Bard College Conservatory of Music 18. 德州大学奥斯汀分校 University of Texas–Austin 19. 伊利诺大学香槟校区 University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign 20. 密西根州立大学 Michigan State University 21. 佛罗里达州立大学 Florida State University 22. 南加州大学 University of Southern California 23. 北德州大学 University of North Texas 24. 亚利桑那州立大学 Arizona State University 25. 曼尼斯音乐学院 Mannes College of Music 26. 科罗拉多大学波德分校 University of Colorado–Boulder27. 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校 University of Wisconsin–Madison 28. 明尼苏达大学双子城分校 University of Minnesota–Twin Cities 29. 马里兰大学学院园分校 University of Maryland–College Park 30. 堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas 31. 波士顿大学 Boston University 32. 迈阿密大学 University of Miami 33. 天普大学 Temple University 34. 纽约大学 New York University 35. 贝尔蒙特大学 Belmont University 36. 亚利桑那大学 University of Arizona 37. 纽约大学石溪分校 SUNY–Stony Brook 38. 俄克拉荷马大学 University of Oklahoma 39. 南卫理公会大学 Southern Methodist University 40. 北卡罗莱纳大学 University of North Carolina–Greensboro 41. 密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校 University of Missouri–Kansas City 42. 波士顿音乐学院 Conservatory Boston Conservatory 43. 伊萨卡学院 Ithaca College 44. 贝勒大学 Baylor University 45. 休斯顿大学 University of Houston 46. 孟菲斯大学 University of Memphis 47. 洛约拉大学 Loyola University New Orleans 48. 俄亥俄州立大学 Ohio State University 49. 纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院 CUNY–Brooklyn College 50. 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 University of California–Santa Barbara 51. 卡内基美浓大学 Carnegie Mellon University 52. 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校 University of Nebraska–Lincoln 53. 乔治亚大学 University of Georgia 54. 北伊利诺伊大学 Northern Illinois University 55. 范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University 56. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA 57. 俄勒冈州 University of Oregon 58. 宾州州立大学 Penn State University-University Park 59. 哈特福大学 University of Hartford 60. 路易斯维尔大学 University of Louisville 61. 鲁格斯大学 Rutgers University-The State University of New Jersey 62. 博林格林州立大学 Bowling Green State University 63. 纽约州立大学水牛城分校 Buffalo-State University of New York 64. 南卡罗莱纳大学 University of South Carolina 65. 雪城大学 Syracuse University 66. 田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校 University of Tennessee-Knoxville 67. 西密歇根大学 Western Michigan University 68. 埃莫瑞大学 Emory University 69. 鲍尔州立大学 Ball State University 70. 阿拉巴马大学 University of Alabama 71. 林恩大学 Lynn University 72. 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校 University of Missouri-Columbia73. 威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 74. 弗罗里达大学 University of Florida 75. 北爱荷华大学 University of Northern Iowa 76. 德拉瓦大学 University of Delaware 77. 肯特州立大学 Kent State University 78. 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 UC San Diego 79. 犹他大学 University of Utah 80. 肯塔基大学 University of Kentucky 81. 德堡大学 Depaul University 82. 北卡罗莱纳大学国会山分校 University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 83. 南密西西比大学 University of Southern Mississippi 84. 密西西比大学 University of Mississippi 85. 旧金山州立大学 San Francisco State University 86. 爱荷华大学 University of Iowa 87. 康乃狄克大学 University of Connecticut 88. 纽约州立大学长滩分校 California State University - Long Beach 89. 中田纳西大学 Middle Tennessee State University 90. 詹姆斯麦迪逊大学 James Madison University 91. 北佛罗里达大学 University of North Florida 92. 西伊利诺伊大学 Western Illinois University 93. 格林斯维尔大学 Greenville University 94. 阿肯色大学 University of Arkansas 95. 乔治梅森大学 George Mason University 96. 爱达荷大学 University of Idaho 97. 中佛罗里达大学 University of Central Florida 98. 利普斯坎博大学 Lipscomb University 99. 福尔曼大学 Furman University 100. 查普曼大学 Chapman University
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外教课上,老师给我们讲了一个故事叫PAUL BUNYAN,谁能给我讲清楚?

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What is an American?何为美国人

What Is an American ?1by Michel-Guillaume de CrevecoeurMichel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army.2 He became a naturalized American and settled down to farming.3Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life.4 He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life.5I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent.6 He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled;7 he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore.8 When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who, when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge here.9 They brought along with them their national genius, to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe.10 Here he beholds fair cities, substantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated 11 . . . .After a foreigner from any part of Europe is arrived, and become a citizen;12 let him devoutly listen to the voice of our great parent, which says to him, “Welcome to my shores, distressed European;13 bless the hour in which thou didst see my verdant fields, my fair navigable rivers, and my green mountains!14 - If thou wilt work, I have bread for thee; if thou wilt be honest, sober and industrious, I have greater rewards to confer on thee - ease and independence.15 I will give thee fields to feed and clothe thee; a comfortable fire-side to sit by, and tell thy children by what means thou hast prospered; and a decent bed to repose on.16 I shall endow thee, beside, with the immunities of a freeman.17 If thou wilt carefully educate thy children, teach them gratitude to God, and reverence to that government, that philanthropic government, which has collected here so many men and made them happy,18 I will also provide for thy progeny: and to every good man this ought to be the most holy, the most powerful, the most earnest wish he can possibly form, as well as the most consolatory prospect when he dies.19Go thou, and work and till; thou shalt prosper, provided thou be just, grateful and industrious.” 20译文何为美国人?1米·居·奎维古尔米·居奎维古尔(1734-1831)生于法国,随法军进入北美殖民地,2取得美国国籍后定居务农。31765-1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。41780年回法国,1783年又到美国,并成为法国驻纽约领事。1790年回法国渡过晚年。5……但愿我曾经体验过那样一种情感与思绪,那种必定让初次登上北美大陆的英国开明人士心潮澎湃、浮想联翩的情感与思绪。6他一定欣喜若狂,庆幸自己有生之年能亲眼看到人们发现这块美丽的国土并在此定居下来。7当他看到连绵不断的人群来到这里,用一座座居所使这漫长的海岸线锦上添花的时候,他怎能不享有一份民族骄傲感呢!8他自然会想到,这些杰作都出自我的同胞之手,他们为教派迫害而震惊,受尽了苦难和贫穷,是在焦躁不安的情况下来这里避难的。9他们带来了民族天赋,所以才会享受现在的自由,才会拥有现在的财产。在这里,可以看到故国的勤劳展现出了新的姿态,在其杰作中可以找到那些盛行于欧洲的所有的艺术、科学和创造的萌芽。10在这里,他看到了美丽的城镇,富饶的村庄,广阔的田野,看到了一片汗漫无边的国土,其间有典雅的建筑,通达的道路,有果园,草地,桥梁;而这里在100年前还是一片荒蛮,草木丛生,不见农田!11……一个人无论来自欧洲何处,当他到达这里并成为公民以后,12就让他虔诚地聆听我们伟大祖国的声音吧。13这声音说,“欢迎你登上我的海岸,不幸的欧洲人。铭记这一神圣的时刻吧!此刻,你看到了我碧绿的田野,美丽的河道和苍翠的群山!14如果你愿意劳动,我为你准备了面包;如果你正直、朴实、勤劳,我要给你更大的报偿——安逸与自主。15我将给你土地供你丰衣足食;给你舒适的壁炉供你取暖,让你在炉火边告诉你的后代你如何得以成功;16我还要给你体面堂皇的床铺供你栖身;还要赐给你一个自由人的特权。17如果你愿精心教育子女,教他们感激上帝、尊重政府,尊重这个使如此之多的人聚集在这里并得到幸福的慈善的政府,18我也将为你的后代提供衣食。这对任何善良的人来说都应该是他所能怀有的最神圣、最强烈、最殷切的希望,也是人弥留之际最大的慰藉。19去吧,去劳动,去耕耘,只要你公正守法、知恩图报、勤奋努力,你必将兴旺、富强。
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翻译几段英文有关美国英语的发展史很简单 在线等 谢绝机译

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1、请听听人民的声音吧! Listen to the voice of the people. 2、让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想。 Let"s face the reality, let"s be loyal to our ideals. 3、直到永远胜利,为祖国勿宁死。 Never die for your motherland until you the suffering of others? 12、哪里有贫困,哪里就有我! America set out! 20、如果我葬身异国,我临终时想到的将是古巴人民!切·格瓦拉经典名言,请听听人民的声音吧 ☆我想,革命是不朽的 1967年10月8日,格瓦拉被政一府军击伤并被捕。审讯者问:你现在在想什么?切如是说。 ☆我怎能在别人的苦难面前转过脸去。 切是是一个真正为了自己的理想而活着的人 ☆实际上,就算是耶稣基督本人挡住了我的路,我也会和尼采一样,毫不犹豫地像踩死一只虫子一样击倒他。 在拉丁美洲这样保守的天主教地区,政客如果说出这样不正统的话,政治生涯基本就宣告结束了。更何况切本人还是虔诚的天主教徒。 ☆让我们面对现实,让我们忠于理想 1968年巴黎学生印在胸前的格瓦拉的一句名言 ☆你们应当永远对这个世界上任何地方发生的非正义事件感到强烈的愤怒,那是一个革命者最宝贵的品质。 ☆我是切·格瓦拉 1967年10月8日切腿部不幸中弹,包扎伤口时被捕,切平静的说 ☆我知道你要在这里杀死我。开一枪一吧!懦夫!你只是杀一个人!但你杀不死我的信仰! 切在写给孩子的信中说: ☆哪里有贫困,哪里就有我! 苏联人沉迷于女秘书的怀抱,放弃继续革命;切为了追求心中理想,放弃所拥有的一切,和卡斯特罗诀别后出走 ☆如果按钮在古巴人手里,导弹很可能就发出去了。 古巴导弹危机时,切这么说,并成为争议的焦点,这是个复杂的问题,多了解点,再下结论吧 在被玻利维亚士马里奥 德兰一枪一决前,切如是喊: ☆直到永远胜利,为祖国毋宁死。 1997年7月3日,切的遗骨在玻利维亚找到,阿莱达引用了父亲生前的一句名言 ☆只要世界上任何地方有任何非正义的事情,都使人产生最强烈的愤怒。 切是真正的世界公民 ☆请听听人民的声音吧! 切一生反对官*僚主义,热一爱一人民 ☆足球可不仅仅是一种运动,而且也是一种革命工具。 因为哮喘原因,切一直是门将,他说:但这(足球)会给那些人带来心理上无法估量的好处,他们通常被人当做野兽一般,而不是被当做人。 ☆我相信她是一爱一我的,我应当用思想去征服她。她是我的,我曾经跟她睡过觉! 1952年2月,在切的摩托车之旅的行程中,他收到了未婚妻奇奇娜给他的断交信。 收到分手信的切,在日记里写下了这句幼稚的话。但他并没有为此痛苦多久。 ☆直到最后的胜利 Hasta la Victoria Siempre! 阿根廷,以格瓦拉名言直到最后的胜利为名的关于格瓦拉生平的记传片在布宜诺斯艾利斯首映,4万人云集首都足球场,各国歌手纪念,这也是格瓦拉最有名的一句话。 ☆让我冒着让人嘲笑的危险说出来吧,引导真正的革命者前进的,是伟大的一爱一。 当切为了帮助穷人而牺牲的消息传开,无论悬赏多高,那些曾经因为害怕而告密的玻利维亚农民,再没有告发过游击队员,甚至主动保护他们。 责任名言警句英语版 1、在他握有意志的完全自由去行动时,他才能对他的这些行为负完全责任。He holds the complete free will to act, he can to his full responsibility for these acts。 2、改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难。Transform themselves, others more difficult than prohibition。 3、我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感。Whatever success I have enjoyed, entirely attributable to the customer"s high sense of responsibility and work。 4、我们为祖国服务,也不能都采用同一方式,每个人应该按照资禀,各尽所能。 We serve the country, we can not all use the same way, everyone should follow the intrinsic resources, whatever。 5、古之成大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。Ancient into a major event, not only super-talented world, it always indomitable ambition。 6、在各自岗位上尽职尽责,无需豪言壮语,默默行动会诠释一切。Due diligence in their respective positions, without rhetoric, silent action will interpret everything。 7、现代企业管理的重大责任就在于谋求企业目标与个人目标两者的一致。Modern enterprise management major responsibility lies pursue personal goals consistent with corporate objectives of both。 8、真理的发现或道德责任的完成都会引起我们的欢欣。Discovery or moral responsibility to complete truth will cause us joy。 9、尽管责任有时使人厌烦,但不履行责任,只能是懦夫,不折不扣的废物。Although the responsibility sometimes boring, but does not fulfill the responsibility, only a coward, an absolute waste。 10、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。The purpose of all human effort is to obtain happiness。 11、承受个人生命责任的意愿即是自尊自重的泉源。Willingness to bear the responsibility of inpidual life that is the source of self-respect。 12、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。the rise and fall of the country is everyone"s affair。 13、世界上有许多事情必须做,但你不一定喜欢做,这就是责任的涵义。There are many things to be done in the world, but you do not necessarily like to do, this is the meaning of responsibility。 14、一个人若是没有热情,他将一事无成,而热情的基点正是责任心。If a person without passion, he will achieve nothing, the starting point is the sense of responsibility and enthusiasm。 15、手莫长,心莫贪,尽职尽责做好官。Mo hand long, heart Mo greedy, dutifully doing officer。 16、当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。When work is a duty, life is slavery。 17、凡是我受过他好处的人,我对于他便有了责任。I received all the benefits of his people, I will have a responsibility for him。 18、舞台上要尽情表演,赛场上要尽力拼搏,工作中要任劳任怨,事业上要尽职尽责。To enjoy performing on stage, on track to try hard, work to hard working, career to due diligence。 19、责任感与机遇成正比。proportional responsibility and opportunity。 20、对培养好幼儿具有高度的责任感。To cultivate children with high sense of responsibility。 21、人生须知负责任的苦处,才能知道尽责任的乐趣。 Notice responsible hardship of life in order to know all about the fun of responsibility。 22、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。 We are the masters of the country, it should be all for the sake of the country。 23、明天人之际,通古今之变。Inter tomorrow person, through past and present of the change。 24、上天从没有赋予一个人任何权力,若非同时让他肩负相对的责任。God never gives a person any power, if not at the same time let him shoulder the relative responsibility。 25、不要问你的国家能为你做甚麼,要问你能为你的国家做甚麼。 Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country。 26、没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的义务。No rights without duties, no rights and no obligations。 27、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。History and philosophy bears more responsibility eternal, but also the simple responsibility。 28、对一个人来说,所期望的不是别的,而仅仅是他能全力以赴和献身于一种美好事业。For one person, I expect nothing else, but only he can go all out and a beautiful dedication to the cause。 29、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后己。Spared no efforts in dying himself。 30、提出目标是管理人员的责任,实际上这是他的主要责任。proposed goals is the responsibility of managers, in fact, this is his main responsibility。 31、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。Noble, great price is responsibility。 32、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。We are not born for ourselves, our nation gives our duty。 33、自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。The first sense of freedom is to assume their responsibilities。 34、要使周围的一切都大放光彩,自己也应该像蜡烛那样燃烧。to make everything around sparkles, oneself should also like a candle burning。 Gorky。 35、每一项公民权都对应著一项公民责任。Each of citizenship corresponds to a civic responsibility。 36、我睡去,感觉生命之美丽,我醒来,感觉生命之责任。I sleep, I feel the beauty of life, I woke up, I feel the responsibility of life。 37、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。Diligence and neglected in play; the line into Si, destroyed over。 38、抱负是高尚行为成长的萌芽。 Noble ambition is to grow the seeds of behavior。 39、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。we are not born for himself, our country has given us the responsibility。 40、一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!A person can bear much responsibility, we can achieve much success! 41、真正的责任是信自己。The real responsibility is to believe in yourself。 42、我们的使命是照亮整个世界,熔化世上的黑暗,找到自己和世界之间的和谐,建立自己内心的和谐。Our mission is to illuminate the whole world melted dark world, to find harmony between himself and the world, to establish their own inner harmony。 43、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任。Friendship is always a sweet responsibility。 44、要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种责任是最有效的办法。For a man showing his nature, that he assume a responsibility is the most effective way。 45、人一旦受到责任感的驱使,就能创造出奇迹来。Once people driven by a sense of responsibility, can create miracles。 46、责任就是对自己要求去做的事情有一种爱。the responsibility is to own request to do have a kind of love。 47、没有大是大非的观念,很容易根据感觉和眼前需求建立是非,最后会变得是非不分。No cardinal concept, it is easy to establish a sense of right and wrong based on the immediate needs and will eventually become right and wrong。 48、作为男人,只有对艰苦和严格习以为常,在困难面前才能够尽职尽责。As a man, only to be accustomed to hard and rigid, in the face of difficulties to be able to fulfill their duties。 49、这个社会尊重那些为它尽到责任的人。This community to respect those who do it to responsibility。 50、社会犹如一条船,每个人都要有掌舵的准备。A community is like a ship, everyone should have at the helm of preparation。 51、员工能力与责任的提高,是企业成功之源。Staff capacity and improve accountability, is the source of success。 52、艺术应当担负起哺育思想的责任。Art should assume responsibility for nurturing ideas。 53、生命和崇高的责任联系在一起。Life and noble responsibility together。名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《切格瓦拉名言英语版》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 英语版古风唯美句子 专题。
2023-07-12 13:47:201


罗纳德·里根的所有电影 * 君子红颜 (Bedtime for Bonzo) 爱情 美国 导演:Frederick De Cordova 演员:罗纳德·里根、Ginger Anderson、Howard Banks、Leslie Banning、Lucille Barkley、Tommy Bond (I)、 * Winning Team, The (Winning Team, The) 爱情 美国 导演:Lewis Seiler 演员:Doris Day、罗纳德·里根、Dorothy Adams、Walter Baldwin、Henry Blair、Larry J. Blake、 * 横冲直撞 (Going Places) 爱情 美国 导演:Ray Enright 演员:沃德·邦德、罗纳德·里根、Louis Armstrong (I)、Eddie "Rochester" Anderson、Brooks Benedict、沃尔特·卡特利特、 * 好莱坞旅馆 (Hollywood Hotel) 爱情 美国 导演:Busby Berkeley 演员:Susan Hayward (I)、罗纳德·里根、Hugh Herbert、Eddie Acuff、Pearl Adams、Don Barclay、 * Kings Row (Kings Row) 爱情 美国 导演:山姆·伍德 演员:Judith Anderson (I)、克劳德·雷恩斯、罗纳德·里根、Charles Coburn、Ann E. Todd、Harry Davenport、 * 君子红颜 (Bedtime for Bonzo) 剧情 美国 导演:Frederick De Cordova 演员:罗纳德·里根、Ginger Anderson、Howard Banks、Leslie Banning、Lucille Barkley、Tommy Bond (I)、 * 美国狂魔/美国狂人 (American Psycho) 恐怖 美国 加拿大 导演:玛丽·哈伦 演员:克里斯蒂安·贝尔、威廉·达福、萨曼莎·玛希斯、瑞茜·威瑟斯朋、杰瑞德·莱托、罗纳德·里根、 * 萨尔瓦多 (Salvador) 惊秫 美国 导演:奥利弗·斯通 演员:詹姆斯·伍兹、詹姆斯·布鲁斯、Cynthia Gibb、罗纳德·里根、约翰·沙维奇、埃尔皮德亚·拉利洛、 * Faces of Death 2 (Faces of Death 2) 恐怖 导演:John Alan Schwartz 演员:罗纳德·里根、James Brady (II)、Michael Carr、Thomas K. Delahanty、John Hinckley、Timothy J. McCarthy、 * 从军乐 (This Is the Army) 音乐 美国 导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹 演员:Irving Berlin、罗纳德·里根、理查德·法恩斯沃思、艾伦·哈尔、Murray Alper、Alan Anderson、 * She"s Working Her Way Through College (She"s Working Her Way Through College) 音乐 美国 导演:H. Bruce Humberstone 演员:罗纳德·里根、Jimmy Ames、Bette Arlen、Jessie Arnold、Norman Bartold、Larry Craig、 * 从军乐 (This Is the Army) 音乐 美国 导演:迈克尔·柯蒂兹 演员:Irving Berlin、罗纳德·里根、理查德·法恩斯沃思、艾伦·哈尔、Murray Alper、Alan Anderson、 * 横冲直撞 (Going Places) 音乐 美国 导演:Ray Enright 演员:沃德·邦德、罗纳德·里根、Louis Armstrong (I)、Eddie "Rochester" Anderson、Brooks Benedict、沃尔特·卡特利特、 * 海军悍妇 (Hellcats of the Navy) 战争 美国 导演:Nathan Juran 演员:罗纳德·里根、南希·戴维斯、Robert Arthur、Arthur Franz、Michael Garth、Thomas Browne Henry、 * 血路 (Desperate Journey) 战争 美国 导演:Raoul Walsh 演员:艾露·弗莲、罗纳德·里根、艾伦·哈尔、Frank Alten、Rudolph Anders、Louis V. Arco、 * 责任之外 (Beyond the Line of Duty) 战争 美国 导演:Lewis Seiler 演员:罗纳德·里根、William Hopper、Franklin Delano Roosevelt、Glenn Strange (I)、Hewitt T. Wheless、 * 烽火怪杰 (Walker) 战争 美国 西班牙 导演:Alex Cox 演员:埃德·哈里斯、阿方索·阿雷奥、罗纳德·里根、小佩得罗·阿蒙达里兹、彼得·伯耶尔、理查德·艾德森、 * 美国狂魔 (American Psycho) 惊秫 美国 加拿大 导演:玛丽·哈伦 演员:克里斯蒂安·贝尔、威廉·达福、萨曼莎·玛希斯、瑞茜·威瑟斯朋、杰瑞德·莱托、罗纳德·里根、 * 美国狂魔 (American Psycho) 剧情 美国 加拿大 导演:玛丽·哈伦 演员:克里斯蒂安·贝尔、威廉·达福、萨曼莎·玛希斯、瑞茜·威瑟斯朋、杰瑞德·莱托、罗纳德·里根、 * Knute Rockne All American (Knute Rockne All American) 剧情 美国 导演:Lloyd Bacon 演员:布莱恩·凯斯、罗纳德·里根、George Reeves、Pat O"Brien (I)、Erville Alderson、Rudolph Anders、 * Winning Team, The (Winning Team, The) 剧情 美国 导演:Lewis Seiler 演员:Doris Day、罗纳德·里根、Dorothy Adams、Walter Baldwin、Henry Blair、Larry J. Blake、 * Storm Warning (Storm Warning) 剧情 美国 导演:Stuart Heisler 演员:Doris Day、罗纳德·里根、Ginger Rogers、Lillian Albertson、Walter Baldwin、Paul Brinegar、 * 浮生梦痕 (Hasty Heart, The) 剧情 英国 导演:Vincent Sherman 演员:罗纳德·里根、Alfie Bass、Sam Kydd、Howard Marion-Crawford、Orlando Martins、Ralph Michael、 * 锦绣年华 (Promised Land) 剧情 美国 导演:迈克尔·霍夫曼 演员:梅格·瑞恩、吉弗·莎瑟兰、詹森·杰德里克、Tracy Pollan、罗纳德·里根、杰·昂的乌德、 * 君子红颜 (Bedtime for Bonzo) 战争 美国 导演:Frederick De Cordova 演员:罗纳德·里根、Ginger Anderson、Howard Banks、Leslie Banning、Lucille Barkley、Tommy Bond (I)、
2023-07-12 13:47:281


十篇英文观后感 1.THE FOUR FREEDOMS In the future days,which we seek to make secure,we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The four freedom are that freedom of speech and expression ;freedom of every person to worship God in his own way ;freedom from want ;freedom from fear. 2.THE TORCH HAS BEEN PASSED TO A NEW GENERATION OF AMERICANS This is a presidential inauguration speech from John Kennedy.We observe today not a victory of party,but a celebration of freedom.The world is very different today. Whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world,ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. 3.FIRST BROADCAST AS PRIME MINISTER TO THE BRITISH PEOPLE Winston Churchill say that Victor won`t e to me unless I go to it.Our task is not only to win the battle but to win the war. We should not hesitate to take every step,even the most drastic,to call forth from our people the last ounce and the last inch of effort of which they are capable. 4.ADDRESS TO THE MILLENNIUM SUMMIT Never before have the leaders of so many nations e together in a unique assembly for Kofy Annan address to the summit.We are here to strengther and adapt this great institution. We need to decide our priorities and adapt our United Nations.Let us not disappoint them. 5.MAN WILL PREVAIL Our sragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained bu now that we can even bear it.Man will not merely endure:he will prevail.The poet`s voice need not merely be the record man,it can be one of the props,the pillars to help him endure and prevail. 6.THIS IS A HISTORIC OCCASION This is a historic occasion The Joint Declaration on the Future of Hong Kong fully meets the political requirements of Britain and China as well as the interists of the Hong Kong people. It is right that we should feel a sense of history and of confidence in the future. 7.MICHAEL JORDAN`S RETIREMENT SPEECH Mentally Michael Jordan is exhausted I don`t feel I have a challenge.The author will support the Chicago Bulls.He thinks the game itself is a lot bigger than Mjichael Jordan.He have been given an opportunith by people before me. He played it to the best he could play it and tried to enhance the game itself 8.I HAVE A DREAM My friends ,so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow,I still have a dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live our the true meaning of its creed. Everyone will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:”Free at last!” 9.THE PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION SPEECH We have a place all of us in a long story .A story we continued,but whose end we will not see ..It is a story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old.Never tiring,never yielding,never finishing.We renew that purpose tody to make our country more just and generous to affirm the dignith of our lives and every life. 10.NEW YORK SENATE RACE SPEECH New York,you came out and said that issues and ideals matter.Health care matters,education mateers,the environment matters,social securith maters,a woman`s right to choose matters.Hilary Rodham Clinton thank for every one and NY.She believe nation owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family the tools that they need to make the most of their own lifes.
2023-07-12 13:47:341

The Causes of Homeless People 的英语作文

VOICE ONE:No one knows exactly how many Americans do not have a permanent1 place to live. This homelessness continues although many efforts are being made to end it. I"m Mary Tillotson.VOICE TWO:And I"m Steve Ember. The problem of homeless people is our report today on the VOA Special English program, THIS IS AMERICA.VOICE ONE:Homelessness continues to be one of the most important problems facing America. The most recent national population study said about one-hundred-seventy-thousand people do not have a place to live. But some experts say about two-million people in the United States have no homes. They say officials who count the population cannot find many people who live on the streets. Experts say homelessness is a temporary crisis for most people. But it is a continuing condition for others.
2023-07-12 13:48:042


Ancient dragon river at proper state City northwest 祥 shell the country is inshore, be 20 kilometers apart from the downtown, can arrive ancient dragon river to drift wharf from going by car inside city for 35 minutes.The ancient dragon river cross-straits 翠 bamboo clips water, natural view thousand 姿s are 100 态s, rich in beauty.Ancient 佛 dynasty female natural view of the rock, mandarin duck hole, bat mountain...etc. of the west, royal crown mountain, dragon will move a gradual income your eyes along with the bamboo row that you multiply by inside, become a beautiful landscape painting, make you feel such as go into fairyland.Drum stone pool, bewitching old woman pool, black tiger pool etc. insurance the 漂 of the pool makes you be surprised to have no insurance more, enjoying in retrospect everlasting.The war whoop, flowing water voice, mountain bird of the battle of the along the road kick and the folk song voice of the village 姑 , make you free of mind and happy of heart, unwilling to leave.The ancient dragon river bamboo row drifts "world an unique", having the poem as certificate:"The green hills and blue waters is one bamboo row, concuss to the utmost the human life old dust, the ancient dragon lovely view"s view doesn"t exert, the gentleman is lucky to be suffused with 槎 ".Eventually the 漂 order six younger sister"s villages to go by car to return inside city, the route of travel ends.
2023-07-12 13:48:544


Lesson 92 Asking for trouble 自找麻烦 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why did the policeman ask the writer to come to the police station? It must have been about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell, but she was fast asleep, so I got a ladder from the shed in the garden, put it against the wall, and began climbing towards the bedroom window. I was almost there when a sarcastic voice below said, "I don"t think the windows need cleaning at this time of the night." I looked down and nearly fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I immediately regretted answering in the way I did, but I said, "I enjoy cleaning windows at night." "So do I," answered the policeman in the same tone. "Excuse my interrupting you. I hate to interrupt a man when he"s busy working, but would you mind coming with me to the station?" "Well, I"d prefer to stay here," I said. "You see. I"ve forgotten my key." "Your what?" he called. "My key," I shouted. Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me.New words and expressions 生词和短语fast adv. 熟(睡)ladder n. 梯子shed n. 棚子sarcastic adj. 讽刺的,讥笑的tone n. 语气,腔调参考译文 我回到家时,肯定已是凌晨两点左右了。我按响了门铃,试图唤醒我的妻子,但她睡得很熟。于是,我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子,把它靠在墙边,开始向卧室的窗口爬去。快要爬到窗口时,下面一个人用讽刺的口吻说:“我看不必在夜里这个时候擦窗子吧。”我向下面看去。当我看清是一个警察时,差一点儿从梯子上掉下去。我回答了他的话,但马上又后悔不该那样说,我是这样说的:“我喜欢在夜里擦窗子。” “我也是的,”警察用同样的声调回答,“请原谅我打断了您。当一个人在忙着干活时,我是不愿意去打断他的,但请您跟我到警察局去一趟好吗?” “可我更愿意呆在这儿,”我说,“您瞧,我忘带钥匙了。” “什么?”他大声问。 “钥匙!”我喊道。 幸运得很,这喊声惊醒了我的妻子。就在警察开始向我爬上来时,她打开了窗子。Lesson 93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where was the Statue of Liberty made? One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete. The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel. Before it could be transported to the United States, a site had to be found for it and a pedestal had to be built. The site chosen was an island at the entrance of New York Harbour. By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall had been erected in Paris. The following year, it was taken to pieces and sent to America. By the end of October 1886, the statue had been put together again and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. Ever since then, the great monument has been a symbol of liberty for the millions of people who have passed through New York Harbour to make their homes in America.New words and expressions 生词和短语noble adj. 高尚的,壮丽的monument n. 纪念碑statue n. 雕像liberty n. 自由present v. 赠送sculptor n. 雕刻家actual adj. 实际的,真实的copper n. 铜support v. 支持,支撑framework n. 构架,框架transport v. 运送site n. 场地pedestal n. 底座参考译文 世界上最著名的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是在19世纪时由法国人民赠送给美国的。这座由雕像家奥古斯特.巴索尔地设计的巨大雕像是用10年时间雕像刻成的。这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的,由艾菲尔特制的金属框架支撑着。在雕像被运往美国之前,必须为它选好一块场地,同时必须建造一个基座。场地选在了纽约港入口处的一个鸟上。到1884年,一座高度达151英尺的雕像在巴黎竖立起来了。第二年,它被拆成若干小块,运到美国。到1886年10月底,这座雕像被重新组装起来,由巴索尔地正式赠送给美国人民。从那时起,这座伟大的纪念碑对通过纽约港进入美国定居的千百万人来说就一直是自由的象征。Lesson 94 Future champions 未来的冠军 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What kind of race do the children compete in? Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water. It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, but most of them prefer to push or drag them. Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.New words and expressions 生词和短语instruct v. 指导,传授Los Angeles 洛杉矶reluctant adj. 勉强的,不愿意的weight n. 重物underwater adj. 水下的tricycle n. 三轮车compete v. 比赛,对抗yard n. 码gasp v. 喘气参考译文 实验证明,儿童在很小的时候就可以开始学习游泳。在洛杉矶的一个特设的游泳池里,孩子们甚至在还没有学会走路时就已经能熟练地在水下屏住呼吸了。两个月的婴儿并未显得不愿意入水。他们很快便适应了游泳,以致能捡起池底的物品。这些幼小的游泳运动员非常喜爱的一种游戏是水下三轮车比赛。三轮车并排放在7英尺深的游泳池底上。孩子们比赛看谁先到达游泳池的另一端。很多孩子用脚蹬车,但多数孩子更愿意推或是拉着三轮车。有些孩子能够跑完游泳池的全长而不用露出水面换气。他们将来是否能成为奥林匹克的冠军,这只能由时间来作出回答。与此同时,他们对我们中的那些游不了5码就已喘不过气来的人应该是种鼓舞。Lesson 95 A fantasy 纯属虚构 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why was the Ambassador particularly lucky? When the Ambassador or Escalopia returned home for lunch, his wife got a shock. He looked pale and his clothes were in a frightful state. "What has happened?" she asked. "How did your clothes get into such a mess?" "A fire extinguisher, my dear," answered the Ambassador drily. "University students set the Embassy on fire this morning." "Good heavens!" exclaimed his wife. "And where were you at the time?" "I was in my office as usual," answered the Ambassador. "The fire broke out in the basement. I went down immediately, of course, and that fool, Horst, aimed a fire extinguisher at me. He thought I was on fire. I must definitely get that fellow posted." The Ambassador"s wife went on asking questions, when she suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband"s hat. "And how can you explain that?" she asked. "Oh, that," said the Ambassador. "Someone fired a shot through my office window. Accurate, don"t you think? Fortunately, I wasn"t wearing it at the time. If I had been, I would not have been able to get home for lunch."New words and expressions 生词和短语fantasy n. 幻想故事ambassador n. 大使Escalopia n. 艾斯卡罗比亚(虚构的国名)frightful adj. 可怕的,令人吃惊的fire extinguisher 灭火器drily adv. 冷淡地,枯燥无味地embassy n. 大使馆heaven n. 天,天堂basement n. 地下室definitely adv. 肯定地post v. 派任shot n. 子弹参考译文 当艾斯卡罗比亚国的大使回到家吃午饭时,把他的夫人吓了一跳。他面色苍白,衣服也搞得不成样子。 “发生了什么事?”她问,“你的衣服怎么搞得一塌糊涂?” “灭火器弄的,亲爱的,”大使冷冷地回答,“今天上午大学生们放火点着了大使馆。” “天啊!”他的夫人惊叫,“那你当时在什么地方?” “我和往常一样,在办公室里,”大使回答说。“地下室突然着火,我当然马上下去了。但那个傻瓜霍斯特把灭火器对准了我。他认为是我着火了。我一定要把那个家伙打发走。” 大使夫人继续提出问题,她突然又发现丈夫的帽子上有个洞。 “那么你对那又作何解释呢?”她问。 “那个嘛,”大使说,“有人向我办公室窗户开了一枪。真够准的,是不是?幸亏我当时没戴帽子。如果真戴着它,我现在就不能回家来吃午饭了。”Lesson 96 The dead return 亡灵返乡 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What happens to the lanterns at the end of the festival? A Festival for the Dead is held once a year in Japan. This festival is a cheerful occasion, for on this day, the dead are said to return to their homes and they are welcomed by the living. As they are expected to be hungry after their long journey, food is laid out for them. Specially-made lanterns are hung outside each house to help the dead to find their way. All night long, people dance and sing. In the early morning, the food that had been laid out for the dead is thrown into a river or into the sea as it is considered unlucky for anyone living to eat it. In towns that are near the sea, the tiny lanterns which had been hung in the streets the night before, are placed into the water when the festival is over. Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journey to the other world. This is a moving spectacle, for crowds of people stand on the shore watching the lanterns drifting away until they can be seen no more.New words and expressions 生词和短语festival n. 节日lantern n. 灯笼spectacle n. 景象,壮观,场面参考译文 日本每年过一次“亡灵节”。这个节日是个欢乐的日子,因为在这一天,据说死去的人要回到他们的家里来,活着的人则对他们表示欢迎。因为预料到他们在经过长途旅行之后会感到饥饿,所以为他们摆放好了食品。特制的灯笼挂在各家的门外,为的是帮助亡灵看清道路。整个夜晚人们载歌载舞。一大早,人们便把为死者摆放的食品扔进河中或海里,因为人们认为活着的人吃了这些东西是不吉利的。在靠海的城镇中,头天夜里挂在大街小巷的小灯笼在节后就放在了水里。成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海,指引着亡灵返回另一个世界。这是一个感人的场面,人们成群地伫立在海岸上,注视着灯笼远去,直到再也看不见为止。
2023-07-12 13:49:031

Rocky Mountain High 歌词

歌曲名:Rocky Mountain High歌手:John Denver专辑:Voice Of AmericaHe was born in the summer of his 27th yearComin" home to a place he"d never been beforeHe left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born againYou might say he found a key for every doorWhen he first came to the mountains his life was far awayOn the road and hangin" by a songBut the string"s already broken and he doesn"t really careIt keeps changin" fast and it don"t last for longBut the Colorado rocky mountain highI"ve seen it rainin" fire in the skyThe shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullabyeRocky mountain highRocky mountain highHe climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds belowHe saw everything as far as you can seeAnd they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sunAnd he lost a friend but kept his memoryNow he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streamsSeeking grace in every step he takesHis sight has turned inside himself to try and understandThe serenity of a clear blue mountain lakeAnd the Colorado rocky mountain highI"ve seen it rainin" fire in the skyYou can talk to God and listen to the casual replyRocky mountain highRocky mountain highNow his life is full of wonder but his heart still knows some fearOf a simple thing he cannot comprehendWhy they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple moreMore people, more scars upon the landAnd the Colorado rocky mountain highI"ve seen it rainin" fire in the skyI know he"d be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle flyRocky mountain highIt"s Colorado rocky mountain highI"ve seen it rainin" fire in the skyFriends around the campfire and everybody"s highRocky mountain highRocky mountain highRocky mountain highRocky mountain highRocky mountain highRocky mountain high
2023-07-12 13:49:291


2023-07-12 13:49:433

写一个关于“Tall Tale”的英语小故事急急急急急急!!!!!8句话就行!!!!!就是荒诞,说

A Tall Tale: John Henry By George Grow ANNOUNCER: Today we tell a traditional American story called a "tall tale." A tall tale is a story about a person who is larger than life. The descriptions in the story are exaggerated – much greater than in real life. Long ago, the people who settled in undeveloped areas of America first told tall tales. After a hard day"s work, people gathered to tell each other stories. Each group of workers had its own tall tale hero. An African American man named John Henry was the hero of former slaves and the people who built the railroads. He was known for his strength. Railroads began to link the United States together in the nineteenth century. The railroads made it possible to travel from one side of the country to the other in less than a week. Before then, the same trip might have taken up to six months. Railroad companies employed thousands of workers to create the smooth, flat pathways required by trains. John Henry was perhaps the most famous worker. He was born a slave in the southern United States. He became a free man as a result of America"s Civil War. Then, he worked for the railroads. Confirming details of John Henry"s life is not possible. That is because no one knows or sure if he really lived. This is one of the things that makes his story interesting. However, John Henry is based, in part, on real events. Many people say he represents the spirit of growth in America during this period. Now, here is Shep O"Neal with our story. STORYTELLER: People still talk about the night John Henry was born. It was dark and cloudy. Then, lightening lit up the night sky. John Henry"s birth was a big event. His parents showed him to everyone they met. John Henry was the most powerful looking baby people had ever seen. He had thick arms, wide shoulders and strong muscles. John Henry started growing when he was one day old. He continued growing until he was the strongest man who ever lived. John Henry grew up in a world that did not let children stay children for long. One day, he was sitting on his father"s knee. The boy picked up a small piece of steel and a workman"s tool, a hammer. He looked at the two objects, then said, "A hammer will be the death of me." Before John Henry was six years old, he was carrying stones for workers building a nearby railroad. By the age of ten, he worked from early in the morning until night. Often, he would stop and listen to the sound of a train far away. He told his family, "I am going to be a steel-driver some day." Steel-drivers helped create pathways for the railroad lines. These laborers had the job of cutting holes in rock. They did this by hitting thick steel drills, or spikes. By the time John Henry was a young man, he was one of the best steel-drivers in the country. He could work for hours without missing a beat. People said he worked so fast that his hammer moved like lightening. STORYTELLER: John Henry was almost two meters tall. He weighed more than ninety kilograms. He had a beautiful deep voice, and played an instrument called a banjo. John Henry married another steel-driver, a woman named Polly Ann. They had a son. John Henry went to work as a steel-driver for the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, or C-and-O. The company asked him to lead workers on a project to extend the railroad into the Allegheny Mountains. The workers made good progress on the project until they started working near Big Bend Mountain in West Virginia. The company"s owners said the mountain was too big to build a railroad around it. So the workers were told they had to force their drills through it. This meant creating a tunnel more than one-and-one half kilometers long. The project required about one thousand laborers and lasted three years. Pay was low and the work was difficult. The workers had to breathe thick black smoke and dust. Hundreds of men became sick. Many died. John Henry was the strongest and fastest man involved in the project. He used a hammer that weighed more than six kilograms. Some people say he was able to cut a path of three to six meters a day. STORYTELLER: That July was the hottest month ever in West Virginia. Many workers became tired and weak in the heat. John Henry was concerned his friends might lose their jobs. So, he picked up their hammers and began doing their work. One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers. He worked day and night, rarely stopping to eat. The men thanked John Henry for his help. He just smiled and said, "A man ain"t nothing but a man. He has just got to do his best." The extreme heat continued for weeks. One day, a salesman came to the work area with a new drilling machine powered by steam. He said it could drill holes faster than twelve men working together. The railroad company planned to buy the machine if it worked as well as the salesman said. The supervisor of the workers dismissed the salesman"s claims. He said, "I have the best steel-driver in the country. His name is John Henry, and he can beat more than twenty men working together." The salesman disputed the statements. He said the company could have the machine without cost if John Henry was faster. The supervisor called to John Henry. He said, "This man does not believe that you can drill faster. How about a race?" John Henry looked at the machine and saw images of the future. He saw machines taking the place of America"s best laborers. He saw himself and his friends unemployed and standing by a road, asking for food. He saw men losing their families and their rights as human beings. John Henry told the supervisor he would never let the machine take his job. His friends all cheered. However, John Henry"s wife Polly Ann was not happy. "Competing against the machine will be the death of you," she said. "You have a wife and a child. If anything happens to you, we will not ever smile again." John Henry lifted his son into the air. He told his wife, "A man ain"t nothing but a man. But, a man always has to do his best. Tomorrow, I will take my hammer and drive that steel faster than any machine." STORYTELLER: On the day of the big event, many people came to Big Bend Mountain to watch. John Henry and the salesman stood side by side. Even early in the day, the sun was burning hot. The competition began. John Henry kissed his hammer and started working. At first, the steam-powered drill worked two times faster than he did. Then, he started working with a hammer in each hand. He worked faster and faster. In the mountain, the heat and dust were so thick that most men would have had trouble breathing. The crowd shouted as clouds of dust came from inside the mountain. The salesman was afraid when he heard what sounded like the mountain breaking. However, it was only the sound of John Henry at work. Polly Ann and her son cheered when the machine was pulled from the tunnel. It had broken down. Polly Ann urged John Henry to come out. But he kept working, faster and faster. He dug deep into the darkness, hitting the steel so hard that his body began to fail him. He became weak, and his heart burst. John Henry fell to the ground. There was a terrible silence. Polly Ann did not move because she knew what happened. John Henry"s blood spilled over the ground. But he still held one of the hammers. "I beat them," he said. His wife cried out, "Don"t go, John Henry." "Bring me a cool drink of water," he said. Then he took his last breath. Friends carried his body from the mountain. They buried him near the house where he was born. Crowds went there after they heard about John Henry"s death. Soon, the steam drill and other machines replaced the steel-drivers. Many laborers left their families, looking for work. They took the only jobs they could find. As they worked, some sang about John Henry. ANNOUNCER: You have just heard the story of John Henry. It was adapted for Special English by George Grow. Your storyteller was Shep O"Neal. Join us again next week for another AMERICAN STORY, in Special English on the Voice of America. This is Faith Lapidus.
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American Beauty
2023-07-12 13:49:593

Miss America 歌词

歌曲:Miss America 歌手:James Blunt语言:英语所属专辑:Bonfire Heart - EP发行时间:2013-10-04歌词:Miss America (Acoustic Version from Angel Studios) - James BluntDid someone give you something to help you ease the painLike the liquor in the bottle we watched you slip awayAnd I feel like if I know you through the buzz of a songAlways surrounded but aloneBut no goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breatheWas that picture in the paper not the face you recognizeDid the make-up never make up for the pain behind your eyesAnd I feel as if I know you when you"re on my silver screenBut I don"t know the dark places that you"ve beenBut no goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breatheDoes another voice sing in heaven"s choir tonightTo fill the silence left behindAnd I don"t know what goes on in your mindI"m sure it"s enough to make me crySomeday we"ll find you"ll live foreverNo goodbyes you"ll always be Miss AmericaWe watched you fly but nothing"s free, Miss AmericaAnd as you fall apart we just call it oddWas it so hard to breathe
2023-07-12 13:50:063


The Hunger Games is a young adult novel by American television writer and novelist Suzanne Collins. It was first published on September 14, 2008, in hardcover, featuring a cover designed by Tim O"Brien.It is written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, holds hegemony over the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12 to 18 from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle to the death until only one person remains.The book received mostly positive feedback from major reviewers and authors, including author Stephen King. It was praised for its storyline and character development, though some reviewers have noted similarities between Collins" book and the Japanese novel Battle Royale (1999), as well as other works. In writing The Hunger Games, Collins drew upon Greek mythology and contemporary reality television for thematic content. The novel won numerous awards, including the California Young Reader Medal, and was named one of Publishers Weekly"s "Best Books of the Year" in 2008.The Hunger Games has been released in paperback and also as an audiobook and ebook. The hardcover had an initial print of 200,000 – twice doubled from the original 50,000. Since its release, the novel has been translated into 26 languages, and rights of production have been sold in 38 countries. The Hunger Games is the first novel in The Hunger Games trilogy, followed by Catching Fire, published on September 1, 2009,and Mockingjay, published on August 24, 2010. A film adaptation, directed by Gary Ross and co-written and co-produced by Collins herself, was released worldwide on March 23, 2012.Collins has stated that the inspiration for The Hunger Games came from channel surfing on television. On one channel she observed people competing on a reality show and on another she saw footage of the invasion of Iraq. The two "began to blur in this very unsettling way" and the idea for the book was formed. The Greek myth of Theseus served as a major basis for the story, with Collins describing Katniss as a futuristic Theseus, and Roman gladiatorial games provided the framework. The sense of loss that Collins developed through her father"s service in the Vietnam War also affected the story, with Katniss having lost her father at age 11, five years before the story begins. Collins stated that the deaths of the young characters and other "dark passages" were the hardest parts of the book to write, but she had accepted that passages such as these were necessary to the story. She considered the moments where Katniss reflects on happier moments in her past to be the more enjoyable.望采纳,谢谢。
2023-07-12 13:50:131

阅读理解When i was growing up in America,答案

41. Why was the author"s mother poorly served? A. She was unable to speak good English. B. She was often misunderstood. C. She was not clearly heard. D. She was not very polite. 答案:A 试题分析:由文中Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. 可知 高考考点::考查事实细节 易错提醒:易错选B 42. From Paragorph 2, we know that the author was . A. good a pretending B. rude to the stockbroker C. ready to help her mother D. unwilling to phone for her mother 答案:D 试题分析:由文中 ‘I was forced to ask for information or even to yell at people who had been rude to her”可知 高考考点::考查故事细节 易错提醒:易错A 43. After the author made the phone call, . A. they forgave the stockbroker B. they failed to get the check C. they went to New York immediately D. they spoke to their boss at once 答案:B 试题分析:由文中 “I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing” 及 “If I don"t receive the check immediately , I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week. ”和 “The next week we ended up in New York. ” 可推断出答案 高考考点::考查文章分析推测能力 易错提醒:易错选C 44. What does the author think of her mother"s English now? A. It confuses her. B. It embarrasses her. C. It helps her understand the world. D. It helps her tolerate rude people. 答案:C 试题分析:由文中最后一段But now, I see it differently. To me, --------and made sense of the world. 高考考点::考查分析推测能力 45. We can inter from the passage that ChineseEnglish . A. is clear and natural to non-native speakers B. is vivid and direct to non-native speakers C. has a verv bad reputation in America D. may bring inconvenience in America 45. 答案:D 试题分析:由文中作者母亲的经历可以推测出 高考考点::考查文章分析推断能力
2023-07-12 13:50:231

Eminem的《Mosh》 歌词

歌名:mosh所属专辑: Encore 演唱者: Eminem 作词: Batson, Elizondo发行时间:2004-11-12歌词:(Kids: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America..(BOOM)(Kids: And to the Republic..)Eminem: People..(Kids: For which it stands..)Eminem: Hahaha..(Kids: One nation under God.. Indivisible..)Eminem: It feels so good to be back!I scrutinize every word" memorize every lineI spit it once" refuel" re-energize and rewindI give sight to the blind" my insight"s through the mindI exercise my right to express when I feel it"s timeIt"s just all in your mind - what you interpret it asI say to fight" you take it as I"ma whip someone"s assIf you don"t understand" don"t even bother to askA father who has grown up with a father-less pastWho has blown up now to rap phenomenonThat has" or at least shows"no difficulty multi-taskin" and juggling bothPerhaps mastered-his-craft slash entrepreneurWho has helped launch a few more rap-bagsWho"s had a few obstacles thrown his wayThrough the last half of his careerTypical manure" moving past thatMister kiss-his-ass-crack" he"s a class-actRubber-band man" yeah" he just snaps backCome along" follow me" as I lead through the darknessAs I provide just enough spark that we need to proceedCarry on" give me hope" give me strengthCome with me" and I wont steer you wrongPut your faith in your trust" as I guide us through the fogTo the light at the end of the tunnel we gon" fightWe gon" charge" we gon" stompWe gon" march through the swampWe gon" mosh through the marshTake us right through the doorsCome on..All the people up top" on the side and the middleCome together" let"s all form this swamp just a littleJust let it gradually build" from the front to the backAll you can see is a sea of people" some white and some blackNo matter what color" all that matters we"re gathered togetherTo celebrate for the same cause" no matter the weatherIf it rains" let it rainYeah" the wetter the betterThey ain"t gon" stop us - they can"tWe"re stronger now" more then everThey tell us "No"" we say "Yeah"They tell us "Stop"" we say "Go"Rebel with a rebel yellRaise hell - we gon" let em knowStomp" push" shove" mush..Fuck BushUntil they bring our troops home" c"mon" just..Come along" follow me as I lead through the darknessAs I provide just enough spark that we need to proceedCarry on" give me hope" give me strengthCome with me" and I wont steer you wrongPut your faith in your trust" as I guide us through the fogTo the light at the end of the tunnel we gon" fightWe gon" charge" we gon" stompWe gon" march through the swampWe gon" mosh through the marshTake us right through the doorsCome on..Imagine it pourin"" it"s rainin" down on usMoshpits outside the oval officeSomeone"s tryin to tell us somethingMaybe this is God just sayin" we"re responsibleFor this monster - this coward that we have empoweredThis is Bin LadenLook at his head noddin"How could we allow something like this without pumpin" our fistsNow" this is our final hourLet me be the voice" and your strength and your choiceLet me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noiseTry to amplify it" times it" and multiply it by sixteen millionPeople are equal at this high pitchMaybe we can reach al CIAda through my speechLet the president answer our high anarchyStrap him with a AK-47" let him go fight his own warLet him impress daddy that wayNo more blood for oil" we got our own battles to fight on our own soilNo more psychological warfareto trick us to thinking that we ain"t loyalIf we don"t serve our own country" we"re patronizing our heroLook in his eyes" its all liesThe stars and stripes" have been swipedWashed out and wiped and replaced with his own faceMosh now or dieIf I get sniped tonight" you"ll know why‘Cuz I told you to fightCome along" follow me as I lead through the darknessAs I provide just enough spark that we need to proceedCarry on" give me hope" give me strengthCome with me" and I wont steer you wrongPut your faith in your trust" as I guide us through the fogTo the light at the end of the tunnel we gon" fightWe gon" charge" we gon" stompWe gon" march through the swampWe gon" mosh through the marshTake us right through the doorsCome onEminem: And as we proceed to mosh through this desert these closing statements"if they should argue" let us beg to we set aside our differences"and assemble our own army to disarm this weapon of mass destructionthat we call our president for the present..and mosh for the future of our next speak and be heard.. Mr President.. Mr Senator..(Kids: Hear us" hear us?.. Hahaha)
2023-07-12 13:50:312


1-5 ADDDD6-10 BBBBD11-15 CBDCA16-20 ADBDB
2023-07-12 13:50:513


卓别林是最伟大的滑稽演员之一,1889年在伦敦出生。他小的时候很穷,他经常在伦敦剧院门外等着,希望能在那里面工作。 他能唱会跳,但是最主要的是他能让别人哈哈大笑。但是他却找不到工作,只能在街上四处游荡。 查理 卓别林第一次演出时在5岁的时候。 他开始演出是因为他的妈妈。 他妈妈在音乐厅表演,在一次演出中失了声,她不得不离开舞台。 查理把演出继续下去,唱了一首很有名的歌。 唱到一半的时候,人们纷纷把钱撒到舞台上。查理停下来,对观众说他需要先把钱捡起来,然后再继续唱完。 观众都笑了。 他一生中把观众逗笑了几百万次,这是第一次。20年后,卓别林成为世界上最伟大的最受人喜欢的喜剧演员。 他的梦想终于实现了。 卓别林在世界出了名,几乎成为了电影节的王者。即使那些不懂英语的人,也会喜欢卓别林的电影,因为几乎都是无声喜剧。 那时候有声电影的技术发展的还没有发展完善。对于卓别林来说,有声电影的发展也成了一个问题,因为他不习惯电影中的对白。他继续制作一些无对白的电影,但是他加入了一些自己创作的音乐。 不是他的语言来让大家发笑,他的喜剧并不依靠于对白。 他是通过一些细微的举动来引起人们的共鸣。卓别林一生大部分都在美国胜过,晚年呆在瑞士。 他在1977年圣诞节的时候去世,去世时88岁。 对于世界来说,他的去世都是一个悲伤的消息。在他的书里,卓别林告诉我们如果成功。他说;你要相信自己。这就是秘诀。
2023-07-12 13:51:142


2023-07-12 13:51:224


1. 去动物园的英语小作文(40个单词) A visit to the zoo. went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday. It was hot and sunny that day. It took us about o hours to get there by bus. There were thousands of people in the zoo. We saw lots of animals, such as, pandas, kangaroos, polar bears, gifaffes, elephants, tigers, wolves, snakes and so on. We also saw the elephant show. The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us. At noon we had a picnic in the zoo. And then we thew the rubbish into the dustbin. We didn"t go home until 5:00 in the afternoon. Although we were tired, we felt happy. 上周日我和朋友们去了动物园。那天天气很热、晴朗。我们乘公交大约两个小时才到那。动物园里有成千上万的人。我们看见了许多动物。如:熊猫、袋鼠、北极熊、长颈鹿、大象、老虎、狼、蛇等等。我们也看了大象表演。大象是如此聪明的动物,他们能象我们人类一样做动作。中午我们野餐并把垃圾扔到了垃圾箱。我们直到10点才回家。尽管我们很累,我们去非常高兴。 2. 关于去动物园的英语作文 In the zoo Oh,today is warm!I am going to the zoo. In the zoo,I can see many animals.The elephants are walking. The monkeys are swinging.There are many rabbits in the zoo. They are very cute!Oh,look at the birds,they are flying. I am so happy!Haha! 在动物园 噢,今天真暖和!我打算去动物园. 在动物园,我能看见许多动物.大象在走路. 猴子在荡秋千.在动物园里有许多兔子. 它们非常可爱!噢,看那些小鸟,它们在飞. 我真开心!哈哈! I get early last Sunday. I take a bus to the zoo with my parents. We see many kinds of animals there, like elephants, pandas, lions, tigers … Some of them are very cute, but some are ugly. Some are scary, but some are friendly. My favorite animal is the panda. It is very cute and shy. My father takes a photo for me with the panda. I am tired when I get home, but I have a good time in the zoo. I got up early last Sunday. I took a bus to the zoo with my parents. We saw many kinds of animals there, like elephants, pandas, lions, tigers … Some of them were very cute, but some were ugly. Some were scary, but some were friendly. My favorite animal is the panda. It is very cute and shy. My father took a photo for me with the panda. I was tired when I got home, but I had a good time in the zoo. Visiting the Zoo Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the animals,some were playing games and others were resting under the trees.We went to watch the birds first.Then we came to see the monkeys.They were very lovely.We also saw the tigers and the lions.We saw many animals in the zoo.We felt very happy. 3. 以去动物园为题写一篇英语作文 Visiting the Zoo Yesterday was Sunday and it was a fine day.My parents and I visited the zoo.We went by bus.We started out at 8:00 in the morning and got there at 8:30.There were many people in the zoo.Some were watching the animals,some were playing games and others were resting under the trees.We went to watch the birds first.Then we came to see the monkeys.They were very lovely.We also saw the tigers and the lions.We saw many animals in the zoo.We felt very happy. 4. 英语小作文 A Visit to A Zoo : Our school broke up for the winter vacations. One day I went to xxx zoo with my friends. The entry was by tickets. We went up several steps to purchase the tickets. Then we entered the zoo. We walked up and down. A deep c *** ran parallel to the footpath. Beyond the c *** there were *** all trees. The cages of the birds were hanging down the branches of the trees. Their multi-coloured feathers gleamed into sunlight. Next we saw a *** all water pond with many kinds of birds swimming in it. It was interesting to see new birds in an enclosure. They ittered, chirped and whistled. They presented nature"s voice. It was pleasing indeed to hear them. We saw many birds there - sparrows, nightingales and owls of different colours set in the closed cage. The owls sat with closed eyes lost in thoughts. We bade a silent farewell to those philosophers among birds and walked on. We visited the tigers, lions and bears shut in cages. We saw some hippos and also a rhino. We heared the loud roar of a lion. One tiger was in a fit of anger. The tiger was strong and handsome. I was reminded of Blake"s lines. “What immortal hand or eye dare frame the fearful symmetry?" Then we enjoyed a boat cruise. I enjoyed it most. We also saw many other fauna like crocodiles, snakes, frogs, fish ad a hundred other creatures. They all felt at home in the zoo. Last of all we saw different kinds of monkeys. We passed many happy hours in the zoo. It was a pleasing experience for all of us. 5. 动物园英语作文怎么写 sunday jane with her mother to go to the zoo,they look mang animal.she and her mother look at elephants,pas,lions and tigers.some animals are very nice,some animals are very ugly,same animals are firendly.jane have a good time,bcease sheis very like those animals.。 6. 写篇以去动物园为题的英语作文 today was Sunday. My parents were free, too. I got up at 7"oclock, because my families planed to go to the zoo. After the breakfast, I took the camera and went to the station together with my parents. It was already 9"oclock when we arrived at the zoo. There were so many monkeys, tigers, lions..。 7. 写一篇关于去动物园的英语作文不少于130个词 One Day at the Zoo On my visit to the Zoo their were many interesting animals that grabbed my attention. The first animal was the Black Necked Swan which is also known by its scientific name Cygnus Melan Coryphus. This bird appeared to be very fortable in its new environment at the Zoo. Their were o of these magnificent birds for me to observe. Both of them had snow white bottoms, with dark black necks and a red orange colored bill. The male swan is known as a cob and the female a pen, the males are usually a bit larger than the females. The areas of origin are in open lakes and marsh lands in the Southern parts of South America, including Chile, Argentina, and Falkland Islands. The black necked swan feeds on Aquatic plants in the zoo, and as wild swan they typically feed on vegetation, insects, and fish spawn. The black necked swan is not in any danger of being extinct. The swans seem to some how stay close to each other and their behavior was calm. I find the black neck on the swan to be very interesting, I had never known of a black necked swan until my recent visit to the zoo. The swan"s neck was very long it seems at times to wrap around the bottom of its body, as it dives its head into the pond.
2023-07-12 13:51:311


2023-07-12 13:51:415


一 . 相同之处  1. 意为“开始;发生;发起”时,两者可互换。如:  Then he began/ started a series of experiments. 然后他就开始做一系列的实验。  How did the accident begin/ start? 事故是怎样发生的?  2. 表示开始某一动作时,后面跟不定式或动名词所表达的意思是相同的。但当表示开始一项较长时间或经常性的活动时,后接动名词的形式则更为常见。如:  The child began crying/ to cry. 那小孩开始哭了。  3. 两者在下列情况下常接不定式,不接动名词:  ( 1 )主语是无生命的事物,而不是人时。如:  The ice began/ started to melt. 冰开始融化了。  ( 2 )当 began 和 start 用于进行时态时。如:  The plaster was beginning / starting to fall from the walls. 墙上的灰泥开始脱落了。  ( 3 )当 begin 和 start 后接表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时。如:  Mary began/ started to guess what is in the bag. 玛丽开始猜包里有什么东西了。  4. 两者都具有及物动词词性和不及物物动词词性。如:  What time do you begin/ start school? 你是什么时候开始上学的?  His work starts/ begins at half past eight and finishes at a quarter to five. 他的工作八点半开始,四点四十五分结束。  5. begin/ start with 意为“从……开始”。如:  Which lesson shall I begin / start with? 我应从哪一课开始?  6. begin 和 start 均为终止性动词,因此不能与段时间状语连用。如:  电影开始 10 分钟了。  误: The film has begun/ started for ten minutes.  正: The film began ten minutes ago.  正: The film has been on for ten minutes.  正: It"s ten minutes since the film began.  二 . 不同之处  1. 表示(机器)开始、启动时,用 start ,不用 begin ,时此的 start 相当于 set going .如:How do you start the washing machine? 洗衣机怎么启动?  The man can"t start the car. 这个人无法发动这辆车。  2. 表示创办、开设时,用 start ,不用 begin .此时的 start 相当于 set up 或 establish .如:  He started a new shop last year. 去年他新开了一家商店。  3. 表示动身、出发、启程时,用 start ,不用 begin ,此时的 start 相当于 set out 或 set off .如:  He started for America last week. 他上周动身去美国了。  4. 表示开始使用时,用 start ,不用 begin ,此时的 start 相当于 begin to use .如:  You have used up this bottle of ink. Will you start another one? 你已用完了这瓶墨水,打算再用一瓶吗?  5. 表示惊动、惊起时,用 start ,不用 begin ,此时的 start 相当于 be started .如:  She started at the sound of my voice. 她听到我的声音吓了一跳。  6. 表示提出问题时,用 start ,不用 begin ,此时的 start 相当于 raise 或 put up .如:  John started a question at the meeting. 约翰在会上提出了一个问题。  7. 指一段时间的开始常用 begin ,而不用 start .如:  The new school year will begin soon. 新学年很快就要开始了。  
2023-07-12 13:51:591

英语作文:一个我参观过的地方(A place l once visited)

That was the first time for me to come to America. The trip was much more exciting than I had expected. As planned, I got my plane ticket and started my journey. Everything went smoothly at first. I departed from my home city Qingdao and changed a larger plane in Seoul, South Korea. The second day the plane arrived in Chicago on time and I was in high spirits for I almost got to my destination—SMSU (Southwest Missouri State University) in Springfield. Just at that time something unexpected happened. When I went through the customs, the immigration officer asked me about the 9-year-old boy who travelled with me all the way from China. As a matter of fact, I didn"t really know the boy before. Before I left China, his grandparents heard that I was coming to Springfield through Chicago, so they asked me to take this boy to his parents who work in Chicago. The boy had all the necessary documents, including his passport, American visa, etc. Without any hesitation, I agreed to take care of the boy on my way to Chicago. I explained to the officer, but he insisted that I should show the boy"s parents?letter inviting the boy to America, which we didn"t bring with us. The officer asked us to stay aside and after a while, another officer came and brought us to a special room and ordered us to be quiet. When I looked around, I found another man there, whose ankle was fastened with fetters to a bench leg. It was obvious that I had lost my freedom. They probably thought I was a smuggler who smuggle children to America. (收集: plane for Springfield was leaving soon. I tried to explain, but they refused to listen. They just asked us to sit still. After about 30 minutes, one officer came to ask me about the boy"s parents?telephone number and I told him they were waiting outside the Customs Office and told him their names. The officer said he would find them. After another 20 minutes, he came back and returned my passport and allowed me to go, but he did not bring the boy"s parents in. His parents were not allowed into the Customs Office, so the boy had to wait. Just imagine, how frightening for a boy who was only 9 years old, speaking no English and was told to stay there waiting! So I said: "No, I won"t go unless the boy goes with me or you let his parents come to fetch him." On hearing this, the officer asked me to wait and after 10 minutes, he came out and gave us the boy"s passport and allowed us to leave. I looked at my watch. I had 8 minutes left to get onto my plane. We hurried to look for our luggage. Just as the old saying goes, "When it rains, it pours."One of my luggage bags in which I put all my daily neccessities was missing. I looked everywhere but failed to find it. An officer there told me to go and collect it in Springfield. I had to take the boy to his parents. There were so many people waiting outside. I could not find his parents. I had never seen them before. The boy was so young that I dared not let him go alone to look for his parents for fear he might get lost. Finally I had to call out his father"s name at the top of my voice, and getting a few stares. They probally thought I was mad. Luckily he heard me and my mission of taking the boy to his parents was fulfilled. But there was only about 2 minutes before the plane took off. So we (his father and I) hurried to the terminal, only to be told the plane had left exactly 2 minutes before. The officer at the terminal suggested us to take the next day"s plane for it was already 9 pm. I was really exhausted. The only thing I could do then was to find the nearest hotel, "Hilton Hotel"to stay for the night. (整理: next day I took the first plane to Springfield. My luggage was still missing, and they just asked me to wait and promised to send it to me the next day. I waited and waited... one day... two days... three days... four days... but still it didn"t come. I felt very depressed, for I could not change my clothes for all these days, and they had begun to smell. But what touched me most was that all the colleagues in my department tried their best to help me and to comfort me. Fortunately the luggage arrived six days later. Although the suitcase was broken, everything inside was safe.
2023-07-12 13:52:081

i am goning to begin in Nanjing, 这里可以说I am going to start in Nanjing吗?begin和start什么时候用

I don;t know.
2023-07-12 13:52:273

Be动词和助动词要如何区分 用法是怎样的

be动词:is 、am 、are助动词:have 、do最简单的理解方法。。。
2023-07-12 13:52:513


2023-07-12 13:53:0911


Many people are wondering what the future city will look like. If I were to look into my crystal ball, what I would see is that future cities will be clean, green and full of optimism and hope. The city of the future will be cleaner and greener because of solar and hydrogen energy. Elevated hydrogen trains (Hyrail) will be powered by solar energy that electrolyzes water for fuel cells. This electricity will power MagLev Hyrail trains.Also running through future cities will be, at ground level, hydrogen fuel cell trains (or Hydrail). While Hyrail will most typically be passenger trains, hauling people around the future cities, Hydrail will be using the power of hydrogen fuel cells to haul cargo inside and outside of town.The future cities of America and elsewhere will also be heavily equipped with solar panels. There will be photovoltaic panels on the rooftops on almost every building and the windows of each building will double as solar panels as well.And, of course what would a future city be without a future car for every driver? These future cars will run on hydrogen, electricity, biofuels and even air. There may even be a few future flying cars that sail above traffic during rush hour. Thing Jetson or Flux Capacitor, then think again. Prototypes are here now.Einstein Cities ...In the cities of the future, every building will have smart technology. The smart technology will distribute and conserve energy through the building where it is needed most. Also, many buildings using solar energy will produce more electricity than they consume. They will be tied into the smart grid, selling power back and the smart grid will redistribute the energy in sections of the state and country where it is needed most.The future city will also be inhabited with huge balloons filled with algae the produce hydrogen. This hydrogen will then either be run through stationary fuel cells to provide energy or be used as fuel for cars.City life in the future will be a bit different than it is today. Future phones and laptops will have merged into small hybrids with WiFi everywhere and VoIP the standard for carrying voice and video data.Life in the future city will have people even more plugged in than they are today. Virtual conferencing using virtual reality will be standard.Future robots will have taken over the many tasks. The Honda ASIMO robot will be in a Tech Museum right downtown. Other kinds of robots will inhabit thefuture home.People will only travel for vacation as the need to travel for business will be eliminated with the virtual business world. And for people who do want to go on vacation will do so either on supersonic jets or Maglev bullet trains.The typical future city will also be filled with people using jetpacks instead of driving their own vehicles or in addition to their vehicles. Fuel grade hydrogen peroxide will power these jetpacks that only emit water vapor and will be able to travel for miles before refueling.Nano Tech Cities ...This vision of what the future cities will look like is all based upon emerging technology that is available now. This emerging technology of course has to be refined, downsized in many cases and of production quality. Look for nanotechnology to have taken over in many fields.The future city will be a bright, hopeful place filled with green energy, interconnectivity and applied virtual reality.
2023-07-12 13:53:491

谁知道一个美国女歌星 名字读起来大概是helementena

我猜你说的是Hannah Montana,其实是迪斯尼一个电视系列里的人物,白天是中学生,晚上是歌星。她是Miley Cyrus演的,Miley Cyrus本身就是一个大歌星。
2023-07-12 13:53:584

跪求Gerard depardieu的英文介绍???好心人帮帮忙!

介绍:外表是成为大明星的必备条件吗?杰哈德巴狄(Gerard Depardieu)会告诉你答案。如果没有生得那麼性格,特别是那屹立的大鼻子,杰哈德巴狄还能拥有「法国国宝」的称号吗?可以确定的是,拥有独特外型所助的一臂之力,1990年的【大鼻子情圣】(Cyrano deBergerac)才有一个简直量身打造的「西哈诺」— 其貌不扬却文采飞扬,能文能武,意气风发的一代悲剧英雄 — 活灵活现的成功重现。在萤幕上,杰哈德巴狄既性感又充满爆发力,以高超的演技,结合两者的魅力,拿捏得恰如其份,让人难以相信,还有谁能代表西哈诺呢?这个经典的演出,不但让他得到奥斯卡奖提名,参与世界各大电影节,获奖无数,他的形象从此深入人心。从十六岁开始登台,多才多艺充满各种可能的杰哈德巴狄,在1970年代的法国影坛,表现相当活跃,参与多部电影演出,包括【1900】、【Maitresse】、【Get out Your Handkerchiefs】 以及【Danton】。演而优则导,1984年他跨行导演,主导了自己的电影【Le Tartuffe】。杰哈德巴狄在【The Last Metro】(1980)、【大鼻子情圣】(1990)两片中,演技已经炉火纯青,实至名归的获得法国凯撒奖的肯定。1990年代的杰哈德巴狄晋升国际巨星,前进好莱坞,主演【绿卡】(Green Card)、【1492】、【情圣保镳】(My Father the Hero),可惜的是,他似乎被定位在怪怪的角色上,片商也宣传不力。无论如何,他仍然是法美电影圈的重要桥梁,像1995年他连同法国女星茱丽叶毕诺许(Juliette Binoche)的【屋顶上的骑兵】(The Horseman on the Roof)。长年发展下来,杰哈德巴狄在国际间有一定的声望,【肯尼斯布莱纳之哈姆雷特】(Hamlet)、【铁面人】(Man in the Iron Mask)这两部重量级的电影,都很符合他的调性,同时表现深沈与特异的两种性格。较近期的作品【烈爱灼身】(Vatel)中再度化身才情卓绝的英雄人物,这类与【大鼻子情圣】类似的戏路,让众人对杰哈德巴狄的印象,有点陷入僵化的危机。但不必太担心,因为2001年的【夺命解码】(Vidocq)他虽然又扮英雄,却是从神偷转行的神探,这部片独特的美学风格,显见杰哈德巴狄选片自有一套。杰哈德巴狄演出的电影不计其数,持续不断,范围也广,演出的评价多半都不错,除了一向擅长的深度、复杂角色,其实谈情说爱、搞笑幽默、凶狠恶煞…他也能样样都来,是少数能够跳脱先天容貌限制,什麼都能演的全能型的演员。因共演【Jean de Florette】(1986)而结缘,杰哈德巴狄与Elisabeth Depardieu结婚,育有一女一子,儿子Guillaume Depardieu也往演员之路发展。杰哈德巴狄厄曾13度提名法国凯撒奖,不但在法国受到热烈欢迎,在其他国家也一样受到观众喜爱,跨足美国好莱坞的演出也颇受好评,如精湛演出三剑客的【铁面人】。虽然传言年近六十的杰哈德巴狄厄将要息影,近年也因车祸造成腿部受伤,但他的演出水准仍不减当年风采,在【终极克星】中的表现令人激赏,十足演活一个孔武有力又唠叨不休、用傻笑当作武器的纯真呆子,让人甚至想在他碎碎念个不停时大喊:「你给我闭嘴!」著名电影作品:2006【终极克星】2004【天啊ㄚㄚ!】 2004【36总局】2003【爱上娜塔莉】2000【烈爱灼身】2000【102真狗】1998【铁面人】1995【屋顶上的骑兵】1990【绿卡】1990【大鼻子情圣】 作品: 男演员 | 导演 男演员:2007 玫瑰人生 La Vie En Rose2006 终极假期 Last Holiday2005 挑逗性高潮 Combien Tu M`aimes?2004 36总局 36 Quai des Orfevres2003 爱上娜塔莉 Nathalie2003 终极克星 Tais Toi!1997 铁面人 The Man In The Iron Mask导演:2006 巴黎我爱你 Paris, je t`aime
2023-07-12 13:54:172


learn表结果 学到了什么study表过程 在学什么begin比较细 具体开始做了(体会下)start可以和“开始”还隔段时间了?
2023-07-12 13:54:354


2023-07-12 13:55:4310


  高考英语阅读理解测试在词汇具体度和非词表词方面存在明显波动。下面是我为大家推荐的2017高考英语阅读理解真题训练,仅供大家参考!   2017高考英语阅读理解真题训练(一)   Although English is not as old as Chinese, it is spoken by many people around the world every day. English speakers are always creating(创造) new words, and we are often able to know where most words come from.   Sometimes , however, no one may really know where a word comes from. Did you ever think about why hamburgers(汉堡包) are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham(火腿)? About a hundred years ago, some men went to America from Europe. They came from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They did not speak good English, but they ate good food. When some Americans saw them eating round pieces of beef(牛肉), they asked the Germans what it was. The Germans did not understand the question and answered, “We come from Hamburg.” One of these Americans owned a restaurant, and had an idea. He cooked some round pieces of beef like those which the men from Hamburg ate. Then he put each between two pieces of bread and started selling them. Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”. Today “hamburgers” are sold in many countries around the world.   Whether this story is true or not, it certainly is interesting. Knowing why any word has a certain meaning is interesting. too. This reason, for most English words, can be found in any large English dictionary.   1. According to the writer, English is .   A. as old as Chinese B. older than German   C. not so old as Chinese D. very difficult to learn   2. Hamburg is .   A. a kind of food B. a round piece of beef   C. the name of a village D. a city in Germany   3. According to the story, .   A. few Americans like hamburgers B. hamburgers are made with beef   C. hamburgers are made with ham D. hamburgers were first sold about a century ago   4. According to the writer, which of the following can often be found in any large English dictionary?   A. Where all the new words come from   B. Where those Germans came from   C. The reason why a word has a certain meaning   D. The reason why English is spoken around the world   5. According to the story, the word “hamburger” comes from .   A. China because it has a long history   B. England because Germans donu2019t speak good English   C. the round pieces of beef which those people from Hamburg were eating   D. English speakers because they always create new words   答案:   1C 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 C   2017高考英语阅读理解真题训练(二)   In 1933 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disneyu2019s cartoon(动画片) film for children. When Walt Disney heard Nashu2019s voice, he said “Stop! Thatu2019s our duck!”   The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight-minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的), and because he lost his temper(发脾气) very quickly . And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickeyu2019s eight nephews(侄子). Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasnu2019t a goody-goody like Mickey.   In the 1930S,u2019 40s and u201850s Donald and hid friends Mickey , Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared---there were no more new cartoons.   Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But todayu2019s children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.   1. Who made Donald Duck film?   A. Mickey Mouse B. Clarence Nash C. Walt Disney D. Pluto   2. When was the first Donald Duck film made?   A.In 1933 B. In 1934 C. In 1966 D. In 1930   3. Who was Clarence Nash?   A. A cartoonist B. Donald Ducku2019s voice C. A film-maker D. A film star   4. Where do todayu2019s children see Donald Duck?   A. In new film B. At the cinema C. On television D. At concerts   5. The underlined word audience in the second paragraph means .   A. reads B.formal interview C. law freedom D. the people who watch a film at a cinema   6. The underlined word goody-goody in the second paragraph means a person who .   A. likes to appear to be faultless in behaviour   B. who likes to appear to be faulty in behaviour   C. dislikes to appear to be faultless in behaviour   D. dislikes to be faulty in behaviour   答案:   1C 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 A   2017高考英语阅读理解真题训练(三)   Why do we have in a camera a lens(镜头)instead of a simple hole?   The reason can be seen from the figures(图像).   In Figure 1, the hole is small. Rays of light from a point (P1)outside reach a very small part of the wall opposite, and we see there a small point. But when the hole is bigger, as in Figure 2, rays from the point(P2)can cover a larger part of the wall opposite, and we donu2019t see a clear point, Rays from other points(Q) outside can also fall on the same place inside. Therefore the picture is not clear when the hole is big and it is not bright when the hole is small because very very little light can pass through it.. We can get better result with a lens. If the lens is made in the shape shown in Figure 3, all the rays of light from the point(P3) are thrown on point(Pu2019) inside. The picture which we see, therefore, is clear, and it is also bright because more light can pass through a lens than through a small hole.   1. In Figure 1 we see a faint small point on the wall because .   A. the point(P1) is very small B. the hole isnu2019t big enough   C. light rays donu2019t travel in straight lines D. light rays canu2019t pass through a small hole   2. Figure 2 shows that the bigger the hole is, .   A. the more light can pass through B. the clearer the picture will be   C. the better result we will get D. the faster the light rays travel   3. From figure 3, we can see a lens .   A. can form a clear picture B. can make light go in a straight line   C. can help light rays to go faster D. cannot give the picture more light than in Fig. 2   4. The main idea of the second paragraph of the article is that .   A. a smaller hole is better than a bigger one   B. big holes are better than small ones   C. both a big hole and a small one have their weak points   D. light rays are sure to pass through a hole no matter it is big or small   5. Which of the following statements is true?   A. Light can go through all kinds of materials   B. A camera canu2019t be made without a lens   C. The lens is only used in a camera   D. Most of the light we get is from the lens   答案:   1B 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 B   2017高考英语阅读理解真题训练(四)   Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Beijing, especially in places where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is dangerous.   The purpose of these bridges is to enable pedestrians (行人) to cross roads safely. Overhead bridges are used to very much the same way as zebra crossings. They are more efficient (效率高的) although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to older people. When pedestrains use an overhead bridge, they do not hold up traffic. However, when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is why the government has built many overhead bridges to help pedestrians and to keep traffic moving at the same time.   The government of Beijing has spent a large amount of money on building these bridges. For their own safety, pedestrians should be encouraged to use them instead of risking (冒u2026危险) their lives by dashing across the road. Old people , however , may find it a little difficult climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the danger of moving traffic.   Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. Pedestrians, both old and young, should make it a habit to use them. This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.   1. What is the advantage of overhead bridges mentioned in this passage?   A. Taller trucks can pass under them.   B. Pedestrians can climb up and have a view of the city.   C. They are safer for pedestrians and can keep traffic moving at the same time.   D. They are easier and more convenient for the pedestrians.   2. Why were overhead bridges built in Beijing?   A. Because they prevent traffic from being held up.   B. Because they provide an easy way for the drivers to cross the road.   C. Because they save money for the government.   D. Because they save time for the pedestrians.   3. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?   A. Overhead bridges are found in every part of Beijing.   B. Overhead bridges are only found in the centre of Beijing.   C. Overhead bridges are found in many parts of big cities in China.   D. Overhead bridges are found in places where traffic is heavy.   4. The underlined words a zebra crossing probably mean ________.   A. a safe place across a road for pedestrians to walk across the road   B. a wild animal from Africa that looks like a horse with broad dark brown and white stripes   on its body   C. a safe place across a road for zebras to walk across the road   D. a safe place across a road for children to play a game   5. What is the writeru2019s attitude towards overhead bridges?   A. It is inconvenient to older people to walk across the road.   B. It is much safer for pedestrians though climbing up and down the steps may be a little difficult,   C. An overhead bridge is more beautiful than a zebra crossing.   D. To build overhead bridges is the business of the government.   答案:   1C 2 A 3 D 4 A 5 B
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15th August Stumbled and injured in an industry accident. That night an intense pain which made getting asleep virtually impossible was felt. 16th August The pain worsened in the morning that a call was made to the supervisor for a sick leave. But due to some scheduled training courses that day the sick leave was not permitted. The pain got even more intense after attending the training courses. And finally an early leave was arranged by the supervisor. Medical attention was sought immediately after the early leaving from work. 25th November Was sent to the emergency room because of a sudden and serious pain 27th November Went to see an orthopaedic specialist Dr Chan who arranged a MRI scan at St. Theresa"s Hospital to be done on 2nd December 2014-03-10 02:25:42 补充: 注:因为你中文中都没提到主语,所以英文翻译里用了 passive voice 或 ignore 了 subject 2014-03-10 02:56:06 补充: 噢,还有日期都打多了逗号,不需要的。 8月15因工伤跌倒,当晚痛得非常厉害,痛得不能入睡 August 15 I stumbled and was injured in a work accident. I suffered from a very severe pain that night. As a result of that I failed to get any sleep. 8月16曰早上痛得更严重,早上打给上司要求请假,但因当日已安排倍训课程所以不能请假。 上课后回铺痛楚加剧,最后主管安排早退。立即看医生。 August 16 The pain was getting worse in the morning that I had to call in sick. Because of a scheduled training course on that day my supervisor didn"t grant me the sick leave. The pain intensified further after I attended the training course and returned to the shop. Finally my supervisor made arrangement for me to leave early. I saw a doctor right away after leaving. 11/25突然痛很严重,之后入了急症室 November 25 Because of a sudden sharp pain I was sent to the emergency room. 11月27日去了看骨科dr.chan 并安排了2/12到st.teresa s hospital照mri November 27 I went to see Dr. Chan orthopaedic specialist who arranged an MRI scan at St. Teresa"s Hospital on February 12th. Comment: 工伤意外 = work accident industrial accident工业意外事故 (例如工厂) sudden and intense pain 不大对 应该 sudden intense pain sudden和intense都是 adjectives 不同等级 是不需要 and. e.g. a sudden sharp increase a *** all wooden box Orthopaedic Specialist (or Orthopaedic Surgeon) = 骨科专科医生 (中国香港体制跟随英国) 中国香港不是名称orthopedist (American English) spelling 不同 医学上 称 an MRI 不是 a MRI St. Teresa"s Hospital 圣德肋撒医院 (俗称九龙法国医院) 中国香港是无 St. Theresa"s Hospital (spelling error) 医院没有直入 ICU 是 Emergency Room send 过来 急症室是 Emergency Room 不是 ICU (Intensive Care Unit) - 深切治疗部 (中国香港) 加护病房 (台湾) 最后 本文主语 (Subject) 是 “我” I ~ first person singular. 8月15因工伤跌倒,当晚痛得非常厉害,痛得不能入睡。 On August 15th It happened I was falling down while working and felt very painful then in the evening my pain was more serious and I could"nt sleep . 8月16曰早上痛得更严重,早上打给上司要求请假,但因当日已安排倍训课程所 以不能请假。 In the morning of August 16th my pain became more seriously and I had to inform my senior by phoner for sick leave. But that was unsuccessful owing to an inservice training course previously arranged to attend. 上课后回铺痛楚加剧,最后主管安排早退。立即看医生。 After back from the inservice training course my pain became more and more. serious. So my senior had to release me to see the Physician immediately. 11/25突然痛很严重,之后入了急症室 On November 25th suddenly my pain became even more seriously than ever and I had to admit to the I.C.U. for the sake of emergency . 11月27日去了看骨科dr.chan 并安排了2/12到st.teresa s hospital照mri On November 27th I went to see Dr. Chan orthopedist for diagnosis and then made appointment to St. Teresa"s Hospital for MRI test on February 12th next year. 参考: Partly according to the ”Modern English Handbook” publiched by Sino-America Publication Center
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Elections are the lifeblood of a democracy. The word democracy literally means "the people rule," an important concept in America"s history. In the mid-1700s, England began passing laws that made the American colonies angry. The colonists had to pay more and more taxes and enjoyed less and less freedom. They felt the government of England didn"t represent their interests. On July 4, 1776, the colonies declared their independence from England. They wanted to establish a democracy where people could have a voice in government. 选举是民主的原动力。民主这个字照字面的意思是「人民自主」,是美国历史中一个重要的观念。十八世纪中期,英国开始通过一些使美国殖民地愤怒的法律。殖民地人民必须付愈来愈多的税,享有愈来愈少的自由。他们感到英国政府没有代表他们的权益。一七七六年七月四日,殖民地宣布脱离英国独立。他们想要建立民主制度,使人们在政府中有发言权。 An effective democracy holds regular elections. In America, elections are held every two years for members of Congress. In these elections, all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate seats are up for grabs. In addition, every four years, voters go to the polls to elect the nation"s president and vice-president. Voters also regularly cast their ballots for state and city government leaders and local school board members. Sometimes they also have to vote on a proposed law. 有效的民主制度定期举行选举。在美国,每两年选一次国会议员。在这些选举中,人们可以争取所有众议院的席位和三分之一的参议院席位。除此以外,选民每四年去投票所选出国家的总统和副总统。选民也定期投票选出州长、市长及当地学校的董事会成员。有时他们也必须投票决定提议的法律。 In the American electoral system, people don"t really vote for presidential candidates. Instead, voters cast their ballots for "electors" who support each candidate. Each state has as many electors as the total number of its representatives in Congress. This equals two senators per state plus the number of its representatives in the House (which is based on the state"s population). The candidate who has the most votes in a state wins all of the state"s electors. To win the presidential election, a candidate must gain at least 270 of the 538 total electoral votes. 在美国的选举制度中,人们并不直接投票给总统候选人,而是由选民投票给支持各个候选人的「选举人」。每一州的选举人人数和代表此州的国会议员人数相同,等于每一州有两位参议员,加上众议院的众议员人数(以各州的人口为基准)。在一个州里拥有最多票数的候选人就赢得了那一州所有选举人的票数。要赢得总统大选,候选人必须至少获得总共538个选举人中的270张票。 Over the years, the U.S. has made a number of election reforms. Some early reforms outlawed cheating, giving bribes and threatening voters. They also limited the amount of money candidates could receive from donors and spend on their campaigns. In 1870, black people gained the right to vote, and in 1920, that right was extended to women. In recent decades, laws against unfair rules for voting have been passed. No longer do people have to pay a special tax or pass a test in order to vote. In 1971, the voting age was lowered to 18. Other reforms made voting easier for the blind, the disabled and people who couldn"t read. In some areas, ballots had to be printed in languages besides English. 多年来,美国在选举方面做了一些改革。早期有些改革禁止作弊、收受贿赂或威胁选民。他们也限制候选人从捐赠者那儿获得的金额数目及花在竞选宣传上的费用。一八七○年,黑人获得选举权。一九二○年,权利延伸至妇女。近几十年来,通过了反对不公平选举规则的法律。人们不再需要付特殊的税或通过测验才能选举。一九七一年,投票的年龄降至十八岁。其它的改革减轻了盲人、残障者及文盲投票的困难。在某些地区,选票上面除了英文以外,还必须印上别的文字。 In November, Americans will again elect those who will represent them in government. Although some citizens aren"t even registered to vote--and some registered voters don"t bother to go to the polls--most Americans exercise their right to vote. They realize that their future is wrapped up in a special package--the ballot box. It"s a package that must definitely be "handled with care." 十一月五日,美国人要再一次选出在政府中代表他们的人。虽然有些市民甚至不是法定投票人──有些法定投票人懒得去投票──但是大多数的美国人都会行使他们投票的权利。他们了解他们的未来包在一个特别的箱子里──投票箱。它实在是一个必须「小心处理」的箱子。
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10.The Girl from the Sea

What is a mermaid ? A mermaid is half girl and half fish. Marina was a mermaid. She lived in a castle under the sea. Marina was the youngest of five sisters. All the sisters were very beautiful, but Marina was the most beautiful. She had long hair and big blue eyes. She had no legs, but a beautiful green and golden fish tail. She swam beautifully like a fish. She sang beautifully , too. Everyone loved Marina. Her best friends were the dolphins , the whales and the turtles . She played with them every day. She laughed, sang and played, and she was very happy. Sometimes her older sisters went to the surface of the sea. They saw the sky and the sun, the moon and the stars. Marina wanted to go, too, but she was only fifteen. At last it was her sixteenth birthday. She was very excited. She swam up and up and up. When she came to the surface of the sea. She raised her beautiful head above the water. What did she see? She saw the silver-green sea, the sky and the sun. Oh, She was so happy. She saw a big boat and she swam closer to it. She saw a young man in the boat. He was a prince and he was very handsome. Marina fell in love with him. Then the sky became back. The waves were very big. The prince"s ship went up and down. The prince fell into the sea! Marina was very close to the boat when the Prince fell into the sea. She swam to the Prince and held his head above the water. She swam to the beach and put her handsome Prince gently on the sand. Buy mermaids cannot say on the land for long. Marina had to go back into the water. The Prince opened his eyes and he saw a pretty young girl on the beach. "She saved me!" he thought, but then the girl walked away. Marina watched. "I saved him but he did not see me," she thought. She was very sad. Marina thought about her Prince ever day. "I want to be a princess, so that I can be with him!" she thought. She was very sad. She did not play with the dolphins or the whales or the turtles any more. They were very sad, too. "Why are you sad, Marina?" asked her grandmother. Marina answered, "Because I love a prince. But I"m a mermaid and I cannot be with him." "That"s true," answered her grandmother. "You have a tail. you can swim under the water but you can"t walk. Your Prince has legs. He can walk but he can"t swim under the water. Forget him! Be happy here under the sea with your friends and family. We all love you." One day Marina swam very far from her castle. She came to a dark cave. This was the home of the sea Witch. The sea Witch had green hair, a big nose and red eyes, She was very ugly! "What can I do for you, little mermaid?" asked the ugly old witch. "I want to be with my Prince," said Marina. "I can help you then," said the witch. "I can give you legs so that you can live on land." Marina clapped her hands. She was so happy and excited. "But you must give me something," said the witch. "I"ll take your beautiful voice, then you can"t talk or sing!" Marina was already too excited. She did not say anything. The witch gave her a bottle. "Now drink this magic tea," said the witch. "Swim to the beach tomorrow." " How far is it to the Prince"s palace? asked Marina. "It"s about a thousand kilometres. You"ll have to sleep on the beach. The next morning you"ll have no tail. you will have legs." Marina drank some of the tea. It tasted very bad. The next day she swam to the east until she saw the beach. She swam for more ten hours. She was very tired. She fell asleep and dreamed about her Prince. She woke up early the next day. She looked down at her tail, but is was not there! "My beautiful tail has gone!" she thought. Now she had two long white legs. Suddenly Marina saw her Prince. He saw her too. He looked at the girl with the long hair and the long white legs. "She"s so beautiful," he thought. "What"s your name?" asked the Prince. "Where have you come from?" Marina tried to answer, but she had no voice. The Prince took Marina"s hand and they walked to his palace. Marina"s legs and feet hurt, but she was with her handsome Prince at last and she was very happy. The Prince gave Marina beautiful dresses and jewellery. They were happy together. She danced for her Prince. Her legs hurt very much when she danced! They walked together around the palace. her feet hurt,too. But she always smiled. One day the Prince said to Marina, "You"re my bast friend. Let me tell you something. A young girl saved my life last year. I love her. I want to marry her but I have to find her first." Marina was sad, Her Prince did not love her. She went for a walk on the beach. She look at the sea. Suddenly she saw her sisters. They waved to Marina. "Come back to us." they cried. "We want you to come home!" Marina wanted to speak to her sisters but she had no voice. She wanted to see her family, her sisters and her grandmother. Sometimes she wanted to play with her friends(the dolphins, the whales and the turtles), but she wanted to be with her Prince. One day the Prince said to her, "Some days you are sad. Why?" Marina thought, "I"m sad because you don"t love me." Then one day a new servant girl came to the palace. She looked like Marina. The Prince looked at her with surprise. "I saw her on the beach. She"s the girl. She saved my life!" he thought. He told Marina. Marina smiled sadly. "What can I do? I saved him but I have no voice to tell him," thought Marina. "He loves her. He will marry her. We"re friends but he doesn"t love me." Was Marina sad? Yes, of course. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be in her castle under the sea with her family and friends. They loved her. She walked to the beach. She looked to the west, to the silver green sea. Suddenly she saw her friend, the dolphin. There was a bottle in his mouth. Some magic tea was in the bottle. Marina took the bottle There was a note on it. "Drink this, little sister. Come back to us." Marina drank the tea at once. The she fell asleep on the beach. Marina woke up the next morning. She had no legs! Once again she had her beautiful green and golden fish tail. She thanked the dolphin because she had her voice again. Marina was happy to be a mermaid again. Noe she just wanted to go home. She looked once more at the Prince"s palace. "Goodbye, my Prince!" She said. Then she swam with her dolphin back to her home under the sea. The sea is a dark place. The sea can be beautiful but it can also be dangerous. It can be shallow but it can also be deep. The deepest part is more than 11,000 metres deep! When the weather is bad, the waves get bigger and bigger. Sailors are afraid of bad weather. Sometimes ships sink and go to the bottom of the sea. Sometimes ships disappear when the weather is good and no one sees them again. The Bermuda Triangle, near North America, is one of the most dangerous places in the world. More than 50 ships and 20 aeroplanes have disappeared there. On one knows why. Are there mermaids in the sea? Do you know? There are many stories about mermaids. In stories a mermaid looks like a girl above the waist and a fish below the waist. Mermaids are always beautiful. They always have long golden hair and a beautiful golden tail. They are very musical and they love to sing. Mermaids are usually friendly. They like to play with people, but they cannot stay on the land for too long. without water they will die. Mermaids can also be dangerous. Many sailors think that they have seen them. Some sailors think that it is a bad sign to see a mermaid in the sea. Sometimes ships go towards mermaids, to get closer to their beautiful singing . Mermaids always sit on rocks. When the ships go too close to the rocks, the ships break on the rocks and the sailor fall into the sea. In the harbour of Copenhagen in Denmark, in Europe, there is a statue of the little Mermaid sitting on a rock. Many tourists like to go and see the statue when they visit Copenhagen. Whales live in th sea but they are not fish. They are mammals. This means that they have warm blood. The babies grow inside their mother. The mothers feed the babies with their own milk. Whales have skin. They do not have scales like a fish. They need air,too. From time to time they must go to the surface of the sea to get air. Whales have small eyes so they cannot see very well. We cannot see their ear but they can hear very well. Whales can swim very fast. They move their tails up and down to swim. They are usually gentle animals. They are also very clever. Most whales eat fish and squid. Killer whales are dangerous. They kill seals, porpoises and penguins , and sometimes they kill other whales,too. Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. The biggest blue whales are over 25 metres long and weigh over 100 tonnes(1 tonne = 1,000 kilograms) They live for over 100 years. Most dolphins are small whales. They live in the sea or in big rivers and they eat fish. Dolphins are mammals,so they have to come to the surface of the sea to get air. They are good swimmers. They often jump out of the water and they like to play. They are very friendly animals and also very clever. Turtles are reptiles. They have cold blood. This means if they are in a cold place, they are cold; if they are in a hot place, they are hot. Turtles like to live in warm water. Baby turtles come from eggs. The mothers lay the eggs on the beach. Some turtles lay up to 200 eggs every time. Turtles have a big flat shell on their backs. The shell has two holes. The hole at the front is for the turtles" head and front legs. The hole at the back is for its tail and back legs. Turtles swim very fast in the water, but the walk very slowly on the land. The biggest turtle is the leather back. Some are as big as 2.5 metres long and weight over 500 kilograms! Some live up to 50 years!
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1.How many loaves of bread are there in the bridge? <is/are> 2.There are two loaves of bridge in the fridge .<is/are> 3.Two loaves of bread are in the fridge.<is/are>
2023-07-12 13:57:399


工程应用题的练习。1、填空。修一条路,甲队3天修了14 ,乙队5天修了13 。①甲队每天修这条公路的( )( ) ,5天修了这条路的( )( ) 。②乙队每天修了这条公路的( )( ) ,4天修了这条路的( )( ) 。③两队合修,( )天修完这条路。2、一项工程,甲队单独做10天完成,乙队单独做15天完成。①甲队每天完成这项工程的( )( ) ,乙队每天完成这项工程的( )( ) 。②甲、乙两队合做,每天完成这项工程( )( ) 。③甲、乙合做,( )天可以完成这项工程。④甲、乙合做4天后,还剩下全工程的( )( ) 。3①一件工作,甲独做要12小时完成,乙独做要10小时完成,甲、乙合作多少小时完成?②一批布料,做上衣可以做20件,如果做裤子可以做30条,这批布料可以做多少套衣服?4、一份材料,甲单独打完要3小时,乙单独打完要5小时,甲、乙两人合打多少小时能打完这份材料的一半?5、打扫多功能教师,甲组同学13 小时可以打扫完,乙组同学14 小时可以打扫完,如果甲、乙合做,多少小时能打扫完整个教室?6生产一批玩具,甲组要4天完成,乙组要6天完成,两组合做几天能完成这批玩具的56 ?7、一项工程,甲队单独做要5小时,乙队单独做要6小时。甲队先做了3小时,然后由乙队去做,还要几小时才能完成?8、一项工程,甲队独做15天完成,已知甲队3天的工作等于乙队两天的工作量,两队合做几天完成?1.小明看一本书,原计划每天看35页,32天看完。实际每天比计划多看5页,实际用多少天看完? 2.修一条路,原计划每天修0.4千米,70天可以修完。实际每天修的米数是计划的1.25倍。实际用多少天完成? 3.绿化队植树,计划8天完成任务。实际每天植树240棵,7天就完成了全部的植树任务。实际比计划每天多植树多少棵? 4.某街道居委会慰问军烈属,给他们送去红糖和白糖。每到一户送去2袋红糖和5袋白糖,送到最后一户时,红糖正好送完,还剩下10袋白糖。已知带去的白糖的袋数是红糖袋数的3倍,那么带去的红糖、白糖各多少袋? 5.服装厂要加工一批服装。第一车间和第二车间同时加工60天正好完成。已知第一车间加工的服装占服装总数的45%,第二车间每天加工132件。第一车间每天加工多少件? 6.洗衣机厂计划生产一批洗衣机。结果9天恰好完成了计划的37.5%。照这样计算,完成计划还要多少天? 7.有一堆煤可以烧120天。由于改进烧煤技术,每天节约用煤0.25吨,结果这堆煤烧了150天。这堆煤共有多少吨?牵走7头黄牛放在水牛群之中,那么这三群牛的头数正好相等。问奶牛有多少头? 9.甲乙两个车间加工一批同样的零件。如果甲车间先加工35个,然后乙 先加工1天,然后乙车间再开始加工,经过5天后两车间加工的零件数相等。那么乙车间一天加工多少个零件? 10.修路队原计划用240天修好一条长 91200米的公路。实际每天比计12.有100千克青草,含水量为66%,晾晒后含水量降到15%。这些青草晾晒后重多少千克? 13.将一个正方形的一边减少1/5,另一边增加 4米,得到一个长方形。这个长方形与原来正方形面积相等。那么正方形面积有多少平方米? 14.某车间加工甲、乙两种零件。已加工好的零件中甲种零件占30%,后来又加工好了24个乙种零件,这时甲种零件占25%。那么现在已加工好两种零件共多少个? 15.甲、乙、丙三人共生产零件1760个。如果甲少生产2/9,乙多生产80个,那么甲、乙、丙三人生产零件的个数相等。甲、乙、丙三人各生产了多少个? 16.小明今年的年龄是他爸爸年龄的1/6,15年后他的年龄是他爸爸年龄的4/9。小明和他爸爸今年各多少岁? 17.某校有学生314人,其中男生人数的2/3比女生人数的4/5少40人。这个学校男生、女生各多少人? 18.甲、乙两班人数相等,各有一些同学参加了数学小组。甲班参加数学小组的人数恰好是乙班没参加数学小组人数的1/3;乙班参加数学小组的人数恰好是甲班没参加数学小组人数的1/4。那么甲班没参加数学小组的人数是乙班没参加数学小组人数的几分之几? 19.容器里放着某种浓度的酒精溶液若干升,加 1升水后纯酒精含量为25%;再加1升纯酒精,容器里纯酒精含量为40%。那么原来容器里的酒精溶液共几升?浓度为百分之几? 20.甲、乙、丙三人合抄一份稿件,1小时可以完成。如果甲、乙二人合抄,要80分钟完成;如果乙、丙二人合抄,要100分钟完成。如果这份稿件由乙一人独抄,要几小时完成? 21.一件工程,甲独做,20天可以完成;乙独做,30天可以完成。现在两人合做,中间甲休息了3天,乙休息了若干天,结果经过16天才完成。问乙休息了几天? 22.注满一池水,只打开甲管,要8小时;只打开乙管,要12小时;只打开丙管,要15小时。今开始只打开甲、乙两管,中途关掉甲、乙两管,然后打开丙管,前后共用了10小时才注满一池水。那么打开丙管注水几小时? 23.某工程队承建一项工程,要用12天完成。如果只让其中的甲、乙两个小队交换一下工作内容,那么全工程就要推迟3天完成;如果让其中甲、乙两个小队交换一下工作内容的同时,也让丙、丁两个小队交换工作内容,仍然可以按期完成全工程。如果只让丙、丁两个小队交换工作内容,那么可以使全工程提前几天完成? 24.甲、乙两队合干一项工程,甲队先独干了6天后,乙队参加和甲队一起干,又过了4天完成了全工程的1/3。又过了10天正好完成了全工程的3/4。因甲队另有任务调出,乙队继续工作,直到完成全工程。从开始到完工用了多少天? 25.甲、乙二人同时从A、B两地出发,各自去B、A两地,二人速度比为7∶6。二人相遇后继续向前行进,这时乙的速度比原来速度每小时增加 来的速度。 26.平日A、B两车分别从甲城、乙城两地同时出发,相向而行,6小时相遇。某日A车途中发生故障,修理占去了2.5小时,结果经过7.5小时两车才相遇。那么这一天A车从甲城出发到乙城用了多少小时? 27.某市104路电车起点站和终点站都按一定的间隔时间发一辆电车,并且匀速行驶。张华骑车沿104路电车线以均匀速度行驶,每隔12分钟有一辆电车从后面超过他,每隔4分钟有辆电车迎面开来。那么104路电车起点站和终点站每隔多少分钟发一辆车? 28.甲、乙二人步行的速度比为11∶7。二人分别从A、B两地相向而行,2小时相遇。如果二人同向而行,几小时后甲追上乙? 29.45名学生要到离学校30千米的郊外劳动。学校只有一辆汽车能乘坐15人,汽车的速度是每小时60千米。学生步行的速度是每小时4千米。为使他们尽早到达劳动地点,他们最少要用几小时才能全部到达? 30.甲、乙两班学生同时从学校出发去少年宫。甲班步行的速度是每小时5千米,乙班步行的速度是每小时6千米。学校有一辆汽车恰好可以坐一个班的学生,汽车每小时行30千米。为了使两班学生尽早到达少年宫,甲、乙两班步行路程比应该是几比几? 31.一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地。如果把车速度提高20%,那么可以比原定时间提早1小时到达。如果以原速行驶120千米后,再将速度提高25%,那么可以比原定时间提早40分钟到达。甲、乙两地之间的路程有多少千米? 32.从甲市到乙市有一条公路,它分成三段,其中第一段长是第三段长的2倍。在第一段路上,汽车的速度都是每小时40千米;在第二段路上,汽车的速度都是每小时90千米;在第三段路上,汽车的速度都是每小时50千米。现有两辆汽车同时从甲、乙两市出发相向而行,1小时20分后在第二段路的1/3(从甲市到乙市方向的1/3)处相遇。那么甲、乙两市相距多少千米? 33.甲、乙两车同时从A地出发到B地。甲车按原定速度行了全程的2/3后,车速提高了1倍,结果比原计划时间提前2小时到达B地;乙车按每小时30千米的原定速度行了全程的1/4后,车速提高了1倍,结果两车同时到达B地。那么甲原定每小时行多少千米? 34.甲、乙两城之间有长途汽车以固定速度行驶。如果车速比原定速度每小时快6千米,那么就可以早到20分钟。如果车速比原定速度每小时慢5千米,那么就要迟到24分钟。问甲、乙两城间的路程是多少千米? 35.甲、乙、丙三人进行自行车比赛,结果甲比乙早24分钟、乙比丙早6分钟到达终点。又知道甲速度比乙速度每小时快5千米,乙速度比丙速度每小时快1千米。甲、乙、丙三人比赛的路程有多少千米?1.The girl could hardly understand what he said, ______ __________?(反意问句) 2.How many sheep are there in Australia. ?(宾语从句) She asked ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ in Australia. 3. They have sold out the light green dresses.(被动句) The light green dresses _______ ________ _________out. 4. He got too angry to speak. (同义句) He got _______angry ______he ________speak 5. Tom may be on the team ,or Jack may .(简单句) _________Tom _______Jack may be on the team. 6. She didn"t reach the top of the mountain. Her brother didn"t reach it ,either.(合并成简单句) ______ _______ __________her brother reached the top of the mountain. 7. The sweater costs 200 yuan .(划线提问) _______ ________ _________the sweater __________? 8. Think hard ,and you"ll have an idea. _________ __________think hard ,you"ll have an idea.二、完成句子。 1.美国和澳大利亚都是说英语的国家。 ________America _________Australia_______ ________ _________ 2.我们俩都不知道他的电话号码。 _______of us______his telephone number. 3.尽管医生已经劝了他戒烟,他仍然和以前抽得一样多。 _______the doctor has told him to ________ ________, he still_______ ______ ______ ______before. 4.艾尔斯山位于澳大利亚东南部。 Ayers Rock lies ________ _________ ________ _________Australia. 5.那天早晨我们在太阳出来之前就起床了。 We ______ ________early in the morning before the sun ________. 6.山顶上有多少人?一个也没有。 _______ _______ ________are there _______ ______ ______the rock? 7.她想要与汤姆谈谈有关他在校学习的事。 She feels_______ _______ a talk with him_______ his study at school. 8.就在那时他似乎听到窗外有奇怪的声音。 At that moment he_______ _______ _______ a strange voice _______ the window. 9.他请求我呆在那儿直到他回来。 He asked me_______ _______ _______ _______ he came back. 10.会议还有多久会结束? How _______ will the meeting _______ _______ ? 11.一个人一辈子干好事是不容易的。 It"s not easy _______ one to do good _______ _______ _______. 12.汤姆的母亲决定让他们停学几天。 Tom"s mother_______ _______ _______ him _______ _______ _______ for a few days. 13.万事开头难 _______ _______ a hard _______ . 14.世上无难事,只怕有心人。 _______ is difficult if you _______ _______ _______ _______ it. 答案: 一、1.could she 2. how many sheep there were 3. have been sold 4. so, that, couldn"t 5. Either ,or 6. Neither she nor 7. How much does, cost 8. If you二、1.Both ,and ,are Enghlish-speaking countries 2. Neither, knows 3. Though ,stop smoking ,smokes, as much as the southeast of 5. got up, rose 6. How many people, on top of, None at all 7. like having, about 8. seemed to hear, outside 9. to stay there until 10. soon, be over 11. for, all one"s life 12. decided to keep, away from school 13. Everything has, beginning 14. Nothing, put your heart into.
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