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What You Want 歌词

2023-07-12 18:39:01
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歌曲名:What You Want

Evanescence - What You Want
Do what you what you want, if you have a dream for better
Do what you what you want till you don"t want it anymore
(remember who you really are)
Do what you what you want, your world"s closing in on you now
(it isn"t over)
Stand and face the unknown
(got to remember who you really are)
Every heart in my hands like a pale reflection
Hello, hello remember me?
I"m everything you can"t control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe we can break through
Do what you what you want, you don"t have to lay your life down
(it isn"t over)
Do what you what you want till you find what you"re looking for
(got to remember who you really are)
But every hour slipping by screams that I have failed you
Hello, hello remember me?
I"m everything you can"t control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
Hello, hello remember me?
I"m everything you can"t control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
There"s still time
Close your eyes
Only love will guide you home
Tear down the walls and free your soul
Till we crash we"re forever spiraling down, down, down, down
Hello, hello, it"s only me
Infecting everything you love
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe
Hello, hello remember me?
I"m everything you can"t control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to learn forgiveness
Hello, hello remember me?
I"m everything you can"t control
Somewhere beyond the pain there must be a way to believe we can break through
(remember who you really are)
Do what you what you want
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介绍一下 Evanescence乐队

Amy Lee - 主唱 Terry Balsamo - 吉他手(前主吉他手Ben Moody已离队) John LeCompt - 吉他手 Rocky Gray - 鼓手 Willian Boyd - 贝司手
2023-07-12 12:16:423


Evanescence 的由来源自女主唱艾蜜.李(Amy Lee),和吉他手本.穆迪(Ben Moody)少年时在夏令营的一次偶遇。当时穆迪刚刚在健身房里玩耍完毕,听到有人在用钢琴弹肉球乐队(Meat Loaf)的“I"d Do Anything for Love”,于是循声而去,看到的就是艾蜜.李。随后艾蜜开始和着音乐演唱,穆迪被她的嗓音震惊了,当下就要求她合作乐队。两人无间的合作关系从此开始。 乐队雏形成立是在90年代末美国中西部的阿肯色洲,一个名叫小石城的地方。当时以他们的情况而言,似乎与当地音乐的环境不太合流。按艾蜜的话说,那里除了死亡金属就是给上了年纪人听的老情歌,“我甚至都没听说过当地乐队有人用女主唱的。” 乐队发展的过程很有趣。那时他们录制的第二首歌曲,歌特风格的“Understanding”,不知道什么原因,被当地摇滚电台反复播放,结果在那个小镇上打出了些名声。但是歌迷们却找不到演唱者,因为他们根本没条件去演出,乐队只有两人,而且也没钱去雇乐手。 转机出现在乐队在突尼斯录制DEMO的时候,制作人皮特.马修斯(Pete Matthews)发现了他们的潜力,并将乐队作品寄到纽约几个唱片公司,最终,与Wind-Up,也是当红乐队Creed的公司签约。乐队的歌曲“Bring Me to Life”和“My Immortal”被本.阿夫莱克主演的电影《夜魔侠》收做原声,随后在2003年3月,专辑《Fallen》推出,那两首歌的大热让专辑销量迅速攀升,乐队终于红了起来。 不过《Fallen》专辑还是引发了一场不大不小的风波。起先专辑不仅在普通商店贩卖,在基督教音乐店铺也出货,但是由于在著名的“滚石”杂志的乐队访谈中有渎神的内容,结果公司无奈将基督教音乐商店的货全部撤出。娱乐圈里这种情况很多时候不会带来负面影响,反而会提升知名度,Evanescence 也是如此,结果《Fallen》迅速卖过2百万张,在美国登上销量前十,在当代基督音乐榜上坐到冠军,在加拿大夺得第五,英国爬到第一。年底的时候,获得了第46届格莱美的5项提名,包括年度最佳专辑,
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年仅20岁、拥有外型冷艳又冰雪聪明的女主唱艾咪(Amy Lee)从一出现就备受瞩目,这个个头矮矮的女孩拥有许多鬼灵精怪的想法,该乐队被誉为“女版林肯公园”的冠军主打曲“Bring Me To Life”不但出自她的手笔,连MV的拍摄设想都是艾咪一手炮制的。 艾咪出生在一个摇滚爱好者家庭,父亲是电台主持,母亲早年则是摇滚歌手,艾咪注定从小就与芭比娃娃游戏无关,她很小就热爱唱歌,自学了九年古典钢琴,小学开端就担任了唱诗班的领唱,不过,艾咪强调自己最想唱的还是摇滚乐,深受比约克和多莉·艾莫丝的影响。 对于童年的回忆,艾咪说自己从小就是一个戏剧皇后。她喜欢制造故事,她喜欢躲在厨房里玩耍,然后幻想着妈妈认为自己的死了打电话把警察叫来,当妈妈没有那样做,她就会不停的哭。 这样戏剧性的设计同样用在了音乐上,Evanescence为即将上映的电影《夜魔侠》电影原声带演唱了两首热门单曲,其中冠军单曲“Bring Me To Life”是艾咪和同门师兄团12 Stones的主唱保罗一同对唱,艾咪透露当初是她认为这首歌一定要男女对唱的版本,才能符合剧情。没想到这样的设想,让他们如此成功。 天使降临 Evanescence的四位成员都来自美国阿肯萨斯州,乐队的组成和艾咪有着巨大的关系。早在青少年时期的一次夏令营中,团中词曲创作及灵魂人物Ben Moody于一次偶然的机会中,听到宛如天使一般的艾咪躲在角落以钢琴自弹自唱Meat Loaf的歌曲“I"d Do Anything For Love”,当场被她收放自若、强烈多变的声音和表情深深吸引,要知道,当时艾咪才12岁!在Ben的游说下,Ben与艾咪便开始用Evanescence这个名字开始共同创作,并自己出资推出了一张EP,其中一首长达7分钟哥特式的单曲“Understanding”深受当地电台DJ的喜爱,争相主动播放此曲,虽然此曲受到非常大的回响,但却没人知道他们是何许人也,也不知何处能联络到他们,因为当时只有本与艾咪两个人,没办法完成一场完整的现场表演,但是他们的才华被Wind Up厂牌赏识,另外两位成员的加入使天使的美梦成真。 天使之爱 现在的Evanescence,艾咪和吉他手Ben Moody已经不仅仅是合作伙伴,12岁的相遇,让他们开始相恋,他们似乎是注定要在一起的。艾咪说是那种对音乐的纯粹向往让他们走在了一起。艾咪每次说起和Ben在一起的事情都会甜蜜的笑出来,艾咪说她总是记得她偷来妈妈的大裙子,和等在楼下的Ben一起出去的情景,哦,当然,还有他们17岁时一起去参加毕业典礼的样子,艾咪最后说:“我们是灵魂的伙伴,我们真的很亲密。我爱这种感觉。”
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evanescence创始人是女主唱amy lee和吉他手ben moody。两人初次相识是在几年前的一次青年夏令营中,当时吉他手ben moody已小有名气,而amy lee当时还只是一名普通的夏令营营员。在一次夏令营的集体娱乐活动中,ben moody第一次见到了amy lee。当时营员们都在一个大型的体育馆中,ben moody正坐在地上看其他的营员在打篮球。而在体育馆的另一侧是一个放着钢琴供营员们表演的一个小舞台。就在ben moody感到无聊之际,他忽然听见有人在用钢琴谈奏meatloaf的《i would do anything for love》,于是就向钢琴望去,只见一个女孩在自如的演奏着自己创作的一些歌曲。ben moody被amy lee精湛的技艺和那天籁般的嗓音震撼了,在内心深处,ben moody已经认定:没有比她更适合的搭档了。不久之后,随着两人互相了解的逐步加深,ben moody和amy lee便开始用evanescence这个名字录制一些歌曲。如:《give unto me》和《understanding》。两人的金属风格也逐渐形成,这种风格在goth metal应该属于ethereal(仙乐)派。 近来最让全世界难忘的声音,就属充满灵性与华丽的Evanescence伊凡塞斯莫属。囊括葛莱美最佳新进艺人以及重摇滚演出两项大奖,专辑“Fallen落入凡间”以超过一千两百万的惊人销售数字,停留在美国告示榜长达76周的超亮眼成绩,成为少数能够举行跨三洲巡回演唱的顶尖摇滚组合。虽然元老团员/吉他手Ben Moody已宣告离团,但在Cold寒冷乐团的Terry Balsamo成功顶替下,伊凡塞斯不但没有让乐迷失望,更以实际行动证明成功绝非偶然。虽然乐迷无法在台湾亲眼看到伊凡塞斯降临,却也可从这张现场专辑当中,看到女主唱Amy Lee在舞台上展现她与众不同的独特气质,以及伊凡塞斯震撼全球乐迷的过人魅力。 CD部分收录了在欧洲巡回巴黎站的实况,让乐迷耳熟能详的畅销曲目“Going Under”、“My Immortal”、“Bring Me To Life”、“Everybody”s Fool”,在由电子乐器营造出的哥德气氛“Haunted”的前奏下逐一点阅出来。Amy Lee的古典乐经验,与团员们的重金属火花相结合下,呈现出有如古典管弦乐团的缜密铺陈,以及当代摇滚乐的强烈节奏与能量,在Amy充满灵性及能量、飘渺又震撼的歌声诠释下,成了伊凡塞斯的注册商标以及最为人称道的特色。另外特别加收一首2004年全新录音室单曲“Missing”,痛彻心扉的心碎情歌,再次感受Amy穿透人心的绝美歌声。 DVD部分是由名导Hamish Hamilton掌镜的现场演出,5.1声道以及双轨录制的效果让乐迷有如置身其中。现场演出对于一个摇滚团体来说是接近乐迷的机会,也是奠定他们在乐迷心中地位的必要条件。不让场面失温的方法除了现场效果,就是要呈现出与专辑中不同面貌的歌曲,以增加与歌迷间的互动与共鸣。此外加收四首畅销MV以及难见的幕后花絮。当中Amy更以独特歌声与钢琴赋予KORN的“Thoughtless”这首歌全新的面貌,更加收了最新灌录的作品“Missing”以飨久候的乐迷朋友。
2023-07-12 12:17:051

Evanescence的《Your Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Star歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - Your StarI can"t see your starI can"t see your starThough I patiently waited,bedside, for the death of todayI can"t see your starThe mechanical lightsof Lisbon frightened it awayAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outI can"t see your starI can"t see your starHow can the darkness feel so wrong?And I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outSo far awayIts growing colder without your loveWhy can"t you feel me calling your name?Can"t break the silenceIts breaking meAll my fears turn to rageAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outNothing why fighting forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way out
2023-07-12 12:17:121

within temptation.evanescence和nightwish的曲风有什么区别?

evanescence是流行,nightwish是交响、力量类金属,symphony/power metal 只有诱惑本质一般的说法是歌金 Gothic Metal,不过不具有代表性,女主唱不错!
2023-07-12 12:17:203

Evanescence的《Cloud Nine》 歌词

歌曲名:Cloud Nine歌手:Evanescence专辑:The Open DoorEvanescence - Cloud NineIf you want to live, let liveIf you want to go, let goI"m not afraid to dream- to sleep, sleep foreverI don"t need to touch the skyI just want to feel that highAnd you refuse to lift meGuess it wasn"t real after allGuess it wasn"t real all alongIf I fall and all is lostIts where I belongIf you want to live, let liveIf you want to go, let goI"m never gonna be your sweet, sweet surrenderGuess it wasn"t real after allGuess it wasn"t real all alongIf I fall and all is lostNo light to lead the wayRemember that all alone is where I belongIn a dreamWill you give your love to meBeg my broken heart to beatSave my lifeChange my mindIf I fall and all is lostNo light to lead the wayRemember that all alone is where I belong
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歌手:Evanescence 专辑:Fallen Evanescence - My ImmortalI"m so tired of being hereSuppressed by all my childish fearsAnd if you have to leaveI wish that you would just leave"Cause your presence still lingers hereAnd it won"t leave me aloneThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meYou used to captivate meBy your resonating lightNow I"m bound by the life you left behindYour face it hauntsMy once pleasant dreamsYour voice it chased awayAll the sanity in meThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meI"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re goneBut though you"re still with meI"ve been alone all alongWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of me...
2023-07-12 12:17:343

Evanescence的《Lacrymosa》 歌词

歌曲名:Lacrymosa歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - LacrymosaOut on your ownCold and alone againCan this be what you really wanted, baby?Blame it on meSet your guilt freeNothing can hold you back nowNow that you"re goneI feel like myself againGrieving the things I can"t repair and willing ...To let you blame it on meAnd set your guilt freeI don"t want to hold you back now loveI can"t change who I amNot this time,I won"t lie to keep you near meAnd in this short life,there"s no time to waste on giving upMy love wasn"t enoughAnd you can blame it on meJust set your guilt free, honeyI don"t want to hold you back now love
2023-07-12 12:17:531

Evanescence的《Whisper》 歌词

歌曲名:Whisper歌手:Evanescence专辑:FallenEvanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)
2023-07-12 12:17:591

Evanescence的《Lithium》 歌词

歌曲名:Lithium歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - LithiumLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium- I wanna stay in love with my sorrowoh but God I wanna let it gocome to bed, don"t make me sleep alonecouldn"t hide the emptiness you let it shownever wanted it to be so coldjust didn"t drink enough to say you love meI can"t hold on to mewonder what"s wrong with meLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium- I wanna stay in love with my sorrowDon"t wanna let it lay me down this timedrown my will to flyhere in the darkness I know myselfcan"t break free until I let it golet me goDarling, I forgive you after allanything is better than to be aloneand in the end I guess I had to fallalways find my place among the ashesI can"t hold on to mewonder what"s wrong with meLithium- don"t wanna lock me up insidelithium- don"t wanna forget how it feels withoutlithium-Stay in love with youoh I"m gonna let it go
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2023-07-12 12:18:144


歌名:Exodus作词:Evanescence歌手:EvanescenceMy black backpack"s stuffed with broken dreamsTwenty bucks should get me through the weekNever said a word of discontentmentThought it a thousand times but now I"m leaving homeHere in the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay where I don"t belongTwo months pass by and it"s getting coldI know I"m not lost, I"m just aloneBut I won"t cry, I won"t give up, I can"t go back nowWaking up is knowing who you really areHere in the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay where I don"t belongIn the shadowsI"m safe, I"m freeI"ve nowhere else to go butI cannot stay hereShow me the shadow where true meaning liesSo much more dismay in empty eyesaning loves alexEND
2023-07-12 12:18:222


2023-07-12 12:18:293


Evanescence - Tourniquet / 伊凡塞斯乐队 — 止血带翻译: Tony Chang @ LK 歌词组 翻译分队I tried to kill my pain / 我努力想止住痛But only bled more / 血却流得汹涌(So much more) / 更加汹涌I lay dying and I"m pouring / 卧地残喘,我不停喷出Crimson regret and betrayal / 那腥红的懊悔与不忠I"m dying,praying / 我将死,在祈祷Bleeding,I"m screaming / 流着血,我在哀嚎:Am I too lost to be saved? / “我可是病入膏肓无可救药?”Am I too lost? / “已病入膏肓?”My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我Do you remember me? / 您是否还记得我?Lost for so long / 迷失了很久Will you be on the other side? / 您愿不愿在彼岸把我等候Will you forgive me? / 您肯不肯宽恕我?I"m dying,praying / 我将死,在祈祷Bleeding,I"m screaming / 流着血,我在哀嚎:Am I too lost to be saved? / “我可是病入膏肓无可救药?”Am I too lost? / “已病入膏肓?”My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我(Return to me salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我)(I long to die!) / (我很想死!)My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My God! My Tourniquet / 我的上帝!我的止血带Return to me salvation / 请把拯救的力量还给我My wounds cry for the grave / 我的伤口为墓穴而哭喊My soul cries for deliverance / 我的灵魂为审判而嚎叫Will I be denied,Christ?(Christ?) / 主,您可会抛弃我?(主?)Tourniquet! My suicide / 止血带!自取灭亡(Return to us salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我们)(Return to us salvation) /(请把拯救的力量还给我们)
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Playground schoolbell rings, again 学校操场的铃声又响了 Rainclouds come to play, again 乌云又来了 Has no one told you she"s not breathing? 没人告诉你她已经逝去? Hello, I"m your mind 好 我想 giving you someone to talk to 有些人在说着你的思念 Hello 好 If I smile and don"t believe 如果我笑着不相信 Soon I know I"ll wake from this dream 我知道我很快从梦中醒来 Don"t try to fix me 不要试着给我安排 I"m not broken 我还没有为受伤 Hello, I"m the lie living for you so you can hide 好 你能掩藏我的谎言 Don"t cry 别哭 Suddenly I know I"m not sleeping 我突然知道我睡不着觉 Hello, I"m still here 好 我仍然在这儿 all that"s left of yesterday 遗忘昨天的一切
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2023-07-12 12:19:104


歌手:Evanescence 歌名:Bring Me To Life试听下载
2023-07-12 12:19:181

Evanescence的《Lacrymosa》 歌词

歌曲名:Lacrymosa歌手:Evanescence专辑:The Open DoorEvanescence - LacrymosaOut on your ownCold and alone againCan this be what you really wanted, baby?Blame it on meSet your guilt freeNothing can hold you back nowNow that you"re goneI feel like myself againGrieving the things I can"t repair and willing ...To let you blame it on meAnd set your guilt freeI don"t want to hold you back now loveI can"t change who I amNot this time,I won"t lie to keep you near meAnd in this short life,there"s no time to waste on giving upMy love wasn"t enoughAnd you can blame it on meJust set your guilt free, honeyI don"t want to hold you back now love
2023-07-12 12:19:251

关于Evanescence的MV《 Bring Me To Life》的分析~急~~~

2023-07-12 12:19:332

Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life
2023-07-12 12:19:491


2023-07-12 12:19:578


感觉1楼很专业啊,哈哈。有空都听听,我现在只听nw的。听说过dt,within tempatation
2023-07-12 12:20:123

谁能提供evanescence的farther away的歌词?

I took their smiles and I made them mine.I,i sold my soul just to hide the light.And now I see what I really am,A thief a whore, and a liar.I run to you,Call out your name,I see you there, father away.I"m numb to you - numb and deaf and blind.You give me all but the reason why.I reach but I feel only air at night.Not you, not love, just nothing.I run to you,Call out your name,I see you there, father away.Try to forget you,But without you I feel nothing.Don"t leave me here, by myself.I can"t breathe.I run to you,Call out your name,I see you there, father away.I run to you,Call out your name,I see you there, father away,Farther away,Father away,Father away,Father away,Father away.
2023-07-12 12:20:204

谢谢 谁来帮我翻译Evanescence的Like You

2023-07-12 12:20:272

evanescence的Farther away歌词翻译

带走他们的微笑我占为己有 我把灵魂出卖藏在光的背后 现在我看见了真实的自己 一个小偷 一个妓女 一个骗子我跑向你 喊着你的名字 我看见你在那里,上帝在远离 我对你麻木了-失觉 失聪 失明 你给了我全部却缺少那原因在夜里我只能触摸到空气 不是你 不是爱 只是虚无 我跑向你高喊着你的名字我看见你在那里,上帝在远离 尝试去忘了你 但是没有你我感到空虚 不要离开我,剩下我一人 不能呼吸 我跑向你高喊着你的名字 我看见你在那里,天父在远离 我跑向你 喊出你的名字我看见你在那里,上帝在远离 越来越远天父在远离 在远离 在远离 在远离
2023-07-12 12:20:462


为什么不是那个人翻唱的千年之恋呢? 崇洋媚外.
2023-07-12 12:21:063


见化合价: +1 电负性: 0.98 外围
2023-07-12 12:21:154


女生主唱的摇滚乐队介绍几个吧: 1.Nightwish 乐队Nightwish 中文名:夜愿(或称夜之颂) 国籍:芬兰 乐队风格:歌剧金属、力量交响金属、歌特金属 成员:主唱Tarja 吉他Emppu 贝斯Sami 键盘Tuomas 鼓Jukka Nightwish,女歌手Tarja领军的美声金属乐团,近年来大红大紫,号称芬兰的瑰宝. 推荐歌曲: Sleeping Sun沉睡的太阳 Over The Hills And Far Away翻山远去 She Is My Sin她是我的罪孽 Nemo我永远的名字 Forever Yours永远属于你 End Of All Hope希望破灭 Ever Dream曾经的梦想 Nightwish是我最钟爱的乐队之一,他们的音乐让我爱不释耳,曲目几乎首首经典. 另外,他们就要在九月出新专辑了!! 换了新主唱的Nightwish即将在07年9月发行他们的新专辑《Dark Passion Play 》。新主唱Anette Olzon出生于1971年,瑞典人。有人说她张的有点像Bjork,但我觉得她们在各方面究竟都是很不一样的,我反而觉得Anette Olzon和Nightwish以前的主唱Tarja在气质方面有几分相似. 听了《Dark Passion Play 》中的几首歌之后,觉得Nightwish的音乐风格似乎没有太大变化,只是女主唱的声音没有达到期待值。比起Tarja,Anette Olzon的声音显得单薄了很多,没有穿透力,不够浑厚,不会让人再感到非常“震撼”。总之,是没什么特点,不过单独来讲还算好听。 然而Nightwish仅仅是换掉了女主唱,乐队还是原来的乐队,风格不变,激情不变,专辑质量不变,所以,《Dark Passion Play 》还是很值得去听的。 专辑介绍: 专辑:Dark Passion Play 歌手:Nightwish 发行时间:2007年 曲目: 01. The Poet And The Pendulum 02. Bye Bye Beautiful 03. Amaranth 04. Cadence Of Her Last BreathHeavy 05. Master Passion Greed [sample] 06. Eva 07. Sahara [sample] 08. Whoever Brings The Night [sample] 09. For The Heart I Once Had [sample] 10. The Islander [sample] 11. Last Of The Wilds [sample] 12. 7 Days To The Wolves [sample] 13. Meadows Of Heaven [sample] 打包下载地址:(自行解压) 整张专辑试听地址: 参考资料: 2.乐队:Evanescence 中文名:伊凡塞斯 国籍:美国 曲风:偏向于另类金属、哥特金属、古典摇滚 Evanescence的四位成员都来自美国阿肯萨斯州,女主唱艾咪(Amy Lee)年仅20岁,外型冷艳,声音超赞,极具感染力,相信还会有更好的发展前景。 Evanescence到目前为止已发行了5张专集,分别为: Anywhere But Home(2004年11月23日) Live In Zenith (Paris 2003.10.16)(2004年4月) Bring Me to Life (2003年6月2日 ) Le Nouveau Gothique (2004年6月) Fallen (2003年3月4日) Evanescence在2006年10月3日《The Open Door》下载: 1.eMule下载: 2.迅雷下载: 之前的优秀作品: Bring me to life(让我重生) Everybody"s fool(你被愚弄了) Going under(重装上阵) My last breath(最后一口气) Taking over me(主宰我) 3.Within Temptation 乐队:Within Temptation 中文名:本质诱惑 国籍:荷兰 曲风:哥特金属 Within Temptation成立于1996年,自98年在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱。 推荐: Memories(记忆) A Dangerous Mind(危险念头) Mother Earth(大地之母) Angels(天使) Ice Queen(冰雪女王) 4.Xandria 乐队:Xandria 中文名:仙朵拉 国籍:德国 乐队风格:哥特金属 推荐: Eversleeping(永眠) 5.Epica 乐队:Epica 中文名:史诗 国籍:荷兰 乐队风格:哥特金属 推荐: The Phantom Agony(魅影幻象) 以上这些都是我自己非常喜欢的女生主唱的摇滚乐队,希望你也能够喜欢!参考资料:
2023-07-12 12:21:221


2023-07-12 12:21:303

My Heart is Broken 歌词

《My Heart Is Broken》歌手:Evanescence所属专辑:《Evanescence》发行时间:2011-10-11歌词:I will wonder till the end of time Torn away from you I pull away to face the pain I close my eyes and drift away Over the fear that I will never find A way to heal my soul And I will wonder till the end of time Torn away from you My heart is broken Sweet, sleep my dark angel Deliver us from sorrow"s hold Or from my hard heart. I can"t go on living this way And I can"t go back the way I came Shamed of this fear that I will never find A way to heal my soul And I will wonder till the end of time Half a life without you My heart is broken Sweet sleep, my dark angel Deliver us Change - open your eyes to the light I"ve been denying so long, oh so long Say goodbye, goodbye My heart is broken Release me, I can"t hold on Deliver us My heart is broken Sweet sleep, my dark angel Deliver us My heart is broken Sweet sleep, my dark angel Deliver us from sorrow"s hold
2023-07-12 12:21:372


2023-07-12 12:21:442

Evanescence的《Your Star》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Star歌手:Evanescence专辑:The Open DoorEvanescence - Your StarI can"t see your starI can"t see your starThough I patiently waited,bedside, for the death of todayI can"t see your starThe mechanical lightsof Lisbon frightened it awayAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outI can"t see your starI can"t see your starHow can the darkness feel so wrong?And I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts in pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outSo far awayIts growing colder without your loveWhy can"t you feel me calling your name?Can"t break the silenceIts breaking meAll my fears turn to rageAnd I"m alone nowMe and all I stood forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way outNothing why fighting forWe"re wandering nowAll in parts and pieces, swim lonelyFind your own way out
2023-07-12 12:22:141

Evanescence的《Oceans》 歌词

歌曲名:Oceans歌手:Evanescence专辑:Evanescence (Deluxe Edition)We sit in silenceA marriage licenseIs all you knowAll you know, all you knowWe sit and chew gumWatch televisionAnd you knowAnd you know, and you knowBut there"s oceans between usLight years that screen usOceans that drift awayOceans that fade to greyWe sit and rot hereResenting each yearWill you goWill you go, will you go?We sing the old songsThe beat box plays onAnd you knowAnd you know, and you knowBut there"s oceans between usLight years that screen usLike oceans we drift awayoceans we fade to greyBetween us there"s oceansThere"s life in slow motionQuietly we drift awayQuietly we fade to grey
2023-07-12 12:22:261

Evanescence的《Tourniquet》 歌词

歌曲名:Tourniquet歌手:Evanescence专辑:Greatest HitsEvanescence - TourniquetI tried to kill my pain,But only bled more.(So much more)I"m lay dying,And I"m pouring, crimson regret, and betrayal.I"m dying,Praying,Bleeding,And screaming.Am I too lost to be saved ?Am I too lost ?My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.Do you remember me ?Lost for so long.Will you be on the other side ?Will you forgive me ?I"m dying,Praying,Bleeding,And screaming.Am I too lost to be saved ?Am I too lost ?My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.(Return to me salvation)(I want to DIE!)My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My God! My Tourniquet,Return to me salvation.My wounds cry for the grave.My soul cries, for deliverance.Will I be denied ?Christ! Tourniquet! My suicide.
2023-07-12 12:22:331

evanescence listen to rain 歌词

听听,听听,听听,听听,听(听),听(听),听(听),听(听),倾听每一滴雨(听听)耳语的秘密,一切都是徒然的(听听),在雨滴落地之前急切地寻找有人来倾听它们的故事,。 不要放弃! 我们可以不可以再停留多一会儿? 实在很难以说再见。 听(听),听(听),听(听),听(听), 雨哭泣。 听(听)听(听)听(听)听(听) 我独自站在风暴中, 美好的词突然到来:说道 “快点!” , “您已经没有多少时间了! “张开您的眼睛看您周遭的爱,“您或许会感到孤单, “但我仍然依旧在这里和您在一起。 “您继续做您的梦,但 “记得要“听雨”。 [延长]听…
2023-07-12 12:22:401

Evanescence – Wake Me Up Inside歌词

How can you see into my eyes Like open doors? Lading you down into my core, Where I"ve become so numb. Without a soul, My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold, Until you find it there and lead it back Home. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Now that I know what I"m without, You can"t just leave me. Breathe into me and make me real. Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life. Frozen inside without your touch, Without your love, darling. Only you are the life among the dead. (All of this sight, I can"t believe I couldn"t see Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me) I"ve been sleeping a 1000 years it seems. I"ve got to open my eyes to everything. (Without a thought Without a voice Without a soul Don"t let me die here. There must be something more). Bring me to life. (Wake me up) Wake me up inside. (I can"t wake up) Wake me up inside. (Save me) Call my name and save me from the dark. (Wake me up) Bid my blood to run. (I can"t wake up) Before I come undone. (Save me) Save me from the nothing I"ve become. Bring me to life. (I"ve been living a lie. There"s nothing inside) Bring me to life
2023-07-12 12:22:501

Evanescence 的 《where will you go》和《Like You》 歌词翻译

你将在何方我渴望知道你的心在何方因为的确感觉已不在这里有时我会想你希望我能悄然离去我是否误读了你的心声你是否早就期盼如此你的心是否早已离去你是否觉得孤独当你陪伴在我的身旁是否自由之声在你心中回荡你是否更渴望独自一人或企盼我是另一个人任何人都好你将在何方假如你不再和我一起你将去何方假如你是自由之身你的至爱会是谁那是否会是我你将在何方我不愿阻挡你不 我不想羁绊你我不想让你觉得你被束缚无法挣脱因为那不是爱的真谛假如我们的缘分已尽现在就告诉我噢,告诉我 现在告诉我吧你将在何方假如你不再和我一起你将去何方假如你是自由之身你的至爱会是谁那是否会是我你将在何方我是否成为你的敌人你是否难以保持自我在我的陪伴中你将在何方假如你不再和我一起你将去何方假如你是自由之身你的至爱会是谁那是否会是我你将在何方
2023-07-12 12:22:583

evanescence together again 的歌词

Evanescence-Together Again伊凡塞斯乐队—再相聚Never thought that I"d be leaving you today不曾料到,今天我会与你离别So alone and wondering why I feel this way孤单感觉,为何竟会如此之切?So wide the world天高海阔Can love remember爱可会识得How to get me home to you引我回家找你的路Someday某天We"ll be together again我们还会再相聚All just a dream in the end一切不过梦而已We"ll be together again我们还会再相聚So many fears were swimming around and around in my mind无尽的恐惧一直在我脑海游来游去Who would have dreamed the secrets we would find?谁会梦到我们将觅得的秘密?I found a world我找到个Where love and dreams and darkness all collide爱与梦与黑抱成团的天地Maybe this time也许这次We can leave our broken world behind我们可将已碎的世界遗弃We"ll be together again 我们还会再相聚All just a dream in the end一切不过梦而已歌词翻译:TonyChang@LK歌词组翻译分队
2023-07-12 12:23:052


Bring Me To Life 给我生命 How can you see into my eyes like open doors 你如何望穿我双眼,就像打开一扇大门 Leading you down into my core 直达我的心底 Where I"ve become so numb 那里曾经麻木 without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold 曾经灵魂出鞘,意志消沉,心灰意冷 Until you find it there and lead it back home 但你找到了它,引它走向,回家正途 wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Call my name and save me from the dark 呼喊我的名字,救我于泥足深陷。 Bid my blood to run 令我血液奔腾 Before I come undone 在我毁灭之前 Save me from the nothing I"ve become 救我于水深火热 Now that I know what I"m without 如今我明白,自己缺什么 You can"t just leave me 你不能就这样离开我 Breathe into me and make me real 让我能够呼吸,使我感觉真实 Bring me to life 让我重获新生 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Wake me up inside 唤醒我的内心 Call my name and save me from the dark 呼喊我的名字,救我于泥足深陷。 Bid my blood to run 令我血液奔腾 Before I come undone 在我毁灭之前 Save me from the nothing I"ve become 救我于水深火热 Bring me to life 让我重获新生 Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling 心似冰冻,只因缺少你的抚爱,亲爱的 only you are the Life among the dead 惟有你是生命活力,于一片茫茫死寂中 All this time I can"t believe I couldn"t see 我一直无法相信,不愿面对 Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me 我泥足深陷,你却在我面前 I"ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems 我仿佛已经沉睡了千年 Got to open my eyes to everything 要睁开双眼看看这世界 Without a thought without a voice without a soul 不会思考,无声无息,没有灵魂 Don"t let me die here 我不要就这样死去 There must be something more 一定会有某种力量 Bring me to life 让我重获新生
2023-07-12 12:23:241


2023-07-12 12:23:321

Evanescence《Before The Dawn》歌词的中文翻译

2023-07-12 12:23:391

Evanescence《Before The Dawn》歌词的中文翻译

Meet me after dark again and I"ll hold you 再一次在黑暗中与我相见,我会拥抱你I want nothing more than to see you there 我只想在哪里遇见你And maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们一起远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落 If only night could hold you where I can see you, my love 如果只有在夜中才能见到你,我的爱Then let me never ever wake again那就让我们再也不能苏醒 And maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们一起远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落Somehow I know that we can"t wake again from this dream 然而我知道我们将不能再从梦中醒来it"s not real, but it"s ours 并不真实,却的确是我们的。Maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn 我们将在黎明前失落Maybe tonight, we"ll fly so far away 或许就在今夜,我们远走高飞We"ll be lost before the dawn .......... 我们将在黎明前失落...
2023-07-12 12:23:461


2023-07-12 12:23:521

求Evanescence的Away From Me的中英对照歌词

2023-07-12 12:23:591

求evanescence-sweet sacrifice 中文翻译

这是真的,我们都有点精神错乱但如此清晰现在,我释放令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中接管所有的时间令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中但它接管所有时间你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证你知道你生活,打破我,不否认甜牺牲一天我要去忘记你的名字一甜一天, 你要去淹没在我失去了疼痛令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中接管所有的时间令人担心的是只有在我们的脑海中但它接管所有时间你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证和吴爱你恨我没有你,蜂蜜? 我是你的牺牲。 我梦想中的黑暗我睡觉死提高沉默清除我的生活您想知道你为什么恨? (我们的燃烧灰烬) (抹黑一天) 你仍然太弱(世界的虚无) 为了生存你的错误? (打击我带走) 你穷人甜无辜的事情干你的眼睛和作证你知道你生活,打破我,不否认甜牺牲
2023-07-12 12:24:122

哪个知道Evanescence的《My Immortal》歌词??

I"m so tired of being hereSuppressed by all my childish fearsAnd if you have to leaveI wish that you would just leave"Cause your presence still lingers hereAnd it won"t leave me aloneThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meYou used to captivate meBy your resonating lightNow I"m bound by the life you left behindYour face it hauntsMy once pleasant dreamsYour voice it chased awayAll the sanity in meThese wounds won"t seem to healThis pain is just too realThere"s just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of meI"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re goneBut though you"re still with meI"ve been alone all alongWhen you cried I"d wipe away all of your tearsWhen you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fearsI held your hand through all of these yearsBut you still haveAll of me...
2023-07-12 12:24:192

What You Want 歌词

歌曲名:What You Want歌手:Evanescence专辑:EvanescenceWhat You WantEvanescenceDo what you what you want,if you have a dream for betterDo what you what you wanttill you don"t want it anymore(remember who you really are)Do what you what you want,your world"s closing in on you now(it isn"t over)Stand and face the unknown(got to remember who you really are)Every heart in my hands like a pale reflectionHello, hello remember me?I"m everything you can"t controlSomewhere beyond the painThere must be a way To believe we can break throughDo what you what you want, you don"t have to lay your life down(it isn"t over)Do what you what you want Till you find what you"re looking for(got to remember who you really are)But every hour slipping By screams that I have failed youHello, hello remember me?I"m everything you can"t controlSomewhere beyond the pain there must Be a way to believeHello, hello remember me?I"m everything you can"t controlSomewhere beyond the pain there must Be a way to believeThere"s still timeClose your eyesOnly love will guide you homeTear down the walls and free your soulTill we crash we"re forever Spiraling down, down, down, downHello, hello, it"s only meInfecting everything you loveSomewhere beyond the pain there must Be a way to believeHello, hello remember me?I"m everything you can"t controlSomewhere beyond the pain there must Be a way to learn forgivenessHello, hello remember me?I"m everything you can"t controlSomewhere beyond the pain there must Be a way to believe we can break through(remember who you really are)Do what you what you want
2023-07-12 12:24:331

Lost in Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:Lost in Paradise歌手:Evanescence专辑:EvanescenceEvanescence - Lost In ParadiseI"ve been believingIn something so distantAs if I was humanAnd I"ve been denyingThis feeling of hopelessnessIn me, in meAll the promises I madeJust to let you downYou believed in me but I"m brokenI have nothing leftAnd all I feel is this cruel wantingWe"ve been falling for all this timeAnd now I"m lost in paradiseAs much as I"d likeThe past not to existIt still doesAnd as much as I"d likeTo feel like I belong hereI"m just as scared as youI have nothing leftAnd all I feel is this cruel wantingWe"ve been falling for all this timeAnd now I"m lost in paradiseRun away, run awayOne day we won"t feel this pain anymoreTake it all awayShadows of youCause they won"t let me goSo I have nothing leftAnd all I feel is this cruel wantingWe"ve been falling for all this timeAnd now I"m lost in paradiseAlone and lost in paradiseEnd
2023-07-12 12:24:521