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daddy just wants it to rain 歌词

2023-07-12 18:31:29
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歌曲名:daddy just wants it to rain
歌手:Continental Drifters

Written by peter holsapple
Main voice: peter
Released on "vermilion" (1999)
Daddy was the eldest of ten
And my mama was an only child
She must"ve represented back then
The part of him that couldn"t go wild
She was free
Something he could never be
"cause daddy was the one
Who always took responsibility.
They met at a uso dance hall
At the start of the second world war
She was gentle, kind and intelligent
Something daddy"d never known before
And they danced
Later on came the romance
"cause daddy shipped out
Before he had the chance to ask for her hand.
But it all turned out all right
And he would lay in his hammock at night
Dreaming of a family and home
With the woman that he left behind
At night, his shipmates would go check out the bars
But daddy"d just stare at the stars
And dream of her
Continental Drifters
"til he thought he might lose his mind.
They got married on v.e. day
By the preacher from my mama"s church
Mama"d always dreamed of a honeymoon
But daddy had to go back to work
He plowed those fields
Since the navy never tought him a trade
Mama"d make his lunch
And they"d eat it out in the shade.
The boys were born in the fifties
Georgie, herman and me
And we grew up wanting for nothing
"til georgie saw his first tv
It was the christmas of 1959
There was a console in the living room
Well, mama and the boys watched variety shows
And daddy just stared out at the moon.
The drought hit hard in the sixties
And the irrigation couldn"t control
Mama sighed when they sold the farm
But daddy lost a piece of his soul
He said "hard work is a virtue
And you should always work as hard as you can"
He said "hard work will never hurt you"
But he never said nothing about the land.
Yeah, but mama always told us boys
"you should follow the golden rule
Always look for the good in the other guy
But never be anyone"s fool"
Then he"d look out at his weather vane
Oh mama wants a rainbow
Daddy just wants it to rain.
They moved in with herman"s family
In the nice part of the city
Mama"d help gina with the grandchildren
And tried to make the house look pretty
But daddy"d sit at his window
From when he got up "til he went to bed
Just knowing that he"d failed his family
He couldn"t get it out of his head.
It was the summer of 1978
When mama caught pneumonia and died
Daddy lost his will to live that fall
Now they"re buried side by side
And in the midst of all our grief
Georgie said to our relief
"well, mama got her rainbow
And it"s starting to rain".
He said "mama got her rainbow
And it"s starting to rain".
And it"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain.
It"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain
It"s starting to rain, to rain, rain
To rain.



go daddy如何获取域名密码?注册了域名,却不知道那里可以获取域名密码!

2023-07-12 11:52:072

如何修改GO DADDY域名指向路径?急

2023-07-12 11:52:201

怎样将go daddy注册的域名解析到自己的服务器上

你是要更改解析,也是说指向你的服务器呢?还是你自己搭建的dns服务器进行解析一般情况下你点击total dns就可以对这个域名进修解析,空间商会给你服务器的IP地址的
2023-07-12 11:52:301

GO DADDY买的域名,没有备案,用的是香港的空间,为什么解析完不能访问?还是解析没有完成?

2023-07-12 11:52:384


2023-07-12 11:52:483


daddy n. 爸爸; daft adj. 傻的,愚蠢的; daily a.每日的 n.日报; dais n. 台,讲台; dale n. 小谷,溪谷; dancing n. 舞蹈; dash n.猛冲;短跑; danger n.危险 扩展资料   Daddy called and asked me to drop by his office.   爸爸打来电话让我去他办公室一趟。   Go and get your daddy for me.   去把你爸爸给我叫过来。   They charge a daily rate.   他们按日收费。
2023-07-12 11:53:021

to daddy中文翻译

Guess i shoulda gone to daddy , cause mama never knew 繁华镜中看一看我不似是我 Don " t you dare go to daddy . e to mommy 我看你敢到爸爸那里去到妈妈这儿来 I " m going to talk to daddy about it right now 我现在就去跟爸爸谈谈这件事。 Gertie , this job is very important to daddy 格蒂,这个工作对爸爸很重要 - e to daddy , satchel . - look ! good boy -到爸爸这里来,小齐-看,真乖Come to daddy , satchel . - look ! good boy 到爸爸这里来,小齐-看,真乖 You guys run along and let me talk to daddy , okay 你们到一边去让我和你们爸爸说说话,好么 Right here . e to daddy . - e to mommy , satchel 就在这儿,来爸爸这里-那妈妈这里来,小齐 Right here . e to daddy . - e to mommy , satchel 就在这儿,来爸爸这里-那妈妈这里来,小齐 - right here . e to daddy . - e to mommy , satchel -就在这儿,来爸爸这里-那妈妈这里来,小齐Okay , i love you , too . and say hi to daddy 好我也爱你问爸爸好 Jodie promised to take me to daddy 裘蒂答应说带我去爸爸那里 Thatyou can " t bring home to daddy 没法带回家给老爸看的男人 Thatyou can " t bring home to daddy 没法带回家给老爸看的男人 Anything you want to say to daddy 有什么要跟爸爸说吗? So why don " t you speak to daddy warbucks and see how much it " s worth 所以你为什么不问问金主先生这球值多少 - i got him , charpe ! i got him ! - e to daddy ! e on -我抓住他了, charpe !我抓住他了-到爸爸那里去,快! I got him , charpe ! i got him ! - e to daddy ! e on 我抓住他了, charpe !我抓住他了-到爸爸那里去,快! Wele to daddy day care 欢迎来到奶爸托儿所。 At the beginning of february , jerusha wrote a letter to daddy - long - legs 二月初的时候,洁茹写了一封信给长腿叔叔。 But you never talk to daddy 却从来不理会爸爸 Come to daddy , satchel 到爸爸这儿来,小齐 And you " re a pttle piece of mommy . and that makes you really special to daddy 你是妈妈的一部分,所以你对爸爸非常重要 You " re right . we " ll do it ! i " m going to talk to daddy about it right now 你说的对。我们就这样办。我马上就去跟你爸爸谈谈。 Listen to daddy carefully 听爸爸的话 Listen to daddy carefully 听爸爸的话 Come to daddy 到爸爸这儿来 After sending out that letter of reconcipation , jerusha once again began to gossip to daddy - long - legs about everyday things and to confide in him 寄出那封和好信之后,洁茹又开始恢复和长腿叔叔闲话家常以及谈心了。 In the three months of summer break , jerusha wrote a great many letters to daddy - long - legs vividly describing every detail of her happy farm pfe 在三个月的暑假中,洁茹写了很多信给长腿叔叔,用生动、快乐的语气诉说农庄生活的点点滴滴。 When my older in sisters began showing an interest in music , harriet anne learned to play grandma " s upright piano , while suzanne turned to daddy " s viopn 我的两个孪生姐姐爱上了音乐。哈丽特?安妮学弹祖母留下的那台竖式钢琴,蘇珊娜学拉父亲的那把小提琴。 A woman wanted to reach her husband on his mobile phone but discovered that she was out of credit ; she instructed her son - to use his own phone to pass across an urgent message to daddy 一个女人想给丈夫打电话,却发现手机欠费;于是让儿子用自己的手机给爸爸发一条紧急短信。 They immediately opened and showed their new toys to daddy , mommy and their new friends . those children who could not e that day did not know that a surprise would be waiting for them , their parents came up to receive master s gifts for them under the thundering applause of other initiates 小朋友在当场等不及地立刻打开新玩具,拿给爸爸妈妈和新朋友看,而那些不能来叁加庆祝活动的小朋友们也有意外的惊喜,因为在大家热烈的掌声中,他们的父母也代表他们领取了师父给的礼物。
2023-07-12 11:53:091


1. 写爸爸的英语作文 描写爸爸的英语作文:我的爸爸个子不高,只有1.70 我的爸爸个子不高,只有1.70。但是挺胖的,皮肤黝黑。他平常喜欢看新闻,看体育比赛。爸爸最喜欢打乒乓球,而且技术还挺好。他不抽烟,但是会喝酒。他对我们很好,平时总是逗我们开心,虽然平时对我们很好,合理的要求都会答应,但是在对待我们的学习上不会仁慈。爸爸经常教导我们要勤俭节约。他非常爱我们。我爱我的爸爸。 My father is not tall, only 1.70. But very fat, dark skin. He usually like to watch the news, watching sports. Dad likes playing table tennis and technology is also very good. He doesn"t *** oke, but will drink. He is very kind to us, usually amuse us, although flat on our good and reasonable requirements will promise, but in the treatment of our study will show mercy. Dad always taught us to be hardworking and thrifty. He loves us very much. I love my father. 望采纳!谢谢! 2. 关于我的爸爸的英语作文 我的父亲 我的父亲是一个善良的人。他不是很高,但他是一名男子的毅力。他工作很辛苦,他的服务是极为重要的。 我的父亲是一个男人的献身精神。他每天早晨起床最早,使我们的早餐。在傍晚的时候,他总是晚回家。在周末,他总是带我们去郊游,在他的车。他是个沉默寡言的人,但他常对我说“学问浅薄,如履薄冰”。我将永远记得这些话。 我非常爱我的父亲。 My father is a kind person. He is the man of the house, is a man of perseverance. He worked very hard, and his work attitude is highly appreciated. He loves the fishing, and almost every day to go fishing, always. My father cook well. He always says, "my cooking absolutely no chefs." On weekends, he went to work, is diligent. My father doesn"t like anyone else"s father, always want their children go to cram school, but respect my opinion. I love my father very much. 3. 我的爸爸 英语作文 .My father is a gentle man My father has *** all eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy"s hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",daddy does the management, but daddy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.daddy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpass in one day-long. He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently。 4. 写一篇,NextWeekend英语作文(汉语) In this weekend, I have a plan, if tomorrow is a sunny day。 Saturday morning, I am going to visit my grandparents。after lunch I have good friends and I go to the movies and football. At night, I can stay home and watch cartoons。 Sunday, I will go fishing with dad. After that I will go home to do my homework。I hope this weekend I can live very happy!。 5. 我的父亲 英语作文 60字 爱钓鱼 您好:My father did not finish high school, joined the army and went to Tibet, who did the doctor in the clinic, the construction pany. I was with my mother in the countryside, until the older he returned home to settle in. In addition to his house in the wall, when he is living in the building site of the temporary shelters, with construction panies everywhere drift. It also occasionally return home, to take something back to see my mother and I. A chance, neighbours and my father had a relatively decent joke, let me have the opportunity to let him take me to his work place to spend your summer vacation. The memory is there are so few days playing in the construction site.Have to mention is, my brother, is really a man. My brother because of foot mixer on the construction site was true once, right foot was badly injured. The mother"s heart, although my brother in addition to foot the scar, and the ordinary kind. So after government approval after (No fine of planning), decided to give birth to me. Successfuly, I like this in this world.There is a system of units at the time when the father, a retired people, by his descendants to take over his position, but the premise is to pass the relevant examination. My brother, a bad student academic performance has been bad (now hehe), go into the city. But he continued bad student"s character, not a good school, he didn"t take his father left the doctor"s job, and was reduced to an ordinary construction workers.I think my father promised to take me to go there to spend the summer when he was very hesitant. As for the later how repeatedly to do not know, perhaps I was a well behaved baby dress nature, may also want to care of my father and to narrow the distance beeen us. Because it is in the summer, everyone will take a nap at noon in the house. Because I was a child, not so willing to take a nap. Often when father to sneak out to play. Because my brother learned, father is of course strongly condemns these acts of my. But no way, my stubborn, together with his father do not hit the kind words, while not playing, it is tough, but I"m not afraid of offending. And I remember a lot of scene, under the hot sun of the construction site of wandering, father suddenly appeared on the scene. Remember, at that time his father"s face, with a face. One of my colleagues at the time his father to the children, age, and he became my partner. There are several years of this, I do not know how is he now?One year, my final grades were 90 (The truth is only Chinese and maths). Father heard this letter, letter, take me to buy a car. Although the line that is not so high, but I am also very happy, really happy. Now I also very happy, because I remember my father took me by the hand.From kindergarten to primary school, on the way to school, I remember my mother figure, father is too far away from me. Only once, can"t remember what the reason is, the mother and father together with me to my high school dormitory. But shortly before to know, the school I attended high school drop out is the father. He looked inside the campus, seems to be in remembrance of。 It is said that my grandpa is the county workers. Also said that his father had good grades, but no money at home, the father is great. You can never turn the clock back, misty"s father, at least a little that I can witness his pen script written in great.Father was walking in the city the construction site of the barefoot doctor. Remember to help his father in the construction site canteen, for now the father could find some excuse for a delicious food on the table. Super love father fishing. As a child, then passed on my fish freshness, often urge or force or pulling me to go fishing. In recent years, the river in front of the formation of a large pond was a bad contract, we no longer have the right to go to the river to Aboriginal free fishing. I listened very angry, I see your face, just light a hint of regret. Perhaps it is hidden, perhaps this is the old style.I like my father. Character is like, and his father as a young man in the picture is like a piece of red, and even the recently appeared on my neck is as below. But I would not like to be like my father. Be scanty of words. We had a lack of effective munication, we know only use action to express our feelings. By doing so, misunderstanding can hardly be avoided. When I was young I like to watch TV, my father sternly me out, but he wouldn"t tell me, this is the wasted time, let me have so many should not have prejudice against you.Now his father has made my brother home family man, the day most of the time spent in buying food and cooking in the kitchen on the road. My brother in the city worked hard for so 。 6. 我的爸爸的英语作文怎么写 My father is now 38 years old.He looks very kind but is strict with me.He is a mon worker,but never late for work and always works very hard.He likes go fishing and climbling the mountains during the weekends.Sometimes if my mother is not at home,he will be the cooker and wash our clothes.We can get along very well with each other.In a word,he is a wonderful father.I love him.。
2023-07-12 11:53:471

mack daddy 什么意思

万人迷 mack daddy你眼中的万人迷是什么样子呢?“万人迷”真是个让人羡慕不已的字眼,美国俚语(尤其美国黑人俚语)中,“万人迷”可用“mack daddy”或“mac daddy”来表达,以此形容事业有成、魅力四射,颇有女人缘的男人。不过,“mack daddy”最初的含义并没有那么风光。  “Mack daddy”起源于20世纪50年代,因一首颇为流行的黑人歌曲“The great Mac Daddy”而得名。当时,“daddy”曾一度用来表示“皮条客”或是“罪犯”的代名词(该用法现在依然适用)。  据词源记载,“mack”是“mackerel(鲭鱼)”的缩写,而“mackerel”在法语中表示“掮客”或“皮条客”。您可能要问,“mackerel(鲭鱼)”怎么会和“皮条客”这样的不雅词汇联系在一起呢?据说,鲭鱼有自我繁殖的能力,甚至还可以帮助青鱼进行古怪的繁殖行为。于是,法国人就把“鲭鱼”和“皮条客”都叫“mackerel”。  随着时间的推移,“Mack Daddy”逐渐改头换面,被赋予了光彩的含义——“万人迷”,而现代意义上的“Daddy”则表示“颇有影响力和号召力的男人”。  David Beckham is a Mac Daddy! My sister will be staring at the television screen every time he appears.大卫61贝克汉姆简直就是一个万人迷!每次他一出现,我妹妹就盯着电视屏幕不放。
2023-07-12 11:53:551


dad和daddy的区别:使用方式不同。dad是一种普遍而常见的对父亲的称呼,它通常表示一种正式或中性的调子。它在口语和书面语中都可以使用,适用于各种场合。dad通常更加简洁、直接,并且较为正式。daddy则是一种更加亲昵和亲密的称呼,常用于家庭和亲密关系中。与dad相比,daddy在语气上更加温暖、亲切,带有一定的隐含情感。它可能更多地被年幼的孩子、爱侣、夫妻等亲密关系的成员使用,以表达亲近和爱意。总而言之,dad是一种普通、中性的对父亲的称呼,常用于正式和非正式场合。而daddy则是一种更亲密、亲昵的称呼,适用于特定的私人和亲密关系。选择使用哪个称谓取决于个人与父亲之间的关系、和语言环境。双语例句1、I mustn"t be late or Dad will go up the wall.我不能晚了,否则爸爸会发脾气的。2、My dad"s always talking about how great everything was back in the day.我爸爸总是讲过去的一切如何如何的好。3、My dad will go mental when he finds out.我父亲要是发现了,他会气疯的。4、My dad"s taste in music is from the Stone Age.我老爸的音乐品味都老得掉渣了。5、She knows how to get round her dad.她知道怎样讨她爸爸的欢心。
2023-07-12 11:54:281


ed beating. Then the boy looked at me again and said, "I told my Daddy to tell my Mama not to go yet. I told him to tell
2023-07-12 11:54:4412


1. 小鸟英语怎么写 “小鸟”的英语:little bird 例句:A little bird was singing happily in the tree. 小鸟在树上快乐地歌唱。 词汇解析: 一、little 读法:英 ["lu026at(u0259)l] 美 ["lu026atl] 释义: adj. 小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的 adv. 完全不 n. 少许;没有多少;短时间 短语: for a little 一会儿 little by little 渐渐;逐渐地 a little more 稍微多些 二、bird 读法:英 [bu025cu02d0d] 美 [bu025dd] 释义: n. 鸟;家伙;羽毛球 vt. 向…喝倒彩;起哄 vi. 猎鸟;观察研究野鸟 短语: bird flu n. 禽流感 migratory bird 候鸟 early bird 早起者;早到者 扩展资料 little词语用法 little用作形容词时表示“小的,幼小的,矮小的”,指由于因年龄小而身形娇小,含有感 *** 彩,意思是“小的可爱”“小的可怜”等意思。 little的比较级与最高级常用 *** aller, *** allest,而较少用littler,littlest。 little用作代词时有否定意味,接近于nothing。 the little, a little或little of在句中用作定语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 little用作副词和感官的动词连用并放在动词前,表示“毫不”“一点也不”。 2. 描写小鸟的英语作文 你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行:Our family around the house there are many tall trees. Every day, there are many unknown trees, birds in the "chattering," cried, a variety of voices very nicely, as if birds in open concerts. One afternoon, my neighbor"s little brother, little brother in the room playing chess. Suddenly, a beautiful bird came flying, and we quickly closed the door window to catch the birds. Suffered a shock in the room where the birds kept flying, it was finally too tired to fly no more, stopping at the table. I quietly walked over, grabbed it carefully. Little brother immediately sent for a rope, tied the bird"s feet, we are afraid of birds fly away,The other end of the rope still tied a *** all iron bar. Then we put the bird in the yard, but dragging an iron bar that it does not matter how fly up and hurry toward the sky Zhi Jiao. At this time, my mom and dad came back from the outside, and my father asked: "Liang-liang, are you doing?" I said to the father: "Daddy, Come see us catch a bird." Daddy go came a look, said: "Liang-liang, you did not know even the Flying Swallow啦!" I am curious to ask: "That"s why it does not grow with the big swallows the same?" Dad said with a *** ile: "Swallow the time is so *** all , and wait for it to grow up, and body feathers and it would slowly bee DadDad, Mom the same. "At this time, there are o big swallows the sky fly over, directed at Flying Swallow cried loudly. I think: Yes, it"s father, my mother came to see it. So, I unlock it feet of rope, it flew off.译:我们家房子周围有许多参天的大树。 每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极了,好像在开小鸟音乐会。 一天下午,我和邻居家的小哥哥、小弟弟在房间里下棋。 突然,飞进来一只漂亮的小鸟,我们赶紧关上门窗去捉小鸟。受了惊吓的小鸟在房间里不停地飞来飞去,它终于累得飞不动了,停在了桌子上。 我悄悄地走过去,小心翼翼地一把抓住它。小哥哥马上找来一根绳子,绑住了小鸟的脚,我们怕小鸟飞走,还在绳子的另一头绑了一根小铁棒。 然后,我们把小鸟放在院子里,可是它拖着铁棒怎么也飞不起来,着急地朝着天空直叫。 这时候,爸爸、妈妈从外面回来了,爸爸问:“亮亮,你在干什么?”我对爸爸说:“爸爸,快来看我们抓到了一只小鸟。” 爸爸走过来一看说:“亮亮,你连小燕子都不认识啦!”我奇怪地问:“那它为什么不跟大燕子长得一样?”爸爸笑着说:“燕子小的时候是这样的,等它长大了,身上的羽毛就慢慢地变得和它爸爸、妈妈一样了。” 这时,天空中有两只大燕子飞过来,冲着小燕子大声地叫着。 我想:一定是它的爸爸、妈妈来找它了。于是,我解开它脚上的绳子,让它飞走了。 字数有点多,你选着用,我已经尽力啦。 3. 我是一只快乐的小鸟的作文怎么写 假如我是一只小鸟,我要做一只快乐的小鸟。绝不做那笼中之鸟,任由别人安排自己的生活。我要自由自在地飞翔在蔚蓝的天空,让和煦的春风轻拂着我美丽的羽毛,让温暖的阳光抚摸着我轻盈身体。我要尽情地享受自由的生活,无拘无束地做自己喜欢做的事情。 假如我是一只小鸟,我要成为庄稼的卫士。人类再不用当心害虫的破坏,因为有了我。我将竭尽全力把所有的害虫都消灭,让绿油油的禾苗茁壮成长,年年都大获丰收,家家都谷满粮仓,人人都喜上眉梢。 假如我是一只小鸟,我要做一只博学多才的小鸟。绝不学那井底之蛙,不学无术,自以为是。我要走遍祖国的大江南北,拜所有比我强的鸟儿为师,努力地学习知识,不断地提高自己。我要尽我所能地为人类服务,做人类最好的朋友。 假如我是一只小鸟,我要让沙漠变成一望无际的绿洲。我将召集所有的小鸟,从四面八方衍来各种树籽,撒向寸草不生的沙漠。尽管我们是那么弱小,但是我坚信,只要我们团结一致、坚持不懈地做下去,沙漠定能变成美丽的绿洲。 假如我是一只小鸟,我要和我的伙伴们在森林中尽情地唱歌、跳舞。我要用我那美妙的歌声感动每一只动物,让它们听到我们的歌声后,不再打架,不再争吵,不再哭泣,不再愤怒。大家相亲相爱,和睦相处,快乐的生活在一起。 假如我是一只小鸟…… 我有太多太多的假如了!我知道这些假如是不可能的,因为我是一个人,不可能变成小鸟。但不管怎样,在现实生活中,我现在首要的任务就是努力学习科学文化知识,不断充实自己,同时积极锻炼身体,为做一个勇敢、快乐、博学多才的人而炼就一番过硬的本领,将来才能把祖国建设地更加美好,更加富强。 假如我是一只小鸟,我会在蔚蓝的天空中自由自在的飞翔,飞翔明天,飞翔美好的理想。我会飞到宇宙中去探索 探索太阳是否有十个行星?看看那美丽的银河究竟是什么样? 和同伴们一起去消灭,消灭那些可恶的害虫,保护我们绿色的家园。用美丽的歌喉唱出。 唱出世界和平和欢乐!
2023-07-12 11:55:191

找一首英文歌里面有but daddy,是一个挺年轻男生唱的是个老外,旋律很好,这歌大概是说叛逆吧?

Eminem的单曲《Mockingbird》歌词:Yeah,I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now,But hey, what daddy always tell you?Straighten up little soldier,Stiffen up that upper lip,What you crying about?You got me,Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dad,Well I"m gone but I"m trying to give you the life that I never had,I can see you"re sad, even when you smile, even when you laugh,I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry,Cuz you"re scared, I ain"t there?Daddy"s with you in your prayers,No more crying, wipe them tears,Daddy"s here, no more nightmares,We gon" pull together through it, we gon" do it,Laney uncles crazy, aint he?Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it,We"re all we got in this world,When it spins, when it swirls,When it whirls, when it twirls,Two little beautiful girls,Lookin" puzzled, in a daze,I know it"s confusing you,Daddy"s always on the move, mamma"s always on the news,I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems,The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me,All the things growing up his daddy that he had to see,Daddy don"t want you to see but you see just as much as he did,We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me,But things have gotten so bad between us,I don"t see us ever being together ever again,Like we used to be when we was teenagers,But then of course everything always happens for a reason,I guess it was never meant to be,But it"s just something we have no control,over and that"s what destiny is,But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep,Maybe one day we"ll wake up and this will all just be a dream,Now hush little baby, don"t you cry,Everything"s gonna be alright,Stiffen that upperlip up little lady, i told ya,Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night,I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why,We feel how we feel inside,It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby,But i promise momma"s gon" be alright,It"s funny,I remember back one year when daddy had no money,Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up,And stuck "em under the tree and said some of "em were from me,Cuz daddy couldn"t buy "em,I"ll never forget that Chris**as I sat up the whole night crying,Cuz daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job,But his job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom,And at the time every house that we lived in,Either kept getting broke into and robbed,Or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar,Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college,Almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it,And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart,And it seemed like everything was just startin" to fall apart,Mom and dad was arguin" a lot so momma moved back,On the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apar**ent,And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara,And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr. Dre,And flew you and momma out to see me,But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me,Then you started seeing daddy on the T.V. and momma didn"t like it,And you and Laney were to young to understand it,Papa was a rollin" stone, momma developed a habit,And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it,I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand,Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud,
2023-07-12 11:55:371

求一篇 关于 爸爸去哪儿 的英语作文

Where are wo going dad?
2023-07-12 11:55:544

fx的sorry (dear.daddy)歌词

-对不起(Dear.爸爸)打破你的心如果你原谅我,我很愚蠢,我还是个孩子doepulyiman你说你现在明白了忧虑,我的心是好的并不需要我的错误没有任何借口我知道所有的眼睛没有,至少可以说goyeotjanahyo抱歉非常难过,我知道我的mamingeolyo温柔的心,我会做的更好抱歉(对不起)我很抱歉(对不起)是啊,我不能说这那里可是,我不介意你恨我表达一点有底价喜欢的人连我的0韩元由他自己没有我告诉你都知道那是我的眼睛,goyeotjanahyo抱歉(对不起)我很抱歉(对不起)是啊这就是我不能说这那里(他们不能是)(世界没有你不能说想像)我爱抱歉(对不起)我很抱歉(对不起)是啊这就是我不能说这那里(他们不能是)(世界没有你不能说想像)我爱你也差不多了,但如果我是有点噢哦噢,我知道你不说我的眼睛它的眼泪流你也差不多了,但如果我是有点噢哦噢,我知道你不说我的眼睛它的眼泪流对不起,对不起,所以我知道我的mamingeolyo温柔的心,我会做的更好抱歉(对不起)我很抱歉(对不起)"没什么那里我不能告诉你对不起对不起,所以硬说我对不起对不起,我是的抱歉不能传达结束 好难翻译昂。
2023-07-12 11:56:111

time slows down 1."daddy,lets take a walk"……的翻译新视

分析结果重要因素如下: 1. 大多数员工只会一道工序的操作。(解决方案:进行...the procedure, causing the next working procedure processing time slows down....
2023-07-12 11:56:222


Sorry Love Daddy--Brain McFadden歌手并不是不知名,其实是西城男孩Westlife里单飞的那一个,这首歌出自04年的专辑,我也很喜欢。
2023-07-12 11:56:371

有一首歌歌词包含oh,my dear daddy的,是什么歌啊?

  《我亲爱的爸爸》是普契尼的独幕歌剧《强尼·史基基》中一首咏叹调,旋律极为优美,深情而动人。 歌词大意为:“啊! 我亲爱的爸爸,我爱那英俊少年。我愿到露萨港去,买一个结婚戒指。我无论如何要去,假如您不答应,我就到威克桥上,纵身投入那河水里。我多痛苦,我多悲伤。啊! 天哪! 我宁愿死去! 爸爸,我恳求你! 爸爸,我恳求你! ” 《强尼·史基基》的剧情取自意大利诗人但丁(1265-1321)的长诗《神曲·地狱篇》中的一个故事:富商多纳蒂临死,一群亲友围聚病榻,皆欲承继其巨额遗产。但是多纳蒂的既定遗嘱内,载明遗产全数捐献给某一教堂,多纳蒂旋即瞑目。在场亲友大失所望。其中一青年里努奇奥(与多纳蒂的另一在场亲戚--强尼·史基基之女劳蕾塔相爱)提议,请强尼·史基基假扮多纳蒂垂危状,邀请公证人前来,当众另立遗嘱,遗产由众亲友均分。此计受到众人拥护,当即付诸实施。公证人到场。强尼·史基基卧病榻上,以多层被褥蒙体,颤声授意道:“我的财产以五里拉捐献教堂,以一千里拉赠予众亲友均分,其余现款及骡马、锯木场、以及在佛罗伦萨的住宅等等,则全部赠予吾最亲爱的强尼·史基基。”遗嘱录毕,公证人离去。众大哗。强尼·史基基从病榻跃起,持棒驱散众人,并笑对其女劳蕾塔与里努奇奥道:“多纳蒂的遗产是我理所应得,我当善自用之,以慰死者在天之灵。”  意大利文  O mio babbino caro, mi piace è bello, bello; vo"andare in Porta Rossa a comperar l"anello! Sì, sì, ci voglio andare! e se l"amassi indarno, andrei sul Ponte Vecchio, ma per buttarmi in Arno! Mi struggo e mi tormento! O Dio, vorrei morir! Babbo, pietà, pietà!  英文  Oh my dear daddy I love him, he is so handsome I want to go to Porta Rossa to buy the ring! Yes, yes, I mean it And if my love were in vain I would go to Ponte Vecchio and throw myself in the Arno! I fret and suffer torments! Oh God, I would rather die! Daddy, have pity, have pity! Daddy, have pity, have pity!
2023-07-12 11:56:441

一个老头唱的英文歌 when i was gone

版本一When I"m Gone当我离开时Eminem『导语』  Yeah是的It"s my life这是我的生活In my own words, I guess用我自己的话来说,我想『第一小节』Have you ever loved someone so much, you"d give an arm for?你可曾爱一个人爱到你愿意为其献上一只胳膊(右臂上文女儿头像)Not the expression,no,literally give an arm for不是措辞,不,是真正地献上一只胳膊When they know they"re your heart当她们知道她们是你的心脏And you know you were their armour而你也知道你是她们的铠甲And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm"em你会毁灭任何可能试图伤害她们的人But what happens when karma,turns right around and bites you?但是当竭摩转世投胎并且咬伤你的时候,会发生什么And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you?当你曾拥护的一切反过来欺骗你What happens when you become the main source of a pain?当你成为痛苦的本源,会发生什么"Daddy look what I made?"爸爸瞧我制作了什么?Dad"s gotta go catch a plane爸爸得去赶飞机"Daddy where"s mommy? I can"t find mommy, where is she?"爸爸,妈妈呢?我找不到妈妈,她在哪儿?I don"t know go play Hailie, baby, your daddy"s busy我不知道去玩吧Hailie(Eminem女儿),宝贝,你爸正忙呢Daddy"s writing this song, this song ain"t gonna write itself爸爸在写这首歌,这首歌它不会自己写出来I"ll give you one Underdog then you gotta swing by yourself我会给你拉秋千但接着你得自己荡Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her然后播放那首歌并对她说你爱她And put hands on her mother, who"s a spitting image of her还甩手撂在她妈妈身上,谁是她唾弃的形象呢That"s Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady"s crazy非Slim Shady莫属,是的宝贝,Slim Shady疯了Shady made me, but tonight Shady"s rocka-by-baby......Shady造就了我,不过今晚shady是摇篮里的宝宝And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain我不会痛苦,所以宝贝你也不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain我不会痛苦,所以宝贝你也不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好『第二小节』I keep having this dream, I"m pushin" Hailie on the swing我总在做同一个梦,我在推着Hailie荡秋千She keeps screaming, she don"t want me to sing她大喊大叫,不想让我去唱歌"You"re making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"你让妈妈哭了,为什么?妈妈为什么要哭?Baby, Daddy ain"t leaving no more宝贝,爸爸会回来的"Daddy you"re lying"爸爸你在撒谎"You always say that, you always say this is the last time"你总是说,你总是说这是最后一次"But you ain"t leaving no more, Daddy you"re mine"但是你还是要离开,爸爸你是我的She"s piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it她在抱起很多盒子试图把门堵住"Daddy please, Daddy don"t leave, Daddy - no stop it!"爸爸求你了,爸爸不要走,爸爸-停下来!Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket她从口袋里拿出一个微型项链盒"It"s got a picture, "里面有张照片"this"ll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha"这个会保你平安的爸爸,随身带着它I look up, it"s just me standing in the mirror我抬起头,只不过是我站在镜子前These fucking walls must be talking这些该死的墙壁一定在说话Cuz man I can hear "em因为兄弟我能听见它们They"re saying "You"ve got one more chance to do right" - and it"s tonight它们在说“你还有一次机会去做正确的事情”——而且就在今晚Now go out there and show that you love "em before it"s too late现在就去那儿告诉她们你爱她们,不然就来不及了And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door当我迈出我的卧室房门It"s turns to a stage, they"re gone, and this spotlight is on我来到一个舞台,她们消失了,这而盏聚光灯亮了And I"m singing...然后我唱起来…And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain我不会痛苦,所以宝贝你也不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好『第三小节』Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat六万名观众,全部从他们的座位上一跃而出The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet帷幕在关闭,他们一个劲地朝我脚下扔玫瑰I take a bow and thank you all for coming out我鞠一躬并为大家的到来而致谢They"re screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd人们在大声尖叫,我朝着人群扫了最后一眼I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seeing我扫视了一眼下方,眼前的情景真叫我无法相信"Daddy it"s me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding"爸爸是我,救救妈妈,她的双腕在渗血But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?但是宝贝我们是在瑞典,你是怎么来到瑞典的"I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren"t leavin"我跟着你爸爸,你告诉过我你不会走"You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad"你对我撒谎了爸爸,现在你让妈妈非常难过"And I brought you this coin, it says ‘Number One Dad"我还给你带来了这枚硬币,上面写着"头号老爸""That"s all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin"这就是我想做的,我只是想给你这枚硬币"I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"我击中了要害 - 很好,我和妈妈要走了But baby wait但是宝贝等一等"it"s too late Dad, you made the choice"太迟了爸爸,你做出了选择"Now go up there and show "em that you love "em more than us"现在上到那儿告诉他们你爱他们胜过爱我们That"s what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep.. screamin" your name那正是他们想要的,他们想你Marshall,他们一直在喊着你的大名It"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep, just take another pill难怪你睡不着觉,多吃点安眠药吧Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real是的,我打赌你会的,你说唱里的那些话,要保持真实I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see我听到掌声,而我却什么都看不到How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me这怎么可能,帷幕正在对我关闭I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it我转过身来,发现地上躺着一把手枪,我扣响扳机Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pop it把它顶在我的脑门上大喊一声“去死吧Shady”然后爆炸The sky darkens, my life flashes,天空暗了下来,我的生命闪烁告警The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes我本该乘坐的那架飞机坠毁并且化为灰烬That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", there"s birds singin"那就是我醒来时的情形,闹钟叮铃响,鸟儿在歌唱It"s Spring and Hailie"s outside swinging此逢春天时Hailie在外面荡秋千I walk right up to Kim and kiss her我径直走向Kim并吻她Tell her I miss her对她说我想她Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sisterHailie笑了还朝她的妹妹眨眼Almost as if to say...好像是要说…And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain我不会痛苦,所以宝贝你也不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好And when I"m gone, just carry on, don"t mourn当我离开时,继续前行,不要悲伤Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice为每一次你听到我的声音而欢欣鼓舞Just know that I"m looking down on you smiling要知道我正低头向你微笑And I didn"t feel a thing, So baby don"t feel no pain我不会痛苦,所以宝贝你也不要悲伤Just smile back只要笑着回应就好
2023-07-12 11:57:031

一首英文摇滚乐音乐开头是looking .高潮带有never people sAY I know 歌词分有点少哈 对不起啊 我是第一次

2023-07-12 11:57:103

有一首歌 副歌唱韩文的喂(哟剖塞哟)节奏感挺快的 男的唱的

1、Booty Music - Deepside 2、Fallin Out - Keyshia Cole 3、Just Dance - Lady GaGa 4、Volar - 侧田 5、Lupin - Kara 6、Let"s Go - Trick Daddy 7、Roc - Nadiya 8、Grew Up A Screw Up - Ludacris 9、Jigga What-Faint - Linkin Park 10、P。
2023-07-12 11:57:171


2023-07-12 11:57:2810

求 阿姆 GO TO SLEEP 中文歌词

Yeah It"s my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 Have you ever loved someone so much you"d give an arm for? 你试过爱谁如此之深,深到你可以给去一只手臂吗 Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? 不是措辞.不.真正的牺牲一只手臂 When they know they are your heart 当他们知道他们是你的心脏 And you know you are their armour 你知道你是他们的盔甲 And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her 你会消灭任何试图伤害她的人 But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you 但当报应回过头来咬你 And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you 所有你支持一切开始攻击你,让你迷茫 What happens when you become the main source of her pain 当你成为她痛苦的最大源头 “Daddy look what I made?” [爹地看我做了什么?] “Dad"s gotta go catch a plane” [爸爸要去赶飞机] “Daddy where"s mummy? I can"t find mummy, where is she?” [爹地妈咪在那里?我找不到她,她在那里?] I don"t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy"s busy. 我不知道,去玩去,hailie宝贝你爹地很忙 Daddy"s writin"a song, this song ain"t gon" write itself 爹地在写歌,歌不会自己写出来 I give you one underdog, then you gottang by yourself 我帮你拉秋千,然后你要自己荡 Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her 然后再写些歌里的押韵告诉她你爱她 And put hands on her mother who"s a spittin" image of her 再把手放在简直和她一模一样的她妈妈的肩膀 That"s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady"s crazy 这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了 Shady made me, but tonight, Shady"s rock-a-by baby shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 I keep havin" this dream – I"m pushin" hailie on thengs she keeps screamin" 我一直做这个梦—我推着hailie的秋千她则不停尖叫 She don"t want me to sing, “You"re makin mummy cry, why, why"s mummy crying?” 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么.为什么妈咪要哭] Baby, Daddy ain"t leavin" no more, 宝贝爹地再也不走了 “Daddy you"re lying, [爹地你说谎 You always say that, you always say this is the last time, 你总是那么说,你总是说这是最后一次 but you ain"t leavin" no more, Daddy you"re mine!” 但你不会再走了.爸爸你是我的!] She"s piling boxes infront of the door tryin" to block it, 她把垛版箱推导门前试图挡住它 “Daddy please daddy don"t leave daddy no, stop it!” [爹地求你爹地别走爹地不要,停住] Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it"s got a picture, 把手伸入她口袋,拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片 “This"ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you” [这个会保护你的安全爹地,带着它走] I look up, it"s just me standin in the mirror, these ****ing walls must be talkin coz man I can hear ‘em 我向上看,只有我站在镜子前面,这些墙一定在说话因为老天我能听见它们 They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it"s tonight, 它们在说你有最后一次机会去做对,那就是今晚 Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late 现在出去那里然后表示你爱他们,在太晚之前 And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they"re gone 当我走出我的卧室门外面变成舞台,它们走了 And the spotlight is on and I"m singin… 聚光灯在闪而然我在唱… And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 Sixty thousand people, all jumpin" out their seat 6万人全部跳出他们的座位 The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet 连幕落下,他们把玫瑰扔在我脚边 I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin" out” 我鞠躬[谢谢你们大家能来] They"re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd 他们叫得那么响,我看了人群最后一眼 I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seein", 我往下看,根本不能相信我所看见的 “Daddy it"s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin"” [爹地是我!救救妈咪,她的手腕在流血] But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?! 但宝贝我们在瑞典,你怎么来到瑞典的?! “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern"t leavin [我跟着你爹地.你说你不会走的 You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad 你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了 And I bought you this coin 我还给你带来了这枚硬币 It says ‘number 1 dad", that"s all I wanted 上面写着‘第一名的爸爸",这是我所有想要的 I just wanna give you this coin 我只是想给你这枚硬币 I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin” 我明白了,好吧.我和妈咪走了] But baby wait- 但宝贝等等— “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us [太迟了爸爸.你作出了选择.现在出去外面然后表示你爱他们胜过我们 That"s what they want 这就是他们想要的 They want you Marshall, 他们想要你marshell. they keep screamin your name, it"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep 他们一直在叫你的名字,毫无疑问你不能睡着 Just take another ****in pill, yeah i bet ya you will 再吃多点药片吧,我打赌你会的 You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real” 你给它写说唱.哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成成真吧] I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see 我听见鼓掌,始终看不见 How could it be that the curtain is closing on me 怎么可能帘幕正在向我拉上 I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it, 我转身,在地板找到枪,上膛 put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!" and pop it 朝着我的大脑,喊着‘死吧shady"扣下极板 The sky darkens, my life flashes, 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本来要乘的飞机坠落化为灰烬 That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", 这时我醒来, 闹钟在响 There"s birds singin", it"s spring and 有鸟在欢唱,这是春天 Hailie"s out sidengin" hailie在外面荡秋千 I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her 我直直的走向kim去吻她,告诉她我想她 Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say-hailie 笑了并与她的小妹妹交换眼色,就像在说 And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 一首很棒的歌,出自说唱歌手Eminem之口。叛逆的EMINEM最大的突破就是证明白人也能介入到黑人一统天下的说唱(RAP)界中,而且获得巨大的成功。同时他的叛逆不仅长期以来深受美国青少年喜爱,也让他在舆论中始终遭到抨击。
2023-07-12 11:58:141

求 daddy s lil girl的歌词

我也在找歌词啊,很好听的一首歌啊,可是酷狗里面没歌词= =
2023-07-12 11:58:224

一首英文歌 女声 有一句歌词是i know that you like it daddy

Come On Over (All I Wants Is You)Christina AguileraC"mon over c"mon over baby.C"mon over c"mon over baby.C"mon over c"mon over baby.Hey boy don"t you knowI"ve got something going on (Yes I do)All my friends are gonna come gonna party all night longI know you know I just want us to goThe fun we"ll have fun you"ll never be aloneSo boy won"t you come?We will party till the dawn.Listen to me...All I want is you (Come over here baby)All I want is you (You make me go crazy)All I want is youNow baby don"t be shy (You better cross the line)I"m gonna love you right (All I want is you!)C"mon over, c"mon over, baby. (X4)I want you to know you could be the one for me (Yes, you could)You"ve got all I"m looking forYou"ve got personalityI know, you know, I"m gonna give moreBut boy you know, I never felt this way beforeSo, boy won"t you come?won"t you comeAnd open the door?Listen to meAll I want is you (Come over here baby)All I want is you (You make me go crazy)All I want is youNow baby don"t be shy (You better cross the line)I"m gonna love you right (All I want is you!)C"mon over, c"mon over, baby.C"mon over, c"mon over, baby.C"mon over, c"mon over, baby.C"mon over, c"mon over, baby.C"mon overNow baby don"t be shy (You better cross the line)I"m gonna love you right (All I want is you!)All I want is you (Come over here baby)All I want is you (You make me go crazy)All I want is you (Now baby don"t be shy,You better cross the line)I"m gonna love you right (All I want is you!)All I want is you (You make me go crazy)Now baby don"t be shy (You better cross the line)I"m gonna love you right (All I want is you!)
2023-07-12 11:58:291

连续剧"永不言弃"中的插曲"go break......."的歌叫什么名?是谁唱的?

Break Go-DA PUMP
2023-07-12 11:58:372


不可信,Firefox、IE等浏览器对不受信的安全证书会出现提醒,如果确认是证书的问题,用的或者是自签名ssl证书。或者是系统代理问题,如果选的使用系统代理,改成自动就可以了。自签名ssl证书不安全,浏览器不认可。如果是一般的ssl证书,那确认下颁发证书的机构是否受信任,也就是其根证书有没有入根到浏览器中。受信任的机构国外有GlobalSign、Comodo、Go Daddy、 Digicert ,国内的GDCA。https原理:证书传递、验证和数据加密、解密过程解析:1、客户端发起HTTPS请求用户在浏览器里输入一个https网址,然后连接到server的443端口。2、服务端的配置采用HTTPS协议的服务器必须要有一套数字证书,可以自己制作,也可以向组织申请。区别就是自己颁发的证书需要客户端验证通过,才可以继续访问,而使用受信任的公司申请的证书则不会弹出提示页面(startssl就是个不错的选择,有1年的免费服务)。这套证书其实就是一对公钥和私钥。3、送证书这个证书其实就是公钥,只是包含了很多信息,如证书的颁发机构,过期时间等等。4、客户端解析证书这部分工作是有客户端的TLS来完成的,首先会验证公钥是否有效,比如颁发机构,过期时间等等,如果发现异常,则会弹出一个警告框,提示证书存在问题。如果证书没有问题,那么就生成一个随机值。然后用证书对该随机值进行加密。就好像上面说的,把随机值用锁头锁起来,这样除非有钥匙,不然看不到被锁住的内容。5、传送加密信息这部分传送的是用证书加密后的随机值,目的就是让服务端得到这个随机值,以后客户端和服务端的通信就可以通过这个随机值来进行加密解密了。6、服务端解密信息服务端用私钥解密后,得到了客户端传过来的随机值(私钥),然后把内容通过该值进行对称加密。所谓对称加密就是,将信息和私钥通过某种算法混合在一起,这样除非知道私钥。不然无法获取内容,而正好客户端和服务端都知道这个私钥,所以只要加密算法够彪悍,私钥够复杂,数据就够安全。7、传输加密后的信息这部分信息是服务端用私钥加密后的信息,可以在客户端被还原8、客户端解密信息客户端用之前生成的私钥解密服务端传过来的信息,于是获取了解密后的内容。整个过程第三方即使监听到了数据,也束手无策。
2023-07-12 11:59:131


爸爸去哪儿Where daddy go爸爸去哪儿Where daddy go爸爸去哪儿Where daddy go
2023-07-12 11:59:411


2023-07-12 11:59:492

Julie London的《Daddy》 歌词

歌名:《Daddy》专辑:《the liberty years》作词:Julie London作曲:Julie London歌手:Julie London歌词:I remember when you use to take me on aBike ride everyday on the bayou(You remember that? We were inseparable)And I remember when you could do no wrongYou"d come home from workand I jumped in your arms when I saw youI was so happy to see you(I was so excited, so happy to see you)Because you loved me I overcomeAnd I"m so proud of what you"ve becomeYou"ve given me such securityNo matter what mistakes I make you"re there for meYou kill my disappointments and you heal my painYou understood my fears and you protected meTreasure every irreplaceable memory and that"s why…I want my unborn son to be like my daddyI want my husband to be like my daddyThere is no one else like my daddyAnd I thank you for loving meI still remember the expression on your faceWhen you found out I"d been on a date and had a boyfriend(My first boyfriend, you should have seen your face)I still remember I caught you crying cause of my tattooCould have said Beyonce I told you soInstead you said you"d get one too(Even my mama said y"all get one just like mine)Words can"t express my boundless gratitude for youI appreciate what you doYou"ve given me such securityNo matter what mistakes I make you"re there for meYou kill my disappointments and you heal my painYou understand my fears and you protected meTreasure every extraordinary memory and that"s why…I want my unborn son to be like my daddyI want my husband to be like my daddyThere is no one else like my daddyAnd I thank you for loving meEven if my man broke my heart todayNo matter how much pain I"m in I will be okayCause I got a man in my life that can"t be replacedFor this love is unconditional it won"t go awayI know I"m luckyKnow it ain"t easyFor men who take care of their responsibilitiesLove is overwhelmingCan"t help my tears from fallingI love you so much daddy(Thank you, you"ve done so much for me. I love you daddy.)I get so emotional daddy, every time I think of youI get so emotional daddy, every time I think of youThere is no one else like my daddyNo one else replace my daddy...
2023-07-12 12:00:232

Be My Husband 歌词

歌曲名:Be My Husband歌手:Nina Simone专辑:Let It Be MeDamien Rice Lisa Hanniganbe my husbandbe my husband, i"ll be your wifebe my husband, i"ll be your wifebe my husband, i"ll be your wifeoutside you there is no place to goif you want me to i"ll cook and sewif you want me to i"ll cook and sewif you want me to i"ll cook and sewoutside you there is no place to gooh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodplease don"t treat me so doggone meanplease don"t treat me so doggone meanplease don"t treat me so doggone meanyou"re the meanest man i ever seenoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodstick to the promise man, that you made mestick to the promise man, that you made mestick to the promise man, that you made methat you"ll stay away from rosalieoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me goodoh daddy now now love me good
2023-07-12 12:00:301

You Can Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:You Can Let Go歌手:Crystal Shawanda专辑:Dawn Of A New DayCrystal Shawanda - You Can Let GoWind blowin" on my faceSidewalk flyin" beneath my bikeA five year-old"s first tasteOf what freedom"s really likeHe was runnin" right beside meHis hand holdin" on the seatI took a deep breath and holleredAs I headed for the streetYou can let go now, DaddyYou can let goOh, I think I"m readyTo do this on my ownIt still feels a little bit scaryBut I want you to knowI"ll be okay now, DaddyYou can let goI was standin" at the altarBetween the two loves of my lifeTo one I"ve been a daughterTo one I soon would be a wifeWhen the preacher asked,"Who gives this woman?"Daddy"s eyes filled up with tearsHe kept holdin" tightly to my arm"Til I whispered in his earYou can let go now, DaddyYou can let goOh, I think I"m readyTo do this on my ownIt still feels a little bit scaryBut I want you to knowI"ll be okay now, DaddyYou can let goIt was killin" me to seeThe strongest man I ever knewWastin" away to nothin"In that hospital room"You know he"s only hangin" on for you"That"s what the night nurse saidMy voice and heart were breakin"As I crawled up in his bed, and saidYou can let go now, DaddyYou can let goYour little girl is readyTo do this on my ownIt"s gonna be a little bit scaryBut I want you to knowI"ll be okay now, DaddyYou can let goYou can let go
2023-07-12 12:01:041

Sorry Love Daddy 歌词

《Sorry Love Daddy》演唱:Brian McFadden所属专辑:《Irish Son》发行时间:2005-02-02 歌词:It seems like only yesterdayI held you in my arms and saidYou will never need to fear the darkBut unforeseen misery has come between your Mummy and meWe can love you more now we"re apartDaddy, he"s got to go awayCos there"s just no other way to live this throughSomeday you"ll understandThis wasn"t what I planned for me and youSorry, love DaddyEveryday is filled with painBut never feel that you"re to blameSometimes life breaks in mysterious waysI can make it up to youBelieve me I am trying toNo matter what you"ll always be my babiesDaddy, he"s got to go awayCos there"s just no other way to live this throughSomeday you"ll understandThis wasn"t what I planned for me and youSorry, love DaddyOohhhhhhDaddy, he"s got to go awayCos there"s just no other way to live this throughSomeday you"ll understandThis wasn"t what I planned for me and youSorry, love DaddyI"m sorry, love daddy
2023-07-12 12:01:112


2023-07-12 12:01:202

trust in me-beyonce歌词

Trust in meIn all you doHave the faithI have in youLove will seeUs throughIf only youTrust in meWhy don"t you,youTrust me?Come to meWhen thingsGo wrongCling to me daddyAnd o yeah I"ll beStrongWe can get alongWe can get alongIf only youTrust in meWhile there"sA moonA moon on highWhile thereAre birdsBirds to flyWhileThere is youYou and II can be sureThat I love you ooStand beside meStand beside meAll the whileCome on daddyFace the futureWhy don"t youSmile?Trust in meAnd I"ll beWorthy of you ooo yea yea Why don"t youTrust in meIn all you do?and Have the faithThat I haveIn youo And loveWill seeUs throughIf only youTrust in me yea yea yea Why don"t youCome to meWhen thingsGo wrongCling to me and ooAnd I"ll beStrongWe can get alongWe can get along ooIf only youTrust in meyea yea yeaonly if you trust in me
2023-07-12 12:01:271


2023-07-12 12:01:353

eminem的 go to sleep 的歌词中文翻译

2023-07-12 12:01:595

歌词前面第一句是les go的歌是什么歌?

Shania Twain{仙尼亚.唐恩}的I"m Gonna Getcha Good!你找的是不是这个呢? let s go 歌手:ramones 专辑:end of the century Don"t wanna study on the G.I. bill Want more action, haven"t had my fill Mercenary, fight for anyone Fight for money Fight for fun Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Ramones Got a country you wanna protect But your army is more likely to defect Hire my SMG with a full clip On automatic it"s guaranteed hit Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Gee it"s kinda scary out here Mosquitoes are happy tonight Mommy, Daddy, can I please come home Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Schocked how deadly we fight back Troublemakers who attack Mercenary, fight for anyone Fight for money, fight for fun Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go Let"s go
2023-07-12 12:02:251

W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T) (Extended Version) 歌词

歌曲名:W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T) (Extended Version)歌手:Bow Wow Wow专辑:Girl Bites Dog, Your Compact Disc PetCiara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (Rewind!)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, (let"s go!)The dance train is coming back againExtravaganza, you should run and tell a friendKings and queens are posted at the barBuckin" down, it"s time to take it offWalk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!You better shake that thang like a donkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!You better swing from a paw like a monkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!"Cause big girls get down on the flo"And make it jiggle, jiggle, jiggle you ain"t knowAin"t no shame, it"s the name of gameNow everybody down to the flo", here we go!We got the rhythm of the be-be-beatWe got the rhythm of the beatWe got the rhythm of the handsLet"s get the rhythm of the feetJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump out (here we go!)Walk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it upWhen the song start to play, tell the DJ: Back it up!And if you want the danceflo, you tell the DJ: Back it up!This your jam, this your joy, hey Mr. DJ back it up!This that new Ciara, go holla at the DJ: Back it up!Now! drop down! everybody in a club drop down!Jiggle that, jiggle thatTill it drop, till it drop, till it drop, all the way, all the way down to the groundWe in a club, in a club, don"t stop!When the song come on don"t stop!Me and Ci we gonin beserckAll the ladies on the flo you better work!It"s out to be a fight in this clubA fight in this club, so get into my mugGet into my mug,Get buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meGet some, get someGet buck, get buckGet some, get someGet buck, get buck (Lets go!)Work work work, you better work (repeat)Ciara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)
2023-07-12 12:02:321

W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T) 歌词

歌曲名:W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T)歌手:Bow Wow Wow专辑:Girl Bites Dog, Your Compact Disc PetCiara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (Rewind!)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, (let"s go!)The dance train is coming back againExtravaganza, you should run and tell a friendKings and queens are posted at the barBuckin" down, it"s time to take it offWalk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!You better shake that thang like a donkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!You better swing from a paw like a monkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!"Cause big girls get down on the flo"And make it jiggle, jiggle, jiggle you ain"t knowAin"t no shame, it"s the name of gameNow everybody down to the flo", here we go!We got the rhythm of the be-be-beatWe got the rhythm of the beatWe got the rhythm of the handsLet"s get the rhythm of the feetJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump out (here we go!)Walk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it upWhen the song start to play, tell the DJ: Back it up!And if you want the danceflo, you tell the DJ: Back it up!This your jam, this your joy, hey Mr. DJ back it up!This that new Ciara, go holla at the DJ: Back it up!Now! drop down! everybody in a club drop down!Jiggle that, jiggle thatTill it drop, till it drop, till it drop, all the way, all the way down to the groundWe in a club, in a club, don"t stop!When the song come on don"t stop!Me and Ci we gonin beserckAll the ladies on the flo you better work!It"s out to be a fight in this clubA fight in this club, so get into my mugGet into my mug,Get buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meGet some, get someGet buck, get buckGet some, get someGet buck, get buck (Lets go!)Work work work, you better work (repeat)Ciara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)
2023-07-12 12:02:401

有一首英文歌 里面的歌词大概是我的爸爸是酒鬼 我的妈妈是动物 歌名好像包含石头 麻烦问一下这是什么歌

Hurts的Rolling Stone歌词是In fair Verona where we lay our sceneJuliet is on her kneesShe shoots to kill and aims to pleaseYou can see it in her eyesIt"s not something that she likesShe can"t stand being aloneSo you thank her for her charmAnd you take her in your armsBut she just won"t let you goShe said her daddy was an alcoholicAnd her mother was an animalNow she"s living like a rolling stoneShe said that the law will never take her aliveIf they take her homeIn Belarus she was a vespertineShe danced the gogo for the bourgeosieNow she"s hereAnd she is on her kneesAnd she won"t apologizeFor the cheating and the liesBut she can"t stand being this wayAnd you can see it in her eyesShe will kill them if they tryTo send her back to her graveShe said her daddy was an alcoholicAnd her mother was an animalNow she"s living like a rolling stoneShe said that the law will never take her aliveIf they take her home(Rolling stone, rolling stone)She keeps on living like a(Rolling stone, rolling stone)She said her daddy was an alcoholicAnd her mother was an animalNow she"s living like a rolling stoneShe said that the law will never take her aliveIf they take her homeYou"ll never take her alive if they take her homeYou"ll never take her alive if they take her home
2023-07-12 12:02:561

wheniam gone 的英文歌词

There"s another world inside of meThat you may never seeThere"s secrets in this lifeThat I can"t hideSomewhere in this darknessThere"s a light that I can"t findMaybe it"s too far away...Maybe I"m just blind...Maybe I"m just blind...So hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongHold me when I"m scaredAnd love me when I"m goneEverything I amAnd everything you needI"ll also be the oneYou wanted me to beI"ll never let you downEven if I couldI"d give up everythingIf only for your goodSo hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongYou can hold me when I"m scaredYou won"t always be thereSo love me when I"m goneLove me when I"m gone...When your education x-rayCan not see under my skinI won"t tell you a damn thingThat I could not tell my friendsRoaming through this darknessI"m alive but I"m alonePart of me is fighting thisBut part of me is goneSo hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongHold me when I"m scaredAnd love me when I"m goneEverything I amAnd everything you needI"ll also be the oneYou wanted me to beI"ll never let you downEven if I couldI"d give up everythingIf only for your goodSo hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongYou can hold me when I"m scaredYou won"t always be thereSo love me when I"m goneMaybe I"m just blind...So hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongHold me when I"m scaredAnd love me when I"m goneEverything I amAnd everything you needI"ll also be the oneYou wanted me to beI"ll never let you downEven if I couldI"d give up everythingIf only for your goodSo hold me when I"m hereLove me when I"m wrongYou can hold me when I"m scaredYou won"t always be thereSo love me when I"m goneLove me when I"m gone...Love me when I"m goneWhen I"m GoneWhen I"m GoneWhen I"m Gone
2023-07-12 12:03:173


The panda 2 what they thought of it"Win over others, to win the first. "This is in his" kung fu panda 2 "in concluded.The movie is mainly said when the treasure on the "dragon warrior", and the master dai and five man--tiger, cranes, mantis, snakes and monkeys-defending the valley a quiet life. But, short-lived, the treasure face a new, more terrible challenge, a villain peacock "shen report" created a secret, tenacious weapons, he tried to destroy kung fu, conquer China! When the treasure that he learned his plot, they and the gaishi five man through China, tried to stop his behavior, but, how will the treasure against a "destroyed kung fu" weapon? In battle, the bo remembered his past, remembered his birth, and will it own that a blundering end down, thus beat "shen report", and a time to be a hero.After watching the movie, in the heart suddenly filled with many comprehension, the panda the treasure though big volume, clumsy, and a little lazy, but, he at least have ideal, have pursuit, but some people? Although there are beautiful appearance, huge background, but only know eat, drink, play, joy, no role whatsoever. Here, I want to ask you, even a panda can do, and how to do less than human?????? ......But in the comprehension of these at the same time, I have learned a lot of truth: everything in life, is by oneself decide, oneself want to become what appearance, can become what appearance, as long as to calm yourself down, understand the past, believe in yourself, life, complete by control of their own.See the treasure used their wisdom, save to friends, when the tiger ask him: "the treasure, about your plan?" The treasure without thinking of answer: "the first step, save you. The second step, don"t know." "The treasure" everyone say with one voice, when see friends determined look, the treasure seemed to understand what "the third step, prevent shen sovereign left port" see here, I see in the later the road, can not only see now, want to be far, far away, can"t do a tunnel vision.In my opinion, "shen report" is a man of great wisdom, is just the wisdom of their superior in the wrong place, if he is a good man words, in his wisdom, will become a generation of heroes!The film, in my opinion, the most moved me to the end of the film, the treasure and his old daddy duck go cooking of the stories. Because that part that I realized: although the panda bo know personally, also know he"s not a duck"s dad"s personal son, just to pick up, but he didn"t have to find their own dad, but opted to stay with the duck"s dad"s side, to return to their old daddy duck support.Watching the movie, I remember the movie a word: confidence is the most need, no confidence, life is like a waste city wall, no vitality, such as a pool, fate for static. Self-confidence is the foundation of success in life. Agree with 16 | comments
2023-07-12 12:03:251


"Kungfu Panda"is a good movie,it is not only interesting,but also edifying .I tkink we should learn something from it,like brave,persistence,insistence and so on.So when you are in trouble,don"t give up,you can think about Kungfu Panda,when he met Lord Shen,he was still facing it,and finally saved everyone.I really admire him,a great panda.
2023-07-12 12:03:324

eminem 911歌词及翻译

Yeah It"s my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 [Verse 1] Have you ever loved someone so much you"d give an arm for? 你试过爱谁如此之深,深到你可以给去一只手臂吗 Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? 不是措辞.不.真正的牺牲一只手臂 When they know they are your heart 当他们知道他们是你的心脏 And you know you are their armour 你知道你是他们的盔甲 And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her 你会消灭任何试图伤害她的人 But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you 但当报应回过头来咬你 And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you 所有你支持一切开始攻击你,让你迷茫 What happens when you become the main source of her pain 当你成为她痛苦的最大源头 “Daddy look what I made?” [爹地看我做了什么?] “Dad"s gotta go catch a plane” [爸爸要去赶飞机] “Daddy where"s mummy? I can"t find mummy, where is she?” [爹地妈咪在那里?我找不到她,她在那里?] I don"t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy"s busy. 我不知道,去玩去,hailie宝贝你爹地很忙 Daddy"s writin"a song, this song ain"t gon" write itself 爹地在写歌,歌不会自己写出来 I give you one underdog, then you gotta swing by yourself 我帮你拉秋千,然后你要自己荡 Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her 然后再写些歌里的押韵告诉她你爱她 And put hands on her mother who"s a spittin" image of her 再把手放在简直和她一模一样的她妈MD肩膀 That"s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady"s crazy 这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了 Shady made me, but tonight, Shady"s rock-a-by baby shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 2] I keep havin" this dream – I"m pushin" hailie on the swings she keeps screamin" 我一直做这个梦—我推着hailie的秋千她则不停尖叫 She don"t want me to sing, “You"re makin mummy cry, why, why"s mummy crying?” 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么.为什么妈咪要哭] Baby, Daddy ain"t leavin" no more, 宝贝爹地再也不走了 “Daddy you"re lying, [爹地你说谎 You always say that, you always say this is the last time, 你总是那么说,你总是说这是最后一次 but you ain"t leavin" no more, Daddy you"re mine!” 但你不会再走了.爸爸你是我的!] She"s piling boxes infront of the door tryin" to block it, 她把垛版箱推导门前试图挡住它 “Daddy please daddy don"t leave daddy no, stop it!” [爹地求你爹地别走爹地不要,停住] Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it"s got a picture, 把手伸入她口袋,拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片 “This"ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you” [这个会保护你的安全爹地,带着它走] I look up, it"s just me standin in the mirror, these fucking walls must be talkin coz man I can hear ‘em 我向上看,只有我站在镜子前面,这些墙一定在说话因为老天我能听见它们 They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it"s tonight, 它们在说你有最后一次机会去做对,那就是今晚 Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late 现在出去那里然后表示你爱他们,在太晚之前 And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they"re gone 当我走出我的卧室门外面变成舞台,它们走了 And the spotlight is on and I"m singin… 聚光灯在闪而然我在唱… [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 3] Sixty thousand people, all jumpin" out their seat 6万人全部跳出他们的座位 The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet 连幕落下,他们把玫瑰扔在我脚边 I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin" out” 我鞠躬[谢谢你们大家能来] They"re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd 他们叫得那么响,我看了人群最后一眼 I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seein", 我往下看,根本不能相信我所看见的 “Daddy it"s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin"” [爹地是我!救救妈咪,她的手腕在流血] But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?! 但宝贝我们在瑞典,你怎么来到瑞典的?! “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern"t leavin [我跟着你爹地.你说你不会走的 You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad 你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了 And I bought you this coin 我还给你带来了这枚硬币 It says ‘number 1 dad", that"s all I wanted 上面写着‘第一名的爸爸",这是我所有想要的 I just wanna give you this coin 我只是想给你这枚脖? I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin” 我明白了,好吧.我和妈咪走了] But baby wait- 但宝贝等等— “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us [太迟了爸爸.你作出了选择.现在出去外面然后表示你爱他们胜过我们 That"s what they want 这就是他们想要的 They want you Marshall, 他们想要你marshell. they keep screamin your name, it"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep 他们一直在叫你的名字,毫无疑问你不能睡着 Just take another fuckin pill, yeah i bet ya you will 再吃多点药片吧,我打赌你会的 You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real” 你给它写说唱.哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成成真吧] I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see 我听见鼓掌,始终看不见 How could it be that the curtain is closing on me 怎么可能帘幕正在向我拉上 I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it, 我转身,在地板找到枪,上膛 put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!" and pop it 朝着我的大脑,喊着‘死吧shady"扣下极板 The sky darkens, my life flashes, 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本来要乘的飞机坠落化为灰烬 That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", 这时我醒来, 闹钟在响 There"s birds singin", it"s spring and 有鸟在欢唱,这是春天 Hailie"s out side swingin" hailie在外面荡秋千 I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her 我直直的走向kim去吻她,告诉她我想她 Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say- hailie笑了并与她的小妹妹交换眼色,就像在说 [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行[00:36.33]Look ! 听着!! [00:38.36]If U had one shot.如果有东西打动你。 [00:43.13]One opportunity.也许是一个机会。 [00:45.26]To seize everything U ever wanted.抓住所有你想要的东西。 [00:48.06]One moment.就在一瞬间。 [00:50.52]Would U capture it ? 你能否抓住这个机会? [00:52.70]Or just let it slip.还是让它就此溜走。 [00:54.26]Yo,His palms are sweaty.你手心全湿 [00:56.18]Knees weak.膝盖无力 [00:57.27]Arms are heavy.头重脚轻。 [00:58.27]There"s vomit on his sweater already.在他的衬衫之上满是呕吐痕迹 [00:59.76]Mom"s spaghetti.而且都是老妈煮的意大利粉。 [01:00.73]He"s nervous.他紧张透顶 [01:01.56]But on the surface he looks calm & ready.但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸。 [01:04.00]To drop bombs.要引爆炸弹 [01:05.09]But he keeps on forgettin.但实际上他却老是忘了 太多了放不下了希望采纳
2023-07-12 12:03:401

eminem 歌词中文翻译

Yeah It"s my life 这是我的生活 But all in words I guess 却全部换成语言 [Verse 1] Have you ever loved someone so much you"d give an arm for? 你试过爱谁如此之深,深到你可以给去一只手臂吗 Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for? 不是措辞.不.真正的牺牲一只手臂 When they know they are your heart 当他们知道他们是你的心脏 And you know you are their armour 你知道你是他们的盔甲 And you will destroy anyone who will try to harm her 你会消灭任何试图伤害她的人 But what happens when karma turns right around and bites you 但当报应回过头来咬你 And everything you stand for turns on you to spite you 所有你支持一切开始攻击你,让你迷茫 What happens when you become the main source of her pain 当你成为她痛苦的最大源头 “Daddy look what I made?” [爹地看我做了什么?] “Dad"s gotta go catch a plane” [爸爸要去赶飞机] “Daddy where"s mummy? I can"t find mummy, where is she?” [爹地妈咪在那里?我找不到她,她在那里?] I don"t know, go play, Hailie baby your daddy"s busy. 我不知道,去玩去,hailie宝贝你爹地很忙 Daddy"s writin"a song, this song ain"t gon" write itself 爹地在写歌,歌不会自己写出来 I give you one underdog, then you gotta swing by yourself 我帮你拉秋千,然后你要自己荡 Then to write a rhyme in a song and tell her you love her 然后再写些歌里的押韵告诉她你爱她 And put hands on her mother who"s a spittin" image of her 再把手放在简直和她一模一样的她妈MD肩膀 That"s slim shady, yeah baby slim shady"s crazy 这就是slim shady,是的宝贝slim shady疯了 Shady made me, but tonight, Shady"s rock-a-by baby shady成就了我,但今晚, shady是乖乖睡的baby [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 2] I keep havin" this dream – I"m pushin" hailie on the swings she keeps screamin" 我一直做这个梦—我推着hailie的秋千她则不停尖叫 She don"t want me to sing, “You"re makin mummy cry, why, why"s mummy crying?” 她不想我再唱歌[你让妈咪哭了,为什么.为什么妈咪要哭] Baby, Daddy ain"t leavin" no more, 宝贝爹地再也不走了 “Daddy you"re lying, [爹地你说谎 You always say that, you always say this is the last time, 你总是那么说,你总是说这是最后一次 but you ain"t leavin" no more, Daddy you"re mine!” 但你不会再走了.爸爸你是我的!] She"s piling boxes infront of the door tryin" to block it, 她把垛版箱推导门前试图挡住它 “Daddy please daddy don"t leave daddy no, stop it!” [爹地求你爹地别走爹地不要,停住] Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket, it"s got a picture, 把手伸入她口袋,拉出一个小小的项链盒子,里面有张照片 “This"ll keep you safe daddy, take it with you” [这个会保护你的安全爹地,带着它走] I look up, it"s just me standin in the mirror, these fucking walls must be talkin coz man I can hear ‘em 我向上看,只有我站在镜子前面,这些墙一定在说话因为老天我能听见它们 They sayin you got one more chance to do right, and it"s tonight, 它们在说你有最后一次机会去做对,那就是今晚 Now go out there and show ‘em that you love ‘em ‘fore its too late 现在出去那里然后表示你爱他们,在太晚之前 And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door it turns to a stage, they"re gone 当我走出我的卧室门外面变成舞台,它们走了 And the spotlight is on and I"m singin… 聚光灯在闪而然我在唱… [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行 [Verse 3] Sixty thousand people, all jumpin" out their seat 6万人全部跳出他们的座位 The curtain closes, they"re throwing roses at my feet 连幕落下,他们把玫瑰扔在我脚边 I take a bow, “and thank you all for comin" out” 我鞠躬[谢谢你们大家能来] They"re screamin so loud, I take one last look at the crowd 他们叫得那么响,我看了人群最后一眼 I glance down, I don"t believe what I"m seein", 我往下看,根本不能相信我所看见的 “Daddy it"s me! Help mummy her wrists are bleedin"” [爹地是我!救救妈咪,她的手腕在流血] But baby we"re in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?! 但宝贝我们在瑞典,你怎么来到瑞典的?! “I followed you daddy, you told me that you wern"t leavin [我跟着你爹地.你说你不会走的 You lied to me dad, and now you make mummy sad 你对我说谎了爸爸,你现在让妈妈伤心了 And I bought you this coin 我还给你带来了这枚硬币 It says ‘number 1 dad", that"s all I wanted 上面写着‘第一名的爸爸",这是我所有想要的 I just wanna give you this coin 我只是想给你这枚脖? I get the point, fine, me and mummy are goin” 我明白了,好吧.我和妈咪走了] But baby wait- 但宝贝等等— “its too late dad, you made your choice. Now go out there and show ‘em you love ‘em more than us [太迟了爸爸.你作出了选择.现在出去外面然后表示你爱他们胜过我们 That"s what they want 这就是他们想要的 They want you Marshall, 他们想要你marshell. they keep screamin your name, it"s no wonder you can"t go to sleep 他们一直在叫你的名字,毫无疑问你不能睡着 Just take another fuckin pill, yeah i bet ya you will 再吃多点药片吧,我打赌你会的 You rap about it. Yeah word, ke-keep it real” 你给它写说唱.哈,这些诺言词语,让它们成成真吧] I hear applause, all this time I couldn"t see 我听见鼓掌,始终看不见 How could it be that the curtain is closing on me 怎么可能帘幕正在向我拉上 I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it, 我转身,在地板找到枪,上膛 put it to my brain, scream ‘Die Shady!" and pop it 朝着我的大脑,喊着‘死吧shady"扣下极板 The sky darkens, my life flashes, 天空变暗,我的生命消逝 The plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes 我本来要乘的飞机坠落化为灰烬 That"s when I wake up, alarm clock"s ringin", 这时我醒来, 闹钟在响 There"s birds singin", it"s spring and 有鸟在欢唱,这是春天 Hailie"s out side swingin" hailie在外面荡秋千 I walk right up to Kim and kiss her, tell her I miss her 我直直的走向kim去吻她,告诉她我想她 Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister, almost as if to say- hailie笑了并与她的小妹妹交换眼色,就像在说 [Chorus] [x2] And when I"m gone, just carry on don"t mourn, 当我走了,继续坚持着不要哀伤 rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice 当每次你听到我的声音 高兴起来, Just know that I"m lookin" down on you smiling 要知道我在低头看着你微笑 And I didn"t feel a thing so baby don"t feel no pain, just smile back 我什么感觉都没有,所以宝贝不要难过,笑着回应就行
2023-07-12 12:03:512


2023-07-12 12:03:593

In The Summertime 歌词

歌曲名:In The Summertime歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Shot Of LoveIn The SummertimeMungo Jerrylyric by grandiarenIn the summertime when the weather is highYou can stretch right up and touch the skyWhen the weather′s fineYou got women, you got women on your mindHave a drink, have a draftGo out and see what you can findIf her daddy′s rich take her out for a mealIf her daddy′s poor just do what you feelSpeed along the laneDo a ton or a ton an"twenty-fiveWhen the sun goes downYou can make it, make it good in a lay-byMusic......We′re no threatpeople, We′re not dirty, we′re not meanWe love everybody but we do as we pleaseWhen the weather′s fineWe go fishin′ or go swimmin′in the seaWe′re always happyLife′s for livin′ yeah, that′s our philosophySing along with us, de de de-de-deeDa da da-da-da, yeah we′re hap-happyDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daMusic......When the winter′s here, yeah it′s party timeBring your bottle, wear your bright clothesIt"ll soon be summertime And we′ll sing againWe′ll go drivin′or maybe we′ll settle downIf she′s rich, if she′s niceBring your friends and we′ll all go into townMusic......In the summertime when the weather is highYou can stretch right up and touch the skyWhen the weather′s fineYou got women, you got women on your mindHave a drink, have a draftGo out and see what you can findIf her daddy′s rich take her out for a mealIf her daddy′s poor just do what you feelSpeed along the laneDo a ton or a ton an"twenty-fiveWhen the sun goes downYou can make it, make it good in a lay-byMusic......We′re no threat, people We′re not dirty, we′re not meanWe love everybody but we do as we pleaseWhen the weather′s fineWe go fishin′ or go swimmin′in the seaWe′re always happyLife′s for livin′ yeah, that′s our philosophySing along with us, de de de-de-deeDa da da-da-da, yeah we′re hap-happyDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da daDa da da-da-da-da-da da da-da da---End---
2023-07-12 12:04:061


冰河世纪2 台词1嘿!好消息!我找到一条近路!Great news. I found a shortcut.2什么近路?就是走着要比走长路快- What do you mean, shortcut?- I mean faster than the long way around.3噢!我知道什么叫“近路”!I know what a shortcut is.4我们穿过去就能比人类先到“冰川道”不然就会错过他们Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss "em.5穿过那儿?你把我当什么了?Through there? What do you take me for?6明天这个时候你…就可以自由了This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth.7或继续做保姆玩“躲躲猫”我是不会腻的Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.8伙计们,瞧这个Guys. Guys. Check this out.9老虎找到一条近路Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.10不,谢谢,我想活命No, thanks. I choose life.11那我建议你最好还是走近路Then I suggest you take the shortcut.12你在威胁我吗?走,树懒!- Are you threatening me?- Move, sloth!13好样的,老虎Way to go, tiger.14快!快进去!Quick. Get inside.15好吧,那就走近路吧OK, I vote shortcut.16好了,伙计们,都跟紧些这儿很容易走丢Guys, stick together.It"s easy to get lost in here.17呃…伙计们?Guys?18啊!小鱼儿A fish.19你跟上,行不行?看住一个宝宝已经够难的了Will you keep up, please?Hard enough to keep track of one baby.20我…抓住你了I gotcha.21船长,前方有冰山!Captain, iceberg ahead.22哦,不Oh, no.23谁想玩第二回合?Yeah. Who"s up for round two?24叫…叫…叫孩子小心点Tell the kid to be more careful.25瞧,瞧,老虎,瞧啊Look, look. Tigers.26不,没事的,没事的瞧,老虎和羚羊在做游戏No, it"s OK, it"s OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.27捉到摸一下,用牙摸来吧,希德,我们也来玩- With their teeth.- Come on, Sid, let"s play tag.28你捉我You"re it.29行啊…好吧,好吧哪儿画着树懒?Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?30这上面怎么没画树懒?你们注意到吗?You never see any sloths.Have you ever noticed?31瞧,曼尼,一头毛象噢,我可真兴奋- Look, Manny, a mammoth.- Somebody pinch me.32嘿,嘿,这头胖的看上去可真象你Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.33噢,他有家庭And he"s got a family.34他很幸福瞧,他在陪孩子玩And he"s happy.Look, he"s playing with his kid.35瞧,曼尼,这就是你的问题毛象应该象他们那样See? That"s your problem.That"s what mammoths are supposed to do.36找头母象…生一头毛象宝宝- Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...37希德- Sid.38干嘛?闭嘴- What?- Shut up.39可…噢But...40噢,快瞧啊Would you look at that.41老虎没带错路这是“半峰山”The tiger actually did it. There"s Half Peak.42下一站,冰川道Next stop, Glacier Pass.43我真不该怀疑你你听见吗,小家伙?- How could I ever have doubted you?- Did you hear that, little fella?44你快到家了You"re almost home.45我的脚在冒汗你身体每出现一个反应- My feet are sweating.- Do we need a news flash46我们都得发布新闻?他要我们注意他- every time your body does something?- lgnore him.47是真的我的脚真的很烫!噢,噢Seriously. My feet are really hot.48是你的肚子在叫吧?Tell me that was your stomach.49嘘,我肯定是那是雷声I"m sure it was just thunder.50声音…来自…地下?From underground?51快,跟我一起跑Come on, keep up with me.52可你原地不动!I would if you were moving.53哇,但愿我也能跳成全你了!- I wish I could jump like that.- Wish granted.54快!跑快点!难道你没看到熔岩流吗?- Come on, move faster.- Have you noticed the river of lava?55抱紧他!Hold Pinky.56曼尼Manny.57曼尼,你没事吧?求你说点什么,什么都行Manny, Manny, Manny, you OK?Come on, come on, say something. Anything.58什么?什么?我听不清What? What? I can"t hear you.59你站在我的鼻子上了You"re standing on my trunk.60啊,你没事!你没事你为什么那么干?- You"re OK. You"re OK.- Why did you do that?61你冒死…救了我的命You could have died, trying to save me.62大家是一个集体That"s what you do in a herd.63得互相照顾You look out for each other.64噢!谢谢Well, thanks.65不知你们怎么想,可我觉得我们这“集体”是最怪的I don"t know about you guys,but we are the weirdest herd I"ve ever seen.66我的爪子都快等不及要撕烂那毛象了!I can"t wait to getmy claws in that mammoth.67谁都不能碰那毛象除非我先得到…孩子!No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby.68首先,我要把那毛象撕开扯烂First, I"ll slice its hindquarters into sections.69把白色肉放一堆,深色…嘿,别再说了!我饿坏了!- I"ll put the white meat in one pile and...- Knock it off. I"m starving.70肩膀的肉…可能比较老但绝对多汁Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.71警告过你了,别再说了!省点力气吧!- I told you to knock it off.- Save your energy.72要杀毛象谈何容易Mammoths don"t go down easy.73只有一个办法There"s only one way to do it.74首先,得把他逼上死角First, you have to force it into a corner.75切断他的退路等你们三个把他困住Cut off its retreat.And when you three have it trapped,76我就咬断他的喉咙I"ll go for the throat.77伙计们,别让孩子吹着风!Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.78还有多远?三英里- How much further?- Three miles.79我累坏了,我们早上能到I"m beat. We"ll get there in the morning.80你在干嘛?我让树懒…名垂千古- What are you doing?- I"m putting sloths on the map.81那得画得现实点画他在睡觉Why don"t you make it realistic and draw him lying down?82画得“圆”一些And make him rounder.83好极了哈!我真笑不出来- Perfect.- I forgot how to laugh.84我是个天才I"m a genius.85从现在起,你们得称呼我“希德-火焰之王”From now on you"ll have torefer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame.86嘿,火焰之王,你尾巴着火了Lord of the Flame, your tail"s on fire.87噢,谢谢,从现在起我就管你叫…“迭戈”Thank you. From now on,I"m gonna call you Diego.88“摸我你是死定之王”Lord of "Touch Me and You"re Dead".89我是说着玩的你这没头脑的I"m just kidding, you little knucklehead.90嘿,小俩口Lovebirds.91快瞧Look at this.92这简直……太神了I don"t believe it.93过来,小家伙过来,你这小虫虫Come here, you little biped.Come here, you little wormy-worm.94到希德叔叔这儿来Come to Uncle Sid.95这边,这边No, no... This way. This way.96不,去他那儿No, no, no. No, go to him.97去他那儿Go to him.98好吧OK.99干得好,接着…练习吧Good job. Keep practicing.100快瞧啊,我们的小家伙在长大Look at that. Our little guy is growing up.101好了,过来该睡了,肉团儿All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.102他对孩子就是亲Look at that big pushover.103要知道,迭戈我还没有能冒死救我的朋友呢You know, Diego, I"ve never hada friend who would risk his life for me.104是啊,曼尼他…他真好Yeah, Manny"s... he"s a good guy.105是啊,的确Yeah, he is.106好了,晚安Well, good night.107让我给你弄干净,你这么又脏又臭的回去,你老爸会怎么说?Let"s get you all cleaned up. What"s your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky?108我来擦干净,嗯,好多了这儿还有点儿Let me just clean that up.That looks good. A little bit here.109擦干净真漂亮,小家伙他长得越来越象我了- You clean up nice, little fella.- I think he"s starting to look like me.110嘿,迭戈,你说呢?Diego, what do you think?111也许不该送回去为什么?- Maybe we shouldn"t do this.- Why not?112因为他长大后会成为猎人你说他会猎杀谁?If we save him, he"ll be a hunter.And who do you think he"ll hunt?113也许救了他他就不会成猎人Maybe because we save him,he won"t hunt us.114是啊,也许他会长出毛和长脖然叫你“妈妈”Yeah, and maybe he"ll grow fur anda long skinny neck and call you Mama.115你怎么回事?没什么,我们走,冻死我了- What"s your problem?- Nothing. Let"s go. I"m freezing my tail off.116嘿,迭戈,你被冻住了吗?Diego. You frozen back there?117低下身子!什么?- Get down.- What?118嘘,低下身跟我走嘿,怎么回事?- Get down and follow me.- What"s going on?119在半峰山脚下有个埋伏…等着你们At the bottom of Half Peak,there"s an ambush waiting for you.120什么?你说什么“埋伏”?- What?- What do you mean, "ambush"?121你设了圈套!那是我的任务!- You set us up.- It was my job.122我得把孩子抢到手,可是你把我们带回家当晚餐- I was to get the baby, but then...- You brought us home for dinner.123行了!你被开除了!真对不起- That"s it. You"re out of the herd.- I"m sorry.124我宰了你…你再后悔吧No, you"re not. Not yet.125听着,我能帮你们跟紧了,希德,我们能杀出去!- Listen, I can help you.- Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out.126不行!他们太强大了你们得信任我You can"t. The pack"s too strong.You have to trust me.127信任你?我们干嘛要信任你?Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you?128因为你们只有靠我Because I"m your only chance.129哈罗,“小姐”们Hello, ladies.130嘿,瞧谁终于肯露脸了迭戈,我正为你担心呢- Look who decided to show up.- Diego, I was beginning to worry about you.131用不着担心,再过两分钟你将从…复仇中…得到满足No need to worry. In about two minutesyou"ll be satisfying your taste for revenge.132这非常好Very nice.133我看见树懒了!孩子在他手里!I see the sloth. And he"s got the baby.134没见到毛象就别暴露你们自己我们得出其不意Don"t give away your positions until yousee the mammoth. He"s the one to surprise.135你想重拳出击对吗,齐克?You want to maul something, don"t you?136呵呵,我想出击那你还等什么?- I wanna maul.- Then what are you waiting for?137不,我说了等那毛象出现!No, I said wait for the mammoth.138“雪板挠背”你们吃白雪吧!嘿嘿Backscratcher. Eat my powder!139唷!喔!“环滑车”呃,啊!Loop-de-loop.140障碍滑雪,障碍滑雪,宝贝Slalom! Slalom, baby!141对不起,伙计们他被冻成小雪人了Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite.142呜!宰了他!Get him.143大惊喜!Surprise!144好吧,跟我来!我们去找希德,然后离开这儿OK, follow me. We"ll pick up Sidand get outta here while we can.145来吧,迭戈我们把这毛象摆平Come on, Diego,let"s bring this mammoth down.146他在这儿There he is.147没错,宝宝在哪儿啊?That"s right. Where"s the baby?148这就叫…适者…生存!Survival of the fittest.149这老虎不行I don"t think so. Yeah.150你这是干嘛?不许…碰这…毛象- What are you doing?- Leave the mammoth alone.151好,我先把你摆平Fine. I"ll take you down first.152我们赢了We did it.153我们曾经是多棒的集体We were some team, huh?154曾经是?胡说,我们还是一个集体Were? Come on, we"re still a team.155我设下圈套,真对不起I"m sorry I set you up.156我就算恨你,也懒得记仇了You know me -I"m too lazy to hold a grudge.157嘿,别闹,小鬼Knock it off, squirt.158你得强壮些You gotta be strong.159你得照顾曼福雷德和希德You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.16080尤其是希德Especially Sid.161行了,你能挺过来,你是老虎Come on, you can lick this. You"re a tiger.162我能背你,你说怎么样?Look, I"ll carry you.Come on, what do you say?163振作点,迭戈,振作!Come on, Diego, come on.164告诉他他会好的,曼尼Tell him he"s going to be OK, Manny.165听着,你们别管我了Listen, you have to leave me here.166如果人类过了“冰川道”你们就找不到他们了If those humans get through the pass,you"ll never catch them.167你不用救我的You didn"t have to do that.168我们是一个集体That"s what you do in a herd.169别忘了我们Don"t forget about us.170好吗?OK?171我们不会忘了你We won"t forget about you.172再见,再见Goodbye.173再见,再见Goodbye.Goodbye.174希德再见- Sid...- Bye
2023-07-12 12:04:211

求舞出我人生一到五部的所有音乐 要名字 不要网址 我用手机下载

第一部电影原声:1. "Bout It - Yung Joc/3LW (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,影片中是混合伴奏音乐,舞蹈别出心裁) 2. Get Up - Ciara/Chamillionaire (影片结束歌曲) 3. (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me - Sean Paul/Keyshia Cole(Nora和Tyler在俱乐部晚会上开始交谈前的歌曲) 4. Show Me The Money - Petey Pablo (影片开始部分的歌曲) 5. 80"s Joint - Kelis (Tyler and Camille 在自家门口外跳舞时歌曲) 6. Step Up - Samantha Jade (Nora和Tyler第三次合练时的歌曲) 7. Say Goodbye - Chris Brown (Nora和Lucy交谈时一段非常轻的音乐) 8. Dear Life - Anthony Hamilton (原来的男舞者伤愈回来后,男女主角发生了争执男主角到公交车上时播放的一首插曲) 9. For the Love - Drew Sidora/Mario (Miles 和Lucy /Tyler 和Nora在俱乐部晚会上交谈时的歌曲) 10. Ain"t Cha - Clipse/Re-Up Gang/Roscoe P. Goldchain (出现于影片开始不久的家庭party上) 11. I"mma Shine - YoungBloodZ (Omar举办的party上,Mac弟弟Skinny挨枪前的歌) 12. Feelin" Myself - Dolla (男主角Tyler破坏东西被逮后,回家躺在自己房间里戴上耳机时的歌曲) 13. "Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora (在俱乐部晚会上Lucy演唱的歌曲,高潮部分,舞蹈很棒)14. Lovely - Deep Side (没出现在影片中) 15. U Must Be - Gina Rene (Nora和Tyler在外面练舞时的歌曲,很浪漫的情景!) 16. Made - Jamie Scott (在俱乐部晚会上开始时的歌曲) 影片中出现的非原声音乐: 1. Attention Please - Alias (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之三) 2. Canon In D - Nuttin but Stringz (在学校走廊上两名黑人拉小提琴手拉的乐曲) 3. Cleaning Song - Ron Feemster (Tyler在学校打扫是背景音乐) 4. Crazy Strings - Chris N Drop (Nora和Tyler第一次合练之前,Nora一个人在练舞时录音机里播放的音乐) 5. Damn - Novel (Nora 和 Tyler 跳舞作乐,拥抱,接吻时的歌曲) 6. Get It - Tip T.I. Harris (男主角Tyler在家庭party上跳舞时的音乐) 7. Maidens of the Grove - Jeanette Ortea Et. Al (在学校走廊上三名女生唱的歌曲) 8. Imma Shine - Youngbloodz (instrumental version) (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐) 9. Little Dap - Mark Ronson (Tyler和他的朋友打篮球时的音乐) 10. Love Life - Fatboy Slim / Macy Gray (女主角 Nora试练一个个男伴舞时的歌曲) 11. Philosophy - Josh Henderson (Nora男友Brett在录音棚录音时的的歌曲) 12. Pushin" - C Ride (Tyler和Mac开着偷来的车到Omar处的歌) 13. Shiloh"s Piano - Shiloh Monaco (钢琴演奏曲--学校负责人Gordon视察一名学生弹钢琴时) 14. What Up - Rhymefest (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之二) 15. The Choice is Yours - Black Sheep (Tyler的黑人朋友开车来学校,Tyler在学校停车场附近跳舞时的歌曲) 16. Toma - Armando Perez / Lil Jon (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之一) 17. Tonight - Kwame B Holland (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐) 18. Violette - Kathleen Crees (Tyler站在阳台上开始的背景音乐) 19. Showcase Song - Mario / Petey Pablo (mix) (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,舞蹈独具一格)第二部电影原声: 1. "Low" Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 3:50(影片后部分”地下街舞秀“开始时及影片结束后第一首音乐) 2. "Shake Your Pom Pom" Missy Elliott 4:00 (女主角Andie和她团队练舞时及影片结束后他们“自娱自乐”时的音乐) 3. "Killa" Cherish featuring Yung Joc 3:50 (女主角在舞台上面试跳舞时的音乐) 4. "Hypnotized" Plies featuring Akon 3:08 (女主角面试失败后跟她朋友在一起时的音乐) 5. "Is It You" Cassie 3:57 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的倒数第二首歌) 6. "Can"t Help But Wait (Remix)" Trey Songz featuring Plies 3:24 7. "Church" T-Pain 4:00 (女主角与第一部中的男主角比舞时的音乐) 8. "Ching-a-Ling" Missy Elliott 3:38 (女主角的团队第一次在“地下街舞俱乐部”,“敌对”团队跳舞“炫耀”时的音乐,47) 9. "Push" Enrique Iglesias 3:28 10. "369" Cupid featuring BoB 3:31 (男主角向女主角一一介绍组成团队的成员时的背景音乐) 11. "Impossible" Bayje 4:08 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的最后一首歌) 12. "Lives in Da Club" Sophia Fresh featuring Jay Lyriq 3:28 13. "Girl You Know (Remix)" Scarface featuring Trey Songz 4:15(男主角送女主角回她朋友那,及女主角跟她的朋友第一次出现分歧时的背景音乐) 14. "Say Cheese" KC 4:05 15. "Let It Go" Brit & Alex 3:21 16. "Ain"t No Stressin" Montana Tucker, Sikora and Denial 4:19 影片中出现的非原声音乐: 1 "Get Down" -Busta Rhymes (影片中开始不久一群街舞爱好者在地铁火车上捣蛋跳舞时的音乐) 2 "Midnight" -Pitbull ft. Casely (第一次女主角出现在“地下街舞俱乐部”时的音乐) 3 "The Way I Are" -Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson and DOE (Moose在学校里石阶上跳舞时的音乐) 4 "We All Want the Same Thing" -Kevin Michael (女主角第一次在学校里及端着食物时的背景音乐) 5 "Whenever There Is You" -Koop 6 "The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap)" -Shirley Ellis 7 "Bring Me Flowers" -Hope Shorter (在学校练舞房,男主角跳完后,轮到女主角,跳惯街舞的她碰到这种歌,就跳了跟歌极不协调的有点"不伦不类"的舞,看得男主角两眼直瞪) 8 "Lights Off" -Trick Daddy 9 "Bounce" -Timbaland featuring Missy Elliott, Dr. Dre and Justin Timberlake (女主角的团队第二次集体训练时及最后“雨中舞”的音乐之一) 10 "Independent" -Webbie featuring Lil Phat and Lil Boosie (女主角的团队在“地下街舞俱乐部”第一次集体跳舞“出丑”时的音乐 11 "No Te Veo (Remix)" -Casa de Leones (家庭派对时的音乐之一) 12 "Everything I Can"t Have" -Robin Thicke (家庭派对时的音乐之一,开派对时,男女主角跳舞那首歌) 13 "The Humpty Dance" -Digital Underground (“敌对”的团队成员在看视频里女主角的团队跳舞戏弄他们时的音乐) 14 "Haterz Everywhere" -BoB and Wes Fif 15 "Mmm..." -Laura Izibor (学校练舞室遭”报复“后,女主角团队他们心情低落时的背景音乐) 16 "The Diary of Jane" -Breaking Benjamin (25分28秒时,男主人公蔡司的老师让他上前面自由发挥一段时的那首歌) 17 "Money in the Bank" -Swizz Beatz (“雨中舞”音乐之一) 18 "I"m a G" -Yung Joc (”地下街舞秀“中穿红衣戴白面罩的团队跳舞时的音乐) 19 "The Potion" -Ludacris (”地下街舞秀“中”敌对“团队跳舞的音乐,黑人吐舌头) 20 "Killin" in the Name of" -Rage Against the Machine 21 "Show Me" -Tania featuring Yung Craze 22 "Let"s Go"-Kwame B. Holland 23 "Work It" -Pretty Ricky 24 "Slide N Crank" -Kwame B. Holland 第三部电影原声:yung joc feat 3lw - bout it 插曲是1. Low (FloRida feat. T-Pain) 2. Shake Your Pom Pom (Missy Elliott) 3. Killa (Cherish feat. Yung Joc) 4. Hypnotized (Plies feat. Akon) 5. Is It You (Cassie) 6. Can"t Help But Wait (Trey Songz feat. Plies) (Remix) 7. Church (T-Pain feat. Teddy Verseti) 8. Ching-A-Ling (Missy Elliott) 9. Push (Enrique Iglesias) 10. 3-6-9 (Cupid feat. B.o.B ) 11. Impossible (Bayje) 12. Lives In Da Club (Sophia Fresh feat. Jay Lyriq) 13. Girl You Know (Scarface feat. Trey Songz) 14. Say Cheese (KC) 15. 15.Let It Go (Brit & Alex) 16. Ain"t No Stressin (Montana Tucker, Sikora and Denial)第四部1.Let‘s Go 歌手Yelawolf&Twista 2.Live My Life 歌手Justin Bieber&RedFoo 3.Hands In The Air 歌手Ne-Yo&Timbaland 4.Bad Girls 歌手Nick Thayer Remix 5.Get Loose 歌手Sohanny&Vein6.Feel Alive 歌手Pitbull&DJ Poet 7U Don‘t Like Me 歌手Diplo&Lil Jon 8.This Is My Life 歌手My Name Is Kay 9.Bring It Back 歌手Travis Porter 10.Goin‘ In 歌手Jennifer Lopez&Flo Rida11.Dance Without You 歌手Skylar Grey 12.I Don‘t Like You歌手Eva Simons 13.To Build A Ho歌手Cinematic Orchestra第四部1.Let‘s Go2.Live My Life 3.Hands In The Ait4.Bad Girls5.Get Loose6.Feel Alive7U Don‘t Like Me8.This Is My Life 9.Bring It Back10.Goin‘ In11.Dance Without You 12.I Don‘t Like You13.To Build A Ho第五部01Diplo - Revolution(Feat. Faustix、Imanos、Kai)02Lil Wayne - My Homies Still(Feat. Big Sean)03Pitbull - Do It(Feat. Mayer Hawthorne)04OK Go - I Won"t Let You Down(Shockbit Remix)05Steve Aoki、Chris Lake、Tujamo - Delirious(Boneless)(Feat. Kid Ink)06B.o.B - How You Do That07N.E.R.D. - Lapdance08Bobby Brown - Every Little Step09Steve Aoki - Rage The Night Away(Feat. Waka Flocka Flame)10Zeds Dead - Demons11Dirtcaps - Hands Up(Yellow Claw Remix)12Bianca Raquel、Celestina - Turn It Up13Kraak & Smaak - Squeeze Me(Feat. Ben Westbeech)
2023-07-12 12:05:001