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The advertisement said that an expanding company wished to ____ a secretary at their head office

2023-07-12 18:23:46

a、explore 探索

b、exploit 开发

c、employ 雇用

d、accept 接受


因此选c、employ 雇用







"Expand"通常用作及物动词,用于表示扩大、扩展或延伸某物,而它的现在分词形式 "expanding" 则可以用作形容词,表示正在扩张或发展。因此,"expand"通常用于动词的进行时态时需要加上现在分词形式"ing",例如:The company is expanding its operations overseas.(公司正在海外扩大其业务。)The balloon is expanding as it fills with air.(气球随着充气正在膨胀。)当然,"expand"也可以用于被动语态、完成时态、将来时态等语态和时态中,具体使用要根据语境和需要来决定。
2023-07-12 11:40:251


  膨胀,当物体受热时,其中的粒子的运动速度就会加快,因此占据了额外的空间,这种现象称为膨胀。比如,温度计的使用就是利用液体膨胀的原理。那么你知道膨胀用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   膨胀的英语说法1:   swell   膨胀的英语说法2:   expand   膨胀的英语说法3:   bulge   膨胀的相关 短语 :   时间膨胀 time dilation   空前膨胀 unprecedentedly inflated   体积膨胀 volume expansion ; cubical expansion   膨胀水泥 expansive cement ; expanding cement   膨胀粘土 expanded clay ; swelling clay ; bloating clay   膨胀压力 swelling pressure ; inflation pressure   膨胀的英语例句:   1. Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.   工程师注意到管道并没有如预期那样膨胀。   2. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.   随着移居者南移,人口出现膨胀,至少是暂时性膨胀。   3. Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact.   安全气囊遇到撞击立即膨胀。   4. Don"s lifejacket had failed to inflate.   唐的救生衣未能充气膨胀。   5. Einstein"s equations showed the Universe to be expanding.   爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀。   6. The business of counterfeiting appears to be expanding.   假冒伪造业似乎正日益膨胀。   7. The batter rises as it bakes.   烘烤的时候,面糊会膨胀起来。   8. the expansion and contraction of the metal   金属的膨胀与收缩   9. Metals expand when they are heated.   金属受热会膨胀。   10. a huge upswell of emotion   膨胀的激情   11. Substances have no tendency to expand unless ( they are ) heated.   除非 受热,物质不会有膨胀的倾向.   12. A rise in the temperature of the gas results in its expansion.   气体温度上升致使气体膨胀.   13. My shirt bags like a balloon when the wind blows against it.   风吹着我的衬衫使它膨胀得象个气球一样.   14. A gas tends to expand indefinitely.   气体具有无限膨胀的趋势.   15. Heat causes the distension of gases.   热使气体膨胀.
2023-07-12 11:40:531


widen(expand) one"s vision(horizon)
2023-07-12 11:41:055


2023-07-12 11:41:256

计算机组成原理 Expanding Opcode

2023-07-12 11:41:411

问您一个语法问题,expanding populations are subjecting the land to increasing pressures to

第一个to是介词 指方位或者目的的 第二个to 是increase to的固定搭配
2023-07-12 11:41:522


Expanding水平。小托福分值为600-900分,即最低分600分,满分为900分,而官方给出的划分,这个分数可以分为5个等级,从高到低分别为Superior(845-900),Accomplished (785-840), Expanding (730-780), Progressing (655-725),和Emerging(600-645)所以740分是Expanding水平。小托福考试适用于11岁以上的学生,作为ETS托福家族的一员,它是对学生英语沟通能力客观、准确的测量,帮助他们确定自身优势和不足。
2023-07-12 11:41:591

地球膨胀说(Expanding Earth theory)是指?

收缩说在地质科学发展中,特别是对大地构造学理论的探讨中起了积极作用,表现在把各种地质现象理解为地球的统一发展过程中互相联系的各组成部分,但由于假设本身过于简单化的论证,在全面解释造山带的几何特征受到了局限,甚至导致片面的错误,缺乏对大陆整体运动观念,对许多复杂构造现象,诸如大裂谷的拉伸,大面积的升降,应力状态的改变,地壳构造的定向性和构造运动的周期性等,都不能用收缩说来解释。特别是放射性热源的发现以及泰勒—魏格纳活动论的出现,收缩说受到挑战而趋于崩溃。主张地球受热膨胀发生褶皱,从而形成山脉的观点,在收缩说盛行时就早有论述。设想原始地球有一个封闭的硅铝层,因地球膨胀破裂而离散,形成现在的海陆分布。1888年休斯(E.Suess)在论述地球史上最大一次全球性海进与地球收缩的关系时,指出全球海进海退不可能反映地球的膨胀,从而加以否认。他认为根据热力学、相变理论和引力常数随时间变小的假定,地球膨胀说在理论上是不存在的。1896年贝克勒尔(H.Becquerel)发现了铀盐射线后,人们认识了地质放射性同位素衰变和放热现象,加强了地球受热而膨胀的理论根据。20世纪30年代,希尔根伯格(Hilgenberg)为了解释地壳的拉伸构造现象,诸如全球裂谷系、盆岭构造,提出了用地球内部膨胀来解释大陆漂移说,这一概念的显著优点就是无须再去寻找其他力量以推动大陆板块运动。于是,地球膨胀说(global expanlsion hypothesis)得到了支持。后又为埃吉德(L.Egyed)运用古地理方法表明,从古生代开始被海水淹没的大陆面积在逐渐缩小,并通过消除后来形变而把大陆恢复漂移前的格局。认为只有在直径比现在更小的地球上地球直径是现在的3/4,这样才能得到大陆拼合。卡瑞(S.W.Carey)也有相同论点。但对地球膨胀的原因却出现各种不同解释。
2023-07-12 11:42:191

the city has been expanding rapidly为什么不是expanded

这里是用主动态表达被动。这样的例子很多,比如:This book sells well. 这种书卖得很好。
2023-07-12 11:42:273

out ofmemory while expanding memory stream 什么意思

out ofmemory while expanding memory stream同时扩大了记忆内存流双语对照例句:1.With memory space expanding and the speed of microprocessor cores going everfaster, there was a problem of the memory keeping up. 内存空间不断扩大,运转速度不断加快,随之内存出现了问题。2.While expanding the fund"s mandate seems to be a done deal, expanding its size isin real doubt. 扩大基金的授权看来已经是板上钉钉,但扩大它的规模才是真正的难题。
2023-07-12 11:42:371


城市扩张,意味着越来越多的年轻人涌入城市,这会带来什么样的问题?其实,稍微想一下,我们就能发现各种可能的问题,比如就业压力,住房压力,交通拥堵,城市安全,子女教育等等。至于解决办法,无非是政府扩大就业机会,重视年轻人再教育问题,甚至限制年轻人进入大城市等等。总体来说,本周题目的难度并不大,这类问题也是我们平时都经常讨论和思考的,因此,本周作文比拼的可能还是在语言表达方面。老师笔记01Now it seems that all the big cities around the world are still endlessly expanding. The population of Shanghai, for example, was just 10 million in 1990s, yet today the figure has soared up to 30 million. The cosmopolitan expansion means that more people, young people in particular, are rushing into the big cities and this may cause a host of problems.现在,世界上所有的大城市似乎还在不断扩大。例如,上海的人口在1990年代只有1000万,但今天这个数字已经飙升到了3000万。大城市的扩张意味着更多的人,特别是年轻人,正涌向大城市,而这可能会引起许多问题。解析  (1)本段为引入段:用例子简要说明大城市仍然在扩张,这可能带来问题。  (2) expand 扩张  (3) soar up 飙升  (4) cosmopolitan 世界性的(adj.);大城市(n.)  (5) a host of 许多 (=many)
2023-07-12 11:42:471

windows7装到expanding files 时出错怎么办?

2023-07-12 11:42:583

外贸文献 中英翻译

唯普搜索,用英文FOREIGN TRADE 作为关键字可以找到英文版,在摆渡可以找到中文的。
2023-07-12 11:43:094

Expanding your capabilities______(而不是把知识塞进脑子里) is the key to your success.

【答案】:instead of cramming knowledge into your braininstead of cramming knowledge into your brain 解析:分析句子结构可知,所译部分应为主语的一部分,故此处可用介词短语instead of连接两个并列结构,意为“相反,而不是”;“把……塞进……”可用cram...into...表达:“知识”译为knowledge;因空前为your capabilities,为了保持结构平衡,此处的“脑子”应译为your brain。
2023-07-12 11:43:231


2023-07-12 11:43:543


in the past few decades the great numbers of women activity employed in the labour force has risen sharply。前面的还行,就是这句话有歧义的。women activity是一个词还是两个词?
2023-07-12 11:44:025


consolidation and expansion
2023-07-12 11:44:172


innovatebring forth new ideas; innovate; blaze new trails; make innovations; create sth. new:在艺术上不断创新
2023-07-12 11:44:252

合作领域不段拓宽 合作方式日趋多样 英文怎么翻译呀?

Expanding areas of cooperation Diversity method of cooperation
2023-07-12 11:44:453


1. D. occurred 2. B. restless 3. C. reproached 4. D. clever 5. A. expanding
2023-07-12 11:44:571


1.I can"t ensure you can get a answer that you are satisfied2.The demand of oil is very big now3.He is brave in the face of danger4.The business of the campany is expanding very fast.5.I have no conscious of the error that I have made.
2023-07-12 11:45:053


都是知识分子 ....
2023-07-12 11:45:157

the expanding of 请高手解释expanding 是形容词,为啥有这个结构,

expanding除了能当形容词还是expand动名词形式。具有名词扩张,膨胀的意思。the expanding of例如产业扩展the expanding of industry
2023-07-12 11:45:501


expand与extend的区别:expand是指面上的扩大, extend指线上的延伸延长 回答者:wswss11986 - 大魔导师 十二级 8-9 16:31extend KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 延长,延伸;扩大,扩展 Can"t you extend your visit for a few days? 你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗? 2. 伸,伸出 He extended his hand in greeting. 他伸出手来表示欢迎。 3. 致;给予,提供[(+to)] I would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors. 我想对我们的来访者表示热烈的欢迎。 4. 使竭尽全力[H] vi. 1. 伸展;扩大;延续 The tourist season extends from May till October. 旅游季节从五月延续到十月 expand KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 展开,张开(帆,翅等) The eagle expanded its wings. 老鹰展开翅膀。 2. 使膨胀;使扩张 3. 扩大;扩充;发展 He is thinking of expanding his business. 他正考虑扩展他的生意。 4. 详述 They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。 vi. 1. 展开,张开 2. 扩张;发展;增长 In ten years the city"s population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。 3. 膨胀 Water expands when it freezes. 水结冰时体积膨胀。 A tire expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎打了气就会胀大。 4. 详细说明[(+on/upon)] 5. 变得和蔼可亲;感到心旷神怡;变开朗 My father expanded a little when he had had a drink, and started to talk more freely. 我父亲小酌之后,就变得开朗可亲些,话也说得多了。 Her face expanded in a smile. 她笑逐颜开。 expand有发展的意思,所以这里用expand 回答者:sherry007020 - 经理 四级 8-9 16:32expand一般指面积,体积等,还有发展的意思 extend一般指长度 所以,用expand 回答者:sansendn - 魔法学徒 一级 8-9 16:53extend指长度上面的延伸,expand含有膨胀的意思 比如snooker杆的加长杆就是extention,人口激增就用expansion 这里是说:Tammy和Kitty两个人对于城镇学校系统深入附近的社区(估计是指教育社区化,办理社区教育点)进行深一步讨论之后,我和kitty便离开了 所以这里是指扩张发展,应该用expand,根据语法,这里应该用expanding 希望这些对你有帮助!
2023-07-12 11:46:111

expanding horizon 翻译

2023-07-12 11:46:181


ever-present: 经常存在的 ever-lasting:长久的,永存的 ever-expanding: 不断扩大的 ever-growing:不断增长的,不断成长的
2023-07-12 11:46:273


2023-07-12 11:47:092

people in expanding numbers是什么意思?后面那个词组是什么意思?

people in expanding numbers 扩大数字的人
2023-07-12 11:47:242


2023-07-12 11:47:342


本世纪早期,泵开始使用,膨胀的蒸汽在汽缸中抬升一个活塞,当蒸汽在汽缸中冷凝时气压又将活塞压下来,从而形成气缸内真空。Early in the century 时间状语a pump had come into use 主句in which... 定语从句,形容pump的工作原理
2023-07-12 11:47:423

how can firms profit expanding globally

To do the rationalization of the industrial structure, and credit, and the spirit of determination to win the expansion and pays attention to talents, the miracle!
2023-07-12 11:47:491


2023-07-12 11:47:593

after the Arab states won independence great emphasis was laid on expanding

选C being encouraged 独立主格结构
2023-07-12 11:48:192

请问out of memory while expanding memory stream的汉语

2023-07-12 11:48:251


完整版歌词: Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, 宇宙一度又烫又稠密 Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait. 140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着看吧! The Earth began to cool, 地球开始降温 The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物来起哄 Neanderthals developed tools, 穴居人发明工具 We built a wall (we built the pyramids), 我们建长城(我们建金字塔) Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, 数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘 That all started with the big bang! 一切由大爆炸开始 Since the dawn of man" is really not that long, 其实人类历史没有多久 As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song. 星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短 A fraction of a second and the elements were made. 元素在微秒间便形成了 The bipeds stood up straight, 两足动物直立行走 The dinosaurs all met their fate, 恐龙都得认命了 They tried to leap but they were late 想要突变 没来得及 And they all died (they froze their asses off) 就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石) The oceans and pangea 大洋和泛古陆 See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya 拜拜 才不想学你 Set in motion by the same big bang! 都是爆炸惹的祸 It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始 It"s expanding ever outward but one day 宇宙向外膨胀 但有一天 It will cause the stars to go the other way, 星球会反方向运动 Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt 向内坍塌 反正我们不在了 不会觉得疼 Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang! 我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸 Australopithecus would really have been sick of us 南方古猿肯定不爽我们 Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses) 在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪 (我们现在捉电脑病毒了) Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy 宗教 天文 e百科 旧约申命记 It all started with the big bang! 一切从大爆炸开始 Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology 音乐 神话 爱因斯坦 占星术 It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始 It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始
2023-07-12 11:48:347


青出于蓝而胜于蓝英语的翻译为:The student surpasses the master.1.概述:"青出于蓝而胜于蓝"这句成语原本用来形容后辈学习超过前辈,展示了进步的无限可能。在英语中,我们可以使用类似的表达方式来传达相同的含义。2.The student surpasses the master:这个表达方式直接翻译成英语,意为“学生超越了导师”。这句话强调了新一代的学习能力和发展潜力,他们可以在某些方面超越自己的老师或前辈。3.The pupil outshines the teacher:这个表达方式意为“学生比老师更出色”。它强调了学生在知识和技能方面的优秀表现,超过了他们的教师。这个表达方式也传达了学习是一个不断发展和改进的过程。4.Expanding knowledge:学生成长之路除了直接的翻译表达方式外,我们还可以拓展相关的知识来解释这个成语的含义。学生成长是一个不断超越自我的过程,每一代都有机会创造出更好的成绩和成就。这样的想法在教育领域中非常重要,激励着学生积极学习和发展。5.The torchbearer of knowledge:知识的火炬传人这个表达方式强调了学生作为知识的传承者和发展者的角色。学生通过努力和创新,在某些方面可以超越他们的老师,并且继承并发展更多的知识,为社会做出贡献。6.Rising above the mentor:超越导师这个表达方式强调了学生超越自己的导师,取得更大的成就。它传达了学习是一个不断进步和成长的过程,每一代都有机会突破前人的成就。总结:"青出于蓝而胜于蓝"这个成语在英语中可以使用不同的表达方式来传达相同的意义。无论是直接翻译成"The student surpasses the master"还是使用其他相关的表达方式,都强调了学生的进步和发展潜力。这个成语提醒我们,年轻一代应该不断超越自己,创造出更好的成绩和成就。
2023-07-12 11:49:161


Stablediffusion开阔的视野开阔的视野篇Perspective —— 透视Horizon —— 地平线Vantage point —— 观察点Panorama —— 全景Aerial view —— 鸟瞰图Wide-angle —— 广角Depth of field —— 景深Zoom out —— 缩小Expansive —— 广阔的Infinite —— 无限的Landscapes —— 风景画Cityscape —— 城市风景Seascapes —— 海景画Mountain range —— 山脉Open fields —— 开阔的田野Skyline —— 天际线Panoramic view —— 全景视图Vast expanse —— 广袤的空间Boundless —— 无边无际的Expanding horizons —— 开拓视野Wide open spaces —— 广阔的空间Limitless possibilities —— 无限的可能性Endless exploration —— 无尽的探索Expanding perspectives —— 拓宽视角Limit-breaking —— 打破界限Unobstructed view —— 无遮挡的视野Infinite potential —— 无限的潜力New horizons —— 新的视野Expansive imagination —— 开阔的想象力Broaden your mind —— 扩大思维Wide-eyed wonder —— 惊奇的眼神Embrace the unknown —— 拥抱未知Discover the unseen —— 发现未曾见过的事物Embrace diversity —— 接纳多样性Break free from limitations —— 摆脱限制Embrace change —— 拥抱变化Explore the unexplored —— 探索未被开发的领域Embrace different perspectives —— 接纳不同的观点Dare to dream big —— 勇于追求大梦想Unleash your creativity —— 发挥创造力Think outside the box —— 跳出思维定式Embrace the vastness of the universe —— 拥抱宇宙的无垠Embrace the beauty of diversity —— 拥抱多样性的美丽Embrace the wonders of nature —— 拥抱大自然的奇迹Embrace the richness of cultures —— 拥抱文化的丰富性Embrace the expansiveness of knowledge —— 接纳知识的广博Embrace the freedom of expression —— 接纳表达的自由Embrace the vastness within yourself —— 拥抱你内心的无垠Embrace the vastness of the cosmos —— 接纳宇宙的无垠
2023-07-12 11:49:441

流利说 懂你英语 Level6 Unit2 Part3 Reading

Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3 Reading: The Murder of Caesar Should a good leader be loved or feared? This question is as relevant to leaders today as it was to Julius Caesar when he took control of Rome in 44 BC. How Caesar treated his enemies is a valuable lesson on forgiveness, arrogance, and absolute power. After Caesar seized power, he had to decide how to handle those who opposed him. Roman politics had always been bloody. The previous dictator had murdered 5,000 of his rivals and confiscated their property after coming to power. Caesar"s enemies expected a similar punishment. But Caesar was determined not to rule through fear. If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people. So he made a fateful decision: rather than punish or kill his enemies, he offered them mercy and incentives. He didn"t seize their property, and he even rewarded some of them with high-ranking government positions. However, not all of his enemies wanted to be forgiven. Caesar"s rivals came from the aristocracy. Many had held power in the Senate for centuries. By expanding and reforming the Senate, Caesar had shifted power away from the aristocracy and taken it for himself. The high-ranking positions he had given as rewards had no real authority. For the aristocracy, to live without power was not forgiveness, but humiliation. Caesar should have known that many senators hated him, but his arrogance seems to have blinded him. After he made himself dictator for life, he proclaimed himself a god and consolidated more power. These actions infuriated his enemies and even his allies. However, he still considered many senators to be his loyal friends. He even dismissed his personal security force. Ironically, when he was assassinated, it was his good friend, Brutus, who led the plot. Perhaps it is better for a leader to be feared. If Caesar hadn"t let his rivals live, he might not have been murdered. But was forgiveness the problem? Caesar"s reforms took power from the aristocracy, and his arrogance angered both friends and enemies. Perhaps if he hadn"t been so arrogant, or acted like a god, he would have survived. Level 6 Unit 2 Part 3 Reading: Urban Elderly Care in India Lack of adequate care for senior citizens is a real issue in India that cuts across economic and social strata. Many of us have personally lived through and experienced it with our parents and elders. Most senior citizens, especially those who live independently, are unable to get the care and trusted support they need. As a result, they compromise on their needs and lifestyle. Their children or caregivers are forced to spend disproportionate time, and/or resources to support them. So much so, that many women are forced to stay away from the workforce to take care of elders at home. The imminent demographic, economic, and social changes that accompany the growing population of senior citizens, together with the rising aspirations of the young, leading to more women in the workforce, are rapidly driving up the magnitude of this problem. If we look at numbers, India is home to 115 million elderlies, which is more than 8% of the population. Many of us don"t realize it, but that puts India into the category of “aging” countries. While India"s overall population will grow by about 40% from 2006 to 2050, the population of the oldest elderly, 80 plus, will grow 500% over the same period. This should be enough to make one take notice. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. Some may see this as a challenge and some as a huge opportunity. Businesses have attempted to address this only sporadically, with emotional advertising that features a poignant conversation involving an elderly grandparent. But there has been very little effort to provide products and services. The reasons for such apathy, especially among entrepreneurs, are not difficult to guess. Many feel that the elderly are cynical, not open to experiment and not willing to spend. Investors see bigger opportunities for exponential growth in addressing young, upwardly mobile consumers. Still, I"m left with the question of why aren"t more products and services designed for the elderly? I sense a problem looking for the solution.
2023-07-12 11:50:151

After the Arab States won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with gi...

B 试题分析:句意:在阿拉伯国家赢得独立后,他们重视扩大教育,很多的男孩女孩们都被鼓励去上学。女孩们和男孩们被鼓励去上学,with为介词,介词短语后用being done。故选B点评:with结构用途广泛,具体如下:“with +复合宾语”结构的一般构成: with +宾语+介词短语 with +宾语+现在分词 with +宾语+过去分词with +宾语+不定式 with +宾语+形容词 with +宾语+副词 with +宾语+名词
2023-07-12 11:50:251

英语翻译 看漫画有助于扩展孩子的想象力。(expand)

Read comic help extend the child"s imagination
2023-07-12 11:50:452

Great emphasis was laid on expanding education with girls as well as boys ( )to go to school.

2023-07-12 11:50:521


A glance at any newspaper will reveal hundreds of advertisement.Some are elaborate full-page displays while the majority are in the more economical classified sections.People and firms advertise for all sorts of reasons.We can read about job vacancies,new products,people wanting to sell or purchase houses and cars,announcement of births and deaths , lonely hearts looking for partner, home servicesand others.The list goes on and is expanding everyday.在任何报纸一眼就会发现数以百计的广告。一些精致的全页显示,大多数都是在更经济的章节分类。人和公司做广告,因为种种原因,我们可以读到有关职位空缺的新产品,人们希望出售或购买房子和汽车,出生和死亡的公告,寂寞的心,寻找合作伙伴,家庭服务他人。等等不断扩大。
2023-07-12 11:51:022


The significance of reading week: expanding knowledge, entertainmentStudents to the schools that such activities are organized
2023-07-12 11:51:104

英语翻译 哪位高手帮帮忙 急 he understood that "the need for a constantly expanding market for its

2023-07-12 11:51:202


1. To consolidate the advantage of Link in the are of Commercial Desktop Market Share2. To show customers the advantages of Link with Beatch Chip3. To upgrade the coverage in the area of military,education,government by the FY09 Q34. assist Link Q3"s 100-College roving exhibition and military clients expanding activities in this quarter(这句话没太看懂,可能翻译的不够准确)5. transplant parts of productions based on the STD and MAC platform,expand Beatch the market of Beatch platform in the field of military,education,government.都是自己手工翻译的,如果有什么疑问,可以给我发短息~~
2023-07-12 11:51:353

求赤西仁的A PAGE的歌词!!及准确翻译~~

2023-07-12 11:51:443


2023-07-12 11:52:058


The minium order quanity is at least 1 tons. There is no discount on the prices because our quality is best and acturally we don"t too much stock left so please consider our prices again based on the high raw material increase and best quality. Give us a reply soonest possible to get our stock. If you have any other enquiry, please feel free to contact us.
2023-07-12 11:52:306


2023-07-12 11:52:464

美剧《天才也性感》(THE BIG BANG THEORY)开头曲的歌词是什么

  Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,  Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...  The Earth began to cool,  The autotrophs began to drool,  Neanderthals developed tools,  We built a wall (we built the pyramids),  Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,  That all started with the big bang!  "Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,  As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.  A fraction of a second and the elements were made.  The bipeds stood up straight,  The dinosaurs all met their fate,  They tried to leap but they were late  And they all died (they froze their asses off)  The oceans and pangea  See ya, wouldn"t wanna be ya  Set in motion by the same big bang!  It all started with the big BANG!  It"s expanding ever outward but one day  It will cause the stars to go the other way,  Collapsing ever inward, we won"t be here, it wont be hurt  Our best and brightest figure that it"ll make an even bigger bang!  Australopithecus would really have been sick of us  Debating out while here they"re catching deer (we"re catching viruses)  Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy  It all started with the big bang!  Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology  It all started with the big bang!  It all started with the big BANG!
2023-07-12 11:52:542