barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-07-12 18:00:54




feather 羽的意思





这个最好是中文名经过自己的思想得出来的 不但看不错性别 而且自己也会感觉很特别

eg. 叫英丽的女孩子--Enly 比如Shraya ...


布尔 Boole, George


windy achou wsecy






only 英[u02c8u0259u028anli] 美[u02c8ou028anli] adj. 唯一的; 仅有的; 最好的,最适当的; adv. 只,仅仅; 结果却,不料; conj. 但是,可是; 要不是; [例句]That left Mr Dertliev as the only candidate.那使得德尔特利耶夫先生成为唯一的候选人。
2023-07-12 10:51:041

Enly 什么意思?

不是个词。从没见过。你自个取得英文名吗?呵呵 ~~怎么知道我是mm啊~~郁闷捂脸
2023-07-12 10:51:124


2023-07-12 10:51:191


第一个是 第二个是个英文名字吧
2023-07-12 10:51:272


2023-07-12 10:51:341


英文名没什么合适不合适的 喜欢想用就用呗 我只记得我们外教说过不能用动物或者一些名词当作别称或者名字说那是对别人或自己的不尊重也是侮辱所以你只要避开这些就没问题了
2023-07-12 10:51:411

you can enly think to it 什么意思?

你单词写错了吧? enly有这个单词?是anly吧? 意思是你想怎么认为就怎么认为。
2023-07-12 10:51:471


2023-07-12 10:52:134


C 句子意思是突然窗户打开了,一个身材矮小的男人朝外面望去.
2023-07-12 10:52:201

perform consist enly的翻译

意思:那些最初没有被奖励,而是在开始十天后开始奖励的老鼠马上开始显出减少错误的现象,但是很快就变得和一直被奖励的老鼠有相似的出错率. “that were initially unrewarded but began to be rewarded only after the tenth day ”是修饰第一个Rats的,此句子中的第一个定语从句,“showed an immediate reduction in errors and soon became similar in error rate to the rats”是第一个Rats的动作,而“that had been rewarded consistenly”是修饰第二个rats的,是此句的第二个定语从句.
2023-07-12 10:52:371


2023-07-12 10:52:461

sometimes it rains sudaenly什么意思

Sometimes it rains suddenly有时会突然下雨.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
2023-07-12 10:52:531

more recenly是什么意思?

recently 最近more recently 最近以来recently = 最近 --> Very recently:这个very是形容"更加"近期的意思 - 加重语气用的
2023-07-12 10:53:001


2023-07-12 10:53:115


So I met this guy while I was on vacation in Nevada. His name is Thomas and I can"t get him out of my mind! When I first got back from my holiday we exchanged a few e-mails . It was hard not letting on just how *** itten I really was. 我在内华达州度假时认识一个很棒的男孩,他叫汤玛斯,我一直对他无法忘怀!当我结束假期回家后,我们互通了几封电子邮件,我很难掩饰我对他有多神魂颠倒。 Once while we chatted on MSN I almost wrote I love you. Somehow I managed to keep it in . However that was yesterday and today is another story. You won"t believe it but he called me this morning. 有次当我们在MSN 上聊天时,我几乎写下“我爱你”,不过我还是没写出来。不过那都是过去的事了,今天又是崭新的一天。你绝对不会相信,他今天早上竟然打电话给我。 We were talking for a while when suddenly he said “Nicole I can"t stop thinking about you! You"re amazing and I don"t want to be away from you. What would you say if I came to see you?” I was speechless for a second then shouted “YES! Yes! Yes and Yes!” I am over the moon right now . He is planning on ing in 4 weeks and said he would stay for as long as I let him. Wow! I can"t wait ! 我们聊了一会儿,他突然说:“妮可,我没有办法不想你!你是个很好的女孩,我不想和你相隔两地,我去找你好吗?”我刹那间讲不出话来,然后大叫“好啊!好啊!当然好啊!”我现在欣喜若狂,他计划四星期后来找我,并且说我允许他待多久,他就待多久。哇!我等不及了! v. 遇见 I"m here to meet my parents. 我来这里见我的父母。 ing adj. 非常好的 I just saw an amazing play. 我刚刚看了一出很棒的戏剧。 e conj. 当……的时候 It started to rain while she was crossing the street. 当她过马路时,天开始下起雨来。 tion n. 假期 She"s not at work because she"s on vacation. 她没上班,因为她在休假。 sth./ *** . out of one"s mind 忘记某事/某人 Mary tried to get the unpleasant memory out of her mind. 玛莉设法忘记不愉快的回忆。 day n. 假日 National Day is a holiday. 国庆节是一个节日。 ange v. 交换 Do you know where I can exchange USD with local currency? 你知道我在哪里可以把美金换成当地货币吗? 8.e-mail n. 电子邮件 E-mail is a modern way of munication. 电子邮件是一种现代通讯方式。 on 泄漏 Peter let on that it was he who stole the money. 彼得坦承其实是他偷了钱。 ten adj. 神魂颠倒的 Mary was *** itten with Bill. 玛莉为比尔神魂颠倒。 v. 聊天 I like to chat with my close friends. 我喜欢和我的好朋友聊天。 n. 线上即时聊天软体 She likes to use MSN to talk to her friends all over the world. 她喜欢使用MSN和世界各地的朋友聊天。 st adv. 几乎 Joe dozed off and almost missed his plane! 乔打瞌睡,差点错过班机! how adv. 用某种方法 Somehow or other Tom knew he was going to win. 汤姆知道无论如何他都会赢。 ge v. 设法做到 I"ll manage to get it done tomorrow. 我会设法明天完成。 in 隐瞒 John couldn"t keep in his anger. 约翰无法隐瞒他的不满。 e n. 一段时间 It"s been a while since we last saw her. 我们已经有好一阵子没有看到她了。 enly adv. 突然地 My puter suddenly stopped working. 我的电脑突然出故障了。 chless adj. 一时说不出话来的 Everybody was speechless at the sight of the magnificent sunset. 每个人看到壮观的夕阳都叹为观止。 t v. 大叫 I asked him not to shout or he would wake up the neighbors. 我叫他不要大叫,不然会吵醒邻居们。 the moon 欣喜若狂 We were over the moon when we won the championship. 当我们赢得冠军时,大伙都欣喜若狂。 t now现在 My boss is available right now. 我老板现在有空了。 on 计划 We plan on going to Hawaii this summer. 我们计划今年夏天去夏威夷。 long as 只要 You can play games as long as you finish the homework. 做完功课后你才可以玩。 "t wait 等不及 I can"t wait to see what the birthday gift is! 我等不及要看是什么生日礼物了!
2023-07-12 10:53:431

wnrld is too noisy.take care youreslf

1:没什么特别的,只是最近天气突然间就冷的不得了,连续下了2天的雪,我只能在家里待着,哪里也去不了了. There is nothing special.Just the weather becomes quite cold recenly.It has snowed for two days and I could only stay at home and could not go anywhere. 2:让别人好好注意身体,直接说take care行不行,还是得说take care of yourself 直接说take care就是保重的意思 可以这么说的 美剧里分别的时候常会说这句话的 take care of yourself 更为完整一些
2023-07-12 10:53:501

Until recenly,there has not been much effort to reduce logistical packaging是什么意思

2023-07-12 10:53:571


2023-07-12 10:54:183


2023-07-12 10:54:284


2023-07-12 10:55:049


  岁月不会等待任何人,在时间面前,任何人都是平等的。下面是我给大家整理的等待的英语短语,供大家参阅!   等待的英语短语篇1   知更鸟必须等待,等到能飞的时候。   They have to wait until they fly.   我们是现在走,还是等待下次空袭?   Shall we go now, or wait for the next?   而她则仍然在等待着他们找到她。   And still she waited for them to find her.   那么你正在等待什么呢?   So what are you waiting for?   可是你懂得怎样等待。   Thou knowest how to wait.   毕竟,我们的心中都有一个“甘地”,只是等待着时机展现。   After all, we all have a “Gandhi” inside of us, just waiting to emerge.   他把这些玩具车排在我们中间的座位上,其中两辆背靠椅背停着,而第三辆正等待进入它们之间的那个位置。   These he arranged on the seat between us, two of them parked against the seat back, the thirdwaiting to pull into the space between.   他在等待我们做好准备迎接他。   Heu2019s waiting on us to be ready for him.   应该先敲门,然后等待进入的邀请。   Knock first, then wait to be invited in.   然而,谁有时间来等待这个减肥结果呢?   But who has time to wait for the results?   但是投资者们不会永远等待。   But investors will not wait for ever.   您可以等待一些元素或文本出现或者不出现。   You can wait for some element or text to be present or not.   现在我要做的一切就是等待苹果成熟!   All I have to do now is wait for the apples!   然后等待。   Then wait.   然后等待。   Then wait.   等待的英语短语篇2   And the schools play a major role in this and thus all these kids who grew up speaking patois or Provencal or Gascon-- I forgot Gascon, around Bordeaux, they can sing the Marseillaise in acceptable French as they march off to be slaughtered.   在这里面学校扮演了主要角色,所以这些说着,方言或者普罗旺斯语或者加斯科涅语的孩子们,我把加斯科涅语忘了,在波尔多附近,他们操着勉强能接受的法语唱着马赛曲,上前线等待被屠杀   And this movie, i don"t know if I would recommend it that much, it"s... Perhaps I"m being too pC, but I"m not convinced that for the modern woman, hanging around waiting for your prince to come is really a good strategy.   这部电影我真不知道怎么推荐给大家,也许我已经老了吧,但我课不觉得现代的女性四处游荡,等待你的白马王子出现是个好策略   and then you would wait two seconds or so and then you would see a target, presented very rapidly.   然后你会等待大约两秒钟,的时间,之后你会看到一个目标,显示得非常快。   The office hours are a time when they will be seated waiting for visitors.   办公时间是,他们会坐在那,等待拜访者。   I did not abandon my interest in politics to discover how it might be bettered in other respects, and I was perpetually awaiting my opportunity.   我并未放弃对政治的兴趣,仍想探索,如何能更有效地管治,我也一直都在等待我的机会。   They"re ready to rapidly differentiate into antibody producing cells and they"re waiting for that second signal to come.   并可以迅速分化为,抗体分泌细胞,记忆细胞在等待第二次信号的到来   And again, you don"t teach an animal to play Ping-Pong by waiting for it to play Ping-Pong and then rewarding it.   同样,你并不能通过等待动物打乒乓球,然后给其奖励,来使动物学会打乒乓球。   But is this something that you will sit there patiently, waiting for, within unknowing?   不过您会坐在那里,在不确定的情况下耐心等待艺术的发生么?   In some ways I think that that"s because the poem Lycidas seems in some ways to solve the problem of Milton"s waiting, this problem that he has of needing to wait.   就某些方面而言,我认为是因为,看起来以某种方式解决了弥尔顿耽搁多时,却又的确有等待的必要的问题。   It"s a little puzzle piece that says when the green flag is clicked and this is kind ; of like the beginning of a program; when you double click an icon on your desktop this is how something like that is implemented; it"s listening for that double click, it"s listening for that green flag.   是一小个按钮,它的意思是,何时点击绿色旗帜,这就好比开始运行程序;,当你双击桌面上的图标,就开始执行操作,桌面的图标需要双击,绿色小旗也等待点击来执行命令。   While they"re sitting there thinking about painful shock it"s making their heart beat faster, it"s making their palms sweat, it"s making them breathe harder maybe.   因为在等待痛击实验时,他们的心跳加速,手心冒汗,可能呼吸开始急促。   They will be sitting there waiting for visitors.   他们会就坐在那,等待拜访者。   Then they waited and saw how much they can made.   然后他们等待看看自己能挣多少钱。   They"re rewarded for their waiting.   他们反而因为等待获得奖赏。   Please fill out these forms while you wait."   请在等待时完成表格“   等待的英语短语篇3   So let"s think about seeing and theology and all the issues that are already on the table for us.   所以,让我们来思考认知、,神学和其他已经在等待着我们的问题。   and then invest it in a company or an idea that has a very high chance of not working.   然后投资一家公司,或者等待一个良好的机会。   But as he asks at the end, "... / when was that ever a bar / to any watch they keep?"   但他最后问的那句。,哪里什么时候有一个小酒馆/,用来让他们等待?   And I encourage all of you to take a moment today to perhaps sit and let something happen to your own writing or your own spiritual life.   我希望大家今天都能抽空,坐下来,等待奇迹,发生在您的写作中,或者您的精神生活中。   no notation, everybody sits there sort of mummified, waiting for this great work of art to come back to life.   没有乐谱,每个人跟木乃伊一样坐在那里,等待着伟大的作品再现人间   They just wait, they wait for their time, they wait until you are in danger from a particular antigen.   它们时刻准备着,在等待着那一刻,等待你被某种特别的抗原威胁的时刻   And how can Milton have anything to show for his talent until he has -- this is the logic - until he has patiently waited for God to inspire him to write?   弥尔顿怎样才能证明自己有才除非,他有作品面世--就是这个逻辑,-直到他耐心地等待上帝指示去创作?   And we won"t wait here one hundred seconds for it to finish, but we"re using the loop, we"re updating a variable, and we"re formatting it in a nice way.   我们将不会再这里等待100秒来等它完成,但是我们使用循环,我们更新一个变量,我们把它排成一个漂亮的格式。   What" s better is to plash yourself in the middle of something you genuienly love, and wait for the wave to come and find you.   更好的办法是置身于,自己真正热爱的事业当中,等待潮流来追随你。   There is something that you really have to ask, something that cannot wait.   有什么非问不可的问题,无法等待。   Log times, right.? Exactly as the gentleman said.   哦,抱歉,你一定很耐心的在等待奖励吧。   Of course, you can imagine the thoughts of Louis XVI as they were cutting back his hair to await the fall of the guillotine on the 21st of January, 1793.   你可以想象下在1793年1月21日这天,当人们拽住路易十六的头发,等待断头台下落时他会想些什么   You can put yourself on waiting lists and so forth.   你可以把自己放进等待名单里等等。   In United states, only five percent wait that long.   在美国,只有五分之一的病人需等待。   While you"re waiting please fill out this form."   等待的时候,请填写这张表格“
2023-07-12 10:55:291


AI床垫有改善睡眠的作用,是一个自动调节适应身体曲线的全智能睡眠床垫,HEKA AI床垫采用的是顶级材质,有超强的包裹性,可以大大缓解、分散人体压力,它不仅能贴合适应人体生理曲线,还能对脊椎起到良好承托,从而塑造正确睡姿,可谓是真正的智能床垫。
2023-07-12 10:55:375


2023-07-12 10:56:182


1.I certenly like ball game on the playground.2.We should not make fun of others.3.You must bring my bike back to me tomorrow.4.Did you hear from Tom yesterday?5.You must promise that the water isn"t too hot or too cold. 6.So he spends half an hour listening to music every day.7.It"s very kind of you.8.He is writing a story of 1500-word.9.The mouse cut the rope off and helped the lion get rid of dangers.10.Don"t shock the dog.11.what a delicious beefsteak!How delicious the beersteak is!
2023-07-12 10:56:354


resently 拼写错了,是 recently 。句子里有副词 recently 不可用现在进行时态,要用现在完成时态:have /has + done句子应改为这样:- What have you done recenly?
2023-07-12 10:56:531


Have you been busy recently?There have been great changes in Shanghai in the past 20 years.
2023-07-12 10:57:014

求 欧阳修 "梅圣俞诗集序" 语译, 谢谢.

《梅圣俞诗集序》欧阳修 【原文】 予闻世谓诗人,少达而多穷,夫岂然哉﹗盖世所传诗者,多出于古穷人之词也。凡士之蕴其所有,而不得施于世者,多喜自放于山巅水涯之外,见虫鱼草木风云鸟兽之状类,往往探其奇怪;内有忧思感愤之郁积,其兴于怨剌,以道羁臣寡妇之所叹,而写人情之难言,盖愈穷则愈工;然则非诗之能穷人,殆穷者而后工也。 予友梅圣俞,少以荫补为吏,累举进士,辄抑于有司,困于州县,凡十余年。年今五十,犹从辟书为人之佐,郁其所蓄,不得奋见于事业。其家宛陵,幼习于诗,自为童子,出语已惊其长老。既长,学乎六经仁义之说,其为文章,简古纯粹,不求苟说于世;世之人,徒知其诗而已。然时无贤愚,语诗者必求之圣俞;圣俞亦自以其不得志者,乐于诗而发之,故其生平所作,于诗尤多。诗既知之矣,而未有荐于上者。昔王文康公,尝见而叹曰︰「二百年无此作矣。」虽知之深,亦不果荐也。若使其幸得见于朝廷,作为雅颂,以歌咏大宋之初德;荐之清庙,而追商周鲁颂之作者,岂不伟欤﹗奈何使其老不得志,而为穷者之诗,乃徒发于虫鱼物类,羁愁感叹之言﹗世徒喜其工,不知其穷之久而将老也,可不惜哉﹗ 圣俞诗既多不自收拾,其妻之兄子谢景初,惧其多而易失也,取其自洛阳至于吴兴以来所作,次为十卷。予尝嗜圣俞诗,而患不能尽得之,遽喜谢氏之能类此也,辄序而藏之。 其后十五年,圣俞以疾卒于京师。余既哭而铭之,因索于其家,得其遗稿千余篇,并旧所藏,掇其尤者,六百七十七篇,为一十五卷。呜呼﹗吾于圣俞诗论之详矣,故不复云。 【译文】 圣俞诗作虽多,自己却不好好整理收藏。他的内侄谢景初担心他的诗太多,容易散失,搜集他从洛阳到吴兴以来的作品,编为十卷。我十分喜欢圣俞的诗,曾经担心不能全部得到,很高兴谢景初能把它分类编次,我立即写了这篇序言,和他的作品一同收藏起来。 我的好友梅圣俞,年轻时靠先辈的功名而受封官职,虽然数次被举荐考进士,都被有关部门压制不取,困顿在州县做小官有十多年。他今年快五十岁了,尚且接受别人的聘书,做人家的幕僚,素来具备的才学只得郁积冻结,不能在事业上表现出来。他的家乡在宛陵,年幼时就开始学诗,童年时,说出的话已经使长辈惊讶;年纪再大点,学习六经仁义的道理后,他写作的文章,简洁古朴,十分纯正,从不苟且迎合取悦世人的欢心,可惜世人只知道他的诗写得好。不过,当时不管是聪明还是愚笨的人,讲谈诗歌的必定求教于圣俞。圣俞也把不得志的感受,乐于通过诗作表达出来,所以他平生写作的,以诗特别多。世人知道他的诗写得好,却没有把他推荐给朝廷的人。昔日,王文康公曾见到他的诗,赞叹说︰「二百年来也没见过这样的好作品﹗」虽然很了解他,却始终没有推荐他。如果让他有幸得到朝廷的任用,得以写作像雅、颂等作品,歌颂朝廷的功德,奉献给宗庙,可媲美《商颂》、《周颂》、《鲁颂》作者的遗风,岂不是很好吗?怎么让他到老也不得志,而去写那种不得志之士的诗,只能单单抒发感情于虫鱼物类、羁旅之愁一类的感叹文辞呢?世人只知道他的诗写得好,却不知道他不得志己久,又快要老了,多么可惜啊﹗ 圣俞诗作虽多,自己却不好好整理收藏。他的内侄谢景初担心他的诗太多,容易散失,搜集他从洛阳到吴兴以来的作品,编为十卷。我十分喜欢圣俞的诗,曾经担心不能全部得到,很高兴谢景初能把它分类编次,我立即写了这篇序言,和他的作品一同收藏起来。 十五年后,圣愈在京城因病逝世。我哭悼过他,为他写了一篇墓志铭,因而向他家里人求取他的诗作,得到他的遗稿一千多篇,加上我往日收藏的,选出其中最好的六百七十七首诗,编成十五卷。唉﹗我对圣俞的诗已经论述得很详细了,所以不再重复了。 参考: rt/chiculture/chilit/dy05_0701 梅圣俞诗集序   予闻世谓诗人,少达而多穷,夫岂然哉﹗盖世所传诗者,多出于古穷人之词也。   凡士之蕴其所有,而不得施于世者,多喜自放于山巅水涯之外,见虫鱼草木风云   鸟兽之状类,往往探其奇怪;内有忧思感愤之郁积,其兴于怨剌,以道羁臣寡妇   之所叹,而写人情之难言,盖愈穷则愈工;然则非诗之能穷人,殆穷者而后工也。   予友梅圣俞,少以荫补为吏,累举进士,辄抑于有司,困于州县,凡十余年。年   今五十,犹从辟书为人之佐,郁其所蓄,不得奋见于事业。其家宛陵,幼习于诗,   自为童子,出语已惊其长老。既长,学乎六经仁义之说,其为文章,简古纯粹,   不求苟说于世;世之人,徒知其诗而已。然时无贤愚,语诗者必求之圣俞;圣俞   亦自以其不得志者,乐于诗而发之,故其生平所作,于诗尤多。诗既知之矣,而   未有荐于上者。昔王文康公,尝见而叹曰︰「二百年无此作矣。」虽知之深,亦   不果荐也。若使其幸得见于朝廷,作为雅颂,以歌咏大宋之初德;荐之清庙,而   追商周鲁颂之作者,岂不伟欤﹗奈何使其老不得志,而为穷者之诗,乃徒发于虫   鱼物类,羁愁感叹之言﹗世徒喜其工,不知其穷之久而将老也,可不惜哉﹗圣俞   诗既多不自收拾,其妻之兄子谢景初,惧其多而易失也,取其自洛阳至于吴兴以   来所作,次为十卷。予尝嗜圣俞诗,而患不能尽得之,遽喜谢氏之能类此也,辄   序而藏之。其后十五年,圣俞以疾卒于京师。余既哭而铭之,因索于其家,得其   遗稿千余篇,并旧所藏,掇其尤者,六百七十七篇,为一十五卷。呜呼﹗吾于圣   俞诗论之详矣,故不复云。   参考: ME 梅圣俞诗集序   闻世谓诗人,少达而多穷,夫岂然哉﹗盖世所传诗者,多出于古穷人之词也。   凡士之蕴其所有,而不得施于世者,多喜自放于山巅水涯之外,见虫鱼草木风云   鸟兽之状类,往往探其奇怪;内有忧思感愤之郁积,其兴于怨剌,以道羁臣寡妇   之所叹,而写人情之难言,盖愈穷则愈工;然则非诗之能穷人,殆穷者而后工也。   予友梅圣俞,少以荫补为吏,累举进士,辄抑于有司,困于州县,凡十余年。年   今五十,犹从辟书为人之佐,郁其所蓄,不得奋见于事业。其家宛陵,幼习于诗,   自为童子,出语已惊其长老。既长,学乎六经仁义之说,其为文章,简古纯粹, 不求苟说于世;世之人,徒知其诗而已。然时无贤愚,语诗者必求之圣俞;圣俞   亦自以其不得志者,乐于诗而发之,故其生平所作,于诗尤多。诗既知之矣,而   未有荐于上者。昔王文康公,尝见而叹曰︰「二百年无此作矣。」虽知之深,亦   不果荐也。若使其幸得见于朝廷,作为雅颂,以歌咏大宋之初德;荐之清庙,而   追商周鲁颂之作者,岂不伟欤﹗奈何使其老不得志,而为穷者之诗,乃徒发于虫   鱼物类,羁愁感叹之言﹗世徒喜其工,不知其穷之久而将老也,可不惜哉﹗圣俞   诗既多不自收拾,其妻之兄子谢景初,惧其多而易失也,取其自洛阳至于吴兴以   来所作,次为十卷。予尝嗜圣俞诗,而患不能尽得之,遽喜谢氏之能类此也,辄   序而藏之。其后十五年,圣俞以疾卒于京师。余既哭而铭之,因索于其家,得其   遗稿千余篇,并旧所藏,掇其尤者,六百七十七篇,为一十五卷。呜呼﹗吾于圣 俞诗论之详矣,故不复云。 读〈梅圣俞诗集序〉有感 夫才人不遇,自古有之,综观史册,比比皆是,如贾生之才高志大,得遇明主,犹自伤而 卒,况他人乎! 然而,吾不以不遇称圣俞。盖不遇者,吾以为乃名不称其才,人不知其名,殁而无闻。今 圣俞虽宦途不遂,然有永叔为其知己,多方称许推崇,使其名扬海内,声闻于后世,孰不 遇哉?遇矣。 况圣俞所以累举不第,必有其因,岂特有司抑之。吾疑其诗不如其名,而永叔盛爱其人, 乃夸饰之;或其为文不若诗,以此失利,亦未可知。若然,圣俞岂不遇哉,竟乃大遇!   参考: home.kimo/littleenly/artic13
2023-07-12 10:57:231


先占个坑去看看。。1.I hope you don"t mind, but I want very much to watch the game this coming Saturday.I certainly do mind. But there is nothing I can do about it, is there?2.How much is this suitcase?Two hundred dollars, sir.Oh, that"s too expensive.You see, it"s real leather, and it is made in Italy.3.How is your grandma feeling these days?Much better thanks. She will be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success and she"ll recover soon.4.Did you see Kevin"s new hair cut? It is pretty strange, don"t you think?I don"t know. I mean I don"t think I would look good on you, but on him, well, I think it really matches his beard.5.I wonder what"s happened to Cindy. She hasn"t been around for at least three weeks.He took a leave me to see her mother in Europe. When will she come back? Next Monday.1.Emergency line. Can I help you?Yes, I want to report an accident.Would you please give me the details, sir?A taxi hit a truck on highway 818.Has anyone been badly injured?I"m not sure. the truck driver says he"s okay, but the passenger in the taxi might have broken her leg.May I have your name, please?Bill Thompson.Thank you, Mr. Thompson. We"ll send an ambulance and a police car immediately. It is 9:54, and they should be there by 10 o"clock. Thanks again.2.Did you get to talk to Parkinsons about their trip to ???Oh yeah. They said they had a great time.What did they say the weather was like?They said it was too hot. They suggested we take thin shirts.Did you ask about the hotels?It seems that they had good service and weren"t expensive.Yeah that"s what I heard. Did they say if they had any language problems?Sometimes. They told me that hardly anyone spoke English except people in the hotels. And they found people in the hotels very helpful and friendlyWell that was good. And did they buy much while we were there?Not much. They said they didn"t buy clothes they want. They are much more expensive than those in the UK, but they told me we could get jewelry and gold for very little.3.Hello. Do you remember me? I bought some vases from you yesterday. I thought I"d come back to buy a few postcards. My sister used to always send a postcard to herself whenever she went anywhere. I want to do that too.Okay. We have plenty of postcards to choose from. The same designs can also be found on these posters.Posters are difficult to travel with. I think I"ll just buy the postcards. I heard that you might also have some of the masks that are made in Venice.Yes, we do. Would you like me to get one down for you to look at?Yes, I think I"d like the green mask. I"d also like to buy some chocolate. It"s my girlfriend"s birthday today.We"ve got plenty to choose from here.4.Hi Sam, what are you doing out here? There"s a practice starting in five minutes for the school play.I"m not going to be Romeo anymore. Ms. Hayes says my voice isn"t loud enough.Oh, that"s too bad. I know she asked to do speak louder at the first few practices we had. But you did what she said.Well, she says she"s not going to give me another chance to be Romeo. She offered me another smaller part, but I don"t really want it.Why don"t you take the part she"s offering, and maybe you can have a bigger part next timeYou can"t persuade me. I spent such a long time learning Romeo speeches. I can"t start again. I"m going to offer to do the scenery instead. They"re still looking for someone to do that.So at least I"ll see you at the practices. Come on then. I won"t come today. I"ll see Ms. Hayes later, and see what she thinks of my idea.5.This is Bob Smith from channel 13 news. I"m at the scene of a fire that occurred earlier today.The fire broke out at the three-story building behind me. Unfortunately, we"re not able to get any closer, because there is still danger. However those who happened to be passing by say that they noticed fire coming from the building earlier this morning. It was believed that everyone had been taken to safety. However, one mother, Susan O"Connor, when she had returned and noticed the fire, she burst into tears because she realized that her three-month-old baby was still inside. However, some people report seeing a dog, the family dog, pulling the baby to safety by the baby"s clothes. Fortunately everyone is reported to be fine the baby was taken to the hospital as well as the dog. But we"re happy to say that at this time, it looks like everyone will be fine. This is channel 13 news.这是我最后一次回答这种问题了。。妥妥的跪了。。
2023-07-12 10:57:313

请问谁有 FrontPage的关于一个明星的网页作品,想参考一下,可以发到我邮箱

2023-07-12 10:57:394

启蒙英文翻译 启蒙?

130部高评分英音双语字幕电影链接: 提取码: tqkz据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子。
2023-07-12 10:57:503


Though he has experienced ups and downs, I always believe in him that he will succeed one day.
2023-07-12 10:58:083


学英语教师专业素质测试题 姓名 分数 一、教育理论、心理学试题(16分)1、选择题(10分)⑴“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的学思结合思想最早出自( )。A.《学记》 B.《论语》 C.《孟子》 D.《中庸》 ⑵教师的根本任务是( )A.教书 B.育人 C.教书育人 D.带好班级⑶对小学生的舆论起主要导向作用的是( )。 A.班干部 B.教师 C.学生自身 D.学生领袖 ⑷马斯洛需要层次论中的最高层次需要是( )A、生理与安全需要 B、社交与尊重需要C、求知与审美需要 D、自我实现需要⑸马克思认为,人的劳动能力是( )的总和。 A.知识与能力 B.智力与能力 C.体力与智力 D.体力与能力2、写出你最崇拜的两位教育家的名字以及他们的主要教育思想和一句名言。(6分)名 字 主 要 教 育 思 想 他 (她) 的 教 育 名 言二、《英语课程标准》知识试题(22分)1、判断题,正确的写T,错误的写F.(12分)⑴新课程强调教学过程是师生交往,共同发展的互动过程。 ( )⑵听、说、读、写是学习和运用语言必备的四项语言基本技能。 ( )⑶小学阶段英语教学的重点应放在听、说训练上。 ( )⑷归纳总结语言知识或语言规则,对小学生的英语学习没有多大的帮助。( )⑸英语基本能力、信息意识与能力已经成为当代公民的必备素质。 ( )⑹英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以教师为主体的思想。 ( )2、简答题:(10分)⑴《英语课程标准》中指出语言技能包括哪些内容?(5分)⑵基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是什么?(5分)三、英语学科知识和基本技能试题(62分)[一] 单项选择(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。1. Jack ______ the book Harry Porter. It"s funny. A. have B. don"t have C. has 2. You look much ______ than before. A. fine B. better C. best 3. The boy is good ______ making kites silk. A. in, for B. on, by C. at, with 4. — Sally, where are you? ____ friends are here. — I"m at the study. I"m coming. A. Your B. Their C. Mine 5. My grandparents are ______ . A. Australia B. Australian C. Australians 6. Stop ________, please. I have some good news for you. A. talk B. to talk C. talking 7. — Which sweater do you want? —I want _______. A. it B. the green one C. one8. — ______ you answer me these questions in English? — Sorry. I"m afraid they are too difficult for me. A. Can B. May C. Must 9. The box is too heavy. Please come and help me ______ it to the classroom. A. take B. bring C. get 10. — ________do you go to Beijing? — By plane. A. How B. What C. Why11. Think hard, ______ you"ll have a good idea. A. and B. but C. so12. — It"s too warm in the room. — You"d better______ your coat. A. take off B. put on C. pick up 13. There______ a football game between Italy and China tomorrow. A. will have B. is going to be C. is having 14. —______ , Bill? — It"s June, 22nd. A. What day is it today B. What"s the time now C. What"s the date today 15. — ______ they visit the museum last Friday? — No. They had to have classes. A. Were B. Had C. Did [二] 书面表达 英汉互译( 共10小题,计20分) 根据所提供的英、汉句子进行翻译。1. 刘强家有5口人,他最小。2. 课堂上不要吃东西。3. 夏天,我们村里的孩子们经常去河里游泳。4. 张靓打算象徐静蕾一样当个电影明星。5. 在我生日那天我叔叔给我买了一本英汉词典。6. The Great Wall is about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.7. In October 2003, Shenzhou V flew into space with YangLiwei.8. We"re going to go to Hainan tomorrow.9. Daming had two watermelons yesterday , so today he"s got a stomachache.10. My school starts at nine o"clock.[三]阅读理解(共10小题,计20分) 阅读短文,选择正确答案回答所提问题或完成所给句子。 (一) Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near a big farm. One Friday afternoon af-ter she finished her housework, she went to her small shop. She opened the window of the shop and looked outside. She liked to see the green farm. There were many cows, horses and small animals on the farm. Suddenly she saw a kangaroo under her window. It was interesting to see that it was wearing an old jacket.It stood there and looked hungry. Mrs. Brown gave some bread andwater to it. The kangaroo ate them all. Then it became happy and jumped away. Sudd-enly something dropped on the floor from its jacket pocket. It was a wallet! She picked it up, opened and found there were $300 and a photo in it. That was a man"s photo with his name “John” on it. John? She looked more carefully and remembered she had a brother many years ago. His name was also John. “Is this man my lost brother?” she thought. She took the wallet with her and began to look for the man. She asked many people in the town, and then she came to the farm and asked the farmer. To her great surprise, it was John, her lost brother. They were very excited and happy to see each other.1. From the text we know Mrs. Brown liked ________. A. shopping B. seeing the green farm C. kangaroos2. What was interesting about the kangaroo? A. It was wearing an old jacket. B. It looked very hungry. C. It was very clever.3. The kangaroo dropped _________ when it jumped away. A. the old jacket B. some bread C. a wallet4. Mrs. Brown felt a bit surprised when she saw the ________. A. money B. photo C. kangaroo5. Mrs. Brown decided to look for the man most probably because she ________. A. was helpful and kind-hearted B. wanted to return the lost things to the owner C. wondered if the man was her brother (二) Imagine this scene (情景). Jennifer is eighteen years old. Tom is her boy-friend, and Jennifer and Tom like each other a lot. But one day Jennifer seesTom talking to another girl. They are smiling and having a good time.Jennifercan"t believe her eyes. She begins to get mad. That night, she calls Tom and says, “Who was that girl you were talking with today?” “What girl?” Tom asks. “I saw you talking with a girl on the street.”“Oh, that was Laura.She"s my next-door neighbor.” Jennifer doesn"t believe Tom. She"s very angry. She says, “I never want to see you again,” and hangs up the phone. It"s the green-eyed monster. Jen-nifer is jealous. Now picture a second scene. Mark is in his forties.He"s good friends with Joe, and they do a lot of things together. They both work in an office. One day, Mark hears Joe inviting Bill, another workmate, to play cards with him that night. Mark is hurt. “Why didn"t Joe invite me to play cards?” Mark th-inks. “Joe and I are best friends.” The green-eyed monster is here again. Mark is jealous. Is jealous normal (正常)? Probably. Is it good? Not usually. It"s easy to become jealous, but it"s hard to solve (解决)the problems that jealous causes.Jealousy can hurt friendship. Maybe the best thing to do when we"re feeling jealous is just to tell the green-eyed monster to leave.1. Jennifer was angry with Tom because he ________. A. doesn"t love her as much as before B. hangs the phone before she can explain C. smiles and talks to another girl2. From the second story, we know that ________. A. Mark and Bill are good friends B. Joe doesn"t want to play cards with Mark C. Mark, Joe and Bill are workmates 3. When we feel jealous of other people, we feel _______ them. A. angry with B. sorry for C. pleased with4. The green monster is ________. A. a terrible real monster B. a bad feeling we have C. very helpful 5. The author tells us that jealousy ________. A. is nothing serious B. can cause problems C. can make people happy [四]、案例分析。(7分)在教学《新标准英语》某册Unit1 ,Module6中,甲老师教学新单词good, better, worse时,直接把单词写在黑板上一遍一遍地教读之后,让学生把三个单词一一读出来;乙老师则先让学生分组唱歌比赛,然后给学生进行评析,唱得好的给good,较好的给better,较差的是worse.这样在进行第二遍比赛的时候,学生就自然会读并且会用这三个单词了.你认为哪位老师的做法更好?为什么?请根据英语新课标精神具体做法分析。
2023-07-12 10:58:171


2023-07-12 10:58:253


2023-07-12 10:58:445


说一个人不正常Say a person is abnormal
2023-07-12 10:58:593


An Unfettable Day  ,Late one afternoon, I was on my way home from school. I walked slowly along the street with my head drooped. The scenes on both sides of the street were beautiful, but I had no interest in them at all. I walked and walked, thinking of what had happened that a few minutes before the second class began that afternoon, I was asked to go to the teacher"s office. I heard my teacher talking to my mother with could you dare to go to see a film this morning without permission? Mother said at the top of her voice, slapping me in the face heavily. I look at Mother, dumbfounded…I walked more slowly, for I had seen my house ahead, where Mother was always standing at the door, *** iling at me, at this time every day. But now, she wasn"t there. My heard was beating faster. I even didn"t dare to open the door for fear that Mother should beat knowing what to do, I sat on the ground near the door, blaming myself for what I had done. I was lost in deep enly a soft hand patted me on the head. I looked up, seeing Mother standing beside me. I couldn"t help crying, Mum! tears rolling down my cheeks.
2023-07-12 10:59:081

老舍的 养花 除了张培基翻译还有谁吗

2023-07-12 10:59:162


- Hi, my friend, how are you going? I"m very glad to see you . - Me, too.But Ihave to go now , see you.
2023-07-12 10:59:242


1. 以《我对电子邮件的看法》(My View on E My View on E-mail Electronic mail, or E-mail for short, is anew way of munication by means of puters. Fast, cheap and convenient, E-mail is so popular that it has bee an indispensable means of munication. Million of puters all over the world have been connected to form a global neork, namely the Inter. You can send and receive by E-mail documents, letters and papers to anyone in other countries in no time. By using E-mail you can also store, delete, pile information. In a word, E-mail helps you overe spatial and time limitations in munication. With the rapidly growing popularity of mputers and the expansion of information highway, E-mail is expected to play amore and more important role in our lives. 2. 英语作文e Dear Jenny My name is Liu Ying and I am currently a high schoo student. I live in Shanghai and love collecting stamps as well as sports. I also love English and can sing alot of English songs. Some of my class mates also wants to find a -buddy/ friend so I hope that you can give me some help. 3. 英语作文my view on My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages e flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick upIn addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however plicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has o sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a *** all number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time. 42。 4. 作文翻译:My view on Inter First , the Inter makes many young people addicted to the virtual world For students, it is in our lives and gave us great help . Second, the adverse information and cyber crime on young people "s health and safety hazards and pose the threat , delayed learning . First . So we must be good at using puters to help us learn . But the neork has a bad place . Second, they want to know, within the shortest time over details . Third, you can directly browse books at home , the neork expanded our knowledge and gave us space travel . Third, for a long time to face the puter easy to myopia。 5. 求一篇60字左右的英语作文:My view on the Inter. 初二水平~ NO.1 My Summer Vacation I had a wonderful vacation last summer.I spent a o-week vacation at my aunt"s place. My aunt lived alone in a mountain village. I missed my aunt very much and I was so excited to see her. I had a lot of fun with my aunt, she taught me how to cook. It was kind of hot where my aunt lives, so I stayed at her house for the most of the time. I had so much fun, and I couldn"t wait to visit her agaain! No.2 My summer vacation was so interesting. I had a lot of spare time to do the things I like. I often read novels in the morning. From TV, I had learned how to cook. It was wonderful to eat the lunch that I cooked personally. Though it was hot in the afternoon, I loved doing sports with my friends,such as playing basketball and football.If it rained , table tennis is a good choice. Sometimes I would go to the Expo to enjoy the view of the world.As you can see , my summer vacation was so meaningful and interesting 6. 求英语作文“My view on "The Inter" Since puter was invented in1946 in America, the inter has developed at a very fast speed in the following years, and it totally changed people"s lives. With inter being more and more popular, it has made the world *** aller and *** aller. Though it has so many advantages, it still has a lot of disadvantages, we should look through things across the board. Inter brings convenience to us ,and it has bee a major part of our life. Firstly, it shortened the distance beeen us, one can connect with others who stay in another place in some seconds, and can also glimpse at him/her at the same time. We ever have to write letters to keep in touch with others ,and it takes a long time to receive. Now we can send e-mail and it can be received immediately .Because of the Inter, we sometimes don"t need to go shopping outside, we just need to stay before the puter to search for what you want to buy on line. Secondly, we can get news in a short period of time. The news that will be put on the inter at the first period of time, we can know what happened in our cities, countries and so on. Thirdly, it is a good source from our studies, we can easily download data from it. As it takes so many advantages, we must also see to the disadvantages of it. In order to earn money, some people put much dirty things on the inter, and some people who don"t have much consciousness get considerable injury from it. They search for dirty pictures ,dirty movies that do not fit for their ages. Then, some students are indulged in the on line games, it takes so many time that is originally for study. It not only takes so much time ,but also is a waste of money. To sum up, everything is not perfect, we should get a whole view of one thing objectively.。 7. 求一个英语作文,以《e Hello Tom!It"s so wonderful for receiving your email. Firstly,I will introduce my campus to you.It"s a beautiful that you will never fet it if you have been here.Students have quite and peaceful environment for studying.Everyone here is nice and friendly. When talked about my study,eh,not so good or not s畅发扳菏殖孤帮酞爆喀o bad.I"m not capable of being good at each subject just as you know. That"s all.I quiet miss you,Tom. Sincerely,xxx 8. 写一篇英语作文以"an e Dear Jim, I hope you everything goes well. Thanks for your mail and It"s so nice to hear that you want to make a touri *** to my hometown on you summer vocation.I can"t help waiting to introduce the intersting things here and I believe you will love here and fet to leave. The climate here is very clear,raining in summer and snow in winter,Walking in the old street in rainy and viewing standing the bridge is very great. The street has been one thousand year and you can"t image that you can see all the original buildings.People here are very friendly and they will be very warm to introduce the interesting things. Come on and we are waiting for you. Sincerely yours. John.码字不容易,如好请加分.
2023-07-12 10:59:311


要给分哦~~~~On Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.
2023-07-12 10:59:391

谁帮我写一篇英语作文my view on part-time job

As the world becomes more competitive, many students are choosing to take on part-time jobs to support themselves financially or gain work experience. From my perspective, I believe that part-time jobs can have both positive and negative effects on a student"s life.On the positive side, part-time jobs can provide valuable experience and skills that will benefit students in the future. For example, a student who works in a retail store will learn how to communicate effectively with customers and work as part of a team. Such skills can be invaluable when it comes to finding a job after graduation. Additionally, part-time jobs can provide students with a sense of independence and financial responsibility, which can be very beneficial for their personal growth.However, there are also potential negative effects of part-time jobs on a student"s life. Students who work long hours may struggle to keep up with their academic work, which could negatively impact their grades. Additionally, students who work in jobs that are physically demanding may experience fatigue or injury, which can impact their overall health and well-being. In some cases, students may also struggle to balance their work and personal life, which can lead to stress and burnout.In my opinion, the key to successfully balancing a part-time job and academic work is to prioritize time management and self-care. Students should make sure to schedule enough time for their academic work and take breaks when needed to avoid burnout. They should also prioritize their physical and mental health by eating well, exercising, and getting enough sleep.Overall, while part-time jobs can have both positive and negative effects on a student"s life, they can be a valuable learning experience for those who are able to balance them with their academic work and personal life.
2023-07-12 10:59:492

急求大学英语作文一篇,以part time job (兼职)为题,120——150词

要给分哦~~~~On Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.
2023-07-12 10:59:582

英语作文my view on ....模板

My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students donu2019t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who wonu2019t admit it a good method to pick upIn addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. Whatu2019s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time. 42
2023-07-12 11:00:261

英语作文my view on part-time job

My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now. Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job. As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before. On the other hand, however, many disadvantages come flooding to us, which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time. The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time. It is believed that most students don"t know how to use their spare time. Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life. Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by. While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well. In that way,who won"t admit it a good method to pick up?In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands. Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot. Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.Still,every coin has two sides. Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings. Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy. Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study. It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials. What"s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.So far as I can judge, we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time. 42
2023-07-12 11:00:351


坚守 信用不变。 成语例句: 为顾客 提供 最佳 品质 的产品,是这 家公 司几十年来 始终 信守不渝 的宗旨。 信守不渝的近义词: 信守诺言 信守不渝的反义词: 言而无信 亦作“ 言而不信 ”。说话不讲信用。《谷梁传·僖公二十二年》:“言之所以为言者,信也;言而不信,何以 成语语法: 作谓语、定语、状语;用于处事 常用程度: 一般成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 补充式成语 产生年代: 当代成语 英语翻译: abide by consistenly <hold to> 其他翻译: <德>(seinem versprechen usw.) immer und ewig treu bleiben
2023-07-12 11:00:421


130部高评分英音双语字幕电影链接: 提取码: tqkz据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子。
2023-07-12 11:00:533


2023-07-12 11:01:221


明香 The final match will be taking place in a minute. I can even sense the tension. 丹娜 Absolutely, I believe Italy and France are going to send their best players to win the World Cup. 明香 They both have really great squads. Who do you think will be the winner? 丹娜 France, because they have Zidane, the best player in the world. 明香 90 minutes of regulation is over and we don"t have a winner. Is this going to be a penalty shootout? 丹娜 Probably, but a goal might just happen in extra time. The golden goal in the final game of Euro 2000, remember? 明香 What is going on? Zidane, A Red Card?! No! 丹娜 Zidane head-butted Materazzi, but why did he do that? Unbelievable! 明香 I see France losing this game, as Zidane is being sent off. 丹娜 It seems a shootout is inevitable. I"d rather not see that. I need a moment.
2023-07-12 11:01:303


2023-07-12 11:01:361

英语作文my view of time 1.有些人说时间是取之不尽用之不竭的 2.实际上我们的时间

u3000u3000My View on Part-time JobWe are no longer freshmen in college now.Recenly,a large quantity of us choose to run a part-time job.As to the stylish and crazy thing,on one hand,it shows that,to some degree,we are more independent than what we are before.On the other hand,however,many disadvantages come flooding to us,which even lead to a slump in our study and daily life.u3000u3000To begin with,we benefit from what we do in part-time.The reason why we call it “part” is all because we do have plenty of free time.It is believed that most students donu2019t know how to use their spare time.Then,making your time which is just simply used to sleep into a part-time job,indeed,is truly a good way to enjoy the college life.Since when you sleep or hang out,the priceless time pass by.While if you do a part-time job,say,being a tutor,you can learn how to teach all by yourself ,to review your old-day lessons as well.In that way,who wonu2019t admit it a good method to pick up?u3000u3000In addition,the daily bread may be made by our own hands.Only by this approach can we find how hard it is to gain money and exclaim what a hard time it is in the real society after conquer every problem we meet with.u3000u3000The most important and meanful issue is that the relationship among your working surroudings sometimes may upset you a lot.Nevertheless,thanks to the loyality,patience,deligence and intelligence you learn from the job,however complicated the society is,I dare say,nothing is impossible.u3000u3000Still,every coin has two sides.Despite of the advantages,there are obviously a few shortcomings.Especially nowadays,the sign shows turning as a consequence of something unhappy.Many a teacher doubt whether it is suitable for a student who do not put all his heart in study.It seems that we spend too much time on the way and in preparing materials.Whatu2019s worse,a small number of brilliant college students suffer from a slump in their studies or tiredness even depression in daily life which is caused by the deep work pressure.u3000u3000So far as I can judge,we should make full use of a proper part-time job,for it can provide us some experience which is called practice and hard to get from the sea of the knowledge.To put the schedule in good state and condition is another must,without which,part-time job can only be equal to a waste of time.42
2023-07-12 11:01:441