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2023-05-19 16:32:00




  take a bath

  have a shower

   洗澡的相关 短语

  洗澡间 bathroom ; shower room ; restroom ; bath room

  洗澡盆 wash tub ; Bidets ; bathtub ; washtub

  洗澡了 Have a bath ; Take a bath ; Bath

  洗澡后 After a bath ; After the bath ; After takes a bath ; After taking a bath

  洗澡刷 bath brush ; Bathbrushes

  洗澡衣 bathing suit

  拍摄洗澡 Shoot the bath

  放水洗澡 draw water for a bath


  1. By bathing in unclean water, they expose themselves to contamination.


  2. The three children all bath in the same bath water.


  3. They looked as if they hadn"t washed in days.


  4. With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime.


  5. Back home, Shirley plays with, feeds and bathes the baby.


  6. I threw off my clothing quickly and ran a warm bath.


  7. Don"t feel you have to bath your child every day.


  8. The water was slightly cooler than a child"s bath.


  9. She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes.


  10. Dad, you need a bath. No offence.


  11. She had a wash and changed her clothes.


  12. Sorry — no baths after ten o"clock.


  13. The little dog whimpered when I tried to bath it.


  14. She bathed her toddlers in tubs.


  15. He stripped off and had a shower.



  At this point, we"re pretty sure if someone paid us to stand under a jet of hot water all day and think about its health benefits, we"d forego the money and do it for free. Studies have already shown that showers can awaken your mind and boost creativity, but research is supporting the idea that a hot shower before bed can also help you fall asleep. Dr. Dianna Augelli of the Center for Sleep Medicine at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center has applied studies that support pre-bedtime baths to showering habits as well. There"s some finesse to it, but the bottom line is: Hop in the shower before bed. It"ll help your body cool down and relax.


  Key to the whole game is timing. "You don"t want to heat yourself up right before bed," Dr. Augelli told TIME Health. "Cooling down is a signal that tells us we"re supposed to go to sleep."

  而整个游戏中,最关键的一点在于时间。"入睡前,你并不想感到燥热吧,"奥吉利博士在接受TIME Health的访问时说道。"降温给身体发出了信号:是时候睡觉了。"

  The optimal timing? Ninety minutes before you want to hit the hay. By then, your body can regulate its circadian rhythms-essentially the signals that tell it when to feel alert and when to feel sleepy. Right after the shower, you"ll heat up and feel more alert and active and possibly creative, but as time passes and you begin the cool-down process, your system will feel more primed for rest instead of still feeling warmer and antsier. Plus, you"ll be dry after 90 minutes-no damp pillow.


  You stay in the shower too long.


  Not only can staying in the shower too long dry out your skin, it"s also a tremendous waste of water. According to the Alliance for Water Efficiency, the average shower in America uses 17.2 gallons of water. Shorten your daily shower to 5 minutes, and you"ll save more than 2,000 gallons of water each year.

  洗澡时间太久不仅会使肌肤干燥,而且还严重浪费水资源。据水效联盟(Alliance for Water Efficiency)所述,美国人洗澡的平均用水量为17.2加仑。每天洗澡不要超过5分钟,那每年你就能节省2000加仑的水。

  You wash your hair last.


  Shampooing and conditioning your hair should be among the first steps you take when you get in the shower. Some of the residue from these hair products can remain on your face, skin, and hair even after rinsing, so it makes sense to follow hair washing with the rest of your shower routine.



1. 怎么洗澡可以美白全身

2. 洗澡用英语怎么说

3. 洗浴个人经理简历怎么写

4. 更衣室用英语怎么说

5. 沐浴露用英语怎么说



2023-01-03 05:50:059

沐浴的英语翻译 沐浴用英语怎么说

2023-01-03 05:50:341


bath的意思 n. 沐浴,洗澡,浴缸,澡盆,浸,泡,洗澡水 vt.& vi. (给…)洗澡 变形:过去式: bathed; 现在分词:bathing; 扩展资料   bath可以用作名词   bath作为名词主要表示“洗澡(的动作)”。引申可作与洗澡有关的“澡盆,浴室,洗澡水”解。   bath其目的一般在于清洁; 其部位一般是全身; 其地点一般是室内。   bath作“(沐)浴,(洗)澡”解时通常用单数形式。   bath用作名词的用法例句   He takes a cold bath every day.他每天洗一个冷水澡。   The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意。   I want a double room with a bath.我要一间有浴室的"双人房。   bath用作名词的用法例句   He was decorated with the Order of the Bath.他被授以巴斯勋章。   That sick personhas got a bath chair.那个病人有一部巴斯轮椅。   bath可以用作动词   bath的基本意思是“洗澡”。其目的在于清洁,其部位一般是全身,其地点一般是室内。   bath可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,主语是人,老幼皆可; 用作及物动词时,宾语只能是老幼病残者或动物。bath可用于被动结构。   bath用作动词较文雅,在美式英语中不常用。   bath用作动词的用法例句   It"s your turn to bath the baby.轮到你给婴儿洗澡了。   He will bath only after we fill the tub with toys.他只有在我们在浴盆中装满玩具后才洗澡。   He was decorated with the Order of the Bath.他被授以巴斯勋章。   bath用法例句   1、Try a hot bath with some relaxing bath oil.   用舒缓沐浴油洗个热水澡吧。   2、I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.   要是能洗个热水澡、换身干净的衣服就太好了。   3、They would flap bath towels from their balconies as they chatted.   他们聊天时会在阳台上抖搂浴巾。
2023-01-03 05:50:391


2023-01-03 05:50:446


2023-01-03 05:51:092


rinse 英[rɪns] 美[rɪns] vt. 冲洗; 漂洗; 漂净; 冲掉; n. 冲洗; 漂洗; 染发剂; [例句]For usage one should first rinse the decanter with water and later clean and dry it with Decant Cleaner.使用方法:用水冲洗下醒酒器,然后用洗涤件清洁并擦干醒酒器。[其他] 第三人称单数:rinses 现在分词:rinsing 过去式:rinsed过去分词:rinsed launder 英[ˈlɔ:ndə(r)] 美[ˈlɔndɚ,ˈlɑn-] vt. 洗涤; 洗黑钱(把来路可疑的钱弄得貌似合法) 洗烫衣物; 消除…的污点; vi. 洗涤; 洗熨; n. [矿] 槽洗机,流槽; [例句]How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel launder their own every day at home?希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?[其他] 第三人称单数:launders 复数:launders 现在分词:laundering过去式:laundered 过去分词:laundered shower 英[ˈʃaʊə(r)] 美[ˈʃaʊɚ] n. 淋浴; 阵雨; 淋浴器; 一大批; vi. 下阵雨; 似阵雨般降落; 洒落; 纷纷降落; vt. 大量地给予; 抛洒,使纷纷降落; [例句]The shower that we put in a few years back has broken and we cannot afford to replace it.我们几年前安装的淋浴器坏了,但买不起新的来换。[其他] 第三人称单数:showers 复数:showers 现在分词:showering过去式:showered 过去分词:showered 形近词: stower slower showed bath 英[bɑ:θ] 美[bæθ] n. 沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水; vt. (给…) 洗澡; [例句]Try a hot bath with some relaxing bath oil.用舒缓沐浴油洗个热水澡吧。[其他] 第三人称单数:baths 复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed
2023-01-03 05:51:171

bathed the in the sunshine句子结构分析

中文翻译:沐浴在阳光下用法:一般是做状语或者定语表语:"沐浴在阳光下”疑难点:bathed解析:bathed在这里是过去分词,原句应该是:“be bathed in the sunshine”省略了“be”相似短语举例:followed by some studentsstrucked by the policeman
2023-01-03 05:51:222


2023-01-03 05:51:313


2023-01-03 05:51:511

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

bath and shower gel意思是:沐浴_喱1、bath英 [bɑ:θ]   美 [bæθ]  n.沐浴;洗澡;浴缸,澡盆;浸,泡,洗澡水vt.& vi.(给?)洗澡第三人称单数: baths 复数: baths 现在分词: bathing 过去式: bathed2、shower gel英 [ˈʃauə dʒel]  美 [ˈʃaʊɚ dʒɛl]  n.沐浴露复数: shower gelsEven I use it in the pearl soap and shower gel, after finished its refreshing, very smooth. 连我都在用它的珍珠皂和沐浴乳,洗完之后心旷神怡,很细滑。Like the conditioning honey in this Shower Gel. 正如这瓶沐浴_喱中的蜂蜜一样。扩展资料同义词:body wash英 [ˈbɔdi wɔʃ]  美 [ˈbɑdi wɑʃ]  n.沐浴露wash英 [wɒʃ]   美 [wɑ:ʃ]  vt.洗,清洗;浸湿;冲刷,冲击;洗去罪名vi.耐洗;被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用);(波涛等)拍打n.(尤指船过后划出的)水流;要洗的衣物的数量;薄涂层(尤指涂料)vt.弄湿;使受洗礼;(光)布满;(猫等)舔净(自身)adj.可洗的,耐洗的;(证券交易)虚假的第三人称单数: washes 现在分词: washing 过去式: washed 过去分词: washedThis is your towel, shampoo and body wash are in the bathroom. 这是你的浴巾,洗发液和浴液在卫生间。I like to use soap, she likes to use body wash. 我喜欢用肥皂,她喜欢使用沐浴露。
2023-01-03 05:51:566


2023-01-03 05:52:392

bathing the mountain

B 考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为:太阳开始在天空升起,金黄色的阳光沐浴着大山。主语the sun和动词bathe“沐浴”是主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作伴随状语。
2023-01-03 05:52:471

Everything was bathed in the golden sunlight.修辞手法?

万物均沐浴在金色阳光里。everything这里指万物,当然还包括人,因此,不能理解为“拟人”, 应为比喻,比喻分为明喻和暗喻(隐喻),隐喻(Metaphor)和明喻不同,不用like或as表示出来,而是进行隐藏的比较的这样一种修辞手段。在句中用bath暗喻受润泽,又如:每朵花,每棵树,每根草都沐浴在阳光里。
2023-01-03 05:52:523


bathtub    英[ˈbɑːθtʌb]    美[ˈbæθtʌb]    n.    浴盆; 浴缸;    [例句]Don"t overflow the bathtub.别让浴盆里的水溢出来。[其他]    复数:bathtubs    bath    英[bɑːθ]    美[bæθ]    n.    浴缸; 浴盆; 洗澡水; 洗澡; 洗浴; 游泳池; (旧时的)公共浴室,澡堂; 浴器,浴锅,染缸;    v.    给…洗澡; 洗澡;    [例句]I love having a long, hot bath ─ it"s one of life"s little luxuries.我喜欢在热水浴缸里多泡一会儿——这是生活里一种小小的享受。[其他]    第三人称单数:baths 复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed    tub    英[tʌb]    美[tʌb]    n.    盆; 桶; (塑料或纸的)饭盒,食品盒;    v.    使入浴;(在浴缸里)为…洗澡;使…用练赛艇练习;把…种在木盆里;    [例句]Patients lie in a large tub of warm water that is linked to an electronic device.病人躺在与电子装置相连接的一大盆温水里。
2023-01-03 05:53:031


2023-01-03 05:53:179

was bathed in

was bathed 不止可以用人,也可以指物,所以不是拟人,而是用有生命的他物能用的动作词来描绘everything中包含的无生命的东西。
2023-01-03 05:53:471


  浴缸是一种水管装置,供沐浴或淋浴之用,通常装置在家居浴室内,现在不少家庭里一般都会有。那么你知道浴缸用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来浴缸的英语说法和相关英语表达,欢迎大家阅读学习。   浴缸的英语说法:   bathtub   英 [ˈbɑ:θtʌb]   美 [ˈbæθˌtʌb, ˈbɑθ-]   浴缸相关英语表达:   热水浴缸 hot tub   石头浴缸 Stone Bathtub   可视浴缸 Vision Bathtub   一个浴缸 A bathtub   豪华浴缸 Luxury bathtub   浴缸的英语说法例句:   1. I was having a long soak in the bath.   我在浴缸里泡了很长时间。   2. While the bath was filling, he padded about in his underpants.   往浴缸里放水时,他穿着内裤走来走去。   3. The jacuzzi was too small to stretch out in.   这个“极可意”浴缸太小了,躺不下。   4. He came fully awake to hear the bath running.   他完全清醒了,听见浴缸里的水在流。   5. He sluiced the bath and filled it.   他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。   6. The room was dominated by a sunken bath.   嵌入地面的浴缸占了房间的大半空间。   7. She lay back in the tub.   她向后靠着躺在浴缸里。   8. a hotel room with bath and shower   配备有浴缸和淋浴器的旅馆客房   9. She stripped the children and put them in the bath.   她脱光孩子们的衣服把他们放进浴缸.   10. I"ve bought a seal to put around the edge of the bath.   我买了一种密封胶涂在浴缸边缘上.   11. The overflow from the bath ran on to the floor.   浴缸里的水溢到了地板上.   12. The dirt on the bottom of the bath didn"t encourage total immersion.   浴缸底有污垢,不宜全身浸泡于其中.   13. Facilities include a large indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna.   设施包括一个大型室内泳池 、 按摩浴缸和桑拿房.   14. Water slopped over the edge of the bath.   水从浴缸边上溅出了.   15. She bathed her toddlers in tubs.   她在浴缸里给小孩子们洗澡.
2023-01-03 05:53:531


When we put the spring as a home, we will we take out my dream, with yearning, separately from the country gathered here, gather the heart of pearl. Time is short, fleeting, but we can have in the fertile fruitful harvest. With her thick accumulation alma mater for our success to build a solid platform, teachers with abundant knowledge and dedication to our growth has created good conditions. Each class can hear the teacher incisive and vivid explanation, every time pass by the teacher in the office can be seen working, the teacher not only to impart knowledge to us, also taught us how to study, how to behave, how to live. " Self-confidence, self-reliance" fighting spirit will always inspire us never yield in spite of reverses, scale the heights! Walking in the vitality of the campus, with overflow to breathe the air, listening to the sound of reading, we felt the strong pulse of his alma mater. The playground has students perspiration came down like raindrops. Figure, comprehensive shop display case talent contest, the stage with classmates around dancing and singing, the library has be like hunger and thirst to learn a wealth of knowledge of the scholar, around the campus to see mutual love each other with mutual scene, outside the vast world also left the spring outside our students actively participate in social practice ... ... In such an environment, we are gradually has been far more than the material gives us knowledge, the learning, the learning atmosphere and the idea of learning will enable us to benefit from life. We can stand up again from setbacks, are inseparable from the school of our education, we grow the founding of the teacher too much effort and sincere love Alma mater. In his alma mater, Enze, we will be dedicated to take what we love deeply alma mater? We will cherish every day at school, we will pay double efforts, with the knowledge competition, with the wisdom of the alma mater, to create more miracles! Students, let us start from today, from now on, with dedication to our alma mater! Their savings, often go home to have a look.
2023-01-03 05:54:073

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

Bath Shower Gel沐浴露双语对照例句:1.At the side of the bath is what appears to be a single bottle of shampoo or shower gel.
2023-01-03 05:54:212

As National Day is round the corner,Shanghai is b

2023-01-03 05:54:374


汗流浃背: soaked with sweat
2023-01-03 05:54:506


i"ve done with my bath
2023-01-03 05:55:1911


face full of tears
2023-01-03 05:55:567


My best friend is Amy. she has been in my home when I was three years old. I bathed her, fed her,played with her,and we danced together, sang together. I enjoyed myself so much together with he . Uh, forget to tell you, Amy is a baby dog.供参考。
2023-01-03 05:56:206


I feel comfortable taking a bath in the bathroom.
2023-01-03 05:56:423

沐浴的英语翻译 沐浴用英语怎么说

bath 英[bɑ:θ] 美[bæθ] n. 沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水; vt. (给…) 洗澡; [例句]In those days, only quite wealthy families had baths of their own.那时候,只有非常富有的家庭才有自己的浴缸。[其他] 第三人称单数:baths 复数:baths 现在分词:bathing 过去式:bathed
2023-01-03 05:56:571


lf, Silas knew it could only bethe hand of God a
2023-01-03 05:57:023


2023-01-03 05:57:171

凤凰涅磐 用英文怎么说

2023-01-03 05:57:222

be bathed in 还是be bathing in

be bathed in。be bathed in为固定搭配,意思是沐浴于,被笼罩。Inside of the Great Central Sun, Earth shall be bathed in light day and night.在大中枢太阳内部,地球将日夜沐浴在光中。
2023-01-03 05:57:311


bath[英][bɑ:θ][美][bæθ]n.沐浴; 洗澡; 浴缸,澡盆; 浸,泡,洗澡水; vt.& vi.(给…)洗澡; 第三人称单数:baths复数:baths现在进行时:bathing过去式:bathed.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-03 05:57:371

Bathed in the warm sunshine, the kids played very

其实这句也可以写为 The kids played very happily after bathing in the warm sunshine
2023-01-03 05:57:431


with sweat streaming down one"s backto be bathed in sweat
2023-01-03 05:57:533

bathed in warm sunshine 什么意思?

2023-01-03 05:58:041

求助 把沐浴春光 文艺的翻译成英文

bathed in the atmosphere of spring
2023-01-03 05:58:093

Bathed in sunlight.什么意思

2023-01-03 05:58:212


I"ve had more rain than you"ve had showers
2023-01-03 05:58:303


giegie1985 是对的。。。
2023-01-03 05:58:412

be bathed in是什么意思

be bathed in [词典] 沐浴于,被…笼罩; [例句]Inside of the Great Central Sun, Earth shall be bathed in light day and night.在大中枢太阳内部,地球将日夜沐浴在光中。
2023-01-03 05:58:511


2023-01-03 05:58:562


bath shower gel沐浴凝胶.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!
2023-01-03 05:59:092

“汗流浃背”用英语怎么说? 越多越好啊~

汗流浃背:soaked with sweat Examples: 1.比赛之后我汗流浃背. After the match,I was bathed with sweat. 2.烈日晒得他汗流浃背. The hot sun made him exude sweat. 3.他汗流浃背. He was sweating at every pore.
2023-01-03 05:59:251

Bath Shower Gel是什么意思

bath shower gel即沐浴啫喱
2023-01-03 05:59:312

bath shower gel是什么意思

2023-01-03 05:59:472


洗澡take a bath例句1. 他从不给她换尿布,也不给她洗澡。He never changed her diapers, never bathed her.2. 每套公寓都带有洗澡间和盥洗室。Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet.3. 这水比小孩子的洗澡水稍微凉一点。The water was slightly cooler than a child"s bath.4. 所有的房间都有洗澡间和彩色电视机。All rooms have a bathroom and colour TV.5. 你要不要带洗澡间的房间?Do you want a room with a bath or one without?
2023-01-03 06:00:031


2023-01-03 06:00:164

翻译 after taking a long walk,he was almost bathed in sweat

在走了很长一段路之后,他满头大汗?bathed in sweat 字面上的意思是用汗洗澡了。。意思就是出了很多很多的汗
2023-01-03 06:00:332


帕萨迪纳,加利福尼亚州,美国宇航局的旅行者1号是第一个正式的spacecraft人 制造对象的风险进入星际空间。在36岁的探针是什么 12英里(19亿亿公里),从我们的太阳。 数据表明,新的和意外的旅行者1号已在约一个行波 岁的等离子或气通,去离子之间的空间里,明星。 旅行者在过渡区是太阳在外面立即泡沫 一些来自我们的太阳的影响仍然是启封。在这一新的分析报告 一种LED工作的日期,由唐gurnett和等离子波科学团队“. 美国爱荷华大学,爱荷华市,是一家在星期四发表的杂志版 的科学。 “现在我们有一个新的关键数据,我们相信,人类的历史将是一个飞跃 星际空间,说:”项目科学家Ed Stone,基于美国旅行者 帕萨迪纳市加州理工学院,。。。。。。。”团队需要的时间旅行者 分析观察到的那些,这使他们的意义。但现在我们可以回答 “我们已经要求所有的问题了——“我们还存在吗?”是的,我们是。。。。。。。” 旅行者1号的检测压力的增加,第一院在星际空间 带电粒子heliosphere泡泡),是为周围的太阳 远的外行星之外,在2004年。科学家们然后检查他们的搜索ramped 《星际之spacecraft"s Arrival,熟悉数据分析和 解释可以以月或年。 旅行者1号有一个等离子体传感器不工作,科学家们需要在操作系统 不同的方式来衡量的spacecraft"s,使该等离子体环境 测定其明确的定位。日冕喷射质量,或大规模的 太阳风和磁场脉冲),这是从太阳爆发中。 科学家们提供了他们需要的数据,2012年。当从这个意外的礼品 太阳eventually在旅行者1号的位置到了13个月后,在2013年4月。 该等离子体在spacecraft开始到vibrate像小提琴字符串。在线4月 9,旅行者1号"s的等离子体波仪器检测的运动。俯仰) oscillations帮助科学家确定的等离子体密度。The 特别是在spacecraft bathed oscillations意味着血浆中超过40 他们所遇到的denser时代有比在外层的 heliosphere。这是排序的密度是在星际空间的预期。 等离子波科学团队发现了一种早期和它的日期,fainter 在十月和十一月的一组oscillations 2012。通过extrapolation of 从等离子体密度的测量两个事件,确定团队旅行者1号 在2012年8月第一次进入星际空间。
2023-01-03 06:00:411


2023-01-03 06:00:4612


The baby must be bathed today.
2023-01-03 06:01:262