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2023-07-12 16:31:08



This manual establishes the criteria for design, coordination, and construction of power systems for military projects.本手册规定了设计,协调的标准,和军事项目的电力系统的建设。 A secondary purpose is to acquaint designers with the general applications, philosophies, and purposes for the selection, calibration, setting, and testing of protective devices.次要的目的是与一般的应用程序,哲学了解设计师和甄选,校准的目的,设置和保护装置的测试。

1-2. 1-2。 Scope范围

This manual describes protection techniques for electrical power supply and distribution systems.本手册介绍了电力供应和分配系统的保护技术。

Guidance is included for coordination techniques and selection of protective devices.指导,协调,是包括技术和保护装置的选择。

1-3. 1-3。 References参考文献

Appendix A contains a list of references used in this document.附录A本文件中使用的引用列表。

1-4. 1-4。 Electrical power systems电力系统

Electric power systems consist of four major categories: generating stations, transmission lines, distribution lines, and utilization systems.电力系统包括四大类:发电厂,输电线路,配电线路,并利用系统。 The electric power system industry converts and transports energy for utilization by numerous industrial, commercial, and residential customers.电力系统行业的转换和传输,利用众多工业,商业和住宅用户的能源。 One of the largest users of electric energy in the United States is the US Government.对在美国电能的最大用户之一,是美国政府。

a.字母a. Generation.代。 The majority of electrical power produced in the United States is generated by steam-turbine plants.在美国电力生产所产生的大多数是蒸汽涡轮机工厂。 Hydro-electric generation accounts for only a small percentage because most available water sources have already been placed into service.水电只占很小的百分比占发电,因为大多数可用水源已投入服务上。 Gas-turbines are used primarily for peaking during short periods of high demand.燃气涡轮机主要用于在高需求的短期见顶。 Fuel for steam-turbine plants is, for the most part, coal or nuclear.燃油蒸汽涡轮机工厂是,在大多数情况下,煤电或核。

b.湾 Transmission lines.传输线。 The voltage rating of large generators employed at primary generating stations ranges from 13.8kV to 24kV.对小发电站从13.8kV到24KV级不等就业大型发电机电压等级。 Generator voltage is stepped up to transmission voltage level using transformers.发电机电压是加强输电电压等级变压器使用。 Transmission voltage levels in the United States range from 115kV to 765kV.在美国范围内传输从115kV电压等级为765kV。 Standard voltages are 115kV, 138kV, 230kv, 345kV, 500kV, and 765kV.标准电压115kV,138kV,230kv,345kV,500千伏和765kV。

c.角 Distribution lines.配电线路。 Transmission line voltage is stepped down to lower levels at main substations.输电线路电压下台水平较低,主要变电站。 These lower voltage levels range from about 34.5kV to 138kV.这些更低电压范围从34.5kV至138kV。 Distribution substations further step the voltage down to distribution voltage level which is in the range of 5kV to 34.5kV.配电站进一步加强了电压下降到电压水平分布在5kV的范围是34.5kV。 Popular standard voltages at the distribution level are 4.16kV 12.47kV, 13.2kV, 13.8kV, and 34.5kV.在分配水平受欢迎的标准电压4.16kV 12.47kV,13.2kV,13.8kV,和34.5kV。

d. d. Utilization.利用。 Distribution transformers are used to step the distribution voltage down to utilization levels, usually at 600V.配电变压器用于步骤分配电压下降到利用水平,通常在600V的。 Standard utilization voltages include 480Y/277V, 460V, 208Y/120V, 240V, and 120V.标准利用率电压包括480Y/277V,460伏,208Y/120V,240伏,和120V。 Higher-level voltages, such as 6.9kv and 4.16kV, are popular standard voltages for supplying large industrial motor loads.更高层次的电压,如6.9kv和4.16kV,为大工业提供电机负载流行的标准电压。

提问者: gz_fung - 一级



utilization 英[u02ccju:tu0259lau026a"zeu026au0283n] 美[u02ccjutu026alau026au02c8zeu0283u0259n] n. 利用,使用,效用; [例句]Computer has found an increasingly wide utilization in all fields.电子计算机已越来越广泛地在各个领域得到应用。
2023-07-12 07:04:361

英语utilization threshold怎么翻译?

utilization threshold利用率阈值
2023-07-12 07:05:0311

请教:utilization 和 use 的区别是什么?

2023-07-12 07:05:331


利用率的英文:utilization ratioavailability (ratio)capacity factorusageyieldutilization percentutilized coefficientcoefficient of utilizationoperating factoroutput coefficientuse factorutilization ratio参考例句:Fund utilization rate资金利用率Energy utilization(U)能量利用率Percentage of utilization of fixed asset固定资产利用率This causes inefficient use of the spindle.这会导致主轴利用率低。The transmission quality is high. The utilization of channels is more effective. No modem is required.传输质量高。信道利用率好。不需要调制解调器。Availability, efficiency, and rate of quality for the individual machines in the cell allow the focus on root causes.单台设备的时间利用率,设备性能率与质量合格率为寻找问题根本原因带来可能性。请点击输入图片描述The improper distribution of health care resources results in its low utilization and high costs for operation.由于资源配置不合理,造成卫生资源利用率低,运行成本高。This insidious disease produces extensive and unmeasured economic losses through reduced efficiency in feed utilization这种隐伏性疾病产生了广泛的和未加统计的由于饲料利用率降低的经济损失。
2023-07-12 07:05:411


人们的过度开发利用Over exploitation of people
2023-07-12 07:06:122

intf utilization什么意思

接口利用INTF[计]= INTerFace,接口utilization英[u02ccju:tu0259lau026a"zeu026au0283n]美[u02ccjutu026alau026au02c8zeu0283u0259n]n. 利用,使用,效用[例句]Here "s an example of how credit utilization ratio works.
2023-07-12 07:06:191


1. 使用, 应用, 利用; 被使用的状况2. 使用的能力; 使用权3. 使用法; 使用目的4. 用途; 效用; 功能; 益处5. 惯用; 惯例; 习惯6. 【律】(托管土地等的)收益权use factor 利用系数, 利用率an electronic device with many uses 具有多功能的电子仪器Once a use, forever a custom. 习惯成自然.U-makes perfect. 熟能生巧.the use of electricity for lighting 使用电力照明usage1. 使用; 对待; 用法He is totally ignorant of social usage.他对社会习俗一无所知.The TV set was damaged from rough usage.这架电视机由于使用太不小心而损坏了."Do you have it?" is a common American usage, but it would be more likely for British speakers to say "Have you got?""Do you have it?" 是惯用的美语用法,而英国人很可能说"Have you got?".2. 惯例, 习俗3. 【语】惯用法;【律】习惯法4. 【机】用损, 损蚀5. 利益, 好处
2023-07-12 07:06:392


2023-07-12 07:06:472

最大化利用资源 英语怎么说?

use the resource most efficiently
2023-07-12 07:06:552

cpu utilization cpu utilization是什么意思

2023-07-12 07:07:051


hire train motivate retain
2023-07-12 07:07:136

gpu utilization 是指什么

NVIDIA的官方中文译名就是\“英伟达”,GeForce的中文译名就是\“精视”。 GPU和CPU相对应,主要是指显卡内的显示芯片。以前的显卡需要和CPU搭配工作,将一部分游戏图像处理工作交给CPU来处理,这样CPU的负担就很重,会导致CPU运行效率的下降。 但自从NVIDIA从2000年发布了GeForce第一代显卡以来,GPU就诞生了,GPU是NVIDIA给取的一个新名词,它拥有极强的游戏图像处理能力,可以脱离CPU而独立进行图像处理工作。这样对CPU来说就大大减轻的工作压力,可以使CPU和GPU各司其职,两者搭配使用可以使电脑的游戏性能发挥到极致(当然,并不是说CPU就一点不管游戏的处理工作了,在其它一些方面两者还是需要互相交集的,只不过最重的活GPU独自承担去了而已)
2023-07-12 07:07:281

capacity utilization是什么意思

产能利用率(Capacity Utilization),也叫设备利用率,是工业总产出对生产设备的比率,简单的理解,就是实际生产能力到底有多少在运转发挥生产作用
2023-07-12 07:07:351


无害化:harmless, harmlessness资源化:resource, reclamation, recycling减量化:reduction, minimization三者连起来说:harmless, resources and reduction欢迎采纳哦。
2023-07-12 07:07:442


WURWorker Utilization Rate
2023-07-12 07:07:522

memory utilization 什么意思

memory utilization内存利用率双语对照词典结果:memory utilization[英][u02c8memu0259ri u02ccju:tu026alau026au02c8zeu026au0283u0275n][美][u02c8mu025bmu0259ri u02ccjutu026alau026au02c8zeu0283u0259n]存储规划;
2023-07-12 07:08:121


2023-07-12 07:08:204


Water is to the survival of humans and a material base of social and economic sustainable development is irreplaceable resources. With the national economic and social development, human demand for water will be more and more, the contradiction between supply and demand of water is to highlight. For deep in the inland hinterland, precipitation, few evaporation and intense, desertification, weak ecological environment of the heihe river basin, water resources sustainable utilization seems particularly urgent. Therefore, this paper, using the heihe river basin of water supply and demand situation, are discussed, analyzed the case analysis of water resource utilization, in order for the sustainable utilization of huangshui river basin to provide the reference information.黑河流域 The heihe river basin 水资源 water 持续利用 Continue to use 处探 Place agent黑河流域水资源可持续利用初探 The heihe river basin of water resources sustainable utilization
2023-07-12 07:08:281


步骤1:先画两段走线槽外部的两段线束。步骤2:再画一段走线槽内部的线束。步骤3:将三段线束连接起来。下面介绍了利用Arrange Bundle Segment的一种方法,本例中,利用Utilization命令,将一段线束从其通过的卡箍中重新排布,达到一个比较真实的设计效果。例如,在某些区域,卡箍中的多根线束直径较大,为了准确模拟线束的敷设效果,那么采用这种方法就是一个不错的选择。步骤1:画三根线束,按敷设路径依次通过多个卡箍。步骤2:使用Utilization命令,针对第一根线束,调整其在第一个卡箍中的相对位置,并传递给其余所有卡箍。步骤3:使用Utilization命令,针对其余几根线束,调整其在第一个卡箍中的相对位置,并传递给其余所有卡箍。下面介绍了一种方法,使得同一个电气零件中,可以同时穿过两根或者多根线束。这个方法的前提是需要将使用的电气零件进行电气化设置。继承了上面的方法,下面介绍了一个设计案例,同一个电气零件中,可以同时穿过6根线束。而且呈旋转状辐射。下面介绍了线束与线束、线束与电气设备连接/移除连接的一个示例。线束与电气设备连接示例。下面介绍了如何给线束添加或者移除local slack余量。下面介绍了如何给线束添加或者移除卡箍支撑。下面介绍了如何给线束删除无用点。下面介绍了如何删除无用分支。下面介绍了线束数模的保存方法。首次保存,一定要使用Save management命令进行保存。保存过后,如果没有从其它地方插入新零件,那么使用Save命令即可。下面提供了一个思考和练习题1:目的是希望学习者可以综合利用以上所讲的方法,按要求设计出一段线束,并学会保存数模的方法。
2023-07-12 07:08:371


资产运用效率(Assets utilization)、资产运用效率分析(Analysis of Asset Utilization/Assets utilization analysis) 资产运用效率,是指资产利用的有效性和充分性。 有效性是指使用的后果,是一种产出的概念; 充分性是指使用的进行,是一种投入概念。满意请采纳
2023-07-12 07:08:461


2023-07-12 07:08:544


2023-07-12 07:09:011

生产率(productivity)和工时利用率(labor utilization)如何计算

我比较同意laen表达的观点。一种流线生产形态是计算人的作业工时考虑,以作业人员节拍cycle time为评估依据;另一种生产形态是以设备加工单元部件,通过单元模块组合成一个产品,此种方式是加工机台为考核节拍评估依据,只是人调换成了设备。人或设备都需以产线布局优化为前提,均衡生产,降低无效工时浪费等,增加增值部分产出为目的。你讲的生产率是否就是作业单位直接作业人员生产效率,工时利用率是之工厂效率呢?
2023-07-12 07:09:221


  利用指利于发挥效用。借助外物以达到某种目的;用手段使人或事物服务。口语中多指贬义。那么你知道利用用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    利用英语说法1:   use   利用英语说法2:   utilize    利用的相关短语:   土地利用 land use ; land utilization ; land application ; use of land   能源利用 Energy use ; energy utilization ; Using Energy ; Optimize Energy Performance   资源利用 resource utilization ; Utilization of resources ; Use of resources ; resource use   核能利用 Nuclear energy uses   有意利用 intentionally used ; purposeful availment   利用外资 utilize foreign investment ; utilization of foreign capital ; the use of foreign investment ; Foreign Investment   利用频度 usage frequency   利用权 right to make use of ; exploitation rights ; right of using space   废料利用 waste utilization ; reclamation of material ; Waste use ; scrap recycle    利用的英语例句:   1. Use your lunch hour to have a nap in your chair.   利用午饭时间坐在椅子上打个盹吧。   2. I even began to exploit him in subtle ways.   我甚至开始巧妙地利用他。   3. The ability to separate out reusable elements from other waste is crucial.   能从其他废料中分离出可重复利用成分是很关键的。   4. In fact he could scarcely have spent his time more profitably.   事实上,他几乎已最大程度地利用了他的时间。   5. In a busy world, managing your time is increasingly important.   在忙碌的世界里,善于利用时间变得越来越重要。   6. She is very good at using her charm to get her way.   她非常善于利用自己的魅力随心所欲。   7. What the media should not do is to exploit people"s natural fears.   媒体不应该利用人们天生的恐惧心理。   8. They appear masters in the art of making regula-tions work their way.   他们似乎十分擅长利用规章制度为自己服务。   9. Why do I have the feeling I"m being used again?   为什么我感觉又被利用了?   10. Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.   出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。   11. Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic surveillance equipment.   警方利用电子监视设备跟踪绑架者。   12. The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop.   电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。   13. Diana is taking the opportunity to wrap up the family presents.   黛安娜利用这个机会将家人的礼物包起来。   14. Is the recycling process in itself damaging to the environment?   这一回收利用过程本身对环境有害吗?   15. Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich.   斯隆利用外交内幕消息发了财。
2023-07-12 07:09:291


英语主要有三中构词法: 1、转化(conversion):由一个词类转化成为另一个词类。 2、派生(derivation):通过加前缀或后缀构成另一个词。 3、合成(compounding):由两个或更多的词合成一个词。 转化——英文名词活用做动词 1. Have you booked(订票) your ticket? 2. Who chaired (主持)the meeting? 3. He pinned (寄托)great hope on us. 4. It can seat*(容纳) a thousand people. 5. We have mapped(制定) out plans for their utilization. 6. It pictures (描绘)the life of overseas Chinese students. 7. He hurriedly penciled(用铅笔写下)the time on it. 8. By noon he had bagged (捕获)three hares 9. The machine bottles(装瓶) 15000 jars of cold cream a day. 10. The money was all pocketed(装进腰包)by corrupt officials. 11. He hammered(钉钉子)a nail into the wall. 一些表示身体某部分的名词也可用来做动词: 1.We"ll back you up(做后盾). 2.Who headed(带领) the delegation? 3.We should shoulder(担负)these responsiblities. 4.She fingered(抚摩)the silk gently. 5.Soon the seeding shot up and began to ear. 秧苗很快长起来,并开始抽穗。 6.I"m never interested in nosing out(探听)the details of someone else"s private life. 7.They eyed(注视) him with suspicion. 一些表示某类人的名词也可用作动词: He insisted on staying up to nurse the child. 他坚持不懈来护理这个小孩。 We were hosted by members of the embassy. 我们受到大使馆成员的款待。 Our aim is to save the patient and not to doctor him to death. 我们的目的是把他的病治好,而不是把他治死。 The equipment was manned by three workers per shift. 这个设备每一班由三个工人操作。 He has soldiered in France in his youth. 他年轻时在法国当过兵。 The army was officered by brave men. 这支军队由勇敢的人担任军官。 He fathered many inventions. 他有过许多发明。 一些表示其它实物的名词也可作动词: Each apartment can house a family of six. 每套房间可以住一户六口之家。 I hope we can room together. 我希望我们能住同一个房间。 This helped to bridge over our difficulties. 帮助我们渡过了困难。 They flowered well but bore little fruit. 它们花开得很好,但果结得不多。 He floored the room. 他给房间铺上地板。 We manured the soil before sowing. 播种前我们先施底肥。 An aeroplane was used to dust insectcide. 一架飞机用来喷洒杀虫剂。 We decided to dam the river. 我们决定筑一道拦河坝。 He is busy oiling the bicycle. 他忙着给自行车上油。 He wolfed down three great bowls of rice. 他狼吞虎咽地吃了三大碗饭。 The pill is coated with sugar. 药丸外面有糖衣。 Executives, workers and technicians team up. 行政人员、工人和技术人员组成一个工作组。 一些抽象名词可用作动词: Where do swallows winter? 燕子在哪里过冬? We summered by Lake Geneva. 我们在日内瓦湖畔度过夏天。 For six days and nights they battled to 给我来信 save his life. 他们苦战了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。 Through my childhood, I had hungered for education. 我从小就盼望上学。 The attack must be properly timed. 进攻的时间要适当。 They breakfasted (lunched) at the guesthouse. 他们在宾馆吃了早饭(午饭)。 有少部分形容词也可用作动词: Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered. 发现了错误一定要改正。 They braved the bitter cold to complete the railway. 他们不顾严寒完成了这条铁路。 She busied herself with household work. 她忙着干家务。 Only thus can we better the life of the people. 只有这样才能改善人民的生活。 They finally freed themselves from slavery. 他们最后把自己从奴隶制度下解放出来。
2023-07-12 07:09:503


University Laboratory Management System is the major universities is an integral part through the use of laboratory management system can not only alleviate the laboratory management burden, The leadership of the laboratory to facilitate utilization of view, it will also be easier for teachers and students to the laboratory courses inquiries. This paper first laboratory management system have the background and the process of doing a presentation and demand analysis, Design of the detailed design of the progressive realization of the function of the system. And in the process of the system development tools ASP.NET, SQL Server 2000 and the. NET to connect to the database of ADO.NET. NET technology while a brief introduction. System of the system to achieve the soul of the laboratory courses ---- made a detailed presentation not only take full account of the existing laboratory quantity whether at the same time satisfy the requirements of the teachers laboratory quantity, also taking into account the actual number of experiments and laboratory capacity for the management, through this algorithm reasonable arrangements, and ultimately improve the utilization of the laboratory. Namely : to accommodate the number of laboratories was the first organization of courses and the passage of this method to improve the utilization of large-scale laboratory. Finally, the system tests show that the system can meet the college"s general laboratory management. The system of automatic time-function solutions applicable to the general"s large and medium-sized institutions.
2023-07-12 07:10:041


问题一:英语充分利用怎么说? make full use of 问题二:“利用”用英语怎么说 利用 take advantage of;utilize;make use of更多释义>> [网络短语] 利用 take advantage of;utilization;use 回收利用 recycle;Recycling;recovery 重复利用 recycle;Reuse;recycling 问题三:“充分利用”用英语怎么说? make the best of take full advantage of 问题四:充分利用用英语怎么表达? 1、词典 make the best of; make the most of; take full advantage of 2、例句 1)我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节省石油和天然气。 We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources 2)但出现的各种可能情况并没有得到充分利用。 But the possibilities that emerged were not used to the full. 3)我打算充分利用这次旅行来购买我们所需的物品。 I intend to take full advantage of this trip to buy the things we need. 4)她充分利用了自己的人脉。 She used her connections to full advantage. 问题五:我想学np 不知道有用没用 有用.不过那个比较难考.支持你把那个论证拿下来. 问题六:"好好利用"用英语怎么说 可以使用以下表达: Make good use of Take advantage of
2023-07-12 07:10:221

请教:utilization 和 use 的区别是什么?

2023-07-12 07:10:291

capacity utilization是什么意思?

产能利用率(Capacity Utilization),也叫设备利用率,是工业总产出对生产设备的比率,简单的理解,就是实际生产能力到底有多少在运转发挥生产作用
2023-07-12 07:10:381

utilization category断路器是什么意思

你好,utilization category断路器,不是断路器的型号。断路器的完整型号应该是这样表示,DZ20L-400A/3N300 建议你最好上个图。
2023-07-12 07:10:451

PU=Production Utilization,PA=Production Availability是什么意思?

Production Utilization 生产利用性Production Availability 生产可用性不知道对不对?
2023-07-12 07:10:521

high disk utilization是什么意思

high disk utilization较高的磁盘利用率希望对你有帮助
2023-07-12 07:11:012


v.1make use of; use; utilize; employ; apply n.1use; usage; utilization; application; employment; operation 都可以喔
2023-07-12 07:11:091

the transformation and utilization of 后面是单数还是复数

the transformation and utilization of_有道翻译翻译结果:转换和利用utilization_有道词典utilization英 [,juu02d0tu026alau026a"zeu026au0283u0259n]美 [u02ccjuu02d0tu0259lau026a"zeu026au0283n]n. 利用,使用更多释义>>[网络短语]utilization 利用,整箱货,利用率Capacity Utilization 产能利用率,设备使用率,设备利用
2023-07-12 07:11:161

Journal of CO2 Utilization这个是什么期刊,是SCI吗

属于SCI,还有点难度期刊名字 Journal of CO2 Utilization缩写 J CO2 UTIL 期刊ISSN 2212-9820 2014-2015最新影响因子 3.091 涉及的研究方向 CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY-ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL 出版国家 NETHERLANDS
2023-07-12 07:11:251


Science and technology information retrieval and utilization
2023-07-12 07:11:443


转化医学(translational medicine)在某些时候又称作转化性研究(translational research),在它被正式提出前,有很多类似的术语来描述相关的工作:发展性研究(development research)、应用科学(implementation science)、研究利用(research utilization)、研究应用(research use)、知识转化(knowledge translation)。这些术语所阐述的概念与转化医学的基本含义大致相同。而经过搜索查询,转化医学第一次作为一个新的名词正式出现,应该是在1996年《柳叶刀》杂志上的一篇文章:Adenomatous polyposis coli and translational medicine。从实质上来说,转化医学的内涵包含两个方面:bench to bedside(从实验室到临床)以及bedside to bench(从临床到实验室),即通常所说的B2B过程。前一个B2B(bench to bedside)是指将实验室的研究成果应用到临床、转化为医药产品或者诊疗技术的过程,第二个B2B是指通过临床观察分析为基础医学研究提供思路、指导实验设计的过程。二者相辅相成,构成了转化医学的双向循环,不把二者作为一个整体或者忽视任何一面都是对转化医学的片面理解。关于转化医学的定义很多,至今没有统一的认识。甚至定义会随着观察者的角度而变化。这些定义如果用于转化医学理论交流与探讨的话会因为解释不够精确或者过于繁琐而引起不便,在这里,我尝试给出一种相对简练同时还能完整阐述转化医学概念的定义:转化医学是一门综合性学科,它通过利用包括现代分子生物技术在内的方法将实验室研究成果转化为临床应用的产品与技术,同时通过临床的观察与分析帮助实验室更好的认识人体与疾病、进行更优化的实验设计来促进基础研究,从而最终实现整体医疗水平的提高、帮助患者解决健康问题。
2023-07-12 07:11:543


是的,CCUS技术属于大气治理技术之一。CCUS指的是二氧化碳捕捉、利用和储存技术(Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage),旨在通过捕集各类碳源、将二氧化碳气体进行分离、利用、转化和储存等手段,达到减少温室气体排放、降低空气污染和促进发展低碳经济等目的。通过CCUS技术,可以在化石燃料消费和石化加工等领域减少GHG排放,减缓气候变化和环境污染带来的影响。目前,CCUS技术在全球范围内得到广泛推广和使用,成为实现清洁发展、推进能源转型的重要途径。
2023-07-12 07:12:175

思科交换机CPU超高负荷 CPU utilization for five seconds: 98%/26%; one minute: 98%; five minutes: 99

2023-07-12 07:12:344


2023-07-12 07:12:411


High-quality bio-diesel as a renewable biomass energy, since the past decade in the twentieth century created a worldwide research and development boom, and has been the rapid development of industries. This paper introduces the advantages of bio-diesel and bio-diesel at home and abroad for the development and utilization of the status quo, today reported progress in biodiesel research and looking forward to the future development of bio-diesel. Keywords: bio-diesel; development and utilization; Research; Prospect
2023-07-12 07:12:482


In1, we continue to move forwardIn 2, we are the right choice3, the use of the ladder in the fireIn 4, large project or workshop use ladderIn 5, the ladder in electricity infrastructure applicationIn 6, loft ladders and instructionsThe 7ladder in the steamboat useIn 8, the ladder in the high-altitude operations above useIn 9, the ladder in the power of luck
2023-07-12 07:12:594


2023-07-12 07:13:094


land 土地territory 土地,领土
2023-07-12 07:13:561


Really careaboutyou.Missyou.Readyou
2023-07-12 07:14:1811


1. land resources2. land utilization3. land utilization structure4. land utilizing classification5. overall layout of land utilization6. land tenure7. land recultivation8. land trimming9. land ownership supply19.landtax/gound
2023-07-12 07:14:431

Section Ⅲ A Brief Introduction of Mineral Exploitation and Utilization of Tibet

The exploitation and utilization of mineral resources in Tibet may be traced up to the beginning of the Christian era.To improve the tools of pro-duction Tibetan people learned the iron and copper smelting techniques early in the 1st century under the reign of the Tibetan king Zhatri.In the early 7th century under the reign of Tarpo Sharsi,the 30th king of Tibet(during the Tang Dynasty),ploughs,spades and other iron-made tools were widely used.Later,for the decoration of Buddhas,temples and palaces gold and mineral pigments came into use.The history of Tibetan medicine began in the 4th cen-tury when many mineral medicines were used.The book“Sibu Pharmacopoeia”published in 720 recorded the usage of boron.In addition,ex-ploitation and utilization of salt and peat for daily life,lead ores for making hunting guns,jade and gem stones for decoration,as well as that of kaolin can also be traced way back in history.Regular mineral exploitation based on geological prospecting started after the founding of New China.From late 1950s to 1960s Tibet exploited mainly coal and boron,sometimes on a extensive scale.The mining areas were Tu-main for coal and the Baingoin Lake and Dujiari for boron.The exploitation of chromite and the development of geothermal resources commenced in the 1970s,when the Dongfeng chromite mine was established in Dongqiao of Am-do County.The Yangbajain geothermal power station was built and put into operation in 1977.Meanwhile,cement limestone,placer gold,peat,gypsum,salt,granite,china clay,etc.were also mined in a minor scope.Mining indus-try in Tibet has developed rapidly since the 1980s.The Dongfeng mine was shifted from Dongqiao to Lhobsa and the construction of the new mine started.A number of enterprises of the Shannan District,Qusum County and Lhasa City came to Lhobsa and set up their chromite mining branches,local or col-lective.The No.2 Geological Party,the Geophysical Prospecting Party,and the township enterprises of the Qusum and Gongga Counties mined the chromite deposit in Xianggashan on the east of Lhobsa.The advancement of mining industry in the Shannan District and its economic benefits had stimulat-ed the mining industry of Xigarze,Nagqu and some other places.In Xigarze area,apart from chromite,boron was developed in the west part.In Nagqu area,chromite,placer gold,boron and lead-zinc deposits were the key tar-gets.In 1986 the“Law of Mineral Resources”and a series of the related rules and regulations were promulgated by the State.Accordingly,the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region formulated local rules and regu-lations to bring the mining industry into the orbit of legal system.The Region and the six subsidiary districts,cities and individual counties established the corresponding mineral resources management organizations.By 1991,there were more than 10 state-owned and collective mining enterprises in the Re-gion.When added in the privately owned ones,the total reached 38;of which 15 of chromite,7 of boron,2 of gold placer,6 of lead-zinc,3 of stibium,2 of coal,1 of iron,1 of limestone,1 of gemstone;others were of copper,salt,gypsum,tin placer,granite,peat,apatite,geotherm,etc.Mining has become the backbone industry in Tibet.Its proportion in the industrial output value of Tibet has distinctly increased,e.g.,6.8%in 1986,14.9%in 1987,22.5%in1988,34%in 1989,and 27.2%in 1991.Mining industry had manifested its immeasurable effects and functions in the development of national economy and in the improvement of people's life in Tibet.
2023-07-12 07:14:491


heighten the utilization rate
2023-07-12 07:14:573


2023-07-12 07:15:064


资源需要比例是(4牛场、4内场、2白砂矿)。由于牛场边界不明显,为了让大家看的更明白,所以加了绿化树,不是必然的。另外,仓库建在中间,如果放旁边的话,四个内场,将有一个很难有货车到达,因为我希望只用一级的仓库就能运作生产。另外,交易可以买种子,地块上面资源有问号,说明是可以增加资源的地块,买一个放仓库装备上去,再点确认后,会增加资源类型,但增加后,就不能再拿下来了,所以要思考需要生产配合的资源再装备上去,中后期建设时,需要用到。各类建筑生产比例:第一栏是生产出来的货物,就是人口需求的物品。第二栏是要满足人口需要必须的生产线,如果是2就代表要2个生产线,3的话就3个。第三栏是utilization,就是效率,也可以理解为你物品累积的速度。例子:如果写着60%的话,意思是所生产的物品里只要60%就可以满足人口需求,剩下的40%会在仓库里累积起来。第四栏是生产线,只要点栏里的放大镜就可以看到生产线了。在下来是单条生产线可以满足的人口数量和人口开始要求某物品的最低数量。看法是上面的代表物品。左边的则是人口阶级。例子:在鱼(fish)和乞丐(beggar)的交接栏里写着273,代表一个鱼的生产线可以满足273乞丐的需求。而在273底下一栏写着1代表只要有1个乞丐就会要求鱼。最低下的部分是production chains,就是生产线,游戏里所有的生产线都在里头了,是照字母由上到下。上面所说的生产线都是参照这里的生产线表。
2023-07-12 07:15:131