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2023-07-12 16:20:05





如果是单值函数,可以在select 列表 中使用


海贼王end point的传说是什么?

当然 是了
2023-07-12 06:23:325


2023-07-12 06:24:052

end point功能的作用是

end point就是终端的意思。终端其实就是为主机提供了人机接口,每个人都通过终端使用主机的资源。终端有字符终端和图形终端两种模式。在图形环境下,通过鼠标点击来完成管理任务;在文本界面环境下,是服务器常用的模式,使用linux命令来控制系统完成工作。终端是存在于用户和计算机之间沟通的桥梁,用户可以通过终端控制计算机来工作。
2023-07-12 06:24:131

无人机end point是什么功能

2023-07-12 06:24:211

futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?

2023-07-12 06:24:281

在海贼王中 end point 终点 有什么意思

2023-07-12 06:24:361

equivalence point 和end point的区别

第一个是平衡点,后面是结点, 平衡点是指化学反应在平衡状态下,即,反应一直在进行。 而结束点,表明反应彻底结束了。
2023-07-12 06:24:442


2023-07-12 06:24:512


一.最简单的配置方式可以直接使用命令进行临时配置网络:#ifconfig eth0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#route add default gw XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#echo "nameserver XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" >> /etc.resolv.conf以上三行对应的是IP、网关和DNS三个的临时配置;二.如果需要进行静态的方式配置网络,最通用的做法就是直接对配置文件进行修改:由于不同的操作系统的网络配置文件位置不同,可以使用命令进行搜索:#locate ifcfg | grep ethX(X代表定义号)然后进入配置文档进行修改:#IPADDR=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#GATEWAY=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX#DNS=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX以上三个就是主要要修改的参数。
2023-07-12 06:25:101


禁令标志 prohibition sign指示标志 mandatory sign指路标志 guide sign旅游标志 tourist sign标线 marking禁止超越线 no-passing line大型车 oversize vehicle小型车 light-duty vehicle自行车 bicycle非机动车 non-motor vehicle公共汽车 bus机动车 motor vehicle公共汽车优先 bus preemption;bus priority行车道 roadway,carriageway超车道 overtaking lane硬路肩 hard shoulder国道 national road省道 provincial road县道 county road高速公路 expressway起点 starting point终点 end point一般道路 ordinary road城市道路 urban road **街道 * * street互通式立交 * * interchange高架桥 viaduct隧道 tunnel收费站 toll station应急停车带 emergency stop area休息处 rest area服务区 service area避车道 lay-by,passing bay火车站 railway station飞机场 airport停车场 parking长途汽车站 inter-city bus station急救站 first aid station客轮码头 passenger quay餐饮 restaurant汽修 breakdown service洗车 vehicle cleaning加油站 filling station电话 telephone轮渡 ferry爬坡车道 climbing lane追尾危险 rear-end collision danger保持车距 keep space道路交通信息 traffic information路面结冰 icy pavement小心路滑 slippery road be careful陡坡慢行 steep descent;slow-down多雾路段 foggysection软基路段 weak subgrade大型车靠右 oversize vehicle to right注意横风 alert to cross wind事故多发点 blackspot保护动物 protect animal长下坡慢行 long descent;slow-down道路封闭 road closed车道封闭 lane closed车辆慢行 slow down道路施工 road construction;road works车辆绕行 vehicle by-pass方向引导 direction guide落石 falling rocks双向交通 two-way traffic其他危险 other dangers道路或车道变窄 carriageway narrows堤坝路 embankment road限制高度 limited height限制宽度 limited width禁鸣喇叭 silence(no audible warning) 渡船 ferry boat此路不通 no through road
2023-07-12 06:25:191

The primary end point是什么意思

The primary end point 主要终点primary 英[u02c8prau026amu0259ri] 美[u02c8prau026ameri] adj. 首要的,主要的; 最早的,原始的; [地质学] 原生的; 基本的; n. 第一位; 最好者; 要素; 候选人提拔会;
2023-07-12 06:25:261

哪些CMP使用了end point方式

2023-07-12 06:25:331


黄猿和法泽打是《航海王剧场版:Z》中的剧情。相关剧情介绍任海军本部大将黑腕泽法,为了终结大海贼时代,消灭新世界里的所有海贼。带领着自己的军队,赶到了END POINT ,与PERIOD岛上的海军展开了激战,夺走了能够匹敌古代兵器的“炸药岩”。不料大将黄猿赶到了,与其展开了大战,双方打得难解难分之际,泽法引爆了炸药岩,摧毁了第一个END POINT岛,自己却受伤和部队失散。扩展资料:剧情简介前任海军本部大将——黑腕泽法,为了终结大海贼时代,消灭新世界里的所有海贼。带领着自己的军队,赶到了END POINT ,与PERIOD岛上的海军展开了激战,夺走了能够匹敌古代兵器的“炸药岩”。打算利用它摧毁在新世界的3个END POINT岛,继而毁灭新世界。不料大将黄猿赶到了,与其展开了大战,双方打得难解难分之际,泽法引爆了炸药岩,摧毁了第一个END POINT岛,自己却受伤和部队失散。被冒险中的路飞等人救起,并被医生乔巴救醒。但交谈中泽法得知路飞等人是海贼便于其发生激烈冲突,并与赶来的NEO海军等人将路飞一行人击伤并重创桑尼号。所幸,众人齐心协力,终于突破重围,逃出生天。在泽法摧毁最后一个END POINT岛时,草帽海贼团赶到,众人各显神通,与“新生海军”展开了最后决战。在决战中,路飞与泽法交手,使尽全力打坏了泽法的武器“粉碎义肢”,而后泽法使出武装色霸气与路飞展开了肉搏,并渐渐被路飞的精神感化,慢慢消去了他的复仇之心,并重回了自己。而最后,被赶来的海军包围,为让路飞一伙逃跑,泽法单挑由黄猿带领的大批海军,因和路飞战斗以耗了不少体力,不敌黄猿,最终战死。死后,被艾因、宾兹后葬在了岛上。参考资料来源:百度百科-航海王剧场版:Z
2023-07-12 06:25:412


剧场版第12 Z
2023-07-12 06:26:044

【求助】open-label,blinded end point

open-label,公开标记试验或者叫做开放-标记试验,我理解为开放性研究。一般在2期试验前的先导性试验中使用较多。目的是对药物的初步探索,为以后的正式试验做筛选准备,因为不是正式试验,所以试验设计弹性空间较大,比如病例数和适应症及剂量不受限制,比如,可以选择10个适应症,每个适应症选10例,达到50%有效率的适应症才选择作为2期适应症。blinded end point:盲法终点研究,也是先导性试验多用。即将试验分为两个阶段 第一阶段为开放期,将获得疗效者留下,无效者弃去;第二阶段为双盲试验期,将 “有效”者按随机方法分成不同的组。仿制药一般不会涉及这样的试验。
2023-07-12 06:26:221


2023-07-12 06:26:303

请问,这里是起点,而不是终点。翻译成英语是:Here is starting point,is not end point.

it"s the begining line here, not the finish line.
2023-07-12 06:26:417

Windows 音频与Windows End Point Builder 都已启用,还是音频服务未响应?

2023-07-12 06:27:081

海贼王 泽法出现过吗

没有在动画TV版中出现过。只在《航海王剧场版:Z》中有出现,而且还是boss。中文名:泽法登场作品:《海贼王剧场版:Z》年 龄:74岁(享年)性 别:男隶 属:海军本部→NEO海军军 衔:海军本部大将(后辞职)职 位:海军学校总教官(后辞职)身 份:“NEO海军”总帅称 号:「黑腕」扩展资料:《航海王剧场版:Z》是东映动画发行的剧场版动画。故事讲述前任海军本部大将——黑腕泽法,为了终结大海贼时代,消灭新世界里的所有海贼。带领着自己的军队,赶到了END POINT ,与PERIOD岛上的海军展开了激战,夺走了能够匹敌古代兵器的“炸药岩”。打算利用它摧毁在新世界的3个END POINT岛,继而毁灭新世界。不料大将黄猿赶到了,与其展开了大战,双方打得难解难分之际,泽法引爆了炸药岩,摧毁了第一个END POINT岛,自己却受伤和部队失散。被冒险中的路飞等人救起,并被医生乔巴救醒。但交谈中泽法得知路飞等人是海贼便于其发生激烈冲突,并与赶来的NEO海军等人将路飞一行人击伤并重创桑尼号。所幸,众人齐心协力,终于突破重围,逃出生天。参考资料:百度百科-航海王剧场版:Z
2023-07-12 06:27:171

求助 :UG--api函数UF_CURVE_create_line_point_point的用法

用这个来划线了UF_CURVE_create_line(&line_coords,&line_tag);UF_CURVE_line_t line_coords; line_coords.start_point[0]=x0 line_coords.start_point[1]=y0; line_coords.start_point[2]=z0; line_coords.end_point[0]=x1 line_coords.end_point[1]=y1 line_coords.end_point[2]=z1 其中 x0,y0,z0 x1,y1,z1 就是起点与终点坐标值
2023-07-12 06:27:341


2023-07-12 06:27:5110

tomcat 启动失败,提示 Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler

2023-07-12 06:28:451


2023-07-12 06:28:531

英文 参加跑步比赛,摔倒

Yesterday, in the running race, brother in the way he ran to fall, broken skin, but he managed to climb up and then run. Run to the end point. Although did not take the first, but his classmates for his honor.
2023-07-12 06:29:443


public class TestMyPoint { public static void main(String[] args){ Mypoint start=new Mypoint(3,4); Mypoint end=new Mypoint(7,10); System.out.println("start point is start"+start.toString()); System.out.print("end point is end"+end.toString()); }}class Mypoint { int x; int y; Mypoint(int x,int y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; } public String toString(){ return ("["+x+","+y+"]"); }}
2023-07-12 06:29:533


The rabbit is the animal kingdom race champion, steadily a clever body and a pair of tall and slender powerful hind leg, a pedal can flee well far. It is proud for this reason, shows off frequently in front of the partner. A fat small turtle is actually not convinced, quarrels with the rabbit. The rabbit is glancing the turtle heavy outer covering and the soft short leg despite with the corner of the eye, disdained saying: “depends on you, dares with me to argue that unexpectedly who runs quickly, too has not known the immensity of heaven and earth? “the small turtle said obstinately: “I acknowledged that your dash is quicker than me, but must discuss the endurance and the perseverance, you did not compare me, did not believe us to be possible to compare.” When has the arrogant small rabbit received such " the insult "? The straight gas its mandibular joint shivers. It from nose humph several characters: “good, that compares! ” The turtle must with the rabbit race, this is in an animal kingdom something new, many animals cross the mountain to ford catch up with observe a war. In the turtle and the rabbit agreement"s sports field ground, crammed full elongated the neck exceptionally excited audience. In everybody thunderous cheers in the sound, the turtle and the rabbit embarked. The race champion skill is really uncommon, has not mounted several, the rabbit drops the small turtle far. Soon, it runs up to under the competition schedule central big fig tree, as soon as turns head looks, the turtle is also leaving the beginning not far place to proceed to crawl difficultly gradually. An its body peak peak, moves young Duan to be away from every time must make the completely whole body"s vigor. Which this calls to run ha? The rabbit looked, smiled nearly has broken the belly. It anchors the footsteps, is breathing fig tree"s delicate fragrance, thinks comfortably incomparable. It thought that the turtle crawls that slowly, I wait for it to pursue run again am not late, was inferior that sleeps first in here, relaxes happily. It is thinking, uses the tree root, when the pillow, whistling rests greatly. Small rabbit sleep wakes, discovered that the sun already set in the west, it cries: “is not good! “then hastily sets out, very fast runs up to the end point. Sees only that fat small turtle already and so on the end point, is treating to smile. Then, never says die the turtle has achieved the success, but because raced the champion rabbit actually to give up halfway has encountered the disastrous defeat. This story was said that worked hard for the prosperity of the country often to exceed presumes on one"s ability complacently. Remembers this story, friend, no matter how your natural talent, can work hard for the prosperity of the country, to be able relentlessly to achieve the victory the end point. 中文:兔子是动物王国的赛跑冠军, 长着一个灵巧的身子和一双细长有力的后腿, 一蹬就能窜出好远.它为此非常自豪, 常常在伙伴面前炫耀. 一只胖胖的小乌龟却偏偏不服气, 以至於和兔子争吵起来.兔子轻蔑地用眼角瞟着乌龟沉重的外壳和软软的短腿, 不屑地说: ”就凭你, 居然敢和我争论谁跑得快, 太不知天高地厚了吧?”小乌龟执拗地说: ”我承认你的短跑比我快, 但要论起耐力和恒心, 你就比不上我了, 不信咱们可以比一比.” 骄傲的小兔几时受过这样的”侮辱”?直气得它牙关打战.它从鼻子里哼出几个字: ”好, 那就比一比吧! ” 乌龟要和兔子赛跑, 这是动物王国里的一件新鲜事, 许多动物都翻山涉水赶来观战.在乌龟和兔子约定的比赛场地上, 挤满了伸长了脖子异常兴奋的观众.在大家雷鸣般的助威声中, 乌龟和兔子出发了.赛跑冠军果然身手不凡, 没蹬几下, 兔子就把小乌龟落下好远.不久, 它跑到赛程中央一棵高大的无花果树下, 回头一望, 乌龟还在离起点不远的地方一步一步艰难地往前爬呢.它的身子一耸一耸的, 每移动一小段距离都要使尽全身的劲儿.这哪叫跑哇?兔子看了, 几乎笑破了肚皮.它停住脚步, 呼吸着无花果树的清香, 觉得舒服无比.它想, 乌龟爬得那么慢, 我等它追上来再跑也不迟, 不如先在这儿睡一觉, 痛痛快快地放松一下吧.它想着, 就用树根当枕头, 呼呼大睡起来. 小兔一觉醒来, 发现太阳已经西斜, 它大叫一声: ”不好! ”便连忙起身, 飞快地跑到终点.只见那胖胖的小乌龟已等在终点, 正对着自己笑呢.就这样, 锲而不舍的乌龟获得了胜利, 而赛跑冠军兔子却因半途而废遭到了惨败. 这故事是说, 奋发图强往往胜过恃才自满.
2023-07-12 06:30:141


"In schools, and every day I got up very early, I and my classmates studying in the classroom, in the playground physical exercise, we really enjoyed ourselves. In our everyday life of studying, we help each other, make progress together, grow up together.The life of the school sometimes very tired, have classes every day, there is a lot of activities. Last month, I joined her school athletic meet, 100 meters long, on the way, my feet like no bones and muscles is same, at present one crept, was about to fall, but the ear a twinge of NaHanSheng, let me constantly advancing, finally I can still run to the end point, accept their meticulous care.
2023-07-12 06:30:245

求林俊杰 英文版歌词,急用!!!

Most of the third party will never is not others, but fate. Stubborn pain, more willing to use real exchange of memory? Love has various forms of end point, sorry but there was no end of thoughts run ..
2023-07-12 06:30:404

Allegro 圆弧 第三个点确定不了

在屏幕上适当的位置上点击鼠标左键,设置圆弧的中心点,这时,你可以看到 Allegro窗口的下面命令信息部分得到如下的提示:Pick arc START point…向右移动光标,在适当的位置上点击鼠标左键,设置圆弧半径及圆弧的起始点,在Allegro 窗口的下面命令信息部分,你将看到如下的提示:Pick arc END point…移动光标,在适当的位置上点击鼠标左键,设置圆弧的结束点。 点击鼠标右键,选择 Done命令,或者按 F2 键,完成圆弧 的绘制。注意:在执行 Add—Arc w/Radius 命令后,注意Allegro 控制面板中各项内容的设置。 你需要为你绘制的圆弧设置适当的类(Class)和子类(Subclass)、线宽(Line width)、最小增加角度(Lock angle)和线的类型(Line font)。
2023-07-12 06:30:471


电脑“端口”为英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。其中硬件领域的端口又称接口,如:USB端口、串行端口等。软件领域的端口指网络中面向连接服务和无连接服务的通信协议端口,是一种抽象的软件结构,包括一些数据结构和I/O(基本输入输出)缓冲区。端口可分为3大类:1、公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。2、注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。3、动态私有(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。扩展资料端口在入侵中的作用有人曾经把服务器比作房子,而把端口比作通向不同房间(服务)的门,如果不考虑细节的话,这是一个不错的比喻。入侵者要占领这间房子,势必要破门而入(物理入侵另说),那么对于入侵者来说,了解房子开了几扇门,都是什么样的门,门后面有什么东西就显得至关重要。入侵者通常会用扫描器对目标主机的端口进行扫描,以确定哪些端口是开放的,从开放的端口,入侵者可以知道目标主机大致提供了哪些服务,进而猜测可能存在的漏洞,因此对端口的扫描可以帮助我们更好的了解目标主机,而对于管理员,扫描本机的开放端口也是做好安全防范的第一步。参考资料来源:百度百科-端口参考资料来源:百度百科-电脑端口
2023-07-12 06:30:591


2023-07-12 06:31:326

End point Equivalence point

In titration "equivalence point" and "end point" are o differentconcepts but are easily to make confusion beeen them. The equivalence point is the point at which the acid/alkali in the conicalflask is just pletely neutralized by the alkali/acid added from the burette.At this point the amounts of the o reactants (acid and alkali) are said tobe chemically equivalent. The exact value of the equivalence point cannot be found in a titration butthe end point is an estimation of the equivalence point. simply speaking the endpoint is the point at which the titration ends. The end point is usually determinedby the colour change of the indicator or the turning point of the graph inthermometric titration or conductometric titration. If the end point is close to the equivalence point the titration is accurate. 在滴定中,「当量点」和「终点」是两个不同的概念,但却容易混淆。 在当量点,盛于锥形瓶中的酸/碱刚完全被从滴定管所加入的碱/酸所中和。这状况下,两个反应物(酸和碱)在化学上等当量。 当量点的准确数值并不可能从实验中求得,但可用终点来估计当量点。简单来说,终点是滴定终结的一点。通常凭指示剂变色,或者热量滴定或电导滴定的线图转向点,可判定终点。 若终点与当量点接近,滴定是准确的。 参考: wzeto
2023-07-12 06:31:581

futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?

2023-07-12 06:32:041

End Point是什么意思

2023-07-12 06:32:122

求助 :UG--api函数UF_CURVE_create_line_point_point的用法

用这个来划线了UF_CURVE_create_line(&line_coords,&line_tag);UF_CURVE_line_t line_coords; line_coords.start_point[0]=x0 line_coords.start_point[1]=y0; line_coords.start_point[2]=z0; line_coords.end_point[0]=x1 line_coords.end_point[1]=y1 line_coords.end_point[2]=z1 其中 x0,y0,z0 x1,y1,z1 就是起点与终点坐标值
2023-07-12 06:32:201


   英语发言稿格式一   Honorable Judges, fellow students:   Good afternoon!   Recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. The college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?   The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The college students I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.   The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.   As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe in all my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a better place. I believe in our future.    英语发言稿格式二   Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen,   Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.”   Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, there"s always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the devil of cancer would have devoured his life and the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France.   A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success, so does life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with the great British poet Shelley"s lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Thank you!    英语发言稿格式三   Good evening,   I"m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! I hope you will like it .   First I want to ask you some questions:   1、Do you know what is youth?   2、How do you master your youth?   Everyone has his own understanding of young. youth is the time of life when one is young, but often means the time between childhood and adulthood (maturity). It is also defined as "the appearance, freshness, vigor, spirit, etc., characteristic of one who is young". Its definitions of a specific age range varies, as youth is not defined chronologically as a stage that can be tied to specific age ranges; nor can its end point be linked to specific activities, such as taking unpaid work or having sexual relations without consent.   In my opinion, Youth is not only a certain time of your life; also it is the shape of your mind. It is not only bright eyes, sweet smiles, nice voices, supple bodies, but also it is the way that you think and act.   Youth is a lively topic, youth is a mature turning.   Youth is like a gust of wind blowing, leaving only the dusty back.   We have been or are embrace the youth, we will lose our youth.   Some people say that youth is a scrap of paper, of no use. Every attempt nothing and accomplish nothing, only know to eat, drink, play, music, do not know how to study hard, do not know how parents bitterness, do not understand the meaning of life.Also some people, although they are unknown to the public, but they cherish their youth, cherish their own every second.   As a new era of college students, should cherish the youth, to seize every minute to learn. We must hold to our youth, do not waste one"s life. On the road of growing up, do every thing, each reading a good book, learn every bit of knowledge. We should not idle about all day, abandoned their studies. We want to make sure that the goal of life for themselves, to pursue the ideal of life. This is the youth: full power, full of expectations, voluntary, full of knowledge and the struggle of ambition.   Youth is a song, sing the life the most memorable fragment; youth is a painting, draw the outline of the most wonderful scene; youth is a poem, to praise the most beautiful moment in life; youth is the only way which must be passed to each of us in our life, it plays a significant role.   I hope my short speech will make you see the things clearly.
2023-07-12 06:32:361


聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction简称PCR)原理凭借敏感、特异、快速的特点荣获1993年诺贝尔化学奖。因其在病原体检测方面的独特优势,因而发达国家在相关方法和仪器方面的研发非常快,成为分子生物学诊断的主流,至今仍处于学术和应用前沿,发展至今已有三代产品:第一代PCR定性检测技术及设备由基因扩增热循环仪(DNA Thermal Cycler)+电泳仪+紫外分析仪+定性试剂构成;第二代PCR-DNA终点定量技术及设备(End-point quantitative PCR detection)由基因扩增热循环仪+荧光仪+终点定量试剂构成,其又分为终点酶免定量(End-point ELISA-PCR)和终点荧光定量(End-point Flour-PCR)两种;第三代产品为QPCR-DNA/RNA实时荧光定量检测。 QPCR检测灵敏度高,检测线性范围宽,检测精度和重复性好等突出优势,因此被公认为当今世界用于临床的最先进核酸分子诊断技术,被美国FDA承认并推崇。被美国FDA批准并取得临床应用执照的QPCR试剂品种有:乙肝病毒HBV DNA,丙肝病毒HCV RNA,艾滋病病毒HIV RNA,沙眼衣原体CT,淋病双球菌NG,巨细胞病毒CMV,结核分支杆菌Mtb等。实时荧光PCR仪研发技术难度大,门槛高,发达国家也只有有限几家知名公司生产,且售价昂贵,在50-120万元。 可见,在病人看来,哪家医院应用了QPCR技术便是先进诊断技术的象征,在发达国家也是如此。参考资料:
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128 渗透 652 技术 68 员 68
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12月1日 16:06 开始-所有程序-附件-计算器
2023-07-12 06:34:143


The StarsThe storyteller acting as a guide takes notice of the stars as a basis to find their way. The meeting between him and the little prince finishes when he discovers that the little prince is just like the stars as they reveal themselves. The sheer large size of the universe and the unknowns associated with the heavens are also represented by The Little Prince, as well as finally the unpopularity of the tell through time. The prince descended from a single star hanging above the draught area, which is the narrator"s last lonely and disappointed picture. In this scene, the present star emphasize the in existence of the prince hinting that his figure is fading away. The prince told his experiences of the huge and crowded populations of the universe as reminded by the star.The DesertThe novel takes place in the Sahara Desert, where legends can easily fill the empty space. Dangerous snakes and shortage of water fills in the tough desert. The according role of the desert reflects the narrator"s thinking. Failed by grown-up opinions, the teller"s mind gradually improves according to the advice of the little prince pretty much the same way the lethal desert changes in to a wonderland in the wake of the appearance of the well.The TrainsThe locomotives showing up in Chapter22 symbolizes the fruitless struggle to get rich. The train journeys are quick tournaments that will lead to sadness because people are not happy at all with their presence as the prince realizes with the help of the switchman. The near miss of the fast shuttling expresses from different directions also implies that the influences from the grown-ups are in contrast and meaningless. Once again, the truth is only understood by the kids. They reckon that the path is not overwhelmed by the end point and rush to the windows in no time as the train advances enjoying the beauty outside.WaterWhen the story comes to an end, water consumption develops into a definite sign of idealistic satisfaction. The narrator"s worries about the lack of water after he made an emergency landing early on into the desert unravel his complaint against the aging issues. Short after when he and the little prince locate the hidden well, it is the water down the teller"s throat that makes him remember Chinese New Year. The very thinking of New Year dinner indicates that his soul instead of his body that bears the desire. The salesclerk offers a thirst-relieving tablet. The prince, however, proves that only original spiritual food takes effect. The tablet can only cover one"s symptoms for a while, it cannot be regarded as a true form nutrition. The little prince states that he is willing to exchange the time saved by the tablet for quenching from cold water, the only real mental contentment that is possible to count on.
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2023-07-12 06:34:392


计算机“端口”是英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。其中硬件领域的端口又称接口,如:USB端口、串行端口等。软件领域的端口一般指网络中面向连接服务和无连接服务的通信协议端口,是一种抽象的软件结构,包括一些数据结构和I/O(基本输入输出)缓冲区。 按端口号可分为3大类: (1)公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。 (2)注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。 (3)动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。 一些端口常常会被黑客利用,还会被一些木马病毒利用,对计算机系统进行攻击,以下是计算机端口的介绍以及防止被黑客攻击的简要办法。 8080端口 端口说明:8080端口同80端口,是被用于WWW代理服务的,可以实现网页浏览,经常在访问某个网站或使用代理服务器的时候,会加上“:8080”端口号,比如 。 端口漏洞:8080端口可以被各种病毒程序所利用,比如Brown Orifice(BrO)特洛伊木马病毒可以利用8080端口完全遥控被感染的计算机。另外,RemoConChubo,RingZero木马也可以利用该端口进行攻击。 操作建议:一般我们是使用80端口进行网页浏览的,为了避免病毒的攻击,我们可以关闭该端口。 端口:21 服务:FTP 说明:FTP服务器所开放的端口,用于上传、下载。最常见的攻击者用于寻找打开anonymous的FTP服务器的方法。这些服务器带有可读写的目录。木马Doly Trojan、Fore、Invisible FTP、WebEx、WinCrash和Blade Runner所开放的端口。 端口:22 服务:Ssh 说明:PcAnywhere建立的TCP和这一端口的连接可能是为了寻找ssh。这一服务有许多弱点,如果配置成特定的模式,许多使用RSAREF库的版本就会有不少的漏洞存在。 端口:23 服务:Telnet 说明:远程登录,入侵者在搜索远程登录UNIX的服务。大多数情况下扫描这一端口是为了找到机器运行的操作系统。还有使用其他技术,入侵者也会找到密码。木马Tiny Telnet Server就开放这个端口。 端口:25 服务:SMTP 说明:SMTP服务器所开放的端口,用于发送邮件。入侵者寻找SMTP服务器是为了传递他们的SPAM。入侵者的帐户被关闭,他们需要连接到高带宽的E-MAIL服务器上,将简单的信息传递到不同的地址。木马Antigen、Email Password Sender、Haebu Coceda、Shtrilitz Stealth、WinPC、WinSpy都开放这个端口。 端口:80 服务:HTTP 说明:用于网页浏览。木马Executor开放此端口。 端口:102 服务:Message transfer agent(MTA)-X.400 over TCP/IP 说明:消息传输代理。 端口:109 服务:Post Office Protocol -Version3 说明:POP3服务器开放此端口,用于接收邮件,客户端访问服务器端的邮件服务。POP3服务有许多公认的弱点。关于用户名和密码交 换缓冲区溢出的弱点至少有20个,这意味着入侵者可以在真正登陆前进入系统。成功登陆后还有其他缓冲区溢出错误。 端口:110 服务:SUN公司的RPC服务所有端口 说明:常见RPC服务有rpc.mountd、NFS、rpc.statd、rpc.csmd、rpc.ttybd、amd等 端口:119 服务:Network News Transfer Protocol 说明:NEWS新闻组传输协议,承载USENET通信。这个端口的连接通常是人们在寻找USENET服务器。多数ISP限制,只有他们的客户才能访问他们的新闻组服务器。打开新闻组服务器将允许发/读任何人的帖子,访问被限制的新闻组服务器,匿名发帖或发送SPAM。 端口:135 服务:Location Service 说明:Microsoft在这个端口运行DCE RPC end-point mapper为它的DCOM服务。这与UNIX 111端口的功能很相似。使用DCOM和RPC的服务利用计算机上的end-point mapper注册它们的位置。远端客户连接到计算机时,它们查找end-point mapper找到服务的位置。HACKER扫描计算机的这个端口是为了找到这个计算机上运行Exchange Server吗?什么版本?还有些DOS攻击直接针对这个端口。 端口:137、138、139 服务:NETBIOS Name Service 说明:其中137、138是UDP端口,当通过网上邻居传输文件时用这个端口。而139端口:通过这个端口进入的连接试图获得NetBIOS/SMB服务。这个协议被用于windows文件和打印机共享和SAMBA。还有WINS Regisrtation也用它。 端口:161 服务:SNMP 说明:SNMP允许远程管理设备。所有配置和运行信息的储存在数据库中,通过SNMP可获得这些信息。许多管理员的错误配置将被暴露在Internet。Cackers将试图使用默认的密码public、private访问系统。他们可能会试验所有可能的组合。SNMP包可能会被错误的指向用户的网络采纳哦
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计算机“端口”是英文port的义译,可以认为是计算机与外界通讯交流的出口。其中硬件领域的端口又称接口,如:USB端口、串行端口等。软件领域的端口一般指网络中面向连接服务和无连接服务的通信协议端口,是一种抽象的软件结构,包括一些数据结构和I/O(基本输入输出)缓冲区。 按端口号可分为3大类: (1)公认端口(Well Known Ports):从0到1023,它们紧密绑定(binding)于一些服务。通常这些端口的通讯明确表明了某种服务的协议。例如:80端口实际上总是HTTP通讯。 (2)注册端口(Registered Ports):从1024到49151。它们松散地绑定于一些服务。也就是说有许多服务绑定于这些端口,这些端口同样用于许多其它目的。例如:许多系统处理动态端口从1024左右开始。 (3)动态和/或私有端口(Dynamic and/or Private Ports):从49152到65535。理论上,不应为服务分配这些端口。实际上,机器通常从1024起分配动态端口。但也有例外:SUN的RPC端口从32768开始。 一些端口常常会被黑客利用,还会被一些木马病毒利用,对计算机系统进行攻击,以下是计算机端口的介绍以及防止被黑客攻击的简要办法。 8080端口 端口说明:8080端口同80端口,是被用于WWW代理服务的,可以实现网页浏览,经常在访问某个网站或使用代理服务器的时候,会加上“:8080”端口号,比如。 端口漏洞:8080端口可以被各种病毒程序所利用,比如Brown Orifice(BrO)特洛伊木马病毒可以利用8080端口完全遥控被感染的计算机。另外,RemoConChubo,RingZero木马也可以利用该端口进行攻击。 操作建议:一般我们是使用80端口进行网页浏览的,为了避免病毒的攻击,我们可以关闭该端口。 端口:21 服务:FTP 说明:FTP服务器所开放的端口,用于上传、下载。最常见的攻击者用于寻找打开anonymous的FTP服务器的方法。这些服务器带有可读写的目录。木马Doly Trojan、Fore、Invisible FTP、WebEx、WinCrash和Blade Runner所开放的端口。 端口:22 服务:Ssh 说明:PcAnywhere建立的TCP和这一端口的连接可能是为了寻找ssh。这一服务有许多弱点,如果配置成特定的模式,许多使用RSAREF库的版本就会有不少的漏洞存在。 端口:23 服务:Telnet 说明:远程登录,入侵者在搜索远程登录UNIX的服务。大多数情况下扫描这一端口是为了找到机器运行的操作系统。还有使用其他技术,入侵者也会找到密码。木马Tiny Telnet Server就开放这个端口。 端口:25 服务:SMTP 说明:SMTP服务器所开放的端口,用于发送邮件。入侵者寻找SMTP服务器是为了传递他们的SPAM。入侵者的帐户被关闭,他们需要连接到高带宽的E-MAIL服务器上,将简单的信息传递到不同的地址。木马Antigen、Email Password Sender、Haebu Coceda、Shtrilitz Stealth、WinPC、WinSpy都开放这个端口。 端口:80 服务:HTTP 说明:用于网页浏览。木马Executor开放此端口。 端口:102 服务:Message transfer agent(MTA)-X.400 over TCP/IP 说明:消息传输代理。 端口:109 服务:Post Office Protocol -Version3 说明:POP3服务器开放此端口,用于接收邮件,客户端访问服务器端的邮件服务。POP3服务有许多公认的弱点。关于用户名和密码交 换缓冲区溢出的弱点至少有20个,这意味着入侵者可以在真正登陆前进入系统。成功登陆后还有其他缓冲区溢出错误。 端口:110 服务:SUN公司的RPC服务所有端口 说明:常见RPC服务有rpc.mountd、NFS、rpc.statd、rpc.csmd、rpc.ttybd、amd等 端口:119 服务:Network News Transfer Protocol 说明:NEWS新闻组传输协议,承载USENET通信。这个端口的连接通常是人们在寻找USENET服务器。多数ISP限制,只有他们的客户才能访问他们的新闻组服务器。打开新闻组服务器将允许发/读任何人的帖子,访问被限制的新闻组服务器,匿名发帖或发送SPAM。 端口:135 服务:Location Service 说明:Microsoft在这个端口运行DCE RPC end-point mapper为它的DCOM服务。这与UNIX 111端口的功能很相似。使用DCOM和RPC的服务利用计算机上的end-point mapper注册它们的位置。远端客户连接到计算机时,它们查找end-point mapper找到服务的位置。HACKER扫描计算机的这个端口是为了找到这个计算机上运行Exchange Server吗?什么版本?还有些DOS攻击直接针对这个端口。 端口:137、138、139 服务:NETBIOS Name Service 说明:其中137、138是UDP端口,当通过网上邻居传输文件时用这个端口。而139端口:通过这个端口进入的连接试图获得NetBIOS/SMB服务。这个协议被用于windows文件和打印机共享和SAMBA。还有WINS Regisrtation也用它。 端口:161 服务:SNMP 说明:SNMP允许远程管理设备。所有配置和运行信息的储存在数据库中,通过SNMP可获得这些信息。许多管理员的错误配置将被暴露在Internet。Cackers将试图使用默认的密码public、private访问系统。他们可能会试验所有可能的组合。SNMP包可能会被错误的指向用户的网络
2023-07-12 06:36:391

cancer-specific survival什么意思

cancer-specific survival肿瘤特异性生存拼音双语对照双语例句1PSADT is an important prognostic factor that may serve as an auxiliary end point for cancer-specific survival;PSADT作为一个重要的预后因子,可能在癌症特异性存活中作为一个辅助性终点指标;
2023-07-12 06:36:462

equivalence point是什么意思

equivalence point 等当量点If the end point is close to the equivalence point, the titration isaccurate. 若终点与当量点接近,滴定是准确的。
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