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wind up和end up的区别

2023-07-12 16:11:18
TAG: up wind in wi win end ind

wind up



Under such circumstances, perhaps shareholders might get the wind up and throw such directors out.


end up (同近义词结束;死亡, conclude, come to an end)



How does the film end up?




end up 英[end u028cp] 美[u025bnd u028cp] [词典] <非正>(以…)结束; 最终成为[变得]; 最后处于; [例句]The result was that the engine ended up at the bottom of the canal结果引擎最终沉到了运河底。
2023-07-12 06:04:021

end up是什么意思?应如何运用?

end up 意思是:最终(成为...); 最终(处于....状态)1、He ended up as general manager of the company.他最后成了这家公司的总经理。——摘自有道词典2、end up doing 通常强调结果和预期的并不一致Most slimmers end up putting weight back on.大部分减肥的人最终体重又反弹了
2023-07-12 06:04:164

end up是什么意思?如何运用?

2023-07-12 06:04:404

end up 的用法包括它后面加什么,例句等

end up鼓励end up...结束 Endeavour...Endeavour endless 结束,告终;竖着 end off[]结束...end up[]结束,告终;竖着...end up with[]以…而结束 结束,告终 Phrasal verb...end up是结束,告终的意思,例如:...You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.结果是 emergency landing 紧急着陆...end up 结果是...enthusiastic about sports 对体育有兴趣 1.〈非正〉(以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕 How does the story end up?这篇故事是怎么结尾的?The boy"s ball ended up on the garage roof.这男孩的球落到了汽车库顶上.If he had really pulled the trigger,I would have ended up then and there.如果他真的扣动了扳机的话,我早就被当场打死了.If you don"t work hard,you"ll end up nowhere.如不努力工作,你就一事无成.He finally ended up his speech.最后他结束了自己的讲话.He ended up as head of the firm.他最后成了公司的负责人.Most of the white liquid running out of these trees ends up as rubber tires.从这些树上流出来的大部分白色液体最后都变成了橡胶轮胎.The hooligan ended up dead in a car accident.那个恶棍最后在一次车祸中丧命.If you don"t eat less,you"ll end up looking like a whale!如果你不少吃些,你最终会使自己看起来像一条鲸鱼!They all ended up puzzled.最终他们都感到迷惑不解.2.最终成为;最后处于
2023-07-12 06:05:011

end up三种用法

end up三种用法:1、end up doing sth表示最后做某事,渗此行停止做某事扒并;2.end up with sth表示以…完毕;3.hold ones end up表示坚持下去,积极地作战。1、end up doing sth最后做某事,停止做某事。例如:1、If you fool about with matches, you"ll end up getting burned.如果你摆弄火柴,最后可能烧到自己。2、We will end up living in a society where life is cheap.我们最终将生活在一个视人命为儿戏的社会。2.end up with sth表示以完毕。例如:1、The weakest students can end up with a negative score.最差的学生可能会以负分收场。2、If they take this game lightly they could end up with egg on their faces.如果他们对这场比赛掉以轻心,结果很可能会出丑。3.hold ones end up表示坚持下去,积极地作战。例如:If you go on like this you"ll end up in prison.如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead.如丛哗果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。
2023-07-12 06:05:571

end up什么意思?

你好!end up最终
2023-07-12 06:06:362

end up with与end up的区别

end up sth 相当于end sth,结束某事 end up:是结束,告终2中意思都差不多.但用法不同~end upwith、 in、 doing 只是end up 的不同搭配.end up 的意思是结束,后跟with表示以什么结束,其后可跟任何名词;后跟in一般表示后面要接一个地点名词 如end in prison;而doing则表示end up后面可以接一个动名词 如end up dancing(停止跳舞) end up sth end up with sth 是以什么为结束的意思,并可以有所引申.有发生的前提.只下用end sth.也就是end up sth
2023-07-12 06:06:431

end up 的用法

其实问题不应该这样问,with、 in、 doing 只是end up 的不同搭配。end up 的意思是结束,后跟with表示以什么结束,其后可跟任何名词;后跟in一般表示后面要接一个地点名词 如end in prison;而doing则表示end up后面可以接一个动名词 如end up dancing(停止跳舞) 我只是复制黏贴过来的原作者在参考资料里再粘点儿例句end up: 结束,告终例句与用法: 1. The people who design America"s nuclear bombs believe believe they helped win the Cold War. But now that the war is over, many wonder whether they"ll end up out in the cold. 设计美国核弹的人相信他们帮忙打赢了冷战,可是既然冷战已经结束,很多人不知道他最终会不会受到冷落。 2. If you do that, you"ll end up with egg on your face. 你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终 3. "These affairs always end up the same way, " he grumbled,"everybody looking to me to tell them what to do." "Oh? I"d have thought that was just your scene! " "这些事情总是以同样的方式而告终,"他抱怨道,"大家指望我告诉他们做什么。""哦?我还以为那正合你的口味呢!" 4. Wasteful people usually end up in debt. 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。 5. You could end up running this company if you play your cards right. 你要是处理得当, 到头来这个公司能归你掌管. 6. If you continue to steal you"ll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃终归得进监狱. 7. If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead. 他照这样开车, 早晚得死於非命. 总之就是没啥区别
2023-07-12 06:07:031

end up后面加动名词和过去式有什么区别?

END UP 可以接动词的现在分词形式,但是不是接过去时举例:He ended up eating up all the bad eggs.他最后以吃掉所有坏掉的蛋糕收场Tom ended up dead in the story.故事的最后,TOM死了.所以可以证明,END UP后面可以接形容词.但不可以接动词过去时.希望可以帮到你,请给分!
2023-07-12 06:07:111

用end up造句

Their friendship ended up.
2023-07-12 06:07:204

end up后跟什么

endu2002upu2002with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而endu2002upu2002in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果。The meetingu2002endedu2002upu2002withu2002au2002song.(au2002song是主语Theu2002meetingu2002的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).Theiru2002effortu2002endedu2002upu2002inu2002failure(failure是主语Theiru2002effortu2002的结果)。1.u2002Theu2002peopleu2002whou2002designu2002America"su2002nuclearu2002bombsu2002believeu2002theyu2002helpedu2002winu2002theu2002Coldu2002War.u2002Butu2002nowu2002thatu2002theu2002waru2002isu2002over,u2002manyu2002wonderu2002whetheru2002they"llu2002endu2002upu2002outu2002inu2002theu2002cold.u2002u2002u2002u2002 设计美国核弹的人相信他们帮忙打赢了冷战,可是既然冷战已经结束,很多人不知道他最终会不会受到冷落。u2002u2002 u20022.u2002Ifu2002youu2002dou2002that,u2002you"llu2002endu2002upu2002withu2002eggu2002onu2002youru2002face.u2002u2002u2002u2002 你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终u2002u2002u2002 3.u2002"Theseu2002affairsu2002alwaysu2002endu2002upu2002theu2002sameu2002way,u2002"u2002heu2002grumbled,"everybodyu2002lookingu2002tou2002meu2002tou2002tellu2002themu2002whatu2002tou2002do."u2002"Oh?u2002I"du2002haveu2002thoughtu2002thatu2002wasu2002justu2002youru2002scene!u2002"u2002u2002u2002u2002 "这些事情总是以同样的方式而告终,"他抱怨道,"大家指望我告诉他们做什么。""哦?我还以为那正合你的口味呢!"u2002u2002u2002 4.u2002Wastefulu2002peopleu2002usuallyu2002endu2002upu2002inu2002debt.u2002u2002u2002u2002 挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。u2002u2002u2002 5.u2002Youu2002couldu2002endu2002upu2002runningu2002thisu2002companyu2002ifu2002youu2002playu2002youru2002cardsu2002right.u2002u2002u2002u2002 你要是处理得当,u2002到头来这个公司能归你掌管.u2002u2002u2002
2023-07-12 06:07:271

end up doing的用法归纳分点回答

end up的用法归纳:end up doing sth,意为“最后/最终做某事”,end up with sth,意为“以…结束”。end up中文含义有“最终”、“结果”、“到头来”,通常指意外地最终到达。 扩展资料   end up的"基本释义及双语例句   end up意思有(通常指意外地)最终到达;最终;结果;到头来。例句有:   1、If you go on like this you"ll end up in prison.   如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。   2、If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead.   如果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。   3、We will end up living in a society where life is cheap.   我们最终将生活在一个视人命为儿戏的社会。   4、That"s what you"ll end up with, you mark my words.   那就是将来你的下场,记住我的话。   5、I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty   我得和系里其他教授一起做好自己的本职工作。   6、If they are wrong, both of them will end up in the corporate slow lane .   要是他们错了,那么他俩都会沦为公司里的落后分子。   7、What scares me most is that I"m going to end up not being married   最让我担心的是我会一辈子嫁不出去。   8、They could end up with a 50-point winning margin   他们最终可能会以50分的优势获胜。   9、How does the story end up?   这个故事是怎么结尾的?   10、If you don"t work hard, you"ll end up nowhere.   如不努力工作,你就一事无成。
2023-07-12 06:07:341

end up, end up in, end up with有什么区别 具体!

都是“结束”的意思哦 第一个可以单独用endupwith后面接名词,endupin后面接动名词,就是doing哈,这两个都是“以什么结束”的意思
2023-07-12 06:07:421

每日一词 end up

end up 的用法也很灵活,它可以接分词、形容词、介词短语,也可以直接接名词。 例句 My flight was delayed, so I ended up spending the night at the airport.(end up 后接现在分词,这种用法最常见) He frets about his student loans and the difficulty of finding a job, even fearing that he might end up homeless.(end up 后接形容词) Perhaps it was inevitable that China and America would end up rivals.(end up 后接名词) Be thankful for what you have; you"ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don"t have, you will never, ever have enough. 翻译 Steve could have ended up a rich man. 造句 She could have ended up lonely for her life.
2023-07-12 06:07:501


“up”是介副词,很像汉语的“起来/彻底/好/了/搞定”。 end up的意思可以是:彻底终止/以...而告终(最好带with),后面及不及物随意,代词紧跟动词之后。 例如:The fight ended up with the failure of the blue.这场战斗以蓝队失败而告终。 扩展资料   up系列短语很多,例如:   stand up站起来   sit up 坐起来   hang up挂起来   shut up彻底闭上/闭住   close up关好/关紧   finish up完成了   stop up堵住/堵好   hold up抓好/抓紧/抓住/抓牢   wind up卷起......
2023-07-12 06:07:581

end up 的用法

end up with sth. /doing sth.
2023-07-12 06:08:072

end up doing sth和end doing sth的区别有哪些?

end up doing sth与end doing sth与finish doing sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、end up doing sth:以做某事结束。2、end doing sth:结束做某事。3、finish doing sth:完成某事。二、用法不同1、end up doing sth:end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end doing sth:end的基本意思是“结束”,通常指某一发展过程的最终结束。end既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,在用作不及物动词时,常常与介词或副词构成短语。3、finish doing sth:finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。三、侧重点不同1、end up doing sth:侧重于表示以某事为重点,以这件事为终点。2、end doing sth:侧重于表示以结束为重点,体现完结。3、finish doing sth:侧重于表示把应该完成的事做完。
2023-07-12 06:08:151

end up,end up with,end up in,end with 请说明用法和区别?分别举例.

end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果.: end up 结束,告终 例句与用法:1.The people who design America"s nuclear bombs believe believe they helped win the Cold War.But now that the war is over,many wonder whether they"ll end up out in the cold.设计美国核弹的人相信他们帮忙打赢了冷战,可是既然冷战已经结束,很多人不知道他最终会不会受到冷落.2.If you do that,you"ll end up with egg on your face.你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终 end sth end up sth end with sth end up with sth end up in sth 之间的区别尤其是end with sth end up with sth
2023-07-12 06:08:571

end up doing与end up with doing区别

If he continues like this,he will__a stone only to have it drop on his own foot,just as the saying goes.选用end up lifting正确。简析如下:句意:如果他继续如此的话,那就会正如俗语所言,他将最终是搬起石头砸自己的脚。用法辨析:end up doing sth: 最终会做某事,强调【以作某事而告终或结束】,必须使用动名词作宾语。end up with:最终成为,以...结束,突出最终会得到的结果,后面接名词、代词或从句作介词with的宾语。 但是必须注意的是,with虽然是介词,理论上可以接动名词作宾语,但是实际上却几乎没有或很少直接搭配动名词,这可以看做是该词词义的要求,更应该看做是英语国家的表达习惯。对于非英语国家学习者而言,直接接受并遵照使用就行了。更多例句:In the normal course of events, you would like to end up with what you started.在正常的情况下,您可能会以回到开始的地方而结束。While you could develop a class that implements all three interfaces, you end up with quite a lot of technology-specific code for accessing and processing the actual messages.当您能开发一个类来实现所有这三个接口时,会以访问、处理实际消息的代码而结束,而这些代码又与许多与技术细节是紧密相关的。You end up with a system where hundreds of thousands of people have degrees that are totally worthless.你以一个让成千上万的人们拥有学历的教育体系为目标,是没有任何价值的。祝你开心如意!
2023-07-12 06:09:053


2023-07-12 06:09:261

end up 是谓语动词吗

end up 是谓语动词, 后接现在分词 end up doing sth,表示“以做某事而告终”
2023-07-12 06:09:332

end up和end in有什么区别

2023-07-12 06:09:412

请问end in ,end with 和end up with 有什么区别?

都是“结束”的意思哦 第一个可以单独用endupwith后面接名词,endupin后面接动名词,就是doing哈,这两个都是“以什么结束”的意思
2023-07-12 06:09:502

end up为什么有 结束,最终到达的意思?

end up可以表示结束,最终达到某一状态
2023-07-12 06:10:153

end与end up的区别?

简单来说end 就是某事结束了的意思end up 就是让(使)某件事结束
2023-07-12 06:10:363

end up,end up with,end in的区别?

end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分;end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果).
2023-07-12 06:10:452

wrap up和end up

2023-07-12 06:10:531

end up/end up with/end upon/end into有什么区别

2023-07-12 06:11:012

end up 这里的up是介词吗?up翻译为什么?

这里的up不是介词,是一个副词, end up=(以…)结束;最终成为[变得];最后处于
2023-07-12 06:11:081

end up 与 end 的区别

to find yourself in a place or situation that you didn"t expect to be in最终成为,最后处于例句:If you go on like this you will end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。另外,end up + 动词[ing]---例子:end up getting married end up + [adj]---例子:end up dead end---最后部分, 末尾We must fight on until the end.我们必须战斗到底。端, 尽头, 梢终止, 结局Don"t give away the end of the story.别把故事结局说出来。〈正〉结果, 目标, 目的Do the ends justify the means?只要目的正当就可以不择手段吗?死去That face called up in his mind the image of his end wife.那张脸使他想起了他亡妻的形象。vt. & vi.结束; 终止The road ends here.此路到此为止。
2023-07-12 06:11:161

请问end in ,end with 和end up with 有什么区别?

2023-07-12 06:11:252

用end up doing 造句

end up doing Consumers end up bearing this extra cost. 消费者最终承担这笔额外成本. must play my spare time well,or I end up doing nothing. 我必须善于利用空闲的时间,否则生命将会在无所事事中告终 People want to do better,but they end up doing worse. 人们想要做得更好,结果他们做得更坏.
2023-07-12 06:11:321

小小的问题 end up 可放于句尾吗?

2023-07-12 06:11:412


2023-07-12 06:12:012

end up 的用法包括它后面加什么,例句等

2023-07-12 06:12:171


end up意思有(通常指意外地)最终到达;最终;结果;到头来。 If you go on like this youll end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。 扩展资料   end up doing sth,意为“最后/最终做某事”   Why do I end up doing all the work by myself?   真讨厌,为什么最后变成我一个人做所有的事情?   end up with sth,意为“以…结束”。   The weakest students can end up with a negative score.   最差的学生可能会以负分收场。
2023-07-12 06:12:241

end up用法

2023-07-12 06:12:334


end up意思有(通常指意外地)最终到达;最终;结果;到头来。 例句: If you go on like this youll end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。 They could end up with a 50-point winning margin. 他们最后可能会以50点的优势获胜。 扩展资料   If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead.   如果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。   In the great effort not to offend, we end up saying nothing.   为了尽量不冒犯人,我们最终什么也没说。   If you fool about with matches, you"ll end up getting burned.   如果你摆弄火柴,最后可能烧到自己。
2023-07-12 06:13:001

end up 的用法归纳

end up意思有(通常指意外地)最终到达;最终;结果;到头来。 end up doing sth,意为“最后/最终做某事”。 end up with sth,意为“以…结束”。 例句: Hell end up in the nick. 他早晚得进局子。 I sometimes end up in the bedroom. 我有时会在卧室里。 扩展资料   They end up embracing a different error.   他们最终接受了另一种错误。   If you talk like a loser, you"ll end up losing.   如果你像个失败者一样说话,你最终将失败。   If no one helps him, he may end up being a beggar.   如果没有人帮助他,他最终可能会成为一个乞丐。
2023-07-12 06:13:081

end up的用法归纳初中

1、end up doing sth最后做某事,停止做某事; 2、end up with sth以…完毕; 3、hold ones end up坚持下去,积极地作战。 扩展资料   例句:   1、If you go on like this you"ll end up in prison.   如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。   2、Without education, these children will end up as factory fodder.   不受教育,这些孩子将来只能到工厂干活。   3、If he carries on driving like that, he"ll end up dead.   如果他继续这样开车,总有一天会把命都丢掉。   4、If you fool about with matches, you"ll end up getting burned.   如果你摆弄火柴,最后可能烧到自己。   5、We will end up living in a society where life is cheap.   我们最终将生活在一个视人命为儿戏的社会。
2023-07-12 06:13:151


end up的用法: 1、end up with(doing)sth.以······作个了断。 2、end up doing sth.最后做某事。 3、hold ones end up.坚持到底; 乐观地战。 4、end up on Carey Street.终告破产。 扩展资料   end up with与end up as的用法区别:   1.end up in 以...告终 如: The enemy ended up in failure .   2.end up with 以...结束 如:They ended up the party with a song .   3.end up as 作为..结束 如:He began to work as a clerk . Two years later , he ended up as a manager .   4.end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分;end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的`结果。   例如:The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束)   Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果)
2023-07-12 06:13:211

end up with与end up的区别

Dend up ...结束了(后面不要跟宾语)end up with 以...(方式)结束、告终(后面一定要跟宾语)句意:英语歌会以一首英语歌开始,并以一首知名的钢琴曲结束(告终)后面有a well-known piano music (名词)所以用end up with We get excited about something and then end up speaking in speaking.这个end up等于stop / 最终...,而不是以...形式结束除了"以..方式告终"用end up with外,其他都用end up,以下有些词典例句可以参考:How does the story end up?这篇故事是怎么结尾的? (不跟任何成分)The boy"s ball ended up on the garage roof. (后跟介词)这男孩的球落到了汽车库顶上。If you don"t work hard, you"ll end up nowhere. (不跟任何成分)如不努力工作, 你就一事无成。He finally ended up his speech.最后他结束了自己的讲话。 和你们书本上的句子一样,相当于stopHe ended up as head of the firm.他最后成了公司的负责人。(表示最终成为的意思)The hooligan ended up dead in a car accident.那个恶棍最后在一次车祸中丧命。(后跟补语)If you don"t eat less, you"ll end up looking like a whale!如果你不少吃些, 你最终会使自己看起来像一条鲸鱼! (表示最终成为...)
2023-07-12 06:13:412

end up 的用法

end up 意为“以...告终”;“最后成为..."; "最后处于...”end up 后面可接名词(有时用as),介词短语,分词。He ended up (as) head of the company. 他最终成为公司的主管。We started for Shanghai but we ended up in a small town. 我们出发是去上海的,最后却到了一个小镇。We didn"t like the performance, but we ended up cheering. 我们开始不喜欢这场表演,可最后我们却为之欢呼。
2023-07-12 06:13:492

end up 的用法包括它后面加什么,例句等

end up英 [ end u028cp ]<非正>(以…)结束;最终成为[变得];最后处于;1.We will end up living in a society where life is cheap. 我们最终将生活在一个视人命为儿戏的社会。2.There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless. 您知道,会有那么一些人,因为命运捉弄而落得无家可归。
2023-07-12 06:13:561

END UP 用法 详细点

end up竖起, 直立结束, 告终死end with以...结束end up with以告终Something wouldn"t end up.
2023-07-12 06:14:043

“end up in”“end up with”“end up as”有什么区别?

end up in 以。。。告终 如: The enemy ended up in failure .end up with 以。。。结束 如:They ended up the party with a song .end up as 作为。。。结束 如:He began to work as a clerk . Two years later , he ended up as a manager .end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分;end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果1.The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束).2.Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果).
2023-07-12 06:14:112

end up 的用法,求解

end up 结束,死亡1. to find yourself in a place or situation that you didn"t expect to be in 最终成为,最后处于 例句:If you go on like this you will end up in prison. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。2.〈非正〉(以…)结束; 最终成为〔变得〕 How does the story end up? 这篇故事是怎么结尾的?3. end up + 动词[ing]---例子:end up getting married龙年吉祥4.. end up + [adj]---例子:end up dead
2023-07-12 06:14:191


2023-07-12 06:14:261

end up doing sth是什么意思?

end up doing sth与end doing sth与finish doing sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、end up doing sth:以做某事结束。2、end doing sth:结束做某事。3、finish doing sth:完成某事。二、用法不同1、end up doing sth:end的基本意思是“最后部分”“末尾”,引申可表示“端”“尽头”“梢”“终止”“死去”等。2、end doing sth:end的基本意思是“结束”,通常指某一发展过程的最终结束。end既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,在用作不及物动词时,常常与介词或副词构成短语。3、finish doing sth:finish的基本意思是“结束,完成”,表明已达到所做事情的终点。引申可表示“用光,吃光”“毕业”“杀掉”等。三、侧重点不同1、end up doing sth:侧重于表示以某事为重点,以这件事为终点。2、end doing sth:侧重于表示以结束为重点,体现完结。3、finish doing sth:侧重于表示把应该完成的事做完。
2023-07-12 06:14:341

wind up 和end up有区别吗?

2023-07-12 06:14:534