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proforma invoice是什么意思

2023-07-12 16:09:50

proforma invoice





This Proforma Invoice is subject to our last approval.



C. Proforma invoice covering the total Contract price in 5originals.




the originals正品、原始的、原件、原稿originals [u0259"ridu0292u0259nu0259lz]n. 原件(original的复数);[图情] 原稿网络释义 专业释义 英英释义original [u0259"ridu0292u0259nu0259lz] original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made同义词: master / master original model on which something is patterned同义词: archetype / pilotadj.1.preceding all others in time or being as first made or performedthe original inhabitants of the Americas ; the book still has its original binding ; restored the house to its original condition ; the original performance of the opera ; the original cast ; retracted his original statement2.(of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediaryhis work is based on only original, not secondary, sources3.being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought ofa truly original approach ; with original music ; an original mind4.not derived or copied or translated from something elsethe play is original ; not an adaptation ; he kept the original copy and gave her only a xerox ; the translation misses much of the subtlety of the original French以上来源于: WordNet柯林斯英汉双解大词典 21世纪大英汉词典original /u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u026anu0259l/ CET4 TEM41.ADJ You use original when referring to something that existed at the beginning of a process or activity, or the characteristics that something had when it began or was made. 起初的例:The original plan was to go by bus.起初的计划是乘公交车去。2.N-COUNT If something such as a document, a work of art, or a piece of writing is an original, it is not a copy or a later version. 原件; 原作例:When you have filled in the questionnaire, copy it and send the original to your employer.填好问卷调查表之后,复印并将原件交给你的雇主。3.ADJ An original document or work of art is not a copy. 原件的; 原作的例 original film poster.…一张原版的电影海报。4.ADJ An original piece of writing or music was written recently and has not been published or performed before. 新创作的例:...with catchy original songs by Richard Warner.…配有几首由理查德·沃纳新创作的朗朗上口的歌曲。5.ADJ If you describe someone or their work as original, you mean that they are very imaginative and have new ideas. 原创的; 创新的表赞许例:It is one of the most original works of imagination in the language.这是用这种语言创作的最具想像力的原创作品之一。6.N-UNCOUNT 原创性 originality例:He was capable of writing things of startling originality.他能写出有惊人原创性的作品。词组短语 同近义词original design原设计;初始设计original data原始资料;源数据original image原始图像 更多词组短语双语例句 权威例句1.Well sign two originals, each in Chinese and English language. 跟读我们将要用中文和英语分别签署两份原件。 files in originals are copied straight into translations withoutmodifications when translations are generated. 跟读原件中非翻译文件在生成翻译时,可不加修改直接复制到翻译中。article.yeeyan.org3.All other files (contained in originals) are not read by the program, although theywill be copied to the translations folder as is when the translations are generated. 跟读所有其他文件(载于原件)都不被程序读取,尽管翻译生成时,它们可被复制到翻译文件夹中。
2023-07-12 06:06:081

the originals是什么意思

the originals是什么意思大禾花原音系列例句与用法 1. This copy does not correspond with the original .这抄本与原件不符。 2. The picture is n"t somewhat true to the original .这张照片有点失真。 3. How do you know a fake from the original ?你怎样识别膺品和真品呢? 4. The original reproduces clearly in a photocopy .原件复印得十分清晰。 5. The reader is referred to the original paper .读者可参考原始的文章。 6. The atlantic shore was the original frontier .大西洋沿岸是最早的边境。
2023-07-12 06:06:181


originals n. 原件; 原文( original的名词复数 ); [the original] 原型; 原型人物; [例句]We need the shipping documents ( originals) for Customs clearance of steel plates.我们需要对钢板的通关货运单据(原件)。
2023-07-12 06:06:251


2023-07-12 06:06:337


2023-07-12 06:07:231


没死 。但是离开大K了 ,而且变回了女巫的身躯
2023-07-12 06:07:312


2023-07-12 06:07:392

《初代吸血鬼 第一季》高清资源谁有,求分享《初代吸血鬼(The Originals)》是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,由哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品。由Chris Grisme任导演, 约瑟夫·摩根,丹尼尔·吉里斯主演。该剧讲述了初代吸血鬼的家族成员尼克劳斯、以利亚和丽贝卡三兄妹返回新奥尔良定居后,并与其之前的门徒马赛尔开始统治权争夺和地区女巫斗争的惊险故事。该剧于2013年10月3日首播剧情简介编辑 播报尼克劳斯(吸血鬼始祖与狼人的混血)在新奥尔良回到他的过去, 得到一个对他正在酝酿阴谋的神秘提示下, 尼克劳斯回到了那个他和他家人帮助建立起的美国南方大城,新奥尔良(New Orleans)。尼克劳斯的疑惑导致了他和他前门徒马赛尔的团聚, 马赛尔是一个对新奥尔良所有人类与超自然生物有着绝对控制权的魅力吸血鬼。以利亚(吸血鬼始祖,尼克劳斯的哥哥)决心想要帮助他的弟弟尼克劳斯找到救赎, 他追随着尼克劳斯并很快发现海莉(狼人)也来到了这个法国区寻找她家族历史的线索但是她落在了一个强大的女巫苏菲手上。 而此时尼克劳斯发誓要在新奥尔良夺回属于自己的权力,取代前任,成为这里的王者。
2023-07-12 06:07:462


《初代吸血鬼》1(The Originals,又名:始祖家族)第三季已于2015年10月8日在CW首播,Joseph Morgan、Daniel J.Gillies等主演。1本剧讲述纽奥良市的法国区的故事,数个世纪以前Klaus帮助建立了该城市,而他的门徒Marcel根据当年Klaus的教诲在纽奥良市建立了一套 吸血鬼和超自然社会的法则,并且掌控着大权;Marcel是个残忍危险的吸血鬼,并且生活也十分放荡。而来到纽奥良市的Klaus将遇见一个和曾经 Elena那样相似的人类女Camille,Camille对纽奥良市的另一面很感兴趣并且认为Klaus很有魅力。
2023-07-12 06:08:041


问题一:"最初的"英语怎么说? primary adj.首要的,主要的;最早的,原始的;[地质学]原生的;基本的 n.第一位;最好者;要素;候选人提拔会 通常都译为最初的 initial adj.最初的;开始的;首字母的 n.首字母;[语音学]声母;特大的大写字母 vt.用姓名的首字母签名 original adj.原始的;独创的;最初的;新颖的 n.原文;原型;原件;怪人 premier n.总理;首相 adj.第一的,首位的;首要的;最先的;最早的 foremost adj.第一流的,最重要的;最初的,最前面的 adv.首先,第一;居于首位地 总之,最好用primary 问题二:最初的(英文怎么说) at the first beginning. 问题三:“最初的开始”的英文怎么说? the beginning, first, 3.preliminary, 4.initial, 5.elementary, 6.preparatory, 7.rudimentary 问题四:最初用英语怎么说? first 问题五:"最初记忆"用英文怎么说. the original memory the ultimate memory 问题六:英语是最初怎么翻译成汉语的? 一个懂汉语的人去英语国家待久了,只要有点心,都会学到一点英语,因为英语和汉语有一些讲述的是同一个事物。比如一个中国人和一个外国人在一起,街上跑来一只老鼠。中国人大叫:老鼠!英国人叫mouse。这样双方都懂了对方的语言 问题七:最初的英语是怎么翻译过来的? 月经问题……以前有个很好地回答,但是不知道上哪儿找,我随便回答下吧举个例子(瞎编的,不一定符合史实,反正差不多就这个意思), *** 在和匈奴人相爱相杀几百年,互相学会了对方的语言。然后通过匈奴人做翻译, *** 勾搭上了经常和匈奴往来的西域各国,然后又通过西域各国学会了 *** 语与此同时,英国人因为被欧洲大陆各族轮了,所以会多种欧洲语言。然后这几个国家和希腊往来密切,学会了希腊语(其实欧洲那些语言本来就是同源的),希腊是 *** 人的邻居,然后学会了 *** 语然后有了 *** 语这个媒介,中国人和英国人就可以学习对方的语言了(为啥我要拿 *** 语举例子呢?因为当年 *** 人曾经是搞东西方贸易的主力,走南闯北见多识广,啥语言都会一点) 问题八:在最初的时候用英语翻译。 in the first place
2023-07-12 06:08:181


吸血鬼,曾经一度成为热点话题,《暮光之城》也受到了大家的好评,而在电视剧方面,追美剧的朋友应该都知道《吸血鬼日记》和《初代吸血鬼》,那曾经是许多人的回忆和青春。完结之后的吸血鬼系列让许多影迷们也非常不舍,而后出现的《吸血鬼后裔》让众多影迷又看到了希望,不过越往后,越让人觉得支撑大家追下去的,不是剧情,而是情怀。 《吸血鬼日记》 《吸血鬼日记》是一部集青春、魔幻、恐怖、剧情于一身的美国电视连续剧。该剧由美国女作家L.J.史密斯的同名畅销系列小说改编而成。于2009年9月在CW电视台开播。该剧共有八季,主要讲述了艾琳娜在父母因车祸死亡之后遇到吸血鬼斯特凡后相爱的故事,由此展开的一系列事情,剧情十分精彩吸引人。 《初代吸血鬼》 《初代吸血鬼》(The Originals )是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,是由哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品的青春、魔幻类电视剧。由Chris Grismer、朱莉·普莱柯执导,约瑟夫·摩根、丹尼尔·吉里斯、菲比·托金主演。该季于2014年10月7日在CW电视台首播。 该季讲述了,狼人控制了新奥尔良整座城市,无数的未知威胁仍在潜伏中。虽然克劳斯与海莉发誓要让新奥尔良成为女儿的安全之家,但他们还要与内心的恶魔抗争。同时上演了一出杀父弑母的家族式战争,以及和各种恶魔抗争的故事。 八季的《吸血鬼日记》和五季的《初代吸血鬼》收获了一大批的粉丝,完结后观众们依旧很不舍。一段时间过后《吸血鬼后裔》的出现让观众们狠狠的期待了一下,但是不曾想,剧情似乎真的有些水,和前面两部真的是相差很多,但是很多人还是追了下去,这边是所谓的靠着情怀追剧。其次,被削弱的女主和颜值不够的男主也被大家纷纷吐槽,引起很多人的评论。我就是希望编剧改改故事线吧,走点儿心吧。 点进来就是缘分,希望大家提出不足之处,另外动动小手给我一点鼓励吧。
2023-07-12 06:08:361


2023-07-12 06:08:585


Tks a lot for your great supportThe shipping documents have been already prepared in Annex for detail.The original documents will be sent todayplease note to check
2023-07-12 06:09:132


这是一个古老的经典,但非常、非常好。它也绝版,所以它的neraly可能找到所有的原始它从来就没有发布,R2 dvd。所以,多亏了驴大脑的出版商,我们将这个人(我很想去,但是我购买的正本到处都找不到,由于不那么“自由贸易”我不能看dvd在我合法购买R1 R2 -或我行吗?球员。) 对于那些不知道的关于外星人系列的女孩来到地球的行星以收回。这是一个非常不幸,highschooler肉身拯救世界的Ataru命名的战斗中击败Lum。他向她求婚(意外)。它的搞笑。
2023-07-12 06:09:213


主角颜值超高、身材火辣,让人看得赏心悦目的五大美剧,《斯巴达克斯》上榜,其他几部你不一定看过 ! 这部剧主角颜值太高了啊!每一集看完了剧情倒没有记住多少,几个女主的颜值倒是印象太深刻啊! 这部剧名字的翻译也是极为直白, 英文名字《Pretty Little Liars》,直译为《美少女的谎言》 。这部剧主角看起来真的就是太养眼了。 四个最漂亮的女孩共同保守着Alison死亡的秘密。突然有一天她们收到了神秘人发来的信息,这个神秘人发现了她们的秘密。一场紧张、悬疑的故事就此展开。 这部剧好多人都看过了,剧中出现了好多漂亮养眼的美女。这些女人不仅颜值好看,而且在里面的行为也是让人大开眼界。不得不承认这是一部非常养眼的美剧。 斯巴达克斯的妻子被抓,自己也被卖作角斗士。无尽的训练、无尽的折磨, 终于有一天斯巴达克斯再也不能忍受,带着一帮血性朋友揭竿而起。一场荷尔蒙爆棚的的激烈大战正式拉开序幕。 这部剧中充斥着 大量不可描述的镜头,奴隶主为代表的罗马帝国人员残暴无情。对待奴隶根本不当人看。各种龌龊的事情比比皆是, 如果你想了解那段 历史 ,那就别错过这部经典好剧。 颜值高就算了,身材也是好到极点,身材好就算了,关键是太有才了。整部剧荤段子到处都是,看的人啼笑皆非。 Max在纽约布鲁克林区一家餐馆做服务员。餐馆里有着一群特别好玩的人,笑话乐趣整天不断,整个餐馆其乐融融。 有一天餐馆新来了一名女招待Caroline,身材非常好,颜值更是美得过分。她形象气质根本不像能干这种事情的人,反而更像是名媛。 后来也是了解到Caroline原本是千金小姐,父亲破产后她不得不出来打工。两个女孩慢慢地相知相惜,也成为了最好的朋友。 不得不说两位美女都是极为养眼,在整个美剧史上也是非常漂亮的女主之一。 《绯闻女孩》的剧情绝对对方多数人的口味。它的故事主要围绕曼哈顿一所贵族私立学校的男男女女,他们之间的各种爱恨情仇、绯闻八卦。 Gossip Girl有着绝美的容颜,妖娆的身材,一双亮晶晶的蓝色眼睛,还有着一头有一把长粟色的头发,绝对是这部剧中的颜值担当。 剧中各种绯闻八卦看得让人眼界大开,真的是世界之大无奇不有。绝对值得细细品味。 《西部世界》题材新新,属于一部非常好看的科幻美剧。女主角更是颜值养眼,美到心醉。 人类世界越来越发达,为了满足欲望,他们建造了一个虚拟乐园,这个乐园里面都是虚拟人物,顾客可以花钱去这个乐园里面为所欲为。 你能想到的任何事情任何欲望都可以在这个乐园里面得到满足。无论是杀戮、抢劫还是其它伤天害理的事情。 而我们美丽的女主就是这座乐园里面的一名招待员,她凄惨的命运可想而知。 然后有一天这些虚拟的人物突然觉醒了,一场激烈的反抗之战即将开始。 那么,你认为还有哪些美剧特别养眼呢? 很高兴能回答这个问题。 高颜值的美剧: 邪恶力量,两个男主角长得很帅,剧中还有很多领盒饭的女配长得也是非常好看!!注意:两个男主角真的很帅气,特别是哥哥,被称为美剧四大美人之一!!外号就叫美人!剧情也还不错!! 绯闻女孩,虽然剧情很一般(辣鸡),但是主角,配角长得确实不错,男男女女都很好看,就是男女关系真的太混乱的,看不懂啊!! 少狼,刚开始都是小鲜肉,现在可能是腊肉了吧,但是主要人物长得也蛮不错的,而且刚开始的剧情也还算精彩!后面的剧情我就不知道了,因为我弃剧了,主要原因,还是男女关系搞不懂!! 真爱如雪,其实里面男的长得很不错,就是千万不要看女主,对的,女主就是大牙缝,把这部剧当作搞基剧看吧,记住,把女主当作路人甲!! 美恐,这部剧的颜值真的蛮高的,但是我胆小,所以没怎么看,不过,剧情也很精彩!! 尼基塔,好像只有两季,颜值蛮高的,可以看看!! 吸血鬼日记,主角,配角都不错! 前不久追过一部美剧的前两季,觉得里面一些主演的颜值很高,尤其是女主,这部美剧叫做《吸血鬼后裔》。 这是《吸血鬼日记 The Vampire Diaries》及《吸血鬼始祖 The Originals》共同衍生剧。故事情节引人入胜,第一季基本每一集讲述了怎么对付一种“精怪”,或是石头魔,或是龙,或是亡灵巫师等等。以及最终引出终极反派魔王—吞噬一切的沼泽魔王马里洼。 电视剧讲的是在一所名叫塞尔瓦托的特殊学校里,这是像霍格华茨和变种人学校一样性质的超自然学生的庇护所,里面有吸血鬼、狼人、女巫等各种特殊学生。女主厚普是一个非常特殊的存在,她有吸血鬼、狼人、女巫三种血统,父亲是初代吸血鬼,母亲是狼人首领,奶奶是女巫。她与男主兰德勒由最初的误会到相知相爱,在身边一些好朋友的帮助下不断的解决各种怪物带来的麻烦。 高潮部分非常精彩,兰德勒其实是马里洼的二儿子,通过他解封释放马里洼,女主厚普关键时刻牺牲自己重创了魔王。但是却陷入了马里洼的吞噬世界,存在的记忆被抹除,曾经深爱的男友也忘记了她的存在。第二季女主王者归来,还上演了三角恋四角恋等感情戏。 这部剧主演颜值都不低,像女主厚普颜值非常高,还有女巫两姐妹也很漂亮,男主的死党狼人拉斐尔是一名帅气的黑人,还有吸血鬼MG,还有一些女巫等都很惊艳。是总体颜值很高的一部美剧。 斯巴达克血与沙 无耻之徒 豆瓣9.2分 名字取得好,没有比这部剧里更无耻的人了[捂脸] 今年已更新到第十一季 可以说国内外基层人民都可以在里面找到自己的影子 面对不堪的出生和环境 他们唯一能做的就是想尽办法,去生存去活下去 一个父亲和六个子女的故事,奇葩邻居,上演各种斗智斗勇,贴近生活的故事 越狱.百看不厌 看美剧看的是颜值么? 去看一下国土安全 吧 男主还不错,不知道给不和你的胃口 那只能推荐老剧绯闻女孩和吸血鬼日记了!serena,blair,chuck,nate永远的青春回忆!,elena第一季让我惊为天人! 最近正在追的两部美剧推荐给你,美剧天堂就可以下载,分别评分都在9以上。 第一部叫做《秃鹰》是一部美国特工类的电视剧,剧情紧凑,而且美女帅哥也多。 第二部叫做《命运航班》讲述的是一架飞机在飞行过程中遭遇闪电,等闪电结束回到地面时,地球的时间已经过去5年,一部科幻剧,感觉有点《Lost》的感觉。希望你喜欢。 妙警贼探
2023-07-12 06:09:281


第二篇Now widely controversial "left women" phenomenon. As parents" generation seem ashamed. They believe that people must get married, life is not a single woman is not desirable. But I think this is actually the feudal era of arranged marriages and no difference between left and forced the children are the subjective views, how many are with a little "selfish." Although their starting point should be good, but the Chinese saying goes, a horse is not sweet. So I think such a thing is determined by the children of their own good, respect for others choose to eliminate force, the world would be better
2023-07-12 06:09:364


  画家是指专精绘画如图画、图案的人,是专门从事绘画创作与研究的绘画艺术工作者。那么你知道吗?下面跟我一起来学习一下画家的英语知识吧。   画家的英语说法   painter   artist   画家的相关短语   宫廷画家 court painter   女画家 paintress ; a lady painter   著名画家 Famous painter   幻想画家 Fantasia Painter   车辆画家 Vehicle Painter   兔子画家 Bunny Painter   画家的英语例句   1. The painting had been executed with meticulous attention to detail.   画这幅画的时候,画家非常注意细节。   2. He was soon one of the most celebrated young painters in England.   不久他就成了英格兰最负盛名的年轻画家之一。   3. She"s indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator.   她根据作者、年龄和插图画家分别为该书编了索引。   4. Miro is the most inventive and entertaining of surrealist painters.   米罗是最具创造力和娱乐性的超现实主义画家。   5. Many aspiring young artists are advised to learn by copying the masters.   许多胸怀抱负的年轻画家被建议通过临摹大师的作品来学习绘画。   6. Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week.   下周法国画家让·科克托的8幅作品将被拍卖。   7. A painter may exaggerate or distort shapes and forms.   画家可能会对线条和形状进行夸大或扭曲。   8. Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task.   这部电影大部分都在描述那位画家如何完全沉溺于自己的工作。   9. The gallery has mounted an exhibition of art by Irish women painters.   画廊已举办了一场爱尔兰女画家的作品展。   10. No one could imagine a great woman painter. None had existed yet.   没有谁能想象出一位伟大的女画家是什么样子。这样的画家还没有出现过。   11. For once, the artist"sfertile imagination failed him.   这位画家丰富的想象力曾一度枯竭。   12. an exhibition of work by contemporary British artists   当代英国画家作品展   13. a sale of the artist"s early canvases   那位画家早期油画的拍卖   14. The figure in the foreground is the artist"s mother.   图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。   15. Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists.   她的绘画风格为其他画家所模仿。   关于画家的英文阅读:中国画家伪作换真迹获利数千万元   A librarian who admitted to a court this week that he substituted his own paintings for works by Chinese masters, and then sold the originals at auction, insisted he was not the only one to carry out such fraud. He was simply the best at it.   一名图书馆馆长本周向法院承认,他用自己的画作替换中国大师的作品,然后将原画拿去拍卖。他坚称自己不是唯一采取这种欺诈手段的人,只不过是其中做得最好的一个。   Xiao Yuan, the author of several books on Chinese art and a former librarian at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, said he came up with the scheme when he began a project to digitize the school"s collection in 2003 and noticed that many originals had been replaced with fakes.   曾出版了几本有关中国艺术的书籍的广州美术学院图书馆原馆长萧元表示,在2003年开展对学校藏品进行数字化处理的专案时,他发现很多真迹被假画掉包,因此想到了这个瞒天过海的办法。   That was what gave him the inspiration to do it himself, he told the court on Tuesday, according to a video of the proceedings.   一段庭审视讯显示,萧元周二在法院表示,这一发现让他产生了自己也去掉包的念头。   "At that time, when I first looked, I realized there were already many fakes that had already been substituted before me, but I didn"t say anything," he said. "I was very greedy and tempted. How was it that in the past there were so many people who did this? Now I had the keys, and I could do it, too."   "我有机会第一次看到这些画作。远远地看着,感觉很多是赝品,被人‘掉包"过。我当时没做声,却起了贪念,心想之前有人掉包过,我现在手里就有钥匙,也可以这样做,"他说。   A year later he began visiting the library on weekends, taking home works by famous painters such as Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian, then copying them himself. He avoided the best-known works, including the more impressionistic paintings of the Lingnan School, which scholars at the institution knew well and were likely to be lent out for exhibitions.   一年之后,他开始在周末来到图书馆,将齐白石、张大千等著名画家的作品带回家,然后自己临摹。他会避开名画,比如岭南画派的印象派风格画作,因为这些作品为广州美术学院的学者们所熟知,而且还很可能会借出去展览。   Mr. Xiao purchased centuries-old blank paper and ink to render his forgeries and boasted that no one at the school"s library could tell the difference. "From then up to the present, no one else understood except me," he said. "They just understood how to keep track of the numbers."   萧元买来几百年前的宣纸和砚墨,临摹出赝品。他夸耀说学校图书馆里没人能看出差别。"从那时到现在,在图书馆我是唯一懂美术的人,"他说,"其他人只会点数。"   Prosecutors said that Mr. Xiao sold 125 paintings valued at 34 million renminbi, about $5.5 million, through auction houses. He also still had in his possession 18 works from the library with a total estimated worth of 77 million renminbi. He told the court that auction houses had thought those works were fake and had refused to sell them.   检方称,萧元通过拍卖行出售了125幅画作,总共价值3400万元人民币。他手里还有18幅从图书馆盗走的画,总价值为7700万元人民币。他在庭审中表示,拍卖行认为后面这些画是假的,拒绝出售。   He was discovered after a Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts graduate noticed a work at auction in Hong Kong had the school"s seal.   广州美术学院的一名毕业生注意到在香港拍卖的一幅画作上有学校的印章,萧元的行为因此才被发现。   Mr. Xiao told the court he stopped swapping his fakes for the school"s real works in 2006, after the collection was moved to the school"s new campus, restricting his access. Upon seeing some of the collection later, he noted that some of his forgeries had been replaced with even cruder fakes.   萧元在法庭上表示,馆藏字画在2006年转移到了学校的新校区,他的出入受限,因此停止了掉包行为。后来看到一些画作时,他注意到,自己的一些临摹作品又被更粗糙的赝品掉包了。   "I realized that paintings I had substituted 10 years ago had been substituted again," he said. "I could tell right away they weren"t mine. The quality was too low. I pointed this out to people, but they didn"t pay any attention."   "我发现自己10年前已经临摹掉包的画作被再次掉包,"他说。"因为画技拙劣,我一眼就看出来,我曾向办案人员指出,但没有得到重视。"
2023-07-12 06:09:441


2023-07-12 06:09:523


纳帅尼尔(Nathaniel Buzolic)出生于1983年的帅气大小伙儿,是一名澳大利亚演员。曾在当地第九频道的午夜节目<The Mint> (《薄荷》)中担当主持人,并在BBC肥皂剧<Out of the Blue> (《出乎意料》)中扮演常规角色。此外,纳帅尼尔还在天气频道的教育类节目<Weather Ed> (《天气艾德》)中担当合作主持。纳帅尼尔在悉尼的Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP,澳大利亚青年剧院) 学习并在2004年的毕业影视秀中有所表现。纳帅尼尔的处子秀是在2005年中主持了迪士尼频道的午后儿童节目<Studio Disney>(《迪士尼工作室》),随后又在< All Saints >(2003), < Home and Away > (2002) 中有所表现,并客串了一集的< Water Rats > (2001)。纳帅尼尔第一次在电影中担当主角是在< Offing David >(2008) 中。此外,他参演了< My Greatest Day Ever >(2007) ,< Road Rage >(2007)等作品。2010年,纳帅尼尔参演John V. Soto导演的惊悚电影<Needle>(《针》)。2011年至2014年度,纳帅尼尔被确认出演大热美剧 < The Vampire Diaries > (《吸血鬼日记》)。他的第一次出镜将在《吸血鬼日记》第三季第13集中。他扮演的始祖吸血鬼Kol Mikaelson潇洒帅气,又透露着不亚于其兄长Klaus的杀气,令观众眼前一亮。同年,纳帅尼尔还出演了《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧《始祖家族》 ,以闪回形式继续饰演Klaus的始祖吸血鬼弟弟Kol。 2014年2月20日,他还出演<Supernatural>(《邪恶力量》),该集为《邪恶力量》衍生剧《血统》的试播集。 2014年3月份,纳帅尼尔客串<Pretty Little Liars>(《美少女的谎言》)第四季两集,在剧里饰演Spencer (Troian Bellisario)的药物滥用辅导员Dean Stavros。 2014年11月份,CW打算播出四集网络剧《始祖家族:觉醒》(The Originals: Awakening)。故事主要描述Mikaelson家族的小弟弟Kol(Nathaniel Buzolic)过去的一些经历——剧情介绍称「他是Mikaelson家族中最容易被误解的成员」。具体而言,故事时间设定在1914年,当时Kol正试图与法属区的巫师结盟。
2023-07-12 06:10:001

吸血鬼日记第六季最后一集纪念安德烈 佩罗导演……这个人是谁和吸血鬼日记有森么关系…

Andre Perreault是《日记》和《初代》的调音师,于2015年5月4日癌症去世。“Andre Perreault was a sound re-recording mixer for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals until his death on May 4, 2015. due to cancer.”
2023-07-12 06:10:251


2023-07-12 06:10:3310


鹿真的没看见Taylor Swift - Safe And Sound
2023-07-12 06:12:492


  中文指汉语和汉字,即包括书写体系,也包括发音体系。中文包括标准语和方言。中文的使用人数在17亿以上,范围包括中国全境大陆、港澳、台湾和新加坡、马来西亚、日本、朝鲜、韩国、印度尼西亚、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、缅甸等的海外华人地区。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    中文的英语说法1:   Chinese    中文的英语说法2:   the Chinese language    中文的相关短语:   中文学校 Chinese school ; Chinese School   中文网站 Chinese website   学中文 study Chinese ; Learn Chinese ; Learning Chinese ; studying Chinese   中文介绍 Introduction in Chinese   中文地图 a map in Chinese ; Chinese maps ; chinese map ; chinese maps    中文的英语例句:   1. The publisher are looking for a Chinese tranlator for her novel.   出版商正在为她的小说找一位中文翻译.   2. It"s extraordinary that the American girl Jane speaks Chinese so fluently.   这位美国姑娘珍妮中文讲得如此流畅,实属罕见.   3. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese.   将下面几段译成中文.   4. Lots of periodicals in foreign languages have been subscribed to, not to mention those in Chinese.   且不说中文期刊,外文期刊也订了不少.   5. After the discussion of my dissertation I taught him Chinese.   讨论完我的论文,我就教他中文.   6. I don"t read Chinese newspapers, only English ones. "   我中文报不看的, 只看英文报. ”   7. He goes to Chinese classes every night.   每天晚上他都去上中文课.   8. True enough, we heard him say good - bye in Chinese to the guards.   后来,果然我们听到他用中文对卫兵说“再见”.   9. I wonder if the literature can be put in straightforward Chinese.   我不知道那些说明书能不能译成简明易懂的中文.   10. Mr. from Chinese Information Institute also attended the conference.   中文资讯协会的先生也参加这次讨论会.   11. We"ll sign two originals, each in the Chinese and English language.   我们将要用中文和英文分别签署两份原件.   12. I can translate the first sentence into Chinese.   我能把第一句译成中文.   13. I have a nodding acquaintance with Chinese.   我对中国话[中文]只懂得皮毛.   14. Many American authors have been translated into Chinese.   许多美国作家的著作已译成中文.   15. Some English words have no Chinese equivalents.   有些英文字在中文里没有对应的词.
2023-07-12 06:12:591


货运单据 [词典] [化] shipping document; [经] export documents; [例句]我们需要对钢板的通关货运单据(原件)。We need the shipping documents ( originals) for Customs clearance of steel plates.装运单据 [词典] [化] shipping bills; [例句]货物装船后我们马上航空寄给你方一不整套装运单据的副本。We airmailed you a full set of non-negotiable shipping documents immediately after the goods were loaded.
2023-07-12 06:13:091


  国际贸易合同受国家法律保护和管辖,是对签约各方都具有同等约束力的法律性文件,是解决贸易纠纷,进行调节、 仲裁、与 诉讼的法律依据。接下来我为大家整理了外贸合同常用词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!   contract 合同,订立合同   contractor 订约人,承包人   contractual 合同的,契约的   to make a contract 签订合同   to place a contract 订合同   to enter into a contract 订合同   to sign a contract 签合同   to draw up a contract 拟订合同   to draft a contract 起草合同   to get a contract 得到合同   to land a contract 得到(拥有)合同   to countersign a contract 会签合同   to repeat a contract 重复合同   an executory contract 尚待执行的合同   a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同   originals of the contract 合同正本   copies of the contract 合同副本   a written contract 书面合同   to make some concession 做某些让步   contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款   contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定   contract period (or contract term) 合同期限   contract life 合同有效期   to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定   to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明   to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效   to come into effect 生效   to go (enter)into force 生效   to cease to be in effect/force 失效   to carry out a contract 执行合同   to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 执行合同   cancellation of contract 撤消合同   breach of contract 违反合同   to break the contract 毁约   to cancel the contract 撤消合同   to tear up the contract 撕毁合同   to approve the contract 审批合同   to honour the contract 重合同   to annual the contract 废除合同   to terminate the contract 解除合同   to alter the contract 修改合同   to abide by the contract 遵守合同   to go back on one"s words 反悔   to be legally binding 受法律约束   to stand by 遵守   non-payment 拒不付款   to secure one"s agreement 征得...的同意   Additional Words and Phrases   contract price 合约价格   contract wages 合同工资   contract note 买卖合同(证书)   contract of employment 雇佣合同   contract of engagement 雇佣合同   contract of carriage 运输合同   contract of arbitration 仲裁合同   contract for goods 订货合同   contract for purchase 采购合同   contract for service 劳务合同   contract for future delivery 期货合同   contract of sale 销售合同   contract of insurance 保险合同   contract sales 订约销售   contract law 合同法   to ship a contract 装运合同的货物   contractual dispute 合同上的争议   a long-term contract 长期合同   a short-term contract 短期合同   contract parties 合同当事人   contractual practice/usage 合同惯例   contractual claim 根据合同的债权   contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务   contractual income 合同收入   contractual specifications 合同规定   contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件   contractual guarantee 合同规定的担保   contractual damage 合同引起的损害   contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,契约式联合经营   completion of contract 完成合同   execution of contract 履行合同   performance of contract 履行合同   interpretation of contract 解释合同   expiration of contract 合同期满   renewal of contract 合同的续订
2023-07-12 06:13:151


  穿运动鞋既舒适又百搭,因此很多人都喜欢穿运动鞋,那么你知道运动鞋的品牌有哪些吗,下面我为大家介绍10个运动鞋的品牌,欢迎大家阅读。   运动鞋的品牌有哪些   1、Nike   Nike是一家生产体育用品的美国公司,以希腊胜利女神的名字命名。   它的商标和品牌口号Just Do It是家喻户晓的。   它的畅销鞋款有Zoom Celar 5、Air Zoom Structure 19、LunarEpic Flyknit iD、Air Zoom Vomero 11、Dual Fusion X2、Free RN Flyknit、Zoom Rival、High Jump Elite、LunarGlide Flash等。   2、Adidas   Adidas是一家生产运动服装和配饰的德国公司,成立于1948年。   它们提供优质和高性能的运动用品。Lionel Messi、Damian Lillard和许多其他运动员都是Adidas旗下的代言人。   目前,Adidas受欢迎的运动鞋款有Pharrell Williams Palm Beach、Remember the future、Yeezy boost 350 v2,Yeezy boost 750以及Adidas Originals NMD等。   3、Reebok   Reebok是以非洲羚羊命名的英国品牌,成立于1895年。   它的运动鞋应用了舒适的缓冲技术,以方便运动,甚至是长时间运动。   2005年后,它就成为Adidas旗下的子公司。他们目前流行的鞋款有Crossfit、Z Goddess、Pheehan、CushRun、Zprint和Z Pump。   4、Puma   Puma的鞋子具有卓越的缓冲和回弹效果。它们的设计理念是轻便、透气和舒适。   Puma流行的畅销鞋款包括IGNITE Dual、IGNITE Disc、Speed 500、Speed 300、IGNITE Ultimate、IGNITE V2、FAAS 500 V4、FAAS 600 V3、IGNITE Mesh和IGNITE Proknit。   5、Converse   Converse All Star鞋款非常流行、外观时尚、并且提供舒适的脚感。   消费者还可以在Converse的网站可以根据自己的需要定制鞋子。   它目前是耐克的子公司。Converse最新、最受欢迎的鞋款是Chuck Taylor All Star II、Quantum Shield、CONS One star Sheild、Jack Purcell Signature Sheild、ThunderBolt Modern、Auckland Modern 、CONS CTAS Pro、CONS Metric等。   6、Fila   Fila是1911年成立的意大利运动用品制造公司。   Fila始终以卓越的`意大利工艺为消费者提供做工精美的鞋子,其最新的运动鞋款有Overpass 2.0、Overpass-Snow expediton、Mindbender、M-Squad、Cage、Watersedge等。   7、New Balance   来自美国的New Balance是比较小众的运动鞋品牌,因为New Balance不会花大钱请名人代言,而是将大量资金投入与新款运动鞋的研发中。   New Balance流行的运动鞋款式包括KV624、MW577、MW411、WX608等。   8、李宁   李宁是成立于1990年的中国体育用品制造公司,并一直致力于创新和研究,以推出最专业的运动用品。   Susijengi、Marin Cilic和Dwayne Wade都是李宁的品牌代言人。   9、Asics   Asics是日本运动器材制造商。鞋子的设计旨在满足人体工学和舒适性需求,从而帮助运动员更好地表现。   Asics受欢迎的鞋款包括Gel-Sonoma、Gel-Upcourt、DynaFlyte、FuzeX、GT-2000Gel-Nimbus 18、Gel-Gully、SuperSan、Nitrofuze、Gel-Zaraca、Gel Cumulus 17等。   10、K-Swiss   K-Swiss是一个美国运动服装制造公司,已经成立50年了。几十年来,它一直是最具影响力的运动鞋品牌之一。   K-Swiss的鞋子不仅能帮助运动员在赛场上有出色表现,而且是日常休闲时尚穿搭的必备品。   X Court、Arlington Demi、Hoke CMF Ice、Haven Snake CMF、X Lite MJ、Hypercourt是K-Swiss受欢迎的运动鞋款。
2023-07-12 06:13:481


三个销售机构在英国(10A条)在买方,有利于形成企业法律草案原稿经公证和法制化的加注(该HagueConvention 1961),规定该船只不受任何产权负担,抵押贷款,船舶优先权,债务,禁运,逮捕和/或任何债权或债务可言 ???
2023-07-12 06:13:563


这是一个格式很烂的开证申请书:1. ( ) Signed Commercial Invoice in originals and copies indicating L/C No. and Contract No. (photo copy and carbon copy not acceptable as original) [Simon]经签字的发票正本与副本, 显示本信用证号与合同号(影印件或复印件不被视为正本)2. ( ) set(including originals and non-negotiable copies)of Clean On Board Ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked “Freight ( )To Collect ( ) Prepaid” ( ) showing freight amount and notifying Applicant. [Simon]XX套清洁已装船海运提单(包括正本与不可转让副本), 空白抬头, 空白背书, 通知方为申请人, 标明”运费到付/预付”并显示运费金额.3. ( ) Air Waybills showing “Freight ( )To Collect ( ) Prepaid” ( ) indicating freight amount and consigned to Applicant. [Simon]收货人为申请人的航空运单, 标明”运费到付/预付”并显示运费金额4. ( ) Rail Waybills showing “Freight ( )To Collect ( ) Prepaid” ( ) indicating freight amount and consigned to Applicant. [Simon]收货人为申请人的铁路运单, 标明”运费到付/预付”并显示运费金额5. ( ) Memorandum issued by ( ) consigned to ( ) [Simon]由XX出具的发货备忘录, 以XX为收货人6. ( ) Full set (including originals and copies)of Insurance Policy/Certificate for ( )% of the invoice value showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft, blank endorsed covering [( )Ocean Marine Transportation/ ( ) Air Transportation/ ( X ) Over Land Transportation] All Risks and War Risks. [Simon]全套保险单或(预约保险下的)保险凭证(包括正本与副本), 投保发票金额X%, 标明赔付地点为中国赔付货币与汇票所用货币相同, 空白背书, 投保”海洋运输/航空运输/陆路运输”的一切险与战争险7. ( ) Packing List/Weight Memo in originals and copies issued by ( ) indicating quantity/gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the L/C. [Simon]装箱单/重量单正本与副本, 由XX签发, 显示每件货物的数量, 毛净重及L/C所要求的包装状况8. ( ) Certificate of Quantity/Weight in originals and copies issued by ( ) indicating the actual surveyed quantity/weight of shipped goods as well as the packing conditions [Simon]数量/重量证明的正本与副本, 由XX签发, 显示出运货物的实测数量/重量及包装状况9. ( ) Certificate of Quality in originals and copies issued by ( ) indicating detailed and definite inspection results. [Simon]品质证明的正本与副本, 由XX签发, 显示详细与明确的检验结果10. ( ) Certificate of Origin in originals and copies issued by ( ) [Simon]由XX签发的原产地证正本与副本11. ( ) Beneficiary” s certified copy of cable/telex/fax dispatched to Applicant within ( ) hours after shipment Advising name of vessel/ flight No. / wagon No. ,date, quantity, weight and value of shipment [Simon]受益人在货物出运后XX小时内告知申请人”船名/航班号/车厢号”, 出货日期, 数量, 重量及出运货物货值的”电报/电传/传真”证明12. ( ) Beneficiary” s Certificate certifying that 1/3 set of original documents including commercial invoice, packing list and bill of lading have been sent to applicant by DHL within days from B/L date and the relevant DHL receipt is required for negotiation. [Simon]用于证明在提单日期XX天后已向申请人DHL快递出1/3正本船运单据(包括发票, 箱单与提单)的受益人证明以及所对应的DHL邮收为L/C议付所需单据13. ( ) Other documents, if any:[Simon]其他单据(如果需要)问题补充:如果我要开具60天的远期信用证, 1。days after B/L date 2。days after sight drawn on the issuing bank[Simon]所谓L/C即期与远期, 指的是见单. 因此选2 (见以开证行为受票人的汇票XX天)以后即使有时间, 也不再译这么长的东东:-(
2023-07-12 06:14:041


originals of the contract 合同正本 copies of the contract 合同副本 a written contract 书面合同 contract terms (or contract clause) 合同条款 contract provisions/stipulations 合同规定 contract period (or contract term) 合同期限 contract life 合同有效期 to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定 to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明to bring a contract into effect 使合同生效 to execute/implement/fulfil/perform a contract 执行合同 cancellation of contract 撤消合同 breach of contract 违反合同 to break the contract 毁约 to cancel the contract 撤消合同 to tear up the contract 撕毁合同 to approve the contract 审批合同 performance of contract 履行合同 interpretation of contract 解释合同 expiration of contract 合同期满 renewal of contract 合同的续订
2023-07-12 06:14:141


由船舶所有人(船东)/船长/船代签发的提单的附加声明应载明:1.船名及其曾用名;2.船舶国籍;3.船舶所有人;4.船舶在驶往····途中将挂靠的港口······(如果货物是由沙特阿拉伯国家航运公司或者阿拉伯联合国家轮船公司承运的,则不需要作此种声明)由制造商、出口商或者出口商所在国商会签发的原产地证书,一份正本、两份副本,该原产地证书应载明货物的原产国家是中华人民共和国并载明制造商或生产商的名称和地址。如果部件或者配件来源于其他国家,则应在原产地证书上附加说明,此种附加说明应当载明部件或者配件(A)的原产国家和(B)占货物价值的百分比。装箱单,一份正本、两份副本,如果货物由集装箱装运,标识或标签应连同一份装箱单副本贴在箱门上,该标识或标签应载明买方名称、完整地址、电话和传真号码。(A CERTIFICATE TO SHI EFFECT IS REQUIRED.这里的SHI不明白是什么意思,就是“要求有一份SHI证书”。)商业发票、原产地证书和运输单证附加声明的正本必须由中国贸促会认证。这里面的SHI没明白啥意思。其他意思都是正确的,可以放心使用。
2023-07-12 06:14:232


阿迪达斯三叶草陈奕迅代言穿的那款是什么呢? adidas Originals 2012 SuperStar 80s 蛇纹 三色 货号 G61071/G61072/G61073 阿迪达斯logo有三个。与阿迪达斯经典系列相对应的logo为三叶草标志,与阿迪达斯运动时尚系列相对应的logo则是圆形半包三条纹标志,而与阿迪达斯运动表现系列相对应的logo就是我们在阿迪达斯专卖店中最常见的三条纹标志(也有人将其称为三砖logo)。 阿迪达斯三叶草 贝壳鞋陈奕迅代言 灰蓝绿多少钱 640 这是阿迪达斯三叶草那款??? 假标一枚 素质提问,及时采纳, 有疑问请尽快追问或百度HI留言、私信(记得带问题连结) 阿迪达斯三叶草系列的陈奕迅代言的那个广告 背景音乐是什么 阿迪达斯三叶草系列的陈奕迅代言的那个广告 背景音乐是:Masquerade 歌曲名:Masquerade 歌手:Nicki Minaj 专辑:Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded 发行时间:2012-04-03 歌词: Feel the beat at the drum Move like you really wanna be number one You could beat out the p Run like you really wanna be at the S, adrenaline by cause You have been identified as a hustler Topical discussion repeat it like a percussion Chuck the douce up, and tell "em is just love Damn digged a dug Like "em run state mag cause we living it up Shelve s is on And I pop it, like i"m popping Like a popping sin call And now, I don"t wanna take you If we fall dow Don"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginning And we"ll figure it somehow Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right, now, it"s something you created It"s never ever too late It"s never ever too late Right now Okay to make a mistake Yeah baby this is your day It"s time to masquerade Bass bass Feel the bass in ya face Hit the finish line First place in the race Yes, king kong on ya chest Running and i"m ing up Baton to your left Yup, you could be who you want You could be who you is Never be who you aren"t Never ever fall on the pressure Desperate times, get desperate mesure Damn digged a dug Like "em run state mag cause we living it up Shelve s is on And I pop it, like i"m popping Like a popping sin call And now, I don"t wanna take you If we fall dow Don"t get upset, and now it"s just the beginning And we"ll figure it somehow Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right, now, it"s something you created It"s never ever too late It"s never ever too late Right now Okay to make a mistake Yeah baby this is your day It"s time to masquerade I"ma call ya afro cause you never bald F-ck all you bitches and i"ll never call Next day, suck my test day I aint" playing games Bit my check mate Ring 019, ring 019, ring 019 All my party people let me ya one time Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right now masquerade, master the mary go round Right, now, it"s something you created It"s never ever too late It"s never ever too late Right now Okay to make a mistake Yeah baby this is your day It"s time to masquerade Right now 阿迪达斯三叶草2014年10月份陈奕迅明星款鞋子 这款鞋的货号是M20636 还有,劝你最好不要在微商上买东西,多数都是卖假货的。 你可以用这个货号去淘宝或者天猫,都要靠谱点 adidas阿迪达斯三叶草的经典产品是什么呢? adidas阿迪达斯三叶草有很多经典产品的。比如Surperstar就是三叶草其中一系列经典款式了。Superstar全系列,图案和细节设计都尽显潮流,再搭配亮丽的配色,无处不体现著其原创精神的传承。其中有一双AQ4659的鞋子我个人非常喜欢,它也是代言人邓超拍摄代言广告时脚上穿的那双,黑色贯穿这个鞋面,贝壳头设计非常时尚,鞋底是黑白迷彩样式,好。 男孩穿阿迪达斯三叶草 三叶草属于阿迪达斯运动传统系列 男生穿当然很好看! AF1现在穿的人太多快烂了 superstar也不少 哪些明星为阿迪达斯三叶草代言过 阿迪达斯代言人知名歌手有:RAIN、陈奕迅(EASON)、katy perry、2NE1、周柏豪、angelababy(杨颖)。阿迪达斯代言人知名演员:郑智薰、吴彦祖(DANIEL)、李冰冰、李连杰、阮经天、 钟欣桐(阿娇)、angelababy(杨颖)。阿迪达斯Adidas 2011的全球广告邀请到了国内外众多明星的倾力加盟,其中就包括凯蒂·佩里 (Katy Perry)。 问阿迪达斯三叶草这款是什么型号 AdidasZX 望采纳 阿迪达斯三叶草这款是什么型号啊 冠希哥代言的好像
2023-07-12 06:14:331


就是一小段超级马里奥游戏里的声音 ,没什么 。。
2023-07-12 06:14:413

2023-07-12 06:14:501

信用证翻译 急请教高手翻译

收到客户的信用证,由于本人不是外贸专业因此请教高手,谢谢!46A:commercial invoice in 06 originals duly signed by the beneficiary and bearing humid seal certifying the conformity of goods with the proforma invoice nr zf0903 dated 02/11/2009full set bill of lading originals 3/3 on board to the order of bea notify the applicant and 已翻译,看下面的链接
2023-07-12 06:14:591

信用证单据条款 求解答!

1、受益人手签的正本发票一式八份,以 申请人为抬头及信用证货币开列,发票上要证明商品为中国原产。2、全套(至少由三份正本构成)的清洁的已装船海运提单,抬头做成或背书成 TO THE ORDER OF HABIB BANK LIMITED ,显示“FREIGHT PREPAID ”,被通知人做成开证申请人的名址及FREIGHT PREPAID (两个被通知人)3、装箱单4、受益人证明:副本的装箱单及发票已经附在货物上了。本证明与正本单据一并提交。5、受益人证明:产品的生产日期及过期日期。6、装船通知的副本,本通知按47A域中第1条的要求发给保险公司与开证申请人。
2023-07-12 06:15:081

丹妮娜·帕尼达 苏菲

  美剧《初代吸血鬼》丹妮娜·帕尼达 饰 苏菲Sophie。  《初代吸血鬼(The Originals)》是《吸血鬼日记》的衍生剧,由哥伦比亚及华纳兄弟联合电视网出品。由Chris Grisme任导演, 约瑟夫·摩根,丹尼尔·吉里斯主演。该剧讲述了初代吸血鬼的家族成员尼克劳斯、以利亚和丽贝卡三兄妹返回新奥尔良定居后,并与其之前的门徒马赛尔开始统治权争夺和地区女巫斗争的惊险故事。该剧于2013年10月3日首播。
2023-07-12 06:15:271

美剧 初代吸血鬼 谁有百度网盘地址啊??

2023-07-12 06:15:3514


2023-07-12 06:16:103


手机如果是IOS的话 暴风可以播放 不然下载个百度云 去贴吧求资源也可以的
2023-07-12 06:16:301

invoice price是什么意思

词典结果:invoice price[英][u02c8u026anu02ccvu0254u026as prais][美][u02c8u026anu02ccvu0254u026as prau026as]发票价目; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.He says his data show that 23% of all the hondas sold via truecar are belowinvoice price, only a little above the 22% sold below invoice for all hondas inamerica. 数据显示通过truecar售出的本田汽车中有23%是低于发票价的,只比本田在全美的比例22%高一点。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-12 06:16:442


2023-07-12 06:16:5315


2023-07-12 06:17:293


去查MT700格式——这是跟单信用证的标准格式。即期信用证和远期信用证的基本条款没有区别,只是在41A条款来加以区别——41a AVAILABLE WITH...BY...(指定的有关银行及信用证兑付的方式)(1) 指定银行作为付款、承兑、议付。(2) 兑付的方式有5种:BY PAYMENT(即期付款);BY ACCEPTANCE(远期承兑);BY NEGOTIATION(议付);BY DEF PAYMENT(迟期付款);BY MIXED PAYMENT(混合付款)。另外,如果需要汇票,则还可以从42A条款来辨别——42C DRAFTS AT...(汇票付款日期)。
2023-07-12 06:17:391

翻译型论文中的Rationale of the study该怎么写?求高手指点!

研究的理论基础。 个人感觉就是翻译用上自己独特的翻译技巧,也许老师是想看到你的创意把! 试试把自己的思想写进去。
2023-07-12 06:18:011


下面是一篇长的A book report of Lord Jim Lord Jim is one of the representative works of Conrad, an British novelist and an navigator,occupies an important position in the history of British literature. As a navigator, Conrad have a special preference to sea, and he always draw sea and marine life as his novels" creation background and theme. Lord Jim is one of his influential works. To make book report of this book, there are four essential issue have to be involved, that are:(1) the outline of the book.(2)the singular structure of the book.(3)analysis the hero"s heroism(4) the theme of the book-- to reveal the imperialism"s false. The outline of the book:The book tells such a story: Lord Jim ,a son from a parsonage, is a mate of Paterna. He went to the court alone and his sailing qualifications was cancelled due to abandoning the ship and overlooking his duty when a shipwreck happened. After that, in the help of Marlow captain, Jim change a lot of work. He finally settled in Patusan, an indigenous settlement whose civilization is isolated, under Marlow captain and his mate Stan"s arrangement. In Patusan, Jim win the master"s trust. Once, he interceded with a gang of white pirates for the master, and allowed. However, those pirates were treacherous and kill the master"s son when they left. Jim was filled with grief and indignation, and he want to ask for the master"s forgiveness via killing himself. The singular structure is a important feature of Lord Jim. The story is very interesting and his climaxs is not complicated. However, Conrad did not write the story from Jim"s birth to his death to follow the prescribed order. To instead of the prescribed order, Conrad divided the forty-five chapter novel into three parts, and respectively adopt different narrative method to narrate each part. The first part, which stop at the forth chapter, was written with the third person narration. From the fifth chapter to the thirty-sixth chapter, that is the second part. In this part, Conrad drew Marlow captain as the narrator to tell some people the story of Jim after meal. And he storrest chapters is the final part of the story, which is followed by Marlow address to a "privileged". The fancy structure made me confused the first time I read it, and I make its climax clear after I read the second time. However, on other than Conrad"s singular structure makes the story whose climax is very simple afford for thought. When analysis this book ,we can not overlook Jim"s heroism, which makes Jim be a inconsistent person and causes Jim"s tragedy. "after a course of light holiday literature his vocation for the sea had declared itself" "fhe could see the dig ships departing, the broad-beamed ferries constantly on the move,the little boats floaing far below his feet, with the hazy splendour of the sea in the distance, and the hope of a stirring life in the world of adventure. "From those words from the marine novel, we can easy know Jim"s strong heroism. Thought Jim bear heroism in heart, he can not carry it out bravely. That makes him a inconsistent person. When shipwreck happened and needed him to show heroism, he was defeated by his instinctive fear and abandon the ship . However ,on taking on the accident boat, he want to swim back the sinking ship to have a look. What"s more, his heroism make contributes to his tragedy. When he was rescued, his heroism prompt him to chose to be honesty, and not like the captain lied about that. Thought in deed, the captain is the biggest responsibility for the shipwreck, Jim went to the court alone to receive the adjudgement and his sailing qualifications was take off. All in all, Jim was too romantic with the fictional world of sailing hero. From where I stand, though the book tells Jim"s story, I think his aim is to reveal the false of western imperialism. As to this issue, we can analysis the false imperialism via contrast. The captain of Paterna is arrogant and noble, and proud of coming from "these abode of piety and peace ".however, when the shipwreck happened, he flee from a calamity without a flash of hesitation. Contrast to the captain, the two native niggers try their best to carry out their duty as a humble sailor. And though Jim also abandon the ship, he regret immediately when take on the accident boat, and he is honest to receive the court"s adjudgement in stead of telling lies. In addition, contrast to the gang of white pirates" treachery, the master of Patusan shows his mercy to the white pirates after Jim"s beg. That is a epitome of the relationship between the colonist and aboriginals. The colonist cheat adoriginals" mercy and then kill them cruelly. And Jim"s self-abuse and suicide also reflect the imperialism"s false. Lord Jim is regarded as a monument on the history of British novel.the highly status is oweing to the fancy structure and narrations. Conrad expose the theme with the trifling story of Jim". he can follow the story whose climax is very simple in a interesting way with a singular structure. It is no wonder that Lord Jim become a monument of British novel.加一篇短的When Lord Jim first appeared in 1900, many took Joseph Conrad to task for couching an entire novel in the form of an extended conversation--a ripping good yarn, if you like. (One critic in The Academy complained that the narrator "was telling that after-dinner story to his companions for eleven solid hours.") Conrad defended his method, insisting that people really do talk for that long, and listen as well. In fact his chatty masterwork requires no defense--it offers up not only linguistic pleasures but a timeless exploration of morality. The eponymous Jim is a young, good-looking, genial, and naive water-clerk on the Patna, a cargo ship plying Asian waters. He is, we are told, "the kind of fellow you would, on the strength of his looks, leave in charge of the deck." He also harbors romantic fantasies of adventure and heroism--which are promptly scuttled one night when the ship collides with an obstacle and begins to sink. Acting on impulse, Jim jumps overboard and lands in a lifeboat, which happens to be bearing the unscrupulous captain and his cohorts away from the disaster. The Patna, however, manages to stay afloat. The foundering vessel is towed into port--and since the officers have strategically vanished, Jim is left to stand trial for abandoning the ship and its 800 passengers.求加分
2023-07-12 06:18:081


2023-07-12 06:18:175


a. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的n. 起源,原件,原稿
2023-07-12 06:18:347

1.manually signed commercial invoice in3originals indicating this l/c NO.and contract NO. (

1.manually signed commercial invoice in3originals indicating this l/c NO.and contract NO. (photo copy and carbon copy not accepable as original)1、手签的商业发票三份正本,显示本证号码及合同号码(不接受复印与碳素复写件为正本)2. air waybills showing"freight perpaid" and consigned to 公司名ABB2、空运单显示“freight perpaid”(运费预付),收货人做成“公司名ABB”3.weight memo/packing list in 3originals issued by catelec,sl indicating quantity/gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the l/c3、由catelec,sl 签署的重量单或装箱单三份正本,显示每件包装的数量、毛重与净重以及包装条件如信用证所规定。4.beneficiary"s certified copy of fax/telex dispatched to the applicant within 1day after shipment asvising flight NO.,date ,quantity ,weight,and value of shipment.4、受益人的证明副本的在装运后1天内发给申请人的传真或电传通知航班号、航班日期、装运货物的数量、重量与金额。5.certificate of origin in 2 originals issued by beneficiary.5、受益人签署的原产地证两份正本。6.inspection certificate issued by applicant6、申请人签署的检验证书。(这一条能做到吗?)
2023-07-12 06:18:501


2023-07-12 06:18:591


在时尚这个圈子里,我们随时能见到阿迪达斯的身影,从服饰到鞋子,无一不充斥着时尚的味道,让人直感叹阿迪达斯不愧是时尚的代言人,从潮人陈冠希到音乐达人陈奕迅,从女王范冰冰到个性的周笔畅,阿迪达斯出品了多少时尚的产品,今天小编为大家介绍一些Adidas好看的鞋子,让我们一起感受下阿迪达斯的时尚韵味。  第一款:2014秋冬originals by farm company系列鞋子  这款Adidas好看的鞋子——zx500鞋子融入了The Farm Company风格,整体洋溢着活力四射的异国情调,鲜艳的色调邂逅趣致的图案让我们爱不释手,同时也让这款经典运动鞋的格调变得非常出清新的气息。女版鞋面上有靓丽的图案装饰,这是由adidas Originals和巴西公司FARM联手提供的,采用单片式图案尼龙鞋面、人造小山羊皮饰层和镂空三条纹。  第二款:2014年秋季women系列鞋子  范冰冰在这个秋天为阿迪达斯的women系列代言,为我们展示了独具特色的内增高大舌头鞋,尽显女性魅力,此次Women系列运动鞋整体走经典配色路线,但也融入众多新鲜元素,许多细节设计让人惊喜非常:轻松有趣的长颈鹿纹、斑马纹搭载鞋身,穿插亮色点缀的鞋舌拉高设计,在视觉上还会有拉长腿型的功效。  第三款:2014秋冬的blue系列鞋子  2014秋冬的blue系列在设计上仍然延续原来街头的极简风格,在元素上除了继续向run DMC致敬的涂鸦印花,更创意地将怀旧硬朗感觉的俄式的暗红、深绿和灰白三色元素加入到鞋服中。为大家介绍的Adidas好看的鞋子是blue系列中的鞋子,这些鞋子采用黑色和暗红色为鞋面主颜色,独特的造型让你一眼就记住它。
2023-07-12 06:19:211