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2023-07-12 15:54:03

Referred to as "ethnic melting pot" of the United States is a typical immigrant country, the immigration history dates back to 1620 at the earliest. Nearly 400 years, the united nation has bee a mixture posed of more than 100 national and even stands in New York "the statue of liberty" and "immigrants" from France in 1886 to the United States. Immigrants with their own dreams, travelled to the ideal land, in the United States has set off a few times in the history of immigration. It is no exaggeration to say, it is immigrants contributed to the United States, is the development of the immigration and changed America.

Attract immigrants once America"s most important diplomatic mission

At the beginning of the founding of the people in the United States in the United States population of only 3.9 million. In addition to about 760000 black, the rest were almost all white, for the most part and from Western Europe. For fear of the Napoleonic wars in Europe and the domestic employment environment, at the beginning of the founding of the United States government on immigration policy, has formulated some restrictions on immigration policy. Between 1796 and 1815 European immigrants to the United States, on average, only about 3000 people a year.

Napoleon after the war, European regain peace. With a large number of military retired, Europe"s increasingly serious unemployment, increasing the number of people immigrate to the United States. At this time, the United States is also due to the need of domestic construction, change the limit immigrants policy. In 1848 after the European revolution, immigrated to the United States is the wave of a wave height. For 1820 years from 1820 to 1920, some 33.5 million immigrants were accepted in the United States, form lasts one hundred years of immigration in the United States.

American historian called it "the great human migration movement first immigrants a *** occurred from 1820 to 1820, the total number of immigrants during 5 million. Immigrants mainly from Western Europe and northern Europe, of which about 2 million Irish, German, about 1.7 million, there are a large number of sold to African slaves in the United States. At the same time, there are a few in the immigration from Asia, mainly to American gold rush.

The second immigration boom from 1861 to 1861, about 5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. After the civil war, the United States ushered in the peak of industrialization, the demand for labor. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln to lobby congress passed "encourages foreign immigration act. Secretary of state seward and made a proclamation to diplomats from the United States in Europe, asked them to attract immigrants from Europe as one of the most important diplomatic mission. In order to recruit skilled workers to work in the United States from Europe, some enterprise groups to Europe recruiting. Them in many European newspaper advertising, printing brochures, with European settlers in desire to depict the tempting prospects. Some panies also for willing to immigrate to the United States of Europe provide the necessary money.

The third climax from 1881 to 1881, immigration soared to 23.5 million. Immigration peak is 1907 to 1907. In this stage, the U.S. government legislation for many times, European immigrants, reject Asian immigrants. From north-western Europe countries such as Britain, Germany, Sweden "old immigrants" growth is limited, but from Italy, Russia and other countries in southeast Europe "new immigrants" is growing rapidly.

Three times after the immigration, the United States in 1920 the total population of more than 100 million for the first time. From 1820 to 1920 in 1820, that the number of immigrants in the population growth in the number of more than 20%.

The fate of the immigrants changed America

These three times in the history of American immigration not only has had a profound influence on the formation of American national character, and makes the United States to rise quickly in a short span of more than one hundred years, replaced Britain as the world"s largest economic power, and lays the foundation for later to bee the world"s superpower. Can say immigrants made us strong.

In immigration, the United States enjoy privileges, no need for education and training from Europe get tens of thousands of skilled workers. According to statistics, 1871-1892, immigrants from Western Europe and northern Europe, about 23% are skilled workers, they brought in iron and steel, textile and other industrial technology, bee the important technical force of the industrial revolution in the United States.

Was the 7th President of the United States Jackson, known as the "father" of American manufacturing after Samuel Slater immigrated to the United States, with its steal the secret of Britain"s textile industry, in the United States successfully copied out of the high efficient cotton spinning machine, and established the cotton mills, sounded the horn of the industrial revolution. The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas, electricity, water and other municipal construction technology.

In these immigrants, 85% of people aged between 14 and 44, and in the majority with man. When young, these immigrants to the United States of cotton textile industry, mining, construction provides the Labour force. In the eastern U.S. state of tunnels and railway engineering, Irish, German, Italian and the northern europeans. In the early changed American politics and society face "westward movement", the role of the China labor also is significant.

In the railway construction as the center, the China labor expense, with blood and life in extremely harsh difficult conditions, successfully pleted the construction of the western Pacific railroad across the United States. Today, along the railway in California can also see a metal plaque inscription, saying "California, north and south. spirit, flesh with work ". As advocates of recruiting workers Ryan crocker said: "the railway can finish, largely due to poor and despised the working class -- thanks to their loyal and hardworking." It later became a famous "word history" in the history of immigration to the United States.

Immigrants in the American civil war to save the union, contributed to the abolition of slavery. Europe after the 1848 revolution, a large number of rich German immigrants came to the United States military experience, these are known as "1848 person of German immigrants," there are a lot of people became a republican and Lincoln"s elite. They helped anize the federal troops, defend republican system. One of the most famous is Carl schulz major general. He moved to the United States in 1852 after the defeat of the revolution in Germany, active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1861 he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the minister to Spain. After the civil war broke out, he volunteered to led the troops in battle, in order to encourage support Lincoln German immigrants, he has to travel between states speech, total travel nearly 40000 km.

Cause of exclusion against the current wave of migrants

In more than 100 years of immigration, immigration had been in one way or the other. As for the U.S. government, its immigration policy is not static. From 1815 to 1882, the United States government shall practise a system of pletely free immigration. But starting in 1882, great changes have taken place in the U.S. immigration policy. Restrictions and excluding immigration law introduced one by one. The regulation of which is strange, like an idiot and milquetoast bans entry. After 1920, the United States over the age of free immigration thoroughly, introduced a quota of restrictive immigration policies.

Because in the contradiction of employment, religious and ethnic problems, the United States during 1880-1920 to xenophobia development. , Japanese, jews, italians and hungarians became the local workers and north-western Europe immigration is wanton rejection and the object of persecution. What"s more, in May 1882, congress passed a specifically forbid south China university of technology into the exclusion act of beauty, the bill was abolished until 61 years later. During this period, by the locals and the north-western Europe first immigrants of protestant "American patriots alliance", "the alliance" and other exclusive anization arises at the historic moment. Among them, the biggest impact of the first of the American association of protection, established in 1887, the association flames everywhere, the political corruption of American society during this period, municipal construction lag, rising crime rates and people"s living standards drop is attributed to the arrival of the new immigrants.

After the second world war, with the rationalization of the American public attitude toward immigrants, the contribution of immigrants to the United States gradually acknowledged by most americans. As labor secretary Elaine chao said: "thanks to the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Huge waves of immigrants to the United States has brought the rich cultural heritage, also provided the impetus to the development of the United States."



移居;移民人 这不是个单词吗
2023-07-12 05:23:163


immigration requirement移民要求1 The governments of some immigration countries bring in talents through system supply, economic incentive, spiritual encouragement, moral standard. At present, the consumers in domestic become more and more mature and rational, and their requirement to the services of Immigration Company improves.一些移民国家的政府通过制度供给、经济激励、精神奖励、道德规范来吸引人才资源。目前,国内移民者变得越来越成熟、理性,对移民中介服务机构的要求越来越高。2 For details on HK Visa Requirement/ Policy of Visa-free, please check with PRC consulate/ The Immigration Department of Hong Kong SAR.有关签证要求或免签详情、请向中国领事馆或香港入境处查询。
2023-07-12 05:23:283


你好翻译为:移居; 移民人数; 移民局检查站; 希望可以帮到你
2023-07-12 05:23:354


immigrate名词是immigration。immigration的意思是移居(入境),移民人数,移民局检查站。例句:The character of this country has been formed by immigration(这个国家的国民性是由移民形成的)。 扩展资料 immigration的.例句:The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage(旅客通过入境检查后领取了自己的行李);The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy(政府决定实施更加严格的移民政策)。
2023-07-12 05:23:421


migrate 移民统称e-migrate 移出去im-migrate 移进来
2023-07-12 05:23:523


Immigration是移入移民 Migration是移民(同时表示包括移出和移入居民) 比如你舅舅移民到美国,对美国人来说他是Immigration.对中国人和美国人,他都是Migration.
2023-07-12 05:24:003


immigration和emigration的区别是意思不同、侧重点不同。immigration的意思是移居(入境)、移民人数,侧重于由外向内移居,emigration意思是迁移,移居,侧重于由外向内移居和由内向外移居的统称。 扩展资料 例句:The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.政府对移民入境采取了强硬的"态度。He was criticized for his tough stand on immigration.他因在移民问题上立场强硬受到批评。Increase in population made emigration necessary.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。
2023-07-12 05:24:201


immigration = 移民来,移居入境 emigration = 移民去,移居外国 (移出) 扩展资料 例句: 1.Laws restricting immigration into the US 美国限制外来移民的"法律 2.During the early sixth century emigration from Britain to Brittany was at its height 6世纪初,从不列颠涌向布列塔尼的移民潮达到了高峰。
2023-07-12 05:24:281

immigration 和immigrant有什么区别啊?拜托了各位 谢谢

前者指移居的人,后者侧重移居这个行为 immigrant n. (自国外移入的)移民 从其他 地方移入的动物[植物] Canada has many immigrants from Europe. 加拿大有许多欧洲移民。 adj. 移入的,迁入的 移民的,侨民的 n. 移民,侨民 Immigrants can"t work in the United States without a permit. "在美国如果没有许可证,移民就不能工作。" 侨民后裔 immigration n. 移居; 移民入境 移民总称 the immigration law 移民法 an immigration officer 入境检查员 multipolar immigration 多极内迁[移入] net immigration 纯移民 quota immigration 限额移民 unipolarimmigration 单极内迁[移入] n. 外来的移民, 移居入境
2023-07-12 05:24:351


2023-07-12 05:24:593


  一共有三个词:Emigration,Immigration,Migration  Emigration是移出移民  Immigration是移入移民  Migration是移民(同时表示包括移出和移入居民)  比如你舅舅移民到美国,对中国人来说他是Emigration,对美国人来说他是Immigration.对中国人和美国人,他都是Migration.
2023-07-12 05:25:081


对的,没任何问题He is talking about immigration.他正在谈论移居国外的事.There are strict controls on immigration into this country.移民到这个国家有严格的限制。
2023-07-12 05:25:172


2023-07-12 05:25:263


2023-07-12 05:25:353

migration和immigration的区别 求用例句解释

migration 通指移民,还有迁移的意思,多用于描述动物迁徙。 而immigration 是外来移民的意思,也是移民局、移民的总称,多指人。
2023-07-12 05:25:411

immigrant和immigration有什么不同? 有没有immigrantion这个词?

2023-07-12 05:25:481

immigration requirement是什么意思

2023-07-12 05:25:562

求一篇四级考试英语作文 题目“immigration"

Since we opened our door outside, there are more and more people going to immigrate overseas recently. They would like to experience the another lifestyle by either working or communication. There are some reasons for immigration. Firstly, some young people would love to study abroad and then find their speciality jobs there. Secondly some skilled people move to overseas for good life.At last people invest their money in overseas for business opportunity.Generally speaking, people move out with their dream and hope to make their dream come true.Some people feel isolated due to communication. some people don"t feel happy due to different culture. Some people feel hard to build up family due to different religions. Actually not all people settle down very well, they can not find their own ways. Sum up these reasons, they can not get used to working and life enviroment instantly. Eventually people prefer to work and live by their favourite methods, and then they will settle down.
2023-07-12 05:26:073

从中国移民到英国 用immigration 还是emigration?

Immigration = 向内移民Emigration = 向外移民如不肯定,可用 migration 再加上 to 或 from 即可。
2023-07-12 05:26:153

migration immigration 区别?

migration 指鸟类的迁徙immigration 指移民。
2023-07-12 05:26:353


2023-07-12 05:26:513

Immigration,Migrate,Emigrate 的分别在那里?英语回答也可以

immigrate 和 emigrate 都是移民。immigrate 是指移民入境emigrate 是指移民出境migrate是指迁徙,计算机上指迁移。migrate可以指候鸟的迁徙,有时也可以指移民(emigrate)。以下是www.dict.cn的解释:immigrate: [ "imigreit ] v. 移居入境例句与用法: 1. People from many countries immigrated to the United States and Canada. 许多国家的人移居到美国和加拿大。 2. My family and I are planning to immigrate to America next year. I have so many questions. Can you help me? 我的家人和我打算明年移民到美国,我有很多问题,你能帮我忙吗? 英英解释: 动词immigrate:1. migrate to a new environment2. introduce or send as immigrants3. come into a new country and change residency emigrate: [ "emigreit ] v. 移居,移民例句与用法: 1. He emigrated from Britain to Australia in order to find a better job. 他从英国移居到澳大利亚,想找一份更好的工作。 2. His family emigrated from Italy to America. 他们家从意大利移居到美国。 3. Go back there? I"d sooner emigrate! 回去? 我宁可移居海外也不回去! 4. Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate. 必须办妥某些手续方可移居他国. 英英解释: 动词emigrate:1. leave one"s country of residence for a new one migrate: [ mai"greit, "maigreit ] v. 移动,移往,随季节而移居[计算机] 迁移例句与用法: 1. Some tribes migrate with their cattle in search of fresh grass. 有些部落为了寻找新鲜的牧草而带着他们的牲畜迁移。 2. These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. 这些鸟冬天迁徙到北非. 3. In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些发展中的国家,越来越多的人向市区迁移。 4. In winter many of our birds migrate form here to warmer countries. 我们有许多鸟儿冬天从这里迁移到比较温暖的国家去。 5. To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。 英英解释: 动词migrate:1. move from one country or region to another and settle there同义词:transmigrate2. move periodically or seasonally
2023-07-12 05:26:581


一个是移民来,一个是移民去。这要看你看这移民者的角度。immigration = 移民来emigration = 移民去要是国内移民到美国,要是从美国的角度,immigration 就是移民来美国,从中国就是emigration 到美国。
2023-07-12 05:27:071

immigrate to与immigration to的区别

意思都是移民。immigrate to,动词移民到什么地方;immigration to,名词让移民去做什么。
2023-07-12 05:27:152


2023-07-12 05:27:232


immigrant adj. 移民的;迁入的n. 移民,侨民immigration 名词,移民
2023-07-12 05:27:344


2023-07-12 05:27:532

移民局 英语怎么说

immigration authority
2023-07-12 05:28:055

immigration status填什么 美国夏校

immigration status意思是移民状况,你是F1,就填F1,H1 就填H1,是绿卡就填penment resident 。扩展资料辞海对移民的解释有:1.迁往国外某一地区永久定居的人;2.较大数量、有组织的人口迁移。与这两种释义相对应的英文词语分为immigration和resettlement,也可以用migration统称各种移民。移民是人口在不同地区之间的迁移活动的总称,作为名词,是指人或人的集合(人群),即迁移人口的集合;作为动名词,是指人口的迁移活动。 移民不一定伴有国籍转变,包括迁徙和国籍转变等。1.往他地迁移居民。包括国内外。《周礼·秋官·士师》:"若邦凶荒,令移民通财。"《管子·七法》:"不明于决塞,而欲殴众移民,犹使水逆流。" 宋 王安石 《还自河北应客》诗:"塞水移民久,川防动众初。"2.指迁移到外地或外国的人。 毛泽东《美帝国主义是纸老虎》:"为了反对美帝国主义, 中南美国家的欧洲移民要同本地印第安人团结起来。"3.犹言改易民心。 银雀山 汉 墓竹简《孙膑兵法·行篡》:"用兵移民之道,权衡也。" 太平天国 石达开 《白龙洞题壁》诗:"毁佛崇天帝,移民复古风。"
2023-07-12 05:28:451


Referred to as "ethnic melting pot" of the United States is a typical immigrant country, the immigration history dates back to 1620 at the earliest. Nearly 400 years, the united nation has become a mixture composed of more than 100 national and even stands in New York "the statue of liberty" and "immigrants" from France in 1886 to the United States. Immigrants with their own dreams, travelled to the ideal land, in the United States has set off a few times in the history of immigration. It is no exaggeration to say, it is immigrants contributed to the United States, is the development of the immigration and changed America.Attract immigrants once America"s most important diplomatic missionAt the beginning of the founding of the people in the United States in the United States population of only 3.9 million. In addition to about 760000 black, the rest were almost all white, for the most part and from Western Europe. For fear of the Napoleonic wars in Europe and the domestic employment environment, at the beginning of the founding of the United States government on immigration policy, has formulated some restrictions on immigration policy. Between 1796 and 1815 European immigrants to the United States, on average, only about 3000 people a year.Napoleon after the war, European regain peace. With a large number of military retired, Europe"s increasingly serious unemployment, increasing the number of people immigrate to the United States. At this time, the United States is also due to the need of domestic construction, change the limit immigrants policy. In 1848 after the European revolution, immigrated to the United States is the wave of a wave height. For 1820 years from 1820 to 1920, some 33.5 million immigrants were accepted in the United States, form lasts one hundred years of immigration in the United States.American historian called it "the great human migration movement first immigrants orgasm occurred from 1820 to 1820, the total number of immigrants during 5 million. Immigrants mainly from Western Europe and northern Europe, of which about 2 million Irish, German, about 1.7 million, there are a large number of sold to African slaves in the United States. At the same time, there are a few in the immigration from Asia, mainly to Chinese American gold rush.The second immigration boom from 1861 to 1861, about 5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. After the civil war, the United States ushered in the peak of industrialization, the demand for labor. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln to lobby congress passed "encourages foreign immigration act. Secretary of state seward and made a proclamation to diplomats from the United States in Europe, asked them to attract immigrants from Europe as one of the most important diplomatic mission. In order to recruit skilled workers to work in the United States from Europe, some enterprise groups to Europe recruiting. Them in many European newspaper advertising, printing brochures, with European settlers in desire to depict the tempting prospects. Some companies also for willing to immigrate to the United States of Europe provide the necessary money.The third climax from 1881 to 1881, immigration soared to 23.5 million. Immigration peak is 1907 to 1907. In this stage, the U.S. government legislation for many times, European immigrants, reject Asian immigrants. From north-western Europe countries such as Britain, Germany, Sweden "old immigrants" growth is limited, but from Italy, Russia and other countries in southeast Europe "new immigrants" is growing rapidly.Three times after the immigration, the United States in 1920 the total population of more than 100 million for the first time. From 1820 to 1920 in 1820, that the number of immigrants in the population growth in the number of more than 20%.The fate of the immigrants changed AmericaThese three times in the history of American immigration not only has had a profound influence on the formation of American national character, and makes the United States to rise quickly in a short span of more than one hundred years, replaced Britain as the world"s largest economic power, and lays the foundation for later to become the world"s superpower. Can say immigrants made us strong.In immigration, the United States enjoy privileges, no need for education and training from Europe get tens of thousands of skilled workers. According to statistics, 1871-1892, immigrants from Western Europe and northern Europe, about 23% are skilled workers, they brought in iron and steel, textile and other industrial technology, become the important technical force of the industrial revolution in the United States.Was the 7th President of the United States Jackson, known as the "father" of American manufacturing after Samuel Slater immigrated to the United States, with its steal the secret of Britain"s textile industry, in the United States successfully copied out of the high efficient cotton spinning machine, and established the cotton mills, sounded the horn of the industrial revolution. The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas, electricity, water and other municipal construction technology.In these immigrants, 85% of people aged between 14 and 44, and in the majority with man. When young, these immigrants to the United States of cotton textile industry, mining, construction provides the Labour force. In the eastern U.S. state of tunnels and railway engineering, Irish, German, Italian and the northern europeans. In the early changed American politics and society face "westward movement", the role of the China labor also is significant.In the railway construction as the center, the China labor expense, with blood and life in extremely harsh difficult conditions, successfully completed the construction of the western Pacific railroad across the United States. Today, along the railway in California can also see a Chinese metal plaque inscription, saying "California, north and south. Chinese spirit, flesh with work ". As advocates of recruiting workers Ryan crocker said: "the railway can finish, largely due to poor and despised the Chinese working class -- thanks to their loyal and hardworking." It later became a famous "word history" in the history of immigration to the United States.Immigrants in the American civil war to save the union, contributed to the abolition of slavery. Europe after the 1848 revolution, a large number of rich German immigrants came to the United States military experience, these are known as "1848 person of German immigrants," there are a lot of people became a republican and Lincoln"s elite. They helped organize the federal troops, defend republican system. One of the most famous is Carl schulz major general. He moved to the United States in 1852 after the defeat of the revolution in Germany, active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1861 he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the minister to Spain. After the civil war broke out, he volunteered to led the troops in battle, in order to encourage support Lincoln German immigrants, he has to travel between states speech, total travel nearly 40000 km.Cause of exclusion against the current wave of migrantsIn more than 100 years of immigration, immigration had been in one way or the other. As for the U.S. government, its immigration policy is not static. From 1815 to 1882, the United States government shall practise a system of completely free immigration. But starting in 1882, great changes have taken place in the U.S. immigration policy. Restrictions and excluding immigration law introduced one by one. The regulation of which is strange, like an idiot and milquetoast bans entry. After 1920, the United States over the age of free immigration thoroughly, introduced a quota of restrictive immigration policies.Because in the contradiction of employment, religious and ethnic problems, the United States during 1880-1920 to xenophobia development. Chinese, Japanese, jews, italians and hungarians became the local workers and north-western Europe immigration is wanton rejection and the object of persecution. What"s more, in May 1882, congress passed a specifically forbid south China university of technology into the Chinese exclusion act of beauty, the bill was abolished until 61 years later. During this period, by the locals and the north-western Europe first immigrants of protestant "American patriots alliance", "the alliance" and other exclusive organization arises at the historic moment. Among them, the biggest impact of the first of the American association of protection, established in 1887, the association flames everywhere, the political corruption of American society during this period, municipal construction lag, rising crime rates and people"s living standards drop is attributed to the arrival of the new immigrants.After the second world war, with the rationalization of the American public attitude toward immigrants, the contribution of immigrants to the United States gradually acknowledged by most americans. As labor secretary Elaine chao said: "thanks to the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Huge waves of immigrants to the United States has brought the rich cultural heritage, also provided the impetus to the development of the United States."
2023-07-12 05:29:021

immigration regulations是什么意思

immigration-regulations移民条例双语例句1. As Canadian immigration specialists, we are for further changes to Laws ,Regulations , Policies , and Procedures. 作为加拿大移民专家, 我们对这些变化以及变化的方向成竹在胸.来自互联网权威例句1. We"re going to overcome the issue of immigration. 来自WSJ2. Here is the exchange between the two on immigration. 来自VOA3. Immigration needs to be about work, not welfare. 来自VOA
2023-07-12 05:29:111


   1.入境检查(Immigration)   就是由移民局的官员检查护照,签证和入境登记卡,并询问一些简单的问题,如“来澳洲的目的?”,“计划停留多久?”等等。如果您不懂或略懂英文但无法准确表达自己的意思,入境检查一般会安排免费的翻译服务。不要猜谜似的回答问题,以免造成意外的误会。当检查人员在您的护照上盖上入境章时,就表示一切无误,核准入境。    2.入境卡(IncomingPassengerCard)   当飞机即将在澳洲降落前,空中小姐会发给所有乘客一张澳洲入境卡,不懂英文的乘客会得到一张中文译文的澳洲入境卡,但是必须用英文填写。内容包括个人信息,大概在澳洲停留的时间,和是否有申报等。这张入境旅客卡,是一份法定文件,如果您携有任何食物或植物或动物来源的货物-包括本小册子所列的任何物品,您必须在“是”(YES)栏打钩。如果您携有不想申报的检疫物品,在您前往领取行李的途中及将申报卡交给海关人员前,把物品丢弃于特别检疫标志箱内。最后,入境卡上的签名一定要同您护照上的签名一致。    3.领取行李(BaggageClaim)   首先,如果有在飞机上没有吃完的食物,比如饼干,水果,糖果等,都要在领取行李前扔到指定的垃圾桶里。   您抵达澳洲时,在行李输送带可能会遇到检疫猎犬。不用惊慌,它们只是在嗅乘客的行李,寻找检疫关注的物品。如果您看见一只狗在您附近工作,请把您的行李袋放在地上准备接受检查。有时侦察犬会察觉特别的味道,尤其是您在袋内一或两天前放过肉类或水果。检疫工作人员大概会要求检查您的袋子以确保袋内没有属检疫关注的物品,但如果您解释情况,您不会有任何问题。   当然最后要核实自己的行李,以免拿错。如果行李有损坏或未拿到,请直接联络机场行李柜台。    4.海关(Custom)   最后一步就是出关了,主要分为无申报通道(绿色)和申报通道(红色)。    5.需要申报的物品:   01*、武器和弹药   必须申报所有*、武器和弹药,包括真枪和枪炮复制品以及通过压缩空气发射弹丸但通常作为“玩具”枪购买的*气枪。其它武器,例如漆弹枪、吹管、所有*、双节棍、弹弓、弩、电击设备和拳击指环等也必须申报。一些物品可能需要许可证、警方授权书和安检证才能进口。   02.兴奋剂   抵达时必须申报所有兴奋剂。其中包括人体生长荷尔蒙、DHEA以及所有合成代谢和雄性类固醇。这些物品未经许可不得进口到澳大利亚。   03.货币   带入或带出澳大利亚的货币金额没有限制。但是,如果是10000澳元或以上的澳币以及等值的外国货币,您必须申报。海关要求,如果您携带本票、旅行支票、个人支票、汇票或邮政汇票,还必须填写可转让证券表格BearerNegotiableInstruments,简称BNI)。、植物、动物和生物制品   不能带入澳洲的东西:有些东西,由于对澳洲的动物及植物的生存有疾病威胁,所以是不准带入澳洲,这些包括有:乳类、蛋及含蛋的产品-包括全个,粉末的蛋及一些有蛋的成份的产品(随同婴儿的婴儿配方,及纽西兰的乳类产品是准许的)。   活的动物-包括雀、鸟、鱼、爬行动物及昆虫。肉类及肉类产品-包括所有非罐装或新鲜、乾、冷藏、烟熏或咸肉。种子及果仁-包括生、没烤过的果仁、生花生、栗子及爆壳。新鲜水果及蔬菜-包括所有新鲜和冷藏的水果及蔬菜。   活的植物-包括插枝、根、球茎、谷物、根茎及茎部。含有或种子制成的手工艺品及纪念品鲑及鳟鱼产品-询问有关特别的入口情况(罐头的鲑鱼是准许的)。   生物材料-包括人类/动物疫苗及治疗货物(询问有关特别的入口情况)。鹿角/鹿茸,食用燕窝包装产品-来自纽西兰的鹿茸或鹿角是准许的(附证明书)泥土及沙-包括填满泥土或沙的物品(不带泥土和沙的石块是准许的)所有猪肉产品。   下列物品在检疫条件许可并事先获得澳洲检疫*的证明情况下可以另行带入,但许可证必须在你进行海外旅行之前取得;这些物品有:   猫、狗及其他小动物培养液、微生物、动物精子及卵子活的植物,插枝及球茎动物或植物制作的陈列纪念品及珍品婴儿食物(每名婴儿准带一公斤)小量圣水检疫官员会检查这些物品,如果不会带有动植物疾病或害虫的话,再把这些物品还给您。汽车也可以带进来,但在下货后须经严格检查及清洗。   05.药品   您需要向海关申报所有药品,包括处方药、替代药、草药和中药、维他命和矿物配方。   06.酒类商品   如果年满18岁,可将2.25升的酒类商品免税带入澳大利亚。随身行李中的所有酒类均属此类,无论购买的地点或方式如何。   07.烟草   超过免税限额的烟(限额50支香烟或50克的雪茄烟或烟草制品/人)   移民生活中的福利    1.公共交通优惠   墨尔本的小伙伴们乘坐公共交通用的都是Myki卡,在我们抱怨Myki卡价格不菲的同时,我们也应该知道这些福利:   小学生在非高峰时间段,即上午9:30至下午3:30期间,集体出行公共交通免费,这是今年的新规定。   工作日期间在早上7:15之前刷卡是免费的。   如果你发现不小心进错了站,只要在15分钟之内从相同的车站刷卡出门即可,不会被扣钱。   每一年的圣诞节和12月31日下午6点之后,乘坐公共交通是免费的。同样只需要正常刷卡即可,不会被扣钱。   悉尼使用的Opal卡在今年没有变化,依然维持了原有的优惠规定:   每天(周日日外)和每周的刷卡费用都有上限值:成人卡每天花费封顶15.4澳元,每周封顶61.6澳元;儿童卡和青年卡每天花费封顶7.7澳元,每周封顶30.8澳元;Opal金卡每天花费封顶2.5澳元,每周封顶17.5澳元。   周日成人卡、儿童卡和青年卡全天花费封顶2.6澳元,Opal金卡依然2.5澳元封顶。   当一周内刷卡达到8次之后,这一周剩下的时间刷卡将享受半价优惠。   非高峰时间段乘坐火车可以享受30%的折扣。   60分钟内在火车、轮渡、巴士和轻轨之间不同种类交通工具换乘,成人卡每次换乘可以有2澳元的折扣,儿童卡、青年卡和金卡每次换成有1澳元的折扣。   以上所有的优惠政策不适用于悉尼机场站,而是有单独的政策:成人卡每天25澳元封顶;儿童卡和青年卡每天22.5澳元封顶,适用于每天和每月频繁往返于市区和机场的人士。    2.其他免费服务   除了公共交通之外,澳洲政府还提供很多其他实用的免费服务,说不定你什么时候就用得上。   不过现在,有一个很好的办法可以帮你解决这一烦恼。Telstra公司宣布将从2月18日开始免费提供“谢绝来电”(DoNotCallRegister)服务,在此之前,这项服务每月会收取2.93澳元的服务费。注册这一服务之后,你将彻底跟*扰电话说再见!   1)免费疫苗服务   维州的免费儿童疫苗计划如今有新增了两个项目:为15岁至19岁的青少年免费接种脑膜炎疫苗,和为12至13岁的学生免费接种Gardasil9宫颈癌疫苗。  2)免费医生服务   这是一个名为13SickNational的服务,在澳洲多个城市均有网点。如果你在深夜遭遇了突发疾病,这时家庭医生已经下班,你就可以拨打电话137425,会有医生立刻为你上门服务。   Medicare的持有者都是免费享受这项服务,学生保险通常也会涵盖这一服务。   不过需要说明的是,这一服务针对的主要是一般疾病;如果出现了危及生命的大病,还是需要拨打000求助。   3)免费口译服务   在澳洲免不了要跟水公司、电公司、邮局等服务部门打交道,而且通常都会遇到一些复杂的条款。如果语言表达能力有欠缺或是担心听不懂细节,是很头疼的一件事情。   澳洲政府就针对这一部分人群提供免费的口译服务。只要拨打电话131450,然后告知接线员你所需要的语言种类,他就会帮你转接口译人员。你只需要负担正常的电话费即可,无需支付额外费用。   4)超市免费水果   在澳洲的一些超市门口会有一个筐,里面摆放着新鲜的水果,上面的牌子上则写着“儿童免费水果”。   这项服务在澳洲已经有了几年的历史,一直很受父母们的青睐。这一措施一方面可以解决小孩子在超市里四处摸东西和大声吵闹的问题,帮助家长省却了小孩子嘴馋的麻烦,另一方面也有助于孩子们达到每天吃两份水果的饮食标准。   原来有的时候并不是澳洲真的贵,而是我们不知道怎么省钱。澳洲移民的弊端就是绿卡并非永久性的,必须要蹲移民监,也就意味着要么彻底离开中国,要么就是家人分离,要么两边折腾。这个对新移民是一种比较难的选择,不但从工作方面,更是生活上的巨大转变。   
2023-07-12 05:29:181


2023-07-12 05:29:261


2023-07-12 05:29:364

immigration inspection是什么意思

2023-07-12 05:29:442


点击该网站的”contact us",就可以发现电话号If you have a query and wish to call us from outside of New Zealand please phone(国际长途): +64 9 914 4100 If you have a query and wish to call us within New Zealand but outside of Auckland, please phone(新西兰除奥克兰的任何地区的被叫号): 0508 558 855 If you have a query and wish to call us from Auckland(从奥克兰打), please phone: 09 914 4100
2023-07-12 05:29:541

immigration sponsorship是指什么H1还是绿卡

2023-07-12 05:30:044


immigration 英[u02ccu026amu026au02c8greu026au0283n] 美[u02ccu026amu026au02c8ɡreu026au0283n] n. 移居; 移民人数; 移民局检查站; [例句]The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府决定实施更加严格的移民政策。
2023-07-12 05:30:221


这两个单词都有移民的意思,但侧重点不同,举个例子吧,你要移民美国, 美国人管你叫Immigrant,而中国人管你叫Emigrant,而migrant就只是说明移民,没有强调是进还是出~~
2023-07-12 05:31:071


纯属巧合。移民是migration。译自英语的词语通常只是音译,如巴士、燕梳、多士,字面解不通。也有些音义俱译,如俱乐部,但少有。 我谂系「移居海外的侨民」缩写而成卦... Immigration = 移居境内 emigration = 移居境外 当年中国发生内乱 人民纷纷移居中国香港 而且不断增加 当时 *** 为控制及处理这批移民 故于当时的警务处成立入境移民小组处理身分登记事宜 这便是入境处的前身。 后来 来港难民有增无减 小组工作量日益加重 *** 于是将小组分离出来 成立人民入境事务处 专责处理出入境管制事务。 至于「移民局」的称呼 相信系借代其所处理的事务而已 并不是由Immigration音译的。 Immigration - 移民 Immigration Department - 移民局 「Immi」 「燕梳」都系将英语广东口语化 Immigration=入境处
2023-07-12 05:31:221

migration和emigration和immigration的区别 最好用英文解释

migration n.移民,移植,移往,移动 emigration n.移民出境,侨居,[总称]移民 immigration n.外来的移民,移居入境
2023-07-12 05:31:301

移民 的英文 是哪个单词动词和名词

immigrate 动词 Immigration 名词
2023-07-12 05:31:372


immigration:n.移居(入境);移民人数;移民局检查站; migration:n.迁移;移居;迁徙 扩展资料   Research on the Data Migration Strategy of Hierarchical Mass Storage System.   海量信息分级存储数据迁移策略研究。   Study and Application of Computing Grid Based on Seismic Migration Imaging.   基于地震资料偏移成像的计算网格研究及应用。   Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries   在很多国家,移民都是一个颇有争议的问题。
2023-07-12 05:31:441

immigrant immigrate immigration三者的区别

immigrate v.动词 从外国移入;作为移民定居(有从外地移来,移居入境之意 immigration n.名词 移居(由外国迁居入境或表示移民的总称) immigrant n.名词 外来移民(移入者、国外来的移民)
2023-07-12 05:31:521


immigration 和emigration分别指人口迁移的不同方向。 以中国和美国为例。我们现在是中国人,中国人向美国的迁移对我们来说是emigration,也就是迁出;而对于美国来说就是immigration,也就是迁入。 两个单词难区别的就是迁移的方向了。 还有emigration 确实是写错了,o(∩_∩)o...!
2023-07-12 05:32:001

immigration 与 migration 有什么区别

2023-07-12 05:33:001


2023-07-12 05:33:092


问题一:移民的英文怎么说 您好,根据英文的不同词性,移民对应不同的英文释义: 移民 (动词): immigrate 移民(名词/形容词):immigrant 移民(名词,强调概念)immigration,比如移民法,译为 immigration laws;问题二:新移民 用英文怎么说 您好,根据英文的不同词性,移民对应不同的英文释义: 移民 (动词): immigrate移民(名词/形容词):immigrant 移民(名词,强调概念)immigration,比如移民法,译为 immigration laws;问题三:第一代移民用英语怎么说?! First-generation immigrants 问题四:移民的英文怎么说 "名词:immigrant 动词:immigrate问题五:美国的亲属移民申请英语怎么说? application for family-sponsored preferences. 问题六:我以后要移民英语怎么说 I want to emigrate in the future.
2023-07-12 05:33:161


2023-07-12 05:33:231

immigant, immigration区别

immigrant - 移民 (移居海外的人)immigration - 移民 (移居海外的行动与事宜)
2023-07-12 05:34:001