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2023-07-12 15:45:09
TAG: in ur rt pa pai pain












pain是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

pain 英[peu026an] 美[pen] n. 痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厌烦的人[事物]; 身体某部分的疼痛[不适]; vt. (使) 疼痛,(使)痛苦,伤害; vt. 使…痛苦; 使…烦恼; [例句]To help ease the pain, heat can be applied to the area with a hot water bottle用热水瓶热敷疼痛部位有助于缓解疼痛。[其他] 第三人称单数:pains 复数:pains 现在分词:paining 过去式:pained过去分词:pained
2023-07-12 05:01:111


pain是[名词],指肉体或精神上的疼痛,通常不能与身体部位名词连用,而用在动词短语中。如:ihaveapaininmyfeet.我的脚痛.sore是[形容词],通常指由于发炎而引起的肌肉疼痛,表示身体某一部位疼痛时,放在身体部位名词前面。如:ihaveasorethroat. 我喉咙痛。ache是[名词],指持续的隐隐的疼痛,常放在身体部位名词后构成病痛名称。如:ihaveatoothache. 我牙痛。
2023-07-12 05:01:321


hure可做多种词性,名词,(精神上的)创伤,伤;痛The massage made the hurt go away.动词,使受伤,带来痛苦;造成损失My right leg hurts.形容词,受伤的,(心灵等)受到伤害的There was a hurt look in her eyes.而pain不能...
2023-07-12 05:01:391


高考英语词汇详解:pain的用法整理   【提要】高考 : 2017高考英语词汇详解:pain的用法   高考英语词汇详解:pain的用法   一、表示肉体上的“痛”“疼痛”   1. 可数性问题:此时可用作可数或不可数名词。如:   This tooth is giving me pain. 这颗牙很疼。   Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm. 玛丽左臂感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。   Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。注:由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用pain, a pain, pains都是可能的`。如:   I have pain [a pain, pains] in my back. 我背疼。   2. 修饰语问题:用作不可数名词,可用much, little等修饰;用作可数名词时,可用many, few等修饰。如:   Was it possible to have so much pain that it could no longer hurt? 痛得很厉害以至不再感到疼痛,这种情况可能吗?   After falling from a ladder, he had many physical aches and pains. 从梯子上摔下来以后他感到身上到处都痛。   3. 主谓一致问题:pain用作主语时,谓语肯定用单数,这不是问题;当pains用作主语时,谓语通常用复数。如:   If the pains return phone the doctor. 如果疼痛再发作,打电话给医生。   Her pains are mostly pure imagination. 他的疼痛多半纯粹是想象出来的东西。   但是,有时也可用单数。如:   Growing pains refers to pains in the joints and muscles of growing children. 发育性疼痛乃指正在发育成长的儿童的关节和肌肉所感到的疼痛。   二、表示精神上的“痛苦”   1. 可数性问题:此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。如:   I could not stand the pain any longer. 我再也忍受不了这种痛苦了。   I hope you will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给了你痛苦,希望你原谅我。   2. 修饰语问题:通常可用great, some, no, a great deal, much等修饰。如:   The memory of her mother"s illness caused her great pain. 想起妈妈的疾病她就感到痛苦。   His harsh words caused her much pain. 他说话很刺耳,她听了很不舒服。   It gave us much pain to learn of the sad news. 听到这个不幸的消息我们十分痛苦。   3. 主谓一致问题:由于不可数,用作主语时,自然要用单数谓语。 ;
2023-07-12 05:01:521


说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,谢谢! 1. 表示肉体上的“痛”“疼痛”:此时可用作可数或不可数名词。如:This tooth is giving me pain. 这颗牙很疼。Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm. 玛丽左臂感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用pain, a pain, pains都是可能的。如:I have pain [a pain, pains] in my back. 我背疼。用作不可数名词,可用much, little等修饰;用作可数名词时,可用many, few等修饰。如:Was it possible to have so much pain that it could no longer hurt? 痛得很厉害以至不再感到疼痛,这种情况可能吗?After falling from a ladder, he had many physical aches and pains. 从梯子上摔下来以后他感到身上到处都痛。2. 表示精神上的“痛苦”:此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。如:I could not stand the pain any longer. 我再也忍受不了这种痛苦了。I hope you will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给了你痛苦,希望你原谅我。3. 表示“努力”“辛苦”:此时总是用pains这样的复数形式。如:He had written the book with great pains. 他呕心沥血写了这本书。We must give him something for his pains. 我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。此时pains虽为复数形式,但在选择修饰语时,却总是被视为不可数名词,即不能用 many, few 等修饰,但可用 much, little等修饰。 引用地址:
2023-07-12 05:02:051


1表示身体某部位的疼痛、痛苦时,是可数名词,而且常常要用复数。例子:stomach pains 胃痛 2 或者表示: 费心,苦心,辛苦,劳苦 (trouble)He did not take great [much] pains.他没有下过多少苦功。You should take more pains with your work.你应该在工作上下更大的功夫。No pains, no gains. (谚)不劳则无获。
2023-07-12 05:02:121


分类: 外语/出国 解析: pain常用做名词,表示痛苦, 疼, 痛,劳苦; 努力, 费心 如:I have pains on my back. 我的背很痛。 feel some [no, not much] pain 感到有些痛[不痛, 不太痛]You may save your pains. 您不必费心 hurt 常做动词用,刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤表示“伤害”既可以指肉体的伤害也可指心灵的伤害。 如: I won"t hurt you. 我不会伤害你。 Did he hurt himself? 他受伤了吗? 也可用做名词,表示伤[损, 危]害;(精神上的)痛苦;疼痛;创伤; 伤口;不良影响 如: I intended no hurt to his feelings. 我并无意使他伤心。
2023-07-12 05:02:201


n.1. 痛,疼痛2. (身体特定部位的)疼痛3.(精神、感情上的)痛苦,悲痛4. 辛苦,努力5. 产痛6. 讨厌的人(或事)vt.1. 使烦恼,使痛苦2. 使疼痛vi.1. 引起疼痛,感到疼痛
2023-07-12 05:02:272

in pain和 pain有什么区别?

美式英语是Pain,英式是 in pain,意思都相同。疼痛,苦恼中
2023-07-12 05:02:342


painn. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛n. (Pain)人名;(意)帕因;(俄)派因;(法)潘;(英)佩因词组短语in pain 痛苦abdominal pain 腹痛back pain 背痛no pain 没有痛苦;不痛chest pain 胸痛feel pain 感觉到疼痛;觉得疼痛low back pain 下背痛,下腰痛pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或事physical pain 生理痛pain threshold [生理]痛阈stomach pain 胃痛severe pain 激痛,剧痛sharp pain [医]锐痛pain past is pleasure 苦尽甘来acute pain 急性痛;剧烈的疼痛pelvic pain 骨盆病intense pain 剧烈疼痛;剧痛unbearable pain 难以忍受的痛苦spare no pains 不遗余力,全力以赴feel no pain 不觉得痛
2023-07-12 05:02:543


hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上,感情上的伤害。 典例: The driver hurt himself badly in the accident. 那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。 wound 指枪伤,刀伤,刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的,严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。 典例: The bullet wounded his arm. 子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。 ache表示局部的持续的疼痛,例如toothache/headache pain长时间、不间断的疼痛;用于比喻义,指心灵的伤痛,也可指付出努力 ache还可以指渴望,想念
2023-07-12 05:03:091


pain的形容词有: painful 痛苦的,疼痛的,令人不快的 painless 无痛的,不痛的 pained 悲痛的,受痛苦的 扩展资料   pain是什么意思   pain这个英语单词在句式中可以被用作名词和动词,具体含义如下:   1、当pain这个英语单词表示名词含义时,它的意思是疼痛,努力。   2、当pain这个单词做动词时,它的意思是感到疼痛,引起疼痛,使…痛苦,使…烦恼。   pain的时态变化   pain的`复数形式是pains,过去式形式是pained,过去分词形式是pained,现在分词形式是paining,第三人称单数形式是pains。   pain的形容词形式怎么写   pain的形容词形式是在pain作为词根的基础上进行词缀的添加:   painful 痛苦的,疼痛的,令人不快的   painless 无痛的,不痛的   pained 悲痛的,受痛苦的   pain短语搭配   in pain 痛苦   abdominal pain 腹痛   back pain 背痛   no pain 没有痛苦,不痛   chest pain 胸痛   feel pain 感觉到疼痛  
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pain的用法和搭配如下:pain可以用作名词、动词,名词的意思是痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厌烦的人(事物)。动词的意思是(使)疼痛,(使)痛苦,伤害。in pain可以表示痛苦的意思,no pain表示没有痛苦,spare no pain表示不遗余力,全力以赴。 扩展资料 pain的用法和搭配如下:pain可以用作名词、动词,名词的意思是痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厌烦的`人(事物)。动词的意思是(使)疼痛,(使)痛苦,伤害。in pain可以表示痛苦的意思,no pain表示没有痛苦,spare no pain表示不遗余力,全力以赴。
2023-07-12 05:03:241


pain可以作为名词或动词。1、pain作为名词。名词pain的基本意思是”疼痛,痛苦“可指肉体上的疼痛,也可指精神、感情上的痛苦或悲痛,泛指疼痛时是不可数名词,特指身体某部位疼痛或pain前有形容词修饰时是可数名词。引申可作“劳苦,辛劳,烦劳”、“麻烦”解,是可数名词,多用复数形式,用作主语时岩岁,其谓语动词也用复数形式。2、pain作为动词。动词pain的意思是”使疼痛“,此为陈旧用法,仅限于书面语体。用于比喻可表示”使痛苦“唤郑。pain 多接表示人的名词或代词作和枣颂宾语; pain 作”作痛,觉得痛“解时,主语通常为身体的某部分,可用于进行体,表示持续地疼痛。pain 表示身体某部位疼痛时不用于被动结构。pain相关例句:1、He decided to run around the world to try to escape the pain.他决心环游世界,摆脱伤痛。2、You have no idea how much pain I can take.你根本不了解我能承受多大的痛苦。3、No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。4、Anybody with an ounce of intelligence could see what a pain your mother is.任何人,哪怕只有一点点头脑,都会看出你妈是个让人讨厌的人。5、Don"t tell me Christopher is coming, wherever he goes he"s a pain in the neck.不要告诉我克里斯托弗要来,不管他到哪里,他总是个令人讨厌的家伙!6、She"s pained by her son"s conduct.她对儿子的行为感到痛心。7、It pains me to have to tell you that your grandma has passed away.我以沉痛的心情告诉你你奶奶走了。8、My arm is paining.我手臂疼痛。9、No pain, no gain.不劳则无获。10、The pain increased in intensity.疼痛越来越剧烈。
2023-07-12 05:03:311


pain D.J.[pein] K.K.[pen] n. 痛苦 The pain eased slightly. 痛苦稍有减轻。 His behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain. 他的所作所为使他的父母极为难过。 身体某部分的疼痛[不适] Mother has a pain in her chest. 母亲胸口疼。 She asked after the aches and pains of all the old people. 她询问了所有老人的各种病痛。 令人厌烦的人[事物] She"s a real pain. 她真是个讨厌的人。 劳苦, 辛劳, 烦劳 My pains have been rewarded. 我的努力已得到报偿。 vt. & vi. (使)疼痛; (使)痛苦; 伤害 My tooth is paining. 我牙痛。 Her injured arm pained her sharply. 她那受伤的手臂使她感到剧烈疼痛。 It pains me to have to leave, but I must. 不得不离开使我感到痛苦, 但我必须离开。 It pained him that his father talked like that. 他父亲那样说使他痛苦。
2023-07-12 05:04:012


意思是 疼痛
2023-07-12 05:04:104


  pain表示痛苦; 刻苦; 令人厌烦的人意思,那么你知道pain的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了pain的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   pain的短语:   for one"s pains   1. (非正式)作为对努力或辛苦的不公平的报酬   他辛苦一场反遭起诉。   he was sued for his pains.   no pain, no gain   1. (主北美)不劳则无获   on (或 under) pain of   1. 违反则 以u2026处罚   他们禁止所有这类风俗习惯,违者处死。   they proscribed all such practices and observances on pain of death.   on pain of 或 under pain of   1. 违则以u2026处罚:应受一种指定惩罚的刑罚,如死刑   同义词辨析:   ache, pain, sore   这些名词均含有"疼,疼痛"之意。   ache :指人体某一器官较持久的疼痛,常常是隐痛。   pain :可与ache换用,但pain既可指一般疼痛,也可指剧痛,疼痛范围可以是局部或全身,时间可长可短。也可引申指精神上的痛苦。   sore :指身体某部位的痛处,有是也指精神上的痛苦。   pain的短语例句:   1. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.   我感觉到后腰一阵剧痛。   2. After the pain of defeat passes, England have some thinking to do.   失败的痛苦过去以后,英国人应该认真反思一下。   3. We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language.   我们被禁止使用母语,违者将被关进监狱。   4. Our instinctive reaction when someone causes us pain is to strike back.   当被别人弄疼时我们本能的反应是反击。   5. He was struck by a stabbing pain in his midriff.   他突然感到腹部一阵剧烈疼痛。   6. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades.   他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。   7. She lay at the bottom of the stairs, whimpering in pain.   她躺在楼梯底部,痛得呜咽着。   8. The pain originated from a point in his right thigh.   疼痛是从他右大腿的某处开始的。   9. He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain.   他面部扭曲,假装疼痛。   10. The pain had lessened in the night, but so had his lucidity.   夜里他的痛苦是减轻了,但人也不那么清醒了。   11. I have recently been suffering from pain and numbness in my hands.   我近来双手一直疼痛麻木。   12. Stimulate the site of greatest pain with a small negative current.   以微弱负电流刺激疼得最厉害的部位。   13. Pain is the body"s way of telling us that something is wrong.   疼痛是身体在告诉我们有地方出问题了。   14. She had to cling onto the doorhandle until the pain passed.   她不得不抓紧门把手,直到那阵疼痛过去。   15. A spasm of pain brought his thoughts back to the present.   一阵剧痛把他的思绪拉回到了现在。
2023-07-12 05:04:291


pain 痛苦的,是形容词,用在名词的后面或者必动词的后面,表修饰作用。pain的用法还是满单一的,就是一个形容词,表示人的痛苦也可以表示动物的痛苦,是一张请看,可以形容说这个个人他失去了他的一切他感到非常的痛苦,那么这个时候我们可以怎么表达呢,he is so pain.就这样就好了,很简单的。学习英语还是要打好基础,明白了单词的意思才好开展后续工作,做任何事情都是这样,只有把基础打好了,才可以建高楼,毕竟基础不好,高楼是不可能竖起来的。
2023-07-12 05:04:421


pain 反义词:pleasure relieve同义词:ache discomfort distress hurt irritation pang soreness sufferingleave 反义词:arrive reach remain stay同义词:abandon depart exit go quit vacate withdraw
2023-07-12 05:05:521


单词:pain基本词义:·painn.痛苦;悲痛His bad behaviour caused his parents a great deal of pain.他的不良行为使他的父母感到非常痛苦。痛;疼痛He had a pain in his head.他头疼。He has pains / a pain / pain in the shoulders.他两肩痛疼。Has the pain passed off yet?不痛了吧?苦恼;烦闷; 讨厌的人;讨厌的物;厌恶She"s a real pain.她真是一个令人讨厌的人。(= pain in the neck)(pl) 辛苦;努力"No pains, no gains.; No gains without pains.(谚)"不劳则无获。We must give him sth. for his pains.我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。习惯用语:·be at pains to do sth.苦心经营;辛苦地做词性变化:·painvt.使(身体一部分)痛;伤害My tooth is paining.我牙痛。使(精神)痛苦;使心痛Your laziness pains your parents.你的懒惰使你的父母痛苦。After they had quarrelled there was a pained silence between them."他们发生争吵以后,双方都因感情上受到伤害而保持沉默。"Everybody"s pained to see such wastefulness.任何人看到这种浪费现象都会很痛心的。
2023-07-12 05:06:001


pain是[名词],指肉体或精神上的疼痛,通常不能与身体部位名词连用,而用在动词短语中。如:ihaveapaininmyfeet.我的脚痛.sore是[形容词],通常指由于发炎而引起的肌肉疼痛,表示身体某一部位疼痛时,放在身体部位名词前面。如:ihaveasorethroat. 我喉咙痛。ache是[名词],指持续的隐隐的疼痛,常放在身体部位名词后构成病痛名称。如:ihaveatoothache. 我牙痛。
2023-07-12 05:06:091


pain 英[peu026an] 美[pen]n. 痛苦;刻苦;令人厌烦的人[事物];身体某部分的疼痛[不适];vt. (使)疼痛,(使)痛苦,伤害;vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼;[例句]Tohelpeasethe pain,heatcanbeappliedtotheareawithahotwater bottle用热水瓶热敷疼痛部位有助于缓解疼痛。[其他] 第三人称单数:pains 复数:pains 现在分词:paining 过去式:pained过去分词:pained
2023-07-12 05:06:171


2023-07-12 05:06:273

pain - pictur的差别

两个单词个少了一个字母。应为 paint - picture。paint - 用颜料制作的画,如油画、中国画等。picture - 所有以图像为主的作品,包括 paints。
2023-07-12 05:06:341


2023-07-12 05:07:103


pain英 [peu026an] 美 [pen] n. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛n. (Pain)人名;(意)帕因;(俄)派因;(法)潘;(英)佩因短语Acute Pain 急性疼痛 ; 急性痛 ; 剧痛 ; 剧烈的疼痛Persistent Pain 顽痛 ; 持续性痛 ; 持续痛 ; 持续性疼痛Piercing Pain 戳痛 ; uf9ff骨痛 ; 刺痛 ; 撕心裂肺的疼pain [pein]n.(肉体上的)痛,疼痛(精神、感情上)苦痛;心痛;悲叹;忧虑;烦闷[复数]分娩阵痛[复数]辛苦;刻苦;努力;费心[古语]惩罚,处罚[俚语]讨厌,厌恶,烦躁不安[常用于短语 pain in the neck][口语]讨厌(或惹人生气)的家伙;讨厌的任务(或责任) pain 痛苦abdominal pain 腹痛back pain 背痛no pain 没有痛苦;不痛chest pain 胸痛He uttered a cry of pain. 他发出一声疼痛的叫喊。
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2023-07-12 05:07:252

pain怎么读 pain的意思

1、pain读音:英[peu026an]美[peu026an]。 2、pain,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“疼痛;努力”。作及物动词时意为“使…痛苦;使…烦恼”。作不及物动词时意为“感到疼痛;引起疼痛”。
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2023-07-12 05:07:415


painn.疼痛;努力vt.使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi.感到疼痛;引起疼痛 pain疼痛,痛苦,疼backpain下背痛,背痛,腰酸背痛BurningPain烧痛,灼痛,烧灼痛求过啊
2023-07-12 05:08:054


painn.疼痛;努力vt.使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi.感到疼痛;引起疼痛 pain疼痛,痛苦,疼backpain下背痛,背痛,腰酸背痛BurningPain烧痛,灼痛,烧灼痛求过啊
2023-07-12 05:08:124


pain英 [peu026an] 美 [pen] n. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛n. (Pain)人名;(意)帕因;(俄)派因;(法)潘;(英)佩因例句:No pain,no gain.一分耕耘,一分收获。
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2023-07-12 05:08:309


pain是疼痛的意思。常见的词语搭配包括:1. Feel pain 感到疼痛2. Chronic pain 慢性疼痛3. Acute pain 急性疼痛4. Pain management 疼痛管理5. Pain relief 疼痛缓解6. Pain medication 疼痛药物7. Pain threshold 疼痛阈值8. Painful experience 痛苦的经历双语例句:1. She felt a sharp pain in her arm after lifting the heavy box. 她提起重箱子后,感觉手臂一阵剧痛。2. Chronic pain can be difficult to treat and manage. 慢性疼痛可能难以治疗和管理。3. He was rushed to the hospital with acute abdominal pain. 他因急性腹痛被紧急送往医院。4. Pain management techniques can help alleviate and control chronic pain. 疼痛管理技巧可以帮助减轻和控制慢性疼痛。5. She took some pain relief medication to ease the pain in her knee. 她服用了一些止痛药以缓解膝盖的疼痛。
2023-07-12 05:09:531


pain的形容词形式:painful:adj.令人疼痛的;令人痛苦(或难过、难堪)的;不愉快的;困难的;艰难的 pain:n.(身体上的)疼痛;痛苦;苦恼;烦恼;讨厌的人(或事);v.使痛苦;使苦恼 扩展资料   例句:   My ankle is still too painful to walk on.   我的脚腕子还是疼得不能走路。   He died a slow and painful death.   他缓慢而痛苦地死去。   Every move was painful.   每动一下都很痛。   A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.   被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。   The divorce was painful and messy.   那次离婚令人痛苦而又纠葛不清。
2023-07-12 05:10:171


你好,pain常用做名词,表示痛苦, 疼, 痛,劳苦; 努力, 费心如:I have pains on my back. 我的背很痛。feel some [no, not much] pain感到有些痛[不痛, 不太痛]You may save your pains.您不必费心hurt 常做动词用,刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤表示“伤害”既可以指肉体的伤害也可指心灵的伤害。如: I won"t hurt you.我不会伤害你。Did he hurt himself?他受伤了吗?也可用做名词,表示伤[损, 危]害;(精神上的)痛苦;疼痛;创伤; 伤口;不良影响如: I intended no hurt to his feelings.
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And pain does not matter to a man . 痛苦对一个男子汉来说不算一回事。 The pain is often exacerbated by certain foods . 某些食物常加重疼痛。 She saw how much she had pained edward . 她看到自己使爱德华多么难堪。 His harsh words caused her much pain . 他说话很刺耳,她听了很不舒服。 This demeanour is usually indicative of pain . 这种举动往往表明疼痛。I address you, daddy, from a bed of pain . 爸爸,我在病榻给你写信。 The patient plains of excruciating pain . 病人主诉难以忍受的疼痛。 This disease causes muscle pain and rashes . 此病可引起肌肉疼和皮疹。 I have a pain in every blamed joint . 每一个讨厌的关节都有点儿痛。 A terrible pain knifed his body . 一阵剧痛像刀割似地穿过他的身体。I have a sharp stab of pain in the stomach .. 我的胃突然感觉一阵剧痛。 To do good work requires time and pains . 把活干好需要时间和劳力。 Her face contorted itself with pain . 她的脸因为痛苦和恐怖而痉挛起来。 She is at the pains of finding the answers ... 她在努力寻求答案。 A severe pain had seized him as he moved . 他一迈步,身上就是一阵剧痛。 Death is often a wele release from pain . 死神往往是解除痛苦的救星。 She took pains to be as charming as possible . 她尽力使自己显得妩媚些。 A sharp pain stabbed at his right knee . 他的右膝感觉到一阵剧痛。 A spasm of pain contorted his face . 一阵剧烈的疼痛扭歪了他的脸。 She could hardly bear the pain any more . 她疼得真有点支不住了。I flatter myself that i have spared no pains .. 我自问是花过不少力气的。 He bore the pain without a word of plaint .. 他一声不吭地忍住了疼痛。 It was a cancer for permanency and pain . 那简直是一颗永远折磨人的毒瘤。 The pain choked him and made him feel faint . 他痛得窒息晕眩了。 He had fallen senseless with excessive pain . 他痛得昏倒在地,不省人事。 Beads of pain broke out on her forehead . 痛得她额头上爆出一颗颗汗珠子。 This medicine will give you release from pain . 这药吃后会减轻你的疼痛。 He has taken pains to study the problem . 他下功夫研究那个问题。 The worst thing was the pain in his belly . 最糟糕的是他肚子痛。 She was pained at her own bitterness . 她是为自己的苦难而难过。His heart beat with strange throes of pain . 他的心带著奇怪的剧痛跳动著。 Just now he appeared disburdened of pain . 从目前来说,他似乎已转危为安。 The dying soldier was groaning with pain . 那个奄奄一息的士兵痛得直哼哼。 A bad tooth can cause acute pain . 一颗蛀牙可以引起激烈的疼痛。 The hang of faded clothes would pain her eyes . 披著旧衣服会使她目不忍睹。 She could not tell if it was pain or pleasure . 她说不出这是痛苦还是快乐。 The pain was severe but tolerable . 痛得很历害,但是还忍得住。 His knee pained him, and his soul felt gloomy . 他的膝盖很痛,心情很阴郁。 " pain " is the antonym of " pleasure " . 痛苦是愉快的反义词。 She took great pains in educating her children .. 她煞费苦心教育她的子女。A throb of pain shot through his head . 他的头部忽感一阵剧痛。 There may be excruciating chest pain . 可能有极其剧烈的胸痛。 The pain of pancreatitis is epigastric in location . 胰腺的疼痛位于上腹部。 She suffered from the nameless pain of existence . 她遭受著生存的无名痛苦。 Others may occasionally squeal as if in pain . 另些好象因疼痛偶尔发出尖叫。 She couldn"t stand o days of this pain . 象这样的痛法她决不能熬过两天去。 She was still isting about in pain . 她疼得一个劲儿地打滚。 Arthralgia and bone pain may occur . 关节痛和骨痛可能会发生。 Her face was a dull pain and her side ached . 她脸上疼得发麻,肋间隐隐作痛。 This will still the pain of the wound . 这个药可以止伤口疼。
2023-07-12 05:10:301


pain可以作名词和动词.一般加比较级的是形容词或副词. 若为painful(pain的形容词形式)其比较级为:more painful.直接在其前面加上more,因为它(painful)是一个多音节词.
2023-07-12 05:10:391


  pain   n.(身体上的)疼痛;痛苦;苦恼;烦恼;讨厌的人(或事);令人头痛的人(或事)   v.使痛苦;使苦恼   第三人称单数: pains复数: pains现在分词: paining过去式: pained过去分词: pained 扩展资料   She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain.   她只得忍住疼痛,不哭出来。   I took an aspirin and the pain gradually subsided.   我服了一片阿司匹林,疼痛逐渐缓解了。   In this job you have to harden your heart to pain and suffering.   做这项工作面对伤痛和病患时你得保持冷静心情。   I"ve been getting these pains in my chest.   我胸部一直有一些疼痛感。
2023-07-12 05:10:581

pain sore ache 区别

2023-07-12 05:11:071


pain常用做名词,表示痛苦, 疼, 痛,劳苦; 努力, 费心如:I have pains on my back. 我的背很痛。 feel some [no, not much] pain 感到有些痛[不痛, 不太痛] You may save your pains. 您不必费心hurt 常做动词用,刺痛, 伤害, (使)痛心, (使)伤感情, 危害, 损害, 受伤表示“伤害”既可以指肉体的伤害也可指心灵的伤害。如: I won"t hurt you. 我不会伤害你。 Did he hurt himself? 他受伤了吗?也可用做名词,表示伤[损, 危]害;(精神上的)痛苦;疼痛;创伤; 伤口;不良影响如: I intended no hurt to his feelings. 我并无意使他伤心。
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pain造句如下:1、The pain got worse and worse.疼痛越来越厉害了。2、Her face was racked with pain.她满脸的痛苦。3、Anauseous wave of pain broke over her.一阵由疼痛带来的恶心感向她袭来。4、This should soothe the pain.这个应该能缓解疼痛。5、I was doubled over with pain.我痛得直不起身子。6、He felt a sharp pain in his knee.他感到膝盖一阵剧痛。7、Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.简依然怀着被拒绝的痛苦。8、She was clearly in a lot of pain.她显然疼痛万分。9、Massage will help the pain.按摩能减轻疼痛。
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2023-07-12 05:12:031

pain sore ache 区别

ache KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. (持续性地)疼痛 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。 2. 同情,怜悯[( for)][ to-v] His heart ached for the suffering child bride. 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。 3. 感到痛苦[( at)] 4. 【口】极为想念,渴望[( for)][ to-v] She was aching for home. 她非常想家。 n. 1. (持续性的)疼痛[C][U] There were aches in his joints. 他关节疼痛。 sore KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 痛的;疼痛发炎的;一碰就痛的[( from)] I have a sore throat. 我喉咙痛。 2. 惹人生气的;引起反感的[B] His origins were a sore subject with him. 他的出身是个使他难堪的话题。 3. 【口】生气的,恼火的[F][( at/about/over)] She was sore at him for not inviting her to the party. 她因他没有邀请她去参加聚会而生他的气。 4. 痛心的,伤心的,悲痛的 The suffering of the refugees makes her heart sore. 难民的苦难使她心痛。 5. 极度的,剧烈的 She lived in sore poverty. 她过着极度贫穷的生活。 n.[C] 1. (身体上的)痛处;疮,溃疡 2. (精神上的)痛处,恨事,伤心事 Let"s not reopen old sores. 我们可别再提旧时的伤心事了。 pain KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 痛,疼痛;痛苦[U] The death of her son gave her infinite pain. 她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。 2. (身体特定部位的)疼痛[C] She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。 3. 辛苦,努力[P] No pains, no gains. 不劳则无获。 4. 产痛[P] 5. 讨厌的人(或事)[S] He is a real pain. 他真是个讨厌鬼。 6. 【古】惩罚 vt. 1. 使烦恼,使痛苦 It pained me to see my child suffer like that. 看到我的孩子受这样的罪,我心里非常难过。 2. 使疼痛 vi. 1. 引起疼痛,感到疼痛 My arm is paining. 我手臂疼痛。 pain的词组:a pain in the neck [美俚]讨厌的家伙[任务]be at (the) pains 尽力设法, 努力be in pains 疼痛; 在苦恼中feel no pain 不觉得痛 醉倒for (all) one"s pains 作为劳苦的报酬 尽管费尽力气[心机] (反语)费力反而...give sb. a pain [美]令人讨厌, 惹人生气, 使人感到不舒服give sb. a pain in the neck [美]令人讨厌, 惹人生气, 使人感到不舒服go to great pains 费很大劲儿; 煞费苦心growing pains 发育性痛, 发身期痛 (企业等)早期发展过程中经历的困难in pain 疼痛; 在苦恼中labour pains (分娩时的)阵痛, 产痛No pains, no gains [谚]不劳无获。No gains without pains [谚]不劳无获。Nothing to be got without pains [谚]不劳无获。on pain of 违者以...论处upon pain of 违者以...论处under pain of 违者以...论处put (a person) out of his pain 结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为怜悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])put (an animal) out of its pain 结束(某人[某动物]的)痛苦; 为怜悯起见杀死(某人[某动物])save one"s pains 节省气力, 不用白费气力spare no pains 不遗余力, 不辞劳苦, 全力以赴take pains 费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法be at pains 费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法be at the pains of 费尽力气, 煞费苦心, 尽力设法with great pain 煞费苦心地
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2023-07-12 05:12:303


pain是疼痛的意思。pain作为名词是疼痛、努力,作为及物动词是使什么痛苦、使什么烦恼的意思,作为不及物动词表示感到疼痛、引起疼痛的意思,Pain作为人名代表(意)帕因、(俄)派因、(法)潘、(英)佩因。相关例句:Gradually the pain seeped away疼痛渐渐消失了。
2023-07-12 05:12:371


pain英 [peu026an] 美 [pen] n. 疼痛;努力vt. 使…痛苦;使…烦恼vi. 感到疼痛;引起疼痛n. (Pain)人名;(意)帕因;(俄)派因;(法)潘;(英)佩因例句:No pain,no gain.一分耕耘,一分收获。
2023-07-12 05:13:082


  1. 表示肉体上的“痛”“疼痛”:此时可用作可数或不可数名词。如:   This tooth is giving me pain. 这颗牙很疼。   Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease. 胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。   Mary felt a sharp pain in her left arm. 玛丽左臂感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。   由于可用作可数或不可数名词,所以有时在同一语境中用pain, a pain, pains都是可能的。如:   I have pain [a pain, pains] in my back. 我背疼。   用作不可数名词,可用much, little等修饰;用作可数名词时,可用many, few等修饰。如:   After falling from a ladder, he had many physical aches and pains. 从梯子上摔下来以后他感到身上到处都痛。   Was it possible to have so much pain that it could no longer hurt? 痛得很厉害以至不再感到疼痛,这种情况可能吗?   2. 表示精神上的“痛苦”:此时只用作不可数名词,不用复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。如:   I could not stand the pain any longer. 我再也忍受不了这种痛苦了。   I hope you will forgive me if I have given you pain.如果我给了你痛苦,希望你原谅我。   3. 表示“努力”“辛苦”:此时总是用pains这样的复数形式。如:   He had written the book with great pains. 他呕心沥血写了这本书。   We must give him something for his pains. 我们必须给他点什么以便酬报他的辛劳。   此时pains虽为复数形式,但在选择修饰语时,却总是被视为不可数名词,即不能用 many, few 等修饰,但可用 much, little等修饰。如:   Much pains, no gains. 辛劳无获。
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